#and then around 6-7 is when rush hour really starts
bloomingbluebell · 4 months
sometimes i actively miss working
i don't miss the 12 hour days, but i miss the routine of it
i don't miss waking up at 4:30 in the morning, but i miss sitting at the train station, eating my breakfast sandwich and waiting for my bus while it was still dark out.
i don't miss standing for hours on end, but i miss some of the tasks
i don't miss serving customers, but i miss preparing food
sometimes i miss working, despite how horrible it was
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antiquarianfics · 10 months
A Slip of the Tongue
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a/n: how would y’all like an un-proofread one shot i wrote? ‘twas inspired by someone else’s story with a similar concept, but i lost it. :( anyhoo. i made you some content.
warnings: brief mention of death, otherwise none.
“Me and Nina played on the swings today!” Your daughter, Ellie, tells you as you strap her into her car seat.
“Yeah? That so?” You ask. This is one of your favorite parts of your day; that is, listening to Ellie tell you about her day at school.
“Yeah! Nina is new. Her daddy got a new job and had to move them here. She speaks 2 languages!”
“Wow! That’s really cool, baby. What other language does she speak?”
“I think she said… Um. Something that started with an R.” Ellie scrunches her face up in consideration.
“Russian?” You ask, finishing buckling her in. You close the door and move around the car, getting in yourself.
“Yeah, I think,” Ellie replies.
“Did you know Bucky speaks Russian?” You ask her, sharing the tidbit about your boyfriend with your daughter.
Ellie loves Bucky, and he her. When Ellie’s father passed away, you truly never thought you would move on, and it killed you Ellie would grow up without a father. Then, you met Bucky, and he was wonderful. It was a complete meet-cute. You ran into him—literally—in a coffee shop 5 minutes away from Ellie’s school. You were in a rush, trying to get your coffee, your belongings, and your bearings to go pick up Ellie, and in your frantic fumbling, you crashed into a stranger who, rather than getting upset by being hit and drenched in a late, simply steadied you by the arms and asked if you were alright.
Bucky insisted on buying you a new coffee because “It’s my fault for being on your way, Doll. Besides, my ma’d kill me if she knew I passed up an opportunity to ask a pretty woman on a date.”
The admission took you by surprise, and Bucky later revealed it took him by surprise, too. Something about you, he said, brought out his old 40s confidence. He didn’t worry about scaring you like he would anyone else. In fact, he said, in that moment, he wasn’t the Winter Soldier, and he never was. He was just Bucky.
That day, though, you’d declined, telling him you had to pick your daughter up from school, but you quickly amended your statement to let him know you were at that very coffee shop everyday for an hour before you picked up Ellie. “So,” you had said, “if my being a single mom doesn’t scare you, you can buy me that make-up latte another time.” And, by god, Bucky Barnes was at that coffee shop then next day, waiting with your latte.
Fast forward to today, and Bucky practically lives with you and Ellie. He still has his apartment, but he spends 6 out of 7 days at your house. It’s so natural, though, you wish he’d just ditch the apartment and make it official. After all, he is an excellent roommate. He does the dishes, cleans up after himself, doesn’t hog the blankets, and—most importantly—he is fantastic with Ellie. He plays with her, he reads her bedtime stories, he cuts her food for her, and so much more. He is everything to you and Ellie.
So, when you tell Ellie that Bucky also speaks more than one language, you can’t help but grin when she rambles the rest of the car ride home about how she is going to ask him about that language he speaks—what language does Bucky speak again, Mama?—and then she is going to learn it too so she can show Nina.
Ellie’s rambling lasts all the way home, into the house, and into the living room where she drops her backpack on the ground and runs to Bucky, jumping in his lap with no warning. Bucky grunts at the impact, but he smiles fondly at the young girl.
“Hey, El,” he greets. “How was school?”
“Bucky, I made a new friend! She’s so cool. Did you know she speaks 2 languages! That’s really cool. I can only speak 1 language. Her daddy got a new job, so they came here. She’s my new best friend. I don’t remember what language she speaks, though.”
Ellie speaks a million miles a minute as she tries to fill Bucky in on her day. Bucky makes eye contact with you over her head and you merely smile and shrug, making Bucky grin.
“Russian,” you offer, as you move to sink down onto the couch next to your boyfriend and your daughter.
“Russian!” Ellie exclaims, nodding her head excitedly. “Mama said you speak Russian, Bucky. Do you speak Russian?”
“I do,” Bucky confirms, laughing at the amazed look that crosses Ellie’s face.
“Say something! Say something!” She begs.
“Yeah, Bucky, say something in Russian!” You join in on Ellie’s begging with a laugh.
“Вы двое знали, что я люблю вас? Мои красивые, глупые девочки,” Bucky says, chuckling to himself as he watches Ellie’s amazed face.
“Wow,” she says, eyes transfixed on Bucky.
You laugh. “Yeah, wow,” you confirm, leaning in to press a chaste kiss to Bucky’s cheek before standing to go to the kitchen.
You make it just across the room when you stop dead in your tracks, turning to make eye contact with Bucky and attempt to gauge his reaction to Ellie’s words.
“I can’t wait to tell Nina tomorrow that my daddy speaks Russian, too,” Ellie says, lying her head on Bucky’s chest.
You and Bucky make eye contact across the room, and you hold a silent conversation.
Bucky’s eyes are widened in shock, but he raises an eyebrow at you as if to ask, “Did she just call me her daddy?”
You shrug, mouth slightly agape. Ellie has never called Bucky her daddy before, but it doesn’t surprise you. Bucky is always around, and he acts like a father figure regardless of your relationship with him. So, you say nothing, just shrug your shoulders and hope Bucky gets the message:
“I don’t know, but I’ll tell her not to if it makes you uncomfortable.”
Bucky shakes his head to let you know he doesn’t mind. Really likes it even.
Finally he speaks, “Yeah, tell her your daddy speaks Russian. I’ll even teach you some if you want.”
Ellie shoots up in Bucky’s lap, grabbing his face between her hands, and seriously begging him to follow through with his promise immediately.
“Yes! Yes! Yes!” She exclaims. “What did you say a minute ago?” She asks, assigning her first Russian lesson.
“Вы двое знали, что я люблю вас? Мои красивые, глупые девочки. It means, “Did you two know I love you? My beautiful, silly girls.”
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opiopal · 1 month
random mc stuff that I dont want to be their own post so HERE WE GO.(a lot if not most of theses are cracked out lmao)
imagine an Mc who noticed certain dirty things in the HOL and REALLY wanted to something about it but couldn't cause they were still a stranger. so once all the pacts are made Mc immediately goes around the HOL and attacks all the spots that bug them.. and isn't afraid to vocalize their complaints. "lucifer, when was the last time you guys washed these curtains?? you know what, don't answer that, I can already tell that the last time these were washed I hadn't even been born yet." "who is in charge of sweeping?? there is so much dirt under these rugs!! common guys, seriously???" "Mammon, Levi, twins.. I love you guys SO much.. this is commmon knowledge at this point... but cleaning your pillow cases is NOT enough you NEED to also wash the pillow itself. you guys are gross. gather up your pillows we're doing a soak." "beel. come here and lift me up. I'm dusting the chandelier." "Lucifer, I do not CARE if you're working right now your shelves are littered with dust. either ignore me or go take a break because I'm not leaving."
once during breakfast the brothers could hear cerberus growling and grumbling in the basement, it was annoying but they were trying to ignore it until they realized Mc wasn't at the table.... which of course once it was pointed out they all rushed to the basement.. only to find cerberus laying on its back and Mc sitting above it and quickly rubbing and scratching under each heads chins while going "good boys!!!! good puppy!!!!" and cerberus very happily whining and grumbling with their tail thumping on the ground. when they manage to get Mc away from the silly, the only explanation mc gives it "there is a massive three headed dog that lives in the basement and is feared by 6 out of the 7 men who live here, how could I NOT pet them??? clearly no one but lucifer does!!"
imagine an Mc who is a selective mute, and normally communicates through ASL and notes. the first time they talk is after knowing the brothers for a GOOD amount of time, and its not a sweet wholesome moment no no. Mc comes home with Lucifer after they finished running errands, and the HOL had been: flooded by levi summoning lotan, the living room had been torn up by satan, the kitchen was in pieces because beel got hangry, asmo had joined in on the chaos after his bedroom got damaged as well, mammon was struggling to keep everyone together, and belphie was sleeping on a chandelier. of couse it dies down the moment they all see lucifer and mc got home, and before lucifer could say anything Mc threw their ars up and went "guys what the FUCK we've hardly been gone for an hour!!" of course all the chaos is forgotten for a second and replaced by multiple "YOUCANTALK?!"s, which then shock and amazement turned to shame as they realize the first time they were graced by Mc's voice was because they were being idiots and Mc was upset at them.
imagine an Mc who isn't really used to people caring all that much about them, and finds it very odd that the brothers+other characters care so much. so once their birthday comes around its turned into a birthday WEEK because Mc is being gifted things and being taken out everyday until their actual birthday, which BAFFLES them, so when their birthday comes its a huge event, Dia hosts the party at his castle, there are so many presents you'd think it would be for a family of 18 on christmas day. and when Mc is sat infront of their cake they can't help but suddenly start crying, while everyone is panicking the only thing Mc can say is "I-*hic*- love you guys so much!!" once they realized it was happy tears there was much less panic, and it was forgotten about for the rest of the evening.
You guys remember my post about pacts marks and Mc feeling a demons sin really strongly after making a pact with them??? well this relates to that. imagine if mc feels something strongly that sin kind of takes over for a while until mc is satisfied (asmo enjoyers do what you want with that info), so imagine: theres just a day were Mc doesn't get the chance to eat, first they slept in and just had to rush to RAD, then they had to skip lunch because they agreed to help a few clubs with advertising and projects, then they had to stay after for a student council meeting, then, just as they think they can maybe grab a snack they get held up again, by the time everyone is going home all the brothers can sense Mc's aggression, half way to the HOL lucifer says that they should just go eat at hells kitchen. so they're all seated, and the second Mc's food gets out they dont even bother with utensils, they just grab their food with their bare hands and eat like they're a starved dog. of course the brothers are concerned as to why they're acting like this, and mammon reaches to put a hand on Mc's shoulder as he says "hey- are you ok-" but he cant even finish talking before Mc jerks their head and nearly takes a few of his fingers off, though they dont bite him cause he moves away fast enough with a "EEP" and Mc's teeth loudly click together. so from then on the brothers make sure that Mc is able to eat something throughout the day if their schedule is packed to reduce the risk of losing fingers. honorable mention is Mc getting praised to much one day that the amount of pride they feel almost puts lucifer into a coma.(satan and belphie sometimes praise Mc a bunch to distract lucifer while he's working, another cheeky win for the anti lucifer league)
imagine an Mc who gets so over protective of the brothers, like CRAZY protective. there is a point were they hear someone talking SHIT about their found family trope, so ofc the reasonable reaction is to tackle the demon down to the ground and almost bite their ear off like some sort of rabid raccoon. another time Mc squares up with some sort of magical mythical beast in protection of the brothers, almost won and would have if the brothers didn't stop them.
imagine an Mc who is very introverted and is secretly a fanfic writer, so one day levi and Mc are hanging out, he's just rambling about whatever, until he eventually mentions that a fic he was reading hasn't gotten updated in a while and ist just so frustrating to him. when Mc asks which fic he was reading, he pull it up and shows them... which Mc realizes thats THEIR fic... and outloud without thinking they mumble "oohh I forgot about that one..." and levi freaks out and immediately is questioning what they mean by that. which they eventually have to admit it.
Imagine a little kid Mc, I mean like, LITTLE, as in like 7-8 yr. and they are just such a sweeite, and they work so hard. but I can also imagine that when they're first sent there and the introductions are happening, when lucifer introduces himself Mc immediately interupts and goes "lucifer?? like the cat from Cinderella?:0" and then ofc when mammon is assigned to take care of the child he is a lot nicer at first, I wouldn't be surprised if having Mc around reminded him of his younger siblings when they were that small,(yes I am a believer of the brothers being at least little kids at some point in their angel lives) but then eventually gets Mc to go along with a few schemes, which they both have fun cause really it just turns into bonding. then ofc asmo adores this little creature and has little dress up parties and helps Mc get ready for school in the morning so they always look their best!! lucifer gave him permission for this since he agrees that Mc should look put together despite being a child. I still think it takes a while for the brothers to warm up fully to Mc, but it goes by a lot faster since mc quickly becomes their new little sibling. I think it would be cute if what won over lucifer is Mc coming into his office at some point, saying that they have something for him, and gives him a drawing, lucifer ends up scooping them up to sit with him and they explain what they drew, and its mc and all the brothers:( that drawing is almost immediately framed and put up where everyone can see it.
thats all for now, but I have a LOT of Mc what if's and imagines, my fingers hurt from typing now lol.
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nuhuhwinniethepooh · 7 months
Valentine's Day
Tags : smut with slight plot, f!reader, non-con?, freaky satoru, reader is in a relationship with a non-sorcerer, basically has cheating implied but it's not cheating (I'm gonna defend reader with my life on this), unprotected sex (I cannot stress this enough but do not attempt, use protection), characters are in their mid 20's, lil' angst (if you squint), Non-con (nvm it's con, I change my mind), stomach bulge (it's subtle), plot twist in the end.
Minors please. You know the drill, out 🚪🚶🏻‍♀️👈🏼
Gojo regrets his offer on lending an ear to you, tired of listening to every whine and complaints you make against your non-sorcerer boyfriend that you've been dating for 5 months; he really should've joined Suguru on his mission to eradicate all non-sorcerers, at least he'd have you all to himself then.
But what he regrets most is the fact that he didn't ask you out earlier than your current boyfriend, missing the chance to be called yours, instead that rat-faced guy- that can't treat you right- now has the label of being yours. But now you're telling Gojo that you suspect your boyfriend's cheating on you? He couldn't be more delighted listening to that. Maybe he doesn't really regret on his offer afterall.
"And guess what Satoru! I called him last night and I swear on my life that I heard a woman's voice on the line calling him back to bed before he cut the call on me!" You throw your arms up frustratedly, inches away from smacking Satoru's face as you plop down on the couch with a dejected sigh and a small frown, missing the glint in his eyes; you'd have missed the sight either way since he wears a blindfold.
"Why are you even with him then?"
Another heavy sigh from you makes Satoru sigh too, why couldn't you just break up with your current boyfriend and get with him instead? Satoru is way better in everything and did he mention that he's way better in everything? Yes, he did. What else do you want from him at this point? "You don't understand, I love him," you mumble, fiddling with your hands as you stare at the ceiling longingly. Unbeknownst to you Satoru did understand afterall he holds the same feelings you do; seething with jealousy again, he silently curses the very three words that poured out of your mouth that wasn't aimed towards him. He hates your boyfriend with a burning passion now, well more than he usually did.
"I love him," you whisper softly, leaving Satoru unsure on if you're convincing yourself of your love or announcing your love to the world; he'd prefer the former choice if it came down to it.
February 14th, 6 : 45 PM
Satoru rushes towards the bus stop as he looks down at his phone and your stagnant location, unmoving and unchanging for the past 2 hours, fearing for the worst of situation. Looking around hurriedly after arriving, his heart leaps with relief when he catches sight of your figure but it falls just as quickly as he notices your condition.
Your beautiful locks was now unkempt because of the wind, your skin peeking out of the sleeveless dress almost looked translucent with the chill settling in but what broke his heart was your expression, the look of a shattered heart set so deep in your eyes that you no longer looked like you anymore.
"You're gonna get sick at this rate," he sighs, throwing his coat over your shoulders. You look up at him with listless eyes, redness decorating every inch of it as you wipe your sore eyes again. "He cheated on me," you say quietly, shivering slightly as you finally come to your senses, pulling the coat a little tighter over you.
Helping you up on your feet, he pulls you close with an arm and gently rubs your back," Let's get you home," he mumbles softly- you slump under his hold, mindlessly moving your feet as he takes you back home.
7 : 23 PM
"Tell me everything from the start," he folds his arm across his chest with his blindfold off, satisfied as he watches you all bundled up on the couch. You take in a deep breathe, lips wobbling slightly as you pathetically hold back tears again; Satoru really needs to get rid of your boyfriend quickly.
"Well, I wanted to surprise him for valentines day so I stopped by his house," you take in a deep breathe, voice thick with emotions as your trembling hands pick on the blanket over you. "An- and when I entere-," you sputter, fresh new wave of tears pouring out of you as the memory floods in. Immediately rushing to your side on the couch, he pulls you in and shushes at you- baffled at how vulnerable you were at the moment, he watched you exorcise curses multiple times your size and strength without seeing you flinch even once but the fact that one non-sorcerer has you shaking in tears baffles him, thoroughly so.
You clench onto his shirt, looking up at his cerulean eyes with your own wet eyes and tear-stained cheeks." Satoru, help me," you whimper out pleadingly. "What?" Satoru breathes out, looking down at you from the squashing hold he has you under, "Help me forget," you sob and he mentally kicks himself for finding you so pretty even in this situation.
"Knock me out, use your cursed techniques. Do whatever you want just please hel-" he cuts you off, pressing his lips softly against yours- no longer able to hold his feelings back when you're practically begging him, all his morals practically thrown out of the window. Your breathe hitches in surprise when you feel his hand snaking up your head, tangling it in your hair and feels his tongue swiping against your lips for entrance; you pull away and he reluctantly allows you to do so, lips slightly parted as he looks at you guiltily.
"I'm sor-" this time you cut him off, pulling him in and crushing your lips against his- you needed to forget and he kissed you first...so that's a good sign isn't it? The feeling of heartbreak and want to forget completely over-powering the guilt of using Satoru for your own benefit; Satoru couldn't be happier though, the initial shock of being kissed was wearing off and being replaced by a primal urge, he could finally show you that he was so much better than your boyfriend. In more ways than one.
Hungrily kissing your soft lips, he paws at the blanket and pulls it off of you, eager to touch your skin- delighted when you allow him to do so, your own hands tangling in his hair. "Bedroom," you gasp hurriedly, pointing towards the direction and he immediately complies. Stumbling towards the bedroom, neither breaking the heated kiss as pieces of clothing gets discarded on the floor and fingers tug at everything and anything.
Reaching the room without breaking the kiss, Satoru tugs at your bra with a firm pull and rips it apart, earning him a small protest out of you," I'll replace that later," he mumbles in your lips, hands cupping your ass. Sloppily kissing your jaw and making his way down to your exposed chest; licking, sucking and rolling every inch of your skin possible, marking your body red and purple- he shuts the door behind him with his feet, reveling in the small sounds of pleasure gushing out of your mouth.
"Satoru, can't stand," you whine out when your legs gives out under you, arms wrapped weakly around his neck as he lifts you up and gently lays you down on the bed, shifting himself right in-between your legs and prying it open with little effort from his side when you try to shut it close. Hooking a finger at the edge of your lacy underwear, he pulls it down torturously slowly- mouth drying up at the sight of your cunt, wet and clenching onto nothing. "So pretty," he coos, holding your thighs apart with his hands, he leans down and inhales your scent, ignoring the way you squirmed underneath him. Gently parting your folds with his fingers and watching your slick coat your walls, he swallows thickly as he licks his lips.
"Wai-" you cry out, hands hurriedly grabbing onto the sheets when he sucks at your clit with no warning, gulping down your juice like a starved man," tastes s' good," he moans, sending vibrations through you; arching your back and grinding your hips against his face, your eyes roll back from the stimulation. Popping a long slender finger inside, he explores every inch; a wide grin stretching on his face when he grazes a spot and your hip bucks up, sucking his finger whole with a loud moan.
"That feel good?" He asks, lazily adding in another and abusing your weak spot. You nod your head, hands clasping over your mouth to hold back your moans as tears collect in your eyes again, spilling over the edges and onto the sheets. "You look so much prettier crying under me instead of over him," he mumbles, resting his head on your thigh as he looks up at you with flushed cheeks, working his fingers inside you.
Fondling his clothed bulge with his other hands, his gaze zeroes on you, burning every detail into memory afterall you might never wanna see him again after this so he'd rather take the chance to memorize all your cute reactions and small mewls, clenching around his finger and oozing cream over it as you jerk from your orgasm, your vision goes black and Satoru moans loudly with you- imagining his cock being replaced with his fingers does wonders for him.
"I'm putting it in," he sits up hurriedly, positioning himself between your legs while pulling his boxers down, letting his cock spring free. You gulp at the sight of it, pre-cum leaking out heavily from the tip and his happy trail making it just the more appetizing but there was just one big problem- he was big, too big in both girth and length. He was so much bigger than your boyfriend and your boyfriend's dick felt right despite not wanting to admit it, the size did feel right. But Satoru's? His was gonna rip you, it's not gonna fit and you're not exaggerating just for the sake of it. It was pretty, sure but it's not gonna fit.
"That's not gon-" he cuts you off yet again, shoving his slick covered fingers in your mouth as he tuts at you disapprovingly. Gathering the slick from your folds with his other hand, he slathers it against his raging cock reverently- pulling his fingers out of your mouth, he licks it clean as he watches you gulp from the sight of it, a small smirk on his face; pushing your folds apart, he angles his fat tip against your hole and pushes in slowly.
"Satoru, wait," you whine out, hands pushing against his muscled alabaster chest, squirming under him and trying to scoot backwards but alas, his grip on your hips prevents you from doing so," you should stop moving so much," he grunts, gritting his teeth and closing his eyes to hold himself back from slamming his cock in you.
"I change my mind, stop. Please," you plead, nails digging in his chest and he sighs, frustratedly pushing his hair back and quickly pulling away from you. Watching him leave out the door, "probably to pick up his clothes," you think, relieved for having your cunt spared despite the ache between your legs. Your relief is quickly cut short when see Satoru enter the bedroom still naked, still hard but with a blindfold in hand now, leaving you swallowing thickly.
