#and the prologue is 50k
rubberduckyrye · 2 months
I keep thinking about how writing 3k words every day for me might actually be feasible
Write 1k after each meal
1k three times a day
I chew through words so fast so I only need about 30 minutes to write 1k?
It's not hard.... I could easily do it!!!
And that's without my meds--I was told my meds are safe to take but I did feel a racing heart issue so I want to switch to a lower dose or a more mild medicine tbh.
I'm trying to plan this out. Ehe.
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meanscarletdeceiver · 5 months
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darlingpoppet · 1 year
Where The Dead Forget — Chapter 5: Together
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Hades Gameverse Memory Loss AU | Achilles/Patroclus | M | Chapters: 5/21 | Words: 50,751 (Ch 5: 10,463 words)
Cover Art by: @alibonbonn
“What have I ever done to earn residence in such a hallowed place?” He says aloud again. “Simply rubbing shoulders with greatness should hardly qualify. An unremarkable life, snuffed out in an unremarkable way. A few lucky strikes here and there perhaps, but still reduced to rotting flesh and then ash and bones, just like all the others. No friends or family to speak of… no name, no honor… not even a verse in song, surely. Just another—“
He pauses, as he thinks he has just heard a faint rustling over the sound of his own voice. He listens carefully, and indeed: there is a distant creaking, and then the clang of the metal gate at the entrance to the glade.
This is not so unusual. Patroclus occasionally receives visitors and passers by—perhaps more often than he would in fact prefer, but most of them are quickly sent on their way once he has made it clear he is not interested in sparring or feasting or fucking or whatever else it is that shades in Elysium divert themselves with for eternity.
There is a certain one who passes through sometimes. He is a god, by Patroclus’ estimation—princely and well-mannered, but unsettling, in his way, as all gods are. When he visits, he is always asking Patroclus such unusual, confounding questions, to such a degree that Patroclus often fears he is being toyed with. He has already searched his mind to recall if any of the stories told of Chthonic trickster gods: Eris? Apate? Dolos? Or perhaps even Hermes, the artful Olympian psychopomp? This particular one possesses a youthful countenance much like Hermes, but he is more akin to the spirited, flickering flame of a campfire, rather than the swift breath of wind from a bird’s flapping wing.
In any case, Patroclus does not trust him. He is wary of his easy smiles and friendly, insistent manner. Patroclus can only think to bribe him with his untouched collection of healing draughts and refreshments in order to make him go away whenever he appears. He sincerely hopes it is not that odd stranger who has decided to come back again.
Patroclus picks another cluster of flowers to busy himself with as his visitor approaches. He can see the shade cresting the stairs out of the corner of his eye. Patroclus does not deign to look in his direction, and yet the shade stands there, as if quietly observing him, expectant and waiting.
“Hello,” a man’s voice says.
Read the rest here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/43292178/chapters/126220315
Previous Chapters: 1. Drown | 2. Grief | 3. Grace | 4. Weakness
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sandycookie · 1 year
Egg fight scene has been finished! Just have to complete the whole tart baking thing, a little no friend energy, and some water shenanigans to put an end to this *checks chapters* 36k word day
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elsa-fogen · 6 months
Rise of the Radio Demon | Prologue Part 1
Next >>
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insert joke about that 50k animation
is that a bird? is that a plane? No! That's Elsa is starting new comic! That's the third one and it's finally pure radiorose AHHAHAAHA well almost. Don't tell me that your friendship with your bestie didn't start with them trying to murder and eat you?????? Impossible (i don't have friends)
I have such a funny twist prepared ohh this is gonna be good!
I need to draw human Alastor at last! But i'm... afraid??? idk-
next part soon?
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lightweaver-chosen-if · 6 months
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I know it took awhile but… tadaah!
New 20k words of content just dropped, bringing the game to 50k! Each playthrough is around 22k~ words with mini paths to explore.
I tried to edit this as much as I could, but with the new amount of branches I'm starting to get cross-eyed after re-reading the game so many times. As always feedback is always welcome! I'm having some trouble in linking scenes together with code. So if there are parts where it seems weirdly formatted or abrupt, please let me know in the forums.
IMPORTANT: Please use a new save! A lot has changed since the last update so it's most likely broken. The game passed both the quick and random test, so if you encounter any errors please make sure you didn't use an old save before reporting game breaking bugs.
What's New:
Continue the tour with A and L!
Learn about future events
Officially become a Launwyce Academy student
MC lore ;)
Meet and interact with your potential pet 🐶😺
Meet and interact with J
What's Edited:
World lore
More physical banter variations for A and L when they have different genders
Hope everyone enjoys the update! :D PS: Ignore the main re-post, just wanted to transfer the main post to this account. PPS: omg I just realized it's April 1 - this is not an April fools joke !!!
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flowermiist · 8 months
A warm heart - I
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Click here to read the prologue if you haven’t ♡
Pairing: John Price x Fem!Reader
Sypnosis: Some time ago, you started a cooking channel on YouTube as a way to relax, have a proper hobby and teach others your favorite recipes as you improved your own culinary skills too. Fame wasn't something you wanted, you were more than happy with your 50k subscribers... Yet you never thought you'd stumble upon one of them.
