#anti Marinette
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shysublimecoffee · 4 months ago
Marinette receiving the Ladybug mantle was an absolute mistake. I watched the special, and honestly, gurl is doing the most—and for what? A guy? One dude, and she’s ready to throw her common sense out the window. Like, how has Hawkmoth/Gabriel not used his own son more often as leverage against her by now? That’s villainy 101, and he’s just sitting on it. Like for the amount of times I've seen this show rag on ChatNoir because of his weakness in romance when that Ladybug biggest weakness not CN lol.
At this point, I don’t even care about what Marinette’s going through. Whatever emotional investment I had in her? Long gone. She’s out here spinning lies on top of lies, desperately trying to hold together her crumbling Adrien-obsessed empire, and for what? She lost. Game over.
Now, if this were a story about a girl slowly getting corrupted, spiraling into villainy, and intentionally written as a downfall arc? No problem. That would’ve been a compelling narrative with a real lesson for kids about the consequences of obsession and dishonesty. But nope, instead we’re stuck with this mess where her choices make it harder and harder to root for her.
Marinette's speech at the press conference—“Ladybug holds the truth, she holds the truth” —had me scratching my head cause it sound more like a villain then a hero. Like, did the writers forget she’s supposed to have hero-like qualities? She’s meant to be the messenger, the symbol of hope, the hero. But how often does she actually display that in her own show?
Lately, it feels like being Ladybug is more of an obligatory chore for her than something that brings her real joy or fulfillment. Isn’t the whole point of magical girls to inspire, to help others, and to grow through their journey? Where’s the sense of accomplishment, the spark, the joy of making a difference? It’s like they’ve stripped her of everything that should make her role uplifting and meaningful.
I've seen here and there about how MC was never meant to come off that way or the writers are trying to make her more complex or how dare you do you dislike complex female characters or the most used it was never her intention to come off that way it was a mistake.
I want you to picture this without the music just dialogue cause i'm going to be clearcut about this.
Ladybug went to an orphaned, grieving child—one who had been locked away in solitary confinement, surrounded by nothing but white walls and being sensory deprived—and lied to him about his father being a hero. Let that sink in. Gabriel, who systematically abused his own son, was painted as a noble martyr by Ladybug.
Adrien, a kid who was finally starting to question his father’s authority, even beginning to tear down the oppressive image of the man who controlled and hurt him, is now trapped in an even tighter mental cage. After all, if Paris sees his father as a hero, a savior, how could he possibly feel justified in blaming or resenting the man? Gabriel is now a martyr in the eyes of the world, and Adrien is left to wrestle with guilt and shame for ever having cruel thoughts about someone everyone else idolizes.
Ladybug’s decision to perpetuate this lie doesn’t just protect Gabriel’s image—it messes with Adrien’s already fragile mind. Instead of helping him heal or giving him the freedom to process the truth, she’s reinforced the very chains Gabriel used to control him. It’s not heroic; it’s delusional and harmful, all in the name of preserving some twisted version of peace in her head.
You want me to feel pity for a girl who I'm sorry if I sound harsh to yall at the end of the day just want to keep the peace to fill her delusions that everything is going to work out in her part at the end when really she's just the worst type of coward there is when it comes to confrontations lmao. Accountability? She avoids them like they’re some kind of plague. It’s almost impressive how someone can masquerade as a hero while being utterly incapable of facing the hard truths. Lmao, sure, let’s all pity her.
Honestly, in the earlier seasons, at least Marinette seemed to feel bad about her mistakes. Now? She’s only gotten worse. I headcanon that receiving the Ladybug mantle or becoming the Guardian inflated her ego, giving her a power trip. With no proper mentor to hold her accountable and everyone automatically deferring to her leadership, who’s left to challenge her? Well maybe CN if he has the guts to do so but he'd rather cower into his shell lol.
In hindsight, I don’t think Marinette should’ve become Ladybug—not because she lacks the capability, but because the role itself seems to have worsened her as a person. Instead of growing into the hero I though she was meant to be, she’s devolved, losing some of the humility and self-awareness she had at the start of the series.
Let’s be real—we’re in Season 6 now, and we all know the writers aren’t going to make Marinette face any real consequences. The whole universe bends over backward to accommodate her. If you’ve seen Season 5, you know exactly what I’m talking about.
That said, I’ll give credit where it’s due: the special was fun. Yes, despite all my ranting, I actually enjoyed it because it was funny in its own way.
At this point, though, I’m only sticking around for Adrien and Lila. Honestly? I’m rooting for Lila to be the one to drop the truth bomb and expose everything. It would be chef’s kiss poetic if she ended up being the one to set things straight. Lmao.
P.s For anyone who thinks there is a dilemma to be had about the whole thing its really not lol rip the bandaid off.