"What's that for?" You squeak nervously, sitting up and looking at him standing above you with a wide grin, flashing his pearly whites at you which just unsettles you more. "You'll find out," he murmurs, leaning down and grabbing your ankle, pulling you towards him when you start inching backwards. Your sputtered out protests falls on deaf ears and you're left shocked when he pulls the blindfold over your eyes, hindering your sight as you start panicking, hurriedly trying to pull it off your eyes but stopped when a hand grabs hold of your wrists and pins it above your head with a bruising grip, pushing you flat on the bed.
More protests pours out of your mouth but is quickly silenced when soft lips crushes against yours, the lack of sight only making you more sensitive when you feel a hand press down on your belly, lighting your skin aflame and groaning when the hold on your wrists tightens ever so slightly. Heat pools in your stomach and you buck your hips up, helplessly grinding your throbbing cunt against chiseled abs for friction. Loud whimpers of protest from you gets muted down by Satoru's lips against yours when he pushes his cock between your walls, unrelenting even when you're tugging at your wrists and squirming under him.
Inch by inch, he pushes into your velvety walls steadily with no sign of stopping, eyes rolling to the back of his head when he feels your cunt squeeze and pull him in so needily. "You're s' needy," he moans in your lips, finally bottoming out in you with a grunt, pulling a long needy whine out of you. The delicious stretch of his cock minimizing the pain of being stretched so far, your eyes cross underneath the blindfold and your mouth lolls open, giving Satoru free reign as he sucks and lolls his tongue with yours. Pulling away with a loud smack, a string of saliva attaching itself between both your swollen lips, he looks down at your breatheless, twitching body with a satisfied hum.
"You're really so selfish, y'know?" He grunts, grinding his hips against yours, not yet letting go of his hold on your hand. "All you do is whine and complain about your boyfriend to me without ever caring about how I feel," he stutters, pulling out and ramming back into you with a loud squelch, you squeal and arch your back as he looks down fascinatedly at your cunt taking him in.
"And do you know what makes it worse? The fact that you always say you love him in my face," an incoherent babbles of what he thinks is 'I'm sorry' pours out of you, uncaring of your condition he continues ramming himself in with every word. "When you clearly know that I love you, it's like you consciously try to make me jealous," he snaps his cock brutally against your sweet spot, his hand finally lets go of your pinned hands and grabs hold of your hips to pull you down and meet his. His other hand abusing your swollen clit, leaving you with broken whimpers and stuttering breathes.
Leaning down and resting his face on the crook of your neck, his whispered "I love you's" falling upon unheard ears. Kitten scratching his back and your hips moving against his, his hand glides down to the protusion on your belly everytime he's inside and presses down on it- light flashes in your eyes through the blindfold and you squeal out, cunt squirting it's juices against his stuttering pace. Still fucking you through your orgasm until he cums in you, your silky cunt milking him for all it's worth.
He falls down ontop of you and refuses to pull out, trying to plug his cum inside you- lucky him if he got you pregnant. Pulling the blindfold off from your eyes, he looks at your starstruck eyes with a tired grin. "That help you forget?" He mumbles, kissing your collarbone as you weakly nod your head. You whimper tiredly when you feel his softened cock get hard inside your sensitive hole," Let's just make sure it stays that way, yea?"
Bonus :
Satoru is woken up by the sound of a ringing phone, groggily looking around when he notices your naked form snuggled against his which pulls a small smile out him. However the insistent ringing is starting to annoy him, what if it woke you up and made you pull away from him? He'll get to that when you wake up naturally, he has plenty of time till then.
Sighing and gently prying you off of him, his silent footsteps pads off towards the hallway filled with strewn clothes. Reaching down to your upturned phone, he annoyedly picks it up and looks at the caller, "Love♡" being the ID, he rolls his eyes at it. Why was your boyfriend even calling you at 4 in the morning? "That's a nice way of calling yourself insensitive." He mumbles to himself, picking the call up and bringing the phone to his ear.
"Hey, its not what you think it is. I swea-" your boyfriend starts, " Thanks for messing up. I appreciate it," Satoru cuts him off, quickly cutting the call and switching it off, silence ensuing in the dark hallway again. Throwing your phone back into the pile of clothes, he makes his way towards the bedroom again when another phone starts to ring. He lets out a frustrated grunt, he shut the phone down so why is it ringing? Looking down he realizes it's his and sighs when he looks at the caller ID, "Plan C". Begrudgingly picking the call, he mumbles an annoyed hello.
"I did what you told me too, that'll be a million," a feminine voice rings from the other line," I'll send it right now," Satoru answers, quickly sending the cash through online payment. "Great doing business with you," the voice replies cheerily before cutting the call. Satoru shuts his phone too, languidly throwing it in the pile again as he walks towards the room. He got rid of your feelings for your boyfriend now all he needs to do is get rid of your boyfriend before you realize that everything was a set-up.
You're smart afterall, talking to your boyfriend might just give Satoru's plan away but until then, all Satoru wants to do is snuggle with you for the moment. He'll save the rest later.
I know I'm 4 days late for valentines but I had to post this 😭 luckily, my cast is off now >♡< (can't say the same about my laptop though 🥲)
Updates will be slower than usual until I replace my laptop.
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astxroiid · 7 months
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new york private life // tasm! peter parker
❥ childhood crush, date nights, vigilantes, apprehension, sweet young love.
wc: 1.5k
navigation ✩ empire state of mind (II) ✩ manhattan longing (III)
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"Hey, um... I'm Peter."
A familiar face stands in front of you, one you've known all your life.
"We went to high school together. I, uh, was wondering if maybe you'd want to maybe hang out sometime." The walls of the college cafeteria seem to be closing in around Peter. His hands twitching nervously as he shifted his feet uneasily.
"Oh!" you're caught a little off guard. "Well, I'm free tomorrow. Where will we be going?"
Peter smiles to himself a little. "There's this sushi place that just opened up a few blocks over... if you like sushi, that is."
The amount of anxiety radiating off this poor boy is so potent you can practically taste it.
"I love it," you grin up at the boy from your seat. "Pick me up at 5:30? we could be there by 6."
"Th-that sounds great!" His eyes light up as an excited smile spreads across his face. He's never gotten a this positive of a response before. This feels good.
"I'll pick you up at 5:30 then. Thank you," he says, trying not to be too happy about this, but he is. Very.
“Sounds like a date to me.” you smile, stand from your seat and kiss his cheek before walking away with a bounce in your step.
A date?! A kiss to his cheek! He's never felt so alive before! His cheeks burn red as you walk away. He can't believe that you said yes.
When 5:30 comes around the next day, you’re waiting by the entrance of your house, ready to meet up with Peter. You’re a bit nervous, but mostly excited. You felt a strange flutter in your stomach, your heart beating fast and body tingling.
When 5:45 comes, you start to worry. Where could Peter be?
5:50. Your heart begins to sink. Was this all a joke?
5:55. Is he... not coming?
6:00. You're officially distraught. Your mind immediately starts running to various conclusions. Is he busy? Did something happen to him? Or did he simply change his mind?
6:15. Maybe he forgot? Maybe he's late? Maybe he lost track of time?
6:30. Your eyes are puffy and red. Tears start to stream down your face as you realize he’s probably not coming.
7:00. Anger replaces sadness. Did he do this on purpose?! What the hell?! What was the point of even asking you out?
8:00. Sadness returns. After all your emotions drained your energy and tears blurred your eyes, you cant help but come back ton the thought: Why did he do this? He can't even have the courtesy to at least call you?
Just as the thought come to mind, your phone rings. It's Peter.
Your eyes widen and you quickly pick up the phone. You desperately hope that this might just change things, but you also can't help and start to feel anxious, afraid of what he might have to say.
"Hey," Your voice cracks as you hold the phone to your ear.
Peter's heart sinks at your tone, immediately feeling at fault. "Hey," he echoes in a small tone. "I'm sorry I didn't show up today..." he says, almost inaudible for a moment. He sounds... shaky. Nervous. "Something came up..."
In what world is that a good excuse for leaving a girl waiting for you for two and a half hours? He mentally cringes, wishing he could explain better. How? 'Hey, sorry I basically ghosted you , I'm Spiderman and I had to stop a robbery?!' it almost sounds made up.
"oh..." the same, tearful tone etched into your voice from before. "it's okay, I guess."
He gulps at the sadness in your voice, feeling worse now, not sure how to handle this situation.
"My aunt called me. She had some things she needed help with," he said, trying his best to avoid giving details. "I lost track of time and only just realized how late it was. I was rushing as fast as I could but I know I missed our date. I'm sorry, I should have at least sent you a text."
“It’s okay.” you sound only slightly more cheerful. “How about you make it up to me come over with some takeout and we watch a movie?”
"Really?" he asks, sounding surprised. After the tense conversation you both just had, he didn't think the night - or relationship for that matter - would be salvageable. "I mean sure," he says, not being able to hide the joy in his voice or the smile on his face. "What kind food do you want?"
“You pick.” You smile “Come over as soon as you can.”
About 20 minutes later Peter knocks on your door. You open it to reveal the sweetest looking boy with flowers an Thai food in hand, appearing a little guilty but still excited.
You couldn't resist smiling back at him, feeling much less mad about what happened earlier.
"Sorry for the wait," Peter apologizes as he hands you the bouquet of tulips. You gladly take them.
Walking over to the kitchen and filling a vase with water, you call out to Peter, who's still standing in the doorway.  
“You can come in Pete! You can set the food down over there," you gesture to the coffee table, covered in candles and books for your college classes.
Pete?! He smiles warmly as he enters into the living room and he watches you set the flowers in the vase. Peter glances around your apartment, your home is quite cozy.
Dark blue curtains hang around each window, soft lights from the New York night glowing through. Every surface in your home is decorated with mixtures of candles, lamps, books, or cute little trinkets.
The whole place smells like cherries and coffee. The soft music playing in the background bringing the whole mood together.
He goes ahead and sets the food down on the coffee table and he looks around the room. "Your place is nice," he says softly. He loves it. he could get used to spending more time here.
“Why thank you.” You blush, placing the flowers down “Oh! I was thinking about watching some of the Star Wars movies - is that okay?” You plop on the couch, patting next to you for Peter to sit.
"Star Wars is always okay with me," Peter replies, happy that you're not upset anymore. He sits down next to you and he can't help but notice how close you're both sitting next to each other. His heart flutters.
"The Empire Strikes Back is my favorite," Peter replies excitedly, happy to be sharing one of his interests with you.
He smiles, feeling very happy with the current state of things.
"That's my favorite too!" You smile brightly, looking into his eyes.
There was an odd and almost indescribable intimacy between you two, as if your shared love of Star Wars had brought you closer together in some unknown way.
“Really?” Peter asks, feeling thrilled by this coincidence.
You nod, giggling at Peter's excitement.
"What's your favorite character?" Peter asks. He's trying to watch the movie, although it's hard to take his eyes off of you for too long.
"Hmmm..." you place your finger on your chin, feigning deep thought. "Obi Wan, hands down the best in my opinion. What about you?"
"Definitely Han Solo," he replies, smiling. You notice how his cheeks are a bit red right now.
Is he blushing?
"He's cocky and always in the middle of trouble, but so charismatic and charming," Peter adds. He leans closer, getting a little more comfortable on the couch.
"Who's your least favorite?"
You notice him moving closer but don’t mind at all “Kylo Ren, I think. His character is just too underdone - they could’ve done better. What about you, Pete? Who’s your least favorite?” You lean in close to him, placing Your hand on his shoulder.
"Totally agree," Peter says quickly, gulping. "Kylo Ren sucks."
Chills take over Peter's body as your hand rests on his shoulder.
You're sitting awfully close, and the thought of it makes his head rush. He wishes he could take his eyes off of you.
Your heart begins to pound. He's getting so lost in the atmosphere.
You smile and turn your head back to the TV watching along as Han Solo grabs Leia, kissing her deeply. There's an ache in your chest for something similar.
Please kiss me. Peter's mind races and begs. Just go for it! He silently urges himself.
He's dying to turn his head towards you. The closeness is sending him into a spiral of emotion. If only he could find the courage to make a move. As he glances your way, he notices you're not looking at him; your attention is elsewhere. A wave of disappointment washes through him.
Peter looks to his fidgeting hands, now incredibly insecure.
Is he reading the signals wrong? His heart sinks. Does she not feel the same way?
His breath is shaky and he's afraid of ruining the evening.
Peter decides it's best to focus on the movie and not his growing, aching feelings.
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I hope y'all enjoyed my first fic in a loooong time lmao, big thanks to character.ai for helping me come up with this!
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wardenparker · 3 months
Hummingbird Has Landed, Epilogue
Marcus Pike x female reader Co-written with @absurdthirst
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After the debacle of his failed engagement and relocating to Washington to take charge of his task force, newly minted Special Agent Marcus Pike is ready to get back out into the dating pool once more. A slew of bad dates has him feeling a little down, and he takes an old friend up on an invitation to get away and get his head on straight. Imagine his surprise when he finds not only fresh air, but his soulmate as well - hiding in plain sight but in the unlikeliest of places.
Rating: M for Mature, but this blog is always 18+ Word Count: 4.2k Warnings: *Blanket warnings for this series: occasional mention of American politics, pregnant character, food/alcohol consumption, mentions of clothing/regulated dressing for occasions, mentions of therapy because we believe in self care here, reader is in a previous relationship, love triangle, reader is mentioned as turning 30 during the course of the story, dom/sub dynamics, mentioning of pregnancy/babies, family planning, breeding kink* Flirting, baby talk, tooth rotting fluff, Marcus being utterly Marcus. Summary: Ten years after getting married, the inn is seeing a slightly different kind of celebration for an even bigger extended family. Notes: While not indicative in any way of reader's appearance or ethnicity or anything else -- it's worth noting that Alex and David were heavily inspired by Alex and Henry from Red, White, and Royal Blue. So I've used a gif of them for this chapter in tribute.
I am particularly sad to say goodbye to these two, but I will hold their family close to my heart and revisit them frequently 🥰🥰 Next week we're taking a short rest, and Javi's soulmate story Bones Full of Words will start on July 14!
Ch1 ~ Ch 2 ~ Ch 3 ~ Ch 4 ~ Ch 5 ~ Ch 6 ~ Ch 7 ~ Ch 8 ~ Ch 9 ~ Ch 10 ~ Ch 11 ~ Ch 12 ~ Ch 13 ~ Ch 14 ~ Ch 15 ~ Ch 16 ~ Ch 17 ~ Ch 18
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Getting out of the office was a priority today. Rushing to collect his briefcase, Marcus runs through the list of instructions for his assistant, even though he knows she is well aware. “If you need anything, call me. It will probably be loud, but I’ll keep an eye on things.” He promises, ignoring the little eye roll Tara gives him when he glances up.
She sighs slightly. “Like I’m interrupting tonight.” She scoffs, making him grin.
“We’ll be up late, so I’m not coming in until lunch tomorrow.” He reminds her, having blocked out the morning in his calendar months ago.
“No meetings, got it.” She bites her lip. “How did the lunch with the Director go?” She asks, making him hum as he closes the soft leather tooled briefcase bag that Junie had made for eight Christmases ago.
“Tell you tomorrow.” He promises, knowing that will have her fuming at being out of the loop for even twenty-four hours. She huffs and he’s sailing around the desk to grab his suit jacket. “Have a good night!” He calls over his shoulder playfully. “And don’t forget to go vote!”
It didn’t make sense to have the election night party anywhere but the inn. It’s well within Virginia’s 8th Congressional district and a very recognizable landmark across the country — Americans all remember their two term first woman President, and the stories about her children that played out in the media for the eight years she ran the country.
Tonight, the buzz of another election night has the inn — and the family — on high alert.
“Hey sweetheart!” Marcus rushes into the inn, aware that you will be here rather than at the house. “What do I need to help with?”
“Hi honey!” You’re four feet deep in party preparations, while Juan is out back setting up tents in the garden and Sydney is cooking her heart out. Thankfully the inn is totally sold out to people who will be attending tonight’s party, so there aren’t really extra guests to attend to and the restaurant is closed for one night for the occasion. “Junie has all the kids in the front room if you want to go say hi before I put you to work.”
“Of course I do.” His jacket is already coming off, but he leans in to press a kiss to your lips and his hand finds your stomach. “You aren’t working too hard, are you? I tried to get out as soon as I could.”
“I’m working as hard as little Pike will let me.” A soft moment to enjoy a kiss from your husband without all three of your children swarming him when he comes home from work is a blessing, but this third pregnancy is more tumultuous than the last one. “Constance, Holly and Sabrina insisted on construction papers banners to hang at the party and the boys made sugar cookies with red, white, and blue sprinkles earlier in the day” The generation of kids that are growing up together have bonded quickly — with Sydney and Juan’s oldest taking to your and Marcus’s twins, and the younger brothers of both families coming together just as easily. This time it is you and your sister who are pregnant together, and Junie has been unexpectedly enjoying the majority of her pregnancy. Her first has been mild and she has that fantastic glow about her at six months along.
“Good.” Marcus beams as he caresses the barest bump under your breasts. You had insisted you were just gaining a little weight this time but he knew better. “Everyone is excited for tonight. They’ve asked if they can stay up until the speeches.” He warns you with a chuckle. “I’ve already taken the morning off tomorrow.”
“They can stay up a little, but they have school tomorrow.” Which you’ve already told them, of course, but the twins are already learning that giving their Daddy big eyes will get them a whole lot of leeway. “After my mother’s second election, I genuinely thought we were done with this.” It sounds like a complaint, but you laugh softly and shake your head, leaning into your husband’s side in your office. “I guess one of us was bound to end up following in her footsteps.”
“It’s very fitting that it’s Alex.” He slides his hand down to rub the spot on your back that has been giving you the most grief with this last pregnancy. “I cast my vote for him today before lunch.”
“I love that he’s running in our district,” you admit, glowing with that sisterly pride that you’ve been known to show all along your brother’s campaign trail. “That we can actually vote for him. I gave the staff long meal breaks today to go vote. Everybody has their stickers on.”
“I know. But it’s convenient since he and David live one neighborhood over.” He teases, kissing your cheek and winking at you playfully. “Now, how can I help?”
"Go say hi to your kids and then I'll enlist you to help me set up the main sitting room for tonight." Stealing one more kiss before you step away is a challenge only in that you have to limit yourself to one more kiss.
“You got it, sweetheart.” Despite the time and the additional responsibilities, Marcus still feels that fluttering in his stomach every time he kisses you. Stepping away, he opens the door to your office. “Pike posse! Where are you?” He calls out.
"Daddy!" The scream goes up nearly immediately, and three sets of little feet hit the ground running to scramble around the corner into the hallway.
His kids are the most important people in his world, besides you. He immediately drops down, expecting to be tackled and grunts as he absorbs the impact of the three’s enthusiastic greeting.
The twins start talking at him immediately about their day at school, as nine-year-old Holly and Sabrina both aced their geography quizzes and are currently facing the very serious dilemma of picking out books for their next book reports. Six-year-old Matthew is quiet while his sisters command their father's attention, but snuggles into Marcus's side as tightly as possible in the meantime.
His arm winds around Matthew, hugging him close, and he kisses the top of his curly brown head. Giving his full attention to the reasons that he is proud to drink out of the #1 Dad mug that sits on his desk at work every day. “We will find the perfect books this weekend at the bookstore. How does that sound?” Marcus suggests, knowing they will love that.
"YESSSS!" Both girls chant over and over, wiggling out happy dance moves on the spot. This was clearly the outcome they were hoping for.
“And what about you, Matt?” Marcus turns his attention on the quiet little boy that is still clinging to him. “Does that sound like fun?“
The little boy thinks for a second, lips twisted up in concentrated consideration, until he finally nods a little. "Could I...get a crayon book?" The most artistic of your children asks, always favoring coloring books and puzzle books — collectively called crayon books by the first grader — over other activities.
“Absolutely.” The promise is easily made, making sure that he doesn’t feel judged by wanting to color or draw over reading. “We will find a great crayon book, just for you.”
"Do you want to see the banners we made, Daddy?" Sabrina asks eagerly, already about to pull their father into the next room to show him before she can even finish the sentence. "Matty drew stars on them, and I did stripes!"
“Come on bud.” Marcus hoists Matthew up into his arms as he lets the twins lead him into the main sitting room of the inn. “Oh, it’s great!” He proclaims when he sees the banner on the ground.
"Auntie June said we could put it up over the window!" Holly announces with a toothy grin. One of her top front teeth fell out a few days ago and a bottom tooth has become especially wiggly since then.
“Of course we will.” Marcus agrees. “I’ll hang it up as soon as you show me exactly where.” June will go nowhere near a step ladder, considering her condition and he knows Dylan will be thankful for that. You and June are too much alike, trying to climb on things and give your soulmates heart attacks while carrying the babies.
"I thought it would be best to wait until their helpfully tall father got home," June admits, coming back into the room from the other side — a direction that means she definitely ducked into the kitchen for a snack while the kids were saying hello. "Hi Marcus."
“Hey, June.” Marcus smiles at your younger sister and moves over to give her a quick hug. “I know your husband will be happy.”
"Yeah, yeah," she huffs and rolls her eyes like she hadn't tried to get up on a ladder with a hammer in her own house just three days ago and Dylan had had a fit after walking into the room. "How was your meeting?" She asks more quietly, tilting her head at her brother-in-law when her niblings aren't paying attention.
“It was…enlightening.” Marcus grins and shrugs, not willing to say too much right now. Today isn’t about him. “How was Charlie the horse, today?”
"My star patient is recovering marvelously." June's veterinary practice has unexpectedly become primarily focused on horses and small amounts of domestic livestock along with the usual dogs and cats, and she is thriving being an on-demand vet that makes house calls around their corner of Virginia. "He was trotting around very happily by the time I left today."
“Hopefully you are letting Marcy do all the heavy lifting with the animal?” Her vet tech is a wonderful woman who has aspirations of becoming a veterinarian herself, once she can complete the schooling. It had been a reassurance to Dylan to have her there with Junie as she made house calls.
