#and my therapist says it's important that I Do Things
elizadushkudaily · 1 day
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Eliza Dushku's Bold New Journey - Psychedelic therapy helped turn her life around. Now the former Hollywood actor turned certified therapist is on a trailblazing mission to do the same for others—and revolutionize trauma treatment in Boston and beyond.
[In November 2021 Eliza] testified in front of the House Judiciary Committee, which voted to end forced arbitration. “It was called one of the most important labor laws of the past 100 years,” she says.
“I wouldn’t have been able to do all of that without this psychedelic-assisted therapy and healing that showed me that I was safe in my body and in my life, naming and telling the truth about things."
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creature-wizard · 1 day
So is realizing you were sexually abused as a child as an adult always false memories? Because I’ve been deciding if I should try to find a therapist about this if I ever get insurance and it’s like: 1: I don’t remember a Big Event, but a bunch of smaller, weirder things (being forced to undress around relatives, being watched shower that kinda thing) that seem to gesture to ‘probably got molested’, 2: I can’t create a Narritive of it, I only have flashes and a vague idea of when it probably started, 3: I had a terrible head injury at age 11 that was left untreated bc my parents refused medical care (long story, not a religious thing) & i don’t actually remember a lot from before age 10, what I do is consistent with those flashes, but 4: when you look at csa warning signs my child self had All Of Them.
I know false memories are a thing, I understand the science there. But I really don’t have the mental fortitude to be called a liar by another mental health professional. Spent a lot of high school begging the school psych to send child services to my mom’s house at least for my siblings sake and got told I should just be a better daughter. My sister’s a therapist & is always joking about how her clients ‘make up rape stories.’
So like: in your research did you ever come across adults realizing they were sexually abused that seemed legit or is it all cults and scams? Because I do think the trauma or whatever is negatively impacting my life and a big chunk of my mental illnesses but also. If I made it up I don’t want to be branded a ‘liar about their lovely father’
I think you’re doing important work, and please don’t feel obligated to answer this.
Oh gosh no, I wouldn't say that it's always false memories. It's always possible to have memories that you can't quite access because the neural pathways to them have become weak, and have something kinda jostle them later. I've experience this kind of thing myself on occasion (the memories didn't involve abuse, btw). It's just that when you go trying to force memory recall (such as through hypnosis), it's very easy to start confabulating, and exposing yourself to conspiratorial content can give your mind stuff that can get mixed in with memories of very real abuse and ultimately muddle what actually happened.
IMO, you shouldn't necessarily need to create a Narrative around these? It should be fine to just write them down and bring them up with a therapist, and tell your therapist what you suspect. It probably wouldn't hurt to bring up your sister's behavior, either. No good therapist is going to accuse you of lying (and your sister really should have her therapy license revoked).
Editing to add/clarify that dissociative amnesia is also a real thing! So like, yeah, it's entirely possible for someone have memories of trauma that their brain can't fully access because they were dissociating.
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probablygayattorneys · 9 months
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Juliana is doing a very good job of holding me accountable and making sure I finish Azran Legacy, but I thought maybe I'd also start something else to play inbetween our hang out sessions...
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aro-culture-is · 1 month
aro culture is getting really annoyed with the relationships unit in your sociology class because the whole thing is just 100% amatonormativity.
if think your teacher, professor, and/or TAs might be interested in discussing the concept, I have some idea of bringing up the topic?
I'd personally say something like, "Hi, During our section in sociology around relationships, I couldn't help but think it would be interesting to discuss how a sociological theory called "amatonormativity" might relate to these lessons. I gathered a few sources from the professor who coined it, a thesis written on it, and a law review written about the connection between it and laws in the USA. There's some connections between its use in feminist thought and in queer theories, and I'd love to know your thoughts about it. I personally was thinking of when [specific statement] was said, and how I would apply this theory. I hope it's as interesting to you as it is to me."
Coiner's current webpage: https://elizabethbrake.com/amatonormativity/
Thesis: https://vc.bridgew.edu/honors_proj/330/ (click download in upper right hand corner for the PDF, depending on the individual it may be worth downloading and sending that rather than a link)
Law Review: https://uclawreview.org/2022/06/09/amatonormativity-in-the-law-an-introduction/
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
The most infuriating form of sanism is this idea that mentally ill people/people with mental disorders are just too stupid or too unenlightened to know how to be a proper, well-adjusted person
So many therapists have ignored signs of my unwellness simply because they assumed I was just... being stupid, and I just needed educating about why I'm acting disordered (apparently, mental disorders stop disordering you once you are condescendingly told why you're just disordered and dumb, who knew (sarcasm)).
Like, I could tell them that I knew my behaviour wasn't "rational," wasn't "reasonable" to do or believe and I'd still be treated like I was so dumb I needed hand-holding and scolding about why I'm acting disordered.
