#anti lord black harry potter
fanfic-lover-girl · 5 months
Why do people give Harry more Black family storylines than Draco?!
It's hard being a Draco fan...well a canon Draco fan. If you want great fics that explore his character, you have to deal with a bunch of Drarry and sometimes Dramione. That's not even factoring in how OOC Draco is in so many of these fics. That's why I partly gave up on Drarry fics. It's almost impossible to find a good Draco fic that does not involve him shagging someone in the golden trio.
But this post was inspired by posts by Snaters and/or Dumbles antis who claim Harry should have named his son after Regulus. Here are my grievances:
There needs to be more exploration of DRACO as the Black heir
I don't know how Siri was able to keep his fortune when he was supposedly disowned but it's very frustrating seeing fics where Harry is the Black heir and becomes Lord Black. Just stop and think for a moment. Draco is literally the only pureblood Black offspring left! The Black line is basically extinct! And if you factor in Drastoria, Draco was willing to let his maternal AND paternal lines fade away! The only time Draco's Black heritage seems to be brought up is in fics where abusive Lucius disowns him. It's just sad. Harry is NOT a Black! As much as I love Godfather!Sirius, part of me is disgusted that Harry inherited Grimmauld's place. That house should belong to Narcissa and Draco and I don't care if I am the only one on this hill.
More Regulus & Draco, please!
People seem to prefer to write a relationship with Reggie and Harry. Which makes a bit of sense...but wouldn't it be more interesting to explore Draco & Reggie?? Draco and Regulus are family and they share quite a few similarities. I have seen some fics where Narcissa is so protective of DE!Draco because she sees him as a second chance after she failed Reggie. Or I have seen some fics where Regulus lives but so many of those center on Harry and Draco is lucky to be an afterthought. Why is Draco so divorced from his Black family? There's hardly any exploration with Draco & Sirius either. I don't even recall Draco expressing any feelings about Sirius as a family member in book 3 when the dude is his cousin! Draco, Harry's rival, is related to his beloved godfather and NOTHING is done with this! Like WTH!!!
The positive side!
At least there are incredible fics out there that explore Draco's relationship with Andy and the Tonks family. I love Dora being Draco's surrogate big sister 🤩. So cute!!! I also like the Tonks family being involved in Draco's redemption and Ted being so fatherly towards Draco. Chef's kiss. Please, let Draco interact with his family 😞! Why is JKR so against Draco having a family?! Even his damn wife dies in CC!!! He only has one kid! Please, give this man an extended family!
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Most people said that Voldemort, Snape, and Harry had many similarities, but I want to point out what makes Snape different from the other two.
1 Snape was raised by his own parents; the other two weren't. 
2 Snape knew he was a wizard before receiving his Hogwarts letter. The other two didn't. 
3 Snape told a gryffindor that she was magical. The other two were told by gryffindors that they were magical. 
4 Snape resembled his mother; the other two resembled their fathers.
5 Snape was unpopular when he was a student; the other two were popular. 
6 Snape didn't have special status (as far as we know) when he was a student; the other two did (Harry was a captain, and Voldemort was a headboy).
7 Snape's first name was an uncommon name; the other two's were common names. 
8 Snape's first name wasn't a nickname; the other two's names were (Tom can be a nickname for Thomas). Harry can be a nickname for Henry. 
9 Snape wasn't the headmaster's pet; the other two were. 
10Snape didn't have a werewolf that loyal to him; the other two had
(Harry had Remus, and Voldemort had Greyback.)
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licorice-and-rum · 3 months
Your analysis focuses entirely on Snape being irredeemable because he never takes responsibility for the harm he does. Almost all of your quotes in evidence are from his childhood and teenage years, in which he is indeed blind to his own malevolence.
Except this is the whole point of his story of atonement. He was radicalised into walking down a very bad road, and then tried to claw his way out of it. He does eventually take responsibility - as an adult. He commits himself to a dangerous path of spying to defeat Voldemort. He can’t bring Lily back, he can’t undo his mistakes, but he can understand that he was wrong to join the Death Eaters and dedicate himself to a different cause. If he didn’t take responsibility for his choices, he would’ve spent his days mourning Lily on a beach in the Bahamas instead of willingly signing his own death warrant by joining Dumbledore to protect Harry.
Nobody - and I really do mean this - is beyond salvation. Nobody, even those who have sinned gravely, is beyond waking up one morning and choosing to be a tiny bit better than they were the day before, even if they remain imperfect. Its a fundamental part of humanity. It’s a very dangerous road for go down when you dehumanise young people who make terrible choices, write them off as fundamentally evil, and deny them the opportunity to take a different road. Snape remained bitter and cruel and perpetuated the cycle of abuse, but he did in one very vital respect choose a different road.
Okay, that's a valid point to be made, I did focus mainly on teenager Snape but only because I thought adult Snape would be obviously interpreted from that point on. The fact is adult Snape doesn't exactly atone for what he did and what he chose to become as much as it looks like he did, simply because his harmful ways didn't affect only Lily, to begin with.
Look, you're starting from a point where Snape's most serious mistake was to turn on Lily and forgetting what I said earlier on in the analysis: Snape's biggest fault wasn't his personal/individual issues, it was his political agenda and beliefs, and what he did in the name of that.
Fascism isn't only a political aspect, because to be a fascist, there's a series of prior beliefs one has to have to be okay with what fascist governments and political groups will do to stay in power. To be a fascist, to openly advocate for what Voldemort and his followers advocated for instead of just going with the flow (which was not what Snape did at all), you just don't "become radicalized" like there's no one to blame here but some notion of propaganda. To radicalize to fascism, you must seek out information about it, advocate for it, and have prior beliefs of superiority that allow you to relate to it in a deep, core level - all of which we already attributed to young Snape in my analysis.
Let's put it this way: fascism is capitalism's emergency button. It'll only arise when capitalism is in crisis, which we don't see in the HP books because it's neither relevant to the story nor it seems that Rowling has the political knowledge to do so. But more than that, fascism is based on colonialist views of the superiority of one versus the other.
Think about what you know about Iluminism: the first thing I learned about it in school is that it was a dichotomous stream of thought - we have a lot of duality in it. In Art, we have the chiaroscuro technique; in metaphysics, we have the discussion about man versus God; and in politics, we have the "illuminated" man (white, heteronormative, cisnormative, high-class, educated men) versus barbarians or savages (non-white men or women).
The colonialist way of thinking stems from this very deep-rooted belief that some people are more rational, and more advanced - superior - than other peoples, and so it'd be their God-given task to "illuminate" those "savages" through colonialism. Fascism is the elevation of those beliefs to a place of persecution and political revisionism in the newer stages of capitalism. So quite literally, to be a fascist, one has to first have this deep-rooted belief that there are people who are inherently superior to others. A belief system that Snape demonstrates early on in his life that he does have.
And that's exactly what I criticize about JK Rowling's writing and what further supports my point of Snape failing to atone for his beliefs: what she says in her books, basically, is that it's okay to think some people are superior to others as long as you don't do anything against those inferior ones like it's very much exemplified by what happens to the Malfoys after the war. It's where her individual background shows itself in the worst ways - because she was raised in a society that benefited from colonialism, their way of looking and thinking still carries a lot of reminiscent of colonialist thinking. Ask a person from the Global South about Europeans and you'll see what I mean - even when they don't realize, there is clearly a rooted racism in the ways they're raised because of that.
So it's obvious to me that Snape's development couldn't ever surpass the point where his core belief of superiority lies because Rowling doesn't see this as a problem. Maybe as an annoyance but certainly not as a problem when it is, 100%, the problem. Especially if we're talking about a redemption arc because then it means that Snape could never actually make proper amends or be actually accountable for what he has done as a Death Eater.
To break free from this way of thinking we need what Fanon calls cognitive dissonance: an extreme discomfort that is the only thing able to shatter a core belief like that of superiority. Now, we can argue that for Snape a cognitive dissonant experience would be Lily's death, or Voldemort's persecution of he,r because this did show Snape that his beliefs of Lily's exception to the rule were misplaced. However, there are various indications that that doesn't really happen for Snape, especially when we talk about his adult version's behavior and that might be explained by a series of earlier motives.
