#and refocus it on agency *more*
hi i just wanted to thank you firstly for writing. for sharing your art with the world. it fucking rocks. and secondly for writing ava as disabled and exploring her agency and emotion and affirming that disability has no bearing on one’s worth. and how it doesn’t affect her and bea’s love (and lust). thank you for Getting It
[i know this wasnt a prompt but i loved this ask so :) a lil smth]
when you wheel into bea’s office, you laugh at how she scrambles to try to hide the fact she’s definitely just watching tennis on her big desktop monitor.
‘working hard or hardly working?’ you ask.
she had told you, an hour or so ago, that she had some “important documents” to go over, which, half of the time, is her way of saying she just wants some alone time. you tell her all the time that she could just say that, but, apparently, you pout, and she can’t resist your pout.
today, she waits a beat, blushing at getting caught, and then laughs.
‘it’s… wait, don’t tell me… mmm. wimbledon? right now?’
‘the french open.’
‘ah, the one with the clay.’
she sounds a little impressed that you know that, which would be embarrassing other than that your interest in tennis lies in the way everyone’s arms look in their little outfits—including when beatrice plays at the country club—which is a way cooler reason to enjoy a sport than winning.
‘what’s up?’ she asks, after you don’t say anything else. honestly you got a little stuck thinking about beatrice’s shoulders, and then her freckles, and then the flat, muscular plane of her chest and her abs, and — ‘ava?’
tragically, she’s wearing a hoodie right now, a saving grace for the productivity of this conversation. you refocus. ‘i’m taking you on a date.’
‘are you now?’
‘i am. be ready to leave in an hour and a half.’
‘alright. dress code?’
‘nothing, ideally.’ she rolls her eyes. ‘whatever you want. we’re going somewhere new, but it’s casual.’
bea nods. ‘okay.’
‘do you need any more mission details, or —‘
she just sighs.
‘okay, good talk, team. see ya in an hour and a half.’
it had been a hard two months, recovering from your most extensive surgery so far, dr salvius and the team of spine specialists she’s recruited for the past few years trying to stabilize your degenerating nerves and discs and vertebrae. the part that’s the worst is preventing the halo from healing everything right away; it’s protective of you, passively, simmering with anger between your shoulder blades, feeling like it’s been given anesthesia too.
it’s been years since you’d gotten it, though: when beatrice, and your sisters and friends care for you after surgery — when they care for you anytime — you understand, now, that they love you. your spine, and the halo humming along it — your pain and mobility limitations and anything else that comes along with it — don’t make you less bright, or capable, or funny. to beatrice — even when she’s had to help you pee in a bedpan or help you wash yourself in the shower on your shower seat — they don’t make you less sexy. she always wants, when you feel up to it, to kiss and cuddle and, once you’re better, touch you, and to let you touch her. she wants you to hold her as she falls asleep, and she wants you to, even though she grumbles about it for show, steal her sweaters. she carefully pulls socks onto your cold feet in the mornings, when you can’t bend over enough to reach them without excruciating pain, and then kisses your knee, your hip, stands to kiss your temple, your forehead, your mouth.
your broken back, always trying and sometimes failing, to hold itself together, makes you who you are, a part sliding into all the pieces that make up a whole. the joy held in her care; the devout reverence; the happiness — there are miracles all the time, you’ve learned, and to you this might be the biggest one of all.
you make a big show of pretending to cover your eyes when you both happen to be in the closet at the same time, and it works because beatrice laughs. ‘give me two minutes to grab my outfit,’ she says, kisses the top of your head, runs a finger along the shell of your ear and then along your jaw. easy touches, that she doesn’t even think about, to show you she wants you. you lean into her hand, your eyes still closed.
you play along, listening to her methodically and efficiently gather her things, and then she squeezes your shoulder.
‘i’ll use my office restroom,’ she says, ‘and you can get ready here.’
‘what if i said i was ready now?’ you don’t have any makeup on, and you’re in a pair of her old joggers, one of the cuffs fraying, and a t-shirt you’d found that has a cat with laser beams shooting out of its eyes; you haven’t brushed your hair after the shower you took post-physical therapy in the morning.
‘i would say that you’re the most beautiful person i’ve ever seen.’ you preen, even with your eyes closed; you hear the smile in her voice. ‘but that i would certainly be the better dressed one tonight.’
you huff a laugh and she tucks a wayward strand of hair behind your ear and then kisses your cheek.
things take a little longer, when you’re hurting, but they’re not impossible. you can reach everything in your closet that you might want, and the counter in the bathroom has space underneath it for your chair, and is low enough you can easily see the mirror. you love your physical and occupational therapists; at this point, you’ve worked with them for years consistently, and it’s second nature to know how to do everything you want when your mobility is limited. it’s not easy, but it’s also not really that hard. the world at large isn’t built for you, but beatrice had built you a home, and you had built her one too: greens she loves; paintings she lingers by still, even if you’ve had them for a while.
korra, always eager to help, gets you a water from the fridge when you give her the command, and she lazes by your feet later, panting happily. she’s worked hard the past two months, and you’re a little bit in awe of her.
you get ready, manage a perfect eyeliner and drape the velvet vintage dress, a deep, burnt orange, kind of glorious, that you’d found in ruth’s closet — that she has insisted you take, because it didn’t fit her anymore and because you looked beautiful and because you loved it — elegantly in the chair. you could struggle, in pain, to fasten the thin straps of the heels you’d picked, but you know bea won’t mind.
you’re just finishing up when you hear bea’s soft footsteps behind you; she can still pad silently if she wants, but this is another way she’s relaxed into your home, your life, your love. you turn and smile, helplessly, because she’s leaning against the doorframe, bathed in the waning light.
you wheel toward her, taking in the impeccably neat tuck of her tight t-shirt into a pair of navy linen slacks, her rich brown belt and loafers matching. she has on mascara and cologne, the rolex you’d gotten her on her wrist, her wedding band faithfully on her finger.
‘you look beautiful,’ she says, a little breathless.
‘so do you.’
‘i suppose i’ll have to settle for a draw.’
‘mmm. for what?’
‘best dressed,’ she tells you, and you laugh.
‘we can be the best dressed couple,’ you offer, and she beams.
she wheels you, because you’d asked her, because she never offers but she never pauses, not even for a moment, when you ask her. the highly-anticipated cambodian food pop up at the wine bar she loves is near enough you don’t need to drive, and there’s a nice patio in the back that korra loves to go to, so she walks happily beside you.
