#unordinary arlo
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ozyras · 7 months ago
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artsjuno · 1 month ago
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kings are busy during school events
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unxstatic · 9 months ago
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projecting my period cramps onto arlo
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crazydaymycrazyway · 1 year ago
Ember: We have your friend, John
Arlo: You kidnapped John? As in John Doe, son of William and Jane?
Ember: Yes, so if you want him safe hand over-
Arlo: You don't have him. He has you. Good luck with that. And we're not friends *hangs up*
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feyn231 · 4 months ago
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Uno gang but they're in the witcher universe instead. Mages and witches and big ol' werewolf
Ask me anything about this AU 😗👉👈
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michixoxo · 6 months ago
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save me tired eyed arlo from unordinary… tired eyed arlo from unordinary save me….
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burstbub · 11 months ago
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general-ysines · 1 year ago
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rare unordinary post
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unordinary-diary · 10 months ago
Arlo’s Ability Potential
Arlo could actually be so fucking OP and I’m not kidding.
In my last entry, I mentioned that Arlo could do so much more with his ability: things ranging from very unlikely to happen in the story, to things that are foreshadowed enough that I genuinely think he’ll be getting a powerup soon.
I’m gonna start with the most reasonable stuff and then wander out into speculation.
First of all: Disks. Do y’all remember Lennon from episode 196-ish?
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^ this fucker.
Currently, Arlo’s fighting style is to put up a strong barrier around himself, and watch his enemies hurt themselves with their own recoil damage. His only offensive technique is to put his enemy in a barrier and make it smaller. Now, this has changed in recent chapters, with him developing that softer kind of barrier that he hits people with like a shockwave, but ultimately, his offensive power isn’t very diverse.
However, Lennon up there^ uses his disks in many ways.
He throws them, they’re very sharp, he can use them to fly, and therefore attack from the air. Blyke had a LOT of trouble against this guy.
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How is this relevant? Because Arlo can make these disks too.
When Sera, Leilah and Arlo are fighting Spectre agents under the dampener, Arlo conjures one of these disks as a substitute for his usual barrier.
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Not only do we know that he can make these, we know that they are significantly easier for him to make and maintain. So, in theory, Arlo should be able to do all of the things Lennon can and more.
With him currently being able to make three regular barriers at once, how many disks could he make? And how many disks could he make while having a full barrier up? I imagine that the future holds lots of fights against large groups of people, so Arlo learning these techniques would be extremely convenient and very well-timed. Especially since being able to attack from the air is super effective against opponents who can’t fly (which is most of them let’s be real) since they usually can’t hit back.
But there’s more things that I think these disks can do.
Imagine him practicing with a ball—
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Pick it up, bounce it up and down.
Add another disk, make it ping-pong.
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but he could also just put the ball in a regular barrier and just... move it around. Move that sucker to a different location.
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he could pick the ball up, carry it really high, then drop it.
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Now imagine the ball is a person.
... yeah.
but there’s more that he could do.
say that someone is coming at him with enough strength to break his barrier
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If aimed right, the opponent shouldn’t hit the third barrier head on, but rather at an angle. The angle should be enough to prevent the barrier breaking, but still cause significant recoil damage. In this particular scenario, the recoil damage will go straight to the head and neck, using all their force against them. Depending on how much force is coming at him, the third barrier could still break, but it isn’t his main line of defense at least. With practice, Arlo should be able to use disks to divert attacks, and control where his opponent aims. The only person this wouldn’t work against is probably Seraphina bc Arlo can’t react in time.
Another thing to consider is: how small can he make the disks? Could he make little shurikens? If so, would making them very small allow him to make more? Could he stand behind his full barrier, while sending out a flurry of tiny chakrams? And if so, wouldn’t that be dope as fuck? Especially against a large crowd.
And since, in theory, he should be able to fly, he should also be able to make other people fly. Imagine all of them flying on top of a disk with Blyke and Isen loudly singing I Can Show You the World. I see zero reasons why this can’t happen.
Moving away from disks, Arlo should start filling his barrier with stuff. Now, we rarely see characters weaponizing things that aren’t abilities or their bare hands, but it does happen. This is where the idea of water balloons comes in. Fill that sucker in the sink, throw it, then pop it whenever he wants to.
But it’s not just water, he could put anything in there. He could put a shit ton of glitter. He could put sewing needles, caltrops, a big rock, anything. He could probably even put a barrier over his stove, gather steam, compress that shit and make smoke bombs!
