#and maybe use her gold necklace as proof instead!
lifesver · 24 days
@t4mpered said: the other side of the bed was cold when danny finally stirred awake. at six, which is early for him. meaning leland left hours earlier. and maybe danny had felt the bed shift at some point. then been lulled back to sleep by the sweep of hair from eyes that he never opened. it's a quarter to eight now. a quarter to eight when danny decides gas station coffee might be the best way to wake up and he takes a different route based on gut instinct. a route that leads him to the small church, door's propped open. the parking lot empty save for a single, familiar car. danny's quiet when he enters the modest building. pews lined up to the left and right of him. a cross strung up in front of an arching window. nothing embellished. no stained glass. simple. striking in its own right. the shadow it casts down the aisle is a long one and it's close to the crux of it that he finds leland. sitting there. silent still, he interrupts nothing as he slides into the bench just behind the one leland occupies. the world is still sleepy enough that no one save for the birds accompanies them. he doesn't sit to pray. doesn't rest back, but dips forward instead, arms folded over the back of the bench in front of him. his elbow brushes leland's shoulder. he first studies what he can of leland's side profile, chin rested against his own folded arms, and then he, too, looks to the cross.
leland finds that the church is quiet, in a different way than a field is quiet. and that for all the times he went to mass as a kid, he doesn’t think he’s ever been in a church when it was really, truly empty. he thinks he likes it better, like this.
some time passes. he feels outside of it, most days. when he feels a brush against his shoulder, it’s like blinking out of a daze. it’s as though his body senses who it is, before his thoughts can catch up. frame relaxes; he’s gotten better at not flinching. and leland’s partially grateful that danny doesn't say anything to interrupt the stillness, at first. but leland feels his gaze, momentarily, and he lowers his own eyes away. rubs at his wrist absently. eyes flickering to the door, to his hands, to his shoes, like a nervous pendulum. anywhere else. as if he’s just been caught somewhere he shouldn’t be.
( you’re not trapped, the door is just there. you’re okay. )
it’s not danny that makes him nervous. leland gives an odd, quiet laugh; because it was funny, to him — that danny just knew where he'd be. that despite his best efforts not to wake, or disturb danny with his restlessness, they’d both found their way here, anyway.
❝ … mom used to make us go to church on sundays, you know? ❞ he begins, only for words to fail him, again.
it was always mass, then sunday school, as a kid. and yet somehow, he hadn't spent a lot of time mulling over if he thought god was even real, before all this. a neutral sentiment. even so, the cross on his necklace has never left him. there were times the chain snapped, or the gold was made dull by dark red, by dirt and grime of that basement— but he’d never lost it. he held it close, held it so hard the edges bit into his palm, sometimes. maybe because at some point, it was the last thing he had that really belonged to him.
mom said it was a miracle he didn't lose it, after what he'd been through. mom said he was a miracle, too — that someone must have been watching over him. leland doesn't think he'll ever have the heart to tell her the truth. doesn't have the heart to tell her what he thinks about religion, now. about god.
but he gets it, he does. people like to have proof that their faith hasn’t been misplaced. people wanted to know that bad things didn’t happen to good people. just like people wanted a happy ending to a story— for the missing boy that made it back home against all odds. they wanted a good story, a strong headline — tied up with a neat bow on it. so he told them a good story. about danny, most of all — the good in his story.
and really— all those people wanted him to be leland mckinney, again. they wanted him to smile for the picture in the newspaper, so he did. they wanted leland mckinney. pride of georgetown. and wasn't he so brave? wasn't he so resilient?
it was such bullshit.
( — but it felt better than pity, didn’t it? )
leland pinches the skin of his inner wrist, blinks slowly. he focuses on that small point of contact, where danny’s elbow brushes his shoulder. he scans the wear marks on the pew in front of him. clears his throat softly;
❝ in, um... in sunday school, they had us go talk to the pastor, once. in that little box. ❞ he nods slightly, toward the confession booth in the church. ❝ — you know, like… confession? we were just little kids, so it was all dumb stuff. ❞ leland’s eyes drift toward the cross on the wall with a wry upturn of his lips.
❝ i said i was sorry i broke one of my mom's vases. cried because i felt so bad. i guess the idea they were trying to get across, was that god would forgive you, or whatever. ❞ he shrugs as if he’s going for nonchalant, even as his expression betrays him; brows knitting slightly as something wells up, stinging, in his chest. ❝ … even for the really bad things. all you had to do was... be sorry enough. ❞
( son, god loves you, god loves all of us. )
( —did god love people like the sawyers? people like you? )
he thought about how mom used to say some people only believed in god when it was most convenient for them. used to say people only prayed, and believed, when they wanted something. made it sound conditional. he’d thought about that, too. down in the dark, where he learned praying didn’t really matter for much. and wondered, if god really existed— when he’d decided to look away. when he decided not to love him, anymore.
( before, or after you soaked your hands in blood? maybe it never mattered. )
in the end, the truth was this: only one person had ever come, when he'd called out for help.
only one person had ever saved him.
his eyes sweep sidelong to danny, still silent by his shoulder. leland's hands clasp, unclasp, in his lap. he realizes he can’t handle meeting danny’s gaze, just now. so he bows his head, stares at his hands again for a long time. when he finally speaks, it's quiet, and a little lost.
❝ ... dan, do you think there's some things you shouldn't be forgiven for? ❞
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rafor · 9 months
Chapter 76 - I'm back, again! - The Glitch
Portals still terrify me. Every time I step into one, I fear that I might be afflicted by the glitch again. "How far is it from my kingdom to this place?" I wondered aloud. A council member who was guiding me to the portal answered, “It’s quite a distance, but it’s worth the risk of using the portal. Besides, you can always peek through it first, see if you’re okay on the other side, and then walk through it fully instead of jumping in blindly.” I glanced back at Raphael and said, “Shall we go then?” He shook his head and said, “I think I’ll stay here. It will be easier for you to explain things to your family. If I need you, I’ll just use the portal.” I asked him again, “Are you sure?” He nodded and said, “I am. Thank you. Now go, and good luck with your wife.” I realized that I had nothing to offer her as a gift—something that might appease her anger. I muttered, “Damn, I don’t even have anything to bring her as a token of my apology.” The council member said, “Are you talking about Queen Freya?” I said, “Yes, do you have any suggestions?” He said, “Wait here. I think I know what she would love as a gift and also as proof of your journey.” He left me and Raphael alone.
Raphael was sitting in a corner, lost in thought. I asked him, “Is something wrong?” He sighed and said, “I wish I had a family too. Maybe someone who is waiting for my return after all these years. You’re very lucky, you know?” I said, “I’m sorry, I don’t know if it was luck. Maybe it was fate.” He said, “A fortunate fate, like a fairy tale. One piece of advice from the wise: never let her go.” I said, “I won’t,” but he added, “Even if you’ll be forced to sooner or later. We have to go back to our world. Michael and Gabriel won’t let us stay away for more than a century. They might decide to terminate me or you. That sounds awful, doesn’t it?” Scared, I said, “Why would they terminate us? Are we enemies?” He explained, “I should have told you before, but your powers and mine are the same, just divided unevenly between us. Our power should not be shared by multiple beings. We could be defeated, and we can’t allow that. The worst part is that you’re different from me and don't have my memories. You barely know anything about heaven. And you have the larger portion of my powers. Please be careful with them.” I was stunned by what he was saying, and I fell silent. Then I said, “I’ll try to be ready for that. How long do we have? Sixty more years?” He said, “It depends if we merge or not. It could be less than that. But I don’t know how we could do that.” I tried to sound confident. Half of what he was saying made no sense to me, and I said, “We’ll do the right thing. I’m sure of it.” The council member returned with a gift and said, “King Nox, please accept this as a gift from us. It’s a necklace specially made for you. You said you've been to the ocean, so we customized it to suit you better. Freya always loved that kind of item we heard.” I thanked him and said, "Wow, this is beautiful. I love it.” He added, “She’ll love it too. Now hurry up and get back to your family.”
My gaze shifted from Raphael to the necklace. It was a splendid piece of craftsmanship, forged from gold and elemental crystals of ice. The crystals formed pearls and a seashell, each one engraved with a delicate snowflake. The seashell had a faint reddish hue, as if the crystals had been infused with some color. I wondered how they had achieved such a feat.
I stepped forward to enter the portal. I followed the instructions carefully: head first, then hand. Everything seemed normal. But as I looked around, I felt a pang of confusion. The portal was not in some remote location but inside a familiar building. A room that resembled my palace, yet I could not place it. I crossed the portal and found myself at home. There was another portal in front of me, ready to transport me back. I exited the room and looked for clues. I spotted some stairs that led to a trapdoor. I opened it and emerged into a chamber adjacent to the throne room.
I heard voices. Vesper was speaking to someone, acting as the king in my absence. Freya was nowhere to be seen. I walked in casually and said, “Greetings, Vesper. I would like to speak with the Queen, if you don’t mind.” He did not look at me and said curtly, “The Queen is currently not accepting visits. You will have to wait.” He probably expected me to leave, but I stayed put and did not thank him. He glanced down, and his eyes widened. He recognized me. He froze for several seconds, holding his breath. Then he left the throne and approached me tentatively. He reached out his hand, as if to make sure I was not a ghost. He whispered incredulously, “Is this real or am I dreaming?” I said softly, “It’s real, Vesper.” I stroked his head gently, reassuring him that I was alive and well. Tears welled up in my eyes, and he embraced me with a fierce hug, stronger than any I had ever felt, even from Siveth. His voice trembled as he said, “I can’t believe it. You’re alive!” I hugged him back and said, “I couldn’t leave you and our family. Death was not an option for me.”
He was silent for a long time. Then he pulled away from our embrace and looked at me with urgency. “We have to tell mom right away. And Juno, Luna, and Zephyrion. They need to see you.” I nodded. “Of course. Where is Freya now?” He sighed. “She’s locked herself in her room. She hasn’t come out since you disappeared. Not even Solara could persuade her.” I frowned. “That’s not good. I’ll try to talk to her.” We made our way to her room—not the royal chambers, but a smaller one she preferred. I knocked on the door and called out, “Hey, is this the beautiful Queen Freya of the Whispering Wind? I have someone here who would love to see you.” There was no answer, no sound at all. I decided to use my shadow element to slip inside the room unnoticed. I saw her lying on the bed, asleep. I approached her quietly and took on my normal form again. I leaned over her and whispered, “Freya, please wake up.” She groaned and turned away from me. I tried again. “I have a gift for you. I hope you’ll forgive me.” She opened her eyes and saw me. Her expression was priceless. She blinked several times, as if she couldn’t believe what she was seeing. Then she closed her eyes again and tried to ignore me. I said softly, “This is not a dream, dear Queen Freya.” She opened her eyes again and then lunged at me. She bit my neck hard and didn’t let go. She wrapped her arms around me and slammed us both against the wall behind me. I didn’t say anything. She was still biting me, and it hurt like hell. Blood was dripping from the wound, but she was licking it up. It felt strange and pleasant at the same time, but it was just her way of reacting. I hugged her back and said, “It would be nicer if you didn’t pierce me with your jaws, maybe, Freya.” She didn’t stop, and then she started crying too. I said, “Don’t cry, or I’ll cry too. I’m back, finally.” She drained too much blood from me. The bite was too deep, and I couldn’t stand up anymore. I felt dizzy, but she held me in place until I blacked out. For some reason, my blood didn’t turn into white smoke as quickly as usual.
I woke up with her still holding me near the bed and the door open. All my children were there, watching me as I came back to life. Freya had stopped biting me and was nuzzling my neck instead. I looked at them and said, “Hi, Zephyrion, Luna, and Juno.” As soon as I said that, a new face appeared from outside the room. The head of a young female wyvern peeked in shyly. I knew right away who she was: “And you must be the soulmate of my son, aren’t you? Nice to meet you, I’m Nox.” She blushed and hid outside again. Then everyone joined the hug except for Vesper, who had already had his share earlier. Luna said through a vision connection that Juno also shared, “I thought you were dead, dad. I can’t believe you’re still here. The vision connections stopped working after you left.” They had all grown up so much. Zephyrion looked almost like a full-grown adult now. Luna and Juno were more like teenagers than children. I said aloud to everyone, “I missed you all so much. I’m sorry for everything. I’m glad to be alive for you. And again, I’m sorry.” Freya finally spoke and said with a trembling voice, “Don’t apologize, please.” A cry of joy escaped my lips. I couldn’t hold it back any longer. It was the most powerful emotion ever to be reunited with my family. They still loved me after all this time. I felt like a legend who had returned from the dead. A feeling that words could not describe.
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chantalstacys · 5 years
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this morning i was reading one of my books of fairytales, and i re-discovered a really intriguing (but quite fucked up) tale called biancabella and the snake. it has some of the most beautiful descriptions in it, and as i was reading i was thinking of what a lovely old movie it could have been, but i couldn’t decide what kind of movie i would have liked best!
♡ i might have loved it as a magical, otherworldly film from the 1930s with anita louise. imagine the rich, extravagant visuals, à la marie antoinette, madame du barry and a midsummer night’s dream!
♡ i was also thinking about a beautiful pair to play as sisters, and i think it would have been so perfect to see lana turner playing as enchanting, lovable biancabella and ava gardner playing as mysterious, powerful samaritana
♡ another thought i had is a modernized version of the story with an early 1950s marilyn monroe! she has the perfect balance of purity and allure to play biancabella. also, who would enjoy milk and rose water baths more than her??
♡ i also couldn’t help but think of sharon tate in her truest form as magical, ethereal biancabella. imagine her with pearls and precious jewels falling from her hair and flowers falling from her hands!
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killmebythebeach · 3 years
A bunch of head cannons (Maybe too much). Also in talking about the characters.
I think Dream is that one design where his skin is just the static tv screen. He just constantly emits that fuzzy noise, Sam crafted him the smile mask that he can see through so he doesn't scare people.
George is just kind of the server itself. He's the same species as Hannah, but a mushroom and more powerful. If he stays awake too long, the server just kind of freezes. This is also a reason XD keeps him sleeping, it's his way of talking to George and he thinks the server is like his soap opera of mortals.
Callahan is sort of like the person who makes sure George doesn't get killed or dies while asleep, making sure he's surrounded by mushrooms and such. Deer hybrid <3
Alyssa joined the server because she knew all her friends were idiots and didn't want them to die immediately. But once the elections rolled around, she felt the pressure of choosing sides and ran away to the desert, only keeping contact with Ponk. She actually lives just a couple miles from Foolish's summer home. Her communicator actually died after a couple months and she had no way of charging it, so she lost contact with everyone.
Sapnap is a magma cube hybrid and can jump higher than most, his natural temperature runs hotter, and is fire proof. Bad found him in the nether when he was maybe 10-15 years old.
Sam was actually a normal creeper, but gained player like sentience from being struck by lightning. Instead of becoming charged, he gained intelligence and met the others on the server. Callahan taught him some Redstone, but from there he figured out a lot on his own. He's also a creeper centaur.
Ponk is actually a descendant of a fairy, a lemon tree. Their mask was also a gift from Sam because after the second or third time their tree was burnt, their immune system was weakened a considerable amount. Alyssa also wore her mask for them.
Bad is a size shifting demon from the nether, more specifically soul sand desert. He uses soul fire to gain strength, so because the egg died when near it, he was just a little weaker than normal. Because he's a demon he needs a tie to the overworld to stay there, he tied his soul and lives to Skeppy.
Tommy was grown in a lab to be a hero, project: THESEUS. The lab gave him small enhancements, like slightly stronger and just a bit more resilient, to make the Above Average Boy (TM). He then ran away to meet Wilbur. When Dream asked Wilbur if he wanted to come to the server, he asked if Tommy could go first to see what it was like. He also actually really likes gardening and making up funny songs to Wilbur playing guitar. He also made funny lyrics for his discs, but he's still a bit scared to take them out of his ender chest. Other than bringing attachment, Dream also exiled Tommy to see what his lab enhancements could do.
Tubbo is an adaptive hybrid! His hair was blond, shifting to brown when Wilbur found him, getting blue eyes from Tommy, growing small horns under Schlatt, parts of his skin being static when Dream was "helping" him with his presidency, and parts of his scars tinging black and green from Ranboo and Micheal. Tubbo also helped Wilbur write part of the anthem. He likes living in the snow because the Manberg flag had magma blocks on it, casting a heatwave over the country, and after L'Manburg blew up it got really hot from the exposed stone in direct sun.
Fundy can actually hold his breath for a very long time and swim very well because of Sally teaching him and his salmon genes. The yellow things on his hat are actually shells, and the stripes on his jacket are trans colors. Also with his dreams, he saw Eret was going to betray them but didn't think it was real, or didn't want to. He also saw Wilbur blow up L'Manburg but chose not to believe it, thinking his father could still be saved. He actually saw pretty much everything, but didn't quite understand what they were until after doomsday.
The necklace Punz wears is one of those picture lockets, but he lost the picture and can't remember what it was. The first time Dream paid him was when Dream asked for help and Punz made an off hand joke about getting money, and then Dream thought he was being serious. Him, Dream, and Sapnap were like brothers, and Punz got sadder every time he saw Dream pushing people away and diving deeper into darkness.
Purpled is an aliensent to see if the planet was colonizable, but then crashed and was stranded, all his communications down and his ship barely able to hover fifty feet off the ground. When Quackity blew it up, he essentially got rid of his chance of ever going home. Purpled's species can shapeshift, so he turned himself into the first person he saw, Punz. Eventually before trying to communicate with the native life forms, he edited his form a little so they weren't identical, keeping purple eyes and antennae, changing the colors slightly, and changing the voice up. When he moves away from the main SMP, Ponk makes sure to check up on him and that he has a way to check his communicator.
Wilbur came a month after sending Tommy. His father being a patron of life and his mother the goddess of death, he met in the middle being born as a human. The only reason Ghostbur was as active and present as he was was because he was so connected to both life and death. Since his corpse was decaying for as long as it was, Wilbur is now super weak, his flesh is thin and his eyes are rotted and gone. Much like Ghostbur, Wilbur in limbo saw what people said about him, and Ghostbur could hear that from the back of his head. Now Wilbur can hear what people say about Ghostbur and he hates it, not wanting to be connected to what he thinks like a shell of himself.
Schlatt is a ram (duh) and actually does the fainting goat thing. So when he died of a heart attack, no one knew at first if he was actually dead or not. His alcoholism stems from the revive book, as the possibility of tampering with death made him existential and scared, so to cope he drank. There are also a ton of other stuff other than revival in the book, but it's in galactic.
Skeppy was just a normal human, but after making the pact with Bad, Bad put a spell on him. Parts of him turned into diamond, protecting both his and Bad's lives. He however, is unaware of this. With the egg, he would just sit on it, the diamonds chipping away to make room for the vines.
Eret was cursed by the Wither Cult, giving them white eyes and a slowly deteriorating memory. Not sure what to do, Foolish dropped them off at the SMP. Sometimes they would dream about old memories from before the curse, but it was just glimpses so he could never tell what they meant. Once they were king, they made the Herobrine shrine subconsciously, not really sure what it was after. They also had a strange affinity of beacons and resurrection, some of their memories resurfacing when they tried to help Phil and Ghostbur revive Wilbur after doomsday. The reason people are more scared of their eyes than any other wierd eyes was because he generally looks like a normal human, but the wither along with their Herobrine origins creates an uncanny valley that people are shocked by.
Jack had red and blue irises before crawling out of hell, but after coming back the whites of his eyes also turned red and blue. He always wears 3d glasses so no one noticed, but he just thought no one cared enough to mention it. He also has a bunch of scars and burn marks that no one but him can see, therefore no one asks about them or thinks something is wrong, cementing the idea that no one cares about him.
Niki is a blaze hybrid (stole this from @/420technoblazeit) whose fire hair color changes based on strong emotion, something she bond with Tubbo for as a fellow shifter. A soft yellow in L'Manburg, brighter orange in Manburg, hot pink on Doomsday, a soul fire blue with the syndicate (which Techno hates), and a dead grey when she found out Wilbur was alive. She was also old child hood friends with Ranboo and Eret, leaving Ranboo for the SMP. Ranboo, unfortunatly, doesn't remember much more than her name. She also knows galactic from Ranboo, so she talks about her troubles to Shy the Enderman. She doesn't really know how to talk to Puffy anymore after Doomsday or finding out how she wants to protect Tommy.
Quackity can perfectly replicate someone's voice and, with a lot of effort, can completely change his form to another player. He also has very small yellow wings, too small to fly, so he almost always hides them. He used to constantly change his voice for jokes with Karl, Sapnap, and George, but he doesn't like doing it now in Las Nevadas, as he sees it as unprofessional. However, sometimes he uses when he visits Dream, changing his voice to people like George and Sapnap to make torture more effective.
In the In Between and Other Side, Karl actually looks like his old skin, or his natural state (the big purple one that inspired his sweater). But most of the time in the normal world, he looks human. With effort he can bring out the interdemential being thing, something only Quackity and Sapnap know about. The more he time travels, the easier it becomes to change, and he's even started defaulting to the other form.
HBomb is actually just a normal news reporter, sent to interview and record what's going on in the server, his first big story being the election. Upon Doomsday, the stress of seeing everyone alone, fighting, and disconnected, he ran away from the world, essentially becoming a cat lady. His undercover reporter persona is actually the cat maid. He eventually came back to the server to see how he could help after Doomsday, befriending Niki again and living with her in the underground city.
Techno is a piglin, so he's scared of soul fire. He forgot to tell Phil before he decorated the syndicate room, so he just suffers in silence. He also does better when around a lot of gold, like in the nether, and he feels drained and slightly weaker without it. Instead of just putting gold around the area (it would ruin his property value), he just hibernates. He has an emerald earing, like all of the syndicate, but his is a locket that unfolds into pictures of the syndicate.
Ant always wears a red hoodie, now ruined by the egg, that used to be Red's. On Red's death anniversary, him, Bad, Skeppy, and Sam would make cake and put flowers on his grave. He missed the last one because it was during the egg, but for a brief moment after Puffy killed him he saw Red. Red then promptly and bluntly told him to stop being a pussy (haha, cat) and that he shouldn't do all this just to get him back, one of Ant's motivators to make amends with the people he hurt while with the egg. Ant is also a shapeshifter, but can only turn into a cat.
Phil actually used to work under Foolish as a patron of life but then he had a son with the goddess of death, so his title was removed so he could be with her and he became an Angel of Death. Kristin noticed how sad he was after being released, so she gifted him wings. They were however, destroyed on November 16th. His chat also serves as messenger pigeons, which were used to send letters to Wilbur.
