#and yes some redemption there too i GUESS if i HAVE to admit that she did some evil things. like twice
pinbitch · 11 months
if they do make new merlin content, what do you want it to be?? a new season or a reboot?? modern merlin and arthur just appearing at the lake?? reincarnation?
deeply seggsy ask to just hit me with completely out of the blue bestie. but i must confess: the character i am least invested in in merlin is……..merlin. the characters i MUST see again would be gawain, morgana, and gwen
so i’d probably go for reincarnation of everyone in the modern day (or in the future! merlin IN SPACE) with old man merlin who has been living and waiting all that time. they’d be facing some threat which has caused them all to come back, and it would address the fact that the prophecy Was Not Fulfilled the first time
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zoe-oneesama · 2 years
So what are your thoughts (and salt) on your research re-watch on Queen Wasp?
This episode is annoying because it tries to play both sides - it is very much NOT a redemption arc episode but at the same time tries to make you feel sorry for Chloe after she fucks shit up, which has tricked some into believing this actually WAS part of Chloe's redemption arc.
As @hypexion laid out in a full essay, there never was a Chloe redemption arc because Chloe never thought she did anything wrong and never thought she had to change. In "Queen Wasp", she refuses to return the Miraculous on the grounds "finders keepers, losers weepers", deliberately causes a crisis in order to try and FAIL to save the day just to show off, and when confronted with her deeds only has this to say:
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See, I didn't pull Scarlet Lady's complete disregard for human life out of my ass, it was canon all along! 😈
"Who cares"?! "Who CARES"?! Putting aside that "WE" did not save them, Ladybug and Chat Noir saved them from YOU, I'm pretty sure the people's who's LIVES you endangered "cares"!
Thing is, if you just watch this episode and put the entire idea of "redemption" or "hero Chloe" out of your mind, this is 3/4ths of a good episode. Pretty fun, actually, with Chloe just...being Chloe. And getting to hit Chloe in the face with a trash can ❤️.
So what's with all the audience emotional manipulation at the end?
Why is Chat Noir making soft face and using soft voice at Chloe at the end, commiserating that she STOLE a Miraculous (because once she decided not to return it when asked, yes, that's theft at that point), crashed a train, and ran away from the consequences just to ImPrEsS hEr MoThEr? Guess that makes it alright then, right Adrien? 🙃
(If it was just meant to be an Adrien Character Moment, they would've had Ladybug counter him by point out that her motivation doesn't make what she did okay, but instead they have Ladybug ALSO commiserate with Chloe)
As a character beat, I get that Adrien is channeling his daddy issues through Chloe's mommy issues, but I mean for the audience: why are they having Ladybug admit to "making mistakes" and Chat Noir comfort Chloe when SHE MESSED UP THIS BADLY except to manipulate the viewer into feeling sorry for her?! Her mother didn't ASK her to do any of those things, she did them all on her own, so why are the heroes giving her a pass, ie. why are the writers wanting the audience to give Chloe a pass???
No pass! She sucked! And she deserved her classmates ripping on her in "Malediktator", but then the story had the balls to try and make the audience feel bad for Chloe for that too!
Speaking of that, it's really weird that they ended "Queen Wasp" with Ladybug being so soft on Chloe at the end, only for Marinette to turn around at the beginning of "Malediktator" and go back to being really annoyed with her. Especially after she went out of her way to reconcile things between Chloe and Audrey.
Even the way they did it - equating Ladybug accidentally dropping the Miraculous in the middle of the battle and then relying on the Miraculous Cure to return the Miraculous to Fu, (something she'd have no reason to believe shouldn't happen), to Chloe deliberately causing a disaster in order to fail to impress her mom and refusing to return the Miraculous that she Was Not Given? Those are not the same! An honest error that Ladybug fully intended to rectify vs. Chloe disregarding other's safety and the right and wrong of keeping something that never belonged to her are not on equal footing.
Oh and then there's this gem:
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Giving back an item that never belonged to you to the rightful owner isn't "exceptional", it's basic human decency. Good Lord Chloe is not "exceptional" for finally adhering to the code of conduct the rest of us learned in Kindergarden.
All this pushing the viewer to feel some type of way and it's all for nothing. Feeling sorry for Chloe just leads Ladybug to giving her another chance in "Malediktator", giving Chloe entitlement to the Bee Miraculous, facing the issues of the enemy knowing her identity in "Miraculer", having to flat out retract Chloe's access to the Bee Miraculous which Chloe responds to with a full on tantrum in "Miracle Queen", leading to Fu giving Guardianship over to Ladybug.
Woooow, real glad we were told over and over again by the narrative to go easy on Chloe, sHe JuSt NeEdS a GoOd InFluEnCe and a SeCoNd ChAnce. That sure ended well for everyone.
Also this is just me being a nitpicky asshole, but if Chloe didn't out herself right in front of everyone (ie. GABRIEL), the Hawkmoth era of the series would've been over. After Style Queen failed, Gabriel had completely given up since his "Masterpiece" failed. If Chloe hadn't revealed herself, Gabriel wouldn't have been inspired to akumatize a Miraculous Holder and might've gone into retirement long enough to return the Miraculous in secret or reveal Emilie to the public in search of other methods before he could've been "inspired" by something else.
The villain defeated by lack of motivation, lmao.
(Also also obviously this could've been doubly avoided by Ladybug not losing the Bee Miraculous or taking the Bee Miraculous out in the first place, but we could've had Anti-Hero Bee Chloe with an actual secret identity paired with a new antagonist to go into a new era of Miraculous, so I would've considered that a win)
MY main gripe with the three Chloe centric episodes "Style Queen", "Queen Wasp", and "Malediktator" is all the pointless, blatant audience manipulation. They went so far out their way to make the audience side with Chloe against Ladybug and feel bad for her only to turn around and call us stupid for doing so. I want my time back and I never even believed in the Redemption Arc. I can't imagine how much worse it was for someone who actually believed what they were selling.
And obviously it was terrible for the thing that brought Chloe and Audrey together is how they're horrible people who torment the working class, but maybe we should've taken that as a sign as to where this was going. Way to immediately resolve Chloe's mommy issues as soon as they were brought up.
Wait...is that why they made the problem in "Malediktator" Chloe's usefulness?
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Loki Season 2 Ep. 1 Thoughts:
(Heavy Spoilers)
Ok so I have a lot of thoughts and are basically all over the place so I'm gonna be putting in them in somewhat chronological order (Unlike Loki's current situation hehe)
They really HAD to put more of Loki's heartbreak over Mobius not recognizing him? Loki creators probably: "I know we're gonna bring the duo back but let's make 'em suffer just a bit more in the beginning".
I know others have covered this but also want to spread this headcanon/theory: Even though past Mobius doesn't know Loki ,and probably got his memory erased afterwards, It's still an interesting theory that maybe his interactions with Loki then might have somehow stuck with him and made him want to look into Loki a bit later.
Miss Minutes is with Ravonna right? I feel likeMinutes is probably the only tool/weapon that might give the former judge some leverage.
Casey! Casey not just being a comedic guy but actually a massive help is really nice. He (Present Casey) immediately saw Loki in pain/trouble and decided to help him without much question.
So...X-5 and D-90 weren't what I was expecting, they're kinda switched actually from what I was expecting. I thought X-5 would be a friend to Mobius and kinda con-artist and D-90 was a massive jerk who would side with Ravonna...But hey, I'm all for D-90's redemption.
New Judge is great. Screw Ravonna!...Where's Ravonna?
Apparently she was in on HWR's plan from the beginning...Guess she is a big bad after all. Also, why was she so great to HWR? Like in the comics they were couple but things seem to have taken a different turn in the MCU.
Look, I get it if you don't ship Lokius but...You have to admit was really nice to see Loki get some support from Mobius (And B-15, don't forget her stopping Ass-5) and then Mobius trying to calm/ground Loki while the poor dude is really going through it. AND even later, Loki and Mobius trying to make the other calm down and not to worry about their problems.
IF you do ship Lokius. We're either getting fed well or being clowned upon. Either way, let me just enjoy these two for a bit.
Why has no one talked about the weird fact that O.B.'s memory doesn't seem to have been erased but Mobius' has? Also, is O.B. like a TVA secret? Why the hell is no one in the TVA visiting him! How is he able to keep track of time in the TVA?!
Ok so that guidebook O.B. made, Loki still has it right? Like in a trailer clip he is flipping through an orange book, that's the guidebook right?
I love how Mobius is still thinking about whether he'll lose his skin or not till the very last minute lol. We know he's always was gonna pick saving Loki no matter what, but you'd totally still be worried about the skin thing.
I think Loki was pruned by either Future Sylvie or Future Loki. I think Future Loki and Sylvie came up with a plan to make sure Present Loki got pruned and survived. Also...Sylvie growing out her hair to have 50/50 hair colors is making me more of Bi idiot than usual.
While I enjoy the comparison to the Sam/Bucky roll to Lokius I think there is a key difference: FaTWS played this for comedy while this was played for relief that the characters are ok. And Sam immediately told bucky to get off while Loki probably just thought Mobius's suit was too heavy. (Yes, I'm wearing clown makeup, what about it.)
