ballparkscubicle · 3 hours
Nori and the Beast of Darkness
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ballparkscubicle · 16 hours
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Is it a tower ? Is it a tunnel ? Up or down, the path only lead forward, toward enlightenment. 🍀🧬
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ballparkscubicle · 21 hours
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Dreadful polycule
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ballparkscubicle · 1 day
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ballparkscubicle · 1 day
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ballparkscubicle · 1 day
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ballparkscubicle · 2 days
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ballparkscubicle · 2 days
This blog has been telling you not to trust pelicans for over a decade and this is why
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ballparkscubicle · 2 days
Rowan: pointing out the devices he picked for Arlo and Adonis based on their pain tolerance "I think I would have Adonis in the brazen bull! Mainly because its a slow enough death he’d really get to think of what he did up until its too painful to think."
Adonis: not really paying attention "mhm"
Arlo: realizing on boyfriend has issues and the other one is checked out
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CUTE DATE IDEA: go to a medieval torture museum and tell each other which devices you would put each other in
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ballparkscubicle · 2 days
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I had to do this guys
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ballparkscubicle · 2 days
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ballparkscubicle · 2 days
Sleep Talking
Cw: mind control, gaslighting, domestic violence, bath sex
Summary: Adonis doesn't remember much, so he relies on his husband, Rowan, to take the lead, but something isn't right.
Adonis never liked public appearances. They took too long and far too many women flocked to and hung on him, but Rowan hated when he left his side, so here he stood in the middle of a gaggle of girls fawning over him. “Oh Lord Adonis, you're so strong!” One woman cooed as she groped his bicep.
Right, he wasn't a knight anymore. Adonis didn’t really remember how he came to be a noble. Rowan was engaged at the time he took him in when he was just a mercenary. The king didn't really talk about the time before Adonis lost his memory and became a paladin, and he himself obtained godhood. He claimed that it was due to it being too painful to remember after Mila ran away. Adonis didn't find himself believing that, though.
“E-excuse me… Lord- Lord Adonis?” A man with a cloak on had pushed his way to the center of the group of women. Adonis bristled. He didn't sense any ill will, but after years of fighting, he didn't trust men dressed to hide. As a paladin, he could tell when a person was a threat, and this visibly meek man wasn't one, but something about him made him uncomfortable.
“Yes?” Adonis asked, preparing to fight the man if necessary. The man couldn’t contain his excitement. Quickly raising his head and looking directly into his eyes. Adonis knew at that moment he was right to be uncomfortable. Something was wrong. His head swam, and he froze. Why was this man familiar? Why did a name come to the edge of his mind?
“I've been wanting to meet you-” Suddenly, a hand clamped over the familiar man's mouth. A person, obviously a witch, appeared out of seemingly nowhere. Hissing at the man to ‘not be an idiot’ and dragging him away. Although he wasn't human anymore, Adonis liked to act as if he were one, but something in him didn't want that man to be taken from him. Something snapped, and he reached out to grab the man. To rip him from the witch. To clutch him close and never let go.
“Agh!” Adonis felt a splitting pain in his head, stopping him from grabbing the man. He fell to his knees. Something at the back of his mind began to make itself known. It was trying to claw its way out of a cage. It was consuming him. A deep-seated, disturbing feeling filled Adonis’ chest. It was uncomfortable. It was choking him the way smoke would. Then, there was a hand on his shoulder. A soft voice pulled him from his anguish.
“Adonis, listen to my voice. Let it guide you.” Rowan spoke in such a firm, commanding tone that Adonis had no choice but to follow. “Deep breaths.” As instructed, he took deep breaths and calmed himself down. A familiar haze filled his mind. “Good. Let's go home. I'll have those people hunted down.” Adonis didn't want that, but he couldn’t speak against Rowan. No, it was wrong to go against his husband like that. He nodded and let the god pull him to his feet, but darkness tented the edges of his vision. The last thing he saw was Rowan's concerned face.
Adonis woke to silvery threads of hair tickling his nose. His face was buried in Rowan’s hair. This was normal. He often rested his head on his husband’s at night, but it felt wrong now. Carefully, he slipped out of bed after untangling himself from Rowan. The moon was bright. How long was he out? The curtains were never closed because Rowan loved the moonlight. Adonis hated it, though. It sometimes felt like part of him was burned by it. There was something dark in him that didn't want to see the light of day, never mind the light that reminded him of Rowan's very being.
“Adonis?” Rowan's faux groggy voice startled him. He swiveled around to look back at the god and his breath caught in his throat. His husband always looked perfect, but now he looked downright ethereal, his mussed hair giving a halo like effect in the moonlight. “Is everything alright?” Adonis knew Rowan was just asking as a courtesy. The god always knew more than he ever let on. His eyes were bright and alert as he watched his partner closely. Why did he always make him feel like one of those butterflies pinned to a board in Rowan’s study?