Connor is actually just a hedgehog who somehow befriended Schlatt. Even before the haunted mansion, Karl vented to him about his time travel troubles, not knowing he was a sentient player. As a hedgehog, no one really cares where he goes, so he goes outside the server limits to meet his friends from the haunted mansion.
Puffy is a distant relative of Schlatt, but instead of politics she went into piracy. With her mom, she went travelling the seas. One say, a storm came and wiped out her ship, her crew, her mom, everything but her. The reason she survived was because Foolish saw her and saved her. Unfortunately, Puffy hit hee head in the crash and doesn't remember anything.
Vikkstar is the equivalent of a big time celebrity, so of course his endorsement of POG2020 was a big deal.
Lazarbeam is literally just a ginger bread cookie.
Ranboo has actually met a lot of the smp before actually joining. He's met Niki, Fundy, Eret, Punz, and Dream at least. He also sees the inverted colors Enderman see. His suit was actually a gift from Eret before they forgot how to tailor. He got the crown from Techno after joining the syndicate, claiming he didn't want any syndicate members to look like trash.
Foolish came to the server most recently to check up on Eret, but he couldn't bring himself to leave again. When Puffy adopts him, he can't say no because he remembers saving her. His initial goal was to kill an ender dragon to claim the XD title and become a full god like DreamXD, but after realising someone already killed it he went into his totem if death phase. Upon meeting Eret, he got over it and they went on some silly adventures, Foolish now taking a more peaceful route.
Hannah is essentially a weaker George, as her power is tied to the plants themselves and not the entire server. She however has a lot more physical power because rose dryads like to fight because they have thorns. Since roses can be taken out a lot easier, she is essentially a glass canon. Also when around any plant, she can make it grow faster than normal.
Any guest on the server? Corpse, Pokimane, Lil Nas? They were all Slimecicle. That's how he knows where everyone is from, even outside of Las Nevadas. No one else knows this. He's also ancient, if he met Phil they would probably recognise eachother. There was an actual Charlie Slimecicle who was not a slime, but after being launched into orbit this Slimecicle decided to impersonate him.
Michael Mcchill is a sort of bounty hunter. He came to the server after hearing of all the crime, assuming there'd be a lot of bounties to collect. However, he soon learned that no one really cares if you commit a crime. He then took to reading news articles made by HBomb to see if there were any past open bounties. But after reading for a while about the server's wronguns, mostly Dream, he began to sympathise with them. And he's also a speedrunner, so maybe he could help with some bounties across other servers!
This was a very long post and i apologize, but it was so fun to finally write all these thoughts down! I hope you liked them! I can't even fit all the tags I want.
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anywhozits · 4 years
A Christmas Announcement
Rating: T Words: 5172
Verse: Canonverse Pairing: Kristanna
Summary: Kristoff and Anna are excited to finally share the news of their heir-on-the-way with the Kingdom of Arendelle.
Notes: I wrote this last year and forgot to post it, but this is somewhat related to the Christmas fic I’m writing for this year so wanted to get this out before that one! (at least it’s in the same verse and has similar themes, hah) Anyway hope you enjoy and happy holidays!! Thanks for reading :)
The day was Christmas Eve, 1843. A couple years ago, the whole kingdom of Arendelle began celebrating together at the castle’s now officially annual Christmas ball. Something that Anna had begged Elsa to start since the great freeze ended and the doors to the castle became permanently open. It had taken awhile, but finally Elsa caved to her sister’s wishes, likely only partially due to years of internalized guilt for pushing her away, and the ball quickly became one of Anna’s most anticipated nights of the year. Now with Anna as Queen, the tradition continued.
The entire ballroom was filled with glittering decorations, tinsel adorning the sturdy wood beams. Buffet tables sat lining almost the entire left side of the room, filled bountifully with food to feed the whole town and then some. Lefse, lutefisk (the bane of child and teen Anna’s existence), farikal, pickled herring, kjottkaker, salmon, whale steak, sheep, all the traditional favorites. And that, of course, didn’t even including the two tables of desserts and pastries or the sprawling drink selection. A massive 12-foot Christmas tree stood proudly in the right corner of the space, decorated with great care by Anna and Kristoff themselves. Year after year, Anna always insisted she didn’t need any help from the castle attendants, only a few ladders and a few hours of time alone. She always pulled through. The tree—her pride and joy. This Christmas, Anna had also taken the time to pick out hundreds of presents for the Arendellian children and children-at-heart. Kristoff even did some woodworking for the occasion. Highlights included hand carved rocking horses, rolling reindeer on a string, and building blocks. They couldn’t wait for those presents to be torn open by frantic hands, truly cherishing the visual of children playing for hours on the sweeping ballroom floor, both King and Queen watching misty eyed as they imagined their own child playing along next year. A new tradition.
They had hired both a 5-piece band and a choir to make sure that the ball was not lacking in festive music and thus not lacking in dancing. The choir had kicked off the party singing Christmas songs in perfect harmony, the music floating through the castle, making the previously cold stone walls feel more comforting and protective. Guests had started arriving, smiles plastered on each of their faces as they ran through the open castle gates, eyes wide in childlike awe when they entered the ballroom to see the most elaborate Christmas ball yet.
But two people were thus far missing from the party.
Kristoff knocked softly on his and Anna’s chamber door before letting himself in. He saw Anna, dressed to the nines in a green velvet gown topped with white ruffles that hugged her shoulders. Her upper chest was left bare save for a three-layered pearl necklace, an early Christmas gift from Mattias. The sleeves gaped open, lined by white fur that Kristoff knew felt as soft as it looked. Her hair laid atop her head in an intricately braided bun, her gold and emerald crown placed perfectly in the middle, always bringing out the brilliant green that usually hid within her typically cerulean eyes. Kristoff could only think one word. Radiant. Anna was radiant. Sincerely, Anna sparkled. She always sparkled. But something about walking in on her like this, dressed for the ball, so majestic in every single way… made Kristoff feel as if he might cry for the love that grew and blossomed within his heart. A love so permanent… a love so unyielding that he felt it with both a fiery passion and a patient comfort. He took in a breath. Regarding her magnificence for a second time. Her gold shoes sparkled in the candlelight, heels subtle enough to allow her to dance for hours but tall enough to allow her to kiss him without getting on her tip toes. His eyes floated up to her dress yet again. Even though the gown cinched at her waist, Kristoff swore he could make out a little bit of the swell that was their growing child. He took in another breath. She looked ravishing. How could he be so lucky to call her his wife?
But Anna paid no mind to Kristoff, not then. She was looking in the mirror. Frowning. Frustrated.
But still so beautiful.
“Anna, honey, are you ready to go downstairs? The doors are open, and people are flooding in… I think even Elsa and Honeymaren are already here.” Elsa was finishing up the ice sculptures. Her only task this year, something that made her beyond thankful.
“I’m almost ready! I’m just… I don’t know. I don’t feel right. But I can’t put my finger on why.” Anna twirled around in front of the mirror. “The only thing keeping me chugging along is the promise of lots of food. I’m starving.”
“Yes—that was the journal entry for this week. Ravenously hungry. Insatiable I think was the word I used.” For Anna, eighteen-ish weeks pregnant meant the constant desire to stuff her face with literally everything she laid her eyes on. It was like she had this itch that could never be scratched. A deep hole in her stomach that could not ever be fully filled. But the most unfortunate part was that she somehow had recently begun to crave lutefisk. Lutefisk. The food she would have to plug her nose to eat as a kid. Clearly pregnancy made her leave logic at the door. Kristoff sauntered up to her and brought her in close, wrapping his strong arms around her frame, resting them gently on her mid-section, hooking his chin over her right shoulder and kissing her softly on first her shoulder and then her neck and then her cheek before settling back into the crook of her neck. He smiled. This was pure bliss.
Anna entangled her fingers with his own, both resting on her belly. She sighed. “I swear I could eat literally all of Sven right now and only feel a little bit guilty.”
“You’re ridiculous,” Kristoff laughed into her shoulder.
“I’m starving!” Anna pouted, but then Kristoff kissed her neck again softly and she shivered. Too distracting.
“Well, I know for a fact there’s a lot of food in the ballroom if you want to get a move on…”
“I want to, I really do… but. Still. I’m … you know what? I think I know what it is,” Anna said, pulling away from Kristoff suddenly. “You know how a few weeks ago I had to switch to the maternity corset? Because I really uh—popped out that one morning and couldn’t fit into my old one anymore even with the laces practically undone?” One midwife had even said that Anna looked much bigger than what women usually did at this point in pregnancy. Something that she said could mean there was more than one baby on the way…Anna and Kristoff were far too thrilled with that possibility but had mutually decided they didn’t want to get their hopes up if it didn’t come to fruition. Their baby coming into the world already with a friend… already decidedly not alone. It felt almost serendipitous to Anna, but she still refused to think of it more than fleetingly. So for now—one baby. Singular baby.
“I remember,” he said.
“Well, I hate this thing. It’s so … constricting and it hurts and I can hardly breathe let alone gorge myself with disgusting and foul and gross but somehow still super satisfying lutefisk. Like do you really think this is good for the baby?”
Kristoff shook his head. “Probably not—”
But Anna was on a roll. She bulldozed through the answer he gave to her likely rhetorical question. “I know it’s not breathing or anything right? But … it kind of feels like I’m squishing the baby or something and knowing it’s yours and everything it’ll probably be massive so needs lots of room to… get that way. Oh wait no I can’t think about that. Oh God. Massive. Get that image out of my head please. Too big to come out of me and the pain and owwwww.”
Kristoff stepped closer to Anna and hugged her close, stroking comforting circles on her back. “Hey, it’s okay,” he said. She whimpered. “For the record, I don’t think I was too big as a baby. Although, you know… I don’t remember.”
Anna rolled her eyes. “Very helpful.”
“I do have some chocolate to tide you over, though. That’s helpful, right?”
Her eyes lit up instantly, nodding her head in ferocious fervor. “Yes, yes, yes. Super, super helpful. Very helpful. The most helpful of all helpful!” Kristoff reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out maybe six truffles. Anna ate them in a flash. “God, these are so good.” Then she frowned again. “But I can already feel my corset getting tighter! And, you know what? What’s it all for, hmm? So I can better hide I’m pregnant? Yeah that’s right I said the word. So, what? You know, it’s really grating to me that something that really deserves to celebrated is instead something that needs to be … hidden away. Like the expectation for a queen is to be prim and proper and ladylike and pure or—whatever…while also producing heirs upon heirs. So, what happens when the very thought of being ‘with child’ comes with this implication that you’re not pure? Even though obviously I mean it’s way more concerning if you’re married and still pure, right? And I know I’m saying this about royalty and everything but that’s just my situation. Generally it’s definitely not just for queens. This is any woman. The expectation of any woman.  Nobody cares if men are pure. So they’re just producing heirs or kids or namesakes? … left and right and it’s all fine and dandy. It’s just ... really frustrating. And this stupid corset is like the physical proof of this horrible thing and it’s really making me…so—angry.” Anna let out a long breath. It felt good to get all that out. It truly had been building upon itself in this storm of emotions for the last couple weeks. Constantly growing until this moment.
“You know you’re the Queen, right?”
“Uh—yeah. Pretty sure I just talked a lot about that in my little speech.”
“Yes, right. Yes. But I mean… you’re the Queen.”
“Yes, I know. What’s your point?”
“Well, you’ve got the power, baby,” Kristoff said. “Show them how it’s done. You can … make a decree or—or something. Or you can just lead by example. I’ll support you, Anna. You know I’ll support you. And I agree with you, too. The whole thing’s pretty ridiculous. And definitely not healthy for our massive baby.”
Anna crossed her arms over her chest. “Not funny.”
“Take it off, baby. Off with the maternity corset.”
“I want to … but then people will be able to tell, right?”
“You really think they don’t know? Let me ask you this. Truly—how many people do you think are actually in the dark?”
“Uh—I don’t know. Maybe … four?”
“Exactly! Don’t feel like you need to still hide it. The whole castle has known for a long time. You were wearing the maternity corsets! Someone had to make that for you and you know your maids knew right away. Word is out, Anna. We just can’t be open open about it yet. Soon … but you don’t need to hide it. You shouldn’t hide it.”
She contemplated his words for a minute or so before planting a chaste kiss on his lips. “Thanks, husband. You’re the best listener.” He grabbed her hand and gave her a quick twirl, already preparing for the dancing he knew would take up most of his night.
“Always, my sweet love.”
“Now help me get this thing off. Right now. Please.” Anna turned so her back was to him. His large hands wrapped around the velvet buttons of her dress, undoing them at an unparalleled pace. Soon, the dress dropped to the floor and Anna stepped out of it, only standing in her off-white corset and bloomers. The maternity corset had a slightly different shape, dipping lower to cover her entire stomach, and had two extra sets of laces, one on each side that supposedly allowed for more breathing room and expansion along with a growing belly, but Anna disagreed. It felt just as constricting as her usual corset. She jumped in front of Kristoff again. “Off, off, off!”
He obeyed again, large hands undoing the laces but moving closer as he did this, planting periodic kisses on her shoulders. His mind instantly shot back to the first time he unlaced her corset. Years ago.
The beginning of their … exploration was too hurried. They so rarely got time alone and took it whenever they could … wherever they could … as fast as they could. There was never time to take off any clothes. Dress scrunched up her waist, drawers and breeches pushed down to their ankles was the name of their game. But eventually they got bolder. They snuck around in the middle of the night… and in those stolen moments in the moonlight, they had more time. Kristoff remembered ripping off her dress, throwing it into the corner of her room. Turning his attention to her undergarments, working his hands around the laces, trying to figure out how to make this as swift as possible. He smirked. “Is this appropriate?”
“Of course not,” Anna giggled. Kristoff planted kisses on her bare shoulders and then her collarbones. “But when have I ever been concerned with what’s appropriate?”
Kristoff smiled again at the memory. When he finally shot back to reality, he saw that he was almost done with the laces. He pulled the last few and threw the corset far away from them. It landed with an air of dramatics on her dressing partition.
Anna sighed in relief. “God, you’re so much faster at this than my maids.”
“Years of practice paired with years of … urgency.” Kristoff said, smirking.
It had taken him much longer than he felt comfortable admitting to take that corset off that first night, but since then he’d figured out a foolproof strategy.
She turned around to give him a deep kiss. “I’m free. Thank you.”
Kristoff inhaled sharply. She was even more magnificent like this, ballgown tossed to the side.  He brought a hand up to cup her chin and his other drifted down to her stomach. He gave it a rub and she kissed him in response, giggling slightly. “You’re radiant, baby. So beautiful.”
“You really think so?”
“You take my breath away,” Kristoff said, meaning it truly and genuinely from the bottom of his heart. Anna beamed at him, feeling both unparalleled awe and unparalleled respect boiling deep within her soul. She regarded him now. The way the left side of his smile cocked up more than his right, sending him into an eternal mischievous smirk. The way his brown eyes always somehow teemed with an unusual mixture of curiosity and warmth. He was her rock. Her ocean. Her world. And she knew that the same was true for him. She was his rock. His ocean. His world.
Anna tried to put all of those feelings into words. “You—I need you to know that you’re—uh—perfect, Kristoff. Really perfect.” She used this word a lot. He doesn’t like it, he said. It’s not true, he said. He has his flaws, he said. But to Anna, even his flaws were perfect. So, he was perfect.
Kristoff smiled again. Mischievous still. But happy. Pleased. Tonight, he wouldn’t argue with her. He placed his hand on Anna’s swollen belly, rubbing gently. “I like this. Baby is free to be massive now.”
“Oh, shut up and help me put my dress back on,” Anna said through a laugh. “Might be a tough task since my waistline has expanded probably five sizes.”
“I’m up for the challenge.” Kristoff said, pulling desperately hard on either side of her dress before he could button them together. Eventually, he managed. Sure, the button stretched a bit and it threatened to pop off, but he thought maybe it would hold. At least for that evening.
“How do I look?” She gave him a twirl, settling in closer to him and cupping her belly slightly. She loved showing it off. The exciting proof of their future. Of what would come in May. “Ugh. I don’t wanna keep this a secret anymore. This is awful. How I lasted this long—it’s torture! Kristoff! Encourage our little one to make its presence known. Please, please, please.”
He smiled at his wife, dropping to his knees. Rubbing circles on her belly and planting gentle kisses all over before pulling away slightly, both hands still resting on the swell. Kristoff leaned in closer again and whispered, “Hey, little one…your mama and papa love you so much and want to tell the whole world how much we love you so we can celebrate you and love you publicly and—can you stretch out for us or move your little arms and legs or something? Mama and Papa are here for you, watching you grow… loving you…” He kissed her belly again. “We love you, little one.”
“Aww, Kris. You’re so cute.”
He stood up slowly. Waiting to see if it worked. Not that it had in the past… but still hopeful. Nothing. “You ready to go?”
“I’m ready to eat if that’s what you mean.”
They walked hand in hand through the castle hallways, still bursting with the beautiful harmonies of the choir, and finally through the doors of the ballroom. Each and every Arendellian guest turned to watch the Queen and King, or Prince—whatever—consort’s grand entrance. Some even started clapping. Clearly the party was already considered a hit.
Anna noticed out of the corner of her eye that a few of the women had started whispering to each other, their eyes glued to Anna’s midsection. Maybe even saying four people didn’t know was an overestimation.
Come on, little one. Move.
But still nothing.
Instead, Anna’s stomach growled, and she knew she needed to get to the food tables. Pronto. She saw Elsa there, too, finishing up the last of the ice sculptures. A reindeer looking much like Sven perched excitedly by the pickled herring. Perfect. Two birds, one stone.
Anna bounded up to her sister first, skipping in an unbridled excitement. Unfortunately, this excitement was almost purely due to the promise of stuffing lutefisk into her belly which made her mind want to stage a rebellion against her stomach at the very idea. But she paid no mind.
Her fabulous sister, first.
“Elsa, I’m so glad you came!”
Elsa laughed. Remaining calm, of course. As usual. She stood tall as Anna collapsed into her arms. “Of course. I wouldn’t miss your favorite night of the year.”
“Thanks for doing the sculptures, too. Everybody loves them,” Anna said, eyes drifting to the series of sculptures that adorned the space, catching a glimpse of a replica of her favorite snowman and smiling widely. “Especially giant Olaf at the dessert table.”
“That one’s my favorite to make.” Elsa took a step back, away from her sister by a couple paces. She took a moment to gaze intently at Anna, something that apparently had become the theme for the day, pursing her lips while deep in some train of thought. And then, suddenly, the corners of her mouth curled into a giddy grin. She closed the gap between them and whispered in Anna’s ear, “You’re glowing.”
Anna laughed. Elsa’s breath kind of tickled her ear. “I know, right?!”
“Is it weird if I say that I think pregnancy suits you?”
“Whoa, Elsa. That is way out of line. And you said the word pregnant? Shame on you!” Anna’s voice got dramatically low when she uttered the taboo word she didn’t actually think needed to be taboo.
Elsa blushed. “Oh. I’m sorry. I didn’t—”
“I’m kidding, Elsa! I agree with you. Will come in handy—you know—because we want lots of babies and everything,” Anna said. “I love the word pregnant, too. It’s so much easier and less awkward than the whole with child or in the family way nonsense. Like talk about beating around the bush. Jesus.”
“You hungry?”
“Oh, God yes. Thanks for reminding me.” Anna turned, reading to make a beeline for the lutefisk. But then she chuckled slightly and spun back to face her sister. “You’ll never guess what I want to eat, though.”
“Lutefisk? You—Anna—want to eat lutefisk?”
“I legitimately want to stuff twenty-five pounds of lutefisk into my mouth right now.”
Elsa laughed in pure shock. “You’re right. I never would’ve guessed.”
“I don’t know if it’s the salt or the disgustingly chewy yet soft consistency that’s getting me going, but it’s doing it. I’m feeling all tingly thinking about it.” Anna shuddered involuntarily How did that sound so good? Truly how? Repulsive. Lutefisk was nothing short of repulsive. “Can you help me fill some plates full?”
“I think your King already has you covered.”
Kristoff, goofy grin plastered on his face, approached the sisters with three plates full of lutefisk and potatoes precariously perched on top of each other. Somehow his left hand held two full glasses of mulled wine.
He passed her a glass of wine and one plate of lutefisk to start. “For you, my love.” He handed the other glass of wine to Elsa who graciously accepted.
Anna attacked the plate. Slurping down the fish in record time. Her face twisted in to some kind of combination of a gag and a smile. “Oh God this is truly horrendous.” Gulp. “Horrid. No…disgusting.” Gulp. “And so grossly…slimy?” Gulp. One plate down. Kristoff handed her the next one. “But also… man oh man does it really hit the spot.”
“I always liked lutefisk,” Kristoff said, taking a piece for himself.
Anna stopped what she was doing and shot daggers at him. “So this is your fault? Lutefisk and a massive … I swear we’re gonna find a way for the trolls to make you go through this next time.”
“You know you love it.” Kristoff smiled mischievously yet again. Taking another satisfied bite of the lutefisk.
Anna pouted playfully and grabbed one handful of lutefisk, flinging it directly into Kristoff’s face. “Trolls.” Another piece. “You.” And another. Kristoff had started opening his mouth to catch the pieces, swallowing in bliss with each successful catch and each delicious bite. “Next.” Anna tried to remain serious, but a smile was toying on her lips. Another toss. “Time.” The grand finale. Anna tricked Kristoff with a fake throw and tossed it into her own mouth instead. He furrowed her eyebrows and looked around, confused. Not having any inkling as to what actually happened. Elsa had started cracking up. Those two. Always getting up to some kind of ridiculous antics.
Anna couldn’t contain her laughter anymore and it came spilling out quickly to the point where she could barely catch her breath. She felt something like gas bubbling in her stomach and tried to calm herself, worried she had upset the whole peace of her body by gorging herself with food and then laughing too hard. But she didn’t have any burp in her… curious. Gassy without gas. Once she had successfully quelled her laughter, she started feeling it again. Gas … or bubbles … or butterflies teeming in her stomach?
Anna outwardly gasped. One hand immediately shot to her abdomen and the other covered her mouth.
Elsa and Kristoff both looked at her curiously, both cocking their head in the exact same way.
“Oh my God it’s happening!” Anna squealed, bouncing up and down so frantically that her mulled wine kept spilling over the cup.
They continued to look at her, confused as ever.
Both her hands rested on her stomach now. “It feels like… all of Elsa’s ice fireworks are going off in here!”
Now Kristoff and Elsa understood. Their eyes widened, they audibly gasped.
Still bouncing, Anna giggled. “Oooh tickly!”
