#another good part of rewatching it as an adult is that i get more of the cultural references
murdermost-foul · 2 months
not that anyone is familiar with psych or cares but season four had some Real banger episodes for such a silly show that I remember watching as a very young teenager & being Obsessed with like shawn gets a shot in the dark and mr yin presents... which in turn had me watch all of hitchcock's films to catch all the references
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picturejasper20 · 2 months
Its just I've been hyper fixating over dev for the last two days. Nd i really wanna know what you think of his character in more detail..
(also, in the most recent episode, there's a moment were dev gets hugged by peri and.. maybe cosmo, and wat really interests me s that face he mars even when he's barely on the screen, till he's let go. Like getting hugged is almost alien to him..)
Thought it'd be cool
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I went to rewatch the scene you brought up and i noticed how Dev looks pretty shocked (?) for being hugged by Peri. He seems very lost, like how he isn't used to getting hugs from someone else. Peri is the closest thing he has to another adult figure in his life, so it is weird to him to get that type of affection.
As for his character, he is one of my favourites and his relationship with Hazel is one of the things that got my interest the most from watching the show.
He is a type of character i have seen before in other shows, usually more girl characters (Pacifica or Andrea) but i think one thing that separates him is that he is the other ¨kid protagonist¨ along with Hazel? I mean, he given his own fairy and his own father looks like it is going to be the main antagonist from this season. That's quite more interesting than what it is usually done with these type of characters, in my opinion.
Another aspect i like about him is that he didn't become ¨good¨ yet. He had one episode that he became an antagonist again after having a fight with Hazel and even after making up with her he still has these moments that you can tell that he is up to no good. I would prefer for him to stay like this for a while until he changes for the better. Honestly, i think Hazel and in part Peri are like only things preventing him from acting like Dale? If he was already doing bad after having am argument with Hazel and believing they weren't longer friends, i'm not sure what would happen if Peri was taken away from him. I don't think he is evil ofc, but he looks he has some important issues to work with when it comes to be powerhungry and getting what he wants whatever the costs.
I'm interested in seeing where his arc goes along with his relationship with Hazel and Peri.
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I (unwisely) recently logged on to the website formerly known as Twitter, and was immediately greeted with more eva fandom misogynist apologia on the for you tab. Will this ever end?
Equating Shinji's misogynistic actions towards Asuka (and his more subtle misogyny towards Rei and Misato) to Asuka being rude and abrasive to Shinji is just absurd. Is Asuka rude? Yes. Does she have poor social skills? 100%. But Asuka is not a bully, period. Why? Bullying, like abuse, is about power structures. The only character more powerless than Asuka in this show is Rei. Asuka has no adults on her side. Misato favors Shinji because he reminds her of her father wound and neglects Asuka because she reminds her of the feminine parts of herself (read: her unhealthy interactions with men and boys, particularly Kaji and Shinji, which, ironically, stem from her father wound). Or have we forgotten about this scene? Similarly, once Kaji arrives in Japan, he also begins neglecting Asuka in favor of Shinji.
In addition to Shinji's mistreatment of her, Asuka's also experiencing culture shock (compounded by the fact that she's functionally illiterate in Japanese, since she canonically can't read kanji) and the fact that Kensuke was literally manufacturing and distributing csam material of her (and other girls!). Asuka also lacks the protective Eva Unit that Shinji benefits from at almost every turn. The only ally Asuka has is Hikari, who is an ordinary girl with no power over any of the things that are harming or have harmed Asuka.
The smoking gun here is the fact that Shinji is fantastically unfazed by Asuka (who, it must be said, makes several attempts to be kind to Shinji -- which he typically shuts down). Until eoe, the most emotion that he shows around her is when he's understandably upset that she moved into his room while he was at school, and even then he's not upset with Asuka, he's moreso upset at the situation. When he does finally get angry at her in eoe, it's because she was honest with him about how he hurts her and how she does not want to help him (to be clear: she's not obligated to).
Besides that, he nonchalantly tells her not to speak to him that way, or confesses to another character that he finds her bothersome or annoying. There is no real evidence that Asuka has any significant, negative impact on Shinji's psyche the way an actual bully would have on their victim; no, the characters who have the most negative impact on Shinji are Gendo, Yui, and Misato.
What empowers bullies of any age in real life is a power structure (be it at a school, workplace, or in the home) that is negligent towards the victim. There is a reason why school bullies tend to be star athletes, high academic achievers, or exceptionally well-liked (by students, staff, or both) students -- it's because these students often come from privileged backgrounds and/or are aligned with the power structure of the school. Power empowers, go figure.
Misato's treatment of Shinji is definitely not admirable (let's not forget that by the end of the series, Misato has assaulted Shinji); but it's not neglectful. She's very concerned with and involved with his inner life, albeit for selfish reasons. Conversely, Misato knows every ounce of Asuka's pain (rewatch the end of episode 10) and still neglects her! Keeping both Asuka and Shinji in the same household after episode 9 was a mistake on Misato's part. A good, competent caretaker would've discussed the issue (the nonconsensual kiss) with them both separately with the end result being one or both of them moving out into the dorm-like housing that NERV has.
Point being is that the power structure exclusively benefits Shinji relative to Asuka. Despite also suffering as a child soldier and a victim of trauma and abuse, he is privileged relative to Asuka due to how the adults who have power over him and Asuka favor him through their interactions.
Finally, eoe beats us over the head with how uncompassionate Shinji is towards Asuka, Rei, and Misato. Characters who just to happen to be...women and girls. Huh. How about that? It's almost like there's a message there. Although there are a few moments in the show where it's suggested that Shinji ought to empathize more with boys and men like Toji, Kaji, and Gendo (suggestions to empathize with Gendo tend to come from Rei in particular, which I'm not a huge fan of, for the record, but I also recognize that this is Rei imparting her own perspective regarding her own internal journey of questioning onto Shinji), the fact that in eoe, the piece that marks the end of the series, much of the narrative focuses on Shinji's treatment of the women and girls in his life is absolutely significant and sends a message about misogyny.
Does being a misogynist make Shinji a horrible, irredeemable character? Well, that's up to each viewer to decide. My take is that he can still break the cycle and improve. Any story about childhood trauma and abuse would be incomplete without at least one of the characters going down the road of turning into an abuser and/or their traumatizer -- Shinji fits this bill in eva, same with Misato and Ritsuko. Despite everything, I like Shinji. I find him endearing and even identify with him to a certain degree.
When you ignore these facts about Shinji's character, you are erasing a large, very interesting part of his character. Reducing him down to any flavor of sensitive, soft boy is as boring as it is cliche after the more than a quarter of a century since the first episode aired in 1995.
The softness, the sensitivity -- this is Shinji's exterior. Beneath it lies someone who is selfish, callous, bitter, rude, and self-flagellating. As is the case with every eva character, the interior is more interesting than the exterior.
The thing is that everything I've discussed in this post isn't just some throwaway line or a piece of blink and you'll miss it symbolism. It's present in this show basically from episode 1 onward. Seriously, rewatch episodes 1-7. Shinji clearly has some misogynistic ideas about how women should be and this rubs off on how he thinks of Misato (and Rei!), especially regarding how women should dress, keep house, and interact with their sexuality. He not uncommonly makes jabs at Misato for being a slob and having poor dating prospects. After Asuka arrives, much of this is transferred to her.
If anything I've written here sounds like vilification to you, I'd encourage you to examine why. For better or worse, this is the reality of eva and Shinji as a character. Will you face this reality, or just keep on dreaming?
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lovelessrage · 17 days
I have been struck by an urge to discuss Bojack Horseman. While I am not asexual, I am aspec in every other sense outside of it, and Todd Chavez still matters a lot as a character to me. It was the first canon aspec, the first character where it is said, matters to his plot, and impacts his life, that I had ever seen in a show I actually enjoyed.
A lot of aspec representation feels like it isn't made for me; it's made for young/rowdier teens, and while that's a demographic that needs those figures, it leaves me feeling like reading these books and watching these shows just aren't my thing. It isn't my carnival ride; it feels like I'm too old, despite... not being that old. Maybe it's my humour or my preferences, I dunno. Regardless, Todd Chavez feels like, for all his goofy antics and being the character that has the most absurd life out of anyone, an adult facing a real crisis of identity. Not a teenager coming to terms, but an adult man realizing what's expected of him as an adult is immensely limiting and petrifying as a closeted asexual.
The way his first interaction with being aspec is not being comfortable with labelling it yet, setting boundaries about whether he likes jokes, trying to find community but still feeling a bit lonely and out of place. It all feels very natural, real, and lived. And so does his relationship with Yolanda, which was immensely good commentary to me about aspec loneliness.
Especially for those who still like to date, have hookups, QPRs, or any other type of committed dynamic, it often feels like you are compelled to choose the first person who offers it to you, because you have no other choice. This extends to other queer labels as well, such as T4T struggles and the gay and lesbian dating scene, but we're talking aspecs right now and we'll stay on that ball. There is nothing wrong with Yolanda, which I like as well, she's not framed as a bitter person or frigid, they're just not meant for each other. I also like the inclusion of, despite how different they are, Yolanda is still desperate to cling to this because she's afraid she'll never meet another asexual again. It is, again, a real problem; people getting into unhappy relationships because they think it is all they will get.
That's why this show's representation speaks to me so much, even if it's not my label. It feels like an honest confrontation of aspec issues, rather than just making a character aspec as a one-off, or only confronting it for one episode. As well, it doesn't belittle Todd for this aspect or make his problems childish. It's another adult problem alongside all the others the characters are going through, and there are plenty of references to the struggle of acceptance and the struggle of existence without making asexuality at fault for any of it. It is acephobic society, not asexuals, being blamed. They get to be part of the humour rather than at the expense of it.