I'll focus first on the behavior pattern that I identify as cues on the fact that Snape didn't exactly atone for his mistakes in his adult life and then I'll come back to talk about why I don't think Lily's persecution or death was a cognitive dissonant experience for Snape, as traumatic as it may have been.
So I said earlier in the analysis that it doesn't matter why we do something, it only matters that we did do something because our actions are what will have a reflection in real life, not our intentions. And while I stand by that, I cannot in a sane mind say that our intentions do not play a role in our actions - that's simply not true. But our intentions have a different role to which importance should be attributed, and that is in the way we make things. Our intentions have as the main core, our beliefs, and our beliefs will therefore guide our actions.
Now, to simplify, if I believe every human being has the same value and should be treated as such, I'll act with the intention of demonstrating such belief. So I vote for candidates who preach equality, and I advocate for equality in the environments I'm inserted in (even if it's only me doing it subtly, it's still there). I cannot dissociate myself from it, it's a part of who I am and therefore it leaks into all aspects of my life. The same happens with the contrary: if I believe that some people are inherently superior to others because of their birth, then my core actions will reflect what I believe.
See where I'm going to?
Adult Snape perpetuates the cycle of abuse he grew up with, not only in his house but also in his political beliefs and later on as a professor. Yes, it was the abuse he suffered early on in his life that made a core belief of his that there are people who are superior because of their strength (and then it evolved to believe that this strength came from magic and purity) but as an adult who believes in this, it's painfully obvious how he perpetuates it: he defends bullies and is a bully himself.
He uses his place of power to punish and abuse this power simply because he can, he looks down on those he considers weak and acts against them in a show of his own superiority. And that isn't exclusively shown only to his students but also to people who are "below" him in the social hierarchy of the wizarding world, such as Remus.
And yes, I do realize there is more to their relationship as colleagues than just a non-werewolf "picking" on a werewolf out of prejudice but I have to note that if you really broke through your initial core belief of superiority, the very least you have to know is that there are some boundaries you can't break even out of well-placed resentment. And one of these boundaries is using your place in the hierarchy to oppress people who are below you, which Snape does when he reveals Remus' condition to the wizarding world.
Plus, I do want to challenge your statement of nobody being beyond salvation as I do see it as a very naive way of thinking, although that's not my exact point about it.
First of all, salvation and forgiveness are two different things. You can do unforgivable things and still become a better person than you were when you did those things, I do not deny that. But the damage you did is still there, and no victim of this damage is required to forgive you because you became a better person - sometimes our actions are irreversible, sometimes the damage we cause (especially when it comes to fascist beliefs) is too great, sometimes we can't possibly do enough to amend the things we've done. That counts with abuse, with fascism, with r*p*... there are many things to consider before we say so freely that no one is above salvation. It's naive to believe that everyone deserves forgiveness because there are things that cause too much harm to ever be amended again.
And as I said before, salvation and forgiveness are two different things. I do believe people can do better even after doing unforgivable things. I won't say it's exactly fair to the victims but there are abusive people who have become better after a especially bad relationship, there are parents who have become better parents to their youngest children than they were to their oldest, there were supremacists who became much better people with life, I do not deny that. I have no desire to deny that actually.
What I am advocating for, however, is that we hold these people, and characters, responsible for their own actions and uphold the very pillars that will give us the basis from which we should judge the changes in their behavior. And what I am saying about Snape is that he did not fulfill any of these milestones for redemption, it only appears so because he turns against Voldemort but that alone isn't indicative of change because the evidence shows that his core beliefs are still the same and as such, his actions on a personal and general level will reflect that even without Voldemort.
The point I'm making is that our core beliefs are the ones that guide our actions, and therefore, Snape's actions cannot be deemed as completely redeeming because they don't reflect an actual change of behavior more than they reflect a change of perceptions of the people he sided with in the beginning. Snape's actions don't reflect a cognitive dissonant change but on a shallower level, a change in perception: he doesn't turn on Voldemort because he realizes that his supremacist beliefs are frayed but because he takes Voldemort's persecution of Lily with hatred.
I explain: we only hate in three instances, one of them being when the object of our hate directly or indirectly threatens the things we love. As much as I deem Snape and Lily's friendship toxic, I cannot deny the existence of love, so when Lily is threatened by Voldemort, Snape hates him because he is a threat to her. Which is fair, but it's not a cognitive dissonant event for him because of all the points I make above. His change is superficial, his loyalties change out of emotions and not out of convictions, and as much as this doesn't matter when it comes to the actions he has taken - Snape did have a fundamental role in defeating Voldemort and (questionably) defeating the corruption within the system Rowling so much adores - it matters because it'll indirectly impact the actions he'll make around it, hence his role as professor, for example.
As much as I do respect what it has cost him to endure as a spy for Dumbledore, I cannot say that his actions towards Voldemort are enough for a redemption arc because there's no actual change in Snape. He is the same he always was, he just had a change of loyalties out of love, which is noble but at the same time, it still causes damage to the people around him exactly because he didn't change.
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jamesunderwater · 4 months
I think it’s honestly more realistic for the trio to give up on their revolutionary/anti-authoritarian ideals and work for the government as adults(I think generation wise, while they might technically be gen x they have much more in common with the boomers). The thing is, Harry Potter is a fantasy series. The characters could tear down the system and make a new, less corrupt government so easily, but they don’t because Jkr is a neo-liberal:/
I thought about that as I was writing the tags -- is it actually out of character for the trio to join the Ministry? And I ended up only saying something about Harry because I think it makes total sense that Hermione would be the type to try and "change the system from within" and I think Ron probably retains some faith in the Ministry because of his dad + would see it as a means to have financial stability (plus just the thrill & notoriety of being an Auror).
But Harry, see, this is what depresses me about the fact that you're right. Because I entirely blame JKR for the fact that it does feel realistic for Harry to eventually have decided to be an Auror. It's her lazy writing and lack of focus on the macro levels of the society she's created that leave room for us to believe that, sure, maybe Harry just saw being an Auror as an obvious path to continue helping people in the way he's best at, and sure, maybe Hermione convinces him they really can change things from the inside. Sure.
But in the hands of a better writer and someone with actual revolutionary ideas (not to mention a soul), Harry's character traits of naturally distrusting people in power, being absolutely incapable of going along with the program, and unwilling to let the tiniest injustices go, plus the fact that he's spent the formative years of his life witnessing the heart of the Ministry's corruption firsthand, would make him the PERFECT character to say fuck that, I refuse to accept that this is the the system we all have to live under. Which is why I said in the tags that Harry James Potter wouldn't let a Ministry man tell him what to do -- because my Harry James Potter never would (just like my Sirius Black would never have confused Harry with James, but that's another issue).
Which is all to say, I agree with you -- it's a fantasy novel, for fuck's sake. A more talented writer with an actual moral compass would have done SO MUCH more with this world JKR threw together, as evidenced by the incredible fanfiction so many people write that far surpasses the original media. Comparing HP with other YA and/or fantasy series like The Hunger Games or The Lord of The Rings really puts into perspective the things JKR didn't address in the books, and what that says about her as a person. (Though at this point she has made it clear all on her own.)
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lu-cunty-cerys · 4 months
ree’s blog 🎀
✨ anyone under 18, antis, terfs and homophobes will be blocked. i’m a fixed shipper when it comes to any of my ships, pestering me about it won’t work ✨
my posts || my fics || snippets || my writing update
Hello, I’m Ree! You may know me as lucuntycerys on ao3 and ffn and lucuntycerys_ on twitter. I hardly have any patience or time for antis so know that i will use the block button liberally.
This blog will be top Tom Riddle and bottom Harry Potter content only.
Now, you may scroll down to a small guide to all my fics and wips.
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Ephemeral Embraces; Chapter 28 - August 6th
͝ ⏝𝅄︶ ͝ ⏝ ⊹ ⏝ ͝ ︶𝅄⏝ ͝
ephemeral embraces in the halls of eternity || ongoing
Tomarrymort • 122k • part one of the tales of eternal embraces series
One decision changes the course of history and fate of the wizarding world, and Slytherin Dynasty rule over the world. The Magical and Muggle worlds brought together by the power of Emperor Thomas Slytherin; once a mere boy, now the most powerful person. Thomas has it all; the world under his iron fist, immortality and power. But inside the Imperial Palace, his life is dull and monotonous. Until, it isn’t.