“I… yes…? No… I don't know…” Adonis admitted as he looked down. He was dressed in his night clothes, meaning Rowan had stripped and dressed him while unconscious. The god played with him like a doll. “What happened today? Or whenever that day was…” He prayed Rowan would pity him and give him an inkling of an idea. “Please,” He pleaded softly. For what, he didn’t know. He lifted his head when he heard the god get out of bed. Rowan stood there, looking up at him with a neutral smile. Adonis knew he wouldn't be getting what he wanted.
“You had a migraine. It knocked you out for three days.” What? Adonis couldn’t believe it was three days, but he knew Rowan wasn’t going to lie about what day it was. No, but he was lying about what knocked him out. “I apologize if you had preferred being woken up.” Of course, the god could wake someone from a coma.
“No. No…” Adonis sighed and reached up to touch the leather collar around his neck. He didn't really think of doing it most of the time. It had become a reflex for when he needed to ground himself. To try to remind himself of his place. “I… I just… did you see that man?” Rowan tilted his head. Of course, he had seen the man, Adonis knew it, but he had to know if his husband would be cooperative. “Like, like, did you see him. Do you know him?” The god asked why he was asking. “I- I felt like I knew him.” Adonis stated. He watched Rowan carefully. No reaction.
“Ah, that does seem to happen from time to time.” Despair filled Adonis. Rowan wasn’t going to give even an inch. “This has really affected you…” The god sighed, bringing his hand to his chin. “I will see about having those two killed.” Adonis jerked his hand away from the collar and shouted a desperate ‘no’ causing Rowan to raise an eyebrow. “Oh? Is there a problem? They have done nothing but harm to you, and yet you want them alive?” The way his husband spoke, Adonis knew there was more. Red flashed before his eyes. Unrelenting wrath pushed him forward.
Rowan was caught off guard but quickly regained his composure as Adonis pinned him to the floor. The god stared at him with calm, unblinking eyes. This only made whatever was possessing Adonis angrier. He pulled his fist back and punched Rowan with all of his strength. He continued to beat his husband’s face until he was bruised and bloody. The god only grunted at the impacts. Rowan could easily throw Adonis off of him, but he simply laid there. Even the sickening crunch of his nose breaking didn't cause more than a flinch.
“R-Rowan? Shit, shit! Sorry! I'm s-sorry!” Adonis gasped as he snapped out of his wrathful fog. Realized just how badly he had beaten his own husband, he instinctively checked for a pulse. There was one. It was a weak one, but it always was. “I… I don't know what came over me…” Tears stung his eyes. Rowan reached up to caress his face. Adonis watched numbly as the god's face healed. “I'm… shit… what's wrong with me? I'm a fucking animal…”
“It's okay, dear husband.” At those words, Adonis broke down. Everything came surging forward. It swept him away. Threatening to drown him. Tears streamed down his cheeks, falling onto the god’s face. Until Rowan spoke. “Yes you are not well, but I will help you control it.” His voice was soft and understanding. “However, you need to listen to me.” Adonis mumbled a soft ‘yes’ as he stood. “Now, why don't we clean up?” Rowan suggested as he let Adonis pull him to his feet. He turned on his heel to make his way to the bathroom. Leaving Adonis to stand there silently. “Are you coming?” He didn't look over his shoulder.
“Yeah, I'm coming,” Adonis strained as he walked forward. He wasn't right. There was something horribly wrong with him. Yet Rowan took care of him. He loved him. He saw him as a good person. “Rowan…” The god finally looked back at him. “I'm… there's something wrong with me… but you- you still love me. Why?” Adonis wasn't sure if he wanted to know. What if it was out of pity?
“Because, you're the only thing I care about.” Adonis was stunned. It was like a hit to the chest. “I have been stripped of anything that makes me human… at least I should have been.” Rowan looked away from him. “What made me human was my ability to feel sympathy and form connections through love. Be it platonic or romantic, but that has been taken. I don't care what happens to anyone, but you. I cannot care for anything the way I care for you.” Rowan looked forward again and ordered Adonis to come to the bathroom with him.
Rowan lit a few candles and turned on the water. Adonis was fascinated by the castle’s running water. The whole structure harnessed raw mana to heat and cool the water as well as deliver it throughout the castle. He didn't completely understand it, but it was amazing nonetheless. Adonis was surprised when Rowan went to the cabinet that held his special bath oils and pulled out three vials.
