#and ivan shows up to save the day?
three--rings · 11 months
One thing I haven't seen a lot of talk about in the fandom so far is about the financials of this season.
It took us two whole months to get a confirmation of renewal from Max, and I talked at the time that I think there was probably a lot of heated negotiations going on at the time with contracts and that's why it took as long as it did.
I think we see a huge number of indications of the compromises that were made in order for S2 to be made. One obvious one that has been talked about is being making in in NZ instead of LA, to save $.
But there's also the eight episodes instead of ten. And then the cast aspect. One downside of moving overseas was having to fly out and house the cast, not just pay day wages.
We knew immediately about Guz Khan not coming back, losing Ivan as a character. At the time I was sad but I thought it had the air of a pretty harshly practical call. If you went through the main recurring cast and said okay which character will affect the fewest things, has the least character interactions of anyone? It would be Ivan. (With the only competition being The Swede IMO, but he's Stede's crew and therefore a little more central.)
And then this season started and we got first The Swede sidelined and taken out of major scenes. And then I noticed that different members of the crew were simply absent for long stretches, like Wee John isn't around for ep 5 at all. And then Buttons takes flight.
Lucius and Pete aren't at the party for most of it. Fang isn't in the torture scene. Roach and Fang aren't in the bar. Etc. SCHEDULING IS HAPPENING.
The new characters are almost entirely played by NZ local actors, which is great, but also...cheaper.
In other words there are big signs that they did everything possible to give us a giant cast of almost everyone we love from S1, and cool new characters, in the most economical way possible.
And I'm grateful for it. I'm grateful we got S2, and it looks great, and it's well written, I'm having a blast, and we get to spend more time with this awesome cast.
But I also kinda think it needs to be said that the cost-cutting shows. That it shouldn't have been only 8 episodes, the pacing is off. That we miss every time someone from the ensemble isn't on screen.
That despite what they've put on screen looking very good, there's far less costuming budget, there's less elaborate sets, and it's a little disappointing. And it's clear it's not a lack of will or talent or vision but blatantly lack of money.
Look, streaming networks want brilliant shows that people love (that will get them to subscribe) but they very don't want to pay anyone to make them. That's like, the whole moment we're having right now.
Max puts out promos about how great it is to not have unions messing shit up in NZ. Well I have friends who are union costumers in LA and guess what union costumers did amazing last season. This season, well, I guess Stede got three whole shirts, so that's cool.
So I dunno. It's just stuff I think about. I'm not trying to be negative about the show in any way. I'm extremely happy with this season; I love it more than well, possibly any show I've ever been in fandom for.
But I see you, Max. You're cheap. You weren't that cheap when you were called HBO.
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ro5ani · 5 months
Some thoughts I've been having since round 6 but it's mostly me ranting about Ivan
So first of all, this whole thing where Till goes looking for Mizi's flower crown and they get attacked by the alien, it was all staged by Ivan. He was waiting for Till outside of the entrance and followed him as he went there
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He didn't do anything to help them get away he was just watching how things played out, his goal was to get Till locked up so he could free him when no one was watching and they could escape (it would also show him as a savior thus making Till like him more)
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You can see marks in the wall while he watches, my boy was stressed (maybe even worried that something would go terribly wrong). And before this scene, he is shown hugging the alien and there's an official art of him inside the aliens mouth (not sure what that means maybe that was the way of convincing it, it's known Ivan always does whatever the aliens want so he can use that later to his favor) ANYWAYS there are no scenes where he intervenes, so I'm pretty sure he planned the whole thing.
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WHAT I'M TRYING TO GET AT IS, the meteor shower scene when they escaped.
If Ivan staged the whole thing he must've picked a specific day and time, so them escaping while there was a meteor shower is not a coincidence. Ivan did everything he could to convince Till, in the best way he could come up with.
Just like Till, Ivan suffered a lot of abuse even though it's not shown as much. At the beginning of round 3 we can see an alien threatening to throw him from the top of a building. He was scared and crying yet he saw, what probably was the most beautiful thing in his whole life, a meteor shower.
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There's a lot of focus on Ivan's eyes throughout the series, he's very observant and it's also a way to emphasize how he is always looking at Till. But before he actually met Till, the meteor shower was the thing that caught his attention, and you can tell by the way his eyes fill with meteors when he looks at Till. Till to him is as shiny and sparkling as a meteor shower.
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Ivan might be smart and very observant and mature for his age, but he's still a kid! He not only tried to save Till he also tried to impress him so they could get closer. So what did he do, like a kid showing off his toys to make an impression, he showed Till the most beautiful and impressive thing he knew.
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And Till was impressed! But it was not enough, so it happened what happened.
The point of this whole thing is that I've seen a lot of people say Ivan's only way of catching Till's attention is by bothering/being mean to him, and while he did that a lot, he also risked his life and staged this whole thing so Till could be happy.
And even after that didn't work out, he kept looking out for Till in the only way he knew or was able to.
So my boy Ivan is not just a bully give him some credit😭 He could've been a little more honest but u don't expect the aliens to teach them proper communication.
If u read all of this thank you 😭 and feel free to share thoughts too!