There gets to be ace joy alongside ace struggle, and neither are treated as more worth focusing on or telling a story about. His later happiness with Maude is celebrated by his family and friends, and his coming out is met with understanding, even if it's not fully informed. He gets to meet other asexuals, and even if it does not solve his problems, it lends a needed helping of reminding the audience there is a community, not just an individual.
Nothing in Bojack Horseman is instantaneous. No change of character is simply a heelturn and a continuation. I am always immensely happy on every rewatch to see how much time was devoted to making Todd's asexuality journey mean something and mean something to his life. To me, this is the textbook example of what it means to write an aspec character with their identity in mind; it's not just a label, it's also how your life is affected, your relationships, and how you see your future.
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zhuzhudushu · 4 months
Lingopie — Chinese Review ★★
So I did 3 months of Lingopie (stylized as Liñgöpie) so you don't have to (unless you want to lol).
I mention a Chrome extension, the Zhongwen dictionary, quite a bit in this review. It is here, I highly recommend it (click)! It's also available for Firefox (click).
What is Lingopie?
Lingopie is an app and desktop extension/website that allows you to watch tv shows and cartoons with interactive subtitles for language learning. It currently has Spanish, German, Russian, Italian, Portuguese, French, Korean, Japanese, and Chinese. It claims to improve your language learning by 80% (compared to Duolingo which is around 20%).
Here is their website. (click)
Pricing: (March 2024)
3 months $36
1 year $71 "on sale" (normally $144)
Lifetime $199 "on sale" (normally $663)
Please note: I have never seen these full prices. It appears that the "sale" is permanent.
My Review / TL;DR Version
Extremely disappointed both in functionality and content for Chinese. Maybe this is a good program for other languages, but for Chinese there is extremely limited content with pinyin subtitles only available for the non-Netflix shows. All the best learning features are available for non-Netflix shows, yet those tended to have significantly worse translations than Netflix. I would not recommend this product for Chinese. While it had a few good features and I enjoyed it for 6-7 episodes of one show, it then had a glitch where an entire episode was subtitled wrong, so I gave up.
See below the cut for full breakdown.
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Has access to Netflix shows and films including some popular ones (e.g. Meteor Garden, Dear Ex, Nezha Reborn)
This is nice and I enjoyed rewatching the ones I was familiar with and getting a better grasp of listening and vocab. I appreciate that they try to incorporate kid-friendly along with more serious/adult content with animated and live action tv shows and films. I also liked that it specified if the show was from Taiwan or China, and also included shows that had some Cantonese influence (e.g. Scissor Seven)
Allows you to have English and Chinese subtitles simultaneously or alone, and you can easily click them on an off while watching.
This is pretty standard for all video/subtitle based educational apps, but it was nice to easily click them on and off in case I wanted to double check my understanding, and to compare the direct translation of the words to the full translation of the sentence.
Allows you to pause automatically after each subtitle. Can also loop subtitles over and over. There are also AI-produced explanations of grammar.
This hands down was the best part about the entire experience for me, and why I ended up using Lingopie for 3 months. While it was sometimes clunky (see below), this made singling out specific lines/words for listening practice so easy. Once I got in the groove, I was able to get through episodes fairly quickly and was starting to be able to listen and hear new words in sentences later.
Click on the words in the subtitle to make flashcard sets
This was a nice feature, but I do wish the flashcards were a bit more functional, see below. It was easy enough to use and a quick way to remind yourself of the new words you learned before you jump into the next episode.
Pinyin subtitles available on desktop only, with no pinyin subtitles for Netflix shows (as of May 2024)
This is a HUGE flaw, and I was 100% dependent on using another chrome extension for hover-over dictionary while using Lingopie. I know they are working on pinyin subtitles for Netflix and mobile, but I used this for 3 months and it still was not implemented when I ended. To me, if I have to use another app in conjunction with this one in order to fully learn, then what's the point? Especially since I watched Taiwanese and Cantonese-influenced shows with very non-standard pronunciations, comparing standard pinyin to accented productions is necessary for me. Even with the pinyin subtitles for the non-Netflix shows, it left a lot to be desire because they're tiny above the Chinese characters, and sometimes difficult to read. More than once I thought a ǒ was ō because of how tiny it was.
Not enough content, especially cartoons/beginner level
The one above and this bullet are the main reasons why I don't recommend this app for Chinese specifically. Maybe other languages are fine, but there is simply not enough content for the price. I was hoping for more beginner/lower intermediate content like children's cartoons, however there are none for Chinese. All the animated options are more teenager/adult oriented. There also weren't many light-hearted or comedy options, meaning you would have to watch a lot of serious dramas, thrillers, and violent shows if you wanted to get your money's worth. For my personal taste, I don't want to have to pause every dialogue line for an adult thriller. That would ruin my experience of the show and the suspense. For the non-Netflix options, most shows were incomplete with only 1-5 episodes available out of 10+. They also tended to be lower quality productions, with significantly worse English translations. The majority of what is available outside of Netflix are short films (~5 mins) and cooking shows (10-20 mins) which aren't bad for beginners. I personally have no interest in cooking, though lol. Essentially, there is no TRUE beginner fictional content in Chinese available.
The dictionary is... rough
Again, I was fully dependent on the Zhongwen extension. While the English subtitles themselves are good, the individual definitions of words that you hover over are definitely rough. They weren't actually that helpful for breaking down meanings of things like slang and characters' names. For example, in Scissor Seven there were quite a few animal puns, e.g. 汪星人 which is internet slang for "dog" Lingopie translated as "Woofer" which was... awkward and strange. Without the Zhongwen extension I would have had no idea what this was actually referring to. It would been nice if it functioned more like the Zhongwen extension, where it would highlight individual characters or phrases/combos depending on your mouse placement. Particularly on the non-Netflix shows, the translations even in the English subtitles were incredibly rough and at times I couldn't understand the context in either language. There was also one instance of an entire episode (Netflix) that had incorrect subtitles, I suspect subtitles from a different episode? That was the final straw for me.
It chooses whether or not to highlight single words or phrases so you have no control over your flashcards
This made the flashcards not as functional to me. Sometimes, I wanted just the specific noun/verb in the sentence, but it would make me highlight the entire sentence. Other times, I wanted a really functional phase, but it would only let me highlight the individual words. I barely used the flashcard feature because of this.
Clunky interface (Chrome & Firefox)
I can't speak for mobile or Safari because I didn't use them. Since I was relying on the Zhongwen hover-dictionary, I only used Chrome. You can only use Chrome or Safari if you want Netflix shows. Sometimes the auto-pause after each subtitle would be too early or too late, meaning I would have to actually click things pretty persistently throughout each episode. Using the spacebar to pause/unpause hardly ever worked, and using the arrow keys to flip between subtitles also never worked for me. Sometimes the hover-definitions of words would linger even after I clicked away, and would not disappear until the next subtitle appeared. This was super annoying and would block a good portion of the screen. Sometimes I would have to click things 2-3 times before it registered in both Chrome and Firefox.
Overall, I think it's a great idea, but needs some pretty major improvements in order to be worth the price.
In my opinion, if they were to add significantly more shows, including kid's cartoons, and improved their subtitles, dictionary, & interface function, it would be worth the price.
Maybe in a few years as Lingopie grows, it will be worth it. But for now, it's not. For now, it's clunky and limited. If you were to watch it for an hour a day, you would probably get through all the shows that interested in you in about 3-6 months. It wouldn't take longer than a year to go through all of the Chinese content, as of right now. So why would you pay for a year or lifetime price for that?
(divider credit here)
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rahuratna · 2 months
Hi! I have a one am musing 🥹
I was rewatching jjk season one (I still haven’t finished season two but I need to cope LOL) and now I’m able to pick up all the little details we talked about before. *heart melts*
It’s so crazy to me how in the very beginning Nanami didn’t acknowledge Yuji as a sorcerer, and by the end, he told Yuji to be the one to take over from here. It’s so bittersweet…
Tbh, the very first time I watched that episode, I was super shocked and thought Nanami was patronizing Yuji. And then I learned that wasn’t the case. He was being very matter-of-fact about it and knows Yuji has a lot of room to grow 🥹💕💕
Yuji was super eager to prove himself to Nanami, and then Nanami was like “frankly I don’t give a shit.” But in reality, he really does as he gets to learn more about Yuji, and so while I was terribly upset with s2 ep 18, his last words were the perfect conclusion.
(This is just a side note but I like it more when writers show off Nanami’s practical-minded nature more. How it may seem cold and standoffish at first but it wasn’t intended that way. I wish I got to see more of Nanami being blunt with criticism since different people could react differently to it and it’s who he is!)
I also realized that Gojo got new glasses LMAO. Didn’t see it before, but his high school ones were circular and his newer ones are more oval. I kinda glossed over it when he shops for new glasses in the “Lost in Paradise” ending. I personally like his high school sunglasses better. What about you?
Hi! And thanks for these lovely 1 am musings. It always makes my day to see one waiting for me 🤭 I also needed to take a moment to cope before moving on with season 2 (didn't help much, but necessary).
Nanami initially struck me as very contradictory, because there he was, taking a jab at the system (in his capacity as both a salaryman and as a sorcerer), saying that "work is shit", but also bowing formally to a teenager when he introduced himself and wearing a full business suit to kill curses!
I saw his lack of acknowledgement of Yuuji as another "fuck you" to the system. Here was Yuuji, a vessel to one of the most powerful curse users to ever exist, and he was essentially treating him as just another kid. I didn't necessarily see it in a good or bad light, it just struck me as a very deliberate choice on Nanami's part.