“It helps that Marcy is also taller and stronger than me,” June admits with a laugh. “I’m behaving, Marcus. I promise.”
“Good.” He gives her a pointed look. “I know how the women in your family operate.” He reminds her. “Your sister nearly made me crazy with the twins.”
“Juan had to wrestle her away from the porch decorations earlier,” June tells him with a knowing smirk. “I think carrying twins makes her feisty.”
Marcus’s eyes widen slightly and his mouth drops open. “Carrying?” He chokes out.
"Oh shoot." June's eyes dart over to the kids, who have already set out at creating a chain of construction paper links in red, white, and blue to go with their banner. When she looks back at Marcus, she shoves him and grins. "Go talk to your wife, but do not tell her I spilled the beans."
“I—” he fumbles for something to say, but he can’t. Just turning around and immediately moving back towards the office. Happy the kids are occupied again so he can talk to you.
"Hey." His familiar shadow in your doorway makes you stand again, and you pick up a stack of papers that you had meant to bring home yesterday to look over before you think better of it and put them down again. Tonight is just election night. Tomorrow you'll deal with personal news and other business. That's what you had decided, even though you're almost vibrating with your own good news tonight. "Did the kids show you their banner? Holly is extremely proud of how straight her stripes are."
“They did.” Marcus nods as he closes the door behind him. Walking over to you and pulling you in for a more prolonged kiss, one that he pours himself into.
It isn't that Marcus never takes the time to kiss you breathless, but you hadn't expected it today and certainly not right now, so you end up both wrapped in his arms and boneless against him as you sink into the kiss until you're both breathless. "What was that for?" You breathe, when he finally pulls away again.
“I’m just…happy.” He nuzzles his nose against yours gently and kisses you again. “So fucking happy, hummingbird.”
"Does this mean your meeting went well?" You ask, arms twining around his waist and beaming at him.
“It was good.” He smiles back at you and sighs softly. “But that’s not important right now.”
"Your meeting...with the Director of the FBI...isn't important right now?" That doesn't make any sense to you at all, and you pull back a little to look Marcus over and frown. "Was it...not about what you thought?"
“It was.” Marcus admits, knowing that the idea of it has changed in the past two minutes. “I think I might turn it down.”
"What? Why?" That definitely isn't the response you were expecting from him. Not when he's been edging his way toward this one last promotion for years now.
“It would be a lot of hours.” He reminds you softly, leaning in and kissing you again. “We are about to have another baby.” He wants you to tell him, not have it come out that he knows. Hating now that he had missed the appointment because of a department meeting. You had assured him it was okay to miss one and now he has missed something important.
"You've worked so hard for this," you remind him gently. "This is your literal life's work. Your entire career. I don't want you to give up the chance to see that through. We always planned on a big family, that shouldn't stop you from accepting a promotion." Once glance down between you at your growing belly makes you sigh softly and you lean up to kiss him again. "I was going to save these until tomorrow...but do you want to see the ultrasound photos from this morning?"
“Not unless you don’t want me to.” Marcus would love nothing more, but he also doesn’t want to pressure you.
“I had a silly idea that tonight was going to be all about Alex, and nothing else.” From behind you, you reach into your desk drawer and pull out an untouched envelope of photos to hand to Marcus. “But this is important. Just like your work is important. Our lives are our family and our careers, and we’ve worked really hard to keep the balance.”
“I know.” Marcus assures you, not taking the photos but he drags his hands up and down your arms soothingly. “The director is retiring next month and wants to appoint me as the acting director as a trial run to being named Director of the FBI.”
“That’s…that’s incredible, baby. I’m so proud of you.” Pride in your partner, of how hard he works and how much he has accomplished, sticks in your throat and make your voice crack a little. If you’re a little teary while you beam at him and pull him in tightly for a hug? Well, that’s pride too but also a dash of pregnancy hormones. His thoughts of retiring early were thrown to the back burner when he got set on the fast-track of promotion after promotion. He’s been the Assistant Director of the FBI for almost four years already. “You deserve it, love. You work so hard and you deserve everything.”
“I don’t know about that.” He knows there have been sacrifices for his job, there always have been. But he’s worked hard to balance life and work. “This, our family is the most important thing in my life.”
“And I love how dedicated you are to us.” Your eyes track away from his just long enough to find the envelope again, and you smile. “You should look at the photos, love.”
He takes the envelope from you and swallows. “I wish I could have been there.” He murmurs, pulling out the sonogram photos and immediately tearing up. “Another set of twins.” He chokes out. “My babies.”
“We both got good news today.” If you’re honest, you had guessed it would be twins even before the doctor confirmed it. It felt the same as the first time you were pregnant. Intense morning sickness and faintness with an equally intense feeling of giddiness. Even the cravings have been similar so far.
He practically giggles and swoops you into another hug and kiss. Elated that you are happy about the news and he will never be unhappy about more kids. “I love you.”
“I love you too, honey.” Your hands on his cheeks are warm and doting, and your thumbs sweep over his cheekbones as you grin. “Whatever you decide is your path, the kids and I will be here to love you and be so proud of you.”
“I’m going to take it.” The idea of being able to pad the college savings for the kids is important. “But, the second it doesn’t work with having five kids, I’ll retire.”
“It’s your decision to make.” The way you nod — emphatic and beaming with pride — has you in giggles all over again. “Director Pike.”
“It’s our decision.” He reminds you, although he’s also grinning. “Nothing comes before you and the kids.”
“Tonight I’m afraid that can’t be true.” But you steal one more eager, excited kiss from him anyway. “It’s Alex’s night. And we should get out there and help with finishing the decorations before Juan comes and hunts us down.”
“Yes we should.” He can’t help but press a kiss to your lips again. “I love you so much, Hummingbird.”
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No one eats quite the way congressional staffers do in the week leading up to elections, and Alex’s electoral team is no exception. The buffet that Sydney and her team put out is refilled a second time before things calm down, and the team is watching votes roll in on laptops, phone screens, and the big TVs all around the inn. Some folks are outside, where a little bit of a party is starting to brew as Alex’s lead in the polls becomes clearer and clearer. You, your siblings, the soulmates, and your parents are all piled into the front sitting room together with the big TV turned on and Alex’s campaign director is hustling back and forth between groups of people.
“They haven’t called it yet.” Alex hums, twisting his hands in his husband’s. He’s nervous and jittery and touching David seems to help him calm down. “The fourth and seventh district polls aren’t in yet.”
"I know, baby." David lets his husband's restless hands move in his as much as they need, standing steady as his rock while Alex gets his nerves out. "But look at what is in. We don't need every single vote for you to win, just a few more percentage points and you can put the finished touches on your acceptance speech."
“Ohhhh don’t jinx me.” Alex huffs, leaning over and closing his eyes as his head rests against David’s shoulder. “I don’t want to count my chickens.”
"Ba-gock." Junie deadpans the sound of a chicken as another district reports their numbers.
"Alex." Your hands are on his shoulders instantly. "Alex, look!" You insist, pointing to the screen. "Two percent more and you've got it!"
“Oh god, oh god, I’m gonna be sick.” He moans, eyes wide and he has to lean forward. “You never told me how bad this part of running is, mom.” He groans to the former President, currently sitting in her husband’s lap on the nearby sofa.
"And scare you off?" She laughs, unbothered and unworried for him. She knows he has this in hand, even if he doesn't. "Never, Al."
“Evil.” He huffs, making everyone else laugh. They’ve always had faith in him, maybe more than he’s had in himself and he knows that he wouldn’t be here without each and every one of you. “Distract me with something. Anything. Good news.” He begs, looking around the group.
You and Marcus exchange glances, and Junie clears her throat loudly. "Birdie went to the doctor today," she says loudly enough that there's no pretending it isn't the thing everyone has zeroed in on right away.
Marcus squeezes your hand and grins, unable to hide his delight. “And?” Alex demands, lifting his head instantly and looking over at you. “My latest niece or nephew?” He asks, thinking that the sex was determined.
"We just confirmed that I'm even pregnant again," you laugh, shaking your head at the question. You and Marcus probably stretched it a little going for your first doctor's appointment this time around, but you weren't really in a hurry when the signs were so clear — and so was the pharmacy test that you took. "But...we can tell you that the Pike genetics are strong." The grin that spreads across your face is broad. "It's twins."
Everyone gasps and starts celebrating. None of them are surprised, Selena just had twins last year, but they are happy. Alex jumps up, diving towards you to hug you. “God, I can’t believe it.” He whispers in your ear. “I’m so happy for you.”
"We'll have you kissing babies on the reelection circuit in no time." Though you hug your brother tightly, your eyes are on the television screen behind him. The announcement had taken your family's focus away from the campaign entirely, and that was apparently the magic touch necessary for more results to come pouring in. "Congressman." You poke his side slightly and nudge him back. "Alex, look."
“What?” His head whips around and his eyes bug out when he sees that they are declaring him the winner. The phones that have all been gathered on the coffee table immediately start ringing. “Oh my god.” He whispers. “Oh my god. I won!”
"You won!" David cries in turn, not that he had doubted his husband for a second, but so startled by the timing that he's thrown up his hands in the process.
“I won!” Alex lets you go, nearly jumping on David to kiss him. “I won!”
The room erupts in cheers, chatters, and rising voices that verge on shouting as more and more of Alex's campaign staff barrel in from the back garden. "Other direction!" You call, laughing when the room has filled but there are still more people who want to come in. "Back outside! Party goes back outside!"
It takes a moment, but the room clears and the garden is filled with the sounds of cheering and claps, whistles and exuberant celebrations. It’s been a long campaign season and they deserve to be happy for what they helped accomplish.
"I just want to say." Standing on the porch with a whole garden full of people, Alex stands with David at his side and glows. The pride of a well-run campaign and the excitement of a victory give him the same glow that you remember seeing your mother have over and over again, each election night of your childhood.
"I just want to say..." he repeats, laughing a little when it takes a few moments for everyone to quiet down. "My absolute most heartfelt 'thank you's." Everyone roars to life again with cheers and applause but only for a second. "We ran a campaign with integrity, transparency, and a whole lot of promises. Now the real work begins. Now we have to keep those promises, and build the good will with our constituents that will keep us moving forward. But tonight?" He takes David's hand, grateful to have his husband and soulmate there as his anchor. "Tonight we celebrate!"
Marcus holds you close, his hands on your shoulders as he watches his brother-in-law hug all the staff that have tirelessly worked to make tonight reality. “We are all damn lucky.” He murmurs in your ear.
"Hell yes we are." Turning around in his arms, you wrap your arms around your husband's waist and look up at him with a bright smile. "In every way, baby."
The sounds of celebration are loud enough to wake the dead, but the kids are zonked out in the third-floor apartment where they had finally given up trying to stay awake. Everyone’s kids are piled into the bed and having a sleepover even though it’s a school night. Your brother just won his election and will go on to become a beloved representative for his district. Marcus is slotted to become the Director of the FBI, a very important role that he had never originally let himself dream of.
Your inn is one of the best in the D.C. area and constantly packed, and most importantly, your pregnancy is proceeding nicely. It’ll be the last one, Marcus has already scheduled having a vasectomy done after the babies are born. He just hasn’t told you yet.
“Give it another ten years and he’ll be the first gay president.” Marcus predicts with a smile. “Despite what comes, I do know one thing.” The love he carries for you every day is shining through his eyes. “Our lives are amazing and I am so thankful to be here with you.” He promises. “Hummingbird has landed.” He tells you, using the code that had been used when you first met to signify that everything is just as it should be.
Master Tags: @pixiedurango @chattychell @winter-fox-queen @lady-himbo @artsymaddie @princess76179 @paintballkid711 @missminkylove @pedrosbrat @ew-erin @sarahjkl82-blog @sharkbait77 @justanotherblonde23 @lv7867 @recklesswit @mylittlesenaar @f0rever15elf @gallowsjoker @steeevienicks @athalien @sherala007 @skvatnavle @thatpinkshirt @jaime1110 @girlimjusttryingtoreadfanfics @goodgriefitsawildworld @greeneyedblondie44 @littlemousedroid @harriedandharassed @churchill356 @ajathegreats-blog@haylzcyon   @beardsanddetectives @kirsteng42 @ladykatakuri @adancedivasmom @madiebear @tanzthompson @emilianamason @bigsdinger @xocalliexo @pedr0swh0r3 @avaleineandafryingpan @charlyrmv @avidreader73 @iceclaw101 @loveslide @elegantduckturtle @becsworld @julesonrecord @its-nebuleuse @itsrubberbisquit @mikeyswifie @guelyury @lizzie-cakes @for-a-longlongtime@vabeachazn @purplerain04 @weho2kcmo @madnessofadaydreamer
HHL: @haileymorelikestupid @anoverwhelmingdin @storiesofthefandomlovers @missladym1981 @babeincolor @angelofsmalldeath-codeine
My Masterlist!
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andvys · 11 days
a gift.
Steve’s knee bouncing up and down, almost vibrating a hole in the floor. The neon lights of the hospital beat down, straining his eyes even more following the stress of the last few hours.
“Uncle Steve!” a small voice echos through the halls of the ER, small uncertain footsteps rushing towards him. A familiar mess of brown curls bobs with every step and his arms stretch automatically to pick up Matty Munson.
“Hey my guy! Wheres your dad?” he questions, placing Matty on his knee. Matty takes a second to ponder the question before he points to the ER doors.
Steve squints, looking towards the doors as he struggles to see the older munson. A moment later, the automatic ER doors slide open followed by a series of camera flashes and a loud, angry voice belonging to Eddie.
“Fucking vultures” the rockstar spits at them, taking his sunglasses off and looking around for his son.
Steve clocks eyes with him and raises a hand, a tight lipped smile settled across his face. Eddie glares right back at him…if looks could kill. The doors open again and Eddie’s frazzled publicist Fran follows behind him, barking out orders at security to move the paparazzi away from the door.
A small hand reaches for Steve’s stubbled jaw, fingers almost in his mouth and directing his attention back to little Munson. “Is mommy ok?” he asks, brown eyes wide and looking slightly scared.
“Mommy’s fine. Matty can you go with Fran to get Mommy some jello while I talk with Uncle Steve?” Eddie uses a large palm to guide Matty away and into the waiting hand of Fran.
The two men watch slowly as Fran guides Matty down the corridor and out of sight. Eddie takes a deep breath, adjusting his jeans as he takes a seat next to Steve, his eyes never leaving the mans profile.
Steve gulps, attempting not to be intimidated, but with how reckless Eddie’s behavior has been of late - it’s difficult.
Eddie gets as close to Steves face as he can, lowering his voice, a voice filmed with so much venom it makes goosebumps erupt through Steve’s body.
“Can you give me a run down of what happened Steve? Why you and my pregnant wife were seemingly in vacation together? Where she then took a fall? And needed to come here? Are you fucking stupid? This would’ve never happened if she’d have be-”
One of the things you need to know about Steve is he was good at keeping his cool, he overreacted a lot of a young adult but now in his 30s, he was so laid back he was almost horizontal. Apart from when it came to those he loved.
“You’ve been separated for 7 months Eddie. It’s not really your business what she does. And accidents happen, like I said on the phone, she slipped getting out of the pool. Pretty sure that could’ve happened if you were there or not” Steve responded as level headed as he could.
Eddie’s jaw twitched, a tattooed hand coming up to rub his jaw. A tick Steve knows all too well. Eddie nods his head repeatedly as he digests Steve’ words.
“She’s my wife Steve. Matty is my son. That baby girl is my baby. They’re my family.”
Steve doesn’t respond. They’ve been through this a thousand times. Ever since Eddie’s affair went public 6 months ago, he refused to accept what he had done to his family. He was the one that broke his wife. He was the one that humiliated her. He was the one that forced Matty to split his time between parents.
“What do you think is going to happen Steve? She’ll have our baby and you get to step in and play Daddy Steve? It’s so secret you’ve always had eyes for my girl. You were always there, just waiting for me to fuck up so you could step in, king steve the saviour here to”
“She served you with divorce papers. Are you so conceited to think she still wants to play happy families with you? After what you did to her? She was so distraught she almost lost the baby-” Steve spits back at him.
Steve had been there from the start. Eddie knew Page Six had the scoop on his affair, and instead of getting ahead of it and telling you himself, he took an impromptu trip to visit Wayne and let you find out at the same time the rest of the world did. He did what he always did. He ran.
The mention of that night you ended up in hospital in the early stage of your pregnancy was enough to tip Eddie over the edge.
Eddie flew out of his chair, grabbing Steve by the collar of his shirt and slamming him against the pillar. Gasps filled the ER and flashes from the door were the least of his problems right now.
“She’s my wife. If she thinks I’m signing those divorce papers-” Eddie is so close to Steve, every word he grits out lands a glob of saliva on his cheeks.
“Sir, I’m going to have to ask you to leave” a calm voice from behind the men demands.
Eddie’s eyes bulge out of his head, the veins almost popping through his neck. For a moment everyone remains still. Eddie loosens his grip on Steve who takes a second to stand up straight.
“I’m not fucking leaving until I’ve seen my wife” Eddie spits, eyes still on Steve.
Steve laughs under his breath, running a hand through his hair. Eddie takes this as his chance and slams his head into Steve’s face, busting not only Steve’s nose but his own in the process. Security rushes to grab Eddie and place him in cuffs when the double doors to the ER open.
“Family of Y/N Y/L/N?” The doctor calls out, looking amongst the carnage of the ER.
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why…. would… you… do… this… to… ME
you broke my heart???!!!!!
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i cannot deal with him doing this — i’m, i’ll be thinking about this for the rest of my life, i’m sick to my stomach
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ash5monster01 · 9 months
Learning to Love Part 6
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Pairing: Rafe Cameron x FemReader!PlusSize
Warnings: 18+, langauge, angst, fluff, mentions of bullying, body image issues, fat shaming, fake relationship, eventual smut, minor enemies to lovers trope.
Summary: It's not uncommon for you to be shamed for your size, it is however uncommon to be told that no one would ever date you because of it. Rafe on the other hand is used to being called a jerk, that is until he is accused of seeing people for only what's on the surface. It's purely coicidental you two meet right after these accusations are thrown your way. So even though you two don't know each other, and probably never would've looked the others way before this, now you're both going to prove a point. It's simple really, prove others wrong and don't fall in love. Easier said than done.
word count: 2.6k
Part 5 ←→ Part 7
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Rafe had done a great job at avoiding Matt and Levi since dating you. He was afraid if they started asking questions he wouldn’t be convincing enough. Thing was he couldn't avoid them forever, which is proven true when the client he had met with abruptly left lunch early leaving the three men left to discuss more than just work. So Rafe is sat in the same position he was the day he met you, some beach club during lunch hours, bourbon in his hand, and two assholes sat across from him.
"I should probably get back to the office" Rafe says after one more sip of his bourbon, he had no plans to finish it. He hadn't really needed to numb feelings since meeting you.
"Woah, why such a rush? We have at least twenty more minutes" Matt says with a smirk and Rafe sighs. If he wanted to spend time with these two he'd still be an active member at the country club. He hated when Barry called him country club, he was trying to leave that life behind.
"Meeting is over, I have work to do" Rafe says and a low chuckle escapes Levi's mouth and reverberates into the rim of his whiskey glass.
"He just doesn't want us asking questions about his little girlfriend. Or should a say big girlfriend" Rafe's hand instantly tightens around his glass at Levi's words.
"That's right, Rafe has a new lady" Matt smirks, leaning back in his chair and Rafe does everything he can to not roll his eyes.
"You guys have no right to talk about her" Rafe says with a cold and sharp voice. The boys know they've gotten under his skin, struck a nerve with the hot tempered boy in front of them.
"Listen all we're saying is it's pretty suspicous you start dating big girl right after we say something about how you never date unattractive girls" Levi says leaning forward, his arms crossing over the table.
“Well that’s not the case” Rafe says leaning back, standing his ground. He had grown far too fond of you to let some bitter assholes say anything or assume anything. Even if they’re right.
“If I didn’t know any better I’d say our Rafe here is using the poor girl to prove a point” the sentence makes Rafe stomach churn. Before he had gotten to know you that was the case and he hated how bad it sounded out loud.
“Well you never have known any better Matt and what do I have to prove to you two idiots?” and Rafe had a point. It never was about proving himself to these jack offs. It was to prove it to himself and anyone who ever saw the worst side of him and never thought he could come back from that. His sisters, his Step Mom, all those Pogues he harassed for so long. He had killed someone and it was a burden he had to live with every single day. The least he could do is start seeing people for more than what’s on the outside.
"Nothing, just a little weird you started dating a fatty" Rafe's hand slammed the bottom of his glass so hard on the table both boys jumped at the noise, wild eyes looking at Rafe who seemed far to calm for what he just did.
"Let's not forget who controls your employment status, on top of that you have no right to talk about my girlfriend and her size. Actually anyone’s size for that matter. Considering that it's coming from big nose and pimples over here" and both boys sit there shocked for a moment as Rafe stands, rebuttons his suit jacket, and heads to his truck where he can go back to work and not be bothered by those idiots. He should've fired one of them for the hell of it.
Yet he couldn't shake what they were both saying about you at lunch and they were right about one thing, he did have twenty minutes left. Actually he had all the time in the world left because he was the CEO, he'd pull a late night if it meant seeing you and getting whatever those idiots said out of his head. So his direction changed and he found himself pulling into the empty lot of the bar. He was actually surprised the doors were unlocked when he pushed through them and even luckier he was met with the sight of your back. You leaned over a table, wiping it down for the upcoming shift. You wore your usual outfit, jeans and a T-shirt, this time with the logo of your bar across the back in neon. The door slams shut behind him just as he begins admiring the curve of your ass.
"We don't open for another twenty minutes" you call out without turning and he grins, arms crossing over his chest.
"Damn, because I was really hoping for a drink now" he watches as you perk up to the sound of his voice and he's met with a wide smile when you turn around and face him.
'What're you doing here?" you grin and he chuckles, walking forward and spotting Mila and Randy who watch you both from the bar. Mostly because he wants to and the audience you have, he wraps his arms around you and pulls you close.