Hadrian Potter-Black, the heir of two Ancient Houses, is prodigy and his mother’s son. He too has it all, but then he is deliberately enters to become the Emperor’s concubine; one of his many concubines. What are the chances he will even catch the Emperor’s attention? Very little, they tell him. But Hadrian has magical prowess and ambition dripping through his bones but he didn’t expect this.
The Emperor’s unbidden attention; all for him.
vitam et mortem || ongoing
Tomarry • 11,635 • 4/15 chapters
When Harry is killed by the hands of Vernon Dursley during the summer after his fifth year, he is faced with a choice in the Limbo. One, he can Move On to afterlife and join his family in the Elysian Plains or two, Go Back into 1940s and save Tom Riddle and the magical world from doom.
Harry, of course, goes for the second option.
Previously titled: bound by an invisible string (tying you to me)
jealousy, jealousy || complete
Tomarrymort • 2,482 • one-shot
behind closed doors || complete
Tom and Harry are in a death eater meeting, and they should listen—pay attention but they can’t seem to keep their hands off of each other. Or, a purely porn fic featuring a horny, possessive dark lord and his equally horny and possesive chosen one.
behind closed doors || complete
Tomarry • 3,640 • one-shot
where Tom and Harry cheat on their partners and don’t regret anything.
bleeding me dry (like a goddamn vampire) || complete
Tomarry • 1,797 • one-shot
where Hermione cheats and Tom finds out. It only ends well for one of them. (Guess who?)
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thediktatortot · 1 year
I really implore fans of media (whatever media it is you enjoy) to understand why a story is told in the way it's told. Even bad stories have a structure and a meaning and if you know the basis of how stories are structured and how the characters fit into that structure, the more you're going to be able to understand the story and better enjoy the characters as a whole.
What is an Antagonist? An opponent, villain or Rival.
The Villain is a person whose intentions are morally corrupt or anti-human and most off deliberately harmful to those around them.
(ie. Thanos from Avengers, Billy and Stu from Scream, Henry from Stranger Things)
The Anti-Villain is a person who commits corrupt, unjust or morally wrong actions in the belief that they are doing the right thing.
(ie. Magneto from X-Men, Killmonger from Black Panther, Jason Carver from Stranger Things)
The False Antagonist is a person who's viewed by the audience or the characters as a antagonist, but through the story shows themselves to have been falsely labeled as an antagonist or a villain.
(ie. Severus Snape from Harry Potter, Alexei and Billy Hargrove from Stranger Things)
The Hidden Antagonist is a person who's intentions are not shown to be corrupt until later in the story, leading the audience and the characters into a false sense of security.
(ie. Senator Palpatine from Star Wars, Agatha Harkness from Wandavision, Ernesto de la Cruz from Coco)
The Inanimate Antagonist is a non-human force that can be anything from the weather to an illness or an object like a meteor or a car.
The Inner Antagonist is when the main character is their own Antagonist, fighting against themselves through the story.
(ie. Drug use, mental or physical illness, change in morals, desires vs needs)
The Hero Antagonist is a person who's intentions and morals are not corrupt, but they act against the Protagonist in the story.
(ie. The Roadrunner from Looney Tunes, Carl Hanratty from Catch Me If You Can, The Parents of Stranger Things)
No Antagonists is a type of story where there is no direct force working against the Protagonist. This can often be shown as someone living day to day life or there is an unclear singular force working against them.
Stories can often have and most often do, have multiple Antagonists. Some stories use these different types of forces to put even more pressure on a Protagonist and to give depth to the stories they are writing. Often times, nothing is cut and dry when it comes to a persons intentions in a piece of media, but knowing what sort of force they are within the story they are written in can help you understand the Protagonists journey on a even deeper level.
What is a Protagonist? A lead character, hero or heroine of a narrative.
The Hero Protagonist is a person who's goals are often viewed as courageous, admirable or charitable in nature and often requires a sacrifice or change in order to achieve their goals.
(ie. Captain America from Avengers, Superman from DC Comics, Frodo Baggens from Lord Of The Rings)
The Anti Hero is a person who's actions or morals may be honorable or good, but their actions go against those morals due to necessity or irresponsibility but in the end the audience is rooting for them to win.
(ie. Deadpool from Marvel Comics, Batman from DC Comics, Kali from Stranger Things)
The Tragic Hero is a Hero Protagonist that throughout their journey are corrupted by either surrounding forces or by a fatal flaw within their own character, leading them to fall from the Hero status they once held.
(ie. Anakin Skywalker from Star Wars, Jason Todd from DC Comics)
The Passive Protagonist is a person who's actions are not the leading force of the story, the driving actions of their journey are controlled and moved by other characters and forces in the story.
(ie. Forrest Gump from Forrest Gump, Karl Childers from Sling Blade, Will Byers from Stranger Things)
The Villain Protagonist is a character who is still the focus of the story, but they are not necessarily being cheered to win. These types of characters are often a window into the darker side of life whether we sympathize with them in the end or not.
(ie. Dexter from Dexter, Gru from Despicable Me, Loki from Loki, Walter White from Breaking Bad)
The Protagonist itself does not automatically mean the character is a good person and it's important to remember that when reading or writing. A protagonist is simply the Main Character, the person who the story's focus is about and people themselves are deep and involved people with lives that are different from every other person around them even in small ways.
Understanding a characters role in their story is important for understanding the character on a base level.
I highly recommend watching other videos from that channel and other media analysis channels as the more you know on how to understand a story, the more you will get out of the stories you entertain yourself with or create.
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lostdrarryfics · 11 months
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THE BIG FIND 2023: Day 2
The Big Find is a 10-day long Drarry fic-finding marathon to celebrate the blog’s anniversary. Below is the Day 2 compilation of lost fics, both old and new, that we’ve been unable to find. Our aim is to get as much attention to these lost fics as possible, to help people finally find their missing fics! Anyone can participate by reblogging, reading through each list, providing additional fic details, and informing us the title, author, or link of a fic, and their respective number in the comment section. Happy finding!
2.1 I’m not confident if it was in portuguese or english. Harry was an auror and Draco was an unspeakable and they were together on a mission were eventually they were captured into a sex traffic scheme. It was HEAVILY angsty and I think they were rescued by Rabastan Lestrange (i’m pretty sure it was him, but I think that it may be Rodolphus instead). It’s been YEARS since Iast read it but it made an impression.
2.2 Fairly sure that the fic was on ao3 and a wip but could be completely off the mark. The only thing I remember is that at Gringotts: the Potters’ will is read and specifically both Lucius Malfoy and Snape’s presence is requested; which is questioned by others present at the time of the reading. The Potters are aware that there is a connection between Harry and Draco - I’m guessing soulmate, mate if creature fic hence the request of Lucius. Possibly anti-Dumbledore but again not positive. fic is not ‘And The Forest Met The Sky’ by Silverhood, The Black Star by Aileen Dickinson, or Lord Thanatos by wonderfulWonderful 505
2.3 veela!Draco fic. Harry is draco’s mate and is extremely unhappy about it. Draco keeps his distance and nearly die because of it (veelas, in this universe, die if they are rejected), and Harry makes a unbreakable vow (i think that it is with narcisa) that he will at least try to be around. They eventually develop a relationship and Harry starts to search a new house for them, but Draco thinks that he is been cheated and die because of the perceived rejection. Harry eventually dies because of the vow he made and they meet again in a kind of heaven, where they also meet Lily, James, Sirius, Severus, Remus and other canon dead characters.
