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mak3itr7ght · 1 year ago
Pair: Park Jimin x fem!reader (Coraline and the secret door AU)
Words count: 5.278
TW: mention of blood.
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Music suggestion:
Y/n's pov :
'Here we are, Y/n! This is the place where your father and I have met! The Pink Palace...’
As soon as I got out of our car, the grandeur of this huge house overwhelms me. It looks like a very old... and creepy building but, to be honest, I like this. It’s not that I’m a goth or something but I’m into this kind of vibe, just enjoying it without being fully part of it. My family and I will stay here for the two upcoming weeks, and I really prefer to stay here, in this mysterious, greyish-looking place, instead of spending our vacation on an exotic beach, smelling of suncream. That’s not for me. That’s not for Y/n Lovat.
I like the sea, i like walking there at night, when there’s no one else but me and myself, getting lost into quietness and into the sound of the waves. I enjoy being alone and I don’t feel bad for this. Sometimes solitude heals.
I can’t wait to explore the house. My parents have told me some stories…they told me about an alternative world, you can have access in It only through a little door, and it looks like that, that door, is right among these walls. But that world is filled with bad things, they said, and then they just tried to reassure me by specifying that that world wasn’t real; that it isn’t real. They don’t know that i could feel sadder if i actually find out that it is really all fictional…eheh so I must find out if I should be sad or not.
Once I enter in the house, I immediately start to look around, searching for hints when my mother’s voice interrupts me.
‘I know what you’re thinking about. You won’t find it, because, as we said, it doesn’t exist. Got it?’
Sometimes, Mom and her sixth sense scare me. But her words don’t stop me from my investigation. Still, when this topic comes out, in her eyes, I always spot a veil of agitation, like she’s hiding something from me and I’m sure that Dad knows about it. But it doesn’t change my mind at all, I’m the kind of person who needs physical proof to consider something real or fake.
During evening
The right moment came: Mom went to shopping, and the supermarket is quite far from here, Dad is doing a visit to some neighbors, two old women, he told me, so I’m sure that they will keep my Dad enough busy with their chatting, along with tea and cookies. I have the whole house free, for at least two hours. It’s time to get in action. Let’s start upstairs. I look around, searching behind the paintings and analyzing carefully each room. Nothing. I’m walking across the hallway when suddenly I trip onto something. It is a floorboard slightly raised. They told me the house was restructured, still, there’s the risk to get injuries around! I stand up, massaging my hip, the one that hit the ground. While tripping, I removed completely the floorboard and I notice that, in the whole it was covering, there is a small dusty trunk. I take it. It looks like there was a lock or something, but it was already removed. Mh.. strange, but maybe it’s just the metal that got consumed by the humidity.
I open it, curious about knowing its content. There’s.. a doll, with buttons as eyes, it has short, bright blue, hair, pale skin and it’s wearing a…a yellow raincoat, it looks strangely familiar…ù
In the living room, there’s this picture. She is with the grands, she was young at the time, and they were posing in front of this house, and she was wearing the same raincoat…
I feel chill along my spine…well, right, mom loves to sew, so, maybe she made this doll backtime. That’s it. Anyway, I decide to keep it in my room, in my closet. I’ll keep searching for the door tomorrow.
After two hours, my parents return home, we have dinner and then straight to bed. I try to fall asleep, however, a continuous sensation of being observed keeps me awake, I turn towards the window and I see a black shape... with two bright yellow eyes...
I jump, wondering what that thing is, when the moonlight illuminates it showing me that there’s no reason to be scared. It is just a cat, a black cat. I try to look at it with more focus, and I spot, next to the cat... the doll...the same doll I locked in my closet, under the pile of clothes I still have to fold.. what is it doing out there??
The cat, suddenly, does a little nod with its head, ‘telling’ me to follow it... and, like the dumbass I am, I decide to listen to my curiosity instead of my common sense, following it.
Silently, I manage to leave the house, but, not so easily, since as soon as I leave the room, I get caught by my mother, I, astutely, tell her that I am only going to get a glass of water, but I also know that she would go to check, as soon as she will see the kitchen light go off, so I simulated my steps and the creaking of a door and then I  ran out; in my bed, when my mother will go to check, there will be bulge under the covers, and she will go to sleep, not caring that what she will see, won’t be her dear sleeping daughter, but just pillows...
I reach the cat, which is waiting for me under the window of my room. It starts running and I keep following it... it takes me to a hill not too far from the house, where there is a water well, very old and probably unused. Next to it, there is a white napkin, which seems to wrap something... the cat looks right at it as if it wants to tell me "Go and see what's there for you", thus, again putting aside my common sense, I check what this napkin wraps.
Some sewing needles... and... a key...
a key... keys open things, right? Like…the trunks.. the padlocks or... THE DOORS! THEN IT EXISTS! IT EXISTS AND I WILL FIND IT!
I return home full of enthusiasm, hoping that the morning will arrive quickly.
The morning
'Are you sure you don't want to come with us? Aren't you afraid of being alone in this new house for more than 2 hours?'
Dad asks, I admit he seems to exude some concern. But, despite this, I nod with confidence, trying to reassure him and my mother, they are going in town to do some duties or stuff like that.
'I'll come next time! Promise!'
I state, to try to speed up the conversation.
'be careful, Y/n'
Mom seems quite strange, she also seems to be a little worried…but oh well, it will be the influx of memories she is receiving, since she spent her childhood here.
As soon as I make sure my parents' car leaves the driveway, I start to find the door…I wish that black cat would help me with this too...
And, as if it had heard me, here it appears, outside the kitchen window, this time. Wow. That’s incredible.
I let him in, and my cat, Ginger, immediately gets on defensive... actually it has never gotten along with cats similar to it, rather it has always preferred dogs... strange, right?
But even stranger is what I’m just seeing, with one look, the black cat managed to make Ginger calm down... I'm starting to think that this cat isn't just any normal stray cat...
I return to reality seeing the feline pass before my eyes, heading towards the dining room and stopping near a white wall..
'Mh... that’s not helping... surely the door I'm looking for can't be th-... what if...'
What if it's behind this wall?
I look better at that marble wall, and, there was a lighter part, compared to the rest... it means that the cement, in that area, was placed later...
But now a big problem arises... how can I remove this layer of concrete in just a few hours?
I try to think of a plan, when I see the black cat scratching on the white patch... pff poor thing, does it think that can scrape off such a hard material? I turn around for an instant, hearing a meow from Ginger, and then I turn towards the wall... and the door pops up out of nowhere, the door I was looking for so much... the concrete has disappeared into thin air, there isn't even any a speck on the ground...
It is as certain as anything that this cat has some supernatural power... I approach the small door, it's small, but if I bend down, I could fit in just fine. I take the key out of the pocket of my skinny jeans and slowly insert it into the door lock.. with the same slowness, I turn it.. until I hear a click..
Oh yes.. here it is.. it's open. Ginger and the black cat keep watching me. I hesitate for a moment... I turn towards the two cats once again, and the black cat has disappeared... probably its daily task is done. I turn towards the door, take a sigh and open it.
Jimin's POV:
The moon this evening seems to shine more than usual, and the apples on this tree seem to have a different red... a bloody red, my favorite color. Their taste, sweet and a little sour, like the lies that a mother tells her child, for his own good.. sweet…and a little sour…I hear a rustling coming from the hedge next to me, and, after a few seconds, my dearest friend comes out from that pile of green leaves…
'My friend, Black, tell me... what brings you here now? I thought you were busy with that favor I asked you a while ago...'
'Don't worry, Jimin, the time…has come. she's coming here, to you…'
A huge smile appears on my face, there are those who would say it's madness, but in reality, all I feel now is pure joy…
'Thank you, my dear friend, I knew I could count on your help.'
I stated, stroking the shiny, black-as-night fur of my dear friend, my only friend. It didn't even have a name... when I found him wandering around these lands, he seemed to know where he was, and yet, he didn't have a destination, he was there, with that proud look... like every being of his kind.
One day, however, I approached him, we talked for a long time, and what I took from that conversation was that, although he always kept his ears pointed and his muzzle high, there was a veil of loneliness in him, just like me... after my dear mother was taken away from me... by the one my friend thought was her friend... that blue-haired witch.
Luckily, I managed to open what were the blue eyes of my furry friend, making him really see who that was... Coraline... and so, in exchange for my friendship, I asked him for a favor...
When I learned of my mother's death, everything I thought about and still thinking about, It’s, actually, I wouldn't even call it revenge.. I just want to settle the score with her…by taking away from her…what she cares about the most.
I look into the garden pond, and I see her reflection, what will lead to Coraline's eternal suffering..
Her dear daughter. Y/n Lovet.
Y/n's Pov:
I can't believe my eyes...so does it really exist? In front of me, stands what appears to be a long distorted tunnel…
I wonder…what's at the end of it.
I start to walk, when suddenly I hear the voices of my parents, intent on taking out of the car the bags full of gifts and souvenirs to bring to the rest of the family…I panic for a moment... I immediately close the door and hide the key in my pocket again.
I look around, hoping to find something that can cover the hole in the wall where the door is, but when I turn towards it, I see that... the layer of concrete has returned to hide it. Maybe I'm going crazy? Until recently, there was only a hole in the wall and not even a bit of dust on the ground, but now everything is back to how it was before...
A small smile of disbelief escapes me at the thought...
I run towards the front door, intent on helping my parents with all the envelopes.
'How are you dear?? You look a bit strange?'
'Have you done anything in our absence?'
My parents continue to observe me... perhaps because I'm still a little shaken by the latest events. But now... I simply think, or rather, I ask myself, why did my parents want to keep that world hidden from me?
Maybe they really don't know anything about it and the fact that it actually exists is just a perfect coincidence.
Pff… I can believe in anything, but coincidences, I really don't.
I spend the day ruminating on what happened this morning... and I just hope that night falls soon so I can finally discover what lies beyond the tunnel.
At dusk, my parents invite me for a walk near the house and, near an apple tree, I see a puddle, which is strange. It has never rained in those days. I look out to observe my reflection, but my face resting on the water, it's almost disturbing... I jump, noticing that instead of my eyes I seem to have... buttons?
I walk away, running towards my parents, scared, to the point of not being able to tell what I saw. Back in the house, I immediately run towards the mirror in my room, and my reflection seems to have returned to normal... it must have been an oversight...
Once night falls, I make sure that my parents are totally immersed in their dreams, and I head towards the wall where the door is located... but here a problem arises... without the black cat... how can I scratch off the cement?
Hmm… maybe if I close my eyes and wish to see the door... okay, it probably won't work, but there's no harm in trying.. I close my eyes, count to 13, open my eyes, and to my surprise, there it is, the little door. I open the door again, and there it is again the dark blue tunnel, I give myself courage and cross it, slowly. I find myself in front of another small door and I slowly move it, not too much... Who knows, there might be something behind it...
I lean forward a little to observe, but what I see leaves me quite disappointed… It is the same room I left from, my living room, there is nothing different...It must have all been a joke, probably.
I enter the room, close the door, and decide to go back to bed, but on my way to the stairs, I spot the black cat outside the window beckoning me to follow him again and so I do.
Following the mysterious feline, I realize that the garden is different from usual... In front of us, then, stands an arch that leads towards a small lake, over which a bridge has been built... I've never seen it...
Around the lake, there are apple trees planted, already ripe, which is strange… I know that apples ripen during autumn, not in summer…
The cat climbs onto the bridge, jumping onto the ledge of this, where, there is a figure, leaning against it, seems a male figure, a long-limbed, elegant male figure...
Will it be a neighbor? At this time of night?
I approach slowly...
“Hello…Y/N, it's nice to meet you.”
I stop walking.
“h-how do you know my name?”
"I'm the son of a dear friend of your parents, it has sense that I know you."
So, he knows my parents... This reassures me. I lean forward to observe him, and when he turns, I am taken aback. He has... Buttons instead of eyes...Out of surprise, I lean on the handrail of the bridge, which however breaks.
I close my eyes to prepare for the impact but, before I end up in the water, I feel something pull me up and hold me. I open my eyes, and I see that face with delicate features, but almost ruined, by those gadgets on his eyes, so close to mine.
Where am I?
Am I really at home?
Regaining my balance, I move slightly...
"I know what you're thinking…These aren't exactly nice to look at, are they?"
She says pointing to the buttons.
I observe him, without responding, confused but also a little struck by compassion…
"don't feel bad, I was born like this…"
My confusion increases. And the boy probably understands this.
"You know you're not in your world right?.. This is very similar to yours but more beautiful.. Don't you think?"
He turns, observing the moon, which shone a slightly more different silver, from our real satellite.. Indeed, looking around, it feels better here.
"It means that my parents knew about this world.."
I think out loud. The boy turns to me and nods.
"Indeed.. But after my mother's death, they denied its existence."
I can hardly believe that my parents have denied this place... Why did they speak so badly about it? Why did they always tell me not to come here?
"but.. now you're here! Right? Will you keep me company for a bit, at least until dawn?"
The boy looks at me, smiling softly.
In the end.. I want to know more about this place, so I nod and smile back.
The boy takes me for a walk in this immense garden, full of flowers and sculptures made with hedges.
There is a certain musicality in the air.
"shall we Dance?"
I laugh
"I don't know how to dance, unfortunately, I would just make a fool of myself"
"it means that I will be the one to teach you"
I've always been a little reluctant when it comes to guys, I've already told you about my concept of loneliness, right?