Of course, his later actions and his background showcased these things in a completely new way. Like you said, he cares a great deal for Yuuji and the younger generation of sorcerers. The fact that his last words to Yuuji were "you take it from here" is such a fitting culmination to his character arc.
He saw his duty as a guardian and protector of the young and the weak finally coming to an end, because they were now able to protect themselves better than he could. He saw Yuuji as completely fitting of carrying his legacy forward, and so let him know that he could now pass in peace.
I, also, wish we could have seen more of Nanami's interactions with others. The way Ijichi is actually more terrified of Nanami scolding him than anything else, describing him as the 'ultimate adult' or something along those lines, will never not be funny to me. Especially since Nanami is the type of man to never raise his voice in a professional setting. His pragmatic nature would probably have given us many more moments of misunderstandings, sweetness and humour, should it have been explored in greater detail.
As to Gojo's sunglasses, I do like the older style better! They reflected a lot of his irreverent, cheeky and offbeat personality. I suppose the oval shape is a style choice that changed as he grew older and matured, but yeah, I definitely preferred round lenses better!
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landwriter · 2 years
1589 got me feeling&rambling and I'm so sorry beforehand that I can't keep it short and simple, as would probably befit the thing. Feel free to ignore if not interesting to you, still you are the one that comes to mind when thinking about Hob being morally grey.
That scene is always so painful to watch, mostly because Hob is behaving like such a sorry fool. He has really decked himself out to impress his stranger and misses the mark so dramatically.
(Whereas Dream seemingly has not held back either - I mean it's easily his hottest look, you can't tell me he didn't mean to make a lasting impression. So much disappointment on both sides.)
Cringe Hob as part of the dark Hob spectrum, his self-importance/selfishness showing - of course it's not pure fun to watch, but I'm always so fascinated by that flicker of pain (foreshadowing shame) that comes right to the surface in all his put on show, just before he orders the lamb. The contrast makes for a very intense moment, imo. And I am wondering, has he really left all of this behind by 1889? Or is he simply more smooth by that time (that's what I'm getting from the show) ? In fanfics his flaws are mostly depicted as minor or serving a good end in modern times, he is always such a goodie by then (and I love him, of course). But can we imagine just a trace of more questionable/offputting Hob in the mix (if only on impulse) - to be clear, I have no idea how that would work. Or should we just be grateful that that lies behind him (it certainly makes for a much more likeable character and a nicer love story)?
(me force feeding myself more of the horrible stuff I just wanted to avoid looking at)
It's a beautiful contrast: opulence and insecurity. Success and asking still for validation. I have Thoughts on each meeting (please send me asks about them) - ostensibly the very first fannish thing I did for this show, and also in my adult life, was rewatch the meetings and pause constantly and take - oh holy Christ over 4,000 words of notes.
I propose Hob is not acting like a sorry fool. Sure, some bits are clearly played for comedy. Hob is selfish, self-important, and given to hedonism. He is concerned primarily with his own comfort and the personal pleasures of life. But I blame 1589 pretty solidly on Dream. In 1489, after being asked what his experience is like, he answers Dream with an inarticulate statement spoken by a true person who just Digs The Experience of Experiencing: it's 'fucking brilliant' and 'all changing'. Dream asks how, Hob literally looks around the room like a student who forgot an essay was due, and names chimneys and playing cards. Handkerchiefs. Simple things - still sensual things - but simple ones. Certainly no sociopolitical discourse here. What will you people think of next, says Dream, deeply sarcastic and visibly disinterested. And Dream also asks him: but what is Hob doing with his time? This, too, he is under-prepared to answer. Soldiering, banditry, bit of printing press work. Hardly enough to impress this supernatural lord, and Hob can tell.
When he is granted, explicitly, another 100 years by Dream, it is not only a relief, but I think a part of Hob squares its jaw in that moment and says: I'll show him - I'll show him what I can do in a century, I'll earn his pleased regard. Not necessarily because he's even, you know, madly in love at this point, but because he's in it for the living, does not intrinsically have great ambitions, but does have someone who has a) seemingly granted him this greatest gift and b) is unimpressed with what he's doing with it. And he's lost everyone he knew. Dream is now his oldest acquaintance, and wouldn't it be nice if he liked Hob?
He knows only the language of what impresses other men, and this is what he achieves. But to Dream, both Hob's socially-valued successes and his deeply personal ones are terrifically uninteresting. They are not New Dreams To Spur The Minds Of Men. There is no new story in a man seeking fortune and having a wife and a child he loves. He is ancient as the first dreaming thing, and he is Bored. He is, in fact, soured on this meeting from the outset, when he says "Hello, Hob," which on my watch struck me, apparently, as extremely bizarre and of having a real air of Hob being In Trouble. (The only other times Dream says his name are at the first, looming and omniscient, and in 1789, - 'I suggest you find yourself a different line of business, Robert Gadling'. He does not say it at their modern meeting.)
I mean - how would you impress someone? Someone who was interested in your deeds? Putting on a nice little dinner and catching them up on your life, talking about your family, seems a decent enough shout. It's not like you can ask him about his life, he won't offer information when asked and only sometimes will correct you if you venture your own guesses. (see also: 1889 foreshadowing) Hob is feeling proud and triumphant, feeling like he's come far. He is obviously a bit obnoxious about it, but I do think Dream shows off his flaws far more in 1589 than Hob does.
Hob's greatest sin, here, is trying to be liked. His greatest regret is almost certainly not the spread he put on, but the moment he was really, truly, earnest - not underscored even by a subsequent joke - the moment he declaims that this is what he had imagined Heaven to be like (safe enough to walk the streets; good food; good wine) - Life is so rich, he says - and Dream looks away to listen to Will Shaxberd, and we watch real time as Hob's expression collapses. He had leaned forward nearly out of his chair in enthusiasm, and now he shrinks back, reminded again of the dangers of earnestness: being alone in it. Being ignored. Better to make a joke of things, which is why he tells so many around Dream, especially after being more open - it's clearly a matter of habit. (It is also, incidentally, absolutely unappealing to Dream, who really and truly looks at him for the first time in 1689, when he is stripped of the social niceties of men and reigns nothing in.) He eats. He frets. He has had another century, and he has failed to impress the stranger.
The worst moment, I think, is that Dream does not renew their compact. He does not ask Hob if he still wishes to live, and Hob does not get the opportunity to say "Oh, yes." He was given this gift for one reason: the stranger was curious about his experiences. Does the stranger seem still curious about him now? I wonder, honestly, if Hob thought he would see another meeting.
Has he really left that all behind by 1889? No - you hear it in his own words, 'People are almost always better than you think they are.' - the earnesty, and then the joke - 'Not me, though, still the same as ever.' Except it's not really a joke, is it? Hob is saying to Dream, I know you don't think much of me, well, I don't pretend to think much of myself. He still wants Dream's validation, of course, he's just trying to earn it differently. (It goes poorly.) He's smoother, but also more frustrated, more fed up, more hungry for knowledge of his stranger; and I think that's such an interesting point in time for him. I think he leaves little behind, and what he does leave behind, he dreams of. He's changed so much and so little, and I think you could really go in whatever direction you want depicting that and be convincing.
I can't speak to the fanon on Hob's flaws because I don't read nearly as much as I wish I could. While I don't personally think 1589 Hob was actually that questionable or offputting - at least no more than most people would be in that situation - I would love to see a modern fic where has the same flaws he's always had, where they come up maybe different than they would have several centuries ago, but they absolutely exist, it does have plot consequences. Bonus points if he is not being offputting for the purposes of rescuing Dream from the fishbowl - if his flaws exist independent of his relationship with Dream altogether. Bonus bonus points if Hob is the one whose character development needs to be developed and Dream is in a better place than he is. If anyone has fic recs feel free to drop them in the comments!
P.S. 1589 Dream, wow, yes, for sure. 10/10 would babble and get walked out on
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ot3 · 1 year
finishing up fionna and cake... overall it was a fun ride but i really don't think it worked structurally. 6/10 show. i didnt think this was gonna be a long post but apparently i've got some thoughts. sticking below the cut
this last episode is kind of underwhelming... theres a couple of parts in this ep where they just sit and explain to the camera how simon realized betty was constantly sacrificing her own desires for simon and how simon wanted to put on the crown because he thought he didn't deserve to live. and it's not like those are bad realization for the show to come to but the show has very clearly established that it's intended for a more adult audience than the original adventure time, and so this kind of writing just feels really condescending when not directed at literal children. like yeah we could have figured this out from the writing, but. you didn't have to just tell us
i also didn't vibe with scarab as a villain, he felt super arbitrary to me. like they needed Something to be forcing them to move between dimensions, but i feel like scarab was an extremely meh choice for that. he wasn't particularly funny or interesting enough as a character to get to be one of the only people who showed up in every episode. i honestly think it would have been better if the existential threat these characters were facing was more of a force than a character, because it was already running so tight on time anyway it didn't really have the space to develop a good villain.
gary and marshall's screentime was another thing that i felt like is a huge waste of space. them doing their whole meet cute bakery au romance is something that's funny on paper but it's not compelling on its own and the only slight interest it has comes from our pre-existing investment in marceline and bubblegum's much more interesting dynamic. it didn't add anything to the overall arc of the show and took up time that could have been used to deliver more solidly on the core premise.
fionna and cake themselves were really cute but i don't feel like fionna's arc was as strong as it could have been. like ohhh yay shes come to love her normal world with all its imperfections.... obviously thats where it was going the whole time and once again. its not like i mind that ending. i just feel like they didn't do anything interesting with it. her character doesn't get to learn and progress as much as she's just marching down a straight path that we all already knows where it leads. i wish they would have just called the show 'Simon' so i wouldn't have to feel so disappointed in this.
adventure time has always been on the cutting edge of bizarre stuff in animation so the biggest let down overall with this show is how much when you strip away the Adventure Time coating of surrealist visuals on top of it it just feels like any other middling adventure cartoon. it didn't lean enough into the episodic structure to benefit from that the way the original show did, and it was too beholden on the episodic structure to linger on any of the parts that were actually compelling.
overall, the show feels like pandering to the adventure time fanbase, but in kind of a lazy way. Compare this to the distant land specials which I think were pandering in an excellent way. im not anti pandering by any means. The whirlwind tour through universes and characters that lifetime adventure time fans will recognize tries to come off as a love letter to the series, but instead just comes off as the adventure time version of that 'rejected ready player one theme song' video. remember farmworld? remember prismo? remember the vampire king? remember shermy and beth? remember Up a Tree? like. yeah. i do remember. thanks. do you have anything to say about any of this stuff or - oh. no. just showing me. got it.
its not someting i think i'll ever rewatch but at just ten eps definitely worth one watch through. theres some really good fun to be had in it and the art is gorgeous all the way through, it just fails to come together into a successful complete work.