Word count: 4.5k
A/N: I would like to start off by saying thank you for all the kind comments, likes and reblogs the prologue has gotten. I was going to make this chaper longer but wanted to leave some intrigue. I’m currently working on the second chapter as I post this. Again, thank you so so much. Don’t forget to like, reblog and comment please. ♡
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“Didn’t know you were that much into cooking, cap.” Garrick says, hiding a smirk and almost teasing as he sits across the captain who simply gives him a small cranky huff and his tired eyes stick back to the screen of his phone with the video playing.
Only one of the wired earbuds is connected to his ear as he watches every single detail almost carefully –
“Improving my cooking skills, somethin’ the lot of you should start doing.”
It was by far clear that John wasn’t in the best of moods after a stressing mission, his voice much hoarser and raspier than usual – the scent of the cheap cigar he had gotten from a gas station fills the tent as Mactavish sleeps with arms crossed, his head hanging low and Simon keeps guard – his eyes moving towards the conversation from time to time.
“Been trying to get the hang of it…” He speaks again with a sigh and an attempt not to be too grumpy, trying to remain as composed as he can while wiping off the sweat from his forehead, the lines on his rough skin becoming accentuated as he slightly frowns.
“And how’s it going?” Gaz asks with more curiosity now, looking at his captain and placing his elbows on the wooden table.
“Good, ’s far as I can tell.” Is all John responds, crossing his arms over his broad chest as he tries to sink deeper into the folding wooden chair tapping his cigar against the makeshift ashtray (which was simply an empty can of tuna) as the already weak string of smoke dies away.
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You quickly scramble out of the bathroom, uniform already displayed on your bed. Stopping in right front of your vanity and placing a hand against the wall as you lean closer to the mirror to get a better look, trying to be as careful as possible not to mess up your lipstick – the moment you can’t find your shoes, you just get more irritated and the irritation mixing with yesterday’s hangover is not a pretty feeling, especially at this time of day.
You know you no longer have time to find your comfortable shoes the moment you look at the watch on your left wrist so you move towards your closet and take out a pair of nude stiletto heels, not the most convenient or comfortable ones but better than going barefoot to work or using one of your “I’m only here at the club to dance and get laid tonight.” pumps.
The moment you step into your car and try to start the engine, it makes that funny noise you hate but know too well to ignore.
“C’mon… let’s not embarrass ourselves, will you stop acting up before a neighbor notices and calls me broke?” You mumble to your own car like a crazy woman as the engine struggles to start.
Three days, three whole damned days since the engine of your car has been struggling to start and has started getting on your nerves – you tried to contact Harrison, your mechanic and the asshole has been completely ignoring your calls, he not only overpriced every little thing he did to your car but also thought you were some sort of stupid woman who didn’t know anything about your own car.
Sure, you could just drive to his garage and tell him the problem right away, but you were loaded with work these days and this man’s policy was to book in through a phone call to get your call fixed – otherwise, he refused to fix anything. And knowing him, there was no way he’d pick up any of your calls anytime soon.
A sigh of relief escapes your lips the moment your car decides to cooperate and the engine starts. “Good girl...” You whisper through your teeth with a smile, moving your finger towards the screen of the radio to start it.
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“Well damn! Doesn’t someone look sexy as hell this morning?” Zaila says as she looks at you up and down from her desk – obviously noticing the shoes you chose this morning, you smile at her as you walk towards the reception.
“Well, to your information, I was actually thinking about bringing the leopard print ones you love so much…” You speak with a playful tone while you put your purse on top of her counter.
You give her a sly smirk, checking in with the fingerprint scan she places in front of you.
“I know I’m late… I’m hungover and my car is acting up again and that asshole won’t-” before you can even finish, Zaila moves her hand up to stop you, her various bracelets jingle on her wrist when she does this, stopping you from opening your mouth to explain any further.
You sigh as you already know what she’s about to say.
“Don’t think about it, alright? I was late too – stayed up fighting with that annoying witch living next door. Barely got any rest.”
Zaila says and you smile.
“Somethin’ to laugh about?” She asks, raising an eyebrow and giving you her best warning look.
“No ma’am.” You say with a thankful smile, getting a hold of your purse again before lightly squeezing Zaila’s soft hand and walking away towards your consulting room.
You check your phone while the computer on the desk turns on, you check your channel and smile to yourself while reading some of the comments from your lasagna recipe.
You definitely worked hard for that video and your subscribers seemed to really like it – you were aware that the ages of your views were something quite varied. From teenagers learning how to cook for themselves to middle aged adults improving in the kitchen.
Looking back at the computer in front of you, you put your phone down and begin organizing and checking some files from your patients.
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Coming here with Zaila for lunch break was a good idea as always. Both of you laugh, gossip and enjoy lunch break while you sit at the small fancy restaurant that’s right across the street from the clinic.