Yet, with him it's different, he puts his hand around my hip, the one on which I think there is still the bruise from the other day, and his other hand delicately takes mine, we start dancing, I think it's a waltz or something like that. I'm just following his movements, looking into his eyes, or should I say, buttons.
"You like being alone too, don't you?"
I nod, lowering my gaze slightly.
"When you are alone, you feel better, sometimes, you have time to think and to improve yourself"
I keep listening to him in silence, while we keep dancing, I knew that I was not the only one who felt good alone, but it needed me to visit a parallel world to find that someone...
Thinking that I'm not that wrong or that strange makes me smile.
"Now that I think about it, you know my name, but I don't know yours.."
I say, lifting my head slightly.
"My name is Jimin, mi lady."
"Now are you even calling me mi lady?"
I laugh.
"you said you couldn't dance, yet you seem to have always been doing it, you look like a princess, a Lady"
He winks at me.
Generally, I hate this kind of attention, he's shamelessly flirting... And, unlike usual, I like it.
This boy, Jimin, if I'm not mistaken, has something special, it must be that he comes from this world..
We dance almost all night.
The first lights of dawn are already starting to appear...
'I should go.. '
'wait a little longer, please'
I do so, deciding to stay some more time with him, continuing to look at the sun which was now emerging on the horizon.
'Will you come visit me again?'
I spent one of the most beautiful nights of my life, how could I not come back here, I found a person who understands me… A special person. I nod but then I realize that it's really time to go before my parents find me. I immediately run away to where the little door is and I quickly run to my bed, a few minutes later I hear my mother come through the door… I take a sigh, just in time…
Jimin's POV
'she took the bait like a fish on a hook eh eh'
'you're absolutely right, Black… It was easier than I thought, I imagined Coraline's daughter to be tougher'
I say playing with a hair I pulled out of Y/N’s head.
'but she's cute, come on…'
'don't tell me you really meant those things you said to her?'
I turn to Black, nodding.
'it's a shame that she has to end up bad, but for now, I'll have fun with her' I smirk.
Let's see what she is doing now…
I lean towards the pond to see the image of Y/N, she is changing... Which makes me blush a lot…and that doesn’t suit me at all.
I make the image disappear from the pond and start to go back into the house…
'You have taken the color of your beloved apples'
Black tells me, laughing..
'shout up, you silly cat'
Y/N's pov
The days pass, Jimin and I now see each other every single evening, we dance the waltz and then we stop to watch the sunrise. He knows everything about me, and I know everything about him, or almost, sometimes he's so mysterious. He also gave me a pair of needle-shaped earrings. They are original, which is why I like them a lot. I would like to tell my parents about him, but Jimin told me several times not to do so, to avoid a possible "strange" reaction on their part. Maybe seeing Jimin would have reminded them of a dear friend, and this would have saddened them. So we decided to keep this "friendship" in secret, even though I can't understand whether he is really in love with me or not.
One evening
While having dinner with my parents, I notice that something is  bothering them. I look at them with confusion trying to understand what they were thinking. At a certain point, mom turns to me.
'you've been weird for a while..'
My confused expression deepens.
'You know.. We found this in your room..'
My mother shows me the doll I found that week before, before I discovered the door. I try to find an excuse...
'oh.. That? Ah yes, I found it just yesterday, upstairs haha you sewed it, right?'
'Y/N… We burned this doll'
My eyes widen. What do they mean they burned the doll? So.. Who recreated it..
'Those earrings'
I hear my father whisper that phrase, almost scared. I check my earlobes, and I notice that it's true, this time I forgot to remove my earrings..
'Wait.. I can explain-'
''Y/N! I told you not to look for the door!'
'You told me it didn't exist. And then... Even if it existed... What would be wrong with that? You told me so many of those lies, about monstrous creatures, just because they have buttons instead of eyes, what makes you think those creatures are really wrong??'
' Y/N.. Tell me where the door is.'
'Right now!'
Mom definitely has no good intentions, I don't understand her, Jimin is so good in the end, he understands me, and I'm sure his mother was like that too..
'You had a friend in that place. And you abandoned her son out of selfishness.'
My parents look shocked.
'Who told you this? Who is this friend-... oh no.. '
Mom leans towards me, probably to assert me. I move away and run towards the door, which is open.  Arrived in the other dimension, I turn and see the small walled-up door..
I turn around to find Jimin right behind me..
'What's going on, princess?'
I hug him. Scared and confused more than ever.
'My parents saw these'
Pointing to the earrings.
I see Jimin's face darken.
'I think I can imagine the rest..'
He almost seems to be... smiling.
At a certain point, she hugs me, squeezing me... I can hardly breathe.
'J-Jimin.. I can't breathe'
'Now.. you are with me, I will protect you..'
Black's pov
I think Jimin's plan is failing miserably.. I saw how he looks at that girl and he didn't seem like he was faking it.. Well, in the end he isn't that different from humans. I lie down on the branch of my favorite tree, but I can't fall asleep, I feel watched.
'Jimin was always wrong'
I turn, noticing Ginger, Y/n's cat.
'Oh then you talk.. I thought you were mute..'
'Nice...come on, let's go save Y/N'
I ignore her, poor naive kitten. She is naive but stubborn to the point that she makes me fall from my beloved branch. Luckily, we cats always land on our paws.
'Girl, have you lost your mind?'
I look at her, sitting proudly on the spot from where I fell.
'And yet you let yourself be deceived by that demon..Jimin is not your friend. He just wants to avenge his mother, the woman who killed three innocent children and who also wanted to kill Y/N's mother. You yourself helped Coraline..'
'Tsk.. yet Coraline left, never thinking of taking me with her.. Jimin instead welcomed me and was always by my side'
Ginger comes down from the tree and stands right in front of me.
'When he kills Y/n, you will no longer exist for him'
The coldness with which she said that sentence made my blood run cold. Yet I almost feel like she's telling the truth. Now that I think about it... Jimin always behaved strangely..I sigh…feeling betrayed for the umpteenth time.
'Let's go save your friend'
Ginger widens her eyes in surprise, but I can see a minimum of joy in those green bulbs. As fast as we can, we arrive in the other world... just in time....
Jimin's Pov
How beautiful. Thanks to Coraline and that owl Wybie, this innocent little fish ended up in my net. I continue to hold Y/n, not too much to kill her.. you know.. I changed the plan.. I want to keep her here with me, forever. She will be my queen, but to become one.. these beautiful eyes will have to be replaced.. I caress the girl's cheeks..
'Do you want to become my queen?..'
I say approaching her..
The moonlight is illuminating us, as if we were under a spotlight.
Y/n's pov
Jimin's proposal appeals to me a lot... I almost feel as if something is hypnotizing me…Something pleasant. I close my eyes, continuing to look at him, to look at those plump, pink and soft lips. I feel his breath approaching my face, and something touch my needle-shaped earring.. But before that distance between us could disappear... something awakens me from that trans-state...
Jimin's Pov
'Let that girl go right now'
Just as I'm about to sew up my princess's eyes, I am interrupted by a rather irritating voice. I turn around, furious, seeing Black....and another cat..
'What's the matter, my friend, have you also met your soulmate and has love just made you crazy? Come on let me do what I have to do..and go for a walk with your kitten..'
'You..kind of profiteering devil'
The two cats are preparing to jump on me..But Y/n shields me.. and the claws of the two cats.. hit her eyes.... I feel the pain, so much so that I feel my heart shatter.
For me... she gave up her beautiful eyes... for me... without even my hypnosis..
'Leave him alone.'
The girl shouts.
'He's innocent, why are you mad at him, all of you, he's alone... and he doesn't deserve it. He is misunderstood, and he just needs someone who understands him...please...get out of here and leave us alone. You two, and my parents...and everyone else.'
After saying this, I see Y/n collapse on the ground, holding her hands over her face, bleeding. The two cats seem mortified , especially the ginger one…it almost seems to cry.. then, at the bottom of the garden, right at the entrance, I hear sobs..
They are Coraline and Wybe.
I don't know how they got in, but it's like I can't move…
I crawl towards Y/n and rest my head on her shoulder while I wrap my arms around her waist...Below us there was now a blur, with the color of the apples from that tree right in front of us.
'Please, Jimin, save her..'
I hear Coraline's voice, broken..
'I'll save her, but she'll have to stay here with me... I'll have to sew her the buttons... it's the only way to keep her alive.'
Coraline and Wybe, through tears, nod..
I was a fool.. I believed from the beginning that they were the bad guys.. and yet.. the sacrifice of Y/n, of my Y/n, and the fact that her parents, after all, asked for help from me.. it makes me understand.. that maybe I did everything wrong in my life.. that I shouldn't have hung on to revenge, that it would have been better to forgive.. and maybe now Y/n would still have her beautiful eyes..
While I'm sewing on her buttons, a tear falls... yes... because under my buttons, I have eyes... it was the one I thought was my mother who sewed them on for me.. as soon as I finish, I take Y/n and hold her to me, still sleeping..
'You will be fine now...sorry, my princess'
I whisper to her.
Then my gaze turns towards her parents and the two cats, destroyed by their mistake.
'She's alive, she's healthy, she'll even be able to see again. But she will have to keep these forever..To apologize...I will create a bigger door in that house, and you can come here to see her whenever you want...in the end, this world is the same as yours. Wherever you go, that door will follow you so that you will always be able to see it.'
The couple looks at me in amazement…I don't blame them at all. I stand up, lifting Y/n bridal style.
'Y/n's right.. you're different'
'Thank you very much and take care of her, always..'
I turn towards them, bowing my head in thanks. In reality, I wasn't that different, it was Y/n, who opened my eyes.
Two days later
Y/n's pov
I wake up from what seemed to be an eternal sleep... I look around, and getting up, I remember what happened...I jump up to look at myself in the mirror and...yes...now I have buttons where my eyes should be.
'I'm sorry, princess. It was the only way to save you'
I turn towards the voice, it was Jimin, behind him were my parents, along with Ginger and Black. I give them a smile.
'Modestly...they suit me'
I laugh and then jump on the boy.
'Am I wrong or before anyone interrupted us, we were doing something very serious'
I say literally closing the door in my parents' faces.
And then I kiss him..
I've wanted to do this for a long time, and it's cooler than I thought. Especially because now I can be with him... in the world that perhaps suits me better.
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livingformintyoongi · 10 months ago
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You have the power to make this life free and beautiful. To make this life a wonderful adventure; because that is what life is—an awfully big adventure. That’s the real problem with the world, too many people grow up. They forget.
Laughter is timeless. Imagination has no age. And dreams are forever.
GUKED presents a retelling of seven different Disney stories to spike in you a sense of nostalgia and introduce you to another world.
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10 JAN 2020 © guked—all rights reserved. no reposting, translating, or modifying on any platform.
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KISS THE GIRL | THE LITTLE MERMAID      —jungkook x (f) reader
After saving a human prince from being drowned by the sea witch, you’re cursed by that infamous witch to live out the rest of your days as a human—unless you can manage to get true love’s kiss from that very same prince.
Which would be a simple task, had he not hated you the moment you met.
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CONCEAL, DON’T FEEL | FROZEN      —taehyung x (f) reader
Raised to hide an integral part of himself all his life, Taehyung is unable to cope when thrust into the spotlight to become King of Arendelle and plunges the kingdom into an eternal winter.
And you’re the brave soul sent to bring him back, dead or alive.
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A WANTED MAN | TANGLED      —hoseok x (f) reader
Running away from the palace guards and the goons he had tricked, Hoseok is in desperate need of a safe place to hide and a good disguise. When he runs into a naive girl in the woods, he cultivates the perfect plan.
And wanting nothing more than for him to fulfill his promise, you agree to help him.
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WE’RE ALL MAD HERE | ALICE IN WONDERLAND      —yoongi x (f) reader
All your life people whispered about how you were mad, how you hadn’t let your imagination be suffocated by rules and society. After accidentally falling down a hole while chasing a rabbit with a watch, you encounter a man who says he’ll help you return home.
But you soon find that everyone down in Wonderland might be a little mad—especially the man they call the Mad Hatter.
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WHEN WE’RE HUMAN | PRINCESS AND THE FROG      —namjoon x (f) reader
Being turned into a frog had not been on either of your agendas. A small part of Namjoon felt bad about accidentally turning you into a frog along with him, but it wasn’t his fault that you weren’t really a princess that could magically turn him human with a kiss.
Now the two of you are on a quest to break the curse and become human again—and maybe find love, too.
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STROKE OF MIDNIGHT | CINDERELLA      —jimin x (f) reader
Surviving in a household of women who hate you is tough work, but you manage somehow. You keep telling yourself to have faith that one day you’ll be able to escape their malicious clutches, and that day might be sooner than you think when you meet a handsome young man.
He might just be the prince charming you’d been waiting for to sweep you off your feet.
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ONCE UPON A DREAM | SLEEPING BEAUTY      —seokjin x (f) reader
You had always known you were cursed. But you hadn’t realized the extent of your parents’ worries until they shipped you off to a cottage in the woods with three fairies as your guardians to keep you safe from the wicked magic. It was there that you met a handsome man who kept you company when you were lonely.
But you weren’t so sure that your budding love could pass the test of time, magic, and sleeping curses.
