#and they. weren't anti-semitic. in that. they ~liked that i was jewish. but it was still just Weird
unopenablebox · 8 months
i guess i try not to make ten thousand posts that are literally just about how great my girlfriend is with no additional context or content, because, well, not good posting
but they're so great and every single day i'm excited to see them and talk to them and also today i'm particularly pleased that i managed to find god's Most Normal About Judaism gentile to live with because that is not a guarantee
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jathun · 2 years
... literally how is it this hard to just not buy a game?
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gryficowa · 3 months
The biggest difference in my approach between Russians and Israelis is that both have a different mentality (Because attention, it's not about the fact that Israelis are Jews, seriously, as if it mattered, the only thing that can make it worse is the history where Jews were victims and the Zionists took advantage of this to colonize Palestine), it's just that in the case of a Russian, I usually met LGBT+ people and people who hated what Putin was doing in Ukraine, unfortunately, I wasn't so lucky with Israelis, many of them turned out to be pro-Israel (And of course they had an Israeli flag, because they are such patriots)
But probably because I look at Russians differently, Zionists will accuse me of anti-Semitism (Even though I'm on their pathetic list anyway), it's a pity that they ignore the things I mentioned, many Russians simply don't love Russia like Israelis love Israel, and that's a big difference, and many of them do not listen to their government's propaganda, so these are the key differences that make me more calm when I see Russians than Israelis, because unfortunately, but this difference just makes me look worse at Israelis, and not because they are Jews, but because they are fucking Zionists
Simply assuming it's anti-Semitism when you hate people for being uncritical of their country's crimes is fucked up on many levels
You can support LGBT+ Russians and those disappointed with the crimes of your country in Ukraine, just like you can support Ukraine, because the villain is one person, yes, Putin, he is the culprit, he hurts Russians and Ukrainians, unfortunately, it is not the same with Israelis, many of them they are blinded by Israel and it changes the context, you simply cannot support people who look uncritically at the crimes of their country and constantly justify them, it is simply impossible
I just can't look at Russians and Israelis the same because of all this
Russians are simply more critical when Israelis will still believe in Israeli propaganda and will look at you as inferior because they consider themselves better than you
I want to believe that there are Israelis who support Palestine, but unfortunately they are still victims of propaganda and they believe in many of them, because Israel has been lying for years and it is difficult to break free from many years of brainwashing, unfortunately, there are very few of them and Zionism is simply 3/4 Israel, which makes it not only the government that is the problem, but also the Israelis themselves, which is disturbing on many levels
And unfortunately, even Israelis who fight for Palestine still believe in a lot of propaganda about, for example, Hamas
So yes, the fight for Palestine with maintaining the status quo so that Israel will continue to be a country, which is rather more depressing, unfortunately, many Israelis have been brainwashed from childhood and this is still more than the rest, which does not change the fact that it is still problem with Israelis, because the problem here is not just Israel itself, but also its citizens (Zionism) and you cannot look at them as Russians, whose mentality, as I mentioned, is very different
I'm not saying that all Russians are against Putin, but I'm saying that compared to Israelis, they don't sound like programmed bots who write the same propaganda at every turn
I look at them as people and their actions, so it's sick that you can't be critical of Israelis because suddenly you're anti-Semitic, as if their being Jewish was an explanation for defending genocide, which is a sick way of thinking
I'm simply more willing to support Russians (Yes, I'm for Ukraine, I'm not crazy) than Israelis, not because I'm an "Anti-Semite" (Which is nonsense on many levels), but because they don't behave like bots and don't write propaganda all the time, and they don't have a fucking flag on their profile -_-
I hate Putin because he is a problem, if the Israelis weren't brainwashed like they are, I would be in the same situation, the problem is that everyone knows what it looks like and it's depressing on many levels, but no, it's better to use the "Anti-Semitism" shield instead of getting angry, think about why they don't like you
Yes, I'm talking about this key difference because I have the impression that few people want to notice it and prefer to call everyone anti-Semites rather than wonder why people don't look at Israelis the same way they look at Russians, because how can you support Israelis when many of them support genocide? Or does they deny it? Well, it can't be done
Why have we started using being Jewish as a defensive shield against genocide? This will harm future generations of Jews who will be victims of discrimination, because Zionism will be associated with Jews, and this shit needs to be separated, I don't want Jews to be associated with Zionism and Israel in the future, I just don't want it, I wouldn't wish this even on my worst enemy
But it's probably also anti-Semitic to think about people in the future…
I simply want the memory of the Jews who fought for Palestine to be preserved, and not covered up by the crimes of Israel and Zionism, because history has already erased many people who helped them (Poles, Muslims, there were also Germans, the two and the third were erased much more harder)
I simply do not wish this on the Jews who fought for Palestine, they cannot be erased, because they are heroes and greater ones, because they are hated by those who lie that they care about them, it is simply courage and strength that many people do not have, erasing them would be a crime, so we must take care of the memory of these heroes, so that they would not be erased like Muslims and Germans who fought the Third Reich and saved Jews in the past
I'll just end this post with that
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i-cant-sing · 11 months
Please ignore this, I'm sorry to rent I just really need to get this out of my system after seeing some of the gross messages people have been sending you...