“Anna?!” Kristoff ventured. She beamed at him and motioned him closer. He wrapped one strong arm around her and pulled her in for a hug, other hand staying low, secretly stroking her stomach.
She whispered in his ear. “Can you feel it? Can you feel our little one? At least…I think that’s what’s happening. I’ve never felt anything like this before. I mean gassy but—not gassy…” Plus, mother’s intuition? She just knew this was it. The Quickening. Finally!
He shook his head. “I don’t feel anything. But—I think that’s normal? I can…imagine it takes a while to feel it on the—outside,” Kristoff said, still close to her, hand still firmly on her belly. “But you feel it. Anna, it’s—wow. It’s real. This is happening. I’m so—I’ve never been more—this is the happiest I’ve ever felt.” He kissed her, passionately, on the lips.
“Me too,” Anna said as she pulled away, looking longingly into his fiery brown eyes. Another little flutter resonated through her and she giggled. Pressing her hand and thus Kristoff’s hand deeper into her stomach. “I wish you could feel it.”
“Someday.” He kissed her again.
“Screw the troll idea. You were right. This is so cool. Totally worth the lutefisk cravings.” Their laughter was interrupted by Elsa’s hands looping over both of their shoulders, hugging them tightly. Excitedly.
“Kristoff, Anna! Congratulations. Both of you.”
“Aww, thanks, sister,” Anna said, chuckling into her smile. Noting that Elsa’s cheeks seemed markedly more flushed and she wondered if the mulled wine had already gotten to her. “Wait.” Anna started bouncing again. So enthusiastically that neither Elsa nor Kristoff could keep holding onto her. “This means we can tell people! Oh my gosh can we tell them tonight? Can we, can we, can we?”
“How about right now?”
“Right now?” Anna’s voice cracked. “Right now right now?”
“Let’s go.” Kristoff held out his hand and Anna grabbed it quickly, forcefully. With all the intent in the whole world.
They raced to the small stage where the choir and the band performed. Their royal presence was enough to stop the singing mid-phrase, choir members bowing at attention.
“You don’t need to do that,” Anna said. “Your singing is beautiful, by the way. Thank you for being here. Uh—we just wanted to make an announcement. If that’s okay, of course. We can wait!” Somehow, Anna’s extreme giddiness was still manifesting as a constant and consistent bounce.
The choir singers looked at each other with what Anna perceived as knowing glances, and then nodded for the King and Queen to proceed.
They took center stage, Anna still bouncing, hand-in-hand. “Uh—hello, Arendelle! We wanted to take the time to thank you all for coming to the annual Christmas Ball. We hope you’re enjoying the food and the music and the holiday merriment! We are so happy this has become a tradition, and if I do say so myself, this might be the best ball yet. And not only because of—well, the ball… as of well—tonight, actually, Kristoff and I can finally announce that …” Anna took a moment to scan the crowd of eager faces. Maybe there were more than four who had no idea. “We’re having a baby!” Anna squealed and then screamed, raising her arm and thus also Kristoff’s arm into the air. Kristoff had also let out a few cheers. The crowd applauded, reaching a steady crescendo just as Kristoff picked Anna up and spun her around, giddily laughing, before bringing her face into his hands for a tender kiss. He then dropped to his knees in front of his wife, leaning in slightly, large hands now cupping her belly. Showing off her belly. Celebrating her belly. No more hiding. Just like Anna had wanted. He planted a tender kiss on the curve and the crowd cheered once again. Anna’s hands found their way into his hair and she ruffled it a bit, messing it up in a way she found exceedingly adorable. She turned back to the crowd, Kristoff still rubbing her belly in elation. “Baby Bjorgman is coming at the end of May!” Now Anna noticed a small corner of the crowd exchanging pieces of gold. Of course there had been some bets going on. She wouldn’t have had it any other way.
Kristoff stood up, kissed Anna once more, and then grabbed her hand, interlacing her fingers with his own. Anna took her other hand and cupped her belly, showing the crowd in more detail exactly how far along she was. Exactly. No mind games from any extra clothing. The buttons on her dress were still close to breaking loose. “Oh, and another thing! Maternity corsets are for the birds. It can’t be healthy to wear them all… tight and constricting and—” Without knowing how to control it, Anna shuddered a bit. So happy to be free. And safe. “Besides—let it all hang out, baby!” She did a little dance right then, shaking her rump and rubbing her belly. Laughter echoed throughout the crowd and then a whole conversation stirred. Anna hoped it wasn’t too judgmental… she didn’t want them to think she had taken anything too far.
But no matter. Kristoff was right. As Queen, she could make some rules. She could set some expectations. Even if not well received in the beginning, they could still hold weight.
Kristoff leaned in to whisper in Anna’s ear. “No more secrets.”
She smiled. Thank God. “Shall we celebrate?”
He nodded. “Let’s dance.”
The choir started singing again. The band joined in. The Holly and The Ivy, a Christmas classic. Merriment abound. Merriment all around. Although Kristoff and Anna took the lead, dancing alone for a few minutes, eventually more and more guests joined in. A little bit of Hallingdansen, a lot bit of pols, and the most bit of Kristoff taking advantage of the fact that the whole kingdom knew how overjoyed they were with the news of their growing family by essentially hardcore smooching in the middle of the dance floor. Their tongues had a good time dancing the Halling, too, and they paid absolutely no mind to the fact that all eyes were on them. Maybe the mulled wine was getting to them, too, or perhaps it was simply euphoria. Between the kisses, Kristoff frequently dropped to his knees to kiss Anna’s stomach or rub excited circles over the curves during the dances. Anna giggled each time, noticing that the flutters seemed to come in more enthusiastic waves when Kristoff’s hands or lips came in contact with her belly.
This felt good. To finally have the freedom to really celebrate. True bliss. True happiness. The best of all the past Christmas Balls. And they had a feeling no future ball could ever compare.
27 notes · View notes
angelofthequeers · 4 years
Not a Good Look: Chapter 6
@thequeenofpotatoeunicornss @lady-charinette @elmokingkong tagged as requested :)
Chapter 5 | Chapter 7 | AO3 link
Disclaimer: I don’t own ML.
I thought I slipped a line in the last chapter but I apparently totally flaked, so to clarify: Alya was in fact recording invisibly.
“Okay, remember the plan,” Ladybug says, pacing her room in front of Alya and Nino. “Alya, you need to get video proof of Hawkmoth. Do that and you’ll have everything you need for the Ladyblog. Nino, you have to get the Peacock – and you can’t let Nathalie get to it first, or we’ll have a sentimonster to deal with! The goal is to get in and out, understood? No drawn-out battles!”
She’s keenly aware that this is the nth time she’s rehashed the plan for Alya and Nino but considering the ladybugs that are jittering around in her stomach and getting clogged in her throat, she’s sure she could be forgiven. Alya and Nino nod, clad in the Tiger’s magenta and the Dragon’s red, black, and gold respectively.
“Understood, Ladybug,” Alya says gravely.
“And you need temporary names,” Ladybug says. “I know that you don’t want to grow attached to your new transformations, but I can’t call you Alya and Nino when we’re in there.”
“Just go with Tigresse and Redfang then, dude,” says Nino – Redfang – after a moment of silent conversation with his girlfriend. “Quick and simple. Trixx and Longg are cool but I can’t wait to be Carapace again. No offence, dude.”
Trixx just shrugs from where he’s perched on Ladybug’s shoulder, next to the fox necklace around Ladybug’s neck. “It’s okay. I miss my kit. Orange suits her way better than magenta.”
“Yeah,” Tigresse says. “Roaar’s cool but she’s no Trixx.”
“Tigresse and Redfang. Right.” Ladybug swipes open her yo-yo and dials the Horse, and she’s greeted with Kagami’s brown-masked face after only two rings. “We’re ready. Are you sure you can open a portal remotely, or do you need to come here?”
“I’m sure,” Kagami says. “I’d rather not leave in case my mother comes to check in on me. But I’ll have my phone with me, so you can call me even when I transform back. Give me a moment.” She places her horseshoe down on her bed, giving Ladybug a fuzzy view of her ceiling, and slides to her feet. After a few seconds, there’s a faint, “Voyage!” and a crackling blue portal opens in front of Ladybug, showing Adrien leaping out of his bed and calling on his Chat Noir transformation as soon as it appears.
“Right.” Ladybug squares her shoulders, ignores her fluttering stomach, and walks straight through the portal, followed by Tigresse and Redfang. Chat Noir envelops her in a quick hug as soon as her spotted feet land on his shiny wooden floor, and she takes a moment to bury her face in the crook of his neck and inhale the scent of sweat and musky earth, just like whenever she’s hugged Adrien; thank god for Miraculous identity magic, because otherwise she’d feel like the world’s biggest dumdum for not figuring out that her crush was her superhero partner, considering how…intense her feelings for him have gotten in the past.
“Thanks for letting me be the one to sting him,” Chat Noir says with a twisted little grin once Ladybug’s stepped back and handed him the Bee comb. Pollen appears in a flash of golden light and bows to Chat Noir as he slides the comb into his messy hair.
“At your service, my king,” Pollen says.
“Still as stuffy as always, honeybun,” Trixx teases. Pollen shoots him a glare that’s somehow regal and dignified despite its venom.
“I’m not your king,” Chat Noir says. “This is a one-off. Actually, I don’t even know who your new holder’ll be. Kagami, maybe, if she’s not too attached to Longg?”
“She would make a good Bee,” Ladybug agrees. “But we don’t have time for that. Where is everyone else in the house?”
“My bodyguard’s in his room,” Chat Noir says immediately. “I took a risk and, um…told him who I am. He agreed he wouldn’t get in our way, so he won’t come running no matter how much sound we make, but that means he also won’t be able to help us. Considering that he’s got, like, ten figurines of me, I’d hope he’d be on our side,” he adds under his breath. Ladybug snorts.
“Yeah, okay, I doubt he’ll betray us,” she says. She wants to be annoyed that Chat Noir had just up and told someone his identity, but he’s her partner and if he says he can trust someone enough to keep the secret, well, she has to trust him enough to let him handle it. “And the others?”
“Nathalie’s in her office and Fa – Hawkmoth’s retired for the night. I hoped Nathalie would go home but, well…she’s been spending more and more time here since Heroes’ Day. Now I know it’s because she’s Mayura and she and Hawkmoth have this weird thing going on.”
“Ugh, gross.” Tigresse wrinkles her nose, which only makes her look adorable considering that it’s underneath the black feline nose of her magenta mask. Chat Noir, meanwhile, looks like he’s trying to fight back a gag. Had he seen something during one of his Aspik cycles? “I don’t even want to know what supervillains get up to. You ready, babe?”
“Of course.” Redfang gives her a quick kiss and then crosses over to Adrien’s light switch and hisses, “Thunder Dragon!” Once he’s turned into a bolt of electricity, he zips into the light switch and the crackling that accompanies his elemental transformation fades with him.
“Let’s do this, kitty cat.” Ladybug clasps her hands. “Tikki, Trixx, unify!”
“Plagg, Pollen, unify!” Chat Noir echoes. His new merged outfit is pretty much identical to his Chat Noir outfit, only with a black-striped yellow belly, gloves, and boots, a yellow and black tail that now looks a lot like a long stinger, black strands in his golden hair, and a trompo around his waist rather than a lyre. Ladyfox’s suit, on the other hand, has turned as orange as the Fox, while a white patch has formed on her belly, her arms and legs are black up to her elbows and knees, she has a wide fox tail around her waist under her yo-yo, and her black spots remain.
“Well, kitty, you look pawsitively bee-autiful,” Ladyfox purrs. Abeille Noir’s cheeks flush red.
“You’re one to talk, foxy bug,” he shoots back. Tigresse clears her throat.
“Can we get on with this before I throw up?” she says. “Because now that I know that you two are my best friends, I don’t know whether to cheer you on or force you to stop.”
“Fine, fine,” Abeille Noir grumbles. “I’ll remember this next time you’re making out with Nino. Let’s go.”
Thankfully, unlike Multimouse and Aspik’s failed adventure, there’s no one out in the halls this time; considering that it’s pretty much midnight, Ladyfox hadn’t really been expecting anyone, but overconfidence has never served anybody well, so it’s better to be wary in cases like this. Tigresse summons her invisibility with a whisper before they set off through the dark maze of hallways, deep into a wing of the mansion where Ladyfox has never gone before. Abeille Noir probably hasn’t been here too often either, if the growing apprehension on his face as they plunge deeper into the depths of the mansion is any indication.
“Hey.” Ladyfox grabs his yellow-gloved hand. “It’ll be okay. You’ve got me and Tigresse right here with you.”
Abeille Noir swallows and shoots her a small grin before pausing in front of a door and closing his eyes. With a deep breath, he opens them and reaches out to grasp the doorknob, then turns it and pushes the door open ever so slowly, pausing frequently to avoid any squeaking. Ladyfox probably has about ten panic attacks in the time it takes for Abeille Noir to get the door fully open, but there’s thankfully no sound of alarm from within the room, so they seem to be undetected…for now.
Also, thankfully, Gabriel Agreste is wearing clothes. He doesn’t seem the type to sleep in the nude or at least shirtless but, well, considering that he’s ninety-nine percent certainly Hawkmoth and he’s definitely been plotting to get her akumatised and sell Adrien off to Lila, there’s a lot that Ladyfox doesn’t know about him. And sure enough, once they’re close enough that they can touch him – not that they would if they could help it – there’s a small oval brooch on his nightshirt, gleaming in the sliver of moonlight streaming through the closed curtains. Abeille Noir sucks in a deep breath that thankfully doesn’t wake Gabriel. Now they just have to get the brooch off and then they’ll be home free; they can only hope that Gabriel doesn’t expect anyone to come into his room at midnight and steal his magic jewellery, especially not a team of superheroes.
But when Gabriel suddenly awakens and clamps his hand around Ladyfox’s wrist right as she’s got a grip on the brooch, she can’t help but let out a small squeal and almost crash backwards into Tigresse and Abeille Noir, who also give twin shrieks. Ladyfox tries to back away, but Gabriel has all the leverage once he’s straightened up and grabbed her by the throat, and he forces her down onto the dishevelled blankets with wild eyes.
“You really thought I wouldn’t order my kwami to wake me at the first sign of danger?” Gabriel growls. “Nooroo, dark wings rise!” Now it’s Hawkmoth who’s got her pinned to the bed, grasping furiously for her earrings…but then he suddenly freezes and turns into nothing but dead weight that Ladyfox quickly kicks off her.
“Are you okay, milady?” Abeille Noir says frantically as a trembling Ladyfox snatches the brooch off Hawkmoth’s shirt. He turns back into Gabriel Agreste in a flash of purple light, accompanied by a purple kwami with butterfly wings who lets out a gasp and shoots for Abeille Noir, burying themselves in his shoulder. “I’m sorry, I should’ve Venomed him sooner instead of panicking –”
“It’s okay, kitty. Really.” Ladyfox lets him tug her in for a tight hug. “We all panicked. I hadn’t even expected that he’d get Nooroo to warn him if someone tried to take the brooch. Tigresse, you can stop filming.”
“Oh, thank you, Master Adrien!” Nooroo cries into Abeille Noir’s suit. Abeille Noir’s hands instinctively rise to cover the tiny butterfly kwami. “I’m so sorry – I never wanted to do any of what I’ve done, and I didn’t want to warn him, but he ordered me to do so, and now I’ve scared Ladybug –”
“Nooroo, it’s fine. Really,” Ladyfox says soothingly. “It was just a fright. And you couldn’t help doing what you were told.”
“Wait, how do you know who I am?” Abeille Noir pulls Nooroo away and cups him gently. “You’ve known all this time?”
“Of course,” Nooroo says. “I was ordered to hide my presence from everyone except for Master Gabriel and Nathalie but Plagg wasn’t under any such instructions. It wasn’t hard for me to detect him, even if I was forbidden from giving him any sign that I was there.”
“And you didn’t tell Hawkmoth?” Abeille Noir says. “I didn’t think you could disobey him.”
“I didn’t disobey him,” Nooroo says with a shaky little shrug. “But he never directly asked if I knew you were Chat Noir. He’s asked for my thoughts and he even said that he suspected you of being Chat Noir but so long as he didn’t give me a direct order, I didn’t have to tell him.”
“Okay, as sweet as this all is,” says Tigresse, “I’m gonna time out soon and that Venom won’t last forever.”
“Right. Right.” Ladyfox tucks the Butterfly Miraculous into her yo-yo and Nooroo vanishes with it. “Let’s just hope that Redfang got the Peacock.”
They fall into the post-adrenaline trap of taking much less care on their way back to Adrien’s room, not bothering to keep the sounds of their footsteps and breathing down, so it’s no wonder that around the corner from Adrien’s room, they’re forced to skid to a halt and hold their breaths to avoid being detected by Nathalie, whose heels clack against the expensive floor as she makes her way down the hall.
“Adrien? I thought I heard something.” She raps on Adrien’s door and frowns when there’s no answer. “Adrien?”
“Do something, milady!” Abeille Noir hisses in Ladyfox’s ear. She immediately unslings her flute and frowns, waiting for Nathalie to knock on the door again so that she can play her flute and summon her Mirage without being heard. A moment later, there’s a massive crash somewhere else in the mansion, and Nathalie takes off running immediately in the opposite direction. Huh. She may be evil but Ladyfox can’t help but envy her ability to run in heels like that.
“Nice thinking, Ladybug!” Tigresse says as they dart for Adrien’s room and shove the door shut behind them. Nino’s on his feet next to the white couch, his eyes wide, with Longg hovering next to him.
“You’re okay!” he says. “I heard the crash and I thought – shit, I thought you guys got caught –”
“It’d take more than an old, crusty white man to take us down, babe,” Tigresse grins and lets her transformation fade before kissing Nino. “You got the Peacock?”
In response, Nino holds out a pin that’s shaped like a peacock tail. “You gotta make her shut up!” he says. “I can’t take any more of it!”
“Any more of what?” Abeille Noir says. “Pollen, divide. Claws in.”
In response, a small blue thing comes whizzing from Adrien’s bathroom and careens around the room, squealing. “Woohoo!” it cries. “A midnight heist! Oh, the drama! The betrayal of father and son!”
“For the last time, Duusu, shut the hell up!” Nino hisses. “You’re gonna get us caught!”
Duusu just giggles and zooms over to bop Plagg on the nose. “Plagg! It’s been so long! You’re it!” she trills and darts away. Plagg facepalms.
“Don’t worry, she’s always been like that,” he says. “Tikki reckons I’m an angel compared to her.”
“Yeah, I can see why,” Adrien says, his eyes glued on Duusu and her mad flight. Ladyfox just sighs.
“Trixx, divide. Spots off. You’ll be okay, Adrien?”
Adrien nods. “I’ll just pretend that I heard a crashing sound that woke me up and my bodyguard told me to stay in my room. He’ll back me up. But you guys should go before we push our luck. And I…” He runs a hand through his messy golden hair. “I need to process the fact that I really am living in the same house as Hawkmoth.”
Marinette grimaces. “I promise we’ll all meet up tomorrow and sort through this together,” she says. “We’ll skip school if we have to. Now that Hawkmoth’s defeated, I think I’ll be okay telling my parents who I am if it means I can be there to have your back.”
“Same here, dude,” Nino says. “No way we’re gonna let you deal with it alone. I just texted Kagami, so she should have the portal ready right –” A crackling blue portal opens right in front of them. “– now.”
Adrien gives Marinette a quick hug and then steps back with a twisted mouth. “See you tomorrow, bugaboo,” he says, sliding the Bee comb out of his hand and handing it to her. “You too, Alya and Nino. And…thanks. For everything. For having my back. For not turning on me because I’m related to Hawkmoth. I’ll text Kagami and thank her too.”
“Of course,” Alya says with a small smile. “You’re our best friend. See you tomorrow, sunshine boy.”
With one last smile and wave, Marinette ducks through the portal and lands back into her room, followed by Alya and Nino. While Alya calls Kagami to fill her in on the mission, Marinette fetches the Miracle Box and opens it up so that she can deposit the Fox, Bee, Peacock and Butterfly where they belong, followed by the Dragon and Tiger when Nino passes them to her. Is the Peacock still broken? It hadn’t malfunctioned at all when they’d touched it, but she’s not sure what knowledge Hawkmoth had wrangled out of Master Fu during that dreadful day, or even if it malfunctions in its disguised form. Maybe he’d fixed it. Maybe it’s still broken. She’ll just have to wait and ask Nooroo and Duusu after a good night’s sleep.
“Well, we’d better get going,” Alya says once she’s hung up, hugging Marinette. “We’ll spin some tale to Lila about losing track of time and making out and stuff. She’ll eat it up, especially after the interview she gave us today. And we’ll tell our parents that we were on some secret mission for Ladybug, so they don’t get mad at us for ditching the kids and being out so late. They don’t need the details, at least till I’ve posted on the Ladyblog.”
“Thanks for everything, Alya,” Marinette says into Alya’s hair. “You too, Nino.”
Nino joins the hug and slaps Marinette on the back. “What are best friends for, dude?” he says. “No one fucks with my bro and gets away with it.”
Once Alya and Nino are gone, Marinette climbs up the ladder to her bed and faceplants onto her pillow, not even bothering to change into her pyjamas. Then she proceeds to scream for the next half hour, reassured with the knowledge that it’s muffled and won’t be heard by her parents, so that she’s not an emotional mess when she transforms and heads to the police station. No way is she leaving her kitty in that house for longer than necessary, nor is she giving Gabriel and Nathalie the chance to weasel out of being caught and punished for everything they’ve done to Paris, even if it means that she has to sacrifice her sleep for that night. But with Hawkmoth and Mayura defeated, hopefully it’s the last time she’ll have to lose sleep.
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shreddedparchment · 5 years
Heavy is the Hand You’re Dealt
Part 4
Pairing: Steve x Reader, Thor x Reader     Word Count: 5,676
Prompt: Impost - Bearson
Warnings: language, light smut, angst up the wazoo, puppy Thor
A/N: This was written for @youngmoneymilla ‘s challenge. I’m probably failing at the prompt. This is growing and growing and well, enjoy this next bit. Let me know what you like/think. If you happen to reblog, thanks for helping me spread my work. xoxo
If you want to be tagged, please send me an ASK.
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It’s like a really bad joke. Only there’s no punch line.
No. You are the punch line.
This nightmare you find yourself in suddenly.
How many times have you dreamt of this moment? Wanted him to come back? How many nights did you cry yourself to sleep in the corner of some dingy hotel room, or abandoned shacks, or the solitary depths of a moss covered cave, or…hell, you’ve stayed in too many temporary shelters over the last two years, they all blur into one.
