#alright sorry for yapping.
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cringelordofchaos · 7 months ago
"OMG! Did you know that pigs would easily eat a human? How scandalous! Outrageous! Disgusting! Pure proof of their immorality!"
- average Jessica, who eats porkchop with their family once a month
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vctrdoom · 10 months ago
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30 days to train aka 30 days for kars to cyber bully joseph
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peeperss · 3 months ago
NEED NEED NEED more books where it’s human x robot.
The only ones i ever see are human x android, which is fine!!! Trust me i love androids as much as the next guy, but i need a human to fall in love with a robot!!! I need a robot who doesn’t have fake skin, whose metal casing is showing, whose face isn’t expressive, i need a human to fall in love with their literal computer, and i want the computer to love them back!!!!!!!!
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sabh0 · 6 months ago
Little rant and probably a controversial opinion, please don't burn me at the stake for that If i asked you to guess how many dazai anon accounts have i blocked here till now, what number would u think of? Bc i just checked - i currently have 9 of their accounts blocked. 2 from this week alone. And it's not like i go around hunting for them. I just randomly open tumblr to check what silly things did ppl say about my art, and then i see 50 different reblogs, comments or asks from dazai anon alone, being no longer only mean to Chuuya or skk, but bashing my art or telling me to off myself!!! Yay!! And u know, it wasn't a problem in the beginning. The stuff they write is comedic with how stupid it is. I could also interact with em smh (ngl, they left me for a good while after i drew them and chuuya making out that one time). And as i said, before they didn't attack me personally. But then i started getting comments that i shouldn't interact with dazai anon bc something something they're mentally unstable? Like im sorry, but how is this my problem. They come to me and regularly tell me to hurt myself, but i can't even reply to them bc "sab, it's no use, they're sick smth smth smth, just block them"?? Like bruh aight, it's just that sitting silently actually starts to affect me. Bc no matter how many accounts i block, they come back with a new one the moment they realize they're blocked. And the whole carousel of "block, dont interact" starts again. I just think it's not really alright to tell ppl that they can't in any way stand up for themselves? Why do i have to care about personal wellbeing or a sad backstory of someone who doesn't respect mine? Why should i even know about their problems? They're a complete stranger to me and i don't really go around reading random people's biographies on the internet. Like aughhh it's seriously starting to annoy me now,,,, i'm not saying ppl ACCEPT what dazai anon does, but using the excuse that they're not okay mentally just doesn't sit right with me, idk. Mental health problems should never be an excuse for hurting others, imo.
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sadquickchristmassnowman · 1 year ago
“we can have a candlelight vigil like lesbians on the news!!!” episode 2 and annie “girlkisser” edison is already longing for bits of that wlw lifestyle. I know what you are
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shyshyaaaaaa · 4 months ago
Jekyll and Hyde: A Gothic Musical Thriller they could never make me think you are more than average <3
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buggitino · 7 months ago
more headcanons about sebastian solace from the hit game pressure roblox
back on my bullshit and i promise i only talk about The Situation a little bit
☆ his third arm is more sensitive than the other two (i'm thinking that either the USHD doctors fucked something up during the operation OR it grew in wrong, nerve endings closer to the epidermis and whatnot, something like that)
☆ just hates being touched in general, he’d rather initiate that contact (need an update where he gently —> not very gently shakes expendables off (depending on whether and how much they’ve annoyed/flashbanged him) when they climb him) ☆☆ part of this is due to trauma, he cant trust anyone to touch him without hurting him ☆☆ the other part is that he’s got that fucking dawg in him (i’ll get to this in a second)
☆ unlike what his new voice lines are starting to suggest about his character (i’m not gonna talk about zerum again because i think everyone knows what's happening at this point and ive already thrown in my two cents) he does NOT hate the expendables. literally his first line upon meeting him in his shop has him calling himself your friend (as strained of a connection as it may be, he could very easily not offer items, not share documentation/info, and just take the expendables data and hoard anything he picks up to make it harder for them to get to the crystal) (like yes, it's a mutually beneficial relationship but if sebastian didn't care about or sympathize with the expendables to some extent, it wouldn't be). i really do think he just has a short fuse (i'm not going to bring up trauma again, however-) and says things he doesn't mean (e.g. “they deserved it. and frankly so do the rest of you.” (im coping with the mischaracterization of these new lines leave me alone)) as a means of protecting himself and pushing the expendables further away (both physically and emotionally)
☆ he’ll act like a brat once they’re done, but he lets younger expendables sleep in his shop (he cares about them but would never in a million years let them know that) ☆☆ if a younger one comes in with a bunch of adult expendables, he’ll treat them all the same but will secretly slip the younger one some extra batteries, gauze, something unnoticeable (he feels especially responsible for the younger male expendables cause they remind him of his little brother)
☆ sometimes he thinks he can hear his family's voices on the radio, just under all the static, calling out for him like a search party would. he used to cry over this but he almost got caught once by an expendable coming into the shop so he does his best to tune it out. it’s hard. guilt pulls at his stomach every time he hears a clip of his family, begging for him to come home, to respond, something, anything, and he ignores it.
