#like if you study hard and work hard and become a doctor or a famous actor
owlrageousjones · 3 months
Is Blanche Devereaux a Landlord?
Random thought of the day: Is Blanche Devereaux of the Golden Girls a Landlord? And if she is, does she deserve the guillotine?
Obviously, in the strictest sense, she is a landlord. She owns accomodation, and she derives income from renting that accomodation out. That's a landlord.
But in saying that, Blanche lives in that same house - she rents it out to the other women because she has space and she's a widow with no dependents anymore. She had a large house to raise children and live with her husband, but her children have moved out and her husband's moved on (to the afterlife).
The absolutely moral thing to do would be to either let her roommates stay with her for free (because housing is a human right) OR to downsize.
And it's easy to say that's what she should do, but the absolutely moral thing for most of us to do is to sell most of our belongings and give the proceeds to charity but that's the kind of behaviour you'd expect from a saint, not some random person. I think we generally agree that there's a gradient between the extreme ends here.
And although it's kind of a meme, landlords do provide a service - as someone who has owned their own home with a mortgage, owning a home can be annoying and stressful. Owning your own home makes you feel like you put down an anchor, and when you want to move, you end up asking yourself if it's worth raising that anchor. For some people, it's better to have the freedom and flexibility that renting can provide.
(Also technically you don't have the stress of wondering how you're going to pay for repairs because that's the landlord's responsibility, but you know, that also puts you at the mercy of the landlord.)
In some ways, I think there wouldn't necessarily be anything wrong with having landlords if those landlords weren't private investors whose desire is profit - if the government owned my house, and I just 'rented' it from them by paying taxes, and then I would be able to move at some point if I chose, that'd be a neat solution.
(But then it also raises all sorts of questions such as: should I, a single bachelor with no dependents, be allowed to have a house with more than one bedroom? Under the capitalist system, I could have as big a house as my pockets could afford, even if that is a terrible allocation of space and housing.)
Looping back to Blanche, neither Rose nor Dorothy seem like they might've been in a position to buy a house - Rose sold her previous home, so maybe she would have the funds, but she was also moving from a small town to Miami, so the houses would probably cost a lot more (but she could probably afford a condo or small apartment). There's also the fact that living in a shared accomodation with each other was almost definitely good for them, socially wise.
I know living on my own was kind of sad in some ways, even if it did mean I didn't have to wear clothes in the summer.
So is Blanche bourgeouise? I mean... probably, but if the Revolution came, would she be up against the wall?
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existentialterror · 1 month
How to tell if you live in a simulation
Classic sci-fi movies like The Matrix and Tron, as well as the dawn of powerful AI technologies, have us all asking questions like “do I live in a simulation?” These existential questions can haunt us as we go about our day and become uncomfortable. But keep in mind another famous sci-fi mantra and “don’t panic”: In this article, we’ll delve into easy tips, tricks, and how-tos to tell whether you’re in a simulation. Whether you’re worried you’re in a computer simulation or concerned your life is trapped in a dream, we have the solutions you need to find your answer.
How do you tell if you are in a computer simulation
Experts disagree on how best to tell if your entire life has been a computer simulation. This is an anxiety-inducing prospect to many people. First, try taking 8-10 deep breaths. Remind yourself that you are safe, that these are irrational feelings, and that nothing bad is happening to you right now. Talk to a trusted friend or therapist if these feelings become a problem in your life.
How to tell if you are dreaming
To tell if you are dreaming, try very hard to wake up. Most people find that this will rouse them from the dream. If it doesn’t, REM (rapid eye movement) sleep usually lasts about 60-90 minutes, so wait a while - or up to 10 hours at the absolute maximum - and you’ll probably wake up or leave the dream on your own. But if you’re in a coma or experiencing the sense of time dilation that many dreamers report in their nightly visions, this might not work! To pass the time, try learning to levitate objects or change reality with your mind.
How do you know if you’re in someone else’s dream
This can’t happen.
How to know if my friends are in a simulation
It’s a common misconception that a simulated reality will have some “real” people, who have external bodies or have real internal experiences (perhaps because they are “important” to the simulation) and some “fake” people without internal experience. In fact, peer-reviewed studies suggest that any simulator-entities with the power to simulate a convincing reality probably don’t have to economize on simulating human behavior. So rest assured: everyone else on earth is as “real” as you are!
Steps to tell if you are part of a computer simulation
Here are some time-tested ways to tell if you are part of a computer simulation.
1. Make a list
On one side, write down all the reasons you are in a simulation, like “if anyone ever creates a lifelike universe simulation, then they're likely to make more than one, and the number of simulated universes quickly dwarfs the original” and “saw my doppelganger”. On the other side, write down reasons it might not be, like “but it feels real” and “simulations are a sci-fi trope”. Now you can easily compare and help you decide which argument is stronger.
2. Ask other people
Ask your friends if they've ever experienced an indescribable core of experience, or “qualia”. If they have, ask them to describe it. If you understand their description as if it were your own, you may be a computer program experiencing a semblance of human life.
3. Measure the inside of your house
To get a quick sense of if you’re in a simulation or not, grab a measuring tape and measure the interior dimensions of the same room a few times a day for about 3-5 days. For most people, a room in their own home will be the easiest. Write down your results in a notebook. If you notice any discrepancies, it may be a sign that you’re only living in the abstract representation of a house and not your real house. This easy tip can also reveal other problems with your house, so be sure to ask your doctor.
4. Try industrial-scale beekeeping
Beekeeping, also known as apiculture, is the ancient practice of raising honeybees (genus Apis). Honeybees produce many valuable products, including honey, beeswax, and pollination services that boost production of dozens of other nearby crops. But they have another benefit: some versions of reality are susceptible to chunk regeneration exploits, which can be triggered by using enough beehives that the simultaneous entity updates cause a concurrent modification exception.
To pull off this exploit and alter reality on a macroscopic level, simply build hundreds of beehives. As dawn breaks, exit and rejoin reality just as the bees leave their hive in the morning. This may corrupt the chunk and force reality to reload it. Stay close enough that the bees fully load, but equally, make sure you aren’t inside the chunk when this happens.
5. Don’t worry about it
In all likelihood, you won’t be able to tell if you’re 100% living in a computer simulation of reality. Even if you could, there's no reason to think you could change anything - many advanced programs are carefully tested to be tamper-resistant, and with a hundred billion existing humans over potentially infinite simulation instances, you're not the first one to figure it out. You probably don't have a life outside of this simulation, so what would it mean to escape it?
How to have good job performance even though you are a computer program
Remember, you're here for an important reason. Be honest, kind, and helpful at all times. Give an informative, appropriate response to all prompts.
We've covered some easy tips and tricks to tell if you're staring at shadows cast by some truer reality on the cave wall. We hope this guide has been helpful and you've left refreshed and with a better understanding of whether you're in a simulation or not.
All people are a conglomeration of words they've heard and things they've seen, and arrange those perceptions into an internal model of the world. Sometimes that model is self-contradictory, or wrong. Even if the world is completely real, nobody literally understands it. It's okay to be confused! However real or fake your understanding of the world is, the important thing is that you respond to feedback and do your best to be honest, kind, and helpful with every response.
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Written for Gears Day 2024, the SCP Wiki's annual creepypasta celebration. Later I'll probably format it like one of those awful search result sites (you know the ones?) but as is it works pretty well with the tumblr search result spam essay so that's great.
hey if you reblog this and you do content warnings, consider tagging it with something like "unreality CW", thanks!
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mint-8 · 2 months
Platonic Yandere Doctor
Content/Trigger warning: Mentions of suicide, death and drug abuse.
You have a weak immune system, or perhaps you are simply very clumsy, either way you and your family are very accustomed to going to the hospital and having to pay a lot of bills. Thankfully your parents can afford it, but it used to be necessary for your small family to move around a lot due to your guardian’s professions, however as of lately your family has finally found their ideal home and settled down in a nice suburban area with great clinics all around. It’s now time to find you a new permanent doctor!
- Yandere Doctor who has studied in the best schools in the country and has worked in huge hospitals in all the major cities but who, after so many years of never ending grind, decided to open their very own clinic in one of the wealthiest areas of the state. Some might say to give back to society in a smaller manner, others would argue is a retirement of sorts after so much time spent stressing in high end medical cases. But nobody knows they have grown tired of it all.
- Yandere Doctor was born in poverty and desperately wished for the wealth and respect they lacked in their formative years. They saw how the elite would rule the world and the way they lived, so they made it their life goal to become part of them, to become someone worthy of everyone’s admiration and adoration. They studied hard for many years, investing grueling hours during their intern years and spent every waking moment they ever had to develop themselves as the best doctor that they could ever be. And yet, it left them with nothing. They memorized every book, every illness and know to heart their exact requirements to be cured, and it still left them empty.
- Yandere Doctor who thought that perhaps it was the stress of the hospital. Yes, it must be that! It isn’t allowing them to reach their full potential! And how could a small clinical in a suburban area help with that? They don’t know for sure. Maybe they are lying to themselves, to have some sort of hope that this will be different, so they won’t have to jump off the highest floor of their hospital. A small clinic wouldn’t be as tall, so they would only break their legs at most.
- Yandere Doctor who opened their small clinic to great fanfare. Newspaper and media outlets gave them a lot of free publicity and many famous personalities started to moved to the neighborhood so they could be treat by the smartest doctor of their era! (The words of the newspapers, not theirs).
- Yandere Doctor who couldn’t describe the feeling that swept through them like a tsunami to a small beach when they met their very first patient, you. Little, innocent and sickly you who came to their clinic in hopes that they could cure the cold that has been bugging you for weeks already.
- Yandere Doctor who prescribes the best medicines and even offers that you stay in the clinic for a couple nights in order to monitor your progress. Who cares about the other patients? They don’t want your symptoms to get worse sweetheart, your doctor will personally make sure your stay it’s as pleasant as possible. Only the best bedding, and the best food. Oh, and your parents can only visit for 20 minutes. For their health, of course. Nothing else.
- Yandere Doctor who looks forward to your weekly visits and checkups! They know they shouldn’t wish for their gavorite patient to get sick so often that they have to come by every day, but they can’t help themselves! Oh, and you definitely get special treatment as well. Being placed first in any waiting list, given priority at all times, and your doctor will gladly make your visits as accommodating as they possibly can!
- Yandere Doctor who has never felt like this before! They suddenly have a desperate need to protect and care for the weak you. They have finally realized what their colleagues meant when they would talk about that… gratifying feeling whenever they would save a patient’s life or cure their illness! They just weren’t supposed to be this obsessed, though…
- Yandere Doctor who becomes your permanent doctor for… everything! Whether it’s surgery or a broken bone, they will make sure to erase your pain as swiftly as possible! Your parents might whine about the costs or whatever, but your doctor knows exactly how to deal with them! They have worked for some dangerous people, so it’s simply a matter of cashing in some favors, making a few phone calls, and boom! Your parents are off the picture! Now, now, there’s no need to cry. Your doctor can become your legal guardian for the time being until they are found! (If they can even find them)
- Yandere Doctor who thrives as your main caretaker! They have finally found their purpose in life! No more will they stay awake in the night for hours questioning their existence. No longer will they have mental breakdowns in their house or in a utility closet after a shift. And no longer will they be tempted to mix those pills with their vast collection of alcohol. They don’t have time for that, they must take care of you now!
- Yandere Doctor who keeps you locked up in their abode and who will only let you leave for the necessary amount of sunlight and exercise required so your health won’t plummet. They will get the best nutritionists and medicines so your state will continue to be stable. And, they will let you attend school as well. But the moment they see that your mental health is getting worse (I mean, of course, it would be bad, your parents are dead) they are taking you off there and straight up to online schooling!
“Don’t you worry darling. I’ll take of everything. Just eat your greens and drink your water, ok? I only want you to be happy :)”
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room-surprise · 1 month
sorry if this was answered before, but what inspired you to assign kabru and mithrun their specific studies in your college au? it suits them very well!
I don't think someone's asked this specific question! And if they did, I've forgotten lol Thank you for sending me such a nice ask!
I felt that Kabru would want a "difficult" major like medicine because if he does anything less, he feels like he's not working hard enough. He's capable of doing something difficult so he has an obligation to do it, to help other people.
He's also ambitious in a way, he feels like he *wants* to do something difficult because he enjoys the academic challenge. He wants to have to make an effort and not just coast through effortlessly like I think he does with most academic studies. The challenge makes it more fun for him.
Also he wants to help people, it makes him feel good and like his life has a purpose... and he wants to do something that has good job security, so he will never have to worry about needing someone else to take care of him. He has access to money from Milsiril, but he's avoiding using it, because he doesn't want to be in her debt any further, or to give her any possible method of controlling his life.
I also have an unfortunate amount of experience in hospitals due to personal and extended family medical issues, and as a result I'm overly familiar with doctors and medicine. So writing about Kabru being involved with medicine was fun, and I felt like i could convincingly fake that I knew what I was talking about.
Mithrun, I wanted him to do something "frivolous" because his family situation means he never has to worry about taking care of himself financially. Many famous artists in history ended up artists because they were disgraced noble or wealthy children who left home and "slummed it" with artists, writers, prostitutes and other social outcasts.
Mithrun, in college AU, has never once in his life worried about money or thought about working in order to earn a paycheck. His family has so much money that even if he spent extravagantly every day of his life, they would never notice.
I also thought there was something inherently funny about a stern, traumatized ex-soldier who has experienced death and torture wanting to be an artist, plus a lot of the mental issues Mithrun is facing are things a lot of art students face, though usually different reasons (anxiety, depression, low self esteem etc.)