All these idiots defending Israel and calling people who support Palestine anti-semitic need to wake up...
I'm literally 100% Jewish but I'm anti Zionist and people are accusing me of going against my religion. Zionism is a political ideology and it does not define my jewishness. Anyone who thinks otherwise has literally been brainwashed by the Israeli government and it is so shameful for me to currently live in a western country whose government is falling victim to the same type of brainwashing. For anyone who claims to be jewish, christian, or muslim, you cannot claim yourself to be a child of God yet sit back and be silent when Israel is committing genocide against other children of god, in the name of God. There are rules and Commandments at the forefront of all these abrahamic religions and a constant in every single one is to not kill another human. How do you think the so-called God you claim to worship will react if you are participating in the murder of hundreds of thousands of innocent people?
If Israel is claiming that their efforts are focused on getting rid of hamas, why are they attacking the West Bank where there is no hamas? why are they attacking Palestinian Christian churches when Hamas is an Islamic extremist group? Why have they been constantly harassing and attacking Palestinians for over 75 years when form a majority of that time, Hamas did not exist? Sounds like genocide to me
And to add on to that, people who are claiming this is Palestinians fault for voting Hamas in, 1-Israel created Hamas and 2 over 50% of the population wasn't alive when that last election happened and over 70% of the current adult population weren't even of age to vote in that election.
To those saying it's about the hostages, Israel does not care about the hostages because if they did they wouldn't be blindly blowing up Gaza not knowing where these hostages are being held. If they did they would have released the thousands of Palestinian hostages and political prisoners who have no confirmed affiliations with Hamas. Please do not misunderstand my words, obviously there are innocent Israeli civilians who should not have died, but there no way there can be peace if Israel's retaliation comes in the form of purposely targeting civilian homes and murdering thousands of innocent people, a majority of those being literal children.
It's just really blowing my mind that some of my Jewish brothers and sisters who have family who have directly experienced the holocaust, and have lost family during the Holocaust are sitting idly sit by and watching as the same exact thing is happening to another group of people. These are the Jews that are claiming Israel is a holy land given to them by God and that they are indigenous to israel, but if they're saying this they have obviously not read the torah. The Torah explicitly states that they were people in the land of Israel before Abraham led the Israelites there, and they were murdered so that the Jews can have the land. There are certain sects of Judaism is that believe we jews are not entitled to Israel because our Messiah has not arrived and those people have been very openly Pro-palestine.
Netanyahu and his entire cabinet are a bunch of war criminal, power hungry freaks who are using this as an opportunity to seize more power, more money, more support, and more Palestinian lives. As a Jew, it is my responsibility to speak up about this and I will never stop until Palestine is truly free.
Good anon👏
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christophfanalways · 10 months
INTERVIEW from Dec. 2, 2023
Actor Christoph Waltz: “Anti-Semitism is a very deep disease in a society. But it's not a fact that you just have to accept."
In an exclusive interview with “NZZ am Sonntag”, the Austrian talks about opera, anti-Semitism in his childhood and neuroses as a family legacy.
Christoph Waltz, do you find films boring?
Christoph Waltz: How did you come up with the idea?
Because you started directing operas after over 120 films and two Oscars.
But not out of boredom! I have always found opera, a story embedded in music, to be extremely interesting. Of course I could pursue this medium at home on the couch with a textbook. But I'm always interested in the activity, the doing. That's why I'm not yet an opera director. There are plenty of great ones out there.
So why do you stage operas?
You always talk about intention and approach, but you also have to be given the chance to implement it. And Aviel Cahn, the director of the Grand Théâtre de Genève, was looking for someone who could tell a compelling story. He didn't ask me because he expected an incredibly innovative concept that would revolutionize opera.
In a conversation with Daniel Barenboim you described yourself as a “conservative fart”. Is this a good starting point for staging an opera in 2023?
I said that because I am following with some interest how a new convention has become established in the cultural world. Look, the iconoclasm has long since been done. All texts are deconstructed. In principle, almost all theoretical approaches have been exhausted. What are you doing now?
Tell us.
Anyone who claims to be iconoclastic or unconventional is simply conforming to this new convention. And as a viewer I'm disappointed because I already suspected that.
That doesn't sound conservative. By conservative I would imagine that you keep something as it is.
May I be very rude: That's just how you imagine it. Words are filled with meanings and we are attached to them.
How do you imagine it?
For me, a work does not have to be new in its form. It's about the viewer. The work is intended to enable him to find a small gap in his beautifully crafted imagination and to let a little light shine through there. I prefer to sit back and be served in the “Kronenhalle”, it costs just as much and takes just as long.
Christoph Waltz
The most elegant of all villains
Born in Vienna in 1956, Waltz grew up in a family of theater makers and psychoanalysts; he has the same stepfather as the director Michael Haneke. Waltz studied singing and acting. He won an Oscar each for “Inglourious Basterds” and “Django Unchained” by Quentin Tarantino. Since then he has been known as a cool, elegant villain.