Finally, And I know how controversial this is: I don't think Loki is looking for Sylvie for romantic reason (OR more accurately, not the sole reason). She is literally about to be hunted down and probably killed and was the last one to see what happened in the Citadel. Even if he did feel betrayed by her, he still would probably want to save her.
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simlit · 10 months
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Chosen of the Sun | | forest // eighty-one
| @sani-sims
next / previous / beginning
KYRIE: Mm. She takes her job personally. Not that she really ever cared for us. Being entrusted with our guardianship went to her head years ago. I always remember her arguing with the council about what we ought or ought not to be doing. She never liked sharing the responsibility. Guess it made her feel important lording over God’s chosen. EVE: She acts as if you’re still a child. KYRIE: I don’t think she could ever see me otherwise. EVE: Do you ever miss your real mother? Don’t you… wonder about her? KYRIE: Hard to miss something you’ve never known. I could say I wish I’d had the chance to know her, but then… I wouldn’t be here if she hadn’t been complacent in surrendering us to the church in the first place. EVE: I never knew my mother, either. Yet, I often dreamed of how my life would have been different had she lived. When I would see other children with their mothers, the happiness they showed… it made me yearn for something I, too, had never felt, but still wanted, deeply. KYRIE: In a way I envy you. I haven’t the imagination to fathom things like that; Whatever it must have been like to grow up as someone else. EVE: But you had your sister. KYRIE: Yes… I had her. EVE: Kyrie, you shouldn’t give up hope that she might still be alive. Tell me, honestly. Is that the real reason behind your decision? KYRIE: I don’t know… Maybe. I just don’t see the point anymore. I had hope. But I can’t feel her. It’s just… silent. Is it better to think she’s out there somewhere, in pain and alone? I don’t know. Everything is so dark. EVE: Surely, she wouldn’t want this for you. And she’s not the only one. There are people who care for you now. KYRIE: I could hardly believe that. EVE: It’s true. Don’t you think I worry for you? KYRIE: You’re… different. EVE: I’m not the only one. Kyrie there’s… something you should know. KYRIE: What do you mean? EVE: I… was nervous to tell you. I don’t know if this is something you should hear now, considering your condition, but if I don’t… If your sight returns, perhaps just saying so now would be kinder. KYRIE: Eve? EVE: It’s Tayuin… He’s gone after that witch. The one who cast the curse. KYRIE: He’s… what? EVE: He, Eira and Lord’Tevus left sometime in the night. Only a few of us know they’ve gone. I expect that’s for the better. KYRIE: But… how… Why? EVE: Isn’t it obvious? To save you. KYRIE: That’s— I’ll… I’ll go, then. I’ll go after them, I— EVE: You’re in no condition to do anything. And certainly not the type to go traversing dangerous terrain. KYRIE: I can’t let them. This is all— EVE: It’s done, Kyrie. You’ve nothing to do now but accept that. KYRIE: How can I? If something happens to them— EVE: Calm down. You’ll exert yourself too much. KYRIE: But… EVE: You know they’re capable fighters. And clever. Well… KYRIE: laughs Some more than others. EVE: If for no other reason, I will acknowledge Lord Tev’us is a powerful force. Though, I would be lying if I said it didn’t concern me greatly to hear he’d gone along. On the one hand, his abilities are nearly unmatched. On the other, it’s hard to know where his loyalties lay. If he has any at all. I admit, part of me thinks he’s only gone for selfish reasons. He’s shown us well enough he cares for no one but himself. KYRIE: I know your experiences with him have been unfavorable. However, I… don’t know if what you say is the heart of it. EVE: What do you mean? KYRIE: Lord Tev’us is… complicated. Perhaps, not easy to like. EVE: Not easy to like? He’s callous and self-serving. Do you forgive all that he has done? KYRIE: I didn’t say that. But I needn’t forgive him to understand that he and I have wildly different perspectives. That doesn’t mean I agree with his, nor that I think he’s absolved of judgement. But do I think that he is beyond redemption? Do I think him incapable of caring for anyone outside himself? KYRIE: My answer to that is…
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borathae · 1 month
Chapter 36
idk feeling soo content cuz last chapter ended fluffy and she is cleaning the library (i lobe her and she is my wifey) and the warning is slightly scary haha 😃👀
“Again, it kind of is”, he answers you HE IS SUCH A LIL SHIT SCARING HER FOR SHITS AND GIGGLES
“I’d love to see you try. Your uppercut is weak.” VIOLENCE
he really said you want it? here take it (irl tae's power lol)
“what’s gotten into you?” fr did he drink some love potion or something lol
I’m entirely yours for the rest of the evening SOMEBODY ARREST THIS MAN HE JUST KILLED ME
YOU CANT FLY man that sucks
He looked for a book about plants for her? OMG HE READ FOR HER He wanted to be prepared so he could sound intelligent and professional and maybe also impress you or whatever. UWUW AAH “Just some books”, he says, scratching the side of his neck. shy baby What did he look up? um smut SORRY I HAD TO
their banter aaah i love it so cute NO WE DONT HATE U WHO SAID THAT
Yoongi seems confused at first, moving his head away until your fingers finally brush against him. Like a cat that doesn’t know if it wants to be petted or not.
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what do you want me to say? Yeah, I care about it.” YES OLD SOFT KITTY ADMITTED IT
“I didn’t purr! Shut up, I’m not a bat. This is racism against vampires”
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This awful sorcerer cursed you to uncontrollable violence and blood thirst, but you broke that curse. Are you even aware of what you achieved? What you did? You wrote your own destiny, Yoongi. And honestly you always speak of redemption, but in my eyes you have redeemed yourself a long time ago.” namjoon stop cutting onions, i love this para
you think that’s something you can handle?” STOP IM BLUSHING AAAH like her compliments are making me giggle like my crush smiled at me hhahaah
“okay…thank you”, he says nonchalantly. oh my tsundere kitty i love you
"But they’re honest”, he sounds offended as if he doesn’t want them to be cheesy.  did i tell you i love yoongi? (definitely not) and that i love the way you write him? (nope never)
“Is it another prison?” He looks saddened for a moment. “Sorry, dark humour. POOKIE NOT THE TIME 😭😭
“That’s so weird, I was never here before.” how big is this house man? narnia? who cleans it?? the cleaner needs a raise we got the keys? im so emotional dont touch me
oh boy this is going to end bad huh yoongi, at one point, she has to leave and go to university soo... oh thank god its winter break. imagine she has a bestie and she just texts, "guess what happened during the break", "you probably rot in your bed like the potato you are" "well, im now dating 3 vampires???" "BITCH WTF" "i may or may not have been kidnapped too??"
yoongi wtf man
oh no yoongi is already upset and tae provoked yeah jimin my baby 😭😭 we didnt get to give him a chance 😭
ok yoongi is right about that, but tae regretted it and felt real for her
YOONGI STOP HURTING HIM PLEASE waht are u doing no no
yoongi idk waht to say
“Again, it kind of is”, he answers you HE IS SUCH A LIL SHIT SCARING HER FOR SHITS AND GIGGLES
I love him he is just a goof 😔
He is my pookie <3
“what’s gotten into you?” fr did he drink some love potion or something lol
he is just in loooveee
I’m entirely yours for the rest of the evening SOMEBODY ARREST THIS MAN HE JUST KILLED ME
He looked for a book about plants for her? OMG HE READ FOR HER He wanted to be prepared so he could sound intelligent and professional and maybe also impress you or whatever. UWUW AAH “Just some books”, he says, scratching the side of his neck. shy baby What did he look up? um smut SORRY I HAD TO
I'm so sad :( he loves her so much :(
their banter aaah i love it so cute NO WE DONT HATE U WHO SAID THAT
you think that’s something you can handle?” STOP IM BLUSHING AAAH like her compliments are making me giggle like my crush smiled at me hhahaah
heheheh she is so cute heheheh
“okay…thank you”, he says nonchalantly. oh my tsundere kitty i love you
i love him so MUCH!!!
"But they’re honest”, he sounds offended as if he doesn’t want them to be cheesy.  did i tell you i love yoongi? (definitely not) and that i love the way you write him? (nope never)
i love him so so so so so so much!!! my beloved boongie <3
hahah the downfall at the end is so funny to me JFJADJF
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nkirukaj · 2 months
Fawning for You (7)
Pairing: Alastor x Voe (Fem!OC)
Warnings: Swearing
Genre: Angst (& Humor!)
Word Count: 2.4K
7. Don't Lose Ur Head
“So, he didn’t want to have sex with me,”
“Aw dang, he’s gay? Well send him on over here”
She laughs “He’s not gay!”
“Please, all sirens are at least bi,”
“Well he’s not homosexual…he kissed me,” she said like a little schoolgirl
“Aww, how cute. And gross. ‘He kissed me’” he pokes her side “Oooooh,”
Voe laughs “Stop!”
Just then Casper walks up into the parlor
“Hi Casper,” she waves to the siren
“Good morning,” he waves back
She sits up “So tell me something, why did you run away last night?”