And excuse any weird wording, i literally never write long stuff
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winrarrr · 4 months
:: "ALNST doesn't have any canons😂" at first YOUR MOM /j , and at second try to understand a fucking character's lore i beg you. mizisua is canon cuz it's one of the [[MOST UNDERSTANDABLE]] types of relationships in ALNST, they're literally lesbians in love fr AND EVERYTHING IS VISIBLE ON THE SURFACE. some of their phrases from that album where everyone says some goodbyes to each other: sua -> mizi
That day when I lay on the grass in Anakt Garden, watching the stars, they became my dream. For me, spending time with you was a wonderful moment. (I want to say so many things, my heart is full)
mizi -> sua
In any case, we will be together forever! Sua, you are my dream, I love you! I truly love you, your Mizi.
and like, y'know, my clematis is literally it's their love song lmao🙏
and now fucking ivantill RAAAAHHHHH. SO, LOOK HERE, it’s commonplace that no one played or spent time with till except ivan, and till could spend time with him, because close friend y'know. at least ivan stole till’s things and returned them back and till KNEW about it and didn't mind; after till returned to the anakt garden when ivan showed him the sky and freedom, till was ashamed in front of ivan, WHICH ALREADY MEANS THAT HE [[GIVES A FUCK]] ABOUT IVAN AAAAAAAAA!!!!!! and i beg you watch black sorrow with your eyes, and you'll see the [[RED PUPILS]] IN IVANTILL'S EYES!!!!!
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(till had them in the official comic for r6, but everyone said that they were a reflection of ivan’s eyes. YOUR MOTHER FUCKING REFLECTION) +in cure they become wider when ivan touches till’s cheek, what are you going to say now🤘
with hyunluka it’s a big problem in terms of content. but come on, hyuna wasn't disgusted by luka, she protected him, was with him, in the song love&peace it is literally sung that she is his "love love ты металл и я металл а вместе мы сплав", BUT SOMEONE NEED CLIPS😂😂😂 GUYS THIS IS [[ADDITIONAL SONGS]] FOR HYUNA AND DISCLOSURE HER [[RELATIONSHIP]] WITH LUKA, FUCKING GENIUSES. some lyrics from love&peace for you to think:
For you, this love This darkness has no end My body's all beaten up But this love But this love But this love, I can't let you go I'll find it one day Inner peace that I long for, peace I call out to you and hope My heart reaches you
I DON'T THINK THAT A PERSON WHO [[HATES]] WOULD SAY THIS 😲😲😲 yes, hyuna has a trigger, but despite this she wants to save luka, GFKJHSLIUDFLIB!!!!!!
just because they don’t serve you everything on a [[SALVET WITH A GOLDEN EDGE]] doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. ship whatever your heart desires, i cannot judge, but don’t say that there are no fucking canons in ALNST
i drop the microphone and go into the sunset
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jackiezenauthor · 7 months
Maria's fairytale ending
Context that led to the creation of this story here
Thank you @laurasimonsdaughter for the inspiration and support.
Special thanks to my two fairy friends who endured through proofreading and editing with me, blessing us all with precious advice such as cutting off the suspension points that I so much love dropping everywhere in my writing.
Story and art by Jackie Zen (me)
Trigger warning:
people and a dragon getting very hurt at some point
no nsfw
magic and sorcery
author liberties (tried to stick to russian fairytale lore as much as possible but I'm not sure about the bird)
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Maria’s fairytale ending
„This was the first completed sculpture that this artist ever made.” he explained, pointing at a crude representation of maybe a bear, maybe a pig? Maria walked around, trying to figure it out. „And the first piece of my own hoard” he said proudly. He went on explaining about the stone itself, the complicated nature of sculpting in it and how young and absolutely confused the artist was when he offered an entire silver coin for it.
She watched him over the little statue’s pedestal. He was just as handsome as the first day she’d seen him, across the fire lake conjured for her and her brother’s safety. Unlike the Bear King, this man could have easily flown over the flames on his own. She was certain now that he knew the fire was an illusion. But he hadn’t... he’d just kept showing up every time she’d walk around the banks, trying to strike up conversation from afar...
In truth, that had been the wiser choice. Aside from his dashing human looks, his true shape, and the one he could fly in, sported a rather intimidating bouquet of heads. Each overflowed with fangs and horns, each able to spit some terrifying element, from fire to what looked like acid... Her heart would have abdicated, no question, if he’d just plopped right there, on her side of the bank, from the very start.
„Am I going in too much detail?” he paused, noticing her glance.
She had indeed lost focus for a second, but that was because he’d mentioned minerals and tools that she’d never heard of before. She already had a mental note to hit his library and look them up later.
A man-sized statue with many hands framed him from behind, sculpted so skillfully that she found herself expecting it to come to life at any moment. The sculptor’s name under it was the same as for the little nondescript animal they had been looking at.
„No, just enjoying the view...” she smiled. „I knew that your kind loved collecting things, but I had no idea how much meaning each of them holds...”
„Let me know when you tire, however...” he grinned, his back just a bit straighter, reaching for her waist. „I hear that your kind is rather short on patience...”
„You’re one to talk...” she scoffed, playfully. „This would have been maybe a day’s wait, at most, if you just waited for my brother to return...” she brazenly moved her hand in his general direction.
If she were anywhere but here, it would have been seen as outrageously improper. Instead, as soon as she started acting and speaking appropriately for her upbringing and gender, he’d started fretting about her health, as if she was hallucinating thanks to some illness. She was getting used to speaking her mind clearly, as of late. Saved her from being fed all the questionably healthy concoctions he kept bringing in, and she was starting to enjoy it too. 