"Had some time left on my lunch break, I wanted to see you" he says and that's when you spot the pain in his eyes and you need no explanation as you hug him close.
"How bout a drink on the house, mainly because we haven't put the new drawer in yet" you tell him and he laughs loudly before pressing a kiss to your forehead.
"I'd like that" he says and you nod before locking your hand in his own and leading him over to the bar where Mila and Randy jump to look like they were working and not watching the two of you interact.
"Hey, can you get Rafe something to cheer him up?" you ask when you hit the bar and Mila chuckles as Randy nods.
"Rafe having a bad day?” Mila teases lightly, now more comfortable with him since he had been coming around the house. They had reached a new level of friendship when she dug into Rafe about the hickey he had given you. You hadn't realized how carried away he had gotten either and your neck looked like a crime scene opposed to the small mark you had before. She had bitched about how much makeup it would take for her to cover you up when he had told her not too, that he wanted everyone to know you were his. You had felt that sentence in places you shouldn't of and Mila finally accepted Rafe was in this for real.
"Just some idiot coworkers, my revenge was leaving them with the lunch bill today" Rafe returns as Randy sets the brightest drink in front of him. Rafe's eyes widen at the vibrant red color of the liquid and you can't help but giggle.
"What, you said something to cheer him up. This cheers me up" Randy defends and Rafe tilts his head before lifting the drink up.
"Here's to red dye I guess" he says before taking a sip. You all watched curiously as he gulps the the liquid down.
"Not bad Randy, a little too sweet for my liking but good" Rafe says and he grins victoriously as Rafe takes another sip from the drink.
"Don't listen to him, he likes things sweet" you tease and the minute the words leave your mouth you blush a deep red because you know exactly what it sounded like. Mila snorts out a laugh as Randy wears a mortified look.
"I didn't need to know that" he says and you know your flushed cheeks burn visibly for the whole crowd to see.
"I didn't mean it like that" you mutter out and Rafe feels his heart soar over how adorable you look in this moment.
"Don't worry baby, I know exactly what you meant" Rafe says in a proud way, arm wrapping around the back of your chair, and pressing a chaste kiss to your lips. He pretends it's real, that you're really his girl and can kiss you as much as he likes. After trying to finally turn his life around for the better and allowing someone like you so close he realized how lonely he truly was, it creeping in like a bad cold.
“God, I need to go on a date” Mila groans out and Randy chuckles beside her.
“What happened with that guy from last night? What was his name? Paul? I thought you were trying to get his number?” Randy asks, continuing to clean the glasses for the upcoming shift.
“Pope, and turns out he was with that gorgeous girl with him the whole time” you don’t miss the way Rafe freezes against you.
“Not really a surprise, that whole group was some of the most good looking people I’ve ever seen. No surprise they were all dating one another, they’ve probably swapped before” Randy says as your eyes look up to Rafe who suddenly looks like he doesn’t want to be here anymore.
“They were the ones who found the road to El Dorado, hence why it would’ve been amazing to get his number” you recognize the look on Rafe’s face being one of panic, so you furrow your eyebrows together and put your hand on his thigh.
“Rafe, what’s wrong?” you ask and as if he’s brought back to reality he stands and begins to shake his head.
“I have to go, good luck tonight guys” and he’s rushing out of the bar before you can even process what’s happening. That doesn’t stop you from chasing after him though, pushing open the doors to find him in the empty parking lot, gripping his hair, and breathing heavily.
"Rafe, whats going on?" you call out after him but he starts to pace, not turning to face you. The worry you had for him when he showed up now heightens as you see him experience something similiar to a panic attack. So you do what you know best and rush over to him, arms stopping his movement and locking him in your space. You'd never willing press yourself so closely to him, allowing him to feel the curves of your large stomach pressing against him, making him aware of your size, but you know with the panic in his eyes he won't register what was happening. "Hey, talk to me"
"I have to get to work" he say's trying to pull away but you squeeze your arms tighter around him so he's not allowed to escape. This brings his attention to you, eyes finally locking on your own.
"Listen to me Rafe, we may be fake dating but that doesn't mean in the last few weeks I haven't gotten to know you. That being said I know you're upset about something and there is no possible way I can allow myself to let you get in that truck and drive off knowing the mental state you are currently in" he freezes at your words, not quite expecting such a speech to come from you but he also feels his heart rate slow to a small thrum. You had calmed him down. Nobody has ever been able to calm him down. "Talk to me, I'm a stranger, remember?"
"You're not a stranger" he says with the shake of his head, his own arms coming to wrap around you. He takes a beat, allow himself to collect his thoughts and consider sharing this with you. "Those people they were talking about, those are my sisters friends. Considering she doesn't go anywhere without them it meant my sister had been there. I haven't seen my sister in over a year. It just freaked me out"
"The sister you dont talk to?" you ask and he confirms with the nod of his head. "She's the one that found the treasure?”
"It was almost me" Rafe whispers and you feel your heart break for him. This showed that the issues with his sister was much more than resentment, it was the high of the chase. Willing to do and sacrfifice anything for something as beautiful as ancient treasure.
"It wasn't just resentment" you whisper out and Rafe squeezes his eyes shut, clearly trying to push away memories he doesn't want to recall. It's when your arms loosen around him his own heart breaks.
"I've done things I regret. Things that I wasn't even in control of. My whole life all my Dad wanted was that damn treasure and I wanted to be the one to give it to him. To make him proud and instead he sacrificed himself for Sarah's safety and she got the treasure instead of me. She got everything and all I got was the stupid company he didn't even want me to have" then to your surprise a tear slips free from his eye and he steps away from you to hide it.
"Hey, stop" you grip his wrist, tugging him back. His heart flutters as your free hand reaches up and brushes the stray tear away. "Come here"
And just like that he falls into your embrace. Head landing on your shoulder and hugging you tightly. He hadn't had someone comfort him like this ever. At least since his Mom has passed, you're embrace warm and a reminder of all those time's he came to her with scraped knees and misty eyes. The thought alone makes him cry silently against you because maybe for the first time he was realizing how broken his family had become. He was technically orphaned and he didn't even have his sisters to rely on anymore.
It was crazy how fast they went from sharing bowls of cereal at the kitchen island, teasing each other like siblings should, to picking sides of a hunting war, faking deaths, losing lives, and hurting one another for real. A year of hatred and blind rage had changed the entire course of his life and now he was left all alone with the one thing he never truly wanted. At least he had you, even if it wasn't real. Then again how sad is it that the one person he can rely on is one he had to bargain to spend time with him. His entire life was a sham.
"Take the day" you say and he pulls back, sniffling and looking at you with teary eyes.
"What?" he asks curiously and you give him a light smile, hands gripping his own.
"Take the rest of the day, Mila and Randy can handle it here. Let's just go back to your apartment, watch a few movies and order some pizza" you tell him and his own smile cracked across his face. He took a moment to consider it before nodding and brushing his damp cheeks away.
"Okay, yeah. I do have to stop into the office quick. Then we can go" and you nod, willing to agree as long as he was okay.
"If we stop at the office I get to drive" you tell him, holding you hand out, and he furrows his eyebrows before you give him a stern look which makes him comply, dropping the keys into your hand.
"Goodluck reaching the pedals" he mutters and you roll your eyes before walking towards the bar to tell Mila and Randy you were taking to day with Rafe.
"I bet I drive it better than you"
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a/n: sorry it’s been a while my loves, the holidays always keep me super busy. hope you enjoyed!
Taglist: @sublimepenguinpeach-blog @fishingirl12 @houseofperfecttaste @abbybarnesstuff @carma-fanficaddict @jjmaybankisbae @exhaustedbutelated @diagnosedpsychosis @daivny @drewstarkeygf @vinniehackersbaee @emsgoodthinkin @apollo3475 @https-urwife @willowalexissss @kisstaya @hcneyedsstuff @lexiereblogs @drewsuncrustables @mveggieburger @marvel4life3000 @bibliophilewednesday @humungouspatrolwolf @ijustwanttoreadlols @jaijustreads @sleepjam @dilvcv @aaronhotchswife @sunshine1218 @lavenderhazeq @theultimatefrenchfangirl
Comment if you want to be added to the tag list :))
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dn-imagines-in-2023 · 10 months
Is pretty open to whatever you want to do. If you ask him to choose, he'll go with the classic dinner at a nice restaurant and maybe go to a museum or something.
He's a very good conversationalist. He loves to learn so he's very easy to talk to; he remembers details.
'Oh, they hate this color, I better pick a different tie.'
If you're doing something fun, he'll have a good time. But he's not a fan of the 'lay around on the couch' kind of dates, they make him feel unproductive.
He LOVES the lay around on the couch type of dates. They're a good safe option for him when it's not safe for him to be in public.
When it is safe for him to be in public he's completely shameless. All of his habits and quirks are out on display for the whole world to see and he does not care if he gets judged for it.
So if you can't handle the secondhand embarrassment of your boyfriend having his bare feet out for free, you're going to have a bad time.
If you do go out, he likes quieter, more private dates. A library, a park, places that aren't too crowded or chaotic.
Cafes and bakeries are always a win for obvious reasons.
She really goes all out. You have to schedule your dates with her, because they can be like 6 hours long.
She's a big fan of classic romantic dates. The 'dinner and a move' kind of thing.
I think she would absolutely love to take you to a masquerade. A chance to experiment with fashion and dance with you all night? She'd be all over it.
She would also like shopping dates. She loves to pick out clothes she thinks would look good on you and will let you pick out things for her too.
Takes lots of cute pictures through the night and displays her favorites in her room.
Mello *NSFW mentioned*
He’ll only go on dates with you on his off time- work always comes first. He has to beat Near by any means necessary, that means his love life comes second to that. In another world where everything was resolved neatly, he would likely be more willing to engage in romance.
Mello loves an adrenaline rush. His favorite dates are always a little risky and you always end up sweaty and out of breath (in a good way.) 
I imagine he would like taking you out for drinks and going dancing- probably to raves rather than nightclubs. 
The dark is a nice excuse to hold your hand- so you don’t get separated of course. 
When you’re so exhausted and dizzy you can’t see straight, he’ll call you both a cab and you’ll do everything short of have sex in the back of it.
The real fun starts when you both get upstairs ;)
Matt loves relaxed stay-at-home dates. You hop on multiplayer on a really relaxing game like stardew valley or minecraft and just lay in a snuggly pile of blankets together. 
I think he would also like dates where you make something together- trying a new recipe, or making an art project. It might not turn out great - he doesn’t have a sophisticated palette or a lot of artistic skill, but he would have a lot of fun.
He doesn’t mind going out once in a while, but he doesn’t like dressing up. He hates wearing ties. He’ll do it occasionally for your sake, but it’s not his favorite.
He doesn’t really do specifically set out *dates*. You both just… end up in each others company.
It’s never a case of ‘Let’s set aside this Saturday at 7 for a date night.’ Usually, you just end up in his room while he’s working, you distract him, and you two end up spending the next six hours talking.
I imagine he would like that type of date, where you sit and have a really, really good conversation for hours and hours.
Especially since you’re one of the only people in the world who can really keep up with him.
He might bring out something for you two to work on together, some of his toys, puzzles, models, etc.
He likes meticulous, detail oriented work. Introduce him to knitting/crochet and you two can sit and knit together for hours. (embroidery would also work for this.)
Silly goofy guy.
He likes new experiences, he’s willing to try just about anything once. So if you have a really wild date idea, he’s probably down with it.
If he’s the one to come up with the date, he tries to put some thought into it and make it personal to you. But he has trouble coming up with new ideas so he tends to stick to what he knows - you two have a dedicated date night restaurant you both like.
I have no idea why, but I imagine he would love live theater? Like specifically musicals. Take him to see Hairspray, he’ll have the time of his life.
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myfictionaldreams · 2 years
Happy Halloween // poly!marauders x fem!reader
Summary: You were your own worst enemy. The boys have surprised you by changing their looks for the Halloween party but you can't decide if you're highly aroused or intimidated by their new looks.
A/N: Hello everyone! I’m sorry it’s been a while I’ve been super busy with work and University. but anyway, I hope you enjoy!
Tags: 18+ readers only, smut, dom/sub, foursome, submissive reader, self-conscious and intimidated reader, moustache/facial hair kink (idk if this is a thing), oral sex (f and m recieving), multiple orgasms, blowjob, fingering, anal sex, squirting, double penetration, begging, praise kink, daddy and sir kink, overstimulated, edging, (not beta read)
Word: 7.5k
my masterlist 📚 AO3 Link 
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(gif made by me :))
“Can you give me at least a little hint as to what you’re all wearing?” you asked with a hint of desperation evident in your tone as you glanced between the three boys across the table.
Around you, similar questions were being asked among the excited students at Hogwarts as Professor Dumbledore had planned a Halloween celebration in the evening. But, this wasn’t the party that most of the older students would be attending, as The Marauders had somehow managed to sweet-talk Madam Rosemerta to have a “civilised” gathering that most definitely wouldn’t include copious amounts of firewhiskey and music. Everyone had been talking about it for weeks, and it was only as you mentioned to Alice that the dress you were borrowing from Lily was blue, did James perk up, a devilish grin spreading across his cheeks, “I’m wearing blue as well, we’ll be matching my love”.
“What do you mean you’re wearing blue? You don’t own anything blue”, his grin slipped into a smirk as he turned away from you, leaving you to ponder. Usually you were lucky to see James or Sirius in anything that wasn’t their school uniform or quidditch jumpers so to hear that he’d brought something specifically for the party had you questioning him about this discovery at any spare moment. This only increased when Remus and Sirius revealed that they also had brought “special” outfits for the party and now you were really confused and desperate for any minor details that your boyfriends might reveal.
However, they were also very good at keeping secrets and even though the four of you shared a bed every night, no amount of snooping in their wardrobe would bring you closer to finding out what they were wearing.
Even now, as you continued to stare at the three of them, who were now blatantly ignoring your questioning as they finished their meals in a hurry, you sighed in frustration still not being able to get the answers you were hoping for. Instead, you turned to Lily, asking what time she was going to start getting ready tonight.
Only a few moments later did the three of them stand up, catching your attention, frowning as Sirius and Remus rushed off whilst James collected his bag from under the table. “Wait what are you going? I thought we were all going to the library together?”
“Sorry, we need to get ready love, we’ll meet you in the common room at 7” he responded, reaching across the table to gently cup your hand, lifting it to his lips and giving a slow kiss across your knuckles, smirking down as your shoulders dropped in relaxation a soft smile on your lips, momentarily forgetting that he was leaving you until he dropped your hand and you watched him disappear out of the great hall.
“Did he say they were going to get ready? We still have all afternoon yet, surely it’s not going to take them 6 hours to put a suit on” Lily asked confused.
Shaking your head, you shrugged your shoulders, “I have no idea, they seem to have a few things planned for it but they won’t tell me anything even though I can see them whispering away every evening when they think I’m asleep. Your guess is as good as mine”.
Opting out of the library, you spent the afternoon with the Gryffindor girls, talking about their predictions for the night, who would be the best dressed, the prediction for who would be drunkest and how long we all thought it would be before Madam Rosemarta kicked everyone out. Finally, it was a reasonable hour to climb the stairs to the girl's dormitory and begin getting ready.
In the excitement of wanting to see what the boys were wearing, you were ready in record timing, mostly because the other girls had come to your aid, having watched you struggle with the simple spells to sort out your hair and makeup. So, Marlene perfectly styled your hair whilst Lily slowly moved her wand across your face, applying a light layer of makeup. Getting changed was the easy part, some new underwear that you’d picked especially for today to surprise the boys and the floor-length blue dress with a hip-length slit up the right side of the leg, paired with simple black flats, not trusting yourself in heels tonight.
You moved to wait on the common room sofa, waving off your friends as 7pm came and went and yet, your boyfriends still didn’t appear. You’d even attempted to knock on the boys’ door but all you heard was shuffling and Sirius shouting that he would be down soon. As it neared 8pm, you could feel your eyes starting to droop from staring into the fire for an hour, your head slipping on your fist that was holding it up.
Slowly standing, you decided to go to the bathroom and try to freshen up, hoping your eyes would open. You knew the layout of the common room like the back of your hand so with your tired eyes closed, you stepped around the sofa and bumped into the hard chest of someone that you hadn’t heard descend the stairs.
“Woah, careful love” James chuckled, gently grabbing your forearms to keep you upright. You smiled at his voice, still not opening your eyes as you rested your forehead against his chest, smiling wider as he kissed the top of your head, hands circling your back, whispering, “I’ve missed you this afternoon too”. You usually spent all day with the boys so it felt odd not to be in their arms for all of this time.
Taking a deep breath, his mouthwatering cologne took over your senses and as he whispered how beautiful you looked in your ear, it finally dawned on you - he was finally dressed!
Snapping your eyes open and taking a step back so his hands were resting on your shoulders, you looked at him.
Blinking a few times, your mouth gaped open, eyes slowly travelling over his body. Does he look taller? And older somehow? Swallowing harshly, you tried to take in every detail of your boyfriend who looked so incredibly different to the messy-haired, lean built Marauder. James was thriving in your reaction, cockily looking down at himself before straightening his tie, “I know, I know, I scrub up well, don’tcha think?”
Glancing down you took in every detail, his leather shoes were burgundy in colour, nothing like his scruffy school shoes. Next was his three-piece suit, pinstripe blue, darker than the blue you wore but it was fitted to perfection, particularly over the muscles on his arms that seemed bigger than they did this morning. Beneath the suit, he wore a light blue shirt with a black tie decorated with skulls. From the side of your eyes you noted that he also wore big thick rings on his hands, but as you looked back at his face, this was the biggest transformation, the one that had your knees feeling weak. A thick beautiful moustache now lay over his top lip, and his hair seemed to be longer, usually, it was kept short and seemed to always be sticking up in every direction but not today, instead it was swept back and now reached his shoulders and a single earring hoop in his left ear.
“Honey?” James asked, finger stroking your cheek which snapped you out of the trance you seemed to be stuck in, swallowing loudly again. You’d never seen him look like this before and the moustache… he knew that would drive you crazy.
Confusion sparked through your expression, “what?” you whispered, looking him up and down repeatedly and blinking slowly. James then went into an explanation about potions for hair growth and how he had been saving for this suit for a while but you were only half listening, instead just basking in his beauty, trying to ignore the pulsing between your legs.
But you were also your own worst enemy, here he was, looking hot as hell, and there you were in a hand-me-down dress borrowed from Lily, you’d look like an eye sore compared to him.
James knew you probably better than you knew yourself, noticing the glazed-over look in your eyes, the way your breathing rate increased and the fact you were nibbling nervously on your lip. Stepping closer so you were toe-to-toe, he swiftly cupped your cheeks, tilting your head back so he could lean down and kiss your lips tenderly. At first, you pulled away but he held firmly and soon as you breathed in his smell you relaxed, trying to remind yourself, it was only James, your James, not an attractive stranger that you needed to impress.
“You look beautiful my love” he mumbled between kisses, not stopping until your body relaxed fully, hands lifting to hold onto his wrists, feeling the cool metal of his chain bracelet trying to find comfort in touching him. James leaned down, leaving kisses all over your face causing you to giggle at the sensation, “there she is” he smiled down at you as you mirrored his smile.
Taking a deep breath, you couldn’t stop staring at his moustache, wishing that you could feel it on your mouth, breasts…in between your legs. “I knew you would like it” James muttered, almost reading your thoughts just by the way you were staring at him. He leaned down, capturing your mouth deeply in a kiss that stole your breath and you reciprocated with just as much want, needing more.
However, another voice stopped you. “Woah, why are you guys having all the fun without me, I thought we agreed to wait until after the party Prongs before any funny business” Sirius whined, stepping down the final few steps from the boy's dormitory.
Flushed from the kiss, you hide in James' chest, trying to slow your breathing but as you peeked around your boyfriend and took in Sirius’ appearance, nothing could stop your cheeks from warming. They were really pushing you to the maximum today.
Sirius almost looked royal with his attire. Black leather boots that stopped midway up his calf, with tight black trousers tucked in, and the jacket - it was exquisite, intricate details all over the material, with silver buckles up the centre and finally a peak of burgundy colour at his neck teased a shirt beneath the jacket, however, as stunning as his outfit was, this wasn’t what held your attention.
“You’ve cut your hair” your voice was small, giving no indication as to whether you liked the change or not. For all the years that you had known him, he had always had shoulder-length curly hair that you loved to spend hours with your fingers running through it so this was a big change for him.
Sirius stood taller, pulling his jacket straight, eyebrow raised as he asked, “what do you think? It’ll grow back if you don’t like it darling”.
Stepping around James, you reached up a tentative hand, playing with the new short hair at the nape of his neck, slowly bringing your hand across to the also new stubble that covered his cheeks.
“I love it” you managed to croak out, if only he knew that your heartbeat was pounding in your ears and cunt, not sure how to handle the arousal that was pulsing through you, both boys were handsome but you’d never seen them like this before.
“Yeah? You love it? Well, I love you” he leaned down, hands on your waist to pull you closer, you had to still go on your tiptoes to reach as he kissed you slowly and deeply, a hand slipping up to hold the side of your throat and what he felt had him pulling back. “I can feel your pulse pounding baby, everything’s ok, I know it's a big change but it’s still just us”, his thumb stroked along your jaw.
Dropping back onto the flats of your feet, you glanced down at your hands that were playing with the hem of his jacket as Sirius kissed your forehead. Sometimes, you really hated having your brain, hated how anxiety ruled your thoughts leaving you feeling worthless and stressed. This situation was ridiculous, you were standing with two of your boyfriends, and they’d decided to dress up a bit so why were you feeling so self-conscious that you couldn’t even look them in the eye?
Sirius glanced down at what you were wearing, hand reaching low to the top of your thigh, near your hip, which was where the slit in the dress ended. “Well, I really fucking love this” you huffed a laugh, a good distraction from the thoughts in your head. If only you had looked up to see the smile that spread across James and Sirius’ faces when you laughed, they always said it was their favourite sound.
