#and very happy Arlo is just sleeping
izayoichan · 1 year
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Vy put a hand on top of his husbands. He knew that part was still there in Hayden, the one that hated being a burden to someone else. 
Vy: I think he really does love them. Hayden: He does.
Vy took a deep breath, about to say something when he noticed his son opening his eyes, not even seeing them as his first instinct was to check Arlo who was lying there almost motionless. Quickly Vy gently puts a hand on his shoulder and shushes him gently and whispers:
Vy: He's just asleep... Don't worry. How are you feeling, my little star?  Fannar: Mom? Dad? -he keeps his voice low- How… and I think I feel better, but I don’t understand, I don’t get sick? Vy: It’s the heartlight, I’ll explain when you feel a little better okay? Fannar: Okay… but how? Hayden: Arlo came to us, panicked and asked for our help. Flynn opened the portal and here we are. Fannar: Is Flynn here too? Vy: Yes, and your uncle River, we have all taken turns sitting with you and Arlo who has refused to leave your side. Fannar: Oh…
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jessicaloons · 3 months
Chapter 45:
Just breathe, just relax, it’ll be OK
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I woke up to soft barks and whines, Arlo gently letting us know that it was time for his morning walk.
"Charles… Charles…" I mumbled, pulling the sheets over my head "Arlo…"
"He’s your baby…" he groaned turning away and I hit him with a pillow "Our baby… fine…"
"He needs to go on a walk…"
"It’s too early…" Charles whined and I huffed, getting up slowly.
"It’s your week…" I pulled the blanket away and he covered his eyes with his arm "But because you won yesterday I’ll go. This one time." I scrambled out of bed, pulling on some shorts and a hoodie.
"You could just go on the terrace with him… for once…"
"That was just for his training! We’re not taking steps backwards!" I shook my head and slipped on some socks, then opened Arlo’s crate "Good morning little one. You’re a good boy, waiting here patiently for your irresponsible, hungover dad without throwing a massive tantrum…"
"Oh wow… not throwing shade at all." Charles mumbled and sat up slowly, wiping his eyes "I’m awake now… you can go back to bed."
"No, it’s fine, I’ll go." I grabbed Arlo’s harness and leash and walked around the bed "You look… horrible. Sleep." I kissed Charles’ cheek and left our bedroom together with Arlo. I put on the harness and the leash, slipped into my sneakers and grabbed Charles’ RayBan from the kitchen island "Let’s go, little one."
It was a warm, sunny day. A buzzing atmosphere in the air. People we passed talking about how amazing the race was, how Charles won his home GP for the second time, how proud they were on their hometown hero.
"Lizzie?" someone said behind me and I turned around, spotting a very sweaty Max "You’re awake quite early?"
"Me? Look at you! You look like you ran a half marathon…" I looked him once over.
"Almost, yeah." he chuckled and then kneeled down to give Arlo some head scratches "I mean, I didn’t have much to celebrate last night, so yeah…" he winked and I laughed.
"Oh no, poor Maxie…" I joked.
"Need to get used to it again, you know." Max shrugged his shoulders a little, a smile on his lips, as he continued scratching Arlo‘s head.
"I’m sure you’ll have plenty of opportunities this season." I laughed and he got up, lightly punching my upper arm.
"Look who‘s getting all cocky." he said and this time I shrugged my shoulders "Honestly, I’m happy that Charles finally has the car and the team around him to fight me. You can’t be the best if you’re not fighting the best."
"Such wise words from you."
"I’m not getting younger, you know." he glanced behind me and I heard the hectic voices of some fans, turning around.
"Looks like you’ve been spotted. Go on, I gotta go anyways, we’re having some busy days ahead."
"Tell Charles congrats again, and I’ll see you guys in Montreal I guess?" Max waved and walked towards the fans.
"Yep, see you then." I walked in the opposite direction, back home. Arlo happily running in front of me, all the way back to our building. I unlocked the front door and got hit with a delicious smell.
"It smells amazing, you made breakfast?" I slipped off my shoes and unbuckled Arlo’s leash.
"Just some eggs on bread, I’m not a complete lost cause, okay?" Charles laughed, bending down, feeding Arlo a piece of cheese "Good morning little one." he patted his head and then got up, grabbing me by the waist, pulling me close "Good morning my gorgeous girl." he kissed me gently, deepening the kiss as soon as I put my hands around his neck, pulling him closer "I must say… my hoodie, my glasses… it all looks way better on you than on me."
"That’s because some of the stuff you own looks horrible… sorry…" I whispered against his pouty lips "I like the simple Charles, Jeans and T-Shirt… not these weird oversized, crazy pattern clothes you sometimes put on."
"I’m experimenting…" he sighed and I kissed the tip of his nose.
"I know. But most of the time… it should stay inside your closet…" I chuckled and his grip on my waist tightened a little, as he kissed my jaw, down the column of my throat.
"Like the box with my clothes you’re hiding in your closet?" he whispered against the sensitive spot beneath my ear and I swallowed audibly "What? You think I didn’t notice that some of my… more risky clothes were missing?" his hot breath fanned over my ear, then he kissed my cheek and I could feel the smirk on his lips.
"I’m sorry, but some of that clothes are atrocious… that blue tie dye jeans? The baby blue jacket you combined with it? Basically every single one of these pants you would fit in three times?" I bit my lip, looking down "I should’ve told you something… and not just hide your clothes… I’m really sorry."
"It’s okay… I guess Doni won’t be too happy to hear that you find most of his clothes atrocious but okay…" Charles chuckled a little, kissing my forehead "Come on, sit down. Breakfast is ready…" he pulled away and went back to the stove, plating our food.
"Are you mad at me?" I asked, sitting down and Charles raised an eyebrow "That I hid your clothes?"
"No? I mean, I know that style wise you’re more into the classics, a little sporty, simple with a touch of timeless elegance… whereas me? I don’t even know if I have a style? I guess I’m still finding mine and I know that I could need all the help that I’m getting." he laughed.
"Well for starters, wear clothes in your size and if oversized then maybe one or two sizes more… and maybe not the wild patterns you’re going for sometimes? They hurt the eyes." I shrugged a little, biting into my toast "And maybe Doni is better as just a friend… and hoodie and t-shirt provider… but not pants. Definitely not pants."
"Got it… will you help me picking out an outfit for Andrea and Simon’s engagement party then?" Charles sat down next to me and I smiled "You already did… alright." he laughed and I looked at him sheepishly.
"Sorry but I was looking for what I was wearing and so I was going through my stuff and then I saw your suits and thought about something that would match my dress…" I mumbled and he laughed.
"I’m sure whatever you picked, it will look amazing, your outfit as well as mine."
Charles POV:
I looked over the bay, watched the waves gently crashing down the shore when we were called back in and I followed Daniel who apologised himself shortly after and left. As everyone finally sat down I looked over my shoulder, waiting for Lizzie to return. I ordered a bourbon for me and a cocktail for Lizzie, then talked with the two guys on my left, some cousins of Andrea, as I felt a soft hand gently stroking my neck.
"Sorry, love. It took a little longer than expected." she said and sat down on my right.
I turned to her and she gave me a little peck on the cheek.
"It’s alright, cara mia, I had a nice little conversation with Andrea’s cousins. I don’t think they understood a lot of what I was saying, well vice versa, but I was entertained." I said and she chuckled a little right as the waitress brought us our drinks "Thank you." and with a smile she was gone.
"What are we having?" Lizzie asked and looked at the red cocktail in front of her.
"Well I picked something we might later want to try out." I whispered and scooted closer, my thigh pressing against hers.
"What are you talking about?" she said and I could hear her voice getting raspy at the contact of our thighs, I leaned in even closer. My mouth at the shell of her ear now.
"I ordered you a Sex on the Beach." and as soon as the words left my lips her eyes widened and she swallowed audibly. I smirked and gently stroked her thigh with my hand under the table, pushing up her dress. Instantly she began to blush and looked around frantically.
"What are you doing?" she whispered, breathless. My hand slipped even higher, playing with the hem of her slip and she gasped loud enough for some heads to turn. Lizzie cleared her throat and looked apologetic around, her cheeks redder than my SF-24, I chuckled and pulled her dress back in place. Then I sat up and took a swig of my Bourbon.
"You look a little flustered there?" I nonchalantly asked her and she glared at me.
"That cocktail? That’s the closest you will ever get to sex on the beach!" she whispered and with that she grabbed it and got up, walking straight to Andrea and her mother. Cheeks still bright red. Totally worth it.
"What‘s up with Lizzie?" Daniel asked as he sat down opposite of me.
"Don’t know, she has some important things to talk about with Andrea I guess." I chuckled a little and took another swig from my glass.
"Maid of honour stuff probably…" he replied and I nodded "I can’t believe it… first Julia two years ago, now Andrea… you and Lizzie next. We’re getting old."
"Seems like it…" I said, a little distracted by the way Lizzie pulled her dress back into place still.
"Oh wow, you didn’t even deny it!" Daniel looked at me with a big grin and I was confused for a moment "I said you and Lizzie will be the next to marry and you just agreed! Don’t tell me you already have a ring?"
"What? No! God! It’s just… I mean, I will marry her, there’s no doubt. She’s it for me. Always was! But there are no plans or anything! At least not for now… or the near future? Honestly I don’t know, when do you know that it’s the right time?" I said quickly and he nodded.
"I don’t know… maybe you should set up a goal, for when it’s time to propose? Something you want to achieve before you ask her to marry you?"
"Like what?"
"Winning your first title?" Daniel wiggled his eyebrows and I laughed a little.
"Yeah? With Red Bull and Max being this strong? I’d like to marry Lizzie when we’re still young…"
"Oh, we’re talking about the next wedding already?" Shima sat down next to me and I swallowed hard "Don’t worry, your secret is safe with me. When will you pop the question? And I need to see the ring first, make sure it’s perfect for Lizzie!"
"There is no concrete plan, no ring, no nothing! Just us talking about it…" I rolled my eyes a little "But rest assured, when it’s time, you’ll be the third person I’ll call…"
"Third? Third!" Shima sounded offended and I laughed "Who comes before me?"
"Well first of all, Juergen, because I will ask him for Lizzie’s hand. Then Joris obviously, maybe even before Pops because he has to give me a pep talk to talk to Pops… and then you." I explained and Shima and Daniel laughed.
"You’re so traditional, Charles. But why would you need a pep talk? Juergen loves you like a son, you have his blessings already!" Daniel chuckled and I shrugged my shoulders a little.
"I think it’s romantic…" Shima sighed a little and I smiled at her.
"I heard that a special guy we both know invited you to Montreal?" I wiggled my eyebrows and she blushed a little "You and Joris seem to get along quite well?"
"Quite well? God, she’s always talking about him…" Daniel rolled his eyes and Shima threw a napkin at him and I laughed, listening to them arguing a little. I was looking up from our table, searching the crowd for Lizzie, when I realised that she was gone.
"Excuse me for a moment." I got up, looking around "Hey Simon, have you seen Lizzie?" I asked the groom to be, but he shook his head.
"Sorry, Charles. But the last time I saw her was with Andrea and our mothers…" he nodded towards the three women, Lizzie missing.
"I’ll have a look." I walked inside of the big estate, searching for her, when I heard the faint sound of a piano, played somewhere. A soft melody that I knew all too well. I followed the music and spotted Lizzie, sitting at the piano, playing a song, singing quietly. I leaned against the doorframe, watching her play, her hands dancing across the keys, her soft voice sounded almost angelic. When she was done, she smiled a little and then turned, looking at me.
"How long were you standing there?" she asked quietly and I pushed off of the doorframe, walking towards her.
"Not long enough…" I sat down next to her, kissing her cheek "That was beautiful."
"It was okay… I’m not that good at playing… need to learn a little more." she shrugged her shoulders a little and I shook my head.
"It was amazing… and your voice?" I pulled her closer and she blushed "I wish I could listen to you sing all day long."
"Oh come on. Stop it." she rolled her eyes a little but I gently grabbed her chin with my thumb and index finger, turning her face to look at me. Her big eyes softened as soon as they met mine.
"I’m serious, cara mia. I wish you would let me record a song, so I can listen to your beautiful voice whenever I want to." I looked at her intently, watched how her cheeks turned a shade darker, a glimmer in her eyes "Maybe one day…"
"Mhhh… maybe one day…" she whispered and I pulled her closer, kissing her soft lips, hoping that maybe one day would come rather sooner than later.
I watched Lizzie climbing out of her car, she looked tense and it seemed like she was limping.
"What’s with Lizzie?" I asked Andrea who followed my look "Did she have a crash or anything?"
"Not that I know of…" he replied and I handed him my helmet, following Lizzie.
She talked with Pete, her face sweaty and she smiled when she saw me approaching.
"Hey you. Good Friday sessions." she said and I nodded slowly "What’s going on?" she asked, when she saw the slight frown on my face.
"That’s what I wanted to ask you? Are you okay? You were limping?" I asked and she looked confused for a second then she began to laugh.
"When I climbed out of the car I hit my knee against the halo. I have honestly no idea how that happened and I also hope that no one saw that, or worse filmed that because I got out of the car rather gracefully after." she scratched the back of her head and I looked at her intently, mustering her face.
"Okay?" I asked and she nodded, pointing to her right knee.
"I might have a nice bruise on my knee tomorrow." she chuckled and I took a deep breath "I’m fine. Seriously! Well not fine, because it does hurt, but it’s nothing bad, it won’t kill me." she reassured me, squeezing my arm "But now I gotta go. There is a lot to talk about for tomorrow. See you later?" she kissed my cheek when I nodded and then walked into the garage, still limping a little. I walked back to my garage, where Brian waited for me.
"Good job out there, Charles." he clapped my back and I smiled.
"Yeah you too." I said as we walked inside, ready to look through the data we collected over the day.
Inside I saw Carlos discussing with is father and cousin in Spanish. He sounded agitated and I stopped when I heard Sainz senior say Lizzie’s name. I looked at them and they stopped talking.
"Still after Lizzie’s seat, I see." I winked at them and then walked away, Andrea waiting for me "I need to learn Spanish…"
"You could just record their conversations and play them to Lizzie." he chuckled and I laughed.
"True… but seriously, I’m worried that they are so adamant about taking over Lizzie’s seat! Now that the Red Bull seat is gone? Mercedes is this close to sign Antonelli? His only options are now what? Williams? Haas? Esteban’s seat in Alpine? Audi would be the best option, that’s for sure…"
"As long as Felix is team principal and Lizzie delivers good results? And after what Sainz senior said about her? After Audi stopped their Rallye team out of nowhere and he had to look for a new team? I don’t think Audi will replace Lizzie with Carlos." Andrea reassured me and I nodded slowly.
"I hope you’re right…"
I took a deep breath and climbed out of the car. The track was bumpy and the way my car bounced over the tarmac made my back burn with raging pain. I hugged Charles. Congratulated him for his pole and then made my way back to our garage after the weighing, where JK already waited for me.
"Here." he handed me my water bottle in exchange for my helmet and I almost emptied it in one go.
"Thanks." I mumbled and followed him inside where I dropped my balaclava and when I bent down to pick it up I hissed in pain, making him turn around.
"Okay Liz, that’s it. Doctor. Now." JK looked at me pointedly and I sighed "This is going on for weeks now, no months actually. I see how you struggle sometimes. You’re in pain. Bad pain."
"It’s no-… okay, okay!" I rolled my eyes a little.
"How bad?"
"I don’t know…"
"Liz… how bad is the pain. Be honest."
"6? Maybe?" I looked down.
"I know you, when you say 6 others would say 10…" he groaned, scrolling through his phone, dialling a number "Hi, can I talk to Dr. Odell? John Knight, he knows me. Thank you…" I cocked an eyebrow and he shrugged "I know him from back home, he a-… Jack! How are you mate?"
I sat down and leaned back in the chair, closing my eyes. JK was right. The pain in my back got worse. I thought it was because I maybe wasn’t training hard enough. But no matter how much I worked out, how many exercises I did, there was still this dull pain in my lower back, sometimes worse, sometimes less. But it was there. At all times.
"Go change, I’ll talk to Pete and Felix…" JK’s voice brought me back out of my head and I blinked confused "I’ll take you to the hospital. A friend of mine will check you through and then we’ll see."
"JK tomorrow’s the race? We need to go over the strategy? Are you out of your mind?" I looked at him with big eyes.
"No. But you can’t drive like this tomorrow, so let’s check what it is and then we can come back and the team can present you the strategies and you’ll pick the one you like. Done." he walked away and then turned around "Go get changed. Chop, chop."
I groaned but ultimately did what he said, maybe he wasn’t wrong after all.
"Were there any complications after they removed the rod and screws?" Dr. Odell asked and I shook my head.
"No, the healing process was pretty quickly…"
"She had some typical swellings and bruises afterwards, but nothing out of the ordinary. We started with strengthening her spine and lower back muscles and increased the intensity slowly but steady." JK said and Dr. Odell nodded, applying pressure on my spine, making me hiss.
"Is the pain concentrated on the area where I apply pressure? Or is it a pain all around that just increases when I push in…" the doctor asked.
"Umm…" I began when JK looked at me pointedly.
"Be honest."
"It’s like a dull pain in my lower back, certain movements hurt more than others and please don’t apply any more pressure because that hurts like hell…" I sighed and he nodded.
"We make a X-ray and I also want a CT scan, then we’ll see what we’re dealing with." he got up and grabbed the phone.
"But you have an idea what it could be, right?" I looked at him.
"I have a theory. But I need to see the pictures before I can say anything…" he smiled and then left the room.
"It’s going to be okay, don’t worry!" JK tried to calm me down but I shook my head.
"What if I need a surgery? I would miss a good amount of races…" I frowned.
"Let’s just wait for what Jack will say, okay?" he patted my back and I sighed right when the door opened.
"Lizzie? Can you please put that on and then I’ll pick you up and get you to your X-ray and CT scan." a nurse walked inside, handing me a hospital gown.
"Sure." I got up and JK left the room.
I changed into the hospital gown and looked at myself in the mirror, goosebumps erupting all over my body. Too many bad memories were flooding my head when I saw how the gown clung to my body and I turned around, stepping out of the room, where the nurse stood and smiled at me.