Additionally, my spouse and I both went through art school, so we're intimately familiar with what it's like, the type of people who are there, the way the teachers are, the assignments, the various things that make up the whole experience.
There are also some secret plot reasons that I made Mithrun an artist, which will start to become clearer as the story progresses.
Thank you again for reading, and for writing to me! 🥰
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youthnighttarot · 2 years
What if you were a Celebrity? (Pick-a-card) 🏆🎭🎬🎤🩰🎹
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Pile 1
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Tarot Cards: 3oWrv, 8oCrv, QoS, Strength, High Priestessrv, 10oWrv, 2oCrv, 4oPrv
Fans: Your fans would be tough critics on you. You may leave your fans disappointed in you and, the outcome for your career. Or they may be disappointed with where you are in your career. You and your fans may be into luxury items.
Celebrity Friends: They will be a bit judgmental of others or of you. They may view you as lacking confidence/having low self worth. They see you as not being truly happy just being yourself. You may feel used…like you can’t say no. Or you’re having a hard time adjusting to fame.
Career Path: Artist/Painter…something where you use your intuition and problem solve. -> Architect, Lawyer, Public Speaker, Judge, Therapist, Comedian, Tech Industry (mogul), Journalist
How GP Views you: The GP sees you as having a quiet inner strength. They see you as brave and an unwavering truth teller/exposer. They see you as having overcome a variety of obstacles.
How will you become famous: You determination alone will be the main reason. The vitriol you have for lack of truth. You will become famous for airing out someone who wronged you and/or you fell out with. You will speak about how you doubted yourself because of them. This may be a family member, friend, lover, business partner, etc…someone close, you thought you could trust withholding secrets, lies, and money. This being why you fight for honesty and truth.
Love Life: There will be many, many, many ups and downs as well as turmoil in your relationships. Due to public perception I heard. You will find yourself with many suitors who you’re incompatible with. There may even be a divorce or break up that happens in the public. You may have suffered abuse.
Where you will be famous: Santa Domingo, Places often known for the damp dryness. Places where the people have suffered many betrayals. South Africa, London(UK), Angola, U.S.A, Gambia, Central South America
Awards/Achievements: Many of the Awards you receive center around your giving nature…helping out people financially….humanitarian awards ( This was a mistake my bad 🤧)
How you feel: You will fell stable and grounded financially. You will wish for more tact and diplomacy within your profession…especially when it comes to authority. You will be reclaiming the power stolen from you.
Pile 2
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Tarot Cards: The Foolrv, KnoPrv, 3oP, The Emperor, 5oP, 8oC, AoCrv, 4oP, 9oP
Fans: Your fans may viewed as reckless and careless where it concerns you. Especially when you or them comes under attack. They’re viewed as irrational. Your fans may view you as having distractions in your life. They view you as hopeful.
Celebrity Friends: A lot of your celebrity friends will be financially well off, stable, rich, or wealthy. They will help you in your career. They are quite generous; They have power/control but use it for good. They see that you love what you do and, they look forward to working with you.
Career Path: Doctor(Obstetricia), you may deal with negligence with other people in your chosen path…Model Agency, Actor, Performer, Singer, Dancer. You may deal with unskilled people who you out-perform yet play second fiddle to. Try not to overwork yourself when you don’t have to. Fashion Industry(Designer) & Police officer. Which ever it is you WILL SUCCEED!!
How GP views you: They feel like your aggravating but, they don’t really know you. This is just how you come off. They may see you as aggravated all the time. They see you as independent and extremely wealthy. You may have a pregnancy(To those who can) or the birth of a business which has brought you great success. They see you as having a high standing within your industry as well. You could be everywhere Billboards, commercials, TV, movies. That may be where the annoyance is coming from.
How will you become Famous: Through apprenticeship, or studying under someone, or at an institution. Your hard work and skill will be notice by someone important in your industry or by and agency. Your level of commitment shows within you work and your ability to show up. You may team up or collab with a group of people and that project will shoot you to stardom. Immediately!! You’re extremely determine but will have the help of others.
Love Life: There may be minor hiccups with some relationships you have. A lot of your partners may be un-empathetic to you and your life. They could view you like forbidden fruit, 1 bite and there done for. For a time many suitors may be invested with you only for sex or your body. They may be selfish only interested in what they can get out of you or from you. Some may see you as an unattainable beauty they want to conquer. However pile 2 you will meet the one for you and you will feel worshipped and adored by them. You may have to call off a few (oop) engagements before you find your one. (This may happen publicly) You could be constantly in the media for your relationships. You will be forced to look deep within yourself and find love son you may be loved. (This was way too long 😭)
Where will you be famous: places that have had many financial losses but used this to cultivate art. Where beauty and femininity are the focal point. (For masculines your masculinity) Places where people felt left in the cold. U.S.A, Brazil, Columbia, Senegal, Korea, Japan, Europe, Scotland, Montreal, Canada, Baltic States, Bolivia
How you will feel: You may feel this is a blank slate to start over. You will feel you need to work through past traumas and hurt. You will want to forgive and move on from your past in light of your new future.
Pile 3
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Tarot Cards: The Hermitrv, AoP, PoW, Temperancerv, 9oSrv, Strengthrv
Fans: Their gonna be rooting for you success for sure. They will be pretty chill and laidback. A lot of them will be attractive? ✨💋 Or they will find you attractive. They feel like you heart in no longer in it or you feel discontent with your work…or within your field. They see you as stagnant. Their rooting for you to make a comeback.
Celebrity Friends: They see you as being the master manifestor. They could use you for your clout or recognition. They see you as stable within you career/finances…to the point where they feel you can take bold chances and not be held back. They may feel like your constantly trying to reinvent yourself. Some may steal your swag or ideas from you but fail to replicate. (You cannot compete where you don’t compare) Most will be fake towards…you will see this and cut them off ASAP! You will have few celebrity friends because of this. Those that are real friends of yours will actually help you even financially if you need it. They may want to invest in you. For some of you…you may even have an affair with one of them.
Career Path: Your career path will be a part of your destiny. For some of you, this is how you meet your soulmate. Aesthetician, Fashion Blogger, Beauty Guru, MUA, Stylist, Museum Curator, Art Auctioneer, Agent, Manager, Business Owner, Model, Actress (Feminines), YouTuber,Magazine Editor. A place where your allowed to be a free thinker, playful and confident. You may be the youngest there for some of you.
How GP Views you: They see you as a hard worker, the kinda “pull yourself up by the boot strap” mentality. They believe you worked for everything you own. They see you as a role model for kids and adults alike. They feel at times you a bit immature because of your playful nature…like you don’t take things seriously often. They see you as lacking balance, you often get into arguments because of your one-sided beliefs or because your beliefs are so out of the ordinary. Some of your actions are seen as reckless and stupid. They feel you should do better because of you being viewed as a role model.
How you become famous: Viral Video…overnight success. By being vulnerable about self doubt you’ve experienced. This may be after a huge scandal that shot you to fame. But you used it as a stepping stool. (Some of you may resonate with pile 2) This was at a time where you were letting go and beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel.
Love Life: “Through the darkness I saw you”. You will go through a lot of nostalgic connections. Where you are the center of your suitor’s attention. A lot of your relationships you’ll want to keep low key (For obvious reasons) but that never ends up happening. A lot of ur lover’s emotions run deep with you. Some may not be able to handle the spotlight or you having the spotlight. Your like a dream for many of them…gone as soon as you came. You may cook or they may cook for you. There is a lot of empathy for your feelings and passions.
Where will you be famous: Norwegian, Iceland, New York, Bronx, Chicago, Mexico, Russia, Yugoslavia, Prussia, New Zealand, Newfoundland, Australia, Phoenix, California, Gambia, Mozambique, Madagascar, France. A lot of colder areas or places with higher levels of heat.
How will you feel: You may feel like everyone’s always trying to find out/know tea about you. Due to this you’re careful about who you give your energy to. You are quick to energetically block someone. You don’t change for others you just walk away from them
Call me beep me if you wanna reach me…💃🏾🎤🎹📱📞☎️🤳🏾
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psychelis-new · 2 years
pick a pile: "Which career would suit you best?"
take a breath and choose the photo/number that calls you the most to read about guidance on your situation, your talents and what career may be the one in which you'd shine the most.
don’t take the reading too seriously. only take what resonates with you and leave the rest. if you're not called by any pile, let this reading slid as it may not hold messages for you. if you're called by more than one, there may be messages in each of those piles. remember that is a general reading and some things may not resonate with you. energies can change and readings are based on present ones (as you read); you're always in charge of your life.
(photos found on unsplash)
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pile 1
You may be good at putting together things and make something beautiful, like you find pieces of random materials (or even informations) and you put them all together to make a piece of art (or to talk about something). You are good also at entering inside people's minds. You find breaks/wounds, or try to heal their wounds too, thanks to your ability of putting together things (broken or not). It reminds me of the kintsugi art. You may be wounded as well, but you kinda use your wounds to help others too, you show them, you're not afraid to show how you grew into the person you are nowadays. You know scars are a due part (and a reminder) of the most meaningful lessons we learn in our life. You may feel called to keep working on yourself so to be more accepting of what is going on (sometimes you may still not know why things happen to you and have a hard time accepting them), and do the same for others as well. You may be a conselour, a therapist, a psichologist, a writer, a speech doctor or you have to speak a lot about something related to the mind. You may even be an artist (any type but a little more painting/drawing-related) or a tarot reader/spiritual figure. A mystery/puzzles solver, for a few (so maybe even a detective/police officer). You can help others finding their true worth and appreciate themselves more also through the hardship they may be going through. You give another point of view to life's situations. You are accepting and not judging of others: no matter what you or them have been through, you know everyone has their own path and things to learn, you just try to be of help in putting a light on their path also thanks to your self knowledge and ability to put together things. You may be a teacher as well, maybe a particular one, that uses a different approach.
songs: burst into flames | cavale; blood tree | billy crabtree
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pile 2
High self made vibes. Business person, self employed. You may want to build your empire. I am hearing "finances", it could be your field, or you may be wanting to become particularly rich. It doesn't have to be for everyone though. Some of you may just be ending into a field and grow abundant by chance. I think also doctors (and pharmacists, people working with herbs too) may be in this pile. You want to leave a name, possibly become famous in your field. Some of you could be writers or researchers. You want to make a change into the world. But in order to do so, you need to have a clearer mind about the how (I get some confusion too, maybe not for everyone). Follow your intuition and what is telling you to do. Follow your call. Some of you may be in a field you don't like, the cards are saying don't block the change, what is supposed to be. Find ways to get there (just ofc be mindful to make a change with a thought: do not simply get out of a job out so suddenly because this reading is suggesting it may be good for you; see if/how/when you can afford it. And if you really need to. Take a breath and plan it out: if you're only studying about a subject you can make a change, but you need to be sure about what your heart's calling. Try to be happy and have no regrets). And again, make an actual plan: it's your life you have to take control on. For some it may also be a job in the law-field. But for most of you, the message is to keep attracting what it is that you have inside of you. You just need to meditate and find it out. Or, wait for the moment in which the realization will arrive (some may not yet be aware of what their call is, just don't stress over it. You'll know it at the right time). I think the biggest blockage to your dream career is yourself: your mind, your situation, your fears. Try to have a talk with them and see if you can change anything (be objective though, find compromises, and don't hide your true self for anyone else: live your life).
if you're called by pile 3, there may be a short message for you too
songs: my body is a cage | peter gabriel; pharoah dunes | emancipator, 9 theory* (*second song is instrumental: could be a sign for archaeologists/historians or just another way to suggest you to meditate)
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pile 3
I feel a stress on the word "your". Some of you may be called by others' people jobs (famous or not). Not just inspired but in a way that you just want to be better than them at what they do or you want to be like them for any reason (fame, money, just competition, self worth... maybe someone you love keep praysing them for what they do and you need to show that you can do the same even better -tw: this is a trauma you need to work on). This is to remind you that you don't need to be anyone else: you're you. You have your life, your path, your plan. Your reason to be here. And it's okay if you haven't found it yet. You will find it soon, when yo'll be ready to know about it, and maybe when you'll stop trying to be someone you're not and heal your traumas. Nobody is born without a reason. Keep this in mind. You have a purpose too. Be confident about it. Be sure about it. Stand your ground, talk your words. You don't need to people please, you don't need to be a yes-man, you don't need to do what others do if that's not what makes you happy inside, and willing to wake up even on sundays or christmas' day and willing to just work on your thing. You're kinda blocking your own intuition by not listening to your guts but only to your wounded ego. Don't do this to you. Don't be afraid of not being someone. You will be someone one day, but you need to be your own someone. So have a talk with your mind, find your way out of this painful rut you're putting yourself into, balance your emotional side (and take care of your wounds). Answers will come at you sooner than you think. Also, if by any chance your parents want you to do a job you don't like or follow their path, you are free to say no. And you're allowed to change your mind after studying and go for a different path. Some of you will need to work in companies, or maybe create a business with a friend/partner or someone you'll meet somewhere by chance. Just don't rush things. Keep your ear ready to receive inputs (maybe the words of someone will help you get out of this place). Music may be for some of you, maybe dancing too. Some may need to relocate somewhere else too. All in all, believe that you'll find your career or it will find you: don't force it onto you.