You’d spent your time running from this. This very moment and wishing for it all the same. You knew that if it came—and it’s finally here—that you’d be torn.
You’d be pissed. And you are.
You’d be overjoyed. And you are.
What you didn’t expect to be is uncertain.
You didn’t expect to have a second set of blue eyes…well, one amber, one blue…engrained into your soul. It had happened over the past month. It had happened quickly.
Almost like it was meant to. As if this had been inevitable. Waiting…those eyes—one honey, one sky—had been longing for you, thinking about you, wanting you, for two years.
Those mismatched eyes are attached to a rugged face, sweet, and kind with pink lips, a semi-long braided haystack colored beard and the long wavy hair to match.
You shake your head, refusing to accept this and search instead for those mismatched eyes and the warmth you’ve reluctantly allowed them to bring you.
The room is empty.
Steve is at the foot of the stairs now.
When had he moved down the stairs? When had everyone left?
Thor? Your mind pleads, terrified of what you might do. What you might say. Your heart is in shreds and yet, the closer Steve comes, the more wildly it beats.
“Hi.” He says, as if it’s that simple. Like he didn’t tear your world down and leave you to be crushed amongst the rubble.
“Hi?” You gasp, angry, hurt, voice shaking a little but not from weakness. It’s the power in you that trembles your throat. “Hi?!”
Steve’s face falls, his beautiful golden face, with those storm blue eyes and full peach lips. He looks like he literally stepped out of one of the old movies you like to watch with those high pants and that shirt, all tucked in and ironed.
Did Peggy iron his shirt? Doesn’t sound like something she’d do but…you don’t know her.
“Y/N…” He begins, but you shake your head.
“No.” You spit, denying his broaching. “You don’t get to come back here, two years later, and tell me hi!”
“I know.” He says, remorse thick in his voice.
It sways you. Makes you want to give up the tough shell you’ve built for yourself.
“I-I’m sor-”
“Don’t.” You growl, hating him now but loving him still too. It’s so confusing. You shut your eyes.
You shouldn’t have shut your eyes.
Steve’s hands are on your biceps and you tear them open again. Searching for his gaze of familiarity because it feels like it all happened just yesterday when he touches you.
“Why are you here?” You demand, irritated. Confused.
“I…” He thinks. He thinks hard as he stares at you, his thumbs stroking the skin of your arms. “I don’t know.”
He admits, looking guilty and confused, just like you.
Then he feels one of them. A scar. An old knife wound. With a furrowed brow, he tilts his head to the left. “Are you hurt?”
It’s surreal to be here. Steve holding onto you. Showing concern and love because you can see it in his eyes. It’s all wrong of course.
A lie.
That fondness he's staring at you with. The look of sorrow and happiness all mixed with affection is a lie.
Steve doesn’t love you. Never has maybe. Everything he’s ever said to you, expressed, and made you feel is called into question because of what he did two years ago.
The first time he told you he loved you. The first time he slept with you. When he asked you to move in. When he made you a terrible tasting meatloaf. When he bought you a necklace simply because he thought it would look pretty around your neck. When he took you to the little restaurant he used to take you to and then held you close when you cried because the owner had been taken with the Snap.
The ring you found in his sock drawer.
Everything that Steve had ever done to show you that he loved you became a lie the moment he chose to leave you.
Anger, white hot like your lightning only not as pleasant or comforting, floods your brain. It clenches your fists. It sets your jaw. It hardens your heart.
Then you channel it. You force your body to relax and watch as Steve begins to fuss. It reminds you so much of before he chose to abandon you.
He pulls your arm up and around to look at the scar on the back of your bicep but spits another up higher and he reaches with his hand to move the strap of your tank top slightly off your shoulder.
You just stare, straight faced, at the growing frenzy in his eyes.
He finds the beginning of your big scar on your clavicle, the different colored skin a mar on your once unblemished—well, it hadn’t been damaged like this—body.
He freezes as he blinks in shock then he follows the trail behind you. His heated hands pressed against the spot between your shoulders before he simply just lifts the back of your shirt.
You hear the release of his breath as he recognizes the healed gunshots and the knife wounds and then the big scar that had made Thor hiss.
Thor…your mind pleads, because Steve’s hands on your back feel good even if it also pisses you off to no end.
“What are you doing?” You speak slowly, calmly. The threat in your voice is seething but controlled.
You’ve learned more from your two years alone than just how to patch yourself up in a crisis.
Steve’s hand freezes on your back and he seems to realize his slip up. That his touch is unwelcome. He lowers your shirt, taking his hands away, stepping back.
You fix your shirt, turning around slowly until you’re facing him again.
“Sorry.” And he looks very sorry. He really does.
But your shock has worn off. His touch sobered you up with the sharpness of its pain. You’re ready for him now.
Your heart still stutters when your eyes meet his, but you don’t shut them again this time. This time they’re wide open.
“Wh-” He only hesitates for a second. The wounded bravado of a man who’d once been able to touch you whenever he wanted to. “What happened? You have so many sc-”
“That’s none of your business anymore, Steve.” You shake your head just a little, annoyed, disbelieving in this entire day suddenly.
He looks hurt by your words. He actually has the balls to look hurt?!
“I know.” He says, despite the pain clearly etched into his face. “I just…when I left, you-”
It’s not what he’s saying but you latch onto the words to get your point across.
“Yes.” You nod. “You did leave me. You left me. You didn’t even come after me. I waited and waited and I-”
The image of old Steve standing by the bench fills your mind and you know that once again he doesn’t choose you here.
“Y/N…” He begins, sorrowful, as if someone precious has died.
You avert your gaze, hating the tightening in your chest. The choking grief that had finally begun to shift into memory. Your eyes fall on his hands, fidgeting nervously at his sides. Fingers clenching and unclenching.
A small glimmer of gold catches your eye and your hurt doubles harshly, taking your breath away. You take a step away from him and he looks down to see what’s caught your eye before he quickly, nervously, shoves his left hand into his pocket.
“Y/N…” He tries again.
“Why are you here, Steve?” You gasp, breathless. “It can’t be for me because you-you’re married.”
Fuck, it hurts to say that aloud. You want to be gone suddenly. On the run. Trekking across the Himalayas or maybe sleuthing your way through Europe. Anywhere but here where Steve is back to torture you with proof that he built his life without you. A life that had been yours for five years now thoroughly squashed.
“I-” He steps towards you, reaching out to touch you but you raise your hand as if to block him, taking another step back. “Things are…complicated.”
“With Peggy, we’re…not doing…” He stops speaking, unable to finish his words because he can also see how wrong he is to be here. He looks down at your feet, gathering his thoughts. He’s trying to find reason in his madness and you’re not sure that you can forgive him for bringing you into this again.
“So, you and your wife are having problems, and you abandon her too?” You ask, incredulous.
“No.” Steve says, passionately. “I would never leave Peggy, I…”
He seems to realize his mistake again and he screws up his face as your own nearly crumbles.
“Of course not. Not Peggy.” You spit at him.
“Baby…” He says, and you know that it just slipped out. Habit. He said it because it’s what he always called you and he couldn’t help himself, but you hate him for it anyway.
“What?!” The torture of it is too much. Your panic rises and with it your temper. You’re suddenly done with him and his wife and his stupid new life without you.
“Shit.” He gasps. “No…I mean, that’s not what I—fuck, this isn’t coming out right.” He fumbles.
“Why are you here, Steve?!” You yell at him, voice echoing off the large glass walls behind him.
“Because I still love you!” He yells back, frustrated with himself, and responding to your anger. “And when I can’t get my head on straight, I think of you. It’s always…always you, now.”
You scoff, hating him. Hating his words because when things had been tough for him before, yes, he’d turn to you but at times you’d find him with that stupid compass, staring at what you now know was Peggy’s picture.
“Now you think of me?” You put your hand on your chest both to indicate yourself and to keep your heart from leaping out of your chest. “Now?”
“I know that it’s not right. I get that. I understand what I did-”
“Do you?” Your voice shakes. “Do you, really?”
He says nothing, just stares at you.
“You understand that when you chose to go back and stay behind in the past, that you took the five…no…the ten years that I spent with you, and made them nothing? You understand that you took—I loved you, Steve. It was always you. I lived my life with you in mind for my future. And when you took that from me…I had nothing.
“I had no one. No family. No friends because the Avengers…they were your friends. Nat was my friend. And she left me too. And Tony. And then you…and…You have no idea what you did to me when you left.
“You turned our life together into a lie. You took everything that we ever did together and made it into a joke.” You nod, your history with Steve so painful that you rarely let yourself think about it.
His face is all sadness and melancholy. Eyebrows draw down at the corners, eyes red, lips frowning. He has no right to look like that.
“Don’t be sad.” You tell him angrily, almost growling it at him. “You have no right to look at me like that.
“You did this to me. To us. You took us and you crushed us and—you’re married, for fuck’s sake!” You gasp, laughing once because it impossibly stupid that this is even a conversation you’re having.
“Y/N…” He begins again, moving towards you.
“No.” You move back again, this time turning away from him. “Fuck. I can’t do this. Stay away from me.”
“Baby, please.” Steve says, pleading with you, making you angry again. Fuming.
“Fuck! Steve, stop calling me that!” You turn around, hand out, and maybe it’s because you’re an emotional wreck or because maybe it sensed that you needed its strength, but a faint whistling suddenly fills the air, too far away still.
“I’m sorry.” Steve gasps, frustration in his voice. “I don’t mean to.”
He reaches for you again, and you turn holding your hand out towards him to keep him away.
“Stay away from me, Steve.” You plead, growing angrier.
“I just want to explain…”
“Explain what?! Why you left me? You loved her and I was shit. You didn’t love me. It was all just a big fat lie. I get that. Okay? I really don’t need you to tell me in so many words.”
“No!” Steve suddenly booms, angry. “You are not and never have been shit. I love you.”
“Stop lying!”
“I love you!”
“THEN WHY DID YOU LEAVE?!” You’re done.
And Mjolnir flies into your outstretched right hand.
Steve is startled back away from you a few steps as you point the new Mjolnir at him, black handle glistening in the light of the morning.
“You can’t love me,” You shake your head, biting your lip hard as you drop your right hand beside you, Mjolnir held secure as you press your left hand to your chest again. “And do what you did to me, Steve. You just can’t. Either you loved me, or you didn’t, and you left me so, you didn’t.
“I found the ring.” You tell him and he pales. “I went to look for some clothes and I was looking for that black bandage that we used on your elbow when you broken it and we had to re-set it? And I pulled open your drawer and it was right there. Right underneath the first pair of socks.
“I mean,” You scoff. “You didn’t even try to hide it.”
Steve’s eyes move from Mjolnir to you. He’s in shock. About what you’re not sure. But as soon as you mentioned the ring, his eyes were on yours.
“Why did you buy it?” You ask, finally able to get an answer to this curiosity.
Steve flexes his jaw, Adam’s apple bobbing as he swallows hard. “Because-”
His voice comes out as wind, no volume. He clears his throat.
“Because I wanted to marry you.”
Your eyes sting but you focus and push it down, deep. Even though your emotions have gone up and down and you’ve been yelling your ass off and just fighting with Steve, you’re happy that not a single tear has been shed.
You smile bitterly, shaking your head.
“I hate you.” You sigh. “I hate what you did to me. Maybe I should be over it by now, but…You robbed me of a life when you went back to her and I can never forgive you for that. You should have at least taken the ring.”
“I forgot I had it.” He admits and that burns deeper than anything he’s said yet.
“You forgot?” You ask, very much close to giving into those tears that had begun to burn.
“I-” Steve meets your eyes again, suddenly realizing what he’s said. “No…”
“You forgot that you wanted to marry me?” Defeat is a terrible thing. In all of your mission. In all of the beats that you’ve suffered because you have been beaten even if you haven’t technically failed a single one, you have never felt this way.
“Look, I just…I need some time to get my head on straight. I’m not doing this right and I’m saying all the wrong things. I’m nervous. Okay? You still make me nervous and I-”
“I wish I’d never met you. I wish you’d kept that gym door shut and left me out in the rain. I wish I’d never kissed you on that car park.”
“Don’t say that.” Steve pleads. “What we had-”
“Go back to Peggy, Steve. I don’t know what problems you two are having but I’m not here to ease your worries anymore. Just…leave me alone.” You swing the hammer, only a little. Just to adjust its weight in your grip.
“Leave me alone, Steve. I mean it.” You say sternly, already walking away from him. “Stay away from me.”
What did he do? What has he done to you?
“You’re still here?” Bucky’s voice is like a welcomed balm, but it only soothes Steve’s aching heart a little.
“Where is she?” Steve asks, desperate but only Bucky would be able to see it.
“After that yelling match earlier, I figured you’d have gone back to Peggy.” Bucky sighs and moves to sit across from Steve, hands on his knees.
Steve scoots to the edge of his seat, elbows on his knees as he clasps his hands tightly.
“What happened to her? Why is she—the scars on her back?” He can’t seem to finish the question or find the right words. Worry has gripped his heart and it’s making him a little crazed.
“That’s none of your business anymore, Steve.” Bucky reminds him. “But if you really need to know, she joined the S.T.R.I.K.E. field team about two weeks after you left.”
“What?” Steve asks, shocked and hating the idea of you out in the field.
“Then she went off on her own, left the team. Kept her comms in case we needed her, and it was the only way to get her old team’s missions. She’s been going off doing them alone.” Bucky shrugs. “At first Sam and I thought she was just trying to…I don’t know, get herself killed? But she was really trying. And she was good. She’s brought in almost three hundred perps on her own.
“Now that she has the hammer, I think that’ll only go up.” Bucky states.
“She’s been going on missions alone? Why didn’t you do something about it?” He demands, angry at Bucky suddenly. “I asked you to keep an eye on her.”
“And I did.” Bucky assures him, just as angry right back. “I kept her safe while you left to-”
Bucky stops, looking down at the black marble floor, sleek and cold. He reminds himself that Steve is his best friend. That he’s his brother.
“Steve, she had a right to deal with what happened on her own terms. You know, I keep trying to understand what it is you’re doing here. If you were coming back for her, you’d have come back the moment you left so that it would be like you never did. Then you and she could have fixed things.”
He sounds almost hopeful and Steve knows that he’s right.
“You don’t know what you want, do you?” Bucky asks him, a knowing look in his steel blue eyes.
Steve licks his lips and slowly shakes his head.
“You shouldn’t have come back, Steve. She was getting better. She was starting to be happy again. She was moving on.” Bucky narrows his eyes at the look of confusion on Steve’s face at his words.
Steve is at an absolute loss. You hadn’t seemed in the least bit happy and the rage and pain he’d seen you display with him earlier said that you were anything but moving on.
A silly thought pops into Bucky’s head. The thought that Steve might have only seen you when he came in. That when he first saw you, he saw you and only you and no one else. Bucky knows that he loves you and Steve probably missed you more than you could ever imagine—not like that excuses Steve anything he’s done, but still.
“What did you see when you got here, Steve? Where was Y/N standing?” Bucky checks, sure that he’s wrong, but just in case.
“Y/N? She was, in the kitchen. Why?” Steve’s brow furrows in consternation, his mind flashing back to the moment he saw you, stretched up on your toes, reaching into the cupboard for something. Your face was all lit up and you were smiling, and you looked so happy and nothing like the broken woman you’d been when he’d last seen you.
You were positively glowing. Beautiful and perfect and his heart felt lighter just seeing you there and all he had wanted in that moment was you.
“Steve…” Bucky sits back, shaking his head. “What was she doing? Who was she with?”
Steve’s eyes wander to Bucky’s feet, thinking back to the moment he walked across the top landing and spotted you in the kitchen.
The picture clears and sharpens, focusing on you but also everything else. His heart drops and he meets Bucky’s eyes, as his stomach rolls and his chest nearly caves in.
You’ve been sitting in here for hours. Waiting. Getting more and more upset the longer you sit here, thinking. Wallowing.
The door opens and you stand up, Mjolnir at your feet.
When he turns around, Thor’s somber expression melts away in favor of happy surprise.
“My little dove,” He almost gushes, moving towards you quickly. “You’re in my room.”
You reach up and put your hands on his massive biceps, staring at his wide chest as you try to get a grip.
“You left me.” You whimper, more at ease with Thor. Your emotions laid out for him to see.
“No, little dove. No, I-” He stammers, thinking quick as he shakes his head and his smile falters then returns in full force as he tries to explain.
“You told me you loved me.” You counter, cutting him off because what he has to say is not as important as what you have to say.
It’s a little unfair of you, you know this. You haven’t returned those words to him, but he knows. He must. It’s in every lingering gaze. Every touch. It’s in your body when you meld with his.
Still, how can he know when even you didn’t know just how deep these emotions ran until you were faced with Steve and all you wanted was Thor?
“I do!” He gasps, hearing the doubt within you. Chasing it away with his hands as he grips you to him, holding your waist as he seeks to chase away the distance between you. Emotionally. Physically. All of it.
With Thor, it always feels as if he needs you closer. Even when he’s inside you, shifting you, arms on either side of your body as his hands rip into your shoulders and he thrusts deep.
You’re never close enough.
“But you left me!” You’re not being loud, not like with Steve, because if you get loud, you’re afraid you’ll fall apart.
You don’t want to cry yet.
“Y/N-” Thor reaches up, right hand cupping your cheek as his left wraps around to the small of your back.
“You left me. Alone. With him.” You simper, wanting his comfort but also hating him for leaving you too.
Why does everyone leave you?
You push against his chest and he doesn’t resist when you renew the distance between you.
“You said you wouldn’t leave me.” You look up at him and he’s reading you, taking in the finality in your tone. “I needed you there, Thor and I…I don’t want to need anyone. It needs to be only me. If you leave me…”
“I won’t leave you, my dove.” Thor protests, trying to reach for you but you put your hands over his and push them away gently.
“You already did.” How do you convey the depth of the despair that you felt seeing Steve again? Hearing the things he said, seeing that stupid ring and all through it wishing Thor was with you? How can you make him see that it’s too dangerous to need someone like that again?
Steve had been your world. Thor can’t be your world too. He’ll take it away. Just like Steve.
“Sweet pet,” He begins, smiling hopefully as he reaches out to caress your cheek again.
“I can’t do this, Thor. It’s too much. I can’t fail like I did before. I need to be strong.”
“What are you saying?” Thor asks, confused and serious.
“I’m saying that we can’t be together anymore.” You sigh. “You’re bad for me.”
You leave him there, staring in stunned silence at his bed as you head out to seek some much-needed advice.
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The meeting runs long. It’s tedious and you haven’t missed this part of the job.
You’ve been on your own too long that being at the table with the team feels odd.
It sucks even more because you can see Thor shooting you sad puppy eyes every few minutes, desperate to catch your eye and talk again.
You’ve been avoiding him, and he finally got the hint last night that you need space and he’s been giving it to you, but he also really wants to talk, and you hate pushing him away. You want him close.
You want him beside you, and that terrifies you. This need to feel him there is familiar because you’ve felt it before. With Steve…who is also sitting across from you.
His gaze is annoying too. Irritating because he keeps looking at you with longing and then he looks at Thor with suspicion and what right does he have to give your Thor—wait, not your Thor…fuck—that look?
The sheer nerve of him to be jealous is infuriating.
You look up to find Thor staring down at his thumb, tracing circles against the glass of the table. You bite your lip, wanting to reach out and place your hand over his. Your chest is yearning for his arms. For that smell of juniper in his beard when he tickles you with it.
You want to run your hands through his hair and pull him down until you can kiss those big pink lips, as he squeezes you to him.
Fuck! This isn’t happening.
You sigh, frustrated with yourself then inadvertently look at Steve to find him staring at you, frowning.
Ugh! “Are we almost done here?”
You snap, looking up at Sam who puts one hand on his hip, annoyed with you too. You don’t blame him. You’ve been in an insufferable bad mood.
“Oh, I’m sorry. Are we intruding on your schedule?”
“The League is in Northern Canada, right? Just dispatch a scout, find out where exactly, how many there are, what we’re going to go up against and then we can all go together.” You gripe, wondering why this meeting is endless.
“We already sent Wanda and-”
“No, Sam. Send in a stealth team. Someone that can blend in and infiltrate the bunker. The world knows our faces. I mean…your faces. The team.” You feel left out suddenly but you did this to yourself.
In one startling moment, you regret ever leaving. You’ve lost two years of time with the team.
“That’s not a bad idea.” Rhodey nods, tapping his finger against the table. “It’ll take about a month for them to get in and then get back out and we’ll be able to learn a lot more about them this way.”
“Fine.” Sam sighs, “And where do we find this covert team?”
You sit up straighter, feeling slightly uneasy with all eyes on you. Not to mention Steve’s and Thor’s each with a different type of longing.
“I can get us a few agents. I’ll call them now.” You get up from your chair and move towards the kitchen only to hear footsteps behind you.
With your phone pressed to your ear, you turn around and frown when it’s Steve moving closer.
You frown at him, heart dropping, as you move through the kitchen and down a secluded hallway.
“Y/N…” Steve calls out and you stop, hanging up your phone.
“Why are you still here?” You ask him, curt and uncaring, no matter how much it really hurts you.
His feet slow, sadness overtaking his handsome face. “We need to talk.”
“No.” You shake your head. “We really don’t. You should go back to your wife.”
“Hey,” He reaches out and grabs your wrist as you turn to move away from him. He turns you towards him, pulling you closer until you’re inches from his chest, his face leaning down towards yours. “Just give me a chance to talk, Y/N.”
“For what, Steve?” You shake your head, smiling bitterly up at him.
“I love you.” He confesses once again, quietly, almost with hesitation.
You scoff. “And you’re still married.”
“Did you mean it?” He asks, his hand softening, caressing down to your elbow as his other hand takes gentle grip of your hip.
“Did I mean what?” You shift uncomfortably, wanting him so much when he touches you. “Let go of me.”
“Did you mean it when you said that you wanted to give me kids?” He asks, shyly, sadly.
Your chest nearly cracks, ribs aching from the tearing your heart is doing right now. How dare he!
You blink, stunned for a moment, tilting your head to one side as you watch the desire on his face. It isn’t sexual. Just a different kind of longing.
“Is that why you’re here? Because she won’t give you kids?” You realize, suddenly considering the possibility that Steve might actually come back into your life, to stay. For good?
Because you offered him what he so clearly wants now.
His jaw tightens and you know that you’re right.
“I bought that ring with every intention of asking you to marry me, Y/N. But then Scott came back and changed everything and-” You try to pull back, you don’t need this right now.