It reeks of a megalomaniac in the making, making her come off like a gaslighting psychopath. Ironically, it reminds me of Gabriel—especially with the way he used similar wording. Honestly, are we sure Marinette isn’t Gabriel’s true daughter? Because the parallels are man.
I’m genuinely angry that she is the one everyone feels sorry for, and it’s only because the show is stuck in her perspective. If we spent even a fraction of the screen time on Adrien’s pain, it would make for a far more compelling story. It’s infuriating. Marinette isn’t some helpless sheep/damsel victim here—no one forced her into this role at gunpoint. She made her choices, knowingly and willingly. How dare she act like the weight of the world was thrust upon her without her consent? When she very much messed with a grieving kid here?
And yet, Adrien’s pain—real, tangible, and far more tragic—is constantly sidelined. He’s an orphan, being lied to by nearly everyone around him, adults and teens alike, and his suffering is treated as a subplot to Marinette’s endless drama. Why should the audience feel more for her than for the boy who’s lost everything? Why is his pain has to be centered to her??
This isn't a small mistake this has far reaching consequences if the show had the balls to do it to lie to the entire world over a man who terrorized on people fear.
If Adrien ever became a villain, I wouldn’t blame him. In fact, I’d understand and give him the free ticket to go ahead and cataclysm and burned the world .
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onstar9 · 5 months ago
I just realized how much Kitty Section sounds like it’s hinting a Lucadrien/Lukadrien being canon. Like, his band is named kitty section? When his current love interest he’ll obviously get over is the other animal based superhero? I know obviously this isn’t canon but it’d be cool to use as a little detail in a rewrite lol.
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madamefeu · 2 months ago
Two episodes into season 6 of Miraculous, and I’m actually starting to hate Marinette. I was indifferent to her before, I neither liked or disliked her, but her behaviour in Sublimation was actually terrible. I’m so tired of her having so little faith in Adrien that she continues to stalk him even now that they’re an official couple. Her constantly wishing harm upon Sublime so that she’d have an excuse to jump in and play saviour was disgusting behaviour from someone who claims to want to be her friend. Oh, and as if THAT wasn’t bad enough, she has the nerve to break Sublime’s prostheses mid-run, just because she’s insecure. Marinette is actually a terrible, selfish person who’s not mature enough for a relationship. Adrien needs to break up with her ASAP.
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azulapunchedozai · 4 months ago
People need to realize that there is a difference between liking a character as a character and liking a character as a person.
I like Azula as character. Does that mean that I like and support whatever she does? No. Azula is an antagonist in ATLA and is the face of manipulation herself. She's violent, cruel and would eliminate everyone who gets on her way. Almost everything she does goes against every moral stands I have. I don't like what she does because she is a horrible person.
I like her as a character. I like how she is written. I like how she was portrayed as a villain. She is portrayed as this perfect, precise and smart villain but what I loved the most is how the writers still managed to show that no matter how intelligent and powerful she is, she is still a human. She has a human weakness that became the very catalyst of her sanity that lead to her downfall.
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I like her as a character BUT I don't like her as a person. Azula is a good/well-written character but she is a horrible person.
There is a difference between a likeable character and a well-written character. A character's likeability doesn't define how well or bad they are written. A character could be be horrible as a person but still well-written and a likeable character can be poorly written.
An example of this is how M𝚊rinette Dupain-Cheng's character from the earlier seasons (particularly Season 1-3) of Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir was handled. She's one of the good guys alright. She saves people with her alter ego, she stands up against bullies, and she genuinely cares for her friends. How did I say she was poorly written you ask?
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Image 1 Context: M𝚊rinette has Adrien's personal daily schedule for the next three years
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Image 2 Context: M𝚊rinette stole Adrien's phone to delete an embarrassing voicemail.
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Image 3 Context: M𝚊rinette snuck into Adrien's bedroom as Ladybug to give him her gift.
Flaws are what makes good characters interesting and relatable. They can make mistakes and be selfish at times because they are supposed to be human. I mean human in a sense of being imperfect.
But these flaws and mistakes are supposed to be addressed. No part in any of the episodes these scenes addresses M𝚊rinette's actions and views them as mistakes and flaws. If anything, she's being rewarded with her horrible actions instead of suffering from consequences just like how she was never busted from sneaking into Adrien's bedroom and instead got her gift cherished by him.
That being said, these criticisms of her character are only based on how she was written in seasons 1-3. I am no longer watching this show and I don't know how her character is being handled in the later seasons.
What I am trying to point out with the Marienette example is that likeable/good characters can be poorly written.
Also, the amount of a characters' suffering and their good/bad actions doesn't define how well they are written. How well a character is written depends on how thay are handled, the execution of the concepts tied with the character and how their simplicity or complexity is handled.
The same way happy endings doesn't automatically mean well-written endings and how sad endings doesn't automatically mean bad endings.
