#and like please please please evil kat reach out to me please please i am going to be so mean <3
candlewitches · 9 months
cannot sleep mostly because of pain but also bc i am still full of rage at the former (and now current again LMAO) execs of my former larp. like literally. “i can excuse (alleged) mismanagement, fraud, and embezzlement, but i draw the line at a sternly worded announcement”
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mtnkat3 · 2 years
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9.13am. Good morning my loves..... my beloved Bears Angels . . . . . I pray you slept well.....
I fought waking up even though heard all my alarms since 7am. Hard to wake up when cold, alone, & aching. But got up at 8.45am. Still yawning & finally got cat fed as started writing. Weird thing... my thumbs & fingertips tingling numb. Painful & disconcerting. I don't know.. weird stuff.
And yes. The path has ended, it's now time to have four wheel drive & go off road. Pretty soon I'll be on foot then crawling I believe.
Why I believe that God made sure that I would know to only trust Him & you . . . . . I would see the breadcrumbs from Him & each piece of you.....& know to follow those. Yes, some hurt me, wound me, & make me stumble & find it difficult to get around/thru/over... but I'm putting my trust in you . . . . .
Right now...I feel like I'm on my belly with andulled hatchet barely able to cut thru the thick underbrush of brambles, the briers cutting me & scratching every part of me.
But I'm not stopping. ever.
You.....ok with me coming thru & my cut up filthy hand is the first thing to come out ? Will you....take my hands & tug me the last bit thru the quagmire of the clingy evil bog?
Bowed on my hands & knees. Stuck in a surprising spot that should've been an easy part to transverse. But instead it's like the big version of quicksand. The tendrils of the evil bogs leeching me are all over me & I'm cutting them as hard & as fast as I can. But they are dulling all my blades. I need a steel to sharpen them to keep hacking at these tendrils until I'm free! I can see the edge of the evil big & forest.. it's very close.. almost within my arms reach. But it's almost like a mile with the evil holding on tighter! Please? Toss me a stone or a steel.. something so I can cut myself out of this mess!?Barely keeping my head clear of the tendrils...
God? Help me? Please?
And let my soul's precious beloved Bears Angels mates.....know... I love & adore each piece of you . . . . . .
I. Am. Yours . . . . .
Always & Forever.
~Tijgeress kat Phoenix. ✝️☸⚓🌂🔗🙇‍♀️🙏🤲👣🐾🥾👩‍🏫🕵️‍♀️👷‍♀️🏋️‍♀️🧗‍♀️🧘‍♀️🧤🏔🥧🍋🥤⛓🧰⛏⚒🛠⚖🐯🦉🐐🐢🐛🦋🌱🌺🌳🌹🌻🌷🌳🧶🧵🧣⌚🌟⚡🌠🗝🔱⚜💝🐻🦌🧩♠️♾💫🧭🕯
Tu.1.24.2023 10.08am.est.
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ka-writes · 3 years
Notes: First of all... thank you so much for the support!!
Second, space vocab: starling: young unidentified species ISF: intergalactic safety force
Anyways, take care of yourself <3!
Warning: flashbacks to abuse, if needed skip past any italicized words, mentions of child labor exploitation (Someone forces Tommy to steal), attempting to drug character, cussing, kidnapping, fear.
Incase you missed:
Chapter 1:
Chapter 5:
Inspired by:
Humans are Space Velociraptors
Some kids come from storks, others come from crashed spaceships
By: mmmajora
Home Again, Home Again
By: teeth_eater
All works can be found on Ao3
Ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/33147661/chapters/82290709
Chapter 6: Causing Chaos
Planet Amari was their next stop. It would take only four hours to get there and usually this would be no problem if they weren’t harboring a human. Let alone the human that had just escaped the Dream Team Ship.
Phil shook his head and focused on the increased security around the boarding docks.
Amair is a planet whose only purpose is to entertain, meaning they already have some of the best security in this part of the galaxy. The added security came directly from the ISF and were now searching suspicious ships.
“Check check, one two.” The microphone turned green, “As your captain it is my duty to warn you about extra security measures. The ISF is boarding ships and checking for abnormalities. Please complete protocol 35.0.” Phil spoke into the mic and waited for everyone’s confirmation.
He got up and started the process of taking maps and blueprints that were not available to the public along with future plans and hid them in a document compartment behind one of his shelves. He then changed his normal illusion monitor and changed it to the default screen.
He stepped out of the cabin and cleaned the surrounding area, while also checking for anything that could be confiscated.
“Tommy. In order to go onto the planet I need you to wear this.”Wilbur confronted.
“No! It looks like one of those serial killer masks!! My face is too beautiful to be hidden.” Tommy scoffed.
“Tommy if you don’t wear it willingly, I will tell Ranboo about-“ Wilbur was cut off by a series of curses and Tommy fiddling the mask around his face. “Good. Put this on too.” Wilbur handed the blonde a bundle of clothes and made his way to the lab. Phil chuckled at the brotherly bond that was already forming.
He made his way down to the lab checking for abnormalities before seeping back to the holding cell. The human was pulling at his clothes while packing things back into the shelf.
“Hello mate! Whatcha doing there?” Phil asked, casually. What he didn’t expect was the human to practically jump out of his clothes in the captain’s presence.
“W-who are you?” Tommy stammered, Phil had completely forgotten he had never introduced himself before.
“Oh! I forgot we haven’t formally met. My name is Captain Philza Mine Craft, but you can call me Phil or Philza, whichever you prefer. I use he/him pronouns and am the legal captain of the SBI Craft.” Phil finished his introduction with an easy confidence, even with the face mask you could easily see the kid’s wonder, “We are currently waiting for a formal check from the ISF.” The human tensed at that, “So if you would please follow me to the common room, so I may hide the holding cell.” The human nodded vigorously.
Once Phil had dropped Tommy off in the common room he made his way to the holding cell. With a few clicks and checks the holding cell made a perfect illusion wall, which molded it into the wall not to be seen by any inspectors or gadgets they may have.
Once he had gotten confirmations from all crew members, he made his way back to the pilot’s cabin. If they were even a minute slower with preparations, security would have deemed the ship suspicious.
They settled the ship at the checkpoint and waited for a security officer to signal them.
Wilbur’s leg bounced anxiously as he wore his disguise. He had finished briefing Tommy about the plan. They would lie about their origins, Wilbur doing the talking, and would get what they needed and get out.
The only thing anyone was waiting on was the guard.
Almost on queue the door began to open and a young starling stood at the door. He seemed to be genetically engineered and had wires attached to his head and 3D glasses.
“Hello everyone! My name is Jack Manifold, and I will be checking your ship!” The starling chirped, “I hope you have both we have to confiscate, because everyone here seems like lovely people. I have to ask where is your captain?”
“Right here mate.” Philza said, stepping out of the pilot cabin. “I am Captain Philza Mine Craft, of the SBI Craft. Feel free to look around.” Phil said with a hint of impatience. Jack didn’t seem to notice and made his way around the Craft.
Everyone sitting in the common room shared a few nervous glances. The only one who seemed oddly comfortable was Tubbo.. Wilbur took note of the behavior and tried to busy himself with the magazine he was holding...
When did he get a magazine?
He was immersed in an article about room design when Jack returned.
“Everything seems to be in order! The only thing I ask is that everyone introduces themselves.” His tone turned serious as he looked at the crew.
“My name is Technoblade. I am the security officer on this ship and second in command.” Techno said without faltering in tone.
“I am Ranboo. I am Technoblade’s hired assistant and do most chores around the ship.” Ranboo said clearly anxious with the attention on them.
“Tubbo, I am a hired gardener and take care of food supplies and medical ingredients.” There was a coldness to Tubbo’s voice as he finished his introduction.
“Dr. Craft, I am a toxicologist. This is my medical student, Tommy, he doesn’t talk much.” There was a suspicious glint in Jack’s eye as Wilbur continued, “We have been working for this crew for two months, before that we were traveling on our own licensed craft.” Jack accepted the answer and finished checking his notepad off.
“Alright, that will be all then! Welcome to Amari! Once I give this report to my manager, you should be able to enter the atmosphere!” With that the cheery starling left the ship and Phil closed the door before disappearing into the pilots cabin.
To say Wilbur was relieved was an understatement.
Things were falling into place.
Once they were on the planet all Tubbo would have to do is add the substance to one of Tommy’s drinks and he would be acting out in no time!
But is it worth it?
He pushed the thought out of his head and finished packing the small packet in his bag before getting off the ship with the rest of the crew.
“Before we head to the shopping center, why don’t we stop by Las Nevada’s? I mean it’s Tommy’s first time on Amari after all.” Tubbo said. Las Nevada’s is the most well known restaurant and casino in Amari. It was the perfect place for Tubbo to start his plan.
“I don’t see why not. Just stay in the restaurant bit, we don’t want to draw any more attention to ourselves.” Phil answered.
With that the group walked into one of the best and worst places in the city, though no one knew of the worst bit yet…
They sat around a booth compartment. It had soft red padding and purple looking palm trees, without the coconuts.
It reminded Tommy of a stereotypical mafia restaurant. Something Tommy never got the privilege of seeing.
It made him very uncomfortable, especially when the waitress gave them drinks in glass cups. He felt like whatever he touched would instantly shatter into a billion pieces.
Techno was taking Ranboo to the bathroom and Phil and Will were talking to a waitress leaving only Tommy and the scary bee boy . alone.
“I told you I was done Miranda!!” A man shouted from a nearby table causing Tommy’s attention to be focused on the couple fighting.
“You had one job. And you failed it boy.” A man slapped his face.
He was in his third foster home again. They had asked him to get at least $50 from people on the subway, he had only managed to score $20, and the man was furious.
“You’re lucky I see potential, otherwise you’d be back in that goddamn group home.” Tommy’s eyes dropped yo the floor, another slap and a hand grabbing his chin to look at the man, “PAY ATTENTION TO ME BOY. I saved you from that hell hole and I can take you back.” The man sneered. Honestly Tommy would rather be there than here.
“Hey!” Wilbur snapped in front of his face, “You with us?” Tommy nodded. The couple was gone and everyone returned. Now Ranboo and Wilbur were sitting next to him and Tubbo was sitting next to Ranboo. Did bee-boy always look so guilty?
After a minute of awkward silence, Phil and Techno started talking, their voices drowned out by the surrounding noise. Wilbur had turned his attention to his menu and Ranboo was writing in his book again.
Tommy reached for his water and Tubbo turned his attention to the human. The mask he was wearing had a flap so he could easily breathe, eat, and drink. He took a sip of water….. was water supposed to be this sweet?
“Why the fuck would someone put sugar in water as a prank?” Tommy mumbled, everyone’s attention was on the human again, “What?” He asked defensively.
“Did you say sugar?” Wilbur asked as if it was the craziest thing he had ever heard.
“Umm… yea?” Tommy said. We’re these people pulling a prank on him? Why was everyone looking at him like that?
“Tommy, can you give me your water?” Wilbur asked, he was genuinely confused by the reactions. After a few seconds he gave his water to Wilbur who immediately took a sip and spit it out.
“What the fuck?!” Tommy asked as Wilbur gave him the water back.
“That is definitely sugar.. Tommy do you feel weird at all?” He asked.
“Erm no?” This was getting stranger and stranger.
“So humans are immune to sugar…” Will said as if it was a scientific breakthrough.
“Yea? Why wouldn’t we be?”
“Well for one, most species go absolutely crazy after eating sugar, for some it could lead to death.” Tubbo informed. He looked even more confused than Tommy felt.
“So like, aliens go psycho when they eat sugar? That’s lame.” Tommy laughed out the last line. Everyone looked at him with concerned glances, “I don’t think I am gonna go psycho after drinking a small bit of sugar water, I mean most people have been eating sugar their entire lives, me being one of ‘em.” Tommy finished and the underlying tension died down. Well except Tubbo’s which felt more like an angry glare meant to affect him in some way.
When the waitress came everyone gave their orders, Wilbur supplying Tommy’s. The rest of the meal was comfortable, with Phil telling stories and the rest supplying jokes and chatter, along with the occasional glare from Tubbo.
To be honest Tommy had never felt so comfortable around anyone before, he wanted so badly to let down his wall around these people. Still there was that annoying voice that told him not to trust them. For once he didn’t listen to it.
I mean what could go wrong?
The plan failed. Shit.
Tubbo was mad. Not just mad, furious.
The others were having fun with the human, yet again. Tubbo had wandered off, he wanted to destroy everything, and yet he simply walked off without a second glance. He could feel the tears streaming down his face.
“Hello bee-boy!” The human scared the droneling, his ears falling flat against his head.
“I am not in the mood to talk.” Tubbo sniffed.
“Oh..” The human’s tone dropped, it was almost as if it was hurt by Tubbo’s words. “That’s alright big-man! We don’t have to talk.” The human settled with that response, with that the pair walked through the busy street in silence. Tubbo tried to throw the human off his trail but gave up after a few minutes.
After fifteen minutes of them wandering around Tubbo spotted a shop and made his way over to the electronic shop. The human followed him into the small store.
It was a small shop with tight isles and jazz music filling the silence. At the register a tall creeper hybrid fiddled with a redstone contraption. Tubbo paid no mind to him and turned his attention to some of the smaller devices scattered throughout the shop. The human shifted nervously behind him.
Once Tubbo found what he was looking for he took it over to the register. Another man stood behind it along with the original one. His eyes shifted to Tommy.
“Are you sure that’s him?” The original man asked, his name tag reading Sam.
“Yes, positive. Dream will be happy with this.” The other man replied, he stretched one of his fingerless black gloves and turned towards the pair. “Hi. I am assuming you have my boss’s patient?” The black hair man asked. He was a blazeling and had a cruel glint to his eye.
Without warning another man came up behind them and slapped a cloth over both of their faces. Within seconds the pair was out and everything went black.
He woke up in a cage.
Chapter 6- End
Words: 2206
Notes: The next bit will be hard to write ;-; but then we get to the fluffy-angst :D
Also this was harder to write... motivation went poof, but I won’t quit on you!!
Tubbo: *tries to cause chaos—fails
Tubbo: *wanders into a random shop—causes chaos
Tubbo: .-. Wtf
Chapter 7:
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the-quiet-winds · 3 years
The Gravity of Tempered Grace (part six)
[part one] - [part two] - [part three] - [part four] - [part five]
[Part 6: When We Live Such Fragile Lives]
The Life and Times of Jane the Queen, Chapter 7 - The Maid of Honor
“In 1532, Jane was promoted to maid-of-honor in the court of Queen Catherine, where she had served as early as 1527. The two were quite close - both were devoted Catholics, even as Catholicism in was falling out of favor in England, which brought them together, even as Jane served Catherine.
Jane’s sister Elizabeth also served Anne Boleyn, remaining loyal to her until Anne’s execution. Due to Jane’s own loyalty to Catherine and her daughter Mary, Jane did not bring Elizabeth into her own household when she became queen.”
Cathy and Catherine exchange no words as they race up the stairs and split off different directions down the hall.
Catherine barges into Anne’s bedroom, where the woman was starfished out on the bed, and shakes her awake. “Don’t make a sound,” she whispers as soon as she sees Anne’s eyes open. “Henry is here.”
Anne, still half asleep, looks alarmed. “Here?” She whispers back.
Catherine nods. “He’s here for Jane. I don’t think he would expect all of us to attack.”
Anne clambers out of bed, but keeps her footsteps silent as she follows Catherine into the hall, where Cathy and a somewhat-awake Anna are standing.
Catherine jerks her head in the direction of Kat’s bedroom, and Anne takes the initiative to wake her cousin.
“Kitty,” she whispers, “Kitty wake up. Janey’s in trouble.”
Kat’s eyes shoot open, but no sound leaves her mouth, even though Anne’s shadowed face lingering inches from her own was definitely enough to justify a squeak.
She and Anne return to the hall, and the house is still silent, everyone waiting for the explosion from downstairs.
But they all hear nothing.
No words spoken, no sounds of distress, just nothingness.
On silent feet, they begin to slowly descend the stairs, but the space Jane had occupied at the front door is now empty.
The door is closed, the lights are all off, and it’s almost as if Jane was never there in the first place.
Just as Cathy turns to the others, a small lamp by the couch flickers on.
The sight waiting for them makes Kat almost gag.
Henry is lounging on the sofa, one arm propped on the back cushion, with Jane curled up against him, her head resting on his chest. They almost look like a picture-perfect couple from those romantic comedies the queens sometimes watched when there was nothing else on late at night. They look like they’re just head-over-heels for each other, except when Henry turns to the ones intruding his precious moment, there is nothing but malice in his eyes.
“Do you mind?” He asks, and if he finds the appalled looks of his ex-wives amusing, he doesn’t let it show. “I am having a moment here with my love.”
“We know about the heart,” Catherine says boldly, stepping in front of the others. “We know you’re just controlling her.”
“Controlling her?” Henry repeats incredulously. He laughs. “Dear, you’ve been reading too much of this world’s fiction.”
“Enough of the games, Henry,” Anne warns, trying to seem imposing in her diminutive frame. “Let Jane go.”
Henry turns to the peaceful woman next to him. “Do you want me to leave?”
In her blissful haze, Jane shakes her head.
“Now, could you all please leave? It’s been five hundred years since I’ve seen my wife, I’d like to catch up with her.”
At the way he spat the word ‘wife’, how he possessively holds Jane, and Jane’s nearly drunken demeanor, all hell breaks loose.
It isn’t clear who lunges where and who grabs who, but at some point Jane is wrestled away from Henry and the former king is on the floor.
“Where is it, Henry?” Cathy demands. “Where is Jane’s heart?”
He gets to his feet slowly, almost as if for dramatic effect. The light from the lamp catches his face in shadows, and the womanizing king they all remembered is truly standing before them once again. 
“Now ladies,” he hisses, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Drop the act,” Kat spits, “where is it?!”
“Watch your tongue, woman. You forget who you’re speaking to.”
“You are no more a king than we are here,” Catherine says, stepping in front of Kat protectively. “You are just as mortal as us. So tell us - where is her heart?”
She’s nose-to-nose with him now, and the tension in the room is so thick you can almost taste it.
“Do you really want to test me?” He warns softly. “I may not be king anymore, but I have other ways of putting you in your place.”
Catherine almost smirks. “Is that a threat?”
“You’re outnumbered here, Henry,” Anne says. “It’s five to one. You can’t win against all of us.”
He narrows his eyes at her, and, oddly, he chuckles. “My, my, I always knew you were short-tempered, but now you’re just… short.”
Anna has to hold Anne back at that, and the former king just laughs again. “Wow, I never thought I’d miss any of you, other than Jane, of course.” He glances to the blonde woman, sitting on the floor with Cathy, incredibly vacant. “But I’ve certainly missed your fire, and tenacity, and,” he leans slightly, catching Kat in his gaze, “other talents.”
God above, Catherine wants to strangle him.
“Why are you even here, anyway?” She demands. “You have Jane’s heart, can’t you bring her to wherever you were?”
“Well what’s the fun in that?” Henry asks. “Then I wouldn’t get to see the look on all your faces when you see me take what’s mine.”
“She doesn’t belong to you,” Anna snarls. “This isn’t our time, anymore. Women aren’t their husband’s property. She doesn’t owe you a damn thing.”
“You may be right about that, Anna,” Henry says. “I don’t own her. But you’re all also right about something else. I do have her heart.”
There’s a cloth bag sitting by the couch, nondescript and nearly invisible, which Henry picks up carefully.
He reaches in, and pulls out a heart.
Jane’s heart.
It isn’t nearly what anyone had expected - it doesn’t have veins running all over it, or a faint sheen of blood - it’s just red. Bright red. Almost glowing red.
“You caught me,” he says, but he’s smirking.
“Give that back,” Catherine demands.
“How many times do I have to say no before you’ll stop?”
“As many as it takes,” Anne says.
“You all are quite committed to this,” Henry comments softly, as if surprised.
“Jane’s our family, and we won’t let you torture her anymore!” Kat says, defiant and strong as she stands next to Anne.
Henry regards them all, scanning each face thoroughly, then looking to Jane and Cathy on the floor.
“Jane,” he says shortly, “come here.”
Without hesitation, Jane gets to her feet and moves to his side.
A cold, harsh shiver runs down Catherine’s spine at the sight of her friend, her once trusted confidant, so helpless against the evil man before them.
“These ladies want me to leave you, do you want that?”
Barely, Jane shakes her head.
“Come on, Jane,” Anna pleads. “Snap out of it. Henry’s controlling you. He doesn’t want what’s best for you. He wants to force you into a relationship.”
“Jane, you deserve better than that,” Catherine continues. “You deserve to have your own adventures and be your own person.”
“He says he loves me,” Jane whispers.
Anne pipes in next. “He says that Jane, but all he’s done is manipulate and control you. That isn’t love, no matter how you look at it!”
“Jane,” Kat adds softly, clearly quite uncomfortable with the circumstances, “he doesn’t really love you. If he loved you, he wouldn’t be forcing you into situations without your say.”
“And he wouldn’t feed you lies,” Cathay finally contributes. “We love you, Jane. We want you to be able to feel again, and do whatever weird things you like to do.”
There’s a tense moment, one where the world stands completely still, and smile begins to creep on Henry’s face.
But then Jane inhales sharply, and her eyes are more alert than anyone has seen in this life. 
“Jane?” Anne asks.
“What is happening?” Jane demands, looking wildly between her fellow queens and Henry. Her gaze finds the heart in his hand, and she lunges for it.
He pulls it out of reach, though. “Back up, Jane.”
Unable to resist, even as her face contorts with frustration, Jane complies, taking several stilted steps back until she’s among the others.
“I see being in the same room with your heart has woken you up,” Henry muses. He clicks his tongue. “How unfortunate. Just means that now I’ll have to kill you.”
