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erodingsinner · 9 months ago
Arrow if Slade and Oliver had a fucked up toxic romantic thing going
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livelovecaliforniadreams · 2 years ago
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leavingubehind · 2 years ago
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@pscentral event 13: tropes ⤷ Friends to Lovers
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snow-licity · 11 months ago
All of my on going projects:
6 Oliver and Felicity
2 House and Cuddy
1 Baby and Johnny (+1 finished)
1 Beck and Jade
1 Stefan and Caroline
My brain is coming up with ideas faster than I can make the videos!!
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jbuffyangel · 1 year ago
Second Chance: Arrow 1x18 Review (Salvation)
The villain of the week is one step ahead of Felicity in "Salvation" which gives Oliver the opportunity to be there for HER, as they race to save Roy Harper's life.
And oh holy cow is there Lance family drama y'all. WOW. Scandalous.
Let's dig in...
This is one of Arrow’s more suspenseful episodes. Felicity goes toe to toe with the villain of the week and she more than meets her match. This results in one of Arrow's cooler action sequences and some iconic Olictiy moments.
But first, we must work out.
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Of all the times Felicity watches Oliver working out, this is my favorite. Emily Bett Richard’s face is hilarious.
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Her comic skills are so on point and she brings a much needed levity to the show. But do not deny this woman her dramatic work. She can bring her A game anytime - as we will soon see.
Oliver is off to threaten (or kill?) a dirty real estate developer named John Nichols, who doesn’t mind skipping code requirements if it means saving a buck. Oliver fed up with this guy killing people in the Glades and he’s on the List, so hasta la vista, baby. (Do not deny my my nineties cliché remarks. They bring me comfort and joy.)
Unfortunately (or fortunately?) someone else beats Oliver to it and kidnaps Nichols. Oliver is strangely displeased. I mean... what's the difference? Felicity and I share a brain sometimes, so she asks Oliver on my behalf.
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Source: @andjustforthismoment
These two are in their own rom com and we’re just along for the ride. The way he growls “They don’t show my level of restraint,” at Felicity is a lot. Is it really necessary to stand that close to her Oliver? No it’s not. I SEE YOU SIR.
The man who kidnapped Nichols executes him on live television which was super creepy. He definitely has a Heath Ledger as the Joker vibe to him. (Nobody said the comparisons to the Dark Knight are unfair.)
Felicity is unable to crack his encryption code because he’s a former cyber crusader called “The Savior” and the NSA has been searching for him for years.  His real name is Joseph Falk and he erased his existence after his wife was murdered in the Glades.
When he failed to get justice for his wife's death, the Savior took matters into his own hands - not unlike our favorite vigilante. His cyber skills are no joke and give Felicity a real run for her money. She is unable to track him down before he kills Nichols, which leads to a hilarious if frustrated exchange between Felicity and Oliver.
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Source: @yet-i-remain-quiet
Things go from bad to worse for Felicity when Falk kidnaps the district attorney. His crime was not prosecuting the person who murdered Falk’s wife. If we were on the fence as to whether Nichols should live or die, then the district attorney snaps us out of the moral grey zone. Prosecutors choose not try cases all of the time for lack of evidence. It doesn’t mean they should die for it.
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Source:  msr-olicity-love
Oliver's impatience only heightens Felicity's stress, but she finally gets a location. It’s the middle of the day which means Oliver can’t hood up. So he grabs the motorcycle and his super sexy brown jacket to hunt Falk down and save the DA.
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This leads to one of my favorite Arrow action scenes. Falk is not at the location Felicity sends Oliver to, which means he has to sprint across town and leap between buildings to next location. Felicity is completely flummoxed because she doesn't understand how this guy is moving locations. Oliver screaming at her over comms is not particularly helpful either. 
Unfortunately, Team Arrow loses and Falk murders the DA on live television, which is completely traumatizing to Felicity who has never seen anyone die before. 
Oliver returns home to find Felicity alone in the dark, twirling one of his arrows in her hands. Oliver immediately wants to know where Diggle is because he’s probably wondering why John left Felicity all alone in the dark.
