#anti blackness in fandoms
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agreeeeeeeeeee · 4 months ago
What's My Name? - R.B.
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Bully!Regulus Black x fem!reader
summary: you’ve befriended the emeralds and few other Slytherin’s. Regulus is drawn to you like a magnet, but knows you have no business associating with them or their families, so he tries to scare you off. It backfires spectacularly.
cw: MDNI 18+ Regulus tries to white fang you. degradation, bullying, toxic relationships and friend groups, future death-eaters, trauma, Black Family Angst, choking, dry-humping, p in v sex
an: Ik everyone has a different marauders!era slytherin group, so here’s a quick breakdown of my personal headcanon:
Inner circle: Regulus Black, Evan Rosier, Barty Crouch Jr., Pandora, and Dorcas Meadowes (the emeralds)
Outer circle: Severus Snape, Avery, Mulciber, Emma Vanity, Charity Burbage, Aurora Sinistra, and Wilkes.
Circle-adjacent: Lily Evans, Marlene McKinnon, and the Marauders
There is also the much darker group with Rabastan Lestrange, Thorfinn Rowle, and the Carrow’s, who actively prey on some of the others for Voldemort’s Cause.
No matter how hard Regulus tried, you refused to leave his orbit. You had no business affiliating with him and his friends, and had no idea what that affiliation truly meant. It meant darkness. It meant bloodshed. It met imminent and very real danger. A war was brewing right under your nose.
Regulus had been born and bred for this, as had most of his friends, but you…you were an innocent. Intelligent, witty, trusting. As much as he tried not to care, he couldn’t stand to watch your light be snuffed out for simply existing around them: metaphorically or literally.
But no matter how many times Regulus tried to run you off, spare you from what came next, you would not heed. In fact, you seemed to take his animosity as a challenge, leaving him in the predicament of being your unwitting adversary.
You were in the Slytherin common room now, curled up by the fireplace with Pandora, Evan, Barty and a few others, doing more gossiping than studying despite the piles of books and parchment on the floor around you. The greenish light of the lake contrasted with the glow of the fire against your face, creating an otherworldly halo around you.
You hair was pulled back, revealing the slender curve of your neck, the dip in your v-neck sweater where a silver pendant rested against your clavicle.
You laughed at whatever terrible joke Barty made and Regulus rolled his eyes, turning back to the spell book in his lap. He was studying alone, having told Evan a number of times to fuck off and let him work on his assignments in peace.
“Regulus!” Emma called suddenly, and he cringed, pretending he didn't hear his Quidditch captain. “Reg!” She called again.
He closed his eyes, willing them all to disappear.
“Regulus fucking Black!” She hollered, loud enough for the whole common room to fall silent.
He clapped his book shut and stalked over to where you all were sitting, one hand in his trouser pocket, the other clamped on his book.
“Yes?” He droned, leaning against the arm chair Emma was sitting in.
“Can you help me with this?” Emma asked, holding up her Defense Against the Dark Arts homework.
Annoyance prickled along his skin. “What good is a genius pet if she doesn't help with your work?” He asked, leveling you with his coldest stare.
You tilted your head, eyes flicking from his black, curly hair to his leather shoes, and didn't respond.
“She said she wouldn't help me,” Emma pouted.
“I said I wouldn't do it for you,” you corrected.
“Barty, then?”
“No can do, Reg,” Barty responded, coughing up a lungful of pungent smoke, waggling a joint in Regulus’ direction.
Emma waved the smoke from her face. “Will you help, Reg? I have to get a good grade in the class or I could lose my spot on the team. And you know these lot are useless at spells.”
He sighed and took the assignment from her hands, flipping through the pages. It was rudimentary work, things she really should know in order to defend herself.
“Can't help you,” Regulus said, handing it back to her. “If you can't do this, maybe you should be demoted.”
The group ooooh’d at his dig.
“Reg!” Emma whined.
“Ignore him, Em. Not everyone takes to dark magic as easily as the ancient and most bitchy house of Black,” you quipped, narrowing your eyes at him.
Regulus resisted the urge to clench his jaw, feigning the nonchalance you wore like a second skin. The group swiveled to look at him.
“All magic, really. But thank you, darling,” he purred, winking at you.
“You should have seen Sirius in advanced Transfiguration last semester, he's a natural. Truly a gifted wizard,” you continued.
“Hot as fuck, too,” Evan added, just to dig the knife in a little deeper.
Regulus’ blood began to simmer, his temperature rising beneath his dark robes. He tsked under his breath, shaking his head. “I thought you'd be smart enough to not fall for his clown act.” He shrugged a shoulder. “Evidently not.”
“I wouldn't touch a Black with a twenty foot pole,” you replied, leaning back on your hands, stretching your long legs out in front of you, your skirt sitting high on your thighs.
“Who said anything about a pole?” Regulus replied, mimicking your condescending head tilt.
The group snickered, watching your verbal sparring like it was a duel.
“You sound a bit jealous, Reggie. Need a little attention?”
Reggie. His mask nearly slipped, he was so caught off guard by the nickname on your sharp tongue. “May as well, since you give it out so freely.” He glanced down at your shapely legs, punctuating his point.
Your head fell back as you laughed, your chest pressing up and tits bouncing, and he felt an irritating kick in his trouser as the heat of his anger took a new, sinful shape.
“It's the 70’s, love. Are you still so prudish?” You lifted your head, pining him with eyes fierce enough to cleave him in half.
He smirked. “Far from it. Just selective.”
“Don't see much of a selection to chose from,” you chuckled, earning another spike of laughter from the group. “What I see is a spoiled youngest son with nothing better to do than needle the people around him to fill the hole in his chest.” You got to your feet, shouldering your bag.
Regulus felt like he'd been punched clean through the sternum, your words never failing to cut to the quik.
