The den of derp
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a writing blog to share my writing since my old blog has been unpersoned due to the porn ban.
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bohba13-writing-den · 3 days ago
So, some cultures have a cool concept. Hiphenation. Now, most do this as father's name then mother's name. So this doesn't solve the problem.
Answer. Do it alphabetically.
That way we get super long mega-hiphenated names.
Pull the prank on our descendents.
if we want to stop the patriarchal concept of surnames being passed down the male line, we have a few options options that i’d be 100% fine with:
children get whichever surname is cooler, to eliminate uncool surnames over the generations
children get whichever surname is rarer, to achieve a utopian future in a few centuries where all surnames are more or less equally common
children’s surnames are randomly generated: say, heads for parent #1’s surname, tails for parent #2’s surname
parents pick the first names first, and then a court decides which surname fits it better. so if a couple named mr. madison and mr. liu want to name their daughter alison, she’ll get the surname liu, because alison madison sounds ridiculous
everyone stops having children right now
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bohba13-writing-den · 8 days ago
If you want references, I do still think there are recorded no-commentary playthroughs of vaulted content if you want them for reference.
Kinda tempted to write a Destiny AU, except it's literally just my own imagining of all of D2's "vaulted" campaigns I never had the chance to play. And probably more than a few intentional changes, since if I'm gonna write a fanfic I know will be canon-divergent, I may as well do whatever else I want.
Important storyline got removed? Fine, I'm gonna go build my own Red War. With blackjack and hookers!
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bohba13-writing-den · 10 days ago
“is rwby good” is a weaksauce question. its trite. its cowardly. i literally could not care less if rwby is good. I care if rwby is INTERESTING
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bohba13-writing-den · 10 days ago
Oh, trust me. We know.
It's pretty infuriating to us too.
Dear US Americans, your statesman and national security advisor, Keith Kellogg, just compared dealing with Ukrainians - a nation under attack, defending against a much larger enemy - to abusing an animal. Just letting you know.
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bohba13-writing-den · 12 days ago
@mossylocks I think you might want to look at this. Also others in the UK who follow me/come across this.
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Well fucks? Get to it!
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bohba13-writing-den · 13 days ago
This is a german artist by the name of Armin Kupper, his youtube is here:
[video description: a man playing saxophone in front of a large pipe. everything he plays echoes back through the pipe, resulting in a call-and-response type song. the person behind the camera claps along to the beat. end description.]
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bohba13-writing-den · 16 days ago
The Elon shorters are eatin good.
Tesla stock continues to plummet this month
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bohba13-writing-den · 17 days ago
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Imagine if…
Rukia and Ichigo started dating after the fullbring arc.
Both seeing eachother some days after Ichigo’s classes and Rukia’s duties.
By that time, Ichigo starts to notice how couples around him interact and starts asking himself how he and Rukia should treat themselves as a couple. One day, once Rukia arrives at Ichigo’s school but he seems distracted thinking…
- Rukia asks him what is bothering him and Ichigo can’t help but ask why they don’t have pet names -She seems confused and Ichigo realizes what did he say, so he starts to walk away -He suddenly realizes she is not following him and turns slightly to see her -It’s not like Rukia hadn’t thought on that, Ichigo took her low guard and her overwhelmed brain could only think in one thing… -Ichigo went worried by her side making a lot of excuses while Rukia tried to say something until Ichigo heard a shy and quiet “Anata” -Seconds who seemed like minutes and that silence made to Rukia uncomfortable so it was her turn to run away…
Later Rukia discovers how her “anata” could have been misunderstood leaving her more embarrassed… While in the Kurosaki’s house, Yuzu asks Karin if she knows why their brother was babbling and blushing out of the blue…
Forgive my english, hope you can understand it and like it :D
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bohba13-writing-den · 17 days ago
I've told this story before but the non-negotiable in allyship really reminded me of my gaming group. So one of my best friends is a twin and while I know *her* pretty well I don't really know her brother as well despite knowing him for roughly same length of time. We play videogames together and her brother asked to join us so at some point I took him aside and had The Talk with him because we at that point had a recently out trans fem within the group and she had just barely started hormones and hadn't done any voice training etc so I fully intended to head any trouble off at the pass.
