#Arlo Sullyvan
izayoichan · 1 year
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Arlo: I never meant to hurt him. Vy: I know. But you did. Arlo: I can never forgive myself for what I did. Vy: But you can make things better for the two of you. What you did, what happened to the both of you will never go away, even if you go away when it's too much for you to handle... But, you can work to make things happier for the two of you that one day, you'll be able to cry together over everything without either of you being hurt by its ghost.
Arlo just looked wide eyed at Vy, and then broke into a deep sobbing cry that made his body shake. Vy sighed, sitting next to Arlo, wrapping his arms around him just letting him cry. It was slowly becoming clear to him that this Arlo, like River had said, was something new, and it needed to mend. They both did.
They eventually got Arlo to calm down enough to eat, but the light crying only ended when he had managed to cry himself to sleep next to his beloved angel. Vy sitting there watching the two, feeling Hayden’s hand on his shoulder.
Hayden: As much as I want to hate that boy… I can’t. I can hate what he did, I can hate what he put our little star through, but I can’t hate what he is now… Vy: He reminds you of yourself doesn’t he? Hayden: In some ways yes, the self hate, the desire to… stop being…
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mahvaladara · 1 year
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Mal: Arlo? You alive there?
Arlo opened the bathroom door and nodded at his dad.
Arlo: Apollo still not here.
Mal shook his head.
Mal: Doubt he will. He gave you a beating.
Arlo: I think it has been established he's stronger than me.
Mal: But my Eye makes you more powerful.
Arlo: And makes me die faster.
Mal scoffed and shook his head. 
Mal: You already know what awaits you, so why limit yourself? One spell, you'd be done with that problem.
Arlo: I don't want to kill my brother.
Mal: He'll want to kill you. Give it time. You’re delaying the inevitable.
Arlo: Why don’t you kill him?
Mal: He’s not my brother, but he is my son. And he’s not my villain, he’s yours. He will eventually become my villain too, and when it comes to that, I will deal with it. But till then-
Arlo: I know, I know. He’ll do a lot of damage.
Arlo sighed and shook his head. He walked downstairs finding his mom preparing him a bag with food, and after some chatting with his younger siblings, he grabbed the bag, heading back to the cottage. 
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izayoichan · 1 year
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Vy: I brought some things that I know you like, and perhaps you could need them. Fannar: Oh.. ehm... 
They watched their mom take out basically all their favorite treats, even homemade cookies, then came books and some things they recognized from their mom’s hospital.
Fannar: Uhm.. isn’t that the hospital's stuff? Vy: I asked for some, and they said yes. -they smile sadly at their son.- I… ehm.. Fannar: Why did you come, mom? Vy: Because I love you, my not-so-little star. -they looked at Fannar.- And although I may not agree with your choice, and you are angry with me for what I did. I will always love you with all my heart. I want to do the most non-dragon thing I can think of, I want to think about the future, not the past. Fannar: I… 
They felt their mom's arms around them flinching slightly which led to a sad chirp from their mom, and although they as well would never quite forgive what they had chosen, they missed their mom, they missed everything about them, down to the scent, so much so they just left themselves go with the hug, letting go of a shaky chirp in answer.
Fannar: I think I’d like to think about the future too. Arlo: They appear to have made up… It’s my fault, isn’t it? That this tear among them happened?
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izayoichan · 1 year
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Arlo nodded, still heaving. He was still frantic, ready to jump on his feet at any moment, but Hayden did good in calming him down, letting the frantic man lean into him, reassuring him while they waited that things would work out, they would be fine while at the same time wondering just how come Fan was sick. Fan was never sick, it was a bit like Flynn.
In a matter of minutes, Vy and the other two were there. Vy rushing to them, Arlo jumped away from Hayden getting up.
Arlo: Please help him! I tried! I tried! But I can’t make him better! Help him!
Vy stood there with River and Flynn who had both jumped to help, Flynn easily opening a portal to the shrine as Arlo had taught him, taking some pressure off Arlo with the returning home. Emil had promised to stay with Lucas while they went to help. River half wanted to stay home, but after a comment about hovering from both his son and his loved one he had let the side that wanted to check on his other twin won.
Vy: We’ll help him, don’t worry. Flynn: Let’s go, we’ll find out more by going. River: Indeed. Vy: Yes - he nodded as he watched Hayden with Arlo.- Arlo, lets go?
Again, a nod. Flynn stepped forward, finding that connection he had with his twin, a portal opening at his fingertips, right by the shrine close to Fannar and Arlo’s home, Arlo not having time to even comment on it, just as quickly as their body would move they hurried back inside Vy following him closely.