He blushes “It was just a…it was out of character for me,”
“The running or the kiss?”
“The kiss,”
“Well don’t worry, it was just right,” she winks at him
Alastor enters the parlor and sits in his usual seat. He stares at the doe and the siren as they chat, smiling from ear to ear, filling him with disgust. Casper goes and takes his seat in a chair, while Voe stares at him biting her lip. She leaves her spot next to Angel and sits on Casper’s lap. Alastor squints at them, only for them to fall off the chair. Alastor snickers, but stops when he hears her and Casper laughing as well.
“Thanks, Casper,” Voe says
“What? You sat on my lap!”
“Why are you sitting on the chair like that?”
“That’s how I sit on chairs!”
“You’re literally ‘on the edge of your seat’” she chuckles
Casper sits back on the chair, “Yes I am,”
Voe places her palm on the siren’s chest “Move back,” she pushes him further back on the chair and plops right down on his lap.
“Better,” she speaks seductively
Alastor thought this was a place for adults, not a playground. He had grown tired of her antics, clearly trying to get a rise out of him and he wasn’t going to let it happen. He wondered when she would give up this game and admit that she was wrong and then maybe they could move past this. He gets up and exits, knowing he can no longer stand the childish display in front of him. Alastor could not take this for that much longer. What was her end goal? What was going on through her mind? Toying with him in this manner was just cruel, and she was looking for redemption? She would never reach heaven if she continued to play with his feelings. Shoving her new date in his face like he was some common sinner. He was the Radio Demon for fuck’s sake. He takes the time to breathe and compress, for him to think clearly. He had plans. Big plans. And he refused to let her and her foolishness get in the way. Even if he did miss her scent, her eyes, her hair, and her smile. Even if he sometimes dreamed about caressing her skin, pulling down her straps, and kissing her shoulder. Even if he thought of sliding down her-
Focus Alastor, focus.
“I want to see your hotel room, is there water in there?”
Casper scoffs “No,”
“Ugh, you’re so boring!”
“What do you think cuz I’m a fish that-“
“Oh my gosh,” he shakes his head “No, you’re wrong,”
“And you’re boring,”
“I guess I’m boring,”
Voe leans back “So, what did you do to get down here?”
“Apparently being a bystander in a frat house gets you into Hell,”
“Ugh, you were a frat boy?”
“Yeah, but I’m here because I want to change,” he purses his lips “Let a lot of things slide and when you let too much slide then you end up down here,”
“That seems so unlike you, but then again, I haven’t known you for that long,”
He picks up a grape with his tail “What about you?” and feeds it to himself
She leans on her arm “Um, I was a mean girl. A really mean girl. And I ruined a few people’s lives and reputations for my own desires. Like sleeping with married women.”
Casper furrows his brows “Why though?”
“Why what?”
“Why did you do that?”
She stops and thinks about it, no one had ever asked her why she chose to do the things that got her into Hell
“I guess because I was bored?”
She laughs “Okay!” she thinks some more “I guess so no one would pick on me, I picked on them myself,”
“Who picked on you?”
“When I was a kid other kids made fun of me for my autism,”
“You’re autistic?”
She nods “Yup, and you know other kids are really good at picking up on that kind of stuff. So they bullied me. Called me names and such. So I grew up with very low self-esteem, and you know.” she shrugs “People with low self-esteem do anything to feel good about themselves, even if it never lasts,”
Casper sits, staring at her
“I think it’s really admirable that you know what you need to fix,”
“I agree, but about you,” she pulls at her ear
Casper points up “Is that a stim?” she nods and he stares longer “May I kiss you again?” she nods again
Casper leans in and catches her lips with his and she wraps her arms around his neck as he lays her down on the carpeted floor.
Alastor came upon her in the hallway, her standing in place and texting. He dissipates his cane and decides to try something different. He approaches her from behind and wraps his arms around her pulling her close to his chest and resting his chin on her head. After hearing her sniff and snuggle back, she pulls away and whips around in anger.
“What are you doing?”
Alastor’s face turns a slight red in the cheeks, embarrassing really. “I-I apologize,” he walked away 
He cannot be doing this now! He ignored her all this time and now once she’s getting into something with Casper, he comes along and gives her butterflies? Now hewants to give her affection? What was he trying to do to her head? Voe drops her head in her hands and makes herself sob. It sucks so bad that even after all this time she still loved him and wanted him. 
“Then make yourself un-want him!”
Voe groans “I’m pretty sure that’s impossible,”
“I get it,”
She smirks a little “Like how you want Husk?”
“I mean, no. That’s not who I was talking about,”
She stares “Val?”
“Do you miss him?”
Angel tilts his head “Sometimes I do. Sometimes I miss him a lot,”
“What do you do then?”
“What I usually do to forget,”
“Get high?”
He nods “Yup,”
She stops and sits there thinking “Can I get high with you?”
She repeats herself “Can I get high with you?”
“Um sure, wanna go to the club?”
Voe shakes her head “No, not again,”
Angel laughs and pulls out a baggie,  “Let’s do it!”
Voe has tears running in a constant waterfall down her face. She sobs onto Angel’s shoulder and the spider rolls his eyes 
“Well, that didn’t work,”
“And I don’t understand! I just wanna feel special you know? I wanna feel pretty, am I pretty?”
He pets her head “You’re gorgeous,”
“Why doesn’t Alastor think I’m pretty?”
“I’m sure he thinks you’re beautiful,”
She sits up to look at the spider “Then he would tell me right? And I wanna be a good person, but it’s so hard when I feel bad about myself!”
“Don’t feel bad about yourself,’
Voe snorts “Thanks,”
“I don’t know! Dames are weird!”
“Sexist!” she sneezes
Voe stands and exits her room 
“Wait where you going? Hey, hey!” he looks out the door and sees her getting in the elevator “Oh shit!” Angel rushes toward the elevator and gets there as the door closes “Shit! Welp, it’s out of my hands,” he says as he snorts another spoon
Voe bangs on Alastor’s door, tears still running. She doesn’t say anything but stands there waiting for him to open the door. He does.
“Can I help you?” he asks with a confused look in his eyes
She swallows, holding herself “Do you hate me?”
“Go ahead and say it, you hate me!”
“I don’t hate you. Why would I hate you?”
She looks away “Because I told the Vees all that information about you. But I did not tell them everything!”
“Well, you sure told them enough,”
“I didn’t tell them about your dad,”
Alastor stands quietly “Probably because by then it was too late,”
“No,” she shakes her head 
“No?” he raises his brow
“No, he-he-he Vox, he asked me for more after you told me that, and I didn’t tell him!” she flaps her hands vigorously.
Angel finally gets up the stairs “AH! What’d’ya say? Whatever she said she didn’t mean it,”
Voe claps at every syllable “I mean everything!”
“Ah shit, anybody gonna tell me what she said?”
Alastor turns back to Voe, ignoring Angel “Did you come here to accomplish something?” he raises his eyebrows
Voe points her finger at Alastor, poking his nose, he moves back “You don’t think I’m pretty!” she flaps her hands again
Alastor grabs her wrists “I think you’re beautiful,” looking her in the eyes
Voe blushes and cries a bit more “Then why do you treat me so bad?”
“The same reason you treat me so bad, my dear,” he poked Voe’s nose “Take her to bed,” he told Angel
“Yeah,” Angel picks up Voe and tosses her over his shoulder
“I’m not done!” she shouts
“Yeah, ya are. Maybe I won’t tell you about this tomorrow, it’ll be like it never happened,”
“Alastor!” He stares at her as Angel carries her to the elevator, slightly waving as the doors close.
Alastor reenters his bedroom. He had been reading a novel before the sudden intrusion. He couldn’t get back into the intricacies of the story after that little debacle. What had she meant when she said that he didn’t think she was pretty? Of course, he thought she was beautiful. He always had. And she knew that. So why did she ask that? And what had she meant when she asked if he hated her? No, of course not. He did have some tendencies to be petty and cruel, but she knew this also, why was she asking questions that she knew the answers to? He had never been this confused before. Not when he decided to become a radio host, not when he committed murders, or when he ate other demons. Leave it to her to confuse him unlike he’d ever been before. He sits down in his armchair, perhaps he should try something different? Though he has done that and gotten this result, perhaps he needed to try something in the middle, he thought. Or perhaps she needed to wake up and smell the coffee. 
“Hey, Casper?”
“I just wanna make something clear,”
He turns to look at her “Okay,”
She fiddled with her fingers “I’m not looking for something super serious,”
“Okay, that’s fine,”
“Like I’m not trying to fall in love,”
“Neither am I,”
“Great! We’re on the same page,”
They stand in silence for a moment “Can we make out again?”
“Okay, so I never want to do crack again. It didn’t help, all I remember is feeling even worse, guess because I wasn’t sober enough to suppress my feelings ha ha ha”
voe the crackhead???
crackhead doe 😂😂😂
“I’m not a crackhead! I just tried it once to feel better, but it didn’t work. So what else can I try? Not drugs!”
lol fresh outta luck
“Tried that already,”
lmao then outta luck lmaoooo
how is rhe theater???
yeah how’s the theater
what show ya doing?
do hello dolly!