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mr-kench · 8 months
I was rewatching Batman Beyond (great show, highly underrated) the only context you need for the show is that this is in the not so distant future l, Bruce is an old man and passed to torch to a new kid named Terry McGinis. It got to the episode that really got me thinking. Not in a philosophical way or anything but just in a “humanity would 100% do this if they could” sort of way. The basic premise is that theirs a new type of body altering fashion trend. Theirs people in the show that try to justify it as basically being a tattoo and others outright saying that logic is completely bullshit. It’s called Splicing. It’s a gene lab that cracked the code on splicing DNA for immediate and near painless transformation to the body using animal DNA. It doesn’t need to be the whole body as one girl altered her eyes to have green cat eyes. However theirs some that went full body basically becoming anthro animals, a guy that became part snake, another became part bull and a different one became part hyena. Naturally the guy in charge of this was evil and the side effect of this was increased aggression.
However that’s not what I want to focus on. Instead I want to focus on the concept of Splicing itself. Theirs tons of people who would 100% be on board for this if it was possible myself included. Having claws and fangs sounds badass. Plenty more would be willing to go all the way and become hybrids being half human and half whatever other animal. At the same time plenty of concerned adults in the show were against this. With Terry’s little brother wanting to get spliced and his mom saying no. When asked why she’d be against it since she has a tattoo she says “the difference is that I don’t have antlers growing out of my head”
Excluding the obligatory evil plot it’s a pretty good examination of theoretical Trans Humanism. I’m confident it’s going to be a thing if we make it that far as a civilization. Theirs plenty of usefulness in the technology and it’s cool looking besides but there would naturally be concerns from others seeing people willingly leave behind their humanity and become something objectively not human.
It’s an interesting thought and one that’s crossed my mind. If Splicing was real would any of you want to do it? If so how would you want to be spliced, full body, only small features?
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laufire · 5 months
This is redhoodinternaldialectical from the "main" blog, returning fire with the character ask game :3
For Jason: 23. Fav picture of this character 24. What character from another fandom reminds you of them? 26. Freebie question! What do you think his complicated opinions about Heathclif would be? (Saw ur tags about that hehehe)
I might come back with other characters, but just Jason for now cause it's WAY passed my bedtime
Fav picture of this character
there are so many options... (see: my header of his hamlet moment). but I'm going to go with this one, from batman annual #25.
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I fucking love a character climbing out of his own grave. and that lightning bolt is so frankenstein of him <3
What character from another fandom reminds you of them?
my mind is wired to draw parallels and comparisons, and I happen to be rewatching a tv show (the 100, one of those "it could be so good if it was good" things xD) where sometimes it seems that all my favourite characters have some jason-coded moments and traits lol.
BUT. among all of them, we definitely need to talk about john murphy!!! he's my #1 in that show (with some strong competition), because I love his journey. he really started being... well, what dc regularly tries to convince us robin!jason was: a mean, angry teen, product of his society, who lashed out at people once he could, because he had been wronged himself. this show gave him far more grace about it (even during his messy revenge quest lol), and in season 2 they landed on a really potent love story with him and another character, emori (another outcast in her own society, this time because she was born with a mutation, that survived by stealing from others) that ended up catapulting him to Romantic Hero status in a way s1!murphy couldn't have dreamed of lmao. it was great.
even his backstory (which he's given in the first episode of s2) is. very jason añdslkfjasf. two important things about this gifset is a) the girl here, raven (another favourite), has a similar backstory (alcoholic mother who failed to take care of her, raven would've starved if not for the kindness of her neightbour & childhood sweetheart). she's taunting murphy because a few episodes before murphy shot her in the spine (he didn't intend to hurt her but it wasn't exactly an accident. part of his messy revenge quest against a -barely- adult who failed him lol). she hates him, and yet she clearly can't help but empathise </3. a few episodes later she tries to get him killed to save her ex <3. in a few seasons they'll become best friends <3. as far as I'm concerned she's memori's third <333
a few other things in favour of "jason-coded murphy" are this post, or the fact that at one point murphy had to use sex to survive in a way I personally headcanon jason doing (I've actually drawn some comparisons between that plot and nightwing/tarantula but only stylistic ones; plot-wise it's a very different situation where he displays an attitude closer to what I imagine jason doing).
What do you think his complicated opinions about Heathclif would be?
alñsdkfjasdf I can't believe I'm going to talk more about other characters than about jason but here we are lol.
anyway first of all, unlike many people in this fandom, jason is a smart cookie capable of differentiating fact from fiction, who could recognise heathcliff did some really fucked shit against undeserving people and still appreciate the hell out of him as the fascinating character he is. tyvm. that said, he's also someone who gets very personal about literature xD
one thing about heathcliff is that he does what some people argue jason is doing when he "targets" tim or mia (or damian, but that's bftc and fandom has more or less accepted that it's a mess, and also damian isn't white :))). aka, he's (a grown man!!) viciously, hatefully going after innocent children for the sins of their fathers!! for shame. sorry but that's not even true in bftc or hush (the situations there were very messy and the writers desperately needed medical consultants to make them make any sense, get off his dick xD), but definitely not true for titans tower or seeing red. jason was NOT trying to kill these teens (a few years younger than him at most), he's never wanted them death, and he's never even aimed to caused grievious, irreparable damage. again, get off his dick :P
but it's interesting to me thinking about jason reading the book for the very first time during the lost days era, in particular. he would empathise with heathcliff's desire for revenge, but I don't think he'd ~relate as strongly to him as some people think. yes, there is mistreatment in their youths and the revenge plot (after heathcliff does whateve he does in his own lost days period lol); there's even possible racial ambiguity in common, if we take into account the shiva thing. and he'd half-mindedly draw some links between bruce and earnshaw senior and, if he's feeling ungenerous lol, between dick and hindley, but nothing particularly strong, imo.
but I can see even this faint link being enough to have him pondering his own lines, what he's willing to do once he returns and what he isn't. and it's a fact that jason crossed some of his own purported lines, because he was too in his head about bruce or because they were convenient at the moment or because of all other reasons. and I picture him rereading the book years down the road, and grappling with that fact. wondering if heathcliff had drawn his own lines beforehand or gone all in from the beginning, wondering if he had any regrets.
otherwise, he would appreciate heathcliff as the force he is in the narrative, while being utterly disgusted by some of his actions. at the same time he'd be really wary of the unreliable narration (I imagine him thinking nelly gives all the lintons too much grace, even if he obviously would think heathcliff's actions towards isabella and cathy are undefensible). I also believe he's ready to fist-fight anyone that supported the "monstrous" readings of heathcliff as something inhuman, as some supernatural force of nature. heathcliff, to him, is utterly human.
ALSO. jason is definitely that bitch who reads the FUCKING UNHINGED SHIT (x, x, x, x, x) catherine and heathcliff say about each other and be like. why can't that be me 😭. he's fucking unwell.
(and feel free to ask me about any other character you want! or any extra questions about jason lol)
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augustghosts · 1 year
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How do I summarise this one? I don’t even have a title for this one lol. Um, I was rewatching midnight mass and I almost wrote a priest tommy au…. Perhaps I already did write it, but perhaps that's for another day. I’ll just test the waters with this one for now. This actually gets kinda fluffly lol. Hope you like <3
@chaithetics thank you for the kind words u left on my post earlier, grateful for u! mwah 🫶
Word count: 2.8k
Warnings: 18+, f!reader, reader is an adult of course, established relationship. talk of god and church and stuff. Slight corruption kink is you squint. Oral f and m receiving, unprotected PinV. Lots of pet names. Not proofread as always.
“Is this not a sin?” Tommy jokes as he parts from her, his lips plump and kiss swollen. She looks the same as she looks down at him, her warm palms on either side of his face - her thighs straddling his lap as his couch creaks beneath them.
“What do you know about sin, Tommy?” She asks, her voice low and sultry. He laughs and tries to kiss her again, but she grabs his hair and pulls his head back.
“Tell me.” She whispers.
“Fuck, darlin’ I don’t know. I’ve not been to church in years.” He sighs, her fingers in his hair makes his hands tighten on her hips, pulling her tightly against him. Making her hips rock slightly against his, he’s already hard as fuck, his erection straining painfully in his jeans. He can feel how wet she is through the fabric, they’d been teasing each other on this couch for a good half hour.
“I know. I’m there every Sunday, sometimes more.” She leans closer, her lips right beside his ear. “Thanks to you, I know all about sin.”
