#and thags coming true!
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ghostboyhood · 4 months ago
dude im
i think this is the first time in... as long as i can remember that life's actually going well. like sometimes life just Goes By until something bad happens or whatever... but like, ive had a lot of pretty good days in the past month ish? ive gone to two really amazing local shows recently, plus some other concerts, im seeing my favorite band next week, i might be making merch for another one of my favorite bands.... and yeah ive had shitty days and i got sick but like.. i remember those days well so the inbetween is just, that.. the in between... god idk becoming more involved in my local scene has been so fucking surreal..
#like its hasnt been great weeks back to back but#ive had really great experiences? yk#so like... those mainly stick out to me bc of my memory issues#and like.. ugh#i dont even know it just feels like things might actually start getting#fun#ever since i went to my first incubus concert i like... knew i wanted to fucking go to as many as possible#and thags coming true!#ive found so many local bands i absolutely fucking love and theyve become what i regularly listen to#which makes that so much easier#and im hoping to eventually get my license because like... i need to start drivinnt#which will make traveling easier#if i do get to sell shirt i can make money#and stickers#and just#idk im actually excited for the future for the first time in so longm#like.. i know So many people like concerts#but just like#theyve genuinely given me a reason to live#i love seeing people at shows and i love taking photos and meeting the bands and just everything about it#i met a guy whos been to two shows i have and i got his insta n like#that shows that like hey maybe i can find a group of people to go with yk?#even if its not him or whatever#i still want to try and make a movie one day but i really am considering working for bands and shit cause like#i dont want to be rich i wanna live w a couple people and travel and actually Live#as long as i can pay the bills and get gas im okay#i mean fuck im even willing to stick around my home town longer if it means that i get to do that shit yk?#idk im rambling but whatever#just like#fuck im so thankful to have found a place i genuinely enjoy and most of the time can express that pretty easily
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awkwardrocker · 3 months ago
I need everyone upset about Liam's promotion to understand that it had nothing to do with him being better/worse than Yuki. Yuki outperformed him. Yuki deserved the chance. BUT Yuki is not a Redbull driver. He is a Honda driver. He has no loyalty to Redbull and that is why he did not get a chance next to Max. It's not that he didn't deserve it. It's pure business.
Redbull are ending their relationship with Honda. They are creating their own engines. It's likely seen as a big liability to Redbull to have Yuki actively involved in any tests or even near anything involving the 2026 engine.
This is not an attack on Yuki or his character or anything like that, so please do not take it that way. But, Yuki's loyalty to a different engine manufacturer is a major risk to any new manufacturer like the Ford/Redbull powertrain. You just never know. I'm not saying he doesn't deserve a good drive, but Yuki's loyalty will forever be to Honda (as it should) and that poses a lot of risks for Redbull.
Once again, I am not commenting on Yuki's character or making assumptions about him when I say this, but there are a lot of big concerns if he gets promoted. He could ditch them for Aston immediately because Honda asks, he could share information about the new engine to Honda, or he could give questionable feedback that negatively impacts the new powertrain. Maybe he wouldn't do these things. But if there's even the most miniscule potential that he could, it would make any team hesitant. F1 is rampant with cheating allegations and questionable tactics to win. The teams will want to protect themselves in any eventuality. And that is what's working against Yuki so greatly.
Yuki has proven to be a very competent driver over the past year, but let's not forget that he nearly lost his seat in 2023 and the rumored reason he stayed is due to Honda. He owes his career to Honda, not Redbull. And at the end of the day, that's his main flaw within this team. It's not his driving. It's not his temper. It's not anything else. It's purely who he is aligned to poltically in the racing world. Is that fair? No. Is that how racing works? Unfortunately, yes.
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I think it's time we talked about the doctor's "do you think I care for you so little that betraying me would make a difference?" in relation to the master.
Bc throughout their lives, everytime the master did something bad, when he’d cone back they'd still have a sort of teasing relationship. Like they both knew it was a game. They both knew their limits and the true extent of their games. So there wasn't really place for betrayal in the game bc they both knew betrayal (on the master's side) WAS involved in it.
Then comes the time war and the doctor thinks he did the unforgivable and committed genocide on his own planet. And then the master shows up, arguably his most important friend, the only one who truly understands him - and then the master does something that's pretty unforgivable by enslaving the human race and turning the people at the end of the universe in killing machines. And yet the doctor, in a very important scene, forgives him like it's the easiest thing. Because they're still the same, the game hasn't changed, they're still on tjr same page, still doing the same things to each other.
And 12 was careful and a bit wary but he wholeheartedly wanted to help missy change - he saved her life in the process too. And I think he was happy at the prospect of missy becoming good bc that meant that the person he felt closest too, who was fundamentally different from him before (and it was okay bc it was in the rules of the game), was ready to be even more like him. Soulmatism x1000.