James, who had been leaning against the back of the sofa watching the interaction stood, approaching the back of you, hands circling your waist to gently tug you back into his arms, lips brushing against the soft column of your throat, his moustache tickling the skin.
“Excuse us Prongs, you’re taking my job”, Sirius remarked, mirroring James' movements but from in front of you, his mouth attaching to the other side of your neck. Closing your eyes, you tried to relax but if it wasn’t your self sabotaging thoughts, the only thing you could think of was the intense clenching that your pussy was doing as the sweet sensations that their lips were slowly driving you crazy.
It was footsteps descending the staircase that caught your attention as Remus finally finished getting ready, doing up one of the cuffs on his jacket, and observing the three of you with hungry eyes. “Boys, I thought we were waiting for this, otherwise we’ll never get to the party”.
James and Sirius reluctantly let you go, knowing you would also want to go and be in his arms but you seemed to stop breathing in awe as to how he looked, he somehow looked older too, with a beard starting to grow in, his hair perfectly styled and his suit… that damn suit… these boys were really trying to push you to your limit today.
It was an all-white suit and shirt, paired with some simple black leather shoes, but it all shaped his body exquisitely and now your nerves were really a mess, as well as in between your legs, you could feel your juices smearing across the top of your thighs.
Remus was looking you up and down just as fiercely, whistling low as he took everything in before him, “you look perfect” he spoke, almost dazed himself. He started to step forward, noticing your hesitation and could practically feel your nerves rolling off of you.
Lifting a finger under your chin, he tilted your head back enough to kiss the tip of your nose, “you ok, pup?” he whispered.
“Ye-yeah” you just about choked out, feeling Sirius and James each take one of your hands in their own, squeezing it supportively.
“Do you still want to go?” He held your jaw firmly, making sure you couldn’t look away from his intense eyes.
“Yes,” you whispered, not having the nerve to have any other answer. For a moment, your eyes dropped to Remus’ lips as he leaned in further to gently brush against yours before pulling away, squinting his eyes as if unsure of your answer.
“If you get overwhelmed, if you want to leave at any time, if you want to get some fresh air, anything - you will tell one of us won’t you?” You tried to nod but Remus tutted, shaking his head. “I need to hear you say it Pup, you know that.”
“Yes sir”.
“Good”, he kissed your forehead before standing to his full height, extending his arm, and offering it for you to take which you gladly did.
You knew you were being quiet on the walk to the carriage, and you knew that the boys had noticed this. Even though you clung to Remus’ arm for dear life, you still couldn’t look either of them in the eyes, hardly answering their questions and almost cowering away from them.
Finally, you all climbed into the carriage. Usually, you would have either sat in one of their laps or been pulled in close to one of their sides but today, you couldn’t muster up the courage to do this so opted to sit next to the window, eyes dazed as you watched the cart begin to move.
You could feel each of their eyes on you, Remus was to your right on the bench with James and Sirius across from the two of you. Your hands nervously twitched in your lap as you tried not to become overwhelmed and even noticed the “I told you so look” that James gave the other two.
This was exactly what you were like before you all began dating. Timid, nervous, couldn’t look either of them in the eye, purely because you were intimidated by them and how attractive they were. You’d found them all to be the three most handsome men you’d ever seen, so being the introverted person that you were, you avoided them at all costs but what you hadn’t noticed was that they were watching you, wanting you just as badly as you wanted them and it took a long long while to coax you out of the anxiety to be calm around them.
So now, sitting with them all dressed up in a way you hadn't seen them before, it was almost like sitting with three strangers and it put your barriers straight back up again, even though you knew it was your boys, your mind was overstimulated by the situation.
You hated being this ridden with anxiety, wish that you could be excited that they all looked so gorgeous, wish you could go back to looking forward to the party with all of your friends but instead you were dreading every moment. Expecting them to all leave you as soon as you arrived because why would they want to be seen with you when they all looked like that?
You tried to clear your self-sabotaging throughs that spiral around and around in your mind, could feel your eyes glazing over, your body starting to shake but you couldn’t stop it.
“Come here, Pup” Remus mumbled, gently reaching across to pull on your hands you recently did as commanded, sliding across the bench until your leg brushed against his but Remus continued to pull on your hands. “Not close enough just yet”, he smiled softly down at you.
You tried to smile back, warming in your cheeks as you moved to sit in his lap with his help, “relax back, that’s it”, he muttered. You still couldn’t look back at him or across at the two sitting opposite so instead stared at your hands as he moved your body to be comfortable, legs lying over his muscular ones that you could feel beneath, and then his arms cradled your body to his chest, hands engulfing yours.
His lips brushed against the shell of your ear as he whispered, “relax, love”. Your body trembled as you released a hard breath, your muscles going from tense to jelly in a second as you melted back into Remus, but still only looked at your now joined hands. He didn’t have any fancy jewellery on except for a lavish watch, so his hands around yours looked as they usually did which comforted you as you ran your fingers over the scars that scattered over his skin.
“Close your eyes” Remus instructed and you immediately did, finding this the easiest thing you’d done all evening. “Take a deep breath, in through your nose and out through your mouth.” You did this, breathing in all of their colognes, at least these hadn’t changed, it still just smelt of the three boys you loved, the boys you recognised, the boys you loved. Your hands held onto his tighten, head tipping back against his shoulder.
“That’s it, just breath us in Sweetheart, it’s just us, it’s just your boys, we’ll always be your boys, nothing has changed no matter how we look”, he sweetly kissed the side of your head once more before continuing in trying to calm you down. “It’s just me, it’s just Sirius and it’s just James, no one else”.
“My boys” you finally mumbled, the tight knot in your stomach relaxing slightly enough for you to feel comfortable enough to turn your head and nuzzle into his neck, even though it felt different iht his facial hair, it still smelt like him, underneath the cologne, it was still him.
“That’s right, your boys, just like you’re ours” his arms tightened, pulling you harder against his body and that’s when you noticed the hardened lump under where you were sat on his lap, a small smile now playing on your lips.
“As I said, you look perfect tonight, like you always are Pup” he muttered, gently rolling his hips so you could feel the full extent of his erection. You immediately started to grind down on him, softly mewling at the sensation.
“I need you daddy” your words had him tensing, eyes rolling back and cock throbbing. Remus looked to the other two sitting across from him, noting how they were both pulling against their tight trousers, trying to relieve the pressure on their cocks. They both watched closely as Remus's rough hand inched towards the slit in your dress.
James shifted forward in his seat, forearms resting on his knees as he watched Remus’ hand closely, “that’s not fair you said we had to wait until after the party and I called the first dib, I’ve wanted to taste her all day”.
You're instantly rubbing your thighs together, moaning at his husky voice, wanting nothing more than for him to go through with this.
Remus’ chest rumbled as he responded, his voice now low, “fuck waiting for the party, go ahead Prongs”. He removed his hand from your thigh, moving it to hold your waist steadily so he could ease your legs on either side of his, spreading you before them, the slit in your dress widening until your entire left leg was exposed and your cunt only just covered but they could see a peak of blue lingerie.
You still kept your eyes closed, not wanting to overwhelm yourself as you tried to refrain from shaking in anticipation of hearing James slide to his knees, not caring if he messed up his suit in the process.
His hot breath spread across the thigh of your exposed leg as he kissed it, his hands stroking along the skin delicately but it only caused you to go into overdrive with how much you wanted him. “Please daddy” you huffed, trying to roll your hips but couldn't in the position Remus had moved you to.
James chuckled at your desperation, licking the top of your thigh clean as it had been covered in your juices, moaning at the taste before finally pushing back the dress to expose your centre and stopping at the sight before him. “Well well… if this isn’t the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen I don’t know what is” James muttered against your skin as Sirius simply whispered the word “fuck” at the view.
You had decided to wear some crotchless underwear, knowing that the party would end in fucking so you thought it would be a nice treat for you and the boys - and easy access. This meant that your clenching, wet cunt was now bared to them all, James’ mouth seemed to moisten even further, and each of their cocks throbbed wanting to be buried deep in your warmth.
He couldn’t wait a moment longer as he leaned closer and licked a strip from your hole to your clit, licking up everything you had to offer and he could see just how sensitive you were as you moaned desperately, bodily twitching at the sensation.
He started by pushing his tongue deep into your hole, pushing in and out, his nose brushing against your clit with each stroke. His moustache was also adding in a rough but satisfying sensation as he continued opening you up before swiping up to the sensitive bundle of nerves, flicking it at first before sucking it into his mouth which had your hips nearly falling off of Remus's lap if it wasn’t for his strong hold of you.
You were moaning loudly, not caring if people outside of the carriage could hear you, your hand falling into his perfectly styled hair, holding him close to your cunt as the other hand gripped the back of Remus’ neck holding yourself to him.
Vaguely you could hear another movement and deep moans and you had a slight suspicion that Sirius was wanking himself off watching you getting eaten out. Your cunt clenched violently at the thought, already feeling yourself being worked up to the orgasm you desperately craved, especially as James lifted his hand and inserted two fingers deep, gently rocking them in time with your hip movements, tongue swirling around and around your clit.
Your breaths were hot and heavy, your mouth hanging open as you moaned frantically. Remus’ lips brushed against the shell of your ear once more, commanding, “open your eyes, I want you to look at him when you cum in his mouth”. You felt James’ mouth twitch into a smirk against your pussy, but didn’t falter in his movements, bringing you closer and closer.,
You couldn’t even think properly as you opened your eyes, looking down at the man in between your legs and the sight of his handsome, moustache face was all you needed. It was such an intense orgasm that you nearly toppled forward, pulling James' face off of you as you quivered around his fingers, eyes rolling as your body spasmed, the contractions in your cunt nearly had you floored.
Shuddering breaths rattled through you as you found your bearings. Quickly opening your eyes, you let go of the strong grip on James’ hair, you apologised having nearly ripped out his hair and messed up his perfectly styled look. But the look that James’ gave had your heart jumping in your throat as he sat back on his knees, licking the juices off of his lips and smiling devilishly at you.
“Don’t ever apologise for that” he muttered leaning up to kiss you deeply before collapsing back in his seat next to Sirius who was waving his wand over his lap that was covered in his cum, his half-limp cock being tucked away. James then pulled his wand out from inside of his jacket and waved at the wet patch that was leaking through his trousers as he too had cum from your display.
Your cheeks were impossibly warm as you leaned back on Remus, his cock still hard beneath your lap. Reaching beneath, you tried to stroke him through his trousers but his hard gently cupped your wrist, placing it back into your lap. “It’s alright Love, we’ll sort it out later, anyway I think we’re going to be arriving soon”.
He helped you to sort yourself out, trying to look as if you hadn’t had James’ head between your legs so no one would suspect but the heated gaze you held, you knew you’d fool no one.
Sirius helped you out of the carriage, kissing your knuckles softly before pulling you into the hut where the gathering was taking place, waving politely to madam rosemarta who looked confusedly at the three boys with how different their appearance looked before pushing open the door to the back room.
A few hours later, you were sitting in a chair in the corner, drinking down some water to try and keep you awake but after all the dancing and laughing you’d been doing, you were struggling to keep your eyes open. You knew you should ask to leave but staring across the room at James and Remus, who both had forgone their blazers and had rolled up their sleeves, as they danced with their fellow Gryffindors, you didn’t have the guts to stop their fun.
Wiping your eyes but also being careful of your make-up, you tried to wake yourself up more which was the exact moment when Sirius came up behind you, leaning down to wrap his warm arms around you, his jacket long discarded somewhere as he kissed your neck.
“Tired, love?” he asked as you leaned back into him.
“Maybe a little bit” you responded shyly at having been caught looking tired.
“Let’s go then darling, come on, I’ll tell the boys” he pulled you up gently but you shook him off not wanting him to miss the fun.
“It’s ok, I’ll be fine Siri-” the end of your sentence was cut off as a yawn rippled through your body, definitely no chance of hiding your exhaustion now.
Sirius didn’t say anything, just simply stroked your cheek before carrying on with informing the boys that you were both leaving before returning back to you, placing his jacket over your shoulders, a warm hand against your lower back and guiding you outside to the awaiting carriage.
“Wait for us!” shouted from behind as Remus and James followed after the two of you, pulling on their blazers, not giving you a chance to argue that they should stay before they were lifting you into the carriage. Sirius was quick to then pull you into his lap sideways so you could nestle into his chest as James sat next to him, easing your feet into his lap, removing your shoes and massaging your feet that had you moaning.
“Sorry for making you guys all leave” you mumbled tiredly into Sirius's neck.
James paused his movements on your feet, “don’t apologise, I’ve told you that” he whispered, nipping one of your toes that had you squealing before he carried on rubbing his thumb into the hell.
After a few calm moments, Remus came up with an idea. “Why don’t we spend the night in the special place? Gives us some peace and quiet from the drunk Gryffindors that have already gone back to Hogwarts?”
“I thought Dumbledore said that the special place was only for our furry friend,” Sirius countered his idea.
“Yeah well, Dumbledore doesn’t need to know about this, does he?” Remus having decided for the group lifted his wand and tapped it against the ceiling, causing the cart to change directions.
The shrieking shack was there the boys were to be during the full moon to look after Remus, and on other occasions, the four of you would go during the day to hang out… and specifically use the large bed in one of the rooms for certain activities. Even though the outside of the building was dark and dreary, the inside wasn’t as bad, thanks to Remus’ charms, it was kept nice and clean for all to use.
The journey was shorter so before long, James was slipping on your shoes once more. Even though you knew that the shrieking shack wasn’t actually haunted, you still had goosebumps littering your skin as you all walked down the spooky path.
Once inside, you all climbed the stairs to the bedroom, Sirius flicking his wand towards the fireplace to light it up, warming the room instantly. The four of you sat in chairs in front of the fire, sharing a bottle of firewhiskey that James had snuck for the party but kept just for you all, which you know shared, the liquid warming your insides.
As James started telling the group the latest gossip that he’d heard from Lily you began to become fidgety, becoming slightly uncomfortable in the dress having been in it for too many hours now, you couldn’t keep still, trying to pull on the bust to ease up the feeling.
Sirius watched you in amusement, adoring the way your bottom lip stuck out at the feeling before finally asking, “what some help there, love?”
Sighing you turned to him, “yes please”.
Standing directly in front of the ire, with your back towards the boys, Sirius stepped behind you, kissing along your shoulders as he slowly undid the zip up the back of the dress, his hand trailing along the skin that was slowly being exposed. As you pulled your arm out of the sleeve, he stopped you, whispering huskily, “wait, do it slowly I want to watch”, and with that collapsed back into his chair, taking another swig from the bottle.
At first, you were too embarrassed to undress in front of them, it now going deathly silent except for the fire crackling before you. However, the whiskey had given you a slight buzz of confidence so smiling softly you closed your eyes and began to slowly pull your arms out of the dress until you were holding it to your chest.
Glancing over your shoulder at the three of them with half-lidded eyes, you dropped the material until it pooled at your feet, leaving you only in the crotchless panties and matching blue bra. You smiled widely as you saw their visible reactions, sitting up higher in their chairs, biting their lips and looking at you in anticipation. 
Feeling rarely brave, you turned to face Remus. “You know earlier, you said you wanted to fix your problem”, referring back to his hard-on in the carriage that he never released. “Well, I um- I want to help you with that”.
Remus’ eyes dropped down your body, taking every inch of your body, he lead back in his chair, spreading his legs out. “Oh yeah, and how are you going to do that Pup?”
Tentatively you walked towards him, stopping between his legs and then dropping to your knees. Taking a deep breath to hold your nerve you gently ran your hands up his trousered thighs, smiling to yourself as you could feel he was already getting hard. With surprisingly steady hands and not moving your eyes from his, you unzipped him, reaching inside to pull out his perfectly sized cock.
It bobbed in the air as you raised higher onto your knees, holding the base as you licked a single strip up the underside of him, enjoying the way it was throbbing due to your actions. Swirling your tongue over his tip, you tasted everything that was only his taste before taking his member into your mouth, stopping as it reached the back of your throat and sucking as you slowly came up.
You could feel his thighs clenching as he hissed, “merlin, that feels so good sweetheart”. You continued this action, bobbing your head up and down and using your hand to wank the length that couldn’t fit into your mouth. His hand reached out to your spare hand that was on his thigh, fingers interlacing with yours, and it made your heart thump for a moment at this little gesture.
Movement sounded from behind you as Sirius began to lie on the floor, reaching where you were he pulled you back so you were forced to remove your mouth from Remus’ cock. Sirius kept tugging until you were kneeling on either side of his head, his hands steading on your hips to pull you down until you were sat on his face, his tongue instantly delving into your depths.
“Sirius!” you gasped loudly, looking down at him between your legs, your favourite view. He moved his tongue expertly over your cunt, licking up and down before concentrating on your clit, going slowly then quicking with back and forth actions before slowing one more, he knew exactly what he was doing to your body.
Looking back up to Remus you whined, reaching a handout and he stood in front of you instantly, his cock bobbing in front of your face you took him back into your mouth, flicking his tip with your tongue, using your hands to steady yourself on his hips.
You still needed more though so without stopping your movements with your mouth or the moaning that you were doing, you reached your hand out beckoning James over who didn’t waste any time in pulling his cock from his suit trousers and placing it into your hand. You moved your hand up and down his shaft, feeling it throb at your movements, much like the one in your mouth was doing.
As Sirius sucked on clit, your moan vibrated around Remus’ cock and you couldn’t help but harden your grip around James as you were close to cumming, feeling that beautiful tingly bliss forming in your abdomen, knees wobbly. Pulling Remus out, you had to lean your head on his hip moaning widely that you were going to cum.
“Stop Sirius”, Remus demanded, gently pulling your head back to look at him as you whined the sensation in your abdomen fizzled out as Sirius dropped his head onto the floor, looking up your body to where Remus stood. “I want her to cum with all of our cocks inside her”.
Moaning at his dominance, feeling wobbly as he helped you to your feet, pulling you into a fierce kiss, you were sure he could taste himself on your tongue but he didn’t seem phased as his tongue danced with yours. Your mind was so lost in his touch that you hadn’t even noticed that he had been walking you back towards the bed until the back of your legs hit the edge and you tumbled into the middle of the soft sheets.
Leaning up on your forearms, you watched as your three handsome boys undress until they were all naked and pumping their cocks staring down at you with soft smiles.
“Boys if you would” Remus once again directed, gesturing onto the bed which, James and Sirius then climbed onto and before long you were making out with James, his moustache causing slightly friction against your face but you didn’t care. Especially as Sirius started to lick over your clothed nipples, teasing the bud as it sent a thrill straight to your soaking cunt.
Finally, he pulled the material down and sucked your nipple into his mouth, teasing with his teeth that had you gasping and lifting your hips. His mouth then travelled north up your body, sucking against your neck and soon was replacing James' lips on your own as he went to the breast that lay untouched.
Their hands and mouths were fondled with your breasts, neck and face, you weren’t sure where James started and Sirius ended, becoming lost in their touch. It was only as the third set of hands joined the mix did you open your eyes to glance down, seeing Remus lifting your thighs back, spreading you open and the other two then held the legs back for him but neither stopping their attack of pleasure on you.
Remus was watching the three of you with dark eyes before he looked at your wet core, his thumb brushing against your clit gently with one hand, whilst the other covered his fingers with the juices that were covering you. He moved south with that hand, past your cunt and lower and you knew exactly what he was doing, knew what he meant by all of their cocks, knew that you wanted it more than anything.
Remus’ finger circled your puckered hole for a moment, and you tried to relax your body enough that he would slip in, which he did. It definitely wasn’t your first time doing it in this hole so your body didn’t have as much resistance anymore which you were thankful for because you needed to have them in you soon otherwise you’d start begging.
As his thumb continued to rub slow circles around your clit and James and Sirius each sucked on your nipples, Remus eased two more fingers in, thrusting them in steadily until you he was happy with your progress but you weren’t thinking about that, you were thinking about that tight knot that had formed in your abdomen one more.
Once again, however, Remus knew your body seemingly better than you realised as he once again demanded, “stop!” You knew cried at how frustrated you were as the tingling subsided once more as all hands and mouths left your body, leaving you to look up with your bottom lip sticking out.
“Please daddy, stop edging me, I really want to cum” you moaned, not caring how pathetic you looked you just wanted to feel that euphoria.
Remus leaned over your body, hand gripping your cheeks so your mouth became squished, “you’ll cum when I say you can cum, do you understand?”
“Yes sir” you answered quietly.
“Good girl now gets up, Pads take her spot”. James helped you over to his side of the bed as Sirius lay in the spot where you were just laying. Remus then directed you to straddle him so you did, hands laying on his chest as he smiled softly up at you as you eased yourself down on his leaking cock.
You had to bite your lip as you were already once again close to cuming, your cunt clenching harshly around him until he too was cursing at the sensation, hands squeezing your hips. “Please… please… I’m so close I can’t hold it back for much longer” you begged, keeping your eyes closed in concentration.
“Nearly there sweetheart, that’s it, open up”, he tapped your cheek so you opened your eyes and mouth, now seeing that he was standing on the bed, feet on either side of Sirius’ head much like it had been only moments ago as he held his cock out in front of him, ready for you to suck on it once more which you greedily did.
James now positioned himself behind you, covering his cock up with spit before lining it up at your prepared hole, “ready honey?”
You gargle around Remu’s cock as a yes and finally, he starts pushing in, slowly his tip went in and once it was past the thickest part, the rest was easier, slipping in until you were absolutely full and overstimulated to the max that all it took were a few swipes of James' thumb against your clit and you were orgasming, having been edged a few times, you were just about seeing stars when your pussy and ass contracted around both of the cocks.
In your muddled brain you had to use everything you had not to bite down on Remus's cock, instead the moaning scream you released that vibrated him had his head falling back, eyes closing at the sensation. It took a few moments for you to get your bearings again before pulling your aching mouth from Remus’ cock, before nodding, indicating for the other two to start thrusting.