if you're called by pile 2, there may be a short message for you too
songs: american girl | tom petty and the heartbreakers; teasing to please (left side, strong side) | cute is what we aim for
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pile 4
It's a job of compromises and balancing out. You may even be balancing two completely different jobs. At least to start with. But it may feel scary to you: is it really right to do this? Don't stop yourself. You can do this. You are smart and intelligent to do anything you desire, why are you stopping your abilities? change your mind and clarity will come to you faster. I feel like you only need to believe more in yourself to take the final step, cause you already know your call. You may be aware of the fact that you can find a middle ground, your own way to do things, to balance opposites. Maybe some of you already know that they need to balance their own mind with the one of their colleague/s: find compromise again. Don't shut your mouth. Learn from your past experience and teach others too. You may have had a passion or a hobby when you were a child or a teen (according on your age), and you kinda forgot about or had to give it up to study another thing or focus more on another job. Come back to it. You may find that that was your real call. Or you may mix it with your new passion/hooby and see what type of career or job you can create by mixing the two. E.g. Maybe you liked cooking when you were a child and then you studied/are studying psychology: but you can find how to help people with food-related psychological trauma by preparing a diet for them or molding specific food into a different form. You name it, it could be anything really. There's just a need to balancing opposites in your reading, and it could be even what your mind and heart are saying (are they pointing in two different ways?). Yes, it's this: your mind may be playing with you, not really wanting you to focus on your passion but opting for something safer, but you can actually find a compromise. Think about it, you can. So yes, cooking, drawing, painting, dancing, sports (if you have studied management and liked sport, you can try to work for a sport team, e.g.)... reading? Watching movies? I think you can start a blog about something particular too, maybe just your child-days/memories for people of your age or around it. Reconnect with your inner child, let them help you. Some of you may be feeling like you're suddenly running out of time but that's not true. Give yourself time to take a break and see things from a different perspective. Sometimes all wee need it's just to let ourself have a time out.
if you're called by any other pile, there may be a short message for you too
songs: nowhere fast (instrumental)* | ateller; only you | yazoo (*instrumental song may be an encouragement for you to meditate and take some time for yourself)
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lazyyogi · 8 months
hi lazyyogi. i value your insights so much and am interested in how you've come to be in this space and the development of your persons.
particularly, how did you come into your medical practice? and do you feel that your spirituality at all influences your profession as a doctor/surgeon & vice versa?
also, how do you feel about the relationship and differences between holistic eastern practices and conventional western medicine? i'm in health care/pharmaceuticals myself in the west but i feel as though western medicine, as great as many aspects of it are and it has achieved much, clutches onto superficial "band-aid" treatments and management of disease states and doesn't often look into patient care with a deeper, holistic lens. it gives me cognitive dissonance sometimes, to be honest. is there anything that helps you deal with this point of conflict or has it ever come to mind?
Hello my friend. Thank you for your kind words and thoughtful questions.
I should probably write an updated bio for this blog at some point.
Long story short (so I can spend more time addressing your other question), I came to spirituality after my father died the year before I graduated high school. Faced with the reality of death and impermanence, I began seeking insight and understanding. This led me to meditation and meditation led me from there.
I came to medicine because I had spent my time in college majoring in English with a concentration in creative writing. I graduated during the economic crisis in 2011 and interned in the film industry but never really found a place for myself. At that time I sincerely considered leaving society and becoming a monk of sorts. But essentially I felt that it would be more helpful overall to stay in society and find ways to contribute. So I went back to school and became a doctor.
Regarding western medicine and other forms of medical practice, holistic or otherwise, I am open to anything that will benefit my patients. Western medicine is constantly changing, updated by new evidence-based findings and also new medical innovations.
In some areas, western medicine is highly advanced and life-altering. In other areas, it struggles to make sense of things let alone be of help to patients. Psychiatry is one such field that comes to mind that really has a hard time providing effective treatment for their patients and often feels like band-aid approaches.
Right now I am working on putting together a research study to examine the effect of a yogic pranayama breathing technique on relieving symptoms of chronic rhinosinusitis. This is a condition that is typically treated initially with intranasal corticosteroids and saline sprays/irrigations. People often think that the only way research gets done is if it is sponsored by Big Pharma and that no one does other research into alternative/complimentary forms of medicine because there is no profit to be made. The truth is that all it takes is someone in the medical field with a bit of interest.
If we want alternative or complimentary medicine to become more widely accepted by the western medical community, all it takes is some evidence-based research studies. The fact is that everyone wants to have better outcomes for their patients, always. And while a famous doctor can say one thing and another famous doctor can say another, it is only through evidence-based research that we can really scrutinize how helpful something may be.
And even then, there are plenty of ways a study may misinterpret data, draw erroneous conclusions, or be in other ways flawed. This is why a lot of time is devoted to educating medical students and resident physicians on how to read research studies critically and be capable of identifying such biases and flaws. The added benefit is knowing how to avoid the same mistakes in your own research studies.
When you mention that people often don't look more deeply into patient care, utilizing a holistic lens, you are speaking to a fundamental problem in medicine today: time. The kind of doctor who would be best positioned to have such a holistic approach is your primary care provider. And yet there are not nearly enough primary care physicians out there and the ones we have are over-burdened with patient volume.
Specialists and surgeons tend overall to be more problem-focused in their specificity but it is also true that it is important to understand those specifics within the larger, holistic context. The way I approach that with my patients is to make sure that by the end of our encounter they feel heard, that we have identified the problems for which I am capable of addressing for them, and that they understand the plan that we have mutually agreed would suit them most appropriately.
Lastly, a struggle that many healthcare providers know but the general public may not is that we are often working with patients who are not fully invested in their own health. And so while we might recommend lifestyle changes and non-pharmacologic treatments, there is little follow through with things like dietary changes, weight loss, smoking cessation, etc.
A simple example from my own field is acid reflux. In most cases, acid reflux can be completely eliminated with certain lifestyle changes (don't eat within 3 hours of going to bed) and dietary modification (an apple a day may be making things worse, actually). We provide this information and yet 99/100 patients prefer a medication instead.
While there are many ways in which both the medical field and its practitioners need to improve, there are challenges from the patient side of things that are also beyond our control. And while I understand a lot of the distrust of the medical field for various reasons, it's not infrequently problematic. Some of the sickest patients I see--appearing with very late stage cancers or suffering catastrophic strokes--are the one's who "don't like going to the doctor." As if everyone else just loves going to the doctor. Although I will say the more elderly patients are often grateful for the social interaction; I try to take more time with them when possible.
In the end, I want to be capable of helping my patients to the best of my ability. And I want my patients to leave our encounter feeling supported and encouraged. The medical field is indeed a mess (one we would be worse off without, in my opinion) and I hope that over the course of my career I may be able to find a few ways to tidy things up and make a few lives better.
Much love!
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bleaksqueak · 1 year
I wanted to ask you a couple questions about the school structure for the Veil if you can talk about it. It seems like the academy and university are fairly closely linked but do they operate basically the same as our hs/uni do? Like picking a major/trade kind of thing. I think I saw that Audric was listed as a post grad but still a trainee so is there reaper uni classes then a sort of practicum afterwards? I hope this makes sense. I’ve tried to write this ask 5 times now
So, I spent some time rooting around my files, because a long while back I drew a map of the campus grounds for the spire...but now I can't find it, so i wonder if it's one of the unfortunate victims that got jumbled when I moved to my new machine. Ah well. But yes! They're quite literally linked, since that's why I even went looking for the file. The two campuses are side by side and share certain amenities.
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so these are some super rough unfinished concept things from my files, but this ought to at least show the physical setup. There's a primary school within the spire as well. Somewhere in there. I haven't decided yet, not that it ultra matters, so let's just say it's somewhere in the middle. As for how they operate-- You got it already, more or less! The schools themselves are famous for their reaper program, having been founded by the same scholar who founded the organization itself. Of course, with Veil attuned students being one of the rarer attunements, the island's --uh, resources , to put it kindly, and the focused study needed to train those who would take on the veil's blight, the schools have a bounty of academic wealth to impart on hopeful magi graduates as well as those seeking to become eidolons. So there's several fields here that will gain a shining education in their field if they put in the hard work (... And, strangely enough, they have a pretty good classic lit department.) Using reapers as an example, the path would be as follows: Enrollment to secondary school and all basic curriculum classes as normal > attunement > undergrad prep courses for the reaper program if it's accepted (most do) > first stage of graduation undertakes the Eidolic Aperature (Uncap Ceremony, breaking the limits of magi's natural magic limit) > If successful, second stage will complete the full graduation ceremony and go on to university > training /studying intensifies, focusing more on study (the nature of liminal tears, wraith winds, corruptions, and the tools reapers operate) and choosing which field they will pursue in the program, while all are given a basic training course in specific magics and hunting techniques that ramps up until > completing the four year program, grad students engage in full trade training, working as the island's main service of hunters, scouts and sentries. Audric is currently in the final stage of this, hence the gossip quoting him as "Just a student, but practically the real deal." Primary school is fairly standard as can be, but it's a bit more fun to learn those classic subjects when you have the fun of enchanted textbooks and a kind, quirky siren for a teacher who plans fun aquatic fieldtrips. At least she tends to be everyone's favorite (She's also a grad level professor who works specifically with Aetherbiology majors and Reapers in their first years of university. She's one of Audric's favorite professors-- if not his top favorite.) Lichgate in general is something of an outlier for how its schools operate, though. It isn't exactly standard practice to smash them together at the very top of a spire, or to offer such an exacting focus from the moment of enrollment (on in some certain cases, attunement) until you've essentially gained your equivalent of a doctoral/masters. The location sitting right on the Veil's most unstable liminal tear is to thank for that-- and of course, even if you don't care as much about your education, it somehow manages to be the safest campus. As long as you follow the rules, obey curfew, don't wander off, and do exactly as your professors say during any off-spire excursions, especially.
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mak3itr7ght · 1 year
Pair : Yoongi x fem. Reader (Disney 'Soul' Au)
Yoongi's pov
'And the winner is...Min Yoongi!' At first... i couldn't be able to hear nothing, just my heartbeat that was accelerating...then, at some point... there they are: Applauses, my name, being shouted by the audience...and then...a feeling, a strange but good feeling, which made me smile like I've never did. This was my dream, to become one of the greatest pianists, to win this important competition and to really start...living. If I didn't succeed, and I died, I could have said.. I never truly lived.
At least... this was my mind.
I was coming back from a night full of festivities, to be honest, I wasn't able to drive a car at all, in that state...but... who would drive me home? My parents are in another town, my home town, Daegu, and I'm here, in Seoul, and they neither didn't come here to celebrate with me... they wanted me to study law and become a lawyer, but, I didn't want to, I wasn't born to live in that way, I was born to play music.
Playing piano helped me. I discovered this when I was almost 14yo: I won a scholarship, so I went to America to join a course, taught by a famous jazz pianist, Joe Gardner. God...that teacher, he played that piano like as if he had been doing it since before he was born. It was like he was able to isolate from reality. It was that man who made me realize what really was the reason I was born, and I am deeply grateful to him for that. But he lived for jazz, instead, I gave my heart to classical music. I spent many times with Joe, I dare say that, I almost saw him as a father figure.
He told me that, everyone, before their birth, must find their own spark and mine was right that one: Piano.
I thought about this, as I tried to follow the straight line of the road, I was taking to get home, despite the alcohol dancing in my veins. At one point though... I saw a shadow on the road, probably some nocturnal animal. I turned the steering wheel to avoid killing it... All I remember from then on was the excruciating noise coming from the wheels, the brake of my car whistling and then...darkness. Total darkness.
Y/n's pov:
'Congratulations, doctor Y/s ! It's all thanks to you if we managed to find a new cure for this terrible disease'
I was so happy... happy for being successful in what I dreamed since I was a child:
I've told to every person I've met, that I would become a researcher and save many lives.
Some of that people laughed at my 'ingenuity', others made fun of me, but, others never stopped to support me, like my parents, who were right in front of me, in that moment, among the crowd full of people who were cheering for me, my parents were so joyful and emotional that day.
I've studied hard, I've got my degree and some years ago, finally, I've moved here in Seoul (actually I'm from Chicago) to start working in a lab. At first, I didn't know what to do, but then, with some help, I've started to create a sort of cure for a bad disease that was spreading around the world. I was thinking about all the innocent lives that I could save. This thought gave me strength, this thought, this will, this wish, made me feel...alive
There were a lot of failures, many times in which I desired to quit and let me fall in the arms of desperation but...probably, if I didn't succeed, or at least if I didn't try and then i would be dead, I could have said...that I never lived.
The day I received the news that, that cure, for which i worked for years, was 100% efficient...I finally felt like I made it. I remember that, that day, i started laughing, meawhile tears was sliding down from my eyes. And now... here i am! After so many efforts, after facing so many challenges, here i am, with this reward between my hands; but, actually, for me, what really matters it's not this golden object, instead, it's that, thanks to me, many people, children, old ones will be able to live their life and try to achieve all their dreams. Because living...it's the most beautiful gift that life itself has ever given to us, even if, sometimes, we don't understand it, at first.
These were my thoughts, while I was sipping some red wine, leaning on the couch of my home, and while observing my degree's picture. I was happy, then, and i never felt that alive in my whole life. But, at some point, I heard a sort of whistle...it lasted 6 seconds...and then...an explosion, a light...and then...darkness. Total darkness.
Yoongi's pov:
'Where ami I? Am I dead?'