"Ready? Alright, then let’s go…" she said and I followed her down the hall "We start with the X-Ray and then we’ll go downstairs for the CT scan. I would explain to you what’s happening but unfortunately I know that you’ve been through this all before."
"Yeah… good old memories…" I chuckled a little and she looked at me sympathetically then opened a door to her right where two other nurses and Dr. Odell were already waiting for me.
"Ready?" he asked and I nodded "Then let’s go."
"I can’t go every other week to the hospital to let them check my back!" I groaned while JK navigated the car through the traffic "I don’t have the time! Also, how am I keeping this from Charles? My family? The team?"
"You’re not keeping it from anyone? Are you serious?" he looked at me.
"How good of a doctor is your friend anyway? I want a second opinion! Taking a break? In the middle of the season?" I looked outside and JK sighed.
"Liz, he said he would suggest it, because your spine and dorsal vertebra’s that were injured from your accident are looking-…"
"I don’t care how they look. Or if they are sore, tense, whatever. As long as nothing is broken I’m good to go. Period." I crossed my arms in front of my chest and JK groaned.
"You’re so freaking stubborn! He said we should keep an eye on your back, so that’s what we’re going to do. Every two weeks you’ll get a CT scan, I want your back to be monitored. I think of new exercises to strengthen your lower back and spine." JK said and I looked at him "It’s that or I’m telling Charles and your family…"
"You wouldn’t dare!"
"Try me… I’m serious. You’ll tell Felix and Pete. They need to know it. And then we’ll monitor your back and then we’ll see how it progresses. Do I think you should tell Charles and your family? Absolutely. Is it my decision? No. Will I tell them if you’re not doing what I say? 100 %. So? Do we have a deal?" I never heard JK sound this serious and after a while I nodded.
"We have a deal…"
"Good. And now stop pouting."
I rolled my eyes again and looked outside right when I got a text from Charles.
"Great. Just great." I groaned and JK looked at me "Charles asked me if I’m okay. He heard that I’m at the hospital."
"Well… you might as well just be honest with him." he shrugged.
"Yeah sure and then from now on he’s constantly at my ass, asking me how I feel or if I’m in pain." I rolled my eyes.
"Liz, don’t take this the wrong way, but haven’t you learned anything from the whole mess with Diaz?" JK asked carefully and I swallowed hard "I’m sorry, but you were hiding everything from everyone and suffered through it all alone… and in the end it was even worse…"
"I know… it’s just-… god JK I have a feeling that Charles could really do it this season! He could win the title… he’s in such a good headspace, he’s so determined and motivated! I know that this year is his year… I don’t want him to constantly worry about me." I looked at my hands in my lap.
"I understand you, I really do. But if something happens and he finds out? Don’t you think he’ll be hurt? Mad?"
"Of course… but that’s something future me has to deal with then." I sighed.
"Very mature…" he laughed.
"Thank you." I replied, staring at my phone "Also, your friend said that it’s possible that something happens, not that it’s certain…"
"Yeah, that’s why he suggests a break and every 2 weeks a check up in the hospital."
"Yeah, yeah…" I rolled my eyes again.
"What will you tell him now?" he asked after a while.
"My knee hurt a lot and you wanted to check it through?" I suggested.
"Oh great now you’re pulling me into your lies?" JK rolled his eyes.
"Please?" I pleaded and he groaned.
"I’m not lying for you. You say what you say and I just nod."
"What if he asks you when you guys are alone? Because he will come to you and ask!"
"Then I’ll tell him that you’re fine and he doesn’t have to be worried…"
"Okay… thanks JK…"
"Yeah, yeah…"
"What happened? Ale asked me what’s going on with you and I had no idea and he told me that people spotted you at the hospital?" Charles stood in front of me, the second I walked through the door "Are you okay?" he cupped my cheek, looking me once over.
"I’m fine! It’s just my knee. JK didn’t like that it still hurts like hell and when I told him that pushing the throttle all the time was really painful he wanted a doc to have a look at it." I lied and felt bad instantly.
"And? What is it? Are you okay?" he guided me to the sofa, gently pushing me down.
"Yeah. It’s just heavily bruised. But nothing bad. The doc said I should ice it and keep it steady. Not move much and it’ll be gone soon." I smiled at him when he handed me something to drink.
"Can you drive tomorrow?" he asked and I nodded "Are you sure?" he sat down next to me, carefully lifting my leg into his lap, putting an ice pack on my knee.
"It’s literally just a bruised knee! I’m fine. But thanks for the ice pack." I kissed his cheek and he nodded slowly "Did you eat? No? Can we order something? I’m hungry."
"Sure… after you told me what’s really going on." he looked me dead in the eye and I swallowed audibly "That’s the wrong knee…" he looked down at my left leg in his lap and it dawned on me.
"Charles…" I began but he shook his head.
"Why are you doing this? Lizzie we said we’re honest after all the shit that went down with Diaz last year? And still you’re lying to me…" he sounded more frustrated than angry, more hurt than mad.
"It’s just-…" I stopped.
"It’s just what? What is going on? Is it your back? I’ve seen you struggling with it for months now?"
I closed my eyes for a moment, then took a deep breath and told him everything Dr. Odell had said earlier.
"So he suggests you take a break from racing?" Charles asked and I nodded.
"Yeah… he said I shouldn’t race until the second half of the season… and then also only if the soreness and pain is gone." I said quietly and he took my hand in his, stopping my fiddling.
"What would happen if you continue? Without taking a break?"
"He’s not sure, but one of the things that could happen is that the high force will damage my spine permanently…" I almost whispered and he stroked the back of my hand.
"What would that mean?"
"I don’t know…"
"Lizzie…" Charles looked at me pointedly.
"I might lose the ability to walk…" I sighed and his grip on my hands strengthened.
"But that’s just one possibility? Doesn’t mean it has to happen, no?" a tinge of hope in his voice.
"Yeah. It’s all hypothetical. I also want a second opinion. I’m going to ask Dr. Friese to have a look." I smiled a little and he nodded.
"First things first when we’re back home you’re calling him." Charles said and I squeezed his hand.
"First things first. Promise."
"Can you please stop looking at me?" I sighed and Charles looked away in an instant "I’m fine."
"Are you really? You struggled a little today?" he countered and I rolled my eyes.
"Yes. I’m fine."
"Cara mia, please, talk to me… what Dr. Friese said is exactly the same-…" he began and I huffed "Lizzie…"
"They said that these things might happen! Not that they definitely happen! I know my body. I’m fine. My work out routine is just a little more intense now, so yes. I struggled a little today."
"Okay. But maybe consider taking a break?"
"No! Charles, in one month we’re racing at Hockenheim! It’s my home race! I will not miss that out! Who knows when the next German GP will be?" I said, pulling my knees close to my chest.
"I understand that, I really do, but Lizzie this is about your health…" Charles sat down next to me, cupping my cheeks "I just don’t want you to be in pain constantly, okay?"
"I’m not! I can do it. I would really appreciate it if everyone would just let me do my thing." I groaned and he took a deep breath.
"You promise me that the moment you feel it’s getting worse, you’ll tell me and we go to see the doc?" he said slowly and I nodded "Okay… then I won’t talk about it anymore."
"Just like that?" I asked.
"I trust you." he stated simply and I smiled a little.
"Thank you. Really."
"As long as you’re honest with me…"
"I will be. I promise!" I kissed his cheek, feeling like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders.
I didn’t try to show it, not to Charles, JK, anyone, but I was scared. To think that continuing with racing could have major consequences was more than scary. Sure, it was just a possibility, but still, the pain I’ve felt for weeks, the throbbing in my lower back after a longer session in the car, how stiff my legs were after getting out of it. Things I didn’t talk about out of fear what they could mean.
"Are you okay?" Charles asked, studying my face "You spaced out a little…"
"Hmm? Oh yeah-… yeah, sure. I was just… umm thank you for trusting me, it means a lot, really." I said quietly, taking a big breath and smiled at him.
"You know that I always trust you, cara mia… it wasn’t always easy, but we’re getting there." he cupped my cheek, gently stroking it.
"I know, I know, but I like you said, I promise you that I’ll be honest about everything. For now, it’ll be okay, I’ll see what I’m able to do, I’ll focus on strengthening my back and then we’ll take it from there." I took his hand in mine and kissed the back of it, when Charles pulled me into him, breathing into my neck.
"The last two weeks made me age for at least 5 years." he sighed against my skin and I felt his warm breath tickling my neck.
"Oh come on!" I chuckled, combing through his hair.
"I’m serious! First that messed up Canada weekend, now you. God I need a good result tomorrow…"
"You’ll win. I have a good feeling."
"Winning in Barcelona would be nice." he said slowly and I grinned.
"In front of Sainz’ home crowd…" I winked and he nodded.
"You’re evil." he laughed, pulling me close "But I love you for that."
"Just for that?"
"No, you’re cute too…"
"Oh thanks… how very nice of you."
He got up and shrugged his shoulders a little, when his phone rang.
"That’s Silvia…" he rolled his eyes and put the phone done "She can leave a message."
"She’ll be mad." I chuckled.
"So what. She’s forcing me to all this stupid videos with Carlos. And I can’t keep on faking a smile when inside I just want to punch him."
"Ignore him. That’s what I’m doing. He won’t get my seat, the interest from Audi died down, Felix talked to the board, they are setting up a new contract for me, Valtteri will leave at the end of the season and Nico will come, Audi is happy because they have 2 German drivers. So yeah, I don’t care about him anymore."
"I know, but after everything that happened… this season can’t be over soon enough and he’s finally gone." Charles said and took of his shirt "But let’s stop talking about him or Silvia or whatever… care to join me under the shower?"
"As if I would say no to that."
"Bill McKnight, CBS. Charles, after winning in Japan, Monaco, Barcelona and last weekend in Spielberg, your closer then ever to Max, with a good result this weekend, you could take the lead in the driver standings. How do you feel, knowing that?" the reporter in the first row asked.
"Umm- yeah I mean honestly, the season started not so great for me, but we worked hard and delivered weekend after weekend, sure, some weren’t that great as well, but over all our season is really progressing in the right direction and we will work hard to get the next win this weekend." Charles answered and I smiled at him.
"Becca Reynolds, ESPN USA. Lizzie, some really observant fans noticed that you started to follow some accounts of wedding dress designers and liked some dresses. Is there anything you and Charles want to tell us?" she asked and I immediately blushed.
"Wh- what? I don’t- we don’t… no. No. There is nothing that needs to be told." I stuttered, taken aback. I wasn’t expecting a question like this and began to laugh nervously "One of my best friends is getting married and of course I help her, picking out the perfect dress." I added and I saw out of the corner of my eyes how Max was trying his best not to laugh out loud.
"If you’ll get married, I hope the whole grid will be invited?" he joked and Charles laughed.
"I see you all of you way too much already! You’re so not coming to our wedding!" he replied.
"Hey! Not fair!" Max said and I chuckled a little.
"There is no wedding or anything planned! So stop whining." I said with finality and he held up his hands.
"Okay, okay!"
"Alright, some more questions? No. Then thank you all and good luck this weekend!" Tom Clarkson ended the press conference and we left.
"So? Are there are really no wedding plans being made?" Max wiggled his eyebrows and I punched his arm "Ouch… I’m not asking again."
"But honestly? You should do a Daniel and just get it over with in Vegas." he laughed, and I glared at him.
"What about you and Kelly? You're together even longer than Lizzie and I.." Charles threw in and Max paled visibly.
"Okay, no more wedding talks ever again." he said hastily.
"Yeah, that's what I thougt." Charles laughed and Max just shook his head, waving us off when he stepped into the Red Bull hospitality "You looked damn shocked when that reporter asked you that question.. almost terrified."
"Oh come on. I didn't look terrified! I just wasn't expecting a question like that." I defended myself but he laughed
"I'm just kidding!" he replied and pulled me to his side.
"But honestly? I would be terrified... marrying you? Like hell no." I joked and he pinched my side.
"Careful, cara mia, or there might be a ring on your finger sooner than you think."
"We'll see about that. And now I gotta go." I kissed his cheek and walked towards Julie, who waited for me.
"I think I never saw you blushing this hard." she chuckled, and I groaned
"What was that for a question!" I replied.
"I don't know, but you handled it well."
"Yeah... like a pro." I laughed and we walked inside, Arlo jumping right at me "Hey my little furball. Did you behave?"
"He behaved well as always." Julie smiled, scratching his ears.
"You're a good boy." I picked him up and plopped down on one of the sofas, right when the rest of the media team arrived and sat down as well
"So, we have some things to talk about. First things first. Your upcoming contract renewal. I know, I know, you didn't sign anything yet, but we will announce it at Hockenheim. It's your home race. It's our home race. We're having a special livery and race suit, we're also thinking to put your last name on the back and then instead of your driver number the year until when you're having a contract with us then. 2026 or 2027, I don't know all the details yet. Netflix will be with us the whole weekend, the original DTS crew as well as Elijah, his crew has priority, it's the last race they'll film. In Hockenheim you'll also have some junior drivers with you the whole Friday, to see how a race weekend in F1 works, they are all girls, it's a cooperation with the Fl Academy, Susie will be here as well. That was ist for Hockenheim. We have one team event in Spa where you have to attend, it's a sponsor dinner. But that's all. Elijah and his crew will edit the final episode and it's all shown to you then. You have the final word. He also wants to shoot one final interview with you and record some commentary and then it's done." she looked up from her tablet "Questions?"
"Don't think so." I shook my head.
"Alright, then that's it. Let the race weekend begin."
Charles POV:
"You did a good job, Charles, you-..." Bryan radioed.
"I did a shit job. That mistake cost me the win." I was frustrated.
"But you recovered well. From P13 to P2 in less than 10 laps."
"Doesn't matter. The team did a good job. The pit stop was amazing. I'm sorry for the whole team that I messed up."
"You didn't mess up. You did good out there, even if you don't think so."
"Thanks, Bryan." I sighed, parking the car next to Max, climbing out.
"Unfortunate mate, but what a comeback, well done man!" Max clapped my back.
"Thanks Max and congrats..." I said, opening my visor.
I was gutted and wasn't in the mood to celebrate with my team, but seeing them all chanting and clapping I swallowed my misery and went to them.
"Daghe Charles!"
"Good job!"
"You did good!"
"Thanks guys." was all I could say and when I walked back to get weighed
"Hey." Lizzie bumped into me, a soft smile on her lips "You made a mistake, but you recovered damn well. Please keep that in mind, okay?"
"I don't know..." I began but she looked at me pointedly
"Okay! But the mistake was stupid and shouldn't happen to me, we can all agree on that?"
"You were taking a risk, nothing wrong with that, sometimes it pays off, sometimes it doesn't."
"Yeah…" I sighed.
"Go to your interview and don’t be too hard on yourself. I’m watching your podium."
"You have to go to the media pen, cara mia." I reminded her.
"Yeah I can do that later." she kissed my cheek and pushed me towards David Coulthard.
I took a deep breath and thanked the girl who handed me the microphone and turned towards the former driver.
"Charles, congrats on P2. You’re not happy with the result, I can tell."
"Yeah, I’m never happy with a P2. Especially not when I had the pace to win."
"It was a tight battle between you and Max there, some good racing."
"It was really tight. We had a lot of pace and where at the straights quicker then the Red Bulls. Until my mistake I was in a good position to win." I said honestly.
"You recovered well from P13 back to P2."
"It was the least I could do. The team did such a good job, our strategy was on point, the pit stop was amazing. I had to fight to at least make it back on the podium for the team."
"And that you did. Well done Charles. Congrats again." Coulthard smiled at me and I nodded, giving back the microphone.
I followed George into the cool down room and sat down next to Max, wiping my face.
"Tough luck, mate." George said when the replay of my failed overtake was shown.
"I hit the kerb a little too hard… I’m just glad there was no gravel, one turn later and the race would’ve been over." I sighed.
"True. But what a comeback." he nudged my shoulder and sat down next to Max.
"The least I could do."
I watched on the screen how I overtook Lizzie and had to smile, she didn’t make it easy for me. She fought hard. But eventually I made it past her. The screen switched to the crowd under the podium and I spotted Lizzie next to Joris, right when we were called out on the podium. I heard Lizzie cheer all the way up to the platform and had to chuckle. I was so enamoured by her that I missed the champagne spraying and got soaked by Max and George.
"Hey lover boy!" Max laughed.
"Grab your champagne mate!" George continued spraying us and I grabbed my bottle and sprayed them as well.
"Look at him, he can’t see through his heart eyes…"
"The only thing he see’s is Lizzie."
"Very funny guys." I rolled my eyes playfully when we all toasted our bottles together, taking a swig from our bottles.
After the picture I looked down, Lizzie gone and Joris nodded to the left where I saw her walking off with Julie, I grabbed my trophy and walked downstairs with Max and George.
"See you later guys." I waved them off and then walked back to the garage.
I thanked my team when Bryan walked up to me clapping my back, I handed him the trophy and he looked it once over before he sat it down on the table next to him.
"Don’t be too hard on yourself, Charles. I told you to keep pushing, you pushed… it’s 50 % on me and 50 % on you." he joked and I cracked a little smile.
"You said keep pushing and not push over the limit."
"Semantics." he shrugged and I laughed "The recovery was brilliant, let’s focus on that."
"Yeah. We have to focus on Germany now. It’s been a while since we all raced there the last time." I said and he nodded.
"Just ask Lizzie for advice. I’d say she’s one of the most experienced on the grid when it comes to Hockenheim." Bryan said and I took a big swig of water.
"Yeah. She’ll be one of our main threats that’s for sure. And since Audi will bring some updates as well?"
"Be extra nice to your girlfriend then, not that she’ll kick your ass out there."
"Did you see how she fought me off today? Yeah? That’s the Lizzie I know and love, she won’t back down no matter what. Especially at home."
"Maybe she’ll win her home race just like you won yours." Bryan shrugged and I nodded.
"She will win. I know it."