„I still don’t get why I’m supposed to ask anyone other than you...” he snorted, gently brushing the edge of her chin. “It’s not like I’m marrying your bother.” he rolled his eyes ever so slightly…
„Still not married...” she giggled, putting her palm between their lips, as he leaned over to steal a kiss.
He’d been growing rather impatient in the past few days. While he did put up with her human traditions, it wasn’t without grumbling. In truth, she was starting to have second thoughts about keeping up with this too. After all, even with Ivan’s blessing, what priest or church would even agree to marry her to a dragon to begin with? Would money really make a difference? Despite being the Tsar, not ever her uncle would be caught alive publicly blessing a union like theirs…
Her brother was supposed to have arrived by now, she’d even left him a note... a bit rushed, true, but still... What was he doing?
The dragon kissed the line between her fingers and her palm instead, his breath warming the little space between them, making her question all human rites and traditions, and her own sanity along with them, as their eyes inevitably met. Her heart challenged the spirits of thunder, deafening against her ears.
“You really should wear more rings…” he purred.
She found herself questioning whether that thing called ‘virtue’ was really worth keeping… it was becoming harder and harder to remember what that word even meant, lately…
A loud knock restored sovereignty to her head… not without her heart kicking and screaming about it first.
“What is it?” he asked, his voice oscillating between pleasant and annoyed.
“There is a matter requiring your attention, at the gates…” a servants voice broke through the closed doors, just as Maria slipped out of his arms, straightening her dress.
Nobody was allowed in his hoard room without explicit permission which, according to the maids, had never been given. Everyone was supposed to speak clearly too, however, which was a bigger challenge for the newest hires, of which, currently, there was just one.
“Dmitry?” he sighed, heading for the doors.
“My liege!” the soldier bowed as he stepped out.
“Speak!” he commanded. “Use all of your words!”
Dmitry dared a glance towards Maria, who was just about to reach the door as well: if this matter required him to leave the room, visiting was clearly done for today.
“It shouldn’t take long…” the dragon turned as he noticed her approach as well. “You can look around some more if you want, tell me if you have any favorites.” he smiled sweetly, trying her heart again. “Maria, my love, all that is mine, is also yours…” he added before she could argue, her name sounding magical in his voice.
“We’re not married yet…” Maria sighed, irked at how she still had no name to call him by. It was so odd, referring to him as ‘the dragon’, but it was impossible for her human throat and mouth to reproduce the sound that he declared as his name. Despite his excitement at having her choose a name herself, she just couldn’t think of any that did him justice… All the names she could think were simply… not good enough.
He grumbled something about human customs again. As far as he was concerned, the entire event had already happened, when he asked her for a bridge to reach and marry her, and she cast said bridge. He’d even brought up crossing that bridge on his own two human feet, as if the sturdiness of her magic hold somehow matched her resolve. And she had to admit, she’d never cast anything as sturdy in her life before.
For a construction cast entirely out of a towel, it not only held, but it could have easily been mistaken for something built under the Tsar’s architects. If only she could brag to anyone about it too… Other than her nanny, who had taught her the basics and was still at the Tsar’s castle, nobody cared to listen… especially not Ivan.
The dragon had been the first man in her life not needing to be babied about her magical abilities. Even with her own brother, she had to give a nearby ox a voice and make it claim to be doing all the saving and the conjuring. If he would have thought even for a second that it was her casting, he’d have just surrendered to the Bear King right away…
Ivan never saw her as anything but a dainty little sister who needed protection against the entire world. Had he not gone out to hunt every other day, she might have ended up locked in the hut in the middle of the lake for God knew how long… Every time, she’d wait until he left before unlocking her room and going out exploring, up until the dog started wagging its tail, anticipating his return… Heaven forbid, him ever catching her talking to a man, too, even with the acre of lake between them… She was grateful for the care, but it really was too much, sometimes… Maybe, now that she was marrying a dragon, he’d finally get the peace to focus on his own duties as a prince.
“There is a man at the gates.” the soldier spoke again as the dragon motioned him to. “He is rather angry about something, or someone, being stolen from him… He’s also rambling about some dog?”
Maria perked up. This had to be Ivan.
“About time!” the dragon cheered up as well! “Let him in, treat him with most care, make sure his room is cleaned again and have the cook fire up the ovens and crack open the barrels, he knows which! We’re celebrating tonight!”
“He looks rather… hostile…” the soldier said, conflicted.
“Ah, yes… I’ve left room for some misunderstandings, apparently…” the dragon laughed drily.
“Let me talk to him first…” Maria offered. “I’m sure that he’ll calm down once he knows I’m safe and well.”
“Of course, my love. I’m sure you’re eager to catch up with him too. I will apologize for the matter with the key myself, however. It had been rather unnecessary of me to do that, indeed…” he nodded, then paused for a second before turning to the guard again. “Did he bring the dog along?”
He hadn’t…
That made for one less thing to fret over as they headed for the castle yard, to greet their long-awaited guest. They started with almost a skip in their step, but it gradually wore off as the reality of the situation dawned on them… There was plenty to regret, on both ends, about how they’ve left that hut in the middle of the lake… Hopefully, Ivan would be willing to listen…
He wasn’t.