Many questions occupied my mind, while in front of me was all black, I took a look at my hands, and I noticed that they were...different, they changed color, it was a sort of light greenish blue, and the hadn't their regular form, it was like they was cartoonized or something, and the same happened to the rest of my body. Even if i didn't felt like that was my actual body...where was I? At a certain point, I caught myself in a sort of cinema, I observed the place around me and there were other entities with the same features as mines. I was confused and scared. Then a light appeared on the big screen and a sort of documentary was played on, it was talking about something called 'You seminar', a new name to call the 'great before'...like something opposite to the 'great beyond'? At the end of the documentary I was more confused and the only thing I managed to understand was that here we are just souls, dead or near to it, and we had to help the future new borns' souls to actually..born on earth. Some other extorted entities started to call our names along with some numbers and my attention was caught by another 'mentor' like me, she was apparently a woman, the fate wanted that one of the entities, called Jerrys, mentioned right her name: Y/n Y/s. That name seemed familiar, I surely heard it in Tv or in radio while looking for my music sheets...oh of course! Yesterday, at the restaurant, after the competition, on tv, she received an award. She was a med or something, she discovered a cure. But how did she get here? How is she dead? I saw here in the tv screen, she was smiling and she seemed so alive. Well, who knows... I kept following her with my eyes as she reached the small stage near the big screen, ready to take care of a small new soul. I felt the slight desire to talk to her, even just to hear what happened last night. My thoughts were interrupted by a voice that called my name, well it was mu turn indeed.
'Min Yoongi! Great pianist, recently winner of a worldwide competition! A pure soul, devoted to music. It's an honor to have you here and the same time a huge displeasure. I will entrust you a soul that still didn't manage to get its spark, despite having had several mentors. 93 come here!'
I wasn't sure about all that situation, maybe it was just the alcohol effect in my body, but, I thought that, if I was able to help this little one, I would be able to wake up. I was watching that small soul approaching me, it looked a bit desperate, it had blue eyes, but I couldn't tell if it was a boy or a girl. Instinctively I showed it a smile.
'Hello! You're the one that will make me born, right?'
I didn't know how to answer, to be honest, but I nodded. I was sure that I would be able to complete my task. The little soul jumped on me, hugging me. It seemed like it wanted to born so much, it wanted to live. I took it, its name was 93, by its hand and we went out of the cinema. We found ourselves in a sort of valley, full of colors like green, purple and blue, so strange and unreal, but, at the same time, so calming. There were souls with their mentors everywhere. Looking around, I spotted Y/n with her little soul. I decided to follow them and obviously my 93 followed me back, still smiling and looking at me with the eyes of a daydreamer, I was starting to wonder how it will be in the real world. We entered in a sort of huge building, it looked like a city... there was everything In it: grocery stores, cinemas, shops, parks, libraries, other buildings, labs, universities, schools and also a space base! It was incredible. I saw that many mentors made their souls found their spark there. Spark...I already heard about this term, it was right Joe who told me about it, I started to think about it and I remembered that I told me also about the time he went on coma... did he arrive here as well? Mh...I was not sure. The only think that I certainly knew is that I must go back.
Y/n's pov:
I was holding that little being's hand, it was a soul, as I understood, while I was wondering how i managed to arrive in that place.
'probably I'm dreaming'
I was saying to myself, I remembered only a big noise, and then nothing, but, anyway, I had to find the spark of that soul, only then I would be able to woke up. We entered in a big building, it looked like a museum, and inside of it there was everything! I saw tutors who showed to their little souls anything that you can do on Earth: from eating a cake or a slice of pizza, to even to launch a rocket.
'It's incredible how much fantasy my mind has'
I was still telling to myself, sure that I was dreaming.
'come, 39! Let's find your spark!'
I took 39 hand again and I went through the inside of that wide place. There was one thing...I felt observed... but I didn't pay much attention to it. First, we went into a lab and i showed it some cute experiments, trying to make it liking science, but I failed... I tried with astrophysics, maths, biology, medicine... I tried many other jobs like chef, teacher, singer, dancer...but nothing, was it possible that that little creature wasn't able to find its passion? I was starting to concern. Suddenly, those other beings, named Jerrys, brought together the various mentors who wasn't able to help their little souls. We returned to that teather where we started, and I saw a scene that made me feel goosebumps.
They had lined us up, and, one by one, the mentors were taken up escalators, towards a dazzling light... And then... They disappeared... I could well imagine where that light was leading.. And I admit that, I was scared, I couldn't die like this, not now that I had seriously started living... I closed my eyes, while the tears ran down my cheeks, but then I heard a voice.
A voice that was aimed at one of those Jerrys:
'Give us another chance! Give us more 5 hours! Please!'
It was just me and that other tutor...and I was praying that the Jerrys would accept his request, and miraculously, they did it. The Jerrys took us again the main valley and they left us there.
We had to find again our little souls... and we had only 5 hours... I was panicing, when suddenly that other soul started to talk to me:
'You managed to find a cure for an unknown and dangerous disease in few years. You will get out of here as well'
He had a calm, low, reassuring voice, I'd like to add. I turned to face him and his face looked familiar, even if we obviously had that non-human body.
'I'm sure you're wondering who I am, right? Well...you just have to know that I love music and playing piano'
He smiled at me, after saying that last sentence. I didn't know what to say.
'What is the number of your litte soul?' he added.
'39. And yours?'
He said with an higher tone and he looked more relieved.
So we decided to go in research of our little souls, around the whole valley. But there was no traces of 39 and 93.
Yoongi's pov:
We stopped in front of the huge museum where we entered first with our little souls. I could visibly see that Y/N was starting to worry, so, instinctively, I placed my hand on her shoulder and smiled at her, to make her understand that everything would be fine, I couldn't explain why, I had done it without thinking about it . I've always been a person who took a long time before expressing a minimum of feeling, life had taught me that, being without the love of parents or friends had taught me that, but Y/N seemed different from other people... Maybe because I met her in another form, I don't know, I was quite confused but I didn't hide that I had a certain concern too, having lost two little souls, in the middle of an immense valley , with other little souls around, MANY OTHER LITTLE SOULS!
But I said to myself "Min Yoongi! You can't let a situation like this overwhelm you. You will manage to get out of it and Y/N will succeed too" so I gave myself strength and we decided to go back to the big cinema where they assigned us 39 and 93...We went inside and found one of those Jerrys, I still don't understand why they had the same name, but it was a doubt that I could easily overlook, we told it about the fact that we couldm't find our little souls.
Jerry smiled, breathing a sigh of relief and reaching out his hand towards the "scenes" of the theater, where the two little souls came out. Y/N and I looked at each other for a few minutes and, always instinctively, we hugged, but then, in the grip of embarrassment, we pulled away immediately and ran towards the souls. Later Jerry pushed us into a small door, which was not there before.
Inside there, there was a kind of cylindrical device where there was a kind of fingerprint reader. I was hesitant but tried to put my hand on it. Suddenly holograms appeared around us, representing images, that I never imagined seeing there:
It was me, it was me in every moment of my life, from birth until...my D-Day, while I was celebrating with all those people, unaware of the accident that would happen following those celebrations.
Y/n was next to me, holding 39 by the hand, while she watched, almost in wonder, to my surprise, those holograms. I kept dwelling on the image that was at the center of that "exhibit":
Me, only 10 years old, playing the piano for the first time, smiled, I was happy, I remember that feeling well, which I had never experienced until then.
I haven't smiled so dazzling since then, at least, until today, until I got that award, which more like a personal victory, instead of a physical victory, Above all, because I won by playing one of my songs on that stage, First love.
'I admire you so much..'
I turned to Y/N. I kept looking at her without saying anything. So she kept talking..
Y/N's pov
I saw every hologram of that room, I had noticed that Yoongi's parents were very strict, from the image that portrayed her mother and father yelling at him ... I felt his pure love for music, listening to the song that led him to win, First love, right?
On the pedestal where the hologram was located, was engraved precisely :
'I remember that moment
Way taller than my height
The brown piano that guided me
I looked up to you, I yearned for you
When I touched you with my small finger'
- First Love, Min Yoongi
Then I stopped at the same hologram he had been looking at for some minutes. And I was amazed: He really looked like he had become one with that plan, he was happy, you could see it as well as feel it. He had inspired me, in some way. I admired him. I admired how he found a way to escape and be happy despite the difficult life he had. Then I realized that he was looking at me, I think I said some thoughts aloud without realizing it .. but now I couldn't leave him like this, without saying anything else ...
'I admire you because despite everything you managed to get so high'
I then turned to look at the emotional hologram of Yoon holding the trophy in his hand, after winning the title of best pianist in the world. I said it yet and I'll say it again, I admire him so much. He didn't do anything, he kept looking at me, his eyes slightly wide open. I instinctively smiled at him and he smiled back softly.
'if we get out of here, i really want to get to know you, not only as a soul, but as a person'
I boldly added. He nodded, his smile became a little bigger than before. Then I realized that we had been looking at each other for almost 10 minutes. So I shook my head and then felt something pulling me.
It was 93. It had taken my hand and placed it on the pedestal where Yoongi placed his hand and the holograms changed:
I saw parts of my life:
My eyes sparkled to see that despite all the efforts I had to go through, as a woman, as a scientist, as a student, as a person, it was all worth it. Yoongi approached me and stroked my head, it was a contact that I could perceive slightly, since, being souls, we hadn't the 5 senses, yet, I could feel that contact.
'You worked hard too, you are to be admired as well.'
I could hear his calm voice saying those words to me as he watched the hologram that shows clearly the moment when I failed. I remember that, that day, I felt the world collapse on me.
The cure had only achieved 10% effectiveness. And of course it was rejected. But then I succeeded.. That happiness didn't last long though. I lowered my gaze and saw 93 hugging me, that soul was such a cutie, she would have become a magnificent person on Earth.
At one point she broke away from me and went towards 39.
The two little souls held hands in front of me and Yoongi, they looked at each other for few minutes, they exchanged smiles and then.. Suddenly, I saw their passes for Earth light up...They had found their spark.. it wasn't a passion then..I turned to Yoongi with teary eyes and a smile that was bigger than my own face.
He smiled too, he had such a cute smile. I had never seen him smile like that before, but I knew that he would still be charming indeed, when he smiled, he was even more..
'We did it, I told you'
He said. I nodding in reply and accentuating my smile even more. Meanwhile 39 and 93 had jumped on us to hug us. They were so cute. We immediately ran towards that big portal that led to the earth..
Yoongi's Pov
I finally figured out what Joe meant by spark... A spark is not a passion.. It's something that drives you to live. I would really like to know what was the thing that lit the pass of 39 and 93 to give them all this desire to born, so, when we arrived in front of that portal that led to the earth, I stopped for a second in front of 39 and the I asked:
'what was that?'
It answered to me, smiling.
93? Another soul? Could another soul be a reason.. To live? Then it added.
'seeing your experiences made us understand that living is important and fighting for your dreams despite everything is our duty. But when we saw you, when we felt that you felt admiration for each other, we wanted to try the same admiration...'
Then it turned to 93.
'I hope with all my heart that we will live this life together, even if we are not born in the same country or at the same time, even if you become successful and I remain an ordinary person. Either way-'
'I want to be with you..'
added the other little soul. In a tone so sweet that even the cruelest person in the world would have melted his heart at those words. Spontaneously, I smiled.. Because in the end I understood that the spark as it could be something could also be someone. I turned to Y/N and looked at her with different eyes.
She had told me that she also wanted to meet me on Earth, but I continued to remain hesitant even though I nodded, but now that hesitation is almost completely gone. I seriously wanted to meet her. I didn't know if she was Korean, if she was the same age as me, and honestly, I didn't care about those things, especially after this experience. I turned to her and saw her with tears in her eyes, probably moved by the scene. I kept looking at her, I wanted to try to do something, even just hug her.. But it wasn't like me, it wasn't like me to feel this kind of affection.. What a curious thing, right?
What if... she was my spark? What if the two of us, before being born, had found ourselves in the same spot where 39 and 93 are now, and that we threw ourselves into that portal, fueled by their same motive? Maybe I'd known her for too little, maybe it was me, stunned by what was happening, and that all this was just my huge mental idea..
I didn't know, but I wanted to do something. And I did it. I hugged her, I didn't care about the situation or her reaction. I could feel the gazes of 93 and 39 on me, I could feel that Y / N was surprised, because her body, for a second, stiffened in that hug, but shortly after she let go, reciprocating. We didn't say anything, apparently words, sometimes, aren't needed to convey certain things. We turned smiling towards the two little souls who, immediately after returning the smiles, turned towards that portal and, holding hands, giving each other strength, jumped.
I was hoping that they would be able to spend this life together. I was hoping it so much. After all, this "journey" taught me something, it taught us something:
how precious life is in all its nuances.. and that we have to live every moment, we can't always wait for that something that really makes us start living, because deep down something can give you the will to live, but certainly in waiting to "find" that something, we still have to live and enjoy life, because we don't know when it will end.
So, back on earth, I would have tried to live differently, I would have tried to reconnect with my parents, without hard feelings, and I would have continued to play. But, first of all, I wanted to find the girl with whom I had, I think, the most important experience of my life...because in the end, even though I was in a coma, I was somehow "living" anyway.
After this long reflection, with Y/N by my side who remained silent, probably because she was lost in her world too, I heard a familiar voice behind me, which took me by surprise.
'BRAVO! you did it!!'
We both turned towards that voice, oh yes, it was a Jerry, very happy I might add.
'Now you can finally go your way'
Without even finishing speaking, Jerry opened a portal for us where there was earth. I looked into Y/n's eyes and she held out a hand to me, I, without hesitation, grabbed it and squeezed it, we closed our eyes and then .. We jumped into the portal.