Richard Strauss' “Rosenkavalier” moves in a time-schizophrenia. A past is imagined, but with waltz sounds that didn't exist back then, and it's about topics that are relevant today, such as #MeToo. What are you after?
I don't have to follow what's already in the story, it's there. And I wouldn't like to claim that I'm so much smarter than Hugo von Hofmannsthal or Richard Strauss that I have to help things along. Although when it comes to Hofmannsthal, I'm not what you would call a fan. The year in which “Rosenkavalier” was performed was the year in which Schönberg’s “Pierrot Lunaire” was written. Hofmannsthal indulged in Kakanien for a bit.
Christoph Waltz rehearsing “Rosenkavalier” at the Grand Théâtre de Genève.
Dougados Magali
In the k.-u.-k. During the monarchy, Vienna's cultural identity was very Jewish. It was the time of Sigmund Freud, Karl Kraus, Oskar Kokoschka, Joseph Roth. Did this mean there was less anti-Semitism in Vienna?
I'm not sure about this. I experienced anti-Semitic things myself as a school child in Vienna. But they weren't problematized in the 1960s. I had a teacher who told my best friend in geography class to stop making stupid Jewish jokes. Nobody was outraged back then. The teacher was just an old Nazi and an idiot, we knew that. My boyfriend didn't mind at all either. I was more itchy than him.
Because your own father's mother was Jewish?
No. Nobody has tied their identity to humiliation. It wasn't scratched.
How is identity determined? At the family? Your grandfather, Rudolf Urbantschitsch, was a psychoanalyst, your grandmother an actress.
A psyche, especially a child's psyche, is occupied with concepts that this brain did not produce on its own. This is inevitable. This is how we shape our personality and our identity. But this is different than one that is consciously and intentionally accepted due to external circumstances.
You need to explain this in a little more detail.
I mean, this identity politics today isn't really about identity. It is identity. I haven't thought this through carefully, but I'll say it anyway: it's more about an agenda than an identity.
Since the outbreak of the Middle East conflict on October 7th, the German cultural scene has been forced to position itself.
This compulsion is akin to the formation of a new convention that we spoke about earlier. Nobody asks exactly, and nobody is interested in the facts. But everyone wants to represent something. Because they don't know exactly what, they just represent themselves. And since they don't have much to do with it, it's made all the more loud and extreme. This is a tragic development that can definitely be attributed to the decline in educational standards.
That's why you're worried about the state of our culture?
The viewer's judgment is hindered. We can only make progress through the judgment of the observer.
Her grandfather coined the phrase: “Neurosis is the emblem of culture.” Was he right?
I think this is a “sound bite” that was already used for marketing back then. This opinion puts me at odds with my siblings, who view the matter with more reverence. My grandfather sometimes formulated something cryptically, not least because he wanted to cover up his less-than-scientific approach.
Why do you view him critically?
That was his conflict with Freud. That Freud said he wasn't scientific. They were together in the Vienna Psychoanalytic Association. My grandfather was, in a sense, a student of Freud. But who wasn't in psychoanalysis at that time?
Was it and was it considered good manners in Vienna to be somewhat neurotic?
Can I say: There are more psychotherapists and psychoanalysts in Zurich than in Vienna. And significantly more.
But any amateur Freudian would be delighted with you because you first married a psychoanalyst and then a costume designer - which was your mother's job.
Yes. Of course all of this influenced me. That would have been the case if my grandfather had been a locksmith and my mother had been a physicist. Everything that has happened to you shapes you. So we all need to be a little more careful about what we do with it.
What do you mean?
Because we are not simply the victims of our conditioning. If we are interested in a particular matter, we must handle the matter responsibly. You have options for action. This also applies to anti-Semitism. Anti-Semitism is a very deep disease in a society. But that doesn't mean it's a fact that you just have to accept. Even if you are an anti-Semite yourself. You could also leave it be. This is available to you.
Don't you overestimate us humans?
The question would be: How can I, on my own initiative, decide that it would be much more beneficial not only for myself, but for the general public to let it go?
And how is that supposed to succeed?
No idea. It is the task of those who have already recognized this to show others these possibilities. And not as a moral obligation, but as a practical possibility. This is how cognitive behavioral therapy works. You don't say: You're bad. Because that is – speaking of childhood – the best way to create opposition and neuroses.
Art has to play a role here. The mass medium of film in particular has a very significant impact on young people. But when the threshold of shame falls and the level of education falls, what can art do?
I'm afraid art can't change much. And I fear something even worse: that's not what art is intended for.
Art is a way into a dimension that we cannot reach any other way.
But something could happen to me there that reminds me: Be the individual you believe you are. And act accordingly instead of what a group tells you to do.
Of course, you are right. Art can open up a perspective on problematic topics. But she cannot agitate, i.e. reverse the dynamic and intervene didactically.
She could, but she shouldn't.
It can create nothing but vehement opposition if someone throws this thing in my face. Art can only invite me, as a viewer or listener, into this dimension, and I must also be able to venture into it. The change is up to the viewer. But the artist cannot force this on me.
As an actor, you have to trust that the finished film will open doors like that. It is, so to speak, beyond your responsibility how your role affects the audience.