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aphroditelovesu · 1 year ago
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Historical Characters
💕 Yan!Alexander the Great w/His Twins!Children (Platonic)
💕 Yan!Alexander the Great, Yan!Julius Caesar, Yan!Napoleon Bonaparte and Yan!Henry VII w/Cheating!Wife (Romantic)
💕 Yandere Napoleon Bonaparte and Yandere Marquis de Lafayette w/Wife!Reader (Romantic)
💕 Yandere Alexander the Great and Yandere Mehmed the Conqueror (Romantic)
💕 Reader Love Letter for Julius Caesar (Romantic)
💕 Yan!Julius Caesar to Yan!Cleopatra
💕 Yandere Mehmed the Conqueror (Romantic)
💕 Yandere Pompey the Great (Romantic)
💕 Yandere Catherine of Aragon (Platonic)
💕 Yandere Catherine of Aragon w/Brother!Reader (Platonic)
💕 Yandere Baldwin IV (Romantic)
💕 Yandere Elizabeth I w/Lover Male!Reader (Romantic)
💕 Yandere Edward Seymour w/Pregnant!Reader (Romantic)
💕 Yandere Caesar Augustus (Romantic)
💕 Letters from Olympias (The Lost Queen)
A Court of Thorns and Roses
💕 Yandere Helion (Romantic)
💕 Yandere Bat Boys w/Cheating!Mate
💕 Yandere Nesta Archeron, Yandere Amarantha and Yandere Lucien Vanserra (Romantic)
Greek Mythology
💕 Yan!Apollo w/Cheating!Wife (Romantic)
💕 Yandere!Cheating Hermes
💕 Yandere Hephaestus w/Pregnant!Reader (Romantic)
💕 Yandere Achilles (Romantic)
💕 Yandere Eros w/Soulmate!Reader (Romantic)
💕 Yandere Dionysus (Romantic)
💕 Yandere Persephone (Romantic)
💕 Yandere Athena
💕 Yandere King George III w/Pregnant!Reader (Romantic)
💕 Yandere Anthony Bridgerton w/Pregnant!Reader (Romantic)
💕 Yandere Simon Basset (Romantic)
💕 Yandere Edmund Bridgerton w/Mistress!Reader (Romantic)
Percy Jackson
💕 Yandere Percy Jackson | Prompts 3, 4, 12, 26
💕 Yandere Annabeth Chase (Romantic)
💕 Yandere Percy Jackson w/Daughter of Aphrodite!Reader (Romantic)
💕 Yandere Jason Grace w/Nymph!Reader (Romantic)
💕 Yandere Will Solace (Romantic)
💕 Yandere Piper McLean (Romantic)
💕 Yandere Nico di Angelo (Platonic)
💕 Yandere Nico di Angelo (Romantic)
💕 Yandere Gamora (Romantic)
The Originals/The Vampire Diaries
💕 Yandere Elijah Mikaelson (Romantic)
💕 Yandere Elijah Mikaelson (Angst)
💕 Yandere Damon Salvatore (Romantic)
💕 Yandere Wednesday Addams (Romantic)
Miraculous Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir
💕 Yandere Cat Blanc (Romantic)
💕 Yandere Nick Nelson (Romantic)
💕 Yandere Charlie Spring and Nick Nelson (Romantic)
A Song of Ice and Fire
💕 Yandere Cersei Lannister w/Male!Reader Lannister
💕 Yandere Laenor Velaryon (Platonic)
💕 Yandere Maegor the Cruel (Romantic)
💕 Yandere Jaehaerys I Targaryen (Romantic)
💕 Yandere Rhaena Targaryen/Black Bride (Romantic)
💕 Yandere Maegor the Cruel w/Pregnant!Reader (Romantic)
💕 Yandere Alicent Hightower to bby!Reader
Harry Potter
💕 Yandere Tom Riddle (Romantic)
💕 Yandere Jimin (Romantic)
Egyptian Mythology
💕 Yandere Seth and Yandere Horus (Romantic)
💕 Yandere Horus w/Princess of Egypt!Reader (Romantic)
The Hunger Games
💕 Yandere Peeta Mellark (Romantic)
💕 Yandere Jeong Gu-Won (Romantic) || My Demon
💕 Yandere Vlad Dracula Tepes, Yandere Trevor Belmont and Yandere Alucard (Romantic)
💕 Yandere Vlad Dracula Tepes (Romantic)
💕 Yandere Prince Charming/Kit (Romantic)
💕 Yandere Prince Charming/Kit after Midnight (Romantic)
One Piece
💕 Vinsmoke Sanji (Romantic)
Attack on Titan
💕 Yandere Levi Ackerman (Romantic)
💕 Yandere Hannibal Lecter w/Wife!Reader (Romantic)
Maze Runner
💕 Yandere Thomas (Romantic)
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veeparkersstuff · 26 days ago
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"Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast" -Alice, Alice in Wonderland🐇
✨️BTS as Alice in Wonderland Characters according to ChatGPT✨️
(Like or reblog, don't repost pls!🤍)
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ldysmfrst · 2 months ago
Please, could you do a mulan au with namjoon as lee Shang
Hello, dear anon reader,
I don't usually take requests from non-membership holders, though your request does pique my interest.
Namjoon as Li Shang: he can be everything a man is made of and has the strength to match. He leads his army to be the best while being slightly clueless the whole time.
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Taehyung as Chien Po: He is the gentle giant out of the group, and though he can be soft in nature when things are going well, he is a force to be reckoned with when those he considers family are being wronged or are in danger.
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Hoseok as Ling: The man clearly thinks he is the shit and knows how to make a girl swoon while simultaneously making himself look foolish just to get a laugh out of those who he holds essential to him. He is another one to look out for because he will kick your ass the moment you do something against his code of ethics.
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Yoongi as Yao: Simply put, our short king is just that short. But do not forget he is savage and will do anything, including cross-dressing, to find a way to get back at those who put him down and tried to harm his clan. (don't tell anyone, but he likes to play around just to keep the young ones happy,y which puts a smile on his face)
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Seokjin as Mushu: Worldwide Handsome Dragon because he thinks he is the slickest, hottest, and most wanted person while being a complete and total scaredy cat. He is driven to lead, teach, and prove himself but goes about it as interestingly and endearingly as possible.
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Jimin as Cri-Kee: Though we all know that Jimin is a flirty boi... he is accident-prone to a fault. He always falls into (or off of) things that he shouldn't, but somehow, he finds a way to luck his way into helping and saving others when they need him the most.
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Jungkook as Khan: he is more muscular than one should be for his species and has impressive looks. He is loyal to a tee and always willing to put in the extra work, training, and effort to ensure he can support those who he finds worth his time, even if it takes a while for him to warm up to you.
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Permanent Taglist:
@bethanysnow @braveangel777 @danielle143 @elliegrace1999 @skyys-universe @reallysparklychaos @stylishhwa @paramedicnerd004 @afangirl91 @psychosupernatural @marvel-potter-1d-korea @m4gg13-g
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jungkwok · 1 year ago
almost there | jhs fluff | bts disney series
jungkook | taehyung | jimin | namjoon | hoseok | yoongi | jin
‿��‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧ - - ୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧ - - ୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧ - - ୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿︵
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pairings: hoseok x reader
tags: fluff duh, prince!hoseok x reader, based off plot of 'Princess and the Frog'
word count: 496 words
‿︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧ - - ୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧ - - ୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧ - - ୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿︵
The final strains of jazz faded away as the last guests left Tiana's Palace. The hustle and bustle of the restaurant had come to an end, leaving you alone to tidy up the remnants of a successful evening. The clinking of dishes echoed through the quiet space as you moved from table to table, clearing away the remnants of laughter and shared meals.
As you meticulously wipe down the counters, the restaurant is suddenly bathed in a warm, soft glow. Startled, you turned to find Prince Hoseok, dressed in a tailored suit and holding a bouquet of flowers, standing near the entrance. His eyes held a mischievous glint, a nervous smile tugging at his lips. 
"Good evening, Y/N," he greeted, his voice a melody that resonated through the empty restaurant.
"Hoseok, what are you doing here?" you asked, a curious smile tugging at your lips.
"Ah, my dear Y/N," he began, his tone lighthearted yet filled with sincerity. "I thought we could close up the restaurant together tonight."
Together, you walked through the restaurant, cleaning and sharing stories of the evening's events. Hoseok, always one to lend a hand, assisted with the chores, making the tasks feel more like a dance than a duty.
As you reached the last table, Hoseok took a step back, admiring the restaurant that held both of your dreams. "You've done wonders with this place, Y/N. It's not just a restaurant; it's a palace."
You smiled, a warmth spreading through your chest. "We've done wonders with it, Hoseok. It's ours."
Hoseok’s eyes twinkled with a secret as he gestured towards the dimly lit room. Suddenly, the space came alive with an array of colours – flowers, streamers, and fairy lights adorned the restaurant in a whimsical display of affection.
Your eyes widened, taking in the unexpected transformation. "Hoseok, what is all this?"
He walked to the centre of the room, dropping to one knee. With a flourish, he presented a small box, and you couldn't help but gasp as he opened it to reveal a dazzling ring.
"Y/N, my love," he began, "you've transformed not just this restaurant, but me. Through hard work and determination, you've shown me the beauty of life beyond indulgence. You've taught me the importance of dreams and the magic of love."
Tears welled in your eyes as he continued. 
"We're almost there, my love. Would you cross the finish line with me?"
In that moment, surrounded by the messy yet heartfelt decorations, you become overwhelmed with emotion. Your heart swelled with love for the prince who had become so much more. Unable to contain your joy, you whispered, "Yes, Hoseok. A thousand times, yes."
He slipped the ring onto your finger, sealing the promise of a shared future. As you embraced, the restaurant echoed with the melody of a love story, written in the language of hard work, transformation, and the unspoken vows between two souls entwined in a journey toward their dreams.
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nohcyon · 1 year ago
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Carrd | 2019
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robinbuckleysfringe · 8 months ago
paper rings.
a joseph quinn social media au
pairings: joseph quinn x keery!reader
warnings: pronouns for reader vary between she & they, I've tried to keep it as gender neutral as possible even tho I do use female faceclaims
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | masterlist
*yninstagram has posted*
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tagged strangerthings, joekeery, maya_hawke, nattyiceofficial, gatenm123 & charlie.r.heaton
liked by tomblyth, josephquinn, milliebobbybrown, rachelzegler and others
yninstagram breaking my insta hiatus to tell you all that we're back for another adventure into the Upside Down 🦇🫶🏻💕
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joekeery why'd you have to crop half my face out like that
> yninstagram to make room for nat's face, obvs
> joekeery so you're saying you love her more than me???
> yninstagram of course, duh 🙄. you should know this by now
maya_hawke reunited bby!! 🫶🏻🫶🏻
> yninstagram missed youuuuu 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
madelyncline not you trying to crop joe out the picture 💀
> yninstagram there's already too much joe content on my page, the people need more nat
josephquinn very excited to join the upside down with you all!!
> yninstagram aw joe!! we're so happy to have you join our stranger things family 🫶🏻
madisonbaileybabe the 80s look great on you but I miss our beach vibes 😭🫶🏻
> yninstagram thanks hun!! I miss filming with you 🫶🏻🫶🏻
rudeth not you finally posting
> yninstagram as if you're online more than I am
rachelzegler don't die this season pls
> yninstagram I can't make any promises 😭😭😭
user obsessed with these bts pics!!!
user ahhhh, so excited for this season!!!
user omg they finally posted!!!
user love of my life. cannot wait to have you back on my screen!!!
*yninstagram has posted*
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tagged rachelzegler, tomblyth & hunterschafer
liked by josephquinn, maya_hawke, joekeery, madisonbaileybabe and others
yninstagram my best friend made a movie 🫶🏻🕊🐍
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rachelzegler it was amazing to have you at the premiere angel 😇💕
> yninstagram love youuuu and everything you do ever 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻💕💕💕
> rachelzegler love youuu bby ❤️
madelyncline you always understand the assignment with the outfit
> madelyncline slay queen 👑😍
> yninstagram thanks bby 🫶🏻💕
joekeery it's criminal that you didn't invite me smh 😤
> yninstagram excuse me?? we're literally going to see it this weekend??
> maya_hawke do our plans not matter to you joe?? :((
josephquinn so this is why you weren't on set this week 👀
> yninstagram oops, did ya miss me? 😂
> josephquinn course not
sadiesink OMG SLAY!! 😍😍😍
user the fit is everything omg!!!
user now y/n is a person who would 100% understand the met gala themes every year
user omg pls tell me you've got a small cameo in the movie!! that would be everything!!
*yninstagram has posted*
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tagged marvel & florencepugh
liked by florencepugh, tomblyth, rudeth, josephquinn and others
yninstagram booked and blessed baby!!! our new series Hawkeye drops on disney+ this december 🏹💜
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yninstagram can't keep a secret to save my life, so if you heard about this beforehand- no you fucking didn't 🫶🏻
*yninstagram pinned this comment*
joekeery proud of you!!!
> yninstagram thank you
> joekeery tho I will say I'm gonna take some credit for your success because I ran all your audition lines with you
> yninstagram 😡🖕🏻
florencepugh dream come true to work with you!! 💜
> yninstagram aww, love you flo!! 💜
tomholland2013 welcome to the MCU y/n x
> yninstagram thanks spoiler man
> tomholland2013 heyy, uncalled for!!
> yninstagram shouldn't have spoiled your movie for me then 😤
> tomholland2013 I'm sorry :((
hichasestokes congrats on being booked and busy. idk how you do it 🐝
> yninstagram i love all these projects, but really I just wanna nap
tomholland2013 wait. THEY GAVE YOU A DOG?? unfair :((
> yninstagram someone sounds jelly lol. sucks to be you I guess 🤷🏻‍♀️
josephquinn not you posting this like you didn't tell me on set 2 days ago. congrats tho, you deserve it :))
> yninstagram thanks joe 🫶🏻
> josephquinn also can you give me my guitar back now? please. I need to practice
> yninstagram you'll have to find me first haha 🤪
> nattyiceofficial they're in their trailer
> charlie.r.heaton just follow the sound of pure chaos and you'll find them 😂
user SHUT. UP
user is this real??
user omg can't believe you're bringing Kate Bishop to life!!! so excited for this!!