He thought missy wanted to change the rules of the game and that meant betrayal would no longer be part of it. He wouldn't run and she wouldn't stab him in the back for it.
Thing is - he thinks missy betrayed him. And he STAYED. He asked her to stay too, which is different from what he used to do to her - abandon her, run from her etc. And he thought that he was changing the rules of the game too. But missy betrayed him (in his eyes, he doesn’t know she wanted to come back) and he felt like they no longer even had the game.
The thing with 13 and the master is that the whole "do you think I care for you so little thag betraying me would make a difference?" doesn't seem applicable anymore and you wonder why. Bc it's not like they don't CARE about each other, in a twisted way. It's that the master still wants to play the game, although with significantly more violence because he's significantly hurting more than ever before, and the doctor doesn't want to play the game anymore at all.
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linksboyf · 1 year ago
so i know literally everyone thinks this but WHY CAN'T BELLA AND EDWARD JUST BE SILLY!! why cant they jusy laugh and have FUN!!!
i have a few scenarios i would LOVE to be true:
-Edwards talking to Bella outside her window on a tree branch, and it breaks and he falls
-Bella sings stupid songs that gets stuck in Edward's head (mayhaps that one song thag goes 'chicken wing chicken wing hotdog and bologna chicken and macaroni chillin' with my homies')
i know thats not how bella is at all but come on that would be so funny...
-Bella hides behind things and scares Edward since he can't read her mind
-just normal teenage things UGH
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redrosesandcharmingsouls · 5 months ago
My problems with Alicent’s writing this season (and esp in episode eight) are mostly the execution .
The thing is that ,the situation Alicent is in is pretty difficult .As much as there’s debate on whenever Aemond had a point or not in forcing Helaena to war ,it makes sense for Alicent to want to protect Helaena .Its also true that she can’t influence Aemond anymore that the Blacks have the upper hand and that Alicent (very similarly to Cole) is growing more and more disillusioned and horrified at the whole war thing .So I kind of understand why should go to Rhaenyra and beg for mercy .
Thing is thag I don’t think Alicent would give up ,I think Alicent loves Aegon enough and is smart enough to come up with the plan to snuggle him out ,and to find a way to snuggle Helaena and Jaehaera too ,therefore protecting them from Rhaenyra and Aemond .I understand that she’s stressed and for the horrors of the war she doesn’t even believe anymore and for freedom for her and her daughter and that she truly feels like she can’t do anything politically but I truly think that she would think better .
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kissesforsatoru · 2 years ago
Omega verse- Alpha Baji has the most intense scent- it’s like if you rode in a car for a few mins and you come out smelling like the car seat still yea that’s how strong his scent is.
So imagine how insane mating with him is. His cock thrusting roughly and he practically rubbing onto you to make sure you smell so much like him that when anyone else walks they smell Baji. He making sure when mating season comes again your hole smells like Baji cock thag he miles just for his size only
- 🌑
cw : smut, omegaverse
for the sake of pissing off that anon that was hating, i’ll answer this. BUT AFTER THIS I REALLY AM ON BREAK
so! baji not only has a very strong, distinct scent, but he also just does not care about controlling it in the least bit. he lets his scent literally roll off of him in very thick, all-consuming waves that could borderline send an omega into heat (i have no doubt that he’s done that before). so his scent just, clings to you like you’re a heavy duty magnet even if you’re around him for a few minutes.
and when he’s mating you, the same is very very true. in fact, he pushes out his pheromones so that you’ll be drenched in just him. not a single soul would ever think to go near you when all you smell like is aggressive feral alpha that will not hesitate to fuck a bitch up for even stepping near his mate. he makes sure to scent you, dig his nose into your scent glands and rub himself all over you as he’s fucking into you, rough and desperate because he needs you to smell like him and only him. he never wants his scent to fade from you ever.
and when he cums, he probably smears it all over you so that everyone can smell that you belong to him.
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xenosandneos · 9 months ago
thisnis me coming to immediately run back and see if you can make the possibly most outlandish Scott fnof xenos because I refuse to get off odnmy throne of "IM THE #1 FNOF FAN AND I KNOW THAG I KNOW EVERYTHING ABOUT IT /SRS AND I LOVE SCOTT MORE THAN ANYONE ELSE /VSRS" I'm madly in love with Scott anf I need my wife primally I will do so many things just for my wife
You got it boss 🫡 outlandish Scott xenos coming right up >:]
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ScottFNoFwifeic (Scott - FNoF - Wife - ic)
A gender related to absolutely Loving your wife, Scott from FNoF, More than anything! No one loves your wife like you do! Your wife is your number 1 and nothing will change that. Scott and you forever and always, till death do you part! You two have that Once in a lifetime type of love ♥️🖤
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ScottFNoF#1loveric (Scott - FNoF - #1 - Lover - ic)
A gender related to being Scott's, from FNoF, Number 1 lover. No one loves Scott like you do. The love you have for Scott is different than anyone else's love. Nobody knows him like you do.