2.4 could have been on Ao3 or Hexfiles. It’s Draco’s birthday. Harry’s pov. Draco is in love with him. They have been friends for some years (and secretly in love, even though it’s only revealed in the end that Harry fell in love too). Draco always dances with everybody at his birthday except Harry. Tonight they dance. At some point Blaise says to Harry something like he should let Draco go so he could be with someone. There are plenty of people interested in Draco. Harry is surprised someone has noticed something is going on between them. Harry is married to Ginny and has kids with her. He can’t leave her. His thing with Draco started many years ago at his birthday party, when they talked about the war in a rose garden. They suddenly kissed. My memory might be failing me here, but I think they started eating lunch together maybe every week. They became friends, but also coudn’t help falling in love. At the time of one Draco’s birthday party (in the past) Ginny was giving birth or just birthed her and Harry’s twins. Harry was at the party without her. The need between him and Draco got too strong and Harry gave him a blowjob in the bathroom. That was the only sexual encounter between them. In the end Harry maybe dashes out of the party and Draco follow and confronts him. Harry admits he didn’t fall in love alone. I’m not sure if it was a wip or oneshot. It was all angst and hurt with strong chemistry and longing.
2.5 Ron is toasting the happy couple, maybe at their engagement party or wedding. He’s giving affectionate anecdotes about Draco’s bad behavior at school. Like, “remember the time he challenged Harry to a duel in the forbidden forest and then didn’t show?” (Not the exact quote.)
2.6 probably (like 90% sure) on ao3, but I read it a long time ago so I can’t remember. The plot was basically Harry forced to be with Draco in marriage or partnership. Initially Draco was very abusive, but slowly warms up to Harry. Harry gets to know the reason behind Draco’s behaviours is Lucius’ child abuse. Draco has secret bondage dungeon. He also has a shrine of Harry. Harry gets pregnant. Lucius is the main villain here. Narcissa & Snape are also here, along with the Weasleys though the later don’t make much of an appearance. Snape is the one who supplied the pregnancy potion to Harry. In one scene Draco admires Ginny’s attitude thinking she would’ve been good for Harry. In another scene, Draco & Harry are having sex, and Draco is clutching Harry by his throat but Harry loving runs his fingers through Draco’s hair. When their child is born Lucius wants to take it away but the healer who helped deliver stands in the way. Earlier in the fic Draco forces Harry to take poly juice so he could fuck a girl. Lucius dies in a fire at the end. The fire is at Malfoy manor. Though I’m not sure, but I think they spent their Christmas at the Weasleys where Draco promises to gift something to Molly. The fic also had an Author’s note on how they’ve forgiven someone for doing something similar in real life, replying to comments on how Draco is abusive to Harry.
2.7 drarry little mermaid AU. It was a dark fic, based on the original little mermaid not the Disney version and it was dark and didn’t have a happy ending. I think Draco was an elf/fae rather than a mermaid
2.8 All I remember is that it was Draco/Astoria, Harry/Ginny. Before it becomes Drarry, it was 50 chapters, and complete, I clearly remember a tag that said everyone gets a happy ending except astoria in all lowercase letters.
2.9 What I remember of the fic is only one scene so bear with me, Draco and Harry are in relationship I think and Draco is also there when order members come to take him from privet drive. And he also attends Bill’s wedding but during the death eaters attack he gets caught and they take him away to the manor, Harry cries alot after that. I this is multi chaptered. In this fic Draco defected I guess and he attends the marriage and disguises like how Harry does, but he is revealed and he is taken to the manor. Harry is devastated and then he keeps seeing him through his connection with voldermort being tortured or something. They are already in relationship at this point. fic is not The Wrong Sort by CaffeinatedFlumadiddle
2.10 harry is getting married to Ginny and he’s sorting out all of the things for the wedding and one of them is the cake. Draco works or owns the bakery that Harry is getting the cake from and they both start to talk and get closer. That’s when Harry realises that he’s not ready to marry Ginny because a certain blonde has his heart. I’m sure Harry, when ever he’s in doubt or just bored he apparates to the bakery and dracos always holding the daily prophet to see what the saviour of the wizarding world is up to.
2.11 it was on ao3 and i read it a long time ago (i wouldn’t be surprised if it didn’t exist any more) but what i remember from it was pretty intense bdsm experimentation (between harry and draco) and they both started developing feelings but weren’t saying anything and i recall them fkin around in an abandoned class room? one scene i remember vividly is harry getting triggered by something draco says or did but it had something to do with his trauma with the dursleys and he calls out the safe word for the first time (which was snitch).
2.12 I’m looking for this specific drarry texting story I read on YouTube over 3 years ago. I think that it’s no longer on YouTube, but I wanted to know if it was ever posted on any other social media. The story goes like - Ron gives Harry the password to use the prefect bathroom where Harry stumbles upon Draco. Draco ends up doing some spells with the water (like a water snake like thing) and it fascinated Harry but Draco doesn’t really indulge in the conversation. When Harry tries to leave, Draco cages him and they end up having sex.
2.13 fic on ao3 where its set in 8th year and harry and draco are still fucked up meet up to (or just end up) fight(ing) a lot and one time harry takes it a bit too far and punches draco in the stomach, and draco throws up blood? And harry has to call madame pomphrey i believe. I dont think it was a particularly long fic but thats all i can remember.
2.14 harry and draco are twins but (i think) they were separated and then they got together like finding out they are twins and also dating lmao and okay then?? they became like rulers of the wizard world by making treaties and stuff w creatures and all that
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rainshifts · 2 months
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Hello! My name is Araenia (you can call me Rain). I'm 19 years old, Canadian, a Virgo and an ambivert with anger issues.
I've been attempting to shift since 2020, during the pandemic and my own personal crisis that made that year likely the most miserable point in my life. I have not yet shifted, but I have come very close, especially recently.
Below I've listed some of the fandoms I'm "part of" (often I find that fandom behaviour can be rather toxic and try to avoid it), places that I'm shifting, as well as some information about "fictional" places that you can use however you see fit to determine your image of me. I've also listed the rules and expectations of this blog, and if you don't agree with them, please DNI. If rules are broken, you will be blocked.
Rules (please consider before interacting):
No anti-shifters
Keep your shifttok logic FAR away from me
No discouraging comments to myself or others
If you think my information is incorrect, please inform me POLITELY, and we can discuss it if you'd like (I generally won't post something if I haven't made sure my information is right, but everyone makes mistakes, so if I am in fact wrong, I'd be happy to correct it)
I don't approve of of any DRs specifically made for killing or hurting people and I do not support them, so do not encourage or speak about them on my page
That being said, I think the concept that you should NEVER hurt/kill anyone in any DR is bullshit, so if it's something like Marvel or ASOIAF, Maze Runner, etc. where it may become necessary, I think that is perfectly acceptable
Race changing doesn't hurt anybody because the reality where you are a different race already exists so leave people alone if that's what they choose to do (but if you do race change, please make sure you're being respectful because other people's experiences are not your costumes)
Shifting to feel loved, to experience a better childhood, to have more control over your life or even just as escapism is perfectly fine. Shifting is a tool at your disposal and up to your own discretion.
Age-changing is fine
Permashifitng is not unhealthy or bad, it is very possible, and if you choose to do it, I wish you all the best
All shifters are valid, including those who haven't shifted yet or who are still trying to reset from all of the misinformation they were likely fed from early shifttok
If I missed anything, I may come back to update this list later
Now onto the more fun part!
Avatar (not TLA)
DC Cinematic
Harry Potter Golden Trio Era
Marauders Era
Good Omens
Game of Thrones
House of the Dragon
Hazbin Hotel / Helluvaboss
The Hobbit & Lord of the Rings
How to Train Your Dragon (Including DOB & RTTE)
Hunger Games
Marvel Cinematic Universe
Once Upon a Time
Percy Jackson & The Olympians (Riordanverse)
Shadow and Bone
Six of Crows
Star Wars
Stranger Things
The Vampire Diaries
Teen Wolf
The Umbrella Academy
The Witcher (TV series)
This list will probably be added to at some point TBH
Places I Am Shifting To:
Harry Potter Golden Trio Era
Marauders Era
Good Omens
Game of Thrones
House of the Dragon
The Hobbit
Lord of the Rings
How to Train Your Dragon
Marvel Cinematic Universe
Shadow and Bone
Six of Crows
The Vampire Diaries
The Umbrella Academy
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Wand: 11½”, laurelwood, dragon heartstring core
Patronus: fox
Marauders Kinnie: 75% Sirius Black, 25% Regulus Black
PJO Cabin: 12 (Dionysus)
TVD Species: Vampire
If you have any questions about me, my shifting journey, or shifting in general, please reach out and I will do my best to answer them! Happy Shifting! <3
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rewritingcanon · 2 years
i would just like to SPECIFY and go into a bit of detail about what each thing actually means:
this may not seem so bad, but when i mean they will comment on anything, i mean anything. it doesnt have to be marauder-related. it doesn’t even need to be related to harry potter. i saw a tiktok on a gorilla eating a banana and someone deadass commented “thats cool and stan james potter 😝” and lord FORBID if you include anything with snape in it. want to make an edit of him? backlash. want to talk about how you like him because hes interestingly written? backlash. want to deconstruct his character due to how badly fanon twisted him and actually analyse him? “anyways stan james potter” may be the dominant response to that, just so you know.