Felicity: I asked him to leave me alone in my loud voice.
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Source: @westallenolicitygifs
Oliver isn’t going to do the same. He immediately reassures Felicity that it wasn’t her fault (because it isn’t). This is the price of the life they’ve chosen to live. It’s a very lonely one as Oliver knows all too well.
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Source: @jamiedornaniseverything
Felicity is understandably feeling defeatist, so it’s one of the rare times she says it’s better to be alone. Oliver doesn’t have much to say in return, but notice how the scene is shot. The entire bunker is dark except for the brightly backlit desk lamp. Oliver and Felicity are the only thing we see in the darkness.
Felicity also mentions her relationship status, which feels like an oddly placed comment. Umm… ok? SHE’S SINGLE AND HETEROSEXUAL GUYS!
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I love receiving pieces to the Felicity Smoak puzzle, but this comment felt very out of context. “Hey I’m sad, but I wouldn’t know how to talk to my boyfriend about fighting crime. Good thing I don’t have one.”
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It is NOT the fans who create romantic undertones to Oliver and Felicity’s scenes. The writers make it romantic with conversations like this. It’s very easy to keep a scene like this strictly platonic, but nope! The writers decide it’s super important that Oliver knows *right now* that Felicity is single as she pours her heart out to him in her time of need.
The light is equally important, because this relationship (regardless of romantic or platonic) has to be a two way street. Felicity cannot always help Oliver find the light. He has to help her too.
Oliver does come through Felicity by the end of the episode. Not at first because he is equally struggling with the loneliness of the life he’s chosen. He can’t really advise Felicity against being alone because that’s the choice he’s made for himself. So much so, that Diggle takes him out for a burger and a little therapy session. After the disaster zone his past relationships have left in their wake, Oliver is tapping out. He doesn’t require a life, or entanglements, or feelings.
Diggle: You’ve been home for eight months Oliver, I don’t think you’ve left that island yet.
Diggle, per usual, disagrees. He wants Oliver entangled. He wants Oliver as entangled as he can get. It makes you wonder if he has someone specific in mind.
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The Savior puts a big mirror up to Oliver’s face. He is man grieving the loss of his wife and chose to channel that rage and sadness into exacting his brand of justice.  Oliver can see himself in Falk and he doesn’t like what he sees.
Being alone leads to exactly that. While Oliver may say he doesn’t want the complexity of relationships and the difficulties they can bring, the reality of living life alone can lead to some pretty terrible results. Falk cut himself off from his humanity. This lead to selecting victims who didn’t deserve to die. If Oliver wants to maintain a moral high ground, make difficult but ultimately right choices, then he needs his humanity fully intact. Humanity requires human contact.
Oliver reaches out to someone first, but it’s not Felicity. It’s L*urel. He wants to have dinner or coffee or whatever because he no longer wants to be on an island.  It’s a nice line. It would have more meaning if we saw that dinner or conversation, but we don't.
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Instead we see Oliver return home to the bunker, to Felicity and Diggle, and they debrief their latest Team Arrow victory.  It would be easy to leave this scene at Felicity’s funny remark about Roy and Thea.
Diggle: You ok?
Oliver: Getting there.
Instead, Oliver acknowledges, more to himself, that he’s feeling better because John was right. Then we actually see this rigid man move and in the cutest way possible - with a little "Psst." It is a small yet definitive step towards his second chance.
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Oliver approaches Felicity in the now brightly lit bunker and tells her she is not alone. He is there for her always. Felicity may not have a “boyfriend” to talk to, but she has Oliver.
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Then he gently touches her shoulder and lets his hand linger there just long enough to even make Felicity wonder if maybe, just maybe, he means more.
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Actions speak louder than words.  Oliver may talk about not being on an island anymore with L*urel, but he leaves that island for Felicity.
Roy Harper
What are we doing with Roy Harper? Thus far it’s been a lot of Roy and Thea having the same “make better choices” argument and debate their wildly different economic lots in life. This is all well and good but we eventually need movement on this character and “Unfinished Business” give it to us BIG TIME.