“Are you saying I corrupted you, baby?” He groans as her lips press to his neck, her hand is still in nis hair - his neck delightfully exposed to her.
“Maybe.” She smiles against his skin. “As long as you confess your sins, you will be forgiven.”
“Do you?” He asks, his voice is strained. Her mouth is now sucking on his sensitive skin clouding his mind. “Do you walk into your fathers church, get on your knees and pray? Do you tell god what we do and beg for his forgiveness?”
Tommy doesn’t really know what the fuck he’s talking about. He can feel his resolve slipping and he is desperately trying to keep his cool. The effect she has on him is like no other. It's Sunday today, it’s mid afternoon and the warm sun is streaming through the windows of Tommy’s living room. She’s dressed in her tight little church outfit, that tight little skirt that's now been pushed up to her hips. Her white blouse, the top few buttons have been ripped open exposing her bra, her cleavage is right in his face but her grip on him is still holding him back from it.
“Not exactly,” She giggles, “I can tell you haven’t been to church.”
“Baby, the only reason I would step foot in there would be to stare at you in these little outfits.” He says, his eyes travel to her chest and she lets go of his hair. His lips immediately latch on to her neck, returning the favour.
“Don’t leave any marks, Tommy.” She moans as his hands pull her hips forward again, her clothed pussy dragging against his denim covered cock. He was getting real sick of these layers between them.
“I know,” He says. “I know the drill, honey.”
As if she had read his mind, she quickly undoes the remaining buttons on her blouse and throws it somewhere beside them.
“I think I would feel guilty if I went to church.” He says as her hands begin to push his own shirt up, encouraging him to take it off, he does before continuing. “I would feel guilty about you, about how much I’ve taught you. About how much I want you. About how much I shouldn't want you.”
His beautiful brown eyes search her face, taking in every little feature that he loves. He knows this is a risk, he knows it’s potentially a lost cause. He knows you can’t be seen with him and sometimes it breaks his fucking heart. “But I do want you, I’ve wanted you for so long.”
Her mind has always had trouble comprehending that he wanted her. Her face flushes at his words. Tommy was the first man to ever make her feel like this. Tommy was all she had ever wanted. She knows their future, she just tries not to think about it.
“Me too. I need you, Tommy. I’ve always needed you.” Her hands trail from his neck to his shoulders, slowly moving them to rest on his chest. Now his shirt is gone she can feel his heart beating under her palm, its beating fast and the thought that she does this to him is incomprehensible. She leans in to kiss him again, his large hands are still exploring her waist and back, his fingers now playing with her bra - slightly struggling to undo the clasp.
“Come here, I wanna make you feel good, baby.” She shivers from his words and a soft moan leaves her lips when they meet his again. He cups her jaw in his large hand bringing her mouth down against his. For her, nothing is better than this. Whenever she’s with him - everything feels right. His fingers dig into her hips hard enough to leave bruises and she loves it. No one has ever touched her the way Tommy does. Their kiss quickly becomes a mess of tongues and teeth and Tommy sucks her bottom lip into his mouth. She whines and rolls her hips down against his.
“My room?” Tommy asks, “I wanna fuck you in my bed this time.”
He’s sick of the couch. When she giggles and nods he stands up with her still in his arms. Her legs wrap tightly around his waist, her arms clutching his neck. Once in his room, he lays her down on the bed. She sits up on her elbows as she watches him click the door shut.
“Can i suck you off again? Please?” She asks as sweetly as she can. She swears she sees his eyes dilate.
“Fuck, baby.” He mumbles as his hands fly to his belt. “You know I can never say no to you.”
As if he would ever turn down a blowjob. She crawls to the edge of the bed, kneeling in front of where he’s standing, she helps him to pop the button open on his pants and shove them down his legs along with his boxers. Tommy’s cock is ridiculously impressive. She moans in anticipation of him stretching her open again, but for now all she wants is to taste him. She’d never given a blowjob before meeting Tommy, and she remembers the look in his eyes when she had asked him to teach her. She’d sucked him off a few times now, and she loved the praise he always gave her. She spits into her hand, wrapping her hand around him and sliding her hand over his length a few times. When she looks up at him his eyes are closed and he’s biting his bottom lip, it's a beautiful sight. A bead of precum forms on his slit and she licks it off.
“Shit, that's it sweetheart.” Tommy swears quietly. After a few more kitten licks to his tip, she knows he likes to be teased a little. She takes his head into her mouth, swirling her tongue around his sensitive tip. She bobs her head a few times, taking him further and further each time. It’s his turn now to work his fingers into her hair, using his grip to help guide her head.
Tommy’s moans are so hot that she’s pretty sure she could cum from just listening to him, and from the taste of him. She squeezes her thighs together - some relief as she keeps up a steady pace. She decides to do something she had never done before and tries to take him to the back of her throat. She works slowly and Tommy’s mouth falls open. A heavenly moan leaving his mouth as she gags around him. Tears prick at her eyes as she pulls off of him to catch her breath, smirking up at him before taking him into her mouth again.
“Oh my god, baby.” He moans. “Fuck, you’re gonna kill me.”
He pulls her head back using his makeshift ponytail that he's wrapped around his fist. Her eyes are wide and innocent as she looks up at him and he almost busts on the spot.
“As much as i would love to come down your throat, baby. I wanna fuck you. Get back there.” He says pointing to the pillows at the top of the bed. She smiles up at him and shuffles back to lay on the pillows. He climbs up to join her, connecting their lips again as he hovers above her. His strong arms holding himself up on either side of her head. He undoes the button on her jeans, and she lifts up her hips to help him slide them off. He tosses them to the floor and begins to press kisses to her leg, starting at her ankle. She’s trembling under his touch as he continues up her leg until he’s kissing the sensitive skin on the inside of her thigh. When he gives a bite to the meat of her leg she squeals his name. All she wants is to kiss him again, she tries to pull his head up to hers but he resists, his nose nudges the edge of her panties and he looks up at her with his gorgeous eyes. A classic Tommy smirk gracing his lips.
“Can I taste you, baby girl?” He asks and she nods enthusiastically. Her voice feels like it's gone so all she can do is squirm and buck her hips. He hooks his fingers into the elastic of her panties and they’re soon joining the pile of clothes on his floor.
“Such a pretty pussy.” He mumbles, while he spreads her legs a little wider to give him a better view. She helplessly whimpers as he stares at her sex, feeling vulnerable in the best way under his gaze. He slides a finger through her folds and she’s already so fucking wet that she can hear it as he collects her arousal with his hand. “Fuck, always so wet. All for me, baby?”
“You know it’s for you.” She sighs, “Always for you.”
His finger finds her clit and her hands fly to his shoulders, her hips chasing his hand and arching off of the bed.
“Fuck baby, don’t hold back, okay? I wanna hear you.” He groans. His head dips down and he runs his tongue flat along her pussy. He does it again, his nose catching her clit on the way up, making her fingers squeeze his shoulders. His tongue goes from flicking over her bundle of nerves to teasing her hole and she moans his name, earning a groan from him which vibrates against her pussy. He slips a thick finger inside of her, gauging her reaction before adding another.
“God I can’t wait to fuck you baby.” He whispers as his fingers slip inside of her easily, her warm walls gripping his digits. It doesn’t take him long to bring her to the edge, her fingers are now sliding over his scalp.
“Please, Tommy. I want you inside of me.”
“I wanna feel you come around my fingers first, baby.” He says, “I know you're close. Come for me honey, and I’ll fuck you so good. I promise.”
“Shit. I’m coming! Oh my god!” She moans loudly. Tommy can feel her walls spasming against his fingers, he quickly replaces them with his tongue so he can lick her through her orgasm. She continues moaning his name like a prayer as she comes down from her high.
“God?” He laughs as he crawls back up to her face, his mouth covered in her slick.
“What?” She asks, a little delirious.
“You said ‘oh my god’,” He reminds her and tuts playfully. “What would daddy think?”
“I don’t care.” She sighs, the only thing on her mind is how close his cock is to slipping inside of her.
“Woah!” He laughs at her words, “That’s naughty, baby.”
She rolls her eyes and pulls him down to kiss her, tasting herself on his lips. She whines against his lips, shit - she enjoyed that. And he senses it.
“What? You like that?” He asks, his hand coming up to her chest to grasp her breast. His thumb slides over her nipple as he speaks. “You like it? You want me to call you a naughty girl?”
She brings her hands up to cover her face, her cheeks heating up in embarrassment. Tommy decides to leave it, for now. But he will definitely be revisiting that later. He presses a kiss to her cheek instead, smiling against her warm skin.
“It’s alright, baby. I’ve got ya’.” He whispers in her ear as he rocks his hips up against hers, his painfully hard cock rubbing up against her soaked folds.
“I need you, Tommy.” She moans, “I wanna feel you.”
He groans at her words, he’s not sure when she got so good at talking like that. But it starts a fire inside of him and he feels his cock twitch. He reaches down and grabs his length, coating himself in her slickness as he rubs in between her folds. She lets out small breathy whines as the head of Tommy’s cock presses against her entrance. He swallows the sounds with his mouth kissing her and bracing himself on one forearm as he pushes into her heat. Her hands grasp his biceps, her nails digging into his soft skin.
“Shit, honey.” He mumbles against her mouth, letting her delicious, warm pussy pull him in. “You’re so fucking tight.”
Tommy presses his forehead against hers as he stills, giving her a moment to adjust. Tommy always gave her everything, he was always so sweet.
“Shit, Tommy.” Her moan has him twitching inside of her, he’s finding it hard to keep his cool with the grip of her warm cunt and he softly grinds into her.
