#and participate in the system we HAVE
princesssarcastia · 6 months
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tumblr is really bad a politics actually. please don't form opinions about political systems on tumblr. oh my god. this made me literally blind with rage and confusion for a second there.
just because the mainstream democratic party has started using "threats to democracy" as part of its campaign strategy this election cycle doesn't mean this is untrue?? please don't let your hatred for mainstream democratic political messaging make you also hate that it has FINALLY cottoned onto the fact that the american right would like us to stop living in a multiracial democracy/pluralistic society. that is a good thing, actually. it's a good thing that mainstream politics are finally willing to acknowledge that one of the two major parties is only interested in trying to destroy the political system we live under, is only interested in shoving gravel down our toilets so they blow up.
we do actually have a democracy. it's not a total direct democracy. there are a shit ton of flaws in the system. this is in part because, in fact, it's a relatively young democracy! I agree with nikole hannah-jones' assertion that the u.s. has only been a democracy for real since the 1960s, when civil rights legislation Black americans fought and died for started going into effect.
which is why this moment, 60 years on, is so important. it's a radical stress-testing of a system that it's important to preserve so that we can continue to make more progress from this point. we have to prove that the system can work this way.
i get it. voting sucks. gerrymandering has backed so many of us into a corner. we've politically and legally incentivized imprisoning members of minority populations so that they can no longer vote. the supreme court actually gutted some of that legislation passed in the 1960s that made us into a real democracy, sending us into the period of backsliding that we're currently in.
do you know how many of the candidates I voted for in my last election won? zero. ZERO. every single one of them lost. I get it, okay? this all sucks! it makes you feel powerless! but you can't let that feeling win.
that feeling is a lie they're trying to sell you so that you give up. so that you stop fighting for the democracy we've got. "bourgeois democracy" get the fuck out of here. oh my god. shut up.
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catboygirljoker · 1 month
hey you ever think about how its implied that you have to be turned into a nobody to get norted, like, every member of the real org13 who isnt literally xehanort or literally possessed by xehanort is a nobody (except maybe vanitas but *gestures* thats a . different can of worms), and the people who were recompleted had to then become nobodies again in order to be in the real org13 and serve as a vessel for xehanort, like perhaps your heart has to be removed in order to make room for another heart,
and then do you ever think about the one character who canonically got norted before becoming a nobody and is still norted even after being recompleted and thus canonically didnt need to become a nobody in order to be norted, and then lose your mind a little bit
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owlrageousjones · 3 months
Is Blanche Devereaux a Landlord?
Random thought of the day: Is Blanche Devereaux of the Golden Girls a Landlord? And if she is, does she deserve the guillotine?
Obviously, in the strictest sense, she is a landlord. She owns accomodation, and she derives income from renting that accomodation out. That's a landlord.
But in saying that, Blanche lives in that same house - she rents it out to the other women because she has space and she's a widow with no dependents anymore. She had a large house to raise children and live with her husband, but her children have moved out and her husband's moved on (to the afterlife).
The absolutely moral thing to do would be to either let her roommates stay with her for free (because housing is a human right) OR to downsize.
And it's easy to say that's what she should do, but the absolutely moral thing for most of us to do is to sell most of our belongings and give the proceeds to charity but that's the kind of behaviour you'd expect from a saint, not some random person. I think we generally agree that there's a gradient between the extreme ends here.
And although it's kind of a meme, landlords do provide a service - as someone who has owned their own home with a mortgage, owning a home can be annoying and stressful. Owning your own home makes you feel like you put down an anchor, and when you want to move, you end up asking yourself if it's worth raising that anchor. For some people, it's better to have the freedom and flexibility that renting can provide.
(Also technically you don't have the stress of wondering how you're going to pay for repairs because that's the landlord's responsibility, but you know, that also puts you at the mercy of the landlord.)
In some ways, I think there wouldn't necessarily be anything wrong with having landlords if those landlords weren't private investors whose desire is profit - if the government owned my house, and I just 'rented' it from them by paying taxes, and then I would be able to move at some point if I chose, that'd be a neat solution.
(But then it also raises all sorts of questions such as: should I, a single bachelor with no dependents, be allowed to have a house with more than one bedroom? Under the capitalist system, I could have as big a house as my pockets could afford, even if that is a terrible allocation of space and housing.)
Looping back to Blanche, neither Rose nor Dorothy seem like they might've been in a position to buy a house - Rose sold her previous home, so maybe she would have the funds, but she was also moving from a small town to Miami, so the houses would probably cost a lot more (but she could probably afford a condo or small apartment). There's also the fact that living in a shared accomodation with each other was almost definitely good for them, socially wise.
I know living on my own was kind of sad in some ways, even if it did mean I didn't have to wear clothes in the summer.
So is Blanche bourgeouise? I mean... probably, but if the Revolution came, would she be up against the wall?
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Disassociation culture is your “friends” getting mad at you for breaking promises you never agreed to but what if you did? I can’t remember.
And also not remembering doing the stuff they’re saying you did, but how can you argue when you can’t remember or be present.
it’s fine a couple of my friends just kinda suck
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sasslett · 1 year
and so the day is finally upon us - the FFXIVSwap name draw! The partners have been determined, and I will be messaging you over the next day with your recipient!
REMEMBER - this is a secret Santa-style gift swap! The person who you'll be making a gift for will NOT be the person who makes a gift for you!