As they stepped outside, the atmosphere crashed hard on them. Not only was Ivan refusing all hospitality, but he kept his sword unsheathed, glaring at whomever would dare even shift their weight towards him. His expression only changed once he noticed Maria, but even then, it was short lived, as his eyes fell on the dragon.
He wasted no time before rushing him with his sword.
“I don’t think this is helping…” Maria held onto the dragon on pure instinct as he grabbed her and jumped away from Ivan’s slicing blade. “Let me go to him! He won’t harm me.”
“You go to him once his sword is sheathed and no earlier.” the dragon hissed, moving once again away from Ivan’s reach. “I have never seen a reasonable man behave this way, and I will not risk your life like that.”
The guards moved to block her brother, but he shook them off easily: he was a skilled swordsman, after all. It did give the dragon time to shift, however, and carry her to what he considered safety, which, in typical dragon fashion, was a tower… all the way in the southern garden.
“Throw this at him!” she handed him her handkerchief as he went to face her brother once more. She had no time to explain what it would do. A cry of pain let them know that Ivan had started hurting the people in his way, and the dragon took off in a rush.
She watched him fly away, his seven heads bumping into each other, as if having a disagreement, which they probably did… It was something that she had yet to wrap her only head around: how he could function as one person, in human shape, and seven minds, as a dragon. They all seemed to agree that they liked her, but she wasn’t sure if they also agreed on how to show it. How many of those minds were willing to capture Ivan unharmed? Could he even be captured when he became like this?
Ah, if only she could wield a sword!
‘Swords are men’s toys…’ her nanny used to laugh. ‘They go around, waving them around at the world, as if they bring anything but fear and pain…’
She could feel them both right now… the fear, and the pain… her heart ached as the dragon… her dragon roared and her brother bellowed. She couldn’t see a thing from the tower: the entire castle fenced her view like an overbearing mother hen. Here too…
Every single moment of her life, she’d been nothing but someone to protect, to care for, to keep away from any possible harm. Whether it was her brother, her cousins, her servants, and now, her dragon too…
Not even her nanny would leave her be, even when she’d insisted to learn at least protective spells… All she was willing to teach her was how to animate and change animals and objects, to various stages between illusion and reality.
When she’d summoned that lake, it had been the greatest day of her life, and it was still hard to remember how exactly had she done it, in fact… All she remembered was how tired and absolutely done with being chased around she was, especially as the ox under her spell started wearing thin, under the relentless Bear King’s pursuit.
Her dragon roared again. No, that was not a roar. He sounded hurt…
Of course, the fight was not fair. He was trying to capture Ivan without harming him, while Ivan had no reason to restrain himself, at all. There was no way that this would end up well… She had to go down there now!
The trap door under her feet unlocked easily enough, but it still took some time. It led into another room, closed with yet another trap door… if this was how this entire tower was, it would take too long to leave it. She had to find another way, and fast.
There was straw and rope in the second room… it would do. She grabbed a few handfuls of each and got to working as fast as her fingers could keep up. Blood stained the straw as she worked the ties tight and the rope cut through her skin, but she paid it no mind: if anything, it seemed to help the enchantment entwine faster along.
Another pained growl resonated through the castle yard…
“Come on…” she urged the little straw doll, blowing some of her own life into it. She’d have to slay a couple of rabbits to get it back later, but they had plenty of those around the place…
The enchantment caught and the doll flapped its straw and rope wings, pushing its head placeholder ahead, as if trying to screech. No sound came out, since there was no mouth, and the doll turned its faceless head towards her in a mute complaint.
“I’ll finish you later, with emeralds for eyes and steel for a beak!” she promised. “I’ll even make your wings out of leather and your feet of iron!” she added, as the doll seemed to consider her offer.
It accepted, flapping its wings and rising to the air outside the window. She had to climb the sill to reach it, but she was planning to leave that way all the same…
The distance to the ground seemed thrice as large, now that it was right under her feet. She took a deep breath.
“There’s nobody else who can finish you, so you better make sure I reach the ground unharmed!” she warned, before letting go of the windowsill and grabbing entirely on the doll.
A building crashed in the distance, horses neighing in distress…
She jumped, her fingers digging deep within the straw. She really, really, really should have thought about putting something sturdier in it and even some handles…
She cried in regret and terror as the doll threatened to come apart under her weight, way, way, way too high above the ground.
Flames burst alive under her fingers, setting the doll ablaze, and her hands with it. That was the last thing she needed right now. She prayed to any gods or spirits that might be listening, tears sizzling against the burning flesh, straw and rope, as she started plummeting towards the ground with increasing speed. Her fingers wanted to let go, but her mind forced them gripping for as long as possible, fighting for survival.
There was no telling, with the terror and pain, how long she’d been in the air, by the time her dragon slid backwards into view, avoiding a raging Ivan once more. She realized too late that she was screaming aloud, as her dragon turned all seven heads towards her, mirroring her despair.
He shouldn’t have. The cost for looking away from his opponent was too steep.
Seeing nothing but his target, Ivan closed the distance between them and sliced through the nearest head, cutting it clean off. It didn’t even have time to understand what was going on as it tumbled to the ground, under the horrified eyes of Maria and the six remaining heads. It tried to scream as pain registered at last, but there were no lungs to carry any sound.
