#andreil fanfiction
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inlovewithkevinday · 2 years ago
I love the idea that Aaron is decently popular amongst Palmetto because of Exy/Katelyn etc and that he’s friends with a lot of normal people because from their perspective Aaron has this mysterious evil twin brother who is notorious for allegedly killing their mother.
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crazy-fangirl2524 · 11 months ago
I would have let you by theresnothis
“Neil wanted to scream but he swallowed it like his guilt and maybe this was what the four letter word looked like: trust, understanding, devotion; I would kill and die for you. Dying by your hands as an act of love from both sides.”
Sometimes Neil Josten just slips and Nathaniel takes over.
3k oneshot, hurt/comfort, slight angst, andreil, please read it lol.
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oatflatwhite · 2 years ago
btw i write aftg fic now
i have 3 on ao3! locked for registered users only, sorry
someone has been adding soil to my garden. the plot thickens. | T | 2k
“What the hell is this,” Andrew says flatly, not a question, and Neil squats down to rub one of the big, holey leaves between his thumb and forefinger.
“It’s a monstera,” he says, unable to keep the curl of amusement from his voice. “Kind of fitting, don’t you think?”
piece of cake | T | 5k
The only time they cross paths is in that liminal space between three and four am, when Andrew is on his smoke break, or taking last night’s trash out, and the shitty Mazda pulls into the parking space opposite with a reverse parallel so painstaking it puts Andrew’s teeth on edge. And then the driver gets out. He’s too far away for Andrew to see any tell-tale bags under his eyes but he’s always carrying a keep cup of coffee, even though he works in a goddamn bakery, and limps a little as he makes his way around the hood until his joints loosen up. When he fits his key into the door he turns to give Andrew a two-fingered salute. Andrew has never once returned it, but the man still does it every morning. Like he and Andrew have anything in common besides being awake either side of four am.
OR, Andrew is a bartender. He has an ongoing feud with the baker who works across the street.
we never thought it would end | M | 7k
Neil’s staring at himself in Allison’s bathroom mirror. He swallows, convulsively, one hand lifting from its death grip on the basin to touch the place where the gun had fired, a bullet straight through his nasal cavity into his brain. It didn’t hurt. It was—just a dream, Neil thinks, letting his hand drift down to the basin again. An incredibly vivid, fucked up kind of dream.
OR, the Russian Doll/time loop AU.
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peterpatterr · 2 years ago
The next chapter of All or Nothing is out now!!!! Read here :))))
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kevindavidday · 2 years ago
New chapter of To Be Good 😙
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neilsracquet · 2 years ago
me reading about the same two characters falling in love over and over again in new settings
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centaur-dreaming · 8 months ago
All fic writers have that one document in their drafts that would end their entire career, social life, everything if anyone irl were to find it
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dilemma-ed · 3 days ago
so we all know how andreil share clothes right? here's my take on that:
neither of them are really sure when it started but it sort of becomes a casual thing between them
if andrew were putting on a wash, neil might throw in a shirt, and that shirt makes its way into andrew's dresser, might make its way onto andrew's body
andrew tends to run cold, so more often than not, he’s dressed in layers
and if, when getting dressed, he happens to throw on a sweatshirt that neil had left on his bunk that morning, then so be it
he’d deny it if anyone asked with a bored, cold stare
but andrew becomes particularly attached to one of neil's older palmetto hoodies, worn-in and smelling like neil's cheap detergent
it's unfortunately also one of neil's favorites, one of the few items of clothing he has an emotional attachment to
but there’s just something about seeing andrew wearing it, wearing this worn-out orange sweatshirt with torn hems that makes him melt just a little bit
but when andrew graduates and goes onto play pro, he packs some of neil’s clothes with his own
if anyone were to ask, this was by accident, a product of living in the same space for so long, but neil knew the truth even if he didn't voice it
andrew would deny it, even to him
but he left the sweatshirt behind
it was a stupid, ratty thing and it didn't matter and neil should have thrown it in the trash years ago anyway
but a few weeks after he leaves palmetto, andrew gets a package from neil
in it, is the sweatshirt, along with a note from neil
"you forgot something," it read
andrew silently raised the percentage, hands clutched around the fabric, trying to ignore the disturbing twist in his stomach that felt something like affection
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mini-minish · 6 months ago
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nathaniel wesninski & andrew doe au i picked up from a 2021 sketch 🪓🖤🔪
notes under the read more!
