#the eltarian war
augment-techs · 2 months
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Matt Cook and Kimberly Hart's relationship Timeline: Part V; Now Including Tommy's addition: Part III
I can't believe it took until the very end of the Eltarian War Arc for these three to even come into SOMETHING like peace.
I'll probably end up coming back to add more of the pieces later, but for now I'm just going to stew over how irritating it was to walk through all of this.
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kimberlyannharts · 13 days
Yeah. Remember when the Omegas first took down Zedd and Zordon said “hey you may have opened up Earth to attacks my rangers cannot handle” and for some reason he was unreasonable for that
My future Omega Ranger video's thesis is going to be that the scene where they beat Zedd changed the entire trajectory of the comics because that really is where things shifted from "Zordon's made mistakes in the past and sticks to his moral code but ultimately only looks out for the good of Earth and the well-being of the MMPRs" to "Actually Zordon's a tyrant who never listens to his Rangers and his rules of 'don't abuse the power I've granted to you' are the worst things he could ask of them. Our new Rangers are way more powerful and doing way more important missions than those silly little Earth MMPRs because they don't follow Zordon's dumb rules"
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skyland2703 · 3 months
Just gonna toss some random PR at you and see what sticks now that you're out of hibernation:
MMPR #121 is out and I....hate it:
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I really, really, really want to be happy that we get to see Adam and Rocky and some character development in the wake of their possession, and get an entire issue based around Billy, but it all really just goes downhill from here. The only nice thing I can say is that Hendry Prasetya's art has gotten very smooth and I quite like it compared to previous chapters.
However, revisiting old Dual MM and PR chapters has made me happy finding little gold nuggets around that actually speak to true personality:
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Next to Dan Mora, Marco Renna mighty be my favorite artist for this series. At least I can stand to look at Zedd with this style.
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And also: THIS ☝🏿☝🏿 I miss this kind of thing.
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I know we've all had fun throwing rocks at the Eltarian War Arc, but I cannot be the only one that sees the VERY EASILY streamlined version of events where this would have been perfect for Identity Reveal, Action Survivor, Big Damn Heroes, Big Ego/Hidden Depths, The Chosen Zero, Karmic Jackpot, Kleptomaniac Hero, Chekhov's Gun, Everything is Trying to Kill You, Strolling Through the Chaos, and an Establishing Character Moment tropes for...our babies Q_Q Honestly, so much fanfic possibility. Wish I could figure out how to make it work...
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Also, just random pics of the minions being CUTE.
This is the best thing i could've gotten coming out of hibernation, tbh. THANK YOU.
what the FUCK have they done with Billy's HAIR. Why do they look like THAT. (They've drawn Adam and Rocky beautifully but wtf billy.)
Feeling SO bad for adam and rocky they look BROKEN 🥺
Who's the lady in red?? Is she a ghost?? Can nobody else see her??
Zedd looks very overconfident, and is talking about how overconfidence will be the end of them... hmmmmmmmmm
i really like Zedd's art style! Marco Renna does a GOOD JOB O.O
But seriously wtf was that with Billy's hair.
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i think i screamed at this. THIS IS CHARACTER <3
7. THEY HAVE AN EXECUTION ORDER TO MELT ALPHA???? i know it's supposed to be a serious scene but THAT many eltarian soldiers for one alpha, it's making me laugh awdhydfsvfadwfrgt 8. BULK AND SKULL BULK AND SKULLLLLLL!!!!!!!! HELLO BABIES!!! I love this style for them, they look so CUTE and smushable and cheek-pullable. Skull being depressed about Candace and bulk distracting him and cheering him up AND THE WAY THEY RUUUUNNNNN *wipes stray tear from eye* BEAUTIFUL CHILDREN <3
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9. who is this man. why does he look like that girl from hinger games. 10. did they melt the alpha yet??
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11. THIS ART STYLE. FOR THEM. YOUR HONOR I LOVE THIS PANEL (and they're shooting Matt. Lol i love that) 12. The empyreals?? IS THAT A BLUE KATAPPA 13. Jailbreak blue lady is Candace, I assume?? (She'd have looked prettier with blue hair, tbh. Why couldn't they just make zordon the bald eltarian. Why'd they have to make ALL ELTARIANS bald????) 14. Bulk and Skull are literally interviewing aliens. I don’t know how amazing THAT is, but also i cant stop laughing at the image of Mr. Blue katappa in my head.
For reference, this is Katappa.
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Angry old general man who is one of the biggest memes here.
15. ERNIEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 16. "Honestly, so much fanfic possibility. Wish I could figure out how to make it work..." <- you say, let me read this arc. Then I'll yell at you about it.
17. WAS THIS YOUR TRAP TO MAKE ME FALL INTO THE ENDLESS PUDDLE OF THE ELTARIAN WAR????? because i think it worked 18. GOLDAR!!!!!! Kim going "saved by gOlDaR?? I’m gonna need a minute" *cackles*
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19. Taking a minute to appreciate THIS. How CUTE. AUGH. 20. and Goldar in that veryyyy last panel. BRO. GOLDIEBRO. I FEEL YOU. it's the downfall era for ALL of us. WHY MUST WE SUUUFFFERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
i have so many thoughts here awdsfghbdfjsvns I NEED TO READ THIS ARC!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU AUGMENTT ASDNRGHJFDSCSEJDFG
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strangeduckpaper · 5 months
Power Rangers Rewrite Ideas/HCs
The Capital P-Power is sort of similar to the Force, basically the culmination of people’s idea of good, our best intentions given force and form through the power of the Morphin Grid, also called the Bio-Electric Field
That’s why the Morphin Grid is so (comparatively) rarely used for evil ends, and why the Rangers are fundamentally defensive guardians. It’s against its fundamental nature to be aggressive and cause knowing harm, and you can only twist it so hard for so long. They can be misled, though. 
The force that the Masked Riders draw their powers from is technically a different expression of the Morphin Grid.
Dark Spector, meanwhile, similar to his BOOM Comics incarnation, is the inverse, a conscious manifestation of the collective idea of evil.
The Eltarians, at some point in the past, ascended to energy beings. I feel as if it was an accident. That’s why the Phantom Ranger is always wearing armor, and partially why Zordon is in a tube.
Zordon was explicitly a cultivator of Ranger Powers, stockpiling different Morphers and Zords to distribute to different Ranger teams as the war against Dark Specter that occurred 10,000 years ago raged on. 
Older Ranger teams had humanoid Zords (The Omega Zords, the Aquitar Rangers’ Battle Borgs and Shogunzords, the Super Zeo Zords, the Turbo Ranger Rescue Megazord)
One unique feature I might incorporate is the ability of the Megazords to draw giant monsters into the Empty Space from Dandadan, allowing for harm mitigation and to keep monsters from escaping.
This is technically a multiversal story. I’m not sure how many dimensions there are, but there is the Mighty Morphin Dimension, the RPM Dimension, the more Japanese Sentai verse, a few different Kamen Rider Universes, a universe where the MM Rangers never existed and Tommy Oliver was only the Dino Thunder Black Ranger, and some universes with different Ranger teams.