‘hey,’ you say, turning around so you can look at her. the air is still warm and the blue haze of twilight sits around her quietly, catching the grey streaks that have started to pop up in her short hair.
‘i love you. thank you for this life.’
she pauses, walks to the front of your chair, and bends down to kiss you, right there on the sidewalk, just like that. ‘i love you too, ava. a better life than i ever could’ve imagined.’
you clear your throat; you hadn’t planned to cry. ‘let’s go get so much food.’
she laughs, but you hear a sniffle too. ‘yeah?’
‘oh, yeah. i’m gonna order the whole menu.’
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septembersghost · 1 year
“i love her, i don't need to see her in every news app, and i don't think it's healthy.” this is EXACTLY how i feel right now. i’m not the same anon, but i think the circus around the TK stuff has really made me understand exactly how popular she is right now in a way i didn’t before. i’m overwhelmed and i’m literally the type of fan that has a blog dedicated to her! i hear about her when i turn on the radio, i see articles about her when i open my news app, and i see posts about her on other platforms i don’t even follow her on when i go online. it’s not her fault and i don’t blame her, and i can’t imagine how it must affect her, but it’s just so much.
i totally understand where both you and the previous anon are coming from, when it's inescapable like this it just becomes overwhelming. i also personally dislike the frenzy when it's about her dating life, this story of her going to a single game has people (fans included) marrying her off already and invasively joking about her intimate details, and it's revealing some ugly societal standards (if i have to see the phrase "real man" one more time...), and none of this has anything to do with her art or talent. eras being discussed is really fun because it's a triumph. album releases are magical because the music is why we're here. but this stuff right now feels like a circus. it's hard too because even if we don't want to see it, it's everywhere. even if it's not how we personally choose to engage as fans, it's unavoidable.
i'm not blaming her either, it's not her fault that it's part of being famous, and that she can't entirely avoid it due to the staggering level of success and visibility she's reached right now, but it's a lot. when it's a lot and not enjoyable for us, i also can't imagine how it feels to her, although hopefully she's able to block out the headlines more consistently than we can, and of course she does have agency in and self-awareness of the situation at hand here. this part has always been my least favorite aspect of the fandom, loving taylor doesn't have to equate to all this (for me). it worries me a bit for her honestly, i don't want us to hit that tipping point of oversaturation, and i also wish people (fans and the media) would simply let her live. hopefully in the coming weeks it will quiet down a bit and we can all refocus.
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genericpuff · 2 years
Do you plan on adding any new characters (oc or people from myths not included in LO), archs, or plot lines in Rekindled?
Considering that LO already bit off more than it could chew, I likely will not be adding any extra plotlines/characters into Rekindled, as I'd like to refocus the writing back to its foundations in S1 and expand on them further (if Rachel had just stuck with the original trajectory of what she had set up, even if both our versions would have ended up diverging along the way).
Of course, what I'm hoping to tackle is subject to change, but stuff I know for sure:
I will not be tackling Eros and Psyche's myth, at least not in as great detail as LO, due to the fact that its placement in the story makes no sense with the original myth in mind (in the OG myth Persephone and Hades are already married so it would make more sense to tackle that if and when I get past the Hades x Persephone story; I might tackle it in a one shot or something, which is also what I'd love to do with Orpheus and Eurydice!)
I will be removing the Apollo SA. It's obvious Rachel didn't feel up to the task of tackling it and only wanted to use it for virtue signaling because she shoves it off into the background every opportunity she gets and seems like she wants people to just forget it happened. Considering it serves no narrative purpose beyond that, then it's a pretty obvious thing to have removed, SA shouldn't be used as a means for character development (especially when it's just to make the main love interest look better by comparison, blech).
While I'll be removing the SA, I'll still be covering some of Persephone's struggles with finding healthy relationships and feeling comfortable in her sexuality. TGOEM will be less of a 'purity club' and more of a women's support group for female goddesses and nymphs who have been harmed by the patriarchal systems that are in place in Ancient Greece (forced marriages, sexual assault, etc.) Demeter's biggest fear is her daughter being consumed/killed by a male god the same way her creator (Metis) was, and Gaia before that, and in a lot of ways, she's both consciously and subconsciously supplanted those fears into Persephone. They both have a lot of stuff to work through, to say the least!
How gods/goddesses are created is being completely rewritten. Believe it or not, there are more sensible ways to skirt around the incest that don't have to perform insane writing gymnastics when you're dealing with deathless, non-corporeal beings. It's one of those "Rachel, the answer was spitting you in the face" things and I'm pretty excited to get into it :' )
I will be dropping Eris' role as Persephone's reason for wrath. This made zero sense and did nothing for the plot back then and it makes zero sense and does nothing for the plot now. All it does is further rob Persephone of any agency or responsibility and it makes her 10x less interesting as a character. This does mean Eris likely also won't make much of an appearance in Rekindled as that was literally her only purpose in LO from what we've seen and I'm not planning on tackling the Trojan War, but we might see about referencing her every now and then as a background character, it depends lol
References to the Trojan War will be removed as all the references that Rachel made in LO, again, make no sense especially with how messy the timeline has gotten.
The divide between Kore and Persephone as namesakes will be far more apparent and characterized. Not gonna spoil too much but we're gonna tackle the original foundation of Persephone/'the feeling' a lot more with what was started in S1 and never followed up on (because Rachel retconned it through Eris). I'll also be taking a similar approach with Hades vs. Aidoneus.
I'm working with what Rachel has provided in terms of worldbuilding (which is, to be fair, very little LMAO) and expanding on it to make 'more sense' especially with the whole gods vs. modern times thing. There are a lot of modern amenities the gods have in LO that make no sense for them as gods so I'll be attempting to rectify that by giving all the elements of LO's modern setting some more purpose. Not just in how Olympus and the Underworld and the Mortal Realm are designed, but also in the every day technology they use (like cars and phones).
Demeter's characterization is going to be completely redone. I feel I owe that much to her after what Rachel has done to her lmao
Minthe will be handled a little bit differently. She'll still be Hades' on-again-off-again partner at the start of Rekindled, but she'll be playing a slightly different role in the narrative as a whole.