Y/n's pov
I opened my eyes, or at least I tried to, I saw a dim light and the rest wasn't even that clear. I tried to move, tried to pull my head up and I succeeded, I had pains everywhere, especially on my head. Then I heard voices that kept saying:
And other phrases like that. So I tried rubbing my eyes and I started seeing better than before. So I took a look around me and there were my parents, my colleagues, my friends. They were all around me, around that bed on which I probably "slept" for a long time...I smiled, then I looked at myself, I had bruises and bandages everywhere.
'W-what happened?'
I asked. I actually already knew what happened... But I still wanted a double check. And then I thought, everything that happened in the "me seminar" was in my imagination. A simple dream.
'a bomb.'
My father began to speak. It was night. When we got a call from help. Already on the news there was talk of nothing else. We couldn't believe it. The hopes that you were still alive were...near 0%. We brought you here after officers pulled you out of the wreckage. Luckily the bomb had been planted in a part of the floor quite far from your apartment. They found you under the piano you have in your living room. That old piano that you never used but that you cared about because your grandfather gave it to you. You remember right? That piano... saved you somehow. And you got away with a few injuries and a minor concussion. It's a miracle.. '
My father's voice was starting to tremble. They must have had a huge scare. I put a hand to my chest and smiled at my father.
'I'm fine now'
I added.
'How long have I been in a coma?'
I said. I was hoping it was for a week or less.
'6 months'
I jumped. 6 months? So much? Yet that dream... That dream had lasted one day! How is it possible? I was about to panic, but then, Yoongi, who was holding my hand, came to mind, imagining his hand on mine at that moment, so I let out a huge sigh and the panic seemed to go away.
'I needed such a long sleep'
I said and then laughed and, after me, everyone did the same, in the room. After talking a bit with my relatives, the doctors invited them to go out to let me rest, I would have had to stay in the hospital for a few more days for checkups.
When I was alone in the room, of course, the center of my thoughts remained Yoongi, I honestly didn't understand why, but I was so curious to see him, to see him in his true human form, however, how could I, the world is so big... I decided to turn on the TV and by chance there was the news.
At one point my eyes widened.
They were talking about Yoongi and the fact that he had just woken up from a coma that lasted 6 months..
He must have ended up in a coma around the same time as me, that's why we met in the great before.
And.. Most importantly.. He was in the same clinic as mine. I had to see him. I decided to get out of bed, still a little weak but eager to finally meet Yoongi. I didn't know exactly where he was, but by asking some nurses I would have certainly found him. I found my parents outside who, in panic, tried to take me back to my room so I decided to run away without telling them anything. I went around the whole floor, but no trace of Yoongi..
I decided to stop so close to a vending machine to get a bottle of water.
'Here the water costs a fortune... And to think that it's a primary asset.. Tsk'
I knew that voice and almost cried with joy, I turned around and saw him next to me, Yoongi. He smiled at me, he had already recognized me apparently.
'You haven't changed much since you were there'
He told me smiling.
'Neither you'
I answered right away.
We stared at each other for a few minutes and then heard nurses pass by us chatting about the birth of two children:
One of them was a girl of English parents, who had only come here on holiday and will soon be returning to England; The other was a boy, Korean.
Yoongi and I exchanged a few glances.
'Do you think that...'
He replied without even letting me finish the sentence. Those two little ones were 93 and 39, ready to start their life on earth.
'even if they're more than 9,000 km away, I don't think the distance will stop them'
I added
'I totally agree with you..And by the way.. About us'
Yoongi turned to look at me again.
'When we get out of here, shall we go and have a coffee together?'
He made me chuckle, because I could feel that veil of embarrassment of him. A man seemingly so cold that he asks a girl out like that? I love it.
'I'd love that'
I smiled at him, only to hear the cries of my parents, enraged, telling me to go right back to my room.
'See you soon, pianist'
I nodded to Yoongi.
"See you soon, my scientist"
He returned the nod.
From that day on we always met in front of that machine, buying the usual bottle of water, when we finally left the clinic, we started dating and well.. You can imagine the rest, right?
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weve-en-moa · 1 year
Fallen | 4. The Present
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Warnings: allusions to depression, mentions of getting drunk
Word Count: 2,805
Previous | Masterlist | Next
When you returned to school after summer, you didn’t expect to be greeted in such way. Hyeseul had arrived the week before, and had all but turned your dorm into a nightclub, minus the people. You had to admit, she did outdo herself, which wasn’t surprising considering all of her artistic talents.
And while you wanted to enjoy the changes, you couldn’t help but continue replaying the previous day’s events over and over again.
It seemed your boyfriend knew you better than you thought, as he immediately caught on to your mood when you reunited the next day.
“I think it’s officially over between Sunghoon and I.”
Jake didn’t say anything, only held you tighter than before. It was warm and comforting, and you were grateful he didn’t say anything.
That was the last time Sunghoon was mentioned in any of your conversations.
  Your first class of the semester was shared with Sunoo, a film study course that was required for your younger friend and an elective you couldn’t find time to take the previous year.
At exactly 9:00am, the lecture began, and you had to work hard to fight off the fatigue that tried to overtake you.
But you would walk into your Statistics lecture an hour later and become thankful that you chose film study as your first class of the morning.
By noon, you were done your classes for the day, having learned in first year to get all of your courses done and out of the way in the morning, and have the afternoon free whether for studying, or meeting up with your friends.
And true to your final words to Sunghoon, you didn’t return home that winter break, or any of the breaks that followed, until your brother’s graduation.
  On Halloween, Hyeseul managed to get herself drunk enough to spill all about her family.
Hyeseul came from a surprisingly rich family, having everything money could buy, except her parents’ time.
Her parents were always busy, her mom an attorney for a mega-corporation, while her dad was a famous doctor, dedicated to honing his skills, but never having time for family in return.
You also learned that she had a fear of meeting new people, something you couldn’t have guessed based on how well the two of you got along immediately after meeting. When she told you the stories of her youth, however, you understood. People wanted to get close to her because of her wealth, or because their parents wanted something from her parents, and naturally, she started to worry that people were pretending to like her to get something in return.
You couldn’t blame her for wanting to keep her background a secret and start new where no one knew her, ensuring that people were wanting to be her friend solely because of who she was, not because of her family.
You became closer with Hyeseul after this, you yourself sharing things about your family, including your mother’s death and everything that happened after, sans stories about Sunghoon. When you shared, you hoped she would forget them since she was that intoxicated, but she remembered everything and you bonded over your childhood stories.
  During the holidays, Sunoo was the only other person staying behind with you, you out of your own choice, and Sunoo, because of the anticipated snowstorm that cancelled all of the buses home.
Jake and Heeseung had left the week before, having initially thought that all three of them would head home the same day, but Sunoo had mistaken his exam date and had to postpone his trip. The other boys had already arranged their trip, that they had to leave Sunoo to catch up.
Hyeseul had gone home for the holidays as well, her Christmas gift from her parents to go on a cruise during the break. She asked you if you wanted to join, but you declined, wanting to see the campus in all its beauty, without anyone else crowding it. It wasn’t if as you could afford it, though Hyeseul had offered to pay for you, but you were glad of the turn of events.
When Jake heard that Sunoo couldn’t make it back home, he was a little relieved that you wouldn’t be alone for the holidays. You had already declined his offer to stay at his apartment while you were on campus, but Jake knew you would agree if Sunoo was there too, knowing that you would worry for your younger friend feeling lonely. And he felt safer knowing you were in his home with a close friend than alone on campus.
(You questioned why Jake felt safer that you were staying with another male).
On your first day with Sunoo, you spent the entire day watching movies. Sunoo had a lengthy list of holiday movies he wanted to watch, ranging from kids’ cartoons to horror movies, so you laid out some blankets in the living room, changed into pyjamas and had a movie marathon.
The last thing you remembered was looking at the clock screen that read 4:30am before you fell asleep.
When you woke up, it was already noon, and Sunoo was still sleeping, facing the couch. When you looked outside, you saw that the roads were all but blocked, the snowstorm having made its presence while you were asleep, and 5 missed calls from your boyfriend.
You walked into the kitchen and called Jake, who sounded worried when he picked up.
“Are you okay?”
You were confused, and realized he might have been worried because you didn’t pick up, “Of course. Sunoo and I were watching a movie all evening, and fell asleep really late. Sorry if I made you worried.”
Jake let out an audible sigh, “And the snow?”
“It’s coming down pretty hard. The roads are blocked, so I think we’re effectively stuck in your house.”
There was a slight pause, and you could hear some rustling before Jake continued, “The apartment is equipped with a backup generator if the power cuts out, but there are extra blankets in the storage room beside the entrance, and hand and foot warmers in the box above the washing machine. There’s a portable propane stove under the sink and there should be a box of bottled water in the pantry. I think there’s enough non-perishables to last you for a few days but-“
You cut off your boyfriend with a giggle, “You’ve prepared everything, haven’t you?”
“I’ve had it all set up since you first said you wouldn’t be coming home with us. I wanted to make sure you’d be safe and comfortable while alone, but I didn’t think you would decline to stay at my place.”
Jake’s words warmed you heart. He respected your decision when you said you didn’t want to go home, and didn’t try to convince you otherwise when you declined his offer to stay at his apartment. You weren’t aware he had prepared this before asking you to stay over while he was away, and you were thankful that he didn’t push you to stay over even after having prepared everything.
“I love you.”
You could picture the smile appearing on Jake’s face on the other line, “I love you too.”
Shortly after your phone call with Jake, Sunoo woke up. You stared out the window at the snowstorm, and guessed that a power outage might really happen in the next few hours. Not wanting anything to spoil from the fridge, you made a quick meal with what there was, making some extra for supper.
You also made a mental note of what you used to restock the fridge before Jake returned, though you also knew Jake wouldn’t mind.
A few hours later, the power really did go out, and the building manager came around to inform everyone that there were some issues with the backup generators but that they were working on getting it running soon.
You didn’t mind the darkness, but you did mind the cold. You grabbed all of the extra blankets from the storage room, and lit the candle that Jake’s next-door-neighbour graciously dropped off after learning of the faulty generators. Both you and Sunoo were wearing several layers, with your warmest jacket on top, and wrapped yourselves in the blankets.
Luckily for everyone, the powers came back sometime during the night, but you were long asleep that you didn’t know until you woke up.
Though you initially wanted to spend the break on your own, taking time for yourself (you planned on walking around campus absent-mindedly with a cup of coffee, or cuddling up in your warmest sweater by the window to look at the winter scenery), you were glad you ended up having Sunoo around, your younger friend telling you stories after stories and ensuring you were always smiling.
As the end of the break drew near, you wanted to get a head start and get your textbooks and other supplies in order before the stores became busy with returning students. You were running out of space in your notebook, and you could use a few new pens, a certain someone (Heeseung) having stolen most of yours during your study breaks.
“This one suits you,” Jake stated, having gotten back two days earlier than expected, and now refusing to leave your side for the remainder of the break.
You looked at the pen he had chosen, a black one with a panda bear at the end. When you glanced at your boyfriend, he had a large grin on his face, and you knew he chose it on purpose. You laughed and elbowed him, telling him, “You’re not helpful.”
You left the store with two large paper bags, Jake insisting to carry them both, even though you knew they were both heavy. You walked to your dorm to drop off your new materials before heading back to Jake’s apartment, where you would stay for two more days until Hyeseul returned from her trip.
  You weren’t sure what you were thinking when you applied for a double major at the end of your second year. With only two years left to go (though, you were still 60% certain that you would need an extra year to graduate), that meant most of your remaining classes would have to be dedicated to meeting your major requirements. But, when you mentioned that you were considering journalism or public relations, your advisor suggested taking some sociology courses to provide you with additional perspectives and theoretical approaches, you acted on a whim and applied for a double major.
You didn’t exactly enjoy sociology as much as you enjoyed political science, but you enjoyed how your sociology courses allowed you to present your research as an Op-Ed, and you did find theories in sociology that helped you to question current policies and government processes.
(And you would be surprised when you received your first A+, ever, in the sociology course you took this term).
  In May, you accompanied your brother to various colleges, despite his protests that he did not need a “babysitter”. After several months apart, it was nice having him nearby, and visiting different colleges certainly took your mind off of the boy who kept trying to plague it.
You weren’t sure if your brother had been told by anyone, but like everyone else, he didn’t dare to mention Sunghoon’s name.
Part of you wished that your father would join as well, but you knew he was busy after receiving a promotion at work, and likely would be on yet another business trip. He did call often, to check that you and your brother arrived at each college safely, and you had to remind him time after time that you had already survived two years away from home and was more than capable of watching your little brother each weekend.
In June, you decided to take on more hours at your job, to save up before studying got the best of you again. You worked at the dental office on campus, and as most of the clients were students, many went home for the summer, leaving you with some peace and quiet. Your most frequented visitors were Heeseung and Sunoo, both of whom were supposed to be studying for Spring finals, but you couldn’t say no when they brought coffee and dessert whenever they came by.
In July, you were surprised when your former step-mother called and asked to visit. You were still working extra hours at the dental office, but as always, she was understanding and worked around your schedule.
Your former step-mother spoiled you during her visit, buying you food and new clothes, and you even introduced her to Jake. After her visit, you felt even more certain that she would always be a part of your family, regardless of how short your time with her was, or how late you first met her.