“Spoken by a girl with nothing better to do than fish for a rich husband that might save her from her home in the gutter. Trust me, nothing can fill the hole of inadequacy, y/l/n.”
You stepped over Evan and Barty's tangled limbs and left without another word, leaving Regulus’ cruelty to echo off the glass and stone, the group silent.
Regulus turned on his heel and disappeared into the boys dormitory, guilt dogging every step.
─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
The Quidditch match was in full swing, Gryffindor versus Slytherin, and the score was neck and neck. It was up to Regulus and the Gryffindor Seeker now, since neither team could get a leg up through the rings.
You sat in the stands sipping hot chocolate with Marlene, Pandora, and Dorcas, Barty pouting to your left because he couldn't sit with Evan in the Slytherin stands.
Regulus hovered a few meters away, his eyes trained upwards, catching every falling leaf and ripple of air around him. You hated how handsome he looked in his Quidditch robes, his lean body relaxed on the broom despite the stakes.
That was Regulus, un-fucking-shakeable. And it drove you insane that you could never get a rise out of him, but he managed to needle one out of you time and time again.
He was as relentless as a northern wind, and you couldn't help but be swept away.
His dark curls framed his angular face, those perpetually sleepy eyes the most arresting green. Sure, everyone thought Sirius was hot, but Regulus was beautiful, ethereal almost, and he wrapped around your mind like a constrictor.
You watched as the other Seeker suddenly took off above the Hufflepuff stands, in pursuit of something, and the Gryffindor stands cheered. But Regulus remained motionless, watching his opponent like a cat trailing a mouse. Even as Slytherin urged him to take up the chase, he remained unmoved, bidding his time.
His bottomless patience would be awe-inspiring if it wasn't so damn frustrating.
You wouldn't have an issue with Regulus, maybe even could have been friends with him, if he hadn't taken issue with you first. You had no idea what his fucking problem was, whether it was because your family was poor, you had better grades than him, or what. He loathed you from the moment you showed up in the Slytherin common room, and you've yet to receive an explanation.
You'd been saddled with a one-sided rivalry, but you'd be damned if you let him defeat you now after a full semester of back and forth.
The other Seeker pulled up short, whipping his head around like he'd lost something, and you saw Regulus crack a smirk, his canines white and sharp.
Regulus turned his head suddenly, quick like a bird, and then he was off in a blur of motion. His opponent was all the way across the pitch, entirely too far to get there in time.
A moment later— “Regulus Black has caught the snitch for 150 points! Slytherin wins!”
The Slytherin stands erupted with cheers while every other house booed, including your own. But you knew a Slytherin victory meant a rager in the dungeons, so you kept your lips sealed.
Instead, you watched Regulus land at the center of the pitch, the golden snitch held lazily between his pointer finger and thumb above his head. Any other Seeker would have been parading around the field, or flying in wide circles over the stands, screaming their head off, but Regulus was silent. His victory spoke for him.
Although, you knew he'd still be smug as fuck later.
As soon as the stands began to drain, you, Pandora, and Barty caught up with the rest of your Slytherin friends, all of them buzzing about the victory, even melancholic Severus. By the time you all reached the dungeons, a party was already in full swing.
Music thrummed along the walls, so loud it caused ripples in the Black Lake, making the emerald-tinged moonlight shift and dance along the floor. You happily accepted a shot of gin, then another before letting Evan cajole you out onto the dance floor.
Sweat pooled along your spine as the music wore on, your hair wild and loose down your back as you danced, electric energy flowing through you.
A cheer came up from the entrance and everyone turned towards the commotion. The Slytherin Quidditch team strode into the room, black robes billowing behind them. Regulus stood at the front, of course. Even from several meters away, you could see the confident glimmer in his eyes, the arrogant tilt of his chiseled jaw.
Fucking Black’s.
Like a magnet, his eyes found yours across the room, and you nearly tripped over Evan’s feet at the venom they held. But he looked away as quickly as he found you, getting swept up by the crowd and disappearing from your line of sight.
You tracked down another shot and rejoined Evan and Barty on the dance floor, squished between them in a tangle of limbs. Impossible to tell who’s hands were where, just a mess of sensation and touch. The temperature in the common room was rising expontentially, so you shed your sweater, leaving you in your skirt and a white camisole, sweat making the fabric cling to your skin.
A few songs passed like that, and a blonde guy you barely know, Rowle, you thought, took your friends place when they tapped out to smoke. You rolled your body against his, enjoying the way his thick muscles felt beneath his robes, the hungry way he was staring down at you. But you were about ready to take a break yourself, the musky smell of weed calling your name from across the room, when the hair on the back of your neck suddenly rose.
You looked around, searching for the source of your bodies response, when you locked eyes, once again, with Regulus.
He was sitting in a circle of couches against the glass wall with your shared friends, a halo of smoke around his head, a girl perched on his lap, sucking at his neck while he took a drag off of a cigarette. But his eyes were glued to you, tracking every movement you made with the same intensity he tracked the golden snitch.
Confidence wafted through you, and you wrapped your arms around your dance partners neck, letting him dip you so low your hair pooled on the floor, your tits nearly falling out of your shirt. You rolled back up slowly, articulating every vertebrae in your spine until you were chest to chest with your partner, sharing the same breaths.
From the corner of your eye, you saw Regulus choke on the smoke, dislodging the girl from his skin, and you smirked.
You let your partner turn you, showing every angle of your body, and you dropped low, circling your hips in time with the resinous goth song as you rose back up.
Regulus' cigarette hung limp between his fingers, his perfect jaw a little slack.
Emboldened, you broke away from your partner, letting yourself get lost in the sensuous, thrumming beat. Your arms rose above your head, your shoulders and hips swaying in time. It felt like you were hypnotizing him, his eyes glued to every undulation of your hips, and you couldn't recall a time where you felt more alive.