So I basically had the "respect my friend's pronouns or die by my sword" discussion because while he knows I'm a trans guy and had so far been chill, I didn't know if that extended to all trans people.
What I did not expect was for him to pull an uno reverse on me and invite his two trans woman friends to game with us as well and did a "no no, *you* respect *my* friends' pronouns or die by *my* sword".
When I was working at Petco, one of my coworkers came to me having a total panic and anxiety meltdown and when I finally got them to tell me what was going on, the revealed they had sought me out because they were having Transgender Feelings and wanted advice. I ended up giving them my old binders that were too small for me but a perfect fit for them, and one of my roommates gave them their first masc haircut.
A few weeks later a customer speaking Spanish was saying many nasty things about my coworker and reacting with disgust. Another coworker- a cis gay man who speaks fluent Spanish- came to get me first so I could pull the other coworker away while he effectively cussed them out in Spanish. He told us the sparknotes version of the English translation and it was mostly horrifically transphobic drivel. My coworker had responded mostly neutrally to me being trans, but for him to be visibly steamed the rest of the day over my other coworker definitely bumped my respect for him.
And I've talked about how a cis lesbian friend of mine visibly bristles at anyone she even thinks is being shitty to me about being trans to the point of making them splutter and back down.
A cishet woman I am only sort of acquaintances with once caught me wincing at being she/her'd at a trial and asked if that had been happening all day. When I responded the affirmative, she stormed off and I didn't see her the rest of the day. The next day, any time anyone referred to me there was an audible pause before a deliberate choice to choose masc versions.
Another trans woman who is a friend of mine once beat up a bully for calling her trans boyfriend a heshe when they were in schooling together.
It's about holding the line. It's about making the active choice to show up for each other. And it's about linking hands and refusing to budge.
If you cannot hold the line with me by your side, then we are not moving together.
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bohba13-writing-den · 17 days ago
fucking hell. Gen Alpha when their ARG horror mincraft mod breaks the foruth wall.
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I. am in hell.
ok chat, I gotta talk about the BATSHIT situation my voluntary report writing has gotten me into.
Below the readmore because it's long and idk who gives a shit Imao
This should go without saying, but this is the Internet in 2025 and nobody has fucking reading comprehension nowadays. Do not harass anyone mentioned in the following story- you'll just make things worse. Learn from the mistakes and move along.
This all properly started on the 28th of February.
I'd been watching a few D2MC folks play a horror Minecraft mod called The Broken Script for a few weeks, keeping up with their adventures and stuff, seeing all the strange and "scary" things the mod pulls, all that jazz. I get invested, even occasionally popping in to verbalize it.
This mod fascinated me on a technical level, pulling some shit that made me wanna download it and gut it like a fish to learn how it works. Only problem- AGNI (my PC) is packed away in a backpack, and I’m across the country from her peripherals. My laptop CANNOT run Minecraft to save her life, and if she tried it'd be pretty likely to end it.
So I settle with an investigation from a distance. This is where The Autism Brainworms begin to wriggle. I decided, on February 28, in a fit of mania and boredom, to write an informal report on the mod and my thoughts on the generalized horror modding scene (spoilers: it's grim).
Less than a half-hour after starting the report, I get alerted to the mod getting a major update- scheduled to drop the next fucking morning. I said, "oh shit, welp, better note that in my report," and kept writing. Maybe three hours later, I join The Broken Script's Discord to data-gather. The mod's Modrinth page sucked ass (basic grammar was in the gutter) and gave fuck-all in terms of actual feature information, and I wasn't about to start watching twenty hours of YouTube horror-mod slopfest just to sift through the mud for shiny stones.