Earth is slightly more advanced due to the discovery of Alien tech, including certain artifacts on the moon…
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morninkim · 1 year
Season 2 Arc: Rita & Tommy Breakdown
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Most of RotMMPR's second season would focus on the Rangers' struggle against a resurfaced Rita Repulsa, now in possession of Tommy. A big motif, like with the rest of the series, would be Control over others vs. Freedom of Expression, especially in regards to Tommy's past and present contrasted with Rita's, as well as how that shapes their attitudes toward Individuality.
Leaving the full under the cut, but if you wanna take a read, please do! (it is... very long.)
Pre-series Background: Rita
Zedd, and by extension Rita, represent exertion of control over others and bending their wills to suit your own needs. Through manipulation, through coercion, through possession.
Rita's backstory involves her beginning life as a construct created from Zedd's seventh shard of the Zeo Crystal. Throughout the old war era with the Original Rangers, she takes several bodies, accumulating their abilities as time goes on and with each new body, growing stronger. During this time, she goes by the name Atir, an archaic word from the Eltarian language meaning "zero" or "empty". Initially this name is given to her by Zordon as a descriptor when she first appears on a battlefield, taking bodies from both armies and discarding them when they get too damaged, she claims it for herself as an act of spite.
Her longest sustained body was Bandora, a witch from an outer world who by far provided her the most abilities of any of her bodies. Bandora was a sweet older woman, who was able to maintain her consciousness within Atir's possession thanks to her own abilities. Over time, Bandora would wear Atir down, showing the shadow kindness despite her use of her body, exploiting and cultivating a need for self expression in it. Bandora would then exploit this need, using it to exorcise Atir from her body and help Zordon and the Power Rangers trap the shadow in an Eltarian urn. However, Bandora's advanced age and weakened form led to her death immediately following the exorcism.
The urn would be jettisoned and left on what would eventually become Earth's moon, with the crippled Power Rangers' spaceship crash landing in what would be the Mojave desert.
Atir would lay dormant in the urn for 10,000 years, until it is uncovered by one of the last Apollo missions in the early 70s and comes under ownership and study of Dr. Sean Finster, a xenobiologist and linguistics enthusiast. He translates the writing on the urn as "Rita Repulsa", unaware that he has translated it backwards, with the the text reading "Atir Asluper" in old Eltarian. A rough translation to English would be "Empty Vessel", the Eltarian equivalent of Earth's "This is not a place of honor" warnings placed near nuclear waste sites.
Atir, having had no life to latch onto or communicate with for 10,000 years, immediately started to feed off of the good doctor's insecurities, projecting thoughts into his head and manipulating him into eventually releasing her again to destroy the newly emerged Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.
She takes possession of Tommy at this point, who had just moved to Angel Grove a few months prior and continued to have trouble fitting in.
Pre-series Background: Tommy
Tommy grew up an orphan, adrift either on the streets or the foster system. She'd not had an easy life and to an extent had grown used to moving around, never staying in one place for too long. When she was eventually adopted by Grace Oliver two years ago, she finally felt like she could stay somewhere and never have to leave again. But that only lasted just over a year before they had to leave Reefside and move to Angel Grove, due to Grace's new job that she could never be super clear or honest about to her daughter.
The dishonesty frustrated Tommy, which made it difficult for her to feel like she could really put down roots, start to make friends and build a life. She became friendly with a few of the other kids at school, like Zack and Curtis Taylor, and Richie Mendoza, even getting a little cozy with Kimberly Hart, but she never felt like she could open up to them, not really.
On the day Rita's shadow takes her body, she'd just been stood up by Kimberly after she finally worked up the courage to ask her out on a date (Kim got called away for Ranger business which would end up resulting in Rita's release, go figure). She feels isolated, bummed out and her anxiety gets to her hard. Which gives the shadow an opening to take hold and enter her mind.
Rita then uses Tommy's body to visit Dr. Finster in secret at his home and coerce him into using his knowledge of xenobiology and study of the Putty Patrollers to create monsters to attack Angel Grove and kill the Power Rangers so she can conquer the Earth unopposed. All this in the name of her Lord, the Dark Specter, Zedd. It's then she takes the name Rita Repulsa, once again claiming a name given to her for herself.
Green with Evil and Tommy's Struggle
Rita doesn't have full control at first, she's been dormant in the urn for 10,000 years and her power isn't at the fullest yet. She soon hears word of the missing Green Power Coin from Dr. Finster, who was present at the Rangers' first meeting with Zordon and Alpha V due to passing out during the devastating Rangers vs. Shadow Rita fight.
Rita decides that the best way to regain her previous strength would be to claim the missing Power Coin and use it to regenerate herself, at the cost of her host over time. Tommy remains unaware of her body being under Rita's control for a time, slowly becoming more and more agitated and unwell, as she gets little sleep while Rita claims her body almost every night. She starts becoming aware of it as Rita slowly takes more of a hold on her, pushing her to sabotage herself and her social life so she'll let go and surrender to Rita's control.
On the flipside, Rita also remains dormant in Tommy's mind as she goes about her day.
She makes up with Kimberly, going on a few dates that are actually successful, despite the Pink Ranger's duties and Tommy's increasing restlessness.
Grace opens up just a little bit, becoming worried for her daughter and not wanting her work to interfere more than it should with being there for her, as Tommy's struggling becomes all the more clear. She starts taking more time off to spend time with Tommy, inspired by Dr. Finster's own increased days off - not aware that he's spending that time creating monsters for the shadow inside her daughter.
Rita sows discord in Tommy's head, but she's able to ignore it for the most part. That is, until Rita claims the Green Power Coin in a battle with the Rangers, and her host's identity is revealed to them.
With Rita at full strength, in bursts, thanks to the Power Coin and her new Dark Green Ranger powers, Tommy now takes a backseat, a prisoner in her own head as Rita goes about her wreaking havoc as much as she is able to, whenever she wants to.
Tommy flip flops between wanting to keep herself afloat and wanting to just give up. She's already so far gone. Rita even attacks her mother, Tommy's face uncovered by her Dark Green helmet, frightening the closest thing she's ever had to family. Grace even manages to discharge a weapon at her assailant, making it hard for Tommy to picture anything else when thinking about her mother for a while.
Dr. Finster, growing weary of the shadow's manipulation and what she's made of him, sees Tommy's disheveled form in Rita's hideout in a rare moment of the shadow's absence and, realising her connection to Grace, appeals to her directly. He tells her of how Grace always wanted to make something of herself, but never truly could until she stopped doing it for other people, for their acceptance, or because they'd told her to. Be and act unapologetically as herself, on her own terms. He urges Tommy not to give up, to keep going for her own sake, anyone telling her different be damned. Including the shadow in her mind.
Rita hears this appeal, taking control for just a moment to push back against his words, but the seed in Tommy's mind had already been planted.
Rita, meanwhile, had found herself thinking about Bandora more and more, how she'd encouraged her individuality, to make decisions on her own terms and not because it was what Zedd had ordered of her. She'd also begun thinking about how she'd been depriving her hosts of that all this time, never considering what they may have wanted to do.