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Survey #336
"get back, you’re never gonna leave him  /  get back, you’re always gonna please him”
What were your favorite things to draw when you were a lil kid? When I was a very little kid, idk. But once I got into meerkats... I drew them like crazy. Do you think there is something with or around you, like a spirit, angel, ghost or something else? How does this make you feel? No. Imagine you’re a stranger looking at yourself. What things would immediately catch your eye? Ugh, let's not. When did you feel the most confident in your life? Probably my senior year of high school. I was happy with Jason with plans for the future together, I was doing excellently in school... I thought I was really going to go somewhere. Do you think love is needed to have good sex? For some people, no. For me, loving one another is an absolute must. Do you think, or want to, die in the city you currently live in? Fuuuuuuuck no, I hate it here. What is the strangest thing you have ever encountered? Probably when I was otw home from my doctor appointment and we passed a random guy in drag walking on the side of the street... That guy is an icon. Favourite soft drink? It's really strawberry Sunkist, but I love it to a degree I don't even allow myself to drink it, because I will fucking destroy that shit so quick. So I tend to just say Mountain Dew Voltage is my fave. What do you like to put gravy on? I hate gravy, period. Have you ever gone canoeing/kayaking? No, but it sounds fun. What is one thing you know about your family history you’re proud of? Uhhhh idk. Who depends on you the most? My snake. Are you related to anyone famous or historical, if so who? Yes; William Clark and Queen Victoria or Queen Elizabeth, idr which. Would you ever donate a kidney to anyone, and who? Mom. She only has one kidney, so, y'know. She kinda needs at least one. I wouldn't even hesitate. What is the main quality you think makes a great parent? Unconditional love. What three things do you think of most of each day? My weight is #1. Every second of every day, it, as well as Jason, are somewhere towards the front of my mind. The final is financial and job-oriented stuff. Does/did your high school have pop machines? It did. Do you know anyone who’s won the lottery? No. Have you ever slept in a water bed? Yeah. How often do you use Flickr? I pretty much abandoned my account; nowadays I only occasional check my friend's profile who works at the Kalahari Meerkat Project because she uploads wonderful pictures of the 'kats as well as gives interesting info about them! Who is the last child that you took a photo with? Mom took a picture of me holding my youngest niece Emerson because it surprised everyone; I NEVER hold babies. She crawled over to me and reached up though, so of course I was going to pick her up. How often do you wear hats? Never. Would you ever get a nature tattoo? Sure! Idk what, but I'm rather sure I'll get at leaast one. Is anyone in your family sick at the moment? No. Where do your siblings work, if anywhere? My older sister is a mammographer, and my younger sis is a social worker. Where is your favorite place to buy groceries? Wal-Mart, I guess. Who do you generally talk to the most? My mom. Is anyone saved in your phone under a nickname? Mom is "Mama Bear," and then my siblings are "Little Sister" and "Big Sister." Whose birthday is coming up? My lil sister has her birthday in April. Have you ever ordered from an informercial? No. When, where, and why did a needle last pierce your skin? I needed to get blood drawn for some testing. It was drawn from my inner elbow, obviously at the doctor. Have you been to an escape room? Was it a success? I never have, but it'd be fun. I enjoy puzzles. How many followers do you have on Instagram? I don't feel like checking. What’s the most recent music video you watched? Thoughts? "Mutter" by Rammstein. I picked a screenshot from it to draw, so I rewatched it to select one. It's a beautiful video, but also strange, which Rammstein is great at. Have you ever recorded a cover of a song? No. What makeup products are your go-tos? If I wear makeup, the bare minimum is black eyeliner. Are you going to school this year? No. I gave college as many shots as I could handle both sanity-wise and with finances in mind. I do NOT want to even ATTEMPT to imagine the debt I have after going to three different colleges and dropping out each time. What is your favorite water activity? I enjoy just kinda swimming around aimlessly, relaxing. What are your favorite video games? Okay, I talk about SH2 and SotC enough on questions like this, so I'll mention some others I really enjoy as well: the Silent Hill franchise in general, Spyro games, The Last Guardian, both The Evil Withins, The Last of Us, some Resident Evil games (the 4th in particular), etc. etc. I just love video games. Do you like jello? I enjoy the flavor, but the texture makes me squirm. When was the last time you gave someone "the finger?" Probably while riding in the car with Mom when a dumb motherfucker swerved into our lane. Or something like that, idr the exact occasion. Have you ever held a snake? Yesssss, I want to hold all the snakes. ;_; Most unique place you’ve ever been to? Uh. I guess maybe the Whirligig Park/"Acid Park" nearby us? It's just this large expanse of unique architecture that are mostly, as you guessed it, extravagant whirligigs. You've got to see it if you come to the town. I have some pictures on my deviantART if you wanna see a few pieces. If you were a superhero, what color would your cape be? NO CAPES! Have you ever slept out on your porch all night? Oh fuck no. I'd feel way, way too unsafe. Do you like horror movies? Yeah! What’s your favorite Coke product? Just normal Coke. Watergun or water-balloon war? Watergun. I don't like being hit with stuff. Do you know anyone that’s afraid of elevators? I kind of am. Is there anything in your room that belongs to a boyfriend, or a friend of the opposite sex? I have three plushies from Jason, Tyler, and Girt. My Marilyn Manson poster is also from Juan. Who’s your favorite Beatle? I don't know; I was never a big fan, so I don't know any of them as people well at all. Have you ever texted an ex whilst drunk? How’d that go? I've never been drunk, but no, I've never texted an ex because I was drinking. Do you have to stand on your tip-toes to kiss your boyfriend? I don't have one. The only instance where I had to do that was with Girt. Tall motherfucker. Have you ever been tackle-hugged? Yes. Those are the best. Have you ever rejected someone’s kiss before? Girt once tried to make out with me and I noped the fuck outta that situation. It was so fucking awkward. Is your mood or the overall tone of your day often affected by the dreams you had the night before? My nightmares definitely can. Do you think that there are any positive aspects or outcomes of suffering from a mental illness? If you have a mental illness, do you think it has changed you for the better in any way? I definitely believe my mental illnesses forced me to mature faster and also instilled a great sense of empathy in me. And don't forget emotional endurance. What is your opinion on celebrity culture and celebrity worship? Have you ever been guilty of putting a celebrity on a pedestal? Do you think it’s somehow more acceptable/understandable to obsess over certain types of celebrities (musicians over YouTubers, say) than others? At what point do you think an obsession like that crosses the line? It's dangerous and can be very blinding. An outsider could say I put Mark on a pedestal, but I've always been very aware that he's not perfect and really just another human, I just happen to love him a lot for the human he is, haha. As time's passed, my vision of him has become healthier though (not to say it ever reached the "unhealthy" threshold); it's gotten easier for me to judge him and stuff like that. I think an obsession crosses the line when you put on rose-tinted glasses to look upon someone and entirely ignore their flaws, or if you try to invade their personal lives, ex. being one of those creeps that loiter outside their houses and stuff. If you were to pursue a career in photography and had the opportunity and means to photograph whatever you wanted, what would most like to photograph? Ah, livin' the dream. If I had to choice and would be paid well regardless of focus, I would absolutely travel and photograph the local nature/wildlife. Is there a certain type of clothing (outerwear, activewear, loungewear, etc.) that you enjoy shopping for more than others? Shirts, 100%. Are you ever afraid to post your ideas, artwork, photography, etc. online for fear that they will get stolen or not credited? When it comes to OCs, yes, given that things have been stolen from me before. Photography doesn't worry me much because I don't think I'm good enough for someone to possibly want to steal it (and besides, I use a watermark), and I do the same for drawings. It's the unique characters I make I worry about being stolen if I share them. When is the last time you did something sexual? A few years back. Who is the last person you showered with, if anyone? I haven't showered with someone since I was a little kid and my younger sister and I would to conserve water. What do you think when you see roadkill on the side of the road? It really makes me genuinely sad, and I always wonder if it could have been avoided if the driver was more alert, slower, and thinking about more than the damage it could cause to their car... I enjoy photographing roadkill, brutal as it may be, out of respect for them and the desire to make their individual stories known and just kind of like, raise awareness of it. Too many people are just annoyed by hitting an animal versus more concerned. "Stupid deer," stuff like that. I sometimes worry that doing so can be interpreted as disrespect, to photograph and publish pictures of their corpses online, but I sure hope not. It's the least of my intentions. I just want people to see and care. Have you ever had an ex that just didn’t understand that it was over? Biiiitch I was that ex, 120%. But besides my situation with Jason, this was how Tyler was. I had to tell him about five thousand times to stop texting me. Are your fingernails currently short or long? They're always pretty short. Would you rather have big or small dogs? I like medium-sized dogs most. I'd have to pick large dogs between the two, though. What is your favorite sports drink? I'm not a fan of sports drinks. What was the last compliment you gave a guy? Yesterday, a guy in PHP shared two poems he wrote while hospitalized, and they were wonderful, so full of passion and emotion. I sure as hell told him they were amazing. He's going for his Master's for poetry, so he knows what he's doing for real. Does your jaw ever crack, pop, or lock? It's popped on very, very few occasions. Have you ever thought of how you would give your kids “the talk”? I don't want kids, so no, I've never thought of this. I certainly wouldn't wait for sex ed in school, though. I feel like it's a bit late. I feel children need to know what it's about at a younger age with how disgusting some people are... I want them to be informed on what consent and molestation are so they know to let Mama know so I can punch someone's face into a whole new galaxy if they're ever violated. Do you ever feel like you’re missing out on something? Oh, always. Do you ever write/draw on windows that are fogged up? I did as a kid, sure. Not so much now. If you were married, and your spouse’s parents became ill, would you let them move into your home? If they were truly sick enough to need assistance but not actual hospitalization, yes. I'd want my spouse to do the same for me. Have you screamed in a pillow before? Yyyyep. What do you like more, acoustic or electric? Electric. Did you actually have a cookie jar? We have a Santa one, though I don't even know if we ever used it versus just having it as a decoration. What’s worse, having someone mad or disappointed in you? Disappointed. What do you bite on more, your tongue, lip, or nails? Bottom lip. Do you think that knowing when and how you’re going to die would ruin your life? "Ruin" it seems a bit extreme, but I definitely wouldn't like it. Do you have a favorite bromance? From TV or a movie. Not really, if we're only talking those two options. Do you find flea markets and thrift stores enjoyable? Yeah, you really can find the coolest shit for great prices. What color is your wallet? Mostly red and white; it's a Harley Quinn design. Have you ever been somebody's photography subject? No. Nicki Minaj fan? I believe she's a very talented rapper, but I don't enjoy her actual music. I just don't like rap. Have you ever seen the Niagara Falls? No, I wish tho.
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colbybrocksmolder · 5 years
Paranoia – Colby Brock x Reader
If you haven’t watched Sam’s video, here is the link. You’ll need to watch at least part of the game to understand any of this story.
(This was a request. I don’t usually write them because for some reason I get really anxious trying to follow someone else’s prompt or story-line. I hope it still came out okay and that the anon and the rest of you enjoy it.)
After Sam’s Paranoia video was finished being filmed, the group revealed a few of the questions that they weren’t allowed to share in the video. You had walked into the apartment right after the filming was through and Colby had explained the game to you.
“Mike, do you want to tell Kat what question you voted for her?” Sam smirked, knowing Mike was hoping it would have been forgotten.
“Oh, fuck. Do I have to?” Mike covered his face.
“NOW you do!” Kat laughed.
“Please don’t take this the wrong way…” Mike begged. “It was ‘who is more likely to have a piercing down where the sun don’t shine’”
Kat casually shrugged and let out an “Oh. That’s not that bad.”
Sam’s eyes went wide as he stared at his girlfriend with his mouth hanging open. “We’re gonna have a conversation later.”
“Someone’s a freak!” Tara laughed, the rest of the group joining in.
“I wanna keep playing!” Jake called out, getting up to get another slice of pizza.
“I’m in” Colby agreed. “Grab me a slice!” he told Jake, pulling his feet up on the couch to sit with his legs crossed.
Jake saw you and Colby sitting next to each other, Colby’s knee practically in your lap and he started scheming. Jake and Tara were probably your best friends in the group. You had met them right when they started dating and eventually they dragged you into their friend’s shenanigans. You had admitted to Tara that you had a thing for Colby and Colby had admitted to Jake that he had a thing for you. Those two told each other everything and therefore…they both knew you liked each other. “Tara, come here.” Jake called.
Tara walked into the Kitchen, seeing Jake dawdle by the pizza boxes. “You okay there?” She laughed.
“I need your help” he whispered. “You need to get Y/n to take my spot so I can sit by Colby. I want to fuck with them.”
“Ooo, I’m in.” She smirked up at Jake, stealing his slice of pizza from him. “How are you going to do it?”
“I’ll explain in a minute, but if they’re sitting next to each other they can’t pick each other as answers so we need to split them up.” He explained to her. “Hey guys, I have a rule change.” Jake said, walking back into the living room.
“Y/n, come sit by me.” Tara grabbed your hand, pulling the two of you to sit between Reggie and Kat
“No more picking out of the hat. The person that would normally pick from the hat gets to make up the question. The coin part stays the same. Heads, you keep the question a secret. Tails, you tell.” Jake said, looking to Sam to confirm.
“Makes sense. Then we don’t have to write a bunch more questions for the hat. I’m down.” He agreed. “Jake, you start.”
Jake had sat on the end of the couch next to Colby. He leaned over and whispered, “Who is the most attractive person in the room?”
Colby gave him a shocked look before answering. “I mean, if I’m not allowed to say myself, I have to pick soooomeone.” He tried playing it off.
“That could mean so many things.” Mike laughed.
“I’m gonna say, Y/n.” Colby answered, watching Jake flip the coin to avoid looking at you. “HEADS! YES! My secrets are safe with me.”
“That doesn’t give me anxiety or anything.” Your eyes went wide.
“I promise it was a good thing.” Colby blushed, smiling over at you.
“You got lucky” Jake smirked.
Colby leaned over to ask Reggie a question. He whispered, “Who do you think most recently had sex?”
“Oh, Jesus. Is it sad that I know?” he laughed. “What if it’s two people? Can I say both?”
“Does it HAVE to be two people or are you just indecisive?” Sam asked for clarification, obviously not knowing the question.
“Dude, it’s two people.” Reggie answered. When he saw Sam nod he answered. “Jake and Tara.”
“Flip the coin.” Sam said, watching Colby flip it.
“TAILS!” Colby yelled. “I’m sorry, brother.” He slapped Reggie on the back.
“He asked who I thought had sex most recently.” Reggie bust out laughing. “What he doesn’t know is that I walked in on you guys like 10 minutes before Pizza Night started.”
“How dare you bring your sex cooties to Pizza Night.” Kevin pretended to be mad, standing up and storming out of the apartment. After a few seconds he casually strolled back in.
Tara had her face buried in your shoulder. Jake, like everyone else, was laughing. “Hey, with a girl as beautiful as Tara, I don’t care who knows.”
“Okay, okay. Lets move on.” Tara said, trying to stop blushing.
Reggie leaned over to Tara and asked “Who is most likely to marry someone within a year of meeting them?”
“There aren’t actually many options for this one.” Tara looked around at the single people in the room. “I feel like it’s Mike. He’d fall hard.”
Mikes eyes grew wide. “I really want to know that question now.”
“Flip it.” Tara told Reggie. “HEADS!”
“Why do I both love and hate this game?” Mike asked, shaking his head back and forth. “I can’t even think of a question that answer makes sense for.”
“That’s the name of the game.” Sam laughed.
Tara smirked over at you and you could tell she was up to something. “I don’t trust that look on your face.” You whined.
“What ever do you mean?” Tara said with a fake polite voice. She leaned closer to your ear and whispered. “If you had to skinny dip with someone in the room, who would you pick?”
“Ohhh, my god. I think that’s my cue to leave.” You blushed, trying to stand up, but Tara pulled you right back down. “You’re evil, you know?”
“I mean, I’m taken, but there’s lots of cute single boys in this room. Pick one.” She said, everyone now very interested in what question she had asked you.
“Colby.” You answered, staring over at the blue haired boy.
“Why am I sweating all of a sudden?” he asked, laughing.
When you saw him hide his blushing cheeks behind the pillow, you looked back at Tara. “Flip the damn coin.”
“Yes ma’am.” She smirked, flipping it. “Tails.”
“TEA!” Mike yelled out, followed quickly by a “I fucking love this game” from Jake.
“She asked me If I had to go skinny dipping with someone, who would I pick.” You shared, trying to keep a confident look on your face.
The room was full of “oooo”s and laughter.
“I mean, I wouldn’t ever skinny dip in our pool because there’s a creepy dude that sits on his balcony and watches it constantly.” Colby laughed.
“That guy is creepy as fuck.” Jake added.
“…but I can think of a few places where we could make this a reality.” Colby teased, his nervousness going away now that he knew you were at least attracted to him.
Seeing his cheeks still slightly flushed made you feel a little less worried about your answer. “Don’t make plans you aren’t going to follow through with, Brock.” You threw back before moving to whisper the next question to Kat.
This Pizza Night lasted much later than your usual gatherings. Normally everything would fizzle out by 11 or 12, but at around 2:30 you found yourself looking for your keys to head home. “We need to play more games off camera.” You heard Mike say as he left the apartment. “That was so much fun.”
“I agree.” Kat replied, helping Sam gather all of the Pizza Night trash.
“Can I help with anything before I head out?” you asked, tossing the pillows back on the couch and straightening the living room.
“It’s late, dude. I’m just going to straighten up tomorrow.” Sam answered.
“Alright. As per usual, thanks for having me over. Tonight was seriously a blast.” You thanked Sam, headed for the door.
When you slipped into the hallway, you heard someone follow you. “Y/n!” Colby said, running to catch up with you. “Are you sure you should be driving?”
“I’m fine. I promise. It’s sweet of you to check, though” you said, moving to finish your walk to the elevator.
“It’s super late!” Colby followed. “All of the bars just closed and there’s going to be drunk drivers on the road.”
You turned to look at him. When you made eye contact, he looked away. His face going from confident to shy in seconds. “Colby, I live like 5 minutes away.” You smiled up at him. “I could walk there.”
“You can’t walk by yourself at night!” his eyes flew to yours.
“So, I’m not allowed to drive home and I’m not allowed to walk home…” you laughed, reaching for the elevator button.
“Stay” he rushed out, covering the button before you could hit it. “I really don’t want something stupid to happen to you when you could just stay.”
“You let Mike and Kevin drive home.” You smirked up at him, finding this whole conversation quite cute.
Colby grabbed your bag from you and started walking backwards towards his apartment door. “It’s different” he said, shrugging his shoulders.
“Oh, it’s different is it?” you asked. A soft smile appeared on his face when you started following him. “I’d love to know how this is different.”
When you walked in his apartment, he stopped for a second. “Give me one minute.” He said, rushing to his room and closing the door. You could hear him moving stuff around…throwing things? You were curious about what the heck he was doing.
“You okay in there?” you asked, knocking on the door. “I’m coming in!” you called, opening the door. When you saw him, he was standing in the middle of his room, hand scratching the back of his neck. His eyes were darting around like he was looking for something.
“So uh…” Colby had started talking, but you interrupted him.
“Colllbyyy” you said slowly, walking to his closet.
“DON’T GO IN THERE!” He half yelled, his eyes going wide.
You slowly opened the closet door to find exactly what you thought you’d find. He had realized his room was a mess and decided to shove everything in his closet instead of letting you see it. You couldn’t help but laugh. “Colby.” You said, walking to stand in front of him. “I don’t give a shit if your room is messy, you adorable dork.”
“The only thing I heard you say was that you think I’m adorable.” Colby laughed, slipping his arms around you.
“You still haven’t told me why Mike was allowed to drive him and Kevin home, but I wasn’t allowed to.” You said, wrapping your arms around his waist. “Bit sexist, don’t you think?” You were totally fucking with him, but you hoped it would make him tell you why he really wanted you to stay.
“No! Y/n I meant…That’s not…” Colby fumbled his words, finally deciding to just pull you into a kiss.
After a moment you pulled away. “I knew what you meant.” You leaned back up to continue the kiss.
“That was mean.” He smiled against your lips. “I think Tara and Jake were messing with us tonight, by the way. He asked me who I thought the most attractive person in the room was.”
“But you said me?” you said, laughing at the ridiculousness of that answer.
“I did.” Colby smiled down at you, thinking about how adorable the blush rising over your cheeks made you look. “I stand by my answer.”
When you hid your face in Colby’s chest, he laughed, holding you tight against his body. “They were definitely messing with us, then.” You said. “Tara knows I mayyyybe have a teeny weeny tiny crush on you.”
“Teeny weeny, yeah?” Colby teased. “Well Jake knows I have a fat crush on you.”
“How convenient.” You said, looking up at him.
He saw you yawn and realized what time it was. “Let’s go to bed. I can sleep on the couch if you want.”
“Colby?” you asked.
“Yes?” he answered.
“Unless you planned on both of us sleeping in our jeans, you’re going to have to brave your closet to find us something to sleep in.”
“Fuck” Colby laughed, his forehead falling to rest against yours. “Here, just sleep in this.” He said, pulling off his long t shirt. “I’ll just sleep in my boxers on the couch.”
When he turned to walk away, you slipped your shirt off. “Colby, just sleep in here.” You said, pulling his t shirt on and slipping out of your jeans
“Thank God. My couch is so uncomfortable.” He laughed.
“Then why did you offer to sleep on it!?” you asked, climbing into his soft bed.
“Because I’m a god damn gentleman, that’s why.” He answered, slipping his shoes off and ditching his jeans.
“While I appreciate the gesture, just be honest with me from here on out?” you smiled over at him, watching him crawl into the bed. “I do actually really like you. You don’t need to impress me.”
Colby leaned over to kiss you. “What if I want to impress you?” He said in a flirty tone.
“You want to know what would impress me?” you asked, seeing him respond with a nod. “Trust that I’m already impressed. Just be yourself.”
“Well myself wants to cuddle, so come here.” He said, opening his arms to let you snuggle against his chest. “I’m really glad Jake and Tara are nosey, invasive friends.” He laughed.
“Me too.” You agreed.
“I really need to clean my room.” He added, staring at the monster mess in the closet.
“Let’s clean it tomorrow.” You offered.
“You’d help me?” he asked, surprised.
“I mean, if you’re going to start kidnapping me after Pizza Nights at least I’ll be staying in a clean room.” You teased.
“I like the sound of that.” He laughed.
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blackwidownat2814 · 5 years
CS January Joy, Day 17: The One With Emma & Killian’s Fancy Party
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The One With Emma & Killian’s Fancy Party                                              AO3
Emma did not like many things.  In fact, she hated most things. Being abandoned on the side of the road in the middle of October in Maine a few weeks after birth by one’s parents will do that.
She hadn’t always been that way.  When Emma was 17, she’d run from her last group home and found him.  Neal was everything to her and the first person to show her what she thought was love.  Then he’d left her, like her parents.  He left her pregnant and holding stolen merchandise.  Then, a few months into her 11-month sentence, Emma lost her baby.  Her anger for Neal grew to insurmountable heights.
So when she met Killian Jones and his weirdly overactive eyebrows, Emma told him (and herself) that she was not going to fall for his charms.
How wrong she was.
Try as she did, Emma failed, and after a year, they moved in together and for a while, all Emma could do was wait. Wait for him to realize she was too much work and leave. Wait for him to realize her insecurities would really never go away and leave because of that too.  
But he never did.  And a year after they moved in together, Emma finally realized that when Killian said he was in it for the long haul, he meant it.
“Emma, love!  Have you seen my favorite tie?” Killian called from their bedroom.
“I swear Killian…”  Emma came in and went to the closet, digging in the far corner.  After finding her quarry, she turned in triumph and tossed him a navy tie with white and red anchors all over it.  “If you head wasn’t attached to your neck, you’d probably lose track of that too.”
“Aye, but you love me anyways.”
“Maybe”, she replied with a wink as she headed back to her office.
“Are you going back to hide away and work on my birthday present?”  
“Maybe”, Emma said again.
“Alright then, keep your secrets.  I am off to heal the young children of Storybrooke.  I’ll see you tonight my love.”  Killian turned to leave, but Emma stopped him.
“Aren’t you forgetting something?” she asked, crooking her finger at him.  Killian laughed and leaned on her desk.  Emma reached up and grabbed his tie, pulling him down for a kiss.  “I love you, Killian.”
“I love you too, my Swan.”  He gave her another quick peck and left.  Emma smiled as she watched Killian walked away, feeling so proud of him.  
When she and Killian had met, he had been working at Storybrooke General Hospital as a member of the pediatrics department and were set up (oh so shadily, Emma liked to say) by the Sheriff’s wife.  Mary Margaret Nolan wanted everyone to be happy and in love, just like her and David.  
Emma shook her head of the wonderful memories of her time with Killian and turned back to her computer, opening the manuscript for The Savior and The Privateer.  The series, which was set in a land called the Enchanted Forest where fairytales were real, followed the adventures of The Savior, who was on a quest to break a curse cast by an evil witch that had plagued her home for many years. 
A couple of days into the new year, Emma surprised Killian with dinner.
“This is wonderful darling!  Thank you!”  He leaned over the table and gave her a kiss.  “However, my birthday isn’t for another few weeks…”
“I know, but I did something special for your birthday this year”, Emma replied.
“Can I see it?  Please love!”
“No!”  Emma laughed at his childlike enthusiasm when it came to things like presents.  “You have to wait until after dinner.”
“No.  Eat first, presents later.”
They chatted throughout their meal and Emma couldn’t help but laugh when she noticed that Killian ate more quickly than he usually did.  When finished, to mess with him, Emma had Killian do the clean-up.