Minor tangent: I sunk two hours into watching a RetroGamingNow video about the mod's inspiration, a series called mark101. Before anyone says, "Tired, you didn't even watch the original source media?!? FAKE RESEARCHER! SHAME ON YOU AND YOUR FAMILY FOR A THOUSAND YEARS!!1!", I need to emphasize the size of that fucking project. I'd easily have to double, maybe even TRIPLE my watch time to see everything across all the channels for mark101’s Arc One. I haven't seen Arc Two yet, and I'm not going to. As far as I'm aware, The Broken Script only draws inspiration from Arc One, and so I'll save myself the headache of having to navigate that can of worms.
My come-away from the RGN video is this: I, personally, do not like the mark101 series. I'll just flat-out say it. It had a decent narrative at the start- but as soon as VoidExp got introduced, it lost me with the most stock-standard "admin conspiracy ends the world" plot schtick. Between bad pacing, worse grammar, and heavy-handed writing, I got dragged out of the atmospheric horror immersion and never got pulled back in. Mid as fuck, but it did introduce some cool concepts that I was curious how The Broken Script would iterate upon.
The Broken Script's Discord server was... exactly what you'd expect from a popular Minecraft mod's community- a bunch of technologically-illiterate Gen-Alpha kids pissing their pants and whinging about a mod openly designed to emulate an ARG-adjacent virus. Insert "dead dove- do not eat" gif here.
My first sign that I really should’ve given up on this paper was a recently-spammed Announcements channel. The mod’s developer (whose name I won’t state because it has the name of a certain monster in it) was on constant do-not-disturb and allocated the moderation of the place to, like, five or six volunteers. Upon my arrival, I saw a SHITSHOW of police action logged in that Announcements channel- including a TOTAL FREEZE OF THE SERVER due to some kind of drama that I never got to see. 
Hindsight is not 20/20 here. Hindsight is a Tolkien elf whose eyes don't perceive the curvature of the fucking Earth.
Blind to my hubris, I carry on with the dissertation. I wax poetic on innovative horror and the state of the scene, make this meme:
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and generally have a fun time with it before retiring to bed for the night- I lied, actually, I just remembered I did NOT sleep that night, and instead wrote for ten hours. Whoops.
Anyways, I get up around 0700 to go out on the town and visit a few street markets with my ma. The whole time, the Damocles-sword of the 1.9 update hangs over my head- launching at 0900. I ramble on to my ma about my research as we walk- she takes my infodumping like a champ, and fields some very good outsider questions that I was too deep in the trenches to consider.
I got back from the town-outing around 1300, but I was watching the chaos unfold from my phone and giving my ma a live rundown of everything. I have NEVER seen a launch go nearly as tits-up as this, and I’m chronically on the pulse of this stuff.
The 1.9 update perfectly encapsulates the “dead dove- do not eat” point I made above. For WEEKS, the mod-dev talked in the Discord about the next update’s features. Granted, you had to be in the Discord to know this, and I didn’t get a chance to see the Modrinth page- wait, shit. did… did it even update before the purging???? I’m getting ahead of myself. Backing up to the launch- 
1.9 drops and the Discord ERUPTS into chaos. Between requiring Windows 11 to run (wtf?), randomizing your PC volume, deleting entire chunks of your world, entirely disabling multiplayer (unless you had a main menu overrider mod), crashing your game, and EVEN BSOD’ING YOUR FUCKING PC- yes, a legitimate FORCED PC REBOOT (thought it obviously didn't delete anything, just off-and-on-again)- people were understandably pissed. 
This much out-of-game fuckery was unheard of, and mostly unexpected… for some reason, despite the dev saying MULTIPLE TIMES that the update would feature these additions.
The poor six-strong team of Moderators had to do damage control. Channels were put on slowmode, people were banned, and TWO MODERATORS DIPPED FROM THE STRESS.
At the end of it, the mod-dev begrudgingly released two “patched” versions to remove the majorly-invasive features. 