You were quite sensitive so you were clenching incredible hard at first but soon relaxed into it, trying to continue sucking off Remus but it was hard when Sirius and James were fucking into you in tandem.
Remus was watching the three of you, the moans and groans you were all each producing and just as you reached up to fondle his balls, he couldn’t hold it in, stroking your cheek he grunted his seed spilling down your throat which you hungrily drank down.
“Merlin you are good at that” Remus complimented as he pulled his cock out of your mouth and you all but collapsed onto Sirius's chest, the dribble on your chin smearing across the littering of hair that was on him. Remus now sat on the side of the bed, stroking your hair and cheek, comforting you as both boys started to fuck harder into you.
You began to repeatedly chant the word “please” over and over, feeling entirely overstimulated, and sensitive but needing both of their cum as you were desperately trying to hold your third orgasm back.
As you clenched your lower body as Sirius hit directly on that sweet spot, you heard James curse loudly as he suddenly came deep inside your arse before pulling out to watch his cum drip out and onto Sirius's cock who was now pounding away, chasing his and your own high.
Without James restricting his movements, Sirius held the back of your thighs by his hips, so he could fuck into you hard, causing you to squirt droplets uncontrollably with your orgasm rippling through your body intensely. His mouth dropped open at the sight, moaning deeply before he too came holding your body still as he spurted a few times before collapsing back into the bed.
It took a few moments for you all to catch your breath before Remus helped you to move off of Sirius and onto your side, pointing his wand at your cunt and washing away the mess that they had caused. Smiling sleepily, Sirius cuddled your front with Remus climbing in behind him and James spooning in behind you, kissing your shoulder with his moustache once again tickling your skin.
“Can you all please keep the facial hair please” you mumbled, sleep close to taking over your body.
James chuckled, “whatever you want, love.”
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thehusbandoden · 1 year
More aizawa fics please! An maybe an Angst to comfort or just angst.
A/n: Of course! This took me way too long 😆😅! I posted three more Aizawa drabbles a few days ago, you can find them here <3. I'll make sure to post Aizawa more, but I hope this was good enough for now 😅.
Oh and remember, if it doesn't suit your taste you can always send in another ask <33
A Broken Promise and a Broken Heart -Aizawa Shota x Reader
General info:
Genre: angst to comfort // wc: 2,883
Summary: even though Shota's work schedule is hectic, he does his best for you, and that's all that matters. But, he promised- he promised. And now all you can feel is this crushing hurt.
Warnings!: accidental broken promise, yelling (+ caps), immense guilt, and a whole lotta hurt. Please let me know if I miss any <3! Anon, if any of these things are triggering please, please reach out to me and I'll write something else for you! <33
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You and Shota have been married for almost a year.
You met in the middle of a pro hero gathering. You knew one another's public image, but not personally. After you bumped into one another- it was mostly your slip up, but Shota has always down played that- you felt an instant connection. After chatting for a few minutes you exchanged numbers, and went on your way.
It took another four days for you to reach out to one another. He texted you, double checking to make sure that it was you he was texting, and then proceeding to ask how you were. You ended up texting for eight hours
You both spent months simply texting and calling one another, talking for hours and hours until one of you fell asleep- which was mostly Shota because the man was exhausted.
About seven months later you met in person again, going on a date to a little cafe that was newly opened. Long after your breakfast was eaten you continued to chat, and you almost reached four hours, but you both sadly had to get to work.
Two dates later, Shota officially asked you out, which you accepted with a wide grin.
A month into your relationship and you were already saying 'I love you', and you both started talking about marriage four months after that. When your relationship hit six months he proprosed, and you got married three months later.
Though a little rushed, your relationship was filled with pure love, and the two of you couldn't be happier.. until Shota started working even more.
You knew that there wasn't really a reason to be mad at your husband, but the transition of seeing him every morning and every evening to almost not at all was heart crushing. You felt alone, and unloved- even though you knew that he was doing this for you.
After two weeks of this you stayed up late to talk to him about it, which he wasn't happy about.
At all.
After arguing for thirty minutes you angrily told him that he better be here in the morning to talk about the problem, or you were going to loose your mind.
Luckily, he was there, and things went a lot more smoothly when he was fully rested- well as rested as possible.
He agreed on trying harder to be there more, and you agreed on trying to more patient with him. And for a while, it got better. Instead of coming home after midnight he'd get off around 7-10, and you got to spend more time with him. Though it was little, it was progress, and you were simply happy that he was doing his best.
Though after a while it got bad again, but Shota did apologize and promised he was doing his best, so you supported him, tucking away those feelings of hurt in order to be there for your other half.
It stayed like this for a while. Sometimes he would be home at 6, roses in hand as he leant down to kiss you, telling you how breathtakingly goregous you were. Those nights were completely focussed on one another, leaving you breathless and entirely in love.
Some nights you would stay up for him. Somtimes he got home a little later then usual, but sometimes he would come home well after you fell asleep to tuck you in with a sad smile and kiss to your forehead.
Though not ideal, you both were simply doing your very best for one another.
You would ask him to come home as soon as possible, and to make it to special days like your mom's birthday party, your upcoming anniversary, and special pro hero interviews. And most of the time he did his best and got there a little late, if not on time.
And he would ask you to continue being amazingly gorgeous, loving, and selfless and to please, keep being patient with him. And so you did, and it worked.
Well.. it worked for a while, but such a fragile foundation was bound to break eventually, bringing down everyone with it.
~~Present day~~
Tears cascaded down your face as you aggressively wipe at your tears and dripping mascara. The feeling of betrayal bringing hiccups from your glossed lips. You could feel nothing but immense hurt. The kind of hurt that caused your heart to throb in pain, a new wave of heart break hitting you with every breath you inhaled.
He promised.. he had promised that he would be there. That he would make time for you, his wife of one year.
Today was your anniversary, you had reminded him again and again and he said that he would make it to your reservation, that you didn't need to worry.
Just this morning he was whispering words of love and promising you that he would be there.
And so you trusted him. Because you loved him, and knew that he would always keep your happiness as his main focus in life.
And so you spent the entire day cleaning the house, making sure everything was spotless. You then bought scented candles and rose petals for your shared bedroom, wanting the night to be as romantic as possible.
After everything was perfect you got ready yourself, washing your hair and shaving during your shower, putting on Shota's favorite red dress on, and doing your hair and makeup.
As soon as it was time to leave for the reservations you texted Shota, just wanting to give him one more reminder.
You were too busy getting to the restaurant on time that you didn't even notice how he hadn't texted you back.
When you got there you were seated at a table for two and ordered the both of your drinks, knowing Shota's by heart. As the mintues crawled by you texted Shota three more times, not wanting to call in such a high class restraunt, plus he was still at work.
A hour and a half passed by and there was still no sign of him, and you were worried. The waiters were visibly getting impatient for you to order or just get out of the restaurant, and all of the other customers- mostly couples were giving you either knowing, pittied, or disgusted looks.
After another hour the staff escorted you out, apologizing, but telling you that you couldn't simply sit there, and that they had a couple who needed that table soon.
When you got into the car you were silent, and suprisingly calm. It was like realitly hadn't hit you yet. You were silent as you continued to drive, but your eyes started to sting.
He promised you.
He was supposed to be there.
It's not like there was a villain attack, you're phone wouldn't given you a warning to stay clear of that specific area and to stay at a safe place.
He's not cheating. You know that much for an absolute fact.
So why.. why did he lie to you?
The tears started coming, coming down faster the more that your situation hit you.
It was your first year anniversary for being married.. it was a pretty big deal, so why? Why did he leave you alone like that?!
You did everything for him- going out of your way to make sure that everything was perfect!
And he had to screw it all up!
Sobs caused you to shake as you finally released your sorrow as you wailed. You've been trying so hard, pushing your feelings down every time something hurt you, and it was finally being released.
It doesn't help that your hormones have been out of whack recently either.
As you pulled into the driveway you bit your knuckle to silence your sobs until you closed and locked your front door.
Stumbling to the couch, you yank off your heels and throw them against the wall before scooping up two of the three worried cats at your feet.
Not even bothering to look at who was who, you bury your face into their soft fur, sniffling as their purs helped calm you down. By the texture of the cat on the left it was probably Mew, your fluffy white female cat, and the deep rumble of the cat on the right was probably Haru, your only male cat and the biggest baby of the house- minus Shota when he was being clingy of course.
That thought brought you to sobs once more, causing Mew and Haru to put their purs into overdrive and the third cat -Aiko to jump onto your lap, rubbing against your stomach as she purred.
After a lot of purring and kisses the cats calmed you down enough to be able to see clearly, though you were still hiccuping and sniffiling.
"I love you all." You whisper, petting two of the three cats on your lap, making sure to rotate so each cat got an equal amount of pets.
As you drifted off to sleep you were startled awake by the opening of the front door and a soft "I'm home".
Hurrying to sit up, tears pricked at your eyes at the sight of Shota walking into the house like normal. Did he not realize how much he hurt you?!
"Oh, y/n? What are you doing?" Shota asked, walking towards you to give you his usual kiss of greeting.
As you jerked back from him Shota paused, eyes squinting as he took in you, dressed for a special occasion, the mascara and tear stains littering your cheeks, and the cats, all three of them rubbing against you and purring. Aiko was even glaring up at him, grey-blue eyes seemingly piercing his soul.
"What happened?! Shota quickly asked, looking around to try and figure out what's gotten you so.. upset. His heart ached as he desperately tried to find a way to comfort you, heart shattering as one thought replayed in his head.
Who hurt you?
"Don't act like you're so innocent." You sniffled, picking up Haru to cuddle against your chest, your breathing starting to slow down as you listened to his calming purs.
"W-what did I do?" Shota asked, a whimper stuck in his throat at the idea of hurting you.
"I don't know, check the date, idiot."
A stinging hurt stung at his chest as Shota stumbled for his phone, quickly glancing at the date.
Oh no.
Oh.. oh no.
"I- I was supposed to meet up at the restaurant tonight.." Shota breathed, causing you to scoff.
"Baby I am so-"
"I don't c-care." You seethe, inwardly cursing as a small sob interrupted your sentence.
"Oh baby, baby please, I am so so sorry- I- I totally got wrapped up with work today and totally spaced it- baby please you gotta believe me-"
"Oh I believe you. I- I'm just h-hurt. I spent a-all day making everything perfect for the two of us- and this is how I'm repaid- i-it really, r-really hu-hurts." You reply through sobs, breaking Shota's heart even more.
"Y/n- baby, I-I'm sorry.. I- I promised I didn't mean to.. I'm sorry, I know I screwed up, I-I'm sorry."
Scoffing, you stand up, much to the cats' displeasure.
"I love you, Shota, but I am very hurt and need some time to myself. I'm going to sleep in the guest bedroom, with the cats. I hope the time alone will help you realize how badly you messed up."
"I understand, sleep well my love." Shota murmured, stepping out of the way for you to stand up, Mew and Aiko in your arms.
"C'mon Haru.." You whisper, causing the cat to let out a pur and follow you up the stairs.
~Shota's pov~
As soon as he heard the door close Shota banged a fist against the nearest surface. How could he mess up so badly?! It was your first year anniversary! What the freak!? He promised!
As his heart broke in his chest anger consumed him. How could he just-?
Taking a deep breath Shota started to calm down, deciding to clean the house as a way to clear his head and do something nice for you. As he looked around Shota continued to get angrier at himself as he saw how spotless the entire house was. The only room that had anything messed with it was the living room.. where your thrown shoes were.
Sighing, Shota picked up your shoes and put them away.
Whatever, he should just get to sleep. Scoffing at himself, Shota made his way into your shared bedroom.
As he walked upstairs his heart started beating against his ribcage, there were rose petals leading up towards your shared bedroom.. similar to when he did the same thing for you the night after your wedding.
Opening the door, his heart stopped as he saw the rose petals lovingly placed across the room, and then the candles placed along the room as well. It was so breathtakingly romantic- and he messed it all up.
Grabbing at his hair in frustration Shota let out a small whimper, not knowing what to do. Looking at the time, his heart started beating faster against his chest. It was only nine, it was still your anniversary.
Rushing down the staircase Shota hurried to grab his keys and slip on his shoes. Hurrying out the door, he hurried to lock the door and rush to the car, starting the engine and backing out of the driveway hazardously.
~~Your pov~~
Sniffling, you pet Aiko lovingly, her soft purs helping you relax. Right before you fell asleep you heard the front door open and close, and the car start.
You were alone once more.
The thought of Shota not wanting to deal with the problem hurt- a lot. You at least expected him to stick around and fix things with you before he went back to his terrible work schedule.
Right as you were about to start crying again you were pulled out of his thoughts by the front door opening and closing again. Interest peaked, you stayed silent to listen to the sound of footsteps.
Though you were hurt, the familiar sound of Shota's pacing footsteps brought a certain level of comfort, lulling you to sleep.
You awoke from your restless sleep by a slow, hesitant tap on the door.
Sitting up, you rubbed at your eyes, trying to fight against the temptation to lay back down to sleep.
Looking around you, the strange surroundings confused you. Why were you in the guest bedroom instead of your own? After a few seconds of pondering, your memories came back in a flash and you recognized the tapping as Shota.
"What do you need, Shota?" You ask, desperately fighting against a yawn.
"I-I have something for you.." the man muttered, causing you to frown in thought.
"I thought I asked for space." You huff, causing Shota to sigh, and -you assume lean his forehead against the door, causing a small 'thump' to be heard.
"I- I know, but please?"
"If I don't like it, I'm going to be upset for longer, and you'll be alone for longer." You warn, getting out of bed to walk over towards the unlocked door.
"Okay, that's fair."
Slowly opening the door, Shota stands up straight, a hesitant and almost sad look in his eyes.
"Please, let me make it up to you." Shota whispered, reaching out his hand towards you, making sure to leave the decision up to you.
Watching him through slitted eyes, you place your hand in his, immediately entangling your fingers with his out of habit.
Smiling slightly, Shota squeezed your hand before gently leading you towards the stairs.
Confused, you started to look around, not really noticing anything out of the ordinary.
As you started to walk down the carpeted stairs your breath hitched in your throat. Littered across the floor were rose petals, creating a path down the stairs.
"Shhh, we're not done yet." Shota murmured, kissing the shell of your ear lovingly.
Going down the rest of the stairs, your eyes start to glow as you look around. There were rose petals all around, leading towards the dining room, living room, and front door.
"It's your choice my dear." Shota whispered, kissing your shoulder blade. "Dinner, movie night, reading and cuddles on the patio or.. something else."
A shiver went down your spine as you looked around you. "Oh Shota-" You whisper, turning around to look the man you loved so dearly in the eyes. "This is.."
"Not enough. If you want to go to sleep then we can do so, but I'd be happy to celebrate our anniversary with you, and I will continue to apologize until my wrongs have been repented for."
"Oh Shota.." You sniff, throwing yourself onto him. "I love you. So, so much."
"I love you more, Kitty."
Smiling, you pull away to wrap Shota in a kiss full of passion, tears, and smiles.
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Posted: 9/4/23
Do not copy, repost, nor plagiarize my work. Ask before you translate or use my work in any way -minus reblogging.
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estrellami-1 · 1 year
Steddie Week 2023
May 22nd Prompt: Hunger
Day 2, Day 3, Day 4, Day 5, Day 6, Day 7
Steve wakes up slowly, rolls over to look at his alarm clock, then bursts out of bed in a rush of limbs and sheets and curses.
3:42 blinks back at him. Sometime during the night the power had gone out, and Steve knows it is well past 9, when he was supposed to be opening at Family Video. He pulls on his jeans and a clean shirt, stuffs his feet in his shoes, runs a brush through his hair, and grabs his vest on his way out the door, sparing half a glance at his kitchen, but not having time to eat.
If it comes down to it, he thinks, there’s always the candy.
He gets to Family Video in record time, breathing out a sigh of relief when he yanks on the door to find it still locked. That means he’s the first one there. Keith might notice when he goes back through times this week to figure out pay, but Steve’s hopeful he’s gotten away with it this time.
He clocks in, computer reading 10:01 (an entire hour late, whoops), and takes a breath as he looks around the store. Robin’s scheduled to come in at three, meaning he has five hours alone.
No one comes in for the first hour. Steve finishes logging returns and winding back the tapes.
Halfway through the second hour, the bell above the door jingles, and Steve raises his voice from where he’s putting away tapes. “Welcome to Family Video!”
“Either you’re hiding or you’ve officially started haunting this place,” a voice calls back, and Steve laughs as he walks out of the aisle.
“Hey, Eddie.”
“Hiya, Stevie.” He grins. “Tell me if this is too forward? But I noticed the power went out last night and figured if I know you as well as I do, you slept in and missed breakfast.” He hands Steve a brown paper bag, creased nicely at the top.
“Lifesaver,” Steve gasps, opening the bag. Three muffins. He sniffs them, then groans. “You’re perfect, holy shit, thank you.” Banana nut, his favorite. His heart skips an odd beat, then again when he realizes Eddie’s blushing, pulling a piece of hair across his face.
“You’re welcome,” Eddie says quietly, chuckling slightly. “I guess I was right?”
“Yeah, I woke up, like, half an hour after my shift had started, immediately panicked, and got here as fast as I could. I don’t need another write-up.”
Eddie nods, a smirk crawling onto his face. “How about waiving the fees for your favorite customer?”
Steve makes a show of looking around. “Dustin’s here?”
Eddie just laughs. “I can’t even be mad at that one.”
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“Steve,” Eddie says, eyes wide, adorably serious. Steve tries to school his face accordingly, but he can’t really feel his face. “I’m hungry.”
Steve thinks about it. “I am too,” he decides, then thinks some more. “Is there pizza left over?”
Eddie shrugs, looks at the blunt in his hand, then shrugs again, taking another drag. “Chips?”
“I have chips,” Steve agrees, grabbing for the blunt. “C’mon, share.”
Eddie hands it over. “Steve,” he says again, “I’m a genius.”
“Yup,” Steve agrees.
“We should watch a movie.”
“Oh my god,” Steve breathes. “With snacks?”
“Yeah. Yeah, with snacks, c’mon, help me, help me!” He pulls Steve up, laughing when Steve does.
“Eddie,” Steve says. It’s his turn to be serious. “What if we call Argyle? And Jon?”
“And they can bring pizza,” Eddie breathes. “Stevie, I think you’re the genius.”
“Yup,” Steve agrees again. “I’ll call. You get snacks. And movie.”
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“Fuck off,” Eddie laughs, resting his head against the wall. “There’s no way.”
“I swear! That’s exactly what she said! And then she tried to blame me, like it isn’t all automated.” Steve huffs a breath.
Eddie shakes his head. “You have way more patience than I do, man.”
“That’s not true. We have different types. I could never sit like you do, painting your figurines.”
Eddie snorts. “I zone out and wake up four hours later. I don’t think that counts as patience.” He sighs. “As fun as this has been, Steve, I’ve gotta go get ready for my shift. I’ll talk to you later?”
“Yeah. Yeah, definitely. What time does your shift start?”
“That… Eds, that’s in twenty minutes.”
“No? I’m looking at a clock right here. It’s 4:40 right now. I’ve got an hour twenty.”
“Eds,” Steve says, sounding pained. “Daylight savings.”
“Oh, shit,” Eddie breathes. “Shit, shit, shit, you’re right, shit, fuck, okay, I’ve gotta go, love you, bye!”
He hangs up before Steve can say anything else, stuffing his feet in his shoes and grabbing his keys before racing out.
He’s halfway to work before he realizes he’s hungry. He lays his head on his steering wheel at a red light, breathes. “Just five hours,” he tells himself. “I can make it five hours.”
Half an hour in, he’s not so sure. His hands aren’t as steady as they should be, but he hides it from his coworkers, takes another few deep breaths, and tries to trick himself by drinking more water.
Ten minutes later, a familiar maroon Beemer pulls up. Eddie’s heart thuds in his chest as he goes out to meet Steve.
“Sorry I’m late,” Steve grins. “I think I got caught by all the lights possible.” He grabs something from the passenger seat. A brown paper bag.
“You didn’t,” Eddie breathes.
“I did,” Steve admits. “I hope turkey’s okay.”
“Turkey’s fantastic,” Eddie promises. “Freakin’ food for the gods, when I’m this hungry.” He opens the bag. A sandwich, a small bag of chips, an apple. He laughs. “Jesus wept, Steve, I brought you three little muffins!”
“Yeah, and I meant it when I called you a lifesaver.” He tilts his head. “I’m curious about something, though. If you meant it.”
Eddie pauses with the sandwich halfway to his mouth. “Meant what?”
“Gotta go, love you, bye.”
“Oh.” Nausea makes its presence known. He brings the sandwich down. “Steve, I-”
Steve’s fingers land on his forearm. “The truth, Eds. Please.” He’s whispering, eyes big and hopeful, and Eddie feels some of that same hope filling him.
“Yeah,” he whispers back.
Steve grins again, steps back. “I’m picking you up tomorrow. Seven o’clock.”
“Okay,” Eddie whispers, watches as Steve drives away.
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“Hi,” Eddie says breathlessly, opening the door before Steve could knock.
“Hi.” Steve chuckles. “Ready?”
“Yeah. Where are you taking me?”
“Where do you wanna go?”
Eddie bites his lip, slides into the passenger seat. “Dinner? I’m starving.”
Steve grins at him as he puts the car in gear. “Me too.”