Zeus and Hera will be a bit less of a focus, though I'll try to cover it when I can. Zeus will be a confidant foil to Hades whereas Hera will be a confidant foil to Persephone.
EDIT: Poseidon will no longer just be a comic relief character. We WILL be seeing the realm of the Sea in Rekindled :' )
That's a lot, but still not even the tip of the iceberg with how much stuff I have planned ;3 Hope that satisfies y'all for now!
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skyeee · 1 year
Hello all!
I know I haven’t been active as much (I’m still very much a lurker tho…) and I apologize.
I’ve been really swept up in adult life the last half year: applying for a new job as a camp director, quitting my job in the city and moving back home, and a lot more stuff that’s not that important to mention. All the time I’ve spent drawing has been for my last job or for the camp store, or for commissions and zines I’m in.
That being said, I am at summer camp now on the directorial team!! It’s basically a 24/7 job, with minimal down time (basically an hour each day, plus some mandated time off every so often..) which means, sadly, I won’t be able to post much finished work for the next few months.
Please bear with me! After camp is over in August, I go back home and I’m planning to refocus my efforts on my art career! This means getting my fan art back in gear, doing more commissions, finishing very late art trades (sorry Jackce I promise my trade part is still in my to do list 😭) and also submitting my portfolio to art agencies and the like!
I hope you all have an amazing summer, and please wish me luck as I take on a big role at the camp that I call my second home. I’m still available to chat, so please feel free to message me or send me asks! I will try to answer in my down time :)
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mlobsters · 10 months
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supernatural s11e18 hell's angel (w. brad buckner, eugenie ross-leming)
the one true sibling communication method, just holler
honestly don't remember what amara needs healing from (don't even know if we know), what rowena is doing (and ditto if we know). i was just thinking how they managed to stretch out this like... 5 episode arc over an entire season (i presume) but basically just ignoring it a good chunk of the time (i'm not complaining about the monster of the week episodes we got that i genuinely enjoyed, by any means). i get that they need some big bad plotline to hook it all together but eh
lol right, rowena "died" i forgot about that. i need those damned pre-episode recaps
ROWENA All in good time. Right now, you're still weak from that pesky angel smiting.
oh right. that seems like so long ago. thanks for the reminder, rowena
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sam is very tickled about crowley being kept in the kennel
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think i prefer misha playing lucifer than cas at this point, but i think that's mostly on the way they write cas. but it looks like he's having fun with lucifer. (but i saw my pal pellegrino in the credits which i'm happy to see)
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zoned out for a second as i'm wont to do in heavenly politics scenes and i refocus and what in the world is he doing on this angel's lap
DEAN After we exorcise Lucifer out of Cas and put him into a new vessel. SAM What? Really? DEAN Yes, really. We're not gonna send Lucifer into battle inside Cas. What if he doesn't make it? SAM Dean, it's a strong vessel. It's held Cas for years, and we know what he's been through. I'm guessing it can hold Lucifer. DEAN "It"? It's not an "it," Sam. It's Cas. SAM And Cas wanted to do this.
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DEAN Yeah, well, there's times I want to get slapped during sex by a girl wearing a Zorro mask. That don't make it a good idea.
crowley is intrigued. i was waving my arms around like a distressed sim that doesn't like something. too much information for me, dean-o; but i would argue the point that it's in fact a fine idea. i'm sure someone is available that would be happy to make your dreams come true
SAM Dean, this is exactly how we screw ourselves. W-We make the... the heart choice instead of the smart choice. DEAN Oh, okay. Thank you, Dr. Phil. Cas is family. SAM Yes, and his choice deserves to be respected. DEAN Even if it kills him?
maybe i'm projecting but i just don't buy sam making this argument? unless he's freaked out for some other lucifer-related-reason, or looking for a reason to put cas's vessel/whatever in harm's way. if we're goin with the premise that cas is family and he's got the blanket forgiveness for letting lucifer out, then why is sam arguing so hard against getting him out of harm's way asap? i think framing it like it's about cas's agency... does not ring true to me. like yes sure based on sam's history of losing agency, he will be staunch defender of other people's choices - but i'm not getting that from this
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her makeup is beautiful, the lighting is really picking up all the fine glitter in her eyeshadow. lovely
so what are we trying to do here, get lucifer out of cas and back in the cage? losing the plot
i did not anticipate crowley smoking out to hop into cas's vessel, is there just no limit to how many angels and/or demons you can stuff in there?
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CROWLEY He's really got his hooks in you. Snap out of it. Do you know what's happening out there? The Winchesters have trapped the abomination so that you can expel him so that they can put him back in the Cage... CASTIEL Well, that doesn't sound like a very good idea.
his frustrated flailing made me laugh enough to make a gif
CASTIEL Wait. That was Dean I saw a minute ago, wasn't it? CROWLEY Yes. CASTIEL And he wants me to expel Lucifer? CROWLEY Yes! CASTIEL [laughing] Well... he may have a more objective view of the situation. Maybe I should.
cas appears to be zooted out of his mind
SAM Listen, um... I know I came down on the side of wanting Cas to deal with Amara, so... DEAN Well, that's what he wanted, though, right? Besides, didn't we say that we were gonna swear off getting in the way when one person makes a choice the other doesn't agree with? SAM Yeah, um... Yeah, we did say that. DEAN So... SAM Okay. So, that's our policy. DEAN Which sounds damn good. Well, let's go find that idiot and bring him home.
okie dokie pokie. i'm still not buying what they're selling but even i can't resist the emotional power of "bring him home" from dean.