But enough with that bitch baby shit.
What about chemicals?
Make water balloons but instead of water it’s hydroflouric acid. Or fill that shit with liquid nitrogen. Make smoke bombs but instead of steam it’s mustard gas— he and his friends will be protected inside a full barrier. There is any number of chemical weapons he could use, and some gases could even be made at home by mixing the wrong cleaning materials.
But what about insects? Go to the woods, find a beehive and yoink that shit.
The main problem with the “putting things in barriers” idea is that he’d have to prepare ahead of time, and keep those barriers up and his ability active until he uses them. That means it isn’t useful unless he knows the fight is gonna happen, and has enough time to prepare before it, but not so much time that he loses energy keeping them up. It’s also not useful if he wants to be non threatening at first, because his ability will need to be active. And also, unlike other weapons, A lot of these can’t be stored. He has to use all of them before the end of the fight— especially since gases can’t be released without using them. So, not very convenient or practical most of the time, but it would be super cool and effective in certain circumstances.
The next unlikely technique for Arlo to develop is vacuums. Arlo could make a really tiny, spherical barrier. Airtight. EXPAND that sucker. Make it real big- a near vacuum inside. Then make a tiny hole in it. Depending the size, that could create some insane suction. Suction is something so versatile that it could actually be a whole ability in its own right. That’s a whole ass mid tier added to Arlo’s already dope skill set. Possibly more.
Seriously, just think about suction for a second. You could bring anything close to you— Arlo actually has an easier method of telekinesis as we’ve gone over, but still— you could probably break and bend things with enough force, divert an attack by sucking it, or your opponent’s body in a different direction, you could cause some severe damage by sucking directly on someone’s skin. (I’m trying so fucking hard not to make a sex joke oh my god)
Here’s where Arlo’s capabilities get… gruesome.
My brother suggested that he could suck someone’s brain out through their skull. I was incredulous, but with enough force and with the tiny suction hole placed on an eye or nose, he definitely could.
But there’s an easier method of killing right there: put the vacuum over someone’s head. It doesn’t have to be an intense enough vacuum to explode their head (it could be though), just enough to suffocate them. Even without killing, suffocation could be used for intimidation or to knock them out.
But if we ARE killing… Arlo could put someone’s whole body in a vacuum and have the same effect as throwing them into space. They explode, their blood boils, it’s fuckin freaky what happens when a person depressurizes.
Even without a vacuum, (or any of these, really) it’s a good thing Arlo isn’t willing to kill because there are about a million ways he easily could.
The question that inspired the whole idea of a vacuum to begin with is: could Arlo make a barrier inside of someone, then expand it? The answer? Probably yes.
This gruesome shit is the reason I imagine Arlo at his full potential to be like… a villain au. Also because having an OP villain doesn’t have the same narrative pitfalls as an OP protagonist.
What’s Arlo’s range like? Could he expand his range with practice? How far out could he shoot a disk? Could he puncture the hull of an empire class battle ship leaving thousands to drown at sea? You know, because it’s so sharp?
Seriously though, could he take down airplanes?
Making barriers bigger or smaller doesn’t seem to affect his energy at all, considering that he never has to shrink it to save energy even when it would make sense (like with the dampener— Arlo just warned that he couldn’t keep it up, then took it down and switched straight to a disk even though there was plenty room to shrink it). So if the size of it doesn’t matter, then how big could he make it? Could he make Atlantis? Pick up a city and put it underwater with a barrier as an air dome? Could he make a dome around the earth and block meteors? Could he crush the core of the earth and blow up the planet if he wanted to??
Sadly, the answer to all of those questions is “probably not”.
Arlo is already super OP, they don’t call it a god tier for nothing. But he could be so much more godlike. I know I got really crazy at the end there, but back up just a little bit and he could realistically be a god among gods with just a little creativity. Especially at the top where the images are. Most of this stuff would not be hard.
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ninoucheuuuh · 9 months ago
Am I the only one who's really scared about what gonna happen to Arlo ? I have a very bad feeling.
I think that Farrah might erase Arlo's memory. When she fought against him, Blyke, Isen and Remi, she used her others abilities, and the others officers saw them, but they weren't supposed to :
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Then, when they managed to arrest Arlo and Blyke, we see Farrah using her hypnosis ability to make them forget what happened :
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And when she's with Arlo after his arrestation, she says that she'll be the one to do the "readjustment class". And after that, she uses her ability :
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We can see Arlo's memories with this broken window, like she breaks his memories.