“NO!” she yelled, but her voice didn’t carry either, a dull screech filling the air around her instead, fire licking at her face like flapping wings, as she found herself turned in the air and dropped right where she wanted: between her brother and her dragon.
The fire didn’t burn any longer. She barely had any time to register letting go of a flame shaped vaguely like a bird, before her eyes landed on her brother, who watched her, not with recognition, but measuring, as if assessing whether she was an obstacle or not.
“STOP THIS INSTANT, IVAN!” she yelled.
He barely spared her another glance before rushing her dragon once more… of course…
Cold realization dawned on her as she pulled off her one ring, waiting for him to stop in his track just for a moment. It wasn’t that he didn’t trust her abilities, or that he was protective of her. He didn’t listen nor see her… ever. Her voice carried, he always nodded when she spoke and seemed to hear her words, looked her way, but he never listened to her. Nobody did, not even her dragon… although at least he saw her.
“HALT!” she commanded, throwing her ring at him. It hit the ground instead of his body, but it was close enough for the enchantment to work anyway, wrapping around his legs and throwing him entirely off balance, a loud, bony sound telling of a chin hitting the ground and teeth crushing against each other.
“YOU TOO!” she barked as the dragon, who was coiling to strike, overcome with pain and anger. “Did you even TRY to use that handkerchief I gave you?” she glared, her arms to her hips. To his credit, all remaining heads froze in their track, looking sheepish. Half of them were still angry, the other half were throwing her bewildered glances. Neither dared say a thing. She didn’t risk looking at the seventh head, lest her anger gave way to sorrow.
She stomped to her brother before he could come out of the falling daze, stepping on his wrist as he was still gripping the sword, ready to swing it once more.
“It’s all about these blasted things with you, every time!” she pressed her weight on her foot until he finally let go and she could remove the cursed sword out of his reach. “Weapons, fighting, hunting… never talking, never listening… Here! All yours!” she threw it to the bird-shaped flame as it hovered nearby, faceless but eager, like a puppy waiting by their master’s table. “Steel for your beak and leather for your feathers.”
The bird caught the sword with its body and soon enough, it’s screech went sharp and painfully vibrant. She’d expected it to store it, but it could build itself up instead… That was unheard of, but she wasn’t going to complain now…
“Give me iron!” the bird spoke. “Give me emeralds! And more leather!”
“I will, as promised!” she nodded, stepping on Ivan’s back and reaching for the remainder of his weapons.
He tried to shake her off, as she used the dagger to cut off his sheathe belt and his quiver.
“Halt! Yee of ears that do not hear!” the bird screeched and Ivan moved to cover his ears instead of fighting her off. No… he touched them, as if trying to see if they were still there.
“Did you take it?” Maria glared at the bird. It was hard to say if it noticed anything other than her tone, with just a beak on its face. “His hearing?”
“What use does he make of it anyway?” the bird cawed coldly.
“Return it!” she commanded.
“As you wish…” the bird scoffed.
“Unhand me, wench! What have you done to my sister?” Ivan sneered from under her knee, as his hearing returned without a sign, not even a glimmer of magic.
“I have always been your sister, you oaf!” Maria pulled at the hair in the back of his head in anger, like she always did, since they were kids. Only now it wasn’t about a biscuit he wouldn’t share, so she pulled a lot harder, until some hair snapped under her grip.
“No… you can’t be!” he sounded outraged, but unsure.
“Here! A bonus! Use them for your nest or something…” she threw her earrings and the entire quiver, brimming with arrows, at the bird, watching its wings spread wider as it consumed everything. “That fence is made of iron. Take its gate…” she pointed. She’d handle the apologies later.
“My sister… she would never…” Ivan almost sounded as wailing.
“Right, your dainty and demure sister…” she hissed, stepping off him after making double sure that he had no more weapons. “Maybe you should have thought of me before trying to kill my boyfriend…”
She dared look at the fallen head at last, her heart breaking loudly in her ears.
“I can help, master!” the bird hopped by her, pushing its head under her arm, like a puppy, looking to comfort her, watching her with many eyes made of more gems than just the emeralds from her earrings. Ivan must have hidden his gem stash in the quiver again. “Give me one more part of you, and I will bring you the Water of Life and the Water of Death before you know it!”
She looked at the bird. It was smart… too smart for a doll made of straw and rope, even if she counted the blood too… Whatever was animating it, it was no longer her life behind it, but something old and knowledgeable… She wondered what the cost for its name would be…
“Would an arm do?” she asked, looking at her hands, deaf to the chorus of protests that the dragon’s heads broke into, at her words. Ugly scars stretched all across, halfway up to the elbows, as if she’d burned not just a few minutes, but many years ago. She didn’t need both of them to cast, and she could always build herself a replacement, with enough time and dedication…
“You already gave me your blood, flesh and tears…” the bird said. “And I have no need for your bones. Steel and iron are better.” it cackled proudly.
The dragon almost lost it when she moved the negotiation to her eyes, tongue, ears…
“You’d give your eyes for that?” Ivan was outraged.
“That is your brother-in-law, so I’d watch my tongue if I were you!” Maria was livid. “What were you even thinking? Coming into someone’s house and…” she swallowed, unable to finish the sentence. “If you were raised in a cave, you’d still have better manners than this!” she took her handkerchief as a concerned dragon head reached over her shoulder, gently.