Too soon, though, the music changed to a more electro-pop vibe, and you slipped reluctantly off the dance floor, the taste of smoke beckoning you across the room.
You sauntered over to the circle, pointedly ignoring Regulus as you approached.
“There she is,” Even cooed, extending an arm to you. “You looked amazing out there.”
You smiled, sliding into his lap and taking a drag from the joint between his fingers. “Thank you, lovely.” You smiled sweetly up at him, and you could have sworn he started drooling.
“Feels even better,” Barty teased, sprawled out on the couch beside Evan, clearly a little too inebriated already.
You winked at him, and he flushed a deep scarlet. Pandora, who was resting on the floor between Dorcas’ legs, chuckled at his expense.
Regulus was quiet, per usual, watching as the group chattered around him, turning the golden snitch he caught over and over in his long fingers.
The smoke made your mind a little hazy, your tired muscles from dancing going loose, and you sagged into Evan’s side, leaning your head on his shoulder.
Regulus’ fingers tightened on the snitch, his jaw feathering, and your stomach swooped with nervous excitement. You’d never been able to rattle him before. Had you finally knocked the monolithic Regulus Black off of his axis?
“Reg, why so quiet?” Evan asked, nudging his leg with his boot.
Regulus raised a brow. “What would you like to talk about, Rosier? Fucking Junior? Or eye-fucking y/l/n?”
“We can talk about eye-fucking y/n.” Evan winked down at you, and you rolled your eyes. Avery barked a laugh from his spot on the other side of Regulus.
“Yes, let's,” Barty added, raking his willowly fingers through your hair draped over Evan’s arm. You hummed under the attention, knowing it was all in good, hedonistic Slytherin fun.
Well, almost all in good fun.
As always, Regulus couldn't let your ego inflate too much. “It's hard not indulge in a little novelty, no matter how ineffectual.”
Ouch. His words landed like barbs on your skin, but you ignored him, leaning into Barty’s attention with light moan.
Regulus shifted a little in his seat, his hands falling over his lap, and you nearly smiled. Regulus may act all high and mighty, but he wasn't impervious.
“Look at you,” Even purred, blowing smoke over your heated skin, your decolletage exposed as you stretched towards Barty. “Prettiest girl at Hogwarts, stretched across my lap.” You flushed, squirming a little in his lap, and Evan groaned. “You're torturing me, baby.”
Barty tugged on your hair, sending a skitter of pleasure down your spine and craning your head back even further. “Oh, keep doing that. He loves being tortured.”
“What a good girl,” Regulus hummed, and your pussy throbbed, soaking through your underwear. It was a rush, being admired by the heirs of some of the most powerful families in the magical world. But hearing those sweet words from Regulus, twisted into degradation, did sick things to your mind. “She's on track to graduate with her perfect, filthy-rich husband, and spend the rest of her days as mindless, fertile eye candy.”
You flinched, not that the boys noticed, and sat up a little, suddenly self-conscious in your barely-there shirt.
“We volunteer,” Avery and Wilkes said at the same time.
Evan’s arm tightened around you. “You'll have to pry her from my cold, dead hands,” he replied.
Claustrophobia clawed at your throat, but you couldn't let Regulus know how thoroughly he'd flipped your night upside down.
Wilkes drew their wand, pointing it at Evan’s head. “That can be arranged.”
“A no-name isn't worth it, children,” Regulus sneered. “Save your Azkaban trips for nobler pursuits than cunt.”
That's it. You swung your legs to the ground and rose, stalking towards Regulus. The group whistled and hooted, excited by the oncoming storm of drama.
You climbed into Regulus’ lap, straddling him and stealing the golden snitch from his hands. He was warm and solid beneath you, his expensive, amber cologne swirling with the smoke to create an addicting combination.
His hands immediately fell to your bare thighs, the cold of his rings biting into your heated flesh. His green eyes darkened, lids growing heavy as he looked up at you, his ebony lashes casting delicate shadows over his cheeks.
“Regulus Black,” you murmured in his ear while loosening his tie. His hands tensing on your thighs for a split second before he relaxed them. “You will never find someone that can withstand your thorns the way I do.”
He loosed a breath, chin lifting a little closer to your face like a wilted rose tilting towards the sun.
“You will never scare me off.” You brushed your nose along his temple, feeling his heart rate increase, his breath turn shallow. “I will ruin you, and you will thank me for it.”
Before he could respond, you slipped away, taking his prize snitch with you all the way to Ravenclaw Tower. Unreachable, even for the boy that had everything.
─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
Regulus turned your words over and over in his mind, an endless, torturous loop. The others seemed obvious to his torment, prattling on and on while he burned through cigarette after cigarette, his tongue raw and throat scratchy.
Nothing would numb the ache on his chest, the pulsing strain of his cock beneath his robes. He'd already been painfully hard watching you move, watching you stretch across Evan and Barty like a contented kitten, preening under their devoted attention.
But when you climbed into his lap…fuck.
He was a heartbeat away from coming in his pants. One roll of your hips and he would have been done for, and you had no idea.
Or, maybe you did.
I will ruin you.
It was a miracle that you'd climbed off of him and stormed away, because the only thought he could formulate was please.
Eventually, he couldn't fucking take it anymore. He didn't even say goodnight to his friends, just disappeared into the dormitory and locked the door behind him.
He shirked his robe and grabbed a spare Slytherin scarf from his drawer. He flopped onto his bed and freed his aching cock, the head and angry red and shiny. He wrapped the scarf around it, squeezing hard for a semblance of relief.
“Fucking hell,” he groaned, pumping his cock slowly as your voice filled his mind again, the feeling of your weight on top of him, your sweet breath on his neck, your perfume rewiring the synopsis in his brain.