“sirius would never say that about mary!” said the marauder fan, heartbroken. “canon sirius would hate himself in atyd!” i respond usually with “canon sirius is a white boy in the 70s, hes not the ‘slay feminist yass 😍’ king you think he is.” this elicits quite a plethora of negative reactions, and i understand why. misogyny is stinky, no one wants their favourite character to be acting like that. so this option doesn't mean "fans who like a characterisation of sirius black that isn't necessarily time period realistic," but rather "fans who deny canon evidence for a fanon conception and then hate on things that expand on the canon evidence provided to them." "they are wizards, which isn't realistic, but you choose the time period misogyny as a hill to die on?" the marauder fan replied to me (and im quite literally quoting on what a creator said to me, this isn't an exaggeration). meanwhile canon sirius black: *harrasses snape for dressing more femininely/more outside gender norms* yeah and you think that boy would be a feminist...
you may think to yourself: when did [insert ship] become a thing? why is this happening? who even is this person? most of the time, it's all in good fun, sometimes, however, ships are created that purely contradict the entire point of said character. snily was criticised for doing exactly this, and now look at where we are.
after reading these points, you may come to the conclusion: holy shit the problem is just marauders fans. in fact, you may take it one more and remember more shit that had occurred due to this sub fandom of the harry potter universe. ever been criticised for not characterising purely fanon (dorcas, marlene etc etc) characters properly? ever been attacked for calling out the hypocritical stanning of barty, evan, regulus and peter whilst piling all blame onto bellatrix or snape? yeah me too babes.
i know we've talked about tiktok a lot, but i raise one more thing: the inescapable hell that is dracotok. this usually consists of those young teenage girls thinking they are very hardcore for participating in death eater practices despite its mirroring of being violent oppressors on a discriminated group so they can impress none other than draco malfoy. this, or they're the badass 'girlboss' that can change him. completely and ironically misunderstanding the point of his character aside, every cringey POV/thirst trap you have EVER seen on tiktok is probably replicated and 10x worse on dracotok.
i swear i haven't heard the term "gryffindork" since 2016, but alas, there has been a comeback. i call hogwarts legacy fans 'baby' hp fans, because i seriously do believe that these people have not interacted with the fandom until now. that would be okay if they weren't regressing everyone to early 2000s discourse. are gryffindors not being invited to ravenclaw, hufflepuff and slytherin raves that deep? no. but those three houses wouldn't be having raves in the first place
we've all seen them, need i explain or go into detail? "b-but harry doesn't have any chemistry with ginny!!" so he does with DRACO of all people? "b-but lily and james are basic!" dont forget the roots from whence you came. its misogyny within the fandom disguised as allyship or whatever the hell this is. ship your ships, but leave the gals alone
this didn't get on my nerves until i suffered from years and years of randoms going into detail about why slytherin/hufflepuff was the best harry potter house and then getting genuine mad when idgaf. maybe you have experienced this tragedy too. there are grown people getting into genuine online beef with others because they made a joke about slytherin being evil or hufflepuff being useless. makes me think you are just evil and useless (just kidding, but please wake up and realise that slytherin & hufflepuff quite literally do not exist)
i sympathise for people who like snape, i do. i do not sympathise for those who attempt to justify or excuse his actions. this normally comes with a side dish of misogyny, because more often than not they will find a way to blame it on lily. other times, they will blame his trauma. i want to be clear: his trauma explains his actions, it doesn't excuse them. that is the whole point of him ruining his chances with lily (not even as a lover, but as a companion). you are doing your own injustice to his character by trying to make him innocent, please stop
it's understandable why the cursed child is so hated. it's meant to be seen, not read, in my opinion. there's a lot of things in it that i too wish didn't exist. but that doesn't make it "not canon" because it upsets you. and of ALL the things that these types of people would choose to complain about, these are the things they chose: albus potter's namesakes (we've been going on about this for years like can we stop now please), harry being a 'bad dad' (think about his own upbringing a tiny bit more and maybe your brain can make a little more sense of his actions), delphi being voldemort's child (probably the only thing that i agree with these people on), and albus' name again because they REALLY hate it (but then they will counter this by saying "james sirius" is a good name, when it's still mid asf). anyway, it doesn't matter how much you squeeze your eyes shut and writhe around about it, the cursed child is canon. soz lol
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leresq · 7 months
Hello, I'm Resq (pronounced Resk) I'm an Irish skunk furry and therian, digital artist, and a Creative Writing major.
black lives matter, stop asian hate, free palestine 🇵🇸, free ukraine 🇺🇦, free congo 🇨🇩, animal rights now, pro choice, pro trans
This is a 16+ account! I am sfw but I often swear, and occasionally make risque jokes.
Favourite Animals: Skunk, Polar Bear, Pig, Raccoon, Red Fox
Favourite Characters: Rocket Raccoon, Glamrock Freddy, Tails Prower, Wonder Woman, Ellen Ripley
Favourite Pokémon: Miltank, Wooloo, Obstagoon, Primarina, Ninjask
Favourite Books: Shadow and Bone, Lord of the Rings, The Mysterious Benedict Society, The Apothecary, The Language of Thorns
Favourite Movies: GOTG series, The Nice Guys, They Cloned Tyrone, Aliens, Longlegs
Favourite Shows: Hilda, Moon Knight, Voltron Legendary Defenders, Fallout, Andor
Favourite Songs: You Make My Dreams (Come True) by Daryl Hall & John Oates, Touch-Tone Telephone by Lemon Demon, Endurtaka Mig by Daði Freyr and Blær, 3005 by Childish Gambino, Dive by Nirvana
Favourite Artists/Bands: Daði Freyr, Lemon Demon, Nirvana, The Cranberries, Fleetwood Mac
If any of these apply to you, please go away: Racists, islamophobes, antisemites, transphobes, homophobes, TERFs and general queerphobes, antifurries, anti therians, p3d0§ and z00$, including radqueers and proship. (Even if it's fictional if you're ok with it you condone it.) Zionists and anti-palestine supporters, "Pro-life" anti women's rights nutjobs, anti-vaxxers, anti vegans, anti vegetarians, $ex negative people, and fet!$h/k!nk accounts.
Fandoms I refuse to affiliate with: Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss, Harry Potter, Mob Psycho, Naruto, Scott Pilgrim, Gravity Falls (Hirschverse in general), Invincible, Chainsaw Man
If you post about these things constantly I will block you. Do not ask why
Raw meat, taxidermy, fur, leather, animal skulls and bones, and other things like that I cannot stand being around or seeing for more than a couple minutes without being deathly uncomfortable. (separated deer antlers are ok because the deer didn't die 99% of the time) I can't bear to see any part of an animal that I know is dead or was hurt. Cartoon blood and the like is alright for me, as long as it's not obscenely graphic, but please respect my boundaries and know how deeply uncomfortable I am around things like that.
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saintsenara · 1 year
Classic: Harmony; Drarry.
A bit niche: James/Sirius; Regulus/Barty Jr.
Tastefully deranged: Voldemort/Barty Jr.; Lily/Bellatrix.
Deranged: Barty Sr./Winky.