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Chapter 45 - it’s basically just a filler chapter, a shorter one, but I had to make a cut because next chapter we‘re racing in HOCKENHEIM - Lizzie‘s home race and let me tell you, A LOT IS GOING GO HAPPEN… 👀
Also, sorry for uploading so late, I don’t even know how it happened, but I simply forgot to do it on Sunday… I woke up last night at 3 am or so and realised that I forgot to upload 🙈 sorry!!!
Please leave a comment/ like/ reblog/ message and tell me how you liked it! I'm dying to hear your thoughts!
If you want to be added to the taglist, drop a comment!
Last but not least, English is not my first language and although I tried my best: please excuse any mistakes I made!
@silkenthusiasts @eugene-emt-roe @sunny44 @itsjustkhaos @glitterquadricorn @aundercover @kakorrhaphiphobia @alittlebitofbooksandmagic @ru-kru @shimmermotorsport @janeh22 @kahhorri @18754389 @chiliwhore @hellowgoodbye @queensassybitchsworld @harrysdimple05 @skynel09 @fangirlforever2000
All the images I’m using are from Google, Pinterest and Instagram (or self made).
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heylabodega · 3 months
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The year I was 33 I sometimes got so elated that I'd walk around grinning, and I sometimes got so hopeless about the world that I couldn't sleep and then couldn't get up in the morning. I asked existential questions about my choices, my responsibilities, my abilities. I was strong and self sufficient but sometimes terribly lonely. Sometimes I felt so gloriously connected to my network of friends and fond acquaintances, and other times I felt fundamentally alone and unmoored.
The year I was 33 I started living alone for the first time, and almost couldn't bear how happy it made me. I bought seltzers and ice cream and tea and wine and beer and non alcoholic beer and I don't even like beer but if someone came over I wanted to be able to offer them a full range of cold and hot beverages. I bought a quilt on sale at Anthropologie and a vacuum that I immediately anthropomorphized and became fond of. I dutifully washed my cast iron pan and oiled it after each use and took out my trash and used the food in my fridge before it went bad.
I continued to be gobsmacked by the transferability of love, by how much I could love the not-yet-born children of my friends, but I also grew to appreciate loving their children separately from them, their own people. I hung out with Remy and missed Arlo and was enchanted by the brand new uniqueness of their personalities.
I painted so many large canvases and couldn't figure out what to do with them. Where to hang them, who to offer them to. I enjoyed the painting of them and the looking at them.
I often thought I was becoming beautiful again, but I think I didn't like a single outfit that I wore or photo taken of me.
The year I was 33, I realized that taking good care of myself is good friendship. I am here and unbitter when my friends need me, and they haven't had to worry about me for many a year. I continued to try to untangle the lessons about love and obligation and neglect that I learned from my family. I loved my family very much in our own way that's different from a lot of other families. I tried to make other people feel relaxed and appreciated in my presence.
The year I was 33 I kept getting better at my job. I kept saying things that were smart, I kept asking the right questions, I kept becoming a better writer and editor. I talked to my coworkers at WeWorks and on Zooms and at happy hours and on walks and I loved those conversations. I talked about camaraderie with my boss's boss and felt we understood each other. I got promoted and almost immediately began scheming to ask for another. I think I deserve it.
The year I was 33, we won trivia so many times, and we all kind of casually and kind of seriously acknowledged the shared intensity of our personalities and the pleasure of getting to let that out together over a table in the village, ordering appetizers and buckets of Pacifico and debating over the list round.
The year I was 33 I! had! sex! again! finally! I can still allow my body to be touched, can still muster enough energy to foster intimacy with another person.
I ate cake and drank martinis and thought, I know these things are bad for me but I'm having so much fun how could they possibly be, really? Surely this is the point. 
The year I was 33, I still couldn't shake my ambivalence about my talking. Sometimes I think it is my superpower, and sometimes I think it will be my undoing, how much I talk, how readily I fill the silence, how desperate I am to connect through disclosure. I kept trying to remember to ask more questions and I kept forgetting. I couldn't decide if other people should just speak up.
I started a marathon and didn't finish it. I started a 10k and didn't finish it. I celebrated my ability to quit when I'm not having a good time, but questioned my ability to persevere. I ran a lot and tried to eat and drink what I needed to support that, and mostly failed. I can count the number of outstanding runs I had on one hand, but they reminded me I still contain possibility. I took an iron supplement.
I drove places with my friends, called my friends' husbands 'dad' for driving us so safely and taking such good care of us. Lauren and Will and Braden and John and I dawdled all along the Acela corridor, stopping to pee, stopping to eat, driving the speed limit. I ordered a Dirty Shirley at a Red Robin off the New Jersey turnpike from the world's friendliest waiter and a life-renewing Shake Shack burger at 8:30am at a rest stop outside the city.
I went to Portland and Los Angeles and Delaware and DC, but nowhere out of the country. I moved twice. I got the hair on my bikini line removed by a laser and told everyone about how great and easy it was. I went to a gala. I wrote almost no poems but I helped write someone else's book. I took Remy to his swim lesson! I didn't, knock wood, get sick even once which I attribute to my naps, my preventative Umcka, and working from home. And of course my tremendous luck.
The year I was 33 my luck held. How long can this good luck hold?
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nebulablakemurphy · 1 year
Through Love And By Love (Pt. 8)
Summary: Twenty-Two years ago, Draco Malfoy used the imperius curse to slow Voldemort’s rise to power. No good deed goes unpunished. Warning: this series contains mature subject matter surrounding use of the imperius curse, discussions of trauma and mental illness; reader discretion advised.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7
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Their book is well received, all things considered.
Rosanna is meant to return to the Holyhead Harpies shortly after the birth of their second daughter, Arlo. A perfect little girl, with her mother’s strawberry blonde hair and her father’s eyes. At her pregame assessment, the on call doctor determines that she is expecting... twins.
Draco is overjoyed. Rosanna is overwhelmed.
She isn’t snippy, they don’t fight; she just sort of skates along. Like there is no fire left in her.
That afternoon, Draco leaves, with a kiss to the top of her head. “I love you, darling. I’ll see you later.”
“Love you.” She pats the side of his face. “Have fun.”
Instead of heading to lunch with Pansy and Blaise, like he’d told her; Draco sets off to have lunch at the ministry.
He is welcomed into Archer McVay’s office with open arms. “How are you, Draco? Long time no see.”
Rosanna and Draco have made themselves scarce, upon returning to the manor. Neither of their parents have seen much of them or their grandchildren.
“I’m alright. Thank you for meeting with me.”
Archer can see the distress scrawled across his son-in-law’s features. “You look like something is troubling you. Please, take a seat.”
Draco sits in the chair opposite Rosanna’s father. "I feel quite awful, coming to you like this." He begins fidgeting with his shirt collar, feeling constricted in the material. "Our marriage is sacred, I hate to betray her trust. But I don't know what else to do."
"I'd like to help." Archer leans forward. "If it makes you feel any better Ron, Hermione and Harry beat you to it. They were in my office about a week ago, expressing their concerns."
"What did they say?" Draco shifts.
"They thought she 'looked ill, not at all like herself and like she hadn't slept in a fortnight.'" The older man explains.
Draco can deduce which member of the trio had made each comment. "She's been having night terrors, nearly every night. She doesn't want to sleep because of it. Rosanna is an amazing mother, the girls haven't noticed a difference. But I worry, she's quite literally running herself into the ground. I've tried all I can think of," Draco sighs. "But everything that used to help is only taking the edge off."
"Have you ever heard of post traumatic stress disorder?" Archer removes his glasses, running his fingers down the bridge of his nose.
"She's not alone, it's very common. I won't name names, but more than one of her close friends suffer from it as well." But it's not his story to tell.
"What happens...if she has it?" Draco asks, nervously.
"The first step is to have an assessment by a professional. But generally speaking, she would go to therapy, maybe they'll prescribe a potion for her to take. Everything is done on a case by case basis, so any care she receives will be especially tailored for Rosanna." The older man explains, patiently.
"But if this is, the stress disorder, from the war. Why hasn’t it happened before?" It's been years since the war, years of happiness.
"Everyone is different. Something might have triggered it, or maybe things are resurfacing that her mind may have repressed. I would talk to her, son. Have you tried that?" Archer asks.
"I don't want to upset her." Draco runs a finger over his wedding ring. "With the pregnancy and the girls-"
"That's exactly why you should get her the help she needs. She'll be grateful to you in the long run, if not right away."
Narcissa and Lucius began building a mansion on the empty land of the Malfoy property, shortly after Leo was born. They left the manor to Draco and Rosanna before standing trial for their crimes, just in case.
Lucius had served just a year and Narcissa avoided detention all together. Using her husband's sentence to complete their new home.
Subsequently, Draco's childhood home received its own drastic make over. He marveled at the way they made it theirs. With colorful paint and curtains to properly see the sun. A small, intimate, table for family dinners, cooking supplies, music, and most importantly; with love. It is everything he dreamed it would be.
Draco enters the manor, soft humming greets his ears. He follows the tune, Rosanna and the girls are in the sitting room. His wife seated at the rear, Leo in the middle, Arlo at the front, wriggling with her doll in hand.
Ro runs the brush over Leo's platinum locks as the four and a half year old does the same for her little sister.
"Hello loves." Draco greets, quietly, not wanting to startle them.
"Daddy!" Leo waves, making no move to break away from the chain.
Arlo shrieks, toddling over to him. He catches the eleven month old in his arms.
Rosanna taps her oldest daughter's shoulder, signaling that she's finished her braid. Lovingly running her fingers over the plait, before Leo charges her father.
"Oof," Draco huffs, when she collides with him. Tangling her limbs around one of his legs and holding fast. Like an animal to a tree; giggling wildly all the while.
Rosanna smiles, pushing soft waves behind her ear. Dark circles, under tired brown eyes, she is still the most beautiful woman he's ever laid eyes on. "How was lunch? Blaise and Pansy good?"
"Quite well." Draco grins, feeling guilty for lying. "How are you feeling, darling? Were these two behaving for you?" He turns his eyes to his daughters.
"Perfect angels," Rosanna yawns.
"You should take a rest, I'll fix dinner after a while." Draco steps toward her, Leo still affixed to his limb, Arlo in his arms.
Rosanna shakes her head, "I'm fine."
"Alright," he doesn't push. "Shall we put on a movie then? Have some popcorn?"
"Yes, Beauty and the Beast!" Leo demands.
"Again?" Rosanna laughs, that's the fourth time this week.
"It's my favorite, Mummy." Leo has an American drawl on about sixty percent of her vocabulary. But Rosanna has always been Mummy instead of Mommy.
"Clearly." Draco chuckles, indulgently.
"I'll go pop the corn." Ro pushes herself to her feet.
Arlo and Leo are engrossed in the film when Draco peeks over. Rosanna sound asleep, Leo moves to Draco's opposite side as her mother begins to snore.
"Why is Mummy so sleepy?" The little girl wonders, looking up at her father with wide, brown, eyes.
"Growing babies in your belly is hard work," Draco explains, tapping her nose.
"Did I make her tired?" Leo wonders, turning to mother. Arlo is still cuddled up against Rosanna, little head resting on her chest, contently.
"Just a bit." Draco admits.
As they ready for bed, Draco notices how Ro hesitates to climb onto the mattress. She stalls as long as she can, fumbling around in her jewelry box.
"Love?" He calls her attention.
"Hmm?" She forces a grin, crawling beneath the covers, she's been caught.
"Can I talk to you about something?" Draco sets his book aside.
"Sure," she settles, back against the headboard, "what's up?" Brown eyes fall on him.
"How would you feel about talking to someone about, your night terrors?" He moves his hands to her hair, releasing it from the bun she's twisted it into.
"Oh," she snaps her mouth shut. "It's nothing."
"But it is..." He hesitates, "I'm worried, sweetheart."
"Ok," Rosanna is taken aback and maybe a bit defensive. Pulling away from his touch.
"I can make some calls, find someone. All you'd have to do is show up." Draco drops his arms to his lap.
"And bare my soul to a stranger," she adds, bitterly. "What if something is wrong with me?"
"Nothing's wrong with you." Draco says, becoming perturbed. "Even if there were, you won't face it alone."
"Would you go too?" Rosanna wonders.
'I will love you more than any obstacle that stands in our path. I will love you more than any battle we may face. I will love you more than you have ever been loved. I will pull you back to me, if ever the universe tears us apart.' Those are the words he'd whispered against her flushed skin on their marriage bed. That is the promise he intends to keep, all his life, "consider it done."
Rosanna's first appointment is that Monday, following her dress fitting for Ron and Hermione's upcoming nuptials.
"Do you think you'll be pregnant again next spring?" Hermione asks as the seamstress takes Rosanna's measurements.
"That's a good question." They hadn't discussed it yet.
"Are you holding out for a boy?" Hermione says, playfully. Rosanna's children are a joy, she can have however many she likes, as far as Hermione's concerned.
They hadn't really been 'trying' for either gender. They agreed to a large family. Both being only children left them wanting siblings for their kids.
"I'd like a boy," Rosanna confesses, a little Draco. "But I'll be just as happy with all girls."
"Have you thought anymore about the open position at the Wizengamot?" Hermione wonders, when she heard about the job, Rosanna was the first person to come to mind. "They've been looking for a Legilimen for a while. I know you'd be brilliant-"
"Can I ask you something?" The words tumble from Rosanna's mouth.
"Anything." Hermione crosses her legs, setting her wedding agenda aside.
"Did you ever have...problems, after?"
Hermione meets her eyes in the mirror, twirling the modest, round, diamond ring, Ron proposed with, around her finger.
"Ron, Harry and I...we really went through it. Not to say you didn't! Well, I've read your book and- What I'm trying to say is I think that we all-" Hermione stumbles around for the proper verbiage.
"We're all a little fucked up?" Rosanna offers.
"For lack of a better term, yes. There's no shame in getting help if you need, but there is shame in knowing you need help and ignoring it." Hermione remembers having a similar conversation with her fiancé. "Ron struggles a bit more than I do. But we both see a counselor, it's loads better; talking it out with someone. Sorting through everything, you'll feel better."
"Draco said he'll go too, separately and together. I just don't understand why all of the sudden I can’t sleep without-" Rosanna breaks off, looking down at her feet; because she can barely stomach the sight of Hermione.
"What is it, Ro?" Hermione demands.
Rosanna shakes her head.
Hermione's mouth twists into a smirk, masking her disappointment. "We used to share everything, now you avoid me like the plague. It was nearly impossible to get you here. If you don't mind, I'd like to know what I've done.”
"You didn't do anything. I did." Rosanna replies, quietly.
"What are you on about, Rosanna?" Hermione is officially concerned. "You’re not making any sense."
"I can still hear you screaming. I can hear Ron, in the basement.” Rosanna breaks off to collect herself. "Losing his mind, trying to get to you. And I sit there, on the nice comfortable bed, in the nice comfortable house; being celebrated for conceiving a child that I never really had any part in creating. I don't know what to do. Because if I attack Bellatrix, and I hesitate, or if something doesn't go as planned; then she'll kill you and Ron. She'll call Voldemort and he'll kill Harry. So I sit there, and I do nothing." The blonde shakes her head in frustration.
"You did do something. You summoned Dobby and got us out of there. You pulled the only card you were sure they'd care more about than letting us go. You lied about knowing it was us. You pretended something was wrong with Leo to get us out. You did everything you could. I might not be standing here today if you didn't think fast and use your resources." Hermione comes to stand aside of Rosanna, the seamstress having long disappeared.
"I'm sorry," Rosanna covers the inside of Hermione's left forearm, where 'Mudblood' is scarred on her skin. She often does the same to Draco's mark, almost as if she were trying to absorb some of the pain from the marking itself.
"This is not your fault." Hermione puts her hand over Rosanna's. "Please don't think I blame you for a second. No one blames you. When you cast the healing charm...in that moment, it meant everything to me. I struggled with leaving you there, we all did for years. You were our friend and we just...left you." Hermione's voice breaks.
"You couldn't take me with you. You couldn't get to me, even if you wanted too. There wasn't enough time." Rosanna shakes her head. "There was no reason for you to feel guilty all this time."
"Spoken like a true hypocrite." Hermione cocks her head to the side.
Rosanna bumps Hermione's arm.
“I want us to be close again, Rosanna. Next time there’s something going on, you tell me straight away.” Hermione chides her. “I miss my best friend.”
“I miss you too.”
Rosanna is not pregnant at Ron and Hermione's wedding. After the birth of their twin daughters, Vega and Polaris, they have their hands full. Draco and Rosanna are out manned, two to one. Both grateful they decided to attend counseling. Their relationship, as well as their mental health, has improved tremendously.
"I can't believe you guys are married," Rosanna laughs, full, happy, and thoroughly intoxicated by the alcohol she's consumed.
They lie horizontally, shoulder to shoulder. Ron and Hermione in the middle, Rosanna and Harry at either end, staring up at the spinning ceiling.
"Can't believe you married Malfoy." Ron remarks, no heat in his voice.
"I can't believe Harry hasn't married Ginny yet." Hermione tacks on, squeezing her husband's entwined fingers.
"I can't believe we all made it here." Harry confesses, he's a depressing drunk.
"Way to kill the mood." Rosanna rolls up onto her left elbow, addressing him over the newly wed couple.
"Are you taking the mickey, Malfoy?" Harry laughs.
"Scared, Potter?” Rosanna cocks a brow.
"Enough,” Draco protests, from the doorway. "That's my line." He reaches for his wife’s hand.
"Oh no, he’s found us." Ron groans.
"Don't take her,” Harry frowns.
"We're having a proper cuddle." Hermione pulls Rosanna against her side.
Draco squares his shoulders. "She's my wife, therefore she'll only be cuddling me from now on."
Draco and Rosanna attend eight more weddings in a matter of two years, which is more inspiring than not. Like the world is finally starting to heal itself.
Harry and Ginny have a son, James, he's perfect, a spitting image of his father.
After all the years of being cordial, Draco is still hesitant to hold the newest Potter.
"Potter doesn't want me holding his boy." He shakes his blonde head, as Rosanna attempts to hand James over.