She comes to doubt her place in everything, in the Empire. After all, her master was defeated thousands of years ago, and yet here she is, still carrying out what she thinks would be his will, collecting what remained of him and sending her lackeys to do the same off-planet on the off-chance she could eventually restore his form and his Empire. Still acting on his behalf instead of her own.
The good Doctor's words further stirred these thoughts, perhaps leading to her outburst in opposition. He'd planted a seed in Tommy's head, and that's exactly where Rita lived. Despite these thoughts, she'd think herself too far gone. Nowhere to go now but down. And she'll take everyone and everything she can with her.
Rita launches what she considers her final assault, going all out and drawing all the energy she can from the Green Power Coin to destroy everything, essentially turning herself, and by extension Tommy, into a ticking time bomb. The Dragonzord blasts the city and surrounding areas, only barely fought off by the Rangers' newly formed Megazord, a sight Rita had not seen since her final battle with the previous team.
The Rangers' new Megazord overpowers the Dragonzord, leading to a ground battle where the team wear down the Dark Green Ranger, desperately appealing to their friend, to Tommy, to fight the shadow infecting her. They urge and encourage her self image, tell her to keep going, echoing many of the sentiments Finster had seeded already.
There's a short scene within a liminal space, between Rita and Tommy.
"Your friends seem set on taking you away from me."
"Yeah... They sure do." Tommy stands from her curled up position on the ground.
"Do you truly think you can just stop being mine?" Rita levels her staff at Tommy's throat, preparing to erase her completely.
Tommy shoves the staff away, fire in her eyes. "I've never been yours," she manifests the Dragon Saber in her hands, the weapon taking on a purified, more compact form, the Dragon Dagger. "Now get the hell out of my head!"
With the weapon plunged into Rita's proverbial heart, she is exorcised from Tommy's body, breaking the spell and freeing her.
A weakened, shadowed Rita watches from the rubble as the Rangers comfort their friend and take her back to the Command Center. Rita acts in desperation, mustering what little energy she'd already gathered to take control of Dr. Finster's body and put all the pieces of her Lord back together. She uses her remaining magic to revive what she can of Zedd, hoping for forgiveness for what she perceives as going against his wishes.
The shadow she revives is not whole, but it is enough of the Dark Specter to congratulate her on bringing him back, and in time he'll return to full strength. Now the two of them can continue what they started all those millennia ago-
"The two of us?" The Specter seems puzzled.
"Yes, we'll destroy this world together. Then conquer all that remains in this universe," the shadow responds, an old man's voice obviously unsteady. Whether it's the body she now inhabits, or a sign of her own insecurity, is unclear. "Won't we?"
"My dear, dear shadow. There is no 'we', I will be the one to control all. You will simply listen and follow my command. As you always have."
"No! I deserve to rule! All I've done, I've done for you! I deserve it!"
"Oh? Do you mean to defy me, shadow?"
Rita grits her teeth, glaring into the Specter. "My name is not 'shadow'. My name is Rita Repulsa, and you will listen to me!"
"Ah, so you do," The Specter sighs, "Pity. You were one of my favourites."
Without another word, the newly resurrected Zedd re-consumes the shadow he once created, replenishing his powers with hers and absorbing all the knowledge she'd gathered. Including knowledge of these new Power Rangers and the services Dr. Finster can provide.
While Tommy is rewarded and thrives by striving for her individuality and making her own choices; Rita has never had that and therefore has no clue what to do with it when she has it, which sends her into a panic - only truly coming to terms with it when confronted with having it taken away again, far too late.
That wouldn't be the last of Rita though, she'd make a reappearance in the finale to assist the Rangers by holding Zedd back from the inside, giving them an opening to end him once and for all.
A final act. A final choice that was truly her own, for herself, and for the ultimate good of others. It's not redemption, but she never wanted that.
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graphicpolicy · 2 years
Preview: Mighty Morphin Vol. 5
Mighty Morphin Vol. 5 preview. The dust is finally settling on the Eltarian War... but the battle is far from over! #comics #comicbooks #mmpr #powerrangers
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rangerchronicles · 3 years
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Zordon and Lord Zedd are presumed dead. The Eltarian War has started 🔥
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Boom!Power Rangers Reading Order (Pre-100)
Season 1
Go Go Power Rangers #1-4
Annual’16: Only the Strong (Zedd Origin Retcon)
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #10
Go Go Power Rangers #5-8
Go Go Power Rangers #28
Annual’16: Trini’s vacation
Go Go Power Rangers: Back to School
Annual’16: A Spot of Trouble
Annual’16: A Week in the Life
Go Go Power Rangers 13-20
Go Go Power Rangers: Rangers Forever
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #5
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #0-4
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #6-9
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #11-15
Annual’17: Search Party
Year One: From Here to Despair
Mighty Mophin Power Rangers #16
Annual’17: Forever Mighty Morphin Black
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #17 and 18
Annual’17: Perfect
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #19-25
Go Go Power rangers # 9-12
Shattered Grid DX: A Promise to Keep
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #26
Free Comic Book Day 2018
Annual 2018
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #27-30
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Shattered Grid Finale
Annual’16: What Makes a Ranger
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #31-39
Beyond the Grid DX: What’s it worth to you?
Season 2
Go Go Power Rangers #21-27
Go Go Power Rangers #29-32
Power Rangers 25th Special: Golden Ideas
Mighty Morphin Power rangers Cover Stories #40-50
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #40
Necessary Evil Part 1 DX: Old Dogs
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #41-55
Ranger Slayer #1
Drakkon: New Dawn
Mighty Morphin #1
Power Rangers #1
Mighty Morphin #2-12
Power Rangers #2-6
Power Rangers Unlimited: Heir of Darkness
Power Rangers #7-8
Power Rangers Unlimited: Edge of Darkness
Power Rangers #9-12
Mighty Morphin #13
Power Rangers #13
Mighty Morphin # 14
Power Rangers # 14
Mighty Morphin #15
Power Rangers #15
Mighty Morphin #16
Power Rangers #16
Mighty Morphin #17-20
Power Rangers #17-20
Power Rangers Unlimited: Countdown to Ruin
Season 3
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: PINK
Other Mighty Morphin Power Rangers stories:
The Ongoing Adventures of Bulk and Skull
Annual’16: Unlockly Heroes
The Ongoing Misadventures of Baboo and Squatt
Annual’16: It’s Putty Time
MMPR#0: What Time is It
Annual’17: Sabrina’s Day Out
25th Anniversary Special: Pet Project
Godzilla Vs Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Justice League
Power Rangers: Soul of the Dragon
BEYOND THE Beyond the Grid
Power Rangers Universe
The New Adventures of Blue Senturian and Ninjor
25th Anniversary Special: The Trials of Astronema
Year Two: Psychotic
Power Rangers: The Psycho Path
Power Rangers: Sins of the Future
25th Anniversary Special: The Sweetest Dreams
25th Anniversary Special: Sealed
Novice reading order (Only the essentials)
Season 1
GoGo Power Rangers #1-8
GoGo Power Rangers 13-20
GoGo Power Rangers: Rangers Forever
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #0-15
Annual’17: Search Party
Mighty Mophin Power Rangers #16-25
GoGo Power rangers # 9-12
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #26
Free Comic Book Day 2018
Annual 2018
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #27-30
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Shattered Grid Finale
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #31-39
Season 2
GoGo Power Rangers #21-32
Mighty Morphin Power rangers Cover Stories #40-50
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #40-55
Ranger Slayer #1
Drakkon: New Dawn
Mighty Morphin #1
Power Rangers #1
Mighty Morphin #2-12
Power Rangers #2-6
Power Rangers Unlimited: Heir of Darkness
Power Rangers #7-8
Power Rangers Unlimited: Edge of Darkness
Power Rangers #9-12
Mighty Morphin #13
Power Rangers #13
Mighty Morphin # 14
Power Rangers # 14
Mighty Morphin #15
Power Rangers #15
Mighty Morphin #16
Power Rangers #16
Mighty Morphin #17-20
Power Rangers #17-20
Long Story Short
Go Go Power Rangers vol 1, 2, 4, 5, 6
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers 1-6
Shattered Grid + Go Go Vol. 3
Beyond the Grid
Go Go Power Rangers 7, 8, 9
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14
Mighty Morphin 1, 2, 3
Power Rangers 1, 2, 3
Eltarian War
Mighty Morphin 5, 6
Power Rangers 5, 6
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inhyuklee · 3 years
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MIGHTY MORPHIN #14 Main cover. - With the destruction of Zordon's tube, the Mighty Morphin team seeks new allies to help them in the Eltarian War. But with Lord Zedd at their back and the Eltarian Supreme Leader gathering his forces to launch a massive attack on the Earth, can the Rangers survive being surrounded on all sides? • Release Date: Dec 1th, 2021 • My Online art class: Please Click the link at my profile. #boomstudios #Hasbro #PowerRangers #MightyMorphin #jordon #lordzedd #inhyuklee https://www.instagram.com/p/CUtmwW8BjeQ/?utm_medium=tumblr
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augment-techs · 3 months
Boom!Comics, what if Drakkon had actually died at the end of Shattered Grid??