His hand started to move quicker, breath coming out in desperate pants. He imagined licking across your dewy chest, tasting the salt on your skin, gin on your tongue. Blowing his cigarette smoke over your naked body, into your open mouth. So eager and flayed open for him to ravage—his innocent lamb to ruin.
“Fuck, y/n!” Your name wrenched itself from his throat as he came hard into his scarf, imaging it was deep inside your greedy cunt. His whole body shuddered with the force of it, his jaw hanging open as he pumped himself through the orgasm until he'd milked every drop from himself, wondering if your pussy, your mouth, would do the same.
He slumped back onto the pillows, completely exhausted, and shoved the scarf under his bed.
You were right, you would fucking ruin him, ruin his plans. And he wasn't sure if he hated or loved you for it.
─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
Regulus avoided you for two weeks after that party, going so far as to skip your shared Potions class entirely. It was for the better really, you still felt a little raw after that night, the dull ache of his words combined with the unresolved arousal has left you out of sorts, to put it mildly.
If you ran into him, you weren’t sure if you’d throttle or fuck him to death.
Your friends were beginning to grow suspicious of his absence, and your squirrely behavior, and, unbeknownst to you, they set a trap to bring this stand-off to a finish once and for all.
Pandora chatted animatedly beside you as you walked together down the stairs to the dungeon, ranting about something Aurora did to piss her off. When you arrived to the dungeon, she suddenly paused to tie her shoelace, waving for you to go on ahead of her into the common room.
You did, and the large green door swung shut behind you.
“No! Fuck, Dora!” Regulus was right there, banging his fist on the door.
You looked around, bewildered, only to find the common room completely deserted. Except for Regulus, of course.
“Move,” you hissed, withdrawing your wand.
“I tried everything,” Regulus huffed, a hand raking through his dark hair.
“I said move,” you repeated, pointing your wand at him.
He rolled his eyes and stepped aside, walking back into the common room. He dropped onto the couch by the fireplace, retrieving his book.
You threw every spell you could think of at the door, but it simply wouldn’t budge. “What the fuck!” You shouted, nearly throwing your wand across the room out of frustration.
“They left us a note,” Regulus said, not looking up from his reading.
You stalked over to him, finding an open piece of parchment on the coffee table. Immediately, you recognized Pandora’s loping hand.
“Just bone already.” You read aloud, and scoffed. “What the fuck does that mean?” You glared at Regulus, as if he was somehow responsible, but he still didn’t look up.
“I suspect they’re tired of our bickering,” he replied, turning the page.
“And what does locking us in the dungeon together accomplish?” You couldn’t believe this was happening. Couldn’t believe they’d lock you in a dungeon with your fucking nemesis. Your school yard bully. The bane of your goddamn existence.
Regulus shrugged. “Maybe they think you’ll kill me.”
You let out an exasperated sound and stormed away from him, trying the door to the girls dormitory.
“Locked,” he called a millisecond after you tried the handle.
“Maybe I am going to fucking kill him,” you muttered to yourself. Resigned, you sat on a chair by the glass wall, as far away from him as you could possibly get, and sulked.
You had no clue how much time passed, the only light filtering in through the murky lake. The cold leeched through the glass, chilling you to the bone, but you refused to move closer to him. You’d freeze to death in here if you had to.
“Y/l/n,” Regulus said after the fifth full body chill wracked through you. “Come sit by the fire.”
“Go fuck yourself,” you bit back, and he snorted.
“Fine, freeze.” He returned to his book, not sparing you another glance.
Your hands started to ache from the cold, your jaw sore from your teeth chattering together. With a sigh, you got up and crossed the room. Regulus still didn’t look up, though you could feel his attention shift to you as you sat directly in front of the fire, holding your hands out to it.
“You really think they’ll leave us in here all night?” You asked, staring at the dancing flames.
“Absolutely,” Regulus answered, lowering his book to his lap.
You sighed, resigned. The only way out is through. “I’ll start.”
He tilted his head, dark brows drawing together in suspicion.
You cursed under your breath, and dove headfirst. “I don’t understand why you’re so shitty to me,” you blurted, refusing to look at him. “I’ve never done anything to you.”
He was quiet for so long, you finally caved and glanced over at him, only to find him staring back at you, expression unreadable.
“Regulus,” you huffed, frustrated.
“Y/n,” he mocked, and your stomach flipped despite his attitude. He’d never used your first name before.
“Just fucking talk to me.” You straightened your spine, folding your legs on the ground underneath you, the fire at your side.
He stared at you for a few more moments, his eyes dancing back and forth, before he leaned back against the couch and picked up his book.
“You’re a lot of things, Black, but I didn’t take you for a coward.”
His eyes flickered with anger, but he didn’t bite.
“Reg,” you murmured, softening your voice, and he rolled his eyes, the most unbelievably bored expression on his face. You shifted your weight, placing your hands on the ground, and lifted to your knees. Slowly, you began to crawl to him, being careful to not sway your hips too much, and he broke after only a few seconds.
“On your knees already, darling?” He teased, but the casual tone didn’t match his eyes. The fire in them, the way his hands tightened around the cover of his book, betrayed his true feelings.
Once you were directly in front on him, you sat back on your heels. “Be honest with me, Reggie, did it turn you on seeing me with Evan and Barty?”
He blinked, clearly taken aback by your question. In his lap, you saw his cock twitch, a small pulse along his right thigh.
Men are so fucking easy.
“What about when I was dancing with them? Sandwiched between their bodies?” You rolled your head on your shoulders, mimicking the way you danced and revealing the fragile plains of your throat, your hair falling around your face. “When Barty pulled my hair? When Evan blew smoke over my tits?”
Regulus swallowed hard, his eyes like melted jade.
“What about when I crawled into your lap?” You took the book from him and set it onto the table. Then, you placed your hands on his lean, muscular thighs and pushed yourself to your feet, straddling him the same way you did that night. His entire body was rigid beneath you, muscles coiled tight with tension. “Did you like when I whispered in your ear, Regulus? When I told you that I’d ruin you?”