I truly wish that people would be able to take the idea of guidance and stop twisting it into "I am superior and enlightened and the people I am trying to help are stupid and wrong and beneath me!"
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tanicus-caesareth · 5 months
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guarana drama, damage control
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there-will-be-a-way · 5 months
I have another outing tomorrow. Been avoiding outing myself to this friend for far too long out of fear it might change our relationship. But he deserves to know - and I gotta put some trust in the fact that he cares about me enough to support me being trans. It's so nerve wracking though *screams*
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parakeetpark · 29 days
Uh oh. Essay in readmore time
What's so frustrating is that for almost all of my life I didn't know I had adhd, and only found it out 5ish years ago
During ALL of my studies i was intensely freaked out and even when i got a grip on some of my mental health shit at uni, importantly I was still unaware of the adhd. And only had some professional tell me about their suspicion about it AFTER I could have received any support in my schooling.
And I have been working damn hard over the last half a decade to learn about myself and the way I work, and be kind to myself and open minded, and learnt from many many different people with adhd how they function - especially through advice on here bc much of Google is shit, and learnt what does and doesn't work for my personally.
I slowly unravelled and found myself. To a point where I'm actually functional and content in myself.
So now i find myself in the most intense, stressful period of my life since then. Grieving and finally understanding what people meant when they spoke about grieving a very close loved one. How nothing feels real even.
And I've found myself so extremely wired from having to do a very vast array of tasks all crammed into a short space of time with a close deadline - exactly the same conditions as during my studies.......... where nothing ever helped.
Yet. In the last thirty minutes I've unwound because I instinctively KNEW what to do. I found myself following all the things i taught myself about my adhd, and now I'm like 70% more chill???? Huh?????? Noticed suddenly that I've been using my ADHD self knowledge for the past few weeks and coped remarkably well because of it.
It's shocking because imagine what i could have done if I had ANY help with my adhd EVER in my life from the adults who were supposed to notice in my entire childhood. Like HUHHHHHH, I am shocked. Imagine how I'm here as an adult using 5 years of learning adhd related advice and stuff I learnt through self awareness .... and feeling better.
PS - long ass tags that immediately ramble away from my initial post and go into something positive and that made me feel fluffy inside. You've been warned
#It's so fucking aggravating#i was a self contained child and didn't display the Expected ADHD traits or what fucking ever and so i got left to rot by the system#fantastic#sighhhhh but on the bright side - i am damn PROUD of myself tonight. I've come so far#It's very hard being neurodivergent and I'm doing amazing by own like standards#btw secret lore - first time i ever said aloud that i was proud of myself was in therapy like 6 years ago#and it was indescribably hard to get to that stuttered halting sentence 'i am proud of myself'. so hard and my therapist was so clearly#over the moon for me. i still treasure that memory and the path i have taken to being kind to myself and that's why every time i say#i am proud of myself#it holds the memory of every time I've ever said it or thought it and believed it#every time i see someone do something good i make sure to say well done because I'm proud of them too :-)#i do it apparently with such conviction and sincerety that people stop and stumble sometimes aha#i think it's beautiful to help people notice when they do well. like 'oh skipped work every day until today' - well done u made it today!!#'i cooked a meal and got it the way my mother makes it after many failed attempts' - well done you must have worked so hard#'i made a important phone call' (from friend who has told me before how much they struggle w calls) - BIG WELL DONE that must have been har#It's easy to notice and pay attention to people and congratulate them for these things that may not sound Big bc 'everyone else can do it'#as they say. or they are too busy to notice they did something that took effort on their part. It's so wonderful to make a difference#and hope they can be proud of themselves too in that moment#man this took a positive turn.... this is something I've not really said before. but it is truly so joyful to congratulate people to me
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soggypotatoes · 4 months
realising that obsession may honestly be my biggest problem.
i mean. i actually realised this years ago while reading a book abt adhd. and it dawned on me that i dont actually lack focus at all, i just obsess over things im anxious about so much that the thoughts interrupt me constantly so i cant stay on topic. but i had to let it percolate in my head until i could start to face this problem.
like... my problem atm is that i Cannot Function, i cant do anything except a) play this one game from the 90s that i tend to get drawn into at times like these and b) abuse drugs. like.. ive been managing to show up to work, shockingly, but uni has 100% fallen off the bandwagon, the painting i desperately wanted to make for my uncle's wedding this sunday is not even started, my relationships are ignored, not showing up to appointments, etc. because all the time, all i can do is play game and abuse drug.