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izayoichan · 1 year
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Hayden walked over to Arlo and placed a hand on his shoulder having followed them when they had walked to the door of the room they were in as if sensing something.
Hayden: Yes, but we can’t change the past, as they too know. All we can do is fight to have the best possible future like you and Fan will have to. It goes both ways Arlo, Fan needs you as much as you need him. 
Arlo looked at Hayden, there was something in his voice that told them they knew all too well what they were talking about, and there was a vague memory of their angel bunny telling them about their dad's illness.
Arlo: I understand… Hayden: Good, want to go back in, or say hi.
He almost thought Arlo would go say hi, but they retreated back into their room, Hayden just making sure they felt fine while Fannar and Vy talked. After the hug ending, Vy and Fan worked together on making sure all the new stuff found a place, then finished making dinner together, which Fannar delivered for his dad and Arlo in Arlo studies, letting them and their mom talk a bit longer. 
Hayden: I guess we should ask Flynn to take us back? Vy: I guess so. Fannar: But you will come back, say hi? Vy: Of course, if you want us too? Fannar: I do.
They noticed that little tone of panic in Fan’s voice when they asked if they would come back, as did Hayden, both realizing River had been very right with his mentioning of Fannar being very lonely in a way.
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izayoichan · 1 year
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He smiled again as Arlo suddenly sat on a chair in front of him, notebook in hand ready to take notes. The two only stopped when Fannar came in to tell them that dinner was ready.
Fannar: Uhm.. What are you two up to? Arlo: You did not mention your uncle is a sage! And he knows potions! River: I think I’ll send my sister over to help him more. Fannar: -chuckles- sounds good, but for now, how about some dinner? You have been in there for two hours. River: Sounds good, right Arlo, we can talk more potions later. Arlo: Ok. -he walked over to Fannar and took his hand.- I like your uncle.
River just chuckled as they came out to the others. Syra discussed something with Flynn, while Chris was helping serve the food. Fannar watched them all, in a way wishing they could keep them all here as he had missed all this. They knew they could not, but perhaps now they could have some visits more often. Seeing Arlo sit with his uncle and chat made them wish that it would be something like that with his mom, but he could not see his mother ever giving Arlo that chance.
It ended up being quite late at night, before they at Chris’s suggestion tested to just open the portal right outside the cottage. Arlo interrupted them, directing them to a small shrine, where he believed it would be much easier. And, much like Nat had mentioned, it did indeed work just as well. 
River: You just call us on the crystal if you want some help okay, I’ll talk to Meadow about stopping by as well with Flynn so that the actual Sage of potions can teach him even more. 
Fannar: We would love that, and should you want to visit, you're always welcome to. Flynn: We will. -they hugged their twin.- Next time I am sure Emil will come too. I can guess he would like to visit some people while here though. Fannar: Anytime.
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izayoichan · 1 year
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Watching them all leave, Arlo looked at Fannar for a bit, they realized their angel bunny missed their family, and they knew River was much like a father to them.
Arlo: I like them. Fannar: I’m glad, now come, how about we make hot chocolate and watch the stars tonight? Arlo: Yes.
After the first visit, Meadow came over to chat with Fannar and Arlo on a regular basis, helping Arlo with his potions. Honestly, the ones that had not been over were Hayden and Vy. Hayden didn’t want to push Vy yet, but the more time passed, the more he hoped that Vy might want to even if their son had sent them home. 
River: You sure? Vy: Yes, unlike you, I am clearly not welcome! He kicked me out! River: He didn't kick you out. He asked you to go home. Vy: It's the same thing! River: Well. You nearly left his heartlight to die. What did you expect? Vy: My stars! Why do you all insist to treat me as if I'm the one at fault here!
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izayoichan · 1 year
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He let the others talk and prepare dinner, walking to the room where he could sense and hear Arlo work, gently knocking on the door before entering.
Arlo: Angel… Oh… River: He is making dinner, he mentioned visitors. Arlo: Oh yes he did. River: I’m River, Flynn’s dad, and Fannar’s uncle.
Arlo looked at him, then smiled, before they went straight back to what they were working on. River looked around the room, it was incredibly cozy and light, with shelves filled with potions and ingredients. Arlo was focused on his work and River watched him, he was incredibly skilled with his technique, River had to admit.
River: So what are you making? Arlo: Oh, I call it a perk up potion, as I can never remember the right name. I want to give them to my angel-bunny so that he doesn’t get so tired at work. River: Why not plentiful needs? It’s easier, you only need an apple and you have some outside. Arlo: Bunny says it’s a hack and actually helped cause my anemia. I’m forbidden to take them so I need to find an alternative. But.. It’s not quite right. River: Ah -he knew the potion, and his eyes quickly looked over what he had.- That would be because you have the wrong root.
