fucking-hell-marvel · 2 years
Chris Evans speaks out on his Pixar ‘Lightyear’ role: ‘Tim Allen is Buzz Lightyear in my eyes’
Is this the summer when people go back to the movies?
“I really hope so,” said actor Chris Evans. “I would hate to think that COVID, combined with the advent of streaming services, somehow changed the way we consume movies. Some of my best memories as a kid were going to the movies. So I’m hoping that stays alive for decades to come. And I certainly hope that this summer can make that happen.”
Q: So many Buzz Lightyear fans have had one voice in their head for over a quarter of a century, and it’s Tim Allen’s voice. How mindful were you of following such an iconic voice?
A: Incredibly. I have some experience with trying to fill the shoes of a role that people have in their mind already. With Captain America, it had never been done in film, but people certainly had a connection to what the comic book character was, and you have to take that into consideration. You can’t exclude the fact that there are built-in fans who have a deep connection with an idea already. And with Tim Allen, you actually have movies. You actually already have an incarnation of a role, and you can’t just operate in a vacuum. And why would you? Tim Allen obviously did phenomenal work. I mean, he’s Buzz Lightyear in my eyes.
Q: You trained at the Lee Strasberg Theatre and Film Institute and acted in live-action movies and on the stage. How is it different to inhabit as role as a voice actor?
A: Well, it’s a little intimidating. With most stage or screen acting, you have some sort of a tangible world to play off of, whether it’s an actual physical set or even on more superhero-type things, at least you have other actors. With voice acting, you’re alone in a booth and you know you don’t have visuals and you don’t quite have an understanding of the circumstance or the stakes or the energy of the scenes. So you’re really kind of leaning on the director, and Angus (MacLane) is so wonderful. You trust that they know what they’re doing, and if they say jump, you just say “how high?” and you just try to give them as many options as possible.
Q: You’re known for tap-dancing on your movie sets to kind of keep things loose — maybe why you’ve been cast as Gene Kelly. Did you do any soft-shoe in the sound booth while making “Lightyear”?
A: Sure! It’s more like a little nervous tic. Some people whistle or chew gum, and I just kind of find myself casually soft-shoeing. It’s more of just a casual thing that sometimes my feet do without even thinking.
Q: Can you envision a franchise of Lightyear movies? They made four “Toy Story” films.
A: I would hope so. If there are talks, it’s nothing that I’ve heard yet. But Pixar is incredibly precious with their intellectual properties. They’re not like other studios who just try and go for the cash grab. Only if there’s a story to tell and if there’s something worth diving into. So if there is another story, I’m sure it will be something just as special and meaningful as this one.
I’m obviously hopeful. But again, I trust their judgment completely.
Q: You turned 40 last year. What acting challenges would you like take up in the next few years, aside from Gene Kelly?
A: As an actor, that’s tough. I’m slightly mercurial by nature, and I have a lot of different creative appetites. So as much as I love acting, some days I wake up and my creative appetite is in a completely different field. So I’m not quite sure. I think if anything, it would probably be certain filmmakers that I would love to work with. But I don’t know. I try not to look too far ahead. I try to let the wind take me because the business is so unpredictable and certain things kind of come along out of nowhere.
I find that I have an easier time diving into something and not letting my analytical mind take over when I just kind of stay present.
Q: Well, here’s a pitch: You’ve said you’re done playing Captain America, but hear me out. Buzz Lightyear teams with Captain America; you play both roles.
A: (Laughs). Now that’s a good one. That’s the pitch. I’d be in 100%. How could you not?
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fucking-hell-marvel · 3 years
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this interview lives rent free in my head.
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fucking-hell-marvel · 3 years
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Spider-Man: MENACE
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fucking-hell-marvel · 3 years
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#give him a break
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fucking-hell-marvel · 3 years
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fucking-hell-marvel · 3 years
What was left behind Pt. 1
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*I do not own these pictures*
Summary: After the events of the Sokovia Accords, Steve is now a fugitive to the U.S.A. government and has left you in the worse way possible. What happens when fate reunites the two again when you are most vulnerable?
Pairing: Steve Rogers x pregnant!stark! reader
Warning: bombing, mild cursing
Steve Rogers: America's ass soldier, avenger, son, and overall good man.
You had other words to describe your missing husband.