“Oh my gosh, that show is so old! The theater is coming along wonderfully! If anyone else would like to work under me, you can come to the theater and sign the contract. But at the moment we are now working on the first layer of the stage, it’s almost done, we just have to fortify it. Is that the right word? I don’t know, we’re making it stronger I guess? Leaving some space in between to make it so there would be something of a hollowish sound when you step on it. Planks in between. I don’t know, you guys probably don’t care. But I’m not doing ‘Hello Dolly!’ I’m thinking of something more contemporary, on the bright side, I don’t have to worry about copyright and licensing laws because who’s gonna sue me? I’m in Hell!” She laughs 
so what you gonna do?
“I was thinking of letting my staff decide, via voting. So if you want a say then you know what to do,”  She gives a wink to the camera “Do y’all even like theater?”
never allowed in in my time period
im a man from the 1800s
theater makes you gay
theater is unbecoming for a woman
women shouldn’t be in theater
“How are you on social on social media with those opinions? Like, are you keeping up with the times or not?”
opinions matter
“They shouldn’t if they’re holding you back!”
…is she serious 
she deadass??
“All I’m saying is that you shouldn’t let anything step in the way of your happiness,”
“Like…for real? Like antebellum south?”
“Well…shit, that’s crazy. Do you even know what theater is?”
are you sure you know what you’re doing?
“Is anybody ever 100% sure?”
she doesn’t know what shes doing
“Nope!” and she logs off.
Woof. Now she was sweating. That felt really intense for no reason. Perhaps she didn’t know what she was doing, but it much it was much too late to back down now. She wasn’t used to having to plan things out. She would always just wing it and it would work out. But it was time to get real, being an Overlord wasn’t a joke, and she really needed to get her shit together.
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kerrikins · 1 year
It's hard for me to tell at the moment whether I can't see anything in the Build tag because of the massive amounts of spam or if it's just that people aren't saying anything, but I guess that is neither here nor there, other than that if nobody is saying anything after the last week it leaves me a bit ??
I last posted about this whole topic back in July - if I remember it was right at the start of the July 17th leaks, though at this point I'll admit that it's all become a bit of a blur. We've had what, now, five leaks since May? Yeah.
I've thought a lot about whether or not to post again since then. I had a friend visiting from out of the country at the time, and between that and the insanity that is my workplace at the moment, I quite frankly did not have the time or the brain space to actually work through my thoughts and put them down on paper, so to speak. When I did have some more time things had quieted down again, and I thought - well, no use dredging it up again, since I'd already laid out a lot of my thoughts here and then on twitter, too. There was also the unspoken fact that I didn't know whether or not there would be another leak, of course.
So here we are a month later coming off of another round, and after the last week I feel the need to finally get some things off my chest.
First of all, I've done some poking around and I'm disappointed but unsurprised to see that as usual, there is very little discussion outside of pro-Build spaces about how disturbing and obsessive all this is. The campaign of hate, bullying, harassment, coercion and blackmail continues and by and large people are happy to participate in it because apparently those things become okay when they are dealing with someone they view as a bad person as long as they pay lip service to 'well they're both bad people', which does not even come close to being an actual criticism of what she's doing. As always, there's also little discussion of the clear fact that she obviously doesn't care who she hurts during this process, even if it's the faves of the same fans participating in the hate campaign.
None of this aligns with my moral code. It never will. I think it's disgusting and I think that the people participating in it should be ashamed of themselves, though I know that they never will be.
I've gone into detail on all of this before, however, so I don't see the point in going into it again. I will simply state that yes, I do still believe in second chances and opportunities for redemption for anyone, regardless of what they have done. So I will always say that people should give Build the chance to try and be a better person, and that they shouldn't try to dictate to others whether or not they support him.
However (you knew that was coming, right?) - what's in those messages doesn't align with my moral code either. And yeah, I do feel like I need to say it, partly because I feel like the bubble/byl fandom at large is being a bit too dismissive of it.
I get it. I laid out up above why I think what is being done to Build is wrong. I haven't changed my mind on that. People feel so strongly that what is being done to him is wrong that it makes them extremely defensive of him.
But this situation isn't black and white and never has been, and multiple things can be true.
Example A: Some people who hate Build are guilty of behaving extremely badly and contributing to the harassment and bullying and blackmail.
On the flip side: some people who support him are guilty of hating on the other cast members in spite of the fact that there's no evidence of them doing anything. Some are also guilty of willfully turning a blind eye to the fact that he has admitted the messages are his and has apologized for them - which means that as of today the current evidence we have says that they are his, they're not fake, and he is taking responsibility for them.
Example B: His ex is clearly mentally unwell, a narcissist who is obsessed with revenge and is conducting a hate campaign to turpedo his life and career while benefiting her own.
On the flip side: it seems clear that Build is guilty of awful behaviour, of saying horrible things about people who were seemingly nothing but kind to him, of being homophobic, racist and sexist. (I'm not going to touch on the abuse allegations here because I've discussed those previously.)
Again: yes, I do think he should be given the chance to start over and redeem himself and I like to think he's capable of it, but fans really should be acknowledging what he's redeeming himself FROM.
From what I've witnessed in a lot of spaces - that's not happening. I've seen a lot of denial, I've seen a lot of handwaving and glossing over the situation. I've seen some insane claims, too. Some fans are going so far as to say that they think that his show was never going to happen, that the messages are all doctored and this is all a plot between the company, his ex and his former co-stars. (Which is just - ??? I don't even know where to start.)
Some are simply refusing to read the messages (how can a person defend him if they don't know what they're defending? I don't quite understand) while others simultaneously claim that the translations out there are misleading - but refuse to share 'acceptable' translations because that's privacy invasion. Again - ???
It's insane and downright exhausting and I am just... done. I speak up for what I think is right and call out what I think is wrong, and I while I think the handling of this is horrendous and has been from the start, I also think it's wrong to minimize and downplay what he's done. In his apology he's holding himself accountable for what he did, why won't some of his fandom? How can people argue for him to get a second chance if they won't even admit what he did that he needs a second chance for? Technically this is a third chance, I might add, because some of those messages are from after his scandal last summer.
I want to reiterate here that I don't hate Build. It seems like so often any criticism of his behaviour at all means that suddenly you're an anti or that you hate him or you're against him. I'm not going to suddenly go on diatribes about how he's a horrible person. I think it's likely that there's a lot more going on here than what meets the eye, particularly since there are people who are still well liked by most of the fandom who have stood by him until July (a certain picture that was posted with a filter comes to mind, as does someone who liked every single one of his posts since his return until they were mentioned in one of the leaked messages).
What I mean here is simply this: I don't think Build is a cartoon villain, I think he's a whole person capable of a variety of things, both good and bad.
I also want to make it clear here that I'm not here to hate on people in the fandom. I mean - glass house, stones, all that. But also I think we've had enough of that. This fandom is one of the most polarized I've ever been in and the vitriol is off the charts, I'm not going to contribute to it.
I guess my hope is just that people will think about why and how they're choosing to come to his defense, if for no other reason than the fact that in my opinon and experience, the more extreme fan claims are making it worse for him, not better. I've said this on twitter and I'll say it here - when people are confronted with attempts to downplay things, it makes them more intent on proving the opposite. If you acknowledge them then you change the footing and the conversation can move on to other things.
As I said, this is a complex situation. It's okay to acknowledge that. Things don't have to be black and white. A lot of fans are in echo chambers right now on both sides of the aisle.
Anyway. I truly hope that this will be the last post that I ever have to make on this subject. For now, at least, I've said my piece and addressed what I need to in order to feel comfortable and not just like I'm avoiding talking about the topic.
In the meantime I've turned my attention to Bible and the rest of the cast because I always have and continue to adore them and I feel like I've neglected them over the last six months (as much as a fan can neglect celebrities, of course). For all my issues with the company, I've always loved the cast.
I'm more active on Twitter than here, but I do go back and forth between the two sites.
Take care. 💗
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saturn-sends-hugs · 2 years
Ok had a long car ride so guess what EP11 THOUGHTS LETS GOOOO:
(plus a good amount of ep12 predictions cause uh i am very excited bkshsjjkssk)
Couple little things first, starting with WHY DID I HAVE TO SEE NALA SE AGAIN. I mean I knew logically we would see her again but that doesn’t mean I was ready for it >:( i do not forgive u for fives u cruel cruel long lady
Then the batch telling Cid off!!! Slay!! Absolutely slay get it that is so important, especially that Omega was directly calling her out for leaving them stranded. I’m really interested to see where that storyline goes and if they either end up leaving Cid (and probably adding to Omegas trust issues in the process cause WOW everyone is letting her down these days (echo i love u but ur girl is not ok)), or if they stay with her and she gets some sort of redemption arc? Idk, can’t decide which seems more likely, but all I can say is I hope next episode has absolutely nothing to do with it. Like it’s an interesting storyline but… yeahh…
And oh god, the boys walking around the ship, why was Wrecker the only one being smart??? Like Tech just ran off on his own, knowing full well the creature was most likely still on the ship, Hunter had his just mwah chefs kiss line of “Whatever did this wasn’t human,” like… HMMM HUNTER I HADNT NOTICED (“And where there’s a farm, there’s usually a farmer!”) But Wrecker was actually paying attention!! He picked up the volt-staff (which like yeah he was gonna anyways but it was still smart) and he made note of the walls being reinforced meaning whatever they were holding must be something strong. And later in the episode he sees the Empire snag the zillo beast and he takes note of how “They’re not killing it. They’re taking it.” Like I love those little moments where Wrecker just passively shows off how smart he is?? He plays the big goofy guy since it’s just kinda his personality, but he still knows his stuff. Hell, he made a rocket launcher out of parts from a separatist tank in less than a minute while under fire from the enemy?? And it worked perfectly? And repeatedly??? Anyway Wrecker spiel over but the man is a genius and I love him.