“Give me your hair.” the bird said, its many eyes measuring her with sharp intelligence. “A strand is enough…”
“We’re fine…” the dragon head on her shoulder said carefully, swallowing often as to avoid blowing ice on her while it spoke. “There’s still six of us…”
“It must be a long journey, and I’d rather you return faster than later.” Maria ignored it, untying her hair. The iron pins, that the maids had so carefully put in it this morning, became food for the bird too, since she wouldn’t be needing any for a while ahead… “Take it…” she held most of it out for the bird to cut it, with its new sharp steel beak.
It didn’t wait for a second invitation, taking off with the hair without another word. Whatever she had brought to life, it knew what it was doing.
“Are you both sure that this is enough?” she asked the bird as it returned with two heads on its body: one carrying the Water of Life in its beak, the other, the Water of Death.
“You just wait a little longer, master… It would have worked it I just brought a single drop, even.” the head who brought the Water of Death spoke proudly as the other one just nodded, focusing on not swallowing their delivery.
They had realigned the head to the neck, but it seemed to be taking forever. The other six heads dozed in a semblance of patience on the floor, his tail slapping against the ground like a mildly annoyed cat.
“Where is your belligerent sibling?” the idle head asked, looking around the hallway.
A couple of days had passed since the fight, and the place was going through repairs already. Her dragon was getting rather hissy about not being allowed to turn to human, but if he did, the now reattaching neck would have disappeared entirely, according to the head maid, who seemed more knowledgeable about dragons than even the dragon himself.
“On his way home.” she said, checking the head for the twentieth time. “I’ve had a talk with my uncle and we agreed that Ivan’s not to touch any weapons again until he learns manners.”
“The Tsar agreed?” the bird’s many eyes glinted with interest.
“Of course.” Maria stood tall. “Hard to disagree with a sorceress who can put a curse on your bloodline at any time, since she carries it around within herself… especially after she set fire to your entire garden from three kingdoms away.”
“But nobody can cast fire that far…” the bird leaned its head, looking intrigued.
“You know that, and I know that… my uncle doesn’t…” she winked. “Alright… bring the Water of Life!” she rushed the bird closer, the other heads popping up from the floor like flowers in spring.
“How will you know if the Tsar keeps his word?” the birds second head spoke as soon as the Water of Life spilled over the lifeless head.
“The same way that I set his garden on fire…” she grinned mysteriously, looking at the nearby mirror. Her nanny’s face reflected on its surface for just a moment, a proud smirk blooming in her cheeks as she went on with her daily royal servant chores.
The bird’s many eyes blinked, looking her over with growing amusement, a laughter erupting from its burning body as the two heads rejoined into one.  
“I answered you out of a whim.” it said, wiping at its many eyelids as if it had teared up. “But it looks like I’ll be having the time of my life, in your service, Sorceress Maria.” it leaned into a deep bow. Its iron feet clinked against the stone floor as it took off, cackling as it circled around the hall in merry acrobatics.
“That was quite a nap I took…” the head next to her spoke, blinking drowsily as it moved against her arm for the first time in days.
“You would have napped long and hard if my canary wasn’t here to help…” she kissed his forehead.
“Me next!” said one head.
“Me next!” the others echoed in turn.
“Hmm… Canary…” the bird mused, flying over the heads as Maria took turns, kissing each and every forehead. “I like that! I’ll be that!” it chirped right by her ear, landing as the cutest fire-orange Canary that she had ever seen.
It’s eyes were black and beady, like one of her nanny’s expertly made dolls, but if you didn’t look too closely, you could easily mistake it for a regular bird.
“Well, find yourself somewhere else to perch… This shoulder, along with its owner, has a lot of catching up to do with one, very impatient dragon…” her dashing human-shaped dragon chased it away, pulling Maria to his arms. He’d waited as much as his last dragon forehead getting kissed before turning, no more.
“Isn’t impatience something of my kind?” she teased, moving her arms around his neck. A thin line stretched right across his right collarbone, almost invisible.
“I can admit when I’m proven wrong…” he huffed against her lips, hovering, just about to touch them with his own, but not quite.
She closed the distance, their noses bumping into each other. She chuckled with him, but didn’t pull away, tilting her head just enough to avoid repeating the impact. His lips were just as soft as she’d imagined, and she indulged in exploring their every corner. She wasn’t sure what else to do, but by the amused look in his eyes, it was clear that it this wasn’t quite it.
“I didn’t get your brother’s blessing” he teased, pulling away.
“Ah, it’s not like you’re marrying my brother too…” she rolled her eyes, ever so slightly.
And they lived happily ever after…
Thank you for reading all the way through my little story. I hope you enjoyed it!
This is the first story that I ever made public, so I am a little nervous.
If you have any suggestions or know any guides that could help my writing improve, please feel free to let me know.