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ScottFNoFrabidloveic (Scott - FNoF - Rabid - Love - ic)
A gender related to loving Scott so much it makes you go crazy. Your feelings for him are feral and rabid. You need to explode from all the feelings you have for him. You need to shake him around like a dog toy lovingly. You'll bite and bark at those who challenge your love for Scott. You are a wild animal when it comes to your true feelings about Scott from FNoF
You gave me too much power and I love it >:] the most interesting xenos I've made so far. I'd say hope you enjoy it but it is related to your wife so I know you will. (⁠✿⁠^⁠‿⁠^⁠)
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pyroweasel · 4 months ago
Asking for the oc romance thing and making u think -
10, 11?, and 13 for taddison (whichever one is the soothes/annoys ones)
And 10 for hazing because I want to hear how you phrase it
Rude. (jkjk)
10: 'What is your OC's favorite trait of their partner's? What's their partner's favorite trait of theirs?'
Trep's favorite trait of Addison's is that he is always willing to go head to head with whoever, if he has to. Ofc this is Trep, so it's even more specific in that he likes that Addison will butt heads with *him* but it's still an endearing trait all over. It was one of the first things he started appreciating about Addison - that he would throw down with an Impostor if it meant helping his crew.
Addison's favorite trait of Trep's is that he's a hot alien. And I'm kind of not kidding? Fkgng I mean, there is plenty not related to looks that Addison very much appreciates about Trep but I keep coming back to his first thoughts being about. Touching Trep. Soft hair and tentacles and sharp teeth. The way he cuddles, gets all soft and limp when he's comfortable - what, I think Addison deserves to be a little shallow sometimes.
11: 'What's one thing about your OC's partner that annoys them? What's one thing about your OC that annoys their partner? How do they deal with that?'
This one is probably pretty obvious. One thing about Trep that annoys Addison is that he has very loose and often non-existant morals. That what ethics and sympathy he has only really extend to Addison and people Addison likes. This is something thags definitely *improved* over time, but over all Trep is very selfish in this way and it can be problematic.
One thing about Addison that annoys Trep is almost exactly the opposite - and it's the same thing he loves about him. He will go toe to toe with anyone, take on anything, run himself ragged to the bone - and there are times when it's a fine line between strength and recklessness. And trying to keep Addison from self-destructing or running himself to death is a full time job, sometimes.
13: 'What's one thing about your OC's partner that soothes your OC? What's one thing about your OC that soothes their partner?'
I think the answer is the same for them both, sorry if that seems like a cop-out - but it's that the other is *there.*
It takes him time to get there, but eventually Trep comes to understand that Addison isn't going to leave him. Isn't going to abandon him. If he needs a warm body to cuddle or someone to listen to him rant or someone to come hunting with him - Addison will be there. And he can trust that if for any reason Addison *cant* be there, he has a good reason for it and will be honest with Trep about why.
Similarly, Addison knows that Trep has his back without hesitation. That even in the hardest moments when it feels like the whole world is on his shoulders, and everything is going wrong, Addison never has to face it alone because Trep is there.
Hazing 10: 'What is your OC's favorite trait of their partner's? What's their partner's favorite trait of theirs?'
Freak matches Freak man what more do you want me to say?
Well, Hazel's favorite physical trait of Fleece's is their eyes - he hates being stared at but he loves looking in there so what are you gonna do? This wasn't always true and developed in time - and the reason why he likes their eyes is really because of his favorite over all trait about them which is that they pay attention to him. When their eyes are on him that's because they're *looking* at him, usually staring even, and once Hazel gets past the discomfort he could really just lose himself in there ("there" being the sensation of being *known* and seen)
Fleece's favorite trait of Hazel's? Funny idiot guy. Will tell off anything and everything - consequences be damned. Gets knocked down and gets right back up again. His absolute confidence in everything he says and does is so misguided and undeserved and it's funny as hell to see. Hazel takes himself so, so seriously but he's literally the only one who does. Also makes him a fun chewtoy. Bite and squeeze him but he just bounces right back. Enrichment toy.
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zukosasukelovebot · 1 year ago
OK @zukkaart said something that stuck with me and I have to write a little something for it
"Katara cries rhe day she turns the age her mother died" so I'm going on a whim on her mother's age . If anyone knows her true Age I'll edit it.