“Oh, please. Please fuck me, Tommy.” She whines, looking up at him with such an innocent expression that he suddenly feels like he isn't going to last very long. He begins to move, hard but gentle thrusts, hitting the perfect spot that he knows so well and she moans into his shoulder. Feeling every drag of his cock against her walls. She’d never been with anyone like this before, but this was Tommy and everything you’ve ever wanted. She was prepared to do anything for him.
He drops his head down into her neck and groans, his noises make her clench around him. She wraps her legs around his waist, clinging to him - trying to get as close to him as she can. She wants every inch of her skin pressed up against his. She wants to be like this forever, if possible.
“You always feel so perfect, baby.” He moans. “So heavenly.”
She giggles at his choice of words. When his cock hits just the right spot, she gasps his name and her arms tighten around his neck. Tommy is watching her, as always - he keeps hitting the same spot when he sees her reaction.
“Yeah?” He coos, wanting to hear her voice.
“Feels so good, Tommy.” She whines, “Always so good.”
“My sweet, perfect girl.” He sighs, leaning down to press a kiss to her jaw. “You want me to fill you up, baby?”
“Please! Fuck, I’m close.” She whispers. Tommy’s fingers dip down to play with her swollen clit.
“Come for me, baby. Let me have it.” Tommy says as he starts to rub her clit faster. Her orgasm crashes over her, her pussy clenching around him sends him over the edge with her. Her cunt milking him as he groans her name. When both of their highs come to an end, he drops down next to her. Burying his face in her hair and nuzzling his nose against her ear as they both catch their breath.
“Tommy?” She whispers.
“Yeah?” His eyes are closed as he answers her.
“You are not a sin, by the way.”
He perks up, leaning on one elbow to look at her. A sad smile on his face.
“Never.” She adds, reciprocating his smile.
“Thank you, baby.” He says, his hand coming up to cradle her cheek. He doesn’t really know what else to say. But he knows that she means it.
“We’ll be okay.” He whispers, cuddling back up to her again. She answers him with a small hum. Her mind reeling with everything she wants to tell him - maybe next time.
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eerna · 1 year
Hi there, i would love to know your opinion about the Nimona movie compared to the comic? What they did worse or better? And which you liked better overall. ❤️
UhuhUHU okidoki here I go. Fair warning I might be off because I haven't rewatched the movie or reread the comic yet.
The comic is pretty similar regarding the broad strokes of the story, but entirely different in the moral of the story? And the themes are different as well. It's aimed at young adults/adults, while the movie is aimed at kids. There's blood and the characters aren't as pure or righteous, and the ending isn't as forgiving. But honestly, it surprised me how similar the two were, and I legit don't think I prefer either version. While there are stuff I prefer in both, both of them accomplish what they set out to do, as two totally separate things. SO I'm separating the comparisons into three categories: Neutral, Movie did it better, and Comic did it better.
In the comic, Ballister has been the city's villain for quite some time, and he embraces the role while still following a moral code.
Nimona kills a lot of people and he can't stop her. She is supposed to be his sidekick, but in truth, he's the one running after her and excusing her actions. I liked the aspect of "Nimona is really really not good but Ballister loves her too much to accept it" that culminates in Ballister betraying his ideals and killing someone!
Goldenloin is Ballister's nemesis, and gleefully accepts the role - he mocks him, engages in banter, and is a prick. He isn't the born-to-be-golden-child he is in the movie - in fact, as a child he used to lie to everyone that his family was important, and was bullied mercilessly for it. He shot off Ballister's arm out of jealousy!! Because Ballister was better!!!! And the scene where he realizes he has never apologized - HOW cool is that!!!!!
In the finale, Nimona is split in half, one part of her turning into a raging monster destroying the city while the other is living through her worst memories, stuck in her child form. Ballister and Goldenloin join forces to stop her, but Goldenloin wants to kill her while Ballister just wants to subdue her powers long enough to talk her down. This means he is forced to betray Nimona, but stuck between the two people he cares the most for in this world, what else was he supposed to do!! The moment he breaks down after spending the entirety of the book all rational and stoic and cold... Waaaaaah what a good heartbreak.
At the end, Goldenloin adn Ballister are considered the heroes who saved the city, and Nimona is forgotten. She's still alive, though - she still visits Ballister one last time in another person's form so he doesn't realize it's her until it's too late, and he finishes the story wondering if she'll ever be back and know he wanted to be her friend. What a cute bittersweet ending!! Loved it!!!
Movie did it better:
The comic doesn't have the societal order commentary that I really loved in the movie. I loved how the knights are basically useless, a higher class who contribute nothing but entertainment to society, which you can only enter if you're born into it. The queen decides that the class should be expanded and regular people should be able to earn the right to join it, and she is killed for it. Her idea wasn't even that revolutionary!!! She wasn't questioning its right to exist, which would have been the truly controversial way of thinking!!! And it was enough to get her dead!!! In the comic, the knights are mostly orphans anyway, a glorified police force more than the rich celebrities they are in the movie.
Parts of Goldenloin and Ballister's relationship hit harder in the movie. I prefer the "cut off his arm as an instinct because his instincts went against his heart" story from the movie. I loved how he kept seeing Ballister as a victim. I loved the tortured love.
Nimona is way more sympathetic. The comic's explanation for her personality is that she was lied to and experimented on when she was a kid, but that's as far as it goes. We are supposed to accept her as she is, and that is a really cool story, but I just really really like the way the movie flipped it into "Nimona is actually peaceful and kind, she is vilified for not staying silent when abused".
Surprisingly, the suicide angle is not present in the comic!!! That was ADDED into the kiddie version!! That heartbreaking scene with the sword and the heart isn't there, and neither is the friendship backstory, which was some of my fav stuff. I too kept asking myself how could Nimona stand to be immortal, and the movie is like. She can't. She wants to die rather than be alone. But by the end of the movie she decides to live, symbolically turning into a phoenix. Like wow thanks I'm gonna go cry in the corner now
While Ballister's innocence sometimes grated on my nerves, I enjoyed the warmer, newer-to-societal-revolution Ballister more than the experienced terrorist from the comic. The aspect of Ballister accusing Nimona of trying to turn him to her morals because she wants him to be as evil and as much of a monster as her so she wouldn't be alone!!!! Bro OUCH
The arrow scene!! It was amazing in the comic too, but I really liked the awkwardness of the movie ahhahahah
Comic did it better:
The humor!!! I enjoyed the humor of the comic so much!!! Probably because it was written with my age in mind instead of the kids, but also ND Stevenson is just really funny in that deadpan "art student writing comics" way.
Goldenloin's name. Why is that man still named Goldenloin in the movie. It is hilarious in the comic esp with his design but the movie.... WHY
While I sorely miss the "I wouldn't die, it just wouldn't be living" line, I do have to say I prefer the subtler version of explaining themes because that's just the way I roll fdjbskabjaks
Over the course of the story, Ballister finds out there is a way to put a temporary lock on Nimona's powers, keeping her stuck in one form. And in the finale, he uses it thinking it could help talk Nimona down (as opposed to Goldenloin's idea of killing her). He keeps her stuck in one form, which is something that seems entirely reasonable at the time, and when she learns it was him who has done it, she turns away from him entirely. This is SUCH a good concept and while I have no idea how it could fit into the movie, I do have to say it's a better betrayal
The battles of Ballister VS Goldenloin are much better. Less standing and clashing swords and more kicking and throwing each other out of stuff.
The board games scene. It was way funnier with how Ballister plays Nimona's game and also starts saying stupid stuff. Excellent.
Nimona's immortality is better established, and there is no overdramatic "is she dead or not" - we find out she lives right away after she "dies". I'm really impressed with how nicely it was laid down, as someone who doesn't like death fakeouts, as it is difficult to do such an ending. The drama comes from the question of whether she will let Ballister back into her life. I feel like the movie would profit from establishing her immortality better, especially since they also introducted that she can kill herself if she wishes to. Ouch my heart.
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daystarvoyage · 2 months
Hello owl fans, I wanted to give my critical breakdown on When I first watched Owl House, now rewatching it, looking back at a well known character in
This very 3 part topic focusing on
Everyone's fan favorite Amity who I like to call
(Little Miss Self Insert) Amity analysis & why she’s popular
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Literally the same (Real) hair color as the creator
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DISCLAIMER THIS IS NOT AN ATTACK ON THE CREATOR But a Critic that could benefit the show & educate viewers, POC, BIPOC (Bi meaning black indigenous, Person of color) REP,
(don't Hate appreciate), if ya can't Face different opinions or anyone with an open mind who can critic just being nasty/policing people, There's the Portal Door to outer space.
Ok aight Lets start to this 3 PART topic post
I indeed love my run of Amity as a character because she made an impactful LGBTQ show great, along with her endeavor on how she developed as a character. ( Also Green Hair AMity is Better.) because she had great drive melding her into the person she is, having to face her parents, falling in loving with luz.
Due to the high demand being a lgbt character at times, (even though we been starved and wanting more rep) has at times repercussions and flaws,if the writing, narrative & pacing is compromised in the show which shown after rewatching the series ANOTHER TOPIC.
I'm fully aware that she's a well-known fan favorite character ever since the show's green light along the panel interview with Dana Terrace hyped her up during the debut panel of the other shark cartoon she worked on, DOWN BELOW
After Rewatching the show I felt there was more to her then just being luz girlfriend,
(like other characters to never get there titular moments at time like the Hexside students.)
and how she was written in a one-sided straight forward manner which people overlook cause we had proud lgbt content to gush over, googling, blushing eyes and the creator saying no romance in the series yet we have a two girls hogging peoples potential and spotlight?!
which contributed to her name trending more & talked about compared to our main POC character (which I find weird & Staggering at times.)