“I understand, Steve. I helped keep you patched together when everything went tits up you left me because I’m not the girl you marry and have kids with. I’m the one you fuck when things get tough, right?” This particular thought has been on your mind.
“Don’t say that.” He begs you, pulling you so close your breasts are right up against his chest. “You’re perfect and…I made a mistake.”
He’s saying all the right things and it sounds like he’s saying he’s going to stay.
“You made a big fucking mistake.” You counter, and Steve is so close you can taste the sweet strawberry of his breakfast toast on your lips.
As he breathes it wafts over your tongue, sweetening it, his heady scent of crisp citrus soap and clean linens transfixing you.
“Forgive me.” He begs, his lips ghosting over your own.
“No.” You tell him, unable to forgive him. As much as your body wants him, your heart is forever hurt.
You hear a small thud and pull back, turning to look down the hallway as Thor’s fist lifts away from the wall he just punched, which crumbles as he moves it. He turns and he’s walking away from you, long blonde hair swishing with his angry strut.
“Thor…” You call, firm.
You shove Steve away, ripping yourself from his arms and fix him with a glare.
“Go home, Steve.”
“I am home.” He counters, his own jealousy sneaking in.
You growl and hurry after Thor, watching as his wide back turns the corner into the common room.
“Thor, wait!” Your heart is in a panic.
You love him, damn it. Even if you don’t want to. He needs to know that what he saw was…it won’t happen again.
“Thor!” You turn the corner and almost fall back as you crash into another strong chest. Two arms—one metal, one flesh—catch you.
“Careful, Sugar. You’ll hurt yourself.” Bucky steadies you and then waits until you’ve caught your balance. “Hey, that was a good idea about the covert team.”
Shit. You need to call Fury.
Fuck it. Just text the team.
You can always beg Fury for forgiveness later.
Quick as you can, you type out a group message and shoot it off.
“You okay?” Bucky asks, shoving his hands into his jean pockets.
“No.” You sigh, frustrated because Thor is probably gone by now. Where would he go? His room? The skies? He wouldn’t leave Earth again, would he?
Your heart is in a panic again, thumping wildly against your ribcage. Sharp edged pain pierces your gut and you kind of want to hyperventilate. Instead, you blink once, hard. You take a deep breath and release it slowly, urging yourself to stay calm.
“Steve?” Bucky asks and you wheel yourself around in search of him. “No, I mean, he’s bothering you?”
“He almost kissed me.” You confess, regret in your voice. “I…Thor saw…” Your shoulders slump and Bucky sighs.
“Look, I…I think I have an idea of how we might be able to get him to go back home.” Bucky waits, dipping down to look into your eyes. “If that’s what you really want?”
You’d be a fool to not hesitate. For five years Steve had loved you. He’d devoted himself to you until he simply couldn’t anymore. His heart had called him elsewhere.
“I do.” You nod.
“You really like Thor, huh?” Bucky asks, a small smile playing on his lips.
“I love him.” You admit, to someone. To Bucky. “It’s my weakness.”
“Loving someone isn’t a weakness, Sugar.” Bucky says.
“What’s your idea?” You press, ignoring his other words.
Bucky moves a step closer, crossing his arms over his chest as he looks towards the large wall of windows at the opposite end of the common room. Rhodey and Stephen are huddled around a stack of papers, talking and rifling through them. Everyone else has left.
“You’re not gonna like it.” Bucky tells you, turning back to you with a withered sigh.
“What is it?” You wonder with trepidation.
“We have to go see old Steve.”
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high-tidethunder · 4 years
my skin still feels (my mind still fears)
inspired by this post by @andr0mache!
TW for brief/somewhat graphic descriptions of injuries
Her skin is still damp and coursing with warmth as she finishes getting ready, buzzing in a way that makes her aware of every point of contact the borrowed clothes she wears have with her body. It’s a grounding feeling, a reminder that she’s here, she’s real. This is happening.
It’s not an entirely welcome reminder.
She drags her towel through the condensation on the bathroom mirror then stands back, regarding the woman in the reflection, not sure she’s the same one she saw the morning before.
She doesn’t break eye contact with her reflection as she fastens the gold chain around her neck, but watches the cross that hangs from it as it falls to the hollow of her throat. Her eye is drawn to the raised line of scar tissue above it.
It was her saving grace, Nile supposes, as she ponders her reflection. At least, it had made the resurrection look somewhat less miraculous. Though, in honesty, she wasn’t sure what good that did her. She had still faced the threat of being studied like a specimen, an object to be researched in some laboratory far away from anything she’d ever called home.
She shudders to think what might have happened had Andy not found her as quickly as she did.
Her hand goes to her throat, fingernails grazing over the scar there that runs ear to ear, a thin line, easily hidden in the right lighting.
Again, she guesses she’s lucky in that regard. There are less questions.
It had been easy to hide, right after it happened, when men’s fashion was dominated with high collars and ruffled cravats that covered the puckered scar tissue that rings his throat like a grotesque necklace.
He thought it needed hiding, back then. Thought it was something akin to a brand, screaming his shame and punishment from the rooftops.
Maybe he still thinks it does that, but even before circumstance started to force him to bare old wounds for all to see, Sebastien came to realize that the scar was not put there to be hidden, it was put there as a reminder. The other wounds he sustains will heal without leaving a mark, but this one, the one that made him into the man he is now, will always stand stark on his skin, calling attention to the fact of his life that he’s had to get used to over the years: that it will not end until far after he’d wanted it to.
The marring of his skin forces him to remember the people he’s left behind. Forces him to remember that he has this gift he did not ask for and cannot share. A gift that imposes grief and guilt on him, weighing down his conscience like a sodden quilt.
A gift that dragged him, too tired to put up a fight, into an endless well of loneliness.
He doesn’t really think about it anymore, the thick line of raised tissue that runs jagged on his chest. It’s just become a fact of his life, an afterthought, really. He barely even registers it when he sees himself in the mirror.
Most days.
But some days, when the world-weariness grips his bones and the weight of all his years on this earth causes his shoulders to sag, it makes its presence known. It becomes obvious against his skin, angry, insistent on being acknowledged. It tears its way into his mind, demanding he yields to the memories of who he had been, before.
Nicolò doesn’t recognize that man, anymore. The one who had been filled with so much hatred and rage channeled through a veil of prejudice that had been tied over his eyes too young for him to know it wasn’t supposed to be there. 
The days when this scar burns his skin are hard, they’re days when it feels like all he can remember is every horrible thing he’d done with that rage, all the unnecessary lives that fell at his hand before the one who couldn’t had so tenderly removed the veil and let his eyes adjust to the light.
There is a time and a place for fury, he knows, but the wound over his heart stands as a reminder that it exists with those who have done harm, and that to be kind to all others is a strength in its own right.
The scar is easy to forget, easy to let go unnoticed. He sometimes wonders why that is, why he can ignore the one mark on his body that has lasted over his lifetime. The one wound still evidenced on his skin, the proof that he is not invulnerable.
Maybe it’s because he’d like to forget how it happened. When he looks at it, cutting across the front of his torso, he remembers the warmth of his blood on his skin, the weight of his guts spilling into his hands, the horror he felt looking into the cold stare of the warrior who did it.
Remembers that man’s shock when he stood again and drove his own sword through his chest, directing every word of righteous anger that he’d never had the courage to say aloud into the strike.
Yusuf is not a man who wishes violence upon the world, but he is one who has been forced to know it as a means to an end by those who would rather hear his screams of agony than his words of peace.
So perhaps the scar is so easy to forget because, for him, the moment it was made was not the moment that made the man he is today, the one who fears little and does not hesitate to speak the words that the world needs to hear, that man had been made when he’d first picked up a sword.
The scar on his stomach, just a dark line that runs across his skin where his body had stitched itself back together, is instead a reminder that there will be people who listen when he speaks, a reminder to not give up, to not waste the opportunities that he is granted to find those people.
All she remembers is a gasp, when she runs her fingertips over the patch of discolored skin on her abdomen. She doesn’t remember if it was the last act before her first death or the first act of her new life, but she remembers the ragged breath as it was dragged from her lungs.
She wonders if she’ll forget that, too, one of these days, replaced by newer memories.
She has so many memories, too many memories, and sometimes it feels as though she’s forgotten entire lifetimes, boiled down to just flashes. The taste of one thing, the feel of another, sensations that hadn’t existed on the earth for centuries now. She sometimes wonders how many identities she’s forgotten, how many women she’s been before the one she is now.
She wonders how many scars would litter her skin if she had one for each time she was killed and born again into a new person. Would her body be able to tell the story of her thousands of lives without her ever having to speak? How easy would it be for her to be vulnerable with the story of so many deaths written so clearly on her skin?
As much as she wanted to build impenetrable walls around her heart, as much pain as she had endured from letting people get too close, she was so desperate to be known that it hurt. An ache deep in the recesses of her heart, tattooed on her bones, permanent but invisible, a longing so big it was almost impossible to be seen.
But, oh, how much she needed someone to. If only to remember the person hidden in stories untold.
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yellowmagicalgirl · 5 years
Once and Maybe Future Chapter 1: Battle of Camlann
Welcome to my Wizards fic collection! This is going to be a series of ficlets based on my two theories for our presumed trio of protagonists:
Archiethur Theory
Nimue Reincarnation
While I am basing this fic collection off of the Arthurian mythos, I have a limited knowledge of it and am very much picking and choosing from said limited knowledge.
Thank you to @tunafishprincess for beta-reading this chapter.
Chapter warnings: violence, possession, more-or-less major character death (it’s complicated).
Camlann was usually quite beautiful this time of year. It would probably have been beautiful, if not for the war with the Gumm-Gumms. Mordred wasn’t sure if he wanted to be here, but according to his father and Merlin he needed to be here. It made sense; he was the crown prince. One day, he would rule Camelot, and he would have to protect it in times of war. With how long trolls lived, this war may go on into the time of Mordred’s own children.
Of course, that didn’t mean Mordred sat on many of the war councils. He mostly watched the knights spar and helped with the pages and squires. It was nice, being able to interact with boys his age, ones too young to know that none of the older knights trusted him. Most of the time Mordred was busy with his lessons in statecraft and especially magic. When he was much younger, he had learned some spells from his Aunt Morgan. Now, he only learned from Merlin.
Mordred pulled out the necklace Aunt Morgana had given him a month ago from under his tunic. It was gold, with a diamond-shaped green gem in the center and trollish runes around the edge.
She had been wearing gloves, which was odd since that could inhibit her ability to cast spells. She had said that Merlin and his father had had an argument with her, but that didn’t mean that she couldn’t still help her favorite nephew. He had said he was her only nephew, and she had laughed and tousled his hair. She had then given him the necklace, telling him it would help increase his magic, but not to tell his parents or Merlin.
He had secretly worn it every day, and some of his magic had improved. In the past month he had felt more tired, but everyone did. There was a war going on, after all. Besides, it was cold.
“Mordred, are you busy?” his father asked, walking towards him.
“No, Father!” And it was true, he had finished watering the horses. He was about to go try and befriend the nearby black tomcat that kept the mice out of the horses’ feed, but
“Then are you up for a spar?” He did not unsheathe Excalibur, but rather wielded it sheathed. Mordred pulled out his wooden practice sword and bent his knees for balance like he had been told to in the past. He was small, and he had to use that to his advantage.
He advanced, and immediately went for his father’s knees. Unfortunately, Father was expecting it and knocked away
“Now is that very honorable?” he asked, but Father’s voice was jovial.
“No…” Mordred was proud that he didn’t start giggling.
“Then maybe you should try a different tactic?” Mordred once again raised his practice sword and lunged.
Excalibur stuck against the amulet Aunt Morgana had given him. It glowed, hot, and Mordred staggered back before collapsing to his knees.
Mordred saw the back of his own head. He saw his father rush over to him.
What was going on? He felt cold and numb. Mordred wrapped his arms around him
“Mordred, are you alright?” his father asked. “I didn’t mean to hit you so hard.”
Mordred wasn’t alright. His chest didn’t hurt from the blow, but he was scared. What was happening to him?
“Oh, really, brother?” Mordred looked around to see where his Aunt Morgana’s voice came from. He didn’t see her anywhere.
His father gasped and backed away slightly. Mordred walked around his body to see what was wrong.
Mordred saw that the whites of his eyes had turned black, and he bore no pupils. The gold of them glowed.
“You didn’t want to hurt me?” Aunt Morgana’s voice sprang from Mordred’s mouth. Mordred looked down at his own hands; he was see-through, like a ghost.
“You have a funny way of showing it, siding with Merlin instead of me,” Aunt Morgana said.
“Morgana, get out of my son. He is a child and innocent; I knew you were a coward but this? Why not face me from your own body?”
Aunt Morgana rolled her eyes. “He helped with the amulet, he has enough of my blood on his hands.”
She stood up and transformed Mordred’s wooden practice sword into one of gold and iron, with an emerald in the pommel. She then rushed at Father. Mordred ran to her and tried to tug on her arm. He passed through his own body, but he almost took hold of something gold and glowing. His aunt moved far too fast.
“And how much blood is on your hands?” Father did not unsheathe Excalibur, he fought like it was a practice spar. “With what madness you’ve created, siding with Orglak? Making your hand into an amulet is nothing compared to what you’ve done.”
Wait, what? Aunt Morgana had sided with the Gumm-Gumms? But the Gumm-Gumms were bad, they wanted to eat people!
Mordred frowned as much as his spectral body would allow it. Why had no one told him? They had kept it a better secret than the fact that his destiny was to kill his father. Mordred did not want to kill his father, he loved his father. He didn’t want his destiny.
Then again, possession was also bad, maybe not as bad as the Gumm-Gumm army, but it was dark magic. That was what was happening to him. Aunt Morgana was possessing his body, trying to fulfill his fate for him.
Aunt Morgana jumped up, bursts of gold light streaming from Mordred’s body. Her sword struck Father down. She landed delicately, smirking and triumphant.
Mordred shoved her out of his body and fell to his knees. He yanked the necklace off, tossing it aside.
He scooted to his father’s body. “Father? I’m not possessed by Aunt Morgana anymore.”
His father did not open his eyes. Mordred placed two fingers to the side of his father’s neck. The pulse was faint and fading rapidly.
No, no, no! This was all Mordred’s fault, if he hadn’t taken Aunt Morgana’s necklace, he wouldn’t have been used by her.
He would not fulfill his destiny.
Mordred placed one hand on his father’s chest, and he stretched out his other arm.
A cat gave a shocked yowl.
Mordred felt cracks grow on his face; saw them grow on his hands. He knew that this was bad and that he should stop. This was not any sort of healing that he knew of, this was dark magic. Dark magic was bad but letting Father die was worse.
Mordred glanced at the cat that he had wanted to befriend. “I’m sorry,” he said before placing his now-dead father’s soul into the cat.
A white symbol appeared in the cat’s fur. It rose onto two legs before collapsing.
“Sire?” Sir Bedviere called. Mordred looked up, and saw the knight reaching for his sword.
This looked very bad. The deuce of a son finally went and used dark magic to kill his father. No one would believe Mordred, not without proof.
Mordred scooped up the cat containing his father’s soul and ran. He just needed to protect his father until he awoke; then Father could tell everyone that Aunt Morgana had tried to kill him and that Mordred had tried to help even though he used dark magic. Until then, however, he couldn’t go home.
He never returned to Camelot.
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Gendrya Endgame Proof? Also Possible Clues for Brienne’s Future.
Ok so three pictures of three dresses have appeared online. Now from what I understand these pictures were taken at the premiere. But I think they actually could hold some clues as to what might be in store for some of our favourite characters. I did post this before but it had analysis of all three dresses  and as anyone whoe has read my other posts know I like to over analyse everything and so it got really really long to the point where some pictures weren’t loading so now I’ve split the post into two parts. If you would like to read the other one you can find it here. Now this is a potential spoiler so I’m going to put the rest under the tab.
So the thing that’s most exicting about these three dresses is they are three white dresses that at first glance look like they could be wedding dresses.
So I’m going to start with this one
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So this is one i’ve seen some people suggest is arya’s wedding dress. Which at first glance I was like yeah that looks like something Arya might wear. But as previously stated I like to analyse every little detail so with each of these images I zoomed in on them and assessed every inch of it. What I learned. It actually looks nothing like what Arya would wear.
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If you look at arya’s typical costume next to it you see there are a lot of differences. Arya’s is a lace up whereas the white dress looks more like pieces of armour. Arya’s is patterned with squares but the white one has diagonal stripes. The neck lines are also very different. Now does the fact that they are not identical mean that it’s not Arya’s of course not, it’s possible it could be as I said my first impression was I could see Arya in it. But then I compared it to Brienne.
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And as you can see it is identical. The shape around the top, the armour on the arms the diagonal lines, everything is the same right down to the slanting belt. So does this mean this is Brienne’s wedding dress. As much as I would love that I don’t think so. If you read my recent review of episode 4 you would have seen that I said that I thought it was likely Brienne would end up as the Kings/ Queens Guard for the next ruler. I think this might be her new armour for that. If it is I’ve got to say firstly I love it, Brienne the White Knight of the Noble Kings/Queens Guard. Secondly, Brienne good luck keeping that one clean :p  
Ok it’s time for the next dress. My favourite of the dresses. The dress that was the cause of my huge freak out right before I started writing this post.
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I know what you’re all thinking. Aww this silly girl this dress is obviously for Sansa what is there to talk about. Yeah ok I thought that too I mean..
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that’s the same dress right I mean right down to the necklace. I was the same when I first saw the images, I was all aww look at Sansa’s pretty new dress with all it’s pretty feathers on it. But as I said I like to over analyse everything so I zoomed in on all of these images and when I did this time I damn near had a heart attack. Because my dears those ain’t no feathers
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Those are GOLDEN LEAVES!! Now any Gendrya shipper out there can understand why I was freaking out to the point of feeling physically ill. At first I was devastated because there is a dress that looks just like one Sansa has previously worn that is literally a gown of golden leaves. There’s also that rumor about Gendry and Sansa. But here’s the thing it would make no sense for Sansa and Gendry to get married with her in this gown which is from a song that is clearly written about Gendrya, The whole gown of golden leaves comes from my featherbed which is about a girl who doesn’t want to be a lady but still wants to have her love. That’s not Sansa, she is the epitome of a Lady she’s never struggled with that identity unlike Arya. So I’m sorry but if this is Sansa’s dress and she’s marrying Gendry in it then as much as I have been defending the show and it’s writing not even I would be able to defend it, because that wouldn’t be bad writing that would be truely terrible writing. So I got to thinking why then would this gown look so much like one Sansa would own if it’s not hers. I think I have an answer for you all. I made a post a few weeks back saying that when Gendrya get married Sansa has to make Arya a gown of golden leaves because come on who else is going to make Arya’s dress. But imagine for a second you’re Sansa and Arya comes to you and she says I’m getting married and I need you to make my dress. Sansa of course will agree and so she says no problem what kind of dress do you want to wear. Arya will be completely stumped by this question because Arya doesn’t wear dresses. I mean when even was the last time we saw Arya in a dress? The other thing we need to remember is that this dress, her wedding dress needs to represent her transition into Lady of Storms End as well as her journey throughout the seasons. To Arya Sansa represents what it is to be a Lady so it would make sense if Arya would just say well make me something that a lady would wear, something the you would wear. Sansa has no reference for what style of dress Arya would wear so instead she makes something familiar to her but something she thinks Arya might like. So I am now going to explain how the show’s crew and producers are trying to pull a fast one on us and that this dress despite appearances is not Sansa’s but actually Arya’s and not only that but why this dress is actually kinda perfect for Arya.
So first I’m going to compare elements of Arya’s previous costumes to elements of this dress. Like I said Arya rarely wears dresses so you would think it would be hard to actually find comparasons but I actually did find some. They are subtle but they are there.
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Ok so first look at the shoulders here. And yes I know that Sansa’s raven dress is closer I’m not disputing that but the shape of the shoulders here is still similar. Then there’s the collar which is also similar in shape and length. If you compare it with the collar on Sansa’s dress
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you can see that Sansa’s collar is alot taller and covers the whole length of her neck. Compare it to the collar on Arya however they are identicle in shape and size. This is because Sophie has a much longer neck than Maisie. Now you might say this is of little consequence but I would disagree. You have to remember that Maisie has to fit into this dress, which is why they can’t put a tall collar on the dress because her neck isn’t long enough. Also Sansa has other dresses that have high collars on them for example her wedding dress to Tyrion did. So if this was a dress made for Sansa it would make more sense to keep the high dramatic collar that has throwbacks to her previous outfits. The devil is in the details as they say.
Speaking of details something else I noticed is the necklace that comes with the dress. Again looks just like the neck chain Sansa wears.
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But if we look closer there are some differences. For example the fact that Sansa’s chain only has one chain dangling down. The necklace with the golden dress has two. To me it looks like the two threads that hang down from the neck of Arya’s Braavosi outfit. Another detail is that the circle at the top is much smaller than Sansa’s
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If you look at the three necklaces side by side you can see that the circle on Sansa’s are like twice the size. Also the chain unlike Sansa’s ones does not pass through the circle. There is something in the centre of the circle but unfortunately due to the quality of the photo when I zoom in I can’t make out what it is. Also the band of the circle is alot thicker/ wider than Sansa’s. But it got me to thinking what is there is Arya’s storyline that could be represented by a circle?
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Maybe a coin? The size of the circle is much closer to the size of the coin than it is Sansa’s chain. If you look at the coin it does have a thick band around the outside and then the emblem in the centre which mirrors the necklace. Now like I said I can’t make out what is at the centre of the necklace but it does make me wonder if it’s suppose to represent this coin which after all played a very important part in Arya’s journey.
Another small but I think significant detail about this necklace are the two pendants.
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Like I said Sansa’s only has the one chain and the one pendant so I feel like there must be some significance to the fact that this one has two. There’s also the fact that the pendants on this one are a completely different shape to hers. She had a very long, sharp triangular pendant but these are circular almost like teardrops or...
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Bottles of poison? Jaqen H’gar gives Arya two bottles of poison during her time in Braavos. The first is what starts her journey into becoming No One, she doesn’t use it instead deciding to kill Meran Trant which leads to her going blind and all the rest. The second is what ends her journey as No One. This was the one that was meant for Lady Crane which again she does not use instead breaking away from the Faceless Men and deciding to be Arya Stark again. Another important part of her journey and story. So I think the two pendants represent those two bottles of poison.
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Now look at the position of the gems on the dress and how along with the leaves they create an illusion of a fishing net. Just like the net that Arya wore around the top of her skirt in this image. It’s another small but interesting detail that links into Arya’s story.