Zaila went to the bathroom as the two of you waited for the food you ordered to arrive, leaving you alone at the table. You looked through your purse to grab your small mirror when your phone started buzzing from the call you were now receiving.
You grab it and look at the screen, reading the name of the contact, “Harrison - Mechanic.” – you huff and roll your eyes as you answer the call from the asshole that had been ignoring you for the past three days.
“Am I speaking to my favorite client?” The mechanic says, his tone sounding almost cheerful, you’ve known this man for some time now and you know him well enough to know he’s probably drunk.
“So you ignore your favorite client’s calls for three days straight now?” You reply to him. It sounds too rude, you know that but this man is an asshole too and him ignoring you was three times worse than your words.
“Oh c’mon… I’ve just been… uh…” – you wait in silence and look at your nails, already wondering what excuse he’s going to give you.
“–that doesn’t matter now since I’m talking to you, aye? What seems to be the problem with your lady?”
“What makes you think I’ll go back to your garage?” You speak, almost irritated, then catch a glimpse of Zaila from the corner of your eye while she talks to one of the waiters on her way back to the table.
“I’ll give you a discount, how ’bout that, doc? No need to make this call any longer, just, eh, come over and I’ll check on her.” Harrison speaks and you swear you can almost see that annoying smile of his as he speaks.
“You sure you won’t “forget” about your promise when I get there?” You speak, your tone almost sarcastic.
“Would I ever lie to my favorite client?” – Yeah he definitely would, but your car needs a mechanic now and as big of an asshole Harrison can be, you have to admit he’s good at his work when he wants to be.
“Alright, I’ll try to be there after work.” You finally say, ending the call to look at Zaila who is now sitting back on her chair.
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John walks through the cereal aisle, gripping the steel handle as the wheels roll. He wasn’t in such a bad mood now that he left base, with the leave he got, he actually felt more relaxed.
The man would not deny he was more used to walking through the halls of a military base than walking through the long aisles of a supermarket – maybe he’d go for a few drinks after this, not wanting to spend his time isolated at home for too long. John clears his throat and rubs forehead and eyes with his fingertips, pinching the bridge of his nose.
He has the essentials in his cart, some milk, vegetables, juice, meat, rice and the three-in-one shampoo he has grown used to.
As John moves his cart towards the register, he glances at two adults and a child – the boy no older than five years and throwing quite the show as he cries and squirms on the floor while he grips a box with children’s toys. He looks at the adults that seem to be his parents, a man and a woman with worried and irritated look on their faces as they try to calm him down.
Was this the reason he never looked forward to starting a family, ugly temper tantrums? No, that would only be another excuse – Maybe the demands of his job? It would be too selfish to leave a woman whom he’d call his wife by herself taking care of a kid while he was in the middle of god-knows-where.
Had he given up the idea of starting a family of his own? Because it surely seemed late for him to try.
Did he want that life? Was he getting tired of going home to an empty house? He didn’t really know if he could call his house a home, it didn’t exactly feel like the concept of a warm family waiting for him, some kids, a wife and a dog – but at least, no children or a wife would be missing him and suffering while waiting for him to get home. To get back home from a job that has his life on the line between life and death, between doing terrible things to accomplish a greater purpose and getting his hands dirtier than ever.
His bubble of thoughts are popped with a sharp pin as the cashier looks at him and speaks, clearing her throat and almost giving him a dirty look for staying so still while glancing at the family – “Sir, you’re next.” The woman speaks as he looks at her.
“Right, sorry.” The rugged man says as he starts moving the things of his cart to the register.
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You didn’t drive to Harrison’s right away after work, you stopped at home and took a shower, changing your clothes and then stopping at the grocery store – It was supposed to be a quick trip but you almost throw your bags on the floor of the store’s parking lot as you notice your rear left tire almost entirely flat.
“Fuck…” you mumble as you approach it, your breath hitches and you try to remain as calm as possible, lowering the grocerie bags on the floor, not caring about them getting dirty anymore.
You approach the tire and give it two small kicks to check how soft it was, it would be impossible to drive to your mechanic with a tire like this.
You knew how to change a tire, sure – your father had shown you a long time ago after a nail punctured one of the rear wheels of his truck. But that was too long ago for you to remember step by step and you knew the mechanic would not pick up if you called him to come here and help you. Even if he did, the man would overcharge you as always and you were not about to tolerate that, not after he promised you a discount to fix what was wrong with the engine.
Opening the trunk of your car, you search for a way to lift the liner carpet knowing the tire tools might be underneath it – You grunt as you lift the heavy box and see the spare tire underneath it. Right as you struggle to lift it a voice interrupts you.
“Need any help with that?” You turn around towards the husky unknown voice you just heard just to see a man standing there with his own grocery bags.
The silence is almost palpable as you look at him.
“Changing a tyre by yourself can be hard.” He says again, you huff after hearing his words –
“Are you suggesting I can’t do it by myself?”
you blurt out, immediately biting your tongue as you realize how rude and bitchy that must have sounded, but before you can even correct yourself the man speaks.