i dunno where they're going with all this but it's a struggle for me to stay with the mainplot shenanigans. also i'm very tired
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parieha-aaa · 2 years
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          ❝          .  .  .         those  fuckers  .   c’mon  ,  kiddo  ,  you’ll  be  alright  .  .  .  i  got  ya  .         ❞      the  redhead  was  sitting  down  on  the  floor  with  their  rescue  ,  brushing  white  strands  from  the  child’s  face  as  he  checked  them  over  for  wounds  and  punctures  ,  any  remaining  breaks  in  the  skin  that  were  more  than  superficial  at  worst  .  once  chuuya  had  checked  (  &  rechecked  like  a  worried  mother  )  ,  he  stood  up  to  take  their  victim  by  the  hand  and  pull  the  child  over  his  shoulders,  forcing  himself  to  lean  slightly  forward  and  find  a  balance  between  rocking  completely  forward  or  falling  backwards  .    (    he  tossed  their  doll  ,  a  god  awful  ugly  little  patchwork  doll  ,  to  their  partner  ,  so  he  could  focus  on  carrying  their  target  upstairs  back  to  the  entrance  .   )  that  way  ,  chuuya  didn’t  have  to  worry  about  suddenly  getting  possessed  by  their  ability  --  yumeno’s  was  a  real  piece  of  work  .          (    admittedly  ,  chuuya  paused  to  check  his  phone  .  he’d  sent  the  location  outside  of  yokohama’s  main  district  ,  in  the  sea  of  trees  where  the  country  began  to  reveal  itself  .  it  read  the  current  status  of  the  message  :    SEEN  AT  1:42  AM  .    what  the  fuck  were  they  doing  awake  at  that  kind  of  time  ?  ...  could  be  anything  .  for  chuuya  ,  he  was  smack  dab  in  the  middle  of  his  shift  with  the  port  mafia  &  today  was  that  special  occasion  where  it  took  him  outside  the  typical  borders  .  for  his  new  neutral  friend  ?  who  knew  .  probably  doing  something  stupid  .  or  being  annoying .  shopping  maybe  ?    what  a  pain  in  the  ass  .  )    clearing  vines  with  one  hand  and  a  knife  ,  chuuya  began  the  long  climb  up  the  stairs  with  dazai  ahead  of  him  ,  yapping  endlessly  about  something  or  other  ...   probably  insults  to  his  fucking  outfit  again  ,  as  chuuya  simply  focused  on  listening  to  their  surroundings  .  if  he  didn’t  refocus  ,  he  was  a  liable  to  kill  dazai  as  he  was  to  make  this  rescue  a  success  .   the  kid’s  breathing  ,  the  nature  outside  ,  the  wind  ,  the  trees    ...    nightlife  .  calm  as  ever  for  now  .  there  wasn’t  a  single  alarming  sound  ,  nothing  other  than  the  steps  the  two  were  taking  up  the  staircase  &   back  into  observable  view  .   if  that  unit  outside  was  still  active  ,  they’d  report  that  soukoku  had  finished  the  job  with  immaculate  results  .  yeah  ,  okay  ,  maybe  a  treaty  between  the  port  mafia  &  armed  detective  agency  was  the  only  thing  saving  dazai  from  his  wrath  right  now  .  this  was  it  though  ,  as  soon  as  this  mission  was  over  ,  he  was  going  to  find  the  opportunity  to  punt  dazai  off  a  fucking  cliff  somewhere  and  give  him  his  stupid  suicide  .  granted :  it’s  a  murder  -  suicide ...    but  suicide  all  the  same  .   one  more  word  about  his  choice  in  outfit  and  that’s  it  ,  he’s  kicking  dazai  at  the  fucking  moon  .  you  know  ?  he’d  rather  deal  with  mr  neutral  .  at  least  that  guy  had  fucking  taste  and  knew  when  to  shut  the  fuck  up  instead  of  merrily  digging  his  grave  without  a  single  warning  bell  in  earshot   --  which  is  exactly  what  chuuya  knew  he  was  doing  .    /    @lureri​   
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thaliajoy-blog · 11 months
The Persephone modern retelling & why I get it (unprompted mini essay at 8 am)
So there are people who don't like retelling of greek myths, especially the most recent trend of "feminist retellings" that have sprung up these past years with works like Madeline Miller's Circe and Rachel Smythe's Lore Olympus. And there are some very understandable critiques of such works. The Persephone & Hades retellings are quite something in that regard ; it's been criticized for making a story about a girl being kidnapped & a grieving mother looking for her all over the earth into the story of a forbidden romance between complete opposites where the grieving mother becomes a "bitchy" helicopter parent and one of the main obstacles to the romance. So, was that kind of retelling, a sort of re-appropriation of the myth, a messy mistake ? Is it misogynistic ? Is it simply tasteless & bad ?
Well, the way I look at it, Persephone is kidnapped in the original myth, but never really escape the man who took her. She is forever bound to him as his wife, and must go to him each year for a certain amount of time. She goes back to her mother in the end but we know she's still "his". In a sense, Persephone is trapped in the paradoxical role of child (to Demeter, to whom she's "Kore", the maiden, and under whose protection she is originally), and wife (to Hades, a man she didn't choose). It's kind of an incomfortable in-between. So essentially...this myth doesn't have a happy ending, and Persephone is largely without agency, she is tricked at every turn. The people with real agency are Demeter and Hades, and the other gods involved in the quarrel. And in the end, Demeter loses something and Hades gains something. In short, women aren't really winning in this myth. They can only snatch a compromise from the people in power (Zeus & Hades, really), and that compromise is not a compensation at all for the wrongs done to them. There is a real power to the original myth, a solidarity between women, like with Hecate helping Demeter, but all that grief has quite the frustrating ending.
So, I guess that's how Hades turns into a boyfriend/lover rather than being a kidnapper who gets what he wanted in the end. The modern retellings need to spin things away from that pretty tragic ending, and give Persephone a happy ending. They need to refocus Persephone as well & give her more agency in what is happening. And they do that in part by tapping in the subtext of the story - the story of a girl who becomes a woman, who "eats the pomegranate" and divides her attention between her family and her lover. The story of a girl who "leaves the nest" and falls for/dates someone her parents disapprove of, leading to pretty memorable quarrels. It becomes a story of adolescent rebellion, of teenage girlhood. So like, this story is being reappropriated by people who express through it the experience of teenage girls, or of young women. And I get that, and that's why I don't really find this reframing misogynistic, even if Hades gets arguably white washed and Demeter loses her star role in favor of a much less flattering one - the parent. Since Persephone is the center, Demeter is the authority, and through the teenage lens, she's kind of guaranteed to be portrayed as overbearing and essentially an obstacle, if not an antagonist. Persephone can't really "emancipate" herself from Hades, or the myth is broken if she does, so in order to give her some agency she must emancipate herself from the other thing that defines her - girlhood, her role as "Kore", and her mother's protection. This twist on the myth kind of wants to cut the ties with childhood for good, and make Persephone embrace her role as the "Queen of the Underworld" a bit more, which gives her more importance and in some ways, more autonomy (especially since Hades is no longer an antagonist).