Tech and Omega’s moments in this episode, oh i lOVE THEM. Him messing up and scaring her then kinda not knowing how to fix it, Omega unplugging his datapad to make him get going, Tech immediately covering her while they ran from explosion omG I LOVE THEM. I LOVE THEM SO MUCH they are so wonderful and sweet and perfect and Filoni I swEAR YOU BETTER NOT TOUCH THEM (I feel like they’re safe for the most part but still, I do not trust. (like of all of them I think Hunter, Omega and Wrecker are the safest? They kinda can’t be taken out; you need the leader, you can’t lose the kid, and Wrecker is pretty much the majority of the comic relief. And Tech is safe-ish too cause he’s just such a character type that I feel like you can’t get rid of him. But uh… Echo and Cross are not safe. They are very much so in danger, maybe Echo most of all and oh god I am scared for him. And also Cody if he ever comes back. …where is cody..?))
OK and now for bigger things like oMG ECHO AND REX HOLY SHIBSJSBSJBSKZNZKDNOEBEKSNSKLSMSNSJXLDNSKNSKS YES YES ABSOLUTELY CALL ECHO AND REX I NEED TO SEE THEMMMMMM!!! The way Hunter did his little main character moment slow zoom when he said that? There’s absolutely no way that’s not important to this weeks episode or at least the one after that so AAAAAA I AM SO EXCITEDDDDD. The batch has needed Echo so much in every single episode since he left; Tech going off on his own in this one felt so wrong because Echo should’ve been right there with himmm!! (i mean he should 100% be with rex but like you get what i mean)
And at the end when Lama Su mentions kidnapping Omega again? That feels equally important. Not only is the Empire going to have to admit that Clone Force 99 isn’t dead, but they’re going to have to start hunting them down again to get Omega. And to me, I wouldn’t be surprised if we saw Crosshair being ordered to hunt Omega down in particular, since he knows the batch so well and would know best how to snatch Omega from them. (Also like story-wise… who else would it be? …Boba?) Now would that be so incredibly painful and awful to see? Yes, yes it would. Am I still incredibly excited to see it? ALSO YES.
And with both of these things, the Echo and Rex mention and a target on Omega, as well as the fact that this next episode is (i’m pretty sure?) confirmed to have Crosshair in it, I’m really really hoping the episode follows either of them (Cross or Rex and Echo) and their paths end up crossing?? Like maybe Crosshair gets his orders to hunt down Omega, and in trying to track the batch he ends up finding a lead on just Echo? Or maybe it follows Rex and Echo looking into the zillo beast and in trying to find out more they run into Crosshair? And maybe they find out abt Cody??? And anD AND OOO maybe Echo has a moment where he finally decides, fuck it, I can’t leave my brother with the empire any longer and he like tries to reason with Cross? Idk but either way I am REALLY hoping they cross paths somehow plEASE ITS BEEN SO LONG SINCE IVE SEEN EITHER OF THEMMM 😭😭😭
like it is in fact womens history month and also my birthday on thursday so mr filoni is actually legally obligated to not emotionally destroy me thank you very much :D
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tuxedaaron · 1 year
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With Christmas and New Years upon us at the time, it just felt like the time to pull the trigger on a pic I’d been meaning to get off my plate for quite some time.  After all, this always felt like a Christmas/New Years-type scene in my mind.  You know, redemption, rebirth, togetherness...all that fun stuff. ^_^ For those who are wondering, this is loosely based on a scene I was planning for, late in my Spectacular Spider-Man fanfic series (which I'm STLL looking for co-writers for, so if you're at all interested or KNOW anyone who might be interested, my door is always open ^_^).  But first, a little bit of background/spoilers, to put this picture in context.  Throughout the course of my fics, Peter and Gwen find themselves slowly inching closer back together.  But between finding out that Peter is Spider-Man, gaining Spider Powers of her own, after being experimented on by Miles Warren (who becomes the Jackal, after being exposed to the Globulin Green) and barely surviving an attack by Harry Osborn, as the new Green Goblin (and attack where her father, George Stacy, is crippled), Gwen reaches a breaking point.  As such, she heads abroad and away from Peter, in the desperate hope that some soul searching will help her decide if a life with Spider-Man is really something she can handle.  She tells no one where's she's going, save for Mary Jane. However, months later, Peter has his mind swapped with Otto Octavius, who places his old body in a chemical-induced coma and proceeds to take Spider-Man's life for his own.  Mary Jane, sensing that something is horribly wrong, contacts Gwen, telling her that she can't wait anymore and it's time for her to come home.  Returning to New York, now as Spider-Woman, Gwen fights alongside Anti-Venom to defeat Octavius and restore Peter's mind to its rightful body.  But when Anti-Venom leaves to return to California, Peter and Gwen are left behind to deal with the fallout of her leaving.  In the ensuing discussion, Gwen reveals what prompted her to become Spider-Woman and how the resulting transformation has left her feeling more confident to return home. Which brings us to the image in question.  The basic image is Peter and Gwen finally reconciling, at the perfect time of year to do it, no less.  This was more or less how I've wanted it to look for years.  However, when a DA member came to me, with the same basic idea, only including Peter and Gwen being inadvertently spied upon by a character from another series Greg Weisman was very closely tied to (bonus points if you can guess who), I thought it was too good to pass up, so I gladly stole the idea (don't worry, he didn't mind).  So basically, we had romance, a bit of humor and enough of a holiday theme to make it timely. ^_^ Oh, and yes, the background is a photograph.  I'll admit, I got lazy and took a shortcut.  I just didn't have the time (or the strength) to draw a background that detailed.   Still, the quality is low enough that you really can barely tell. Well, that's all for now.  Hope to like what you see.
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Rio x hazbin hotel
Eduardo aka blue father in law went into hell. In this crossover his not a bird but human, and he hated going to happy hotel. Meeting with the insufferable Disney princess
Eduardo : Oh it's a problem for me being mean to blue but it's ok to murder people?
Charlie : Yes😃😃😃😃
Eduardo : 😨😨😨😨ARE YOU OF YOUR MIND?
Charlie : No beside angel and alastor have very rough life
Sir pentious : DAMMIT, sorry princess
Charlie : It's ok pentious
Niffty : I almost lucky but it's ok i get another human meat
Angel dust : Niffty did you see my gun?
Vaggie : And my sword too
Alastor : What an interesting guest!
Charlie : Al just in time. I want you to meet with Eduardo. Alastor this is Eduardo and Eduardo this is al
Cherri Bomb : HOLY SHIT Pentious that's kinda cool
Sir pentious : Miss cherri please don't disturb me that's one of my fail experiment
Cherri Bomb : I got tons of bomb
Alastor : That new guess look so delicious but i'm busy so probably next time
Eduardo : Uhhhh WHAT😨😨😨😨😨?
Charlie : Don't worry i can assure you Al is not gonna eat you alive atleast for 50%. Ok let's get started with your redemption program
Eduardo : Uhhh please i'm better than those people
Charlie : Say that again?
Eduardo : i'm better than them?
Charlie : You know you are loved by your people but those who live in this hotel they just like blue. They don't being loved by their own people they are outcast they had rough life. I know they kill people but can you cut them some slack?
CHARLIE : INTERUPPTING ME AGAIN I DARE YOU. INTERUPPTING ME AGAI I FUCKING DOUBLE DOG DARE YOU BITCH. You are a bully that is much worse than a killer atleast they kill people and admit their sin unlike you
Eduardo : Ok ok i get it
Charlie : Good if you want to stay here follow the rules
Eduardo : Vaggie is that your named?
Vaggie : Yeah
Eduardo : Is she crazy?
Vaggie : What do you think?
Eduardo : I don't know
Vaggie : Look i was lucky enough Charlie help me. Yes she seem very unhinged which is true but i can tell she is not evil
Eduardo : How many people you kill?
Vaggie : 2500 i think
Eduardo : That's just great. She think i'mthe biggest piece of shit BUT HEAVEN FORBID SERIAL MURDER AND KILLER ARE MUCH REDEEMABLE
Vaggie : Sorry i can't help you with anything
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bklynmusicnerd · 10 months
First I would like to say that I find your responses to be well thought out and insightful and I appreciate the time and effort you take in crafting them.
That said, after today's reconciliation, and Trina putting her foot down, where do you think this storyline is headed?
