#and like !!!
You know I see a lot of posts about how if Nathan got the help he needed he might not have done all the stuff but like…. That dude was DEEPLY fucked up lmao. Like I think people are kinda underestimating how fucked up Nathan was.
Jefferson might have pushed him- but the dude wasn’t exactly forced into helping him. He was persuaded, yes maybe even groomed, into participating but my sympathy of that fact ended when he never told anyone about Rachel. He knew Rachel was dead, he knew where she was, he knew that doing what they were doing could kill people and he did it AT LEAST two more times- once completely on his own!
I don’t know if Nathan would have actually been fine with help. Maybe he would have! But that dude was a ticking time bomb before Jefferson got a hold on him. To me it really does sound like he just influenced how he expressed it.
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z-1-wolfe · 4 months
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happy pride :3 i offer religious trauma
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schcherazades · 1 year
no asoiaf posting i do will ever beat lebanese people hanging banners over highways asking god to protect jon snow when s8 premiered
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“ the people of beirut support jon snow against his battle with the white walkers” “jon snow….may allah protect you” like this is so funny i love my ppl
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triona-tribblescore · 9 months
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okay so they may have a minor chokehold on me at the minute-
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damianwaynerocks · 1 year
“jason todd is the crazy one” “no it’s damian” tim drake committed several acts of terrorism
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aulerean · 7 months
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postmaster pearl and her *ahem* postmaster pigeons
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alevens · 3 months
canonically Zoro and Luffy take naps together with Chopper pass it on 🙏🙏🙏
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somerandomdudelmao · 1 year
Are you questioning your existence right now? Seeing how people starts to help out of blue? Can you feel it~? *dancing to the music*
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intotheelliwoods · 1 year
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This is part 3! Part 1 can be found here
Must be a weird feeling, just to have this little guy trusting you..
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intermundia · 1 year
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more peak tier anakin behavior (and also an unfathomably incredible choice by stover to include) is anakin not noticing that palpatine was trying to imply obi-wan was fucking his wife, because he assumed that if obi-wan WAS fucking a senator, it would be a man, and it's enough to rouse him from his exhausted, annoyed haze into sitting up, because they need to go find this man Right Now. brilliant. iconic. 10/10 content and prose. god bless this book
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literaryspinster · 9 months
I hear a lot of talk about how Hollywood isn't comfortable with showing romantic relationships, interracial or otherwise, without a white person involved. But I'm not sure that fans are actually comfortable with that either? And I don't think they're comfortable without a significant white (white male specifically) presence in their favorite genre shows.
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devastatinglygreen · 4 months
it really was very heavy handedly eros and psyche the whole time
eros falls in love with psyche after being sent to find her a husband
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eros leaves psyche alone after she betrays his trust even tho he still loves her
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and, in some of the stories, psyche's trials are made worse by eros in his effort to help her
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psyche intends to sacrifice herself at the last trial
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psyche is depicted with butterfly wings after being made immortal and granted forgiveness.
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so then she and eros can live on in a happy marriage of equals
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fortheloveofexy · 3 months
I've seen a lot of posts in the wake of tsc calling out how the Foxes mistreated Kevin and never really gave him the same degree of compassion and patience that they gave Neil (and like, fair enough, there's definitely a disparity in how the two are treated by the broader team) but I think it's important to remember that it's very likely most of the Foxes didn't know just how bad things in the Nest were, especially when Kevin first came to Palmetto.
Like, they knew he'd been hurt badly, but were they ever told the full extent of the abuse in thr Nest? Probably not, because unlike Jean, Kevin was media trained. It was ingrained habit for him to conceal the true conditions inside the Nest to all outsiders, and that's not a habit he'd have been able to break easily. The only people who knew the full extent of what he'd been through were probably Wymack, Bee and Andrew.
Add to that Kevin's abrasive personality and his tendency towards nitpicking and perfectionism, and it's no wonder that the Foxes' patience with him ran thin after a while.
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thatmooncake · 1 year
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Therapy bots AU I’m making with @flinxypie where you have a lil accident at your job at the pizzaplex and early into your recovery they show up at your house to finish the job therapise you and it’s pure shenanigans and dreamscape misadventures from there onwards.
(A bit more AU info under the cut)
Sun used to work at the Fazbear theatre until it closed, then he was repurposed to work at the Superstar Daycare until it closed too. After spending a loooong time begging any human staff he could find to let him do something (anything) useful instead of just collecting dust, he was given this new job as a therapy bot - and it came with a few neat upgrades too. But of course that meant having to pretend he knew what he was doing. And of course that meant having to pretend that Fazbear Entertainment had good intentions. And of course that meant Moon was coming with him too.
Moon used to be Sun’s partner in crime at the theatre, performing onstage with him every day until one day he just …switched off and wouldn’t respond. He was always a little glitchy, and there was a reason for that. With no body to call his own, Moon took to the dreamscape, where he was used to conduct dream experiments of the soul-trapping kind in secret. Now he’s back in his body, and he’s struggling to adapt to the world around him (especially during the day), but in the dreamscape he knows all sorts of (bad) therapy concepts he can introduce you (and Sun) to, and he may find yet another willing participant to drag into dreamland with him.
Plot points that come up include:
- The time you went out for a walk and Moon buried himself under a pile of leaves because it was sunny outside and you never found out where Sun picked up that potted plant from but he showed it to you anyway because he thought it’d make you smile
- The time Sun thought he was taking you to the beach but it was actually just one of those pop up places they put in towns but at least social anxiety is slightly easier or at least more amusing when you’ve got a robot friend by your side who didn’t know it wasn’t the real beach
- The time Moon almost got you to sleep so he could take you to the land of dreams but then there was a gotdang cricket chirping in the room because bearded dragons gotta eat
- The time you went to the dreamscape and fused with Sun and Moon and having their thoughts in your head was weird
And much much more (probably)!
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jennifersminds · 9 months
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I don't care what you think anymore. JACOB ELORDI AS FELIX CATTON SALTBURN
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theslythernfreak · 6 months
something in me actively shriveling up and dying everytime i see dick grayson potrayed as someone who cant even do the most basic of things
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