It was all a blur. There was a bombing at the Sokovia Accords and Steve's oldest friend, Bucky (aka The Winter Soldier) was to possibly blame. Steve found out after you and he attended Peggy's funeral and never have you seen Steve distraught than ever before. He made it his mission to clear his friend's name at all costs, even if that meant going against the government.
He was rushing out of the apartment you two bought together as he found a lead on Bucky. "Are you sure you have to do this Steve? Last time I remembered, bringing him back almost cost you your life!" You said as you tried to knock some sense into his thick skull.
He wasn't paying attention as he was collecting his things for another mission. "I have to y/n, if I don't find him first... bad things will happen." You bite your lip as you fiddle with your wedding ring.
He's almost done packing, but you stop him as you place your hand on top of his. "At least call to update me when you're done, ok? The last thing I want is to send my brother flying to God knows where to bring you here."
He chuckles lightly as he looks down at your gaze. "I would love to see Tony try. But I promise..." he says, taking your hands into his. " I will come back home."
You gave a small smile as he suddenly grabbed his duffel bag and left out the door, giving you no proper goodbye or even a kiss. That was the day that Steve Rogers broke his promise.
A few days pass and Steve has not contacted you while he was away. You started to stress out each passing second as things started to worsen from there. You hear your front door unlocking and see federal agents flooding into your room without an explanation.
"What in the hell are you doing in my home?" you said outraged while agents start collecting your household items and taking them as some sort of evidence.
The lead detective comes up to you and flashes his badge. "Mrs. Stark-Rogers, your husband is now a fugitive to the U.S. government. He has committed a felony, broke out past avengers that were convicted due to breaking the accords, and assisted an assassin to flee the country. We are going to ask you a few questions...."
Your head starts spinning from all of this information. Steve left? More specifically, Steve left you? You go back to reality as the investigator is asking you if 'Captain America' has contacted you in the past few days. You answer all that you could, but they could tell that you were clueless as to Steve's whereabouts.
The feds left giving you much dignity you had left, but also leaving with Steve's personal belongings and what he has purchased in the past. You sit on the couch, staring at the blank wall that used to be covered in pictures of friends and families. You suddenly shot in the direction of your keys and grabbed them immediately, driving to your brother's residence.
You knock on the door repetitively and you see Happy opening the door. "Now's not a good time kid-" He still calls you that as you and your big brother had an age gap growing up. "No, Happy, the feds just barged into my place telling me that my husband is now a FUGITIVE. Where is my brother?!" you said, snaking in the dorm frame and heading to tony's lab. You hear Happy yelling after you as you see Tony's back facing you as he's fixing a piece of tech.
"Leave us alone, Happy." Your brother said flatly, seeing Happy's expression turned grim and slowly giving you space. You start to fume as your brother still hasn't turned to face your direction, so you start to march towards him.
"Where in the world is Steve, Tony? And why the hell did the government go to my apartment and repossess half of my belongings? Answer me, goddam-" You suddenly stop as you see Tony's bruises and cuts around his face.
"What....who did this?" you started to mumble, shocked to see your brother in such a state. "If you must know, your husband did this. Rhodey looks way worse than me. He's paralyzed from the waist down by the way." He says sarcastically as he's still tinkering on his tech. You look at him, unsure of the statement that he has just said. "What happened?" You said confused as you sat down in front of him.
Tony slowly gets up and limps his way to another table to retrieve an item. "I showed up to the place where his friend was being contained and something triggered him to escape alongside blondie and birdman. Half of the avengers still disagreed with the accords so they helped to protect them at all cost. Rhodey got shot down and the rest of those who fought against us were turned in."
He went back to the table and had his mask in hand. "I soon realized the winter soldier didn't bomb the accords but someone who sought out for him. The logical thing to do was track down Steve." You glance down at your ring and start fumbling at it again, a nervous tick you've down when you're thinking of your husband.
"I don't get it, he didn't do the bombing. Why did Steve have to leave with Buck-" You were suddenly interrupted by Tony's hands that slammed the table. "BECAUSE HE KNEW!" He screamed out, tears threatening to leave his eyes as he now looks at your scared figure.
"Knew what?" you whispered with fear in your voice. Tony takes his mask and presses a button within, projecting a digital screen of a surveillance camera on a road in the middle of the woods.