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i-merani · 5 months
Hey so I was thinking and I think, partially Ivan is based on Judas or rather what he could have been… Fyodor is the devil, he is the epitome of nihilism but Ivan is the one who is getting corrupted by Fyodor (Ivan is the one who cannot deny that Fyodor's actions are justifiable because God doesn't exist). Judas is the one who doubts, he is the one who gets seduced by the devil, he's the one who betrays. And I think Ivan represents the struggle to this corruption. But what Dostoyevsky does is that he changes the ending for Ivan, at the end he doesn't betray (on the contrary, he claims he's the one who's guilty). And when Dostoyevsky says hell is suffering of being unable to love, that directly shows what saved Ivan and what couldn't save Judas. Ivan doesn't go to "hell" because he loves his brothers and he loves Katerina (he loves the world) and the reason why Judas ended up in hell wasn't because of his sin but because there was no love in him anymore, he lost the ability to love… adding to this, the way Judas is portrayed in "The last days of Judas Iscariot" reinforces Dostoyevsky's definition of hell - there's Jesus who pours his heart out to Judas to save him but Judas refuses not only because he has lost the ability to love but also the ability to receive love. That is his hell, a loveless void.
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aceass1n · 4 months
Continuation of this
CW: body horror, kinda graphic descriptions of violence, slight psychological horror
(My friend and I came up with this together—she wrote pretty much the whole first half and I did the second half ish)
Do you know how an eye works? Till does—in graphic detail. They did not sedate him when the needle entered his eye. Nor any other time, for that matter. He thinks they liked the screaming.
(Within the eye's black hole is a retina, a hungry creature capturing all the light that enters. There is a pigment there that can be fixed in place, like a flower pressed into a bookmark. Rhodopsin, they call it in his fugue-like, broken memories. Under the right circumstances, the seygein drone on above him, you might be able to cut open the eye, soak it in an alum solution, and save the image forever and ever. Manufactured immortality. It is something they read in the human books—a fascinating, primitive trick.)
Hidden in the foxhole labyrinth of the resistance's base, Till's mind drifts. There is a name he cannot recall, though he reaches for it in dreams, wanders long through darkness.
(A blank slate. A black hole.)
He dreams of laboratories, of a face he sees in pieces, like sheet music scattered across the floor.
(In the most successful experiment, they used a rabbit. It was fixed to face a window for hours and hours until it was the only thing it saw. Then they cut off its head.)
He obsesses over the face, draws it over and over. When he shows Mizi, asks, begs for some answer, any answer—she makes such a terrible expression that Till almost gives up.
But he is so, so close. He dives into dreams, into memories, plunders their depths with singular determination. The steel of an operating table. The harsh leather chafing his wrists. Cold metal on his neck, and white light flooding his eyes.
Everytime, he sees a little more.
Everytime, he stays a little longer.
One night, the metal is gone. Till could not tell you why, but he turned to his left and—there. A black-haired boy. As if fashioned out of the darkness and shadow, Till sees him, face blank, open. Till drinks in the image of him, stares and stares and stares until the segyein rip out his eye and cut it open. They were waiting for him to do this—he knows it instinctively. He was waiting, too. As the dream slips away, soft as a lover in the night, they show it to him, the face carved in his eye.
He wakes up screaming.
A few days later, Mizi asks him at lunch—cautiously, as if afraid her words will break more than the silence alone: "Do you remember—"
He cuts her off. The name rises through his ragged throat, hoarse and ugly and raw.
"Ivan," he says. "How did I—"
Mizi shakes her head. She reassures him, says it's not his fault, says amnesia is a typical effect of trauma. He takes in her words, tries them on for size.
He holds on to them all through the meal, up until someone calls for Mizi and she walks away with a concerned backwards glance.
Then Till runs to the bathroom and throws up, over and over, until he is empty. Hollow. A blank slate.
The pieces come back to him slowly. They stay a little longer each time.
He never manages to get Ivan's eyes quite right, but the rest of him—the rest of him he gets right in bits and pieces, fits and starts. Half remembered smiles and whispers of words.
Thank you, he hears Ivan say, over and over and over. A ghost lingering at his shoulder, an afterimage flickering in his periphery. Thank you thank you thank you—
And one day, he hears: Live.
It doesn't much matter if it's real or imagined, if Ivan actually said it to him at any point. What matters is that it's Ivan's voice, finally clear after so long—it was in his former actions, it was his most ardent wish, broadcasted through everything he ever did. The sun shines so that flowers may bloom, so that the foliage might grow thick and verdant. Who is Till to deny his sun anything, after all this time?
(A hand in his. Red skies at dawn. The click of a collar.)
So Till lives. He lives, and lives, and lives. He learns to fight—properly this time. He learns to shoot, learns to strategize. He becomes the resistance's second best fighter after Hyuna.
Live, Ivan's ghost whispers to him, tender as his touch, warm as the first whisper of sun after a long winter. Live.
The resistance wins. The resistance wins because Till cannot bring himself to do anything but fight in Ivan's memory, to triumph on behalf of the sun that burned itself out in an attempt to free him from his shackles.
He is free now, even if it's a decade or so too late. He should've left with Ivan back then. He should've known the sun wouldn't lead him astray. But he cannot change the past; he cannot undo what he has already done.
What do I do now? he asks Ivan's ghost one day, sitting on a roof in a newly liberated city.
Live, Ivan whispers, one last time. Just live.
Till tilts his face back. Closes his eyes as the rays of the sun—the real one, the the aliens never let their human pets see—wash over him. For the first time in a decade, the space beside him is empty. Bereft of even an afterimage.
"Thank you," Till says into to the wind—to the city, to the blue sky and crisp air, to a boy who stayed too long in a place that didn't deserve even a second of his time for another boy who didn't deserve even an ounce of his devotion. Words long overdue, but ringing true nonetheless.
"Thank you for granting me all of your devotion."