Thea is understandably frustrated when Roy admits he plans to hold up a liquor store because he “owes” people in the Glades and that’s how this town works.
Thea: I got you a job at my brother’s club. You have choices. You don’t have to be a criminal.
Somehow this decision puts Roy in the Savior’s cross hairs. According to Falk, Roy Harper is a gang banger.
Roy has a criminal record and holding up a liquor store with an empty gun is not great, but a freaking death sentence? Calm down crazy. The Savior can’t find bigger fish to fry?
Roy doesn’t make excuses or ask for forgiveness when Falk challenges him to defend himself against his “crimes.” He doesn’t care if he lives or dies (just like someone else we know).
Roy: No one’s gonna miss me. I’m just a waste.
Gut punch. This kid wrecks me. Now Thea is crying in Tommy’s big brotherly-like arms. WE MUST SAVE THE PARKOUR PRINCE!!!
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Felicity and Diggle determine Falk is on the old abandoned subway system in Star City, which is why he was moving locations. The Hood finds Roy before Falk can pull the trigger and they engage in a morality debate, which thankfully isn’t broadcasted across the whole city after the feed is cut off. Or maybe the city should have heard Oliver’s arguments.
Oliver: I understand being alone, but it doesn’t give you the right to kill people in cold blood.
The Savior challenges Oliver on the difference between them and, once again, he doesn’t have a lot to say. There's minimal morality wiggle room for Oliver. The only difference between the Savior and the Hood is the people they are choosing. Oliver wasn’t wrong at the beginning of the episode. He has more restraint. He also has a better list of names. The Savior should ask for a couple.
Killing the District Attorney and kidnapping Roy Harper show that Falk is very bad at being judge, jury and executioner. Arrow is putting other vigilantes up against Oliver to show that he is better. There is a good heart under that hood – a potential superhero’s heart. Oliver’s morals and how he measures the sins of others are more just, but that doesn’t make him right. These distinctions we are drawing between Oliver and people like Falk and Helena are merely shades of grey. He is balancing on a very razor thin edge.
Oliver begs Falk to give Roy a second chance, but is forced to put an arrow in him when he refuses. “Salvation” is asking an important question. Who is worthy of a second chance? And who decides who is worthy?
Killing not only ends someone’s life it removes the possibility for change. There is a clear distinction between a man like Nichols and Roy Harper. There should be consequences to sinful actions, but what sins warrant death and what sins warrant forgiveness? Who decides? It’s a question we grapple with constantly in our imperfect legal system and it’s one Oliver Queen must answer as the city’s self appointed protector.
Roy is an easy call to make. He made mistakes, but he is deserving of a second chance. However, the question of whether he is worthy of it can only be answered by Roy Harper.  As he pulls the small arrow that saved his life out from his pocket, Roy is illuminated by a bright red light – a not so subtle nod to the Red Arrow. 
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And thus a hero’s journey begins with a second chance.
The Lance Family
This week on Loving the Lances… Dinah returns home with hopes of resurrecting their dead daughter but family secrets were unearthed instead. Dun dun dunnnnn!!!!
L*urel is on her own show, so I thought I’d give it a proper soap opera name. She never intersects with Oliver’s storyline except when she randomly pops up at the club looking for Tommy, but I digress. In all seriousness, this episode is pretty damn good because some scalding hot tea was spilled!
Dinah is CONVINCED that Sara is alive because she had the exact same baseball cap as the woman in the photo. This is such a weird detail to hang all her hopes on. Does Dinah think Sara was holding the rockets hat in her hand while she was swept out to sea? What’s with the hat? I HAVE QUESTIONS.
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Long story short, Sara is truly dead. L*urel finds the woman in the photo. She’s American, spent some time in China and owns a Starling City Rocket’s hat. We’re going to pretend the Chinese Embassy can find some rando in a photo and deliver her name to L*urel in five seconds flat. Also, Oliver confirms once again Sara is dead and he never lies so we’re all good.
But now we can get to the really interesting part of this little Lance drama unfolding before us. L*urel has the same questions about the hat as I do! I am wildly uncomfortable being this much in agreement with her, but here we are.
