CeeJay Simpson
278 posts
In pursuit of peace....... Mind, Body, Soul....
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ceejaysimpson · 2 years ago
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Sunset in Wisconsin, after a full day of cloudy skies and rain, a glimpse of sunset brightened my spirit and filled my evening with wonder. I’m grateful, as I should be……. Charles Simpson (at Madison, Wisconsin) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoB2uyVsAlK/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ceejaysimpson · 3 years ago
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This time around the sun……. Neither wallowing or languishing I commit to making this trip more of one that I recall every season and embrace the subtle shifts that occur within and around. I get to see the entire country, often just a glimpse. This time around the sun, I’ll pause more often, breathe deeply more frequently. Touch the earth with my hands, let my palms face the sky. In between all this magnificence, reside you and I. This time around the sun, I’ll honor this gift, aware that I can. And should…….. Charles Simpson (at Edna, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/CaHKo2muBWC/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ceejaysimpson · 3 years ago
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There are moments in the day when the beauty I see around me overwhelms me. Inspires me to recall the many lovely sunsets and sunrises I’ve been motivated to capture. It helps me to appreciate being alive, ever so long albeit so brief. To see these moments forever, what a wish……. https://www.instagram.com/p/CXEBy0BrDbG/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ceejaysimpson · 3 years ago
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For some, the past can be painful. Full of dreadful mistakes and awful decisions. Creation never holds on, complains or pouts about the storms that interrupts. Winds blows and clouds move, grass grows while trees may fall. Yet, beauty and wonder abound for the souls that seek it. Check the photo, beauty ahead and beauty behind. Glance at the past and keep looking ahead. “Shut up and listen too.” Charles Simpson……. (at Illinois) https://www.instagram.com/p/CVbqMKosyww/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ceejaysimpson · 3 years ago
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There are times when it should be obvious, you know, when you should pay attention to signs. Man made or divine intervention, attention is requested. To see the majesty of what you are a part of, made from and get to partake of, daily. If you choose, your choice. Take a breath, deep or whatever you choose. Please, pay attention, it’s free Ya know. Stay Beautiful You……. Charles Simpson (at Winona, Minnesota) https://www.instagram.com/p/CVboB2ss_yv/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ceejaysimpson · 4 years ago
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Moments. There are moments when I should stop, but I have to keep going to get to destination. She never stops tho, rising gracefully and ever brilliant, she just keeps rising, shining. I ponder the eons, the myriads of mankind that gazed in awe at the beauty above, shining,reflecting and effecting so many forces and hearts. In a moment, then it’s back to the task at hand. You have a moment, use wisely Beloved, YOU are adored above and below……. Charles Simpson (at Crothersville, Indiana) https://www.instagram.com/p/CPab6O7st9m/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ceejaysimpson · 4 years ago
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A friend on social media uttered the words;”The earth supports me.” Ponder the view and revel in the magnificence abundantly surrounding us all. Love Yourself More and get your support……. Thank You @thelovingearth Charles Simpson (at Cabbage Pass In Oregon) https://www.instagram.com/p/CO2gKpkMl2l/?igshid=rwa38jqvadvm
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ceejaysimpson · 4 years ago
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You can allow people situations circumstances and events to lead your emotions and thoughts. These things can contribute to feeling or believing that you are less than or irrevelant , even small. OR, you can recognize that you are bigger than that. The choice is Yours. Charles Simpson iPhone 12 Pro Max (at Bottom of Cabbage Pass) https://www.instagram.com/p/CO2fNotMG0v/?igshid=1pwjyrvrgsmwn
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ceejaysimpson · 4 years ago
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So beautiful, so bashful, drooped over ever so shyly. Reminding me of time long ago when felt the same. There was this beauty I wanted to share, this magnificence I felt within. Patiently I waited, for the noise to die down, the crowd to disperse with busyness. Then the moment beckoned, I crouched steadily and firmly supported by the earth that supports us all, captured the glorious beauty that seeks us to behold. Grateful am I....... Thank You Charles Simpson Spring2021 (at Bloomsbury, New Jersey) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNoRtbMMATC/?igshid=gcsecjxrb3fh
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ceejaysimpson · 4 years ago
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If I seem careless at times it’s likely because I’m caught in the bliss of being aware that this moment is mines to capture. Behold the wonder of a sunset I often see. There’s Love and I, am awed and grateful. Forgive me, I forget that at times, get distracted. A human thing, forgetting. Remember Your Magnificence........ Revel in that Bliss....... Photo: Charles Simpson Words: Charles Simpson (at Sidney, Nebraska) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNBkw1RsJQm/?igshid=ikx07mjq3n5y