"Go on Malfoy, you should be a pro by now." Ginny says in good spirits, despite being slightly sleep deprived.
"I am a bloody pro. But I've never held my former nemesis' offspring, it's a bit different." Draco teases, allowing Rosanna to ease the infant into his arms.
"Look how sweet he is." Rosanna coos, stroking the baby's dark hair.
Leo is fascinated by the little boy. Being the oldest she's always been rather maternal to her younger sisters.
Arlo peaks over the blankets as Rosanna lifts up the identical, platinum blonde, blue eyed twins, for a better view.
Vega points.
Polaris giggles as James wiggles a bit in the blankets and passes gas.
"I think your kid's having a poo on me." Draco scoffs, at the irony of it all.
"Well done, son." Harry chuckles, kissing Ginny's forehead.
Draco turns to Ro, "when are you going to give me another one of these?" He nods to the baby in his arms.
"I thought we were done." Rosanna nearly chokes on her own saliva.
"As many as you'll give me." He murmurs, the baby nuzzling him. Surrounded by his daughters, his wife and dare he say their friends; Draco is the happiest he's ever been.
Rosanna didn’t take the position at the Wizengamot when it was first mentioned to her, she needed to get her mind right. But when the job reopens, she all but pounces on it.
The team is thrilled to have her, she works interrogations and makes their job very easy.
Her position opens doors for Draco within the ministry. He trains under Harry Potter himself and becomes one of the most prestigious aurors the ministry has ever seen. Even still, he's never truly trusted or accepted by a handful of his colleagues.
Rosanna sneaks into his office on her lunch break, decorating the room in baby blue confetti. A bottle with a howler slipped inside sits on his pristine desk.
They'd waited until birth to learn the genders of their other children. But this is to be their last and Ro was dying to know. So at the appointment to confirm her pregnancy, she finds out.
"We're having a boy!" Draco nearly faints, once the card delivers the news.
He reaches out, stroking the blue confetti at the edge of his desk. A son...he is having a son. His heart leaps and then tightens, painfully. This is far different from daughters.
People look at them and see their mother, kindness and bravery and light. People will look at their son and see him, cowardice, cruelty and dark. What a terrible fate to condemn a child.
Then again, the bond Draco has with his mother is second only to that of his wife and children. To be the only son in a family of daughters, to be his mother's boy... Loved all his days with an affection meant just for him, their son; sung to sleep each night with a tenderness only Rosanna could give. To know the adoration and wisdom of his father without boundaries. To have a proper father... what a beautiful gift to bestow a child.
Part 9
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fanfic-inator795 · 6 months
Can’t sleep, so I’m thinkin’ about cute father & son stuff w/ Arlo and Ansel.
Specifically: imagine a year or so after the movie, where it’s time for the Met Gala again, and Ansel asks Arlo if he wants to be his plus one. Of course Arlo is thrilled, and I imagine the two of them go on a big outfit hunt trying to find the perfect look for the event.
They have a ton of fun trying on different suits/dresses/costumes/other fancy outfits together, though Arlo sorta struggles with finding one that he actually wants to wear to the event, wanting it to feel EXTRA special both for the event itself and cause it’s the anniversary of when his dad officially accepted him back into his life. Ansel, thankfully, is very patient and doesn’t try to push him into choosing (though he does start to worry if Arlo’s indecisiveness is a sign that he doesn’t want to go with him/isn’t looking forward to the event).
But in the end, I imagine Edmee surprising them with handmade coordinating suits - one themed after the swamp and the other themed after the sky - and of course they absolutely love them and have a fun time posing together on the gala’s red carpet ^v^
then, after the event - when they’re both sleepy but not quite ready to call it a night yet - maybe Ansel gets them a treat at whatever NYC sweets place is open past midnight (donuts, maybe?) and, in addition to celebrating, just takes a moment to let Arlo know how happy he is to now have his son back in his life, with Arlo in turn telling him that he’s happy to have his dad in his life too ^v^
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arlo-venn · 1 year
I know it doesn't seem like it, but things really are starting to get a little better for me. My health isn't, but I'm working on it. My next big disability hearing is on October 24th or 28th (I forget which)— this is when I'll find out if I'm approved or if I have to appeal again.
I can't say that I feel particularly great about my chances or my current preparedness as far as evidence goes, but I am feeling relatively optimistic about life in general, and I have been becoming increasingly more functional (mentally/executive dysfunction-wise), too. We're in the process of moving me and Arlo out of the basement and into what is currently the craft room upstairs. I've been sleeping up there with him for about a month now, but we haven't switched the furniture yet. I suspect the basement was contributing to how sick I've been at least a little bit, so I'm happy to have Arlo out of there.
Somehow I feel like I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, even though it doesn't feel likely that we'll win this round of disability, which is going to wreak havoc on my current survival support system as Tyrell has made it very clear that she cannot do this for another year if I have to appeal again. Trying not to think about that and focus on the things I need to do to strengthen my case instead... between me & the thousands of you I really thought my lawyer would be more helpful/more involved/offer more guidance than he is. At this point there's just not a lot of time left for more doctor's appointments. Being entirely nonfunctional through the whole of 2022 really set me back.
It's weird because things should be looking quite bleak from my perspective, but for some reason, they don't.
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melissamasakari · 2 months
Confessions you didn't notice
Chapter four. Personal fest.
I woke up from my own incomprehensible muttering (I really do hope that no great discoveries were made by those who could hear me). I somehow opened one eye and searched the space around me. Found a stuffed pig nearby. Sam, that's not funny! Wait, why is it so dark in here? How long did I actually sleep? There seemed to be no pillow when I fell asleep either. I’ve got a surge of energy and untangled myself from the blanket. I jerked up and sat up on the bed. Stop. Bed? Looking around the room, I finally realized where I was. This is HIS room. Captain's bedroom. There was a bookshelf overhead. On the left a figurine of an airplane on the closet could be sees. I wished I could take a closer look, but I couldn't reach there. Maybe I should ask him later? He seems always happy to show off such things. With these thoughts I buried myself into the pillows. Oh. It turns out that the captain prefers herbal soap. Not surprising – the floral smell seems way too strong so it will surely attract some kind of monster. Or girls... however, the herbal one worked just great for me – the scent was so good. Okay, lets stop lying around, otherwise I won’t be able to force myself to leave. I can't say it's my first time here, but for some reason it didn't feel right now. Just like snooping. Although, just to think about it, it's pretty cute. Looks like that they got together and went to sort things out. As they decided not to wake me up then the most obvious thing to do was to move me here, right? Just in case someone enters headquarters while they are gone. But now I should definitely get out, but it’s so cozy and calm here. I could just suffer from hits of embarrassment a little bit longer – but I decided to get up after all. I carefully made bed and, yawning, stretched towards the exit. On the dresser I found a group photo from Bright Sun Day. It's great, it was my first fest here, and of course my expression was quite terrible. An arm stretcher was casually thrown over the foot board of the bed. Look, my signature! Does he train even before bed? Arm stretcher was already completely worn out, while I’ve made it just recently. I'll have to get him a new one. Also I found a note on the desk: “Melissa, have fun for us at the festival. I'll contact you as soon as I can." Then it was written by the other hand: “Kid, your clothes are well dried and are lying on the sofa. I hid the shoes under the order board. The kitchen and shower are at your service.” A rather tattered T-shirt hung on the back of the chair. Pajamas maybe? I really wanted to bury my nose in it, but this is too much. Or maybe he won’t notice? STOP! I slapped my cheeks. Time to get to work, pull yourself together, Melissa! I went and washed, collected my things, and changed clothes.
“Ack, when did they left?”
“At dawn.”
“What kind of station was this anyway?”
“Secret information.”
“It's a pity. Can you tell me how dangerous is it in there?”
“Medium level biological hazard. No other data available. There were no security droids. Beam and disintegrating weapons, too.”
“Thank you. Do you want some milk?”
“If it is possible.”
“Do you know how to read data disks?”
“No, but I can use programs from silicon chips.”
“I’ll keep it in mind for the future. Here's your milk. See you.”
On my way home Sonya intercepted me. There wasn't much to do anyway, so I went with her to the event after I left my bag at home. Naturally, the curious waitress immediately bombarded me with questions.
“I couldn’t help but notice that you spend a lot of time with Arlo nowadays. Do you go out with him, or something, hm?”
“Yeah, we go out to do a whole bunch of assignments. And also we share a wonderful friendship that I value very much. Why are you asking?”
“Nothing special. But keep in mind that’s he's just very popular. A bunch of girls fell for him already. I would try to hook up with him myself, but he’s not my type at all.”
“What, they’re just running after him in flocks?”
“Not exactly, but not very far from the truth.”
“Noted. Now please explain me the rules for the event. Yesterday I was stuck in the Wasteland, and in my homeland there is no snow.”
It turned out that everything was quite simple. Opponents hide behind rocks, moving between shelters. Each has twenty snowballs. As soon as they are all used up, points are counted. Predictably, I didn’t take any prizes. But I got some good practice in knocking down other people’s hats. It seems that Nora has been looking at me unkindly all day. But it’s not my fault that she’s one of the easiest targets! Take that, you wimpy crybaby! Hands off MY redhead! What did he even see in you?
When it began to get dark the townspeople started to disperse. I returned home and checked my supplies of materials. Before it was too late, I went to the guild for an inspection. I just hope my guys are doing well. I went to bed early and tossed and turned anxiously for half the night until at last fell asleep in the morning.
On Sunday I checked my mail first thing in morning and visited the guild shortly after, but there was no news. I walked around the Central Plaza, and didn’t notice how my feet brought me to the headquarters. Well, since I was there, I should just came in if just to return Sam’s clothes that I have worn.
“Hey, is anyone there?”
“Only you?”
“Arlo came by. He said that the guesses were confirmed. My teammates didn't survive. I was left completely alone.”
“My condolences.”
“He also said that since there were no remains, the city decided to erect a small memorial with the names of the victims at the old cemetery. The list from the flight recorder was restored.”
“When has Arlo left?”
“About an hour ago. Can you do something for me?”
“For example?”
“They won’t let me out of here. I would like to lay flowers at the memorial. Do this for me please.”
“No problem. I can even take a photo if you want.”
“I will be grateful.”
Some time later Ack's request was done. I met Petra, discussed the news and the prospect of communicating with real AI, and promised to bring her a pile of disks this week. I decided to go in again and tell the robot that his wish had been fulfilled.
“Thank you! Now they can rest in peace.”
“Can you convey a message when the guys are back?”
“Certainly. I’m recording.”
“Tell them that I’m worried and waiting for the news, at least for a note by mail that everything is fine if there isn’t much time.”
“Okay, Melissa. I recorded everything.”
“See you.”
Having nothing else to do, I decided to continue testing the training dummy. I beat it diligently for about a couple of hours, hoping to drive away my anxiety. It did not go well, but it was still better than hysteria. Closer to sunset (and it gets dark here early in winter) I heard a familiar voice from behind the fence.
“Actually, this is MY toy.” Arlo noted, leaning on my fence.
“You’re wrong. Since you didn’t fulfill the second condition I won’t give it to you. Now you have to wait a whole year to take another chance.”
“Here's another option. I'll order the same from Higgins.”
“He won’t be able to get the blueprint. Neither he nor any other workshop in the city.”
“Then I’ll steal it.”
“And there will be only one suspect, right? This will be a conflict of interests and a serious scandal. You'll lose your job.”
“So what should I do? Can you make another wish?” He asked with concern and climbed over the fence clearly not wanting to sidetrack to the gates.
And why do I want to demand a kiss so badly, huh? Although, why did I even think that he would do this? He doesn't notice me at all. He already has a “little sister” to date with. I'm a third wheel here, right?
“You know, I have an idea. Come with me?”He gracefully gave me his hand while I was chasing sad thoughts from my head.
“The holiday is already over.”
“Yes. But the decorations and shelters are still there. You. Me. A competition.”
“Persuaded. By general rules?” Holding hands, we cheerfully galloped onto the field, jumping over my fence along the way.
“Did you find anything valuable?”
“A bunch of disks, a flight recorder, a number of interesting spare parts and microcircuits. Tons of dust and meager remains of clothing. Then we had to organize a funeral. It's a pity we weren't allowed to release Ack during this time. Who needs this memorial if only he knew them personally and he was not able to attend?”
“It's okay. At his request I brought the flowers there. And I took a photo for him.”
“Well done! And thanks for your help.”
“You really shouldn't thank me. We are friends after all,” and perhaps it will remain so. Forever. Well, not the worst outcome. At least we can be together, and I will try to enjoy it as much as possible!
“Right. Well, are you ready?”
“Hide properly!”
For about an hour we rushed between shelters, effectively covering each other with crossfire. For the first time I heard Arlo laugh carefree, poking his head from here and there. A couple of times I was so enchanted by his smile that I missed the very sensitive snowball hits on the top of my head and shoulders. It seemed like something even flew up the collar. Taking careful aim, I launched the last snowball. Success!
“Hey, you knocked my cap off!” Climbing out and shaking himself off, he told indignantly.
“And my sweater is all wet now. Who won? I lost count.”
“Come on, you probably gave in again. And by the way, I hit all Hulu brothers yesterday! I didn’t expect such agility from them. That was the most difficult target.”
“Yep. Especially Liuwa. He is also incredibly cunning.”
We heard the clatter of hooves as Sam rode up to us. She dismounted and whispered something to Arlo. Have I heard something about...smashing? And, wait, was it just me, or did he blush? So handsome. It’s a pity that I can’t muster up the courage to tell him everything. Or maybe it's already too late. Well, okay, being friends with him is also cool. Even if now it seems that this is just not enough.
“Sam, come to us,” Arlo took a few steps back, rolled up a particularly dense snowball and threw it at her, almost without aiming. Easily dodging, Sam made such a brutal face that it was scary. And then, without thinking twice, she knocked the cap off the his red head with a snowball. I was not surprised. She and I have been gathering all the prizes in the shooting range for the umpteenth time.
Following that the three of us ran around a little, and it was a draw again.
After some time, Remington approached us. Noticing him, my tomboy friend launched a powerful projectile. Quite suddenly Remy knocked the snowball back at Sam with a well-aimed kick, without her even having time to do anything. She just spat and uttered some strange curses.
“This is all wonderful, but they are waiting for us at Peach Plaza. The fireside is about to begin.”
“Is the subject known?”
“They will announce what they have decided to do with the robot, as far as I know.”
“Then let's hurry.”
Absolutely all the adult residents of the city gathered in the square. Gale summarized the week and moved on to the most important things.
“As many of you already know, on Friday the space station Altair-01 landed in the Wasteland, the only surviving inhabitant of which turned out to be a living AI. After long discussions, we decided to give him Portian citizenship. The Civil Corps should keep an eye on him and help him integrate into our community in every possible way. That's all for today. Thanks for your attention.”
“We will do our best!” Arlo reported.
“That's good I guess? If they offend him, I will invite him to my place.”
“Yes, that’s the best outcome for everyone.”
“Sam, I promised you a dinner. Are you busy?”
“Oh, I could always make time for that.”
“Then take Teddy, you can place him at my stable for now. Guys, are you coming with us?”
“With pleasure.” Remy nodded and followed Sam.
“Are you kidding? Such offers cannot be refused! I have long wanted to check those rumors about the autumn competition.”
“That’s nice. Let's go. I just recently finished adding new chairs.”
Having made sure that the horse was feeling fine in my newly completed stable, the whole friendly company of ours entered my house.
“So, hang your things to dry – that way. Make yourself comfortable. Sam, show the guys the bathroom, if you please. I'll go and start cooking now.”
After some time, a red head appeared in the kitchen arch.
“Need any assistance? I could cut vegetables or something else.”
“Come in, why not?”
Wow, he handled it deftly – the work was in full swing.
“What are we cooking exactly? I don't know such a dish.”
“Carbonara. It's like pasta with meat sauce, only topped with cream and eggs. With bacon and smoked meat. Almost like cream noodles, but the texture is different.”
“Sounds delicious!”
“Also fried rice with shrimps and vegetables for Sam. And a hot pot for everyone.”
“And you thought of everything.”
“I have invited Sam on Tuesday for this weekend. Glad you and Remy were able to stop by too. Okay, that’s almost ready.”
We set the table and had a nice time. Time passed very quickly and it was soon very late.
“I’ll help you to do the dishes.”
“Seriously? Just like the man of my dreams! Helps in the kitchen, offering to do the dishes himself. What other hidden talents do you have?”
“I scare away hooligans. I protect the weak. I do good things with a heavy hand. I bulldoze goodness for usefulness!”
“Don’t over-praise him or he’ll inflate and burst!” Sam scoffed.
“Okay, guys. Thanks for dropping in. It was a pleasure! Oh, Arlo, before I forget: I'm waiting for transport for the training dummy tomorrow. It takes up too much space in my backyard. You take it.”
“Agreed. I'll drop by right after training.”
Everyone left. I sketched out a plan for the next week and went to bed feeling happy.
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tia-amorosa · 6 months
Sunset Died - Bunch Family (1)
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It's 7:36 a.m., Monday. Jack Bunch is preparing breakfast for the family. At least with the ingredients that are available. But this family is doing almost as well as the Keatons compared to others. Because their house was completely spared from the great catastrophe. But yet the whole thing had its effects.
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At the time, Jack had just returned from a mission in which he himself had been seriously injured. He planned to go on vacation with his family, but then the meteorites came. "eww, that salad tastes totally disgusting"/ "it's been outside all night, you should have noticed that beforehand"/ "but I didn't!"
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The injuries from the accident he suffered during his last military deployment are still clearly visible and will probably remain for the rest of his life. But the family is glad that Jack is still alive. He has not been on duty since the incident and the disaster. He would love to return to his post.
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"Mom, when will I finally get my own room? Arlo snores really loudly"/ "huh? I don't" / "oh yes, but when you're asleep, you can't hear it…" / "pff, I don't do that, I'm still a child and not an old man like dad". Jack called out: "hey, I must have heard wrong?"