“Y/n,” he rasped, breathing hard.
“Tell me the truth.” You were so close, your lips brushed the shell of his ear as you spoke. You committed to the contact, brushing your lips along his racing pulse, down his jugular vein. You fought to keep your thighs from clenching together, your own body responding to the feeling him slowly unraveling beneath you. “Do you hate me because you want me?”
“I don't,” he hissed through his teeth.
“If you say so,” you hummed, moving to slide off his lap.
He grabbed your waist, his grip bruising. “Don't you fucking dare."
“I thought you didn't want me?” You taunted, sitting back on his lap to look at him, a hand braced on his sternum.
When you shifted your weight, your pussy accidentally pressed against the hard outline of his cock. You had to force your hips to stay still, your pussy practically begging you to move when you felt him throb against your warm heat.
“That’s not what I meant,” he said. All the malice had drained from his voice, his eyes locked on yours.
Then what the fuck did he mean?
You rolled your hips, biting back the moan that crept up your throat as pleasure snaked through you. Regulus was less successful, a broken groan falling from his pretty mouth.
“It would be so much easier to just tell me the truth,” you purred, slowly rocking your hips over his twitching length, allowing a hint of breathlessness to bleed into your voice. “It would feel so good, Reg, to let it all go. To lose control.”
“Shit,” he crushed under his breath. “What the fuck are you doing to me?” He grated, sliding his hands down to feel your thighs flex with each movement, his fingertips dimpling your flesh.
“What did you mean by ‘I don’t’?” You asked, tilting his chin up with a finger.
His jaw went a little slack as he stared up at you, his eyes heavy-lidded and shining. “I don’t hate you,” he answered, his voice barely above a whisper.
“Then why do you say such awful things?” You stopped your movements, and he made a small noise in his throat, nearly a whimper, but didn’t answer. “Regulus,” you prodded, lifting yourself from him entirely.
“N-no, please, fuck y/n,” he stammered, lifting his hips to grind against you. Another moan threatened to spill from you, his body felt so fucking good against yours, but you managed to restrain yourself. “I did it to try and push you away, I—”
You lowered back onto him, your hips grinding in tandem, and his head fell back against the couch, releasing a throaty groan. You couldn’t hold back a small squeak of pleasure when the hard head of his cock grazed your clit just right, and a wave of pleasure crashed through you.
“Why did you want to push me away?” You started undoing the buttons of his dress shirt, revealing the pale expanse of his chest, lean muscles flexing as he thrusted up against you.
He shook his head, picking it up to look down at where your bodies met, a pool of your slick dampening his trousers. “Getting me all wet, lamb. You like toying with me?” he rasped, moving one of his hands to press a thumb against your clothed clit, his long fingers splayed across your pelvis. “Is that why I couldn’t scare you off?”
You nodded before you could stop yourself, a full moan finally breaking free with the added pressure. You were embarrassingly close to coming, to banter combined with the friction between your bodies was a lethal cocktail, a drug you weren’t sure you’d be able to quit.
You wrapped your hands around his throat, applying enough pressure that he gasped, the sound vibrating your hand. “Why are you trying to push me away?” You leaned closer to his face, his strained pants fanning across your lips. He was so beautiful like this, ravaged by lust and desperate.
“You know why,” he growled, grabbing your wrists. He rolled suddenly, flipping you beneath him and pinning your hands above your head. “What’s my name, y/n?” His free hand slid under your skirt, palming your soaked panties.
“Regulus,” you gasped, arching into his chest.
“Regulus what?” He started rubbing the heel of his palm over your clit, electric pleasure burning through you.
“Regulus Black.” You were on the brink of coming, teetering on that torturous edge.
“Tell me then, my clever little Ravenclaw. What does that say about me and mine?” He leaned down and dragged his teeth along your pulse point, pausing to suck a mark under your ear.
“Fuck, Reg, I’m going to come,�� you whined, fighting against his hold as the feeling started to overwhelm you.
His hand stopped suddenly, ruining the orgasm you had just begun to crest. You cried out in frustration, tears springing to your eyes as the pleasure bled out of you, leaving you desperate and humming with tension.
“Answer me,” he demanded, grabbing your jaw with his slick covered hand.
“I’m not an idiot,” you snapped, eyes blazing into his. “I know what the fuck it means. And I don’t care.”
He fell still, eyes searching your face. “Then maybe you are an idiot,” he murmured, eyes softening now that the truth was finally out. “But so am I.”
He closed the final inch between you, connecting your lips in a searing, devastating kiss that you felt all the way to your toes. He released your hands and you tangled your fingers into his curls, finally feeling their softness for yourself as you pulled him closer. Your mouth parted for him, his tongue delving in to taste you.
“Reg, please,” you whined against his mouth, pressing your hips to his again.
“Tell me what you want, lamb.” He kissed down your neck, one of his hands sliding down to grip your thigh and draw it over his hip.
“Fuck me, I need you inside of me.” You clawed at his belt, flipping the clasp and tugging down his zipper.
“Merlin, yes.” He finished undoing his pants and freed his cock, pulling aside your panties to glide the head through your slick folds, lubricating himself. He notched the head at your entrance, hissing at the warmth already kissing him, and eased himself in.
Regulus wasn’t overly large, but the stretch was still divine, filling you until you went cross-eyed, an unholy cry ripping from your chest. He drew his hips back and slammed back into you, over and over again until your were in shambles, a moaning, shaking mess, on the precipice of coming for the second time.
“Come for me, love. I want to feel you break.” He cupped your face, kissing you as he finally pushed you over the edge, an orgasm ripping you apart at the seams. You screamed into his mouth, your cunt clenching around him as your body convulsed. “God, I love this fucking cunt. So perfect for me,” he growled, his hips losing their rhythm as your walls bared down on him, sucking him back in every time he pulled out.