Based on your use of "today" I'm guessing I'm a couple of days late seeing this, so sorry for the late response (blame it on holiday week shenanigans).
First of all, thank you for the kind words, I really appreciate them.
Now onto where I think the Trina and Spencer stuff is headed and, well, all signs point to POUND TOWN (I'm so sorry).
No but Spencer attempting to sex his way to redemption aside, I've been thinking a bit about the current arc for Trina and Spencer, especially in the aftermath of the New York stuff, because it feels a lot more intentionally written than the post-Greenland "arc".
In a lot of ways, the New York trip was like a "happily ever after". After two years of obstacles and miscommunication, Trina and Spencer finally express their love for each other. If this were a rom com, they'd roll the credits after the New York trip. But this is not a rom com, this is a soap, the story keeps going.
So now the story is no longer "Does Spencer love Trina?" or "Does Trina love Spencer?" They love each other, that's settled. They're in their "what now?" phase:
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Like the classic ending in "The Graduate," there's all this uncertainty between Trina and Spencer. The only certain thing between them is that they love each other. They defeated all these external obstacles but are still dealing with the internal ones. I feel like the current arc for Trina and Spencer as a pairing is rooted in this idea of "is love enough?". For Spencer, that's a quick "yes". He thought everything was settled after New York and that any and all problems would wash away because they love each other.
For Trina, it's more complicated. She's not dreamy like Spencer, she's very grounded and forward thinking. All New York did for Trina was give her the confidence to take the idea of a future with Spencer seriously for the first time and then Spencer sort of screwed that up with his demon spawn spiral.
So I think a lot of this reconciliation era is going to be Spencer eagerly wanting to prove to Trina again that she can count on him because there's damage to her trust in him right now. I also see Spencer possibly clinging to his relationship to Trina more, both because he almost lost her and also as a way to distract him from the demon spawn of it all.
I'm sure we'll get a reaction from the sociopathic mooch as her plan to get Spencer to chase her backfires again thanks to Trina but I really don't give a shit about her redundant ass anymore so 🤷🏿‍♀️.
I'm hoping during this time that in between all the holiday sex, Spencer starts thinking about his own future and who he wants to be beyond Nik's son/Trina's boyfriend. This is what Trina was getting at with the "five year plan" stuff. Her passion makes her naturally excited for the future in a way that Spencer isn't, and that's something they have to sort through.
I do think this all has to culminate in some sort of reunion between Spencer and Nik because Nik looms over all of this and Spencer facing his issues with his father is too significant to his arc to not be dealt with.
But yeah, in general, I think the reconciliation arc is going to be about Spencer trying to prove to Trina that he was serious about them being an "us". The ball is really in his court since we know that Trina has landed on the decision that she won't drown with him on the basis of "true love."
Spencer put Trina back into a "one foot out the door" headspace, thinking those days were over and he could do/say whatever because she admitted she loves him. It's up to him to get her out of self-preservation mode and trusting him again. So for now, I'm thinking tentative holiday-based honeymoon period with the angst over their internal obstacles still looming over things.
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sibillascribbles08 · 1 year
1, 10, and 16 for the violence
I know you're not into rise but here's some tea
the character everyone gets wrong
Draxum. Like yeah I know this man tossed a teenager off a roof, put them in a cage, and threatened to destroy humanity but the fact that everyone assumes he'd be needlessly cruel to even the people working under him is buck wild. Do you see those gargoyles? They are unbelievably silly and probably botch their jobs 80% of the time but they still HAVE a job. Draxum lets them chill on his shoulders. When he accidentally made a meat child he was just like "guess I'm raising this now". And yeah maybe his redemption was kinda crunched together due to what happened to season 2 but he blatantly admits he cares about the turtles AND Splinter in the finale. This man is not heartless ! Even if he's determined to reach his end goals he's not gonna be physically beat the shit out of underlings major yikes. One fic I'm reading actually gets him right and like thank GOD
10. worst part of fanon
There's a lot of minor things that grind my gears but the most prevalent one is people acting like Donnie is only logic, doesn't do feelings, and additionally never wants to be touched. Like all of these things are blatantly false within the show. Donnie has VERY intense emotions that he will follow on a whim (even if he's not always aware of this) and additionally hugs his family a lot, even if he has a preference for initiating contact it doesn't meant he hates it. A lot of people take this too far in the sense of "Donnie would be a villain so easily" like, why? Because he didn't react to a man getting mutated? In one episode he goes after something the Purple Dragons are working on that doesn't even effect them directly because Donnie is just as into this hero thing as his bros are.
Personal ramble, it's why even in Off Colors where he's raised by Draxum he may come off as a hammy villain but his ultimate goal is to protect mutants/yokai.
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
Okay I don't wanna name the comic or artist, people can like what they like, whatever, but there is one I see stuff about all the time that has the most OOC Rise Leo I've ever fucking seen and it's WILD to me that it's as popular as it is. Probably cause of the angst factor involved? But like who are these characters. Not the ones I saw in the show/movie that's for sure. That's all I'm gonna say on the matter.
Also it's not nearly as prevalent anymore but there was this massive trend of having AUs where Big Mama was a good mom which like she wouldn't be unless you rewrote her entire character. She'd literally be the worst parent in the show. Yes even worse than Draxum. Even worse than the Foot Clan leaders. I will not be moved on this.
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yubellia · 11 months
Some of my Thoughts about Lila Rossi/ Cerise (Miraculous Ladybug)
Hi. For the people who know me already, yes I also like Miraculous. For the people who don't know me, hi. I thought I talk about Miraculous for once.
Befor we really go in, I would like to say, that I am not a hardcore Fan. I don't watch all the episodes but I know the most important lore to follow the plot. Also for those who are new here, english is just my second language so I am sorry for any mistakes.
I want to talk about Lila, because she will be the villain of season 6 (most likely) and I have a theory about her. My next post would be about her and this theory.
Please don't rip me apart, I know I won't get many friends with this but I always liked Lila/Cerise or whoever she is. There. I said it.
Why? Well, not only did i like her look but I also liked the fact, that she never got played by the writers of the show. With that I mean that she never got an 'almost redemption arc' like Chloe. They never gave us hope, that she would be a hero, only to drop her. No. Every time she showed up, we knew that something bad would happen.
(In my opinion, she would have made a better wielder for the fox miraculous. I like Volpina much better. Lies and Illusions are her thing. Not Alya.)
But anyway. I have to admit, that after she got tricked by Sabrina and Marinette, so after she became Cerise, things got better for her character.
I think many people did not like her, because her lies are so easy to see for us. We follow Marinette. We already know, what she is up to. So seeing everyone acting so stupid the moment she starts speaking is annoying.
But than, we learned the truth. Or at least we learned something about her. Many fans of the show joked about how big her forehead must be and that she wore a wig. And guess what? It is a wig!! We were just joking here!
But what made this moment so special? You can see youtubers react to this part of the episode. They seem to be confused and shocked. Why? (besides them acting to some degree?) Because we thought we had her figured out to some degree. Yes she had at least 3 Mothers and we all were wondering how she did that but we did not see that coming! This moment is special because we learned, that we can throw everything we thought we knew about her out of the window. We did know little to nothing about her, just like the characters. She could be a grown woman in a child's body for all we know. (like in that movie 'Orphan'). She had us fooled too and that is why in this moment, she became much better as a character in my opinion.
As Cerise, we learned just how dangerous this girl could be. She controlled Chloe like a trained dog and got what she wanted without anyone knowing anything! By the end of the season, she got the butterfly miraculous and will join Marinette again at school with a new identity.
On that note, I would like to point something out about the ending, where we see something appear behind her and hear her scream. Not sure if anyone pointed that out but we don't see Nooroo anywhere in that scene. She has the Miraculous but where is Nooroo? Could it be, that that was just Nooroo being forced to join her since she got the miraculous now? Nooroo could never leave when Gabriel had it after all. Or, now that the new Miraculous Paris special came out, it could be 'the supreme'. But i won't go into that.
Anyway, these are some of my thoughts about Lila/Cerise. I hope the writers won't waste her in season 6. My next post will be about a little theory i have about her. See you soon!
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asoulofatlantis · 1 year
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XD I am laughing my ass off here. What a great reaction *lol* Tita was so in awe by the technologies used for Lapis that she was like "I need to take her apart to look at the tech" she surely didn't mean it in a bad way, but she scared the heck out of Lapis, so apparently Agate has to put a leash on her XD
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Look, I want my class 7 to be back together as much as they want to reunite with Rean but this was just an ridiculously stupid move. First of all all 3 teams would have reunited at the tower eventually anyway. It would have been much more useful for all teams to remain the way they were until then and reunite at the tower, which was their meeting point anyway. Second, Reans team is by default the biggest and thus didn't need the extra support of Alisa, Towa, Machias and Sharon so damn badly. And third, breaking of into small team to reunite with whoever will put them at a disadvantage compared to staying in this big and thus stronger groupe. But... whatever.
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OKAY I admit it does feel good to have all my class 7 ducks in a row again. But I still stand by that this was a stupid move...
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Obviously... when would he ever not?