“I’m done!  How about now love?”
“Okay.”  Emma had him take a seat on the couch and close his eyes.  “No peeking!”
Killian’s eye popped open when she dropped the box in hands and he immediately ripped the paper and box top off to reveal a stack of papers.  
“The Savior and the Privateer?  Emma, love, is this your latest novel?  You said you weren’t going to let me read it before everyone else!  It does seem--”
“It’s just the first chapter and I know.  But after thinking about it, I changed my mind.  I think I’d like to know what you think before my editor gets her hands on it.”
“Regina means well my love.  She just wants the best possible outcome for you.”
“I know, but that red ink she does her editing in...oof, I get why people like to call her the Evil Queen.”
“Wouldn’t it be the most humorous thing for those people to know she’s actually the absolute nicest?  And funny at that?”
“Very.”  Emma sighed.  “So!  Give the chapter a look.  Right now, the book is sitting at 15.  When you finish one chapter, I’ll give you the next.  Cool?”
“Very cool.”
A few days later…
Killian carried the manuscript for Emma’s novel in his briefcase in the days after she gave it to him.  He was anxious to get to reading it, but work was busy, and he hadn’t yet had a chance.  So, when the weekend rolled around, he poured himself some rum and sat down to read.
When he finished the first chapter, there was neon yellow sticky note on the last page and it held a loving message:
“I feel like everything in my life has led me to you.  My choices, my heartbreaks, my regrets. Everything.  And when we’re together, my past seems worth it.  Because if I had done one thing differently, I might never have met you. -Unknown”
A long time ago, I wasn’t good with words...I didn’t have the right ones.  So, I’m going to tell you how much I love you with other people’s words.  Like Big in the Sex & the City movie (which I know you hated watching with me, but hey...you love me).
I love you Killian Jones.
Killian smiled and peeled the sticky note from the last page and went to the office and stuck it on the wall.
“I see you finished the chapter.”  Killian found Emma leaning against the doorframe, arms crossed and a big smile on her face.  In that moment, he couldn’t not think of a time when he hadn’t loved her.  Try as she did to dissuade him from pursuing her, he wouldn’t.  Killian recognized the same sense of loss and loneliness in her that he carried with him.  Emma’s strength in the face of everything life threw at her was what made him love her even more.  She didn’t take his crap and she took no one’s crap, and she wouldn’t change for anyone, not even him.  He loved her just the way she was.
“I did, my love, and it was remarkable.”  Killian walked over and pulled her into his arms, laying a soft kiss on her head.
“Thanks for remarking on it.”  Emma leaned away with a sly smile.  “Do you want to read some more?”
“Yes!”  He watched as Emma went to her desk and unlocked a bottom drawer, pulled out Chapter 2 and handed it over to him.  Killian kissed Emma on the cheek.  “Thanks love. I’ll leave you to yourself, because I need to know what happens.”
“Have fun then.  I have to go take care of a few things.”  Killian looked up from his spot on the couch.  Something was off.  He could always tell when something wasn’t going right with his Swan.
“Is everything okay Emma?”
“Yeah!  Yeah.”  The fact that her voice went up several octaves did nothing to quell his thoughts.
“Everything’s fine Killian.  With the way the flu is going around, I’m just worried.  You know I hate getting sick.  I’m just going to go to Dark Star Pharmacy for a flu shot.  So don’t worry about me.”
“I’ll always worry about you Emma.  I love you.”
“I love you too.  Enjoy your reading.”  Killian watched her as she left, knowing that there was something she wasn’t telling him.  He wouldn’t push, Emma would tell him when she was ready.
Killian was on the last couple of pages when his love returned.  Something had happened the hours she was gone because when she returned, Emma glowed as if she’d had a weight lifted off her shoulders.
“Hello love!  How was it?  Does your boo-boo need a kiss?” he asked cheekily.
“Tonight.”  She winked and took a seat next to him, kicking her now socked feet up onto the coffee table.  “So, what’d you think of this chapter?”
“Well, I’ve not finished yet.  Just some pages to go.”
“Finish up then!  I need to know.”
“Of course my darling.”
Killian went back to the page he was at and read on.  This time when he was done, there was a neon pink sticky note that read:
“You find somebody you like and roll the dice.  That’s all anybody can do.  -Ron Swanson”
You inspire me every single day Killian.  When I rolled the dice on you, I got a Nat 20.
Killian laughed to himself at Emma’s talk of dice.  No one would know his Swan was a diehard fan of Dungeons & Dragons fan.  He himself had never played, but started learning from Will Scarlett, a nurse at the hospital, so he could share in something she enjoyed.
“So, did you like it?” the woman in question asked from her spot at the end of the couch.
“Of course I did Emma.  Have you got the next one ready?”  She giggled, her entire face lighting up with happiness which, in turn, made Killian happy.
As her phone rang, Emma handed over chapter 3.
“Enjoy while I take this.”
“Thank you darling.”  He watched as Emma went into the office and shut the door. 
“I hate the way you talk to me, and the way you cut your hair.  I hate the way you drive my car. I hate it when you stare.  I hate your big dumb combat boots, and the way you read my mind.  I hate you so much it makes me sick; it even makes me rhyme. I hate it, I hate the way you’re always right.  I hate it when you lie.  I hate it when you make me laugh, even worse when you make me cry.  I hate it when you’re not around, and the fact that you didn’t call.  But mostly I hate the way I don’t hate you.  Not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all. -Katarina Stratford, 10 Things I Hate About You”
 Sometimes I felt like Kat did, because I saw so much of myself in her: angry at the world because of what some asshole did to me.  It’s why I was so mad at myself when I met you.  I was mad that you were so perfect for me. I was mad how good of a person you were.  I was mad that you were proving me wrong.  I was mad that you basically kicked down the walls around my heart like they were a flimsy door.
It went on like this for every chapter.  
For every chapter Killian finished, there were neon colored sticky notes at the end with quotes from some of Emma’s favorite movies or books or whatever, and little notes from her too.  Killian kept them all, adding each new note to his colorful collage.
The day before his birthday, Killian was in the kitchen when Emma found him.  He smiled at her over his favorite mug inscribed with LIKE A BOSS on the front, noticing she was hiding something behind her back.
“What have you got there Swan?”  
“Oh nothing.  Just the final chapter in the main story”, she said and pulled the stack of papers from behind her back.
“This is the last?”
“No, actually.”  Emma slid the chapter into Killian’s black leather briefcase and snapped it shut.  “There’s going to be an epilogue. But you aren’t getting it until tomorrow.  It’s your birthday present.”
“I thought the whole book was my birthday present?”  Killian rinsed his mug and slipped on his suit jacket, taking the briefcase from Emma.
“The epilogue is...special.”
“Uh huh.”  Killian gave her a deep kiss and pulled back to leave.  “Like I said before, keep your secrets.  I can’t wait to read this chapter.  See you tonight my love.”
“When did I fall so deeply under your spell, [Killian]?  I cannot fix the hour or the spot or the look or the words which lay the foundation.  I was in the middle before I knew it began. -Mr. Darcy, Pride & Prejudice & Zombies
“The very first moment I beheld you, my heart was irrevocably gone.  -Lizzie, PPZ”
Remember when I told you ‘I love you’ for the first time?  How you asked what was wrong because all of a sudden, in the middle of wrapping some birthday presents for David, I just drop the scissors on the floor and yelled ‘Fuck!’?  That moment.  That moment made me realize that I basically loved you from the beginning but I was all the way in before it had even hit me.  I love you Killian.
 Killian never meant to cry into his lunch, but he did.  And when he got home that night, he made sure to let Emma know how loved she was.
Emma was happy that Killian chose to work a half day on his birthday.  He met up with her, Mary Margaret, and David for lunch, but it grew to include Will, Robin and Regina, Tina and Jefferson, Ruby, Archie, and Belle, who had wanted to surprise Killian and rounded up his and Emma’s friends.
They spent the afternoon eating, laughing, and telling stories at Killian’s expense.  Emma hadn’t laughed that hard in a long time, and she was happy to see boyfriend happy.  The feeling of when the shoe might drop had gone away for good and she knew everything was going to be okay.
Later that night, when they returned home, Emma went straight to her file cabinet and pulled out the epilogue.  Killian hung his jacket on the rack near the door and went to pour himself some rum.
“Here.  I’m going to change into some PJs.  It’s pretty short, so you’ll probably be finished by the time I’m done.  Enjoy...and happy birthday.”
“Thank you love.”  Emma hurried (but not obviously, she hoped) back to their bedroom and dug around their closet, where she hid the ring she intended to propose with.
Emma took a deep breath, preparing herself for what she was about to do when she heard Killian’s footsteps heading towards the bedroom.  When she emerged from the closet, Killian was standing in the doorway, staring at her and holding the final Post-It plus something special.
“Did you like it?”  Emma took a seat at the end of their bed.  She looked down at the ring in her lap, worrying.  She knew he loved her but what if this was what he thought was too much.  It’s not something she ever would’ve predicted.
Killian knelt in front of her, sticking it to her knee.  Emma didn’t have to look down to know what it said: 
"I guess I kind of hate most things. But I never really seem to hate you. So I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Is that cool?  -April’s vows to Andy”
I know you think it should’ve been you to propose, but guess what old man?  It’s 2020 now.  ;-)
Don’t be sad you didn’t do it first.  Be happy instead.  Happy that we’re going to be a family.
I love you so much Killian. 
“Emma?  What is this?”  Killian handed her a small, grainy picture.  In it, what looked like a small kidney bean just floated in the middle.  “Is it what I’m hoping?”
Emma took the picture from him and wiped the tears she saw skipping down his cheeks.
“This”, she held up the picture, “...is your son...or your daughter.  I can honestly say that I don’t really have a preference.  How about you?”
“You’re pregnant?
“That’s what the picture means, yeah.”
“Is this why you went to see Whale?”
“Yup.”  He hadn’t shown any kind of reaction, positive or negative, and she was a little worried.  Kids weren’t something they had talked about.  Emma hadn’t known that she wanted to get married, much less have a kid, but now that she knew she was pregnant, she was already in love.
“How long?”  Killian was staring at her midsection.
“He said about six weeks.”  They were both quiet as Killian started to cry in earnest.
“This is the greatest birthday gift I’ve ever had.”
“You never answered me you know.”
“I asked you to marry me and you never answered.”
“Isn’t it obvious Swan?”
Emma and Killian got married some months later.  They tied the knot at Village by the Sea in nearby Wells, Maine.  Emma in blushing pink ankle length gown that proudly showed off her five months’ pregnant belly and Killian in a dark navy suit with his favorite tie.  
Meera Alice Jones was born in early August on a beautiful Friday afternoon.  Bright blue eyes and tufts of dark hair, just like her father. Meera’s brother, however, was just like their mother.  Oliver David Jones came into the world 16 minutes after his sister, sharp green eyes and wisps of blonde.
There was always love in their family.  Were they a perfect family with no problems or arguments or anything like that?  No. Far from it. But the point is, even with those arguments and stress and everything else…they were happy, for as long as they lived.
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oh-boleyn · 5 years
te para tres
words: 3805, language: english. jane & kat (kind of mom/daughter relationship)
author’s note: I wanted to keep multichapters on my ao3 but I actually kind of like this fic, and so I thought to post it here too! anyway it is also in ao3
tags: jane & kat - centric, kat is homeless, jane is trying her best, canon abuse/non con, tw abuse, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Families of Choice, Light Angst, pregnant!jane, sickness
part one: las tazas sobre el mantel
un poco de miel
They get into the apartment. Katherine is a mess, but getting slowly better. Her eyes are red rimmed for all the crying, cheeks puffy and crimson. Jane takes a moment to contemplate her. If she didn’t before, she certainly looks like a child now, small, curled up on herself, and young — so young.
Her clothes are obviously too big, hanging from her body. She is more than thin, probably what is expected from someone living on the street, but definitely not healthy.
“Would you like a cup of tea?” Jane offers, fighting an urge to reach out to the girl.
She puts her hands to use in making the tea, trying to calm the itch to touch the teen, while Katherine stands awkwardly calming her breath in the middle of the room. She doesn’t want to be alone, but at the same time is too afraid to ask for the older to stay with her.
Jane sets two mugs on the table, gesturing to Katherine to take a seat. She obeys, almost instantly. The long-sleeved shirt and a pair of leggings, catches Jane’s attention. If she still feels freezing with her coat on, the girl must be gelid.
“Are you cold?” She questions.
Katherine shrugs, without giving a proper answer. Jane doesn’t push for one. She extends a hand over the table, slowly, making sure to not overwhelm the other with the gesture. Surprise comes when the hand is quickly grabbed by Katherine, who starts crying again.
Jane moves forward and embraces Kat, letting her cry without trying to stop her. As expected, she is icy, and the future mother is growing afraid about her catching a cold or something worse. Searching for Kat’s bag, she realizes that the usual backpack is not with her.
“Sweetheart,” The way to call her comes almost instinctive for Jane, who hates herself for a moment thinking she might make Katherine uncomfortable. “do you have something with you?”
“I… I ran.” It enough for Jane to shush her.
“Would you like to take a shower?”
“Can I stay with you for a moment?” Katherine almost begs.
“Yes, as you wish, but you are going to get sick, so I will go for a blanket, would that be alright?”
The girl dissents.
“If we went for one, would that be better?”
She repeats the movement.
“I’m so sorry Jane.” Her voice breaks. “I’m truly sorry.”
“It’s alright Kat, it’s alright.”
They spend the night just sitting, drinking the tea that at some point lost its warmth, talking about trivialities. There is a stiffness in the air none of them can erase, and Katherine flinches from time to time, depending on a sound or a sudden movement. Jane gets Kat to smile at some point, which is more than what she was expecting.
The older woman thinks her words over time and time again, hesitant to not lose all the progress they made, but reluctant to just rely on it. She knows Kat is frightened, and she deserves to feel safe, but Jane is not sure how she can manage to do so. That doesn’t stop her from trying.
Next morning finds them in little to no sleep, with Katherine asking Jane to please go and rest. The older one does the same to her. After the initial unwillingness, the teenager agrees to sleep on the couch.
Katherine is confused when she wakes up.
She has a headache, mind foggy about last night's events. Memories don’t come instantly, and panic creeps in. The air of her lungs missing, she guides a hand to her chest. Kat is inside a house, but can’t remember how that happened.
“Kathy? Love?” Jane calls. “Breathe with me.”
She can hear someone talking, but can’t process the words. She can’t distinguish the hand touching her arm, nor the woman in front of her. Her body seems to not belong to her mind, and instead she freezes, but her breath remains hard and troubled.
When she snaps back, blue eyes stare at her.
“I’m sorry.” She mutters.
“It’s alright love.”
“I think I will be going, thank you for today.” Katherine says, but Jane stops her.
“You can stay.” She offers it before having the chance to really think about it. “You can stay here, at least until you get back your things.”
Katherine forgot it. Her bag was just left in the street, it was probably gone by now. It happened to have all her clothes and her toothbrush, and most importantly her art supplies. The money earned the previous evening was the only thing in her pockets.
The fear goes down her spine, even if Jane has just been kind to her, how long would it take for her to get tired? To stop helping? Nobody was just kind because it was the right thing to do. The world didn’t work around generosity.
“I don’t want to stay.” She snaps.
As soon as she said it, a part of her was sure it was a lie.
The apartment, even if scary, was great. It had water. Since they met, Jane gave her food regularly. Katherine was eating almost every day, as well as talking to someone. It felt like being back to being alive. Almost as if she was a person again.
“What if I offer you just a place to stay at night?” Jane questioned. “You can spend your day doing whatever you want to do, I won’t stop you, but you have to come here before dinner.”
Her voice is stern, the older knows she can’t take back the proposal once it’s done. The fear lays heavy on her, after watching the girl yesterday it only became worse. She doesn’t know Katherine, not at all. All she knows are trivialities, her liking for the colour pink and one or two stories about her past.
A part of her trust the teenager, maybe considering her too young to even be evil, or it could be just her own naiveté.
“What’s the catch? What do you want in return?”
“Nothing.” Jane is quick to say it. “But you will have to respect some rules, such as not doing drugs nor make anything that could cause us harm. I might ask for help from time to time. Outside that, nothing more.”
“I’m not a charity case for you to feel better with yourself.”
“I know.”
“Good.” Katherine toys with her fingers. “I just need time to get back on my feet, that’s all.”
“You have all the time you need.”
Jane notices Kat wakes up first, every day, without fail.
She just bolts awake, and when the older comes out of her room, she is usually resting on the couch, toying with her hands.
The first task Katherine receives relates to it.
Consisting on turning the TV on, and enjoying herself watching whatever she wants until the clock marks five minutes before Jane’s alarm. The teenager’s obligation is making the tea while Jane fixes something for both of them to eat, normally eggs, tomatoes and bread for the pregnant woman, morning sickness deciding it was the only plate she might eat without throwing up, while Katherine ate what Jane offered, one time even offering pancakes.
The second task is helping her before dinner, helping with the clothes for the next shoot. Katherine gets to keep some garments, which are gladly received after the lost bag. She never keeps anything that appears to be too expensive, nor anything that can’t fit in the new backpack she got from a charity, still Jane keeps it all, just in case Katherine might want it someday.
The third task she takes it herself. Katherine starts cleaning the dishes every night after dinner, just before moving to the couch. It makes her feel better, less guilty about living off Jane. She starts considering that maybe good things can happen to her.
Working is not exactly as great as it used to be.
Jane gets headaches at any given moment, and without having the capacity of just taking any pill to make them disappear, her work load gets heavier to do. She almost ends up mixing the light orange shirts with the sweet peach ones, what could’ve been a chaos if they did the shot that way.
Katherine’s well being still worries her, even if she spends more time in the house nowadays, she is still not living there, and she spends hours on the street. Jane is afraid that one day she might not come back, that something might happen to her, but she pushes through.
“Everything okay?” Anna questions.
“I am just worrying over Kath.”
“Whom?” Cathy interrupts.
“Katherine, she is a girl from the street who is staying with me at night.” Jane explains.
“That is kind, Seymour.” Aragon talks.
The three women stare at her for a moment, not knowing about their boss's presence.
“We will get back to work.” Anna says, turning to grab her camera.
“Girls, don’t worry.” Catherine makes a sign to Anna for her to return to the conversation. “How old is this girl?”
“Fifteen. She should be turning sixteen soon.”
“Oh, she is younger than Mary. Fifteen is a rough age.”
“She is a lovely child, still she doesn’t talk a lot.” Jane takes a deep breath. “I have been taking the extra clothes home for her, I hope that is not a problem.”
“It isn’t. God knows people in fashion think that wearing something twice is bad. As if!” Aragon offers a smile. “Gift her any extra clothes. But gift me the summer photoshoot.”
"Kat? Do you mind sharing the couch?" Jane asks, softly.
"No, why?"
"I am not tired, at all. Must be some second trimester thing. Do you want to watch a movie?" She proposes.
"Sure. Let me clean the dishes first."
Katherine moves from the table, taking the plates with her. Jane shifts to the couch, turning on the TV. She idles changing channels, settling on a movie that is just starting when the teenager comes to sit next to her. They stare at it for a while, without talking nor sitting closer, still it's comfortable.
"I think I saw this movie, but I can't remember." Katherine comments.
"Do you want to see something else?"
"No, not really. I like comedies." The teenager smiles.
Moving slowly, she rests her head on Jane's shoulder. The older one helped her settle.
Before she realizes, Katherine is peacefully asleep, snorting softly, more relaxed than what Jane ever saw her. It makes her consider that the girl practically looks happy, far from the haunted look she had the first time she got into the house.
That night, both of them sleep on the couch.
Katherine bites her tongue not to announce that it was her birthday.
Jane doesn’t understand why the teenager is acting so angry, snapping at her at any given chance. For the last week or so she acted different, strange. Almost getting in too late, and refusing to finish her food. She seemed to be anywhere else, not living in the moment but rather being in another world.
If it wasn’t because she found her crying just before going to sleep, she wouldn’t have known.
“Kath? Dearest? What’s going on?”
“It’s my birthday.” Katherine talks between sobs.
Jane gives a glance to the clock and grabs two coats.
“Wear this, we are going out.”
Katherine is afraid that it might be Jane’s way to kick her out. She changes as quickly as she can with trembling hands. She makes sure to take her bag, thinking if her new toothbrush is there.
They get to a 24 hours café, where Jane orders two pieces of cake as soon as they arrive.
“If I had known, we would have done this way sooner.” She smiles. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you we were coming here, I was afraid it might be closed and didn’t want to give you false hope. But, cake is on it’s way. Happy birthday, Katherine.”
Tears are streaming freely down her face.
“It is the first time I hear it in three years.” She confesses. “I have been living three years as if I don’t exist. People walked past me and didn’t care. I was kicked out of stores, restaurants, malls. I felt like I have forgotten kindness, I hated this day and I’m sorry I didn’t tell you, but it is easier this way, protect myself. I don’t want to be a nobody without a birthday.”
“Love, you are not a nobody. You are Katherine, the girl who sleeps on my couch and watches Disney before I am even awake. I am so fond of you; you don’t have an idea.” She kisses the teenager’s temple. “You are not a nobody for me, and probably for the baby in the future. I want you to stick around. Maybe next year you can have a proper birthday, what do you say?”
Katherine squeezes herself on Jane’s side, hugging her strong but carefully not to put so much pressure in the growing bump.
“Happy birthday, love.” Jane whispers, stroking the girl’s hair.
One day, the older woman wakes up to quiet sobs coming from the bathroom. She arises from bed, careful. The couch looks like a mess, and one of the pillows is without its case.
“Katherine? Sweetheart? Are you in the bathroom?”
“Yes, I will come out in a minute, I swear.”
“Do you have clothes on? Can I come in?”
The teenager doesn’t answer, but she opens the door.
“I’m so sorry, but it’s just…” Her breath is heavy, and there are traces of tears on her cheeks. “I got my period, and I made a bit of a mess, and I don’t have pads, and- “
Jane shushes her. “Don’t worry, periods are normal.” She opens the cabinet, grabbing a pack of pads. “Here, use them, it’s not like I can find them of any use right now.”
She laughs, putting a hand slowly on her stomach. It is still not noticeable, but there is a swell that wasn’t there before.
“Clean yourself, I will bring some clothes.” Jane takes the pillowcase, and before crossing the door, questions: “Do you want a painkiller?”
“Please.” Kat begs.
When she is left alone, the teenager starts getting into the shower, feeling warm water on her skin. It’s the first time she decides to have a real shower. Most of the time she cleaned herself as best as she could, trying to not take her clothes away in case someone spied on her, but Jane proved to be trustworthy, hence why she was slowly relaxing.
The truth was that Jane could also kick her out any day, so she shouldn’t fall into fully relaxing. Turning sixteen meant more chances to find a job, trying to have money for herself. Still, no one wanted to hire a girl without studies or even a fixed address. Katherine trusted herself, she had been living and passing by for most of her –if not her whole— teenage life.
Hearing a knock on her door, she lets Jane come in. The curtain of the shower covering her.
“I left you some clothes, I think those should fit you well, Cathy gave them to you.” She makes a pause. “I also left underwear, it’s new, I have some more in my wardrobe in case wanted or needed.”
Katherine hears the door click, and slowly goes out of the shower.
There lays new underwear, including a black sports bra. Also, a pair of leggings, a shirt and a bright pink pullover. She quickly changes, making sure not to leave a wet path behind her, and cleaning any chaos she might’ve left behind.
Jane is in the kitchen, waiting for her.
“I’m sorry.”
“You don’t have to be, periods are just natural.” Jane says. “How long does your period last? Do you want me to buy you more pads?”