“Wasn’t making any suggestions, miss, just trying to lend a helping hand.” The man doesn’t seem phased in the slightest by the tone you used. He speaks with such eloquence and calmness that you are surprised he didn’t get offended and leave right after you spoke.
“Sorry, I- That was really rude of me.” You say, almost blushing from the embarrassment you just put yourself through with your own words, you didn’t mean to take your frustration out on a man offering his help.
“All is forgiven, miss.” He takes one step closer and looks at the trunk of the car where the spare tire is. What you didn’t know is that he recognized you the moment he heard your voice and saw your face, it had to be you – the girl from the cooking videos he has been watching for the last whole month; yet he was not about to comment on it because if for some reason it actually wasn’t you then it would make things too awkward, he thought.
“May I?” You immediately nod and stop staring.
“Yes- But… I wouldn’t want to bother you though.” He shakes his head and lowers his grocerie bags onto the floor.
“Not a bother at all, miss. I was just heading home. Shouldn’t take more than a couple of minutes to change it.” You clear your throat and nod as the man speaks, the embarrassment going away.
“You sure?”
“Quite sure.”
You step aside as he lifts the spare tire with such ease only using one of his arms and using his other hand as he grabs he handle of your car’s toolbox with the other hand.
The man moves to kneel down right in front of the tire and you take a moment to inspect him. By the accent, he is clearly from here. Icy blue eyes and a masculine rugged look, not to the point he’s too intimidating but nearly there. The navy blue t-shirt he wears looks a bit tight on him, he seems older than you by a few years not too many though – you can clearly tell that by the few lines on his forehead and the few grey hairs on his dark brown beard. Last time you saw someone wearing such interesting mutton chops beard with that moustache was during a disney movie.
You try not to stare when the muscles on his arms flex the moment he grips the wheel brace as he loosens the wheel bolts by twisting them.
“You’ve got experience, I reckon.” You say as he carefully aligns the scissor jack under the jacking point of your car, he looks at you and nods with a very small smile.
“Not to brag, miss. Done this many times.” His voice rumbling on his chest, the two of you make some eye contact for a single second and he breaks it by moving the wheel brace to the jack. – “Had any trouble with your car ’fore?” He asks as the tool begins to lift up the car slowly when he twists it.
“I was about to drive to my mechanic’s after he spent three days ignoring my calls, some engine problems.” The man listens to you carefully.
“I believe three day’s enough to know your mechanic might be too irresponsable – Not to intrude with my comments though.” He moves to take out the old tire.
You sigh and nod “He’s an asshole, I know.” Your chuckle makes him sigh and give you a small chuckle of his own as he places the wheel down, shaking his head slowly.
He still can’t believe he’s seeing you in person – Well, that might sound weird but the man has seen too many of your cooking videos to deny it’s you.
“Mind giving me a small class?” You ask, taking a step closer – how ironic, he’s been the one watching your cooking recipes and learning from them and now he’s the one teaching you?
He nods.
“Wanna try?” He suggests and you oblige by grabbing the tool. “This is the lug wrench, right?” You ask and he nods again.
“We call them wheel braces ’ere but yes – It is.” He moves to grab the replacement tire and aligns the holes of the bolt with the lugs and begins to tighten them.
“These are the wheel bolts, you twist ’em with your hands as much as you can ’fore you lower the car with your jack and tighten them again usin’ the brace.” The way he explains it to you almost makes you blush as you are leaning forward and looking at the tire like a child at the aquarium.
You glance at his arms as he lowers the car using the jack again, making that twisting movement that makes the muscles on his arms even bigger, and the veins on his rough hands more noticeable.
The english man tightens the bolts before fully removing the jack from under your car, he lets out a quiet, deep grunt when he gets up again. You help him by grabbing some of the tools as he grabs the old wheel that was apparently pricked by a rusty nail.
“Good as new now, eh?” He says and you realize your mistake after be places the old tire in the trunk of your car. –“I’m so sorry- uh, I didn’t introduce myself. I’m Y/N.” That clicks in John’s head, it really was you and he was almost amused to say the least.
“No need to be sorry. ’m John, John Price.”
You shake his hand, not caring in the slightest about the dust on his hand from manipulating all those tools and both tires – his hand feels rough, calloused as if he’s too used to doing these type of things often, the heavy work.
“Forgive me if this sounds strange but ’m pretty sure I’ve watched your videos a few times. Cooking, right?” John says after your hands separate.
You are immediately surprised, almost in awe and he can tell by the look on your face. You try to keep your jaw as tight as you humanly can – almost as if it would comically fall to the floor is you dared to open it.
“Yeah, that’s… me, yes.” You smile at him widely. “You’ve really watched my videos?” You ask, amused, all your worries go away as his words make your whole week, it’s the first time something like this has happened to you.
“Could say ’m a bit of a fan, actually.” He gives you a smile of his own before he continues talking and looking into your eyes, deeply.
“Wanted to start improving my skills and happened to watch one of your videos, the food I prepared turned out surprisingly well – subscribed ’bout a month ago and… been watching ’em ever since.” That raspy and collected tone of his almost soothes your nerves.