PS: You don't have to support everything a character does all the time just because they're your favourite
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stanlunter · 1 year ago
"Adrian and Kagami broke up bc Kagami didn't like silly Adrian, his real personality!"
Litterally Kagami with Adrian:
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They really had to turn Kagami into ooc and destroy all her development only to make Adrinette canon, while ladybug/marinette was litterally the one who hated Chat Noire being silly and unserious
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jennrypan · 5 months ago
Really wish I could feel bad for Marinette and all but..this has been a plot point for what..two..three seasons now??
At this point..maybe you should idk..stop lying to the ones you love. Cuz at first you were scared Adrien would get akumatized or some shit but that doesn't seem to be the issue anymore??? Now you can't tell him cuz he'll be sad and alone?? That's completely forgetting the fact..he has fucking friends to help him?? Like. God.
Modern problems require modern solutions. I'm sick of Marinette making her own damn problems and everyone in this show as to coddle her and make her feel better for shit she did to her damn self cuz she can't think for one MOMENT outside of her intense love for Adrien.
Adrien should be given the grace to deal with his damn problems. So no I don't feel bad for Marinette, it was a choice she made and everyone else just let's her do it. Soo..if Adrien finds out, I hope he loses his damn shit. I hope he gets angry, I WANT him to get angry at her. Idc. If they break up..oh well. They weren't together that long anyways.
THIS COULD BE AN INTERESTING PLOT POINT. CHAT AND LADYBUG WORKING AGAINST EACH OTHER COULD BE SOOO GOOD.. lord. Marinette is acting a lot like Gabriel and if this was a better show..it'd be cool to see her deal with that and actually own up to it and apologize properly.
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starry-milkshake-fan · 1 month ago
Marinette fans piss me off
that bitch can burn in hell btw! :D
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(Censored the names of the people who did nothing wrong)
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sleepyicon · 3 months ago
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darkcrowprincess · 5 months ago
Ladybug salt/criticism:
Ladybug is a lame super hero because (besides the obviously bad writing) she is a literal ladybug themed superhero and she can't fly. She uses a yo-yo to get around. That is super lame. I don't care if it's part of her superpowers with her miraculous. At least give her some up grade where she can fly or at least glide through air sometimes like batman with ladybug wings or cape. Though to be fair I've only watch the first season and gave up past that when I heard some stuff about how bad the writing gets. So who knows. Still pretty lame to me.
(Don't like don't read. Post hate and I'll block you!)
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plumsaffron · 6 months ago
Bugnoire said to Adrien that his father was a hero.
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shysublimecoffee · 4 months ago
I'd rather deal with Lila than Ladybug. At least Lila is upfront about her intentions. If she wants to hype herself up to impress her classmates, fine—go ahead. The moment you catch on to her game, it’s obvious what she’s about. She'd loose the veil and tell it how it is. She'd hate and destroy you if you continue to piss her off but hey at least she's truthful.
But Marinette? Oh, girl is something else. She’ll manipulate and use you like a tool and then discard you looking at you CN. And after what went down with Adrien in the London special? Who even needs enemies when you’ve got a friend like her, am I right? Lmao
The moment this girl entered his life, everything went downhill. She really had his friends and family lying to his face and keeping secrets under wraps. Sure, it was their decision—but seriously, Kagami? Girl, what happened to you? You used to be cool and honest, and now look at you.
It’s like every character who crosses paths with Ladybug gets sucked into this void where they lose all individuality and turn into her loyal yes-men. They stop feeling like actual characters. Its why I'm more pressed with her. They can't help it. Honestly, the only way to maintain your personality in Miraculous Ladybug is to be a villain or antagonist to Marinette. The second you join her "good side," it’s like an unspoken rule—you become just another follower in her shadow.
Imagine meeting a girl over a year ago, and in that short time, she’s managed to get Nathalie, Kagami (your former girlfriend), your cousin, Alya, Alix—basically everyone—to lie and keep secrets about what actually went down.
This girl caused so much damage, she might as well be the villain! Honestly, if isolating him and keeping him to herself was her intended plan, I’d almost respect the hustle. But no, we’re all just living in Marinette’s world, like she’s the center of the universe. Lmao.
The situation is so complex! Bitch no who said that?? lol. I feel like if it were anyone not Adrien in this situation she wouldn't really care now would she? Her rationale would be there and because the situation is distant she'd know the crimes have to be exposed. But her controlling nature really be there to anyone closest to her. Like she's toxic for real damn. I'd rather be her enemy then her friend because if this is how her intentions are then please keep her away from me.