Katherine twitches her nose. “I don’t know, it’s my first period.”
Jane frowns.
“Living on the street meant not eating every day, I once spent four days without eating. A lady told me that might be the reason I never got my period. She gifted me pads, but they stole that backpack not long after.”
“I will just say, periods are gross, and painful sometimes. I’m here if you need me, even if I am luckily not having my periods for some more months.”
The way Jane laughs helps Katherine to relax, falling into the comfortable house they have started to build. It was strange, that knowing each other for a couple of months they felt like they belonged. A familiar feeling, as something long lost.
"Katherine, do you have something to do today?"
"I was going to try and get some money, you know singing. I need to get my art stuff back, people pay more for that rather than any singing I can do." She explained.
"I will pay you if you help me grocery shopping." Jane offers.
"No, don't pay me. I'll go but don't pay me, you are doing enough already." Katherine says. "When are we going?"
"I will change clothes first, are you ready?" Jane questions.
"Yeah, sure."
They get to the store not long after, deciding on going with public transport instead of taking a taxi.
Katherine can feel her anxiety building up. Walking through the entrance is dreadful, something she clearly doesn't want to do, but Jane is talking so happily and carelessly that the idea of running away makes her feel guilty.
She pulls through it. Nobody asks her to go away, instead they are nice. When Jane asks where the sugar aisle is a man smiles and offers to take them there. People are not surprised or disgusted by her presence like they usually were, they just don’t care. Not in a bad way, but rather a normal one. Not like she is invisible, but as she is an equal.
They pass through an aisle with lots of hair products, and Katherine stares at it for a moment.
“Do you want hair dye?” Jane questions.
“No, thank you.”
“You sure? I love weird hair color.” She gives an attentive look. “Look, they have fuchsia! It would look so good on you.”
“Really?” Katherine looks unconvinced, but the idea tempts her.
“Yes! Really.” Jane picks it. “I can dye your hair today when we get home. What do you think?”
Katherine nods.
Her anxiety driven day ends up with both of them in the bathroom, reading how to apply the dye while eating the cookies they got from their trip back. For a night, she gives herself the opportunity to just be a teenager, caring about her hair and looks.
It feels good.
Being with Jane feels good.
“I don’t want to go there.” The teenager protests.
“But they can help you, they have programs to go back to school.”
“Those places are dumb, and you are dumber if you think I am going.”
Katherine was being impossible.
Sooner or later she had to start planning her future, a future that didn’t involve living on the streets, but when bringing back any organization that might help, the younger refused. Didn’t even want to check the websites, nor talk about it.
Was her baby going to be so stubborn?
“Why? Please, just give me a reason.” Jane begged.
“I don’t like those places; I went to most of them. They offer help but don’t have anything.” Katherine explained, voice growing lower. “I went there for the first few nights, and it was horrible. If you are not there really soon, they no longer have beds. And older teenagers are more used to being on the street, they take advantage and…” There were tears in her eyes. “I don’t like it. Don’t send me away.”
“I won’t.”
Katherine released a breath she didn’t know she was holding.
“I won’t send you away Kath, I just want the best for you.” Her voice is sweet, soothing. “I know you are brilliant, and would do great in school.”
They stay in silence.
Katherine’s mind is reprimanding herself for what she said. Jane always had a family, a place to live. She didn’t understand at all what she was going through. How many times her things got stolen to the point she almost didn’t care when it happened again. How many nights she stayed up, afraid of any men walking on the street.
Jane didn’t know about Thomas, how he took her to his apartment, and made her sleep on his bed. Didn’t know about Francis, about last summer at her step-grandmother’s house. Didn’t know about Manox, about his music lessons.
She knew the older woman was trying her best, which was more than what any other person tried to do.
“You haven’t told your family?” Katherine questions.
Jane shrugs, finishing eating her lunch.
Today was her fifth month checkup, and they decided to have lunch together until the older had to go. Feeling at ease with each other was slowly getting more common. Starting activities such as watching movies or cooking together helped with their relationship, to the point Katherine almost considered Jane as a mentor.
“I wanted to wait, pregnancies before three months can be considered as risky ones. I was afraid I might lose it.” She explained, guiding a hand to her stomach. “But now I just fear their reaction.”
The teenager goes slightly pale, her eyes inspecting Jane before she asks: “Would they hate you?”
“No, they won’t. But I don’t think they would be happy either.” She makes a pause. “Do you want to come with me?”
Katherine eagerly nods.
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the--sad--hatter · 5 years
Name Calling (29)
PAIRING - BUCKY X READER (female reader, no physical descriptions)
DESCRIPTION -  In which the ongoing and bloody war of words between you and Bucky turns in your favor when a disgruntled one night stand of his lets slip a secret when you run into her in the elevator… Now you have all the ammunition you need to destroy your enemy but you don’t plan on killing him quickly. Oh no, Bucky Barnes was going to suffer and you were going to enjoy every second. You just didn’t count on how much you would enjoy it.
Current Word Count -  82,329
Chapter Twenty Nine - Iron Dad In Law
Wanda arrived not long after the professor called her, the problem was she didn’t come alone. You stood in front of a good portion of The Avengers with an extremely disgruntled expression. Steve, Sam, Bucky, Clint, Tony and Wanda looked back at you innocently.
“Going inside my head isn’t a group activity.” You stated.
“We never do anything as a family anymore.” Clint grumbled.
“Is everything all right ma’petite?” Remy asked, probably noticing your distressed expression as he came down the stairs.
He stood next to you and casually put his hand on your hip as he looked at you in concern. You felt several pairs of eyes zero in on his hand.
“Who’s your friend Kit Kat? I’m Tony Stark, you know, her father? Also Iron man.” Tony said, puffing his chest up.
“Ah but of course Remy knows who you are Mr Stark, you are as they say, a legend.” Remy said charmingly, offering Tony his hand.
You felt Bucky’s eyes burning holes through your skull and tried not to look at him.
“Alright guys, why are you all here? We only need Wanda.” You asked.
“Moral support.” Steve offered.
“We missed you.” Sam tried.
“Uh huh, and the real reason?” You pressed.
There were a few awkward looks amongst them and they didn’t answer.
“Oh my god, are here to make sure I’m not poached by the X-Men?” You asked, outraged.
The guilty looks were answer enough.
“Unbelievable.” You muttered.
“We’re just protecting our interests!” Clint tried to defend.
Sam and Tony took a step back, separating themselves from him while Steve looked apologetic. Bucky just continued glaring at Remy.
“Your what?” You snarled at Clint and he paled.
“Our friend, we’re protecting our friend!” He backtracked.
“Ah ma’petite, you are a most powerful and striking warrior. Do not be so harsh on those who fear losing your alliance.” Remy soothed you.
Your anger visibly deflated and you went from furious to mildly irritated as Remy squeezed your shoulder comfortingly.
“Fine. I don’t have time for this anyway. WILSON!” You yelled.
“Jesus, I’m right here!” Sam grumbled and you shot him an absolutely vicious smirk.
“I wasn’t shouting you.” You informed him.
Right on cue, Deadpool came sliding down the banister.
“Yes honeybun? OH AVENGERS!” He shrieked so loudly you all winced.
“Oh man this is the best day ever, The Avengers AND the X-Men! I can finally fulfill my lifelong dream of being the stuffing in a Wolverine/Captain America meaty man sandwich! Cap! Such an honor!” Deadpool rambled, saluting Steve.
Steve looked perplexed and Sam shoved his fist into his mouth to keep from laughing. Wade peeled his mask over his mouth as he reached Clint.
“Super pleased to meet you Mister Haweye sir, wow your arms are even more magnificent in person. Those are the kind of arms you want holding you up against the wall and wrapped around you afterwards, know what I mean?” Clint just shot him an amused glance and definitely not on purpose, flexed a little.
“The other Wilson. My brother from another mother.” Wade offered a fistbump to Sam, who gave it as he shook violently from the effort of containing his laughter.
“How’s the Night’s Watch going Jon Snow?” Deadpool asked Bucky, who just glared at him unamused and that was it, it was too much for both you and Sam.
Even Tony and Clint smirked as you and Sam damn near fell over laughing and Wanda’s amused giggle caught Wade’s attention as he more or less floated over to her. You hurried over, to protect Wanda from Wade’s advances.
“She’s with Vision, Wade. Back off.” You warned him before he could do something untoward and gross.
“So? You’re with...” You panicked and stamped on his foot and kneed him in the stomach before he could finish his sentence.
“You’re with who?” Tony snapped, alarmed as he glanced suspiciously at Remy.
Everybody else, who knew you were with Bucky looked at you expectantly and you froze.
“Oh sorry Iron Daddy, she wanted to be the one to tell you.” Wade said, well wheezed.
You shot him a warning look that was more panic than anything and the evil merc threw his arm around your waist and dipped you dramatically.
“We’re in luuuuurve.” Wade said in a sing song voice.
You were stuck. You either refuted Wade’s claim and he’d probably tell Tony you were really with Bucky or you could play along. Neither option was particularly attractive. You caught Bucky’s eye. He was looking at you expectantly with a raised brow. At least it would be easy enough for Bucky to understand. You hoped.
“What can I say? I love a man in head to toe spandex.” You said and Tony looked like he was going to be sick.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
You had never met anyone like Charles Xavier. Somehow, his mere presence had wrangled the assorted superhero’s into behaving without him having said a word.
“I believe it is best if Miss Maximoff unlocks the memories first, then I will step in, metaphorically. I will hold the memories in stasis while Miss Stark sorts through them one by one so she is not overwhelmed. Miss Stark had requested Mr Wilson, that is Wade Wilson be present for the process.” Xavier explained.
“Wade has excelled healing, if my abilities go haywire he’s the only person who can get near me.” You explained.
“Not the only one princess, I’ll be there as well.” Logan said from the doorway where he was leaning, half in the room, half out.
“Logan’s own healing allows him to safely approach.” Xavier assured you and you nodded your assent.
“Kit Kat, can I have a word? In private.” Tony asked.
“No.” You said.
“Come on kid, please? He tried again.
“Tony you’re not going to talk me out of this. I’m not mad you all kept it from me, if you’re telling the truth then you were only doing as I asked. But I was being an idiot and a coward. I need to remember what I did and learn to live with it.” You told him.
He sighed heavily and shrugged in a ‘do what you want’ kind of way.
“Before we begin, I think we need to know the exact nature of your request and the events leading up to it.” Xavier told you and you turned to Wanda.
“So did I ask you to take my memories before or after Vernichtung healed my bullet wound?” You asked her and she looked taken aback.
“How did you…?” She asked.
“Well I can’t heal on my own but my mother could, makes sense that in all the mutations that were forced on me there’ an original one, a natural one.” You explained.
“You’re right. Bruce thinks it’s why Docherty wanted you in the first place. You were primed to survive the alterations he made to your DNA.” Tony said heavily.
“Right. So what happened?” You asked.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Helen Cho hung her head low and sighed heavily. She had done all she could and there was nothing more that could be done.
“Call it.” She said sadly.
“Time of death, 2:37 am.”
With a heavy heart Helen steeled herself to tell Mr Stark his daughter was dead. She turned and walked to the door when she heard the lone beep of the heart monitor and paused. A few long seconds passed and there was another beep and then another.
“She’s alive.”
Your spine bowed dramatically and your back arched off the hospital bed as the monitors started going haywire. Your eyes shot opened and locked onto Helen’s. You ripped the tubing from your throat with a squelching sound before she could stop you.
“Run.” You gasped as the black veins began to ripple over your skin.
“Everybody out, now!” Dr Cho demanded and the room cleared in seconds.
She was the last to leave and she looked back at you from the door.
“RUN” You screamed desperately as your eyes darkened into the terrifying obsidian.
She listened, running as fast as she could.
“What’s going on?” Tony demanded as she ran into him in the corridor.
“Vernichtung.” She gasped in explanation.
Tony looked like he was ready to rush into the operating theatre as a loud crashing came from the room and Helen grabbed his arm.
“She told us to run.” She tried to warn him, like you had warned them.
“That’s my daughter in there!” he argued, trying to pull away.
“Mr Stark! I don’t think it is.” She said apologetically.
As if to punctuate her point there was an inhuman scream from the surgical room. It was high pitched and animalistic, and sent a chill up the spine of everyone in earshot. There was one last crash and then nothing. An eerie silence that was almost loud in it’s lack of sound settled over them like a heavy fog.
The doors at the end of the corridor crashed open and Wanda stumbled through them, a pained expression on her face.
“Where is she?” Wanda gasped.
“Miss Maximoff? What are you doing?” Helen asked, rushing over in concern, medical training kicking in as she hurriedly checked Wanda over.
“Tony, I have to go to her. She’s screaming for me, I can hear it in my head. I need to help her.” Wanda sobbed.
“Mr Stark we don’t know what is in that room, you can not go in there.” Helen snapped.
“Tony please. She needs us.” Wanda begged.
“Stay here, I’ll be right back.” Tony told them.
“Mr Stark. TONY! You can’t.” Helen begged.
“That’s my little girl doc, no matter what colour her eyes are.” He said resolutely and rushed into the operating theatre.
You were curled into a ball on the floor, your body shaking as you sobbed. Tony fell to his knees next to you and pulled you onto his lap.
“It’s ok sweetheart, I’ve got you. It’s ok.” He assured you.
“Pain and blood, so much pain and blood.” You whimpered.
“Where does it hurt Kit Kat? Tell me.” He begged.
You shook your head and clutched onto him.
“CHO!” He yelled, standing up and carrying you in his arms into the corridor.
As soon as she saw you Wanda reached out for you and Tony carefully placed you next to her. You and Wanda wasted no time in latching onto each other.
“There’s so much screaming in her mind.” Wanda said.
“Wanda, I need you to make it stop.” You begged.
“Her wound is gone.” Helen noted.
“Wanda lock it away, all of it. You need to get rid of it and NEVER tell me what happened.” You sad vehemently.
“Yes Sestra, I can do that.” Wanda assured you.
“Wait what?” Tony asked.
“It’s too loud, for both of us. The memories, they are hurting her too much. We need to lock them away in her mind.” Wanda explained shakily.
Tears tracked down Wanda’s face as she raised her hands to your temples.
“Hold the memories you want gone tightly, I will put them away.” Wanda told you as the red light crept around your head.
It took no more than a minute before you slumped over unconscious and Wanda breathed a sigh of relief.
“It is done. She will sleep for some time and when she wakes up she won’t remember. We can’t tell her anything or it could hurt her even more.”
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
“I died?” You asked in shock.
“Yeah.” Tony said and that one world held a world of hurt.
You went to him and wrapped your arms around him.
“I’m sorry.” You whispered.
“Are you apologising for dying? Really?” He snorted with false amusement.
“Miss Stark, Miss Maximoff? May I speak to the two of you alone before we go any further?” Xavier asked, leaving the room without waiting for an answer.
You and Wanda exchanged a look and followed him to his study.
“Miss Stark the trauma you experienced seems to be stronger than I anticipated if it was enough to affect Miss Maximoff in the way it did.” He noted.
“Wanda.” You said sadly and she turned to you.
“It was not your fault Sestra, I just wanted to help you. I could have shut you out if I needed to.” She assured you.
“Are you saying you chose to put yourself through that? You could have just turned it off?” You asked, horrified.
“I didn’t want you to suffer, or suffer alone.”
“Miss Maximoff, did you see the memories you locked away? It is important you tell me anything you can remember.” Xavier pressed.
“There were flashes. Blood mainly, Blackness and...broken glass I think?” She remembered.
“I see. And are you confident we can proceed without you causing yourself pain?” Xavier asked.
“I can bring the memories out from where I buried them and let you take over without hurting myself.” Wanda assured you both.
“Well then, now we have a better idea of what we are expecting, are you sure you want to proceed Miss Stark?” Xavier asked you.
“I… I don’t know.” You admitted.
When you had found out your memories were taken, you immediatley wanted them back. Even when you found out it had been your choice you had been determined to do better than your past self. Now, you were wondering if it was the right choice. You already knew what had happened, if you wanted to face up to what you had done you could just watch a damn video of all the bloodshed. Did you really need to remember the aftermath?
“It remains your decision.” Xavier reminded you.
“What do you think I should do?” You asked Wanda.
“Sestra, you are my friend. My family. I love you and do not wish to see you in pain. I want you to let it be but I will support you if you choose to do this.” She told you, reaching out to take your hand.
“I feel like, if I don’t do this, if I just move on… I’m condoning what happened. What Vernichtung did. I know it’s not me but I still have to be held accountable. And I know they were Hydra, they didn’t deserve mercy but I still have to allow myself to feel guilty or I’m no better than them.” You explained to them.
“A noble way of thinking.” Xavier praised you.
“Let’s do this.” You decided.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
You were tied down at your own request, while Wade made jokes about how Logan could tie him down anyday. Tony and The Avengers were close by but not in the room.
“Are you ready?” Xavier asked Wanda and she nodded, standing by your left shoulder.
“Once you have led me to the memories and unlocked them, I will take over and you may leave the room until it is safe to come back.” Xavier told her.
“Alright. I won’t be far though.” She assured you, or maybe herself.
“Are you ready Miss Stark?” Xavier asked.
“To have two people pick apart my brain like cotton candy? Sure, why not.” You said with a confident grin.
The red mist spread from Wanda’s fingers and you thought you could hear The Professor’s voice inside your head and then it went dark.
“Hello?” You called into the darkness.
There was no answer. You frowned and spun around in a circle, looking for something, anything other than darkness.
“Professor? Wanda?”
You were starting to worry, this wasn’t part of the plan. You stepped forwards, or maybe backwards. There was no direction in this place. Something crunched under your foot and you knelt down to look. There was broken glass littering the ground. You picked it up and saw your reflection in it.
Not broken glass.
A broken mirror.
You remembered now. Everything you had tried to forget. You had made a terrible, terrible mistake coming here. You weren’t trying to bury memories, you were trying to bury IT.
“Welcome Back.” Vernichtung said as it stepped out of the darkness with a vicious snarl.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Reader: Dad, I'm dating Wade Wilson. Tony: *sobbing* Why would you do this? Whyyyyy? Reader: SIKE! I'm actually dating Bucky Tony: Oh thank God! ... ... ... Tony: Wait WHAT?
I REALLY need to update the summary of this story. It does not explain a damn thing. I'm awful at summaries.
@nerdandproud-86 @harrison-shot-first@chook007@thejourneyneverendsx@thelostallycat@inquisitor-selvala@the-corruptor @iovher@kendrawr-kitkat@phoenix-whiskey-tears@the–real-wombat@buckitybarnes@fairislesheets@angieptt@meganjonezzzz
@dugan365 @fluffeh-kitty@memanda17@krystallynx@theonelittleone
@piscesbarnes @free-as-fishes@tarastudiesalot@captainamericasbeard
@dropthepizza346 @jaynnanadrews @likes-to-smell-books @drdorkus
@life-wanderer @metalarmlover @animegirlgeeky @jsmith509
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spazzbunn · 5 years
A Special Day
The daylight was starting to lose its shine. With afternoon starting to go into evening. Throughout the day, two mammals were spending their time together. Going to places, hanging out, basically being sweet to each other. It was Katrice Russets and Spazzie Warren. Katrice was in her casual white and green dress and Spazzie wearing his shorts and gray hoodie. Katrice was full of smiles and giggles on this day. But something about the day seemed off to her. Granted, the day itself was fantastic. They went to her favorite restaurant, Spazzie getting his red panda her favorite snacks and sweets, even giving her affection and cuddles in most of the time. Something was definitely off with Spazzie. But nothing seemed serious. Whenever she would ask, he would say he is just happy. Happy to be around her and being by her side. Katrice would smile and let him do what he wants to do on their long date. Although patterns started to emerge. He ordered the same food in their first date, they went to the place where Spazzie gave her roses in a bouquet, now it looks like they are going to the park. The simple yet always fun to go to park where they take the Kit Kats since it was close. Yet it was also the first time Katrice and Spazzie had met there. Now Katrice seemed to want to question her bunny. As they make it to the park, Katrice stops him as she then gave a soft smile. “Spazzie. This date has been going pretty well. I feel like we almost explored the whole utopia by now.” She chuckles softly as so does he. “Well, I wanted to make this date memorable. You know?” Spazz says with his red panda girlfriend agreeing, having fun to spend time with her bunny. Then she rubbed her arm slightly, to show she had a curious question but didn’t want to seem odd. “Hey umm. I was wondering about something. But I feel like I am just overlooking at things.” “No no please. Ask away.” The bunny insisted as the red panda took a breath and asked away what she wanted to say. “Well, I noticed we have been going to places that I remembered pretty well.” She blushed softly as her cheeks were red. “You know, mostly where we went on our dates over the years.” Spazzie didn’t have the look of weirdness or oddness on his face. Rather a shocked and impressed look. “Wow. You remember all of that?” “Well duh. I always cherish our time together. Always have, always will.” The two laugh softly to each other as the rabbit sighs intently with him rubbing the back of head. He seemed nervous with the hint of anxiousness appearing. He looked shy honestly. Back how he used to be before all those years ago, back when he was a young adult. Back when he spent some years with her just as best friends. The memories still were in Katrice’s head. He coughed and took a heavy breath. “Ok..so I-I ummm...I just want to say something but uhh..” Spazzie looked as if he was going to sweat bullets. “You ok?” Katrice said sweetly to him as she reached over and held his paw. “It’s ok. You can tell me anything.” That pawholding, it somehow made the rabbit feel more at ease as he looked into her lovely enchanting eyes and nodded softly. “Ok...you know, I never told you this but...but I almost gave up on love.” He felt sick saying that. Saying how it was all true. His past relationships were awful. Causing him stress, causing him to worry and have trust issues. Even so far as to be evil and wicked, something he wasn’t. All of his love lives, heartbreak and torment to his heart and mind. He felt like one more heartbreak would kill him. He wanted to give up. “I wanted to give up. But…” “But then I came in to your life?” Katrice knew the answer as the brown bunny proved her right with a ‘yes’. “You just...you are different, you know? You’re smart, you have good will, you were shy like I was. It felt...it felt like I had to give you a chance. Because you could have helped me.” Spazzie rubbed his thumbs on the top of her paws. “And you did...and I wanted to give you so much as a thank you for helping me.” Katrice could do nothing but smile. Deep down she was screaming of joy from his kind words. She never thought that she would someone from pain. Yet she was. And he was right in front of her, being by her side. “I’m always thankful of you being yourself. I don’t want anything but you.” Spazzie kept going, those of hers being his way to be full of courage. “When we first met. I never thought I would fall for you. We would become just buddies. But then...the more times we spoke to each other, we hung out, we talked about everything from our lives...I felt...I felt my heart pounding hard from hearing your voice. Your singing and your plans of what to do. Our talks...I felt so happy.” The red panda just stood there, having her cheeks flushed red from never knowing that. Yes, she did know he had a huge crush on her, but never knew all of this. It was stunning her that she was knowing all of this now from him. “You just are like a perfect angel. A beautiful red and white striped angel who blesses my soul and my heart with love and wholesomeness and happiness every single day.” She felt his words were tugging her heart strings as she felt it pounding hard. Her grip softly tighten from wanting to hear more of his words. “Pardon my french, but I sure as hell was very nervous to tell you my feelings.” Spazzie said with Katrice softly chuckling. “Yeah. I know that.” Katrice assured. “You wanted to tell me because you were afraid of losing me, but were afraid it was too soon.” “Which is why I did so much. I mean, a job, getting tons of cash, a car for one thing! I did all of this for you. All of that was to impress you since I wanted to show I was serious in loving you.” Spazzie felt his eyes water. He meant it all. He did get a life. A job. A car. A house. All of this. Because of her. Because he did in fact loved her with every fiber in his being. “S...Spazzie..I-I-I never knew you did that..and all for me?” Katrice felt in awe. She never knew how much she really changed his world. He nodded and smiled. “When I first had my crush on you, I had to get a job. To show I can work hard. To get cash so I can provide for you and give you anything your heart desires. To get a house so I can show I can keep you safe and warm. I didn’t want to be some lazy bum and be a bane on your existence. I-I just..” Spazzie felt his tears flowing down as he hugs his girlfriend tightly, softly sobbing. Katrice graciously hugs him back to try to comfort him. “I didn’t want to lose you...I wanted to show that I did care for you and I did love you.” “Shhh...Spazzie...calm down” Katrice whispers softly into his ear as he felt his back getting rubbed by her paw. “I know you loved me. But the reason I said yes was not because you had a money, had a house for me to crash in, and a car to drive me around.” She slowly pulls him off so he can look at her. Her smile being his weakness. “I said yes because of how nice you are to me. How you always stuck up for me. Giving me ideas of what to do, on my work, on my life. You always were there for me. To keep my spirits up and to make sure I wasn’t worried...you were always there to keep my smile and hopes up.” Spazzie wiped his eyes. “I did all of those because I wanted to hear your adorable laughter all the time. To see that smile of yours. To hear your happy voice without fear, doubt, or worry in your tone.” He was able to get a small giggle coming out of her lips. “Katrice...I wanted to show that I wasn’t going to be like the other mammals that hurt you. I would never be mean, be calling you names, be gross and insult you. I ain’t like that.” “I know you ain’t Spazzie.” She bends slightly down since she was a bit taller than him to softly kisses his cheek in her efforts to keep him calm and to prevent his tears from shedding more. “I said yes, because I loved you. I loved you for the same reason you loved me. We both keep each other happy and we are good mammals that never want to harm and only to love our mates.” Katrice planted another kiss on his other cheek. “And...I want to thank you...for being a great friend to me...and also for being so thoughtful and so sweet to me. I don’t deserve so much kindness and love that you give me.” Spazzie went into his defensive mode from that. “You do though. Because you are the best mammal ever. You never bring anyone down. You always keep me going. You deserve everything...especially a good boyfriend that would never use you, that would never harm you, that would always be there and make sure you are ok every single day. Katrice...you are so damn perfect I just...I thought I would never feel real love...uh, sorry. Swear.” Katrice felt her smile growing again. Her heart pounding and feeling so much full of life. She couldn’t explain it. Just she felt her tail wag ever so much. “I...I am glad I found you. Because I do love you. For the inside of you. Full of love and goodness. That is all I needed to feel when I wanted a relationship. I’m glad I found you.” “I’m glad too. All of these years. They are the best.” He slowly pulls off, gently letting go of her paws as he coughed and wipes his eyes to get the tears out of his eyes. “Ok..so...I was going to do this but I got so emotional.” “Heh. What was you going to do?” Katrice questions nicely with her bunny having to tap his foot fast as he was nervous until he did a quick breath. “Ok ok! So. I...I wanted to say that the years of us together, I loved them all. You always were there for me as I was for you. We kept out hearts connected in a chain to make our love stronger. We are different. You being into your liking, and me being into mine. I play video games and you ride those...death coasters...but we always try what we like.” Spazzie kept going as Katrice just smiled away. Loving the little speech he was giving out to his pumpkin spice raccoon love. “So Katrice...I want to keep going. I want to keep showing that I do love you...and I forever want to be your Hershy Kiss.” He gets on one knee. That move made Katrice’s eyes slowly rise up. He reached into his jacket pocket with him having a small box in his paw. “Katrice Russets. I want to ask the most important question. More important than my question to ask you out on a date.” He opened the top. Showing inside a beautiful ring that was shiny silver with the diamond having a sparkle to it. Katrice could see her reflection on it. “Katrice...will...will you marry me?” No words were given. She gasped and fell onto her knees. Her eyes watering, her smile being shown, her pupils seeming dilated. The bunny knew right away what the answer was. “Yes! Yes of course! I will marry you!” Katrice was shouting it to the world by now. She hugged Spazzie tight as he holds her close and the two start nuzzling and cuddling on each other. Feeling like the two were going to cry happily. Throughout her years she never thought she would make it like this. To have a boyfriend who loves her and cares for her every step of the way. To be with someone she truly loved and who loved her the same. To have a wedding with the mammal she cared about and loved. Spazzie was the same way. He thought love was fake. It was evil. It would always break your heart. But the day he met Katrice, he felt slowly, in time, his heart wanted one chance. So with hesitation, he letted his heart follow this one chance. And now, he feels free. He feels like himself. He feels happy for once. Because he had Katrice, and she had Spazzie. Today truly was a special day. (Katrice Russets belongs to @msitubeatz) (ALSO Kazzie is a wholesome/joke ship)
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the-quiet-winds · 5 years
Terrors Don’t Pray on Innocent Victims (part two)
yeah, this one is a fun one. glad you all are enjoying mine and @ichlugebulletsandcornnuts‘s most evil fic (although that’s not entirely true is it?)