“I’m shocked- I’ve never met any of my subscribers…” You admit with a smile full of excitement.
“Well, ’sppose there’s always a first time, innit?” – there is a comfortable silence after you nod but is broken by John looking back at your car.
“You mentioned there was a problem with the engine, that right?” He raises an eyebrow.
“Mhm, it stops sometimes and it can be tricky to start it.” You speak with a sheepish smile and the man crosses his arms as he stands in front of you.
“Want me to take a look?” Honestly? You’d like to talk to him more but you have to get to Harrison’s befoee he closes and you don’t want to keep John here forever, as happy as you are right now. His grocerie bags are on the floor with yours, completely forgotten and you wouldn’t want him to waste his time.
“Don’t worry, I was on my way to the mechanic anyway. Wouldn’t want to keel you here forever.”
“You sure?” John looks at your car then back at you – you give him a nod and he sighs.
“Well… If the engine’s been playin’ games with ya and stops on your way there. Let me know, I mean-” He scrounches up his face in annoyance when the excuse of giving you his number gets too obvious but the sound of the giggle that escapes your lips makes it go away.
“Could use your number for that.” You say quicker than you expected and he immediately smiles, clicking his tongue and taking out his phone from the pocket of his jeans.
“Right.” John says with that deep husky tone rumbling on his chest and a small smile on his face, almost a shy one.
After getting his number, you glance at his brown boots as he lifts up his bags and gives you a small goodbye nod, you wave your hand at him and smile almost stupidly.
“It was nice meetin’ you, Y/N.” John says and you nod too.
“It was nice meeting you too, John.”
As he makes his way to his own truck, you lift up your long forgotten bags and put them in the backseat of your car before you start the engine and sigh in relief since it didn’t give you any trouble this time.
“Well that was hot…” You mumble with a smile as you reverse the car.
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Taglist: @bumblebeesfromvenus @thesevi0lentdelights @zekes-beard (Let me know in the comments if you’d like to be added! ♡)
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wttcsms · 1 year
it always leads to you, masterlist ; sae itoshi
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sae itoshi has long since prepared himself for a lifetime of disappointment and crushed dreams ever since he stepped foot in spain and realized the world was bigger than just his hometown in japan. what he doesn't prepare for is being 27 and on the most uncomfortable plane ride to move back home. now, he has to adjust to living with his career-ending injury, licking his wounds, and having to face everything and everyone he's spent so hard trying to run away from. including you, the girl whose heart he broke, and the mother of his child that he's never met.
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pairing sae itoshi x f!reader content contains/will contain timeskip/ex-pro athlete!sae x f!reader, strangers with a history, second chance (more like hundredth chance) romance, high school sweethearts to exes to toxic long distance situationship to awkward co-parents to lovers (relationship status: it's complicated), pregnancy, child plays a role in the fic, nsfw content/porn with plot, character study into sae, more to be added  word count tbd... (estimated to be ~50k at completion, subject to change)
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prologue / one / two / three / four
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track list !  renegade, big red machine ft. taylor swift / cardigan, taylor swift / betty, taylor swift / exile, taylor swift / two people, gracie abrams / the last time, taylor swift / tis the damn season, taylor swift / this is me trying, taylor swift / best, gracie abrams / right where you left me, taylor swift / you're losing me, taylor swift / i know you, faye webster / nobody gets me, sza / night shift, lucy dacus / always, daniel caesar / the alcott, the nation ft. taylor swift / keep that to yourself, tristan / things i wish you said, sabrina carpenter
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uroboros-if · 1 year
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Chapter 1 Update is Here! ✦ DEMO
+10k words added to Chapter 1, bringing the total word count to 50k (with code)
More curt/unfriendly options towards mortals and other gods (Salvatore, parents, etc.)
More customization options, including new hair colors, eye colors, and distinctive features in Chapter 1
Multipronouns you can set in Chapter 1 (may change in future chapters)
Choice of clothes to wear to the Ceremony, which ROs may compliment if they like (3 out of 6 options for each of them!)
A new scene with your parents before the Ceremony where you can decide your relationship with them! (affects dialogue)
Option to storm off if you're mad at Ciocana, especially if you're touch-averse
Misc edits, bug fixes, and background performance improvements
This update is a massive improvement for new readers rather than warranting an entirely new playthrough. If you have any saves right before the Ceremony, you can find the most content there! However, the changes and additions are all over the demo.
... and Discord! ✦ Join here 🌿
My friend suggested I start one up! I hope to set up some events, share more sneak peeks, and connect with others more with this! 🫶💕 I also added some fun things like anonymous confessions and customizable color names, so please join! :)
(Very detailed changelog below if you're interested!)
Minor rewording for Karen encounter.
MC can now openly grimace when mortals call for MC's attention in Chapter 1. Previously, the only real negative reaction to them is turning away, which is open for any interpretation as to why MC does so.
When mortals ask for MC's help, MC can snap at them to speak quickly.
Most choices suggested you are friendly with Nero, so added a couple of options that are neutral towards him, leaning towards dismissive.
