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Important Rants and Reflections about Making Playful Contemporary Jewellery and Pretending to be an Adult
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k-leeuncut · 4 years ago
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k-leeuncut · 4 years ago
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Bookshelf Theater at Tokyo’s Kadokawa Culture Museum. Designed by Kengo Kum.
Photo by RK.
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k-leeuncut · 4 years ago
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k-leeuncut · 4 years ago
hard pill to swallow: the idea that your ‘soulmate’ or ‘the one’ will know exactly how to make you happy without you ever having to communicate is fake. the fantasy that you will have all your needs met in a relationship without ever having to be vulnerable is fundamentally not true. sometimes you have to express your needs and desires, you have to ask for things, you have to communicate how you want to be loved, it’s uncomfortable and clumsy but relationships are about learning to love each other not being a mind reader
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k-leeuncut · 4 years ago
I am reading scholarly works about Jane Austen and having hearteyes about obscure details in the Pemberley chapters of P&P that indicate Mr. Darcy’s sustainable land management praxis.
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k-leeuncut · 4 years ago
Thinking abt immortality and how meticulously you’d have to keep track of all of your shit so some nosy historian didnt spot your old journal or coat or copy of a book and call an infuriating time-based finders keepers
“It’s two hundred years old” they say. “It’s essentially public property” they say. It’s a letter you sent to your friend and it’s in a museum now and you’re screaming
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k-leeuncut · 4 years ago
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k-leeuncut · 4 years ago
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If the conditions are just right, you can see a spectacular sight at Congaree National Park in South Carolina. These “rainbow pools” are not a sign of pollution, but a natural occurrence that can be caused by one of two things. Many times they are the result of decaying vegetation, especially cypress cones and needles, that release their natural oils. The other cause can be bacteria breaking down iron in the soil. Combined with very still waters, a few days without rain, and the correct angle of the light, and you can see shimmering colors floating on the water. Photo by National Park Service.
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k-leeuncut · 4 years ago
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k-leeuncut · 5 years ago
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k-leeuncut · 5 years ago
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k-leeuncut · 6 years ago
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k-leeuncut · 6 years ago
I cant fault Mr. Darcy for going to parties and not talking to anyone, because that’s exactly what I do at parties. Following around the one person I know, and insulting everyone else while I’m at it, either unintentionally or not? Sounds like a blast
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k-leeuncut · 6 years ago
You can’t pour into areas from a place of emptiness. To be a good leader, partner, friend, parents, whatever, you need to constantly be refilling yourself with things that are life-giving.
Skipping work or class and watching Netflix for six hours is not a “mental health day.” There is nothing mentally beneficial to doing that. You won’t have anything beneficial to pour back into your real life the next day.
Read a book. Get some exercise. Pray, meditate, do some yoga. Garden. Landscape. Re-organize your bookshelf. Write a blog. Fold your clothes.
You feel exhausted all the time because you’re pouring and pouring  and pouring, but you never spend your free time filling yourself back up with significant things.
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k-leeuncut · 6 years ago
Google BetaBooks. Do it now. It’s the best damn thing EVER.
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You just upload your manuscript, write out some questions for your beta readers to answer in each chapter, and invite readers to check out your book!
It’s SO easy!
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You can even track your readers! It tells you when they last read, and what chapter they read!
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Your beta readers can even highlight and react to the text!!!
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There’s also this thing where you can search the website for available readers best suited for YOUR book!
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Seriously guys, BetaBooks is the most useful website in the whole world when it comes to beta reading, and… IT’S FREE.
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k-leeuncut · 6 years ago
You missed out Bride and Prejudice
Pros: it’s a musical
So which Pride and Prejudice should you watch?
(Disclaimer: They’re all wonderful in their own way.)
BBC Mini Series from 1995:
The most realistic of the options at hand
Gives you nearly six hours to give the story the time it deserves
Has the time to give you all of the characters without feeling rushed
The characters are adorable (or annoying depending on needs Mr. Collins), but they aren’t godlike. It’s great to see real people on screen
You actually get to see Lydia and Mr. Wickham hiding from their family which I don’t see in any other adaptation?
More time is dedicated to Mr. Darcy’s point of view
Mrs. Bennet is perfect
Collin Firth (according to fandom)
I personally have an issue with some the music even though its still admittedly good
It does take about six hours to get through, though you can take a break between each episode
If you’re looking for fluff, this is the least fluffy version of the lot
Probably has the most muted colors of the three, but it’s also from 1995 so…
Pride and Prejudice 2005 (with Keira Knightley)
Talk about a bi dream world
This is definitely the fluffy one
Probably the easiest one to sit down and watch all at once as it is a movie
Elizabeth walking across a field to meet Darcy where he proposes is such a dream sequence
It flows rather nicely as a story and certainly does the story justice for the time its given
Keira Knightley is a wonderful actress in my opinion
The music is rather repetitive, you could replace the soundtrack with one song and be close to the current one
Probably goes the least in depth of the three
Kitty and Mary don’t get as much focus as they deserve
You don’t get quite the sense that a bunch of time is passing
Feels much less real than the other two
Lizzie Bennet Diaries (Youtube)
Definitely the easiest to watch if you only have a  few minutes here and there
This is a thoroughly modern version, so keep that in mine
Stays loyal to the story while making it modern. There’s no question that this is Pride and Prejudice
Charlotte is fucking adorable
Lydia has an amazing character arc that fits in a more modern sense and is PERFECT
Georgiana is the cutest thing I have ever seen
Lizzie encompasses the young adult in this day and age
I think they all have Twitters which is really neat?
Fitzwilliam is a joy
There are several characters you never get to meet like her mother and father, only second hand
It is very Lizzie centric (which I like), and that’s obvious, but it means that you get more of her than you will than in any other adaptation and less of everyone else
Kitty does not exist
Mary does exist, but as a cousin rather than a sister (because most people don’t have 5 kids in this day and age)
I honestly can’t speak highly enough of any of these, especially the Lizzie Bennet Diaries which is just such a unique take on the series.
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k-leeuncut · 7 years ago
I’m upset because I want to change the world but the world is too big and people are too mean
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