You see a vintage car driving down the lane. 'Wait, why does that car look familiar?' you thought. You briefly see the driver's license and you suddenly gasp. Your mind fills with dread as you suddenly see a motorcycle chasing down the vehicle, resulting in the car to crash.
You now see who the motorcyclist was as he appeared in leather head to toe, with long hair and a blinding arm. "No... no no no no no no..." you repetitively said as tears poured down your face. He walks over to your father's figure on the side of the road, beating him to a pulp until he can't move anymore. Then, he walks to the passenger side to your mother.
"Turn it off." you muffled out, trying to control your beating heart. You close your eyes and your grief overcomes your body. "TURN IT OFF TONY!" You cried in agony as you tried to reach out to the hologram, resulting in you falling on the floor, trying to even your haggard breathing.
The light from the mask switches off and Tony stays a few inches away from you, staring at your hunched figure. "Steve knew he did that to our parents, y/n. But he still wanted to protect him; hell, he even left dad's shield to rust with me." You look up to Tony as you slowly got up, unable to speak.
He turns away and grabs a flip phone and a letter. "Steve just sent me this to contact him if the world would ever be in trouble, I imagine he didn't send you anything as you clearly don't know what's been to your husband's whereabouts." You try to search for the words you've desperately wanted to say.
Tony didn't even give you a chance to talk. "I don't think it's best to be near each other right now." His voice strained as if he struggled to say it. You didn't even comprehend what he was saying. All you could do was move your feet to the glass door.
"One last thing before you go." He says as he clicks on a button on his wristwatch, showing footage at a parking lot with Steve and that Sharon Carter girl you saw at the funeral. "I thought you had the right to see this and see who your husband truly is." He says cruelly.
You see Steve inch closer and kisses her. Sharon places her hand behind his neck and when they pull apart, he smiles. You feel you're about to be sick and start running up to the nearest bathroom. You accidentally bump into Happy and you go behind him to the bathroom on his left, puking in the toilet. He comes in and holds up your hair as you start to heave over the seat.
"It's a lot to take in, kid, I'm so sorry you had to find out this way," He says as you appear to be done and sit a bit upward to the nearest wall. Judging by your state, he takes you home in his car.
You arrive at the front door and he briefly mentions he'll send your car in the morning but you don't answer back. You unlock your door to your empty apartment, going straight to your bedroom. You stripped off your clothes, brushed your teeth, and settled on your side of the mattress.
Your hand travels down your abdomen, feeling the unnoticed bump that started to form a week ago. You start to lie on your side, silently crying and muffling your screams in your pillow.
There were many words to describe your husband... now he was going to be 'father.'
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fucking-hell-marvel · 3 years
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(they are brothers, after all)
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fucking-hell-marvel · 3 years
In Captain America: The Winter Soldier, when it’s discovered that half of SHIELD is actually HYDRA, Sharon fights to stop them, and despite being betrayed by those she trusted, continues working in government because that is who she is.
In The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, when it’s discovered that Sharon has spent upwards of seven years in hiding and comes out to help her friends, and despite being left behind by those she saved, she turns out to be going behind everyone’s backs to have absolute power over the world because... woman scorned?
Make it make sense.
~Mod R
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fucking-hell-marvel · 3 years
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Yo Bucky sorry to burst your bubble but…Dr.Strange is a wizard
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fucking-hell-marvel · 3 years
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everyone say thank you to female directors
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fucking-hell-marvel · 3 years
The Road To Avengers Endgame From Disney+
“ It will never be like this again” 
This 2 minutes clip is from the special behind the scene video from Disney+. I think this is the best video to share right now as it has the original avengers talking….. and try not to cry at the end 
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fucking-hell-marvel · 3 years
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fucking-hell-marvel · 3 years
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WANDA MAXIMOFF Wandavision | 1.09, The Series Finale
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fucking-hell-marvel · 3 years
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fucking-hell-marvel · 3 years
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Leaked footage from Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness.
I spent 7 hours on this Community meme, please laugh.
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fucking-hell-marvel · 3 years
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Steve represented the best in all of us. Courageous, righteous, hopeful. And he mastered posing stoically.
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fucking-hell-marvel · 3 years
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Infinity War concept art of Nomad Steve by Ryan Meinerding
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