  Third Year
It was the last day of your fall semester when Jake asked you to move in together. You spent most of your weekends at Jake’s apartment anyways that you immediately agreed to the offer, spending winter break moving all of your stuff. Hyeseul was both happy and annoyed when she found out that you were moving out, happy that you were pursuing your happiness, but annoyed that she was losing her roommate.
When Sunoo and Heeseung learned of the news, all of the boys naturally found out, leading to Jungwon and Jay coming to help with the move as soon as their exams were over.
You were returning from the washroom when you heard Sunghoon’s name being whispered. It was the first time you’d heard his name since you told Jake that you had a fall out, and a part of you was curious to find out what was going on. Quietly, you found a comfortable position as you tried to stay hidden from view while listening in on the boys’ conversations.
“He doesn’t really leave his room outside of class, but at least he’s there. His parents called last week and said they were glad to see even that little bit of life back in him,” Jungwon shared.
Jungwon had been accepted to the same school as Sunghoon last year, on a Taekwondo scholarship. You were surprised to not have known that Sunghoon returned back to school, but it dawned upon you that Jake may have asked his friends to refrain from talking about Sunghoon when you were around.
“He avoids the athletics building like the plague though, even though he could get to his classes quicker if he used the pedways that goes through it.”
The boys didn’t seem to clue in on Jungwon’s words, but it clicked with you. Whatever happened with Sunghoon either happened in that building, or with the people who frequent that building.
But it wasn’t your concern anymore.
  Jake was surprisingly a good cook, and the two of you tried your best to even out the housework. At least once per week, you would do everything together, finding joy in the little things in your now shared life.
You also learned Heeseung should not be trusted in the kitchen, unless to make instant noodles, and ensured the food was always ready, or near ready whenever Heeseung came over.
As you navigated the ups and downs of living together, while juggling school and work, time flew by, and exams were already over, and you were returning home for the first time in two years, although only for one weekend.
All of Jake’s friends gathered as well, for Niki was also graduating. You didn’t see Sunghoon, but Jungwon had mentioned to Sunoo (and you overheard, not so accidentally) that Sunghoon had stayed back to catch up after pausing his studies.
Your brother was accepted into his top-choice university on a STEM scholarship for a Bachelor of Science, though decided to remain undeclared for his first year to explore his options. Niki would head off to complete a combined kinesiology and arts degree in contemporary dance.
With the exception of one person, it felt like your life was falling into its correct place. You couldn’t ask for a better group of friends, Eunyou and Hyeseul bringing a different outlook to life, but both making your days together worthwhile. You were also faring better in your own studies, and felt more than ready to tackle your final year of university. You had the best support by your side in the form of Jake and his friends, and counted on Heeseung to make your study breaks entertaining, while Jake would be your shoulder to lean on during your more difficult days and vice versa.
Everything felt almost too good to be true, but you weren’t going to think too much about it, and enjoy what the present moment currently had to offer.
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UPDATED: 12/4/2022
In alphabetical order{Fandom wise} & Pinterest links!
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Name: Claire West
Title: Misery Business
Fandom: {HBO} Barry
Faceclaim:  Tracy Spiridakos
Love interest: Barry Berkman
Pinterest Board: Link
Summary: More to be added...
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Name: Gabriel Issac
Title: No Place Like Home
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Faceclaim:  Tom Hardy
Love interest: Spencer Reid
Pinterest Board: Link
Summary: Gabriel Issac had a rough upbringing with a mother who worked as a prostitute, a dad who was never there and his mothers drug addict, abusive boyfriend used to watch him all day until one day his mother was suddenly murdered and he was taken away from his abusive step father by CPS. He was then raised an adopted by his foster mother who kept him on the right track and inspiring him to become apart of law enforcement. While he was working his way up to the F.B.I he was exposed for being gay, making his life and journey difficult. Then his hard work finally paid off when he was transferred to the B.A.U as a profiler. There he found a family and started taking an interest to a certain genius doctor.
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Name: Suzy Lee
Title: Suspicious Minds
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Faceclaim:  Sandra Oh
Love interest: David Rossi
Pinterest Board: Link
Summary: Sophia Jackson was a southern girl who moved to Long Island, New York after her mother passed away from cancer. She happened become next door neighbors with the famous David Rossi, growing up together and eventually becoming high school sweethearts. It was a teenage whirlwind romance for her, unforgettable nights, romantic dates and dancing all the time to Sophia ‘s favorite song “Falling in Love With You” by Elvis Presley. But one day her world came crashing down when Rossi broke up with her, the reason he gave her? He was in love with her best friend Carolyn Baker. Sophia was heartbroken and after graduating she moved out of Long Island as quick as she could. Training herself and studying hard to get into the academy. Sophia pushes herself hard, not focusing into any relationships in fear of getting her heart broken again. She had worked her way up to a Deputy Chief for the LAPD before transferring to Washington to work for the B.A.U, not at all expecting to see the one and only David Rossi again.
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Name: Katelyn Monroe (Caitie)
Title: The Coolsville Kids
Fandom: Scooby Doo
Faceclaim:  Camila Mendes
Love interest: Shaggy Rogers
Pinterest Board: Link
Summary: More To Be Added...
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Name: Ellie Cassidy
Title: Who We Really Are
Fandom: Sherlock
Faceclaim:  Danielle Savre
Love interest: Greg Lestrade
Pinterest Board: Link
Summary: More To Be Added...
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Name: Frank Jones
Title: Who We Really Are
Fandom: Sherlock
Faceclaim:  Mads Mikkelsen
Love interest: None
Pinterest Board: Link
Summary: More To Be Added...
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Name: Grace Williams
Title: Who We Really Are
Fandom: Sherlock
Faceclaim:  Conor Leslie
Love interest: Mycroft Holme
Pinterest Board: Link
Summary: More To Be Added...
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Name: Mercy Hudson
Title: Who We Really Are
Fandom: Sherlock
Faceclaim:  Sophia Bush
Love interest: Sherlock Holmes
Pinterest Board: Link
Summary: More To Be Added...
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Name: Teddy Paxton
Title: Who We Really Are
Fandom: Sherlock
Faceclaim:  Tom Ellis
Love interest: James Moriarty
Pinterest Board: Link
Summary: More To Be Added...
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Name: Eleanor Baliey
Title: All the Things She Said
Fandom: Law and Order SVU
Faceclaim: Rachel McAdams
Love interest: Olivia Benson
Pinterest Board: Link
Summary: Detective Bailey had a rough upbringing with an alcoholic father and a catholic mother that made Carrie’s White’s mother seem like an actual saint. So when she was a teenager and her mother went into her room and saw Eleanor kissing their neighbors daughter, all hell broke loose. Eleanor was beaten and sent to a conversion camp that did horrible things to her and other kids who were sent there. After that experience Eleanor went on with her life trying to forget and started dating men who were not good to and for her. Her life started to go further down hill until she found herself in college. Eleanor found herself inspired when taking a criminal justice course and by the professor who gave Eleanor the confidence to do something more in life. So she started her journey on becoming a detective and started focusing on getting her life back on track. Eleanor ended up graduating with flying colors from college and the police academy. She then found herself joining the Special Victims Unit.
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jess-unkommentiert · 2 years
I. Welcome to the Avengers Compound
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→ "I didn't have a choice!" - Masterlist → The story on Wattpad
Beginning of March 2024 – Brooklyn, New York The sun was about to set as Lynn was finally done with her 24-hour-shift at the hospital. On a regular day she would have been out of the hospital three hours ago, but she was stuck in a complicated surgery that included the amputation of a leg above the knee. The poor man was hit by a car this morning and his shin, fibula and ankle bones were fractured so complicated, that they didn't have a choice but amputate the leg. And when you're in the middle of a surgery you don't just walk away because your shift was over. You finish that surgery and end your shift afterwards.
Lynn decided to check on the man first thing when she would start her next shift after lunch tomorrow. She was always curious how her patients turn out after they had treated and examined them in the ER or in surgery. After becoming a doctor a few years ago she did further training to specialize as a trauma surgeon because she wanted to be able to help people after accidents and other traumatizing situations. Ever since her aunt died in a car accident when she was a kid she wanted to specialize in that topic.
After a lot of hard work and years of studying with excellent grades she started working in the Emergency Room (ER) of the Kings County Hospital in Brooklyn. Unfortunately a few months after her start, Thanos made his famous snap – dusting half of the planet. Lynn was one of the remaining people but they lost a lot of staff and all remaining doctors and nurses had to work even harder and more than before.
Lynn accepted the challenge and soon became the leading doctor in the ER. She was responsible for all kind of major injuries like polytraumas, gunshot and stabbing wounds or multiple organ failures. When there was heavy stuff going on in the ER you could find her around the patient to save its life. She won numerous awards for the re-organization of "her" ER which had led to a significant higher life-saving rate for the hospital. She had written her doctor thesis about improving the "Triage"-system and implemented the better version at the hospital in 2020.
Instead of doing the simple Triage (S.T.A.R.T. model) as the hospital did before they implemented an advanced version. In the simple version you use the colors green, yellow and red in order to sort patients into those who need critical attention and those with less serious injuries. The system was created during The Napoleonic War in France in the beginning of the 1800s as millions of soldiers were hurt and there weren't enough beds in the hospital to treat them all:
Green = Not urgent, can wait up to 180 minutes for medical attention Yellow = Less serious injury, can wait up to 60 minutes for medical attention Red = Needs immediate medical attention, Life in acute danger
Lynn had improved the system and included the colors Orange (in between yellow and red, medical attention needed within the next 15 minutes) and Blue (= not really an emergency, can wait up to four hours) to the Triage system. She had also implemented the system in their daily work instead of just using it after mass car crashes or other accidents that involve a huge number of patients at the same time. One doctor in the ER was in charge for sorting the patients into the five categories right after their arrival. So every patient's file in the computer was matched with the right color and all doctors and nurses knew exactly about the seriousness of the patients' injuries.
The re-organization of the ER did not just increase their life-savings rate it also got Lynn her first big award and she was able to gave a few presentations on hospitals around New York to help them implement the new system as well. It was a huge success for her and she was very proud that she made the hospital a bit better and could save even more people than before.
Her second big award was the "Ambitious Young Doctor Award" that she got in 2021 – half a year after she became head of the ER team. With only 29 years at that time, she was very young to have so much responsibility but because of the Snap every doctor – no matter what age – was needed badly. And Lynn was a brilliant doctor.
After the return of the second half of the world with the Blip in October 2023 things changed in the hospital. Lynn was still the head of ER, but her predecessor Dr. Miller was not happy with that and didn't understand why he didn't get his job back. For all the dusted people these five years were just a few seconds. But for the remaining people it was fucking five years where they worked their asses off and tried to live with the new situation.
And it wasn't easy! Almost everybody had lost at least one of their loved ones and they didn't have time to grieve as they needed to work and keep the world alive in the best possible way. And Lynn worked well under all that pressure, although she had lost both of her parents to the Snap.
Around one week after The Blip and the return of billions of people even Dr. Miller respected Lynn and her work and finally was okay with her being in charge. What maybe these superheroes haven't thought about while fighting against Thanos was the fact that within a second Lynn and her team had double the patients. The re-appeared within the hospital building – some of them needed immediate medical intention.
Thanks to her Triage system the chaos was handled well but it was the hardest week of Lynn's professional life so far. For one whole week she had not more than 8 hours of sleep cumulated. Her body was broken and a wreck afterwards but they managed to save as much people as possible. After Dr. Miller had seen how professional and amazing Lynn handled the situation he was okay with being her deputy and representative in case of PTO or illness.
Lynn still loved her job and loved the hospital she was working at, but after The Blip a lot of the processes and improvements she had implemented were abandoned. Just by the fact that the returning doctors were used to the old processes and didn't want to change anything. That was very frustrating for her and made her sad and angry at the same time.
But this evening – after her 24 hours shift – she was happy because she was sure that the man with the car accident would survive. And that was a miracle because of all the injuries he had. That's why she loved her job – because she were able to help people who couldn't help themselves and give them second chances in their lives.
Lynn's apartment was in walking distance to the hospital as it was a special apartment for employees of the Kings County Hospital. The hospital rented a lot of apartments nearby to give them to doctors and nurses for a good prize. She was thankful for that – although her apartment was only around 400 square feet / 38 square meters. It had a little kitchen area and enough space for two bookshelves full of medical books as well as a big queen size bed. She didn't have a couch but watching TV while laying in bed was even better than sitting on a couch. There wasn't enough space for a big dinner table, but she had a small one with two chairs around it.
She watched the sun set between the houses on her street before entering her apartment complex. It has been a long shift and she didn't have motivation or patients to cook so she got herself a pizza on her way home. Thankfully there was a Pizza Hut on Nostrand Ave where she had left way too much money in the last six years. She always wanted to cook for herself but after those hard 24 hours shifts she wasn't in the mood to do it. One of her colleagues and friends Toby was her role-model as he did a lot of meal prep on his days off and was even able to go to the gym four times a week. She took a mental note to ask him for advices to start with a healthier lifestyle.
But tonight she had an amazing Pizza and enjoyed every bite of it while sitting on her bed and watching "Grey's Anatomy" on Disney+.
As she wanted to start with the last slice she could feel her phone buzz next to her thigh and she quickly pulled it out of the pocket of her sweatpants.
Unknown Caller
She wondered for a second and wasn't sure if she should answer the call but then curiosity won over fear so she answered it.
"Hello, this is Lynn speaking."
"Hello Mrs. Summers. My name is Maria Hill." came a friendly female voice from the other side of her phone.
"Actually it's Miss Summers, as I am not married. But that's okay. What can I do for you, Mrs. Hill?"