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Dinah came home while Sara was packing for her little get away with Oliver. She watched Sara pack the hat. Dinah told her not to go, but Sara said she was in love and following her heart even though others may not think it is right. Just like Dinah did with Quentin (side note – what’s the story on those two?)
Dinah: So I let her go. I killed my daughter.
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This family is so jacked up. They make the Queens look halfway normal. Y’all I don’t even know what to do with this information. HOT. MESS. EXPRESS.
Clearly Dinah is riddled with guilt and is desperate to find Sara alive to erase the terrible decision she made, but she can’t erase it. Just like Oliver can’t.
Somehow this betrayal almost feels worse than what Oliver and Sara did. Alright, maybe that’s too harsh, but it feels just as bad. It feels like Dinah was taking sides and she chose Sara. 
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I really need a therapy session with these women to unpack all that, but this is Arrow and L*urel doesn’t get that much screen time. The best we’ll get is an awkward hug and L*urel asking her mother to call her sometime.
What L*urel is offering is a generous second chance. Perhaps she’s realized that forgiveness is less painful than holding onto all the anger and hurt. Perhaps Oliver coming home and her mother’s time away made her realize she wants Dinah in her life than not at all. It’s really only a decision L*urel can make, but it’s a chance Dinah needs to jump on. She didn’t stop being a mother when Sara died. L*urel needs her too.
Stray Thoughts
L*urel advises Thea to run from the bad boys. Snort. So it’s a “do what I say, not what I do” type of advice day.
Moira serves Frank up on a platter to Malcolm Merlyn as the person who hired Deadshot. Moira’s hands are getting pretty damn bloody.
It has to be hard on L*urel to see that the only time her parents can be in a room together, affectionately touching, and being on the same team, is when they are searching for Sara. I really felt bad for her this episode. Ugh.
Slade and Oliver ransom the chips for a boat. It goes disastrously. Now Yao Fei is captured again.
Hey! Shado speaks English and can kick ass. Neat!
 “Keeps my ears warm.” He jokes!
“I’ll be home in a flash.” Dinah lives in Central City. Season 1 Jen didn’t get that reference, but I am a seasoned professional in the art of comic book references and I totally picked up on it the second time.
“Stay” by Rihanna was playing during Oliver & L*urel’s scene at the end of the episode. This was my song of pain in 2013. The Vampire Diaries used it in a particularly agonizing Stefan and Elena scene as well that year.  It's like white hot pokers in my heart.
Listen to the Watchover podcast reaction to 1x18!!!
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harkeepitreal · 11 months ago
Rookie is coming back!
Thank you to ABC and Lionsgate for giving us a season 7 renewal of the Rookie!
I just hope there is a away for the writers to fix Chenford. I am really hoping we don't have another Olicity or Meredith and Derek on our hands where they wait an entire season to get them back together. While they do that one of them is dating someone else. I hope we have Kensi and Deeks that they get back together, move in together and hopefully get engaged in season 7.
I also hope that Alexi doesn't screw it up and say well it is not going to happen. ABC execs had better be watching him to make sure this is done right.
This is one of those situations where if they get back together to early it will feel like it is forced and not worth the effort that Tim will be putting into himself and all the healing Lucy has to do. But if they wait to long people will lose interest.
I am one of those fans that I will come back to the show for the finale this season so I can see what will take us into season 7 and the Chenford stuff that Eric and Melissa have mentioned.
I have a feeling if they get back together next season it will not end right away so when or if they do back together I will come back and watch. Then go back to the episodes that I missed. This is what I did in Grey's Anatomy, When Calls the Heart and Arrow--although I still have not seen all of season 5.
As @northern-neighbor said the best way is a montage and jump ahead like 3 months. That way we can see them working on themselves. Before they get back together.
Lucy has better put her foot down and make sure he earn's her back. If Tim really wants her he will.
I am not interested in Nolan and Bailey and the baby nonsense. I would like to see other couples have challenges. Maybe Wade and Luna, or James and Nyla. They haven't had many troubles.