I decided not to put an age
Katara woke up screaming. A horrible, stomach clenching scream. Her hands rushed to her ears to block out the noise. Where was it coming from? It had to STOP.
There was a pounding in her chest, loud like the ceremonial drums they used. But there was also a tightness, making it hard to breathe.
All of a sudden warmth engulfed her, a soft gentle voice coaxing her out of this maddening state. Slowly all that was left of evidence that something was wrong was the thundering of her heard in her ears.
"Are you with me now?" Aang asked softly, stroking her hair.
She gripped onto his sleep shirt and leaned into his touch. Comfort was there, in Aang.
It took a long time to feel comfortable opening her eyes.
"Im sorry..." she said quietly.
Aang shook his head. "Never say sorry. Do... do you want to talk about it?" He asked softly.
"I don't know... I just... it felt like I was in a nightmare and all I knew how to get out of it was to scream."
Aang frowned. "We'll... thags one way to start you birthday."
Katara stopped in her tracks. Her birthday.
She scrambled out of Aang's hold to grab their calandar. 6th. She collapsed on the floor, her whole body shaking. She couldn't believe it. The day had come.
Aang was confused. "Kat?"
She started as if she didn't know he was there. "I uhm...," she began, swallowing hard. "This is the age my Anaana died."
Aang froze, his eyes wide. "Oh."
Katara laughed , the sound hollow. "A body never forgets truama. It just holds it for another time. I.. I didn't know I'd react like this."
"Thats OK. Its fine. We can work through this together," Aang said with a smile.
Katara looked at him. "Together."
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mariailoveyou-guerin · 3 months ago
watching BlackDoves and is that Isabella? oh the bton leads of s4 girlies are booked and busy on not just on Netflix! Katie with Arcane Isabella here and Yerin Dune and Charithra with dune and one piece!
I forgot about this show and this being Isabella she’s so talented wow she’s gonna be the chairthra of that season of the sister trust getting all the big jobs!
she was insane in this the acting range the talent oh we have another charithra y’all she’s about to her all thag hate once she steals the bton love interest shine once more i thought it was gonna be rosemund but now i know it’ll be all 3 of them girls bc they are so talented!
the only thing that’s gonna keep Sophie from not getting outshined like Kate did is the fact YH is that actress and she can actually act and hold her own same can’t be said about SA when CC was there who stole the whole season and has gotten them roles in s2 cast aside from JB
I didn’t think it was her(isbella) untill I’m watching black doves right now and I’m like wait is she the girl from that dark type mystery show on Netflix and it is she’s insanely talented the range and she’s just starting out the versatility oh it’s true what they said about her
Being Edwina sister bc of how beautiful kind and sweet they are as characters but now she’s proving to be Charithra sister with them acting chops and range! I think Netflix stay doing this on purpose bc ain’t no way they did it again s2 stuff coming back in every way for s4 bton!
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mercymermaid · 1 year ago
i think it's time for my fnaf movie rant
these are in no particular order and are just a conglomeration of thoughts that i wrote down immediately after watching so they don't make any sense half the time, and don't include theories i've seen recently
- why did golden freddy pull a sans w the blue eye what happened to the white smh
- because mike explained that their dad was gone, right? and afton clearly recognized the schmidt name. due to this, i originally thought that maybe schmidt was some code name and that only the aftons could recognize it, but now i have a theory
- the families are switched somehow. Vanessa is either a stand-in for Charlie or herself, which makes no sense story-wise
- however, Mike, Abby, and Garrett are clearly afton children. Mike is Mike (and in the games, Mike apparently uses Schmidt anyway to investigate his dad), Abby can bring lengthened to Elizabeth, and the crying child doesn't even canonically have a name 💀
- so i was thinking what if the families were eswitched? vanessa was some sort of charlie stand-in, with afton as her dad, while the schmidts were raised by Henry
- this would explain why he recognized schmidt and offered the job at Freddy's - he'd already killed Garrett, so he wanted to finish off the collection. Mayne this could be a parallel to him killing Charlie, but since there's three kids, he needs to get them all??? idfk
- ONE OF THE GUYS BREAKING IN HAD A MIDNIGHT MOTORISTS T-SJIRT (the guy who got killed by the cupcake)
- i am soglad i went with who I did because i doubt any of my other friends would understand any of it 😭
- the balloon boy bit 😭 i doubt anyone not in the fandom would appreciate it as well as we did smh
- ugh i wish mark had his cameo but iron lung is important too ig
- we probably won't get to see a "WAS THAT THE BITE OF '87" moment because garrett got kidnapped instead of chomped smh
- also max getting bit in half is probably all we're gonna get of The Bite
- only issue is the lack of screaming during the springlocking. only your stomach is getting stabbed, not your throat yet. Scream.