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head-post · 2 months
Foreign actors trying to influence US presidential race
An intelligence official stated that US adversaries targeting the November elections through influence operations would adapt to changes in the presidential election.
The source also said that unidentified foreign actors were particularly focused on “events that occurred this month regarding the presidential race,” without directly referring to President Biden’s decision to withdraw from the race.
We expect these actors to adjust to these events and incorporate them into their influence narratives, seeking to undermine democratic institutions.
US intelligence agencies also expect foreign actors to refocus their influence operations on Vice President Kamala Harris endorsed by Biden as the new Democratic nominee. In addition, an official from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence cited reports from non-governmental groups that foreign actors had already used the 13 July assassination attempt on Trump “as part of their narratives.”
US foes targeting the country’s elections are also outsourcing influence operations to marketing and communications firms. Officials say there are also many such firms in Latin America and the Middle East that can be used to disguise responsibility.
Meanwhile, Chinese government agencies are allegedly using a Chinese technology company to boost covert influence operations in the United States, the official reveals. While the Chinese government probably does not plan to influence the outcome of the US election, it was using social media to spread dissension among Americans, the source added.
Read more HERE
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resiliencesoftblog · 3 months
Signs It's Time to Hire a Digital Marketing Company in 2024
These signs can be divided into two groups: those related to human relations in your business and those focused on numbers, metrics and goals.
Personnel-Based Signs
Growth Department Performance Requires New Ideas And Strategies Performance in growth departments often suffers without regular injections of fresh ideas and strategies - with consumer preferences and market conditions constantly shifting, you must stay abreast of these shifts to remain effective. Therefore, another source of marketing ideas would definitely come in handy to combat such shifts.
Marketing agencies tend to know more than anyone about current trends and long-term planning strategies than anyone else.
Digital Marketing Isn't Your Strength
Unfortunately, not every business can effectively manage its digital marketing agency in Raipur. Some lack either the skill or time to implement a content marketing plan and as a result make ineffective attempts that yield subpar results. To avoid making these costly errors yourself, entrust marketing agency services with these tasks while you focus on more essential tasks within your own business.
Your Team Doesn't Enjoy Marketing
Another situation arises when there is some level of expertise, but staff would simply be happier and more productive if they took on different responsibilities.
An amateurish approach to social media, emails, landing pages and blog entries won't produce the desired results; but when an experienced marketing team steps in and dedicates itself to its marketing activities it will shine through.
Effective Marketing Team 
Marketing specialists' salaries and taxation can quickly drain a marketer's budget; not everyone is willing to take this risk. But you can still benefit from all their expertise by hiring a marketing agency; usually this costs far less.
Your Marketing Team Is Overextended and Can't Complete All Tasks Effectively
As your workload increases, the quality of employees' output inevitably declines. Their abilities are being stretched beyond capacity and stress may cause them to perform less well than usual. Outsourcing some digital media marketing agency in bilaspur will enable your internal team to refocus and excel at what they excel at doing best - something an agency could provide.
Marketing Spend Far Outweighs Income
Ineffective marketing is often to blame for poor sales numbers; regardless of how great your services or products may be or how knowledgeable your sales team may be - without proper promotion your revenue may suffer as a result.
Marketing agencies frequently offer complimentary consultations to analyze what's currently going wrong and provide valuable advice. If their advice seems useful to you, hiring them could also help implement that advice effectively.
Do You Know What's Driving Your Sales
Let's assume a sudden surge in website traffic or phone calls occurred without being able to identify where they originated? If this is the case for your website development company in bilaspur, chances of even greater success may be missed out or time is being wasted on marketing tactics that prove ineffective.
What effect are your marketing efforts having on prospects and website traffic? Let a marketing firm answer this question on your behalf if you can't.
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oceanvirtualassistant · 7 months
Insurance Agency Productivity Boost: Leveraging a Virtual Assistant
In the dynamic landscape of insurance agencies, the quest for enhanced productivity is a constant endeavor. Today, insurance professionals are discovering the transformative power of a virtual assistant for insurance agents in streamlining operations, managing tasks efficiently, and ultimately, elevating overall productivity.
The Versatile Ally: Virtual Assistant for Insurance Agents
Insurance agents, often juggling myriad responsibilities, can find a valuable ally in an insurance agency virtual assistant for insurance agents. Beyond handling routine administrative tasks like appointment scheduling and document organization, these virtual assistants are adept at managing client communications, policy updates, and even supporting marketing initiatives.
The versatility of a virtual assistant ensures that insurance agents can refocus their time and energy on strategic aspects of their business, such as client relationship-building and business development.
Navigating Complexity with a Virtual Assistant:
The insurance industry is known for its intricacies and regulatory demands. A insurance agency virtual assistant for insurance agents equipped with industry-specific knowledge becomes an invaluable asset. Whether it's staying abreast of policy changes, organizing claims data, or coordinating underwriting processes, these virtual assistants bring a level of expertise that enhances operational efficiency.
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Moreover, the adaptability of virtual assistants ensures they seamlessly integrate into existing workflows, providing support tailored to the unique needs of insurance agencies.
Elevating Client Engagement and Service:
In an industry where client satisfaction is paramount, a virtual assistant for insurance agents contributes to elevated client engagement and service. By handling routine inquiries, processing policy updates, and ensuring timely follow-ups, virtual assistants allow insurance agents to dedicate more time to personalized client interactions.
This personalized touch not only strengthens client relationships but also contributes to increased client retention and referrals, vital elements for sustained success in the competitive insurance landscape.
Conclusion: The Strategic Edge of a Virtual Assistant
In conclusion, as insurance agencies navigate the complexities of their operations, the adoption of an insurance agency virtual assistant for insurance agents emerges as a strategic imperative. The boost in productivity, the ability to navigate industry intricacies, and the elevation of client engagement collectively position virtual assistants as a transformative force in the insurance sector. By leveraging the capabilities of a virtual assistant for insurance agents, agencies can not only streamline day-to-day operations but also enhance their capacity to provide exceptional service. The result is a productive, efficient, and client-focused insurance agency ready to thrive in an ever-evolving industry landscape.
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truecallerbusiness · 11 months
How Can Businesses Enhance The Customer Experience?