And then ? She could do multiple things. Maybe she could modify his memories ? Or create others ? She could make him forget about his friendships ? Make him hate the others ?
I didn't see anyone talk about this, so... But I really hope that I'm wrong and that I'm too much worried 😭
Like imagine, they would come to save him, and he would be like "Wtf who are you ?" It's so painful don't do this to my baby plz 😭
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cameronqx · 9 months ago
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he's so stupid
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ozyras · 5 months ago
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swap au p2 with the rest of the main cast (part 1 | part 3 | part 4)
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artsjuno · 1 month ago
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i love drawing sera without her extensions but she lowkey looks high to me in this drawing so my bad
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trueebeauty · 9 months ago
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accidentally calling them by the wrong name - john & arlo
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You snuggled closer to John on the couch, a mischievous grin playing on your lips. It was time to enact your prank. "Hey Seraphina, can you hand me that blanket?"
John went rigid beside you. "Seraphina?" He turned to face you, brows furrowed. "Did you just call me Seraphina?"
Struggling to keep a straight face, you feigned innocence. "What? No, of course not."
His expression morphed into one of playful suspicion. A lopsided grin tugged at his lips as he looped an arm around your waist, pulling you flush against his side possessively.
"So she's trying to steal you away from me, huh?" His tone was light and teasing as he booped your nose. "Should I be worried Seraphina is moving in on my territory?"
I rolled my eyes, giving his chest a light shove. "Don't be ridiculous. You know Seraphina is just a friend."
"A very pretty friend who you seem to be confusing me with," he countered.
You raised an inquisitive brow. "You think she's pretty?"
John's eyes widened fractionally as panic flashed across his features. He quickly attempted to recover, raising a questioning brow of his own. "Is that all you heard?"
Unable to contain your laughter, you dissolved into a fit of giggles. "You should've seen your face!"
John let out an exaggerated huff, though the corners of his mouth twitched upwards into a smile. "You never answered my question," he pointed out.
You lightly swatted his chest. "You never answered mine either."
"Does it matter? You're the only one for me." John chuckled, tightening his embrace as you snuggled closer. 
"Good answer." You grinned and leaned in kissing the corner of his mouth. 
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You were cuddled up on the couch watching a movie with Arlo when you decided to pull your prank. Keeping your eyes on the TV, you spoke up casually. "Hey John, can you pass the remote?"
Arlo went unnaturally still beside you. Slowly, he turned his head with a look of utter bewilderment and distaste. "John?" he repeated, voice dripping with disdain as if he'd just bitten into something rotten. "Did you actually just refer to me as...him?"
Biting your lip to keep from grinning, you blinked at Arlo innocently. "Hm? Who's John?"
Arlo recoiled away from you with a look of deep offense, shoulders pulling back as his nose wrinkled. "Don't play coy! You very clearly called me by that...that cretin's name." He shuddered dramatically.
"Arlo, baby, you know I would never confuse you with someone like John," you said, struggling not to laugh at his over-the-top reaction. Reaching out, you ran a soothing hand down his arm, deciding to stroke his ego. "You're far too refined and regal."
He eyed you suspiciously for a moment before seeming to accept your flattery. With a lofty sniff, Arlo straightened his posture, chin tilting upwards. "Well, I should certainly hope so. It would be a grievous insult to my standing to be mistaken for such a cripple."
You rose a brow, eyeing him with a knowing look. "Riiight," you drawled out.
"What?" He asked, a slight edge to his tone.
You shook your head, barely smothering your giggle at his affronted expression. Scooting closer, you nuzzled against his side placatingly. "Nothing, my king. You're one of a kind."
Though Arlo tried to maintain a disgruntled facade, a small smile tugged at the corners of his mouth as he wrapped an arm around you, pulling you snug against him. "I better be," he muttered, though you could hear the pleased note in his voice.
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crazydaymycrazyway · 1 year ago
John and Arlo forced to go on a date by the team so that they could get along better
Arlo: So, what's your favorite colour?
John: Really? Don't ask me such dumb questions
Arlo: What us the first twenty digits of pie? Who was the first person to calculate pie? From which language is pie derived-
John: Black. My favorite colour is black
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feyn231 · 2 months ago
unordinary crossing
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the way i would bully arlo out of my island would break the genovia convention, i fear
however i'd kidnap remi or isen in a heartbeat
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