Rewrote a line that says you waved to Nero goodbye. It simply says that he departs.
Added an option to be frustrated with the conversation about mortals, when the only other non-positive options about mortals were about being completely disinterested.
Added an option where the MC says they can take care of themselves or they don't need other people worrying about them so much.
When choosing to be touch averse, selective, or not touch averse, you can now choose to be selective and not want to touch Rafaele, which initially was not an option.
If you are the Universal Eye, you tell Salvatore about the Universe being in pain and they dismiss it, you may be able to refuse conversation with them. They might keep talking to you, but you won't respond to them.
Can decide your relationship to your parents. Can also decide if you're open about your feelings towards them or not.
Variations in how your parents speak to you while preparing and during the Ceremony if they are aware of your bitterness towards them.
Can again openly express disdain for mortals or keep your feelings to yourself when answering Rafaele's question, when originally those options were absent
Can storm off from Ciocana if you do not express positive feelings about the dance, especially if you are touch-averse.
Added blue, pink, purple, and no hair options to Chapter 1, not available in the prologue.
Added red and gold eye colors to Chapter 1, not available in the prologue.
Added clothes option to Chapter 1 to wear to the Ceremony.
ROs will comment on your clothes if they particularly like it during the Ceremony (each have 3 out of 6 clothes they like.)
Added pronouns before the Ceremony. You can have multiple pronouns, remove them, and add multiple of the same kind to increase its chances of frequency.
Minor edits and bug fixes.
See you guys soon for the Chapter 2 update :)
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agentlizardofowca · 2 months
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This Fanfic is a game!
The Doofenshmirtz Heirloom theft is a 50K PnF Whodunnit that you can try to solve! 🫵 Learn all the clues from Perry's perspective as he goes undercover during a Doofenshmirtz family gathering and try to solve the mystery of the stolen heirloom.
Read on your own or discuss with friends to figure out who the thief is, why they did it, and where the stolen heirloom is!
Chapter 1 to 4 OUT NOW
Full schedule: 
Sunday August 4th: Chapter 1, Prologue Chapter 2, The GFTSPO-inator Chapter 3, A Sandwich Chapter 4, The Butler
Thursday August 8th Chapter 5, Vanessa in the Music Room Chapter 6, The Old-Fashioned
Thursday August 15th Chapter 7, Broken Porcelain Chapter 8, Inside the Library
Thursday August 22th Chapter 9, The Mayor in the Foyer Chapter 10, Rainswept
Thursday August 29th Chapter 11, Interlude Chapter 12, StrudelCuties
Thursday September 5th Chapter 13, Alcove Chapter 14, Two Brothers
Thursday September 12th Chapter 15, The Truth about Heinz Doofenshmirtz Chapter 16, A New Day
Thursday September 19th Chapter 17, The Big Reveal Chapter 18, Epilogue
Subscribe to KissingLizard on Ao3 And Follow me on Tumblr for more updates!
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astarionancuntnin · 3 months
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Die For You Masterlist
the ascension changed the person Astarion was, or so you believed. you broke up and parted ways after defeating the netherbrain, thinking it was for the best, but when you see him again six months later at the reunion, you realize you never truly moved on. and neither did he.
current state: COMPLETED SERIES
word count: 50k~
pairing: astarion x fem!reader (implied fighter!tav (slight body description) with noble background). contains some shadowheart x fem!reader
rating: explicit (but a few of the first chapters are tame, those rated E for smut and graphic violence will be highlighted on the list below)
major tags/cw: 18+. angst, smut, lovers to exes to lovers, hurt/comfort, assault, possessive behaviour/sex, progressively soft!ascended astarion, blood/vampire bites, graphic depiction of violence, noncon, good ending. full list available on ao3.
read on ao3
read on tumblr:
Prologue/Chapter 1 - The Reunion (rated E)
Chapter 2 - The Meal
Chapter 3 - The Invitation
Chapter 4 - The Ball (tw: attempted r@pe)
Chapter 5 - The Aftermath (rated E)
Chapter 6 - The Plan (rated E)
Chapter 7 - The Afterlife (rated E)
Chapter 8 - Retalation (rated E)
Chapter 9 - The End Of All Things (rated E tw: rape & torture)
Chapter 10 - Reconsideration
Epilogue - Forever After (rated E)
playlist below the cut~
the playlist:
prologue: track 1 - 10
chapter 1: track 11 - 22
chapter 2: track 23 - 28
chapter 3: track 29 - 36
chapter 4: track 37 - 40
chapter 5: track 41 - 48
chapter 6: track 49 - 55
chapter 7: track 56 - 65
chapter 8: track 66 - 74
chapter 9: track 75 - 80
chapter 10: track 81 - 84
epilogue: track 85 - 91
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thewrothode-if · 3 months
Just a heads up, I deleted all 120+ asks I had before to basically get a do over. And it feels sooo fucking good to do that. So if anyone has anything I missed, you can send it in now!