I'm aiming for this little series to have about 6 parts to it, like my tom blyth one. but feel free to comment anything you'd like to read/see in this (or any future) social media aus 🩷
161 notes · View notes
alex-frostwalker · 9 months ago
Ok here me thoughts on this
Sonic and Tails Cookie would explore the continent and find any cookie to save and find the reason why the ancients turn out to be like this. And avoid Saint Vanilla along the way
BTS Cookies would have their concerts cancelled since about the news about the neo beasts. They would be there to calm down the masses, also serve at the front lines(maybe) since they are experience in combat. I mean they are enlisted in the military.
Disney Cookies would stay at the Disney Castle acting as an evacuation center for any cookie they can find or cookies who reached there. Also contacts the Creme Republic, or any other cookie Kingdom or city to move out the refugees to a better location once the castle is piled up.
Dumb question on the Beast Ancient AU
What's the current condition of the Special/Guest Cookies in this AU?
The Sonic, BTS, and Disney Collab Cookies. Even tho if they don't have a major role in the story. I just wanna know how they are doing.
that is such a wild question I’m not gonna answer bc I want to leave it to your imagination. Indeed. What WOULD BTS and sonic the hedgehog do in this situation
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lilacmingi · 1 year ago
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The Goat | Hongjoong x fem reader, Mingi x fem reader Outlaw AU
Secret Santa | Fashion designer!Hongjoong x fashion designer!fem reader
Runaway | Pirate!Hongjoong x pirate!fem reader
Polyjuice Potion | Ravenclaw!Hongjoong x Ravenclaw!fem reader Hogwarts AU
A Quest for Love | Half-orc!Hongjoong x Elf!fem reader D&D/fantasy AU
Hades | Hades!Hongjoong x fem reader Disney Villains AU
Scrooge | Grumpy Seonghwa x Christmas enthusiast!fem reader
Nights Like These | Seonghwa x fem reader drabble
Streets of Night City | Seonghwa x fem reader, Yeosang x fem reader Outlaw AU
Captive | Pirate!Seonghwa x fem reader
Stargazing | Hufflepuff!Seonghwa x Gryffindor!fem reader Hogwarts AU
Maleficent | Maleficent!Seonghwa x Princess!fem reader Disney Villains AU
Towards The Light | Sith!Seonghwa x Jedi!fem reader Star Wars AU
Snowman | Snowman!Yunho x fem reader
Pillaged | Pirate!Yunho x barkeep!fem reader
Outlaw Customs | Yunho x fem reader, Jongho x fem reader Outlaw AU
Home for the Holidays | Hufflepuff!Yunho x Hufflepuff!fem reader Hogwarts AU
Captain Hook | Captain Hook!Yunho x fem!reader Disney Villains AU
Second Chances | Best friend!Yunho x fem reader
A Christmas Wish | Cheer elf!Yeosang x fem reader
Streets of Night City | Seonghwa x fem reader, Yeosang x fem reader Outlaw AU
My Treasure | Pirate!Yeosang x Princess!fem reader
Trading Cards & Chocolate Frogs | Ravenclaw!Yeosang x Ravenclaw!fem reader Hogwarts AU
Evil Queen | Evil Queen!Yeosang x fem reader Disney Villains AU
Antlers and All | Deer hybrid!Yeosang x fem reader [NEW]
Playtime | Moondrop!San & Sundrop!Wooyoung x fem reader FNAF AU
Mall Elf | Mall employee!San x mall elf!fem reader
My Gem | Pirate!San x pirate!fem reader
The Boxing Ring | San x fem reader, Wooyoung x fem reader Outlaw AU
Quidditch Championship | Slytherin!San x Slytherin!fem reader Hogwarts AU
Cruella de Vil | Cruella!San x boutique owner!fem reader Disney Villains AU
The Goat | Hongjoong x fem reader, Mingi x fem reader Outlaw AU
Elf in Training | Elf!Mingi x elf!fem reader
Beached | Pirate!Mingi x Siren!fem reader
Niffler Nabbing | Slytherin!Mingi x Hufflepuff!fem reader Hogwarts AU
Dr. Facilier | Dr. Facilier!Mingi x fem reader Disney Villains AU
Playtime | Moondrop!San & Sundrop!Wooyoung x fem reader FNAF AU
The Boxing Ring | San x fem reader, Wooyoung x fem reader Outlaw AU
Rosy | Elf!Wooyoung x Elf!fem reader
The Hourglass | Pirate!Guerilla!Wooyoung x fem reader
Forbidden Forest | Slytherin!Wooyoung x Gryffindor!fem reader Hogwarts AU
Hyena | Hyena hybrid!Wooyoung x fem reader Disney Villains AU
Grinch AU | Grinch!Jongho x Martha May Whovier!fem reader
Outlaw Customs | Yunho x fem reader, Jongho x fem reader Outlaw AU
Stowaway | Pirate!Jongho x stowaway!fem reader
Opposites Attract | Gryffindor!Jongho x Slytherin!fem reader Hogwarts AU
Gaston | Gaston!Jongho x librarian!fem reader Disney Villains AU
Ornament Odyssey | Santa!Jongho x fem reader
☆ OT8
Living with 8 Vampires | Vampire!ATEEZ x fem reader
⤷ Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 [this series is my baby and I want it to be perfect so I take my time writing each part. Part 2 literally took me over a year to finish oof. Hopefully the next parts don’t take that long but regardless, pls be patient with me]
When You’re On Your Period | ATEEZ x fem reader
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Through Thick and Thin | Vampire!Jungkook x human!fem reader
Change of Heart | Vampire!Jimin x human!fem reader
Flowers In Your Hair | Yoongi x fem reader drabble
Not So Bad | Vampire!Yoongi x human!fem reader
Lost Control | Vampire!Taehyung x human!fem reader
Blood Bags | Vampire!Namjoon x human!fem reader
Different | Vampire!Hoseok x Vampire Hunter!fem reader
The Invite | Vampire!Jin x human!fem reader
☆ OT7
Alice in Wonderland AU | BTS x fem reader
⤷ Intro | Part 1: Jungkook | Part 2: Jimin | Part 3: Yoongi | Part 4: Taehyung | Part 5: Namjoon | Park 6: Hoseok | Part 7: Jin | Finale separate endings linked in the finale
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Houseguest | Vampire!Chan & Vampire!Hyunjin x fem reader
Cherry Chapstick | Chan x fem reader drabble
Full Moon | Werewolf!Chan x Vampire!fem reader
Pool Hall | Changbin x fem reader
Irresistible | Changbin x fem reader drabble
Fuzzy Socks | Changbin x fem reader drabble
Late Night Ramen | Changbin x fem reader drabble
Houseguest | Vampire!Chan & Vampire!Hyunjin x fem reader
My Muse | Hyunjin x fem reader drabble
Bound To You | Shinigami!Hyunjin x human!fem reader Death Note AU
Stupid Cupid | Cupid!Jisung x fem reader
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Drum Lessons | Gunil x fem reader
Bunny Ears | Hyeongjun x fem reader drabble
Practice Room Kisses | Jooyeon x fem reader drabble
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Updated: 2/12/2025 [NEW: Yeosang - Antlers and All]
These works are my own ideas. DO NOT steal, copy, repost, alter, or translate my works in any way! All forms of plagiarism are PROHIBITED and will not be tolerated
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mak3itr7ght · 1 year ago
Pair: Jeon Jungkook x fem!reader (Aladdin Au)
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'Dad! Dad! Tell us one of your stories!!'
I see my little children running towards me and hugging me.
'Kids! IIt's bedtime. Don't disturb your father'
With a nod, I look at Y/n, who is trying to convince our little ones to go to sleep.
But they don't seem to give up, they are my children, after all.
I invite them to sit next to me.
'Let's have a deal... I'll tell you the story, but then you'll have to go straight to bed, okay?'
The little bipeds nod, sitting next to me.
I clear my throat.
'This.. is a romantic story, the story of two dreamers, and.. a genie!!'
I say, doing this move:
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The kids start laughing. Me with them.
'Once upon a time...'
Jungkook's POV:
'Sire! It's not possible that every chance you get, you try to escape from the palace!'
'Come on, Karim, don't you think you're exaggerating?... I don't do that..often'
'it's the 24th time...this month...'
'oh... I think you're wrong, I count 25'
'25? Impossible- HEY!'
Luckily Karim didn't notice the open window. Sometimes I feel sorry for that poor guy, but I can't stay enclosed in that building, it goes against my nature.
My sister recently became the sultan, she has always been my source of inspiration, but first, I have to find my path, my purpose, and for now, I want to know what is outside the palace, what she thinks our people, what do our people dream of!
By climbing along the buildings of the town, I manage to elude the guards who are looking for me. Finally, I can enjoy the bazar, my absolute favorite place: hearing people's laughter, their conversations, the smells of spices, the sand in the air, the children running and playing, the bright colors of the fabrics and flags, because here there are not only peoples from Arabia, this is a place full of travellers, who come from every land and... the most beautiful thing, the music, which transports me with it every time, makes me travel, makes me dream , makes me dance, makes me sing and frees me from every chain, from every role, from every responsibility.
I start singing a song and, together with all the other people, we start dancing among the stalls! it's always so nice to share these moments with my people.
Once the song is over, a huge applause starts. I look around, but one stand in particular steals my attention. I get closer to take a better look at what was displayed on that table covered with a beige tablecloth. Jewels. Not even in the palace have I ever seen such beautiful ornaments, enriched with such colorful and shiny stones. One ring particularly attracts me, adorned with a blinding red ruby.
'Excuse me, ma'am, how much do you want for this ring?'
I turn towards the hooded woman, owner of the stall.
'It's 22 denarii'
She tells me, coming closer and lowering her hood.. who would have thought, I was wrong, she is a girl and.. she is beautiful, I might add. I remained enchanted by that charm for a few seconds, as if I had ended up under some magic spell ..
'Mh? Everything's alright? Did you see anything strange?'
The girl says, waving a hand in front of my face, unlocking that state of Trance into which she herself had led me.
'Oh.. yes yes, here you go..'
I take out my trusty bag where I keep the coins and then hand the 22 denarii to the girl, while she, in turn, hands me the ring.
'Thank you! it's a really beautiful jewel... did you create them?'
The girl shows a slight smile.
'Yes, just me, I often find these stones along my travels and make them into jewels'
'You're a traveler then. It's obvious you're not from here haha'
'Actually, my mother has Arab origins, while my father comes from the distant West'
Uhh.. exotic, I like it. Probably she inherited those expressive eyes from her father’s side.
'You know.. I found that ruby not too far from here, near a very unique cave.. I hope it will bring you luck, Your Highness'
I widen my eyes in surprise.
'H-how did you know-'
Oh Karim... always at the wrong time..
I hide the ring in the pocket of my robe and am forced by the guards to return to the palace. Before going, however, I turn my gaze towards that girl, who I forgot to ask her name. She was already observing me, and once our gazes align, like the sun and moon during an eclipse, we exchange a smile, while then she raises the hood on her head, going back to rearranging the necklaces on her stall.
Y/N's POV:
I Sigh. Putting the jewels I couldn't sell today back into my bag. Today was different from the usual.
I return home, noticing my mother cooking in our kitchen.
'I'm back!!!'
‘Darling! How was your day? Did you manage to sell anything?'
'Something..yeah. In particular, I sold the ruby ring.. to the Prince Jungkook'
I see my mother jump.
'Prince? Did the prince himself buy one of your jewels?'
I nod, chuckling.
'and tell me.. what he said to you??'
'Nothing that interesting, mum. Sorry but we can't talk now, I have to rush to the workshop, I still have some stones to cut and tomorrow will be another busy day, many travelers will arrive and therefore more chances to sell!!!'
'Y/n! My baby! But don't overdo it with all this work...'
I immediately run upstairs, straight to my work table. I take out of my bag an ocher stone that I found a few days ago, I was thinking of dividing it in two and making a pair of earrings.
'Oh.. where did I put the razor blade.. Here it is!'
I stop for a second, looking at some old canvases that are near my bed, I stop for a moment, but then, shaking my head, I return to my work.
Who knows if, when the prince looks at the ring, he will think a little about me.. pff.. what am I thinking? He is a prince, he will have an infinite number of rings, what he bought today must have been one of the many whims that nobles have...
Jungkook's pov:
'Jungkook, now you're exaggerating with these constant escapes from the palace.'
'But, Jasmine, I-'
'Listen to me, it's not that I don't want to get you out, but, don't you think it's time you start studying? Acculturate yourself? One day, you will be the sultan'
'Jasmine, I don't want to lock myself in a library and waste my time there, I.. I'm a-'
'yes, a dreamer, you always say it..'
'Wasn't it your desire to escape from the palace that made you meet Aladdin? Or am I wrong?'
'no but..'
'Then why don't you let me out?'
My sister doesn't respond.. it's the first time I've managed to dismantle her, I stay and watch her while she turns and leaves my rooms, apparently annoyed.
I don't understand what's wrong with her. Since our father died, she has changed, her husband also thinks so.. however, it is not easy to manage an entire nation alone, being a woman, many ""people"" sometimes don't believe her and even allied countries tend to always put it in the background. Maybe that's why she doesn't let me out, because she doesn't want me to become like her... but it's senseless. I sit on the bed and the ring I bought this morning comes out of the pocket of my dress.