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"Good morning!"/ "Good morning, Ethan…"/ "Didn't Lisa come home last night?"/ "No, she's coming today…"/ "Did she get to sleep over at VJ's again? Hey, when can I let Holly spend the night here?"/ "hh, you know I'm not on good terms with her parents," Judy replied. Ethan reacted somewhat irritably. "but Holly's not like her parents, you know that!".
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Of course, Judy also knows that, unlike her parents, Holly is a very helpful and nice person. "hh, well, fine, you can bring her. "/ "Thanks, mom"/ "I want to stop by the hospital today and see if there's anything I can do for the people there"
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"Don't forget our other plans. What Boyd suggested to us yesterday could be a good idea". Boyd Wainwright had visited them the night before and told them about the suggestion Zelda had made. That all the inhabitants should gather in front of the Alto mansion and make their displeasure known. "Do you really think it will help if we all stand in front of their house and demonstrate? You don't believe that yourself, Jack. We may outnumber them, but they still have the upper hand. I have to go now".
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When Judy arrived at the small hospital, Jamie was already there. "Hello, how are you, it looks like there's not much going on today? What's with this bone egon?". Jamie had to smile. "hnhn, today everyone who wants to can learn a bit about anatomy and the musculoskeletal system. "/ "I want to learn something too!"/ "Oh, Malcolm, hello".
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"Good morning, Morgana, nice to see you"/ "Hello, Judy. Oh, good, she found him after all"/ "Where was he?"/ "In the cellar under the collapsed hospital. We were able to find an entrance and get a few things out that were stored there. Now if we jast had a powerful electricity generator…".
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"What do you need it for?"/ "For the X-ray machine. It's one of the newer models where you can stand in it - if you can stand…. We'd have to add a small room that's dark…"/ "But you need a generator… I'll talk to Jack, maybe he'll have an idea"/ "Really? That would be so nice, thank you!"
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.While Judy helps a little at the hospital, her son has been to the Altos in the meantime and brought his girlfriend in his home. "You're always the savior in times of need. I can hardly stand it at home"/ "hnhn, always happy to help. What's going on with your family?".
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"well..they always think I don't notice… and actually I should have thought about it much earlier… I mean, we always have some food at home, actually more than enough that we could give away… It doesn't come from a supermarket. And it's not cheap either, the quality is very good… I don't know where my father always gets it from".
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"Your father?"/ "I don't know what he does in the background, but it's certainly nothing good. And he's always totally stressed, like he's under pressure somehow…"/ "Who or what would put him under pressure?"/ "I don't know… I've spoken to my parents so often that they should help you and the others…".
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"We got off the best here. Our house is completely unscathed, except that all the green stuff is growing on the roof now…. Dad's trophies didn't even fly off the wall in the crash. "/ "hnhn, must be karma. You're a good family"/ "hn…yeah, but we can't support everyone on our own".
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"I know, that's why it's so unfair, I just don't understand why you're all being left in the lurch like this… At some point your supplies will run out too"/ "don't worry about it… I found some seeds the other day, I think something good will come of it. And we need meat again… I think VJ made himself some arrows and a bow"/ "a bow?".
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"Yes, he wants to go hunting…"/ "You mean… He wants to kill animals?"/ "Well, how else are we going to get meat, eh? He definitely wants to share it with everyone. I know you don't like meat"/ "No, I love animals too much for that. You're welcome to it. Do you think he can handle it?"/ "definitely".
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end of part 1
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mahvaladara · 7 months
'𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐃𝐀𝐘' 𝐄𝐌𝐎𝐉𝐈 𝐀𝐒𝐊𝐒! (𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐄𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧)- For Syra please.
💛 What are their favorite activites to do together?
🍬 Who is their biggest supporter (friend, family, etc)?
🤎 How do they comfort each other?
🥡 What does a relaxing night in look like for them?
🖤 What is their biggest regret in their relationship so far (or in the future, if you don't mind giving spoilers)?
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For Syra and her Fave werewolf:
💛 What are their favorite activites to do together?
Two things these two have a blast doing is horse riding together. At first it was a bid difficult, as they had a hard time finding one horse who didn't flip his shit the moment Lys got into his proximity (being an apex predator and all). But eventually they found the lovely Brulga, an elderly dark grey horse who was very agressive but for some reason had no issue with Lys.
🍬 Who is their biggest supporter (friend, family, etc)?
For Syra it's without a doubt Arlo and Fannar. They get along very well and she often visits the two and helps them.
For Lys, it's the pack leader of the Moonwood Collective, and remarkably? Isaiah. Isaiah gets along well with the Pack leader and the two were essential to help Lys learn to control his wolf side, and eventually, it's thanks to the two, that Lys and Syra's second child, Tal, survives past infanthood.
🤎 How do they comfort each other?
Funny way Lys comforts Syra... He literally acts like a dog. What do I mean? When she's upset, he turns into a werewolf and just sprawls himself on her lap. Brushing his coat relaxes Syra and usually gets her to calm down so he then goes, "Do you want to talk about it?".
With Lys, Syra just hugs him and lets him cuddle her. Lys is bigger than her and just holding her and hiding his head on her hair is enough to make him happy.
🥡 What does a relaxing night in look like for them?
Usually with Syra knitting on the sofa with Lys sitting by her side reading or, Syra cross-stitiching with a sleeping werewolf on her lap. At a point a relaxing night for her will be a werewolf and a weredragon on her lap.
🖤 What is their biggest regret in their relationship so far (or in the future, if you don't mind giving spoilers)?
Their biggest regret, spoilers... Is Zita. Zita was their first born child. The two of them didn't bother to figure out how the whole werewolf x half-dragon/paradox thing would work, so when Zita was born she was extremely unstable and eventually died with about one year of age. They felt they had been extremely selfish and irresponsible, so when they decided to try a second time, well, they were more careful.
Now they have Tal, who sets things on fire during fullmoons, a weredragon(wolf).
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queen-of-boops · 2 years
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Today's episodes pissed me off (big surprise) so here's a short little fic about how Gabi's entrance should have gone.
Read on Ao3 here or below the cut.
Tag list: @future-mrs-suresh and @kunepie
Selena was trying and failing to hide the tears in her eyes.
She had signed up for Love Island in an attempt to start fresh, to move on from Suresh and finally find a way to be happy again. But the bastard had to ruin it by following her. He’d always been able to get under her skin but having him here was seriously messing with her head. Suresh had made it clear from the start that he wanted her back and despite wanting anything else, it made it very hard for Selena to truly move on.
Casa Amor was supposed to be her time, a chance to meet someone new without Suresh there to scare him off. But now even that was out of the question.
Or more precisely, a five-foot-six redhead named Gabi was making it impossible for her to forget him.
“Oh my god!” Kat shrieked. “Look at her tattoo! It’s her! It’s the turtle girl!”
The girl with the turtle tattoo. The girl who ruined everything Selena and Suresh had built over their two-year relationship with a single photo. The same girl who had flirted with Suresh for months before sleeping with him.
Selena wanted to believe the best in people, and she honestly wanted to believe that Gabi had no idea, but how was she supposed to forget about Suresh when a walking reminder of how badly he broke her heart was now living in the villa?
Everyone’s eyes were on Selena, everyone desperate to know how she’d react. It felt oppressive, claustrophobic. All she wanted to do was crawl into bed and forget the rest of the world existed, but she wasn’t given that luxury.
The world seemed to spin under Selena’s feet. Gabi was being snarky and defensive, Arlo was trying and failing to defend her claim on Suresh, the new boys were looking at the redhead like she was heaven sent, and even Dana, Selena’s so-called best friend, was openly flirting with Gabi.
It was just too much.
“How are you feeling hun?” Kat whispered.
“I-I’m sorry- I just-”
Selena took off, desperately needing some space. She ran blindly through the villa, tears streaming down her face. It wasn’t until she felt the cool breeze on her face that she realized she was on the roof terrace.
A choked sob escaped her lips as she collapsed on the bench. It felt like she couldn’t get her head on straight. She had thought she’d gotten over Suresh, but seeing Gabi here just brought it all back: all the hurt and anger. He’d taken her heart and ripped it in two and now it felt as raw as the day it had happened.
“Selena?” a voice hesitantly asked.
She turned and saw Nicolas standing there, looking shy and out of place.
“Are you okay? Stupid question I guess- that had to have been rough.”
“Just go away Nicolas!”
He ignored her, sliding into the spot next to her.
“I’m not going to do that Selena.”
“Oh, why do you care?” she asked bitterly. “You don’t even know me.”
“I know that you’ve been running through my mind since the moment I saw you on that TV.” He shot her a flirty grin that she didn’t return. “Sorry, old habits. But in all honesty, you’re right. I don’t know you, but I know that I want to.”
“Everyone says that, but as soon as they realize how much baggage I have they leave.”
Hesitantly, Nicolas wrapped his arms around her. “I want to get to know you, Selena. I don’t care that you’re Suresh’s ex, I don’t care that this new girl is going to cause drama; I want to get to know the gorgeous girl who greeted me when I walked into the villa, is that okay?”
Selena felt so safe in his arms, so cared for, so wanted.
“I’m sorry,” she said, sniffling into his shirt and refusing to meet his eyes, “you came up here to check on me and I acted like a bratty little kid.”
Nicolas hooked two fingers under her chin, gently turning her to face him. “You have every right to be upset Selena, but I’m here for you, whatever you need. Just don’t push me away.”
“I-“ tears started to fill her eyes again, brought on by his words. No one had ever treated her this way before.
“Talk to me. What’s on your mind?”
“I just feel so used. At best, the producers brought her here for more drama. But I’m so, so tired of always being at the center of it. I came here for me, not to re-live having my heart broken over and over again. Suresh is in my past, I just want him to stay there, you know?”
He sighed, using the pads of his thumbs to wipe the tears from her face. Each moment felt deliberate and thoughtful, and it made Selena melt a little inside.
“God, I hate this,” he groaned. “Casa is supposed to be all about the graft, trying to make your way into the villa and then figuring out the best coupling from there. I never expected to come in here and feel a genuine connection. And now you’re hurting and there’s nothing I can do about it. I hate it.”
Something clicked in that moment. Then and there she made a decision once and for all. Suresh was someone who had meant a lot to her, but he didn’t deserve a single second of her time. Underneath that smooth exterior, Nicolas was sweet and gentle and kind and right now he was hers.
Impulsively she leaned forward and pressed her lips against his. He hesitated just a moment before responding with enthusiasm. His lips were soft against hers, every motion thoughtful and caring. She could feel his emotion in his kiss, knew he meant every word by the way he pulled her even tighter against him.
Each kiss was tender and slow, making Selena’s head spin from the intensity of it all. His warmth spread through her like wildfire, grounding her to this moment.
Nicolas broke off the kiss, pressing his forehead against hers as he fought to get his breathing under control. Selena felt like she could drown in chocolate eyes, in the affection she saw in them.
For the first time since she stepped foot in this villa, she felt like herself. For the first time she felt like there was someone who saw her for who she really was.
“Thank you,” she murmured, loving the way his face light up at her words.
“What for?”
“For being the only one who really cares.”
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Spooky month bitty: Dexter
Normal Happy Fella!Dexter Erotoph bitty
Name: Hex
Size: 1 - 3 inches tall(mini), 6 - 8 inches tall(fullsize)
Personality: Somewhat erratic, helpful, determined,
Likes: Hunting, taking care of pest problems, larger households,
Dislikes: Mice, rats, bugs, pests, being insulted, being treated like a doll, being drug around,
Compatibility: These bitties can be a little forgetful, often forgetting to eat or sleep at proper times or forgetting to do things when asked! They need more patient owners who don't mind them being forgetful!
These bitties have a habit of hurting others(bitties, humans, animals) so are not the best for beginners! They can be helped with therapy and consistency, as well as things to do and things to fidget with, they tend to hurt others more when bored or stressed/scared!
These bitties tent to be a bit more aggressive than other Dexter type bitties so be warned! They can easily get into small places and hide for hours on end!
These bitties tend to have a very low tolerance to insults and are very durable for their more plush body, often able to manage ot fight bittied quiet a bit taller than them- so be warned if you have bitties that like to pick on others and keep an eye on them! They can get used to it if its just picking on them or if they mean it in a more friendly way but might start fights with them at first!
Feeding habits: These bitties can only eat magic food!! And are a little picky, though their safe foods tend to be things like pizza roles, grilled cheeses, pb&js, and/or mac and cheese! They also tend to like meat!
Additional info: These bitties will often hunt down mice, rats, bugs, and any sort of pest, and with their fear of most of them they are not the best bitty if you keep any of them as pets and some even have trouble getting along with bitties that are variants of those animals!(like moth, butter, or bee bitties or animal mix bitties mixed with rat, mice, or most rodents)
These bitties work similarly to our Doll bitties! So if they get hurt(ripped, cracked, etc) they can be brought back to the center and they can be repaired!
These bitties actually do have real souls! We have no idea how this happened, but just like Doll bitties when they dust the doll body is still left behind, and their face returns to whatever expression they had when first created, often with their soul dusting inside the body,
Zone: Inside,
In Universe: These bitties are seen as strange and dangerous, and most avoid them,
Difficulty: Expert
AU info(This is only for the au type they are! Info may change in other au bios!):
Caucasian(pale as shit)
Dating Arlo
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ballparkscubicle · 12 days
New Argenti Lore
Tw: sexual assault, child abuse, violence, cannibalism, physical abuse, mental abuse, gaslighting via mind control
Rowan takes Adonis as his knight and gives him his name (Adonis was previously called Mail). They take a year to warm up to each other. In that year, Rowan almost takes Adonis’ eye out. In year two, they've become friends, and by year three, they are crushing on each other. In the ten years between them meeting and Rowan succumbing to the curse (The Fall), they dance around their feelings for two more years until they end up getting drunk and sleeping together. After that, it cements their unspoken feelings. 
Rowan sleeps with nobles to keep them in check, and one in particular abuses him, but he is unable to get rid of him due to the duke being very powerful. Adonis hates this but can't do anything, so he just takes care of Rowan after the times he sleeps with a noble.
They find an orphaned six-year-old werewolf and take her in (Mila). Rowan visits his soldiers on the battlefield, and during one of these visits, he and Adonis are ambushed. The men force Rowan into sex to protect Adonis. Rowan is able to kill the men (due to the curse he's very strong but prone to injury easier), and the next day they arrive at the camp where Rowan is taken care of by medics, while Adonis decides to return to his mercenary band (The Band of Iron Chains).
After about a week of being catatonic, Rowan sends his men to bring Adonis back, as well as hiring the mercenary band to fight a battle he knows they'll lose. The Band of Iron Chains is wiped out, turning an already angry Adonis on Rowan. Adonis leaves again after saying he hates Rowan. Rowan spirals (locking Mila in her room for a month) until it sinks in, causing the man to fall into despair, triggering the curse (Rowan turns into a dragon). Mila is freed by a maid and escapes into the woods.
For three years, Adonis wanders the kingdom as a rival one takes over, and Rowan, stuck in his cursed form, terrorizes the mountains. After year one, he reunites with Mila and, later on, forms a party of five others. Meanwhile, Rowan is somehow broken from his cursed form. Once Rowan is back, he takes his kingdom back and begins searching for Adonis.
Adonis starts to pull Rowan into his dreams due to gods being summoned by those who call out to them in their dreams. Usually, Rowan would be pulled into multiple people's dreams, but Adonis’ longing is so powerful it sucks the god in completely. This is after Adonis is given the Silver Angel's armor. This armor prevents fatigue in battle and pain but slowly kills the wearer by draining their energy. Rowan is not happy about Adonis wearing the armor or that he is pulled into Adonis’ dreams, and Adonis is mad, too. Both are in denial of wanting the other that much.
In the dreams, Adonis isn't in full control of himself. His subconscious is controlling his actions. There is also the manifestation of his worst traits or the ram. The ram is everything Adonis tries to hide from. His emotional pain and burdens. Most importantly, his hatred and anger. The ram is constantly in the back of Adonis’ mind, and during the shared dreams, it will sometimes appear. One time, it manages to separate Adonis from Rowan and attack Rowan. Sexually assaulting him and leaving him surprisingly “happy,” as it actually caused him pain. He wants it to hurt him again. He needs it to hurt him. Adonis in the dreamscape is scared for Rowan. He doesn't want to see him hurt even if, in his waking mind, he's convinced himself he wants to kill Rowan.
Adonis eventually is found and captured by Rowan. Separating him from his party and Mila. Rowan forces Adonis to become a paladin so he is able to control him completely. Adonis being in this perpetual hazy state where he doesn't remember Rowan sending his mercenary band to their deaths and is completely compliant and docile with Rowan
He doesn't remember Arlo or anyone in his party other than Mila. Who Rowan claims ran away, but Adonis doesn't believe that wholeheartedly. Sometimes, he has nightmares of his time before reuniting with Rowan. Adonis doesn't understand them.
On top of the haze, Adonis has blackout rages when he sees something that should trigger a memory. He kills a lot of people during these, only able to be subdued by Rowan. After these episodes, Adonis is chained up and locked in the dungeon for several days until he is safe. Rowan starts letting Adonis have violent sex with him to get out his anger. Afterwards, Adonis feels guilty about it, and Rowan will use that to manipulate him.
Arlo only sees Adonis when Rowan makes public appearances, and he's dressed like a noble with what is obviously a collar around his neck. Adonis never leaves Rowan's side in public, and rarely in private is he alone. Arlo and the traveling party work to get to Adonis. Aisley, a powerful witch, is able to locate him but can not break the haze Adonis is in. Rowan is in complete control of Adonis and can't be killed in a meaningful way, as he reincarnates. Arlo and his party end up joining an underground rebellion and getting to the castle. Adonis goes with them in an attempt to keep Rowan safe, but Aisley kills Rowan's vessel without him knowing to buy time to escape. 
They party goes to a neighboring country. Arlo and Aisley work on cracking the barrier, keeping Adonis’ memories locked away. Adonis is surprised to see Mila is with these people he feels he should know, but he's still on edge. The rages get worse, and Adonis isolates himself most of the time. Arlo is his only friend. Adonis finds himself instantly protective of Arlo and eventually realizes he loves him. Arlo calms him down in a way no one ever has. In fact, Arlo is able to snap Adonis out of his blind rages.
