#farkas bulkmeier
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prokopetz · 2 years ago
My local network habitually aired Power Rangers episodes all out of order when I was a kid – we were lucky if both parts of a two-parter ended up airing consecutively, much less anything further-reaching – so I always had a fuzzy idea of how some of the plot points lined up.
For example, I didn't realise until just now that the gag where Bulk and Skull got turned into chimpanzees wasn't a one-off thing? Apparently they just stayed that way for the next fifteen episodes, and continued to serve as the show's comic relief B-plot in spite of being monkeys, voice-acted Garfield style by their regular human actors?
Now I'm wondering what else the out-of-order airing made me fail to connect the dots for.
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sbd-laytall · 8 months ago
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Power Rangers (Lost) (Lost) Galaxy!
Far, far away, deep in space, to a galaxy you'll go!
Power Rangers, Go! Power Rangers, Go! Power Rangers, Go!
There, lies the key, to the answer and the powers you will know!
Power Rangers, Go! Power Rangers, Go! Power Rangers, Go!
Aaaah Rangers, Turn on the power, Power Rangers! Lost-Lost Galaxy! Turn on the power, Power Rangers! Lost-Lost Galaxy! Turn on the power, Power Rangers! Lost-Lost Galaxy... Go!
Power Rangers (Lost) (Lost) Galaxy!
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skylandart · 8 months ago
How about a Bulk and Skull piece????? Not really a ship, but a favorite duo XD
Whatchu think they’re looking at?? 🤔
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(They’re my fave duo too :3)
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regaliasonata · 24 days ago
He did Bulk, Zordi just dropping heat every hours👌🏾✨
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@augment-techs @lordkingsmith @theonewhonothingknows @ajgrey9647
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augment-techs · 2 months ago
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BEHOLD. Jason Narvy being fucking majestic for the world to see because Mr. Schrier graced us with the evidence.
The photo is from @skyland2703 because she knew I would cherish it forever--and she was right.
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morninkim · 2 years ago
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Rise of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Bulk & Skull
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skyland2703 · 9 months ago
Just gonna toss some random PR at you and see what sticks now that you're out of hibernation:
MMPR #121 is out and I....hate it:
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I really, really, really want to be happy that we get to see Adam and Rocky and some character development in the wake of their possession, and get an entire issue based around Billy, but it all really just goes downhill from here. The only nice thing I can say is that Hendry Prasetya's art has gotten very smooth and I quite like it compared to previous chapters.
However, revisiting old Dual MM and PR chapters has made me happy finding little gold nuggets around that actually speak to true personality:
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Next to Dan Mora, Marco Renna mighty be my favorite artist for this series. At least I can stand to look at Zedd with this style.
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And also: THIS ☝🏿☝🏿 I miss this kind of thing.
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I know we've all had fun throwing rocks at the Eltarian War Arc, but I cannot be the only one that sees the VERY EASILY streamlined version of events where this would have been perfect for Identity Reveal, Action Survivor, Big Damn Heroes, Big Ego/Hidden Depths, The Chosen Zero, Karmic Jackpot, Kleptomaniac Hero, Chekhov's Gun, Everything is Trying to Kill You, Strolling Through the Chaos, and an Establishing Character Moment tropes for...our babies Q_Q Honestly, so much fanfic possibility. Wish I could figure out how to make it work...
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Also, just random pics of the minions being CUTE.
This is the best thing i could've gotten coming out of hibernation, tbh. THANK YOU.
what the FUCK have they done with Billy's HAIR. Why do they look like THAT. (They've drawn Adam and Rocky beautifully but wtf billy.)
Feeling SO bad for adam and rocky they look BROKEN 🥺
Who's the lady in red?? Is she a ghost?? Can nobody else see her??
Zedd looks very overconfident, and is talking about how overconfidence will be the end of them... hmmmmmmmmm
i really like Zedd's art style! Marco Renna does a GOOD JOB O.O
But seriously wtf was that with Billy's hair.
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i think i screamed at this. THIS IS CHARACTER <3
7. THEY HAVE AN EXECUTION ORDER TO MELT ALPHA???? i know it's supposed to be a serious scene but THAT many eltarian soldiers for one alpha, it's making me laugh awdhydfsvfadwfrgt 8. BULK AND SKULL BULK AND SKULLLLLLL!!!!!!!! HELLO BABIES!!! I love this style for them, they look so CUTE and smushable and cheek-pullable. Skull being depressed about Candace and bulk distracting him and cheering him up AND THE WAY THEY RUUUUNNNNN *wipes stray tear from eye* BEAUTIFUL CHILDREN <3
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9. who is this man. why does he look like that girl from hinger games. 10. did they melt the alpha yet??