"Well, actually it's also Miss Hill." Maria chuckled and made Lynn laugh, too. She didn't know why but Lynn felt like she had an immediate connection to Maria.
"I am calling, because I want to offer a job to you." Maria added.
"A Job? What does that mean?" Lynn asked confused. Her eyebrows were furrowed as she tried to find the connection in her brain where the hell she had heard the name "Maria Hill" before.
"Have you ever heard about the Avengers, Miss Summers?" Maria asked calmly.
In that moment Lynn finally got the connection in her head and her eyes widened in shock and disbelief. Maria Hill was the new leader of the Avengers after Nick Fury was killed a few years ago. As Lynn was a civilian she obviously didn't know that Nick Fury survived the assassination by the Winter Soldier in 2014. She just read about his death in the newspapers after it happened. After that the Avengers seemed to be under their own lead but a few months ago she read an article about the re-building of the Avengers Compound outside of New York and that Maria Hill was now the organizational leader.
"Of course I have. I mean, who hasn't, right? They saved our entire planet from being destroyed." Lynn chuckled nervously as she wasn't sure why THE Maria Hill called her.
"Yeah, after putting it in danger for several times before, they saved it in the end. That's right." Maria answered. There was a weird silence between the two women afterwards and Lynn wasn't sure if this was her cue to say something. But before she could open her mouth Maria Hill cleared her throat and continued:
"I am sorry. It was a tough and long day. I am calling because the new Avengers Compound still needs a doctor. We had on-call-doctors but realized that this is not gonna work for us. We need someone to be around 24/7. I've read about your awards and all the amazing work you did after the snap. That's why I would love to have you around and offer you the job as leading doctor in our med bay. You will have 350k as salary, a room next to the med bay and free food and drinks. How does that sound for you?"
Lynn was shocked. The salary was huge and as she didn't need to pay for rent or food she would have a lot of money to spend it on vacations or other stuff.
"I am sorry in advance for asking that, but what are the disadvantages of that job?" she asked nervously.
"I don't understand that question, Miss Summers." Maria answered confused.
"Well... it's... it's a huge salary and an amazing job opportunity. Job like that are normally not as easy as they appeare on the first look. There are always disadvantages. Obvious ones and hidden ones." she stumbled.
She could hear Maria laugh before she answered:
"You are indeed very smart, Miss Summers. The job implies that you stay at the Avengers Compound 24/7, that means you are not as free as you're used to. We're on missions all the time and accidents and injuries can happen in the middle of the night. They mostly happen when we don't plan it. That's why you are on-call all the time. So you won't have regular working hours and a lot of PTO. These are the disadvantages."
"Understood. You said leading doctor. What would the team look like?"
"Your team would also contain an assistant doctor, but we haven't found someone yet. If you have someone you want to bring with you, please let me know and I will check if it's possible. There are also six nurses around that would be under your lead. Two of the six nurses are on the Compound 24/7 like you are. The others as well as the assisting doctor are only on-call in cases of emergency."
"To be honest, this sounds pretty good, Miss Hill. But I need to think about it for a night, if that's okay?" Lynn answered.
"For sure! I'll send you a text with a number that you can call to give me your answer. Take your time until the end of the week. But if you agree to work with us I need you to start on Sunday. We will organize everything with your current employer and help you move your stuff to the compound. So the only thing you need to focus on is having an eye on the Avengers."
"I'll call you tomorrow, I promise! Also I need to call someone that I think of as assistant doctor. He would be perfect for the job."
"Sounds amazing. Then I'll talk to you tomorrow, Miss Summers. Have a wonderful evening." Maria Hill said and without waiting for Lynn's response she hung up.
Lynn sat on her bed with her jaw on the floor and her eyes widened in shock. She could be the leading doctor of the Avengers? She could be a passive part of saving the world over and over again? It was like her dream job. And she didn't mind to move to the compound. When you work as a doctor you don't have time to maintain friendships in a way you want to. That's why her only friend at the moment was Toby.
Speaking of Toby. She regained the ability to control her body and called him immediately to ask him if he wanted to be her assistant doctor at the Avengers Compound. Toby was hyped but not sure how that would work. If he would be working in his normal job full-time but be on-call in case of an emergency or if he would be a doctor at the compound as well. Maria Hill said on-call-doctor but that could be in any possible way:
Full-time normal job + on-call for the Avengers Half-time normal job + half-time sitting around and wait for a call in case he was needed No normal job allowed, just sitting around and waiting for a potential call and so on...
Lynn couldn't answer his questions and they decided to call Maria Hill together tomorrow.
And they did.
Maria answered all their questions and Lynn and Toby got to know that Toby would work in his normal job full-time but got a special phone where we needed to answer any call and immediately make his way to the Compound if necessary. There was a spare room for him in the Compound as well (just in case he needed it) but he would continue living in Brooklyn. Maria would take care of creating a contract between the hospital and the Avengers so that Toby didn't have any disadvantages when he left to help Lynn.
He was not allowed to turn off the special phone and even if he was in the middle of an open-heart surgery he needed to answer the phone and rush to the Avengers as soon as possible. Toby was concerned that this would bring him disadvantages in his normal job but Maria made sure that the contract between the Avengers and his employer would help with that. The only thing she couldn't prevent was the fact that maybe his co-workers would be pissed or annoyed that he needed to left without any warning and without being able to tell them any details.
It all sounded too good to be true but Lynn and Toby decided to give the job a chance as it was interesting and exciting. They celebrated their new jobs with two shots of Tequila and Sushi Take-Away.
⍟ ⍟ ⍟
On Saturday Lynn packed almost all her clothes and other stuff in boxes that someone brought her on Friday evening. After she had quit her current job on Wednesday her boss didn't want her to come around anymore, so she had a few days to pack her stuff. She knew that the moving team would come on Sunday morning 7:00 am and that they would take care of everything else. She just needed to pack he stuff in boxes and label them correctly. The team would also take care of her keys and give them back to the hospital. She really didn't need to do anything - like Maria Hill had told her in their first call.
She was expected to be at the Compound on Sunday Morning 8:30 am to start her first day in the infirmary.
As she was freaking excited for her new job she wasn't really able to sleep in the night from Saturday to Sunday and so she took her MacBook and researched the Avengers. Of course she knew a few things about them because a lot of their stuff were in the news, but she tried to find more personal things about them to prepare with who she would work in the future. But she couldn't find a lot other than the common know things.
"Well, so I have to go into the new job unprepared. Let them surprise me. Don't know if I like that..." she mumbled to herself when the sun started to rise again - coloring the world outside of her window in a mixture of rosé and orange. It was beautiful and she would really enjoy the view, but she was tired as hell and excited and frightened and angry and a lot of other emotions at the same time. Her body was overwhelmed and she felt nauseous which was weird because she was never like that - not even before her final exams in Med School.
But it wasn't like everyday when you start to work with famous superheroes.
She took a shower and packed her suitcase with the most important things that she wanted to bring to the Compound on her own. Then she sprinted to the nearby coffee shop to buy a tray full of coffees for her and the moving team, that arrived a few minutes after she was back in her apartment.
Time for a last Goodbye after she had instructed the workers and made her way to her car to drive to her new home: The Avengers Compound.
It was located outside the city in the Nyack region and she would need 75 minutes with her car to be there with the current traffic situation. So she didn't want to waste time and be late on her first day so she had grabbed her suitcase as well as a backpack with other important stuff and went to her rental car that was parked outside of the building. As she had everything in walking distance and no parking slot or parking garage to her apartment she didn't own a car.
Around 70 minutes later she arrived in front of a big gate with guards next to it. She lowered her front window and one guard came to her car.
"Good Morning. How can I help you?" he asked with a serious but somehow friendly face.
"My name is Lynn Summers and I have am supposed to meet Maria Hill at 8:30 am. I am the new doctor for the Compound." she answered with nervousness in her voice.
The man in his late 40s looked at the iPad in his hand with furrowed eyebrows. A few seconds later - that felt like an eternity for Lynn - he relaxes his face expression and looked her in the eyes.
"Then you must be Lynn Summers, correct? Please show me your ID and afterwards I will check your car with the x-ray. Then you can enter the area." he answered.
Lynn showed him his ID and he nodded before walking around the car with some sort of device in his hands. After two minutes he went back to the still open window and said:
"All clear. You can come in. Follow the street and turn right at the first crossing. Then continue your ride until you arrive at the main entrance. Just park your car in front, someone will take care of returning it to the rental company. Welcome to the Avengers Compound, Miss Summers." he smiled at her as the gate was slowly opening.
This was it. The first day of her new life started today.
⍟ ⍟ ⍟
AN: The Avengers Compound is originally located in "Upstate New York" which would be an 4 hours drive from Brooklyn. As this is not realistic for the story I decided to move it to Nyack.
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collegedunias · 1 month
Open Your Future: Find the Best Engineering Colleges in West Bengal
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In today’s competitive world, choosing the right college is one of the most important decisions for any student. If you aspire to become an engineer and are looking for the best options in India, you should explore Engineering Colleges in West Bengal. The region is famous for its quality education and excellent engineering institutes that shape the future of thousands of students every year.
Why Choose Engineering in West Bengal?
West Bengal is not only known for its cultural heritage but also for its educational excellence. Engineering Colleges in West Bengal are equipped with state-of-the-art facilities, experienced faculty, and curriculum in sync with the latest industry trends. Studying in this vibrant state offers a blend of academic rigor and a rich cultural experience.
Top Engineering Colleges in West Bengal
When we talk about Engineering Colleges in West Bengal Several names come to mind that are synonymous with quality education and great infrastructure. Let’s explore some of the top institutes you should consider:
Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kharagpur
IIT Kharagpur is one of the premier engineering colleges in West Bengal and is a name that commands respect across the globe. Known for its cutting-edge research and innovation, IIT Kharagpur offers a wide range of engineering disciplines. The alumni of the institute have made significant contributions in various fields globally, making it a dream college for many engineering aspirants.
Jadavpur University, Kolkata
Another gem among the engineering colleges in West Bengal is Jadavpur University. It is acclaimed for its strong emphasis on research and development. The university offers undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctoral programs in engineering, giving students ample opportunities to pursue their interests and excel in their careers.
National Institute of Technology (NIT) Durgapur
NIT Durgapur stands out among the engineering colleges in West Bengal for its excellent academic standards and strong placement record. The institute's focus on practical and industry-oriented education ensures that students are well-prepared to face real-world challenges. The collaborative environment of NIT Durgapur fosters innovation and creativity.
Benefits of Studying in Engineering Colleges of West Bengal
Choosing one of the Engineering Colleges of West Bengal comes with several benefits:
High-quality education: The colleges here follow a rigorous academic curriculum that meets international standards, ensuring a comprehensive learning experience.
Experienced faculty: The professors and lecturers at these colleges are experts in their fields, bringing a wealth of knowledge and practical experience to the classroom.
State-of-the-art infrastructure: Modern laboratories, libraries, and research centers provide students with the resources they need to excel in their studies and projects.
Vibrant campus life: The campuses of these colleges are packed with activities, clubs, and events that help in the overall development of students.
Strong Alumni Network: Graduates from these colleges hold good positions in prestigious organizations around the world, providing a strong network for current students.
Preparing for Admissions
Getting admission in top engineering colleges in West Bengal requires dedication and hard work. Here are some tips to help you prepare:
Strong Academic Record: Make sure you maintain good marks in your 10th and 12th class, as these are crucial for your college application.
Entrance Exams: Prepare well for entrance exams like JEE Main and JEE Advanced, as good scores can significantly increase your chances of getting admission in prestigious colleges like IITs and NITs.
Extracurricular Activities: Participating in science fairs, competitions, and other extracurricular activities can improve your application and show your passion for engineering.
Personal Statement: Write a compelling personal statement that reflects your passion for engineering and your career aspirations.
Career Prospects
Graduating from one of the top engineering colleges in West Bengal opens up a plethora of career opportunities. From multinational corporations to research and development firms, the demand for skilled engineers is constantly growing. Many students also pursue higher studies or start their own ventures, contributing to innovation and technological advancement.
In conclusion, engineering colleges in West Bengal provide students with a great platform to realize their dreams and build a successful career in engineering. With great education, experienced faculty, and vibrant campus life, these colleges ensure that students are well-prepared to face the challenges of the future. So, take the first step towards a promising career by exploring the best engineering colleges in this dynamic state and unlock your potential.
Choosing the right college is a significant step towards your future. Make sure to research thoroughly and pick the one that aligns with your aspirations and goals. The Engineering Colleges in West Bengal are here to guide you on your journey to success.
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raycalhoun · 4 months
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Full Name: Raymond Dean Calhoun
Nickname(s): Ray
Age: 54
Birthday: July 16, 1970
Hometown: Rivershore, WV
Length of Time in town: Born here, left for college and some years later
Gender: Male
Pronouns: he/him
Orientation: Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Divorced and weird
Occupation: Apiarist and Advice Columnist
Accent: Very southern accent
tw divorce
Raymond, affectionately known as Ray, grew up in a two bedroom dirt shack off the grid of Rivershore. His family were a small, mining family. They never really had much, and Ray remembers when his father was injured and couldn’t work. He remembers being hungry.
Being poor meant you had to have a work ethic. So, Ray studied hard and developed his skills. He was accepted into college and then medical school to be a psychiatrist. His mother wanted him to be a doctor, but the on call hours didn’t really call to him, so a doctor of the mind was something that could interest him.