• andrew doe gets adopted into the wesninski family when he's just a little older than nathaniel, who hasnt been sent to edgar allen tryouts yet, and andrew doe is trained to be his bodyguard since childhood
• mary doesn't like it, he becomes a weakness for her son and when she leaves she refuses to take andrew with them, so nathaniel stays, and in that mary never really gets to leave
• on the same day she fails at running away and nathan finds them, nathaniel loses his eye lolastyle
• one time when he's a little older, andrew receives a letter, from a boy who claims to be his twin. andrew minyard doe throws it to the fire, and nathaniel picks it up while he's turned, before it burns completelly
• from the day nathaniel gets injured because he refused to leave andrew behind, they go from annoyed acquaintances to inseparable friends
• he calls andrew "drew" and andrew pretends to hate it. later when theyre older the name "nathaniel" starts to weight, starts to sound weird, so he asks andrew to call him something else, and andrew calls him alex, stefan, adam, until they get to neil
• but he only calls him neil when theyre alone, when its a secret, when nathan cant hear them
• "nathaniel" takes up the axe. he's as good a hitman as the little devil of baltimore has to be. he hates it, hates the color red, the color of his hair
• one of andrew's first memories at the house is of nathan cutting a man to pieces and making him watch, making him learn not to flinch, but red is the color of neil's hair, soft, safe, soothing
• before that, though, theres little league. theres learning andrew is talented at exy, theres kevin day, and riko moriyama, and theres jean moreau
• i want jean and andrew to be funny about each other just for some levity here ok
• the reynolds are a renowed fashion brand, far from them to refuse big mafia money, so they work on suits, on silk shirts, on tailored pants, and allison reynolds is always joined by her friend renee when she goes with her parents for fittings
• renee walker meets andrew doe, and andrew thinks shes silly enough to keep in touch.
• kevin day leaves them, and neil realises he doesnt have to be kept either. kevin day gets to get out and nathaniel wesninski gets quieter.
• neil finds his uncle's contact among some of the things his mother left behind. from stuart he gets to ichirou. from ichirou he starts to make a plan
• riko moriyama is going to make a big announcement soon, something about the perfect court, something that will finally brand the rest of them as his, and well, andrew has always told neil how much he hates that the pen's ink makes the skin of his face break out
• and neil still has the address of a boy who claims to be his andrew's twin
• for whatever reason the moriyamas and the wesninskis have one of those rich people dinners planned. neil gets kevin to show up, nathaniel gets andrew to leave, kicking and punching and a promise broken
• later in the night, a little after the first course is served and they begin the socializations, neil gets kevin to leave, leave, run as far as possible, *now*.
• he sees jean, grabs his wrist, and takes him outside. theyre walking fast before neil starts running, and then the explosion comes from inside the house, from the basement, and knocks both of them out before they turn the corner. the hathford's men long gone from the scene.
• all renee walker and andrew doe see from where he's been waiting for the little voice at the back of his mind to make sense, is the house bursting on fire, believing that it does so with what he's supposed to protect still inside
• but since i can't bring myself to do this to them, andrew finds him, finds jean, and at the hospital finds stuart, who takes his nephew in
• he gets contacted by a man called david wymack, who was convinced by kevin day to offer them a place among his foxes :)
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kjones-fandom · 6 months ago
I can’t stand fanfictions where Neil is the reasonable one. Like Andrew is in fact the “normal” one in their relationship and he might make bad decisions but Neil makes worse.
Neil doesn’t have the best morals and lacks a lot of social skills. I fear you are giving him too much credit in being an objectively good decision maker.