“Reg,” you whimpered, sagging against the couch as the strength bled out of of you.
He pulled out suddenly, pumping his cock in his fist, your honey coating him. “Stay just like that, pretty girl. All fucked out and used. All mine—” a guttural groan broke the final word as he came in his hand, spraying ropes of cum over your rumpled skirt and Ravenclaw sweater, his head thrown back. He looked gorgeous milking himself for you, his muscles flexing with the effort, sweat beading along his skin.
He slowly relaxed, chest heaving, and looked down at you, ruined and covered in his cum. You stared back, completely starstruck by what just happened.
“I’m sorry,” he said, draping himself over you and pressing ksises to your forehead, your cheeks, your neck. “I’m sorry for everything I said. I didn’t mean any of it, I—”
“Me too,” you interrupted him, wrapping your arms around his neck. “I know how hard things are for you, at home, I mean, and I shouldn’t have—”
“No, no. I deserved it. I shouldn’t have brought up your family—”
“But I kept—”
“I never meant too—”
You both exhaled, laughing softly at your rushed confessions, the sudden, giddy nervousness that bloomed between you where there once was glacial wit and razor-sharp banter. He sat you both up, removing your stained sweater and straightening your skirt, then righted himself.
“What now?” You asked when he finished fussing, studying his flushed cheeks, his tousled hair.
He sighed, suddenly looking grim, and your heart gave a nervous thump. “We find a way to keep you safe, lamb,” he said, meeting your eyes. “But until then, we should act like nothing’s changed. Okay?”
Uncertainty coiled in your stomach, but you nodded. “Okay.”
─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
Thanks for reading!
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moon-meteor-star-sun · 2 months ago
“Sirius Black wouldn’t wear skirts!” Jkr has no canonical queer characters. She said Dumbledore was gay after The Deathly Hallows was published and it’s not mentioned in any of the Harry Potter movies. If someone headcanons any marauders character as queer, they don’t care that much about canon, so why do they get so upset over other people’s ideas about fictional wizards? I could say Lily Evans was a trans woman who magically got pregnant and it wouldn’t matter because she’s fictional!
If you don’t like a headcanon, scroll past it. Stop saying “Canon Marauders would beat up Fanon Marauders”. These types of comments make you look homophobic or transphobic and like an asshole.
Anyway, I love Sirius in skirts and think we need more transgender/gender queer/gender non-conforming characters.
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itsriotmotherfuckers · 7 months ago
Remus John Lupin is a dorky nerd in tweed and cardigans who is only strong enough to carry books around, and lets everyone walk all over him, and cries when people go on discriminatory tangents about werewolves/queer people, and makes Sirius help him study, and folds his underwear/socks, and drowns in jumpers that are too big because he’s so skinny that he has to choose between them being long enough or tight enough, and he’s always cold, and he has back joint/back pain, and has a snort-laugh, and a little overbite you can only see when he smiles, and his clothes have elbow/knee patches, and he never gets angry because he’s so scared of being a monster
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maxdibert · 4 months ago
The nickname “Snivellus” derives from the word “snivel,” which means crybaby. So, Snivellus was basically a way of mocking the fact that Severus might show his emotions—that instead of toughing it out like a stereotypical, macho, strong, hairy-chested man, he cried. I don’t think I need to explain why this nickname is problematic—any nickname used to bully someone is problematic—but a nickname that also references a supposed weakness, stemming from the expectations of a patriarchal society for men to display “unmanly” behavior typical of “weak” men, is not just problematic due to the bullying itself but also because of the misogynistic implications it carries. Because yes, misogyny and hegemonic gender roles also affect men by demanding certain traits from them to validate them socially. And I know the Marauders lived in the 1970s, and that Rowling is one of the worst when it comes to gender issues. But I find it quite ironic how Marauders Stans or Slytherin Skittles, who have built their trash fandom and constant Snape-bashing around the topic of LGBTQ+ themes, have the audacity to mock Snape using a nickname that directly attacks gender nonconformity and justifies a toxic, traditional masculinity that shames men who cry or show emotions, labeling them as less valid.
The Marauders weren’t social justice warriors, and James and Sirius, in particular, embodied the classic values of male success through the performance of stereotypical “macho” characteristics: as leaders, as “alphas” of the pack. Both are violent; both are cocky men who try to stand out and mark their territory. Both exhibit behaviors that have typically been excused in men just because they are men, such as abusive and reckless behavior. Their nickname for Severus stems from the idea that showing emotions—especially crying—if you are a man, is a reason for ridicule and mockery because men don’t cry. Men are supposed to be strong, puff out their chests, and keep going because that’s what men do. It’s a misogynistic and archaic mindset that continues to be perpetuated in social models and relationships to this day. And I find it incredibly hypocritical that certain people who claim to hate J.K. Rowling for being a transphobe then go on to appropriate the horribly sexist nicknames she created for a group of heterosexual men embodying toxic masculinity to bully another man for not performing the traditional masculine model expected of someone like him.
Because Severus wasn’t a “macho”. Severus was a studious introvert with a more passive character who didn’t fit into the masculine vision of the time. Everything about him, including his appearance, demeanor, and interests, is unmasculine from a hegemonic perspective given the historical context. But these people don’t care. They’re so limited, so ignorant, and so cynical that they not only ignore these kinds of nuances but even find it funny to reproduce insults that any real-life James Potter would probably have used against them.
Make no mistake: James Potter and Sirius Black wouldn’t have been your friends. They would have tortured you as much, if not more, than Snape. And that’s the most pathetic part of their fandom, unfortunately.