When you get your message, please 1. Respond to it to let us know you got it, and 2. Reach out to your recipient to gather any OC info you'll need!
If you're unable to participate, please let us know ASAP so we can reassign your partner. And if you don't respond to our initial message with your pairing within 5 days, I'll assume you're no longer able to participate and reassign both your gifter and recipient - no gaming the system! This is a swap to do something nice for other people, not to be selfish and mean.
If you have any communication issues with your recipient, please let one of us know and we'll help you handle it, or even reassign you if need be.
And, as always, remember the rules!
Be kind - everyone has different levels of skill, but we're all doing this out of the goodness of our hearts to enthuse about each other's OCs.
Communicate! I'll be checking up to make sure everyone has heard from their partners. If you don't at least reach out, there's a good chance you may be removed from the swap for being seen as inactive/absent. If you need info from your partner, ask!
No being mean, making fun of others' OCs or creations or anything of the sort. If we learn that you've done such, you will be removed and your partners reassigned.
Have your OC info in a convenient form to share with your gifter! Don't make them have to read 30k words of a fic or trudge through a tumblr tag. Have a concise set of info ready to go - and remember, the more thorough you are, the better your partner can make something for you!
There's no time limit for the gifts, as everyone has different speeds and different things happening in their lives, but do try to communicate an idea of your time table. We'll be reaching out to anyone who hasn't finished their gifts in about one month, just to check in and keep track.
Remember that not everyone uses mods, and if you use mods for your character, your partner may not have those same mods/may not be willing to install mods for you. No harassing people about using/not using mods - if I find that you have, you'll be removed from the swap and your partners will be reassigned.
Only one OC per gift, UNLESS you have discussed this with your gifter and they have agreed to do multiple! More OCs are more work.
There are no rules on what the gift can be, so long as you put your heart and effort into it. Gpose, writing, art, whatever it may be!
Use the tag #ffxivswap to share your creations, so we can all enjoy them!
As always, if you have any issues, please reach out to me and I'll sort it out. At the end of the day, everyone who gives a gift will receive a gift, we won't leave anyone high and dry. Let's all have fun and celebrate each others' OCs and creations! Remember, we're doing this for the love of the community and the game, and by the Twelve, do not make me regret this.
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metapphjores · 8 months
there is no future or liberation for any movements that sees their "enemies" as non-human
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thedrotter · 2 months
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a once in a lifetime miracle: oc art!! this is Shiva.
doodles from a month or so, but i cant really draw properly right now. but i wanted to do something meanwhile so i colored these :33
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ookaookaooka · 17 days
why do i ever read the comments on political posts lmao. i swear i can feel my blood pressure going through the roof
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I hate Doug ford so much.
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cringelordofchaos · 2 months
"OMG! Did you know that pigs would easily eat a human? How scandalous! Outrageous! Disgusting! Pure proof of their immorality!"
- average Jessica, who eats porkchop with their family once a month
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the-call-center · 1 year
Two system questions for systems with fictives:
1. How do you deal with fictives from a source you really like, such as your favorite TV show?
2. How do you deal with fictives from a project you're currently working on, such as a book you're writing?
Thank you in advance for any answers!!
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clementimetodie · 9 months
something messed up about the acknowledgement that even adult animals play (and it's good for them), but play is discouraged of adult humans
part of this, I think, is the idea that if you are playing, you are shirking your responsibilities. and sure, humans can fall into the bad habit of using play as escapism and at the end of the day keeping food on the table/taking care of family, etc. should take priority
but if there's a mental health aspect to play in animals, why do we ignore those benefits for humans?
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dreadfutures · 8 months
Every day I read about the news in the Middle East and across the globe and I honestly can't imagine what the world will be like in 100 years. I hope it looks very different.
Just gotta do our time on this planet to make our individual corners of the world a little better, and encourage the people around us to be better, and hope that's enough.
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bananonbinary · 2 years
i hate you qr code menus i hate you two factor identification reconsolidated into one factor i hate you drive thru voting i hate you vending machines that only take card i hate you buses that dont have coinboxes anymore i hate you phone fingerprint scanners to clock in at work i hate you needless complexity that only serves as another class barrier
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edmundhoward · 3 months
Love that we're blaming Jane for Anne and the other men's deaths, she was a wild woman after all lol. Honestly though whenever I see that take I'm like how many deaths are we now allowed to lay at Anne and Elizabeth's feet? All those people that refused to sign the oath of succession?
you see, it’s different, because one was judicial murder to facilitate a regime change and the other was legal execution where the forced submission to a regime change failed. very different!
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I will say, there is one major way that I seem to differ from other plural people: Names.
Like, I absolutely understand WHY people develop names for their alters, and we definitely have ways that we refer to ourselves internally... but EXTERNALLY? Sorry, we are all Ceetee. Every single one of us fought hard to establish that identity. We aren't going to squabble over which of us is the "Real" one that gets to KEEP that name.
Plus, I DONT EVEN WANT OTHERS TO KNOW. Like, it is so much easier to just Pretend To Be Ceetee, even for the alters that aren't trans, than try to let people KNOW every single time a different alter starts fronting. Who the hell do you think you are to feel privileged to that info? What are you, a cop? I don't even let my fucking PSYCH know which of us is attending the appointments.
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