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FOUR FULL CHAPTERS my boy! I waited for chapters for this reunion and NIS just fucked up the translation to make it even less impactful than it already was for your standards. Seriously.
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Are you now? Well... I guess you have to with this man by your side XD
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I am not sure why everyone is so tense about this fight. Look at what we have at our disposal. Thors united Class7 in all its glory, including the super maid as well as the complete SSS AND Liberls greatest bracers and their ZFC Maskot. Among our team are two freaking Gralsritter. We have 3 former Jeagers among us too. What the hell could go wrong with such a team?
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I am lucky that I am playing on very easy, because I am pretty sure otherwise I would need to put my team together with their strengths, weaknesses and Crafts in mind, instead of making a full out shipping-team XD
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You know what is really frustrating? With almost all the other character, their redemption never felt like they really did anything change for the better or change their mind about things... in fact, I believe even at the end Crow still thought he had the right to kill Osborne. Most of them were hiding behind sad pasts, the influence of the curse and some brainwashing here and there. Few actually truly admitted that they have been wrong. Yes, some of them admitted that they did horrible things, but often not with it looking like they truly and fully regret them. And most of the time their way back into the world of the nice guys was just because the nice guys wanted them there, or accepted them there for one good deed. Rufus is one of the characters you just want to see dead after everything he did, after all his betrayals and the backstabbing and even after he decided to take all the blame on himself and with that managed to keep Lechter and Claire free. So starting this game, you wish him the worst. But you can just not keep that up, because he does actually has the most realistic change of all and he actually truly works for his redemption and deals with his faults and weaknesses along the way. It sucks so much that you don't want to like him, but the game made it plainly impossible to still hate him as much as before. And it makes you feel bad for hating on him, while people like Crow simply get away with what is basically nothing in comparison and yet you still can't help but somehow like them.
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Yeah and here is a big "FINALLY!" from me. It was about time.
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Then maybe it is time to become a lover... but there is no sense in even thinking about going down this road even tho it is cleary right ahead of us, given how Rixia still seems to after Lloyd in Kuro. It sucks but... nothing can be done about it. This moment will have to be enough.
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You know its bad when this happens...
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He hasn't done anything particularly bad in Kuro so far, aside from a few jabs at the empire and stuff like that... but seeing his damned face makes me so angry!
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I guess I make my way into the reverie corridor and that it will be it for me for today.
Now that I am done for today I have a few quick choice words on the translation of this game that I have mostly been holding back, but can not hold back any longer.
First of all: The Ebon-Defense-Force originates in the Ebon-Knight and thus, they should have pronounced it in the same way. Dieter Croise is not called DieEter and its weird that Elie says it wrong and Lloyd says it right.
ALSO I do not claim to be able to read Japanese (I wish I could) but there are immense differences in translation between the Spreadsheet and the NIS-Translation and while I was at first assuming that since the spreadsheet was done only by a fan and very fast at that, that that meant it was a very rough translation there are certain parts, multiple that is, were I did somewhat understand what was said and I can definitely confirm they made some unnecessary changes multiple times.
Just to name the ones that obviously are the strongest to me is that they immensely towned down Reans favoring Alisa thingy when mentioning the guys stuck in Crossbell or even when greeting them when Reunited. There have been multiple occasions throughout the game were I know for a fact that Rean has either only mentioned Alisa (like when he was meant to reach Crow and then said he can not reach Alisa - I checked the translation back then because it seemed weird to me he would only mention Alisa instead of Towa who is his colleague - he actually really just mention Alisa and not Towa and Machias) or kept saying stuff "Alisa and the others" when talking about them as well as the Reunion-scene were he said "Alisa. Everyone", where I didn't need to even read Japanese because it was voiced and he did indeed only say Alisas name, but in the Translation of NIS he said: "Hey, over here!" or something like that without mentioning any name at all.
There have been multiple other occasions where I know for a fact that the lines were altered sometimes extremly. Even in "The fallen Prince" we have multiple moments that were changed that pissed me off. The red constellation mentioning that Cedric was worth being under Shirleys watch was an important point in that Story, because it was necessary to see between the lines what exactly Shirley had to lose, if Cedric would fuck it up. Instead they only said that théy now understand why Shirley sees potential in him, but the meaning is simple not the same. This is not just me nitpicking. Just seeing the potential in Cedric isn't enough here, the red constellation has to accept the work and time and effort Shirley puts into that boy. Speaking of which... as endearingly cute that "our boy" was, that is definitely NOT what Shirley said. Who does this "our" even refer too? Her and Garrath? Are they raising him together or what? It would have been a different story if she would have said "Our princeyboy" instead but I know for a fact that she never used his nickname in that story either.
And all the changes are even worse than some of the changes made in CS4. Titas and Agates scenes have been altered a lot in CS4, going to the point were they didn't allow Agate to actually hint at Tita being the most important person to him. Or changing the conversation were Rean is asked if he things the feelings Agate has for Tita are just the feelings of a Guardian and he says he doesn't believe its just a guardian thing.
I do partly get why they felt the need to tone down Tita and Agate as a ship but I don't get the sudden need for toning down Rean and Alisa or anything that could hint to much at Shirley and Cedric. Nor do I understand how it comes that Lloyd voice actor pronounces Dieter right and Elies doesn't.
Its frustrating and I feel like next time I play with the Japanese voices again just to here all the times they fuckt up the translation so obviously.
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ellakomskaikru · 2 years
I feel like Zuko is the hot bad boy boyfriend that you date when you’re in your teens and in a rebellious phase who breaks your heart and Aang is that sweet guy best friend that you always overlooked because he wasn’t that attractive or exciting but you eventually marry him once you are older and more mature. So like Zuko is exciting boyfriend material but Aang is husband material.
I’m a Kataang shipper but I totally admit that Zutara is way more exciting and thrilling than Kataang and that they totally have chemistry, but I still don’t think that their relationship would last very long I think it would be toxic. So Zutara has passion but passion isn’t enough to sustain a relationship. On the other hand Kataang is totally more vanilla and even boring but they do have the foundation of being friends and even though it isn’t as passionate as Zutara I think it’d last way longer and is way more marriage material.
I just think that Zuko and Katara are too similar they’re both very fiery and intense and Katara needs someone who is more even tempered like Aang. Don’t get me wrong I don’t hate Zutara I’ve even read some fanfics about them that I like but I still ship Kataang instead because I just feel that it would be a healthier dynamic even if it’s actually more boring than Zutara.
Hello anon!
First, I want to say thank you for being respectful. But I thoroughly disagree with you. First, I really don’t agree with the interpretation that Zuko is a “Bad Boy.” At first glance, he does physically look like he could be one and he does have a dark past, but that isn’t enough for him to fit into the trope. Bad boys are usually very confident and socially adept, Zuko is extremely socially awkward and has severe self esteem issues. Zuko does have a tendency to be snarky, but that still isn’t enough to fit him into the Bad Boy Trope. Zuko’s redemption also doesn’t hinge on trying to get a girl either, which is what happens to most bad boys, who only change for one particular girl because she’s “special”.
Zuko’s redemption happens because he is naturally empathetic and throughout his experiences learns how horrible and unjust the war is, and is determined and brave so he wants to do his part to end it and to right the wrongs he personally did to Team Avatar. Also, how you described Aang “The sweet guy best friend that you always overlooked because he wasn’t as attractive but later you marry” reminds me of the Nice Guy trope that I despise. And I do not agree at all that Zuko is only boyfriend material and that Aang is husband material for the reasons above.
I also don’t agree that Zutara would be toxic and I honestly don’t understand where that claim comes from. I’m guessing that it comes from the fact that they were enemies at first, and some people understandably do not like the enemies to lovers trope, but that doesn’t mean that relationships in that trope are toxic.
Before and after Zuko and Katara became friends, there was nothing that suggested they would be toxic in a relationship. When Katara was angry at him for betraying her at Ba Sing Se, instead of yelling back at her, he calmly asked her what he could do to make it up to her. He also gently stopped her from following Aang after Aang ran away angry because he didn’t want to kill Ozai. Instead of arguing, Katara listened. So there were two instances where Zuko and Katara had disagreements and they resolved it in a healthy and peaceful way. Zuko and Katara had a healthy friendship based on mutual trust and respect. They supported each other as equals.
Yes Zutara has more passion and excitement, but that isn’t all it has. Zuko and Katara genuinely enjoy each other’s company and have similar goals in life and similar personality traits that make them compatible. In my opinion, Zutara proves that a relationship doesn’t have to be toxic to be exciting, it can be healthy and still be exciting. That’s why I really like it. Many relationships portrayed in media nowadays are toxic and so many people love it because it’s simply fun to watch because of all the drama. But in my opinion Zutara proves that a healthy relationship can still be entertaining to watch.
I totally agree that Kat.aang is boring, and yes they were friends before they got together. But in my opinion, a romantic relationship has to have a certain level of spark and yes, passion. And I just didn’t see that with Kat.aang. I’ve seen many real life relationships break up because they get bored even though they seemingly look okay from the outside view. For example, Sokka and Suki had passion. I could truly see that they were in love and I felt their intensity but I wasn’t convinced that Katara was in love with Aang and I didn’t really take Aang’s love for her seriously because I found it to be immature, as I’ve said before, he idealized her. So I don’t think Kat.aang would be marriage material for those reasons.