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starrylayle · 1 year ago
To all those shippers that depict Sirius as a self-absorbed, short, fem twink with a flare for dramatics -- and Remus as a tall, angry, buff, dom werewolf daddy -- go ahead, it's a fully rounded dynamic! You're actually shipping Gilderoy Lockhart x Fenrir Greyback though! Remember to tag correctly folks! Hope this helps 🥰 🥰 
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jegulushq · 14 days ago
J.K. Rowling is still a massive transphobe, and for how much I love this story and the Marauders fandom in particular (which was supposed to be a safe space for trans people and the biggest rejection of her, where the majority of the creators are trans and we made the characters queer in every possible way!), I understand why we keep coming back to it for nostalgia because I grew up with it too. However, I still don't agree with giving more of my money to her because she is actively supporting organizations that work to strip trans people of their rights, actively hurting them. She is also using her platform to spread transphobia and hate quite regularly. I don't understand how you can say you support trans people and that you hate her if you think it’s okay to give her your money by supporting the new Harry Potter TV show, going on tours of the Harry Potter studio, continuing to buy official merchandise, playing the official games, or even purchasing the books again. Unfortunately, she is still alive and using her money in that way. While we can't take back what we already gave her before knowing what she stood for, we can stop moving forward.
And the transphobic people in the fandom who always have negative comments about trans or gender non-conforming HEADCANONS in a fandom that is almost entirely made up from the fans can simply go fuck themselves.
You shouldn't be welcomed in this space, and it's unacceptable that you make trans creators feel unsafe and attempt to harass them out of it. You should be the ones feeling unwanted here, not them, and if you're part of any other queer label, you should be deeply ashamed of yourself.
Look up your own history and realize that without trans people, you would have exactly zero rights. When they are in danger, that danger will not stay away from you because cishet homophobic people don't care that you're not trans. They will hate you because you're queer. You're not saving yourself by trying to remove the "T" from the community, and trans people have always been the ones to fight the hardest for all of us, even while being the most marginalized.
So learn your history and be smart about it at least, if you really can't have basic empathy for other people simply because they are trying to live and be happy like everyone else.
To all the others that say that they do care, show it with your actions, support trans creators and avoid giving your money to JKR
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sunfyrisms · 8 months ago
rhaenyra having sex with criston and harwin is viewed as liberating. her kissing mysaria is viewed as liberating. she is, apparently, a sexually liberated individual. i could talk about how she was further aroused by criston (who is far below her in terms of status) saying no (which would be perceived as absolutely outrageous if it was a prince and a maid). i could talk about how she and mysaria kissed after the latter disclosed her horrific sexual trauma to rhaenyra. but i won’t. rhaenyra is perceived as a sexually liberated individual.
but alicent? she’s to, inadvertently, blame for the death of her grandson, because she had consensual sex for the first time of her entire life. her sexuality is written to degrade and humiliate her. this is a woman who has undergone years of marital rape by a man who proceeded to ignore and belittle both her and their children (which were conceived through said marital rape). the first relationship she has that is ever consensual, she is faulted for the literal murder of a child, her own grandson. i could talk about how literally every one of the greens’ sexuality is written as degrading and belittling and meant to be viewed as abusive, hypocritical and weird, but i won’t.
this show is horrifically misogynistic and weird to characters they don’t deem as sexually liberating girlbosses.
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s-lorelei · 1 month ago
I personally feel like Harry Potter is one of those franchises that's been practically corrupted by its fandom.
The fandom should respect the author, but doesn’t.
The fandom has people in it who say:
"I don't trust JKR with her own Intellectual Property."
"She doesn't know anything about the Marauders. The world and characters belong to us now."
"She would just make all the Marauders straight, white, and cis." (Not everything has to be gay? Wtf)
It's HER story. None of you children (or adults with immature minds) have any right to say that she doesn't know her characters. If she hadn't written them in the first place, you'd have nothing to do, would you? There would be no wolfstar or jegulus or marauders era to begin with.
And you guys do understand that Regulus is fucking dead, right? James and Lily got married. Remus and Tonks had Teddy. Sirius was too focused on the delusion that he thought he got his best friend back (through Harry) to give a shit about Remus. Evan Rosier was never important to the plot. Lily is actually an important character. "Pandora" Lovegood doesn't exist in the books (her name is never mentioned except on Pottermore), and, no, she isn't Evan's twin so stfu. Marlene McKinnon is mentioned once (and it's implied that she married a man). Y'all can't even get Dorcas Meadowes's name correct.
The amount of canon-divergence absurdity in fanon culture is appalling.
Name mention counter (in the books):
Marlene McKinnon: 1 (twice if you consider "the McKinnons" as a mention)
Pandora Lovegood: 0
Evan Rosier: 1
Dorcas Meadowes: 1
Grant Chapman: 0 (because he is an OC/self-insert)
Mary Macdonald: 1 (in a flashback)
Like- there is absolutely no miniscule amount of evidence that Wolfstar could've ever been anything other than old friends. I wish you guys could see that and stop making up plots and delusional headcanons. (And just because headcanons are what "you believe/think about a character" doesn't mean they don't have to be logical and actually fit into the canon story, so I don’t wanna hear it.) 🙄
And before you tell me "if you don't like it then don't read it"— I don't "read it." I don't read ATYD or Crimson Rivers or Art Heist or whatever other fics are out there that you've decided is canon now. I read the real story, y'know, the seven, very much canon, books. And I was gonna read ATYD, but once I found out how y'all treat it as the Holy Grail of the 1970s Wizarding World, I decided it wasn't my cup of tea because I want to read a fic that is canon-compliant, that doesn't push every hot character into a gay relationship, that doesn't have explicit sex involving minors, that doesn't have self-inserts..
Thanks for reading all this if you did.
(This is me venting because I hate so much of fanon and I'm about to crash out.)
If you don't agree or have nothing nice to say about this post, move along and kindly do not engage. Thank you.