....Oh, fuck this is gonna be hard. Lemme think.
It's so hard to pull on this thread and follow a single end loosed from it. There's so much to be addressed.
Kiya would have to be given consideration, because the writers fucked up with her in ways that are still ringing out in Darkest Hour. She needed treatment for her PTSD and Survivor's Guilt and killing the Blue Emissary. So I think Trini would have to actually tap into her Yellow potential WITHOUT Drakkon's goading.
The Eltarian Invasion would have to go through a speed run, because the Omega Rangers wouldn't make the incredibly stupid decision to nick Drakkon out of the Command Center and go galivanting about the universe based on his advice--more to the point, would the Red Emissary even be caught unawares by the Orange Empyreal if he wasn't checking in on Drakkon? No.
The bullshit with Zedd and the Dome Arc would have to still be gone through, because otherwise Matt wouldn't be revealed, and Zordon would still have to be proven wrong, so the stress would be even greater because the Omegas DIDN'T defy Zordon in this timeline and leave a crack in his ego, so the punishment for Billy would have been much differently handled...I think.
Tommy and Matt's dick measuring contest would have to be forestalled by Zack and Jason being unwilling to not look at things from Matt's POV, and I should like for Billy to have actually talked out his reasoning not just with the Stone Canyon Trio--though I still want that--but with Kimberly and Tommy. They've all been stressed out and under pressure and he needs someone who isn't new or hasn't been gone that could actually understand him. And possibly call him out sooner for keeping secrets from them when THEY aren't Zordon.
I would like to think that Zartus would make an effort to turn up the charm and use a charisma check to try and get Zordon on his side, but that means he would have to come to Earth while both the Red and Yellow Emissaries are alive and thus he only has control of the one Empyreal so he has to take care about sending it to particular planets to decimate.
Which means sending the Sentry Force Four to pick up Zelya and interrupt her dating Skull so she blew him off BEFORE she and Bulk had a heart to heart. BEFORE the Dome was placed over Angel Grove.
I think, for lack of any other way into understanding, the Rangers would contact the Coinless Universe in the hopes that THEY would have some idea what the Empyreal they met actually was.
Which, fun times for all, because YES, actually, TWO people from there do.
Ranger Slayer, Coinless Bulk, Sentry Skull end up popping over to the Prime universe to lend a hand. Skull happily dragging Finster-5 along with them because they're the two.
And Coinless Jason comes along, too, much to the distress of everyone there that was under the impression that he was dead. Kim thought he could use a breath of fresh air away from their world's rebuilding process and Jason was grateful for the chance to see a version of Billy and Angel Grove still standing.
And--except for Kim--they're all wearing Colors the others weren't expecting. White for Jason, Purple for Bulk, and--much to the discomfort of the Omega Rangers--Orange for Skull.
The Orange especially leaving the Omegas with a prickling sensation in the back of their minds. A bad aftertaste from the Empyreal.
"Fun fact about those fucking things? You can get rid of them, but you have to find the corpse of the Emissary they were born from and find a Ranger with a correlating Color to punch the corpse," is Skull's first observation after Finster's creepy explanation about the origin of the Empyreals ("Yeah, there are three of them. Opposite of their Primary Color counterpart. But at least you can count on them to cut to the chase instead of pulling some metaphorical lyricist bullshit,") with a tiredness that nobody expected from one of the Coinless after they gained their world back.
It's a lot of talking, a lot of convoluted back and forth about why the Empyreal would seem like it was on a mission for job instead of fulfilling their divine purpose.
I would like to think that the Omegas would propose team-up with the Coinless until things got straightened out. With the elder Kim, Bulk, and Jason remaining on Earth in case the Empyreal came knocking and Finster-5 and Skull coming with them on the Spectrum II in the hopes of cutting off more planets being killed.
Skull takes them up on their offer without looking to the other Coinless for consideration, given that it feels like everything is an a time limit and it's not like he could have left the Command Center to visit the Juice Bar or anything, despite Bulk's protests.
"I look too much like myself. It's fine."
Finster-5 does not really have much of a choice in the matter since he's on eternal probation and will do whatever the Ranger Slayer tells him to do.
However, Slayer Kim would probably have to go back and forth between one Earth and another to keep the peace, and Coinless Zack and Trini would pop in here and there as the ball really got rolling with the Eltarians showing up, acting as if they want to forge a proper alliance with Earth JUST before Zedd raises his metaphorical finger and everything is way more out in the open than it ever had any right to be.
I want Zedd to get a proper body. I want Zordon to get his own proper body. I want Rita to get yanked back to the Eath and given to Grace Sterling because the Omegas and Skull found her Dumpster spinning through space and weren't going to take the chance that Finster-5 would do something stupid. I think Jason would trust her a little more and would want to curry favor with someone other than Zordon...just in case.
I am also going to use this as an excuse to cut out the middle man so she can't be called on by Vile and therefore bring about Dark Specter using Zordon's old body. Zordon's getting that back so he and Zedd can beat the crap out of Zartus and be MORTAL so they both have certain expectations of accountability when they fuck up.