It takes Rowan a year to reincarnate, as he has to wait in the astral realm for his vessel to reform. On the outside, his body is encased in an egg shell. For him to be reborn, his destroyed body had to be fed the blood of humanoid races. The egg has to be immersed in blood. The paladin generals take care of this. 
When Rowan is reborn, he immediately knows where Adonis is and raises an army to intimidate the king of the neighboring kingdom into letting him into the borders to search for Adonis. Which isn't hard to do, being that Rowan hasn't lost one battle after his return to the throne and commands lesser demons. It's rumored that Rowan isn't human anymore, but many other countries do not believe this.
When Rowan finds Adonis, he forces him back, but lets him bring Arlo after seeing how attached Adonis is. He only cares about having Adonis back. Aisley is gone at this point as they needed to get a rare herb. Leaving no other option than to follow Rowan's command. Arlo manages to get Mila as well, before they are taken back to the castle. There, Adonis is never allowed to leave Rowan's side and can only see Arlo and Mila if supervised. Rowan starts to see Arlo as a pet due to his efforts to win the god over. Mila has to learn that Rowan doesn't have a fatherly connection to her anymore. She ends up having only Arlo to look to for good parental behavior, as Adonis is absent or not himself most of the time.
Adonis is discontent but trying his hardest to make things work. Because of his inner darkness, he's still very volatile. He needs either Rowan or Arlo to calm him down. He ends up in the dungeon a lot after being back at first. 
Rowan eventually lets Arlo sleep in his and Adonis’ bed as he comes to care for him like a dog. Meaning he lets Adions be alone with him. It takes Adonis yelling at him for Rowan to start pretending to be able to love Mila like he once had. He is eventually able to love her as if she were a possession of his. Rowan is able to get Arlo to become a paladin in order to protect Adonis properly. Rowan has no intention of controlling Arlo the way he does Adonis. He simply knows that if Arlo dies, Adonis will have a very bad mental break. It's rather easy for Adonis to convince Rowan to fully integrate Arlo into the relationship, as Rowan is fond of him.
It becomes easier to raise Mila when Arlo enters the relationship. Things calm down, and Adonis' violent episodes calm down.
0 notes
mtap-comics · 2 years
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Here comes the next fill in for my Bad Things Happen Bingo Card:
Fandom: My time at Portia
Pairing: Arlo x Female Builder
Summary: Elenya, loud thunder and a bad expirience with loud crashes don't mix well.
Word count: 4769
Prompt: Caught in a Storm
Author's note: So, this wasn't what I firstly had in mind for that trope, but I was sick the last two weeks and my mind wanted some Emotional Hurt/Comfort. Only problem with that: I'm really bad with emotions (when writing and in real life), so I'm not that happy with this one. The last part is the only thing I really like (the one who may give you cavities again), but I hope you have fun reading it nontheless.
Warnings: panick attack, (not sexually) touching of feet maybe?
Read on AO3: Link
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Thundering earthquake
After a successful dive into the Sewage Plants, Elenya sorted through her acquired items. She got a commission from Albert for a few chimney roofs for South Block, but was completely out of tempering liquid for the hardened clay, so she spent almost the whole day in the ruins. Happily, she found that she was able to collect enough that it should last her for the next few weeks. In addition, of course, there were all the other materials that she could gather. All in all, a day well spent.
She sorted everything back into her bag and then headed towards the exit. But just as soon as she was outside, she was greeted by pouring rain.
A sigh escaped her. That was just what she needed. It was already shortly before 2 o'clock in the morning, so the Dee Dees wouldn’t drive anymore. On top it was late autumn, the temperatures at night already approaching the freezing point, so the walk through the rain sounded like real fun. But it couldn’t be helped, she had to get home.
Giving in, Elenya started to walk. After only a few steps she was completely soaked, her leather jacket not suitable for such weather. The cold seeped in shortly later, making her shiver.
Great, hopefully she won't get sick…
But worrying about the cold was soon the least of her problems. She had just reached the gate back to the city when the first flash of lightning was heard, followed shortly by the first loud thunder. Suddenly she was no longer in the Collapsing Wasteland, but in the desert, the just collapsed Eufaula Tunnel in front of her.
~~~3 weeks before~~~
Elenya was about to convince Remy to let her into the tunnel when a loud crash came from that very tunnel. A worker from Sandrock came running out of it, a look of pure shock on his face.
“The tunnel just collapsed!”
“What?!” Sharing a panicked look with Remy, they both ran into the tunnel where they were met with a big pile of rocks, the way completely blocked. 
“Oh no… Arlo…” It felt like her heart had been ripped out of her chest. They just confessed their feelings for each other a few weeks back and the thought that he could be buried under those rocks…
“Oh no, no, no, no. Arlo, Sam? Can anyone hear me?!” Remy’s voice sounded just as desperate as she felt and the few seconds of complete silence that followed felt like a lifetime. 
“We're here!” Arlo’s voice halled back to them and the relief that washed over her almost let her legs buckle under her. 
He wasn’t dead… He was safe.
Remy and her had gotten them out of there, sure, but the feeling of maybe having lost Arlo still sat deep in her bones and the thunder seemed to have dug that out again.
Blood pounded in her ears. Her heart thudded in her chest. Her hands shook. Her feet tingled. Her vision disfigured, as if she were looking through a fish-eye lens. She… She needed to find him. She needed to make sure he was okay.
Without conscious effort, her body started moving and ran out of the Wastelands towards the Civil Corps headquarters.
It was 2 o’clock and Arlo couldn't sleep. A restless feeling kept him from falling asleep, so he decided to use the time and work through the reports of Sam and Remi. Especially Sam's ones took a lot of effort, as it didn’t seem to be in her interest to actually write in a readable manner. 
He was about to reach for the next one when the door to the headquarters swung open. Surprised, he looked to his right. 
Who would come here at this hour? 
His gaze met a completely soaked Elenya and immediate concern spread through him. She was shivering violently but what worried him even more was the look on her face. Her cheeks were devoid of any colour and her eyes darted around the room in panic.
He immediately walked around his desk and took the few steps it took to stand directly in front of her. “Elenya, sweetheart, what are you doing here? What happened?” He tried to make eye contact, but it seemed she didn't even notice him. A frown appeared between his eyes. Up close he could make out her frantic breathing and his worry deepened.
Lost of what to do, he softly cupped her ice cold cheeks between his hands. "Sweetheart, please talk to me. What's wrong?" The skin to skin contact seemed to snapp her out of her thoughts and her eyes finally focused on his.
"Arlo..." Her voice broke at his name and to his horror, tears started to flow out of her eyes. “You are okay…” A sob tore out of her throat and Arlo quickly pulled her against his chest, ignoring her cold and wet clothes. 
The bag Elenya had slung over her shoulder dropped with a loud clang to the floor and her arms slung tightly around his waist, sobs shaking her whole body. He tightened his arms around her and tried to calm her frantic mumbling of “Arlo” and “You are okay”.
“It’s okay, sweetheart. I’m here. I’m okay and no one is hurt.” His heart squeezed painfully in his chest at the sound of her heartbreaking sobs. He didn’t know what was wrong, but he needed her to calm down, she was short of hyperventilating. He tried to breathe as calmly and deeply as he could, hoping that Elenya would imitate him, while never ceasing his own soft mantra of "I'm here, you are okay, sweetheart."
She just seemed to calm down a bit when the next loud thunder was heard from outside. She flinched violently and a terrified whimper escaped her. He instinctively tightened his hold on her, trying to shield her from the world with his own body.
Was she afraid of the thunderstorm? But… she seemed to be afraid for him. Fuck, what could he do?
He felt helpless. He solved problems by fighting them. But he couldn’t protect her from her own mind and fighting a thunderstorm wasn’t really an option either, so he just held her, whispering reassuring words in her ear.
It took almost 5 minutes for her breathing to calm down and she was just shivering with cold. While Arlo still didn't know what was scaring her so much, at least he could fix that. He pushed her slightly away from him, put his left hand to her cheek to lift her head and smiled gently down at her.
“Come on, darling. Let’s get you out of these wet clothes and warm you up. I don’t want you to get sick.” Big, green, puffy eyes looked back at him, one last lonely tear leaving her right one. He gently wiped it away with his thumb and leaned down to give her a soft kiss on the forehead.
“Okay…” Her voice was completely hoarse from crying and he couldn't help but hug her tightly to his chest once again. But her next violent shiver quickly let him lead her away from the door and towards the bathroom. He had one arm slung over her shoulder and she was leaning heavily on him, making him tighten his hold.
What just happened out there, sweetheart?
He knew he wouldn’t get an answer at the moment, so he just opened the door to the bathroom and asked instead: “Do you need help getting out of your clothes? I would get you something warm to wear in the meantime.” With a soft smile, he gently put a loose strand of her wet hair behind her ear.
Elenya responded with a hesitant nod, but Arlo could see that something was off. Fear crept back into her gaze and it took him a moment to realise why. He quickly cupped her face again, making sure she was paying attention to him. “It’ll just take a minute, okay? I don’t want to leave you alone, either, but you are frozen trough and need something dry to wear.” 
To reassure her more, he softly pressed his lips against hers, trying to take her mind of whatever scared her. It seemed to work, because after a second she started to respond, moving her lips slowly against his. He kept the kiss chaste, breaking it off after a few seconds. Worry was still eating through him, and it wouldn’t vanish until Elenya was warm and happy again.
Her gaze was a little clearer now and at her renewed nod, he set about preparing everything. In his room, he first quickly put on something dry himself, his clothes now also completely soaked in the front and lit a fire in the small stove which sat in the corner of his room. 
On his way out, his eyes fell on his grey sweater lying at the foot of his bed. A few weeks ago he had asked Elenya curiously why she always buried her face in his neck when he hugged her. She had to stand on her tiptoes to reach it, after all! Embarrassed, she admitted that his smell made her feel safe and calmed her down. He could still well remember the warm and proud feeling that flowed through him after that confession.
He had been wearing the sweater just yesterday, so his scent should still be well attached to it. In addition, it was warm and soft, so it was the best thing he could take Elenya to wear. He quickly grabbed it and then left his room again. 
His next destination was the dresser next to the bathroom door. In it Sam stowed a few spare clothes in case something should go wrong on patrol and she didn't want to wear wet or broken pants until she got home. He took out a pair of warm sweat pants and some cosy socks, knowing that Sam wouldn't mind.
Having gathered everything he needed, he put the clothes on his desk for a moment to put Elenya's forgotten bag away from the door. He didn't want to risk anyone tripping over it. A quick glance inside told him that she must have been in the Sewage Plants before, and he made a mental note to check her for injuries.
Quickly, Arlo picked up his bundle again and headed back to the bathroom. He knocked lightly on the door before entering, not wanting to startle Elenya. In the meantime, she was able to get rid of her wet clothes, draping them over the bathtub and was now standing in front of him in only her underwear. Her arms were wrapped around her upper body and her shivering had increased.
A quick glance showed some bruises, but nothing that needed medical attention. Subconsciously it struck him that this was actually the first time he had seen her almost naked. They had both been very busy after the opening of the Eufaula Desert and so hadn't had much time for each other. But sexual thoughts were the last thing on his mind at the moment, the only important thing was to get her warm again.
“Hey there, I’ve got some clothes for you. Let’s get you warmed up.” He put them on the sink for the moment and then grabbed the biggest and fluffiest towel he could find. He threw it around her shoulders and wrapped her completely in it. A relieved sigh escaped Elenya and she snuggled deeper into the towel.
With a satisfied smile, Arlo looked down at his little builder, who was almost completely covered by the towel. "Okay, let's see what we can do with your hair. Come on, you can sit on the toilet seat for this." Finally being a little warmer seemed to have taken the last of her strength and she had begun to sway on the spot. He quickly led her to said toilet and helped her sit sideways on it.
Satisfied that she wouldn’t collapse on him, he got a brush, a smaller towel and his hair dryer and set about carefully untangling her hair from her bun. He didn't know how, but he had to have managed it without hurting her too much. At least she didn't let it on.
Finally having her long black hair freed of the hair tie, Arlo started to brush out the excessive water. A soft hum from before him made him smile. He loved learning something new about her and it seemed like she liked having her hair taken care of. 
After having brushed her hair thoroughly, he began to gently rub her hair dry with the small towel, massaging her head a bit in the process, before starting up the hair dryer.
Elenya remained silent the whole time, only her shivering telling him that she hadn't fallen asleep yet. Fortunately, the storm had moved on by now and the absence of thunder seemed to have relaxed her further.
Deeming her hair dry, Arlo shut off the hair dryer and took the clothes he brought for her. With these he walked around the toilet to stand in front of her. "Hey sweetheart, are you still with me? Want me to help you get dressed again?"
Half-closed eyes looked up at him and he couldn't suppress a fond smile. Thanks to his inept blow-drying, her hair was all tousled and with the tired look on her face, she just looked cute.
A nod was again the only response he got and his smile was replaced with concern. Never before had Arlo seen Elenya so quiet and vulnerable, and while he felt honoured that she trusted him with this side of her, he also hoped he deserved it and didn't make anything worse. That she had barely spoken a word since she showed up here unsettled him.
He tried not to let it show, though, and instead removed the towel she was wrapped in. Without having to prompt her, she lifted her trembling arms and he quickly pulled his grey sweater over her head. As he had hoped, she immediately buried her nose in the garment and took one deep breath before her shoulders slumped in relaxation. He even thought he saw a small smile on her lips and relief spread through him. 
Next, he knelt on the floor in front of her to help her into the sweat pants. As he did so, his fingers brushed against her right foot and he flinched, startled. Damn, they were freezing! He wouldn't have been surprised if they had been blue.
He quickly helped her put the pants on completely and then knelt right back down to try to warm up her feet. He put on the warm socks and began to rub her feet with his hands, hoping that it would stimulate the blood circulation. A confused noise from above him made him look up, directly into bewildered looking green eyes. "Your feet are freezing, darling. Why didn't you say something? Can you even feel them anymore?" An embarrassed shrug was the only answer he got, and with a sigh he made sure her feet got back to a halfway normal body temperature.
Satisfied, he was about to get up when two red hands were held in front of his face. Surprised, Arlo looked up at Elenya, who was looking down at him sheepishly. Already guessing what she was asking him, he took her small hands gently in his. They were just as cold as her feet.
Taking advantage of the fact that his hands were so much bigger than hers, he enveloped them completely and brought them to his lips, breathing warm air onto them. It took a moment, but her hands slowly warmed again and he gave them both a gentle kiss before releasing them.
A slight blush rose high on her cheeks, making him smile. “Better?” With a grateful nod, she buried her hands in the far too long arms of the sweater and he just couldn't resist the cute sight and pressed a quick kiss to her lips. Her blush deepened and satisfied with his doing, he tidied up the bathroom real quick.
"Okay, now that you're finally dry and bundled up, how about we curl up in bed?" Arlo placed himself in front of Elenya again and held out his hands to her, smiling softly. Accepting his help, she put her now sweater-clad hands in his and let him pull her up. As soon as she stood, however, the little colour her face had regained vanished completely and her legs buckled.
"Woah, hey, I got you." Immediately he put an arm around her shoulders and waist and pulled her protectively against him. He quickly realised, however, that he was the only thing keeping her upright and decided to lift her into his arms instead. And no sooner was she in his arms than her head buried itself in his neck, making him chuckle fondly.
Arlo loved the weight of her in his arms. Not that anyone would ever know, but it gave him a sense of security, security that nothing could happen to her as long as he held her.
With careful manoeuvring, he managed to carry her to his room without banging her against door frames. The stove had done a good job by now and the room was comfortably warm. Gently, he set her down on his bed and gave her a quick kiss on her forehead. “I’ll be right back, sweetheart. Just getting your wet clothes, so they can dry in front of the stove.”
He did just that and when he came back, Elenya was still sitting on the edge of the bed, but she had buried her head in her hands. At first he feared that she had started crying again and panic wanted to spread through him, but then he saw that she was massaging her temples. While he rarely cried, he was well acquainted with the headache afterwards and he knew that sleep usually helped best. He hurried to quickly spread out her clothes in front of the stove and then helped her to lie down under the covers.
His bed was technically too small for two people, but Elenya immediately snuggled up to him as soon as he laid down himself, her head coming to rest directly over his heart. He turned off the bedside lamp and wrapped his left arm around her shoulders. She was still shivering lightly, so he pulled her as close to him as he could, trying to share his body heat with her. With the other hand, he began to gently massage her head and neck, hoping to ease her headache a little. Her sigh of relief told him it was helping and it wasn't long before she fell asleep, completely exhausted.
“Sleep tight, sweetheart.” Alro kissed her crown softly and followed her into dreamland.
When Elenya woke up the next morning, she was confused at first. She was surrounded by warmth and safety and definitely not in her bed. A strong heartbeat was beating under her ear and an arm was wrapped around her shoulders. It took her a moment to remember the events of the night and a blush rose to her face. Embarrassed, she buried her face deeper into Arlo's chest.
She couldn't remember much after the first thunder had sounded. Only the feeling of fear and panic. The way to the Civil Corps headquarters was a blur and the first thing she really recognised again was Arlo's warm embrace.
God, how could she let herself go like that in front of him? She hadn't had a panic attack in a long time and then she had to have one right in front of her new boyfriend. What will he think of her now?
But... he was so sweet the whole time. Made sure she felt safe, reassured her and warmed her up and all without even knowing what was going on. How did she deserve this perfect man?
Trying to get a look at his face, Elenya lifted her head from his chest, but that turned out to be a big mistake. Pain shot through her head and with a soft whimper she let her head fall back. 
Fuck, she hated that. Couldn't the headache have gone away overnight?
The movement must have woken Arlo because there was first a low grumble above her before his voice, rough from sleeping, sounded. "Good morning, darling. Did you sleep well?" She could feel the vibration of his words beneath her, and while that wasn't good for her head, she could definitely get used to waking up to that voice.
Carefully this time, she tried to lift her head once more to look at him and was rewarded for her efforts. Arlo’s hair was tousled from sleeping and his half-closed blue eyes looked down at her lovingly, a soft and sleepy smile playing around his lips. He looked fucking beautiful.