'I forgot about you'
I'm starting to talk to objects... good, I'd say.
'I wonder what the name of that girl who sold you to me is.. I can almost see her angelic face in the reflections of your scarlet shades..'
I lie down on the bed, still observing the jewel, and then my sight look out the window... it's the ideal evening to walk in the garden, with the light of the full moon illminating the landscape, a light which, colliding with the ruby of my ring , causes a blinding glow emanate from it. I'm probably going crazy, but I feel some sort of strange energy coming from the jewel.
'I have decided! Tomorrow I will go to the market again, with my sister's permission, and I will visit that girl!'
I smile, and then, instinctively, give the ruby a light kiss.
As soon as my lips left it, however, the glow that had appeared before, reappeared, but this time, it couldn't be thanks to the moon... A pink cloud begins to emerge from the ring, spinning around me. Surprised, I throw the jewel across the room, while the cloud continues to spread across the room.
I continue to observe the scene with my mouth open.
The cloud takes the form of a creature... or it would be better to say, a lady, more precisely, and my surprised look soon becomes a confused one.
I observe the creature, when it begins to speak to me.
'At your service, master! Tell me, what is your wish?'
'Oh...but you, you are a genius!?!?!?'
'Who else should I be? A pink unicorn?'
I burst out laughing, above all, at the joy I'm feeling.
'so I have the three wishes available, right? Okay, so the first-'
The female genius looks around.
'You have to be careful what you wish for, I'm not the lamp's genie..'
My gaze returns to confusion.
'What do you mean?'
'Well... unlike him, you can ask me more than three wishes, but... I can only help you when, to make that wish come true, there is no other way out'
I still don't understand... that's why I limit myself to looking at the creature with the same disoriented look.
'Pff.. you princes.. you are all the same.. Let me explain better, then..'
The genie makes a blackboard appear with some doodles.
'if you were in prison, sentenced to death, you call me and wish to escape, I can do it with just a snap of my fingers! However, if next to you you have the bunch of keys to your cell or a file to cut the bars on the window, I can't help you..'
I finally understood.
'But then you're useless...'
'Yes, sorry.. but.. listen, the only wish I have in mind right now is to want to meet a girl-'
'Ah and I can't grant wishes related to love! It would undermine free will, don't you think?'
'I don't want to make her fall in love with me. I just want to meet her and talk to her, I don't feel like I'm affecting any free will. Furthermore, objectively speaking, now I have no other methods to reach her because I don't know where she lives, I don't even know her name.. '
The genie looks at me, confused.
'So you fell in love with a girl you don't even know?'
'she was the one who sold me the ring with your ruby, do you understand?? This is destiny! And..for the record..we spoke this morning, so..I know her..I know her enough to say that..she has a soft voice, delicate skin, big expressive eyes and hair that looks so soft.. it's perfect!'
'and you're head over heels for her...alright, Prince Charming, I'll take you to her, I understood who she is'
Y/n's pov:
'They're wonderful eheh'
I take the ocher earrings I just made, holding them up in front of the window so the moon can give them some light.
'but now it's late.. I'd better go to sleep..'
I put away my tools, and adjust the for tomorrow.
Suddenly, something bursts through the window of my room, which makes me jump in fear. I hold myself against the wall, petrified, trying to understand what has just entered the room.
'it was crazy, genie!!! We have to do it again!'
'Will you calm down!? Look who's in front of you!'
That male voice is not new to me... the shadow of the male figure who is hidden in the room, approaches me towards the moonlight coming through the window, revealing his identity.
'Your Highness.. what are you doing here? And.. and what is that??'
I say, in panic, trying to settle down a bit.
My eyes widening at the sight of that pink human-shaped cloud..
'Hey hey hey, calm down, don't be afraid. I understand that you feel disoriented but I will explain everything to you! She is the genie of the ring!'
I remain silent, still not understanding.
'Oh.. well.. she's basically a very powerful entity, who can make anything you want come true, she popped out of the ring I bought from you, this morning'
I let myself slide along the wall, with my mouth open, ending up sitting on the floor. The prince laughs, and comes to sit next to me.
'I know it all seems like a dream.. and I'm sorry to have surprised you like this, at this time, but.. I wanted to meet you so much! Taking you to the palace and maybe getting to know each other a little, what do you think?'
The boy approaches me, dangerously, and slightly arrogantly. Annoyed, I get up and look at him irritated.
'but how dare you? Alright, you're the prince, but doesn't that give you the right to barge into my house, into my room, at this hour, aided by this... being and then order me to come to the palace with you and get to know each other better? You nobles are all the same, arrogance comes out of every pore. Get out of here!'
I say, pointing to the window.
'But I-'
'I said out!'
'but at least.. you could tell me your name'
So the prince, silently and apparently mortified, approaches the genie, and once the latter snaps her fingers, they disappear before my eyes.
'maybe I exaggerated...'
Jungkook's pov:
What happened shocked me almost more than when they told me that my father was no longer here, maybe now I'm exaggerating the situation... but really...
'What did I do wrong, Genie!?'
I say sitting on the ground, frustrated. The genie sits next to me, putting her hand on my shoulder.
'Prince, I think you made the wrong approach to that girl..'
I turn towards her, with a confused and... annoyed look.
'She called me arrogant! I didn't do anything wrong!'
'Maybe not everyone fully understands your behaviour, what for you may have been an innocent invitation, for her seemed like an order...'
'So what should I do?'
'Maybe tomorrow you should go back to her stand and apologize'
I nod..laying on the bed and praying that the night would pass quickly.
the morning
As soon as the slightest ray of sunlight caresses my eyelids, I open my eyes wide. I have to run to the bazar. I get ready, take the ring and start to go out the window, when something stops me... maybe it's that "common sense" I've always heard about... I decide to go to my sister.
'Jasmine.. first of all, sorry about yesterday.. I promise you that I will start studying and stop running away.. but you have to allow me to go out, only today.. please'
I bow before my sister, begging her to give me permission to go out. Raising my head, I see Aladdin placing his hand on Jasmine's hand, urging her to grant my wish.
'Okay, Jungkook, go, don't worry, it won't be the last time I'll let you out, but lessons will start next week'
Out of joy, I run to hug my big sister and her groom. Then i run out of the building, straight towards the market. People sing, dance, but in that moment, for the first time, the music fails to captivate me. Among the crowd, I manage to glimpse the girl's stall and... her! With her hood, with her back turned...but still her!!! I smile and move closer.
'Hey hey hey! Sorry about yesterday... I was a fool, I exaggerated, so much that you misunderstood my intentions-'
The girl turns around, lowering her hood... it's not her.
'Oh.. sorry, maybe you are looking for my child- But.. sire..'
The woman raises her hand to her mouth in surprise. I grab her other hand, squeezing it.
'Ma'am.. can you tell me where your daughter is?! I have to talk to her..'
The lady, still a little shaken and confused, hesitates for a few words.
'I think she went to the stand where Omar sell the paintings... it's right over there'
'Thank you very much, ma'am'
I say, kissing the woman's hand. I move towards the stall of paintings, I know the good man who creates and sells them... now that I think about it, yesterday, despite the mess that happened, I noticed some paintings placed in a corner of the girl's room..advancing among the people, I finally manage to glimpse my mysterious girl, without a hood, focused on admiring a painting of a starry night.. the people seem to advance from the opposite side of the market, allowing me to get closer to her. I remain there, next to her, observing that painting..
'It's a really nice painting, don't you think?'
The girl slowly turns towards me.
'Youe Heighness..'
'I'm sorry about yesterday..'
'No.. I'm the one apologizing.. I went too far.. I thought about the words you said to me, and there was nothing arrogant about them..'
'I was the one who let you misunderstand'
I approach her.
'Anyway.. my name is-'
I put a finger in front of the girl's mouth, not letting her finish a sentence. I smile, then give her a note.
'I hope you will come..'
I turn, walking towards the guards who escorted me, feeling my heart lighter.
Y/n's pov
I remain petrified by the prince's gesture, but, at the same time, it makes me chuckle. I look at the folded note in my hands. I open it and read the contents.
In seven moons, in the royal garden, don't worry, there will be guards to take you there, wait for me at the gazebo at the end of the path. I hope you'll be there...my dreamer.
No one has ever called me that..
'Okay, your highness, I'll play along' i said to myself, carrying the note close to my chest, almost as if I'm hugging it.
One week later
I arrive in front of the door of the immense palace, there are two guards there, I approach them.
'Name.. please'
The prince doesn't know my name.. how can I make them understand that I have to meet him.. what if..
The two guards look at each other, exchanging a few glances, and then nod and open the door to allow me access. Smiling, I advance, heading towards the garden that his heighness told me about in the note. I can already see the gazebo, adorned with an limitless variety of flowers and illuminated by moonlight. Once inside, I find a canvas, some brushes and a box full of colours.
'So you came!'
I turn towards that voice, which I now recognize immediately... seeing a beautiful and elegant boy coming towards me. Now that I think about it, every time I've met him, he's always wearing ordinary clothes, never anything that fancy. He approaches me.
'I noticed that you like painting, and that you used to paint in the past... tell me, what made you stop'
We sit on one of the benches in the gazebo, looking at that empty canvas makes me think of my childhood... this makes me move.
'My father was a painter, when I was little, I hoped to become like him, until a few years ago, I painted an indecipherable number of canvases... I took some to the market, but I couldn't sell even one... my dream is always been to portray the most beautiful moments on a canvas, so as to be able to ensure true immortality for those memories... but, when I lost my father, I decided to give up that dream, both because, due to my origins, it wouldn't have made any money, and because I had to take care of my mother..'
The prince wraps his arm around my shoulder and brings me to him, instinctively, I rest my head on his shoulder.
'I'm sorry about your father...I really am, but, in my opinion, you should start painting again, it's your dream in the end, and isn't it the very act of doing it that keeps your father's memory alive? You know... sometimes it happens that we are forced to put our dreams aside... it's happening to me, right now, you know... before, I didn't have a real dream, on the contrary, I wanted to find one. Before meeting you, I understood that my dream is probably to dance, sing, compose music... but now, like a good prince, I have to put all this on the back burner, because I have to prepare to become the future sultan.. but.. do you know the beautiful thing about being a dreamer? They manages to make their dreams come true, because they believes in them, because they sees them, because they maintains their passion for them..this is my path '
'ours...you mean.'
I say looking into the boy's eyes, while I caress his hand with mine. He smiles, and then turns his gaze towards the canvas... then, I get up, start taking the brushes and colours... and off we go. Hours pass, the night gets deeper and deeper. I can feel his tall gaze as I paint. Once finished, I look at my hands, now smeared with colour, together with the white dress I had worn for the occasion. The prince approaches, taking my hand.
'Heighness! There was paint on my hand'
'Well then?'
The prince states, dipping a finger into the purple paint and then running it along his right cheek. We burst out laughing, and then we look at the canvas..
'what do you plan to name it?'
'I think the most suitable name is... Dreamers'
Present Jungkook's Pov:
By now the night was fading, giving way to dawn...and a new day...the two remain observing each other for a few minutes, in silence, when suddenly the girl takes the boy's face, bringing it to hers, zeroing the distance between them, with a kiss full of love and sweetness. The guy wraps his arms around the girl's waist, while she does the same around his neck, after their lips part, they bring their foreheads together, closing their eyes.
'And by the way.. the name is Y/n..'
'it's beautiful..'
'Thank you.. haha..'
'But I'm not just talking about your name, I'm talking about all of this'
'I had guessed it, your highness'
The two laugh.
'So... that means you and your mother are coming here, right?'
'As tall as you wish'
'At that response, the boy, whose name was Jungkook picked the girl up, hugging her and kissing her again. Luckily, her sister Jasmine had already removed the law that forced nobles to marry other nobles. So, the two prepared a stylish and colorful wedding, where everyone danced and sang and then... the two dreamers had children...'
'Stubborn like their father'
Y/n says, crossing her arms and looking down at us.
'But with their mother's temper'
We all burst out laughing as my babies start climbing on me.
'but dad! And the genie? Where has she been?'
'You didn't tell us how the painting was made!!'
I get up from the couch, picking up my two puppies.
'Am I wrong or did you promise me that once the story was over you would go to bed? If I don't see you in your bed in five minutes, tomorrow I won't tell you what happened to the genie and I won't show you the painting!'
'You mean the painting is here!!! LET'S RUN TO SLEEP COME ON!!'
The two little bipeds immediately run into their little room, while I fall back on the sofa, tired, but happy, with my Y/n, leaning on my chest.
'Is it possible that they never noticed?'
'I think they'll pay attention to it tomorrow, my dreamer'
The painting is located right in this room, on the wall in front of us, it portrays me and Y/n, under the gazebo, accompanied by the bright colors of the flowers and illuminated by the moon. Yes, that is a moment that will never die. I think, hugging my sweet Y/n even closer to me, and observing for a few seconds, the ring with the red ruby, on the table near the sofa, which shines more than usual..
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justbored93 · 5 months ago
BTS Fic Recs
(I actually don’t read as many as I thought I did oops)
Kim Namjoon
Mistranslations by  @spiralizera
Kim Seokjin
Baker!Jin AU by  @jungshookz
Disney Jin  by  @today-we-will-survive
The Sea Prince by  @bangtanloverboys
Min Yoongi
Yoongi Scenario by  @bangtan-sonyeonddaeng (TW just in case)
2:01 A.M.  by  @bangtan-dreamland
Step On Me  by  @honsoolie
The Perfect Boyfriend by  @krreader (ha! toxic friends am i right...........)