[part one]
[Part 2: Sticking it Out, Letting You Down]
parr runs over to jane immediately. “are you okay?” she asks, kneeling down next to her. jane doesn’t answer, staring off after the man with one hand held to her cheek.
“parr! jane!” aragon’s voice calls from behind them. “boleyn said there was trouble, we called the police- what happened?” she finishes, looking down at the two of them, an expression of concern on her face.
“is katherine okay?” jane murmurs, voice quiet and strained. aragon frowns.
“yeah, she’s fine. fast asleep, cleves and boleyn are still with her.”
jane nods as she stands up, ignoring the blood from her ear where she scratched the pavement. “that’s all that matters,” she insists. 
the police car comes screaming onto the street, lights and sirens cutting the dark and silent night. 
“this will be fun,” aragon mutters.
they bring the officers inside to explain the situation to them. katherine is waiting on the stairs when they enter, a panicked expression on her face. “mum!” she practically whimpers, running into jane’s arms.
“kat,” jane says softly. “i thought you were asleep, love.”
“the sirens,” katherine gestures vaguely towards the officers. “they woke me up.” jane hugs katherine tightly before pulling away, resting her hands on katherine’s shoulders.
“sweetheart, i need you to wait upstairs for me with boleyn and cleves while i talk to the officers,” she says. “i promise i’ll be up to make sure you’re okay soon.”
“excuse me, miss,” one of the officers interrupts. “are you katherine?” katherine nods hesitantly. “then i’ll need you to stay and answer a few questions,” he continues. “you’re not in any trouble, we just want a full picture of what’s been happening.”
katherine pales dramatically, even in the low light jane can see her face lose color and her eyes then scared. 
“o-okay,” she whispers. jane takes her hand. “i’ll stay with you, yeah?”
“sorry, ma’am,” the officer cuts in gently. “we need to speak to her alone, just to ensure that nothing is bias.”
katherine looks to jane pleadingly, and jane meets her eyes gravely. she gently kisses her cheek. “i’ll wait for you in the other room.” jane pulls aragon and parr out with her.
katherine sits down opposite the officers, body slightly hunched in on itself. she wasn’t comfortable with male strangers at the best of times, and especially not now, not after what happened. one of the officers leans forwards, looking at her with kindly eyes.
“now, katherine, your friend on the phone told us that there was an incident tonight, and that the man involved had been messaging you for a while. is that correct?”
katherine nods, hands finding a loose thread on the hem of her pyjama shirt.
the other officer sits a notepad on his lap and looks over to her. “could you describe the nature of these messages?”
she shrugs. “they started off like normal fan mail but then they got...weird.”
“could you elaborate, please?”
a lump rises in katherine’s throat and she can’t speak anymore. instead, she takes out her phone and shows the officers the messages, including the ones from earlier. 
jane suddenly enters the room, dried blood clinging to her ear. “there was this, too,” she says fiercely, handing the officer the brick from earlier. “and this.” she gestures to her ear.
the officer with the notepad scribbles something down, while the other smiles gently at jane. “thank you,” he says. “now, katherine, i just need to ask you something, and i need you to tell the truth. i promise you that you won’t be in any trouble, no matter what you answer. did you ever tell this man any personal information about yourself?”
“what? no!” katherine frowns, and jane rounds on the officer.
“of course she didn’t! what kind of question is that?”
“it’s just a formality,” the officer raises his hands. “thank you for answering, katherine. you’ve been very brave. i’d like a word with your mother now.” katherine looks up at jane worriedly, and jane kisses her forehead.
“go and wait in the other room, love.” she didn’t want katherine around to hear what had happened while she’d been asleep. she couldn’t worry her like that.
the officer looks at her darkly. “i need to know exactly what just happened outside. did you tell him anything?”
jane’s face turns dark. “of course not, i would not do anything to risk harming my daughter.”
the officer matches her intensity. “i have zero leads on this man, lady, and we need something to work with here.”
“i can’t tell you much. he was tall and well built, but sounded relatively young. i really wish i could tell you more,” she looks at the officer firmly. “it hurts my soul not to be able to give any more information, officer. i want this man found and put away for the things he said about my daughter.”
the officer matches her gaze for a few moments, then leans back. “okay,” he says finally. “can you give me any examples of what he knew about katherine? things he shouldn’t have known, perhaps? anything that might help us work out how he’s getting his information.”
“he knew too much,” jane recalls. “knew the nicknames i use for her, what we’d been discussing before we met with him, even-” her voice trembles and she pauses for a moment. “even what i say to her to make her feel safe.”
the officer sighs. he really doesn’t want to ask the next question, but he feels he must. “is there any chance any of the other women in this house had any prior communication with him?”
jane looks at him with absolute fury and horror. “how dare you assume that,” she hisses. “how dare you think that any of them would hurt her?!”
“i have to cover all of my bases!” the officer yells back. “if he knew things that no one outside this house knows, that means one of two things: either one of your ladies spilled, or he hacked into your phones.”
“none of us,” jane says, voice dangerously low, “would ever do anything to put katherine in danger. does that answer your question?”
the officer looks at her for a moment longer before sighing. “fine, i think that’s all the questions i need answered. we’ll need a formal written report of the incident from you, katherine, and anyone who witnessed the incident outside.” the officer with the notepad takes some forms out of the pad and places them on the coffee table. “return them to the station by this evening.”
“is that it?” jane asks bitterly. “you aren’t going to do anything else?”
“we’re going to attempt to discover his identity through his accounts and track him that way,” the officer explains.
“and what about katherine in the meantime?” jane asks. “how are we meant to keep her safe?”
the officer looks around the room. “put her somewhere else to sleep?” he offers. “make sure she never goes anywhere alone.” 
jane’s heart clenches. she was so unsafe she couldn’t even be alone. then she holds up the papers. “we’ll have these back later,” she mutters. the officer nods, then softens. 
“we’ll find him.”
jane can’t speak, so she dips her head and leaves the room, really wanting to see her daughter at that moment. 
somehow, in the moments between leaving one room and walking to the other, she gets a series of texts to her phone. 
“if you talk to the police again or file those reports, i’ll make sure you’re thrown in jail,” the first message from an unknown number reads. 
jane, against her better judgement, replies. “for what could you possible incarcerate me for?”
there’s an impossibly long moment before the number replies. 
“we all know the adoption was never and will never be legal. what a shame if someone were to spill something about...kidnapping?”
he sends another message.
“no records of either of you anywhere, convenient, no?”
“you don’t have anything on us,” jane replies, anger coursing through her veins. then she sends another message: “she’s a legal adult who is living with me of her own free will.”
“and i’m sure the judges will accept that once you’ve shown them dear kitty-kat’s birth certificate,” he messages, and jane can almost hear the mocking tone in the second message he sends. “oh wait.”
jane can’t take this any more. she switches her phone off and shoves it into her pocket, entering the room where kat had been waiting.
“kat,” she says slowly, trying not to let her voice shake. “we all need to get rid of our phones. now.”
“what? why?!” katherine shoots to her feet, all traces of sleep vanished from her system. 
jane considers her next words very carefully, not wanting to tell her that they had all of their phone numbers. “the policeman said so. for our own safety. for your safety.”
katherine’s eyes well with tears. “i’m sorry guys,” she says. “this is all my fault.”
“it’s not your fault,” parr insists. “this twisted psycho is trying to hurt you and we don’t want that.”
the house phone rings. at 2am.
they look at each other for a moment, before parr reaches out and picks up the phone. “hello?” she asks cautiously. then- “it’s for you,” she says, looking over at jane with concern in her eyes. jane swallows roughly.
“pass it over,” she says. parr obliges, handing the phone over to jane. she puts it up to her ear and tries her best to keep her voice even, despite some anger and fear bleeding through.
“is this miss jane seymour?” a kind male voice asks. 
“yes, that’s me,” she cautiously answers. 
“i am mister edward hallow, solicitor for the howard family. i’m told that you have custody of a katherine howard?”
jane swallows a lump in her throat. “yes, that is correct.”
“we have a family member who has just turned up from germany, a cousin, looking for her.”
“is that so?” jane suddenly feels very faint.
“he wishes to see her. could we arrange a meeting time and place?”
“i-” jane pauses, thinking of how best to phrase it. “we’ve recently had a bit of an incident, and i just don’t think this is a good time to set up a meeting.”
“i am deeply sorry,” the solicitor says, and his voice sounds genuinely concerned. “i don’t mean to cause any issues, but the cousin in question informed me he is only in England for the next two weeks. are you sure there’s no chance? he seemed very eager to meet her.”
there’s a long pause between the two as jane looks to the other queens, all facing her with concerned eyes. if it wasn’t 2am, and she wasn’t dead tired, she would have quoted aragon and screamed ‘no way in hell!’ but she was tired, not thinking straight. 
so she invites him to the next afternoon’s show.
tag list: @percabeth15 @kats-seymour @qualquercoisa945 @jane-fucking-seymour @a-slightly-cracked-egg @justqueentingz @annabanana2401 @wolfies-chew-toy @broad-way-13 @tvandmusicals @lailaliquorice @aimieallenatkinson @sweet-child-why03 @gaylinda-of-the-upper-uplands @funky-lesbians @thinkaboutitmaybe @hansholbeingoesaroundzeworld @anaamess @beeskneeshuh @prick-up-ur-ears @theartoflazy @justqueentwo @brother-orion @paleshadowofadragon @lafemmestars @beautifulashes17 @jarneiarichardnxel @idkimbadwithusernamesandstuff @sixcago @mixer1323 @boleynssixthfinger @aimieallen @elphiesdance @boleynthebunny @krystalhuntress @lupin-loves-chocolate @bellacardoza16 @bluify @second--butthole
72 notes · View notes
jbuffyangel · 6 years
Blessed: Arrow 7x13 Review (Star City Slayer)
It may be difficult to form coherent thoughts right now because of all the screaming, but I shall do my level best fam because WE ARE HAVING A BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Warning: gif explosion ahead.
Let’s dig in...
Olicity and Mia Smoak
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I AM DYING Y’ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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WHAT A TIME TO BE ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Of course, there are plenty of other things to discuss in the episode and we’ll get to it, but right now I want to bask. 
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This reveal was EPIC. 
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It actually exceeded my expectations because I didn’t think we’d get all the goodies all at once. “Star City Slayer” is basically my Christmas Wish List and Beth Schwartz just put delightful rainbow colored check marks after each request.  *falls to knees to worship Beth*
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We knew Arrow was dropping a bomb because Kat McNamara gave us all a heads up in her promotional press tour for “Star City Slayer.” But it’s wasn’t just one bomb. It was several.
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First, Felicity is alive which DUH. 
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This reveal felt fairly perfunctory and it tells me the Arrow writers didn’t really expect us to believe Felicity was truly dead because, as I always say, they ain’t that crazy. You do not throw out the lightning in the bottle. You keep the lightning in the damn bottle for as long as you possibly can until she starts screaming to get out and you are absolutely forced to let her go otherwise you’ll be charged with kidnapping.
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But was I laughing my ass off at all the antis who thought this was their year and Felicity was truly dead? You’re damn right I did. SUCK IT HATERS!!!!
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Everything was revealed to us in the last three minutes of the show, which felt like the writers throwing a confetti and glitter bomb at us in a dark hole. 
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AND I WILL TAKE IT. Please and thank you. 
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We already had a mountain of evidence Mia is Olicity’s daughter, but there are extremely big hints throughout the episode telling us exactly where we are headed.
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There is an absolutely beautiful transition from Felicity’s face in the darkness to Mia’s face.  In fact, Felicity’s face almost melts into the Mia’s, so it is pretty damn clear Gregory Smith (the director) is trying to draw a substantial connection. These kinds of shots are important guys. This is how Arrow Arrows. Transitions, cuts, focused shots – it’s all trying to tell the story visually. When Arrow cannot give us the answer directly then they will drop crumbs the size and weight of anvils.
Dinah and Zoe are using Felicity’s Archer program to find where she planted the bombs, but thus far haven’t been able to locate them. Roy believes Felicity could have hid the bombs in the old, but still secret, Team Arrow bunker. But of course we know two people who are already in the bunker!
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Mia and JJ tranquilize everyone, tie them up, and begin the interrogations. I like these kids. They’re nifty.
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Mia wants the codes to the Archer program from William so she can find Felicity. Nobody questions Mia’s ability to kick William’s ass, least of all William, so he doesn’t last long. He also wants Mia to stop hitting Zoe. Awww… this is the Arrow equivalent of these kids playing Legos together.
Mia tells William Felicity is alive. It’s unclear if Mia knows because she has actual proof or if this is more a gut feeling type of thing. Either way it’s significant. Felicity’s circle of trust is pretty limited in the future. If she trusts Mia then she is incredibly important to Felicity. The only other person Felicity has reached out to for help was William, her son, and she sent him to get Roy, the brother-in-law (I’m just calling it like I see it).  QUEEN FAMILY REUNION!!!!
This whole “Felicity is evil” angle is total crap too. Toss that nonsense out the window.
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I think Felicity, Mia and JJ are trying to stop the destruction of Star City by infiltrating the Glade because Rene’s Chief of Staff is evil. Even if I’m wrong about plot points I am not wrong about Felicity being one of the good guys.
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Mia can’t quite figure William out and the feeling is mutual. 
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William not a vigilante like Zoe, but finds himself embroiled in this bomb plot.
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The differences between the two aren’t difficult to see. Mia is street and William is luxury condos. William is tech and Mia is Krav Maga. William is gentle and Mia is punch first ask questions later. To say these two come from different worlds is an understatement and yet they find themselves circling around each other. 
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She mistakes his interest in Felicity as romantic and we all gagged right along with William.
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Mia’s reaction to Felicity being William’s step mother was a massive tell, which means Oliver isn’t the only one in the family with a terrible poker face.  
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Source: plotbunnyshipper
It was similar to Mia’s reaction when William told her Felicity was dead. 
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There is a person who cares under that hard exterior. There is someone who loves under all that pain. Sounds like someone else we know doesn’t it?
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Oliver made his famous chili tonight, which is something the comic canon nuts have been after for years. But Arrow is going to put their spin on it. The comic canon folks will get their chili, but Oliver is making it for Felicity and William (and not LL like they want and ridiculously still believe they’ll get). It was two spicy for William, but Felicity was having seconds because SHE IS INCUBATING THEIR LOVE CHILD!!!!
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Source:  lucyyh
Stan the Fan, who was fantastically creepy, put some kind of drug in the chili to paralyze Oliver, Felicity and William. They went to the hospital and Felicity commented on the “mountains of blood” staff took to confirm there were no lasting effect.
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I didn’t jump off the ground quite yet at this point. It was a fairly offhand remark from Felicity and I wasn’t sure if they’d reveal she was pregnant at the same time they confirmed Mia’s identity. I know I know. It makes complete sense to do it at the same time, but since when does Arrow ever make complete sense? I was being cautious.
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And then all the bombs drop. 
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Source:  oliverxfelicity
Felicity gets a call from the hospital regarding her blood test and SHE’S PREGNANT!  THIS IS WHEN THE SCREAMING STARTED!!!!
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We immediately cut to the flash forwards.  Mia & JJ are fighting Dinah, Roy, Zoe and William. This is a fantastic fight sequence. It really feels like the old guard meeting the new. Roy gets the upper hand on JJ, but Mia gets the upper hand on Dinah. That’s my baby girl!!!!
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William nervously holds a gun on Mia, but she’s cool as a cucumber. She knows he won’t shoot.  
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And why? *saythewordssaythewordssaythewordssaythewords*
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Source:  katie-mcgraths
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My screaming went ultrasonic STG. 
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It’s so much goodness all it once I almost hyperventilated. 
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This reveal was like setting off fireworks in this dystopian nightmare world. 
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Is it awful William and Mia don’t know each other? Of course it is. My heart is broken Oliver and Felicity didn’t get to live an idyllic life, raising their babies in peace, and the city is still a hot mess 20 years in the future. I wouldn’t have picked it as a storyline, but if I was writing this show then Olicity would’ve been married in Season 3 and we’d be on our second set of triplets by now.  
I don’t know how the family became splintered, but I am dying to find out. I want to see Felicity reunited with both her son and daughter. I want to know what the hell happened to Oliver. I absolutely want to see William and Mia’s relationship as brother and sister develop. It reminds me of the Season 1 between Oliver and Thea or more accurately Oliver and Emiko now. If everything is a mess in the future then at the very least I want to see the Queen family fighting to make it better. SIGN ME THE HELL UP!!!!!!
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It’s not just about the Queen family either. Roy and Dinah officially confirm Connor Hawke is John Diggle’s boy JJ. Finally someone from present day recognizes these kids. 
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It’s clearly been YEARS since Dinah or Roy have seen JJ. What the hell happened? Where is Diggle? (Thank you David Ramsey for confirming you’ll be in the flash forwards).  If JJ is working with Mia and Felicity then hopefully it means Diggle is as well.
“Star City Slayer’ felt like the birth of new OTA (William, Mia and JJ). Did you notice how JJ came running in as Mia interrogated William and Dinah, all protective and concerned for her? My ship is setting sail!
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Kat McNamara said in her TVLine interview, “Beth has said they’re trying to combine the best qualities of Oliver and Felicity — his physical strength and her intellectual strength. “ 
And she is the best qualities.
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Mia is the perfect blend of Oliver and Felicity. Everything we saw in the show was put there for a reason - the scotch,
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the fight style, 
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her reaction to Oliver’s documentary, 
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her reaction to Felicity’s death, 
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Mia’s intellectual smarts 
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along with her street smarts. 
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It was all to show Mia’s connection to her parents. We didn’t imagine anything family. This fandom called it right from the start.  
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Let’s rewind a bit and go back to present day. I love how Felicity finds out she is pregnant. A blood test is irrefutable proof. Sure, pregnancy tests have come a long way, but you always get a blood test to confirm. I was happy to skip the whole “Is she sure?” trope.
It’s the perfect way for this child to happen.  I never thought this baby would be planned. Look at Oliver and Felicity’s lives! It’s going to be difficult to find “a good time” and Felicity is extremely pragmatic. I like how Mia’s arrival is unexpected. That’s life folks. If you want to make God laugh tell Him your plans.
If you are screaming “But birth control!!!” lemme tell ya I know plenty of folks who have gotten pregnant on birth control. It would be easy to miss a step here or there given the craziness of Oliver and Felicity’s lives.  I am also of the opinion Oliver “The Sex God” Queen has super sperm.
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Felicity is understandably stunned, but she instinctively puts her hand on her belly as she watches William being ushered away to Central City with his grandparents for a “normal life.” 
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This is the life Oliver and Felicity chose, but it’s not the life their children chose. Felicity’s desire to protect William and her unborn child is completely understandable and what any mother would do. This news is unexpected and life changing, but Felicity’s hand over her belly shows her instantaneous love. Even though this child was unplanned it is already adored.