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bieddiediaz · 1 year
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I'm gonna love you when our hair is turning gray we'll have a cardboard box of photos of the life we've made and you'll say, "oh my, we really were t i m e l e s s."
happy birthday @oneawkwardcookie 💖💖
[Image ID: 10 GIFs of Evan Buckley and Eddie Diaz from 9-1-1, overlaid with lyrics from Taylor Swift's Timeless. GIF 1: A painting and an open book on a black wooden table. The painting has an ornate gold frame. Inside the painting is a GIF of Buck hanging from the extended ladder of the ladder truck after he is struck by lightning. Partially on top of the painting, a book lies open with a GIF on either page, of Buck and Eddie respectively facing each other after Eddie is shot. The lyrics are stylised as text in the book, reading 'I came upon a book covered in cobwebs / story of a romance torn apart by fate.' GIF 2: Two GIFs overlaid on top of each other. The first GIF shows Buck laying on the road staring at a fallen Eddie after Eddie is shot. The second shows Eddie yelling Buck's name as he rushes to get to Buck after Buck falls from the ladder truck. Both GIFs are blurred. The lyrics are stylised in old gothic font, reading 'somehow I know that you and I would've found each other / and I'd die for you in the same way.' GIF 3: Eddie and Buck are in full turnout gear. Eddie is walking as the fire truck drives alongside him, with Buck hanging off of it. The GIF is tinted orange. The text reads 'if I first saw your face / on a crowded street in 1944.' GIF 4: Two GIFs overlaid on top of each other. The first GIF shows Buck rushing out of Maddie's hospital after he gets her letter telling him that she can't run away with him. This GIF is black and white. The second shows Eddie in his army uniform getting on a helicopter. The text reads 'and you were headed off to fight in the war / you still would've been mine.' GIF 5: Two GIFs overlaid on top of each other. The first GIF shows Buck as a bartender in Peru, listening to Connor tell him about LA. The second shows Eddie at his parents' house, listening as they tell him that they think Chirstopher should live with them. The text reads 'cause I belive that we were supposed to find this / even in a different life / you still would've been mine / we would've been timeless.' GIF 6: The GIF has a crack down the middle. On the left of the crack, Buck begs his parents to love him despite him and Maddie not being perfect kids. On the right, Eddie breaks down after he learns that all his teammates from the army are dead. The GIF slowly transitions from colour to black and white. The text is aligned along the crack, reading 'time breaks down your mind and body / don't you let it touch your soul.' GIF 7: Two GIFs overlaid on top of each other. The first GIF shows Buck turning around in the firehouse to see Eddie for the first time. The second shows Eddie grinning as he meets the team for the first time. The GIF has a papery texture to it. The text reads 'it was like an age old classic / the first time that you saw me.' GIF 8: A piece of parchment paper. In a large square on the left side, Buck and Eddie shake hands after working together for the first time. On the right side, the lyrics are stylised like text in a book, reading 'the story started when you said hello.' GIF 9: Two GIFs overlaid on top of each other, of Eddie and Buck covertly meeting each other's eyes in the middle of the firehouse. Eddie is in black and white while Buck is in colour. The text reads 'in a crowded room a few short years ago / sometimes there's no proof you just know.' GIF 10: A pocket watch on the screen. Inside the pocket watch, a montage of Buck and Eddie through the years cycles repeatedly. The hour and minute hand of the pocket watch rotate clockwise. In the background, behind the pocket watch, the same series of GIFs is enlarged and blurred. Around the watch, stylised in old gothic font, the text reads 'you're always gonna be mine / we're gonna be timeless.' /end ID]
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ladykailitha · 1 year
Can Anybody See Me? Part 20
Ah yes, the satisfaction of seeing the build up of several chapters get paid off. *cackles in evil author*
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16  Part 17 Part 18  Part 19  
The next day’s performance went off without a hitch and Steve was really getting into the thrill of being on stage. He loved performing in front of the kids as they laughed at the antics of Jefferson, Adams, and Franklin. He went full bitch every time Thomson was interrupted and the kids ate it up.
He was still struggling with General Washington line but Miss Lucy didn’t comment on it anymore so he figured he had at least done enough to make her stop.
Wednesday was the last performance in front of the kiddos and then that night would be their first full show. The auditorium was darkened and the spotlight was on Steve and instead of staying in the spot he took a half step forward, casting him half in light and half in shadows as he spoke his lines.
Behind him he could hear the sound of rushing water crashing into the stage. Had he not taken those steps forward he would have been drenched, ruining the costume and wig completely. As it was the only thing that got wet was his hose.
It took everything in Steve’s power not to turn around. Not to stop the scene. The kid playing Adams hissing to keep going. They would sort it out after. Steve began to shake as he finished his part of the scene and walked out. Vince was careful of the water on stage and thankful that his shoes had heels to keep his feet mostly dry.
They paused between scenes for the stage crew to clean up the mess, with Janice backstage trying to calm Steve down. Miss Lucy was livid. She explained to the kids that a water main broke and that the show would continue after a ten minute interlude. Then she interrogated every stage crew person not cleaning up the mess. Because it could have only been someone from crew that could have set it up.
The show went on and they were able to finish their performance without further mishap. Steve finished with only the barest tremor to his voice. His hands still shook, but these were kids. They didn’t know what had happened. Not really. But they had a cute little story to tell their parents that night.
An hour before their first nightly show, Janice came running up to Steve. He was getting into costume, thankful his tights had dried out in time.
“You’re never going to believe this!” she cried, gripping his arm tight.
“What? What’s going on?” Steve asked.
“They found it who sabotaged the set today!” Janice said, shaking his arm.
Eddie and Marty who had been talking to some of the other stage crew came over, too.
“I am so livid,” Marty said. “I can’t believe that toad got Ollie and Mindy to do his bidding.”
Steve frowned. “Mindy? As in Mindy Jones?”
Marty nodded. “She’s one of our best lighting riggers. She’s small and agile enough to get in and get out quickly.”
“Dude, she fucking hates me,” Steve explained. “We were in Pottery class together and resented me coming into the class after the semester started when I was forced to quit basketball and baseball due to my concussions.”
Eddie swore. “And Ollie is that baseball kid that knocked into Steve a couple weeks back. Called him all sorts of slurs.”
Janice’s eyes went wide. “Holy shit. That’s how Kyle got to them. They already hated Steve. I thought he’d paid them. But he probably didn’t have to, they were more than willing to do it without payment.”
Steve’s eyes went wide. “Kyle? Kyle Carver? He’s behind the water trap?”
Janice nodded. “He got them to rig the trap to fall during the ‘Is Anybody There?’ sequence because it would just be Steve and Vince and Vince would be far enough away that he wouldn’t get hit.”
“Okay, but why?”
Eddie pursed his lips. “He had been secretly working with Mrs Thompson, Tammy’s mom to get his own costume and wig. Once yours were ruined and you likely sick from being doused with water, he would step in and take your place as Charles Thomson.”
Steve sat down hard. “Holy shit.”
“Yeah,” Janice agreed. “Miss Lucy is pissed. I don’t think I’ve ever seen her this angry before. She’s calling for them to be expelled.”
Steve’s eyes went wide. “Shit.”
“They could have seriously hurt you,” Marty said. “This isn’t just some prank. If the bucket had fallen, you could have gotten another concussion.”
Steve nodded. “I knew he was pissed that I got the role over him, but I never thought he’d go this far.”
“Yeah,” Janice agreed. “According to Mrs Thompson she thought he just wanted a costume for some party his dad was throwing.”
“Or so she says,” Eddie said darkly.
Marty nodded. “Yeah, I think she’s only saying that because the cops were throwing around words like conspiracy and attempted assault.”
Steve’s eyes went wide. “Holy shit.”
“I think you’ve got a friend in the HPD,” Eddie said. “They wanted much stronger charges.”
Steve blushed. “Something like that.”
Steve looked out in the audience as he waited for the lights to go down and the curtain to go up. He smiled when he saw all his kids in the first two rows. Dustin, El, Lucas and Erica, Mike and Will in the first row. With Jonathan and Nancy and all their parents on the second.
He continued to look for his parents. He had told him about it and his mother ensured him that they would be here.
He didn’t see them. But he still had two more nights. It was fine. He went out there and killed it.
Dustin came running up to him afterwards, screaming and jumping up and down.
“Holy shit, dude!” he cried, the rest of them following at a regular pace. “Where did you learn to do that? You were incredible!”
Steve blushed but gave him huge hug. Soon he was being bombarding with compliments and hugs. Everyone telling him about how well he did and how good the show was.
“We’re all going out for ice cream!” Erica said. “You are coming with us, right...?”
Steve nodded. “Of course. Everyone deserves ice cream to celebrate how awesome I am.” He winked at her and she rolled her eyes.
“You’re coming with Dad and me,” El said excitedly. “We’ll drop you back off here to get your car after we’re done.”
Steve agreed. “Sounds great. I just need to say goodbye to my friends and I’ll be right back.”
They all nodded and chatted among themselves as they waited.
Steve went back to where his friends were waiting for him.
“Hey, guys,” he greeted. “They want to take me out for ice cream in celebration, so I’ll catch you guys tomorrow, okay?”
Janice and Marty nodded, but Eddie caught his shoulder. “You want me to wait for you by your car in case Kyle tries something else?”
Steve felt a cold chill in the pit of his stomach. He hadn’t thought of that. So he nodded. “Yeah. I’d like that. I mean, Chief Hopper will be dropping me off, but they could still do something to my car while I’m gone.”
Eddie nodded. “I’ll keep an eye on it. I promise.”
Steve squeezed his hand and then waved goodbye to everyone.
“I didn’t know you knew the Munson boy,” Hopper said when Steve slid into the cab of his truck.
Steve rolled his eyes. “Do you want the legal answer or the illegal one?”
Hopper sputtered as El giggled.
“The legal one, please,” Hopper said after a moment. “I really don’t want to hear about the other one. For my sanity.”
Steve chuckled. “After Billy Hargrove bashed my head in with a plate, Eddie helped me get to the nurse’s station when I started throwing up in fifth period and we became friends after that.”
Hopper sighed. “Yeah, all right.”
“Plus,” Steve continued, “he’s protected me from Billy and his friends wanting to make an example of me to the school that Hargrove is the new top dog.”
“Well shiiiioooot,” he said, El looking up at him with her wide brown eyes.
Steve huffed out a laugh. “So, yeah. If it wasn’t for Eddie and his friends my senior year would have been hell. But as it is, they got me to try out for the play, they invited me over for Christmas so I wasn’t by myself. I’ve had movie nights with them. They’re good people.”
Hopper sighed again. “You’ve made your point.”
Steve smiled brightly. He briefly thought about telling them about Eddie and his relationship. But he wasn’t sure how they would react to that. Plus he liked keeping it private. Just something soft between them. Yes a handful of people already knew, but Steve knew they wouldn’t tell anyone without talking to Eddie or him first.
Steve had a blast at the ice cream parlor. He laughed and swapped stories with everyone. Just enjoying celebrating with some of his closest friends.
After Hopped dropped him back off at his car, Hopper walked him to it. “I just wanted to let you know that there probably won’t be a lot that happens to those kids legally. The ones that tried to prank you earlier today.”
Steve sighed. “I figured. Maybe if my dad was interested in more than chasing the latest skirt and actual cared about me, there might be something done, but right now Kyle Carver’s got the better lawyers.”
Hopper nodded. “Sad, but true. I’ll keep putting pressure on the mayor and other key politicians and see if we can’t get them at least expelled for their little stunt.”
Steve nodded. “Thanks. It’s something. Which is a hell of a lot better than nothing.”
Hopper gave Steve’s shoulder a squeeze and then walked back to his truck. Steve shook his head. He turned around to see Eddie eyeing him warily.
“Like, I know you said that Chief Hopper was dropping you off,” Eddie said, “but it’s one thing to hear it and another to see it.”
Steve shrugged. “You remember my comic?”
“Yeah, sure,” he replied with a shrug.
“Let’s just say that Chief Hopper and his daughter are involved, too. So I got to know them both.”  
Eddie nodded skeptically, running his tongue over his teeth. “And that would be why you were able to use their story for your comic for art class?”
“Oh yeah,” Steve said. He got close to Eddie, so close they were practically sharing the same breath. “And he tried to warn me off you. I told him that I am who I am now...which in case you need me to spell it out for you, is happier and healthier than I have been in years, is because of you. Because of our friends. Because you make me happy.”
Eddie blinked and blushed, pursing his lips. “Yeah?”
“Yes, you absolute menace,” Steve teased. “I love you.”
“Did you–” Eddie asked, suddenly worried.
Steve shook his head. “Not without talking to you first, sunshine.”
Eddie relaxed. “Let’s get you home, darlin’.”
Steve looked around and then planted a large kiss on his lips.
Eddie melted into it, pulling Steve flush against his chest. “I love you, too.”
Part 21
Tag List: @shrimply-a-menace @strangersteddierthings @throwbackthrowaway @novelnovella @cursedfoxteeth @babyblender @garden-of-gay @anaibis @lifeisnotsobadonceyoustopcaring @swimmingbirdrunningrock @steve-the-hairrington @winterbuckwild @spectrum-spectre @matchingbatbites   @thing-a-ling @fandemonium-takes-its-toll @artiststarme @sundead  @nelotegreitic @gregre369 @butterflysandpeppermint @thedragonsaunt @kodaik97 @messrs-weasley @scarletzgo @deadlydodos @renaissan-vvitch @evix-syne666 @emly03 @justforthedead89 @ashwinmeird @huniibee @phantypurple @stevesbipanic @shucks-yuckyuck @lovelyscot @awkwardgravity1 @bookbinderbitch @reportinglivefromsoda @jinxjinn @chasinggeese @be-the-spark-bitch @kohlraedirectioner @cr0w-culture @xjessicafaithx @whimsicalwitchm @jaywhohasthegay @estrellami-1 @dangdirtydemons @howincrediblysapphicofyou @the-redthread 
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brbsoulnomming · 1 year
Tell Me Sweet Little Lies Part 13
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | AO3
Eddie wakes up in the morning - or at least, he thinks it's morning, though he guesses he could still be losing track of time, and it might still be the same day. His head lulls automatically to the side, gaze seeking out the hospital bed next to him like it's second nature, and -
Steve's gone.
There's no one there, the bed clean and empty with sheets all tucked and a pillow still in plastic, like no one was ever there in the first place.
Fuck, what if he wasn't there? What if Eddie's doped up brain imagined all of this, giving himself the comfort of a circle of friends that would stay with him in the hospital, that promised they wouldn't leave him and meant it? What if he really is alone now?
His breath is coming in short, desperate gasps, and he recognizes enough to know that he's hyperventilating again - though it feels distant, fuzzy, like it's happening to someone else and he's just observing.
Somewhere through the thick cotton obscuring his ears, he can tell someone is saying his name.
It's Dustin, fuck, he knows that voice, and he knows that means he's not alone, that they're still here with him, but he can't quite seem to get the rest of him on board with that thought, can't make it cut the panic racing through him.
There's a loud squawk by his ear, a hitch-pitched whine of feedback and a rush of static, and that startles him enough to focus in on Dustin urgently asking someone to do what they did before.
"Hey, Eddie, can you hear me?" Steve asks, voice tinny but still there, and Eddie tries not to feel pathetic about how hard he latches onto it. "You're all right, you're safe. You're not alone. We've got you, Eds, everyone's okay. We all made it out, we're all with you."
He keeps up the mantra as Eddie's breathing slowly evens out, as he feels himself settle back into himself. Dustin's sitting next to him, eyes wide and panicked, clutching a walkie-talkie and holding it up close to him as Steve's voice sounds from it.
"I'm-" Eddie starts, then has to swallow a few times around how dry his mouth feels. "I'm here. I'm good. Just - saw your bed empty when I woke up, kind of panicked."
"We've all been there," Steve says. "I got myself discharged a few hours ago - I'm out getting things ready. I'll let Dustin take it from here, okay? See you guys soon."
Eddie hums an affirmative, and Dustin lets go of the walkie, tucks it back into his pocket. There's a moment where Eddie has no idea what the fuck to say, but then Dustin shoots a little smile at him.
"It's okay," he says. "It happens to all of us. We skipped school to be with Will the first time this all happened, and I spent the night at Steve's for a week straight once."
Eddie's eyebrows shoot up. "Your mom let you sleep over at Steve Harrington's place for a week?"
Dustin rolls his eyes. "She loves Steve, it's kind of annoying. I told her he got his concussion defending us from bullies that time, and he needed someone to stay with him and make sure his brain didn't bleed out of his ears in his sleep."
There's a pause, and then the kid's eyes go a little bit earnest, like he's trying to sell him on something. "It was great, though. Steve made breakfast every morning, and he let me get whatever I wanted on my pizza, and he cooked dinner sometimes too, and he's got a huge TV and a ton of movies on tape, and he only complains a little bit if you-"
The door slams open, and Eddie jumps.
"We gotta go," Robin says as she and Lucas crowd into the room. "Did you tell him?"
"Tell me what?" Eddie asks, eyes darting around the room, fully expecting to see clocks or vines or fucking bats. "Is it Vecna, did that fucker recover already?"
"No, Max says he was in pretty bad shape. He's gonna be down for a while," Lucas replies.
"It's the cops and the rest of the town looneys," Robin says, taking up a post by the door while Lucas paces across the room, looking out the window. "We heard on the police radio channel, they found out you're here. We gotta get you out."
"Fuck." Eddie swallows, tangling the fingers of his good hand in the sheets of the hospital bed so tight it makes his knuckles creak. "I'm kind of out of options on safe places to lay low and recuperate here."
"What?" Dustin looks affronted. "No you're not. I told you, you've got us."
"All of us," Robin says, as Dustin comes to stand by her at the door.
He cranes his head down the hall. "Is there a doctor coming to release him?"
"Yeah, Erica yelled at him until he gave in, he's on his way." Lucas glances away from the window to look at Eddie. "We hid El in Mike's basement for days without anyone knowing, you think we can't do the same for you?"
Robin snorts. "It's not going to be Wheeler's shitty basement, Eddie, don't worry."
Eddie stares at them. Part of him is aware of what they're saying, is processing that he needs to get out of the hospital and he's not going to have to do it alone - that even though the world isn't technically ending right now, they're all going to stand by him.
But he feels like he did when they came back from sticking up for him with Carver and the others - overwhelmed, like he hasn't done anything to deserve this, like he doesn't know what to do with such clear, undeniable evidence that they've made him one of this party now.
"Eddie?" Dustin asks, stepping in a little closer. "You okay?"
Eddie snaps himself out of it. "Yeah. Just - fuck, all right, let's do this."
Robin helps him stand up, stays by his side as he steps into a pair of loose scrubs that someone's scrounged up for him - he doesn't ask, and he's assuming the clothes he wore in the Upside Down are trashed - and lets him lean on her shoulder so he's somewhat steady on his feet by the time a harried looking doctor makes it into the room.
"You realize you're not ready to be discharged?" the doctor asks immediately.
"I'm over eighteen," Eddie replies. "You can't keep me here if I want to leave, right?"
The doctor sighs. "You'll be leaving against medical advice."
"But I'm not going to, like, die of blood loss or infection or something if I do?" Eddie presses.
"We can't answer that question with any surety without another few days of observation," the doctor replies, then relents when everyone glares at him. "It's highly unlikely."
"Just tell us what we need to do to keep an eye on him," Robin says.
The doctor goes over the cliff notes - soft foods for a while, showers are okay but no soaking, no lifting things over five pounds, there's a page of stretching exercises for his shoulder and leg, a timeline for recovery, and a prescription for the rest of his antibiotics and a smaller one for some painkillers.
"That's all I can give you since you're leaving against medical advice," the doctor says, which Eddie knows is a load of bullshit, but he's too exhausted and itching to get out of here to call him on it.
They herd him out of the room and to the elevator, standing in a little half circle around him like he's got his own little string of tiny bodyguards, and the thought makes him giggle, just a little bit hysterically.
"You guys look like little lion cubs," he says.
"You think we can't protect you?" Dustin asks, sounding hurt.
Eddie shakes his head. "No, no, I'm feeling very protected right now. Thank you."
The elevator dings, and Eddie takes a deep breath as he steps off - into a controlled chaos. The waiting room is packed, some gurneys set up right out there with nurses tending to what seems like minor cases, and even some people sleeping on the floor. Eddie feels a moment of swooping panic, but no one even looks his way. They shuffle him out of the hospital to where Nancy and Erica are waiting in the Wheeler station wagon.
Eddie gingerly climbs in, and Lucas and Dustin slide into the backseat with Erica.
Robin holds up his prescription. "I'm gonna get this filled. Swing back and grab me after you drop them off?" she asks Nancy.
Nancy hums an affirmative, eyes flicking around to make sure everyone's wearing their seat belts before she takes off.
Eddie thinks about asking where they're going, but his stomach and chest and legs and arm ache, and he's wiped just from the walk out of the hospital and to the car. So he just tips his head back against the seat of the car, closes his eyes, and tries to hold himself still enough that the seatbelt doesn't rub up against his wounded gut.
Eventually, the car stops. He expects more talking, but there's a tense silence in the flurry of activity, until someone pulls open the car door and is unbuckling his seatbelt for him.
"Shit," Dustin says. "Is he out again?"
"M'up," Eddie mumbles, though admittedly, he's not entirely sure he's up for moving.
"Go get Steve," Erica orders imperiously. "Someone needs to drag his sorry ass around again."
Eddie forces his eyes open. "M'up, m'up, I got this."
In the time it takes for him to get oriented well enough to notice that the car is in a garage, and then shuffle around to get his feet pointed in the direction of out, though, Dustin's apparently managed to collect Steve, who emerges from what Eddie assumes is the door to a house, wearing a pair of sweats and a Hawkins swim team sweatshirt.
Eddie waves his hands around, preemptively slapping Steve away before he can even get to him. "No," he tells him, as he comes to a stop just out of slapping range. "I know you've got stitches, too. No heavy lifting."
"We're not going to lift you, Eddie, we're just going to help," Nancy says, coming around to his other side, and -
"Yeah, okay," he agrees, lowering his arms for a moment before changing course, and holding one hand out to each of them.
Nancy takes one hand, and Steve the other, and they both step in closer to help guide him out of the car and to his feet. They promptly sling one of his arms over each of their shoulders, and start shuffling their way into the house. Eddie pretends the sharp hiss and the sting of tears in his eyes are due only to the edge of pain from the movement, and not to the fact that he's feeling overwhelmed again by just how willing all of them seem to be to help him when he needs it.