Strays by @sugarycandies
Every Little Thing by  @7ndipity
Reflection of You  by  @agustdakasuga
Jung Hoseok
Metallic Snow by  @army-author
Felicitous Company by  @v-hope
Reticence by  @worldwidemochiguy
Park Jimin
Potions by  @taleasnewastime
I’m Here For You by  @breadoffoxy
Never Alone by  @writersrealmbts
Kim Taehyung
Starry night...except it’s snowing outside? by  @moonieseok
Biscuits by  @leefics
Jeon Jungkook
Heaven’s Open by  @btsmosphere
Guarded by  @ysljoon
It’s Okay by  @lachimolala7
All Members
Nightlight by  @minniepetals
Just accounts in general
Masterlist by @kookiesbuckethat 
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riaarivic · 1 year ago
HIS - KNJ x F!reader: 1 Into you
Tumblr media
💗Pairings idol!NamjoonxReader
💗 Genres idol!AU, Smut, Angst, Romance, Enemies to lovers
💗 Rating 18+ minors DNI
💗 Summary  Four years have passed since the last time you saw Kim Namjoon. But now he was right in front of you, with the same stupid warm smile that made your good judgment (and underwear) disappear without a trace. You haven't seen him for four years. But now here you were working for BTS again. Having to see his insufferably attractive face every day of your life again.
But there's something Namjoon doesn't know. The little girl with almond eyes and dimples in her smile clinging to his ex-girlfriend's hip, not only looked too much like him. But she was… His.
💗  Warnings for the series: Unplanned pregnancy (I KNOW BUT HEAR ME OUT) Unprotected sex, foul language, angst, miscommunications, pinning, SO MUCH PINNING, Hurt/comfort. Will update as the series progress. 💗  Warnings for the chapter: reader has very conflictive emotions about the news of her pregnancy at the begining. This chapter will have some back and forth time skips
💗 A/N: ⚠️ dialogue in BOLD is intended to be in English if not, they are speaking in Korean. ⚠️
Love, Ria
💗 Chapter wordcount 3,4k
💗 Series Index 1 2
His 01: Into you
"And baby even on our worst nights. I'm into you" Into you - Paramore.
💗💗💗MARCH 2022💗💗💗
You have to admit, you've been glued to your computer screen for a solid twenty minutes, utterly motionless.
Hyung-Joon, once your boss and now your business partner, just forwarded an email confirming your company's involvement in BTS's upcoming Permission to Dance on Stage tour. The whole team was buzzing with excitement about the colossal job ahead.
It would be the biggest job in your company.
It really was the opportunity of a lifetime, the pay was enough to take Hana on a Disney cruise vacation.
For a whole year.
Three years in a row.
Heck, you could buy the damn boat.
That's how good it would be.
You should be basking in the joy of this achievement.
Yet, the smallest detail casts a shadow over the happiness—precisely, the leader of the band. The young, talented, millionaire, successful, infuriating asshole Kim Namjoon is your daughter's father.
For the tiniest detail, it must be emphasized that he had no intention of being a part of her life.
Fuck him.
He couldn't even summon the decency to meet your gaze when he sent his mother and manager to deliver an envelope full of money, effectively kicking you and your daughter out of Korea.
The memory of it turned your stomach.
💗💗💗JANUARY 2017💗💗💗
An alien.
That's how all the people saw you when you entered Big Hit as if you came from another planet entirely. An alien who spoke their language perfectly, who had not come as part of a tourist excursion, but to work.
They all regarded you as if you had a second head protruding from your back. The security, while registering your information for your access card; the staff, makeup artists, hair stylists—all whispered things as you walked by.
What the hell were you getting yourself into?
The chance of a lifetime, you reminded yourself. The pay might not be extravagant, but the perks of being part of a K-pop group's staff more than compensated for it.
You were going to travel all over the world, meet new people, eat delicious things and most of all… be as far away geographically as possible from where you came from.
This is the opportunity of a lifetime
After navigating several security checkpoints and maneuvering through what felt like a maze of boxes filled with the group's merchandise, materials, and clothing, you reached the office where they awaited you.
The global press department.
Though the term "department" sounded too grand for the small space—more like a converted broom closet with your boss's desk and yours side by side.
"Oh! Miss… um," you smiled as you saw him struggling with the pronunciation of your full name.
"Call me y/n. You must be Manager Hyung-Joon," the man let out a sigh of relief. Despite his imposing stature, dominating the tiny office, a friendly smile adorned his face.
"Miss y/n, you're just in time. They are about to finish a rehearsal, and we are going to start the first practice interviews for the US tour. Did you bring everything you need?" You nodded, and he motioned for you to follow him.
Probably, nothing you had read about this group could prepare you for what lay ahead. As Manager Hyung-Joon swung open the door, the first thing that struck you was the noise.
That room was pure Chaos.
What you'd expect if you left seven practically teenage men to their own devices. They chatted and laughed, appearing at first glance like a bunch of ordinary kids.
Not like the young men who would become the biggest musical act in history.
"Bangtan, can you please be quiet?" the manager shouted, capturing everyone's attention. "This is y/n; she will be your translator from now on." All seven pairs of eyes turned to you simultaneously, and once again, there it was.
That look that made you feel utterly out of place.
According to what you'd been told, it wasn't common for the company to hire young, let alone single, women to work with BTS. Yet, you excelled at your job, armed with a glowing recommendation letter from one of your college professors.
Fast and precise with translations, you also brought experience as a journalist before accepting this position.
And that you accepted the joke of a salary they offered.
The company deemed you useful enough to overlook the fact that you would be the only woman among these men most of the time.
But your integration into the staff didn't happen before their main manager warned them that any attempt at inappropriate behavior towards you would result in drastic consequences.
Not to mention the uncomfortably awkward conversation you had in the president's office, where terms like contraceptives, confidentiality agreements, and the ominous "If you have any kind of relationship with one of the members, we will sue you for everything you have" echoed.
Though you were sure the suitcase you brought to Korea wouldn't be much help to a music company at the time.
The message was clear:
Mess with one of them.
You're out.
It's not like you were interested in a workplace romance; true, they were all attractive, but you needed this job more than anything else in the world.
At that time, Bangtan was gearing up for their promotions in the United States, and they required someone to assist them in English communication.
So they wouldn't be overly dependent on him.
"Do you even speak Korean?" that was the very first words he spoke to you. He wore an expression somewhere between puzzled and annoyed for a moment before turning to speak to Hyung-Joon as if you weren't there. "Are you sure she's not a stalker?"
"I'm a communications major from Busan National University. I also speak Japanese, French, Spanish, and Portuguese. But my first language is English. I suppose that answers your question," you retorted, meeting his gaze challengingly, and he rolled his eyes as if your response bored him.
At the far end of the room, you heard an amused snort; you recognized him from the dossier—his name was Suga.
"Did that lady just shut up Namjoon-hyung?" the youngest among them stared at you as if you were a unicorn, a mythical creature, the weirdest thing he has ever seen, and the older one nudged him to stop staring.
"Nice to meet you all; my name is y/n. I will be your translator, and I hope you can take care of me." You bowed, and when you straightened, you smiled at everyone. He kept his stare locked at you, irritated and unimpressed by your initial response.
That was the beginning of it all.
💗💗💗DECEMBER 2018💗💗💗
A complete fool is how you felt, your heart pounding in your chest as you found yourself on your bathroom floor holding a positive pregnancy test. Four years ago, your heart held a different kind of weight, the weight of a secret growing within you.
Two weeks after he had returned to Seoul.
Exactly two weeks after you had told him to get the fuck out of your life.
No. That's not true.
You know better now. He was already gone before you found the strength to let him go. You just hadn't realized it.
So, here you were sitting on your bathroom floor. The weight of your shared history hanging heavily between you. Looking at the abstract pattern on the tiles feeling like a complete idiot.
Feeling guilty for a child who will grow up without a father.
You thought you were strong enough to handle it. You believed you could navigate motherhood alone, but...
Should you tell him?
Would it be too selfish to unveil this reality now?
How could you shatter his world, now that his career soared to unprecedented heights?
And the company…
You knew The company would go to great lengths to erase you and this secret from existence if necessary..
Kim Namjoon the leader of BTS.
Korea's pride.
Fathering an unplanned child out of wedlock with a foreigner?
It could dismantle everything he had worked for.
And his group. It will destroy them and he will never forgive you for it.
Besides, did you even have the right to reenter his life?
After what you have said to him? After the wounds you carved upon each other?
You wanted to cry, but the tears remained trapped within your eyes.
Kim Namjoon, the man known as RM, the leader of BTS, was your adversary, your lover, the man who once held your heart, and the one who shattered it into irreparable pieces—
All within a year.
💗💗💗NOVEMBER 2019💗💗💗
This is a terrible idea
It took you too long to work up the courage to tell him that you had had a daughter. But you couldn't tell him by phone call or mail.
You mustered all the courage you had and took a plane from Los Angeles to Korea. You definitely did not imagine how extremely difficult 16 hours on a flight with a one year old baby would be.
You had to bribe Jungkook with buying him 10 cartons of banana milk to get his new number.
Calling him was much harder.
"Hello?" His voice, after a year, stirred emotions you believed buried deep within.
You had no idea what to say.
Hi Namjoon, remember me? I'm y/n, your ex-girlfriend, ex-enemy, ex-translator? Oh, by the way, we have a daughter. I'm in Korea. Sorry for not telling you earlier; I panicked, thinking the company might erase us if they found out. Congratulations on the new album.
Definitely not that.
"Hey, Joonie," you blurted, and somehow felt like worse alternative, "I'm in Korea, and I'd like to talk…"
"Yes," he interrupted, his voice as desperate as yours, "I'm sending a driver for you. Where are you staying?"
Two hours later, a black company van awaited you in front of your hotel. It transported you to a far more luxurious apartment complex than their previous dormitory.
They are doing so well.
That made you proud, they deserved every drop of success they had.
But he wasn't in the apartment.
Waiting for you in the living room was a face you'd only seen once—Namjoon's mother, Mrs. Kim Seolmi. Accompanied by bodyguards and a staff member, her gaze held the same mix of disappointment and anger as the first meeting. Her eyes shifted sourly when they landed on Hana, in your arms.
Hana was the vivid image of her father, every feature, dimples, almond eyes, pouty lips, and even her expressions. Seeing Namjoon in her.
It took Mrs. Kim mere seconds to deduce the baby in your arms was her granddaughter.
"He doesn't want to see you, neither you nor the bastard child you're carrying. Did you think you could pass off just anyone's daughter as my son's?" She pulled an envelope from her bag. You knew it contained money. "Take it and leave. A gold-digger like you, using men for money. How disgusting."
"Madam, I don't need your money. If Namjoon doesn't want to see me, he should tell me himself." You clutched your crying daughter, scared by the woman's shouts.
From a corridor emerged Sejin, BangTan's main manager. He always knew everything about them. And his presence here meant The company was already aware that Namjoon had a daughter.
"I'm sorry, Miss y/n, but it's true. He asked us to give this to you," Sejin handed you a sealed letter with your name on it, "and this you must sign. It's the only way to prevent the company from taking legal action against you for involving yourself with a member."
"Ha! As if the half-breed was really my Namjoon's daughter."
Oh you were going to kill that woman.
Before you could unleash your thoughts, Sejin spoke again. "y/n, you know what it means to be in a relationship with an idol, let alone having a daughter out of wedlock. This could destroy him and Bangtan. I'm sure you don't want that." His voice carried pity.
"You don't want to go trough this, and we know you don't want to put your daughter through it." He took a breath and sat in front of you. "The company is willing to compensate you for your silence. It's your only option—"
"I don't want your fucking money, Sejin"
"Miss, if you go against the company, we'll have to fight in court, and you could lose custody of your daughter. I'm sorry, but it's true. He didn't want to come when he found out you were coming with your child."
He didn't want to come
When he found out
That you were coming with a child.
Your child.
That phrase echoed in your mind for years. You could still close your eyes and see Sejin's pitiful face—the same one he wore when informing an employee they could no longer work for them.
Because they spoke a second too long with one of them.
Because they smiled at them a little too much.
Because feelings started to emerge.
All were fired and forced to sign mountains of legal documents preventing them from ever speaking about what transpired.
Some were even offered positions at other agencies.
"You're fortunate Bang PDnim decided to compensate you. But it's your decision," he concluded.
Three hours later, you were repacking to return to Los Angeles, vowing never to set foot in Seoul again.
This should never have happened.
As you wiped away tears, your phone buzzed with several notifications.
Message from unknown number: Doll, it's Yoongi. Jungkook told me you were here and you were staying at a hotel in Myeongdon. Message from unknown number: I'm coming to see you.
Message from Cookie 🍪: Y/n Noona, Yoongi Hyung asked me to give him your number. Thanks for the banana milk, you should stop by the dorm and let's drink soju like old times!!!!
Message from NJ: I am so sorry. I hope you can understand.
The last message made you want to throw up.
The phone started vibrating with an incoming call…..
💗💗💗MARCH 2022💗💗💗
"Are you sure you're okay with this?"
Hyun-Joon regarded you with the same concerned eyes he had five years ago when you first met. He had transitioned from being your boss to your business partner and, eventually, one of your dearest friends. A few months after your departure from Korea, he called to share the news of starting their own management agency with a friend.