Lastly I want to look at the necklines
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As you can see when you compare the neckline of Sansa’s to the gold dress her’s is alot wider. I also think it might be lower on Sansa’s.
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Yet as you can see from this neckline its got some similarities in shape, its narrower like the gold dress and it has that lower collar that frames the neck.
But this is the really important part. There is some significance to this particular outfit its the one she’s wearing when she says she’s Arya Stark of Winterfell and I’m going home. That scene was an important turning point for Arya and it was very similar to a scene of Sansa’s which just happened to be when Sansa was wearing her raven dress. The importance about these scenes were that they not only were the beginning of both girls journey home but they marked the start of a new chapter of both girls stories.
Something else that I think is significant is that we only ever actually see Sansa in that dress once for a couple of episodes at most. Also its unlike any of her other dresses. In fact if you took away that one dress she wore and tried to compare Sansa’s typical outfits to this golden dress you actually wouldn’t find many similarities. Also this dress while more ladylike than Arya’s other clothes still isn’t what a typical Lady would wear. It’s just a little bit too badass. Particularly with the shoulders which look very much like armour. You could even say that the position of the gems and leaves look a little like scaled chain mail like the Blackfish used to wear which would make a connection with her mothers Tulley side. What do I think this means? Well I think it means Arya will marry Gendry and become the Lady of Storms End or possibly they might even both end up on the Iron Throne together I think this is a dress fit for a Queen don’t you? But just as the dress isn’t a typical Lady’s dress Arya won’t be a typical Lady. There have been other representatives who have the title Lady but who were still utter badasses I mean Lady Lyanna Mormont anyone. I see no reason why Arya can’t be the same. Also it wouldn’t be that weird for Arya to wear a dress that has a connection to Sansa, she is her sister. Also in the past the show has made connections between family members using the fashion of the show.
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Like here for example where all three Stark Ladies had similar necklines and colours. Or here
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when both Sansa and Caitlyn had virtually identicle button pins. Which they both wore to dreadful weddings. It’s not just the Starks they’ve done it with either Joffrey had thorns and roses woven through his crown when he married Margery to connect him with house Tyrell. Sansa had lions embroided on her dress when she married Tyrion to connect her with the Lannisters. Then there were the numerous lion pendants that got passed around various characters. So it could just be that Arya is wearing a dress that looks like one of her sisters just because its like one of her sister’s and the show want’s the audience to make that connection between Sansa the Lady and Arya whose about to gain the title of Lady.
Seeing that dress actual gave me alot of hope. Like in my opinion it would make no sense at all for anyone other than Arya to wear a dress of golden leaves. It’s obvious that the dress comes from and is heavily influenced by the song ‘My Featherbed’. The only and I really do mean the only female character that has a connection to that song that is in the series is Arya. Therefore I am now very confident that the dress belongs to Arya and that she will marry Gendry. Now this post is once again as is typical of my posts getting on a bit so I am going to cut it off here. However I will be in a little while posting an analysis of the song My Featherbed and how I think it guarantees us a Gendraya end game and why it could be a clue that Arya despite her insistence that she’s not a Lady will become one if anyone is interested in that. I do think we need alot more positivity in the tag so I’m here to sprinkle some cheer me up fairy dust all over this tag. Let me know what you guys think about the dresses. Which is your favourite? Who do you think they belong to? And do you think they are wedding dresses or for some other occasion?  
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suicidalcatz · 5 years
Pairing : Jake Kiszka x reader
Genre : College AU
Previous parts : Prologue, Chap 1, Chap 2, Chap 3, Chap 4, Chap 5, Chap 6, Chap 7, Chap 8, Chap 9, Chap 10, Chap 11, Chap 12
Masterlist : here
AN : The bitch is back, it’s me, I’m the bitch. How are you ? Good I hope! In this chapter, you go back to school, reunite with the boys, and Josh has plans for the lot of you. I’m having troubles writing these days, so forgive me if I’m a bit late starting next week, I’ll do my best. I have plenty of ideas, I just feel like I’m writing like a 8 yo these days, you know ? So we’ll see. Thanks for your support, feel free to message me anytime or send me anon stuff !
Chapitre 13 : What happened ?
Christmas Holiday wasn't that soothing. Teachers didn't care about it, and gave us a substantial amount of homework. Snow refused to fall, letting the outside air dry and the days getting darker and darker. All my friends were with their families anyway so there wasn't anything to do except staying warm at home, stuffing my stomach with food and listening to the everlasting rerun of Home Alone while painting quietly next to the heater. Despite the weather it was comforting. The whole place smelled like food, and each and every houses in the street shined in the night with vibrant lights. The boys had both texted me with greetings and pictures of their colorful tree, letting me take a peak at their home, like a peeping tom trying to get a glimpse in between the curtains. A member of their family must've taken the picture because the twins were posing next to the huge tree, wearing their traditional ugly sweaters as Josh had mentioned before. Jake was holding Josh on his shoulders, purposely looking silly with a big toothy grin on his face, while Josh was dangerously reaching out to put the golden star on top of the highest branch, looking like he was screaming when the picture had been taken.
It had been a week and I missed them already. And the thought of getting them presents was knocking more and more at the door of my mind. We didn't live in the same city at all afterall so we sure didn't have the same souvenirs... Lost in thought, I played with Jake's rings, idly making them turn around my fingers as they were too big for them. The boy had forgotten them at the top of Mandy and I's fridge after our paint fight. When I saw they were still where he had left them, the urge to take them with me to play with them at all times was too big for me to resist. Removing one from my index finger, I studied it, enjoying the way it rolled between my digits. Of course I'll give them back to him, but in the meantime maybe that'll help with the Christmas present...
Coming back to school after the holidays was always a challenge, but after New Year's Eve it was even worse. We all went back two or three days sooner in order to unpack, get re-accustomed to living in the dorms and finish our homework, for some of us who had more space to work here than at their home. Even with the only presence of the dorms' residents, campus looked like a scene from The Walking Dead, and the twins were no exception. They already seemed to enjoy booze a little too much for their own good on a regular basis, so I didn't even wanted to think about how they partied for New Year's Eve. Despite their excitment to see us again when we met in the morning, Josh still looked slightly drunk, and Jake had purple bags under his eyes like he didn't sleep in years. Everybody melted together in a tight group hug, Mandy by my side and a twin on each of my shoulders, exchanging « I missed you »s and « Happy New Year »s. They didn't let us any time to recover though, as Josh had the fantastic idea to organize a private Christmas party in his room. Jake blinked at him, looking like he didn't know about it in the slightlest until just now.
- I really missed ya, y'know ? So I thought we should arrange a party, just for us.
- Should we exchange gifts ?, asked Mandy.
- I already have some for you, shrugged Josh as if it was normal.
That info made Jake's eyebrows rise so much they nearly disappeared in his hairline, further proof that he was learning that at the same time as we were. Mandy, on the other hand, was now stressed out because she had no idea what to give them. Man they were already tiring me and school hasn't even started yet.
Jake accompanied us downtown to shop, trying to be discreet everytime something behind the showcase of a store piqued his interest, while Mandy directly asked him what he wanted and which gift Josh would like better. That's how I found myself between these two, not having found the good timing to tell them I already had gifts for the lot of them. At some point I had try to offer Josh my help with the decoration of the room but he heavily insisted that he handled the situation before dismissing me. The boy looked way too excited and it only meant two things ; either his family spiked their cookies or he had an idea in mind. I had a bad feeling about this.
- Mama, can you come here a sec ?
In the paved road, Jake stood in front of an illuminated jewelry store, beanie in head and hands buried in his jacket pockets, asking for me to come closer with a movement of his chin. We both glanced at Mandy who was nowhere to be seen, probably visiting a store and browsing everything that was on their shelves.
- What do you think ?, he said while keeping his eyes on a cute necklace.
It wasn't an expensive jewelry store, and it didn't look like the others either. Nothing in gold or with diamonds, instead they seemed to specialize in stones and cristals in all their forms. Following his gaze, I found resting on a rack a small purple pendant made of a stone I didn't recognize hanging on a silver chain.
- I think it's beautiful.
- Yeah ? Come, let's try it on you so I can have a better idea.
A rush of warmth surrounded us as soon as he pushed the door open, making the bell attached to it ring, announcing our entrance. Stones of every color from every country decorated the shelves, either mounted on jewelry or unembellished, resting on baskets and sorted by genre. Jake was quick to explain what he wanted once the seller came to us, letting me no time to play with agates and reading their properties. With great care, she took the collar out of its rack and waited for me to open my jacket, showing my bare neck for her to attach it around.
- It looks pretty, she said in a half-sincere, half-selling tone.
Two pairs of eyes were scrutinizing me as I stood unmoving with a uncomfortable smile on my face, not really knowing what to do. Did it gave him a better idea of what it'd look like on Mandy ? Or was I just standing there looking like a fool ? After several seconds of watching my bare neck, Jake finally nodded.
- Yeah, it'll look good on her. I'll take it. Can you go out to make sure she's not coming our way, doll ?
Obliging, I found my way on the street again, crossing it as I buttoned my coat, catching a glimpse of Mandy's silhouette in a clothing store, way more crowded than the shop I was just seconds ago. Waiting in line to checkout and giggling excitedly, she showed me the colorful knee socks she had found for Josh, as well as a bottle of aged honey whisky for Jake. I rolled my eyes at that. Weren't they drinking enough already ? However, she was spot on, I was sure the boys were gonna love their gifts. Queuing was always a pain, fortunately for us now that the holidays were over, people had fewer reasons to shop and sales had begun, which pushed Mandy to drag me to the nearest shop to buy a dress for our get together tonight. Unsold sparkly New Year's Eve dresses were all over the place, cheaper than ever, and what my roomie believed was a golden opportunity. And maybe she was right, I mean even between friends, it was still a party, and I enjoyed being dressed accordingly to where I was going, even if Josh didn't specified a dress code (thank goodness). The sun was already setting by the time we got out of the store with huge paper bags around our arms, only to find Jake at the other side of the road chatting with two girls. Mandy frowned at that.
- Since when does he have other friends than us ?
- MANDY !, I exclaimed while smacking her arm. Maybe they're from his class or something, I don't know. Should we join them ?
- Why wouldn't we ?
Without further ado, she crossed the paved avenue and in a heartbeat, was already making conversation with the girls while I dragged myself to the small group, not really wanting to meet them. One of them was all smiles and laughs and kept putting her hand on his arm which made me both pissed and uneasy. Part of me knew he was taken anyway so I didn't care, but apart from this limited portion of reason, every other fiber of my body got shaken by a sudden wave of jealousy at how close to him they were standing. My only need right now was to grab his arm and pull him away from those two. The most unreasonable and egotistic part of me even screamed that if I couldn't have him then no one could. This one represented only a mere percent, as I wasn't insane and knew it was all jealousy talking. The thing with Jake is that you could never know if he was interested or flirting back because of the Kiszka Gene. Even if he wasn't as flamboyant as his twin who acted like flirting was as vital to him as breathing, he still had that charming aura, with his smirk, low voice and light chuckles.
- Will you play again ?
- I don't know, replied Jake honestly, but we'd love to !
Noticing we were waiting for him, the brunette excused himself and we all grabbed a Uber to go home. So this was the reason why they were fawning over him. Maybe it was naive but it never occured to me before that this could have been the aftermath of their concert. Yet it made perfect sense, they were gifted, handsome young men, how could girls not hit on them ? Especially after that guitar solo. And while it made me nervous, I was also overcome with a sense of pride. They were becoming popular on school ground, will probably make a ton of friends now, Josh will find someone to love, that is if he wanted to, and it was just the beginning. More festivals were awaiting  them, and with their talent they could no doubt play in bars too. I knew they wouldn't replace us or forget about us, even if a tiny sentiment of dread kept creeping its way to my head making me think that, maybe, they'd find some more interesting people to hang out with.
Taking this very seriously, Josh denied any of us the entry to his room, texting Jake to hang out with Sam and Danny, and us to wait for his signal. Poor Jake couldn't come with us because we had to change and wrap our gifts, which we did rapidly in order to be ready when Josh called, but the man took so long we were half lying on the kitchen table for an hour when my phone rang and he shouted excitedly in my ear, making me lose 70% of my earing ability in the process.
Rummaging noises came from the other side of the door when we stood there waiting in front of it, Mandy sometimes knocking to make sure everything was alright before Josh replied screaming it was FINE.
- What the hell is he doing, I giggled, planting a Christmas tree ?
We burst out laughing imagining it before realization came to us and Mandy knocked some more,  this time both with urgence and anticipation asking him to open the door. They were both yelling through the it by the time Jake arrived, already chuckling at the sight, a colorful paperbag in hand.
- What's going on here ?
The instant he stepped into my field of view my eyes instantly followed every one of his movements, completely captivated by the sight. He looked stunning, less pale than this morning, with his hair brushed and neatly resting on his shoulders, wearing a black striped suit that matched the shape of his body, making him look taller, slimmer. Before Mandy could explain what was happening, Jake took in the sight of us, in party dresses, looking positively surprised. The boy turned to me, studying the details of my face and makeup, then the classic little black dress I had put on.
- You look very pretty.
He didn't say it out loud, and Mandy didn't notice because she was back to her shouting anyway, letting me startled and stupefied, mouth agape. The heat that came rushing to my face made me snap out of it and a shy « thank you » escaped from my lips, face looking the over way. As a new habit, my fingers rubbed together in order to make the rings turn around them, and it's how I realized I wasn't wearing them because I had to give them back to Jake. His brother took this opportunity to slam the door open, interrupting me at the same time. Big smile on his lips, he looked good in his dark slacks and navy blue shirt that for once was buttoned up. Always the charming one, Josh complimented us on our dresses and hair, looking at it carefully and asking us to come in first, taking us both by the hand. It looked... fantastic. Little « woah »s were murmured as we entered the unrecognizable room. Scented candles were spreading a sweet and spicey perfume in the air. The walls were decorated with shiny stars and socks full of candy canes. Light strings glowing dimly crossed the room, hanging from the ceiling. A big Christmas tree had found its place in a corner, near the desk now full of pastries and bottles of various rather posh alcohols like champagne and wine. Slow Christmas songs played faintly as background noise and the kitchen table had been moved to the bedroom, where Josh's presents were already waiting patiently under the tree to get unwrapped. I couldn't believe my eyes, nor that the boy would put so much effort into this party.
Mandy sniffed the air.
- Did you cook ?
- Yes I did, please have a seat.
The cheerful boy excused himself before disappearing into the kitchen, his movements being followed by distant rattling noises while we did as ordered. Noticing the petticoat of my dress getting caught in the edge of the chair, Jake pulled it for me, like a true gentleman.
- I swear I don't know what got into his head, he mumbled while unbutonning his suit jacket. He's been really gleeful all week end. I have no idea what's cooking and won't ever be in peace until I find out.
It made us three laugh but Jake had a point, I noticed that Josh was way too joyous all of a sudden and doubted it was solely from the pleasure of our reunion. The curly haired boy was so excited he almost tripped on the carpet while carrying the mashed potatoes bowl, and I could see Jake's stress level rise in the corner of my eye, from where he sat next to me completely still. Even though Josh had planned enough food to feed an entire regiment and always insisted to fill our plates, we had a pleasant dinner. It was no surprise the Kiszkas were chefs now, the meals were as good as in a restaurant, and the bottles Josh chose to accompany them matched perfectly, creating great combinations of flavors. We were just tipsy enough for our cheeks to color, giggling excitedly together, screaming and messing around, playfully teasing or mocking each other. Despite the good natured atmosphere, I could sense that Jake was forcing it just a tad too much. His toothy grins fell quickly every time he thought no one was watching, and when he took a sip of his glass of wine the dark bags under his eyes made me worry a bit. His face was still very pale and when he wasn't beaming it looked like something entirely else was on his mind, and not something positive judging by the number of times he got lost in thought during a conversation.
By the time Josh brought the cake to our table we were half dead, stuffed to the gills, all groaning in chorus, pain settling in our stomachs just by imagining having to make more room in there.
- Can you guys give me a hand to clean this mess ?, asked the older twin.
- Yeah of course !, Jake and I replied at the same time.
- Can you wash the dishes while Mandy and I clean and push back the table ?
Without further ado, we took the remaining dessert plates to the kitchen, letting water fill the sink while Jake removed his striped jacket, rolling up his sleeves to his elbows before taking place next to me and grabbing the sponge. And while at first we were playing with water and splashing each other with it in a childish manner, the room became rapidly quiet. It's when I witnessed Jake rubbing the same dish for several seconds, completely disconnected from reality, that I stepped in.
- Tell me.
Seemingly remembering where he was but not completely knowing what he missed, the brunette sent me a lost look.
- « I can see there's something bothering you », I mimicked with an overly rough voice, remembering the time he said the same thing to me few weeks ago.
- It's nothing.
Now that made me frown. Even someone who didn't know him could tell by his somber attitude that something was up. Carefully placing another glass on the shelf, I wiped my hands and turned to him.
- Did something happen during Christmas Holiday ? You barely talked about it. Oh, or are you too shy to tell me how your date with Mina went ?
Even if it pained me to evoke this topic with him, talking about something that he loved was my best shot at making him cheer up. However, my jiggly eyebrows and mischevious elbowing were a total failure.
- It's over.
Refusing to look me in the eye, Jake cleared his throat, casually grabbing another fork as if it didn't matter at all and we were just discussing the weather. That made me froze.
- What ?, was all I could muster, voice now low, barely audible.
The boy sighed, probably recalling the memories, speaking with an artificial tone as if he already told this story too many times.
- We went to the restaurant and she told me we needed to talk. That she couldn't be with me anymore. That she felt we were growing apart from each other. That every time I was with her, I wasn't really there, and that we had less and less things in common. Basically that I'm a shitty boyfriend that doesn't have any time for her, and she left before even ordering anything.
His hands tightened around the hem of the sink, and I was now the one being uncomfortable, shifting uneasily and scratching the back of my arm. Of all the things he could've told me, I wasn't prepared for that. Jake looked crestfallen, and I didn't know what to do or say to make him feel better. Carefully, I placed a supportive hand on his back, rubbing small circles on the fabric of his shirt, trying to meet his eyes as he kept his head subbornly fixed on the sink before him.
- Hey, I said in the softest tone I possessed. Maybe it's not the end, you know ? Maybe it was just in the spur of the moment and she'll change her mind.
What was I even doing ? Shouldn't I be happy about it ? A lot of people would've been but... I was at this point where seeing him smile, whatever it took, was far more important to me than my personal interests. Jake didn't tense nor tried to get away from me, which was a good sign. The boy simply shook his head, lips a tight line, before our eyes finally met.
- No, she's right. It was over way before that. And I feel stupid for not realizing sooner.
- You're not a shitty boyfriend, Jake. I'm sure you're the best out there.
I wasn't certain we were still on that, but I felt like it was important to point this out. There was absolutely no way I'd let him believe that, or even look down on himself. No way. As his way of saying he got me, Jake offered me a heart warming smile, completely turning to me now while I retrieved my hand off his back.
- I'm not that sad y'know ? I had plenty of time to digest the whole situation and rationalize it. But I gotta admit I like the attention. Won't you rub my back some more ?
As backup to his words, the boy pointed his back my direction, a smirk adorning his features. That earned him a splash of water in the face. I couldn't believe he would tease me in a situation like that ! I was dead serious and concerned about him, yet he found the way to make us both laugh and play with bubbly dishwashing water again, splattering everything on the kitchen counter and dishes we just wiped. It felt good hearing him laugh again, cackling like a maniac while I tried to take shelter behind an open cupboard. His white shirt was completely damp and see-through, pants wet and hair a mess. It didn't take him long to take me out of my hideout though, purposefully pressing his soggy shirt to my dry back, making me screech. Never knowing when to stop, Jake also took great pleasure in messing up my hair, before our shared hilarity made him slip on a patch of water and fall gracefully on his ass. A whole second passed where we studied each other to make sure no one was hurt before my roaring laughter took over me, one arm around my painful stomach and the other pointing at his now completely soaked butt on the ground. Before I knew it, a vengeful Jake had already dragged me in his fall, drenching my dress in dishwashing water. We were still playfully hand fighting when Josh's frame at the door coughed loudly. We both froze in place, shooting our heads to him, Jake lying on the floor with my wrists still secured between his fingers and my face almost completely covered by hair. The sink water was still running, water was everywhere even in some cupboards, the dishtowels were ruined, and the kitchen looked like a typhoon had just visited the place. Eyebrows raised high and arms crossed over his chest, Josh looked like a father who'd just witnessed his two kids wrecking havoc at home and was thinking hard of a way to punish them.
- Mandy !, Josh called behind him. You were right, they ruined the kitchen !
- Told you, they did the same to ours with paint, came Mandy's reply in the other room.
A sheepish grin spread on both of our faces, and Josh couldn't contain his, shaking his head in disbelief. He disappeared into the bedroom after telling us to clean our mess, because it was what we were supposed to do in the first place, leaving us sitting face to face in a puddle of water, still giggling like children.
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edyacouky · 5 years
Journey to the Past (2/10)
Hi! Here the next chapter.
I can’t guarantee that the other chapters will be publish with the same rate.
Hope you will like this chapter too.
Don’t hesitate tell me what you think ^ω^
Can be read on AO3
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For Just Jay, there is a before and an after he meets Princess Al Ghul.
Before, there is only darkness, emptiness.
He wakes up on a mattress on the ground, with a tiny blanket on his body. The air is so heavy and so wet that he feel too hot with the dark green tunic he’s wearing. His head hurts, all his body hurts to be honest. He wanted to sit but he feel too dizzy.
He don’t know why but he feel the need to put his hand on his chest and panic because of the lack of something. He didn’t know what, but the fact that it wasn’t there terrified him more than the pain and the unknown room. When finally his fingers touch a necklace, only then he start to breathe again.
He doesn’t know why. He doesn’t understand his reaction. He can’t even tell what the pendant is, because his vision is too blurring.
But with it around his neck and the pendant on his fist, he feels safe.
With the days, his body feels better and many people, servant they said, ask him question he doesn’t know the answer.
What’s your name?
Where did you come from?
Do you know who and where your family is?
Do you know where you are?
One time when one of the servant try to force him give a name, he yells:
-Jay what?
-Don’t know. Just Jay.”
This simple exchange provoke him terrible headaches and disorientation. He takes him several days to calm down.
He never see this servant again.
Mostly this part of his life was lonely. After this incident, the servants spoke to him one or two words and leave the room. They lock the door, they said it was for his security –he was easily disoriented-, and the time they knew if he is an ally or not, so Jay never knew anything behind the door.
Until she appears.