But it is my responsibility to give you a response. Your own and not something I would ask of you. It is a great responsibility not to stand in front of the role and the story and say that you think I, Christoph, are great. But to make room – ultimately for you. But this is one thing that is currently not being taken care of.
So, is your defining characteristic as an actor and director is humility?
I almost said arrogance. But that's not it either. But it is by no means modest.
What then?
It's a completely different consideration: how I open the content. And how I invite you into the content.
You actually want to be repelled by the Bond villain Blofeld, who you played, but you can't. That's one such reaction.
Wondering why you can't manage to dislike the villain? I can't get any higher praise. Because you're asking yourself that, but not me.
They wouldn't even be able to answer it.
No, I don't know what brings you to this.
Why do you like playing these elegant, chilly villains so much?
I don't live out evil. If I played a murderer and wanted to live that out, I would have to go kill someone now. As an actor, I synchronize myself with a story, like you do when you read a novel, for example.
Christoph Waltz as a 20-year-old in the children's show “Amdamdes”
You studied singing, you can play the cello, piano, saxophone and guitar and you almost became a musician. Is the emotional, romantic opera your balance to your villain roles?
Already. But maybe not for the reasons you mentioned.
Then why?
Because of the music. What is inside her alone. It gives what is being told an additional dimension. Although in the case of “Rosenkavaliers” Strauss may not be at the top of his craft in terms of craftsmanship. The fans had condemned him for this work after his “Elektra”. It's too banal. Not that I have a bad conscience - but I ask myself: Can I really allow myself to talk about Strauss like that?
Why not? As a director, Strauss is your work material.
No, not material, but leadership.
This is too humble an attitude.
Well, I'll allow that, please. Thanks. I'll take advantage of that. This may pose a risk if I don't question the source. But I believe that just as I hinder your viewing when I stand in front of a role as an actor, I hinder your reception when I stand in front of a work as a director.
Are you against interpretation?
If I wanted to put a context on this that I claim I am the only one to recognize, and compel you to share that view, it would be for me as an old practitioner developing a worldview as if the horse was being bridled from the tail.
The music also provides a reading.
There are directors like Michael Haneke who reject music in their films because they say it is a rule for the viewer, a misdirection into emotionality. A film without music is still a film. If you take the music away from the opera, it's no longer opera.
In “Rosenkavalier” Baron Ochs is a terrible philanderer, but he sings very sweetly and naively.
Assuming that you are in a relationship, if you could sometimes smack your partner against the wall, would that mean you love them less at that moment? Definitely not. Conversely, it could be that you can't stand him right now, but in moments you are carried away by a reaction, a behavior. No person who wants to claim to be human consists of only one characteristic.
And you also find that in “Rosenkavalier”?
“Rosenkavalier” is such an incredibly psychologically nuanced piece that the whole Mozartkugel packaging in which we are always fobbed at it doesn’t come close to capturing the dimension of its humanity.
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safije · 9 months
what did you mean when you said, world war I and II were a zionist plot?
I'd like to start off by saying, that I am not a Holocaust denier and my condolonces go to all the people who suffered through that tragedy. This is not an accusation towards ordinary Jewish people, but to Zionist elites from wealthy families such as the Rothschilds.
Who are the Rothschilds?
Rothschild are an Ashkenazi family who got their wealth from banking since the times of the Holy Roman Empire (mid to late 1700s) and have spread throughout different Western European countries, influencing politics and funding wars. Fun fact: Paris Hilton's sister Nicky married a Rothschild, only mentioning this so you see how they are still very much relevant in the modern world of old money elites.
One famous example of a Rothschild funded war is the Napoleonic Wars (1803 -1815), which some could say was one of their first attempts at conquering Palestine.
Most people in the west learned about World War One through the Western/European front but not as much about what happened in the Middle East. Britain allied with Arab rebels against the Ottoman Empire. The Arabs were promised their own independent nation states, but in actuality they ended up handing over much of the land to the British and French. This is why there was "The British Mandate of Palestine", and guess who Britain was working for? Rothschild.
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World War Two saw a rise in anti-semitism which made the idea of Zionism more appealing to Jews in Europe. Naturally they wanted some place they could go where they weren't being persecuted, many went to Palestine as refugees. There are two books about Zionist collaboration with the Nazis, one of them written by a Jewish man. Also one of the rabbis of Neturei Karta said in a speech that the occurrence of the Nazi Holocaust was irrefutable and spoke about the murder of his own grandparents at Auschwitz, but claimed that Zionists had "collaborated with the Nazis" and "thwarted...efforts to save...Jews" and expressed solidarity with the Iranian position of anti-Zionism.
We all know now the wars ended in their favour with the creation of Israel in 1948.
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honesty-my-policy · 11 months
“if someone came into my country without warning and slaughtered innocent people, took some hostage and left, would you expect me and my people to not retaliate? I damn well would retaliate.” you just described what Hamas is doing. Israel is an OCCUPATIONAL FORCE. You described the Nakba
Israel is OLDER than Palestine. You can't displace people who weren't there ORIGINALLY. The only reason it was PARTITIONED was because of the BRITISH/UN. In the late 19th century there was a rise of Zionism, a movement advocating for the establishment of the Jewish homeland, where Jewish people began purchasing (legally) land in Palestine.