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Theres proof from a Good post on here THATS IMPORTANT BELOW
Now we got that outta the way 3 major reasons LETS GO
The Favoritism
I feel the favoritism in fandom really says about how the show reacts TO OUR favorite characters, yes a world and great characters can be executed in titular episodes or moment you can let them see shine,
but diving into the season 1 of the show had its Rocky start till they started the real action in season 2 not to mention the kiss scene which put everyone on good edge however hogged (a titular poc spotlight.)
There's proof on how poc people in real life are depicted in media as something negative and gross yet caucisian people are giving everything handed to them in a silver spoon.
so here's a article ill bring up cause these types of behavior says in how poc see ourselves
Heck thats how we got that lumity controversial pic
ill pull up with article on black media effects real life
I truly did feel the intent on the show at times was made selfishly at times,
Which there's a link about a unique article that sheds some light on this situation on how it treated Amity and why she was made into a self inset character. Showing relationship run throughout the show.
you can be able to write a good cartoon series and make an impact on fans, spilling your life on the show you care being in there shoes,
However don't let it sacrificed the many aspects excusing plots, and narrative with tonal whiplash & poor characterization.
Hope Your here with me now lets get on to
Shipping discourse
these girls took over the whole world by storm, to the point the fandom only cares about these girls, nothing beyond,
(social media numbers don’t lie on searched characters and many aspects on the owl house.)
if not them but solely for Amity herself. which I felt really was a selfish writing move. Cause I really did love the character until she was written good however shoehorned to being a hollow shel of herself and discourse did no favors.
It irks me to no end cause we have a prominent poc character said previously, who gets not talked about a yet amity is the one y’all favor to? At the point y’all really don’t show y’all don’t care about black, Poc, or BIPOC and there contributions to media.
it pains me to see a show like this has been nothing but a whole show of contradictions and ill-pacing,
And i know why we stand with the ship or any sexuality reveal with any character to gain a following or popularity for that matter is this a good term of how we gotten lgbt media uprising
(which I understand we crave years ago. )
Not to mention the celebrity worship yall put onto amity herself which is responsible for it
Where gonna make this quick so last session and hoep you have a good one afterwards thanks
The Colorism Issue (Glad fans are speaking out)
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Its just facts that we see white or white-passing as something to be congratulated and praised for compared to what poc go through cause we POCs & myself have to work tens time harder for what we want, (one issue for another session is?)
FIX IT Titan
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For media especially Disney has treated Poc if not BIPOC IN live action if not animation to an extent is degrading, you have kids on jessie acting any way without severe repercussions such as how they Treat BIpoc Characters with utmost disrespect. Which is shown throughout our favorite shows. (also shows how the show loves it kids cause it suffers no consequences.)
Now May wonder why i put in Princess & The Frog
We do see great chemistry to the show and movie example
The similar girl dynamic that will be is Tianna and charlotte
There relationship is done better, I do feel there was little bit of colorism played into this and alas not to mention tiana poc friends characters being black but non existing, however I do feel to a agree they really stretched on how we should have diversity in a negative way which I’ll get into in a sec.
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Its at this point charlotte is the sweet spoiled girl and felt amity was favored cause of how she was written that way, they tried to make her favorable because you guess or see she’s WHITE.
Which shows not only poc characters are secondary in animation or forms of media, also how Luz is written in a white space, but with amity
She was gonna be depicted as a favorable one cause of how she was written LIKE CHARLOTTE
(To the point people started seeing charlotte as the main character form princess & the frog.)
Having the cultural representation & also inconsistent characterization shine to the point where we could’ve had great characters shown and debut yet
Have two girls take over the show as a whole really?!
oh reminder the diversity happen yet being sacrificed for a shoehorned lgbt content and activism to the degree it over whlems the show with
amity being a type of reverse mammy to make her look better for luz to counter her spicy latina ways, like a unruly tomboy to kiss the white favored girls booty, knowing full well the fandom will police anyone saying otherwise.
The article I’ll show about gearing our diverse audiences which I feel Disney needs to do a lot better on cultural representation, and harmful stereotypes as this.
Hoping I said it well, since there's so much to add to this however hope we can be reasonable on the comment section, so hoping we can have a civil discuss on about this topic thanks for reading this far you have a goodnight and great day where you are
with love kyoko cane
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jade-kyo · 2 months
RvB 20th rewatch: s2
Continuing the rewatch onto season 2. This is my first time watching the show on dvd and honestly it’s so fun seeing the menus and watching the extra stuff and also- getting to listen to Trocadero. That’s the best part man fucking love Trocadero.
As yes the beginning of Vic being a little weirdo
The whole “you’re the thing that babies suck on” bit is still one of the funniest jokes in early rvb it cracks me up so much
Caboose only has nine toes
Remember when Doc was a fairly normal dude? Exposure to the reds and blues really does just turn you into a freaky little weirdo 😂
Also Doc’s willingness to distance himself from Grif simply for being unpopular is so funny it’s like they’re fucking high schoolers
I always say that out of everyone Church and Tucker feel the most like actual friends
Tucker character development really does go hard- he starts out as this kinda young seeming idiot who makes a lot of sex jokes and grows into the most competent soldier among them and a leader.
But also he just sounds so young in the early seasons and it’s making me emotional
Remember when Lopez didn’t hate everyone and was genuinely loyal to Sarge? Good times
Also the beginning of the most insane love triangle ever. Of all time.
Donut actually does call himself pink here
I think it’s funny that Tex tells a story about Church being pantsed in high school even tho Allison and the Director didn’t meet until they were both adults meaning the Director either told Allison that story and Tex had that memory or Tex is counting on Alpha having faulty memories and is just straight up making shit up for the lols
Ahhh Cabooses mind- a very good bit
My personal headcanon is that Donut is 100% aware of all the innuendos and is doing it intentionally to be a little shit cause they kept making fun of him for the pink armor. No I don’t care what s17 said.
Possibly one of my favorite villains in the whole show just for the sheer hilarity he brings
Ah the grimmons cyborg surgery
Okay but Donut trying to jump on top of the base from the inside is so real. I never played all of halo but I did have the demo on the computer as a kid and blood gulch was like the only playable map on the demo and I would spend so long trying to jump on top of the base. I was so annoyed that you couldn’t do that
Grif smokes
“Simmons… I need your ovaries” another one of my most quoted lines
Everyone else: man Donut is so dumb and annoying // me: that is a man who knows exactly what he’s doing
“I will devour their hearts and crap out their souls!” Also one of my most quoted lines.
The fucking mayonnaise bit is so random and funny like where did that even come from
Church’s inability to speak is one of my favorite bits mostly cause me too. He just like me fr.
The brief Caboose-Donut friendship is so good
Church being able to read binary code omg how was the alpha reveal not planned I’m screaming
Tucker the first believer in grimmons
I love how Tucker was the first to realize there was a conspiracy and then everyone proceeded to ignore him and then turned out he was right.
The irony debate is another very quoted moment for me
There’s a bit at the end of the credits where Vic tells you the movies over and now I’m wondering if the bit in the restoration credits with Tucker is a call back to this
And that’s season 2 done- I don’t have a ton to say here other than I love this show and I’m having so much fun rewatching and seeing all the extra stuff on the dvds that I’d never seen before. There’s more than I expected!
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terrence-silver · 2 months
Okay because nick mirini has play dnd before and plays downfall do you think Terry has played it before and tried to get John to play with him when they were younger
Like I could see terry having a collection of dnd items in his mansion in like room like he has with his katana collection 👀
And terry playing dungeons lord also like I feel like Kenny would have got him into it 👀 like this man would be the most competitive person ever on that game
I mean, Terry Silver was a fully formed adult in the 80's, at the cultural zeitgeist of Arcade games, Dungeons and Dragons, various Low Fantasy genres, Street Fighter, the Martial Arts movie craze, Dance Aerobics, Star Wars, heavy metal music, and the first ever video games as we know them so really, it is highly probable he has interacted with these parts of American culture by osmosis in the least. Like, it would be extremely unbelievable if a man in Los Angeles didn't (the same way I cannot possibly imagine Johnny Lawrence, a native of LA, not knowing what an Uber is in the 2020's, year of our Lord, no matter how airheaded he is meant to be; it just isn't believable). Canonically, Terry mentioned the Superbowl and Starbucks at least once, so that's something. His Wah-Wah mockingly directed at Mr. Miyagi a vague nod to Bruce Lee movies. An indicator Terry Silver is aware of popular culture, in-universe. Like, there's something there.
Now, if he actually indulged in these thing is another matter altogether.
For John Kreese, my answer would be mostly negative. He seems like a man stuck in the past whenever we encounter him, like he purposefully, pridefully and very spitefully emerged from a bubble whenever he is reintroduced, giving me the impression of someone who reviles the progress of the 'times' and sticks to his own ways (even if his ways are the more difficult, but I feel that's exactly how John Kreese likes it too) and the old ideals he considers worthy and timeless. He likes the things he knows and has known all his life. He's a newspaper kind of guys and probably has been for sixty years or something as crazy long as that. Listens to music slightly, or very out of date, enjoys movies slightly, or very out of date and generally consumes media out of date too. When everyone was raving on about Star Wars, man was still rewatching old Westerns, or something of the type. That's what I envision. Likes the feeling of reading paper under his fingers. Doesn't care what the 'kids nowadays' do for fun or how they do it because he considers it a waste of time no matter the decade, be it in the 70's, 80's, 2000's or present day. He strikes me as a dyed-in-the-bone contrarian and if he ever indulged in the subcultures of the 80's it is because likely, Terry pushed and coaxed him into it with great difficulty, capitulating to Terry like a grumpy older sibling would to the more energized, younger one, seated in front of Terry's state of the art Dungeons and Dragons board, in his equally state of the art multi million dollar playroom, ready to go along with it, because hey, after all, it's his friend, Twig. John might've prefered a good, old card game if he personally had to choose, but for Terry --- hey, ho, he'll endure it and mainly do so purely to be vaguely amused at how into the game Terry himself is. It is not that John Kreese is unaware of popular culture, he just chooses to remain uninvolved and he strikes me as the type who doesn't care. He's entrenched in his ways and there's no changing that. So, nope, probably ain't a fan of Dungeons and Dragons and never was. Sorry.