☆ autism (cause i said so) - i'm including this one for the sole reason that he does the dinosaur thing with his third arm and generally keeps his hands clasped together in the secret dinosaur position (he just like me fr) ☆☆ hates bright lights (the only light he uses/allows in his shop is the one he emits) (its a very soft/warm hue as opposed to the bright fluorescents throughout the rest of the facility) (not to bring up the flash beacon, obviously nobody likes getting flashbanged and he's got angler eyes but sTILL)
☆ he used to hate eating fish (pre-op) and now he’s pissed cause it’s all he has available and the DNA changes made it so fish is the yummiest tastiest thing in the world (i like imagining him actively fighting the urge to eat whatever fish he’s cooked in one bite cause he refuses to acknowledge that he's changed on a level that isn't physical/appearance-based)
☆ calls grown adults “kiddo” (even the ones that are older than him) ☆☆ he gets a certain kind of joy from seeing the 40/50/60 year old expendables try to figure out just how old he is after they get called “kiddo”. it’s extra fun for him when they’ve clearly already heard the rumors and/or gotten a glimpse of his file
☆ the ring is just an accessory, a bracelet on the floor or in a locker he found and liked. assumed nobody was gonna claim it and kept it (shoutout to @/lotus.eaterr on tik tok for this one!!!!)
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silentflutters · 16 days ago
im hyperfixated on the idea of mizisua being similar to kanamafu, especially when i consider their dynamics and not solely on their physical appearance.
i think of mafuyu and sua as both withdrawn who were groomed for success and competition by their guardians. as a result of this treatment and the expectations placed upon them, they felt that they had no other option but to retreat and cave into themselves. with mafuyu, she was seen to be self-isolating in the empty sekai in order to shelter the little scraps of individuality that she had left, afraid that if she further gives in to the image she grew up playing as then she'd end up as an 'imprisoned marionette'.
she thought that the rest of niigo, in the main story, were intruders in her world and that they even dared to meddle with a problem that wasnt theirs to begin with. meanwhile sua began to cut herself off from everything else out of fear, petrified by the demise she imagined ever since she was a child, and thats a thing that she firmly believed she would eventually get caught in.
their characters held identical themes and traits, with an emphasis on how they both tend to 'retreat into self-isolation' in times where their mental state and sense of self-preservation is being threatened.
but, the thing is that, both mafuyu and sua had someone who was willing to reach out to them and pull them outside of the remote worlds they have created for themselves. for mafuyu, that was kanade—the person who stayed by her side and she even canonically described kanade as her "light that pierces through the darkness" in jpsekai. kanade didnt pry mafuyu out, but instead waited patiently and diligently created countless of songs in order to make mafuyu feel, and tried to understand her. in order to save mafuyu, uttering that she wont let mafuyu be alone.
for sua, that person whom she perceived as her light was mizi; she's known in the fandom to be someone who's distant, even someone with dull eyes that have no shine in vivinos' mizisua video, but when she was with mizi, that dullness seemed to disappear even for a moment. she let mizi into her world, and sua became mizi's universe ("my god, my universe").
mafuyu was saved by kanade from the emptiness that she felt inside, while sua was saved by mizi from the thoughts of impending doom that troubled her. a common thing i noticed between kanamafu and mizisua is how one of them manages to find refuge in the other's existence. ouh they make me so sick /pos
tldr/notes: kanamafu is so mizisua coded, and mizisua is so kanamafu coded. dont take this seriously, this is just how i interpreted their media! do remember that these are just my thoughts and opinions, you are not obligated to agree or disagree. i typed up paragraphs instead of sleeping for school tomorrow.