Sources: 1, 2, 3
After WWI, under British Mandate by the League of Nations, Jewish immigration to the region increased considerably, causing tensions between Jews and the Arab majority population.
The UN approved 1947 partition plan is what triggered a civil war between Israel and Palestine. However! The Jewish Agency for Palestine RELUCTANTLY accepted the partition plan. It was the ARAB higher committee, the ARAB League and other ARAB leaders and governments who REJECTED it.
Abdul Rahman Hassan Azzam, first secretary-general of the Arab League from the 22nd of March 1945 to September of 1952 said - "Personally I hope the Jews do not force us into this war because it will be a war of elimination and it will be a dangerous massacre which history will record similarly to the Mongol massacre or the wars of the Crusades."
Sources: 1
"We will sweep them [the Jews] into the sea." Syrian president Shukri al-Quwatli told his people: "We shall eradicate Zionism."
Source: 1
Mohammed Amin al-Husseini a Palestinian Arab and Muslim leader said that the Arabs did not intend merely to prevent partition but "would continue fighting until the Zionists were annihilated."
Sources: 1, 2
The civil war was ONCE AGAIN STARTED by ARABS, on November 30th, 1947. When a bus on it's way to Jerusalem from Netanya was attacked by Arab militants, followed by another attack on a different bus. Killing 7 Jews.
Sources: 1, 2
Again, all of you have somehow forgotten that Israel was there FIRST. You've also forgotten how many expulsions and exoduses of Jews there've been. In fact in human history there are been over 1000.
Sources: 1, 2, 3 (from 2013 so dated)
Islam has always been anti-Semitic, you just refuse to acknowledge it. I'm not claiming every Muslim is anti-Semitic but those who haven't experienced a culture outside of their own? There is a HIGH chance that yes. They are. The ORIGINAL HAMAS charter from 1988 was very clear on their intentions. They may have watered it down in 2017 but that was just to save face and get people like you to be on their side. Sadly, it's working!
'Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it.'
'[Peace] initiatives, and so-called peaceful solutions and international conferences are in contradiction to the principles of the Islamic Resistance Movement... Those conferences are no more than a means to appoint the infidels as arbitrators in the lands of Islam... There is no solution for the Palestinian problem except by Jihad. Initiatives, proposals and international conferences are but a waste of time, an exercise in futility.' (Article 13)
Sources: 1, 2
Lastly, if HAMAS cared at all about their people and what they are claiming is a 'genocide' in Gaza. Why haven't they been vocal about the other Muslims being massacred around the world? Haven't heard of them? Yeah, cause it's not been mainstream media.
Sources: 1, 2,
HAMAS wants the public hearts to bleed for them, while using their own people as human shields. They don't care about evacuating their own people for safety. They glorify dying as human shields as a righteous death so that they'll stay. It's good publicity. It makes others turn against Israel.
It's called a RED HERRING or an APPEAL TO YOUR EMOTION. Yes, we should feel emotions and that's okay. Do I think it's okay for civilians to die in the middle of war? No. I wish there wasn't a war happening at all. Personally? I think both sides not just TALKING ABOUT SHIT is STUPID. But for some reason PEOPLE STARTED KILLING EACH OTHER.
People get emotional about shit. They start fighting. They don't TALK. They can't be REASONABLE. WAR HAPPENS. Then again, I think HAMAS wants to kill Jews.
So yeah. The entire situation is absolute dog shit. But HAMAS fucked around and found out. It's sad to me that y'all are so easily turned against Israel and the Jews by social media and a distortion of history.
Do more research.
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akajustmerry · 11 months
asked someone why they weren't posting about israel and palestine and they said "solace" while only posting about antisemitism without mentioning israel. never mind the fact that literal other jewish people are literally calling out people with zionist sympathies or people who say "i palestine but-" and that redefining antisemitism is a state-backed tool to justify colonial subjugation. ANTI-ZIONISM IS NOT ANTISEMITISM. IT IS ANTI-COLONIALISM.
Couldn't have said it better myself. I honestly think anyone who is exclusively concerned about anti-semitism at this point is practically a narcissistic dog whistle for supporting "Israel's" settler colonial genocide. People acting like anti-semitism is the only issue are not only erasing the 100s of 1000s of Jewish people taking to the streets in support of Palestine, as well as Palestinian Jews. But they're totally erasing how "Israel's" western power backed war crimes against Palestinians is already resulting in increased racism and Islamophobia against SWANA people and other Brown folks.
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itsvioletevergarden29 · 5 months
A Message to My School
To Willamette University,
I know the chances of you seeing this are slim to none, but I feel a responsibility to send some type of message about my distaste for how you've been handling the recent genocide in Palestine. If by some chance, anyone with any power within our school does see this, I implore you to read this and take what I am saying into heart. For starters, when this genocide first began, you said you weren't going to speak up because you didn't want to take sides. But there is absolutely a side we should be taking and that side is Palestine's. And now I am learning that our tuition funds are possibly funding this genocide. Speaking out against a genocide is not anti-semitism. Protesting injustice and cruelty is not anti-semitism. Donating to Palestine and not funding a genocide is not anti-semitism. I guarantee you that the vast majority of Jewish students here have had enough with the silence too. Us students have been doing everything: donating, putting up flyers, signing petitions, holding seminars, and setting up future protests for the people in charge at this school to stop with the silence and not use our tuition money to fund a genocide. Stop with the silence and complicity and stand with Palestine like the rest of us are.