Crack: Drapple.
ok, well this is the game that keeps on giving... thank you, anon!
hermione granger/harry potter
i'm afraid to say that i've never read a single piece of harmony all the way through.
i just never see it working unless the characters are changed beyond recognition. harry's conflict-avoidance versus hermione's love of debate is a recipe for disaster, and while i absolutely don't go in for the common anti-harmony argument that harry doesn't like spending time with hermione, it's certainly true that he doesn't pay a huge amount of attention to her and her interests in canon.
all of which is to say, there's a huge potential for drama here, which i would really like, but most harmony is in the vein of "tee hee, ron is so ugly and stupid, harmony is smart and perfect, come darling let us solve world hunger".
and that's not for me.
draco malfoy/harry potter
i fuck with drarry providing draco is the more feral of the two.
i've seen lots of drarry with harry being basically bewitched by draco and... no. draco "i'm keeping tabs on how many times you go to the hospital wing and constantly trying to get your attention from the slytherin table" malfoy is down bad and up to no good. he is not suave and cool.
harry's just there.
sirius black/james potter
regulus black/barty crouch jr.
i've mentioned a lot that i hate fanon regulus. well i hate fanon barty even more, since he actually has a canon personality.
that is to say, if they're both sweet woobies who didn't realise they'd joined a terrorist organisation, and just wish they could leave the death eaters and teach the world to sing, it's a hard no from me.
if they're both deranged aspiring war criminals with daddy issues, sign me up.
barty crouch jr./lord voldemort
i'm incredibly into it, and will one day publish the wip i have with this very pairing.
lily evans/bellatrix lestrange
i don't love it as a concept, largely because lily has enough drama queens in her life with snape, james, and sirius. she needs someone whose idea of fun isn't running around shrieking and committing murder.
plus, imagine the awkwardness of being lord voldemort's love rival. it couldn't be me.
barty crouch sr./winky
don't have sex with your slaves.
draco malfoy/apple
the apple - a crisp granny smith, since smith is a pureblood name [descended from hufflepuff, don't you know] - is the purest thing draco has ever encountered.
they're a match made in heaven.
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sc0rpiflow3r · 10 days
♡ Intro Post! ♡
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Hello! Welcome to my Tumblr!
I’m Sc0rp1flow3r, but you can call me Scorpi if you like!
I decided to write fics because I’m passionate about some very specific and rare pairings.
Here’s my AO3 account: AO3
My current WIPs are:
Dissonance (E, Sirius/James)
Fetters of the Damned (E, Harry/Voldemort)
Disrupted Allegiances (M, The Black Sisters)
Turbulence (E, Dorcas/Marlene)
About me: 
✧ I’m 24 and my pronouns are she/her. I love reading, music, art, politics, and animals.
✧ I’ve been a fan of Harry Potter since I first read the series at around age 9, and I’m a proud Slytherin. I’m also into other fandoms, such as Percy Jackson, Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Criminal Minds, Hannibal, The Expanse, Black Sails, Avatar, and more.
✧ I adore rare pairs (but I like canon ships too!).
I don’t mind pro and anti-ship people interacting with me, but please respect other people's ships :)
I also enjoy exploring some taboo ships in the HP fandom.
No character bashing here.
Warning: I do not support J.K. Rowling’s horrific views. Please refrain from interacting with me or my blog if you hold racist, transphobic, LGBT+phobic, or misogynistic views.
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grimmwolf · 2 years
⚠️ DNI ⚠️
DNI right off the bat cuz it’s important
🤬z••s + supporters, anti therian, anti otherkin DNI🤬
🤬hunters, trappers, taxidermists, supporters DNI🤬
🤬animal part collectors/buyers/sellers, etc. DNI🤬
🤬vulture culture, “oddity” enthusiasts, etc. DNI🤬
🤬⚠️‼️All of these things = animal abuse⚠️‼️🤬
🤬I am against all animal abuse, DNI supporters🤬
🤬There’s no such thing as “ethical”, that’s crap🤬
🤬If support/neutral, go, this is my safe space🤬
🤬Also pro-shippers/self-shippers can go too🤬
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INTRO TIME cuz everyone else has one apparently-
Asks are always open btw :)
Ps. That means ask me things :)
Helloooo my name’s Maddy or Grimm. This is my Nonhuman etc. blog. So I’ll be posting and reblogging whatever identity related stuff here, some memes maybe. Anyhow, here’s…
Some stuff about me~
• I’m 20 years old in this body, and my birthday is on the 25th of May.
• I’m a straight cis female, so she / her pronouns would do just fine.
• I’ve been awakened since about 2014 ish, and I’m a spiritual Therian, Otherkin, Alterhuman, Nonhuman, Fictionfolk / Fictionkin, however you wanna call it 😂 Meaning I believe all if not most of my identities / kintypes are rooted from alternate lives, such as: Past, Future, Parallel, and Dream lives. I also display traits of experiencing some sort of age / pet regression, but I’m not sure if I fit the label entirely. But regressors are welcome here if you follow the dni! I try to keep the place as safe and family friendly as possible 😊
• Only a handful of my identities I’ve discovered are semi psychological tho. But they are not derived from imprinting, neurodivergence, or trauma. I also prefer to use the term identity, instead of therio / kin / ficto type etc.
• The label I use most in terms of my nonhumanity, is Omninonhuman! A term I coined for myself. Meaning I identify as all animals, beings, creatures, nature, etc. Basically anything and everything that’s nonhuman! Including, but not limited to: All earthly and non-earthly animals, beings, creatures, extant, extinct, insects, dirt, grass, plants, trees, flowers, fungi, rocks, stone, metals, crystals, water, land, sky, clouds, biomes, magical, mystical, mythical, mythological, supernatural, celestial, cosmic, galactic, divine, holy, unholy, infernal, universal, etc. Though, I connect more with wolves, or just canines in general lol.
• I have depression, social anxiety, body and species dysphoria. Are name, personality and voice dysphoria a thing as well, perhaps? Lol. Also I’m a vegan for the animals :)
Some fandoms I’m in + interests of mine~
• Animals
• Anime
• Art
• Black Butler
• Canines
• Creepypasta
• Demon Slayer
• Detroit: Become Human
• Dinosaurs
• Dragons
• Dungeons and Dragons
• Fantasy
• Five Nights at Freddy’s
• Genshin Impact
• Harry Potter
• History
• Hobbit
• How to Train Your Dragon
• James Cameron’s Avatar
• Jujutsu Kaisen
• Lord of the Rings
• Marvel
• My Hero Academia
• Obey Me!
• Omegaverse
• Paleontology
• Period Pieces
• Photography
• Pokémon
• Red Dead Redemption 2
• Sci - Fi
• SCP Containment Breach
• Slenderverse
• Supernatural
• Twilight
• Wings of Fire
• Wolves
• Zoology
Some hobbies of mine~
• Adding pins on Pinterest
• Collecting Merch ( Figures, plushes, posters, etc. )
• Creating playlists on Spotify
• Drawing
• Listening to music
• Photography
• Playing video games
• Reading
• Sleeping
• Watching YouTube
• Writing
Some fun facts about me~
• I absolutely love animals. I aspire to be an Animal & Nature Conservationist / Own an animal rescue ( domestic or wild ). I am against all forms of animal abuse, agriculture, cruelty, exploitation, use, etc., as I am a true vegan through and through, and so I do not support the therian real animal part gear obsession. If you support that or other related things, do not interact with me.
• I absolutely love talking about my alternate / past lives, even though I may not know a whole bunch about them. And I would be more than happy to listen to others speak of their lives as well! Alternate / past lives in general are all very intriguing to me
• I’m a huge fan of Pewdiepie and Markiplier. I watch their videos everyday, they just make me so happy. I love to laugh, and they make me laugh more than anyone honestly. They’re my gods lol
• I have a habit of either capitalizing words that don’t abide by the laws of human grammar. Or I alphabetize every thing I list. Oh, and my favorite colors are beige, black, cream, gold, gray, lavender, tan, and white :3
…Did you notice it?