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collectingsorrows444 · 2 months ago
I may or may not have ideas/concepts for you @slumbrr-r (I’m @ ing you like every hour of the day, I am so sorry 😭)
[in the community, you said you needed ideas. So during school hours, I was sketching all of these (did most of the coloring in shades of black and white, I don’t really know what their color palettes would be)]
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(left to right): Bayo, Caspian, and Alon.
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Astro Variant: Selene (either strike or med)
Poppy Variant: I don’t have a name idea for her either (Literally a walking sunshine with solar flares prepared to lash out— she’s humming Tell-Tale Heart, music sheet by Micheal Story, first clarinet part/melody)
Glisten Variant + Toodles Variant: Nadia and Clover (Aunt and Niece)
And lastly….
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His name is Cole btw
Anyone can use them as inspo tbh :) I am filled the brim with so many stupid ideas that I just blank out and do them lol.
Okay bye! I’ve got to do my homework now :)
*leaves knowing that I am going to procrastinate my work*
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loquarocoeur · 5 months ago
Maybe I’m the only one here like, I would love the proposal fic and I can’t wait for it, but sometimes you say it like it’s some form of finality to the yours verse, so I was so so happy that you decided on “more character development”, there’s never enough of the yours verse I can get, never be enoUGH~~~~~
There’s still so much kinks they could discover within each other! And so much more sweet and tenderness! Thank you for all the comfort the yours verse has brought me 😘
Okay listen I'm so sorry that I'm going to be using your completely lovely and innocent ask specifically to explain what's going on in my head, so this isn't just directed at you (i love you and i agree with you tysm) so don't freak out this is for everyone not you but YES okay:
So you're not wrong, it is a kind of finality to me.
Like obviously I know it's not that serious and I can just add in things before the proposal fic as I choose, I intentionally said that the fics aren't chronological for this kind of situation, but it still just feels a little.. set in stone you know?
Like there's so much more I want to explore about them, I feel like I don't even fully know them yet so how the hell am I meant to know where they would propose and how and what they would say and just what??
Because you know I'll be honest I currently have no intention about writing about a wedding (just personally kind of hate weddings sorry) or about married life or about kids for that matter, in terms of a timeline, the proposal probably would be the end of the yours verse for the forseeable future
So now how do I do them justice without even entirely knowing who they are yet???
There's just so much more about them that I could potentially explore and obviously I could just do the proposal thing and then add other things earlier into the series, but it also just feels kind of wrong and backwards
Like what if I discover something about them that I want to add into the proposal but now I can't because I already wrote the proposal? Or I want to add a new elemwnt to their relationship, but I can't because I already wrote the proposal one way, idk if you know what I mean bur whatever you get the point
Idk, it just feels like something very set in stone and very final which is a bit silly but I'm also just a little too attached to these characters that I've turned them into, they deserve more than me just writing the proposal now because I think I should
So yeah this is what I mean when I say I'm having a really hard time with the proposal fic and I'm actually really regretting saying that I'll write one bcs I kind of feel like I have to now? I have no idea what was going through my head, like I did put myself in this position of expectation all on my own and I know myself well enough to know that never ends well and that's why I try not to talk about my wips too much but alright I'll admit it I was stupid and I did it anyway and I fucked up
The thing is just of course I want to write it, but I feel like now there's people who are asking for and wanting it and they want it soon and I neither want to write it quicker just because I'm being asked to nor do I want to refuse to write it out of spite just because I feel pressured and annoyed about it
I do want to write it, I'm just not sure I'm ready yet? And I really don't want to make decisions abt what I write based on the readers, I want to make those decisions based on what I want you know?