With that said, here is me just ranting about writing:
When I look at my work and see that I have over 50k written for the first chapter, the demon on my shoulder nags at me, saying it's either too much or too little. I love when there is more content, but I'm just terrified that it would all be too boring to read, so I end up cutting it shorter.
However, when I reread a scene, the writing feels so lackluster and fast paced, so I add more text. But then, I reread it once more and feel like I have written too much for such a simple scene.
For example, I feel as though the prologue is too short, but at the same time, who even like prologues? I'm the type of reader who skims through things because I get so bored sometimes (it's my fatal flaw), so reader me screws over writer me.
Ughhhhhh, writing is such a struggle. I look up to literally any and all writers. You guys rock.
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olderthannetfic · 9 months
My pet peeve:
Someone here mentioned how they once saw a 5k fic divided into three chapters.
I don’t know why this annoys me because it’s not like it changes the quality of the writing. I know a simple solution would be to just press the “entire work” button, but I just don’t like doing that.
Which is weird, because I’ve read one shots that are up to 50k words before. I don’t know if anyone else is like this, but I’m just much more willing to read a 20k one shot over a 20k word-20 chapter work.
I’m trying to get over this pet peeve. But I’m not sure if I can because I can be such a slut for long fics.
I don't care about chapter length for its own sake, but I doubt you do either if you really think about what was "wrong" with those 20-chapter 20k fics.
Your typical published genre fiction has chapters between 2 and 5k. (This question comes up like every two days in every writing forum of all time, and people have studied it extensively.) You'll get a 500-word prologue or sudden action chapter here and there to punctuate the rest, but if most chapters aren't over 2k, it's often a sign of a writer who isn't able to flesh things out adequately or who doesn't understand how to find a natural inflection point in the narrative.
It's not that a 1k chapter is bad in and of itself: it's what 1k chapter after 1k chapter often signals about the pacing and writing craft.
Not putting in chapter breaks is normalized in fandom, so it's not always a bad sign, but I think it's a more reliable sign of quality if 50k is broken up to some degree. If there are no chapter breaks and no visual section breaks of any kind in a fic of that length, I definitely take that as a bad sign.
In my original novels, if I have a chapter that is 5k, I'll take a look at it to see if it should be two instead, based on the content and flow. (5k is a very normal length for novel chapters, but my personal style tends to be more like 2-3k, so 5k is a red flag that I've missed a natural break point.)
But if an entire work is 5k, my experience is that it usually does not have a natural break point to divide it into chapters that feel organic, much less two break points.
And if it does, it's because it's 10k+ of concept shoved into 5k of author writing stamina and unwillingness to revise.
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bonecarversbestie · 2 months
The Scenic Route - Elain x Lucien
Prologue - Hybern
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"Hello there, Trembling Fawn. Hello, Sunshine and Bloom and Life."
Read on AO3
Summary: Elain grows discontent with her role in the Night Court as she grapples with grief for her human life and powers that she does not fully understand. One evening she accidentally winnows to Lucien's doorstep and he agrees to take her back to Velaris via the scenic route(aka on horseback).
This is a fairly slow burn with lots of fluff (canon compliant)
Status: Multi-chapter - WIP ~50k words (this fic is fully drafted and chapters will be posted weekly on Mondays :)
Prologue: Hybern <700 words
Rating: M
Relationships: Elain Archeron x Lucien Vanserra
If you would like to be added to the tag list let me know!
taglist: @the-darkestminds, @crazy-ache, @zenkindoflove
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thedoover-if · 11 months
ok guys i lied chapter 1 will probably be 50k cause i keep adding things arghhh. but good news: i completely revamped the prologue and im very happy now (tbt 14/06/2013 -> under the cut)
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flowermiist · 8 months
A warm heart - Prologue
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Click here to read new chapters... ♡
Pairing: John Price x Fem!Reader
Sypnosis: Some time ago, you started a cooking channel on YouTube as a way to relax, have a proper hobby and teach others your favorite recipes as you improved your own culinary skills too. Fame wasn’t something you wanted, you were more than happy with your 50k subscribers... Yet you never thought you’d stumble upon one of them.
Word count: 1.k
A/N: So I’m really excited since this is my very first fic... I still haven’t planned it much but I’m already working on the first chapter as I post this!! If you have any suggestions or comments please leave them below. Comments and reblogs are always so welcome and appreciated.
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John had gotten back from base two days ago, he had spent nearly three months stuck in Egypt with some CIA members and his SAS team. Time there went slow, it felt like it would never end, most intel they could gather was messy but the missions were successful.
Sitting on his couch and with his already third glass of scotch, John knew his stomach wouldn’t actually settle for alcohol and a cigar – It was too late to go out, most places would already be closed by now – except for some street food carts and dingy local pubs. So now, both his exhaustion of having spent his whole day locked away in his office finishing reports and filling out documents was mixing with his empty stomach and possible upcoming migraines making him way too irritable and tired to even attempt going out and getting something – Not like he was even in the mood to do so.
If this moment had been one of the irritated man’s childhood caricatures, a lightbulb would have gone on above his head as he remembered the few basics he had gotten from the grocery store in the middle of the road on his way home while getting back home from base. The captain let out a deep grunt as he got up from the couch, grabbing the empty glass of scotch and the TV remote to turn it off and walk to his kitchen.