It must have been six months he was isolated, when a beautiful woman wearing expensive and gorgeous dress and jewelries enters in his room to sit on the bed.
Jay was so subjugated that he didn’t even try to stand up.
“Do you know who I am and where you are? She asks him gently
-No. The servants never answer my questions and I don’t recognize you or this place. He answer her honestly
-I am Princess Talia Al Ghul. She does a pause but Jay doesn’t react. And you are on our Azraq Palace at 'Eth Alth'eban.”
Jay shrugs before blushing. It’s not like that he should answer to a member of a Royal family. But he is too subjugated by his visitor and the information she gives him. Jay doesn’t understand what 'Eth Alth'eban is exactly, but he feels an unexplained fear.
“Sorry. None of that seems familiar to me.
-That’s ok. She answer caressing tenderly his hair. I understand that you have no memory of your previous life, and considering where we find you it is for the better.
-Where … where did you find me? He dares to ask
-I saw you immerse for a stack of dead bodies throw on a pit, next to a village close to the West frontier.
-But … Is there another survivor? Maybe member of my family…
-There is no hope you still have a family.”
By these direct words, Jay's eyes filled with tears. He tried to hold them back. After all, he had no memory of this village, these people, and his family. What could he be so crying so painfully?
Is that really possible mourning someone you don’t know?
“What … Why did this happen?”
Talia takes Jay’s pendant in her hand.
“Because you’re Jewish. The habitants of this village were all Jewish.
-I … I don’t understand …
-We, the Al Ghul family, are Muslimism, which displease a Jewish faction that want take our throne. Because of them, a civil war against Muslimism and Jewish takes place in 'Eth Alth'eban.
-Will you kill me then?
-I’m not like my father. I don’t believe this is simply Jewish against Muslimism. This is my family against our enemy. If you agree to become an ally, I will let you live to serve me.”
Jay thinks about that. He didn’t miss the fact she didn’t propose him to simply leave this place.
“Where can I go anyway? He though out loud. It will be my pleasure to serve you.
-Good. I will make sure the servants brings you to your new room, gives you a bath and new clothes. Of course, you will have to hide that you’re Jewish. Talia said, her hold on David Star becomes more urging
-I will hide it.” Jay promise unable to let his necklace go
That’s just piece of metal, it’s not more important that his survival. If the Princess wants destroy it or kill him, the choice to do is obvious. But Jay can’t accept that.
He has to take care of that. He doesn’t know why, just that he have to.
“You want to keep it. Why?”
She makes him pass a test, without a doubt.
“I’ll serve you loyalty. He guarantees. It’s just … that the last thing that connect me to my family.
-Did you remember this people?
-No. Jay admits. But it will make me remember that they die, that I should have die with them, if it wasn’t because of your generosity and I should be eternally grateful for that.
-I knew you’re smart. Talia smile after a long pause where she pointy watch his facial expression. I know how to hide it. Let me do.”
Talia stand up, Jay immediately imitate her. She leaves the room without a word, without the pendant. Curiously, Jay doesn’t know what to do. The room were locked again. Maybe he didn’t answer her correctly.
He fears about what will happen to him. He is embarrassing how hard he jumps when the door is open again.
Talia comes back with a pocket and sit on the bed again.
“My mother teach me how to weave a bracelet.” She explains beginning to work
Quietly, Jay sit next to her and after she said she doesn’t need his help, he just look at her movement fingers.
“Now, give your necklace.”
Jay obeys and Talia resume her work. Second by second, the David Star disappears between green and gold strings.
“Your wrist now.”
Talia finish the bracelet by attached it around Jay’s wrist.
“I use some colored piano string. She finally said. You should lost it and then your secret is safe.
-Thank you so much.
-Now it’s time for a bath and new clothes.”
She opens the door and the servants take Jay with him.
After his meeting with her, he becomes someone, a loyal servant, a warrior who will not hesitate die for his Mistress. He gain a purpose.
He never really understands how lucky he gets. Not only the Princess saves him despite being an anonymous and a Jewish, but he also lives a comfortable life in the Azraq Palace.
Once Jay was clean and dressed, the Princess introduces him a little seven years old boy with an irritated frown.
“This Damian Al Ghul, not only my son but the heir of our family. Till this day, you will train to become his Shadow, his protector and his teacher.
-Everything to please you, my Princess. Jay swears
-Tt! He’s look incompetent.” The little Prince grunts
Jay doesn’t remember if he was good with the kids in his village, but he is sure that this one will complicated him his life.
For three years, Jay keeps his words. He takes every training she wanted him to do seriously
It turns out he has already some notion in fighting. When he reports it to Talia, hoping, she will see a sign that she was right to trust him, her reaction chills his blood.
“You must have been some kind of child-soldier for one of this extremist.”
Instead of seeing he is already able to protect her child, she sees a potential threat.
After, he never dares tell her anymore how his lessons were going on, unless she explicitly asks him.
He compensates by taking really seriously his mission to take care of the Prince, and teaches him as many things he knows. His apparent important heteroclite general culture and his mastery of different languages are really useful.
Someday when he can’t keep sleep, he thinks that maybe his knowledge and his survival are the proofs it is his destiny take care of the young Prince.
With only that to believe, he even never asks why she always makes him stay to the Azraq Palace and not make him follow her everywhere she goes, at least to the Akhdar Palace where the royal family is supposed to live. He never asks why Talia’s son, heir of 'Eth Alth'eban, Damian Al Ghul lives mostly alone in the isolated Azraq Palace.
This Wednesday is the tenth birthday of Damian. Jay is eighteen years old for four month. The first hours happen like every day.
Jay wake up at four a.m. he start his day by running for one hour, after that he takes a bath using the essential oil that Princess Talia keeps offer him.
He loves taking a long hot bath, he always feel well rested, empty of all his worries and it’s helping him with his chronical headache.
When he is dressed, he goes to the kitchen. He eats something and he takes the Prince Damian’s breakfast that he brings to his room. He puts the meal tray on the nightstand, then he opens the curtains to let the sun enters.
“It was time. Damian grumbles. It’s been an hour that I’m awake.
-For the last time, my Prince. No one stop you to open yourself your curtain and asks to the kitchen to bring your meal earlier. Jay said putting the meal tray on Prince’s lap
-Ttt! So I should do your job? Damian argues before hiss when Jay prevent him to eat
-What do we say?
-Are you kidding? When will you finally treat me like your superior and not like a child?
-Either when you will be taller than me, or when you won’t be a ten year old brat anymore. Happy birthday by the way.”
The Prince tries to hide it but he happily grins when he saw that Jay remember which day it is.
“Now, what do we say if we want to eat?
-Don’t upset the Prince who could easily order your execution?
-Wrong answer. One try left.
-Thank you, Jay.”
Damian tries long ago to not obey to Jay, but not only the servant have his mother’s favor, he is also pretty stubborn and he is not impressed by Damian’s tittle. It must be for that his mother decides make Jay is shadow.
“You’re welcome.”
And that Damian will never admit it out loud but, Jay is also a good man who helps him feel less lonely and happier.
Jay gives him then a gift wrapped in newspaper with a piece of string.
“Sorry for the gift wrap. I did with what I had.
-It’s as much as expected from you.”
Damian opens it and found an illustrated book about dogs.
“Until you have one.
Jay found quickly Damian’s love for animals and he tried to convince Talia to let him have a pet, but until now she always refuses. He hope his simple gift will help Damian feel a little less disappointed by the perspective of a new year without have a dog.
When the Prince has finished eating, Jay helps him to get dressed so he can start his lessons.
On the morning, it’s training to become a feared warrior. Damian must be unbeatable. Wednesday, his teachers teach him how to manipulate firearm.
At midday, the Princess and the Prince eat together with people loyal to Talia. This day it is also the Prince Birthday’s meal where every guests have to prove their loyalty through the present they give to him.
All the gifts Damian received are expensive, decorated by gold and gems, weapons.
No children’s books or pets like the little Prince dreams in secret. But he is a perfect heir and politely thanks everyone.
On the afternoon, Damian’s lessons are to perfect his knowledge. History, Language, Physic, Biology, Music etc. Damian must know everything. Since he is not only educated, but also a really smart genius boy, Damian is a brilliant student who could become a brilliant King.
During each minute of this day, Jay follows the Prince, well like his Shadow.
The dinner is the only meal that is intimate. Only the family.
Jay waits behind the door they finish so he can put Damian in his room, before he can eat.
He is used to it by now and it doesn’t bother him anymore to stand up without nothing to do. The Al Ghul are pretty quiet kind of people, beside the clashing of the fork and knife and whisper, there is silent.
For this reason, Jay notices immediately when something was abnormal.
Talia looks at his son. She remembers when he was still a happy baby, how he laughs at the most incongruous things. Of course, she was already know that he will not stay that way, she can let him be so frivolous. He will not survive his family by being one joyful optimistic. It’s really break her heart to have to break his.
Especially when she saw him pout with sad eyes while he treats his vegetables like they’re some disgusting enemies.
If only they have could be just the two of them. Or maybe …
No. She makes her choices years ago and she have no time or interest in regret.
“How were you lessons today?
-Instructive. My teachers all say that I progress easily and they soon will have nothing to learn me.”
His lessons are never enjoyable. They are never something he will gladly rant about.
Talia despair the lack of communication between her son and her, but she knows a King shouldn’t be talkative.
“As I expected from you.”
Sometimes, Damian wants to ask at his mother if she is proud of him, even a little. But when he was a foolish five years old kid, he did asks her that, she simply answers:
“You shouldn’t ask directly something you deeply want the answer. Now that I know what you want I can easily manipulate you. Do you want your enemies manipulate you like a puppet before they kill you?”
So he never asks her anything else after that.
Talia is talking about which lessons Damian will have in the next months when a breeze stops her.
All the windows is supposed to be locked.
A quickly glance at the room, allow her to find which one has been open and to see the barrel of a gun aims at her son.
Without a hesitation, she throw one of the knives in the opening and place herself in front of her child. She successes plant it on the killer’s shoulder who painfully moans.
-We have to leave. She orders as the same time Jay enters the room
-My Princess, is everything alright?”
They don’t need to answer him, the discover assassin leave his now useless hideout and aims visibly at the Royal Family. Without thinking, Jay takes his own gun and shot him in the head.
“Are you both alright?
-We’re uninjured. Damian answers sharply like he always do to hide his trouble
-We have to leave. Talia orders. This place is not sure anymore.”
At first, Jay thinks she exaggerate, it was only one assassin after all. But progressively the screaming and the sound of a massacre become louder and louder.
“Now.” She yells when neither of the boys moves
They run between the hallway and the bodies, killing everyone who tries to stop them. Jay doesn’t recognize the crest their attackers wear. It looks too similar to the one Talia’s subjects wear so they don’t come from another country, maybe a faction of the government against the Al Ghul.
Jay tries really hard to remember all the crest Talia makes him learn but the screaming, the blood’s scent, seeing the body of all this people he is used to see every day and the running provoke a violent headache. He can’t focus anymore, his body move on his own, knowing that his purpose is to protect Talia and Damian even if it means dying.
Jay and Damian follow Talia who seems to know where they should go. She leads them to an abandoned aisle that served to isolate a concubine denied.
They enter into a room where Talia open a secret door.
Jay’s headache hurt him so much that he can’t see anything for a moment.
“Not time for this! Damian yells at him taking his hand
-I know.” Jay answer
Which when you know enough Damian means:
“Are you alright?
-I’m fine.”
Talia takes Jay’s face on her hands and looks worried at him.
“Your headache.
-I will be able to hold them long enough for you both to escape. He assures
-No. You and Damian will escape. I stay.
-My mission is to protect you.
-This men obey to my father. Talia reveals. They will kill you, but they will spare me.
-I’m not sure about that.
-I don’t care about what you think. You have a debt to pay so you will obey me.
-I will, my Princess. Jay promises despite not believing what she say make sense
-I want you to bring Damian to his father. He will protect him.
-My father is alive? Damian said astonished
-His name is Bruce Wayne, King of Gotham. Talia keeps saying without looking at her son her focus only on Jay. You will bring him to him when I make sure my father follows wrong trail.
Finally, Talia looks at her son.
“You will be brave and make me proud.
-Of course.”
Surprising both of the boys, Talia hugs her son kissing his forehead.
“We will see again.” Damian promises before take the secret passage
While they walk carefully on the dark path, Jay hear the Prince cries. But he says nothing, if he does, then Damian will stop, and the kid deserve to appease his heart.
Jay is surprised when no one is followed them in the tunnel. He decide to take that like a sign that Princess Talia is safe and sound and makes regret this fool to attack her home.
When they immerge, the moon is full on the sky illuminating their path.
“My Prince, you spend more time than I in the Palace surrounding area. Do you know where you are?
-It’s depend. Damian mumbles trying to find familiarity in scenery. If there is a gravestone this way then I will know.”
They walk for a couple minutes before they found it. A little garden was make around it where a bench permit anyone to sit in front of it. On it, Jay read: “Athanasia Al Ghul” with the same date for her birth and her death. The same date that Damian’s birthday.
“My twin sister.”
It’s the only explanation that Damian gives before telling they were in the North West.
Why an unborn Princess has her gravestone in such an isolated place and why did Jay never hear of her before if she was so important make Jay curious. But now, it’s not the time to question Damian about her.
“Good. We’re closer to the frontier than I was hoping. Come, we have to find a shelter and different clothes.
-Mother say we must go to Gotham. Damian retort
-And how are we supposed to do that without food or money for the travel? And our clothes make spot us easily. We have to solve this first.
-Good luck with that. The purpose of the Azraq Palace was to punish by isolation the person send to it. There is no village near it.
-There must have at least the village where the Princess found me.
-And where did she find you exactly?
-I never ask. Jay admits suddenly angry with himself. We have to walk anyway. Come.”
They walk for a week without found any shelter. They drink in the river, eat so berries. They are tired and Jay, when his headache let him thinks, worries that Damian will be sick sleeping outside each night. The only good point is that they clothes are so dirt that they are less recognizable.
“I don’t understand why you want go this way! Damian grumbles. You make us move away for the main road where we could easily find merchant or a vehicle.
-And it will be easier for the King to find us.” Jay answer but the true is he just feel they have to go this way
But if he starts to say to Damian he should obey at what Jay’s instinct tells him, the Prince will definitely stop listen to him.
“But why Grandfather did that? Mother and I are loyal to our family, to our country.
-I don’t understand either. Maybe there is a conspiracy to force the King and the Princess to fight each other. This way they will be weaker in front of another enemy.
-We should have stay with Mother, then. And help them to fight against this enemy.
-You’re too just ten, my Prince. Every people who seems loyal to you, they are because it’s a way to prove their loyalty to your Mother and Grandfather. But if the Princess is right, you could find a real ally in your father.
-If it was true she will not have tell me he was dead. Damian complains
-My Prince, I’m sure she did that to protect you. The King Wayne is Jewish. With the actual conflict, it could make an easy target for both sides.
-Maybe Grandfather attacks us for that. Maybe he learned who my Father is.
-Maybe. Jay admits
-Does that make me Jewish?
-Depends of the way of thinking. Some people think a child can be Jewish only by their mother, some that the father’s belief should count. In Gotham, I think that they adhere to the first idea.
-Should I be Jewish?
-Why? Jay asks confused. You never seem to have doubt in your Muslim faith.
-I have no doubt in my faith. But if I want my Father to help me, should I be Jewish?
-Don’t think it will be necessary. His heir, Prince Richard, isn’t Jewish after all.”
All this conversation offers to Damian many things to think about. So he stays silent, for less than half hour before he whines again about their situation.
They keep walking like that, Jay trusting his gut and Damian complaining with every step he makes, for at least three more days. When suddenly Damian disappears in the ground.
“Prince!” Jay yells terrified
He follows where Damian fell to discover there was a little downhill dirt road become slippery by the rain.
“Prince are you alright?
-Yeah I’m fine! Damian exclaims with mud covering him from head to toe. And I just found a shelter.”
Effectively, hidden behind the vegetation there is a cottage as modest as you can expect the rich people who order its construction to be. This building is more simple than the palace but still pretty impressive despite being abandoned.
“Yes, you did, My Prince. Congratulations.” Jay say happily to him
Despite being more than glad they found a hideout that can protect them for the weather, with maybe warm clothes and some canned food, Jay can’t help himself but feel like he know this place, like it was what he was looking for. But that can’t be. Before living in the Palace, he was living in a humble village far away from here.
“Maybe God has pity of them.” He forces himself to believe touching his bracelet before they go inside
They enter in a bathroom by a broken window. With little hope, Jay turns the faucet but no water fall.
“It will have be too good. Jay sighs. At least there are some towels. Stay here and start to clean yourself. I will find some clothes.
-I can come with you.
-No. Stay here. And if you heard any suspicious sound you leave. Understood?
-Understood.” Damian growls taking the towel Jay gives him
Carefully, Jay leaves the bathroom to explore the next room. Like he supposed, it’s a bedroom. A kid bedroom it seems with different toys laying around. Fortunately, there is still clothes on the closet and they are Damian’s size. Nothing big enough for him, he has to search on another room.
“Takes this. He orders to Damian. I will go back searching something for me. You stay here.”
And without letting Damian contradicted him, Jay leaves him again to find the parental bedroom.
When he’s in here there still has some clothes that were belonging to the father, he supposes. Quickly, he comes back to the bathroom where Damian is cleaner and change.
“Did you see the kitchen? Damian asks while Jay use another towel to remove some dirt on his face and hand
-Not yet. But the people who lived here seems have abandon this place in a hurry. I’m sure we will find something to eat before sleep one hour or two.
-We shouldn’t stop here more than necessary. Damian contradict
-Sleeping is a necessity. How can we run or fight efficacy if we are too tired.
-Really my Prince I don’t understand how you can be against a bed. It’s may be the last we will find before we arrives to Gotham.”
Once Damian agree to Jay’s logic and that they both dressed, they go search for the kitchen, ready to use their weapon if needed.
“Over there. Jay said when Damian was going on an opposite direction that Jay indicates
-I think that it’s this way.
-Well you’re wrong.
-How do you know?
-That’s more logical.” Jay answers even if, again, he just listens to his instinct
While they walk on a hallway, something catches Jay’s attention on a room to his right. From the corner of his eyes, he sees the frame of a painting.
“That’s the King Wayne. He said without a doubt. Do you want to see it?
-How did you know?” Damian asks again more and more confused by Jay’s comportment
Effectively, the painting was covered by an opaque black sheet.
“I know.”
But if he is sure about what is paint, he doesn’t know what happen to him. But he have to see this painting closely. Despite the pain of his headache, he hears it calls him.
He enters in the room, followed by Damian. He has his hand on the sheet ready to remove it when a voice surprising him.
“Who are you and what are you doing here?”
An arrow was aimed in their direction.
Jay immediately put himself in front of Damian, forgetting the sheet that fall and the King’s painting that is revealed.
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margaretlouise · 5 years
Amber Rose fantastic transformation from an early time to the present
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From Modeling, acting, listening to business ventures, she has been among the sexiest and most talked about socialites in the previous ten years, all thanks to her hot body and exceptionally sexy" Size H" breasts!
Because of her Self-proclaimed"REAL" boob size, she is confessed to countless her social networking followers she desired a breast reduction operation as she had been experiencing pain, and followed through with the process also! All the secrets of plastic surgery for successful people are here!
But, Not a lot of fans took her voice for it, and a few said it was a justification so she could get rid of the breast implants that she is placed indoors from years back.
So is she body fake or real? Chin, and so forth?
Well...let us find out!
Before & After Photographs
To Ascertain, if Amber has any cosmetic procedures done during her lifetime, we will have to see the way she looks like before and then she became renowned. This ought to tell us if she has ever seen a plastic surgeon.
Early Days
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12 years of age. You can see that she was able to get jagged teeth. This tells us that she has undergone dental cosmetics like dentures, dental hygiene and gum extraction operation to repair her teeth contour.
Teen Years
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If you have been wondering how Amber Rose seems looked she was Youthful in her teenagers, this picture will certainly satisfy your interest. Additionally, this is evidence that she isn't black, therefore no skincare, skincare, nothing! Furthermore, she's instead a plump lip, so it is improbable that she will require any lip shots later on in your life.
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Following Amber's parents divorced, she, along with her mum Dorothy Rose became displaced. She was just 15 but chose to work in a strip club that they could endure. This is a photo of her maybe at 18 decades old with long curled hair, a fashion that we do not see often.
As you can see, she has a reasonably large bust size today, So she had been born with naturally large breasts, or she has had a boob job comparatively ancient. Though this next picture appears to tell us another story...
Here is another image of Amber in her early maturity. Again, she has beautiful hair (YES!) And judging from her cosmetics; she has developed a fantastic sense of using makeup.
Additionally, based on the natural appearance from the very top of her Cleavage, it does not seem she's fake breasts. Given that the cup size, along with the silicone contours that they used back in these times, you could tell these aren't implants in the marketplace.
The year 2002
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After being motivated by Sinéad O'Connor, Amber chose to Shave her mind when she turned 19 decades old. Tremendously few people enjoyed it initially, and it was only when she dyed her hair blond, the new picture really begun to turn heads and finally became her signature appearance.
Her facial features have stayed constant so much, so There's not been any proof of eyelid operation, using lip fillers or possibly a nose job.
The year 2008
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After going to New York with her mother in 2007, Amber started Wearing a hair wig without the tattoos back then, her pretty body and face contour captured the eye of West and was soon featured in ads for LV and West's sneaker line.
Here is the complete MTV of all Rose inactivity for her first modelling work:
Added a hot element into the movie.
The year 2009
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Blue-green hair, sexy purple lipstick, along with a fitting gold Chain necklace necklaces seen at the Villa Lounge at Los Angeles using a completely new"tank girl" look. She has a beautiful nose form and chin. Thus we highly doubt she will ever require any chin enhancements.
The year 2011
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Amber Rose is not the type of model you would expect to see around the walkway. If she wants to do fashion shows for large brands such as"Victoria's Secret," she then may require liposuction to lose several kilos. Yes, her entire body is a little fat to the supermodel market.
The year 2012
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While there seem to be a few fresh tattoos on her arms, you simply can not dismiss how quite Amber's face lips seem. It is almost like she has cheek implants. Together with the pinkish blush and red lipstick, she is looking as sexy as ever! And just in case you're wondering about her breasts again, these are simply pushed effects.
The year 2013
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After the relationship Wiz Khalifa for two Decades, the couple got married. The new mother may be seen walking around the road in her post-baby appearance and could be forgiven for your fat thighs, stomach, arms, and her double chin.