Okay, I'm so sorry for babbling at your innocent anon ask like pls believe me when I say the tone in this explanation is not meant to be accusatory or rude or anything and it's definitely not directed at you personally, this is just an explanation directed at everyone who cares about the proposa and I'm just slightly panicking and trying to explain myself to people here and also reluctantly admitting that asking for the proposal fic does nothing but freak me out and also slightly annoy me, like seriously with all my love, I appreciate it and I feel bad saying it, but asking for it really doesn't help, I'm so sorry<33
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thomasbrodiesandwich · 11 months ago
im just thinking abt how tipsy-alex, right after watching june dancing w henry in the royal wedding, is thinking abt the first time he saw henry in that j14 magazine when he was twelve. and hes thinking abt how perfect prince henry was in that candid photo of him all sunny and warm smile and confident. how he's so drawn to that henry that he keeps on sneaking into june's room just to stare at that picture and run his finger on poster-henry's hair "as if he could somehow feel the texture if he imagined it hard enough". how he wud think of that very picture the more his parents climbed political ranks and wished he had poster-henry's confidence. he even thought of taking the poster right out of the magazine but he ddnt bcs he knows he's going to rip it w his stubby fingernails. he ddnt even want to potentially ruin the poster like that's how he held that poster so special to him.
and then he actually met prince henry in rio and all of that expectations shattered. ruined. he felt a bit betrayed. disappointed. which immediately turned into dislike. he thought that rio-henry is the real henry. snobbish, arrogant, cold. and he cldnt blv himself that he wanted to be like "that".
but in actuality, henry is more similar to what alex thought abt j14 poster henry. warm smiles, humorous, blue-eyes and laugh that crinkles the corners of his eyes. confident henry (the first kiss! their first time!) henry all "pretty and flung-open" for alex. and alex fell in love with this henry.
what im getting at is that alex was alrdy obliviously drawn to actual-henry from the start. theyre written in the stars, soulmatism, together forever and in every universe.
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binglepringle · 7 months ago
(A few of the) Batfamily and their Hozier songs!
because I have not slept I’ve barely eaten I have only listened to Hozier for the past week and done class work sheets in a trance-like state of unconsciousness
So if this doesn’t make much sense, you know why. It’s the voices telling me.
Bruce: As It Was
Dick: Be
Jason: In a Week
Cassandra: Like Real People Do
Damian: Shrike
Duke: Sunlight
Stephanie: Wasteland, Baby!
Barbara: Jackie and Wilson
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emily-mooon · 3 months ago
Can someone PLEASE just leak a photo of Jonathan I need to know if he’s safe so I can function for the rest of the wait for s5’s release
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gemini-queen42 · 3 months ago
Batb: Other Than Human - Themes stuff (& why I Called It That)
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That's right folks, the self-indulgent "throwing any concept I like at the wall and haphazardly mixing together what sticks" au rewrite Thing has Actual Themes! That kind of happened accidentally but they are so real for that so let's get into it.
The Main Narratives Themes Trio of the story now all also embody expanded themes about being an "Other", when being a person is not enough to be properly considered human- more specifically of a neurodivergent/queer girlhood type flavor.
Summary is that it's called "Other Than Human" because the prominent theming is about being considered something other than human due to not fitting the mold of the 'norm'.
[This is a long one so details & specific character stuff are under the cut<3]
Amalure has the greatest departure from her original counterparts thematic placing, so we'll start with her. Amalure retains Gaston's social standing, reputation, etc. But it's of course not quite the same- because she is a woman, and she is not revered for being the picture of ideal womanhood/femininity. Instead, she excels in masculinity, but remains firm that she is and always will be a woman. So, to justify the desire & awe people have for her, they dehumanize her: She doesn't need to follow the Rules because she is outside of them. Amalure is not a person: she is a symbol, a figure, an object. A legend, a folksong, a modern myth. Her skills are not skills they are blessings, inherent, a mundane magic or supernatural. Despite having grown up in Villeneuve for her entire life, she is considered exotic, and is practically, if not actually, fetishized. And through all of this, the status quo and social order gets to be retained without question, and she gets to exist as the exception that proves the rule, rather than the Undesirable that she'd be marked as otherwise.