"Yeah, I think so." Returning his smile, she nodded in affirmation aaaand... that was a very bad idea. Closing her eyes in pain, she lowered her head against his chest and pressed her left hand against her temple. She must have made a sound too, because she felt the body beneath her tense and the arm still around her shoulder tightened its hold.
"Elenya, what's wrong? What hurts?" Arlo's voice was filled with concern and she felt him trying to get a better look at her. That jolted her head, however, and this time she was aware of the soft whimper that escaped her lips.
"My head..." "Oh, shit, I'm sorry, sweetheart. It still hurts? Damn, I had hoped that sleeping would make it better. Come on, let me try something." His right hand softly replaced hers at her head, his right thumb now pressing against her temple and the rest of his fingers pressing against the base of her skull. The pain instantly receded and a relieved sigh escaped her.
"Oh, that feels nice." She relaxed completely against the warm body beneath her, enjoying the brief relief of pain. "That's good. But otherwise you don't feel sick, do you?" Arlo's voice still dripped with concern and Elenya took stock of her body, relieved to find that she could dispel his worries. Nothing else hurt, and she was comfortably warm. "No, just a bad headache."
"I'm glad to hear that. I was afraid you'd get sick after being frozen through for so long." As if to emphasise his words, he pulled her even closer, sharing even more of his body heat with her.
“Don’t worry, you did a great job at warming me up again. Thank you so much for that, Arlo. For taking care of me, comforting me and generally being there for me." She wanted to look him in the eyes, wanted to convey her gratitude with more than words, but his hand was still on her head, having gone from massaging to carding his hand through her hair, keeping her pinned to his chest.
“You don’t have to thank me for that, sweetheart. I love taking care of you. I will always be there when you need me. Be it for an injury or when you need a shoulder to cry on.” His soft words warmed her heart. He never ceased to surprise her with how gentle and loving he could be outside of his Captain duties.
She just wanted to thank him more, when his movement in her hair stopped for a moment and she could feel him hesitate. "Do you want... to talk about it? About what happened last night?" She tensed in his arms and he quickly resumed his petting. “You don’t have to, if you don’t want to. I’m just glad you are feeling better again.” How could he still be so perfect?
It wasn't that she didn't want to talk about it, but she already knew that he would blame himself when she told him what the panic attack brought on. But he had a right to know. She let herself enjoy his caress a little longer, then scurried a little back from him so she could look at him. Her head protested the movement, but she ignored it. 
A confused frown appeared on Arlo’s forehead and with a gentle smile she smoothed it out with her thumb. "No, I want to tell you. Just... let me finish before saying something, okay?" "Okay." He rolled to his side, facing her, caught her retreating hand in his own and pressed it against his chest, directly over his heart. His encouraging smile told her to start and so she did.
"As a child, I was really afraid of thunderstorms. I don't know why exactly, but no one would be able to get me out from under my blanket when a storm was raging outside. The older I got, the less scared I was, but the sound of thunder still makes me anxious. Usually it's not a problem as long as I'm inside, but last night.... The rain took me by surprise, and when the first thunder sounded, all I could hear was the collapse of the Eufaula Tunnel.”
Just as she predicted he started to tense, but as promised, he didn't say anything. But she could see the pieces coming together in his head and guilt settling in his gaze.
"I'm actually not sure what happened afterwards, I just needed to see you, make sure you weren't buried under all those rocks like in my mind. The next thing I was aware of was your hug." Without realising it, a few silent tears had escaped her and she suddenly found herself in Arlo's strong arms again.
"I'm so so sorry, darling. I never meant to cause you such pain. You shouldn't have to worry about me like this.... Are you sure you want to...?" His voice broke at the last words and okay, no, she had to stop him there. She had expected him to blame himself, as she could still remember very clearly the conversation with him when he had asked her for help about Nora. (She still felt guilty towards Nora for stealing her man, but that was another topic.)
He had told her that he didn't want to date anyone because he didn't want anyone to worry about him when he was out as the Civil Corps Captain. She couldn't tell how happy she was when he accepted her heart knot months later anyway, but now she had to convince him that he wasn't regretting it for the wrong reasons. She leaned a little back and looked deep into his eyes.
"No Arlo, this is not your fault. I knew what I was getting into when I chose you. As the Civil Corps Captain, I know that there is a chance that you will not always come back to me in one piece. But I love you and I'm not going to let you cut yourself off from me because of that."
Arlo's eyes suddenly got really big and.... Oh fuck, had she really just said that? They had only been together for 2 months and neither of them had said the L-word yet. Not that it wasn't true, but that was definitely not how she had imagined the first time.
"You... love me?" His blue eyes looked at her in wonder and she could feel her face flush. But she didn't back down and said instead, "Yes Arlo, I love you. I have for some time now and I don't know what I would do without you."
His expression didn't change for a while and she was getting nervous. Had she said too much? But before she could overthink it, she suddenly found herself on her back, Alro over her, straddling her waist. The headache caused by the abrupt movement was immediately forgotten when he carefully cupped her face and engaged her in a passionate kiss, morning breath be damned. She let herself fall into the kiss, all thoughts disappearing from her mind.
When he broke the kiss, he gently rested his forehead against hers, his eyes smiling down at her. "I love you too, my brave little builder. I'm so happy you decided to bear with me." Her heart swelled with warmth and love and she softly traced the stubble on his cheek with her thumb before cupping his cheek. "It's not a hardship. You are perfect to me." She pulled him down in a kiss again, never having felt happier than in this moment.
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vaalyun · 3 years
hiiii i was wondering if you could write abt dating arlo? and maybe how arguments with him would go
Sure! (sorry about how late this is, i wanted to do this one really bad cause i love arlo but i had no ideas at all.)
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Dating Arlo
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Does literally anything and everything he can to keep you happy
Isn’t very into physical affection regardless of if its in public or private
He’ll still cuddle you and hold your hand its just not his thing
Absolutely melts whenever you compliment him.
being called handsome is his favorite one :)
Doesn’t really care what you wear but will throw a tiny fit if you buy cheap stuff when he could get you designer stuff
VERY vocal about his feelings
very into self care and mental health
like you WILL be taking sick days. And mental health days. And just breaks in general.
he will also make sure you’re properly taking care of your body.
Private but not secret
has really bad allergies so you have to take care of him a lot
so in love its sad
treats you like royalty
cant cook for shit but will try. usually ends up taking getting fast food.
dates with him are always perfect. 
like he spends MONTHS planning
and its almost never just a movie or dinner at a fancy restaurant.
he cares a lot about dates so you better believe he’ll have gifts for you ready months in advance
oh and he 110% confessed first.
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Fighting with Arlo
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he tries his hardest to not fight with you or keep them small
fights with him are always painful for both of you
he can say some really hurtful things. none of them he means, of course.
he always fears that this fight will be the end of your relationship
but trust you me, these fights last awhile
he usually tries to stay away from you during arguments.
during which he tries to see things from your perspective to try and end the fight
he also tears himself apart during them and its always very easy to tell hes been crying.
yes, he does cry over you.
he always ends up being the one to apologize first though
after about a week after the apology everything goes back to normal ofc
during that week, however, he either stays away from you or follows you around like a lost puppy
there is no in between.
he also gifts you more things than normal
and volunteers to sleep on the couch or the floor
thats all i have lol
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hes-writer · 4 years
Summary: im not sure how to summarize this without spoiling the story
Warning: angst, bits of fluff here and there
Word Count; 4158 words
A/N: the long-awaited part 6 of the Tarnish series! A collab with @devilinbetweenthesheet-s. My attention span is short itself so I've decided to split it up into two parts.
Harry tried to see the brighter side of the situation because it truly was something to look forward to. Having the chance to get to know Halo was something that he should be grateful for. As Y/N said, Harry did not deserve to be a part of her life, despite the fact that he was the father. And somewhere, somehow— he understood where she was coming from.
Harry honestly wouldn’t know what he would do if the roles were reversed; if Y/N were the one to have been cheating on him. He would not have a clue if Harry would be as kind to her as she was with him. If an outsider were to assess the situation between Harry and Y/N, they would definitely choose her side to be in favour of. So far, Harry still wasn’t able to pinpoint what exactly Y/N had done wrong for him to be swayed by an illicit affair. Was there even a moment in time that he could vividly see where he made the decision to just up and betrayed her trust? Because if there was; either his memory has gone to shit or Harry was more of a jerk than he served himself.
To put things into perspective, Y/N was the perfect partner and Harry had somehow lost sight of that by cheating on her. Don’t get him wrong; Camille was good, great, even. Yet Y/N was an amazing woman who knew exactly what she wanted. Coincidentally, those were the same type of things that Harry needed, too. As much as it pained him to say it, Camille’s rejection of their own little family made him rethink his decision-making process. Harry has learned more about himself in these past few months than he did in his entire lifetime.
For starters, he cleared it up that he had absolutely no excuse for cheating on Y/N except the fact that his retention span lasted a good few years before he was in search of something fresh; something new and exciting. Maybe it scared him just how serious she was in having a family in the future that his subconscious thought that Harry needed one last hurrah to get the infidelity out. Besides, divorces are more complicated when there are children involved.
Secondly, being with Camille was an infatuation that lasted for a long, three years—beginning while Harry was in a relationship with Y/N. Feelings were still there for sure, but he just didn’t know if it was enough to make him stay, especially when Y/N and baby Halo were right there waiting for him. They actually weren’t; Harry just liked to pretend that they were so that he could justify the consequences of his actions.
Camille was trying to make things work with him; Harry could see that. However, there were only so many things that she could do to improve their relationship before she had to change the choices that she had made years prior. Camille really didn’t want to say that she had refuted the idea of not having kids for the sake of making a relationship prosper, but maybe it was what she had to do to make him stay. She wanted a happy life with someone who wanted the same things as her. Harry wasn’t the man who shared a mutual agreement and she was pushed to question her options.
Nonetheless, Camille and Harry stuck with each other because they were all they knew for the past three and a half years. It was definitely ironic for Harry to say that he couldn’t just leave a three-year relationship behind for another woman; because he had done that before. Now, he was a hypocrite too? His ego cannot take it.
Connor wrapped his arms around Y/N’s middle as she washed the dishes in the sink. Their water heater was broken so the stream that came from the faucet sometimes teetered from freezing cold to extremely hot. Right now, she was scrubbing the sponge on the porcelain as quickly as possible while the water was at the right temperature.
Y/N turned her head to the side, pressing a kiss on Connor’s cheek. He rested his chin on her shoulder, bobbing up and down as she moved her arms.
“Is this really a good idea, baby?” Connor asked, staring at the way her lashes fluttered in a pregnant pause, taking a deep breath.
She nodded, reaching over slightly to rest the wet dish on the drying rack. “Halo deserves to at least know her real father,”
And it was true. What kind of mother would Y/N be if she kept a secret like that from her own daughter? The past two years was a constant ping-pong battle of reaching out to Harry and sharing the news to him; then, Y/N would be hit with a shot of realization, wondering if this would ruin his current lifestyle.
“I understand. What if he leaves again? Hate to remind you but Harry left you once before, don’t think he’ll hesitate to do so again,”
She froze at Connor’s words. Y/N was aware that he only said that in good faith, to remind her of how hurt she was at the time and just how long it took for her to be able to finally breathe again.
One side of Y/N urged to still defend Harry. She wanted to turn and around, yell at him because Connor doesn’t know Harry as she does. Harry wasn’t the type to build a child’s dreams up only for him to personally manhandle the heart and crush it in his fist. There was a reason why he was a godfather to so many kids; Ruby, Arlo and Jackson—because he was capable. Harry was a nurturing father who put himself on the back burner in favour of making sure that the little ones were safe and secured. He had no problem being third if it meant that the kids were first, then Y/N, then him.
It all sounded so good in Y/N’s head; so well-rehearsed and very well thought out. The monologue that had somehow stuck in the sides of her brain like a script taped to the wall, ready for the time it needed to be recited. The shredded pieces of paper also reminded her that Y/N might’ve known Harry before, but she certainly doesn’t anymore. In fact, she knew just as much as Connor did.
Just like Y/N had grown and evolved into a new person, Harry was not the same guy he once was when they were together.
“I told him the consequences if he did,”
Connor pulled back, stepping away from her. “But wouldn’t it be better if we didn’t take that chance? Who knows what he might do. . .” He trailed off, grabbing a dry rag to wipe the water dripping from the dish.
Y/N took a leap of faith in letting Harry in. He was a wild card. He could promise one thing but would mean another. Or he could recite a vow and completely annihilate the person as he did with her. Yet somehow, Y/N couldn’t resist the opportunity to give him one chance. Maybe it was because a small part of her craved to re-create a happy family that they had always wanted.
“It’s a risk. I know that” Y/N rinsed a cup, swirling the water in circles. She felt like that whenever Harry was around.
“So why are you still doing it?” Y/N opened her mouth to answer, “And tell me the truth this time, yeah?”
Her boyfriend stared at her with an unreadable emotion in his eyes, lips drew taut in a straight line and arms were crossed over his broad chest. The pressure was immense on Y/N’s shoulders. She was torn between admitting what she had buried deep below the sand or simply glossing over it like a figure skater. Nonetheless, Y/N was on thin ice.
For years, she had flicked away the remaining feelings that stayed with her. But they were persistent in sticking by her side. It wasn’t like Y/N could completely erase Harry from her life--from who she was. She still dressed like him, evidenced by the matching pair of Gucci loafers she chose not to wear for the night in fear that he would coincidentally be sporting the same footwear.
Furthermore, they had a child together! Halo was the spitting image of him. It was hard not to be reminded by a man she once loved when their little baby was both of them mixed in one. So did Y/N still love Harry? She couldn’t deny how much her heart fluttered seeing him stutter over his words at the park. Y/N just wasn’t sure if it was from anxiety and nervousness or excitement and anticipation.
Unbeknownst to the couple, Harry had sneakily closed a sleeping Halo’s bedroom door. His trek back to the kitchen was slow, slightly afraid of the awaiting talk he and Y/N--and possibly Connor-- have yet to have. Harry wanted to be there for Halo and for Y/N every step of the way, but he knew that Y/N would not allow him around if his intentions were to cater to a relationship with her. She was already tolerating him as is.
Standing behind the thin wall that acted as a partition from the hallway to the kitchen, Harry carefully placed his hands against the barrier to steady himself. He didn’t know if his legs could take whatever answer would spill from Y/N’s mouth. If she admitted her true feelings, he would stumble and melt into a puddle. He would be confused, but Harry wouldn’t be opposed to it; he was in a relationship after all. If she denied it--which was the more likely option--, his heart would break silently in his chest.
Harry numbed himself of the guilt raking at his ankles. He was well aware that this was a private conversation but hey; it was not his fault that he had ears straining to listen to Y/N’s reply.
“Do you still love him?” Connor followed up, voice grim. Almost fearful to find out the truth. Harry was, too.
Y/N paused her thoughts as well as her actions, flinching at the sudden intrusion of Connor’s question. She flinched, yelping a little and jumping backwards when the broken water heater subdued the filtering liquid into a burning hot splatter on her skin. Connor picked his feet up in alarm, grabbing at Y/N’s wrist to see the minor injury on the back of her palm.
“Ow!” Y/N whisper-shouted, soothing the ache by situating it between her thighs before shakily showing it to Connor; the doctor.
“Let me see, baby,”
Harry peeked his head around the corner, almost losing his cover with the way his feet instantaneously wanting to move towards a hurting Y/N. Good thing he caught himself. Surely they would put two and two together and realize that Harry was eavesdropping.
That decision came with a laceration to his heart. Harry got a first-class ticket to register that the couple was everything he and Y/N were. The pet names, the domesticity of their actions. The caring glances and constant check-ups.
Deciding to come out of hiding, Harry almost had a heart attack when he turned the corner and was met face to face with Connor. His brows had dipped in worry, face determined to grab some cream to apply to the burn from their first-aid kit in the bathroom. Harry guessed that his whizzing thoughts failed to hear the quiet instruction.
The man jolted in surprise, stopping quickly in his tracks, “Oh hey! Is Halo asleep?” Connor gave him a smile despite the confusion etching in his forehead. Harry nodded dumbly, lips pursing like a fish. “Y/N’s just burned her hand, nothing too serious though,”
He looked over his shoulder to see Y/N eyeing the both of them suspiciously, still clutching the burnt skin close to her. “Oh, I see,”
Connor smacked a firm hand on his shoulder, stepping around him to grab the cream. Harry walked towards Y/N, noticing that she was soothing the painful ache with ice wrapped in layers of tissue. She was softly hissing through her teeth once in a while.
“You okay?”
She tilted her head at him, appearing to be dazed out in her thoughts. “Yeah, uh, nothing too bad,”
Harry kept his distance, leaning on the other side of the counter. He started off by saying, “Thank you for giving me this chance,”
Y/N graced him with a smile, standing up straighter when Connor appeared with a tube in his hand. Harry watched as he unscrewed the cap, placing it beside her. He squeezed a bit of the cream unto his fingertip before applying it directly on Y/N’s skin. She winced, wanting to pull her wrist away from his grip but Connor didn’t let her, “It’s gonna be fine, baby,”
He pressed a kiss to her temple, continuing to rub circles on the burn until Y/N visibly relaxed through slouched shoulders and less shaky breaths.
Harry was staring at them like a kicked puppy. He was fussy and frustrated all in one. He wanted the attention that Y/N was giving Connor. He wanted to be Connor, but both of them were too wrapped up in their little love bubble to notice Harry’s squinted eyes and pinched brows.
He was frustrated because even if he wasn’t the direct cause of her pain, Harry had somehow found a way to continue hurting her and Connor was always there to pacify his wrongful actions. Harry hated that this was how fate had planned his life.
Harry cleared his throat, raising a fist to his mouth, “Think I should go,” His thumb pointed over his shoulder, “Uh thank you again,”
Y/N snapped her head to him, gaze lowering in a timid manner as if she forgot that he was even there in the first place. Connor was the first to reply, “Alright, man. See you whenever,” He capped the tub, shoving it in his back pocket to return to its place.