Opening his pantry, he only saw the basics, some canned tomato sauce and a single bag of spaghetti. John sighed as he grabbed those two ingredients and hopes that it would at least taste decent enough not to make his headache worse. Internally cursing himself for not getting more things from the store – not being home for too long did limit a lot of his comfort and meal options when it came to getting back after a long time, buying food that would expire too soon before going to work would only mess up his pantry and fridge.
When it came to cooking, he wasn’t exactly an expert. Yes, he could defend his culinary skills by making a good English breakfast and a cup of tea but besides that? Yeah, no. Yet for some reason, John didn’t want to admit the fact that he had grown too accustomed to the meals he’d get at base or the pickup he’d order whenever he was home. Almost embarrassing that an officer specialized in unconventional warfare or any kind of missions would find it more difficult to cook for himself than to deploy to the most dangerous and broken places on earth.
Luck had jumped out of his window and the spaghetti ended up tasting horrible to say the least – Was it the sauce? Was it expired? Or did John just get horrible at cooking at this point? Too tired to care, the gruff man washed the dishes and went to sleep. This culinary war wasn’t over.
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The following morning was busy, the captain went out for a morning jog then continued finishing up the last reports. His house had been too quiet for his own liking because when a man like John Price has gotten too used to the chaos and noise of all the places he deploys to and filled with all kinds of people, being in his own house feels almost surreal. Almost like he doesn’t belong here, like all he can handle are the noises that will not leave him alone with his thoughts eating him alive.
His own perseverance and stubbornness did not allow him to give up when it came to cooking, he was a grown man for crying out loud! No goddamn way he could be able to handle all the things he sees in his line of work but couldn’t handle himself in the kitchen – he thought.
Closing the other tabs on his laptop, he entered YouTube. After searching for basic recipes to challenge himself, he came upon certain channel – “Y/N’s kitchen diaries.”
Not even ten minutes later, he was already taking notes and focusing on every single detail.
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John had prepared one of the recipes for dinner after yet another visit to the grocerie store, a less rushed one this time and somewhere that wasn’t in the middle of an isolated road. Meticulously following every single step shown by the woman in the videos – he liked her voice, it wasn’t like one of those annoying cooking shows from TV that would be filled with ads for kitchen tools and nonsense chatter, it even felt as if he had some company with the video – “Here we have our final result.” She spoke softly as she was showing the results, John looked at her video then back at his plate – It looked and smelled good. “As you can see the chicken is juicy and the smoked paprika gives it that extra flavor. Now our broccoli has that chewy yet soft texture, I personally sprinkle some salt on top of it but that is up to your liking.” A small pause before she spoke again, by then, John was already placing the plate on the dining table before grabbing his phone as the young woman spoke the final lines of the video. “Thank you for watching – don’t forget to comment down below if you have any suggestions or any recipes you’d like me to try. Bye Bye!” – The video ended and John had a small smirk on his face, both proud of himself and amused by how well this went. He clicked on the “subscribe” button and left his phone on top of the counter, walking towards the dining table and taking a seat.
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The moment you got home, you kicked off your high heels, grunting from the relief as you stomped on the floor a few times – getting that relief of your feet getting accustomed to flat ground again. Putting your purse aside, you make your way towards the kitchen where you open the fridge and take some leftovers from yesterday and place the plate in the microwave – this gives you some time to rush to your bedroom and get your laptop to continue editing one of your videos, a new lasagna recipe you had been improving and recorded a video of.
While making your way out of your bedroom, you hear the little musical alarm of the microwave going off. You wanted to record a little something to start with the next video; yet you knew you didn’t have the enough ingredients to do so and neither did you have the energy to edit and record at the same time, not tonight at least – “Will do it tomorrow…” you mumble to yourself as you open your laptop and set your plate on top of the coffee table of your living room. – “Thereee we go...” you almost moan the moment your body falls down onto the couch, finally getting some rest.
You took some time to check your channel, seeing if there was anything interesting – YouTube was the only platform you uploaded your cooking videos to as you didn’t see it as a big deal but rather a hobby you enjoyed and relaxed with, the rest of your social media was pretty much private and not about your recipes or small food vlogs. Learning how to edit videos by yourself hadn’t been an easy task – but to you, it was worth it as it helped you clear your mind and not seem too crazy while talking to yourself in front of a camera. Before starting to make videos, you talked to yourself while doing tasks, eventually it just came into your mind – Why the hell not? You wouldn’t seem too crazy if you talked to a camera and recorded things for yourself, right? It was a good reason to talk to yourself, not an excuse. Starting your channel had been a rather spontaneous decision you took two years ago with the difference that nowadays, you are more frequent with your content than you were back then.
Sighing in relief, you turn off your laptop since you had finally finished the last details of the video. You were already stripping off your clothes on your way to the bedroom, not caring about tonight’s shower but rather tonight’s rest, you’d do everything tomorrow.
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