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Source: olicitygifs
I’m not sure if the costume department specifically chose red on purpose, but Felicity finding out she’s pregnant dressed in a red sweater is a beautiful visual call back to Arrow 3x01 “The Calm.” 
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This is the episode where the seeds of this future were sewn. Their dinner at the Italian restaurant didn’t meet the qualifications of a first date, even though it came with all the nerves, because Oliver and Felicity already knew each other really well.  They were already in love.
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This was never about one date, a one night stand or even a fling. Oliver put those days behind him the minute he realized he loved Felicity Smoak. 
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It was always about forever for him.
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Oliver is not a man of many words and it’s difficult for him to talk about emotions or the past. But Oliver owed Felicity the truth after their “ruse” to stop Slade. She needed to know there were no lies in that “I love you.” 
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Oliver tells Felicity how much she means to him and the life he dreams of having with her.  
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Felicity waited two long years to hear everything Oliver said.
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This is why their breakup was so painful. 
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Oliver wasn’t just saying no to a relationship with Felicity. He was saying no to everything he dreamed. He was walking away from lazy days in bed, 
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failed omelets, 
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love ferns, 
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brown bag lunches,
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ying yang kisses,
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Christmas trees, 
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vows in the park,
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homework help,
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video game wars,
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breakfast for dinner, 
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and experimental cookies.
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Oliver said no to a home, children and a love strong enough to build it all around.
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Oliver could picture that life any time he looked at Felicity. He saw their children in her eyes. He knew exactly what he was giving up.  Oliver gave himself one moment to live that dream 
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and love the children who would never be.
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Anytime you think Oliver only loses I want you to think back to “The Calm.”  You think back to the beginning of the series and remember how far Oliver Queen has come. Remember everything he has built with his blood, sweat and tears. We’ve gone from a man who was emotionally cut off, suffering under the weight of his pain, because of his self hatred and guilt, 
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to one who believes he deserves to be loved, fights with everything he has to hold on to love, and shines his light for the world to see.
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The fans didn’t introduce the Olicity baby into the story. 
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The writers did and they did it for a very specific reason. 
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This has always been what Oliver is fighting for. Arrow is not just about saving Star City. It’s about saving Oliver Queen too. Felicity’s love and the family they will build together is his salvation. 
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This family is everything Oliver dreamed of. It’s everything he believed he didn’t deserve. It’s everything he’s fought to earn. Love, family and purpose. This is what it means to be alive. From the moment Oliver stopped surviving and truly started living again, this is the promise he’s always been headed towards.
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Mia is the fulfillment of that promise. 
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She is the final piece to the puzzle.
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Mia closes the loop around the life Robert and Moira Queen wanted for Oliver.  The life they died to give him.
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Maybe the Queen family is broken and splintered in the flash forward, but they will be put back together. Don’t doubt it for a second. Arrow is mass array of broken pieces which will ultimately fit together to unveil the final image. Salvation for Oliver, Star City, his family and the team is all the same thing. It’s all connected. You don’t get one without the other.  Oliver will save his family just like they saved him. 
It’s also important to remember how far we’ve come as fans who love this romance. We were told constantly Olicity would never happen. The NOlicity haters, L*urivers and antis from every nook and cranny said everything we saw on screen was our imagination. There was never a chance for Olicity. The writers would never abandon comic book canon for a love story of their own creation.
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And yet… they did. Felicity became the female lead. Olicity became the central romance of Arrow.  We didn’t imagine anything. Everything we saw was intentional. It was real. The smile was magic. 
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Her belief made him believe. 
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The lie was the truth. 
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The kiss led to 
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the sunset drive. 
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Everything broken 
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would be repaired. 
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would bring forgiveness.  
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The bouquet 
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promised the wedding.
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And the dream 
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would become a reality.
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Oliver and Felicity are blessed, and we as fans, are blessed to have them as our OTP.
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Olicity and William Clayton
Oy. What a couple of weeks with William. He still hasn’t coughed up a reason for his expulsion, so Oliver and Felicity play good cop/bad cop with him over breakfast. 
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Is anyone surprised Oliver is the good cop? No. 
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He wouldn’t have been on the damn boat banging his girlfriend’s sister if Robert and Moira Queen said no when he was two. The fact Oliver continually found himself in trouble with his parents is a clear indication whatever discipline the Queen’s used didn’t work. 
In fact, I remember Oliver having this fight with Moira in Season 1 over Thea. It’s a different story when it’s your kid, you’ve been in prison for several months and you just want bond with “Buddy.” Well, hike up the big boy pants and strap on those green tights Oliver. You’re a father now which means NO PANCAKES.
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Felicity is the most adorable bad cop to ever walk the face of the earth, but her husband knows better than to question her benevolent rule. 
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Bae is still Queen.  Felicity says one word and it’s see ya pancakes. 
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Oliver even takes William’s knife and fork away. I died. He’s like a light switch she can flip on and off. Let’s see what else Felicity can make Oliver do!  Sounds like a good use of 45 minutes to me!
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Source:  myhauntedblacksoul
I have to be honest if I was expelled, refused to explain why, copped an attitude and stormed out on my parents I would not live to tell the tale. Instead, I would be buried in the backyard next to our pet bunny Petunia. I had no desire to piss my parents off. I valued my life thank you very much.
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William does unload on Oliver and its pretty friggin great. The attitude needs to go, but William makes some valid points. 
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There’s been a lot of discussion about the “mistakes” Oliver has made and what he needs to do to be a better leader. I’m drawing a blank whenever this topic comes up around the Newbies because they are all awful and Oliver should’ve let them rot in Slabside.
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However, the next phase of the Oliver Queen evolution is listening and his teachers are his wife and son. Keep your expectations low fam. Oliver is still a heterosexual male. There’s only so much listening he’s physically capable of doing.
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William is cheesed off Oliver went to prison without discussing it with either Felicity or him (FACTS KIDDO), because his father does whatever the hell he wants to do (TRUE STORY). Simply because Oliver was heroically falling on the sword doesn’t erase his inability to ask for opinions. 
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Oliver feels this is an unfair characterization, but we only need to look at Felicity’s face and to know William’s remarks are on target.
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Source: olicitygifs
Felicity changes into her good cop hat and approaches William with Oliver’s world famous chili and a Rubik cube lesson. 
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Source: ebett 
Oliver acknowledges William’s right to be angry and apologizes. The kid has been through a lot in the last couple years, which is why Oliver wants to bring him home. 
It is at this point Samantha Clayton’s parents show up on Oliver and Felicity’s doorstep.  
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That’s right folks! A ticked off William called Grandpa and Grandma to complain. Jeez William. This is how those awful Lifetime movies about custody battles begin. Put down the phone dude.
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I’m laughing right now because I’m imagining calling my grandfather to complain about my parents. He would have reached through the telephone to bop me on the head. Then he would’ve said my parents were amazing, I’m the luckiest girl on the planet and I should apologize right the hell now. Then he would’ve sent me fifty bucks. My Papa was the best.
Grandma and Grandpa Clayton have a different approach. They want custody of William. Sigh. I’m not saying they don’t have a point. They didn’t know Oliver was the Green Arrow and the dude is convicted murderer. He just did time in a maximum security prison! Also, he knocked up their daughter and his Green Arrow activities are pretty much the reason she’s dead. So Oliver isn’t going to win the Claytons over anytime soon.
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They may think it is an open and shut custody case, but WHERE THE HELL WERE THEY? 
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There were plenty of times the Claytons could have intervened, but it takes William calling and complaining for these two to get off their asses? The kid was put into Witness Protection for god sake. Open and shut I think not.
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Obviously, Oliver goes growly papa bear and tells them nobody is taking his son. Damn right. He didn’t even get that mad at the Claytons until they insulted Felicity’s ability to parent. I thought Oliver was gonna put an arrow in them. DO NOT SPEAK ILL OF THE WIFEY. HE WILL COME FOR YOUR LIFE AND A LIFE IS WHAT HE WILL TAKE.
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I know William is going through stuff, but this is a really dick move. He knows Oliver and Felicity adore him and threatening a grandparent custody battle simply because he’s mad at Dad is completely inappropriate. Anyone can discipline this child at any time. I’ll wait.
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Oliver finally finds his angry voice! 
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There ya go big fella. It’s the same one you use to interrogate suspects, but with less torture.  And they say the hood didn’t prepare him to be a family man. Pfft.
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Oliver and William basically have it out. 
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As parent versus child fights go this is a pretty good one. Obviously, Oliver wants to have his son home and give him a normal life, but there is no normal when you are running around in green leather pants shooting arrows every night. 
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Am I saying Oliver and Felicity should immediately ship William off to his grandparents? No. There’s a way to build the Queen family version of normal. They’ll do breakfast for dinner, but will occasionally be held hostage. It’s a give and take.
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Parents have jobs where their lives are at risk every night. Do police officers ship their kids off to the grandparents? No. Do John and Lyla, who work for the least secret spy agency in the world, ship JJ off to Lyla’s parents? No. Zoe isn’t going anywhere. So why is William flipping his shit?
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Source:  olivergifs
Because William lived ten years with his version of normal and that life was with Samantha. It was a life with no masks, kidnappers blowing up islands or incredibly dull mob bosses. As wrong as it was to keep Oliver out of William’s life, Samantha did insulate their son from all the crazy.
William’s mother died pretty recently and this child has adjusted to a lot. He meets his father, but loses his mother. He gets to live with his father and gains a step mother, but he has to move away from his friends, school, grandparents and city. Then, just when he’s adjusted, everything is torn away again. His father is sent to prison and he’s put into Witness Protection with his stepmother. I understand why William is having difficulty adjusting to the Green Arrow life.
Felicity broaches the subject, but even discussing letting William go tears Oliver apart. 
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Source:  olicitygifs
Felicity thinks William is old enough to decide for himself what kind of life he wants to live. And right now that life is with his grandparents.  So Oliver lets him go.
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Source:  thegayfleet
This is why I’m still mad with writers for killing Samantha. 
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If the intent was to protect William from all the insanity of Oliver’s life then why kill his mother? Why bring back Raisa? Why send him off with the grandparents when William simply could be splitting time 50/50 with his mother in Central City? 
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Samantha’s existence didn’t preclude Felicity from having a relationship with him. It would have been interesting to see Oliver, Felicity and Samantha co parent.
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The only reason Arrow killed off Samantha was to make Oliver a full time father and for the whole father/son sin cycle to continue. Eh. That was never a good enough reason for me, but especially now because they are looking for an escape hatch to throw William out of.  If the endgame was always to route William back to Central City then they should have left his mother alone.
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The argument Oliver and Felicity can’t provide William protection or a normal life, when they achieved those things all last season while living a pretty idyllic life, is a lot of nonsense.  Yes, I know Oliver went through a time in Season 6 when he hung up the hood, but Felicity was still on the team. And Oliver suited back up eventually. William could adjust to the new normal just like JJ and Zoe have.  Are JJ and Zoe getting shipped off to their grandparents? No.
It’s difficult to believe Oliver and Felicity willingly letting William go, even though I understand the kid’s frustration and anger. 
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Oliver is right. William can’t call his grandparents for back up anytime he’s mad at his parents. But by letting him move to his grandparents, Oliver and Felicity are just reinforcing this behavior! The Queen family needs to learn to fight without someone packing up and moving.  
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Perhaps, if we didn’t have the flash forwards we would see Oliver, Felicity and William work through this, but the writers want some distance between the three to sell the future storyline. I’m still not even sure this is the “abandonment” William is still bitching about 20 years from now, because guess what son? You left Oliver and Felicity! Not the other way around. It still boggles my mind Oliver and Felicity would allow this given how hard they fought to reunite their family this season.  
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It seems a little ridiculous to me William peaces out after his dad is released from prison or Felicity being so willing to let him go.  William’s present day storyline feels slapped together with tape and glue. It flies in the face of everything this family established in Season 6 for the sake of the flash forwards. I’m having a very difficult time buying any kind of separation between William, Oliver and Felicity no matter how ticked off this kid is.
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Of course, as William is walking out the door Felicity finds out she’s pregnant with his sister. I have no idea why William doesn’t know about Mia. I don’t think Oliver and Felicity said goodbye to him forever in “Star City Slayer” so there’s a lot of plot holes needing to be filled. I can’t even venture a guess and I really don’t want to. There’s too much information we don’t have and it feels like a fruitless endeavor. My plan is to wait and watch.
Curtis Holt
The Olicity baby wasn’t the only thing on my Christmas Wish List! Beth booted Curtis Holt off my show too !!!!!!!! YAHOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  
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Honestly, I felt a little bad for Echo because this was the least important development in the episode. The Olicity baby bomb blew him out of the water.
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No, it doesn’t bother me he isn’t dead. I’m perfectly fine with Arrow shipping Curtis off to Washington D.C. for his dream job. I didn’t need him dead. I needed him GONE.
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At first, I wasn’t quite sure what route Arrow was going. He tells Diggle about the job in DC but then John, who is determined to piss me off at every turn this season, offers Curtis a bigger job at ARGUS. 
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He’ll be in charge of their science division because what would we do without Curtis! HE IS SO VITAL. 
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Dammit Diggle! You had one job! JUST LET HIM GO.
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Curtis goes out into the field with the team to hunt the Star City Slayer and I felt certain we were headed into L*urel L*nce territory. She decided to suit up “one last time” before taking her DA job and then BAM! Arrow right to the gut.
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Amazingly, Curtis makes it out relatively unscathed and he even saves Dinah’s life with one of his T-spheres. I think. I didn’t really care other than he wasn’t dead. I was too busy thinking, “Shit he better not take John up on the ARGUS job.” 
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But I was prepared folks. As long as I got an Olicity baby I was prepared to deal with whatever other disappointments came my way.
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But NOPE! Beth decided to be Santa Claus and give me allllllllll my goodies.
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Curtis decides to take the job in DC. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! The minute Curtis said it I went online to buy him 15 plane tickets – one for him and his 14 PhDs.
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Of course, he gives full ownership of Helix back to Felicity. 
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See this is why he needs to go. He acted so magnanimous - like it was his to give. Curtis gives Felicity some pompous talk about finding her purpose. OMG THIS GUY IS TOO MUCH. IT WAS HER COMPANY AND YOU ROAD ON HER COATTAILS. MAYBE SHE WOULD HAVE HER “PURPOSE” BY NOW IF THE WRITERS WEREN’T CONSTANTLY SIDE LINING FELICITY TO GIVE YOUR USELESS ASS SOMETHING TO DO. Ugh. Is the plane here yet? I’m so done with this douche.
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Anyways, what matters is Curtis Holt is GONE!!!!!!! 
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And it looks like we’re full steam ahead on Smoak Technologies. 
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Source:  felicitysmoakgifs
I don’t know why Arrow continually compartmentalizes Felicity. It seems to me she could be deputized and work with Team Arrow as Overwatch while creating Smoak Tech. Maybe that will happen, but for now it seems only one activity at the time. But at least her storyline won’t be stripped and ransacked to serve Curtis Fucking Holt anymore. WE CONTINUE TO BE BLESSED FANDOM. ALL MY PRAISE TO JESUS AND BETH SCHWARTZ.
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Stan the Fan
Last, but certainly not least, “Star City Slayer” finally delivers a villain worth watching. Stan the Fan is back and is more creepy, diabolical and terrifying in one episode than Diaz was for a year and a half! 
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Brendan Fletcher is a genius and the smartest move Arrow made was not killing him off at the end of the episode. WE WANT MORE STAN!
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The back story even made sense. WILL WONDERS EVER CEASE? 
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Stanley was abused and tortured by his parents until he finally killed them. Stanley’s older brother, who always tried to protect him, was horrified when he found out.  So, Stanley killed him too. Now he seeks out older brother types to look up to and endear himself to. Stanley tries to protect his new “big brother” just like his brother did for him. He kills anyone he believes are bad for the person he admires – friends and enemies alike.
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Okaaaaay. My man Stan has some legit issues. 
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Oliver: My teammates would never hurt you.
Stan: But they’re still bad for you!  Worse even because they don’t understand you.
Soooo… not for nothin’ but I found myself nodding along with Stan the Fan. 
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He was making many of the same arguments many of us have made about the Newbies. 
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Is Stanley wrong? Are we wrong? HELL NO THEY ARE THE WORST! Is it a little worrisome I’m agreeing with the psychopath? Well sure, but I think it’s find to agree with crazy people when they make sense.  Did Stan back into the right opinion via Insanity Street? Sure, but facts are facts no matter what route you choose.
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I also completely understood his desire to hang out with the Queen family and make a new team just the four of them. I’ve had that dream myself. 
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But let’s be clear - I’m not a crazy fan like Stan. I AM COMPLETELY RELAXED ABOUT OLIVER QUEEN!!!
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Slicing Dinah’s throat was a step too far over the line though Stan my man. 
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Source: arrowdaily
I just want her to take a job in Central City like Curtis moved to DC and bring Rene with her. Relocation would have been fine. You didn’t have to fricassee her vocal chords, bro.
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I think the scariest movies are when you are physically restrained from defending yourself in any way. You can’t move or scream. The scariest Buffy the Vampire Slayer episode is “Hush” and it remains one of the most terrifying hours of television I’ve ever seen. I’m still traumatized.
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Obviously, Oliver can take Stan the Fan in a blink of an eye so the paralyzing drug really shifted the power dynamic. It made Stan a real threat not only to Oliver, but his whole family. 
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Source:  plotbunnyshipper
It’s completely unnerving to listen to a powerless Oliver Queen trying to reason with Froot Loops. Stephen Amell always does such a great job with making his voice melodic like Oliver is trying to lull Stanley into submission.
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But you can’t fix crazy Oliver! I love how the Queen family worked together to stop him. William slides the bottle, 
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Felicity pisses Stanley off to get him to attack her, 
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and Oliver takes him out in one shot. BAM! 
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That’s how we do! It’s gonna be so great when all four members of the Queen family are reunited, kicking ass, taking names and saving the city together.
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Stray Thoughts
Wait. So Bl*ck S*ren isn’t even IN the episode where Mia’s parentage is revealed. HAHAHAHAHA. Obviously, KC was on her honeymoon and that’s lovely, but it never ceases to amaze me how wrong her fans are. Just when I think they’ve hit a new low they reset the whole scale by digging even deeper into the Pit of Wrongness. Am I being petty? YA DAMN RIGHT I AM.
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Ben Lewis’ scream when Dinah shoves William off the platform made me laugh until I cried.
Roy’s parkour made its triumphant return!
When my parents asked me to unpack the groceries it wasn’t a request I could refuse. My parents are lovely people, but next to Oliver they look like the Gestapo! Someone in the Arrow writer’s room needs to take a parenting class.
Felicity’s apartment security system is great and everything, but can’t she install a camera or something so they can see who the unidentified persons are? It’s called The Ring. Quite handy.
Loved the pink. Felicity was checking off all her signature colors. Source:  lucyyh
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Dinah lost her Canary Cry. Since she was having trouble dealing with being an outed meta it’ll be interesting to see what her reaction is. She doesn’t need to be a meta human to be part of Team Arrow. Although, I think this gives Team Arrow more of a reason to occasionally reach out to Bl*ck S*ren. 
This was such a mom moment. Source: EBETT
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This was such a dad moment. Source:  olivergifs
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Followed by another mom moment.  Source:  olivergifs
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The woman loves her man and his chili. Source: feilcityqueen
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This is the zenith of my shipper life. I have reached the top of Everest. Time to take stock of my OTP journey.
One taught me patience
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One taught me pain
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One taught me love
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Thanks to @callistawolf for the review title!
Disclaimer: Any gifs on the blog are not mine. If you would like a gif removed from my reviews, please message me. 7x13 gifs credited.
If you’d like to support the blog, please buy me a cup of tea!
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anjanettexcordonia · 4 years
Paradise Lost
**Trigger Warnings**
-NSFW/Mental Health/Violence/Rape Minimal fluff if any at all tbh.
***If you are sensitive to any of these please do not read.
Pairing: None
Word Count: 2,583 (I struggled with this chapter. Not sure why.) 
Excuse any grammatical errors or misspellings.
This will be a six part series. I do not have a timeline for when I will post. (I’m a mom & work full time)
Disclaimer: Riley Brooks & Liam Rhys belong to Pixelberry. All other characters in this chapter are mine. 
Thanks to @texaskitten30 for beta reading this chapter for me. 
If you would like to be tagged or removed from taglist please let me know. 
@gkittylove99 @kingliam2019 @yourmajesty09 @cordonia-gothqueen @mom2000aggie @texaskitten30 @hopefulmoonobject
Katherine Riley Brooks Vanderbilt lived a life others would envy. Her family had been written about in American history for decades. She attended the best schools money could buy. Her family frequently vacationed all over the world. To the world Riley was an heiress that lived a life most would or could only dream of. But not all was as it seemed. The tabloids painted her family in a light that no one would even imagine the horrors that really took place behind the eight foot walls that hid their sprawling estates. Riley didn’t have an easy life. Money didn’t cushion the multiple gut wrenching blows she suffered from her tyrant father. Trust funds didn’t fill the hole left by her absent alcoholic mother. Sisterly bonds was a fantasy. 
16 year old Riley
“Let’s go Mia. We have to get to the airport.” Riley was standing in her younger sister's dorm room waiting for her to pack her suitcases for their holiday trip with the rest of the Vanderbilt family. “I am. I am so excited to see Dad. I haven’t seen him in so long. Are you excited Kat?” “Um yea whatever Mia.” The sisters headed to the car waiting to take them to the private jet of one of their father's business partners. They arrived at the tarmac and realized they were no longer in the custody of their father's security detail. Riley knew this wasn’t going to be a run of the mill vacation. 
It had been two years since the death of her mother. Two years of boarding school away from the horror of her father. Riley dreaded the holiday but was excited to see her younger brothers. 
The jet finally touched down in Switzerland. Riley looked at her younger sister. Amelia still has the youthful twinkle in her eye as she looked out the cabin windows at the sparkling snow beneath them. Riley had lost the innocent twinkle. Maybe she never had it. She had been parentless as long as she could remember. Her father didn’t greet the sisters at the private airport. Nor did he greet them when they arrived at the estate they would be staying at. Instead a short plump woman with dark auburn hair and hazel met them at the estate. 
“Katherine and Amelia, I presume?” The girls nodded their heads. “Very well, follow me and I’ll show you to your wing as per Sir Vanderbilts request.” They followed the woman, who never introduced herself, to their rooms. Opulence was something they were used to and it didn’t faze them at all. “Your father will be joining you Katherine in your room shortly to discuss a few matters at hand.” 
“Katherine, it's nice to see you. And you look lovely in that dress my dear.” Riley’s father hissed as she walked into the sitting room of her suite. “Father” she nodded avoiding eye contact. He kept his eyes locked on her and her long, shimmering emerald dress. Her father always insisted they dress their best in his presence no matter the occasion. “Have a seat. We have much to discuss.” Riley seated herself across from at the small table. “I would like for you to join me on my hunt this weekend. It’s time I teach you all to be true Vanderbilts and how we maintain our power among the others in our world. Money does not equal power.” 
“Power is forcefully taken, yes I know, Father.” Riley rolled her eyes. Suddenly Riley felt a force knock her out of her chair. She hit the marble floors beneath with her a force that knocked the wind out of her. “It will do you well to remember your place Katherine Riley Vanderbilt otherwise you will see what happens when someone disobeys me.” Riley felt the warm, copper taste of blood in her mouth. “I would say ask your mother,” a sinister smile emerging on his face, “but it seems you can not.” Riley stood and dabbed a napkin against the corner of her mouth, she smoothed her dress and took her place in front of her father. “There will be other friends in attendance as well on our hunt tomorrow. As I am sure you are aware, you will be in charge of keeping the other children on their best behavior.” 