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The perception a consumer or a business has of a brand is one way to generally define customer experience, which is also many other things. Every encounter has it built in, and every interaction offers the chance to strengthen the bond between the business and the customer—or the chance to sever it.
Building a relationship with customers is explicitly all about being aware of their wants, needs, and values. It extends beyond only using the good or service: The goal is to establish quick and effective connections between the brand and the customer. The complete customer experience involves pre-purchase connections with the brand through marketing or awareness, researching and completing in-store or online purchases, and post-purchase interactions concerning service, repairs, additions, and more.
Brands must always remember that every connection they have with consumers and other companies provokes some kind of feeling. The emotions sparked by those interactions, whether positive or negative, joyful or depressing, become linked to the brand. This may lead to your buyer asking crucial questions, such as: Should I buy it or not? Do you love me or not? Back or not to back?
It's also vital to recognize that, dependent on outside circumstances, people's wants, desires, and emotions fluctuate from minute to moment. Brands must respond to the nuances in their consumers' lives and regard their customers as more than just walking wallets. An oversimplified knowledge of people's emotional reactions is insufficient.
How Can Businesses Enhance The Customer Experience?
Many core customer experience principles have been adopted, from new customer onboarding processes for banks to how clothing should be presented online. As a result, it is getting more and harder for businesses to stand out through CX alone.
Traditionally, businesses have concentrated on improving client touchpoints related to products and services. This strategy has historically proved effective in boosting sales and customer loyalty. It is now insufficient. The way forward is to approach customers as more than just buyers by taking a holistic, dynamic perspective of who they are and what drives their behavior.
Today's brands must improve the lives of their customers with innovative technology-driven experiences that transcend beyond fleeting transactions. Think about the effects of omni-channel services that link online and offline purchasing with client digital data for improved personalization. Additionally, businesses must possess the enterprise-wide imagination, vision, and empathy for the consumer that will inspire them to develop innovative methods to interact with and cater to customers who yearn for agency and simplification.
Companies should refocus their efforts to promote growth and relevance by assessing what customers value and rethinking how a brand's promises fit customer demands.
To become stronger and better equipped for the future, brands are searching for ways to take advantage of the changes the world is going through. To achieve this, they must focus on today's consumers' complicated life forces and contradictory actions. They can respond to people's frequently paradoxical and constantly shifting requirements by utilizing data, technology, and a holistic, human-centered approach.
This requires evolution to be achieved: It is time for businesses to adopt a customer-centric mindset and ensure they anticipate customer needs, satisfy customer demands, increase customer satisfaction, and foster customer loyalty.
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callonclare · 11 months
The Importance of Self-Care: Respite Care Solutions
As our lives become increasingly busy and demanding, taking care of ourselves often takes a backseat. However, self-care is essential for maintaining our physical, mental, and emotional well-being. One effective way to prioritize self-care is through respite care in Melbourne, which provides temporary relief and support for caregivers. 
In this blog post, we will explore the importance of self-care and highlight the benefits of respite care solutions. By understanding the significance of self-care and the resources available, we can ensure that we maintain a healthy and balanced lifestyle.
Understanding Self-Care
Self-care encompasses activities and practices that promote overall well-being. It involves taking intentional actions to nurture our physical, mental, and emotional health. Self-care can range from simple activities such as spending time alone, engaging in hobbies, and practising mindfulness to more complex strategies such as seeking professional help or utilising support systems.
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The Caregiver's Dilemma
Many individuals find themselves in the role of caregiver, providing emergency respite care in Melbourne and assistance to family members or loved ones who are elderly, disabled, or chronically ill. While caregiving is a noble and rewarding responsibility, it can also be physically and emotionally draining. Caregivers often neglect their own needs, resulting in burnout, exhaustion, and increased stress levels.
Why Self-Care is Essential?
Prioritising self-care is crucial for caregivers and individuals as it allows us to recharge, refocus, and replenish our energy. It enables us to maintain optimal mental and physical health, which, in turn, enhances our ability to provide quality care for others. By neglecting self-care, caregivers risk their well-being, which can negatively impact their ability to effectively fulfill their caregiving responsibilities.
The Benefits of Respite Care
Respite care is a valuable solution that provides temporary relief and support for caregivers. It involves arranging for professional caregivers or support networks to step in and care for the individual requiring assistance, allowing the primary caregiver to take a break. Also, respite services in melbourne can be provided in various settings, including in-home care, adult day centres, or residential facilities, depending on the needs of the individual and the caregiver.
Providing a Breath of Fresh Air
Respite care offers caregivers the opportunity to take a well-deserved break. It provides a temporary respite from their caregiving responsibilities, allowing them to engage in self-care activities, spend time with friends and family, pursue personal interests, or simply rest and rejuvenate. This break can significantly reduce stress levels, prevent burnout, and restore a sense of balance in the caregiver's life.
Supporting the Care Recipient
Respite care is not only beneficial for caregivers but also for the care recipients themselves. It provides them with the opportunity to interact with new caregivers, engage in different activities, and develop new relationships. This variety in care fosters socialisation, intellectual stimulation, and overall well-being for the care recipient.
Utilising Respite Care Resources
Respite care resources are available in various forms, including government-funded programs, non-profit organisations, and private agencies. These resources offer a range of services, from short-term in-home care to specialised healthcare facilities. Caregivers need to research and understand the options available in their community to access the most suitable respite care solutions for their unique needs.
In the demanding roles of caregivers, self-care is more important than ever. By prioritising self-care, caregivers can maintain their physical, mental, and emotional well-being, ensuring they have the energy and resilience to provide quality care. As, respite care in Melbourne solutions offer valuable support by allowing caregivers to take breaks and recharge, benefiting both the caregiver and the care recipient. 
Remember, self-care is not selfish, but a necessary component of maintaining a healthy and balanced lifestyle.