Amalure is fine with this, because this dehumanization is her status quo: She doesn't really view herself as a person either, she is defined by her relationship to other people, by who she is to them. Amalure has never been a person to anybody: Growing up she was never just a girl, never just Amalure: She was a girl with a mans brain, an embodiment of her fathers greatest achievements, an embodiment of her mothers worst mistakes, she is her fathers daughter or her mothers daughter, but not her own. (and she never both, it is either or, mother or father, never both, never parents.)
Princess Eve/The Beast is the other end of this, of operating through her dehumanization. Upon being cursed, she adheres to what societies have oft wanted to happen to their Undesirables: Hide away and never be seen by the public again. It is entirely self-inflicted, as most of her suffering truly is. She operates not through others dehumanizing view of her, but her dehumanizing view of herself and its warping of how she believes others view her. Because, well, the servants still view her as a person. I mean, they're still human- under the new object forms. And the separation of humanity that is easy to slip into on matters of royalty is awfully minimal as well; they watched her grow up, and she grew up among them.
The girl's bratty, spoiled, temperamental, and is a ball of horrid consequences of the shallow views and ideals learned from surrounding nobility. But she's also the girl that fell asleep listening to Cogsworth explain the many technicalities to managing servants; because she was stubborn in asserting her authority as the mistress of the castle, and thus she Must have say over its goings ons. But the majordomo's voice can be awfully soothing when he's not high-strung on anxiety, and it's hard to pay attention when you don't understand what's being discussed, so its all going in one ear and out the other. And She's Lumiere's 'Evie', who was so amused when Lumiere would draw on a little mustache when dancing the male roles so the princess could learn some duo dances, or because she didn't look very "waiter-like" (because Eve wasn't entirely sure what a maître d' did, but it seemed to have something to do with waiters), and who got annoyed every time the dance teacher/maître d' would warn her not to hurt her body in her pursuits, because it seemed so silly, why would anyone do that? And she's the girl who dragged Mrs. Potts to have tea with her, because she made the best tea and as princess she would have only the best; and if you're going to have tea you may as well have a tea party, and you can't really have a party of one, but two isn't much of a party either so she's going to drag Babette away from her duties too, since the maid was so elegant and thus would be perfect.
Honestly, the girl probably would've turned out fine if she was raised by just the servants. But they weren't the only forces in her life: she's a princess, so she's got to host and interact with important people and learn how to Be noble which isn't something any of the servants can teach her. And it is under the pressures and eyes of nobility, is in mixing and learning their social rules, that learns the lessons that will lead to her curse: That to be considered human and treated as such, one must look human. And to be such as a woman meant to look beautiful, like the ideal. As a woman, to be worthy is to be beautiful and vice versa. And even if she does not, she must have some way to serve men. Otherwise, she is nothing. Eve met these requirements well, and where she did not yet her authority as princess covered. So when a beggar woman is at her doorstep, the princess turns her away: because she is old, ugly, so long past her 'prime'- there is no worth to her anymore. There is no point caring for her future.
Helene stands as both the middle ground and inverse to the other two. She is an Other by virtue of her mind, she is Objectifiable by virtue of her beauty. She sits on the precipice between Undesirable and Desired, seeming nearly apathetic to where she lands despite popular encouragement to embrace or smother aspects of herself. Helene is quite sure she's a person like anyone else, thank you, and is frankly frustrated and a bit weirded out that others seem to have a hard time getting the memo- she doesn't like or want to assume the worst, though, so maybe she just missed another confusing untold social rule or something. I mean, the local triplets really do seem to be advising in good faith- they really do think of her as one of them to an extent (for reasons Helene is yet to know); they just don't understand her.
When Amalure pursues her, there's an unspoken aspect to the deal of marriage she proposes: Helene will get a secured place on the in of the community, a secure standing the promises people no longer questioning or trying to encourage her to no longer be herself. But Helene just isn't interested in Amalure like that, and she also sees what the real trade-off of that security is; that uncomfortable dehumanization that is exactly what Helene doesn't want to deal with anymore. If Amalure is fine living with it than she is free to do as she pleases, but the huntress doesn't seem to understand what Helene could possibly have a problem with- and it's not like they can discuss it, because it's unspoken, and you're not supposed to speak the unspoken things, because they're unspoken for a reason- even if you don't know what that reason is. Helene knows that rule, at least.