I also want to use this as an excuse for Zordon still getting called out, but I want it to be by someone that he wasn't expecting: like Purple Ranger Bulk finding the "spare change" in the Command Center and taking Zordon to task about trust and destiny and how even if the Rangers are now soldiers, they're also children and it's really not right to mess about without consulting them.
"Because 'you said so' is not an answer."
There is still a situation where the Empyreal goes to wipe out the Hartunians, but because Skull is not Drakkon and they'd have no reason to leave him behind on the ship, age and experience would be on their side. All but 40 members of the population wouldn't have to die--Skull would merely tear out the the king's heart so the queen could either aid them or perish. Which works splendidly as during the evacuation process it becomes very clear that the Empyreal is under someone else's command, and that someone can be traced to the Celestial Shard that formed with the Blue Emissary's death from their heart.
Hartunia is still destroyed and rendered 'Anew' but the people are alive and under new rule and relocated to an unoccupied world where they can start again without weapons or the scavenging practices and under the rule of Evor Till who winds up swearing fealty to the Rangers, with the promise to aid them if ever they call.
It leaves the Omegas rather shaken that they didn't fail and actually have somewhere to turn to make things better, but it also leaves them feeling sick that there's a version of Skull--living on their ship until things pan out--that would kill someone without hesitation or even appearing remorseful.
I really, really want the home team Bulk and Skull to get at least a little consideration from either Zordon or Grace Sterling in this scenario.
....That's all I've got. I'm sorry. This was hard.
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kimberlyannharts · 28 days
Why are people so weird about Zordon not being there in prime. I saw someone post the synopsis and they said “and no Zordon (thankfully)” bro hasn’t done anything relevant since Eltarian War what is your beef
People calling Zordon the worst has been a thing forever but I can’t help but feel certain choices in the comics have irreparably damaged his reputation for some people; and further validated the people who already hated him. The 1969 incident, how he was presented as irrationally angry in Ultimate Power/Eltarian War, and M*tt exposing his identity therefore “proving” that his rules are meaningless are the big ones
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skyland2703 · 7 months
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This might be my favorite Adam picture that wasn't part of the Coinless timeline or the Eltarian War. Dunno why; but so pretty.
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The ONLY part of MMPR 117 that I've found the energy to care about...so far. Though some parts offer fandoms theories.
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Introduction to tiny T.J. and Cassie in the GGPR Deluxe Edition II~ Isn't it nice to see that they're 13 when the current rangers are 16? Helps tie things up for later down the line ^^
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The Dan Mora cover sheet for GGPR: FOREVER RANGERS. Group shots from Mr. Mora are always so SOFT.
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.....Which County Fair Date, Kim? WHICH ONE??
This… this is SO perfect.
Adam’s look there is ANNOYED™️ and it SUITS him. Like he is someone whos marshmallow happy like, ALWAYS. so seeing him pissed, it kiNDA FITS. BUT ALSO. SO ADORABLE. Saving saving SAVING.
The ragtag team is THE best. They’re not soldiers, but they’re volunteers!!’ THEY WANNA DO GOOD!!!! And that’s what matters THE. THEEEE MOST. Like someone once said, one guy who WANTS to do good on their own is >>>>> someone whos paid to “do good” (and still doesnt do their job properly). Not exactly fitting here, but I thought it was a VIBE. Bulk and Skull are the ultimate “never selected for it, but would always do their part” duo and I LOVE THEM for it.
TINY TJ AND CASSIE’S INTRO. AND THE LITTLE SNEAK PEEK INTO WHO THEY GROW UP TO BE :3 I’m still kinda glad they didnt make kids THAT SMALL rangers (*ignores tf out of Justin*). And the fact that they introduced them in the EXACT GGPR FASHION!!!!!!!!! That’s a power rangers exclusive and I love that TO BITS.
The Dan mora shots!!!! Actually, ACTUALLY, all the covers of GGPR (ALL. OF. THEM.)
Aldo the movie covers. I need help with this bc i don’t know like half the movies, but buuuut I wanna make a compilation/comparison post of all the GGPR movie cover parody posters with the actual posters. Wouldn’t that be fun??
And uh… you and I BOTH know which date that was for 😏
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popculturenet · 3 years
Ideologies Clash in Your First Look at MIGHTY MORPHIN #16
Ideologies Clash in Your First Look at MIGHTY MORPHIN #16
Discover the Emotional Resolutions of the ELTARIAN WAR in February 2022 BOOM! Studios, under license by Hasbro, Inc. (NASDAQ: HAS), revealed a first look at MIGHTY MORPHIN #16 from writer Ryan Parrott (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles), artist Marco Renna (Buffy the Vampire Slayer), colorist Walter Baiamonte with color assistance by Sara Antonellini and Sharon Marino, and…
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acelessthan3 · 3 years
Did not see that final panel coming in The Eltarian War: Power Rangers #15
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maswartz · 4 years
Power Rangers Pirate Legends
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(Logo by @masterpikachu6)
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I just want to say that I came up with the majority of this while Gokaiger was still airing. Using his suit’s cloaking feature Zoltar turned his armor red to honor his original suit. Zoltar pretended to be a mere pirate in order to fool the Stellar Empire, it worked and he was allowed to search the universe for the orbs which formed into Ranger Keys. He soon got a crew together to help in his search. The first was a rogue named Dresk who Zoltar saw great power in. He had hoped to help Dresk use this power to help others. The second was a wanderer in Red looking for a purpose named Marvelous. Zoltar saw greatness in him too. Zoltar had become known as the Red Phantom by this point and he told his crew that the Ranger Keys were the key to the “greatest power” though he did not tell what the power was. Finally after months the trio managed to gather all the Ranger Keys together. Tragically Dresk betrayed the others to the Empire in order to gain the Greatest Power. Zoltar managed to buy Marvelous enough time to flee with the Keys however he suffered too much damage. His Eltarian spirit began to fade. He used his final bursts of power to teleport himself back to Eltar, back to Zordon’s lab where everything began so long ago. Surrounded by the spirits of his brother and his team Zoltar finally entered the light as his spirit washed over the ruins of Eltar. Meanwhile Marvelous swore a grim vow, that he would not die until Dresk laid dead before him. Now Captain Marvelous he continued to search for the Greatest Power. Weeks later while resupplying on a planet he came across a squadron of Empire troops attacking a swordsman in Blue. He came to the man’s aid and gained his second mate. Less than a month later the two found a bandit in Yellow trying to steal from them. They had the third member of the crew. After a trip through an asteroid belt the ship was damaged and they needed the help of a scientist in Green. Another member joined the crew. The fifth member joined after they came across an escape ship containing a princess in Pink. The crew was complete for the time being. It wasn’t until months after they arrive on Earth and meet an Earthling in Silver…