Anyway! As I’ve mentioned before, I’m a spiritual otherkin. Meaning I believe I’ve had past or alternate lives of my kintypes! That being said, here are…
My identities / types’~
( From first discovered to most recently discovered )
• Angel
• Fallen Angel
• Earth Angel
• Dinosaur / Paleo / Raptor Shifter
• Merfolk / Draconic - Like Sea Being
• Divine Leader / Goddess
• Spirit / Universe / Goddess / Guardian
• Demon / Unidentified Being / Other bbkin ( Black Butler )
• Canine Cryptid / Shifter / Werecanine / Werewolf / Werefolk
• Alien / Angel / Unidentified Being
• Draconic Fae / Shifter
• Standard / Traditional / European / Western Dragon / Wyvern / Shifter
• Eywa / Na’vi / Pandoran
• Night / Light Fury / Goddess / Other httydkin
• Dragon / Other ratldkin ( Raya and the Last Dragon )
• Fae
• Other Mariokin
• Other Spyrokin
• Other Kirbykin
• Blue / Sea / SeaWing / Water Dragon
• Desert / Sand Dragon / SandWing
• Forest / Green / Nature Dragon
• Celestial / Cosmic Dragon
• Abyssal / Eldritch Dragon
• Black / Darkness Dragon / NightWing
• Gold / Golden Dragon
• Fire / Red Dragon / SkyWing
• Air / Blue / Sky / Wind / White Dragon
• Ancient / Imperial / Standard / Traditional Asian / Eastern Dragon
• Other WoFkin ( Wings of Fire )
• Omni Pokémonkin / Other Pokémonkin
• Other GenshinImpactkin
• Other LionKingkin
• Other mhakin ( My Hero Academia )
• Other RDR2kin ( Red Dead Redemption 2 )
• Other Alpha&Omegakin
• Other Marvelkin
• Other Supernaturalkin
• Other Twilightkin
• Other Creepypastakin / Proxykin / Slenderversekin
• Android / Divine Cryptid / Eldritch Angel
• Machine Shifter / Omni Machine kin / Other Horizon: Zero Dawn / Frozen Wilds / Forbidden West / Burning Shores / Call of the Mountain kin
• Other Omegaversekin
• Other Howl’s Moving Castle / Studio Gibli kin
• Aquatic / Dark / Drow / High / Light / Moon / Silvan / Snow / Sun / White / Wild / Wood Elfkin
• Other dbhkin ( Detroit: Become Human )
• Conceptkin / Dimensionkin / Existencekin / Galaxykin / Levelkin / Planekin / Realitykin / Realmkin / Worldkin / Universekin / Vibrationkin
• Other Twilightkin
• Other hbkin ( Helluva Boss ) / hhkin ( Hazbin Hotel ) - ps. I do not like the shows or the creators
• Dhampir / Vampire
• Other scpcbkin ( SCP Containment Breech )
• Other FarCrykin
• All Beast / Other bnakin ( Brand New Animal )
• Other Hook / Neverland / Pan / Peter Pan / Tinkerbell kin
• Other dndkin ( Dungeons and Dragons )
• Other potckin ( Pirates of the Caribbean )
• Other fbkin ( Fantastic Beasts ) / hpkin ( Harry Potter )
• Other Hobbit / lotrkin ( Lord of the Rings ) / Medievalkin / MiddleEarthkin
• Medievalkin / Other Skyrimkin
• Other Okamikin
• Other gowkin ( God of War )
• Other Grishaversekin / snbkin ( Shadow and Bone )
• Alien / Amphibian / Dinosaurian / Draconic / Kaiju / Machine / Mecha / Pandoran / Reptilian
• Other asekin ( Ark: Survival Evolved )
• Other revkin ( Resident Evil: Village )
• Dark Fae / Other Maleficentkin
• Other fnafkin ( Five Nights at Freddy’s )
• Other dskin ( Demon Slayer )
• Other jkkin ( Jujutsu Kaisen )
• Other trkin ( Tokyo Revengers )
• Chimera / Trico / Other tlgkin ( The Last Guardian )
• Alien / Avian / Canine / Draconic / Feline / Pandoran
• AI / Alien / Android / Bot / Canine / Code / Cyber / Cyberware / Droid / Drone / Firewall / Future / Glitch / Hardware / Machine / Malware / Mech / Mecha / Program / Robot / Tech / Technology / Virus
• Other Transformerskin
• Other Cyberpunkkin
• Other ldrkin ( Love, Death & Robots )
• Other aotkin ( Attack on Titan )
• Other tgkin ( Tokyo Ghoul )
• Other gotkin ( Ghost of Tsushima )
• Other ackin ( Assassin’s Creed )
• Other twkin ( The Witcher )
• Other Nimonakin
• Lizard / Scavenger / Slugcat / Vulture / Etc. / Other rwkin ( Rain World )
• Alien / Alien Jackal / Alien Vulture / Bioraptor / Hellhound / Mud Demon / Etc. / Other Riddikkin
• Celestial / Cosmic / Divine / Galactic / Holy / Universal Creator / Deity / God / Goddess / Guardian / Saint / Planet / Solar System / Galaxy / Universe / Reality / Mother Earth / Life / Moon / Nature / Sun / Death / Light / Dark / Demeter / Gaia / Existence / Nonexistence / Etc.
• White War Wolf ( Asgardian / Marvel / Norse )
• Canine Spirit / Fox Spirit / Gumiho / Inugami / Kemonomimi / Kitsune / Komainu / Lion Dog / Magical Canine / Mythical Canine / Mythological Canine / Nine Tailed Fox / Nogitsune / Okami / Okami Spirit / Raccoon Spirit / Supernatural Canine / Tanuki Spirit / Wolf Spirit
• Child Fortune / Luck / Wealth Spirit
• Demon / Devil / Ecstasy / Emotion / Encubus / Euphoria / Feeling / Fiend / Heat / Hell / Hormone / Incarnate / Incubus / Infernal / Instinct / Love / Lust / Lust Incarnation / Pleasure / Primal / Romance / Rut / Sensation / Sex / Sexual / Sexuality / Stimulation / Succubus / Touch
• Other Spiritkin ( Spirit of the Cimarron )
• Other Elementalkin ( Disney )
• Other SlyCooperkin
• Other RiseoftheGuardianskin
• Other StrangeMagickin
• Other ObeyMe!kin
• Other MysticMessengerkin
• Other Otomekin / ShallWeDatekin / Voltagekin ( Dating Sims )
• Other KungFuPandakin
• Other Lucakin
•Other TurningRedkin
• Other Baldur’sGate3kin
• Other HotelTransylvaniakin
• Spirit / Wisp
• Other Siren’sLamentkin ( Webtoon )
• Other AnimalCrossingkin
• Other Tangledkin
• Other lolkin ( League of Legends )
• Other atkin ( Adventure Time )
• Mermaid / Selkie / Siren
• Alicorn / Hellhorse / Hippocampus / Kelpie / Magical Horse / Mythical Horse / Mythological Horse / Pegasus / Thestral / Unicorn
• Kirin / Magical Deer / Mythical Deer / Mythological Deer / Qilin / Peryton
• Centaur / Cervitaur / Faun / Satyr
• Griffin / Griffon / Gryphon / Hippogriff
• Amphiptere / Amphitere / Amphithere / Magical Avian / Mythical Avian / Mythological Avian / Phipthere / Phoenix / Quetzalcoatl
• Black Dog / Black Shuck / Canine Spirit / Church Grimm / Cu Sith / Divinehound / Fox Spirit / Enfield / Gumiho / Heavenhound / Hellhound / Inugami / Kemonomimi / Kitsune / Komainu / Lion Dog / Magical Canine / Mythical Canine / Mythological Canine / Nine Tailed Fox / Nogitsune / Okami / Okami Spirit / Raccoon Spirit / Supernatural Canine / Tanuki Spirit / Wolf Spirit
• Other twdkin ( The Walking Dead )
• ( Behemoth ) / Gorgon / ( Gorgonus ) / ( Gorgun ) / Leviathan / ( Nag ) / Naga / Quetzalcoatl
• Other hsrkin ( Honkai Starrail )
• Other WuWakin ( Wuthering Waves )
• Other zzzkin ( Zenless Zone Zero )
• AI / Android / Bot / Code / Cyber / Cyberbot / Droid / Drone / Firewall / Future / Glitch / Hardware / Machine / Malware / Mech / Mecha / Program / Robo / Robot / Tech / Technology / Virus
• Heavenhound / Divinehound
• Other mckin ( Minecraft )
As you can see from my identities listed, I have about 122 discovered identities, and most likely counting. I’d like to make it clear that I am not “adding to any kin list” or “kinning for fun”. I am completely certain and genuine about my alterhumanity and my many identities.