Source By: The Importance of Self-Care: Respite Care Solutions
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ailtrahq · 1 year
Since its inception, Uwerx has always made headlines, working within its transparency, sustainability, and accountability values. With its unique features and the developers’ agile methodology approach, Uwerx launched itself to the top spot in the crypto market. Uwerx’s launch on August 1 was very successful. It fulfilled all its promises and delivered gains to investors and users with all the available bonuses and the surging WERX token. Uwerx still has a lot in store for the crypto and freelancing industries. So, the Uwerx team immediately returned to work post-launch to complete the Uwerx platform and launch its other features. However, the platform was exploited, causing the team to refocus. So far, Uwerx has shown its resilience and strong will in the face of this challenge. Rather than give up, it has decided to come back better and stronger, and as such, a new WERX is set to emerge. Uwerx’s Post-Launch Moves Uwerx’s launch exceeded expectations, and it was very successful. Immediately after the launch, updates were released on what to expect next. Uwerx deployed liquidity on Uniswap. The developers have locked their tokens, which will last for 25 years. They are also set to forfeit smart contract ownership immediately after Uwerx launches on centralized exchanges. They will soon submit their applications to CoinMarketCap and CoinGecko. The Uwerx Vault, seen as a great addition to the Uwerx platform, is almost complete. The team is waiting for the auditors to complete auditing the Vault’s smart contracts before it is available to the community. Also, the Uwerx platform development is still in motion. The core functionality design has been completed. It focused on the Client, Agency, and Freelancer Dashboards, Project Management, and Additional Settings Pages. The Minimum Viable Product (MVP) with functions will be released to the public by mid-September so they can test it out. After that, the team will begin working on the premium design based on the feedback received. To further support the Uwerx platform, a buyback campaign will be launched. It will scale weekly, although the date and time will not be announced to avoid anyone gaming the system. However, this has been put on hold for now due to the hack. Uwerx Platform Gets Exploited Uwerx witnessed a hacking incident on August 2, with the hacker stealing about $327,000. The attacker flash-loaned 20,000 ETH, which he exchanged for 5,053,637 WERX. He then created an imbalance by sending 4,428,817 WERX to the pool. This imbalance occurred because the amount the attacker sent was ten times more than the initial amount in the pool. Following this, he used Uniswap’s skim function with the 0x00…1 address and Uwerx’s transfer function, which always modifies the sender’s balance first. Since the receiver’s address was a UniswapPoolAddress variable, an additional 1% of the WERX tokens were burned. It was how the attacker exploited the Uwerx platform, stealing 176 ETH ($327,000). Uwerx Takes Swift Measures Following the Attack As It Sets To Relaunch As soon as the Uwerx team noticed the hack, they immediately alerted its auditors, SolidProof and InterFi Network. They also alerted SlowMist_Team and PeckShieldAlert directly on Twitter. Following that, they released a white-hat bounty stating the hacker should return 80% of the stolen ETH while keeping 20%. Interestingly, Uwerx will be switching things up as it plans on relaunching soon enough. A new WERX token is set to emerge, and it will come with a different contract address. The contract address will be thoroughly audited twice by reputable auditors and once by an independent auditor. Once these audits are completed, the contract address can then be released. The new WERX token will be deployed on the Polygon network, not Uniswap, where it was formerly deployed. It will reduce trading fees and enable token holders to use their WERX coins on the Uwerx platform without bridging. The team has presented WERX deployment on the Polygon MainNet.
Token holders are expected to add the new contract address to their preferred wallets on the Polygon network. The team conducted an airdrop to test the new token as well. Also, those who purchased WERX during the presale are unaffected by the change. The team will relaunch WERX with liquidity. Besides, the funds reserved for the buyback campaign will be directed to this. There is now a zero burn tax and a sliding sell tax to increase liquidity for WERX. The sell tax will begin at 30% and decrease to 0% at the end of the 10-week vesting period. The Uwerx Vault release is almost here, and Uwerx plans to deploy it alongside the new WERX. Their smart contracts have been sent to the auditors for thorough audits. Also, the team is now working on the premium designs for the WERX platform. The results of the concluded polls are being collated. Once everything checks out, Uwerx’s website and whitepaper will be updated. There will be modifications to the WERX allocations, and the new proposal is as follows: ● User Performance Incentives: 6% (45,000,000) ● Liquidity Reserve: 14% (105,500,000) ● Marketing: 9% (67,500,000) ● Presale: 57% (427,500,000) ● Team Tokens: 6% (45,000,000) ● Partnership Incentives: 2% (15,000,000) ● Joining Incentives: 6% ( 45,000,000) Following the presale results, the team will burn 25,499,071 WERX tokens. To ensure everyone is adequately educated and prepared for the WERX relaunch, YouTube videos, and other educational materials will be released subsequently. As usual, the team welcomes user feedback, which can be emailed to [email protected]. Uwerx continues to safeguard its integrity and shine in this adversity. It is evident in the recovery moves it has made and its growing community. Uwerx now has 2098 Twitter followers and 2,094 Telegram members. Uwerx remains the change coming to the freelancing and crypto industries, and it has resolved to make no mistake with the relaunch. It means something big is underway. So, why not be a part of this change by joining the Uwerx community? Click the links below to get started: Source
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classboxes · 1 year
The Power of Partnership: Why working with a Recruitment Agency is a Game-Changer
In the fast-paced business world of today, finding and attracting top talent is critical for a company's success. However, the recruitment process can be time-consuming, complex, and resource-intensive. This is where the power of partnership with a recruitment agency comes into play. In this blog, we will explore why collaborating with a recruitment agency, such as Classboxes in New Jersey, USA, can be a game-changer for businesses seeking to streamline their hiring processes and secure the best candidates.
Access to a Broad Talent Pool
One of the most significant advantages of partnering with a recruitment agency is gaining access to a vast talent pool. Recruitment agencies, like Classboxes Technologies, maintain extensive networks of job seekers, including both active and passive candidates. These candidates are pre-screened and have varied skills and experiences across different industries. By tapping into this talent pool, businesses can significantly increase their chances of finding the right candidate for the job quickly and efficiently.
Expertise in Candidate Selection
Recruitment agencies are well-versed in the art of candidate selection. They have experienced recruiters who understand the nuances of different job roles and industries. These professionals are equipped with the expertise to identify candidates who possess the required skills, experience, and cultural fit for a particular organization. With their in-depth knowledge, recruitment agencies can help companies avoid costly hiring mistakes and ensure that only the most qualified individuals make it to the final stages of the hiring process.
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Time and Cost Savings
Recruitment is a time-sensitive process, and every day a position remains vacant costs a company in terms of lost productivity and missed opportunities. Engaging a recruitment agency can expedite the hiring process significantly. Instead of spending valuable time sifting through numerous applications, conducting initial interviews, and performing background checks, a company can rely on the agency to handle these tasks efficiently. Moreover, by reducing the time-to-hire, businesses can capitalize on opportunities quickly and maintain a competitive edge.