(Andrew is not normal regardless)
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mostlyvoid-partiallyflowers · 4 months ago
The thing I love about fanfiction that focuses on “irredeemable” characters is that most of the time it says, “you are forgivable, you are lovable, you are important.” It says that you are capable of growth and that you can overcome your past. And I think seeing that as a teenager saved me. I thought I was unlovable and then I got older and started understanding the world through my own eyes rather than my parents’ and I started recognizing my mistakes and I thought I was unforgivable. But fanfiction told me, “you can change and you can be wanted and you can be loved,” and that gave me the space to forgive myself and love myself.
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kibalev · 1 year ago
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"If Neil is the sun, Andrew is the world upon which he wants to rise upon everyday"
Here's my piece for the AFTG Reverse Big Bang 2024! @aftgreverse
I worked with the wonderful @yourneighborhoodneighbor, who wrote an incredibly beatiful fic which i made the art for!
You can find the link to the fic above or here:
Go read it and give it all the love! <3<3<3
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tropical-lycan · 2 years ago
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Gift for @fortheloveofexy 👀 It's a little fanart of their amazing merman AFTG fic "Into the Deep" GO READ IT!! I wanted to draw them in Crow's designs for a change hehe
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kevindavidday · 5 months ago
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You Give Love a Bad Name: Chapter One
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little2nerdy · 21 days ago
prolouge for one of my wip's: neil's last year at palmetto + andrew's first year in the pros
(this is my first time writing in a while, any feedback is appreciated)
“I’m gonna be an Outlaw.”
“Are you planning on committing another crime? Wait, don’t tell me. Plausible deniability and all that.” Neil smiles, eyes closed. The diminishing summer sunlight turning his auburn curls to fire as he kicks his legs back and forth over the side of Fox Tower.
“No. Not unless you keep saying stupid things.” Neil huffs a laugh as Andrew clarifies. “Exy. Colorado.” Neil’s eyes open, lips parting in surprise. 
“I know that. I thought you said that thinking that far ahead was pointless…”
Now it was Andrew’s turn to be quiet for a moment. “The draft happens in the spring. I’ve already been approached by scouts.” Neil knew that scouts from teams all over the country had been approaching Andrew after games last season and through incessant emails to coach. Andrew’s the best goalie in the NCAA, his stats are more than impressive. Every professional team wants him, despite his “checkered past”. But every time Kevin or Neil attempted to ask Andrew about life after graduation he had brushed them off.
“I thought you wanted to escape the orange.” The corners of Neil's lips curl in humor and uncertainty. He was under no impression he was perfectly able to read Andrew but he knew him better than most. So for Andrew to have taken him by surprise with this conversation was leaving him reeling. 
“You said Colorado.” Neil was quiet again, that conversation had happened years ago at this point. Neil knew Andrew never forgot anything but he didn't realize Andrew had recognized the weight of it. Andrew glanced over at him steeling himself for what he'd been preparing himself to say. “They're a good team, their first-string striker is going to retire in the next year or two. They want me, and they’ll take you.” 
Neil’s voice was quiet, “There is no guarantee I’ll get signed. And I have no way of knowing if they’ll approve of me signing with The Outlaws over someone else.” The ominous ‘they’ was not something either of them wanted to talk about but Andrew knew with only one year left at Palmetto Neil was getting nervous about satisfying the requirements of the deal that allowed him Kevin and Jean to keep their lives. 
“Their starting salary is enough to fulfill your deal, and I alone will make more than enough for the both of us.” The silence stretched as Andrew took a drag from his cigarette. He knew he'd dropped a metaphorical bombshell but it was unlike Neil to be silent in this way. He tapped a finger on the crease that had formed on Neil's brow. “Have you fallen down the rabbit hole?”
“It’s far.” Is all that came out of Neil's mouth, a frown pulling at his lips. Andrew heard the underlying sentiment. 
What if I need you?
What if you need me?
Will we be okay?
“We’ll get through it.” He takes Neil’s hand in his and squeezes. “We’ve been through worse than 1,515 miles.”
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motherfunkies · 4 months ago
Fic recs? I've been making collages of the aftg fics I've been reading, and I wanna share
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If you text me about either of them, I can give you a summary and the tw list, I recommend all of them and I am happy to answer! All of them are complete and on ao3
Um part 2
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