i'm obsessed with these two things because i'm obsessed with everything i'm afraid of rn and the only thing i know how to do is replace obsession with obsession. likewise.. my housemate is sick with covid. he's been so incredibly helpful lately, taking over all the household chores, walking my dog, feeding me, etc while i've been working cause i don't have energy for anything else. he also cleaned up vomit, like a lot of vomit, incl washing my clothes, blankets and soft toys while i passed out (from drugs) bc i fucking projectile vomited over everything after driving myself to exhaustion.
so, now he's sick, and he's not upset with me at all for being physically fine and still unable to clean up at all or take my own dog for a walk or cook food or anything. which i don't deserve, because i'm sitting here, after making things significantly worse by making shortbread jam biscuits instead of cleaning the kitchen (so now there's more dishes and also mess on surfaces) (i did this because i needed to replace the obsession with not doing enough, by doing something nice for him that i felt i could manage because lately i'm obsessed with baking)
i dunno man. what am i meant to do lol
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natjennie · 4 months
I don't feel goooood :(
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gloriousmonsters · 2 years
hi hello just saw everything everywhere all at once and i am experiencing the temporary euphoria of remembering that in a fragmented and chaotic universe we must search for wonder make our own meaning and most importantly be kind
#anyway i'm also exhausted and i'm going to bed#i had to stop my therapist from saying my mom had 'narcissistic tendencies' when i was describing some shit she did in the past today#and be like 'um actually i have '''narcissistic tendencies''' so could we please Not'#obviously she was not initially buying it when she asked 'why did you think that' but I did outline the things that had resonated with me#why i self dxed and how it was a hugely important tool for making sense of the way my brain worked#and therefore figuring out how to effectively try and improve#and touched on the 'it sucks that people are forming clubs to call everyone they don't like a narcissist' and#'if you say someone with a PD doesn't do (x) good behavior you're basically saying a PD is a life sentence and not just information#about how your mind/personality tends to work' greatest hits#and she did seem to agree with a lot of what I said#and seemed to understand when I said I just straight up didn't want to talk about my parents being mentally ill#because what mattered to me was how they chose to act#and not what may or may not be a contributing factor#and ultimately she said she appreciated that I'd spoken up and we could look into dx stuff for npd if I wanted#(which I don't know if I do want! but I feel like it's a positive-ish thing for her to bring up)#so overall it was scary and exhausting but I was pretty happy with how I handled it#and it had me already thinking a lot of Big Stuff about self-improvement and sense of self#and learning to find hope and not just stew in misery or stagnate in 'this is the way things are'#and then the movie hit and it was just the perfect movie to watch today#genuinely a masterpiece god tier acting and effects never a dull moment#and listen i just need everyone to try and be kind to yourself and others ok we need it#believe that you can be okay and you are okay and spend a little time with something or someone you love
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lovsome · 10 months
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ranger-kellyn · 11 months
told myself to take a break from getaway car so i don't burn myself out like i did last year, and of course my brain wanted to go think about my scarlet/violet fic, sooo have some rambling below the read more
like. one of my ideas has always been that i want juliana specifically to have quaxly not just bc he's my favorite starter in that region, but because it turns into quaquaval, a pokemon that is supposed to be known for its dancing abilities. i like to think they're a pokemon that only needs to see a dance once or twice before they've got it memorized.
i love the idea that a huge part of juliana's overall character arc is admitting to herself how much she wants to learn how to dance in some way because of course she happened to pick the pokemon that loves to dance. so she's basically learning alongside her pokemon throughout his evolution stages, mutually gaining more confidence until he's a fully grown quaquaval.
and!! not just him, but probably the three friends as well! it may not be something any of them are really interested in to begin with, but juliana and quaquaval make it a ton of fun. she probably even takes the time to learn an individual dance of some kind with each of them, and is the first to drag anyone to any festivals happening in the cities and towns.
(bc i am who i am) nemona's the first friend juliana ends up dancing with. while juliana quickly realizes how much quaxly likes music, nemona is the one who tells her about how he's going to turn into a pokemon that loves to dance. she mostly just enjoys having fun with them and learning whatever juliana is into. something that really helps juliana come out of her shell, which leads her to opening up to arven and penny around the same time
not 100% sure of styles apart yet but i mean...penny's has to be some nerd dance lol. i also kinda love the idea of arven learning a very formal spanish style dance with them.
idk i just want the core pillars of this story to be something along the lines of, music, song, food, and dance are all forms of love and connection and can be healing and--- AH i just want them to have time to really develop as a friend group throughout the treasure hunt.
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lesbiangracehanson · 2 years
lmao the therapy session i just had . no one will be hearing from me for 2-5 working days whilst i ponder…..
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floral-hex · 1 year
drove my mom to the ER.
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castielmacleod · 2 years
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Crowley when Cas is having another internalised homophobia moment about their relationship: hey, don’t cry, you and me ascending to godhood, ok?
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