Free Palestine.
A Jewish Willamette Student.
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annoyingfobbie · 1 year
so sorry to bother you about this but i rlly just Dont run in frank circles anymore so i havent seen anything about this. do you have screenshots of the anti semitism?
he responded to an instagram comment with this:
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which generally people weren't freaking out about, but they DID call him out and say, like, 'hey that conspiracy comes from a deeply antisemtic place and tends to be used as a dogwhistle in that sense'. it was his response to people telling him about that that at least the jewish people that I know have been saying is the most dissapointing and hurtful part.
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he tweeted this stuff in response to very reasonable comments trying to educate him or being worried about him using a dogwhistle like this. with the rising antisemitism in america, him telling people to fuck off and that they're crazy for trying to teach him something is really bad. a big part of why antisemitism is as prevalent as it is is through dogwhistles and conspiracy theories like this, that if you don't know anything about them might not seem like a big deal at first, but if you take like two seconds to listen to Jewish people or do some research from Jewish sources, you'll see how deep comments like that really go.
anyways this guys been on thin ass ice with me for a WHILE so this absolutely lost the last tiny bit of respect i may have had for him lol
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jewishbarbies · 11 months
Ok so I finally took the time out to know about the complete history of Palestine - Israel.
Apparantly, UN sucks and Israel isn't EVIL. Israel was attack the very next day after its formation, by Palestine with help of 4 countries, they won and got some area under them yada yada, but years later, They let Palestinians have their area back!!??!?!?!!
I don't think Palestine is all a victim country, like, at all. Their citizens might be. But they weren't letting Jews live peacefully there anyway.
Hamas is a terrorist organisation so why are people sympathizing with them? Why are they saying, Hamas HAD to attack to protect their country, no the fuck they did not. Nobody was harming their country (re : Israel gave conquered Palestine back)
My conclusion is, yes civilian death is wrong but it's happening on both sides, and not only one nation is bombarding missiles, plus, Palestine is recieving tons and tons of money everyday?????
The extreme left on Tumblr or the world, now apparantly, won't sit 2 minutes to Listen. The only Jewish country in the world isn't fucking all evil, they supply money and stuff for civilians and WARN before attack (the attacks are on Terrorist Bases) ugh.
Either there's an anti-semitism so deep they aren't able to see anything or maybe all the history UNBIASED books and videos are just a lie.
Also, Al Jazeera is not an unbiased news source, it's a fucking government propoganda news site — In the past, they have made such vicious commentary on "khafirs" aka people who don't follow Islam, idk why al Jazeera is the go to site for leftist Tumblr ??
Please tell me I'm not insane
i'm not well versed on the timeline, but i know that any money or aid of any kind that goes to the palestinians gets taken by hamas and stockpiled so that citizens continue to suffer. that's why people have to be careful with what orgs they donate to, because hamas has control of most of them at this point. hamas does not care about palestine OR palestinians ever in their history. their mission statement is to eradicate jews, and they've shown time and time again that they're willing to sacrifice as many palestinians as possible to do so. they targeted Israeli muslims during the Oct 7 attack and did unspeakable things to them. hamas has attacked during every single ceasefire to date. if we could get rid of hamas somehow or at the very least find a way to get aid to palestinians, this would be so much better for everyone. but palestinians don't have food or water or supplies because once it comes in, it's taken by hamas and stockpiled. i've been hearing about hamas using ambulances as taxi's now but i don't have sources for that just yet, though it wouldn't surprise me. that's the whole point. they want jews gone - what better way to do it than to get as many civilians killed as possible so that the rest of the world wants them gone, too?
the israeli government has made incredibly questionable and downright horrible decisions regarding the conflict throughout the years and they are not blameless at all, in the sense that imo they don't wait long enough and they don't target less populated areas. there was something about a refugee camp being bombed because they had intel a hamas operative was there, and killing one operative is not enough to warrant bombing the whole camp, if that is in fact what happened (i need to read more about it, i've been out all day). on top of this, the palestinian authority might as well just come out as hamas allies at this point. so, really, palestinian citizens are fucked all the way around.
at the end of the day, the citizens of both populations NEED to work together and refuse to let not just hamas but also the israeli government tell us we can't. because we absolutely can and should if we want to save as many lives as possible. it's not palestinians vs jews or israelis. it's hamas vs the world. the longer we let the american political system dictate who we can support and what decisions we can make regarding this issue, the longer it'll go on and the worse it's going to get for everyone involved.
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carusocarousel · 4 months
I really need to get this out of my system.
For the last eight months since October 7th happened, a lot of known transmasc/trasandrophobia blogs have been getting called out for their, at "best" apathy and at worst, pro-zionist stances. This isn't the only reason they've been in the spotlight, a lot of them have a long history of racism, transmisogyny, ableism, etc. But I'm only gonna focus on this specific topic.