“Father, may I ask, what will be hunting tomorrow?” 
“Who, Katherine, who?” Edward stood from the table, “I have spoken with the others. Amelia seems especially eager. Tomorrow will be momentous. Tomorrow will show me who will be the successor to Vanderbilt Enterprises.” 
Riley didn’t sleep a wink that night. She had no idea her younger brothers, Neal and Eddie were there. She hadn’t seen them yet. It had been six months since she had seen them last. 
The next morning, Riley woke and dressed in her riding gear and went down for breakfast. When she made it to the kitchen, she spotted her siblings and her father all having breakfast. Riley noted how unusual this was. “Riley!” Cornelius screamed and jumped from the table to hug her. “Hey Neal! How are you? You have grown so much since I saw you! How has school been? 
“ENOUGH” Edward bellowed at the children. “Sit down both of you.” A flash of fear passed though Cornelius’s eyes and he went back to his seat. They finished their breakfast without so much as another word nor a glance at each other. “You’ve never taken us on a hunt before Father, what game may I ask will we be hunting today?” Amelia asked. “Today will be a turning point. It’s not about the game we hunt per say it’s about the power you hold over your prey. In this world only the strong prevail. Kill or be killed. Succeed or fail.” Edward said matter of factly. “You will do exactly as I say without showing weakness, now you all may follow me.” 
The children all followed their father to the stables on the grounds. They each mounted their horses and trotted behind their father until they reached a large,log hunting cabin deep in the woods. The tree canopy was so thick sunlight barely reached them. Riley felt a cold shiver down her spine as they made their way into the cabin. It was nearly lunch, but the smell of cigars and scotch...and something else but Riley couldn’t place the odd smell, made her stomach turn. 
“Eddie” a large overweight man clapped their father on the back. “I see you brought an audience,” the strange man smirked. 
“It’s time to toughen them up. Show them how to be true Vanderbilts eh Brother?” Edward laughed, “meet your Uncle Astor Cornelius Vanderbilt Duke of Wellington kiddies. I think the youngest one here ought to call you Pop?” he winked. “You’re whore of mother sure did enjoy making you, boy.” Astor looked down at a 12 year old Cornelius. Eddie smirked, catching Riley’s eyes filled with tears threatening to break free. He fully intended to break her. If she were to inherit his fortune she would do it on her knees. 
She looked more like her mother everyday. He hated her for it. He hated her mother. He hated himself. All he wanted was for her to love him. She could never love a man like him. So he forced her. He forced her until he took her life. He became the monster he was meant to be. And if he couldn’t make her like him he would do it to her daughter. His daughter. With her eyes.
“You will all do as I say, without defiance or face the consequences.” Edward warned. “Amelia, Edward you’re with me. The others are with Astor. Let’s go.” Each group went through a separate door that led to a flight of stairs descending downwards to a large basement. The basement looked similar to a hospital or a morgue. Medical utensils were placed by a row of three hospital gurneys. Large fluorescent lights made the room bright. Too bright. The first the sisters noticed when they entered the room was the row of three cages along the wall. Three naked women were gagged and bound in each cage. Riley looked at her sister. Amelia didn’t have fear in her eyes. She had excitement. Riley felt the hair on the back of her neck rise. “Have a seat,” Edward gestured towards some chairs near the cages,” you will observe and listen.” Edward pulled a set of keys from his jacket pocket and unlocked each cage door. He stripped his clothes bare and placed them in a laundry bag. The girls, surprised at their father's nakedness, averted their eyes unsure what to do. “Power is taken, not given. We take what we want and we end those that oppose us. We end those that would deny us what we seek, isn’t that right my daughters?” Edward asked as he pulled the first woman from her cage. She was a petite brunette woman that Riley didn’t recognize. “This woman disobeyed my direct orders so she will face my punishment.” He said firmly. He tied the woman to the gurney in the center of the room. Her wrists were tied tightly above her head and her ankles were tied to each corner of the bed. She was blindfolded and gagged. “Father, what are you doing?” Riley asked, horrified by what was happening in front of her. “I said not to speak, do you defy by direct command?” He glared at Riley. “Come here girl” he said between gritted teeth, “You will help me, you will get first hand experience.” Riley felt the anger boil in her veins. “What did she do to deserve such treatment?” She snarled. “Do as I say or you can replace this bitch on the table. Your sister there is practically giddy, but you hold resilience, that will end today. She will be your victim or you’ll be mine.” Edward spoke barely above a whisper. Evil poured through every orpheus of his body. 
Riley knew it was her or him and she was too weak to do anything. There was no returning back. The innocence Riley had left was going to be extinguished. She would never be the same. She grabbed the scalpel from her father’s outstretched hand. Her hand shook uncontrollably as she gripped the scalpel in her sweating palm She closed her eyes. Turn it off Riley. You can’t feel or you won’t survive. Turn it off… She opened her eyes and looked at her father. Her eyes reflected his. She handed the scalpel back to him. “I do not need this.” She paced the instrument back on the sterilized tray. She climbed on to the gurney. She pulled the gag out of the woman’s mouth. “I want to hear you scream.” She said. Riley pulled the blindfold from the girl’s eyes. “I want you to look at me while your life drains from your body. From your eyes. From my life.” “No please stop.” The girl cried. Riley’s father stood astounded by her words. He recognized those words. But from where? “All I wanted was for you to love me, but no it was too much to ask.” Riley said. She slapped the girl across the face. She grabbed the girl with both hands on each side of her face and kissed her deeply. She pulled back and punched her in the jaw. 
Slap. Punch. Hit. 
The girl screamed in anguish. Blood covered her face and splattered all over Riley. Edward and Amelia moved closer and watched her awe as she beat the woman. Riley grabbed the scalpel and sliced the woman's breast as the woman screamed. You deserve to die. You disobeyed me. You fucked your way into my life. You fucked your way into my fortune. Riley screamed.
“Riley stop.” Edward yelled. Riley didn’t stop but looked back at her father. “Do you remember father? What you did to Mother? We’re not that much different after all.” Riley slit the woman's throat and watched the blood pour from her carotid artery. She stood up. Edward glared at his daughter. “How dare you threaten me? I grabbed Riley and threw her into the cage the woman Riley had murdered was previously. He locked the cage door. “You will watch. He pulled the other women out of their confines and strapped them to the other two gurneys. Come here Amelia, it's your turn. I hope you do not disappoint me.” “Yes, Father, I’m ready.” Amelia responded excitedly. Riley watched as her father and sister beat, berated and assaulted the women. She watched as they mutilated and destroyed their physical bodies. Hours later there was silence. Amelia and Edward were spent from the torture. Riley was horrified at what her sister was capable of. She was her father in every way. She was a skilled manipulator. She was a horrific and demented individual. “I have an idea Father, we should throw the bodies in the cell with Katherine for a while. Let her spend some time with our victims. One of them was her victim. Teach her lesson.” Riley spent three days with no food or water in a cell with three decomposing bodies. The smell encompassed her senses causing her to be sick. She knew she could never trust anyone again. Her own sister had turned against her. Become like her father. Maybe I am too. Maybe I am just evil. I. WILL. KILL. THEM. ALL. She wondered how her younger brothers were. If they were still alive. 
10 Years Later
Riley had remembered the three days she spent with her first murder victim. She remembered the taste of revenge she had when she murdered her Uncle Astor. Her father was forced to retire into hiding. Her sister had been in a mental institution for a lengthy amount of time. Self admitted of course. She believed it protected her from her sister by living in the upscale mental facility. Riley’s brothers both survived the traumatic experience they had suffered a decade earlier with their Uncle Astor. Eddie had moved on with his life. He never spoke of what happened. He and Riley became estranged. Cornelius disappeared as soon as he was able. He has suffered severe post traumatic stress disorder and had turned to the underbelly of New York City for his coping mechanisms. Riley had been searching for him. She left her position as chairman of the board of directors of Vanderbilt International, after she superseceded her father after his abrupt retirement five years ago on Riley’s behest. Rather her force. She maintained 51% shareholder in the company which left her majority vote. With her company firmly intact and well maintained it left her the freedom to search for her youngest brother. She was ready to save her family and rebuild what bonds she had left. She had found a job as a bartender in a dive bar in the heart of the big apple. It opened up connections to the underworld of drugs, booze and crime. She was getting closer and closer to Neal’s whereabouts until one night. The night she met him. The night his ocean blue eyes met hers. The night she had found her match. The man that was her equal. The man that had faced the pain unlike any other. The man that would kill for her. The man that held equal power. She ran the world. He ran a country. 
Her King. His Queen.
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colbylover99 · 5 years
Chapter 2 (Colby Brock)
A/N: thank you guys for reading chapter 2 it means so much to me and I hope you guys love it so far💕
*Sammy POV*
The next morning I woke up with a bright light shine right at me I opened one of my eyes to see Colbys window open I groaned feeling an arm around my waist I turned my head finding a sleeping colby I chuckled reaching over him slowly to get my phone off his night stand checking the time. ‘’Eleven thirty’’ I mumbled to myself I sighed sitting it back down on the nightstand looking at colby I gently poked his cheek forgetting that he was the heaviest sleeper in the world ‘’Mr.Cole’’ I said but of course no movement I reached over grabbing a pillow with an evil smirk on my face I hit him on the head shouting his name ‘’COLE!’’ after the first hit his eyes opened huge.
‘’Hil!’’ his raspy morning voice said I blushed hearing it I used to tell Colby all the time that I loved his morning voice but he always thought that was weird knowing me I don’t care. ‘’It’s almost twelve oclock in the afternoon, we can’t sleep forever’’ I smiled looking into his blue eyes he shook his head pulling me into his bare chest he buried his face in my hair not wanting to let go ‘’did you miss me that bad Brock?’’ I asked him with curiosity in my voice I raised my eyebrow waiting for a response but nothing came out of his mouth. ‘’COLE!’’ I screeched he groaned looking at me, ‘’I want to sleep and get my Hilly time!’’ he grumbled I laughed crawling over him stretching my sore limbs ‘’You have to share’’ I played with him he shook his head sitting up.
I do admit me and Colby has always had a different connection than me and sam what I am trying to say is. Sam and I always had this brother and sister bond at first Kat thought we both liked each other but I could never date Sam like that at all, Colby on the other hand I can’t really explain it at all we both felt a strong connection between us but neither one of us had the guts to say something. That’s why I was hoping if something was there then yet again not.
‘’Earth to Hil!’’ he waved his hand in front of my face I blinked shaking my head at him ‘’you okay? I thought I lost you there for a moment’’ he chuckled I shook my head walking towards my luggage ‘’How is Aaron?’’ he asked me, I shrugged my shoulders looking over my shoulder at him ‘’the last time I talked to him was a few days before I left to come here’’ I mumbled taking out my clothes and makeup I would need. ‘’Okay you guys fighting?’’ he asked me once more I shook my head standing up ‘’Cole I will tell you all about Kansas but I came here to catch up with my two favorite boys’’ I honestly told him. He gave in walking over towards me ‘’Okay let’s get dressed and ask Sam what's on the agenda for today’’ I nodded my head walking to the bathroom and getting dressed.
A few minutes later more like an hour I was finally done getting ready for today I looked in the mirror admiring my outfit I was wearing a black crop top with a rose on it with high waisted shorts and my favorite pair of vans with simple makeup on, ‘’I am ready!’’ I shouted as I was walking down stairs ‘’finally!’’ I heard Sam's voice echoed I chuckled walking in the kitchen.
‘’Good morning sunshine or should I say afternoon’’ Sam joked around with me I laughed rolling my eyes ‘’I was tired’’ I confessed.
‘’Okay, Okay if you say so but as I was waiting for you two to wake up I didn’t eat breakfast so I was thinking we could eat then go from there’’ Sam looked at the both of us I agreed nodding my head ‘’wait!’’ my eyes widened ‘’If you guys forgot I need coffee it technically runs in my veins’’ Colby shook his head laughing at me ‘’we have not forgotten how could we forgot. Do you remember the last time you came to visit you forgot coffee and you were not you at all, neither one of us knew how coffee affects your life’’ I shrugged my shoulders grabbing my bag off the hook near the door ‘’I tried telling you guys it did’’.
‘’We are taking your car right?’’ I asked Colby he nodded his head unlocking it I smirked looking at the passengers side then to sam we both rushed to the door fighting who ever gets front but you can guess who got it, Me of course ‘’sorry Sam I got here first I confessed he pouted jokingly opening the back door getting in.
As Colby was backing out of the driveway I plugged my phone up to the car picking a song knowing me I hate silent car rides I don’t know why I just can’t sit in silence. ‘’I figured we can stop by starbucks get coffee then go to tender greens'’ Colby said while looking in the rearview mirror at Sam he put a thumbs up typing away on his phone Colby rolled his eyes paying back attention to the road.
“Oh my god Starbucks!” I jumped in my seat with excitement as we were pulling in the drive thru “you know what I want it hasn’t changed” I told Colby he nodded his head rolling down his window “welcome to Starbucks how can so help you?” The women through the speaker said.
“Colby use a British accent” I laughed at him he turned his head looking at me with a weird look he shook his head clearing his throat “yes ma am can I have a vanilla iced coffee please” Colby told the lady with a very horrible British accent I covered my mouth with my hand trying my hardest best to hold back his laughs I looked at Sam fist bumping him “that was a good idea Sammy” Sam whispered to me as Colby handed me my coffee “have a good day” the lady at the window told him before we drove away and that’s when I burst out in laughter “Sammy I am going to get you later” Colby said through gritted teeth.
I smiled holding my stomach trying to control my laughs looking straight at him “Cole you love me too much” I told him he rolled his eyes not saying another word to me until we got to tender greens.
“Remember that one time back in highschool when we went through the drive thru if McDonalds and you made Colby dress in that ridiculous outfit” I smiled smirking at him I remember it like it was yesterday Colby lost a bet between me and him knowing me I had to choose something evil for him to do. “God I hated that” he grumbled pulling Into a parking space near tender greens. When I got out of the car I walked towards Colby wrapping my arm around his waist looking up at him “you love me” I smiled at him I could tell he was trying to fight back a smile but he couldn’t resist it “I know I do” he rested his arm at the small of my back as we were entering the building and I could already tell my cheeks were probably red as a tomato.
After we ate lunch we all decided to go back to the trap house and just chill and relax. Which they hardly probably don’t ever get to do at all they tell me there either exploring while making a youtube videos or doing something for youtube.
‘’I think you guys need the rest and I miss just chilling with you guys’’ I told them honestly I felt a hand reach over grabbing my hand with comfort I look over and looked at Colby. ‘’I am glad you are in town’’ he whispered as we got closer and closer to the trap house.
‘’Honey we're home!’’ Colby shouted I laughed looking out the window which looked like the only people were home was Jake ‘’Hmm...Jake is home’’ Sam said as he climbed out of the backseat following me and Colby inside the house. ‘’So what are we watching?’’ I asked them as I ran towards the hangout room. I heard some chuckles behind me as I landed on the couch ‘’Sammy you are crazy’’ Sam told me I looked at him shockingly laying my hand on my chest ' ‘’who me?’’ Colby rolled his eyes with a smirk plastered on his face ‘’how about something scary?’’ he suggested I agreed grabbing the nearest blanket on the couch throwing it on top of me.
*One hour later*
“Sammy” I heard someone whisper my name I groaned lifting my head up and saw that my head was laying on top of Colby’s shoulder I smiled gently looking at them “your phone went off twice and you gotta a dozen messages” Colby said I sighed gently taking my phone and saw my brothers name on the screen. I got off the couch walking to the kitchen answering the phone “hey Aaron” I whispered.
“Where are you!” He shouted on the other line.
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Chapter 6 : Summertime Sadness
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“Okay, Party, so Dustin’s coming back home today and we gotta make a blast out of it! We’re gonna go over to him, all of us, I mean, and surprise him! And then, maybe we can go to the pool? It’s super hot outside and it’s gonna be so much fun! We never went together to the pool, did we?” I looked at the gathered kids in my living room. “It’s gonna be awesome! Haven’t gone to the pool before, actually. Since in Cali it was so hot, we’d just go to the beach all the time.” Max grinned, leaning on Lucas. “Hell yes! Let’s go, let’s go-” Lucas cheered, but was interrupted by Mike. “What about El?” he asked, frowning. “What about her?” I asked, raising an eyebrow in confusion. “She can’t go in public. It will attract attention to her and that’s not good. You know Hopper’s rules.” Mike whined, making us sigh a bit. “What Hopper doesn’t know won’t hurt him. Look at me, I’m out here doing whatever the hell I want. Nobody knows El, except for us, so what’s the big deal? I’ll cover for her, if needed.” I shrugged nonchalantly. “Do you even care about her and her safety?!” Mike yelled, making me glare at him. “If anyone understand El the best, it’s ME not YOU, Mike! We have the same background, the same problems, the same powers. But she is still a godamn 14 year old girl! She’s a teenager, she should go out of the house and have fun! What’s the big deal?! Chill and enjoy life!” I rolled my eyes, getting everything ready to go get El from home and raid Dustin’s house. “Mike, come on, calm down. You know Fox is always there for us. She won’t let El get hurt or be in danger.” Will tried to pacify him, hugging me. “Yeah, fine, whatever. Let’s just go get her and greet Dustin.” he grumbled, getting out of the house ahead of us. “Sheesh, lover-boy is moody…” I sighed, getting in the car to drive them all to El, pick her up, then go to Dustin.
Very soon after we got in the house, Dustin and his mum got here too, and while Dustin went to his room, letting nostalgia hit him a bit, I and El started making his toys make sounds and move towards the living room, where we lay hidden. Poor baby was super confused and scared at what was going on, and when he was inspecting the now non-functional toys, we sneaked up behind him and yelled “SURPRISE” or whistled at him, while Lucas was holding the “WELCOME HOME DUSTIN” cardboard.
Thing is…He got to scared that he used the spray in his hand to attack Lucas and all the spray went in his eyes.
Poor kid.
I laughed like an idiot.
Trying to calm him down, I went to hug him tightly, while everyone else was either laughing (the boys and El) or trying to help Lucas see (Max).
Problem is, he was so excited about showing us his new inventions from the science camp and to use Cerebro to chat with his girlfriend, that the plans of going to the pool kinda…Failed.
What a pity…
We had to take a looong time to go up a hill, but while walking there, Will seemed to stop and rub his neck a bit, while looking around a bit lost. I went to him and hugged him softly, petting his hair, looking concerned.
“Are you okay, honey?” I asked him gently, like you would talk to a baby fawn. “Yeah…Yeah, I guess I am. Don’t worry, I’m fine.” he reassured, nodding vigorously, making me chuckle at how adorable he was being. “You know you can talk to me if you need it, okay? Any time, about anything.” I reminded him, making him smile in glee and take my hand, going up the hill to the rest of them.
One by one, they all started leaving, and I, too, had to, but I felt bad seeing Dustin’s ruined dreams. I, unlike the others, believed in Suzie, otherwise he wouldn’t have tried so hard to reach out to her.
“Hey, Dustin…I know she’s out there. I’m sure she’ll answer soon. But please go home, it’s getting late and your mum’s gonna worry. I don’t want you staying alone around here, okay? Come, I’ll drive you home. Also…Wanna go to the pool tomorrow? We wanted to go today, to celebrate you coming home, but seeing you so excited and happy changed our minds.” I got up, extending my hand for him to take so we can go home, and he nodded, a bit upset. “Okay, Fox…Are we gonna be all of us?” he asked, as I put a hand around his shoulder while he put his around my waist, slowly going down the hill to my car, with Will holding my other hand. “Well…Hope so. I don’t know about Mike and El…I guess with the new relationship and all, they’re a bit…Too obsessed with each other. And Mike worries about El’s safety.” I tried to say in a way so as Dustin won’t get upset. “But Lucas and Max weren’t like this! …I think. And you and Billy aren’t like this either!” Dustin protested, pouting slightly. “Haha, well…Lucas and Max are a bit more…Mature, to say it like that. They know their stuff and aren’t awkward and shy, like Mike is…And El is new to this world, so it’s no surprise. And I and Billy are 18, so it’s no surprise. We have experience and are emotionally and intellectually more mature than you are…And now that we graduated, we have more free time, despite out part time jobs, so we can hang out whenever we want and it won’t interfere with the Party hang outs and whatever.” I shrugged, reassuring him. “If Suzie were here, you’d have liked to impress and spend a lot of time with her too, right~?” I teased slightly, winking at him and laughing slightly when he turned red. “But…I don’t really like it…I mean, I get that we’re growing up and all that…But it’s not nice to forget or ignore your friends…” Will said in a low voice, pouting. “Awww, baby, I’m sorry…It’s okay, I understand it’s a difficult change, but it’s gonna be okay. Tomorrow we’ll go to the pool and it’ll be super fun, okay?” I kissed the top of his head, getting him in a side-hug. “Well…Then let’s do it!” Dustin cheered as he got in the car.
“I’m sorry they didn’t come too, Dustin…” I looked at him with a sad smile, but he shook his head. “Nahh, s'all cool, at least they won’t be too busy snogging and ew whatever.” he shrugged as both Will and Max dragged me to the pool. “Uhhh, c-can we, l-like, w-walk slower? I-I’m a bit shy, o-okay?” I stuttered a bit, looking left and right. “Oh, shush, Kat! You’re gorgeous and you gotta show off that body of yours! And that swimsuit brings out your eyes, okay?” Max encouraged, tugging on my arm. “Yeah, Kat, don’t be shy! Just, don’t think and focus on the fun we’re gonna have once we jump in the water!” Dustin cheered as we got to our lounge chairs and put or stuff there. “O-Okay, yeah, s-sure, it’s gonna be oka-” I began, nodding to myself and trying to encourage me, but that went down the drain once Max tugged on my arm and said, louder than I wished to, “Hey, look, Billy’s here!” which made me let out a soft yet shrill yelp, hiding my face with my hands and trying to hide behind Max, who, as soon as she saw her brother strut towards us, pushed me pretty harshly towards him, getting the gang to jump in the pool, making me stumble and have him catch me in his arms, chuckling. “Awww, look what I found, a Fox falling for me, how cute.” he teased, not letting me go from his embrace. “O-Oh, h-h-hey there! I-I didn’t s-see you here! Wh-What brings you here?” I manage to stutter, looking away from him, letting my hair cover my face. “Kat…I work here.” he deadpanned, making me slap my face. “R-Right…I forgot…” I tried to say, but he shook his head. “Nah, you didn’t forget. You’re just shying out again…And you’re adorable as hell.” he teased, playing with a strand of my hair. “N-No, I-I’m not.” I whispered, not able to say anything out loud, which made him chuckle. “How am I gonna work now when you look so fucking hot and I can only stand there and watch you. You’re so cruel, Kitten. SO cruel, that you don’t even know what you’re doing to me.” he flirted in a low, sensual voice in my ear, making me yelp and hide my face with my hands once again. “D-Don’t s-s-say that! I-It’s s-so embarrassing!” I blurt out, barely audible, making my legs tremble. “You have no idea how much I want to tease you right now…But alas, my shift started and I have to make sure all these fat cows come here as frequent as possible, so we can make money. I promised you we’d go on lotsa trips till we move back to Cali, and I’m not backing down from that promise.” he kissed me deeply, one hand on the back of my head, while the other on my waist, while mine rested on his chest, shaking slightly from embarrassment. “To think we’d be together for so long and you’d still blush like this from a simple kiss…Fuck, I’m a lucky son of a bitch…” he muttered in the kiss, making me giggle slightly. “I love you too, Billy.” I smiled up at him, but when I looked up, he had one of those evil smirks on his face, which made mine falter and try to walk backwards, but to no avail.