I have entire playlists of some of these lives on Spotify, that help me connect with them more. I figured out how to link my Spotify, give it a listen if you’d like. So here’s…
My Spotify~
Anywho, see ya! Also pls interact, I want friends / mutuals with similar kintypes 🥲
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dhr-ao3 · 5 months
Hold On
Hold On https://ift.tt/yilFQ8V by ACourtOfStories When everything seems to be falling apart, sometimes all you can do is hold on. Hold onto what, is the question though. What do you hold onto when the darkness that is the Dark Lord is snuffing out the light and any hope of the Wizarding World being free? For Draco Malfoy, who is seemingly surrounded by darkness, he's holding onto the one person who might just be smart enough to help him kill Lord Voldemort and finally end this war...Hermione Granger. It's an absolute long shot, a total Hail Mary, and as much as they both hate each other, they can't deny that they need each other's help. It should be simple, right? He feeds her information to help gather and destroy Horcruxes, no one finds out about them, Voldemort dies and the war is won. But nothing is ever that simple, especially in the midst of the darkest and deadliest war in history. A war where they are both on different sides. A war where they can do nothing but hold on. You might want to hold on for this one. Words: 23372, Chapters: 9/?, Language: English Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: F/M Characters: Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger, Hermione Granger's Mother, Hermione Granger's Father, Narcissa Black Malfoy, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Tom Riddle | Voldemort, Dobby (Harry Potter), Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Bellatrix Black Lestrange, Ginny Weasley, Blaise Zabini, Theodore Nott, Vincent Crabbe, Gregory Goyle, Arthur Weasley, Molly Weasley Relationships: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger & Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley, Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley Additional Tags: Enemies to Lovers, Morally Grey Draco Malfoy, Inappropriate Use of Malfoy Signet Ring (Harry Potter), Mild Smut, Falling In Love, Secret Relationship, Secret Messages, touch her and I'll kill you, Smart Draco Malfoy, Ron Weasley Bashing, Minor Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley, Dark Magic, Scene: Hermione Granger and Harry Potter Dancing in the Tent, Hermione Granger & Harry Potter Friendship, Anti-Hero via AO3 works tagged 'Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy' https://ift.tt/gwYydpD April 25, 2024 at 08:57AM
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mitsuki91 · 1 year
For me is fun to see the difference from italian fandom and international fandom.
First of all: there are no purity culture in italian fandom. We ship and we write anything, and I mean anything. Of course we have our own archive that has rules, so there are some limits, but with the rise of AO3 we all are more free. And of course I can only tell about my little bubble and my little experience, but... We create the repayement ship, for god's sake, my beloved OTP Severus Snape/Lily Luna Potter. In the international fandom I would be eaten (and in fact I had experience with haters that called me pedo because of it right here on tumblr and that was so fun to me!). Also other ships I read and go strong in my bubble that can be classified ad "problematic": Salazar Slytherin/Helena Rawenclaw, Albus Dumbledore/Tom Riddle, Gellert Grindelwald/Ariana Dumbledore, Gellert Grindelwald/Tom Riddle, Tom Riddle/Helena Rawenclaw-The Gray Lady (maybe we invented even this ship, my friend start posting about them and it was so good so much other italian fanwriter writed about them), Sirius Black/Hermione Granger, Sirius Black/Ginevra Weasley, Severus Snape/Ginevra Weasley (I skip about Snamione etc you all knew them), Teddy Lupin/Rose Weasley, James Sirius Potter/Rose Weasley, Harry Potter/Rose Weasley and maybe I forgot something 🤔 That are all ships I wrote about (and praised for) and NO ONE bat an eye for the TW implied in them. I read so much beautiful stories about this ships, you have no idea.
Also in the specific of the Marauders fandom and the Slytherin, the italian fandom is so far away from international fandom that I lost myself some times trying to keep track of the characters (wtf is Lorenzo now??? I mean I barely understand who Mattheo Riddle is - and only because that one fanwriter I know who mostly wrote about the marauder era choose to write a story about him for fun; also I laugh because in italian the correct name spelling is Matteo). And maybe I was fixed on the fic that my friend write because now I can ship only Regulus/Barty (and Regulus/Barty/Alex where Alex is an OC 😂); also no Pandora in Slytherin, no black Mary-Dorcas (not sure who is black here), no Bruce Mulciber (??? Also not black Mulciber) and in general always a different setting. There is no "standard" in the italian marauders era, everyone write his own character and put them all in different houses and give them different ages (for example I read quite some stories where Dorcas Meadowes is older or much older then James&co). And NO JEGULUS AT ALL. Everyone in Italy seems to hate Jegulus (at least in my bubble). Unfortunately some quite like wolfstar but... It is one of the older ships, not something born now like Jegulus. And also no Mary/Lily, Dorcas/the other one girl I don't remember, etc etc... But the most important thing DEATH EATHER STAY DEATH EATER SO NOBODY WANTS TO HAVE TO INTERACT WITH THEM. I read beautiful stories from DE pov and they stay in the DE side of the war. The author try to make you emphatize with them (so no justify their action because they think that they are right and you can feel that - and this is great writing you all, not a propaganda for the bad side nor pronazi or other garbage shits I read from the anti and the international fandom about this) but no one is redeemed or fall in love with the light or other bullshit. Lord, even the death of Regulus has more sense in the fic I read instead of the bullshit "He change side because he love his House Elf so he is good!!!" that I read here.
Okay this became a wall of text so I stop here BUT if you are biligual/etc can you share your experience about the difference from your homecountry fandom and the international one? I'm curios 😂
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monstrousmaws · 1 year
Welcome to my Hellhole 🩷
Robotdevilblue -> Monstrousmaws
My name is Ezekiel but you can call me Zeke. My pronouns are They/It.
I am Nonbinary and Aromantic Asexual 💛🤍💜🖤 🧡💛🤍🩵💙
@lordedmundgod is my brother, go drop her a follow, he’s a lot like me and I love her
I’m Autistic, ADHD, and Tourette’s, so I do often require tone indicators.
Might be Nibbly Fictionhearted(if you don’t know what that means it’s explained here)
This is basically a fandom blog at this point, and I will provide with a list of fandoms I am in: Hatchetfield, Undertale/Deltarune, OMORI, Fire Emblem: Three Houses, Wings Of Fire, Redwall, Warriors, Danganronpa, Ghost and Pals, Chrono Trigger, Five Nights At Freddy’s, Pokémon, She-Ra And The Princesses Of Power, Doctor Who, and The Legend Of Zelda
Here’s a link to a list of my ocs
I am cringe on the internet. So yes, I’m a Furry.
My sideblogs:
@fangshadow-stims - My Stim blog
@cast-irony - My Fanfic blog. Mostly ramblings about fic ideas.
@thepyramidsofmars - My Doctor Who blog
@bestfictionaldivorce, @sanslookalikepoll, @lordsinblackfollowersdeathmatch, @blondbitchbattle - My currently running tournament blogs
@divorceanddeathbattles - Unused Roleplay blog for the White Boy Bracket Lore
@ur-fave-follows-a-lord-in-black - typical ur fave is gimmick blog. But for the Lords in Black’s followers!
List of all my Hatchetfield Roleplay blogs
Do not follow: Terf/Radfem/Swerf, Anti-Endogenic Systems, Proshippers, Antishippers, MAPs/Pedos/Shotacon/Lolicon, 18+/NSFW blogs, Homophobes/Transphobes/Enbyphobes/Aphobes/LGBTphobes in general, Pluralphobes, Ableists, Racists, Trump supporters, Matt Walsh supporters, Anti-Xenogenders, Anti-Neopronouns, Truscum/Transmeds, JKR supporters, Harry Potter fans that still buy HP related things/endorse the books, Antisemites, Sysmeds, any kind of Discourse blog, Anti-Kink, Sex Negative, Anti-Mspec Lesbians/Gays, Anti-Kin
Discourse and Harassment will be blocked
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