When Helene meets the Beast, she regards her as she does any other. It's plain as day that the Beast has a humanity to her, whether she's really "human" or not- she thinks and she feels, and that's enough for Helene.
Because Helene grew up raised by a single dad who she got most of her brain workings from, and he is a man of compassion and science. Off he'd send his beloved daughter to go and question and figure out the world for herself, to experiment and learn and become whatever she desires. Off to bed he'd send her to tell her fairy tales and have their lessons of love and compassion and humanity understood as she drifted off to sleep. Helene was never Odd with her father, never Other, in fact they were so easily two of a kind. It was so jarring, hearing people imply Tyndare less than sane; his logic paths were so easy to follow- but apparently his voice gruffs enough that others have a hard time understanding what he's saying sometimes, so that's where things seem to get lost in translation she guesses. People became jarring in other ways as she grew up too, because suddenly there seemed to be lots of social things she was supposed to know or be but didn't and wasn't, and it became very apparent very quickly that she was an Other among her village.
Overall: Eve & Helene get to go through these themes through the main plot, and post curse-breaking is when Eve gets to properly deal with the internalized issues and whatnot. Like she's learned beauty doesn't matter when it comes to love, and shouldn't decide whether or not someone should be cared about, and Helene loves her despite her having been beastly and despite her being a failure of a woman- (because she no longer fits the feminine ideal after the curse is broken, and frankly she never will again.) But she's still a Failure Of A Woman and Helene deserves Better Than That! So there's still work to do.
Amalure remains static on this aspect of the narrative until after the battle at the castle, where she does survive! .. barely. and it's later, in an argument with her mother that same night, bleeding out on the kitchen floor, when she asserts that she's her daughter too, not just her fathers. she has always been her daughter, always will be, she is the daughter of both of them, because that's not something that just switches or turns on and off- and it's an entire rant that I will not recite here, but the important part is the assertion that she is, always has been, always will be, the daughter of both her parents at once- that's the first little step for her arc of recognizing her own individual personhood and whatnot.
#Amalure's mother is a CHARACTER alright#she has a ref I need to make too...#fun fact Amalure falls asleep in her childhood bed that night being convinced the last thing she did was yell at her mom#and acutely aware that there is no comfort for her in this house.#Wire monkey mother frfr#anyways uh hi.#how obvious is it that the person making this is a she/it ND sapphic???#because Hi hello that is I#Yes Helene is VERY definitely Neurodivergent.#I can easily say she's autistic because the traits she displays are most commonly associated w/ it#but tbh I don't have autism and I didn't give her those traits with specifically autism in mind or research#so she's just.. generally Not Neurotypical.#project whatever you want onto her as you will#Fun fact the physique change Eve gets after being uncursed is me finding a justification for me basing part of her design on thinking that#Amalure seeing her and immediately having the Worst gender envy of her life since her dad died#while Eve is having like the worst body image issues of her life#would be kinda funny lowk#Also I might have a type but shhhhhhh#anywayss uhhh#gem stop yapping in ur tags#ramblez brambles#doodlez#I just did some mild editing w/ the ref art cuz I'm too lazy to make new shit for this and I didn't want this to Just be a text post#Princess Eve#Helene#Amalure#sorry of any of this is rambly/hard to read I randomly woke up at like 2:30am#idk when I started writing this post but idr doing much of anything beforehand besides making the little banner thing#and it's... 6:13am now.#batb: Other Than Human
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umem1ya · 6 months ago
what if. what if I did a whole post abt ex-togame what if.
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earthbovndmisfit · 5 months ago
Hi, I'd like to ask you something. When Speedwagon warms up Zeppeli's hand, he mentions that he's traveled a lot, so he knows about the healing methods of the Eskimos. So here's the question. How did he do it, being far from a rich man? I have a guess that he could have just gotten a job as a cabin boy on a merchant ship and traveled the world that way. But I'd like to hear your guesses^^
Hi nonny!! AHH, yeah. Its honestly such an interesting question and topic, and yet it is also one I rarely ever see being discussed anywhere despite it being an important detail of Speedwagon's character overall.