He had me trapped.
“Billy…Billy, no…Don’t do that…” I warned him with an awkward laugh, but he only shook his head and picked me up. “Sorry, babe, this is revenge for making me have a raging boner at work.” he chuckled, throwing me in the water as I let out a pitched shriek of shock, before swimming back to the surface. “YOU’RE SO DEAD, HARGROVE!” I yelled at him, but he paid me no mind and went to his lifeguard chair. “Jerk…” I muttered, swimming to the kids and having lots of splash wars, jumping in the water, having swimming competitions and so on.
By the end of the day, we went home, changed and went to Starcourt, the new Mall, going straight as Scoops Ahoy, ‘cause I promised the kids I’d get them Ice Cream, and they promised me a surprise, since I didn’t have the chance to go there until today.
Will guided me to the ice cream place, and as I was looking around, admiring the interesting decor, I hear a very familiar “Welcome to Scoops Ahoy, how may I-…Kat?!” that voice called out to me, snapping me from the trance I was in and gasping. “STEVE! Oh my God, no way! …How can you serve ice cream and not salivate?! Like…Whoa!” I laughed, going over the counter to hug him. “I guess I treated you guys to so much ice-cream in the last year of highschool that I got used to it.” he shrugged, smiling. “It’s good to see you again.” he smiled at me. “That’s a really nice working environment…But how do you deal with the people?! I couldn’t work in such a place. The animal shelter is doing me good, at least.” I chuckled, leaning on the counter. “Well…I get free ice cream whenever I want so…Worth it.” he winked, making me laugh. “Free ice cream for your friends too~?” I trailed on, batting my eyes jokingly. “Mhhh…Depends? Maybe? I will see~.” he shrugged mockingly, looking away. “Fine, fine, you win, King Ste-…Oh my god, who’s THAT?!” I asked, seeing a girl in the back, holding a white board with “You win” with 0 lines, and “You suck” with…A lot of lines. “You are, like, the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen…Along with Nancy. H-Hi, I’m Kat…Uh, Katrina. Nice to meet you!” I smiled as I went to her extending my hand in her direction. “Look in the mirror, you’ll see something even better. I’m Robin, likewise.” she smiled softly. “How come someone as pretty as you knows someone as boring as him?” he chuckled, making me grin. “He gave me free ice cream and took care of me when I was going through a rough time. He’s like the mother I never had.” I laughed, ruffling his hair a bit. “Is this your new way of flirting, Harrington?” she rolled her eyes at him, making him put his hands up in defense. “Is it working…?” he asked in a low voice, looking like a lost puppy, which made both of us laugh at his reaction. “It’s not a bad start, I guess. Did it work on you, Kat? Don’t tell me he charmed you! Have I lost my chances?!” she mock-gasped, making me giggle and shake my head. “Hahaha, no, no…He’s my friend only…No offense, Steve!” I looked at him apologetically. “But, if I wasn’t already taken, I’d have dated you. I can feel you’re an amazing person.”  I smiled at her widely. “I’ll take that as a compliment, thanks~! So…Who’s the lucky guy?” she smirked, nudging me a bit.
From there, we went in the back, eating ice cream with the kids and gossiping about life and what not, before biding our farewells and going to look around the many shops at the mall and then back home. It was fun, I can’t lie, but sometimes, so much social interaction can be draining.
“Hey, baby, how are you?” Billy said in a low voice over the phone. “Oh, hey sugar! I’m good, I’m good, just looking over some cases from the shelter. I can’t get rid of homework even now, huh?” I laughed, holding the phone closer to me. “How are you, honey?” “I just called to hear your sweet voice. I missed you. We’ve been so busy with work this week…How about we go on the first trip on the 4th of July? The town’s gon’ be packed with people and all that stupid festival shit…” he trailed on, letting me fantasize with a huge grin on my face. “Oh, yes, that sounds like an amazing plan! I was never a fan of all the people on 4th of July, going at the mountains would be so fun!” I cheered, falling on the bed and rolling around excitedly. “Just you and me, my car and my guitar, singing Scorpions and AC/DC by the camp fire, making out in the tent and swimming in the lake nearby. Perfect trip, hmm~?” his voice lowering by an octave, sounding as suave as ever. “I can’t wait! Ahhh, it’s gonna be so much fun! And it’s like, in almost a week! Oh my god, I love you so much, can’t wait! The whole weekend, just us!” I couldn’t tone down my excitement no matter how much I tried. “And I love hearing you being happy. You’re giving my heart a huge boner. When we see each other again, Imma hug you so tight and not let go the whole day.” he chuckled softly. “I’m not complaining. Cuddling with you always helped me relax and sleep well. It’s so warm and urghhh I miss you, babyyy.” I whined a bit before giggling, imagining his done-with-life expression. “My Kitten is so cute, missing me like this. Don’t worry, babe, I’ll make it up to you, I promise. I gotta go now, duty calling. Love you.” he said before hanging up and leaving me thinking of the trip.
So! Much! F U N !
“Okay, so, let me get this straight! You two went yesterday at the mall and had fun…And then you met up with the Idiot Party…And you broke up with Mike for lying to you?” I asked, completely shocked and amused. “Yeah…I dumped his ass.” she nodded, completely innocent but also furious. “Well…You did the right thing, El. Max gives good advice, it seems. Also, I agree with her, Mike’s gonna come back running to you and begging on his knees to have you back. So don’t worry, he will apologise and explain pretty soon what’s the matter.” I shrugged, petting her hair. “Yeah, well, let’s forget about boys! Let’s play spin the bottle, but with a twist! We write names, and you and El can look into the person’s mind and see what they’re doing! Sounds fun?” she asked excitedly, bouncing on the bed. “Sounds good to me! Max, will you write the names?” I brought some sticky notes, gluing them on a cardboard.
Steve, Nancy, Mr. Clarke, Mrs. Wheeler, Dustin, Mr. Wheeler…And Billy.
“Why did you write Billy? What if he senses my presence?” I asked, a bit worried. “Don’t worry, he’ll just tease you. You can say you were testing your powers or something, he’s completely charmed when you talk or use them.” she shrugged. “Well…Don’t you think he’s been acting a bit…Strange, lately? He hasn’t called me in a few days and…I don’t know. I went to visit him at the pool, but he told me his shift just started and I should be careful of what’s about to come. It’s kinda creepy.” I muttered, looking down. “Kat, he’s never been in love, until he met you. He can be weird, I know, but I’m sure he’s fine. Come on, spin the bottle now!” she tried to hype me up, so I smiled briefly and used my powers to spin it, landing on Mr. Wheeler. “Uh…Do I really have to…?” I sweatdropped. “Ew, no, okay, he’s gross. Go again.” Max gagged,  spinning the bottle herself. “Well, ain’t this fate…?” I ushered  slightly, getting the scarf and preparing to go into Billy’s mind.
Sighing a bit, I started walking in the water, but I soon found his Camaro, but the windshield was smashed. I inspected it slightly, before hearing some whimpers, and rushing in that direction, Billy was crouching and reassuring someone on the floor. “Don’t be afraid, it will be over soon. Just stay very still” he told the girl whimpering…But I couldn’t see her, only hear her screams of despair that somehow made him turn around and look me directly into his eyes…His eyes were watery…He’d been crying…
Anxiety took over me so badly that I started panicking, seeing his form vanish in front of me whilst I tried to reach out… This isn’t good at all.
I ripped off the scarf from my eyes, used the back of my hand to wipe the blood tear from my face and jumped to my feet.
“I’m going to your house. Something isn’t right…Not at all.” I muttered frantically, trying to get them to come with me. “He’s not cheating on you, I promise.” Max tried to reassure me, but I shook my head, my eyes watering a bit. “I’m not scared about that, I know he’s not…I’m…I’m scared for his life…I think he’s in danger…And…L-Let’s just go, okay? Please.” I pleaded, making them look at each other and nod, rushing the my car as I drove them to Max’s home. “He’s car isn’t here…” El said, looking around, sensing my anxieties. “There’s was a girl’s scream…She seemed to be in agony…She was frightened…Crying…And Billy…He seemed scared…He had been crying…He seemed just like after each time Neil was a fuckass with him.” I bit my lip, rushing to his room and looking around. “Let’s search around then…If you say you’re worried, then might as well…” she sighed, going for the nearest drawer the open it. “DON’T OPEN THAT ONE-” I tried to warn her, but to no avail. “Urghh, gag me with a spoon…” she groaned, slamming the drawer shut. “Yeah…Experienced that first hand. Gross, I know.” I shuddered, looking away. “He likes it cold…” I muttered, putting my hands in the water-filled bath tub that had ice bags floating on it. “You don’t think…?” El asked, frightened, before Max cut us off. “It must be for his muscles. He works out like a maniac.” but her comment wasn’t reassuring in the least.
My sight was averted to a cupboard that had some blood on the handle, and inside, I found a bloody lifeguard whistle and a red fanny pack…Damn, that’s bad.
“I…I think we gotta go to the pool and find out whose bag this is…” I say unsure of what to do, and they approved, going to the car with rain coats.
There, two lifeguards greeted us in the most ignorant and rude way.
“No one in the water until 30 minutes after the last strike. And don’t try and argue with me. You wanna get electrocuted, go climb a tree.” the guy said, rolling his eyes annoyed. “Yeah, we don’t care. We’re not here to swim. Or get electrocuted. We found this. Does that belong to anybody?” Max asked, showing them the fanny pack. “Oh, yeah. That’s Heather’s. I’ll get it back to her.” he said eyeing the bag. “We could give it back to her.” Max implied, making him shake his head.  “You could. 'Cept she’s not here. Bailed on me today.” sighed, irritated at Heather. “Heather…Heather Holloway?” I asked, blinking at him confused. “Yeah, her. Y'know her?” he asked, almost intrigued. “Been to highschool together. Thanks for the tip, I’ll go give it to her, I know where she stays.” I explained, guiding the girls away from there. “Her picture is on the board…Do you think you can find her? What if she’s not at home?” Max asked, blinking at her picture. “Let’s see.” El muttered, ripping the picture and going to the showers, where we turned on all showers and waited for her to try and locate the girl.
It didn’t take El too long to find her, describing the weird red door that I remember she had at her house, but soon, she started panicking and freaking out, taking off the diver goggles.
“She…She asked for help…She was in a tub with ice…” she tried to explain, and my heart dropped. “This ain’t good at all…” I sighed, driving to where I remembered Heather staid. “Here we are…I guess. Do we…Do we knock or do we go in via powers?” I stumbled a bit around my words, looking left and right at the girls, but El used her powers, not saying anything. “Okay. If there’s someone inside, the door was open, we already knocked, and we are trying to give Heather the bag back, okay?” I revised the plan with the girl who only nodded.
We tip toed down the halls, until we heard laughter down the dining room, and what I saw there shocked all of us. Billy sat at the table with Heather’s parents laughing and chatting around. An uncomfortable silence took over as they looked at us…But I looked Billy in the eyes and I saw a certain emptiness and complete deceit.
This…This isn’t Billy.
Billy’s eyes have life. They have a sparkle for life, for happiness, for freedom, for fun.
This…Is simply…Dull.
“Kat. Max.” Billy said in a very uncharacteristically pleasant voice. “W-We are s-sorry to barge in like that. W-We knocked, but…Maybe you didn’t hear us b-because of the storm and the door was locked.” I said breathlessly, looking straight into Billy’s eyes. “I’m sorry, who is this dripping all over my living room right now?” Heather’s father asked. “I’m sorry. Janet, Tom, this is my sister, Maxine. And this, is my girlfriend, Katrina. What on earth are you doing here? Is something wrong?“ Billy explained, getting next to us and putting his arm around my waist, getting me close to him. "Beware.” he muttered into my ear so nobody could hear or see, making my eyes widen in shock. “We just wanted to make sure everything was okay.” Max explained, stumbling over her words, seeing that I couldn’t say anything. “Okay? Why wouldn’t it be okay?” Billy looked confused, bending down slightly too look at his sister. “Where is she?” El asked quickly, staring into his eyes. “I’m sorry. Where is who?” he asked in a low voice, staring back at her.  “Well, they’re a little burnt!” a voice called out of nowhere, revealing Heather holding a tray of cookies…Her eyes wide, empty, like that of a dead fish or some robot. “I’m sorry Heather! This is my sister, Maxine, my girlfriend, Katrina and, I’m sorry, I did not quite catch your name.” he deadpanned, looking at El again, as if he saw something intriguing. “El.” she said simply, not breaking eye contact. “El. Now, what is it you were saying, El? You were looking for somebody?” he asked again, in what looked like a mildly threatening voice.  “I-I saw - I saw you - ” she started, but I quickly cut her off. “We saw one of your co-workers at the pool. We found Heather’s lifeguard fanny pack on the ground and we wanted to give it back. I was her colleague in highschool and I remembered where she stayed. We’re sorry again for coming over like this. He…He said that she didn’t come to work and we got a bit worried. We’re sorry for the disturbance.” I found my words again, sparing El the awkwardness and the inconspicuous words she was gonna say. “Heather wasn’t feeling so hot today, so we thought we’d take the day off to nurse her back to health. But you’re feeling just fine right now, aren’t you, Heather?” Billy explained, looking me in the eyes, his expression barely changing.  “I’m feeling so much better. Do you girls want a cookie? They’re fresh out of the oven.” she barely gave us an obviously plastic smile, but we shook our heads, handed her back the bag and left in a hurry back home. “That was NOT okay. That was SO not okay…” I ranted, gripping the steering wheel like crazy. “Are you sure it wasn’t just you feeling a bit jealous?” Max tried, obviously a bit concerned for him too, but too scared to admit. “No. I don’t get jealous. Billy wouldn’t do that…He…He never calls you by your full name, and never calls me by my full name either…He barely even uses my name…And his eyes…Did you see his eyes? They were lifeless, Max! That wasn’t okay! We have to do something!” I tried to explain, my heart beating faster than ever. “Hey, don’t worry, maybe he just had to behave like that because of Heather’s parents. You saw how everything was super formal. Wanna have a sleepover? El’s sleeping at mine. Maybe it will help you calm down?” she suggested, but I shook my head. “No, Max, sorry…I can’t tonight. I’m worried too much. I’ll just go home and take a long bath to calm down, okay? Call me if you need anything, I’ll be there in a heartbeat…And mine are like a rabbit’s.” I tried to joke, but it only made me feel worse. “Okay then, if that’s what you think is right…But we’ll have so much fun! Right, El?” Max grinned, getting El inside her house, but it seemed to me like El felt the same way I did.
“Mike…? Mike, do you copy? I…I think this is a code red…Or maybe I’m just too worried…Mike, are you there?” I stuttered in the walkie talkie, waiting for an answer. “Fox? Yeah, I’m here, with Will and Lucas. What’s going on?” he asked, worriedly. “I…I…I think…I…Th-The Mind Flayer…I-I-I think it’s b-back.” I whispered between my forming sobs, hugging my knees to my chest, too scared to imagine. “WHAT?! No…No way…! Will…He mentioned the same…Okay, let’s call a meeting and we’ll see. Come over at mine, I’ll call the girls and we’ll see what to do, okay?” he answered reassuringly, and I only nodded, forgetting he couldn’t see it. “Mike…I’m scared…I-I don’t want it to be back…I…I think…I…” I began, before getting lost in my crying. “Fox? It’s Will. Fox…Do you think he possessed someone again?” Will asked me in a very soft and calm voice, just like I always did with him. “Y-Yeah…Th-That’s what s-scares m-me so much…” I managed to choke out. “And…You think…It could be Billy…?” he asked in a voice as gentle as possible, but hearing someone else say that made me drop the walkie and start crying loudly. “Y-Y-Yeah, I-I think i-it’s h-him…A-And I’m s-so scared…I-I don’t w-want it t-to be him…P-Please, Will…Please d-don’t let it be him…Not him…N-Not him, of all people…H-He’s been through e-enough…Please…” I begged, my head buried in my knees, sobbing like crazy. “Fox, come over, it’s gonna be okay, I promise you. Even if it is Billy, we will make sure we save him. We WILL save him, I promise. Fox, you promised you’d save me, and you did. I promise you now that we will save him, okay? I promise you.” Will declared in a very sure yet sweet voice, and I nodded, shakely getting up. “O-Okay, Will…I-I trust y-you…I’m coming over now…I…I hope you’re right.” I managed to calm down a bit and made my way to the car
Billy…Just…Just what the hell did you do…? Why are you like this? What happened to you?
Please…Just please…Please don’t have Upside down world taking over again…
And please…
Don’t let him be a victim…
I couldn’t bare to lose him…
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 7 Chapter 8
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ohnohetaliasues · 6 years
1+2p Hetalia High {Ch.7}
Kat's POV
I drove home after my time in the park with Alfie. When I got home I thought I could unwind. Like the recent days I was in for a surprise. There was a package on my doorstep. That's weird. I wasn't expecting any packages.
It’s a bomb 100%
 Maybe it was from my Aunt I thought. I took the package inside. I locked my door and greeted my dog. I put the package on the table and got a knife. I opened up the package. Inside was a gorgeous dress along with earrings and some heels. I was confused until I found the note under everything. "Dear Kat, I heard your dance is coming up. So I decided to get you some things. Hope you enjoy I picked them out myself! Love, A/N (Aunt Name). 
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I smiled and looked at the outfit more closely. (Outfit in my profile)
Your profile is still without a link, Author-chan.
 I jumped up and down in joy. My Aunt always got me dresses and things for dances. And they are always spectacular. 
May I emphasize:
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I put all of the contents of the box in my room. I did my homework ate dinner and got dressed for bed. All of the sudden I got the feeling I was being watched. 'This happens in every horror movie ever! I'm getting a gun. KAT WON'T BE GETTING KIDNAPPED/MURDERED TONIGHT!' I thought as I went to get the gun from the kitchen.
Why in the world do I own a gun?
I’m afraid of guns in real life.
 My Aunt made me get a gun being her overprotective self. 
Dude, I’m not old enough to own a gun. I’m 16.
I took out the pistol and made sure the safety was on. Don't want to accidentally shoot myself in my sleep now. I went back upstairs to my room and tucked myself in. I held the gun in my hand under my pillow. I fell asleep knowing I was safe.
3rd Person's POV
Red eyes were staring at a certain female sleeping peacefully. 
Oh, now you know how to write in the third person.
"She's playing hard to get huh? I like them feisty." Allen said staring at the girl. His nose was pinched by a certain gentleman. "We do not talk about poppet that way! She is as sweet as a cupcake!" 
Go away.
Oliver said puffing out his cheeks. "Will you two shut the hell up! You're gonna wake her up!" James hissed at the two. Francois was also there smoking up a storm which didn't help. 
You know I have a sense of smell, right?
I can smell smoke, friend.
"Why are we even here? The plan is tomorrow right?" Francois said between puffs. Oliver nodded "Tomorrow she'll be all ours." Oliver said giggling.
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Kat's POV
I was on my way to school the next day when I felt the sensation someone was staring at me again. I took out the pepper spray from my backpack just in case. I kept looking around until I reached the school.
Why am I suddenly a badass?
 I put my pepper spray in my bag and ran up the steps. I still felt eyes on me. It made me scared. I walked to my first class and nearly ran in the door. "Dude what's wrong? You're jumpier than I am when Artie cooks!" Alfred said laughing. 
When have you ever called him “Artie” ever?
"MY COOKING IS NOT THAT BAD YOU GIT!" Arthur retaliated. 
It made Prussia fall unconscious. It’s pretty awful.
I laughed slightly "It's okay Alfie. I'm just a little spooked that's all." I said. We all sat in our seats. We were in the middle of the lesson when a bell rang. It wasn't the dismissal bell. "This is not a drill. A dangerous person/persons have entered the campus. Please follow the instructions said by your teacher."
Well, shit.
the principal said over the speaker. I was shaken so bad I thought I was gonna explode. The teacher and some of the students blocked the door with spare tables. People who weren't already hysterical closed the blinds and locked the doors. "Shit shit shit!" I said going hysterical.
First rule of crisis situation is not to panic in said crisis situation.
I was hoping it wasn't who I thought it would be.
Wait who is that again? Allen? Oliver? It’s been so long since I reviewed this I don’t remember for the life of me.
"{Kat} calm down! It's gonna be okay! The hero's here to protect you!" Alfred said trying to calm me down. "Calm down love. I'm sure they won't come in here." Arthur said also trying to calm me down. Matthew held me "It's okay {Kat}. It's gonna be fine." Matthew said. "I won't let anyone touch my sunflower da?" Ivan said getting a dark aura and somehow holding a pipe. 
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Yao placed a panda plushie on my head hoping it would help.
Why in fresh hell would that calm me down?
I calmed down a little.
Because of course I did.
Surely the 2p!s wouldn't come to my school right? The intercom came on again crushing my hope. "{Kat}! We've come to get you! Just stay in your classroom and we'll be right there!" I heard a familiar cheery voice say.
My face paled. I made Matthew let go of me. I saw the allies faces as they recognized the voice. "Dude! They're here!? AND AFTER {KAT}!?" Alfred yelled.
So it’s just normal to have alternate evil versions of yourself in this fanfiction?
Okay sure, that’s great.
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Arthur was also a ghostly white. I was having a freak out. Who knows what they'll do to me!? "We have to protect her dudes!" Alfred said standing protectively in front of me. The allies nodded and went in front of me. The door was blown open like it was cardboard.
Here’s a rule of thumb for writing.
When a character speaks, you make a new paragraph. Even Blood Raining Night did that much if I remember correctly.
Instead of Oliver however, it was a magenta eyed Italian. GREAT NOW I'M DOUBLE DEAD.
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"Stupid allies! Stealing our plan for the ragazza.
Literally what plan?
Just call me girl, there is no reason to call me the Italian word for girl unless you forgot the English word for girl.
No matter. We got here first!" Luciano said.
No you didn’t, I’m with the 1ps.
Kuro and Lutz walked in after him. I trembled from behind the 1p!s. "If you want her you have to go through us!" Alfred said armed with a chair.
The deadliest weapon, obviously.
Luciano growled knowing he couldn't take on all of them with just his trio. I had a fragment of hope but it was crushed again. "Lucy! I told you we had dibs on the poppet!" Oliver said walking in.
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The rest of the 2p! face family walked in after him. "We could make a compromise. Help us take them out and we decide what to do with her afterwards." Francois said. "That sounds like a great idea." Luciano said eyes gleaming. The allies got ready to fight. I took out the pepper spray from my back pack. If I'm getting kidnapped it won't be without a fight! The 2p!s charged and the allies. Unfortunately they were outnumbered by two. Alfred took on Allen. Ivan took on Francois. Yao took on James.
Wait who the fuck is James? Canada?
Matthew took on Lutz. Arthur took on Luciano. Leaving me with Kuro and Oliver.
Why do we need to spend so much time talking about who fights who?
I tried to pepper spray Kuro but he hit my hand with the back of his sword.
The pepper spray fell to the floor. I gulped and tried to sweep him. He quickly countered by shoving me to the wall. Oliver held up a cupcake. I knew this one had to be drugged.
It’s only harmful if I eat it and I’m not restrained, so he literally has no way of making me eat that.
I fought with all my might and managed to knock down the cupcake. I smirked only to realize Kuro was holding a pill. He shoved it into my mouth where it started to dissolve. I tried to spit it out but it was no use. I started to get sleepy.
Was my mouth open??? what????
Kuro let go of me as my eyes started to droop. I fell on my knees not being able to hold myself up. "{Kat}!" Alfred yelled still fighting Allen. My vision started to get hazy. I couldn't think straight as someone put me over their shoulder. The last thing I remember is Alfred running after me. Then everything went black.
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Well that escalated quickly.
I’ll see you guys next time I review this... whatever is happening.
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