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literali1110 · 11 months ago
6x06 Thoughts
(these are my live thoughts as i was watching, with some later thoughts/clarifications added)
Tamara's moving out? Great [Listen, I like Tamara, but I think it's weird Tim and Lucy are always hanging out over there when she has a roommate] Although the timing is not great. Bet Lucy feels like everyone is leaving her Tim caved to Angela pretty quick Boo 😂 Angela doesn't even want to know why or how he lied? Ok they're sticking to the same story as last week Oh wait there's more? I love these BFFs together again It's like the last 2 seasons never happened 😂 Tim is bad at this 😂
(Del Monte has gotten mean. And corrupt?)
The rest of Tim's story is even worse 😭 So why is he doing the same thing now that he did wrong back then? To protect himself? [i didn't love that the backstory was about how Tim ended up risking his squad to keep his job. perhaps that is just how he is telling it because he feels so guilty? idk. and it's one thing if he comes clean but...he doesn't. and he's doing the exact same thing this episode - not going through proper channels and putting people at risk to supposedly save his job?]
Ray cloned the gps and is going after Lucy?! Omg she deserves to be furious at him Done being the good girlfriend 🔥 [loved this scene - and I think it made sense, they know due to the job they won't always be able to tell each other everything but that doesn't mean they can't help each other] Woah they caught Ray super fast 😂 [I thought there would be more to this dock scene] Woah interesting editing skipping to him in the interrogation room Why is Tim lying?? I am veryyyyy confused I fear this has ruined Tim's character for me [ok i still love tim but it was not clear to me why he lied and why he didn't try to right his wrongs - both in the past and present]
(Undercover nyla ❤️) (Celina better not be moving in with Lucy [but i bet she is]) (Whyyy do we need a baby Nolan) (It's a little weird this is how they brought Jackson's dad back?? and he seems perfectly fine)
We got a hug But where is the apologyyyy Okay so he lied to protect her and Lopez - and his job - and she's ok with it?? Did she make him lie? And now he's the one mad at her? This makes no sense And now HE'S breaking up with HER?? Oh! He did say I'm sorry 🙃 Is this because he doesn't believe he's good enough for her or he blames her for why he had to lie? Ohh she's not taking this from him, good for her Of course this is happening in the parking lot 😂😭
(Yuck why are we ending with this scene)
Okay so without the rest of the context of the new Tim backstory and how we got to this breakup, I actually really like the last scene and am excited for what comes next. I guess I kind of wish they had done something like this before they even got together - Olicity S3 parallel, anyone? - because these issues existed for Tim even before now.
Also I think it would have been helpful if they didn't just skip to Tim lying, and they would have explained the plan/why he was doing this/what had been agreed upon between him, Angela and Lucy. Because until she said it I didn't think she would agree with that plan and I still don't really understand why Tim wouldn't come clean - except if it's to protect Lucy (and Angela).
And at first I was thinking what Lucy said - so you lie to me to protect me and then you break up with me because you had to lie? that's messed up - but I don't think that's why he actually broke up with her. He broke up with her because he's feeling really guilty and he doesn't feel like he's good enough for her.
And the 'I know, I know' (remember when we held on to each 'I know' we got?) - he knows he's wrong and he's hurting her so that gives me some hope. So basically I have some empathy for Tim here and understand why he felt he had to break up with her but I still think he should have come clean. And I feel for Lucy too of course, she's just had thing after thing be piled onto her.
The promo for next ep is crazy. I'm excited to see Tim do some self reflection and healing. But this is going to be the third Tim heavy episode in a row. So when are we getting our Lucy arc?? Unless they're trying to make her even more alone for hers? And either Melissa is really good not giving out spoilers, or else they're really not going to resolve a bunch of stuff this season that we thought they would... :( Look I'm still processing this all but bottom line, I'm not mad about the breakup. Those scenes were super emotional and good and it just means we get another "getting together"/makeup scene down the line. And I would say this has significantly raised our chances of getting another sex scene! 😏
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the-feral-gremlin · 1 year ago
henwo. tell me about. ur headcanons for and opinions of. john diggity diggle. NOW ‼️
Of COURSE!!! I don’t have a lot but here are some of the ones that have fully formed in my head as canon.