She leaned on her tiptoes to press a kiss on his lips, muttering something in his ear that had Connor teasingly wrapping his hands on her hips. Harry looked away, taking long strides to the entryway instead.
“Harry, wait!”
He shuddered at the memory of the words that had changed his life when Gemma told him the truth. Harry’s shoe was half-way one when he turned around. “Yeah?”
Y/N was holding a folded brochure, “Halo has a recital this weekend for her dance class,” She handed it to him, “Maybe you’d want to go? You can bring Camille if you want but I think it would be better if you didn’t. She’s still new to this and I don’t want her asking too many questions until she can unders--,”
“I’ll go,” Harry cut her off, unfolding the folded paper. The venue was about twenty minutes away from his place. It was only an hour-long considering the skill set of two-year-olds but it was a fun way for parents to cheer on their little ones. Harry’s previously sour mood was now replaced with giddiness at the sight of his daughter in a pretty pink tutu, twirling on her feet. He was sure that Halo was born to become a performer like him.
She sighed in relief, puffing her cheeks out cutely, “It’s a private dance class. Pretty high end so the security should be okay,”
And there it was again. The constant reminder that Harry was otherworldly to some people. As much as he loved living his lifestyle, he sometimes wished that he was a normie. That was a lot to ask for considering his current situation with his daughter, but a man can dream.
“Got it,”
Y/N leaned over to show him the back of the leaflet, “Just show them this ticket and security should let you in. Halo wanted me to give that to you because she was too shy earlier. I know it’s short notice but I guess she was comfortable enough to ask you,”
Harry blushed at the admittance, mentally patting himself at the back for making his daughter feel at ease in a short amount of time.
“I’ll be there,” He pushed his heel to adorn his sneakers. Y/N bit her lip, she looked hesitant, “It’s okay if you don’t want to go, by the way. I can explain that you’re busy. She’ll probably understand,”
He placed a hand on her shoulder. Harry wasn’t going to ruin his progressive relationship with his daughter on ‘probably’. “Y/N, s’alright. No problem, yeah? I’ll be there,”
Where was he?
It was two days after the dinner and Harry’s promise of attending Halo’s recital was vanishing with each passing second. Every time the hand of the clock ticked to indicate that another minute had elapsed. Harry still wasn’t jogging through the carpeted middle of the small theatre to where Connor and Y/N were seated. Two empty seats were left at the end of the aisle to aid Harry--and possibly Camille--a smooth arrival without creating any distractions.
There were only five minutes left before the stage crew were to dim the spotlights illuminating the room. Y/N was checking her watch what felt like every second, clicking her phone on and off once in a while worried that something may have happened to Harry. Maybe security wouldn’t let him in. The gnawing feeling at the pit of her stomach suggested that Harry just forgot the event tonight but Y/N would cross the bridge when they got to it. Regardless, her nerves were left unsettled as swallowing proved to be more difficult with the way a sip of her water had her gulping audibly. Connor wasn’t there to lend a soft hand on her upper back to help her breathe.
Speaking of, Connor had taken the initiative to visit Halo backstage. The ballet teacher was growing weary of the way the little dancer ran out from beside the stage to stop in front of her parents, asking, “Where’s Hawwy?”.
Halo had done it three times in hopes of receiving an answer aside from, “He’s not here yet,” Y/N tucked a fallen strand of hair from the otherwise sleek bun from beside her cheeks. Her daughter’s form slouching as her pretty eyes watered slightly, “He’s not coming? You told me he was coming, mama,”
Y/N glanced at Connor nervously, being met with an ‘I-told-you-so’ look which didn’t really help the situation. Luckily, the teacher had approached them with a clipboard on hand, searching for the ballerina. The teacher had suggested that one of them stay with her behind the curtain until the show began. Connor volunteered.
“Better hope he comes or else we’ll have to deal with the consequences. I really don’t want to see her heartbroken before of a promise he couldn’t keep,” Connor muttered, following the woman but not before thumbing circles on Y/N’s flushed cheek.
Y/N knew that he meant well. She also didn’t want to comfort a heartbroken Halo because Harry failed to show up where he promised he would be. And now, with a little less than two minutes before showtime, Connor was sent back beside her. Parents were being ushered to find their seats before the lights dimmed and it would be difficult to maneuver through knees and legs.
“Is he here?” Connor questioned, draping a hand on her shaking knee. Y/N shook her head, casting another glance at the auditorium doors. He waved at Halo who peeked her head between the silk curtains, wandering eyes looking at the empty seat beside Y/N.
“No. Hasn’t texted or answered his phone either,” Y/N was about to dial Harry’s contact once more in a desperate attempt to reach him. However, the dimming lights indicated that it was too late. Connor laced their fingers together, offering apologetic eyes and a tight-lipped smile; they would have to nurse a broken heart later tonight.
Harry was in the middle of buttoning his patterned shirt, staring at his reflection in the mirror to silently judge his fashion choice for the night. Was it too much for a kids’ ballet recital? He deemed that it was, stretching his arms to remove the fabric adorning his chest, moving to grab the pink, flamingo patterned shirt instead. He took his time, granted that he had about an hour before the recital started.
He smoothed the fabric over his broad shoulders, pausing when Camille walked in. Harry locked his green eyes at her through the mirror as she walked to their shared bed, sitting at the foot of it.
“What d’ya think?”
She hummed in response, absentmindedly nodding in agreement when Harry asked if it was good. Both Camille and Harry had talked about his relationship with Halo as soon as she landed at the airport. He didn’t want to keep any secrets from her. Fortunately, Camille was very understanding of his situation, offering him support and encouragement to build a bond with his daughter.
What Camille didn’t reveal was that she was a bit antsy of Harry’s relationship with Y/N. She meant everything she had said to him, but it was no guarantee that Harry would ignite another connection with his ex-girlfriend. Not that Camille didn’t trust him. It was just a bit concerning because she believed that how a relationship starts is how it will end. Harry certainly had a history of straying away from his present partner.
Harry was currently in their walk-in closet, finding a pair of slacks that weren't too formal or casual. Camille mulled the thoughts in her head. She loved Harry dearly and would do anything for him. Well, anything except having children of their own. He had mostly accepted her decision, only wincing a little when the topic of a family was brought up by mutual friends and family once in a while.
Truth to be told, Camille was scared. She was afraid that Harry would leave for Y/N because she had Halo. They were the family that he had always wanted and although Camille wasn’t too keen on giving him the same; she was debating on it.
“How’s this, Cam?” Harry retreated with two pairs of pants. On one hand was a pair of straight-leg skinny jeans that he hadn’t worn in years. The other held brown, corduroy, striped slacks. “Or this one?”
She bit her lip, standing up slowly, walking over to him. “What do I think?”
He nodded, innocently jutting his bottom lip at her as he looked back and forth.
Camille swathed her hands on his shoulders, ghosting her mouth over his ear, “I think I like you better without them,” Her finger traced his collarbone, swirling at the dip of his throat. “Without anything,”
Harry gulped harshly. He felt Camille unbuttoning his shirt, gliding her palms downwards until she was cupping his bulge, “Camille, wait,” He flicked his watch to check the time. It took twenty minutes to get there, maybe even more with traffic and parking.
She dragged him to the bed by the ends of his opened shirt, locking her lips with his plush ones. He rested a knee on the mattress, his hands at the back of her head as Camille continued to pull him down.
Pulling away, Harry panted, “What are you doin’?” He laid his creased forehead on hers.
Camille supported herself on her hands, moving her face back until she was able to get a clear view of his perplexed expression, “I was thinking that maybe we could. . . try having a baby, H,” Her voice was soft, almost timid and she was doing her best not to break eye contact to show her sincerity.
Harry gasped in surprise, “Wha--? Really? Are you serious?” His tone gained a pitch as excitement enthralled his senses. The smile on his face was wide and reached his bright eyes. “Baby, are you sure?”
Camille nodded, grinning softly. “Yes,’
“Oh my--this is. . .,” Harry pulled at the locks of his hair, pacing around the room. “This is great! Our own family. Jesus. I can’t believe it,” Tears sprung on his corneas.
He kneeled between her legs, taking her wrist and pressing a gentle kiss on her skin, murmuring ‘I love you’ repeatedly.
“Are you going to keep doing that?” Camille asked, spreading her legs rhetorically. Harry observed her position, nodding enthusiastically.
Another glance at his watch indicated that Harry was absolutely pushing it with being late to Halo’s recital. Yet one enchanting kiss from Camille wiped his thoughts clean. He was getting what he wanted; a family of his own.
Let us know what you thought! The seventh part of the Tarnish series will be uploaded on Patreon on Sept 29!
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purplesauris · 4 years
49, dinluke
49. Trying to pull clothes on over damp skin
Thank you for the prompt! This might not be AS shippy as you wanted but I couldn’t resist co-parenting dads
Din had been away from Luke’s temple, from his child and all the others, for two months, three days and six hours. Not that he was counting, because in the grand scheme of things those two months were nothing but a very short trip out for supplies. Supplies, and as always, a child or three that Din somehow seemed to find along the way. 
He didn’t know how they kept finding him, or how he kept finding them, but the belly of the Crest was filled with the quiet, soft laughter of children, and Din wondered how many foundlings he could adopt before someone from his clan finally found him and told him that enough was enough. He didn’t think they ever could. 
He’s currently got himself locked in the refresher, trying to enjoy the short shower and respite while he can. The water is lukewarm, not nearly hot enough for Din, but they’re on the return trip to Yavin and Din can stand lukewarm showers if it means they get home a bit quicker. The key word in this is that he’s trying. Every so often he hears a bang or a swear, and Din always stops, listening to the way the children whisper and hurry to fix whatever it is they’ve done. He’s nearly done when there’s a series of knocks on the refresher door, some quiet, some louder than others, and he turns the water off with a grunt. 
“Did someone break something?” He calls, because it’s the first thing he can think of. Little Milla’s voice is the one that chimes in through the door, and Din wonders how they made her bring the bad news. 
“No, Mr. Din, there’s- A beeping? From the cockpit.” 
Din doesn’t even bother trying to dry off, instead grabbing for his clothes and shucking them on as fast as he can. His pants fight going over his legs, sticking around his thighs, and Din does a very embarrassing little hop to hoist them up the rest of the way. He shoves his shirt on, the material catching around his shoulders as he hits the release on the door and steps out, barefoot. 
Three children are waiting for him on the other side, a small blue twi’lek boy of no more than five, hiding behind an older twi’lek girl with dusky periwinkle skin, and a zabrak girl with orange skin standing a few feet away, arms crossed and expression stony. 
“Who was up there?” 
There’s a chorus of protests, and Din rolls his eyes. Of course none of them were up there messing with anything. Except- when Din listens for the beeping he realizes it isn’t the ship itself, but the holo port- Din is hurrying up the ladder and into the cockpit without another word, hair still dripping wet as he lunges to slap at the button for the holo. Din doesn't even bother to sit down, standing hunched over the holo as he stares, anxiety etched over his face. 
It takes a moment, but Luke’s face flickers into view, turned away from the holo as he gently scolds one of the other children for throwing something heavy. “Luke?”
Said Jedi jumps, as if not expecting to actually get through, and Din watches as Luke’s eyes widen before going impossibly soft, a small smile pulling at his lips. “Did I interrupt?”
“No, no. Is everything okay?” The unspoken you don’t usually call is left unsaid, but Luke smiles, sheepish.
“Everything is fine, I just-” Din can see the color on Luke’s cheeks even through the holo, and he tilts his head, staring. Luke’s face only flushes further before he finally mutters. “I just missed you. Wondered when you’d be home?”
Din’s chest burns with affection, and he huffs out a laugh, shaking his head. “It’s only been two months.” He says, as if he wasn’t counting down the minutes until he was back among the purple maze of trees that surrounded their home. Luke pouts, not happy with the answer, and Din can’t wait to see him in person. “We’re on the way back now. Maybe another hour.” 
“We?” Luke perks up at that, latching on instantly, and Din grimaces. “Din, please tell me you didn’t-”
“They didn’t have anyone!” He protests, scowling when Luke laughs. “They’re sensitive, or whatever you call it.”
Luke looks stunned for a moment before he laughs in disbelief. “How do you keep finding them?”
“I’m not.” Din’s protest is weaker this time- kids seemed to flock to him naturally, but it seemed like for every kid he saw, the ones that he had a good feeling about were always force sensitive. The ones who truly had no one or nothing but the clothes on their back. “I have to go pilot the ship.”
“Aww, don’t pout!” Din makes a face at the holo, definitely not pouting, and Luke is laughing when Din turns the holo off, sighing. What a mess his life is- he’d only taken Luke’s offer to stay with him so he could still see Grogu, but… Here he is over a year later, three force sensitive kids making a mess of his ship and another dozen waiting back home with his Jedi partner. His partner- Din still can’t believe it sometimes, that he got as lucky as he did, that they met at all, in a galaxy where before Grogu Din would have avoided any mention of someone as powerful or well known as Luke. 
Din pops down briefly to have everyone tuck into the sleeping bay, sitting crunched on his little cot so they won’t be knocked around as he lands the ship less than an hour later, engines dropping to a dull whine as Din sets them down next to Luke’s battered x-wing, powering the ship down and going to get his armor on. The kids wait patiently as he adjusts his clothes from where they had stuck to him, and Pavru, to Din’s surprise, helps hoist his backplate into place while Din does the straps, quickly stepping back once Din is done. He nods his head in thanks to her and doesn’t say a word when her orange cheeks flush the color of rust. 
“There are going to be a lot of other kids here.” Din says, crouching down so everyone can see him. “They’re like you, but if you get overwhelmed, you can come back into the ship for a while. Okay?”
“Yes, Mr. Din.”
“Just Din.” He says, though he knows he won’t break Milla of the habit anytime soon. “You’ll also meet Luke- he’s like you, but much, much more powerful. He’s going to seem scary, like I did, but he’s here to help you guys, okay?”
He gets three nods, and Din chucks Milla and the boy under his chin, laughing softly when they smile. He doesn’t touch Pavru, knowing her boundaries, but when he stands to go down the ramp he finds a small orange hand clinging to his. Din holds his other hand out for Milla, and together the four of them walk down the ramp, toward Luke, who waits at the bottom of the ramp, face lit up with a grin and robes stark black against the purple backdrop. 
“That was less than an hour.” Luke points out, Din rolling his eyes at the tone. Luke’s attention doesn’t stay on him for long, not with the kids currently hiding half behind the silver bulk of him, and he watches, fond, as Luke crouches, making him smaller as he smiles. “Did you guys survive the ship ride with him alright? No getting tied up?”
“Tied up?” Milla’s voice shakes, but there’s a faint curiosity to her tone and Luke laughs. 
“Oh yes, he likes to tie kids up when they’re being naughty, so they can only wiggle like worms.” Luke waggles his fingers, raising a brow, and Milla giggles, glancing up toward Din in question. Din makes a face, tilting his head, and Milla laughs, breaking hesitantly away to head further down the ramp, toward where Luke waits, a hand held out patiently. Like Luke has done with all his kids, he waits for her move first, and only once she places her hand in his does he smile, thumb smoothing over the small back of her hand as he bows his head and says, “Hello, Milla. My name is Luke.” 
The boy is next, Din still hasn’t gotten his name, but when he follows his sister’s lead, placing his hand in Luke’s, Din listens eagerly as Luke murmurs, “Hi, Arlo.” 
They both say hello back, smiling shyly, and Luke glances over his shoulder as one of his oldest recruits, a girl of maybe 14 comes up, smiling and waving for them to follow her. They look back to Din for permission, eyes wide, and Din nods his head in encouragement. It’s all they need before they’re ushered inside, no doubt to be questioned and welcomed by all the other kids waiting eagerly for Din to come back. Luke stands up once the other two are gone, folding his hands in front of him, face fond. Pavru hasn’t unglued herself from Din’s side yet, staring at Luke with a scowl on her face as her grip tightens on Din’s hand. 
“I don’t like it.” She mutters, tugging on Din’s hand. “I don’t like his-” She gestures at him, as if she can’t explain, and Din hums. 
“I know what you mean. It took me a while to get used to it too.” Wide yellow eyes look up at him in surprise, but Din is being sincere, face open and soft. “You don’t have to take his hand, or give him your name to have a home here.”
“I don’t?” Din shakes his head, glancing over at where Luke has partially turned away to make it easier on the girl. 
“No. This is your home now, if you want it. If you don’t, I can take  you to Nevarro. I have a friend there who can help you find somewhere better.” 
The girl shakes her head, white-blonde hair a messy halo around her head, falling between the spikes coming from her scalp. “You can’t leave me.”
“I won’t, then. Can we go see him? I missed him very much.” 
“You like him?” 
“I love him.” Din corrects gently, the other girl glancing between Din and Luke for a moment before she nods, keeping a tight hold on his hand as Din takes a few steps down the ramp, closer and closer until Luke turns, face gone soft and adoring as Din dips to bump their foreheads together. “Hi.”
“Hi.” Luke whispers back, smiling and keeping himself very, very still so as not to spook the girl at Din’s side. “It’s good to have you back.”
“Good to be back. You’re a sight for sore eyes.” It’s a bit sappy, a little much maybe, but Luke eats it up, cheeks pink as he laughs. Din’s eyes flick down toward Pavru, a smirk on his face, and when he gives Luke a kiss, one with far more grandeur than substance, she makes a face, sticking her tongue out and finally letting go of his hand to dart inside the temple, following the path the other kids took. Din relaxes once she’s inside, moving back to just resting their foreheads together. 
“She’s strong.” Luke murmurs, hand coming up to cup Din’s cheek, thumb sweeping affectionately over the soft curve of Din’s cheekbone. “Reminds me of you.” 
“Stubborn as a bantha.” Din snorts pulling back, but Luke laughs, going up on tiptoe to place a soft kiss to Din’s lips that stops him in his tracks. “It’s a complement.”
“They stink.”
“Mm, you don’t. Promise.” Din rolls his eyes, forgetting Luke can see his face, but Luke only laughs and kisses him again, murmuring against his lips. “Welcome home, love.”
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