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ceejaysimpson · 4 years ago
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"To travel is the experience of ceasing to be the person you are trying to be, and becoming the person you really are.” — Paulo Coelho Queen Anne, Maryland Photo Charles Simpson Eyeballin such magnificence en route to delivery I’m constantly humbled and awe struck by the beauty I behold. Who am I daring to become? I travel close to 3k miles per week hurtling thru the atmosphere in of pay to become, what? Ain��t asking you. I’m getting there, closer to the me I really want to be, and I’m grateful. So much I’ve done yet more is required to get there. THEN...... go again. Life IS beautiful, get busy livin. (at Burlington, Colorado) https://www.instagram.com/p/CMcbxxYM0r5/?igshid=11npwzh0dxr8j
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ceejaysimpson · 4 years ago
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You SHOULD. Those things you dare to dream. The thoughts you think that make you wonderfully You. The reason you smile when you recall a person place or thing, that feeling so good you’re happy to be alive and wish everyone alive could feel it with you. Pursue that, You SHOULD....... those words shook me as I captured this photo. At over four thousand feet I mustered up the boldness to stop and look down, look around as I found a place to collect myself. I. Was. Scared. The sight of over the guardrail was so effin high. There I was, driving a truck over a mountain on the west coast, in winter. I did it, and finally expressed what I learned. You SHOULD. Scared or not....... Charles Simpson (at White Pass, Washingtom) https://www.instagram.com/p/CK2f_uyMu_e/?igshid=umtf0sqif20n
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ceejaysimpson · 4 years ago
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Sunday morning Laramie Wyoming. Not my ideal place to be but blessed be I to awaken to this spectacle. Stubbornly resisting, which is a tendency of mines I accept, I Am Blessed. To witness the most beautiful and gracious of sights on a cold snowy winter morning in Wyoming. I bandied with the thought that maybe it’s because I got a new phone which is why the photo came out so brilliantly amazing, but, it’s really me scratching the surface of what I could be doing. If....... that’s what I wanted. Decide, then pursue it won’t be easy but what truly is......easy? Charles Simpson (at Laramie, Wyoming) https://www.instagram.com/p/CI1GT1qsetJ/?igshid=8ux0ipdsbh3a
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ceejaysimpson · 4 years ago
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I said to my cousin once;”Imma see you one day.” Tho she lives in Yuma Az the only way I foresaw me seeing her was by me going there. Which, thru no plan or design of my own happened yesterday. It’s a amazing story trust me I’ll be brief. Picking up a load in San Diego Ca I routed myself back up around LA on my gps and left with a specific route in mind to travel. Because traffic was heavy my gps routed me on interstate 8 East. No where to stop I followed and realized I’m heading thru Yuma Az. Now, I could’ve kept going, and logic and time constraints so GO. I LOVE my Cuz tho. There’s NO way I’m going past where she lives and not stopping. I was happy to see her albeit briefly and I feel motivated to come again. I’m grateful I’m stopped, I let spirit move me and the joy I feel now, priceless. Love Ya Cuz, see you again soon........ (at Yuma, Arizona) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFlj6tfsXAV/?igshid=hcwlc3rnywav
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ceejaysimpson · 4 years ago
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ceejaysimpson · 4 years ago
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Going into Memphis Tn from Oklahoma after spending a night Ozark Arkansas standing in the rain taking a selfie, that’s a long sentence, right? Yet, ponder this, amongst all the chaos and hysteria occurring these days there are those of us who are out there in the world, thriving, in a pandemic. A crisis. Globally. Protests and uprisings, voices raised in unison over the murders and injustices inflicted upon a race of people who, would help aid and assist others at the drop of a hat. Choose your path courageously, I , like you am hurting. We are all traumatized. I made the choice to be brave and my reward was seeing the magnificence again. Capturing a fleeting glimpse of glory, finding a reason to breathe deep and smile, for me, for You, for Us. I Love You, No matter what, Excel and Shine, You can, it’s what you’re born to do. Charles Simpson....... (at Memphis, Tennessee) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFJMkKqskZD/?igshid=dhd7jc25axc2
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ceejaysimpson · 5 years ago
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Amidst the chaos, without and within, I find myself, Beautiful. Alive, with fervid vigor eagerly striving to BE. What more should I endeavor? Accepting the task becoming more than I’ve been is part of who I am. A challenger faces challenge to become, better. I will survive..... Peace and Blessings to Ya. Charles Simpson https://www.instagram.com/p/CC5nPs9MoiU/?igshid=1tcrgp76tqe2j
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