“These will help you relax.” Rowan had a sly smile. Though, the god’s smiles usually defaulted to cunning even if he was not scheming. “Lavender, camomile, and vetivert are very good for easing the mind and body.” He poured a bit of each vial into the warm water before gesturing for Adonis to get in. The man hesitated. He didn’t understand why. Maybe he was scared of hurting Rowan again or possibly the god hurting him. It wouldn't be the first time. “Well?” Rowan’s smile went down slightly. He almost looked hurt.
“Uh, yeah, yeah, I'm coming.” Adonis didn't realize how much his body ached until he sunk into the warm water. A loud groan broke from his lips as he closed his eyes. Every inch of his body hurt. He didn’t flinch when Rowan's hands settled on either side of his neck. Gently massaging the tense muscles. Adonis moaned. It felt amazing. He knew Rowan was aroused from how heat began to spread throughout his body. The god’s effect on paladins was truly something else. He asked if it felt good. “Ungh, y-yeah!” Adonis panted.
“Good.” Rowan's voice was like honey. “Let me take care of you, dear husband.” Adonis just nodded. He whined when the god stopped touching him. He watched as Rowan joined him in the bath. “Here,” The god leaned forward and kissed Adonis, placing his hands on the man's knees to support himself. Rowan's lips were so soft against Adonis’ own rough ones. “Such a good boy…” He moaned as he moved his right hand to Adonis’ hardening cock. “You're perfect.” Only Rowan could see him as perfect.
“I think it's the other way around,” Adonis gunted. “I never deserved you. Now, I deserve you even less…” Rowan frowned against his lips. Pulling away to look at him sternly. The god was clearly going to lecture him. “I'm an unpredictable monster… I… I just don't get why you love me ‘s all…” Adonis watched his husband’s face soften.
“Because you're you.” Adonis just blinked at him. Rowan smiled and gently squeezed his cock. “Now let me show you.” He had forgotten the god had been holding his dick with how caught up in his feelings he was. Rowan raised up on his knees before lining Adonis’ cock up with his hole and sinking down on it. “You complete me.” If anything could make Adonis believe that they were built for each other, it was sex. They felt like puzzle pieces. Nothing could make him feel the way Rowan did.
“Fuck… ngh… I love you!” Adonis gasped as Rowan rode him slowly. He reached to grab the god and guide him to move faster. “You're perfect. You're the only one who understands me. You're the only one who- who cares.” He sobbed as Rowan smiled softly and leaned in to kiss him. Adonis wrapped his arms around Rowan's back, pulling him against his chest while continuing to thrust into him. Rowan moaned as Adonis got more desperate in his movements. “Shit! You’re tight,” He hissed as the god clamped down on him each time his cock head battered against that spongy spot inside him.
“H-heh, you're just- just fucking me good,” Rowan stuttered as he tried to form a sentence. Unlike most with a vagina and labia, Rowan didn’t need clitoral stimulation to get off as a god. Adonis had learned that his husband could orgasm from a particularly rough fucking nowadays. He was determined to make Rowan cum first. “Ooh, fuck!” The god moaned as he clawed at Adonis’ sides. It didn't hurt as much under water.
“Close?” Adonis tried to sound playful, but it came out more like a whine. Rowan just nodded, nails still digging into Adonis’ sides. “G-good, ‘cause I am too.” That knowledge seemed to be enough to push the god over the edge. Rowan's back arched as his cunt spasmed around Adonis's cock. Making him cum in turn. For a moment they both lay there. “We should go back to bed,” Adonis mumbled, not liking the lukewarm water.
“Mmhm.” Rowan carefully got out first, then came Adonis. “Come, you're tired,” He said as he dried himself off. Adonis got out of the porcelain tub and grabbed the towel from his husband, using it to dry himself. Rowan grabbed his hand and tugged him back to their large bed. Adonis noticed how the god had purposely gone to his side of the bed instead of his. He didn't want him to see his blood. He gritted his teeth in shame. Suddenly he was shoved onto the bed. “Enough standing around!” Rowan huffed, crawling into bed with him. “Now let's sleep.”
“Yeah.” Adonis mumbled as Rowan crawled onto his chest. The god laid his head over his heart. Something he always did when sleeping on Adonis’ chest. “Goodnight… I love you.” He said, staring at the ceiling. Rowan mumbled a response before telling him to go to sleep. “Okay.” He acted like it was easy to fall asleep, and maybe it was for him, but for Adonis, it was extremely hard. He was always on edge, but sleep came quickly tonight. It came out of nowhere. Like an assassin's blade, Adonis closed his eyes and fell into a dreamless sleep.
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ballparkscubicle · 2 days
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hard at work
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ballparkscubicle · 2 days
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ballparkscubicle · 3 days
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ballparkscubicle · 3 days
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Tag yourself
I'm Adonis cuz I hate eye contact
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ballparkscubicle · 3 days
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together forever :)
what if we were little bugs holding hands encased in amber forever and ever :))))
prints available here :p
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