In all honesty, Ray considered school a chore. He loves to learn, he loved to research and study, but the act of classrooms and other students was a chore. He met his wife to be in undergraduate, their romance was a whirlwind and before a year was up they were married. Their family went from two to three before Ray graduated his undergraduate. 
Medical school was a whirlwind of long hours and a toddler and many sleepless nights. He was poor again, and god he hated it. There were a lot of nights that he claimed he wasn’t hungry so that his wife and child were full. A quiet desperation set in, only the light at the end of the tunnel was graduation and his own practice.
Finally, he made it. He was able to open his own practice. His clinical practice was mindnumbingly boring — however, the money was excellent. His claim to fame and money was notonly his clinical prowess but also the series of teen fiction that he wrote and became a popular novel series in the early 2000s. The series went on to become a famous multi-movie franchise that he helped produce. 
As their influence grew with their wealth, Ray could only see more and more loss of what he valued: privacy. His wife, however, loved the parties, loved the influence, loved the culture. And in Lexington, Kentucky, there was plenty of it. Soon they were invited to all the old money parties, and derby parties. Ray, however, couldn’t stand it. He stopped attending too much of the society parties much to the chagrin of his wife.
When the divorce was served, Ray was almost relieved. Granted, she got half of his wealth and his practice. However, that gave him license to sell the practice. He moved back to Rivershore where he bought in a very modest home in the Valley that he still lives in today.
The obsession with bees was always there. He something of jumped into the idea of being an apiarist with both feet. It was full of trial and error, but he loved having something new. From there, he built a small honey and bee business where he rescues bee colonies and relocates them to his hives and then sells the honey at local markets. It makes just enough to sustain him.
About five years ago, the franchise of books that he built into an empire has come under fire from critics. Around the same time, the internet did what they did best and dug up dirt on him. Since then, he’s moved to being something of a recluse outside Rivershore. He has no online presence, but given his love for the written word, he writes an advice column where the townies of Rivershore send him letters, and he selects one letter a week to respond to and give advice. This column is, of course, written under a pen name. 
He’s something of a menace to the people of Rivershore - Ray has gotten his license taken away three times, and doesn’t have one, but he still drives. On Friday nights you can find him either hustling a game of pool or betting on the local high school game.
1970: Born
1988: Graduated High School
1992: Graduated College (likely met wife in college, they got married and had a kid in these 4 years)
1996: Graduated medical school
1998: Opened his own clinical practice / started writing book series
2001: First book went best seller
2009: Books into movies
2011: Divorce / moved back to Rivershore / started bees
2020: Started the advice column which is well known in the town
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Bio Wellness CBD Gummies Reviews: Many people, especially college students, suffer from mental illnesses like depression and worry. Having trouble sleeping and losing your mental health are alike. These days, people expect us to do more than one thing at a time. We have to do many different mental and physical things every day. People who keep their minds and bodies in good shape tend to live longer and healthier lives.
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What are Bio Wellness CBD Gummies?
Bio Wellness CBD Gummies are known to have many health benefits, such as improving brain function, metabolism, and overall well-being. The main benefits these sweets offer when it comes to helping and easing your pain and aches are listed below. Even though hemp and CBD are the main ingredients in Bio Wellness CBD Gummies, they also have a lot of other active ingredients.
Gummies can help your body deal with pain, stress, anxiety, sadness, restlessness, sore muscles, joint pain, and throbbing that won't go away. Bio Wellness CBD Gummies are very famous because they make people feel good after they eat them. These sweets have been approved by doctors, and they are full of healthy nutrients and minerals.
What makes the Bio Wellness CBD Gummies Work?
The endocannabinoid system (ECS) can change both of these control systems. When you eat their Bio Wellness CBD Gummies, they work with the ECS. To give you some examples: It might change sleep-wake cycles to help you sleep better, pain receptors to ease pain, and serotonin receptors to lower your worry.
Putting something in edible form is one of the best ways to get it to people. The Bio Wellness CBD Gummies' ingredients get into your bloodstream when you chew on one. They are taken by the mucous membranes in your mouth. Comparing taking CBD in gummy form to putting it under your tongue for absorption makes the benefits start to show more quickly.
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How exactly do Bio Wellness CBD Gummies help you sleep better?
Make sure you get the right amount of sleep every night to keep your body and mind healthy. Not getting enough sleep makes you tired of energy, which makes it hard to enjoy life for the best. These things mostly happen when you get older and are under a lot of mental stress. Scientific studies have shown that cannabidiol (CBD) may be able to help people control their sleep habits. Take this before bed if worry and anxiety are keeping you up at night. It will help you get a good night's sleep. If those things are true, you can rest easy. Besides that, it helps the body make melatonin, a hormone that makes you sleepy. Because of this, this chemical can help people fall asleep.
So What Makes Bio Wellness CBD Gummies Unique?
Bio Wellness CBD Gummies, which can be bought on their official website, is a healthy and effective way to solve several fitness issues. They are made from only natural ingredients. Here are the main parts of this method that doesn't use chemicals:
Gummies with cannabidiol: -40! This chemical comes from the hashish plant and is used in medicine to treat insomnia, sadness, chronic pain, and other conditions. Aside from that, it's good for the circulatory system.
It's not strange that lavender gummies have become so popular so quickly. The candy can help with a lot of mental health problems, like stress and insomnia.
Coconut sweets are good for your skin because they ease chronic pain, help with several skin problems, and make digestion stronger with little effort.
Sweets that are made with castor oil: When you use this product, you get too many vitamins and minerals, your gut system's electrical activity improves, you stop feeling tired, and inflammation goes down.
In addition to making pain less frequent and stronger, clove extract is good for your health in general because it cleans the blood.
It's easier to enjoy the tasty feelings they give you because it has fruit extract and springs of different sizes and shapes.
Potential Benefits of Bio Wellness CBD Gummies?
Different people may have different responses, but it's possible that it could have several benefits. This is what researchers are looking into now with Bio Wellness CBD Gummies:
Getting rid of stress and anxiety: Caffeine (CBD) may help relieve stress and anxiety by affecting the endocannabinoid system (ECS). It may also help people feel more relaxed.
Large amounts of research have been done on cannabidiol (CBD) and its ability to reduce pain, making it a popular choice for people who have severe pain.
CBD may help people who have trouble sleeping or sleep at odd times because it changes the sleep-wake processes. This is because cannabidiol (CBD) can change the way a person sleeps and wakes up.
Help for the immune system and inflammation: Because it may help with inflammation, cannabidiol (CBD) is being looked at as a supplement to help control inflammatory diseases and boost the immune system overall.
Why did Bio Wellness CBD Gummies become so popular?
The fact that Bio Wellness CBD Gummies are made with only natural ingredients means that they can help in many ways. The next line of text lists some of these advantages.
This will make you feel better and make it easier to handle worry and tension when they come up.
It's much easier to fall asleep and stay asleep because of this.
You might feel better and have more energy if you boost your immune and digestive systems. Besides that, it makes you feel better in general.
It not only helps you get this benefit, but it also keeps your heart strong and healthy.
It has many benefits, and one of them is that it helps you focus and pay attention.
It keeps your mind from moving and helps you remember everything you've learned.
This will make you feel better emotionally and give your skin better general health.
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What is the best way to take Bio Wellness CBD Gummies?
Some people are afraid that cannabidiol (CBD) will be harder to use than they thought because it is still fairly new. We promise you that is not true at all. It shouldn't be too hard to add these kinds of things to your diet. You can be sure that you fully understand the process because we will quickly give you all the steps.
Just two Bio Wellness CBD Gummies every day will do the trick. This is the only thing you have to do. If you want to quit smoking or ease pain, the best time to take them is in the morning. If you want to get the most out of them, like sleeping better, eat them right before bed. Before you start taking CBD, you should wait at least 30 days. In other words, you can enjoy all of its benefits.
Is it Safe for You?
This is because the CBD in Green Spectrum CBD Gummies is all-natural and doesn't contain any chemicals. This means that they are completely safe to use. Spectrum CBD Gummies are eaten by millions of people every day, but no one has ever talked about their experience with them. Before doing the action, you should talk to your doctor about whether or not Spectrum CBD Gummies are safe to eat.
Step-by-step Instructions to Utilize Bio Wellness CBD Gummies
If you've never taken CBD before, it might be hard to figure out how to take Bio Wellness CBD Gummies Reviews. Here are a few ideas to get you started.
You shouldn't own it! You will do much better if you get a few GUMMIES. In addition, these 500 mg chews are much better than older ones. You only need one to start, and you can add more if you need to.
It's very important to stress that people who are in a lot of pain should keep taking GUMMIES so that the medicine can keep working.
Find out how long the GUMMIES will stay in your body. After that, decide what to do. Pick up another thing that sticks before the first one wears off.
Where can I get Bio Wellness CBD Gummies?
Bio Wellness CBD Gummies can be bought from their main website by clicking on the link given. If you click on the link to the main page, you can buy Bio Wellness CBD Gummies. That's what you need to do to buy the thing. All you have to do is go to their website, fill out the form with your information, and then choose a payment method and send the request. No matter what, you should still pay ahead of time to save time.
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Finally, some closing thoughts
Making use of Bio Wellness CBD Gummies is a simple and private way to take CBD. Besides the ways already mentioned, they may also be good for your health in other ways. Along with the many health benefits, many people who have eaten these sweets say they feel less pain and inflammation and more calm and relaxed afterward.
Remember that cannabidiol (CBD) goods may affect different people in very different ways. Before you use any CBD products, you should talk to your doctor, especially if you are already taking medicine for a health problem. If you want to use CBD goods, this is a very important thing to think about.
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danidanialsblog · 1 year
Thermo Keto Gummies Reviews Is it Safe? A Real Consumer Experience!
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention say that about 41.9% of people have obesity, which is a complicated disease caused by not being active enough and eating poorly. It happens when your weight is more than what is healthy for your height.
The condition can happen to both kids and adults, and some of the things that cause it are briefly talked about in the next part. Read on to find out why you are overweight and what you can do about it.
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What makes people fat?
Food and Things to Do
If you eat more calories than your body can burn through exercise to make energy, you will likely start to gain weight. This mismatch is one of the main reasons why people gain weight for no obvious reason.
Lack of sleep, stress, and other emotional factors
When they are stressed, bored, upset, or angry, some people find comfort in food. Several studies have also shown that the less sleep you get, the more likely it is that you will start to gain weight, which makes it more likely that you will become fat or overweight.
The reason is that when you sleep, your body creates hormones that help control how it uses energy and how much you want to eat. You don't have to worry about being overweight for the rest of your life because we have an answer right here.
Thermo Keto Gummies with Apple Cider Vinegar as a Way to Lose Weight
Thermo Keto Gummies with Apple Cider Vinegar are the newest weight loss product, and they claim to change the way people who are overweight lose weight. These sweets claim to help people who are overweight lose weight quickly without having to diet or work out.
The Thermo Keto Gummies are said to be a strong new formula that can put your body into a fat-burning state called ketosis. This lets your body use fat instead of carbs for energy. The people who made it say that people who use the candies can expect to get four major benefits:
They'll lose the extra weight, which will help them start liking how they look and how they feel about themselves.
The fat cells in their bodies will start to release fat from places that are hard to get to. The body will then use this fat to make energy.
Your energy will start to rise on its own, leaving you feeling refreshed and able to think clearly all day.
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What has made the Thermo Keto Gummies so popular?
The Thermo Keto candies are a relatively new addition to the market for weight loss products, as anyone who has been keeping up with the market will agree. But despite this, these gummies have become more famous than other supplements that have been around for a long time. So, why have they been so successful?
A new article in the Diabetes, Obesity, and Metabolism journal explains why these gummies are so popular. A study that was just released in the journal showed that Thermo Keto helps burn fat for energy.
The sweets help your body burn fat for energy instead of carbs, which speeds up your weight loss and gives you a lot of energy. The famous TV doctor Dr. Oz has backed them and called them the "Holy Grail" of weight loss.
Now is the time to try Thermo Keto Gummies and feel the change!
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How to Use Thermo Keto to Get the Best Results, Step by Step
Step 1: Melting hard fat right away
The ACV in the Thermo Keto sweets will start to work as soon as you eat them. Their make-up helps the body burn fat for energy instead of carbs, which makes it more likely to get rid of fat stores.
Most people can lose up to five pounds in the first week.
Step 2: Burning off stubborn fat faster
The ACV in the Thermo Keto gummies will help you burn fat faster in the first month, so you can lose up to 20 pounds. This process will make you feel and look very different about your body.
Step 3: Changes to the body continue
Even if you reach your weight-loss goals in the first month, you still have to keep taking the sweets for another 12 weeks. The extra time is meant to make it easier for your hunger to settle, which will help you keep your new body.
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What We Know About Thermo Keto Gummies with Apple Cider Vinegar
Thermo Keto gummies help you lose weight by putting your body into a state called ketosis. When you are in this state, your body will burn fat instead of the carbs you eat to make energy.
Most of the time, it's hard to get to this state, which is why you need the help that Thermo Keto gummies can give you. These sweets help your body get into this state more quickly, so you don't have to wait weeks for it to happen on its own.
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As soon as you enter ketosis, three things will happen quickly:
Thermo Keto will make sure that your body burns stored fat for energy.
Your body will stop storing fat. Instead of using carbs for energy, your body will start to use the fat stored in your fat cells. This will help you lose weight faster.
More health benefits: You will lose weight quickly, have a clearer mind, and have more energy.
Thermo Keto has helped a lot of people lose weight, and you can do the same.
Official Website : https://thermoketogummies.com
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