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ifyouknowmenahyoudontt · 8 months ago
no offense to all the regulus lovers on here but like everytime i see the marauders era content with people trying to shove him into everything my eye twitches like sometimes we are talking about CANON.
a tiktok about how effie has two sons sirius and james and the comments are all like AnD rEguLus
a jily thing and it’s all like this but jegulus brother EUGHHHHH. james and lily did not die for this
someone praising sirius for breaking away from his family’s ideas or running away BuT hE LeFt rEgGie bro SHXHSNSNDN
istg i saw a tiktok ranking the strongest/best characters of the universe and tell me whyyyy they sneaked regulus on hereeeee
my brother in christ this man wasn’t that important ENOUGHHHHH
you can’t read ANYTHING marauders related anywhere without this man being more important than like lily enough
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ophelieverse · 9 months ago
Everything is reduced to misunderstandings,mistakes and accidents.No one is plotting to take/steal the power like it was supposed to.
Characters are completely changed or are the opposite of what they are in the book.The is no gray,only black and white,only good people or bad ones.
Different team stans are at each other’s throats.
Daemon and Aemond are plotting against the people they are most loyal to and they want to become kings by themselves.
Daeron is lost somewhere and it’s rumored to be a bastard.
Maelor and Nettles don’t exist.Their storylines were so important for characters like Daeron,Helaena,Daemon and Rhaenyra.
Apparently having dragon blood/being valyrian has no use to ride a dragon.
Other dragons,like Dreamfyre,are long forgotten.
There was no interaction,no relationship,not even a conversation between Viserys children.
Laenor simply running away,living his best life in Essos meanwhile his family started a civil war.Same as Daeron,who is trapped in Oldtwon while his siblings are destroying each other.Perfect sense.
Rumors about Alys engaging a relationship with Daemon instead that with Aemond.
Aegon and Criston Cole being the most hated in the fandom when in the book they were completely different,so much wasted potential.
Rhaenyra being paint as saint/mary sue,instead that the political idiot she actually is and the bad person she is(and that’s why i loved her in the book).
Alicent being a scheming little bitch,a Margaery 1.0,not a little scared girl that did what she did because of a misunderstanding.She wanted to usurp the throne,she wanted the power and she didn’t stopped in front of anything.
Rhaenicent scene in the Temple was a comic relief,because otherwise it make no sense if you think about how the characters were supposed to be.Just another proof of how “good” and “misunderstood” they are,acting like it’s the world that goes against them and that is not them that are keep doing a bullshit after another.
Helaena having no reaction after Blood and Cheese,but saying that things like this happen in the world.When in reality this is the event that will forever change her life,she will stop sleeping,bathing and eating.She won’t even look at her other children without feeling guilty for what happened.She literally goes insane with grief.
Rhaena bonding with the dragon that Nettles was supposed to have and that’s mean that we won’t probably see her real dragon:the pink baby Morning,that represents the hope for the dragons because in the dance they all died.
Ryan Condal if you plan to make a show about the Conquest,i beg you to not do it.I don’t want to see Visenya and Rhaenys being rivals and fight over Aegon,because i know this is what will happen!
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dinarosie · 2 months ago
Fanon Sirius Black, with his painted nails, black lipstick, piercings and poetic soul, seems like the perfect target for bullying by Canon Sirius Black. This is the same Sirius who spent seven years tormenting a boy simply because he was 'different'—poor, unconventional, and not meeting Sirius's aristocratic standards of masculinity and beauty. For heaven's sake, the irony writes itself.
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harmony867 · 1 month ago
Regarding my last post, here were the comments.
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Ah yes, an orphan not seeing the man who never reached out to him, never made any effort to build a relationship as a father with him makes him bad.
Poor Remus deadbeat Lupin. Didn’t Harry know it was his job to take care of him/j.
Seriously though I hate the marauders fandom, it should illegal for them to talk on Harry.
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alexandriastark76 · 9 months ago
Initially, I was very indifferent to Regulus Black, but with all the unnecessary bit of information which is not even canon that gets shoved down my throat every time I’m on Pinterest or Tumblr EVEN WHEN I DONT FOLLOW A MARAUDER TAG OR REGULUS BLACK’S TAG, is making me hate that dude.
You take a man with like one phrase in the books, give him a bunch of traits which are stolen atp from Severus Snape and Sirius Black, romanticise it, wrap it in a shiny package as James Potter’s boytoy and present him as a feminist queer people’s ally who hated Voldemort, when the dude literally had a shrine dedicated to Voldemort and joined him willingly until his house elf’s life was on the line.
Y’all are making OCs at this rate and calling him “SlYthERiN’S hErO” “HaRrY sHouLD’vE nAMeD hIS sOn aFtER hIM” bro stfu Harry didn’t know about Regulus’s existence until Sirius told him that he had a brother, and didn’t think of him after the first horcrux was destroyed.
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moneyisthebestlawyerinh3ll · 9 months ago
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One of my fav screen caps from todays ep -i love evil buissnes son
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mountaintop-daydreaming · 3 months ago
i knew it was time to get off tiktok for the night when i saw a post where someone said they would feel 100% safe in a room alone with snape and 100% unsafe in a room with james or sirius....😐
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halfbloodgf · 10 months ago
So, I was reading Tumblr posts, and I came across many analyzes and arguments in defense of Severus Snape; arguments between those who support James, or the rest of the marauders, and those who defend Snape...
And I just laughed alone because the arguments of those who try to justify the actions of the marauders are so insipid and ineloquent, while those who support Snape expand and practically write a bible in defense of the man, with solid foundations in their arguments, demonstrating how much they know about the subject and what good people they are.
It's like Severus practically has an army of intellectual warriors and cool people who fight with his words and defend him to the death... It's just excellent.
I just wanted to say that. I adore you. I love my community <3
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artist-> @ershebet
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