By the next morning, the entire server was DELETED. All sources of the mod- Modrinth, Curseforge, and a sketch-ass direct download link the dev posted- were purged from the internet. The developer’s portfolio of projects is gone from Modrinth. 
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This isn’t a dissertation anymore. It’s a postmortem for a charred corpse. 
And, if I’m being honest, I’m almost more interested in finishing this damn report now.
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bohba13-writing-den · 18 days ago
sub optimal, but I'll take it.
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bohba13-writing-den · 21 days ago
everyone witness,
The Adult Table.
Viral photo from today's meeting of world leaders in Kyiv:
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Ukrainian already making memes:
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bohba13-writing-den · 23 days ago
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the ramblings of a zelenial.
so. political rambling below the readmore. I’m mainly doing this to vent but if you want to read it go ahead.
Keep reading
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bohba13-writing-den · 29 days ago
If more people were like this guy the world would be a much better place.
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I think I just found the only reasonable exchange involving two people with opposing views on porn to ever exist on this website
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bohba13-writing-den · 30 days ago
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fuck it. whatever. [transes your aiat]
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bohba13-writing-den · 1 month ago
This is exactly the case. Often those who make those points see children as things. Fundamentally ignoring their own agency and will. They feel that they OWN their children, that their children are theirs to dictate and control, often enough in the same ways they too were controlled by their parents in a cycle of abuse. This is the fundamental core of the "Parent's Rights" movement pushed by the right in the US. That as parents, they get to decide the life their child lives, and thus the information they are exposed to.
Setting up parallel structures that do not incorporate parents, that give kids information that is not filtered through the parents, to deny the parents information about their own children, is to threaten their power over their kids. Power that allows them to abuse their kids.
This is much the same reason why an abusive husband wants to be the center of their wife's life.
They don't want to protect their children, they want to protect their power over their children. even if they don't know that.
I think the hardest part about addressing child abuse is getting people to acknowledge, not just intellectually but actually responding accordingly, is that the biggest threat to children, the biggest risk of abuse, is family and parents.
it is of course most often parents who are crowing about needing to protect children (often against far smaller threats than family), and pointing out that they are, statistically, the biggest threat to their kids is not gonna be received well.
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bohba13-writing-den · 1 month ago
As a white person who has been trying to learn more about black history, especially because it is such a deep and important part of American history, and a part they don't teach you,
I loved Kendrick's performance. This only cements that further for me.
I really only ever cared about what he was going to do. The game itself lost my interest the moment the Chiefs beat the Bills.
So when he was done? The TV was turned off.
A Crash Course to Kendrick's Super Bowl Performance, from a Black Woman
Note: this does NOT go in depth into all of the song's lyrics. I don't have time to recount two decades of his discography. This is just a summary of the performance itself.
Let's start with the first visual we get:
UNCLE SAM - most notably recognized from WWII American wartime propaganda, Uncle Sam is the personification of American patriotism and freedom. The term "uncle" is also evocative of Uncle Tom from Uncle Tom's Cabin, an abolitionist book that aided in inciting the Civil War. Uncle is also a very common term (both endearment and derogatory) towards Black men (eg. "unc"). Samuel L Jackson was fantastic.
Uncle Sam also resembles a circus ringleader, notable for my next point:
THE GREAT AMERICAN GAME - no, not Super Bowl. The GAG is us the people being pitted against each other: through late-stage capitalism, through the culture war, through class warfare, through being built of the backs of slaves. We are all players in the GAG because none of us on this site were the oligarchs seated at the inauguration.
This is also seen as Kendrick's stage was a Play Station controller. Not only did it remind of circus rings visually, but it was a game battle stage. The Great American Game is a battle royale of the commoners for the amusement of the rich whites.
Remember the foods / Them color was tin and brown / But now they 100 and blue - For this I'll just say, look what the last election said about lowering the price of eggs... and look at the prices now.