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Red Pirate Ranger- Captain Marvelous- 28- When he was a small boy he and his father lived a quiet peaceful life on their home world of Akarn.  One day a cowardly crook broke into their home, the father and son caught him trying to steal a lock locket this was the only thing left of the boy’s mother. The father wouldn’t let this man take it from them. A struggle ensued and the father was shot.  The boy picked up the fallen weapon and shot the intruder. As his father was dying he told his son that one day “you’ll be marvelous” and from that day on the boy went by that name. As he grew older he stole what he needed to survive.  Marvelous is eccentric and will stop at nothing to find the Power. Before battle he will tell his team “Let’s make this a show!” and is known for leaping before looking.  Before the final battle he reveals his real name to the team “Markel” At three points (near the start, middle, and end) he reveals his growth. Each time involves him forgetting his change at a market. The first time he accuses the clerk of stealing from him. The second time he mutters his thanks and takes his change. The third time he smiles, thanks the clerk, and tells them to keep the change. Face Claim: Frank Dillane
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Blue Pirate Ranger- John- 29- This young man hails from the planet Aosa. His parents urged him to join the Empire army and make them proud (on a planet controlled by the empire there was no greater honor) and looking for a challenge in his life he agreed. He soon regretted it. The training nearly killed him and if it were not for a man named Silias he would have perished. Both Silias and John realized that they wanted nothing to do with the empire and their wars and the two started to plan to desert. However on one mission John was ordered to do the unthinkable and slaughter a group of children found by the empire. He refused and struck back against his commanders. For this treason he was scheduled to be killed however Silias saved him and seemingly gave his own life to save John. Fleeing from planet to planet John met a strange captain named Marvelous. The man in red helped him fight off his pursuers and helped him destroy the tracking device they used to find him. In gratitude he swore his service to the man. In return Marvelous handed him a Pirate Morpher and a Blue Ranger Key and made him his first mate. John is the only one of the rangers able to physically stand up to the captain when the latter is acting irrationally. His skills with the sword are unmatched. Stoic and strong he will keep to his vow and help Marvelous find the greatest power. For his parents role in his experiences with the Empire he severed all ties with them. Face Claim: Stephan James
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Yellow Pirate Ranger- Lucy- 27- A young street urchin who made a living stealing from the Empire on the planet Kirn. One day her young sister Lilian died while sneaking into a ruined building to gather supplies which then collapsed and the event left a mark on her. She would dream of getting enough money to help all the orphans made by the empire. One day she snuck onboard a strange craft and was soon discovered by two men. One in red and one in blue. The two men were impressed with her skills and offered her a place on their crew. Asking what was in it for her the man in red replied “the greatest power” with that Lucy accepted the Pirate Morpher and yellow Ranger Key.  As the ships lookout she trains her eyesight by spotting shooting stars every night. Refusing to let anyone tell her what to do she often is right next to Marvelous charging into battle without looking first. Face Claim: Tiffany Alvord
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Green Pirate Ranger- “Doc” Doug- 26- At the Intergalactic Institute of Science Doug was among the top in his class. He was the favorite pupil of the head master Professor Midon. Midon had discovered a formula that would allow for endless power and instantly he thought of all the good this could do for the universe. However the Empire found out about the formula and wanted it to power their weapons. The attacked the IIoS and laid waste to it. Midon and Doug were trapped in his office when Midon revealed a weapon from his desk. He ordered his friend and student to flee to an escape pod but Doug didn’t want to leave him. Finally he forced Doug to flee. As Doug ran a single shot rang out. Midon took the formula to his grave. Making his way to a safe planet Doug set up a small repair shop where one day he was approached by three people. They said their ship had a problem and Doug offered to help. After he fixed the ship they gave him a Pirate Morpher and green Ranger Key (it would be handy to have him around in case the ship broke again). The rest of the crew usually call him Doc. In battle he uses unusual methods and is the most cautious of the rangers. Face Claim: Fady Elsayed
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Pink Pirate Ranger- Princess Amanda of Momos- 21- Momos was a peaceful planet ruled by the Queen and King equally (the Queen was head justice and made the laws, the King was the head of the army and police) The royal family was known as the Sun (queen) Moon (king) and Star (Princess) of Momos.  When the Empire started their attacks on peaceful worlds Momos sent aid to them. Finally the empire came to Momos and demanded their loyalty. The royal family as well as the people refused. In response the Empire laid waste to the people and destroyed much of the planet. The Queen and King were victims of this attack but Princess Amanda managed to flee off world. However some scout ships from the empire started to attack her escape ship. As Amanda thought she was going to die a large red ship appeared and blasted the scouts out of the stars. After they brought her on board she recognized them as the pirates who gave the empire so much trouble. Wanting to be a light to her people she asked to join. With a shrug the captain gave her a Pirate Morpher and a pink ranger key. Amanda is the peacekeeper among the crew. Face Claim: Aleisha Allen