As an addition there: He actually also mentions it during the confrontation between Jonathan and Dio in the mansion! It's an inner monologue of his as he lays on the ground, bleeding and with his arm and ribs already broken after Dio's attack that's just obliterated the cops in the room, but Speedwagon there mentions that he has travelled the world and seen many things, from exotic African animals, to strange Asian plants, and even deadly tornadoes in the Caribbean that can uproot large trees, also mentioning that he's never seen anything like what they are witnessing right now (Dio coming back from the dead and also surviving a shot straight to the head with absolutely no consequences, his super strength and supernatural abilities he's shown so far and etc).
Now, as for your question, personally, I've always had the headcanon that most of his travelling he did it as a stowaway. It was much easier to do at the time than it is nowadays due to most public means of transport (trains, boats/ships, etc) having way less safety measures and filters for passengers, so it was easy for him to sneak inside whenever he set out to do it. He's also rather sharply dressed despite him being a ganglord from the worst part of the hoodlums, so it wouldn't be too difficult for him to blend in at a simple glance. He's no stranger to stealing and committing different kinds of crimes and etc, so I think he wouldn't be opposed to getting some "free travelling" if he can. Especially when it's the sort of perfect crime: There's no real victim if they don't find out!
And even if he ever got caught, there's the fact that he seems to have a lot of charisma and also seems to have a way with words too to the point where he's been able to put even dangerous and murderous criminals on his side and having them loyally working for him (a trait he continues to show later on in life as well and that shows through his success as a businessman while also becoming one of the most influential men in the world). With all this in mind, its possible that he may have been able to talk his way out if his cover was ever blown up during one of his many travels, convincing the crew to let him stay and to pay for his ticket with work or something. Overall, I think he travelled as a stowaway for the most part, especially considering the amount of times and places he's travelled to.
However, I also agree with your idea. Speedwagon is an honest man at core, so I also have the headcanon that he may have had gotten a job or two that allowed him to travel around the world at some point, getting said jobs only with that sole goal in mind (and so these were like very brief, very occasional, jobs). Part of me thinks this could have taken place when he was younger and wanted to travel outside of England for the first time. There were virtually no laws in regards to child labour in Victorian England, so chances are he'd have been hired even as a child/teen too (like most cabin boys do, for example). I also think this could have taken place later, when he was an adult already, and was able to perform other and more physically demanding tasks that a child can't (like the merchant ship bit you mention, loading and unloading shipments and all that stuff, for example). Normally, those jobs would have meager payments and the people doing them were pretty much exploited, so maybe that's why he'd prefer to stow away in future journeys instead? Coincidentally, this could also add to Robert's distaste and loathing of rich people that we learn of by the time Jonathan and him meet, as Speebs would have been able to see the true colors of the upper classes first hand by then.
Outside of that, I like the idea of him having different (sometimes casual) boyfriends throughout his life before he met Jonathan. This could come into play at some points as this would open up a couple possibilities here in some scenarios, like:
-Spw catching the eye of the guy who caught him redhanded stowing away. Likely some random crew/staff member that was patrolling the deck or the cars (in the case of a ship or a train respectively)? Speedwagon managed to convince him to allow him to finish the trip without any issues and in exchange he'd take him out for dinner or something when they arrive to their destination. A casual date like a lot of gay men do tbh, but no more than that in most instances this ever occurred (partly bc this was mostly a payment of sorts, and partly due to the homophobia at the time that forced gay men to be discreet af), but also…
-There's the possibility of that guy and Speedwagon eventually becoming actual boyfriends after they get to know each other better. This would open a possibility for easier stowing away (or at least for getting cheaper tickets lol) whenever it is his bf will be part of the crew/staff of some trip. This guy and Speebs could also become simply good friends and he'd help him on board anyways.
Those are all the main ways I can think of right off the bat in regards to how he'd manage to travel the world so much even as a far from rich man back when travelling was even more expensive (as far as I know, at least) than it is nowadays.
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