The revolution about to be televised / You picked the right time / But the wrong guy - Election 2024 once more. *Edit to add, the first part of this lyric is in reference to the Black Liberation Song "The Revolution Will Not Be Televised" by Gil Scott-Heron. Thanks to everyone who mentioned that.
THE FLAG DANCERS - yes, the dancers formed the US flag... off of the backs of Black people. Not a single white person in sight, and that's true of the cotton pickers in the fields. Plantations are part of how the US came to economic prominence after being a "backwater" colony. Remember tobacco? Cotton? Our bloodlines do. *Edit to add: they also all piled out of a clown car. The US flag in a clown car? Brilliant.
The red and blue dancers are also notable for representing the Crips and Bloods, two infamous street gangs. The dance in Not Like Us is the Crip Walk. I recommend researching more on your own time about them, but just know they are a large part of the stereotype of Black people being "ghetto."
TOO LOUD, TOO RECKLESS, TOO GHETTO. Do you really know how to play the game? - This is exactly what Black people, especially Black men, get told all the time. It's why we change our names on resumes if they sound "too Black." It's why we codeswitch in non-Black company. This is especially rich considering how non-Black people love our culture and love to make money off of us, as the latter part of the quote points to. And it's even more profound during the Super Bowl-- the NFL is majority Black players.
STREET LIGHT A CAPELLA -- "thug" stereotype dancers to counteract the a capella connotations, with Uncle Sam then saying that Kendrick figured out "bringing other street guys around being a culture cheat code." Yes, this is a direct hit at Drake (listen to "Not Like Us") but also politically. Look up "model minority". Notably I would point to Candace Owens, or the Miami Venezuelan political group that's been in the news recently, especially as this directly led to Kendrick being surrounded by...
DANCERS IN WHITE -- it's white America. That's... that's the allegory.
NOT LIKE US TEASER -- Kendrick says "Not Like Us" is "their favorite song." -> he means white people specifically here. It comes after he's surrounded by all white dancers, the women around him who are his call and response are also in white (my opinion, they represent the industry). He's saying "Not Like Us" is the favorite of yts because it is about BLACK MEN FIGHTING. This again is reflected in the video game stage and ringleader Uncle Sam.
SZA -- instead of giving what they want, we see SZA. She's one of Drake's exes and Kendrick has always supported her.
ALL THE STARS -- This was in the first Black Panther movie, which I recommend you watch. Rest in Power Chadwick. Notably, this movie was incredibly mainstream as a major Marvel movie, and then we have Uncle Sam say...
"THAT'S WHAT AMERICA WANTS: NICE AND CALM. DON'T MESS THIS UP" -- translation: Marvel (the industry, America, etc.) wanted a safe, semi-pop song because white American likes safe pop songs, not Kendrick's usual heavy rap style about his life as a Black man! Don't mess up what you've got going mainstream for having this "Black rap feud" with Drake, who is an R&B model minority to white people because he's safe.
So what does Kendrick say?
IT'S A CULTURAL DIVIDE / IMMA GET IT ON THE FLOOR -- He was warned not to be political or apologetically Black for this Super Bowl performance, but he is using this big stage opportunity to speak out.
40 ACRES AND A MULE / THIS IS BIGGER THAN THE MUSIC -- 40 acres and a mule are what the freed slaves were promised. Instead, this land went to white sharecroppers. Research Jim Crow laws.
THEY TRIED TO RIG THE GAME / BUT YOU CAN'T FAKE INFLUENCE -- rig the election, rig the industry like with model minority Drake, rig the Great American Game with culture war to distract from active class warfare.
NOT LIKE US -- the only thing I'll mention because it made me holler is Serena Williams crip walking on Drake's metaphorical grave. She's another one of his exes.
TURN THE TV OFF -- exactly like he said! The TV is a distraction, the Super Bowl is a distraction, the mainstream news is often a distraction. Turn it off and get with your people!
GAME OVER — could not see this on my stream but at the end of the performance, the lights in the stadium spelled this out. The world is watching, America…
In conclusion, Kendrick Lamar is a visionary and thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
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