The startup funds came from the envelope Sejin handed you as compensation for never disclosing the identity of your daughter's father.
At least something good came from shattering your heart into a thousand pieces.
Today, you were the CEO of a flourishing company offering diverse services to music companies in Korea—translators, managers, staff, security; you had it all, and your agency ranked as the best in the market.
It was only a matter of time before you appeared on HYBE's radar.
It was only a matter of time before you found yourself back in the same room as him.
"Of course, this is the best contract the agency has had since we started. We are professionals, and your CEO is no exception," you reassured yourself more than Hyun-Joon.
He scrutinized you, trying to believe your conviction. "Well, let's get ready; they are about to come in."
The sight before you differed vastly from the first time you saw them in the modest conference room at what was then Big Hit. Through the glass door leading to your meeting room, the bodyguards entered first, followed by the new individual managers.
You knew much had changed since your last encounter. Initially, it was just you and a handful of staff members.
Now, it felt as if the President of the United States or Beyoncé were about to make an entrance.
Scratch that, the president's secret service probably had fewer people.
The room was nearly full, yet they hadn't arrived.
Jungkook walked in first. The last time you saw him, he still wore his school uniform. Now, he appeared as if he had stepped out of a novel, exuding a bad-boy aura with tattoos and all-black attire.
Behind him, Taehyung, the shy boy with the innocent smile, wore a designer suit, exuding timeless elegance like the protagonist of an old Hollywood film. You couldn't help but smile at the sight of him.
Jimin seemed unchanged yet transformed simultaneously—beautiful, elegant, with a hint of mischief in his eyes. When he saw you, he smiled discreetly, as if holding back many unspoken words.
Following him, J-Hope entered. His off-stage personality always intimidated you, yet he remained the kindest and most focused among them. That hadn't changed.
Yoongi walked in behind him, smiling genuinely upon seeing you. Among all of them, he was the only one you still maintained contact with. Nonetheless, seeing him in person brought a sense of relief.
Jin came in almost last, and you couldn't help but be amused. Despite not having seen him in person for four years, he hadn't aged a day. Serene as ever, he entered with a respectful bow.
A chill ran down your spine.
They entered in the official order.
From youngest to oldest.
And last.
Kim Namjoon, always entering last, responsible for introducing them all. Front and center, as always. His now-blond hair caught your attention first. Even beneath his clothes, you could see that he had grown. His arms filled his shirt just like his chest and legs.
Your mind instinctively wandered into territory you almost slapped yourself for entertaining.
You looked up, and he was looking at you. Whether he was surprised or not, his face revealed nothing. With almost a decade in the business, Kim Namjoon knew how to conceal his emotions.
Assuming he had any.
He obviously doesn't care to see you. And who were you to him?—just some woman he was fucking four years ago.
The mother of his daughter.
Your ears buzzed, and you were so deeply lost in your thoughts that you didn't notice when he began talking.
"...it's a pleasure for us to work again with you and your agency," that damn voice, it could still stir emotions in you. "Miss Y/LN, it's also nice to see you again."
Oh, is he going to call you by your last name?
"It's Lee now," your voice sounded cooler than you thought it would, perfect.
"Congratulations, in that case," he stiffened his jaw, and you smiled at him. Simultaneously, several people in the room tensed up.
Ah yes, that was another detail Kim Namjoon obviously didn't know about you.
Eric Lee was your other business partner and your best friend. You had married three years ago so that he could obtain a visa and stay in the US with you.
Eric gave his last name to Hana and had practically raised her with you.
And also.
Eric was completely, totally, and utterly gay.
Your marriage was only on paper.
But that was a detail you weren't going to explain to Kim Namjoon.
By the way… where the hell was he?
Namjoon cleared his throat, snapping you out of your thoughts. "In that case, I think we can start—"
"Mommy!" a little voice interrupted, entering the room. With so many people there, you could only see the top of her dark brown hair. "Uncle said to play hide and seek; can I hide with you?"
Almond eyes.
Dimples in the smile.
The same pouty lips.
Kim Namjoon who was almost 10 years in the industry and knew perfectly well how to hide his emotions, but he looked at the little girl in front of him as if he had just seen an alien.
His face showed a thousand questions.
How old was that little girl?
Why did she have the same eyes as him?
Why had she called you mom?
Did you have a daughter?
The whole room tensed up.
Oh shit, I knew this was a bad idea.
But things happened so fast.
For the first time in her life, Kim Namjoon looked at his daughter's face.
And you were looking at the consecuence of what once was a stolen kiss behind a closed door.
And then evolved to so much more.
A snarky remark.
An irritated snort after others spoke.
A heated argument in a press room.
A few stolen kisses behind the staff room door.
A night in a hotel room.
And despite your reluctance to admit it,
Despite everything.
You would always be
I KNOOOOOWWWW! Another fic and I haven't finished translating/editing/rewriting/posting Hate!. But Yes, I had to, I had a writers block and decided to pull this one out of the vault of prompts.
Pregnancy troupe? while I'm writing a dark mafia romance? I KNOW But hear me out with this one, it is A RIDE.
I REALLY wanted to write a short agnsty BUT filled with heart clenching romance and.. other things clenching smuttines.
Yes, I'll continue updating Hate! but i would love you a bit if you give this baby a chance... literal baby. AND KIM NAMJOON AS A GIRL DAD!!?? IM NOT GOING TO DEPRIVE MYSELF OF THAT
Ps. If you want to be on the tag list drop a comment below!! 👩🏼‍💻✨
As always love you guys,
Ria 💗
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polarislex · 26 days ago
id rather be crazy like you 𓂃۶ৎ
♡ live update thread ♡
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 ♡ master post here ♡
AND THE PROLOGUE IS LIVE FOLKS! thanks to you, and getting this post to SEVEN likes, i went ahead and uploaded the prologue!
link here
Just to note really quick - updates for this may not be super quick. I am currently writing my chanbaek fic and i do want to bang out as much as of that as i can! with that being said though, if this gains traction and if i can get 10 kudos & 2 comments on the prologue, i will shift and get the first chapter completed and up! I want a goal that I think could be achievable but yet a bit pushing for a smaller writer like myself!
Also, to add a bit of a backstory to this idea (if anyone is curious): back in, i think, 2018/2019, this original idea was set in strictly aesthetics with BTS and EXO being the main 2 groups I was doing them for! ironically enough, this was more an idea i had while talking with old friends on tumblr back in the day of what themed aesthetics should i do next (i think i just finished some of the disney princess ones). there was, at the time, no correlation to descendants (though, obviously now, I can't say that. I've watched the movies, and some elements may be similar) I then tried my hand at a social media au with Jimin being the main focus, but i ended up putting it on hold to cancel the au all together. I didn't know how to move forward with where I was, so it sort of just crumbled and died ahaha
now, i think then around 2021/2022, i sort of revisted the idea on my own, but with the idea to make aesthetics solely for nct members. this never happened, but the idea did stick with me for years. it was always something i wanted to really, really, really, dabble back into but i was never sure how. Did i write little one shots looped together in one fic with conflicting timelines for that sense of confusion? did I revive the social media au? or do I try something completely different.
so, now in 2025 and getting that boost from the likes on tumblr, here we are. i decided to go with nct dream being the main focus, but exo members will also provide relevance through the story (along with mention of some bts members for the sake of the original plot)! you can always go to my tumblr and look through my masterlist to find the old aesthetics for bts and exo, but i hope within the next few weeks to have updated exo as i see fit AND have nct dream done! In the mean time, enjoy the playlist! drop a kudo, leave a comment / leave a like or comment here on tumblr too! or send me an ask!
till next time! xoxo lexie
I think I may have gotten too ambitious so I’ve merely made it a 5 kudo goal! I’m going to keep it at 2 comments because I really really want to hear thoughts, but if I hit the kudo mark, I’ll update! I love seeing the traction it got on here too!
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veeparkersstuff · 26 days ago
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"Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast"-Alice, Alice in Wonderland🐇
✨️BTS as Alice in Wonderland Characters according to ChatGPT✨️
(Like or reblog, don't repost pls🤍)
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cait-with-luv · 2 years ago
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Little Leopard [5]
"If it weren't for seven men that fateful night you wouldn't be here now. They showed you good people did exist. That life can be great, that you can be loved and cared for. These seven men were the men you loved and cherished. These men were your mates. Your safety blanket. And to them. You were their Little Leopard."
Header Credit: Me
Pairing: OT7 X Hybrid!Reader
Genre: Hybrid! AU, Strangers to Lovers! AU, Rich!BTS, Fluff, Angst, eventual smut, Polyamorous!BTS
Warnings: Angst, Hospitals, discussions of weight, discussions of eating disorders, dissociation, mentions of past mental abuse, mentions of past physical abuse, mentions of sexual abuse, discussions of trauma, anxiety, depression, explicit language, OC gets a little possessive, self-doubt, NOT SAFE FOR RAMADAN.
Word Count: 4K
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Like Seokjin had said the next day after breakfast, he was taking you to the clinic, and to be honest, you were nervous. You hadn’t been to a hybrid clinic and you didn’t know what to expect. You knew that Seokjin wouldn’t do anything to make you uncomfortable and that he’d never hurt you. You had to keep reminding yourself that this was for your own good, he just wanted to know if you were fit and healthy. 
Whilst eating breakfast, Yoongi and Hoseok had told you they were going to tag along so you wouldn’t feel so uncomfortable in a new and nerve-wracking environment and so you could have a hand to hold if need be. It made you feel warm inside knowing that they really did care about you. Your thoughts, feelings, your physical being. Everything. It all mattered to them and they always made sure you knew that. 
You knew that Jungkook had told them about your talk last night, they didn’t have to tell you that they knew, you could tell by the way their scents had changed when they saw you come down the stairs this morning. Their usual soft, comforting scents changed to a dull burning bitter smell, the gentle looks of care and worry. But what you appreciated the most was how they didn’t bring it up, they didn’t make you talk about it. They were really allowing you to do things on your own terms. You will never be able to tell them how grateful you are. They were always there to abolish all your negative thoughts and feelings. They’re like umbrellas, when you’re toxic thoughts rain upon you, they shelter you from them and wait with you for the sun to break through the rain clouds not ever leaving you for a second.
“You ready to go, Sweetpea? Yoongi and Jin are waiting for us.” Hoseok says softly peering into your room after he knocked, chuckling seeing you sat cross-legged in the middle of the bed, your pastel yellow dress sprawled around you like you had come out of a Disney movie, a little pout on your lips as you look up at Hoseok with a look of defeat and hold out your brush and a scrunchie.
“I can’t do my hair, w-will you help me Hobi? I keep catching my ears and it hurts.” You whine out in exasperation. It was clear to him you had been trying to do it for a while but was clearly being defeated. He couldn’t say no to you. You had him and the rest of the boys wrapped around your finger and you had absolutely no idea.
“Of course, Sweetpea, you gotta be careful of these cute little ears.” Hoseok coos, taking the brush and scrunchie from you and sitting behind you, beginning to brush your hair, frowning at how tense and anxious you were not just from how you sat but from how your tail nervously flicked, poking his leg occasionally. Something was playing on your mind and Hoseok wanted to help you. Out of all the boys, he had spent the least time with you having to constantly be at work all the time.
“Penny for your thoughts, Sunshine?” He asks tenderly beginning to fishtail braid your hair, pausing as you sigh and grab your tail to play with it, something all hybrids did for comfort and it was nice for the boys to see you beginning to lean more into your natural instincts. They had noticed in the first two weeks you lived with them you barely did anything…Leopard like? Feline like? 
It was like you had buried any instinct you had as a leopard. They had begun to think you had been forced to not act on them or perhaps you just didn’t have any but as you began to relax around them the more you showed your feline side and in all honesty, it was the most wholesome thing they had seen. They were curious to see if you would eventually be comfortable in front of them to shift into your full Leopard form. If that was something you could do.
“I just…I’ve never been to a hybrid clinic before…let alone had a health check, no one cared about it. I’m scared. What if something is wrong with me? I w-won’t be left there right o-or you won’t be disgusted with me at my results?” You fret, biting your lip anxiously as Hoseok ties the hair tie into your hair a little sigh leaves his lips before turning you to face him and shaking his head.
“Sweetpea, we will never ever leave you there, or anywhere for that matter. You’re stuck with us, how terrible right?” He jokes making your lips quirk up a little and playfully roll your eyes before relaxing into his touch as he massages at the base of your ear, a rumble coming from your chest.
“None of us will be disgusted at all okay? Whatever the results will be for your health, we’re all gonna be here to do what we can to help it improve if needs be and be here for you through everything alright? I know it sounds scary. A hybrid clinic and tests but you are in completely safe hands. Seokjin won’t make you do anything you don’t want to alright? I hate the doctors too. Needles are pretty terrifying. I used to pass out every time I needed a flu vaccination. Ironic isn’t it? I see all sorts of things being a detective yet the one thing that scares me isn’t weapons, blood, or bodies but a damn needle but in the end, I know it’s to help me. This is to help you.” He smiles, his heart fluttering hearing the laugh you let out hearing his fear of needles. You appreciated his efforts to calm your nerves.
“Okay, thank you, Hoseokie. You guys won’t leave my side?”
“Wouldn’t dream of it, Sunshine.”
Despite Hoseok’s reassurance, you couldn’t help but let your fear grow the closer you got to the clinic. You were terrified at what could be revealed. You knew that none of the outcomes of the appointment will be good. You dread to hear the results because you knew what they were going to say.  ‘You’re broken’.