Once the truth gets out, it’s not just Adrien she’ll have to face—it’s the entire world. Think about it: all the people whose pain was exploited and weaponized by Hawk Moth, their suffering turned into tools of destruction. And Ladybug? If her lies were exposed, and this show actually had the guts to go there, wouldn’t people start having conspiracy theories and questioning how far in is her involvement? She’s not just lying to the public about the true identity of Monarch; she’s actively hiding Tomoe and Nathalie—Gabriel’s partners-in-crime. That’s not just scandalous—it’s outright criminal. How does she justify covering for them? At what point does her so-called “protection” cross into outright betrayal?
She only has the audacity to pull this off because she’s hiding behind that mask. If her identity were ever revealed and the dominoes started falling, the trust people have in her would be obliterated in an instant. Imagine the fallout if everyone on the street—or even her own parents—found out the absolute shame. And spare me the whole “I lie to protect your feelings” excuse. This isn’t some harmless white lie, like pretending someone looks good in a dress when you secretly think otherwise. No, this is a catastrophic betrayal of trust, all to preserve her relationship with Adrien. And don’t come at me with the “she’s young” defense. Sure, she’s 14, but she made a very adult choice: to lie to the entire world—and especially Adrien—about his father being Hawk Moth. There’s no excusing that. You can't come back from that sometimes our words can have such a big impact and because to the world she is Ladybug her influence on the people is big people expect a superhero to be above that because she's supposed to be the protector of Paris.
I think many need to separate Marinette from Ladybug because this isn’t about civilian Marinette and her personal struggles because it doesn't matter. This is about Ladybug—the symbol of superheroism, the paragon of justice and integrity, at least what she’s perceived to be within her universe. Ladybug stands as an icon, someone the public looks up to and trusts implicitly. But when you peel back the layers, it’s clear she’s fallen. She didn’t just make a mistake; she failed to uphold the very code she’s meant to represent.
Superheroes are supposed to stand for truth, accountability, and the protection of others, even at great personal cost. Ladybug, however, has chosen to conceal life-altering truths and protect the guilty under the guise of “greater good.” In doing so, she’s betrayed not only Adrien but also the very principles that define a hero. And that failure strikes at the heart of her role as the so-called ideal of justice.
I really wonder how early Season 1 Marinette/Ladybug—or even the version of her before she was granted the Kwami of Creation—would feel if she saw her Season 5 counterpart. Would she even recognize herself? How would she process the distance between who she was and who she’s become?
Honestly, I’ve always had this sense, so I’m not exactly surprised. But after the special, it just confirmed something for me.
No matter how much the show tries to sell the idea that Adrien/CN and Ladybug are equals—no matter how many fluttering words or hugs they throw in—the truth is clear: Marinette will never see Adrien as her equal. And what does a lie with such vast and far-reaching consequences say about her character? It doesn’t matter how it was never meant to come off—because, truthfully, sometimes her actions speak louder than anything else. The way she behaves, the decisions she makes, they reveal far more about her character than any intentions or explanations ever could.
It tells you one thing for sure: You can be her Girlfriend her BestFriends or her closest working partner since the beginning of your debut. But if there is one thing you'd ever need to know best about her. You can never truly trust Marinette/Ladybug.
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casualfireenemy · 12 days ago
Miraculous Ladybug Season 6 rant
I just saw episode two of season six and I'm done. Girl they have been dating for a while now and suddenly Marinette doesn't know how to act like a girlfriend!! What about season 5!!! When they first got together she was fine then and with Chat Noir, she was fine then!!
Why now does she not know how to act!! It's ridiculous. Then the episode with the handicapped girl. Wow. Really!! Marinette is being a freaking stalker again! Omg.
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todomemolesta18 · 1 year ago
Miraclous Ladybug is frustrating in every thing, then i come across murder drones the best thing i seen
nuzi is much more better than adrinette no love triangle, love square none
This! At first I enjoyed Miraculous Ladybug but then I got tired because:
-The romance was taking so fuckin long it was annoying.
-Marinette herself is annoying. Yeah, her being akward at first was kinda funny but she never changed.
-The romance itself doesnt make so much sense? Why does Marinette love Adrien so much? No, not in love, OBSSESED.
LadyNoir at least makes some sense because they are more close than Adrienete.
Now Murder drones nuzi :3 They are not dragging it, the romance makes sense, they are healthy, Uzi and N are so akward but cute and adorable and so in love that is sweet ❤ And the conflict itself is something from outside and not the relationship itself which I think is amazing ✨
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powercake · 2 years ago
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Yippee Kagami fanart!!!!!!
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starlight-bread-blog · 2 years ago
You guys are so annoying. I was just scrolling through the Anti Marinette tag only for it to be full of stans defending her and bashing the fandom.
How hard it is to tag appropriately? "The fandom needs to hear this" is such a god awful excuse to deliberately tainting a space that isn't for you. Get out.
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wolfensteindrawing · 2 years ago
I'm conducting a social experiment
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