The house that they shuffle him through is fucking pristine, a laundry room that feels bigger than Eddie's kitchen right off the garage and into a hallway, a closed off double door to the right and then a massive living room. There's an l-shaped sofa all made up with pillows and blankets, and that's where they take him, letting him settle down on it with a sigh of relief.
"Robin's filling his prescriptions," Nancy says to Steve. "I'm going to go get her, we'll be back soon."
She heads out as the herd of children Eddie apparently belongs to now troop into the living room, their voices all clamoring together.
Steve whistles, sharp and clear and making Eddie wince, though it does cut through the noise.
"You two," he says, pointing at the Sinclairs. "With me, we're calling your parents from the kitchen. Dustin, you're after them."
The noise picks up again, and this time Eddie can make out loud protests. Steve puts his fingers to his mouth again, and nope, nope, Eddie does not want that sounding off this close to his ear again.
"Hey!" he roars, and even though it makes his throat hurt, it works to shut them up. "Thank you."
"Parents," Steve repeats. "Or they're going to come looking for you, and maybe no one else will think to look for you guys here, but they will."
Dustin groans, but he doesn't protest again.
"What are we even supposed to tell them?" Lucas grumbles.
Steve shrugs. "What do you usually tell them?"
Dustin considers. "…yeah, okay, the babysitter cover will probably still work."
"Add in the Starcourt special," Lucas says.
Eddie looks between them all. "Is any of that supposed to make sense?"
"I told you, our parents love Steve," Dustin says. "He's been beaten up enough protecting us that they think he's some kind of defender against bullies and natural disasters."
Unwillingly, Eddie remembers the headlines after Starcourt, puts it together with what Robin'd told him and how beat to hell Steve looked when Eddie saw him. It doesn't sit well with Eddie, how casually Dustin talks about Steve getting beat up protecting them, but he also remembers Dustin holding onto Steve like he was a lifeline back in the hospital, so he thinks maybe it's a coping mechanism as much as it's a belief that Steve is invincible.
"We'll just tell them Steve was with us when the earthquake hit, and he kept us safe, then we waited with him at the hospital until he was discharged," Lucas says. "It's not even technically a lie."
Erica snorts, unimpressed. "And how does that explain you three sneaking out of the house when the cops were there and running away?"
"The cops? Oh, fucking great," Steve mutters. "What'd they say to you, are you guys okay?"
Max waves her good hand. "They didn't have anything on us. We weren't under arrest, they didn't tell us not to leave the house. They've got nothing."
"Question," Eddie says, holding up a hand. "How does that fit in with Steve carrying my unconscious ass into the hospital and telling everyone we were attacked?"
"You were attacked by the real killer, obviously," Dustin says, rolling his eyes. "But we're not going to bring that out until things have settled down a little."
Eddie considers if it's worth protesting exactly how flimsy that cover story is, and how much it won't hold up to anything, but - well. If he thinks too much about how deeply screwed he is with this murder stuff, it just makes him panic, and he doesn't really have room for all of that right now considering he's barely able to physically function.
He's pretty sure their parents will be too focused on their kids being safe after the "earthquake" for now, so he lets it go.
Steve seems to agree - or comes to an entirely different conclusion with the same result, fuck if Eddie knows, because he just points at Lucas and Erica again. "Kitchen. Now."
The Sinclairs reluctantly follow him, leaving Max and Dustin alone with Eddie.
"They're probably going to make us come home," Dustin mutters.
Max gives him a disdainful look. "At least you probably have a home to go back to."
"Wait, what?" Eddie asks when Dustin winces.
"The trailer park's a wreck," Max says flatly. "The earthquake or whatever it was hit the worst at the gates."
The gates. One of which was on the ceiling of his living room, right where -
"My uncle," Eddie says, trying not to freak out. "Is he okay, has anyone-"
"He's fine!" Dustin says hurriedly. "He was already out of your guys' place, cause, you know, crime scene. The school's been set up as a temporary housing until they can get everything sorted out, he's there."
Fuck if that doesn't make Eddie feel guilty all over again, but knowing his uncle is at least physically safe calms him down.
Max looks a little abashed, like she'd forgotten that she wasn't the only one in this little group who lives on that side of town anymore, which makes his heart go out to her. It's easy to forget about the things that should divide them, when they're all focused on saving the world and just trying to survive another day. He wonders how she deals with it when they're not all caught up in the Upside Down - wonders if she just hasn't been dealing with it at all, considering he knows she's a new resident of Forest Hills and that she'd been pulling away from the group before this.
She doesn't say anything else, and he doesn't ask.
Steve comes back before it gets too awkward, eyes automatically landing on Max in a way that, for a ridiculous moment, makes Eddie wonder if the guy is actually psychic.
"Mrs. Sinclair is asking for you," Steve says. "Do you want to come talk to her?"
His voice is soft, gentle, and he gives Max time to think it over - Eddie gets the feeling that Steve already has an excuse prepared for the Sinclairs if Max says no.
Max's eyes dart over at Eddie and Dustin for a moment, like she's not sure she wants to say anything in front of them. Then she deflates a little and looks back at Steve.
"My mom call back?" she asks.
"Not yet," Steve replies. "We can try again."
Max's jaw sets, and she shakes her head. "No. I want to talk to Mrs. Sinclair."
She stands, and doesn't push Steve's arm off of her when he grabs her in for a side hug as he guides her back into the kitchen.
Dustin leans back in the recliner he'd claimed, propping his booted foot up on the footrest. "I'm going to see if Mom'll let me stay over here a few days," he declares.
"Good luck with that," Eddie says. "Your mom's love of Steve aside, you've been gone for days. I think she's entitled to a day or two of hovering over you."
Dustin's nose scrunches, like he really wants to protest that but he's pretty sure Eddie's right.
"Fine," he mutters. "But you guys have to agree to walkie me every night. Every night, Eddie. And you have to make sure Steve leaves it on, and charged up, and I'm going to make him promise to check in as soon as he wakes up in the morning."
His heart - his stupid, not nearly cynical enough heart - cracks a little. "I'm okay, Dustin. Steve and I made it out okay."
"This time," Dustin says, and he won't meet Eddie's eyes, his voice thick enough that Eddie suspects he's holding back tears. "But you almost didn't. You almost died, Eddie, if El hadn't been ready for Vecna maybe you would have. And Steve - he's my brother, and I know he thinks he's invincible but one day he's not going to be, and he doesn't know how much I need him, how much I need you both -"
"Hey," Steve says.
Dustin yelps at the same time that Eddie jumps, hissing when that pulls at his stitches.
"Shit, Steve, make some noise next time!" Dustin complains.
"Sorry," Steve says, then reaches out to ruffle Dustin's hair. "I know, Dustin. Eddie and I both know, okay? We need you, too."
Part of Eddie wants to wheel back, to tell Steve that's awfully presumptuous of him, but - the part of him that he doesn't want to acknowledge, the bigger part right now, really fucking likes the way Steve says we, the way it makes Dustin stop looking so broken.
"Go home for a few days, then you can tell your mom that you're worried I'm going to rip my stitches trying to take care of myself and come stay over for a while, okay? We'll do it just like the first time."
Dustin considers that for a moment, then nods. "Okay."
"Good," Steve says. "Because it's your turn. You want me to bring the phone out here?"
"Nah, I can make it." Dustin lets down the recliner and slowly shuffles his way to the kitchen.
Steve shoots Eddie a look, and there's something quiet and intense in his eyes, something that Eddie feels like he can almost get, if he just -
Then Steve's moving, following Dustin back to the kitchen, and it's gone.
Eddie's alone.
This is the first time since he spent that long, shitty night in the woods that he's actually had some space to himself without one of the others in this strange little party right there. Part of him thinks he should enjoy the reprieve, taking in a breath and letting it out without worrying about what anyone else might see. Part of him thinks he should be panicking, like he did every time he thought he might have been left alone in the hospital.
He doesn't know what he actually feels.
There's a faint murmur of voices from the kitchen, low and soothing, and he thinks - he thinks about how if he yelled, any one of them would come running for him. He thinks about how if he heard yelling from them, he'd be launching himself up off this sofa and scrambling for the kitchen, bloody bite wounds or not. He thinks about how he ran, and how he didn't, and how none of them seemed to blame him when he ran from an invisible monster that turned a girl who was nothing but nice to him into a broken doll, and how they yelled at him for almost dying when he didn't run from a mob of demon bats who almost tore him to pieces. He thinks about how not one of them ever called him a coward, thinks about how they dragged him out of hell and slept in his hospital room and whisked him off to safety.
He thinks, maybe, they might just keep him, even if he isn't Steve's soulmate.
Steve comes out of the kitchen, shoots him a little wry smile and says, "Kind of figured none of us really want to be alone right now," and Eddie -
He thinks, fuck, he still really wants to be Steve's soulmate anyway.
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Part 14
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mingiiwingii · 1 month
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Mastelist. Chapter 1. Chapter 2.
SUMMARY | Hes your baby daddy but he’s also part of the mafia- the boss at that. He left you without saying anything but leaving a note explaining how it was the best for you guys and he would miss you. Then disappearing completely out of your life never being seen again a month before you found out you were pregnant.
PAIRINGS | mafia boss father Bangchan x mother!female reader
RATING | 18+
WARNINGS | suggestive parts in the middle but not to detailed, swearing
NOW PLAYING | Too Sweet: Hozier
LENGTH | 3,377
It was your normal Tuesday, you woke up at around 6:00 like usual on weekdays. You got your stuff out for the shower and your outfit for the day. As you were moving things around on your night stand that you hadn’t rearranged since you first set it up after moving 3 years back, you saw a little piece of paper. You being curious as to what it could be you picked it up and opened it, your hands started to tremble as it was the note. The note that had the very words that broke your heart.
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You were on your way for work super excited since your day off was tomorrow and you’d be able to spend the rest of your night with your boyfriend. That meant you got to stay up all night long and wake up tomorrow at 11 but your excitement was later ended when you got home. You checked in every room for you boyfriend of 5 years now but you couldn’t find him nowhere. It then hit you that his car wasn’t in the driveway so he must still be in the office or worse one of those mafia meetings.
Your boyfriend was a boss, but not any boss. He was a mafia boss and although you hated it but, you loved it at the same time. Having a mafia boss as a boyfriend meant protection for life nobody messed with you when they found out who you were dating. But you didn’t really care about that as much as your mother protested against your relationship with the boss you couldn’t help but rebel agaisnst her wishes. After all you loved him he was your first everything since you guys started dating at 17 and 16.
He was your first love, first kiss, first boy you liked, first man to embrace you, first man to tell you that he loved you since your grandfather passes away younger than he should’ve and your father was a piece of shit. Not to mention he was your first time but he was also your last in all of those things.
You decided to just shower since you thought why not since you were at work all day and it’ll be good to unwind and relax. Even when you got out the shower he wasn’t there you went to sit on the couch and watch some tv as you walked past the kitchen to go to the livingroom you saw a piece of paper on the counter but you didn’t bother with it since you thought it was nothing. Even after an hour he still wasn’t home you decided to go to the gym for about two hours by time you got back home it was already 9 but also raining so you rushed back in the house still not seeing his car.
You took your third shower of the day which you only do if you go to the gym which is usually once in a blue moon. You got settled back in your night dress and decided to go make dinner since you were hungry and figure he would also be hungry since he had been out since 7 AM. As you stepped foot in the kitchen you came across the paper again as you went towards it and picked it up to throw it away you then seen the paper had a lot of hand written writing on it.
You decided to read it since you noticed it was your boyfriends hand writing and when you read the full note you immediately trembled and wanted to juice burst into tears.
The note read “hello my sweet girl I don’t what time your reading this at but I just want to say sorry for all of this. Sorry I couldn’t be a better man for you, sorry I couldn’t be there when you woke up every morning and when you went to sleep most nights. I’m so sorry that I can no longer play the leading role in your life, I’m not good for you but your to good for me. I’ll always love you and you’ll always be the only women in my heart for as long as I’ll be alive. Sorry that I have to end our relationship like this but I truly hope you can move on in life and find a man who’s good for you. I may be stuck up on you for as long as I can live but I truly want you to be able to move on find a good man who can make you his wonderful wife, give you his beautiful children because they’ll take after you. With all do respect goodbye y/n.
A month later you kept throwing up once you woke up and your realized your period was late so your best friend said that she’d buy you a pregnancy test and so she did. You took 3 tests and they all read the same thing POSITIVE. You cried all night and day threw your whole pregnancy wondering how could you be a single mom and that the baby would constantly be a reminder of the man who had left you with a huge wound in your heart. When you finally gave birth the baby girl looked just like him when he was a baby.
You would always giggle with his mom over his baby pictures when the two of you were together but seeing that baby girl didn’t make you giggle it made you cry tears for days some were sad a lot were happy. You were just happy that she came out healthy and oh was she full of energy as she grew up just like her father. You struggle sometimes to be her mother because a lot of the stuff and things she did reminded you of him.
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You wanted to toss the note but you just couldn’t since beside your daughter it was the only thing you had left of him. You threw the paper back where you got it and undressed yourself to get in the shower. As you were about to enter your bathroom you received a text. Unknown number •is this Ms.L/N?• you felt that it was really weird that you got such a message so you responded back •why do you ask and who’s asking•. You then threw your phone on your bed and went to take your shower.
Why you got out the shower you dried off and quickly got dressed you then remembered the text you got so you opened up your phone and seen they texted you back •I want to meet up and talk about some important business we can meet up at a local café if you don’t feel safe about things• you didn’t know what to do but you took up the offer since it was a public area. •Alright fine meet me at le café at 9:45 am I have to drop my daughter off at school and I’m being something to my mother•
The person like your message then texted back •Would you mind waiting there for 15 minutes since I’m not free till 10:00?• you didn’t mind to wait •yeah sure• they replied back quickly •okay thank you I’ll get us a booth now and do you mine to order me an expresso?• you really didn’t mind •yeah sure what do I say when I get there since your booking the booth?• it took them about 5 minutes to reply back •sorry I was booking the booth I put it under your name• •okay I’ll see you then mysterious person•
You had finally put the phone down around 7:36 which made you a few minutes late to wake your daughter up but that didn’t matter since you don’t drop her off till 9 am. When you woke your daughter up she looked at her clock and realized it wasn’t 7:30 on the dot like usually “mommy why’d you wake me up late?” The little girl questioned you. You smiled and replied “sorry I was busy something” she then nodded her head in an understanding way jumping up out of her bed getting her clothes out. You left her room since she knows how to get her own clothes out and get ready for her own shower after all she is a big girl now.
About twenty- five minutes later she comes out of her room all dressed for the day wearing a pretty floral outfit. Your daughter grew up to be very pretty and cute maybe because she looks like her father. When she came downstairs she could smell her favorite food for breakfast cooking. You were only able to cook for her on Tuesdays since you didn’t have work every other day she would eat different cereals.
Todays you made her waffles with a home made batter, 4 pieces of bacon, 2 pieces of sausage, a scoop of grits, and some scrambled eggs. She may be 6 but she can eat a lot that’s something she got from both you and her father. She ate all her food within 15 minutes and after that you guys were out the door. When you dropped her off to school you happened to see the little girl again and she just so happened to see you as well. You didn’t see her coming but all of a sudden you felt a little girl hugging you legs. Following her was the the women who always brought her there. She kept on apologizing even after you said it was alright and you told her that you had recently ran into her at the ice cream shop with her father Mr.Bang.
The little girl looked at you puzzled “how do you know that my daddy’s name is Mr.bang when you guys didn’t talk that day?” You looked at her feeling that you were in some deep crap “well me and your father have run into each other multiple times even though they weren’t very good interactions.” She looks at you with bright look “so is that why you kept rolling your eyes at him and he just stud there like he was full of regret?” She questions you and you look at her and say “yeah sure that… anyway I have to go I hope to see you again soon sweet thing.” You guys then wave goodbye to each other.
When you got to the café they asked what was the name under and you told them your name. They then lead you to a booth to the further back and asked you what you wanted and you told them an expresso and a cup of green tea. After 5 minutes they brought you the drinks and you continued to wait for the next 10 minutes. When the booth opened you were annoyed with who decided to reach out to you then sit in front of you like they had the right to after all they’ve done.
It’s you” you say as you roll your eyes. “It’s me” he says in husky playful voice. “Mr.Bang since when did you drink coffee you say confused and intrigued that you didn’t get to see such a huge change in him since he always hated it. “Since I’ve been stressed and up all night Mrs.Bang” he says back in a husky tone.
You snort almost busting out in laughter “It’s Ms.L/N we were never married, anyway what did you want to talk about?” He lowers his head and says in a low town that “we never had the chance.” You tilt your head “what was that I didn’t quite catch it” He looks up at you and says “nothing I didn’t say anything anyway I was wondering about something.”
You look at him with a questionable face “alright speak while I’m willing to hear you out, I’m all ears.” He looks at you then intertwines his fingers and rests them on the table “who’s her father” You look at him puzzled wondering if you should tell him the truth or lie but you didn’t want him around nor in her life because you didn’t know if he would leave again so you decided to lie. “Not yours so it shouldn’t matter and for your information my daughter isn’t business she’s a human being.”
He nods his head “darling if you planned on lying to me at least make it more believable like come on Yerim bang. Last time I recall I was the only man you’ve ever been in bed with plus she has my last name and if her and my daughter go to the same school that means their around the same age. Six years old.”
You get mad at hearing him say his daughter meaning the other little girl he was with the other day at the ice cream shop “see you already have a daughter why do you have to worry about mines just worry about your own” you say slight loud with it being obvious you annoyed. He smirks a little “listen she is also my daughter that’s what I meant when I said we needed to talk about business because she’s my business as much as she is yours.” He bites back a little furiously
You scoff “Christopher bang the audacity you have to say that she your business as much as she is mine. SHES NOT YOUR DAUGHTER BECAUSE YOUR NOT THE MAN I SLEPT WITH TO CREATE HER OKAY.” You strike back slightly loud. You can see the hurt on his face it hurt you but you didn’t care he then says “SO WHY THE FUCK IS HER LAST NAME BANG?” He yells raising an eyebrow.
You slam your hands on the table “because that’s her fathers last name idiot.” He looks at you puzzled “see I am her fucking father you big small liar” angered.
You look at him mad and cross your arms “well you wanna know the truth Mr.bang” you ask raising an eyebrow. He nods his head oddly fast so you come up with the biggest fatest lie but it somewhat makes sense. So you nod your head slowly then lean forward “well to be honest with you Yerim is only my daughter not yours” you stop then continue. “When you decided it was a good idea to leave me I booked a flight for the next morning to Australia” you looked away for a quick second then looked back at him.
“When I booked my flight I took my best friend with me since I didn’t want to go alone. When we arrived she hit me in the head and asked me ‘what was I doing out her in this man home town looking for him when he clearly left you.” He cut you off “that’s not-“ you cute him back off so you could continue your story. “Her words hit me and really got threw to me and really wondered what am I doing her looking for a man who left in a house he brought all alone. So she suggested why don’t we go out to a club so I could get my mind off of you and I thought that was a pretty good idea.”
You took a deep breath as the next words came out of your mouth “when we went there about 20 minutes of being there this very handsome man walked up to me while I sat at the bar and sat with me. He complimented me and ask what was my name so I told him my name was y/n l/y and he said on nice to meet you y/n my name is Junseo bang. At first I thought so weird but then I didn’t care. He brought me some drinks took me to the dance floor we danced for a while then he said why don’t we get out of here”
He looked at you with a shocked but her hurt face and it semi broke your heart but you couldn’t back down so you finished talking “we went back to his house and I wasn’t really drunk so I knew where to go when I needed him. Anyway when we got to his house at first he gave me a glass of water and turned the tv. He put on of very good show until sensual scenes started to pop up and that made us keep looking at each other until we both ended up making a move on each other.”
You paused for a second then finished “I ended up on top of him we made out a little then we ended up tumbling to his bedroom while we took off each others clothes once we got into his bedroom the rest was history. You know how babies are made so I don’t think I have to tell you the rest to that beautiful night. Anyway a few days later I started to get morning sickness and me and you hadn’t had Intercourse for about two days for about a week before you left so I knew it wasn’t you but after I slept with him two days later I started throwing up and my period was late so I decided to take a pregnancy test. It came back positive so I went back to his house and told him since me and my best friend planned on staying there for the week.
You look at him while rubbing your hands on your legs “when I knocked on the door he was surprised to see me again but he smiled and asked what I was doing there and stepped aside to let me in then again he handed me a glass of water then I told him at first he was stuck and shocked at first then he nodded his head and sat back. But then he told me that he would come back to Korea with me and he would live there with me threw the pregnancy and our child’s birth so when I flew back to Korea he flew back along with me best friend. Anyway I have to get back to my moms I promised her I wouldn’t be gone for to long and if you don’t believe me I’ll send you a picture of her birth certificate and pictures of her and her father together.”
He looks at you for a second “I would like that actually.” You didn’t expect him to say that you expected him to except it but you already knew what you had to do “okay I’ll send them later I’m going back to my mothers house Junseo is there waiting he’s supposed to be taking her to the park school and he just likes to talk to my mother.” What you were saying wasn’t a lie except he’s not her father but it was true that he was there for you threw all this time and still is today.
You stood up and bowed to him then took your leave on your way out you quickly texted your best friend Junseo about what happened and he flew straight to your house to wait for you. When you got to your house you explained every little thing that happened. “Ok so whats the plan because I know you have one.” You look at him with a sneaky smile “ I’m going to print out a copy of her real one and since the real one is blink for the father’s signature your going to sign on the copy.”
He looked at you and smirked “that’s actually perfect and we’ve always taking pictures with each other because I’m her favorite uncle.” You couldn’t help but burst out into laughter when he said that because she would always beat him up. About two hours after that you took a picture of the fake birth certificate and sent him a little over 10 photos of the two together whether she was to beat him up or if she was actually enjoying time with him and the ones on her birthday all he replied with was a shallow •oh I see I’ll leave it be then• and he actually did or so you thought.
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