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Silver Pirate Ranger- Lewis Karlson- 25- When Lewis was a little boy he and his parents were in the park when they were attacked by a monster. They were saved by the White Tiger Ranger (Tommy) and from then on Lewis loved anything and everything to do with the Power Rangers. The child of a firefighter and a doctor Lewis realized when he grew a little older that just because he didn’t have powers didn’t mean he couldn’t be a hero too. So he dedicated his time and effort to helping others (volunteered, helped out, gave a homeless man his jacket) One day he was going for a walk when he saw a child run into the street after a ball just as a truck was speeding down the street. Without hesitation Lewis ran and pushed the child out of the trucks path but was unable to get out of the way himself. After the truck sped away (the driver was never caught) Lewis was taken to the hospital in a coma. While in this coma he had a vision where he met an old man in flowing white robes. The kind man introduced himself “Hello Lewis.  My name is Zordon” This was the spirit of Zordon. He saw the goodness and potential in Lewis and created the Legacy Morpher and Silver ranger key for him to help the Pirate Rangers. Telling Lewis that the Pirate Rangers needed a reason to care about Earth and its people. They needed an Anchor, Lewis was to be that anchor. Waking up from his coma he ran home and told his parents everything. He then went to find the Pirate Rangers. And soon enough he was the sixth member of the team. Lewis discovers he has the ability to combine certain Ranger Keys. He uses this to combine the RPM Silver and Gold keys. As well as all the sixth rangers to create the Gold Anchor Key. After challenging Dresk Lewis manages to recover the Jungle Fury Spirit Ranger Keys and combines them into the TriSpirit Ranger Key. Face Claim: Daniel Radcliffe On Earth Doc met up with his close friend from the IIoS Zinda when the Megazord needed repairs. She had arrived on Earth following the attack on the IloS. She would go on to be invaluable to the Rangers.  N.A.V.I- Built by the Red Phantom to help in the quest for the keys and powers and the greatest treasure in the universe. Navigation and Vision Interface. His visions lead the rangers in their quest. When Lewis joins the hints become easier to understand. Ranger Keys are the condensed form of the Power contained by the suits. Regarding extra powers, the general rule is, if the original Ranger could use the ability while unmorphed the Ranger Key cannot use it. However if the ability can only be used while morphed then the Ranger Key can use it. (the OO abilities are an example of the former while the RPM abilities are an example of the latter)
The Pirate Rangers each have their own zord Red- Pirate Galleon Zord- A red pirate ship which doubles as the base for the crew Blue- Pirate Jet Zord Yellow- Pirate Truck Zord Green- Pirate Racer Zord Pink- Pirate Sub Zord Pirate Megazord R-Torso/Head/Weapons BG- Arms (the hat comes from B) YP- Legs Main attack is Pirate Cannon Burst When the team begin to collect Great Powers they sometimes gain a new zord to combine with. Pirate Mystic Megazord Formed from the Mystic Force Great Power- Mystic Dragon Pirate SPD Megazord Formed from the SPD Great Power- SPD Zord 1 Pirate Wild Megazord Formed from the Wild Force Great Power- Red Lion Pirate Bushido Megazord Formed from the Bushido Great Power- Red Lion Pirate Ninja Megazord Formed from the Ninja Storm Great Power- Minizord Pirate Rex Megazord Combination of Pirate Megazord and DrillRex Megazord- Formed from Dino Thunder Great Power Pirate RPM Megazord Formed from the RPM Great Power- Condor Speeder Pirate Ultrazord Formed from the Pirate Legends Great Power- Combines Pirate MZ, DrillRex, and CS DrillRex Megazord- Lewis’s personal zord- Has three modes- Drilljet, Dinosaur (nicknamed “Awesomesaurus” by Lewis), and Megazord- When inactive it is kept in the 30th century and maintained by Time Force- Is implied to have some form of sentience on occasion and once even moves its arm to catch Lewis after he is thrown from the cockpit during one of the final battles Stellar Empire- Controls over 90% of the universe. Emperor Zang- The ruthless ruler of the Empire. Prince Waru- The prince who constantly seeks his father’s approval Damaras- A battle hardened general who is in charge of the Prince’s safety Drorg- A robotic swordsman, in reality is Silias converted into a cyborg and reprogrammed to protect and serve the Prince. Inscine- The top science officer of the Empire Smasage- A hammer wielding guard of the Emperor
Zarms- Grey- The standard foot solider of the Empire Zargs- Blue- Larger brutes with blaster arms Zards- Red- The elite foot soldiers of the Emperor himself. Dresk- The former crew mate of Marvelous and the Red Phantom. Hides his true monstrous appearance. Believes that it is best to give up something to gain something better. Simi- A robotic monkey that helps Dresk with his plans. Able to produce monsters within itself. Great Powers Season- Guardian- Power- Order received- Lesson- Misc Eltar- Zoltar- Eltar Zord- Movie power- Used to destroy Noxturn forever. MMPR- Billy- Dinozords (all seven)- 19th- Honor the past- used to destroy Thrax once and for all Thunder Spirits- Aisha- Thunder Megazord Slash- 13th- Power can come from unlikely sources Aquitar Rangers- Aquitar Rangers and Ninjor- Falconzord -18th- Unite your mind, body and spirit- It’s revealed that Ninjor survived but had to retreat to his bottle to heal. The Aquitarian Rangers agreed to look after him and his temple. The Pirates seek the power after fighting and loosing against a group of ninjas (Feline Flora Force). It is revealed that there are two types of ninja. Ninjetti uses the power of the ninja beasts (ape, wolf, bear, etc) while Ninjutsu uses the power of the elements (air, water, earth, etc) Ninjor reveals that he is a master of both types and in fact helped form the first Ninja Academy. However neither type is stronger than the other but it is often best to fight fire with fire- Ninjor also uses some of his remaining power to create a Ninjor Ranger Key for Lewis to use. Zeo- Rocky- Zeo Blast (The five zeo crystal shapes come out of the limbs of the megazord and form the zeo icon and blast the enemy)- 12th- No lesson- Nearly stolen by Dresk but saved in time by the Rangers Turbo- Justin- Turbo Megazord Spinout- 6th- Don’t judge a book by its cover In Space- Andros Ashley and child- Mega Voyager Missile- 16th- Adapt to your enemy- Dresk held Andros and Ashley’s child hostage for the power but the Rangers managed to save them- Andros is the main cameo but Ashley appears in the last scene Lost Galaxy- Spirit of the Magna Defender- Galactabeast charge/ Torozord spin for DrillRex Megazord- 7th- Don’t let rage and revenge rule your life Lightspeed Rescue- Dana- Lightspeed slash- 9th- Helping others is good- Dresk tries to steal the power but is stopped by Lucy and Amanda Time Force- Alex, Wes and Jen- Chrono Cannon - 17th- Alex contacts the Pirates and says that one of them won’t survive the next battle, after hesitating the team decide to shape their own future, in the end a conversation between Alex, Wes, and Jen implies that Alex lied to teach them that.- You make your own destiny Wild Force- Cole and Alyssa- Pirate Wild Force Megazord- 4th- Never give up Ninja Storm- Shane, Dustin, Tori- Pirate Ninja Megazord- 10th- Get past your differences to fight a common enemy Dino Thunder- Conner- Pirate Rex Megazord- 11th- Power can come from within anyone SPD- Anubis and Sky- Pirate SPD Megazord- 2nd- The difference between Justice and Revenge- Sky is still a new recruit at the time of their encounter. Mystic Force- Nick- Pirate Mystic Megazord- 1st- Believe in magic Operation Overdrive- Mack- Overdrive sabre- 8th- The thrill of adventure Jungle Fury- Casey -Jungle Spirit rush- 3rd- Never stop training yourself RPM- Dr. K and Ziggy- Condor Speeder/ Pirate RPM Megazord- 14th- Even in darkness there is light- The Condor Speeder is based on unused blueprints for the Eagle Racer- Used to destroy Venjix once and for all.- During the team up with the Bushido Rangers Venjix leaped from Scotts morpher into Professor Cog, however after the battle he had to repair himself. Almost right after she arrived in this universe Doctor K uploaded the Venjix antivirus program to the internet thus preventing the original Venjix from leaving Cog’s body. Bushido Blades- Takeshi/Kiyoko- Pirate Bushido Megazord- 5th- The meaning of teamwork Pirate Legends- 15th- Pirate Ultrazord- People are not judged by the lowest point in their life, they are judged by how they reach their highest.