I don’t think that Zuko and Katara need someone to “calm” them down because they are similar. I’ve seen this take before and I really disagree. There has been no proof that Zuko and Katara would constantly fight based on what we saw of their friendship. So I don’t agree that Katara needs Aang because he is even tempered, Aang’s Air Nomad philosophy of forgiveness did not resonate well with her in The Southern Raiders, given by how she totally used violence and yes, spared the man but still didn’t forgive him. I think Aang would have been horrified if he had seen her blood bend, while Zuko was shocked but didn’t judge her.
Again anon, thank you for your respect, I really appreciate it. But I just don’t think that Kat.aang would realistically be healthier than Zutara for the reasons I explained.
Thanks for the ask!
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inhonoredglory · 3 years
another character based question - how do you feel about mikasa? a lot of fans dont like her, im curious about how you feel! - armin anon
Hellooooo Armin Anon. OMG it’s been forever since I had the time to sit down and do a proper meta, and I apologize.
First off, I finished the manga!!! (So, spoilers ahead for anyone else reading this.) I had to lie down after reading 139. It’s a tremendous story and I’m still taking it all in. The set pieces and personal/emotional stakes of everything that happens is just astounding. If it’s one thing Isayama does good, it’s the gut-wrenching personal anguish that underlies the action. I’m absolutely floored. My favorite bit was probably the timey-wimey stuff in Paths and Eren. That blew my freaking mind. But onto Mikasa!!
A Cruel Yet Beautiful World
I remember way back when I started the anime that I started liking Mikasa first out of the group. I liked how sullenly silent and no-nonsense she was, and I liked her loyalty to Eren. Her emotion, especially when Eren died in Trost, was palpable and terrifyingly beautiful. Her grief was incredibly realistic––rushing off with a death wish that even she couldn’t succumb to in the end, because of the drive to fight that she got from Eren. In a world like SNK, her relentlessness breaking through her grief was incredibly moving. And her philosophy is basically the driving theme of SNK: “This is a cruel world, and yet so beautiful.”
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This is the same moral message she gives Eren when he can’t find the strength in him to fight Annie––and gives him that warm, understanding, inscrutable smile that allows him to finally accept his own monsters, fight Annie, and save her and Armin. (One of my favorite panels of her from the manga, actually.) Mikasa is basically the first character we meet who embodies this contradictory morality, which grows to engulf SNK and other characters as well (Levi, Reiner, and Armin especially come to mind). Which could be why I was drawn to her at the start, since the complex moral outlook of SNK was the primary reason I fell hard for this story.
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(And gosh, it’s tragic to realize that it’s teaching moments like the scene above that made Eren into the person who could influence his own child self to murder, the person who could wipe out so much of humanity, the person who could take Ymir’s challenge to free her by destroying the love of the person who cared the most about him. I’m still processing yo.)
I started really analyzing Mikasa when I had to defend her from a friend of mine who accused her of resenting Levi (for beating up Eren) and that’s why she attacked him so violently in the RTS serumbowl. Because of my research into rebutting that, a lot of my affection for Mikasa now comes in seeing the little ways in which she cares and trusts other people, including Armin, Levi, Gabi, and Jean. And her quiet sensibility that goes beyond her love and protectiveness of Eren.
With Levi in particular, I find a lot I like about her. Because you can definitely see her annoyance at him, but she also trusts him more than anyone else in the Corps outside of Armin. After Levi’s violent encounter with Historia, she was the only one who implicitly trusted Levi’s judgement, backing up Armin’s more reasoned logic. She sees beyond her own emotions and even moral feelings and realizes the world is cruel enough that sometimes people have to do dark things to help others and survive.
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This is very much the same statement Levi made to the 104th when he had asked them to follow Erwin’s orders when the commander’s plans were questionable on the surface: “Do you trust him? Those dumb enough to say yes… come with me.” These two understand each other on a moral level, and they ask for their comrades’ loyalty without demanding it, because they each know that everyone’s conscience is their own.
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There’s a clear parallel between Mikasa and Levi, not only because of their Ackerman heritage and sensibilities (loyal to a fault to their chosen person, impossibly strong, quiet and grim), but their frustration when they cannot protect the people they are responsible for. They both know they are the strongest around, and if they cannot fulfill on that power, a lot of people will die.
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There are many moments in which Mikasa puts aside her personal feelings to do her soldierly duty, from leaving Eren to help with the evacuation of Trost to leaving Eren and Armin to fight the Colossal Titan alone in Shigonshina.
And then there’s the fact that Levi’s the one who could break past Mikasa’s headspace and distraction so that she can do the right thing. He understands her strong emotion, he respects it, but he also knows when that has to be put aside for the greater good. But he doesn’t put her down for having those emotions, either.
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Strength from Eren, Humanity from Armin
Mikasa’s love and loyalty to Eren challenges her tremendously after the timeskip and her sorrow at Eren’s change is what really stands out to me about her character in the Marley arc. The absolute grief in her eyes when she tells Eren what he’s done is devastating, and it shows just how much goodness and compassion she does have.
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And yet she longs to understand Eren, to trust him, to believe there can be something redeeming, and not merely jaded and tired, in what he taught her so many years ago––to fight, to win, to live.
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There’s such a difference between these same words said here by Mikasa, so many years later, after so much heartbreak, to the anger and flame that were in them when she first heard them, back when she realized that this was the way of the world. That death and killing happens in the natural world everyday and that’s how you survive. That the world is both cruel and beautiful.
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And yet as the years wore on, as Mikasa grew closer to others, found purpose in protecting others, sought a life with Eren… as she wandered further into the forest of life and society and relationships, she lost some of that simple injunction... to live is to fight, to fight is to win. She, like so many of the 104th and the others on this journey, found that it’s not enough to just fight and live and be satisfied. We really want it all to mean something, to have our actions be redemptive. To allow ourselves to believe that we do what we’re doing because we’re not just saving ourselves, but saving others, “saving the world” like Yelena points out (in the forest therapy session pfff). And it’s that drive for something bigger in our actions that grieves her so much with Eren, because as she wants her own actions to be fundamentally good and selfless, she wants his actions to be moral as well.
So while Eren is the person that frustrates Mikasa and motivates her to become stronger and braver than she ever was, Armin is the person who humanizes Mikasa and allows her the space to be gentle and vulnerable. She comforts Armin, confides in him, puts her faith in him, and puts her life in his hands.
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She trusts Armin with Eren, and she values Armin’s intellect and compassion, qualities she doesn’t have in nearly as much quantities as he does: “There are only so many lives I can value. And… I decided who those people were six years ago. So... you shouldn’t try to ask for my pity. Because right now, I don’t have time to spare or room in my heart.”
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This bit from her confrontation with Ymir and Historia was a defining moment for me with Mikasa. It’s honest and realistic in a way that few of us care to admit about ourselves, and it’s just super chilling and badass coming from her, too. It also shows how much she fights for Armin and Eren both. They are the two people she loves the most in the world, and she never gave up on saving either of them––from death or from themselves.
I’m looking back on Trost now and finding so much irony with the ending to SNK. In Trost, she was the one to give up on Eren, telling Armin that it was hopeless to try to extract Eren’s personality from his Titan form. And yet, like in the end, it’s always been between Armin and Mikasa to try to salvage Eren’s humanity. In Trost, Armin tells Mikasa to leave––to go do what she’s good at (saving lives)––and to entrust Eren to him.
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It’s a huge expression of both Mikasa’s trust in Armin, and her belief in Armin’s abilities and friendship for Eren. And in the end, it’s the two of them again debating on if there’s any humanity left in Eren. The bond they share is intimate and deep. With all the military doubting Eren and scheming to take away his Titan (with even Jean and Connie unavailable to them emotionally), it’s only Armin and Mikasa against the world––the only two people who can truly consider Eren’s actions and hold off on judging him. And you can feel their love for him even as they doubt him.
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And like back then, it has always been Armin who understands Eren most, the one who recognizes his own evil and Eren’s and finds a redemption in having others stop you, because you cannot stop yourself.
And that’s the thing I really take away from SNK and from Mikasa’s journey, that we all have devils inside us, and yet there is still beauty to be found, within us and in the world––from the natural wonders that Armin dreams of, to the comfort of purpose and companionship that Mikasa has in Eren. Love and wonder is what redeems us of our devils. And yet love itself is complicated, and can turn ugly in its obsession. That giving up that love is what makes the love selfless and beautiful, what absolves us of the selfishness within us. That’s what Mikasa learned. And in the end, she was able to release that love for the good of the world.
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So I guess to sum up, I really love Mikasa. I can see why her dogged loyalty to Eren might annoy some fans, but I think there’s a lot more to her than simply that, and in fact, her journey and growth is heart-rending and one of the most symbolic arcs of SNK and fundamental to its entire theme. She’s a badass with a lot of emotion and depth behind her cold mask.
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