- it would've been so funny if he pulled the "MICHAELLL DONT LEAVE ME HERE MICHAEL MICHAEL" while he was being dragged away but homie was too busy dying
- stop bonnie and chica staring down the camera while they release the cupcake is so funny 😭
- the lack of a mrs. afton is so real 🤩🤩
- dude the entire fort scene was actually so fucking hilario
- like bonnie just. falling backwards. is so him yk
- the issue with the family swap is that Vanessa just doesn't fit in. we can't play it off as a parallel to Charlie, because vanessa is already an established character with a connection to afton.  fuck you Scott.
- a bit upset they didn't keep Freddy's flashing face sequence smh
- they kept in the red eyes in some parts but im very glad they weren't in the rest. they looked fucking high. what happened to the black with white?? THAT WOULDVE BEEN TEN TIMES SCARIER AND APPEALED TO CANON, WHATS THE WITH THE CHANGE MAN 😭
- bonnie never got his eyebrows
- cupcake slayed and ate (literally!!!!)
- im actually super curious why half of spring bonnie is so damaged. now, it could go with the whole "this place hasn't been touched in forever, yadda yadda, destroyed suit makes it more sensitive and easy to set off" but. it's only one half of it. there could be a perfectly plausible explanation of "Oh yeah, only half of it was exposed to bad stuff, other half was covered with a tarp" ITS FIVE NIGHTS AT FREDDY'S. ITS NEVER THAT SIMPLE. HAVE WE LEARNED NOTHING? also a bit curious about whether movie afton already got springlocked once like book afton did (has game afton getting springlocked previously been confirmed? please lmk)
- i really love how they used the "the robots are just children" because they love abby and just want to play and shit and they're so sweet but they're so easily manipulatable 
afton probably didn't have to do much besides show the pictures and convince them he was good
and all it took for them to turn on him was abby drawing a second picture
what if she convinced them vanessa was bad or some shit? they are really fucking gullible.
- also what the fuck was that freddy head saw blade monstrosity??!! what 😭 
- like it never ends up being explained and it's not a stand-in for springlocks or being shoved into suits because those are very very much there
- literally the second i heart matpat's voice my heart went oop 
- it took a second for everyone to register it but we went WILD
- no bc a markiplier cameo would be so great but imagine if they used his reaction thing
- like they got him to film "WAS THAT THE BITE OF '87" as max gets bitten, and he appears in the corner for that one line
- even better, not reaction camera style, just standing there right next to her and then never being mentioned again
- either that or him popping up on the cameras (again, either as a reaction image, or standing there menacingly)
- also why DID vanessa keep Mike in the dark abt afton (not calling him her dad, not stooping that low) and him trying to kill Abby? fear of authorities getting involved? this is bumfuck nowhere Utah, she is the fucking authority, and considering what his aunt said, a police officer defending her dad against some random guy isn't gonna go well for him
- like sure she told him to not bring abby but she didn't tell him why of course it's not gonna go well
- about the family swap. it's so easy to tell the scmidts are supposed to be a version of the afton kids, why the fuck did they name him GARRETT?
- I love the whole references to phone guy
Would've loved to see actual phone guy (imagine if THAT was matpat's cameo)(coughs in fnaf the musical) but afton is good enough
but abby's "hello" while exploring Freddy's sounds so much lime balloon boy wtf
- abby is a monogram (or whatever it's called) for baby which might not have that much symbolism bc abby is short for Elizabeth but the more the merrier yk
- i think i answered my own question abt whether movie afton has been springlocked
considering how he fuckign SPRINTED at michael and made all these moves like kicking and shit? yeah, I'm more surprised it took him so long to get springlocked
same with game afton actually like.. hello? stop laughing at the fucking dead kids in such a damp room, it's your own fault dumbass
Basically book afton was the smartest about wearing the suit bc of experience
- my friend is complaining abt how flirty Vanessa is w Michael which is really funny for no reaskn
- as my friend mentioned, springlock scene was kinda anticlimactic lmao like where's the screaming? the blood?
- according to the same friend mentioned three times already:
Best parts of the movie
1. Matpat saying "that's just a theory"
2. Living tombstone credits
3. Vanessa getting stabbed
- the sounds at the end spell out "come find me" so wooohooo sequel time?? :))
- the "i always come back" was NOT it 😭 at least he said it yk
- okay someone pointed out that it was his last words so they were desperate and mad and showcase his lack of confidence in if he's actually gonna come back 
which is cool
but I like the og more yk
- about abby's springlock suit: its the same doll from 1:35 am (fazbear frights 3), then there's sparky as an animatronic ans restaraunt, wppohoho
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theperennialpilgrim · 10 months ago
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Kankharevata (Thag 1.3) (Thag 3) | Shégan Issari
                See this:
the discernment
of the Tathagatas,
like a fire ablaze in the night,
giving light, giving eyes,
to those who come,
subduing their doubt.