Time was moving too quickly. You blinked you were in the car, you blinked and you were on the highway, you blinked and you were in the city. Before you knew it you stood right in front of the clinic, staring blankly at the sign. Your hands had gotten clammy. Your heart was palpitating. Your mouth going dry. You absolutely did not want to be here. You were petrified. But you just didn’t know how to say no. It was a foreign word to you. A word that was not allowed in your dictionary. A word that if you used would result in punishment. It was another habit you couldn’t break. You couldn’t say no to them. You couldn’t tell them you weren’t ready for this. That this was just too invasive right now.
Yoongi had picked up on your anxiety almost immediately. Noticing how tense and rigid you had gotten. How you froze in your spot like you had your feet glued to the floor. The distant look in your eyes. He knew right there you weren’t really there. You had disconnected from yourself and the world around you. Your defense mechanism. Your fight or flight.
“Y/N? Little Cub you still with us?” Yoongi questions delicately, slipping his hand into yours and squeezing to try and bring you back to reality. Nothing. You didn’t move. You didn’t speak. You hadn’t heard him. He began to grow concerned looking at Jin and Hobi for help. He didn’t know what to do but he did know he wasn’t going to pull you into the clinic in this state. He wasn’t going to make this worse for you.
“She’s dissociated Yoongi. We have to ground her, and take her attention off the cause. Give her your keys. They’re cold and something she can fidget with. Cold things bring them out of this state.” Seokjin states, gently stroking your hair as Hobi tries to blow air onto the back of your neck to break your dissociation. Yoongi roots through his pocket before pulling his keys out and placing them in your hand, watching as the distant look begins to slowly disappear.
Seokjin felt guilty. He should have asked you first, he should have made sure you were comfortable with coming to the clinic. He felt like an idiot. He knew you had trauma yet completely forgot to ensure this wasn’t crossing the line for you.
“Sunshine? Are you back with us? We’re right here. It’s okay, take your time. We’re right here.” Hoseok murmurs watching as you blink and look around, breath slightly heavy, a pink hue appearing on your cheeks as you realize what had happened.
“I-I’m sorry, I-I haven’t done that in a while.” You whisper shyly, fiddling with the keys in your hand. You felt so embarrassed and humiliated. You were waiting to hear a laugh, a snicker, anything but nothing. Yoongi just tilts his head and frowns.
“Why are you sorry? It’s not your fault. It happens. This must be overwhelming for you. If this is too much for you, you do not have to go in there. We can take you home and you can try again another day when you feel ready.” He sighs, the two men next to you nodding in agreement but you huff and shake your head, straightening yourself back up.
“No. I-I’ll be okay. I have to do this. We’re here now right? If not now when?” You say before looking at Hoseok and giving him a small smile.
“This is to help me. As long as you don’t leave my side.” You utter. Hoseok smiles and nods, placing his hand on your shoulder. 
“Like I said, Sweetpea. We wouldn’t dream of it.”
And with that, you forced your body to enter the clinic, a vice grip on Yoongi’s hand, his grip just as tight. A reassurance. He was going nowhere.
The smells that hit your nose the moment you stepped into the clinic were terrible. They were so pungent. Rancid, you almost felt nauseous. Illnesses. Chemicals. Sadness. And the worst of all. Death. 
It was so distinctive you couldn’t ignore it even if you tried. It was such a strong horrific scent, it could stick to a person for weeks if it weren’t for scent blockers. Something you’re glad Seokjin had you all take before you left the house. 
It was so putrid. It was a mix of rotting fruits and meat but at the same time, it was chemical-like. Like nail polish remover or ammonia. You had to hold back a gag. If Seokjin was a hybrid you would have asked him how he could put up with it all the time, hours on end.
“You okay Cub?” Yoongi asks as you both follow Seokjin to an examination room, almost chuckling at the scrunched-up look of disgust on your face. He would have laughed but he knew what you were smelling. He had been told about it by a Hybrid friend of his. He felt bad that your heightened sense of smell could be a curse sometimes.
“It smells bad. I really don’t want to sound rude I know people here are sick or you know but it’s so horrid. I could really do with no sense of smell right now. It’s a little nauseating.” You grimace. Hoseok chuckles and nods in agreement,
“I know what you’re on about. I can’t smell it like you can right now but I’ve been around enough bodies to know what kind of smell you’re getting. It’s grim.”
Your conversation is cut off as you enter a room and you tense up seeing a new person. You hadn’t expected to have to interact with anyone else. You thought it would just be Jin doing your tests. It did not help this doctor was not human. She was a hybrid too. Another cat species. Putting two big cats in one room, a lioness, and leopardess at that. It was a bold move.
“Seokjin! Good to see you! I was surprised when you contacted me to health check when you can do it yourself and probably better than me at that! Yoongi, Hoseok it’s been a while.” She grins giving Seokjin a hug then Yoongi and Hoseok. You stare at her almost in annoyance, holding back a growl but an instinct you couldn’t prevent was your hackles going up. Your tail began to bush up and your ears pinned back. You felt irritated by her presence. By her touching them. 
But as quick as it happened it was quick to disappear when you realize how you reacted. You were surprised. Why did you react like that? It wasn’t like they belonged to you. They weren’t your mates. You stop an audible gasp. They couldn’t be, right? But the longer you thought about it the more you realize some of the behaviors you had around them. All seven of them. The way you had to fight the urge to scent them, to nip at where their scent glands would be if they were hybrids. The way you wanted to build a big nest and drag every single one of them into it. At first, you just thought it was because they looked after you. Cared about you, but now it felt like a jigsaw puzzle was being completed. It all made sense now. They were your mates. 
Your racing thoughts were broken when Jin chuckles and gives her a sheepish smile. “I would do the tests but for legal reasons, I cannot. She lives with us. It’d be workplace misconduct. This is Y/N, she’s been living with us for a few weeks now.” 
“Nice to meet you Y/N I’m Dr.Yoon. I’m going to be doing your examination okay? Don’t worry it won’t take long.” She says, grabbing her clipboard as you nod hesitantly, your voice felt stuck in your throat. You couldn’t bring yourself to speak. You just followed her instructions with much hesitance. She took your weight, your height, and asked your age and other questions but her next requests made your heart drop.
“Okay, we have to take a blood sample and have a look at your cervix etcetera.” 
You turn to look at the boys in fear and Yoongi immediately grabs your hand again and shakes his head. He can’t imagine how much trauma this was bringing back.
“Look at me, look at us. We’re right here Y/N. Right here. It’s okay. It’ll be all over before you know it I promise and then we can go home. You’re safe.” He says sternly as she begins to take your blood sample, keeping you facing him to stop you from looking. Even looking straight in your eyes as she examined your cervix and pelvis, his eyes not straying once, rubbing soothing circles on your hand as Hoseok murmured reassurances and Jin keeps back not wanting to crowd you, and the guilt he felt stopped him from coming near.
 He should have made you aware that this appointment was your choice. That you didn’t have to come here today. He could see you slipping into depression, how you would slightly dissociate before stopping yourself, how you hadn’t uttered a word since entering the room. He shouldn’t have assumed you were okay with this.
“Okay we’re all done here Y/N, your blood results should be back in the next week or so. You can take a minute before leaving. Dr. Kim, Hoseok. Can we step outside? We should talk.” She says lips pursed, nodding her head towards the door. She noticed how you progressively became more of an empty shell. She didn’t want to make you worse with what she had to say.
“Gentlemen. I don’t even know where to begin. This girl has suffered so much. More than I think you guys thought. Her weight is dangerously low for her age and height. Malnourished. She’s way too small, especially for an Amur Leopard. How is her appetite now she lives with you?” She begins a solemn look on her face as Hoseok and Seokjin look at each other before looking back at her.
“Not great now that you mention it. A few mouthfuls that’s it.” Seokjin sighs, crossing his arms as she nods and shakes her head. It wasn’t a good sign. Not at all.
“She may have developed an eating disorder, you have to keep a close eye on that. It may be from a diet change or from a change in general but if it doesn’t get better then definitely take formal action. She will get sick. There are many signs of physical and mental abuse. The girl is traumatized. Physically and mentally. Seeing a psychiatrist could really benefit her. I watched each of her reactions, she was terrified, especially when I said I need to take a blood sample and do a vaginal examination. I could smell her terror. When checking her cervix I could see evidence of past sexual assault. Scarring, slight irritation you name it but other than that healthy. I saw nothing that will prevent a heat other than her weight but we will have to wait for the bloods to come back to know for certain. She may not get one for a while. I’ll let you know when I have the results for her bloods but help her, get her through this, and most importantly, Hoseok, find the sons of bitches that did this to her.”
“I plan on it.”
Once you got home you were quickly swept up by the youngest two boys who had gotten home having been warned by Seokjin that you weren’t very verbal or doing great mentally. They were at the ready to cheer you up and look after you even going as far as reading what could help a distressed hybrid and discovering a nest could provide comfort, watching tutorials, and rushing to find things to put in it. It wasn’t the best-built nest but it was the thought that counts.
When you were placed in the nest you visibly relaxed, you already felt comforted, safe, and cozy but it felt like something was missing and from your realization earlier you knew what it was. The boys. Your leopard was antsy, practically screaming at you ‘Mates, mates, need mates in nest.’ You didn’t feel ready to fully embrace it yet. It was too much to comprehend. That you had mates. Not just one, but seven. It was daunting. But right now, you were willing to indulge your leopard. Just this once. But how wrong you were. Once they were to enter the nest, you may just get into the habit of wanting them in it constantly. Yeah, you were screwed.
“In. Want in.” You murmur beginning to move around and fix the nest, making it bigger to fit more people in, a pout of concentration on your face. Jungkook and Taehyung’s hearts skip a beat. You look so adorable fixing it and demanding them to get in. They felt a feeling of achievement getting to see you make your first nest, watching you cave to your instincts. But their hearts were pounding. They knew how intimate being invited into a nest was. They knew what it meant after all the videos they watched on nests, giving each other a look. They all needed to talk but right now, they couldn’t deny you. You had them wrapped around your finger.
“You’re inviting us in, Sweet Girl?” Jungkook asks softly, cooing as you look up at him with wide innocent eyes and nod. You were going to be the death of him. With slight hesitation they both climb in and sandwich you between them, allowing you to move them to where you wanted them before you finally snuggle into them, Jungkook chest to chest, your head tucked into the crook of his neck as Taehyung spoons you, rubbing soothingly up your waist, a smile playing at his lips as you begin to purr. You really were beginning to live up to your leopard counterpart now.
“We heard you aren’t doing too good huh Kitten?” Taehyung coos. You huff and shake your head, lifting your head to look at him and pout before looking at Jungkook and whispering,
“Scent? Y/N scent you?” 
He almost chokes on his saliva but nods slowly, eyes widening when you don’t hesitate to nuzzle back into his neck and begin to rub your nose on his neck and nip occasionally, shallow breaths leaving his mouth, frozen in shock before glaring at the amused look on Taehyung’s face. 
‘Stop it. You’d freak out too.’ Jungkook mouths reaching over and flicking Taehyung on the forehead. However, the sudden movement made you whine in protest and he immediately goes back into the position he was in and pouts.
“I’m sorry baby, didn’t mean to upset you, I won’t move again without telling you okay?” He says softly chuckling as you hum in acknowledgment before sighing in contentment, losing your eyes to try and get rid of the thoughts in your head. Despite it only being noon, you were exhausted. The appointment and examination had sucked the life out of you and brought back so many memories and doubts you were trying so hard to bury and forget.
You didn’t feel worthy enough of their affection and care. You felt like you didn’t deserve them. That you weren’t good enough. It felt like you were being selfish and asking for too much to have them in your nest. A whimper leaves your lips, gripping Jungkooks’ t-shirt tight to rid yourself of the thoughts, trying to concentrate on his and Taehyungs’ scents in hopes to ground yourself, squeezing your eyes shut tight as the horrifying voice echoes in your head.
‘You are worthless piece of shit!’
‘You deserve nothing bitch!’
‘What a waste of space and air, why do I even bother keeping you.’
All the abusive words echo through your head on a constant repeat, flashes of the punishments and vile acts you were put through won’t leave, a strangled cry leaving your mouth from frustration and hurt making the boys fuss over you, panicked. You just wanted it to stop. For all the anguish and pain to be erased, to just be happy. Really truthfully happily. There was only so much forcing it you could take. 
“Make it stop. TaeTae, Koo, please make it stop. It hurts. Hurts.”
“Shh Kitten, we’ve got you. You’re gonna be okay, we’re gonna get you through this, you’re safe, nothing can hurt you anymore, this will go, I promise, you’re safe, you’re safe here. Sleep, you need some sleep, we’re not going anywhere.” Taehyung says so delicately afraid that your fragile state would break from the slightest change of tone. He felt like a fool.
For not realizing how much you were really struggling. At how much you were really hiding. How much you had internalized it to hide it from them. He was a fool to that you were going to heal quickly. All the care, safety and love they gave you could only do so much. You had suffered for years. You have had more anguish, pain, abuse than anything. He promised to do better. Too do everything in his power to heal you. Supporting you.
Safe. Safe. I’m safe. You repeat in your head trying to convince yourself, relaxing into their caring touches, finally succumbing to the sleep you were so desperately fighting, the appointment, the crying, the thoughts completely exhausting you.
When the boys know you’re asleep they look at each other sadly, wondering what they should do to make this torturous recovery easier for you, wondering what they do knowing what they know now about being invited into a nest but a voice from the door breaks their stares.
“Is she oka- Oh shit.”
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