Furthermore, while some might view using a recruitment agency as an added cost, it can actually lead to long-term cost savings. Making a bad hire can result in significant expenses related to training, onboarding, and potential turnover. A recruitment agency's expertise in finding the right fit for the company can mitigate these risks and save money in the long run.
Enhanced Employer Branding
A recruitment agency in New Jersey can serve as a bridge between a company and potential candidates. They act as ambassadors, presenting the organization in the best possible light to attract top talent. A well-established agency like Classboxes Technologies can help improve an employer's branding efforts by showcasing the company's values, culture, and unique selling points to potential candidates. A positive employer brand not only attracts more candidates but also helps in retaining top talent in the long term.
Focus on Core Competencies
For many businesses, recruiting can be a secondary function that takes valuable time and resources away from their core competencies. By outsourcing the recruitment process to a specialized agency, companies can refocus their efforts on what they do best. This results in improved overall productivity and efficiency, allowing the organization to concentrate on driving growth and achieving its strategic objectives.
In conclusion, partnering with a recruitment company in New Jersey like Classboxes Technologies can be a game-changer for businesses seeking top talent in New Jersey, USA. The advantages include access to a broad talent pool, expert candidate selection, time and cost savings, enhanced employer branding, and the ability to focus on core competencies. With these benefits, companies can stay ahead of the competition and build a strong, high-performing team that drives success in the long term.
Source by- https://www.classboxes.com/why-working-with-a-recruitment-agency-is-a-game-changer/
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An IR shipper on why I don't ship IH
*disclaimer I am by no means hating on those who ship it. You do you.
(for the sake of those who don't want to read it rant under the line break)
So, let me open something first. I don't hate Orihime. I hate how Kubo treated her, and how as the story went on and on she became fan service bait while also slowly having her agency as a character stripped away. But that's a conversation for a different day.
Today we're focusing on why I don't like the ship, and why I don't think it would work out the best for either party, and I'll open with Orihime.
Orihime is, like most of the human characters in the series, a kid. A kid who had been abused by her parents, emancipated from her parents by her brother, and has only received financial support from her extended family since Sora's death. This isn't any fault of her own, but that combined with a potentially undiagnosed case of ADHD, and she has a series of emotional needs that need to be met by someone. Specifically she needs a deeply empathetic person who can read her emotions and affirm her to counteract her abysmal self esteem.
Ichigo isn't that. (Granted most guys aren't that). Ichigo has the emotional intelligence of a brick thrown through a wall. Not only that, but we never see any evidence of build up of interest in her on his part. (I'll blame Kubo and SJ for that.)
Then there's the fact that Orihime didn't fall in love with Ichigo as we the readers know him, but an idealized version of him. A version that was clearly proven false when Zangetsu took the wheel against Ulquiorra. And before you say that isn't Ichigo, remember 'The Blade is Me.' That very much is Ichigo.
Now, there's also another batch of issues for Ichigo himself. He isn't the happiest bean either, and has his own emotional needs as well. Needs Orihime fails to meet.
Ichigo clearly suffers from some form of clinical depression, most likely stemming from trauma due to his mother's death and the resulting survivor's guilt. So he needs someone to help him through that trauma, and Orihime has outright stated she has no idea how to do that. When faced with him in a slump during the fullbring arc, she can't assert herself enough to snap him out of it. (A consequence of her own issues)
So Ichigo needs someone able to snap him out of that and help him refocus on the task ahead. And Orihime can be that.
So. Who meets Ichigo's needs, and who meets Orihime's needs?
Imo, Rukia and Uryu respectively. Hence why I ship what I ship.
Thank you for coming to my Ted talk, and remember. You clicked the read more.
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resiliencesoftblog · 3 months
Signs It's Time to Hire a Digital Marketing Company in 2024
These signs can be divided into two groups: those related to human relations in your business and those focused on numbers, metrics and goals.
Personnel-Based Signs
Growth Department Performance Requires New Ideas And Strategies Performance in growth departments often suffers without regular injections of fresh ideas and strategies - with consumer preferences and market conditions constantly shifting, you must stay abreast of these shifts to remain effective. Therefore, another source of marketing ideas would definitely come in handy to combat such shifts.
Marketing agencies tend to know more than anyone about current trends and long-term planning strategies than anyone else.
Digital Marketing Isn't Your Strength
Unfortunately, not every business can effectively manage its digital marketing agency in Raipur. Some lack either the skill or time to implement a content marketing plan and as a result make ineffective attempts that yield subpar results. To avoid making these costly errors yourself, entrust marketing agency services with these tasks while you focus on more essential tasks within your own business.
Your Team Doesn't Enjoy Marketing
Another situation arises when there is some level of expertise, but staff would simply be happier and more productive if they took on different responsibilities.
An amateurish approach to social media, emails, landing pages and blog entries won't produce the desired results; but when an experienced marketing team steps in and dedicates itself to its marketing activities it will shine through.
Effective Marketing Team 
Marketing specialists' salaries and taxation can quickly drain a marketer's budget; not everyone is willing to take this risk. But you can still benefit from all their expertise by hiring a marketing agency; usually this costs far less.
Your Marketing Team Is Overextended and Can't Complete All Tasks Effectively
As your workload increases, the quality of employees' output inevitably declines. Their abilities are being stretched beyond capacity and stress may cause them to perform less well than usual. Outsourcing some digital media marketing agency in bilaspur will enable your internal team to refocus and excel at what they excel at doing best - something an agency could provide.
Marketing Spend Far Outweighs Income
Ineffective marketing is often to blame for poor sales numbers; regardless of how great your services or products may be or how knowledgeable your sales team may be - without proper promotion your revenue may suffer as a result.
Marketing agencies frequently offer complimentary consultations to analyze what's currently going wrong and provide valuable advice. If their advice seems useful to you, hiring them could also help implement that advice effectively.
Do You Know What's Driving Your Sales
Let's assume a sudden surge in website traffic or phone calls occurred without being able to identify where they originated? If this is the case for your website development company in bilaspur, chances of even greater success may be missed out or time is being wasted on marketing tactics that prove ineffective.
What effect are your marketing efforts having on prospects and website traffic? Let a marketing firm answer this question on your behalf if you can't.
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