"Single Verses: (1.3)" (Thag 3), translated from the Pali by Thanissaro Bhikkhu.
Thag 1.3, attributed to Kankharevata is contemplative transmission on the luminous wisdom of the Tathāgatas—enlightened beings in Buddhism, most notably the Siddhartha Gautama himself. This verse captures the essence of the Buddha's wisdom as a transformative force, depicted as a beacon that illuminates the path to complete liberation and dispels the darkness of ignorance, separation, and division.
The imagery of discernment as a "fire ablaze in the night" is rich with symbolic resonance. Fire, in many spiritual traditions, represents purification, transformation, and enlightenment. Here, it illustrates the penetrating and illuminating nature of the Tathāgata’s wisdom, which burns away the obscurities that cloud human perception, much like a fire that renders visible the hidden aspects of the physical world in the darkness of night. The reference to giving "light" and "eyes" suggests the enlightening impact of this wisdom, enabling followers to behold the true and unfettered nature of reality, which is otherwise obscured by forces of ignorance and delusion.
The phrase "subduing their doubt" emphasizes the role of the Tathāgata's teachings in overcoming the uncertainties and skepticisms that hinder spiritual progress. Doubt, in the Buddhist context, is one of the five hindrances that impede the development of concentration and insight. By subduing doubt, the teachings of the Tathāgatas facilitate a firmer, unshakeable confidence in the Dhamma, leading practitioners towards a deeper, experiential understanding of spiritual truths.
The Tathāgata, from both exoteric and esoteric perspectives, conceptually embodies the ultimate realization of the Gautama’s Way. Exoterically, the Tathāgata could be understood as a historical figure, Siddhartha Gautama, whose teachings guide overcoming suffering through ethical living, meditation, and wisdom. Esoterically, the Tathāgata represents a transcendent reality—an embodiment of the Dharma itself, timeless and present in all ages, signifying the universal potential for enlightenment inherent in all beings. This dual understanding enriches the concept, making it both a personal guide and a cosmic principle, accessible through inward contemplation and outward reverence.
The term Tathāgata, suggesting "one who has truly gone" or "one who has become authentic," deepens our appreciation of the Buddha's unique spiritual status, as well as that of his arahant disciples. This epithet not only personalizes the enlightened experience but also universalizes it, indicating that such a state is accessible to other realized beings within the Buddhist tradition. The rich tapestry of interpretations from the Pali commentaries highlights different facets of enlightenment, showing the complexity of Kankharevata’s imagery of light and vision.
The departure from ordinary understanding and existence that enlightenment entails is underscored by the Buddha's use of the term Tathāgata when referring to himself, coupled with doctrinal clarifications that neither the five aggregates nor any other phenomenal reality can fully account for the nature of Tathāgata. This interpretative richness also addresses the metaphysical nuances of the Tathāgata's existence, particularly in relation to post-mortem states, where traditional views on existence and non-existence fail to encapsulate the enlightened state of witnessing.
Historically, the term Tathāgata is most frequently associated with Siddhartha Gautama, the historical Buddha. Literally translated as "one who has thus gone" or "one who has thus come," it carries connotations of one who has arrived at a profound truth or departed from the realm of suffering.
Philosophically, the Tathāgata challenges conventional notions of existence and non-existence. From an ontological perspective, the Buddha often used the term to point towards the ineffability of an enlightened being’s state. The famous tetralemma regarding the Tathāgata — whether he exists after death, does not exist, both, or neither — serves to dismantle rigid ontological categories. This suggests that the state of a Tathāgata transcends ordinary understanding and existence, living in a reality where usual dualities (existence and non-existence, coming and going) do not apply. This interpretation invites a deeper metaphysical inquiry into the nature of reality and existence as understood within Buddhist thought.
In esoteric Buddhist contexts, the Tathāgata is seen not merely as an individual who attained enlightenment but as a symbol of the enlightenment potential inherent in all beings. This is closely linked with the Mahayana doctrine of Buddha-nature, which posits that all sentient beings possess an intrinsic, latent capacity for enlightenment, akin to a seed that inherently contains the potential to become a tree. The Tathāgata, in this view, is both a personal attainment and a universal principle, embodying the ultimate truth of inherent Buddhahood.
From a psychological viewpoint, the Tathāgata can be understood as representing the highest potential of human consciousness. This includes the integration and transcendence of the psychological aggregates (skandhas) that compose personality and identity. In existential terms, the Tathāgata exemplifies the liberation from existential suffering, the realization of no-self (anattā), and the transcendence of the cycle of birth and rebirth (samsāra). This perspective focuses on the transformational impact of Tathāgata’s realization in the practical and existential domains of human life.