Now, Terry Silver? That's different.
I think he does care and has a weirdly juvenile and even geeky streak to him, not in the classical sense where he was ever actually a nerd the way we know nerds (especially in 80's media), but Terry Silver's a jock with very stereotypically nerdy interests, weapons collection and all. Wouldn't surprise me if he had custom made arcade game boxes installed somewhere on his mansion's compound premises for Snake and Dennis to use, if they played Monopoly with actual stacks of money, courtesy of Mr. Silver, if Terry Silver actually relished in Hong Kong martial arts movies in the 70's, watching them ironically in, say, his personal home theatre, to mock them but in actuality, rather enjoying them beneath layers of gleeful disdain or if his so called D&D items included actual antiques, expensive collectibles obtained on high end biddings and stuff that genuinely cost a fortune. Or, hey, why just play Street Fighter on a personal Arcade console, when he can take on the whole aesthetic. He could've jumped out of a game and you couldn't tell me otherwise. Terry Silver embodies the times far more so than John, whatever the times may be --- after all, when we first see him, he's funding and kickstarting an app. Nobody needs to introduce Terry to the concept of games or popular culture because he was already well present for all the OG classics and while I don't necessarily see him playing video games present day, I can genuinely see him doing something as fringe and bizarre as buying the company that produced Kenny's Dungeon Lords and becoming that odd footnote in history when that one Billionaire randomly took ownership of a video game production studio as a business venture.
But, in the 80's?
I flat out see Terry Silver doing something even more laughably bizarre and donning his working class, poor man's clothes, sneaking out to an arcade club on a weekend, wrecking all the participants there solely because he must win, regardless what he's winning at, or investing weeks on a really petty, impish scheme of walking out victorious out of a D&D tournament purely because that currently tickled his fancy and what makes him laugh most as of recent-- becomes a long forgotten urban legend that a guy that was once on a tournament so happened to be someone famous some dude who knows a dude swears he saw and recognized at a ribbon cutting ceremony broadcasted on TV for some refinery plant out in Borneo, but nobody can confirm or deny this tall tale.
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hackedxy0x · 3 months
My top 10 favorite shows (take two)
A couple of years ago, I posted a 'top 10 favorite shows' list right here on Tumblr. Recently scrolled through it again and was very much surprised by how DIFFERENT it was from my current one. A lot of new entries, a lot of new faves (and I have a LOT of faves). So I thought it might be fun to share my latest top 10 for anyone listening in the void. And hey, maybe you walk away with a few recommendations if our tastes are similar. You should note that these are ranked by how much I love them and nit by how good they objectively are.
Gonna drop my old list at the end if anyone's curious too. If not, let's get going.
10. Arcane
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Arcane is, simply put, an amazing show. The animation is absolutely stunning, probably one of the best animated pieces of media I've seen in my life and I'm looking forward to seeing more from this studio. It's incredible how the writers managed to take a few game characters and turn them into layered and interesting individuals whose story captures you without fail. My favorite part of it has to be Silco's relationship with Jinx. Really pulled at my heartstrings. The show used to be in my top 5 (maybe a slight bias considering I made the list right after I was done with the show), but with so many new entries on the list, some shows had to go down. Still very much excited for the new season coming out in a few months.
9. Killing Eve
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Ah, how the mighty have fallen. This show used to be in second place, but I'm pretty sure that was before the last season came out and ruined everything. Well, the last season wasn't as much to blame (even though it wasn't half as good as the rest of the show) as much as the horror that was the last episode. If I could delete that mess from my head, I would. Anyway, with that little rant being done, the rest of Killing Eve was absolutely incredible and it would've stayed in top 5 for sure. It has amazing humor, emotion, messiness, amazing characters, sapphic tension... For those of you who don't know, Killing Eve features a sort of cat and mouse game between an MI6 agent with a fascination for female killers and, you've guessed it, a badass female assassin. I couldn't not put it in top 10 even after witnessing the last episode.
8. Fleabag
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Fleabag's "This is a love story" from s2e1 and her self-depricating monologue from s1e1 still ring around my head. Fleabag may be a mini-series, but it sure packs a punch. A dark comedy filled with British Humour . Fleabag (and yes, that's the protagonist) is both awful and relatable. And if you love morally grey characters, you're in for a treat. Because Fleabag is very much grey. Empty, apathetic, lonely, filled with love, a mess. You constantly wonder what she'll do next, is she going to reach a new low or heal. Another bonus, the hot priest. This one didn't drop much from the previous list, a consistent good. (Fun fact: Fleabag was written by the same person who wrote season 1 of Killing Eve).
7. Gravity Falls
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And now we have one of the best cartoons in cartoon history (around the same spot on the list too). Gravity Falls is a classic. One of the cartoons that shaped the modern cartoon blueprint (along with other amazing cartoons, such as Adventure Time, Regular Show, AWOG...). Only two season and it still left such an impact. A cast of lovable characters, an engaging plot that doesn't miss, the funny jokes that are just the kind of kid friendly (baaaarely) that even the adults could enjoy. Just had to put it in my top 10.
6. The Mentalist
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A blast from the plast. And a new entry even though it shouldn't have been since I've seen this show a long time ago, but it slipped my mind when making the original list. Rewatched it in the meantime, so here we are. This was the show you watched when tv shows were something that was still mostly for, well, the tv. I used to love getting my daily fix of it when I was younger. Crime shows were very popular (and still are), but Mentalist really did it like no other. The Mentalist was about a fake ex psychic Patrick Jane who joins the cops as a consultant so he can get revenge on Red John, a serial killer who murdered his family. Sounds glum, but a lot of the show consists of silly, murderer-of-the-week formatted episodes. But the star of the show definitely was Jane's slow burning quest to catch Red John. All the clues, the intrigue, the suffering. Not to mention that Jane was an absolute legend. (Shoutout to Cho).
5. What We Do In The Shadows
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Another new entry! (Actually, all of the shows in top 5 are new entries except for num 1). What We Do In The Shadows is absolutely hilarious. A mockumentary about a bunch of vampire roomates who get up to all kinds of trouble. A simple, but effective concept based on an existing movie. This show got recommended to me along with OFMD, and it really captured my heart. The humour is silly, a lot of gags about sex and weird shit, but the acting is what really sells it. Ever member of the cast has prefect comedic timing, accent, expressions and a way of delivering a phrase that will have you in stiches. A great pick-me-up show.
4. Bungou Stray Dogs
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The first and only anime on the list. I was actually debating if I should place it on spot number 3 instead, but let's leave it here for now. I f-ing adore bsd. I was reluctant about starting it because I thought it was too long, but, finally, it was seeing Nikolai's badass as fuck villain design that made me watch the show. And now I'm drowning in manga hell. How can an update be so short, yet so insane? The show progressively becomes more insane and senseless, with a cast of characters so likable that you're happy that their plot armor is close to unbreakable. The author sure loves to watch them suffer though. Did I mention that the characters are named after real life authors? And that everyone has a sexy rival and trauma? Yeah, good stuff.
3. Merlin
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In a land of myth... An entry that should've been old considering when the show came out, but I've only seen it after creating my original list. Did it air on the telly when I was a kid? Maybe, can't really remember. A plot summary. Merlin is a young lad who was born with magic. He goes to Camelot for some reasonn, a place known for having a king who kills people for doing magic. He becomes a servant for a royal prat, prince Arthur. A once and future king who is supposedly Merlin's destiny. Watch as magical hijinks turn into ANGST, OH PLEASE NO. Another show I avoided due to its length, but those out of context videos on YouTube really wore me down with their charm. Not to mention that one "Are they gay?" video featuring Merthur, so I had to judge it for myself. Verdict: up to the viewer to decide the nature of that particular relationship (ship the shit out of the though).
2. Interview With The Vampire
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I will NEVER stop screaming about how good this show is! It's so underrated that it pisses me off. Why isn't it mainstream, why isn't it drowning in awards? I'm trying to think of a bad moment from the show and I just can't. The writing, the casting, the acting, the directing, the scenary... High quality stuff. And this is just the kinda show where it's just so obviously a passion project where everyone involved is highly invested in the plot and knows their stuff. This show makes you feel 50 different emotions at once and, somehow, the cast manages to handle that perfectly. Just give them the awards already! One of my favorite things about the show is the use of the unreliable narrator. You never know how much of what's being said in the interview is credible. Anyway, I'm riding the high of the new season, but this is one of the rare shows that almost reached my number 1.
1. Hannibal
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How do I describe Hannibal other than a masterpiece. A consistent number 1 on my list. This show combines everything I ever might want in a show. It's funny, it's dark, romanting, eldritch horror-like, smart, poetic etc etc. The finale of season 2 is one of the best episodes I've seen in my life, if not the best. Every plot point wrapped up, every character dealt with. It's kinda funny how the more you watch the show, the funnier ir becomes. Give me a billion cannibal puns, give me Will shaking like a wet dog. It really made me appreciate consumption as a love language.
Anyway, that's all folks. Link to my previous list:
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