He/Him, Bisexual, Ambiamorous. Lyla and him are in an open relationship/marriage.
Someone gave him a pocket knife for his tenth birthday and even though Diggle eventually learned how to use it, he has subtle scars on his hands from accidentally slicing his hand.
Didn’t trust any of the new team arrow members to watch his back in the field for a while after the whole turning on Oliver thing.
along with his nerve damage I think he also has chronic migraines.
(Post Crisis) John and Lyla have weekly dinners at the Queen-Smoak residence and oftentimes babysit Mia for Felicity.
Now for opinions :3 (again these are only the fully fleshed out ones)
As much as I love Oliver + Oliver and John’s friendship, John had every right not to ever trust Oliver again after he kidnapped Lyla and left a BABY alone in an apartment where literally anything could’ve happened. I honestly applaud him for how fast (relatively speaking) he began to try to get on good terms with him. He should’ve been mad at Oliver AT LEAST a little bit longer.
We should’ve gotten more scenes of John taking up the Green Arrow mantle while Oliver was with the league and after Olicity left at the end of season 3. (I MIGHT write a fanfic about this)
John should’ve been the green lantern. Idc if the ring was “just a test” or something. He deserves to be the green lantern and have his own hero arc outside of Team Arrow and Oliver.
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ambelle · 2 years ago
Watched The Flash finale and I’ll finally put a few thoughts into words. I don’t have many because it became apparent to me that Eric doesn’t like Barry and flat out hates Iris a while ago which is why I quit watching. Anyway…
The Good:
Barry, Iris, and Nora’s family moments. Would have rather watched those 3 + Bart and Wally for 44 minutes Vs all the bad speedsters with appearances from the original rogues of s1.
Joe was great up until he hijacked Nora’s party to propose to Cecile.
The last scene was nice
Cobalt Blue was fine. He needed to be in more of the season though.
The Bad:
Barry didn’t meaningfully interact with any of the huge villains they brought back including Reverse Flash.
Barry got beat up again LOL
RF, Savitar, and God Speed were taken out with one hit from the other members of team flash.
Cecile flying and Kione catching lightning was… I gotta laugh
Iris was barely there. Felt like they timed the birth so they wouldn’t have to include her.
Joe and Cecile pulling an Olicity? That was a nasty jab from the writers clearly
They gave Chester and Allegra iconic westallen lines verbatim ? And a spin kiss? LMAO okay Eric.
Why did Kione exist? Not trying to be funny here I just don’t understand.
I’m glad in the end the leads were amazing and proved why the show should have been about them. Barry and Iris carried the show and that finale on their backs. Luckily for me I haven’t been emotionally invested in the show since like season 5 so nothing they pulled had the power to upset me. But I still recognize the intent was to throw shade at particular parts of they fandom.
Congrats to Westallen and their baby girl they deserve happiness.
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blazethecheeto · 1 year ago
Hi What are some songs that remind you of Black Siren or Felicity?
*pulls up my playlist* glad you asked.
Boyfriend by Dove Cameron
because. gay. like no olicity hating but siren could be a better boyfriend than him-
Thinking I'm gonna steal you from him I could be such a gentleman Plus all my clothes would fit
I don't need to tell you twice All the ways he can't suffice If I could give you some advice I would leave with me tonight
2. Your Stupid Face - Kaden MacKay
first of all if you don't know this song listen to it second of all it's basically siren's thought process while falling for felicity and so enemies to lovers. (i wish i could copy paste the entire song)
And if the world was perfect, you would've never invaded my space But since the world's obsessed with saying, "psych!" Now I like your stupid face
I just feel so out of place Well, except for when you're near me
3. Don't Blame Me - Taylor Swift
bro this song just screams smoaksiren for no reason maybe it's because black siren is reputation coded but like it's insane and fun and felicity turning to the morally grey side
For you, I would cross the line I would waste my time I would lose my mind They say, she's gone too far this time
My name is whatever you decide, and I'm just gonna call you mine I'm insane, but I'm your baby
4. How Dare You - Malinda
the moment i heard this song i died because oh my god this is black siren and her silent feelings, while still being villainous and cool.