Arlo stopped and looked at River with large eyes.
Arlo: You know potions? River: Some, I am a sage, but potions is not my best field, my sister on the other hand. Arlo: Teach me, please? River: Sure.
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izayoichan · 1 year
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He gave Arlo a small smile, there was just too much of himself he saw in the Arlo sitting there watching Fannar with worried eyes, and for the first time he had to admit that perhaps his little star was right. Perhaps River was right..
Vy gave him a once over. He was different now, but Vy could see signs of illness, both of the body and mind. Anemia perhaps, slowly he looked at his son. Fannar was Arlo’s main caretaker and though River and Flynn had told him Arlo was functional, he saw signs of someone who took little care of themselves. They shared a heartlight, and if Arlo was sick, if Arlo was as anemic as he looked, he feared his son would start showing signs of his illness. And nothing drained a heartlight like a mind tormented as he looked.
Days passed like this, with everyone sitting together with Arlo to watch over Fannar, who slowly seemed to be getting better. His fever was down, and his breathing had returned to normal. They had tried to get Arlo to sleep, but he would just sit there, and watch his beloved bunny. After another dinner with no Arlo, Vy came up, holding out food for him with a stern motherly look on his face. 
Vy: You need to eat too. If you don't take proper care of yourself, he'll get sick more often. He loves you. He truly does. I know you hate yourself, but whenever you harm yourself, you're unknowingly harming him. So eat.
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izayoichan · 1 year
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It was only the day after Lucas had brought the news that Hayden suddenly heard frantic knocking on the veranda door. Everyone but him was at work, or well he was working too, but he had the luxury of working from home when he was tired. Wondering if it could be Lucas with some kinda panic attack he walked quickly towards the door, only to stop when he saw the one staring at him with tears in completely panicked eyes breathing as if he had a panic attack.
Hayden: Arlo? They had after all met before, but he had to admit he was very surprised to see the young man here, and in the state they still seemed to slip in and out of ever so often. Opening the door, he wrapped an arm gently around the young man, leading him to sit on the small bench they had there, afraid he would fall apart if he didn’t. Between the deep heaves of air, all he caught was incoherent panicked half words coming from the one sitting next to him, but he did catch the name of his son, and help.
Hayden: Arlo, I need you to breathe with me, okay, we need to slow down your breathing some or you will pass out.
Green panicked eyes met his, a soft smile on Hayden’s face as it reminded him of his twin so many years ago. Nodding at him, he took a deep breath waiting for Arlo to try and join him. Although it took a while, slowly but surely Arlo’s breath started to fall in line with his own, which let him message Vy to come home as soon as he could. He also quickly messaged Flynn as they were the one he knew could help open a portal. After Flynn and Fannar found their twin and being half reapers let them open portals, the trip between the two universes had become easier. Getting an answer instantly from Flynn telling them that he and his dad would join them.
Arlo: Fan, help him, please! Hayden: As soon as my husband comes home, we will go. Flynn and River will come too, okay?
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izayoichan · 1 year
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Vy: Keep what I told you in mind, you two need each other and you need to work together. And if you need us, call on that crystal Fan and Flynn have, we’ll come help. Arlo: I… yes, I will. Thank… Thank you. Vy: Good, and your welcome. If you need us again, just call us on that crystal, for anything at all.
He nodded, and walked back to his husband, letting Flynn and Fannar talk and hug before Flynn opened the portal for them. Fannar walked over to Arlo taking his hand waving to them as they left.
Arlo: I’m sorry. I’ll… I won’t skip meals.
Fannar smiled gently and cupped his face.
Fannar: It’s more than just meals, Arlo. We need to take better care of ourselves. It’s just us. Arlo: No… -and he showed them the crystal- We’re not alone.
Fannar smiled gently and kissed Arlo’s forehead. Arlo gave a small smile as they walked back to the house, looking back to where the portal had been once a strange feeling he wasn’t sure what was hitting them, so they just shook their head and focused back on their angel bunny.
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izayoichan · 1 year
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He understood just how much it must have taken for Arlo to go to Vy for help. Although after River had a small talk with Vy, and their visits, their relationship had become better, but he would never have imagined Arlo would go to him to ask for help.
Vy: You lay down and rest some more, I’ll tell Flynn to bring you some food. Don’t worry, we’ll stay until you're all better. Fannar: Thank you mom.
Vy gently kissed his little star's forehead before he walked down to send Flynn up with food, and to let the twins talk. They ended up staying for three weeks, or well Flynn, Vy and Hayden did. River went home to the clinic and his pregnant dragon, while no one could get Flynn to leave before he was certain his twin was well again, and Vy had talked with his work and they had given him time off to care for his son “abroad”
Fannar: Thanks again mom, for coming. Vy: I will always come, my little star, always.