The Pirate Rangers met many other heroes. The first of which was Power Rider 4-Z Cody Rodgers- A lifelong friend of Lewis, Cody is a friendly and excitable guy. One day he comes to town to show his old friend something amazing. He has the 4Z belt (four zone) Along with his friend they discover that when Edenoi fell to the Empire King Dex fell as well buying his people enough time to escape. With Lewis’s help Cody avenges Dex and destroys the monster that killed him (spider based a fact that scares Lewis greatly given that he has arachnophobia). “3 2 1… Let’s Ride!” “BLAST OFFFFFF!” Power Ranger/ Power Rider Crossover (regular episodes not movies) “RANGERS AND RIDERS” (two parter) Cody and the Rider Club appear in Angel Grove during a school vacation (they all go to Milky Way University) (takes place before Meteor is introduced) Rider Club Ken- Son of the man who made the FZ belt Yolei- Middle School friend of Cody and Lewis Mindy- Head Cheerleader Jake- Gamer and he has an ear to the information highway of the campus. Shawn- Quarterback of the football team and pilot of the Powerdriver armor Tiffany- Goth with a strange sense involving the Cosmic Switches During the crossover the spirit of King Dex reveals that the original king of Edenoi was the first Rider. During the crossover in order to get past the villain’s trap Lewis and Cody switch morphers “LET’S RIDE” Third part (separate episode one parter) More about the fall of Edenoi is revealed It’s revealed that the original King of Edenoi and Zoltar were friends and helped create the alliance between the worlds. The monster that killed King Dex appears on Earth and thrashes everyone Later the spirit of Dex reveals this info to Cody and Lewis and gives Cody a special switch that allows him to access the powers of the original Rider (theme from Kamen Rider plays in the background) Cody uses this power to avenge Dex and his people and finishes the monster off with a Rider Kick. “Movies” “RANGER LEGACY!” Soon after Lewis joins the team Noxturn returns and the Rangers end up fulfilling the ancient prophecy. Noxturn uses his powers to send the rangers to pocket universes until they all break free. He rises an army of defeated monsters and the Ranger Keys create an army of the past Earth Megazords and the Great Power of the Eltar Rangers is used to destroy Noxturn. “TRIBUTE TO HEROES” Crossover of Rangers, Riders, Beetleborgs, Mystic Knights, VR Troopers, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and Ultraman Tiga A strange new enemy puts five of the rangers out of action. Acting on a vision from N.A.V.I (Find the rider of power, a child who bugged out, a night mystic, a digital warrior, an unnatural ninja and the ultimate man) Lewis gets Cody and the two journey to the Hillworth Mansion (they remember it from their comics which in universe were based on the real deal) Drew is working at the comic book store the two stop at and throws them out. It turns out that during the Ranger War the Rangers asked the Beetleborgs for help but they refused seeing as how they would have been slaughtered. However they do convince him to take him to the mansion. (the beetleborgs defeated their final enemy by gaining a new set of powers that combined the first two into one suit of armor {blue+ gold for example}) Flabber hears them talk about the next part of N.A.V.I’s vision and opens a portal in time.Out of the portal falls Rohan of the Mystic Knights. With a quick translation spell from Flabber they quickly explain the situation. He realizes that they are heroes and offers their aid. (it’s revealed that Lewis and Cody used to go to a Mystic Knight exhibit at the museum all the time as kids) The next hero to get is one of the VR Troopers. It turns out that Drew had Ryan as a professor in college. During a battle a mutant rises from the sewers armed with twin swords. Leonardo joins the team to fight the threat. The six heroes unite and put a stop to the villain. Oh and the villain is IVAN OOZE! (somehow the comet blasted him across the multiverse and he recently freed himself and found himself here.) Lewis comments that there was an in-universe version of the Power Ranger Movie but many found it full of incorrect facts and dated graphics but Lewis still enjoyed it. After Ivan creates new versions of his titans a jet arrives with the G.U.T.S logo on the side. The Ultimate Man has arrived. With a shout Ultraman Tiga enters the battle. The heroes unite and destroy Ivan. “Guardian Legends” The Guardian Spirit Rangers arrive and engage the Pirate Rangers (Lucif cast an illusion to try and get the Pirate Rangers to destroy the Guardian Rangers for him) however during the battle both sides take care to save bystanders revealing the illusion. The two teams unite to destroy Lucif once and for all with Talaa gaining his battlizer to deliver the final blow. As he falls Lucif accuses the Guardian Rangers of dooming Gosei revealing he had cast an illusion shielding the planet from the Empire’s sight. With his destruction the illusion fades and the Empire begins to approach the world. Before leaving to protect their home Talaa mentions that the universe looks at Earth like a shining beacon of hope (Giving Lewis an idea for a plan) Near the end Marvelous and Dresk have a final duel and after striking Dresk down he begged for mercy. At first it appears that Marvelous was going to grant it. Only for the Captain to fire a single shot. A quick death was the only mercy Dresk deserved. Lewis meanwhile has grown tired of the Empire going unpunished for their actions. He comes up with a plan. A plan so dangerous that if a single step goes wrong they will all die. The plan is to destroy Empire facilities on Earth and as many ships in orbit as they can. This causes them to call in reinforcements from other worlds weakening their hold on those worlds. Using the trumpet and with some help from Zinda they manage to make a device to create ranger energy clones.  They use the device to create teams of six rangers (one real 5 clones) of the same color (or equivalent) and target Empire bases and plants. After they short out the device they broadcast a transmission to the universe by highjacking the Empire satellites; telling them that this is the time to stand up and fight for freedom! Lewis at one point says that “the power is on OUR side! No one will ever take us down!” A montage of different planets happens. On Aquitar ninjas rescues members of the Aquirian rebels and they team up to fight the Empire. The rebel leader Mantor  personally saved the life of Cestria at the cost of his own. On a rebel colony a group of cloaked figures approach a group of grunts. They gesture and the grunts go flying. KO-35 fights back. On Miranoi the colonists and natives ambush a group of Zarms and destroy them. On the planet Grifforzar a figure raises a sword in the air and unleashes a war cry and the sky is filled with the wings of golden warriors fighting for their freedom! On Edenoi many different Riders are fighting the Empire to take back the planet. Across Earth the heroes fight back. In Hillworth the Beetleborgs and Vr Troopers buy the civilians enough time to get to a magic shelter created at the mansion by Flabber and his muses. Flabber also uses his magic to allow the monsters to leave the mansion and fight against the alien threat. In the sky above China the forces of G.U.T.S assist Ultraman Tiga in defending the innocent. In the streets of New York a certain group of mutant turtles leap from the shadows and strike down the Zarms. Flabber also opens a portal in time, this time all the Mystic Knights arrive in Ireland and after Rohan explains the situation the knights quickly join the battle. The Rider Club is listening to the speech as well. Cody and his enemies form a temporary truce to fight against the Empire. All across the universe the Empire troops are falling. The final battle approaches… After a long and hard battle in which the Pirate Rangers use every team’s powers the Pirate Rangers win! The Emperor falls. The Empire falls! The universe is free! Days later after resting from the battle the six discover the Greatest Power in the Universe (it’s in the ruins of the Command Center) Inside the strange container is… A second Z-Wave! However unlike the first one this wave doesn’t destroy anything or anyone. This Z-Wave restores the damage caused by the Stellar Empire. Scenes of Triforian pyramids rebuilding themselves, Aquitarian structures repairing, and the fields of Momos are beautiful once more. In his temple Ninjor is fully healed. And on a certain floating island the Red Lion Wildzord wakes up from a nap to find the island populated by Wild Zords again! Captain Marvelous has a new goal, to invade the Empire homeworld and take all the treasure they stole during their invasions. As the Pirate Rangers leave Earth they release all the Ranger Keys and they fly back to their original owners. In an epilogue the RPM Rangers find and unleash the second Z-Wave restoring much of their Earth. Across the universe alliances forged in combat are strengthened by treaties and peace spreads. On Aquitar Cestria becomes the Pink Aquitar Ranger and pledges to honor Mantor signalling a new age. Empire prisons are raided by the SPD and the Space Sheriffs  and those falsely jailed are set free.  However the adventure is not over yet… Morphers- Pirate Morpher/Legacy Morpher Morphing Call- Pirate Power Morphing- The pirate logo hits the ranger creating pieces of the suit. Lewis’s anchor logo does the same but for the final part it hits from behind and his glasses form his visor. (Bios by @dream-chef-flavors and @rosegrl18) RANGER WAR <——–Powerverse——-> Power Rangers Pirate Legends Set Sail
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