Well done You've impressed me I'm afraid we converse too easily Well done Now I'm on the run Chemistry's a smoking gun
How dare you How dare you make me question if I had it all
5. Vigilante Shit - Taylor Swift
this genuinely fits them so well especially with the ex-wife lines lmao
Now she gets the house, gets the kids, gets the pride Picture me thick as thieves with your ex-wife And she looks so pretty Driving in your Benz
So on the weekends I don't dress for friends Lately, I've been dressing for revenge
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solardick · 8 months ago
Wow, whatever they did, made 90 percent of these “transits” untrue, or atleast in how they are describing the meaning of these transits to me are. Yup, thats bs. Thats bs. Thats also bs. Nope not true. Ok. Whatever. Diciding whethe rim
Going to work today and only having nothing els eto do but break doen and cut up a couple crates. Maybe move a cabinet. Not much for 8 hoirs of work which can be done in one. Sorry thr feeling in my ass doesnt allow me to enjoy anything. Its jsut depressing and death.
I prefer the hardship of a cock crown. And the insecurity that comes with it. Not severe but, still. My ass is associated to pain and scaring. From when i ripped open my ass crack from falling off a chair. Got the scar running right down to prove it. Tailbone ripped that open pretty good. Its baby tissue. Sensitive. And the IBS from whatever the fuck they did. Shitting mucous. And probably leading to a host of infections. So, no.
I was trying to get back into art but, this ba is iver taking that so. The russian alphabet opened a door to my inability of forming images in my mind. And gave me a large list of images i could create with a crayon. But, that doesnt seem to be going to happen eiyher because the eorld wont stop fucken raping me. Ho emany more devades do you eant from me. Its never enough. Counting fuvken 4 now. Jesus fucken christ.
I fucken hate taking apart crates. I detest violence.
Im bred to mimic, produce and improve. Discouraged from any leadership. But fuck that. Instead the world has given me nothign but biolence and belittlement. Encouraged all my worst traits then used them againt me. Was violent formsuch an extended time. That i hecome violent. And then they doubled down on the violence. To passify me. In the words
A women to
The world. Suck me fucken cock.
Well, im out of nicotine. No more being a sissy bitch to legal slave drugs.
Covid the entire country get put on lockdown. Yet refuses to illegalize or criminilize nicotine. For the whole 2 weeks it takes to be clear of it. Instead of stationing olice outside native tobacco outlets for “boarder” inspection, they turn a blind eye.
Covid was a opportunity to clear addiction to self harming chemicals. In the polpulace. Instead they standardize ciggarettes and spend more money adding more warnings. Fuck off.
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livelovecaliforniadreams · 2 years ago
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eloquence-of-felicities · 3 years ago
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kat.mcnamara: Happy birthday to the Green Arrow herself, Mia Smoak-Queen. I am truly so grateful to have this character in my life and for all the fandom love with which you have embraced her. From her first roundhouse kick to her latest sip of scotch, this woman is a Smoakin Queen and a true example of picking yourself back up, no matter how many times life (or family drama or a supervillain of sorts) knocks you down. Thank you to the writers, directors, fellow cast, and artists who have made her world full of life, and of course @stephenamell and @emilybett for the #Olicity legacy that gave Mia a reason to exist. Let’s suit up. 💚🏹 @thecw @warnerbrostv @dccomics #greenarrow
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red-pens-and-ferns · 3 years ago
Do mia and jj
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remarkingonit · 5 years ago
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"See you soon"
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audreygianelliart · 4 years ago
A little magic with ⁦‪@motionportrait‬⁩ and my drawing of ⁦‪@Kat_McNamara‬⁩ comes alive 🤩
Made with ⁦‪@CopicEurope‬⁩ warm grey marker
#katmcnamara #katherinemcnamara #miaqueen #shadowhunter #arrow #olicitybaby #fanart #portrait
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