Fannar just smiled, feeling the embrace by both his parents, Arlo standing to the side a bit watching them. Vy walked over to him, ever so gently putting a hand on his shoulder which caused Arlo to flinch like a frightened child, as if waiting for a blow. 
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izayoichan · 1 year
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Hayden: Then we ask Flynn for a portal tomorrow, how does that sound? Vy: Scary, but good. Hayden: I’ll ask Flynn then.
The day after they stood with Flynn, Vy had packed some bags of things they thought their son might want or need, some of their favorite candy just things that came to their mind really. Fidgeting slightly they watched as the cabin came into sight. 
Flynn: Just have Fannar tell me when to bring you home.  Hayden: Alright, thank you.
It had become clear that it was easier for Flynn to open the portals than Fannar. Chris believed the fact that Flynn was basically a powerhouse of a mage on top of being part god and reaper. Stepping through they waved at their nephew, before walking up to the house, seeing Fannar waiting for them and letting them in. 
Vy: Where is Arlo, did we come on a bad day? Fannar: He's in his workroom. He's not coming to meet you and I don't want him to. I fear what words you have stored for him might do to him. He's been 'away' for a whole week, and I don't want him to be gone for another! Vy: Oh… I…  Hayden: Can I go say hi? You two really need to talk. Fannar: Oh.. sure, I’ll show you in. 
Having shown their father to the room, and seen the two sit and talk for a bit, Arlo became interested in the tech that his father had with him, and knew very well. That helped them just chat so they felt good leaving them to it, then they turned to their mom. 
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izayoichan · 1 year
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Vy put a hand on top of his husbands. He knew that part was still there in Hayden, the one that hated being a burden to someone else. 
Vy: I think he really does love them. Hayden: He does.
Vy took a deep breath, about to say something when he noticed his son opening his eyes, not even seeing them as his first instinct was to check Arlo who was lying there almost motionless. Quickly Vy gently puts a hand on his shoulder and shushes him gently and whispers:
Vy: He's just asleep... Don't worry. How are you feeling, my little star?  Fannar: Mom? Dad? -he keeps his voice low- How… and I think I feel better, but I don’t understand, I don’t get sick? Vy: It’s the heartlight, I’ll explain when you feel a little better okay? Fannar: Okay… but how? Hayden: Arlo came to us, panicked and asked for our help. Flynn opened the portal and here we are. Fannar: Is Flynn here too? Vy: Yes, and your uncle River, we have all taken turns sitting with you and Arlo who has refused to leave your side. Fannar: Oh…
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izayoichan · 1 year
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Vy: Oh my little star. Arlo: Help them, please.
Vy looked over his son. He was pale, sweat beaded on his forehead, and his body trembled from what Vy could identify as a fever. He looked at Arlo who kneed down next to the bed and took Fan’s hand in his, kissing his son’s hand, whispering what Vy could decipher as a “they’re here”. That desperate look on his face reminded him of one he had seen in the mirror when Hayden had his worst days, those days he had feared losing him, where he had prayed and wished and asked whomever might listen to please save his Hay-Hay
Vy: Of course I will help, you can just..
There was a furious shake of the head as the grip on Fannar’s hand tightened slightly. Okay, so Arlo wouldn’t let Fannar’s hand, Vy would have to pry him off himself. So Vy just nodded with a shaky sigh, as he started checking his son. 
Hayden watched the two, while River and Flynn had noticed the place was in a bit of disarray, potions scattered alongside books as they imagined Arlo had searched for a way to help. So they took care of some cleaning and the chickens who also needed a bit of tending as much as both would like to be there, it would be too many people in such a small room. 
Arlo: Will he? Vy: He will be fine Arlo.
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izayoichan · 1 year
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He blinked slightly at the ease the portal seemed to open with, a small smile on Arlo’s face as he saw the familiar site on the other side.
Arlo: Now, focus on closing it, not just the regular closing it, but almost like your melding it shut.
Flynn lifted an eyebrow, but he did what he was told. The drain on his magic was completely different, and much rougher than what he had felt before, Arlo nodding at him as they noticed their look. 
Arlo: Good, now it's closed. If you open it here, closing will be easier, you can will the portal to open here, from anywhere. Flynn: How? Arlo: Focus on this shrine when you open the portal, the veil is thin here, so you will automatically get pulled to this spot. Flynn: Ok, thanks. Arlo just shrugged his shoulder, and headed back to his room, leaving them all standing there to say their goodbyes for now
Vy: We’ll check in soon, my little star. Fan: I’d like that.
They watched their family leave again, and at least for a little while, their loneliness seemed a little less than before. 
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