A lot of posts tend to focus on one user at a time and some seem to imply it is just this specific user who holds problematic ideals. To that I say: no. It's not just one specific user. It's not just one rotten apple, it's the whole bunch.
This isn't hyperbole. Check any of their blogs and look for any Israel-Palestine posts and you'll notice a very similar pattern: lack of posts about Palestine; lukewarm takes; lots of post about anti-semitism; painting israelis as "good settlers"; equating anti-zionism to anti-semitism; always comparing the Israeli government actions' to those of Hamas; implying palestinians are all brainwashed by Hamas; bringing other on-going genocides (like Sudan or the DRC) out of spite; questioning others' Jewish identity for being pro-palestinian and many, many more.
Why do I know this? Because I used to follow most of these guy and saw their inaction and backhanded reblogs when the genocide "started" (it's been ongoing for 76 years, but just talking about October 7th specifically). It was like a slap on the face. Weren't this the same people who urged transmascs and non-transmascs alike to support and form solidarity with indigenous and POC causes? Weren't they the ones who criticized the lack of intersectionality in LGBTQ+ spaces and swore that our fight wouldn't be exclusionary? Weren't they the ones who motivated our voices to be heard?
Then, what happened? Isn't palestinian liberation part of our fight, something we should talk about loud and clear? Are the comfort of your friends more important than the lives of palestinians?
I do not want to imply that I expect perfection, that I expect them to be ideal role models or ideal activists. But I don't think I am putting a high bar when I question their positions on Palestinian liberation, self-determination, autonomy and humanity. We as a community should be able to get a clear answer, but we've received nothing but hostility. These people uphold each other closely; even if they aren't friends, they share the same space when they talk about transmasc issues. Some of them have said absolutely horrendous shit, and none of their acquaintances said anything in favor or against it.
You aren't responsible for what your friend/acquaintance says or does, but it's questionable when y'all have been shown to have similar attitudes towards this cause. It's very telling.
So what am I getting with all of this?
When I say the whole bunch is spoiled, I say it so that y'all be more critical to their words and actions (or lack there of). You can't just go back as if anything never happened and gleefully reblog everything from them, simply because you agree on some topics. Remember, their politics are intersectional but their attitudes are showing the opposite; you can't fully divorce their zionist beliefs from their transmasc theory, because it needs the exclusion of palestinian men, palestinian queers and palestinian transmascs (and arab people as a whole) for it to exist.
When we keep sharing everything their posts, we're giving weight to their words. We should question who do we uphold and how their opinions on certain topics affect how we value each other as a community and how others outside of it perceive us. What is it in their words that make it more "worthy" than others?
I feel the transmasc community on Tumblr has been needing of more critical and/or fresh voices within our community for a while, with new perspectives and ambitions to bring to the table if we really want to consolidate as a strong movement. I've been seeing many who have felt the same amount of frustration and disappointment; some have left the community. I hope we can learn and change for the better. I urge y'all to fight for a free Palestine.
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aviad1b · 4 months
כותרת לבלוג
Who am I?
Random internet person.
I am ethnically Jewish and religiously secular.
Natively Hebrew.
Israeli with semi-Mizrahi background.
Devout fan of the Hebrew language.
Big fun of the Hebrew calendar.
A Hebrew person through and through.
Anti-kahanist, I oppose extrimism in all forms.
Zionist as in I believe in Jewish right for self-determination (which is quite literally the definition of Zionism)
Pronouns: Any. Are these my pronouns IRL? who knows. I'm just a random person on the internet, and gender isn't real. Go wild.
What is this blog?
A mess
That's it.
Why is your blog mostly in English?
Currently, because I've been interacting with Jumblr and I like the fact that diaspora Jews can interact and relate to what I post, and cise versa. I will still ramble about Hebrew whenever you give me the chance tho.
In case you somehow know this blog from its initial phase
Yes, I am the one who screamed like an idiot and got banned from the Area Unknown community. I will not try to justify my actions because they weren't justified and came out of trauma. Also, a major part of that fandom has fallen deep into anti-semitism, and I simply do not want to have to deal with that anymore. It turned out to be pointless.
(If you don't know what I'm talking about here, please do not look for it. I do not know where that community stands today, and either way, I do not want any people involved getting harrassed.)