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11. THIS ART STYLE. FOR THEM. YOUR HONOR I LOVE THIS PANEL (and they're shooting Matt. Lol i love that) 12. The empyreals?? IS THAT A BLUE KATAPPA 13. Jailbreak blue lady is Candace, I assume?? (She'd have looked prettier with blue hair, tbh. Why couldn't they just make zordon the bald eltarian. Why'd they have to make ALL ELTARIANS bald????) 14. Bulk and Skull are literally interviewing aliens. I don’t know how amazing THAT is, but also i cant stop laughing at the image of Mr. Blue katappa in my head.
For reference, this is Katappa.
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Angry old general man who is one of the biggest memes here.
15. ERNIEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 16. "Honestly, so much fanfic possibility. Wish I could figure out how to make it work..." <- you say, let me read this arc. Then I'll yell at you about it.
17. WAS THIS YOUR TRAP TO MAKE ME FALL INTO THE ENDLESS PUDDLE OF THE ELTARIAN WAR????? because i think it worked 18. GOLDAR!!!!!! Kim going "saved by gOlDaR?? I’m gonna need a minute" *cackles*
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19. Taking a minute to appreciate THIS. How CUTE. AUGH. 20. and Goldar in that veryyyy last panel. BRO. GOLDIEBRO. I FEEL YOU. it's the downfall era for ALL of us. WHY MUST WE SUUUFFFERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
i have so many thoughts here awdsfghbdfjsvns I NEED TO READ THIS ARC!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU AUGMENTT ASDNRGHJFDSCSEJDFG
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addictedtostorytelling · 2 years ago
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bayysart · 2 years ago
Hi Boom!Power Rangers fans! Would anybody be interested if I made a little Discord for all of us to chill out in. 👀 I've met so many lovely fans on here and I think it would be fun if we all got to hang out and share thoughts, headcanons, art, fanfics, etc. 👀👀👀👀
Movie and TV Show fans are also welcomed to join!
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ranger-ribbons · 1 year ago
Headcanon about Bulk and Skull the one time they became the Purple and Orange Mighty Morphin Power Rangers purely to save the regular team before being mindwiped of the entire thing?
Ooooh I love that! I so love the idea that they get mind wiped! Yes please!
Thank you! @trainer-sean
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silkpages · 7 months ago
watching the last two parts of the ninja quest episode there were just way too many scenes (mostly of bulk and skull) that i found hilarious and i had to save, but the part where they got their hair cut was especially iconic
skull's reactions are so me when i get my hair cut 😭 and bulk glaring at the lieutenant has me cracking up
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azurezfiction · 1 year ago
@augment-techs, @regaliasonata, @skyland2703, and @sentinelofstories
Skull: *at Mr. Kelman, sternly* Do NOT fall for the hot Ninja Master and the Archeologist Billionaire!
Dane Romero: *smiles* Hello there.
Mr. Harford: Oh hello.
Mr. Kelman: *sighs happily* Hi....
Bulk: *shakes head sadly and crossing line on notepad* Failed step 1.
Skull: *Slaps forehead*
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skylandart · 1 year ago
Chibi Bulk, Chibi Bulk, CHIBI BULK~
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queenofsliferred · 10 months ago
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an abandoned WIP of Lady and her non-ranger friends, Bulk, Sharky and Skull. (rip skull)
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augment-techs · 3 months ago
A caretaker who has to go looking for whumpee every single time something scary happens. Or when nothing seems to have happened, but a quick movement or a sharp voice sends whumpee scurrying away before caretaker can call them back
+ Bulk & Spike Skullovitch?? Did I get this right?
I mean...not technically. Whumpee implies an individual that has suffered acts of violence, but I understand the gist.
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morninkim · 2 years ago
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Rise of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - Bulk & Skull
Co-founders of the Power Rangers Fan Club and proud owners of a ClikClak account with a whopping 78 followers (and counting!), R4ngerN3T, meet Farkas "Bulk" Bulkmeier and Eugene "Skull" Skullovitch!
Bulk is on the football team with Jason and Zack, and has always wanted to be a superhero since he was a kid. He's a bit abrasive and hard to get along with at first. He's also very loud and outspoken, not afraid to put those he thinks deserve it in their face. Though underneath his obnoxious tough guy exterior is a passionate and driven young man who is determined to uncover the identities of the Power Rangers with the help of his boyfriend, Skull.
Skull's a little more mellow than Bulk, but only barely. He's not the brightest, mostly down to his problems staying focused on schoolwork, and relies on Bulk to help him out with studying (which is about as successful as it sounds). Though the one thing that immediately gets him excited and fixated is a new Ranger sighting, to which he'll pull out his phone and start bugging anyone and everyone with questions about it.
Together they started a ClikClak account to start documenting their search for the Power Rangers' identities, mostly to go viral when they eventually succeed (maybe, but probably not). They keep the page active with blurry photos, conspiracy theories about the Rangers and the monsters they fight, and dubious interviews from people around town. Despite some... precarious sources and stories, it's surprisingly good journalism.
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