For their skinny body contour following the weight reduction, Amber took the pure strategy. Rather than having a tummy tuck and lipo, she moved to the diet and workout route. She posted Instagram how hard it had been and losing weight in 3 weeks like some celeb mothers was near impossible.
The year 2014
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Amber filed for divorce together with Wiz Khalife after only one year of the union. Full details, we are not sure, but judging by the appearance on Wiz's face, it seems the writing was on the wall.
You have got to wonder if Amber's bum is actual, but given that she is great friends with Blac Chyna, therefore that we will not be shocked if she has had buttocks implants.
The year 2016
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2016 was a booming year for Amber together with the Launching of her powerful MuvaMoji program, which earned her 4 million bucks.
Just a busty curve in front but also on her buttocks. After seeing this film, somehow, we believe she has needed a Brazilian butt lift. Alright, we understand she has her big butt, however, how her bum contour was"raised" here only look a bit unnatural, aka imitation?
The year 2017
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Rose arrives in the NYLON Young Hollywood Party in AVENUE Los Angeles with long hair while displaying her 36H bra size! Somehow her nose bridge appears skinnier than previous photographs, so can this be the cosmetics or did she went to get a rhinoplasty process?
The fact that she is never shy of speaking about her plastic surgery experience, according to her breast reduction appetite and the Botox movie that she is uploaded, so only"perhaps" it was not a nose job after all.
The year 2018
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Amber followed with her breast reduction process, And this was her response. Paradoxically, her breast size will look smaller because of tight outfit. Health. The body is in ratio and looking good!
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sunshineandfangs · 6 years
Neither a Bang Nor a Whimper
Step 8: Celebrities (actors, musicians, youtubers, etc)
@howeverlongs and @joey-prue
Warnings: Mention of religion/religious institutions in an atypical way. I don’t think it’s offensive, but just in case.
In 2012, the world ended.
Although not in the way the Mayans or doomsday movies would have predicted.
The world didn’t end in dramatic catastrophe, a crumbling of the earth or an asteroid from space. No, the world ended when a seemingly innocuous blonde strode her way onto a live news broadcast.
“Good afternoon,” Caroline said gently, expecting the abrupt jolts from the humans despite her mild tone.
The two news anchors swung their heads to stare at her as did the filming crew and staff. The room was still for a long moment before erupting into a flurry of motion.
Someone sent word to edit out a few seconds of film, hoping the slight delay, even in live broadcasting, would cover it. The two suited anchors, a man and a woman, reoriented themselves to the camera, trying to press on as if nothing odd had happened. All the while several others scrambled toward her as a call to security went out, trying to usher her off set.
Caroline smiled at their attempts pushing them out of the way with the bare minimum of force, moving forward with ease.
Nearing the stage, she could see the broadcasters eyeing her from the corner of their eyes, trying not to look distracted on camera. They were doing a decent job of it, but she would disrupt their efforts all the same.
Vanishing and reappearing behind the two, she pressed a firm hand to each of their shoulders, stopping them from leaping up.
“I am Azrael an Angel of the Creator. Please, call me Caroline.”
They didn’t believe her at first, of course. Even with the minor show of supernatural power. They cut the broadcast, transitioning as best they could to some pre-filmed stock, and tripling their efforts to get her out.
Caroline intoned, her voice reverberating with an odd mix of apparent English and Enochian.
Everyone froze, locked in place by the power of her command. She sighed knowing this would be a struggle. With a casual wave of her hand, she conjured seats for everyone and in the same motion maneuvered every person into one.
Before letting her command fade she stepped away from the two humans she had set her hands on, sensing their spiking terror. Fear wasn’t what she had come for, though she realized some was inevitable.
Another still moment passed, before a weight seemed to dissipate from the room and everyone took a breath. Several tried to lunge from their seats, but found themselves stuck to the cushions, though every other part of them could move find. Soon a majority were shouting, their voices rising in an unintelligible clamor.
With another sigh, Caroline raised her hand, regretful as several flinched back into silence, but capitalizing on the dimmed voices all the same.
“Be not afraid, I will not harm you.”
It was the brunette anchor that spoke up despite the roiling fear Caroline could feel emanating from her.
“How can you tell us that? How can we believe you when we’re at your mercy like this?!”
Caroline turned her focus to the brunette, keeping her expression as friendly as possible. Pointedly, she shifted her gaze lower, settling on the glint of a necklace chain peeking out from the blouse collar. Raising her gaze to meet the woman’s eyes once more, Caroline spoke.
“But you do believe, Susan.”
The woman gasped, reflexively raising a hand to grasp the cross Caroline had eyed. Her lips parted, but no words escaped her.
Shifting in front of her, the woman’s fellow castor interjected.
“Hey! I don’t know what kind of bullshit you’re trying to pull here, but-
The man cut off as her eyes fell on him, the strength of her regard far fiercer than he was expecting.
Caroline incline her head, acknowledging the man’s sentiment.
“Peace, Brendan. Your defense is admirable, but unnecessary. I will not harm any of you.”
Finding his voice, he spluttered. “You already said that! But you can’t honestly expect us to believe you’re an angel?”
She shook her head, blonde curls shifting with the motion. No, she hadn’t expected them to simply believe her. “Not in an instant, no. So, tell me what proof you would ask of me.”
One of the silent onlookers piped up, “What you can’t simply read that from our minds?”
“I could, Joshua.” Caroline continued, ignoring the uneasy shifting. “But it gives you comfort to voice your doubts.”
“Your wings.” Susan peered up at her, hand still clutching her silver cross, voice soft, but surprisingly firm.
“Their entirety would sear away mortal eyes. However…” Caroline let the word hover as she shifted the veil on her true form, a tiny fractional adjustment. Just enough that the shadows of immense wings could be seen spreading out from behind her.
It had taken hours to truly convince everyone and weeks to advance the plans Caroline had descended with. The slight oddity from that afternoon’s news was quickly forgotten until two months later.
Around the world, every mainline news station cut to an image of her face. With a flex of power every other broadcast was hijacked, until over a billion television sets displayed her visage.
“Greetings,” she spoke, her voice universally understood, “I am Azrael an Angel of the Creator.”
A barrage of interviews followed as billions clamored over the truth of her existence. The world shifted as people warred with their faith. Did they believe her? Were they skeptical? Fearful? Angry? Zealots strengthened and weakened in turn and religious institutions saw a flood of new supplicants even as several of those institutions verged on implosion.
But if the regular humans were in turmoil, then the supernatural world was even more so. Many, well-familiar with power plays and feats of magic, were the most skeptical of the so-called angel. And wary. Would she out them to the world? Spearhead a purge of apparent abominations?
“You must admit, the sheer gall is almost impressive, brother.”
Klaus scowled as he peered out the window, mind whirling with plans, running through all the steps he had already taken.
“Enough, Kol,” Elijah admonished, “take this seriously.”
Kol threw his arms wide, pivoting as he turned to face his brothers. “What, you don’t think I am? Do you think I’m so ignorant as to not realize the potential threat of this woman?”
Rebekah interjected before her brothers could really get into it, arms crossed as she peered at Klaus.
“So what’s the plan, Nik?”
He shifted, his eyes sweeping over the tense forms of each of his siblings. Even the newly awoken Finn and rediscovered Freya looked grim.
“As much as I dislike it, surveillance and possible negotiation, for now.”
“And if that fails?”
His eyes glinted gold.
“War, sister.”
“Niklaus Anselson.”
Klaus tensed at the sudden address, expecting neither the name nor the way the syllables rolled together, an echo of his mother tongue.
Pivoting, Klaus displayed none of his wariness even as his eyes took in the blonde “angel.”
“I prefer Klaus, love.”
The woman capitulated without a fight, demeanor portraying nothing but geniality.
“Klaus, then.”
Crossing his arms behind his back, he readied the anchor for a prison world, even as he continued their exchange.
“I must admit, I’m rather curious as to why you’re here. Surely the humans  endlessly request your attention?”
Her face softened as she smiled, appearing surprisingly genuine to his keen senses. “They are a rather eager bunch, yes. But to answer your question, I am here to assure you.”
His eyebrow rose even as his ears caught the rapid approach of his siblings. “Pardon?”
A little smirk curled across her lips, a stark contrast to all the other expressions she had worn. “Oh, I’m quite aware you don’t want a pardon.” The joke garnered no reaction, though he doubted she expected one as she continued on without pause. “You will not win a war with me, and I do not wish to fight one with you.”
He narrowed his eyes, it was only just earlier today that he verbalized his plan for war.
“Then, what is it that you do want?”
Instead of answering, the blonde stepped closer before suddenly turning, eyes landing on each of the places his siblings hid.
“Mikaeldóttir.” She gave a small nod in the direction of Freya. “Mikaelson.” She said as she continued to Finn then Elijah then Kol before shifting to regard Rebekah. “Mikaeldóttir.”
Perhaps it was rash, but the ease with which the blonde detected his siblings alarmed him. Not to mention her knowledge of their history, to call him Anselson of all things. With her attention removed from him, Klaus took the opportunity to hurl the anchor at her feet.
With a sharp crack the orb shattered open, its power whipping through the room and ripping a tear in reality. Energy sparked and discharged in bolts before the tear expanded to consume her form. Her face showed neither surprise nor resistant, and for a heartbeat he worried it would fail.
It didn’t. 
With far less fanfare then its forming, the rip sealed shut around her.
His siblings cautiously padded into the room, each of them eyeing the spot where the woman had been standing. Both she and the orb gone, banished to separate dimensions.
“That was anticlimactic,” Kol uttered.
“Well, I told you I did not wish to fight.”
All of them tensed and whirled to eye where the blonde now casually leaned against the wall behind Klaus, tossing the orb in her hand.
Their eyes flickered to the orb and back to her face, each sensing it was still be-spelled.
Tracking their gazes the fuck-maybe-she-is-an-angel smiled, and with a twist of her wrist warped the anchor from existence.
“Now, maybe we could chat like civilized beings?”
AN: So lots of open questions still. At this point I just have to add it to the pile of “yeah, maybe I’ll write more, maybe...” Apologies I am bad at writing longer pieces. And yeah this got weird I really took “celebrities” and ran with it in a wild direction.
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introvert-dragon · 6 years
FF.net | Ao3
A bread-making Viking AU that's been sitting in my docs. You've been warned.
The Fearless Tribe was having a chaotic yet merry celebration; it was chaotic as they were Vikings, and merry as the whole tribe was having a huge feast in the mead hall for an announcement of a grand alliance coming soon.
Though the same couldn't be said for a certain clanless not-so-Viking named Hiccup Horrendous.
Instead of being gloriously drunk on mead like a normal Viking, Hiccup was baking — like he always did his whole life and all he was going to amount to. Baking. Hiccup only knew how to bake, while other Vikings lived their lives constantly seeking and fighting for glory and honor—rightfully fighting for their place among the Gods in Valhalla.
A place Hiccup had no business with—after all, he was a mere bread-making Viking.
Speaking of bread-making, the honey-glazed bread the Larson family ordered was now ruined. He wasn't paying attention and now there was too much water on it. He tried tasting it hoping that he could still somehow manage to remedy it. But it tasted too salty, its texture too clammy—not with water... but with tears that dripped from his eyes that he didn't notice.
"Dammit all!" Hiccup cursed, as he frustratingly tried to rub the tears flowing on his face with his apron, only to smudge his face with flour and egg whites. When did things all go wrong? Not just about this stupid bread. His whole life as Hiccup—as a hiccup—from the moment he was born up to now.
It all began with a misplaced courage; he perfectly knew it was not his place but still he dared to ask.
("Astrid Hofferson, the slayer of the Fligthmare, heiress to the Fearless tribe, and the most beautiful and stunning Valkyrie in all Midgard, will you honor me by being my partner for the Midsummer Festival–")
She said yes. Yes.
Hiccup couldn't believe it. He was a mere bread-making Viking, and by status alone; his stupid deeds could cost him his own head. Many in the tribe believe his actions to be an act of dishonor to Astrid – he agreed with them.
Hiccup was the son of late Valka, the crazy dragon pacifist. His mother and he were not true members of the Fearless tribe. The known story was, Valka was found unconscious and near dead on the shores of Fearless Island—she was pregnant then. Ever since, they were permitted by Hofferson clan, the leading household, to live in the island. They were lucky that the Hoffersons were honorable Vikings, they took them under their protection, gave them an unoccupied shelter which was owned by a Flandre, a baker, who had been declared missing, and had no relatives to inherit his property.
Nobody questioned the decision of the Hoffersons, but they weren't fully embraced and honored or treated as equals by most of the tribe folks either. Hiccup and Valka were clanless. Nobody knew of their origins, and the whole story—not even him (Hiccup suspected that Brunhilda Hofferson, the current chieftess knew, or recognized his mother, but kept her mind.) It didn't help that many thought that Valka died like a coward, simply because of her refusal to carry a weapon against dragons.
So Hiccup was an orphan and a low status, clanless bread-making Viking.
But none of that mattered to Astrid Hofferson—after all, she agreed to be his partner for the Midsummer Festival.
That night was Hiccup's most treasured memory.
Falling in love with Astrid Hofferson; then actually asking her to be his midsummer dance partner to secretly dating her for two years. Foolishly believing—clinging to all their stupid promise of freely living their life together. Not like they had any chance of having a life together, to begin with—because all those times, deep down, Hiccup always knew this was bound to happen eventually. She was the heir to the Fearless tribe; a Viking of high birth. And what was he? The son of a deceased village pariah Valka, the dragon pacifist.
If only he had a father—or at the very least knew his father—then things would be different for him. But then, his Viking-like father would probably want an extra large Vikings with beefy arms and extra glory on the side. Even if Hiccup had been born to another tribe, what tribe would want a toothpick anyway? Hairy Hooligans? Judging by the name of their Chief Stock the Vast he doubted that—
The creaking sound of the wooden door interrupted his train of thought.
"Hiccup?" It was Astrid's voice.
"What do you want!" He tried to sound cold but hearing her voice made only made his voice cracked more.
"Hiccup I-I..."
"It's fine, Astrid."—It was not—"I understand. It was foolish of me to believe in you... to believe in us."
"You don't understand—"
"No, you don't understand! Everything was a mistake! Like me! I shouldn't have deluded myself with hopes and dream that things would be different!"
"It was different!"
"Oh really!? How was it different? How are you any different- "
"And what would you have me do? You know that I don't want this any more than you do, Hiccup! I loved you! I still do—"
"No, you don't. I loved you... I risked and wasted everything I had to be with you... Time, energy, gold..."
"Really Hiccup gold!? That's what you call love—For gold!?"
"Yes! Gold, silver, bronze, sheep, money—where do you think I got all those fancy gifts from."
"I..." she faltered, taking a deep breath. "I thought you made them for me... I wouldn't have accepted them if I knew!"
"Yes I made them for you... I'm a baker. Where do you think I get all those materials for the crafts!" Hiccup sneered. "Oh right, not everyone's a chief's daughter with all the resource on the island not worrying about having them."
"I can pay you back!"
"Really Astrid, Pay me back?" Hiccup said, "Keep it! I don't need your money! I should have stuck to my original plan... Save enough coins for me... Maybe one day have enough coins to leave this goddamn island where my mom and I never belonged, and embarks on an adventure, journey for myself... follow my dreams..." Hiccup didn't even feel like being angry anymore, he just felt tired... and empty. He unconsciously clutched the Horn Necklace his mother had given him. His only living memory of her.
When he was a boy, his mother always told him stories about the idea of possible peace between human and dragon. His mother always told him that when he was still inside his mother's belly, A stormcutter nuzzled her belly and looked at her in the eyes. It was the proof of everything his mother believed in. So she left her birth island in search of a plane outside the archipelago where she was hoping she could find a place where dragons and humans coexist. But then he was born too early and she was forced to settle down here in Fearless Island.
Growing up, Hiccup shared the same dream as his mother; until he had a misplaced courage asked Astrid to be his Midsummer Partner. She became his new dream—and it was just a dream.
"I sacrificed everything for you. That's love... and really I loved you—so don't you dare tell me you love me cause you don't!" Astrid was rendered silent, but he was not done yet. "Do you even see yourself right now... The pity in your eyes. The same eyes the whole tribe looked at me—and now you're looking at me all the same as everyone goddamn Viking in this village. I don't need your pity!"
Hiccup turned away, his back facing her, his eyes shut tightly in fear that if he looked straight into her eyes he would die. "If you don't have any business with me... Please leave... I have a whole lot of bread making to do... Probably for the rest of my miserable life."
"Hiccup... just let me talk-"
"Please... don't make this any harder-"
"No, I won't leave. Not until you look at me, Hiccup. Look at me straight in the eyes. Tell me that you really want me to leave. And I will leave."
He was determined to show her that he was perfectly capable of saying it to her face—spitting it at her face. He wanted to appear perfectly calm, collected, cold, maintained, emotionless...—that he wanted to tell her to leave. But the moment he turned to face her, he was met with a fierce and determined gaze that reminded him of the girl who was supposed to be out of his reach.
Astrid closed the distance between them. She grabbed him by apron roughly, forcing him to look at her in the eyes, challenging him to make her leave. "Say it."
He wanted to say a thousand things but none of it would change anything anyway. Instead, he looked at her right into the eye, trying to collect his voice, and immediately failing when he couldn't maintain his gaze.
He couldn't do it. He didn't want her to leave. He doesn't want her to leave.
When he tried to look away, Astrid let go of her hold on his apron, grabbed his face with both her hands, forcing him to look at her.
Then she was kissing him—not the usual gentle, warm, and relaxed kiss, but rough and hard and rushed as much as it was passionate.
"Say it."
He couldn't.
"I knew you wouldn't say it," Astrid muttered into her mouth, then was she pushing him until he was almost leaning on the counter. "I knew you can't—"
He took her by surprise while she was talking by grabbing her shoulders firmly and gracelessly shoving her beneath him, effectively flipping their positions. Placing his arms on either side of her, he pins her body under him. Just as he leans down to capture her mouth, he suddenly froze—
He couldn't do this to her. She was supposed to be betrothed—she already belongs to someone else.
"What are you hesitating for?" Astrid asked, wrapping her arms around his neck, pulling him down for a kiss.
Maybe, just for tonight; for one last time...
I've been told I made a lot of grammar anomalies, but I prefer to call them stylistic errors. I hope you didn't mind :)
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noxmachina · 5 years
Choosing The Right Jewelry For You
Jewelry is formed from either precious metals being molded into beautiful works of art, or precious metals being married with precious gems and jewels to create eye catching and elegant pieces. The tips in this article will help you sort through the various pieces to determine the jewelry that is not only appealing to you, but is also appealing when worn by you.
If you have a large collection of fashion jewelry, make sure to only clean them with a damp cloth. Using polishing cloths or jewelry cleaning liquids will only eat away at the top layer causing the base metal to show through. After you are finished cleaning, keep your jewelry stored away to prevent any damage or tarnish.
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Image Source : The Diamond Club
When shopping for stone jewelry, you need to be educated on everything to look for. Your jeweler can help guide you on what and how to look at stones to make sure that you can distinguish bad from good quality. This type of education can help you make better decisions without so much help when you are jewelry shopping.
You don't have to settle with the traditional clear diamonds. Diamonds are available in practically every color in the rainbow. They come in blue, pink, red, yellow, brown, black, purple and many more colors. You can find pieces where colored diamonds are the focal point or you can find pieces where they act like accents.
When choosing jewelry as a gift for a girlfriend, make sure it is something that will really show her that you love her and understand her. At this point in your relationship, the jewelry that you give her should be more than just a gift, but a passing of your love.
Be sure to at least inquire about the insurance that is available when you buy jewelry from a reputable jeweler. Insurance policies allow you to bring a defective or broken piece into the jewelry store for repair. There are even some jewelers that will cover the replacement if the piece has been lost or stolen.
If you are not too fond of wearing a wedding or engagement ring on your finger, you can always put it on a chain. This is a safe way to ensure your ring will not fall off. Also, by putting your ring on a chain, it will not be in the way of your daily activities.
When it comes to wearing jewelry, your best bet is to always keep it simplistic. A simple necklace and a couple of rings provide a sleek look. One bracelet with a simple pair of earrings is fashion forward all the time. Don't over do your jewelry and the focus will remain on you and your most special pieces.
When buying jewelry for a loved one, you can buy a size that may be too big for them. Just about every piece of jewelry can be sized which means that it can be made to fit your loved one. It is important to keep your receipt after purchasing the jewelry so that you can take it back to where you bought it so that you can have it sized.
If you purchase any diamond over one carat, you need to get proof. Any diamond included in jewelry that is over one carat should come with a diamond grading report. This should be done by an independent gem grader and the report should include any information that could potentially affect its value.
Many types of metals will quickly tarnish when exposed to air for prolonged periods of time. One of the easiest ways to avoid this is by placing them in an air-tight location. A great and simple solution is purchasing small zipper plastic bags and then carefully sealing your jewelry inside them.
When cleaning crystal jewelry simply wipe the dirt away with a soft, damp cloth. Using any kind of chemicals on crystal can damage the shimmer and shine in a very short period of time. Your best bet is to stick to plain water and maybe a tiny touch of dish detergent if your jewelry gets really dirty.
If you plan to stay in the sunlight for any length of time, remove your gemstones before hand. Sunlight can have a damaging effect on many gemstones, dulling them or changing their color entirely. Stones such as Quartz, Citrine, and Amethyst are especially vulnerable. Better to leave your stones at home where they will be safe.
When you decide to give someone a gift of jewelry, take a look at the jewelry they already own to see what their preferences are in color and metal. Many jewelry collections are tightly color-coordinated, so you should select stones to match an established scheme. Metal preference is even stronger, but easy to determine. Remember that very few people mix gold- and silver-toned metals.
When buying jewelry online, read the descriptions carefully. Look up words if you do not know what they mean. It is easy to take a flattering picture, but a description should give you a good idea of what you are buying. You should pay attention to size, colors and materials.
When shopping for gemstone rings, choose a stone that is appropriately sized for the finger you plan to wear it on. For instance, if you are buying a pinky ring, opt for a small, delicate stone. If, on the other hand, you are buying a ring for your middle or index finger, choose a larger, more substantial stone.
When shopping for expensive jewelry, bring a trusted friend or family member along. It can also be a confusing one, with so many choices available. Bringing a second person along gives you an extra set of eyes, as well as, an important second opinion.
There are many varieties of jewelry in the world created by the combination of precious metals, jewels, and gems. The results of the processes that form jewelry create beautiful and striking works of art that can be worn on one's person. Now, instead of being awestruck by these creations, you can deftly sort through them to determine those that will be most complimentary to you.
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