Comparatively, the Tathāgata could be juxtaposed with similar figures in other spiritual traditions who embody the ultimate truth or reality, such as the concept of Christ in Christianity as the Logos, or the Brahman in Hindu philosophy. This approach fosters an integrative understanding, highlighting the universal themes of enlightenment, transcendence, and ultimate reality across different religious and philosophical traditions.
Kankharevata’s verse, therefore, does more than describe a mere moment of clarity; it encapsulates the entire soteriological aim of Buddhist Philosophy—to illuminate the mind through the profound wisdom of the Tathāgata, who transcends and transforms the perception of conventional realities. This fire of discernment that blazes through the night does not just dispel darkness but radically alters the landscape of understanding and experience, guiding beings toward a liberation that is as inclusive as the definition of the Tathāgata itself—open to all who truly seek to "go" or "become" thus. This verse from the Theragāthā, in its elegant and symbolic brevity, captures the essence of Buddhist enlightenment—inviting deep reflection on the nature of existence and the transformative power of true wisdom.
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leolaroot · 11 months ago
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how is this a comedy movie. thag sounds like a beautiful heavenly dream come true in my life. $50million in exchange i get to have sex with a robot?? Okay!
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lordmushroomkat · 1 year ago
hi sorry to place a mild rant here i just cant do journaling to myself. So i got diagnosed with pcos and i just got birth control to take. And i dont know how to feel about it. Im genderqueer but not ready to come out and like E was the only option they gave me and since im a teen i didnt know, still dont know, how, if, when i can tell these people that i dont think this is what i want. Im writing this right before im supposed to take my first pill and im scared. Scared i will hate it and will have to live with that because i just cant come out. But im also scared it will make me feel better. Do as my mom says and make me less tired, less cranky. Im scared that when she says that she is doing this because its the best for my health, that she is scientfically right. And my dr even mentioned how i didnt seem to care about anything they were talkin about (pills-side effects, “benefits”) but like after the fact i realized that i could have said that i didnt care because all that she wasnt going to improve my life in any fucking meaningful way. Like body hair? Love it. Or well i would like to remove some not all of it, and not feel like in removing like stomach hair that i was agreeing that i was a women or that hair is disgusting. Because i would remove hair for myself ya know. Not for the preconcieved idea of who i am and how i should look. And acne? If i cared id actually put my acne cream on. Fertility? Dont want children, and they talked about unwanted random fertility but im ace and sex repulsed. Beyond the first visit they didnt even mention cancer. Ive been telling myself im going to take these pills to prevent cancer in uterine lining. And im scared to look up how true thag is. I mean on how e decreases these helath risks. Im scared theyre right. Im scared their wrong. I will fucking riot if they are lying because that means this is for nothing. Im scared it wont give me gender dysphoria, scared i will have dysphoria because it wull peel layers off the dissasosiation i face. and before all this i was planning on making my mom a presentation about intersex people and gender. Because shes supportive just a littl confused and not radical, im radical because grief has made me angry and i want to let her in on it ig. But i dont think i can do that anymore. Because i would have pointed myself out as intersex. Imply she could be too if she liked the label. But im scared that her being cis, and having struggled with weight and eating when she was a teen (and that pcos effects weight) would mean she would hate the idea. Would call me wrong or cite drs. She told me to shave under my arms once, for the convience when traveling light on vacation so that deodorant worked better?? And hours after she said it i realized if i existed for ease i would crase to exist. But im worried whats a good ease for her would be a killer for me. Idk anymore. i guess any advice? But that will probably be to come out and i dont think i can do that. any research or resources that proves im allowed to be angry? I think im just looking for people to tell me im normal for feeling this way. Having a bad day. Thanks for any.. help? Hope this wasnt triggering or anything, i just saw that you were nonbinary with pcos too- and yea. Okay bye
I really don't know if I'm the right person to answer this. I was already out as non-binary for years before I got my PCOS diagnosis. When they said "take these pills" I asked about the other options and they gave me none so I simply refused to take the pills. But I'm like,,, I don't super care about the negative affects of PCOS. I'm casually suicidal all the time and I'll keep living for my family but if something kills me I'm pretty alright with it. I don't really expect to live much longer than like, a handful of decades and like honestly the world is on fire so it'll probably be shorter. So like, my perspective on this is not necessarily a super healthy one? I'm fairly apathetic about my own existence.
But like, I understand your struggle here with wanting to explain the PCOS=intersex connection to your mom but knowing she'll respond poorly because she also has PCOS.