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only-mildly-evil · 8 months
you know the effort being made to keep antisemitism out of irl pro-palestine activist spaces is really so beautiful and i wish people who call anyone antisemitic for being anti-zionist could see it. i remember when our local indie theatre did a screening of the movie israelism which is a movie by jewish people that's really made for jewish people (absolutely great movie btw you can watch it for free here: https://kinema.com/events/israelism-worldwide-rental-tdqdt3) and there were people protesting outside the theatre, at the entrance of which our local chapter of independent jewish voices was handing out pamphlets to the people going in, and so a group of counter-protestors. mostly members of the local graduate students' union, who probably weren't even going to see the movie themselves, formed a ring around the entrance to protect the people handing out pamphlets. they didn't start fights or anything like that (there might've been an altercation further down the line, i heard shouting and i can't confirm who started that, but i'm pretty sure it was between a protestor and someone going to see the movie, not a counter-protestor), they just stood there. and you know i really thought, these are people who would hide us in their cellars and toolsheds. these are people who are willing to protect jews, and yeah, in this case unfortunately it's mostly from other jews and i hate that our community is like that, but i really think the people who claim palestinian activists only care about the welfare of jewish people if they're anti-zionist have never met a palestinian activist irl. i have seen palestinians patiently explain to people who identify as zionists how zionism hurts them, sometimes even palestinians who aren't professional activists or movement leaders at all. a lot of prominent anti-zionist jewish people i've met irl or heard of online have said "i used to be zionist but then i met palestinians and people who cared about the palestinian cause and they explained to me how it was a harmful ideology". at this same screening, there was a questions panel with several ijv organizers and the producers of the film and one palestinian activist said she drew inspiration from her anti-zionist jewish comrades, to which one of the organizers replied that they drew inspiration from palestinian activists. i'm spending a lot of time worried about being ostracized from a community that i only just got involved in because of my activism, but i'm a lot less worried knowing that within and outside of that community there are people who are so much more accommodating and forgiving than anyone who tries to work against them could ever imagine. yes there are people who use the movement as a cover for their own anti-semitism and yes there are people, mostly online, who will sometimes parrot antisemitic rhetoric, but the vast majority of anti-zionist and pro-palestinian activist spaces don't just support but also actively try to protect the jewish people in the movement. i firmly believe that when there is a free palestine from the river to the sea there will be many people working to ensure that all jewish people who want to live there can do so safely and with equal rights.
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dreamlandiasims · 7 months
Hi, after your last post I wanted to let you know some of the new aspects of your story reminded me of a few antisemitic tropes and wanted to let you know in case you weren't aware. Here are excerpts from wikipedia's articles on antisemitic tropes and blood libel:
"Reptilian conspiracies, prominent in ufology theories, have also been linked to anti-semitism,[59][116] as "a very old trope with disturbing links to anti-immigrant and antisemitic hostilities dating to the 19th century."[117] Conspiracy author David Icke suggests numerous Jewish political figures are reptilian shapeshifters and "the Jewish Rothschild family is part of a bloodline of reptilian humanoids that secretly control the world".[118] Critics contend these theories to be antisemitic, although he denies animosity towards Jewish people.[117] Other far-right ufologists speculate that the Jewish race originated from genetic engineering by malevolent extraterrestrials engaged in interstellar conflict with Anunnaki or Pleiadians.[119]"
"Blood libel or ritual murder libel (also blood accusation)[1][2] is an antisemitic canard[3][4][5] which falsely accuses Jews of murdering Christians in order to use their blood in the performance of religious rituals."
There's no ill intent behind this ask I only want to bring this to your attention. Phrases like "the elites", secret groups pulling strings behind the scenes and controlling the economy, experimenting/killing innocents to acquire eternal youth are all parts widespread antisemitic tropes/conspiracy theories and I hope you understand my concern seeing them in your story.
Hi! Thank you so much for sending me this, genuinely. I definitely am aware of those tropes and how harmful they are, but I seriously didn’t realize I was playing into them with my own story.
For a little context, this was my perspective on those plot decisions:
Partly, I wanted to play into the idea that corporations control society and often one parent company will own a lot of smaller companies across industries. With Nancy Landgraab’s character specifically, I see her as representative of the extremes of capitalist rhetoric - aging is vilified, you must constantly be bettering yourself/optimizing yourself, etc. I acknowledge now that phrasing like “eternal youth” doesn’t necessarily have the connotation that I’ve intended.
Another big focus of my story is integrating my original characters with the premade characters of the Sims universe - linking all these characters from different Sims worlds was my way of establishing a connection that will allow me to pull in new characters later in the story, hence the “secret society” that spans across the whole world.
HOWEVER all of that being said, my intentions are only as good as the way they’re being received. I can totally understand the connections you made to all of the tropes you referenced, and I’m now thinking through ways that I can adjust my story to be framed differently. If the original Anon or anyone reading this who feels similarly has thoughts or ideas that they’d like to share, please send them my way! There’s also definitely the possibility that the plot I’ve thought out is too reliant on these harmful tropes, and it may be worth evaluating whether I should be telling this story at all.
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forseriousmattersonly · 10 months
I just heard about the congressional hearing of the ivy league university presidents on their anti-semitism policies. What drives me crazy is that not a single article clarifies what the committee considers "calling for genocide." I can't help but feel that is likely due to the fact that they consider calls for the liberation of Palestine as calling for the genocide of the Jewish population.
The presidents area facing backlash for their responses, but if my assumption is correct, they were backed into a corner. They weren't going to say that calling for the liberation of Palestine is considered harassment because I have zero doubts doing so would result in protests on their campuses.
If someone who has actually sat through the entire hearing knows what the committee considered a call for genocide, I would be very interested. I don't have the time to listen to 5-6 hours of it, but figured someone online probably has. Or, if anyone has a transcript of the hearing, that would be fantastic too.
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