I really don't have any solid advice here. Just... I guess, consider really carefully how you want to feel in your body. If you've been enjoying the superficial changes the PCOS has done to your body with this weird little second puberty, maybe you should consider advocating for yourself a little more firmly about it. Your future health is important but so is your current comfort in your body.
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a-student-out-of-time · 2 years ago
I've been catching up with the another series because of this blog and i really don't understand what Linuj wanted to go for with Ayame's character
In one side we hear that she killed Kizuna so thag Akane wouldn't become the culprit, it's a sacrifice to save someone she loved. But on the other hand not only did she made the cast go through an entire class trial but she even set up a trap to make herself seem less suspicious as the culprit, that's so contradictory to her sacrifice narrative because it means she did want to escape
And I'm wondering is this intentional? Or is just another case of Linuj's unusual writing? I just don't understand how we're meant to view this character
//Yeah, Ayame's role in the story is...a little perplexing. I like do her character, but on a first watchthrough, it can be strange to see all this. Here's my understanding:
//Kizuna found out that Yuki might be the mastermind, and so she tried to recruit Akane to help kill him. She disagrees, they get into an argument because Kizuna wants to escape, and in the process of trying to kill Akane so she can have someone die as part of her murder plan, a struggle ensues and Akane accidentally stabs Kizuna and runs off.
//In the trial, Ayame admitted that her reasoning was that Kizuna was already on the verge of death, so there was no time to get her help and, if she died, Akane would've become the Blackened. She had no time to save her, even if she wanted to.
//Ayame did all this in an attempt to save Akane, and Kizuna, whatever her motivation, corrects her dying message from "The Maid" to "Not the Maid." Whether it was a change of heart or just wanting everyone to know who actually killed her so they wouldn't escape, it's hard to say.
//Of course, even Rei points out that, if all of that were true, why go through a trial at all? Why not just confess from the start?
//I think we put too much stock in the idea that people with good intentions are also just okay with dying. The survival instinct is pretty strong, so in most cases, I doubt that they would just come forward and say it was them until they have no choice. Even if they do, it's not like everyone is just going to believe them immediately.
//Even Ayame admits that she had some intention of maybe escaping, as I think everyone here does, and was maybe using Akane as the pretext. That doesn't negate that it was done to save the girl she loved from dying, just that there's nuance to it.
//Ayame setting up and deliberately set off a trap to injure herself is also something she explains. The obvious answer there is to throw suspicion off of herself, but as she says after the trial, it was essentially penance for if she did escape. She lives, but she'll never run properly again thanks to her severed tendon.
//Of course, by the time the trial's finale set in, Ayame knew the full story with Akane and thus gave up on the idea of escaping. That weird bit about her pretending to be evil at the end was probably so nobody would feel bad about watching her get
//I think that, as a character, Ayame is meant to serve as the first major influence on Akane's growth as a person. In a very harsh way, of course, because this was the first fangan and thus it parallels a lot of what happens with Taka and Mondo ^^;
//I know I complain a lot about characters getting fridged, but that's about characters who die without any major role in their story and only to advance the development of another, and usually very briefly and shallowly. That's not what happened here, it was Kizuna facing the consequences of her actions and Ayame's decision to try and save someone she cared about a lot.
//As we'll see from here on out, Akane never forgets Ayame through all of this.
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dballzposting · 4 days ago
I think that Goku maintains a soft spot for Yajirobe same as he feels sweetly about all of his friends. He met him when he was young and was going through an extraordinarily difficult time, and he experienced his own strength in overcoming it while Yajirobe was at his side. They're friends.
But no one else on the entire planet feels that way about Yajirobe and Yajirobe doesnt even feel thag way about Yajirobe. And time wont age this. Goku feels the same no matter how long it's been (same as his feelings for everyone are impervious to time degradation.)
Goku wants to approach him like how one would want to approach a kitty on the street but there is a Tangible Physical Distance at which Yajirobe is comfortable with, same as you can feel that with a street cat based on when they move away from you and how far they go. And Goku respects this as he is a living sensing organism himself but he still sort of follows Yajirobe around the potluck, just at a certain distance. And eventually just like the stray cat Yajirobe will understand Goku's harmless intentions and trust his continued respect and so he'll let him move closer.
And you may think that food & treats would help bring them together. But that's not true. Becasue they're both territorial beasts when it comes to food. Goku will grab off of your plate if you dont eat it fast enough. and Yajirobe would try to get you to turn away so that he can steal off of your plate. There is a lot of growling.
Yajirobe is much more pleasant after he eats and is napping somewhere secluded but laying all sloppy with his gooch out to face the world. This would be the best time to approach him but you still can't get too close. His stench would keep you away
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