(my friend and I did come up with a prequel kinda thing focused on the rescue and mizi—maybe if this does well I'll post that too)
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alien-til-i-stage · 4 months
TBH ID LVOE TO SEE U. LIKE. DO A FULL ANALYSIS ON ROUND 3 FOR IVAN?? if not thats okay ur js so cool bro...
and even better yet I already did a pretty in depth analysis that i will break down for you rn. I wont analyze the song this post but if you want id be willing to in a later post heheh
(Ok so, this wouldve been done like yesterday but when i finished this analysis i forgot to save it and went to do smth else and when i came back IT WAS ALL GONE soooo there thats…..)
Round three starts off with Ivan and an unnamed character going on stage, from this episode we can see Ivan’s character being displayed throughout the song.
Some things that are displayed clearly is Ivan’s love for Till and his lack of rebellious spirit. However even this has layers of complexity I think needs to be explored.
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Above, we see Ivan hanging off the building by an alien, while the other kids walking away or turning their backs to them. While he hangs off the cliff he looks up at the sky, staring at the stars instead of the alien himself. Next we see a closeup of his face as a shadow passes over him, however the stars still reflecting in his eyes.
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Because it seems like Ivan is the only kid being hung off the building, we can assume this is because he did something that the aliens considered wrong. Perhaps either disobeying them aggressively or just not listening, this results in him being punished.
We can also see the other kids standing away from Ivan, almost as if trying to seperate themselves and turning their backs to him. Perhaps out of the guilt that they cannot help him.
This all leads Ivan to the lesson he learns this day. Rebellion will get him punished, he will be hurt if he doesn’t listen. In fact, this is the only time we see him being punished in his youth, showing how Ivan was able to escape punishment and physical abuse by listening to what the aliens wanted of him.
Another detail to point out is the way the shadow falls over his face. We see him bruised and crying, most likely to previous physical abuse we did not see, implying that this isn’t the only time he’s been punished.
I believe the shadow falling over his face is supposed to represent the mask Ivan wears his entire life. After this scene we constantly see Ivan being “perfect” and up to the alien’s standards. The shadow represents the mask he put on and the lesson he learned, in order to survive he must obey.
However he continues to look at the stars, something that is correlated with freedom to Ivan. I believe this is supposed to represent Ivan’s inner desires of freedom. How, despite putting on the mask and valuing his life over desires, he still has the want for freedom. He doesn’t want to be chained and masked his entire life, the desire is never taken out of him, despite him losing his own person by putting on the mask, the desire to be free is never lost.
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After this scene, we continue onto these four shots that happen right after the other. He stands in the same position in each scene and doesn’t move unless he must do something. I believe this isn’t literal but rather metaphorical, instead representing his mask. He stands there, dull, and adapting to whatever sitaution he’s in, sitting at the table if needed, holding a trophy when he must, singing with everyone else, this scene is supposed to show how he does not do anything other then what he must.
Its hard to read him because he stands there with the same look on his face, as if his face itself is the mask as it never changes. This would also go to show how well this mask is for Ivan, how good he is at masking himself. He does not express his inner thoughts, he does not do what he wants, he does not move however he desires, instead he only does what the aliens want, shown by his unmoving stance in all of scenes above, he does not make any unnecessary moves, standing in place instead.
It can also be noted that despite the location changing in each picture, Ivan still holds the same position no matter what. I believe this is supposed to represent how, again, he believes no matter what he cannot take off his mask. In the auction, after he’s been bought, after he’s in Anakt Garden, he has banned himself from taking off the mask, continuing to be the perfect person that is demanded of him in order to survive, even if he won’t be punished for simply living in Anakt Garden, seen by Mizi and Sua. This shows how deeply the scene of him hanging off the building has impacted him, it influenced his entire life.
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Right after this, we see Ivan standing alone in Anakt Garden, he is standing in the same position as always and he is alone. Next the red flowers pass by his face and Till runs past him. Till continues to chase the flowers into the dark corridor and Ivan watches, before following Till into the corridor.
This scene can perfectly describe their relationship and dynamic. Ivan, as we can, is alone and standing still. As already stated, him standing still is symbolic of his mask. Him standing alone is also symbolic of how alone Ivan truly is. Because of his mask he is unable to make those connections, as there will always be a wall seperating him from that.
However the only to get close to Ivan is Till. He brushes past him and that’s when he suddenly moves. He only looks at him at first, standing from afar, before following him. This is most likely symbolic of how the only person that was able to get the mask off of Ivan was Till. We know this because it was stated before that he seems to become immature and childish around Till, showing how it’s only around Till that he is able to remove said mask. He moves from his position and follows Till, something he never had to do, but something he chose to do. A decision that was finally his. I also think Ivan first watching Till from afar, then following is supposed to mirror how, later, Ivan watches both Till and Mizi stand against the guard dog. How he just simply watches first.
We commonly see Till with red flowers. These red flowers are representative of Till’s love and admiration for Mizi. When we see Till brushing past Ivan and chasing the flowers, not even paying attention to Ivan, this represents how Till continues to follow and chase after Mizi, ignoring the others around him, even if they are right next to him.
Till following the flowers to the corridor, ignoring the darkness of the path, is symbolic of how far he is willing to go for Mizi. It’s similar to the scene of Till rejecting Ivan and running back to Anakt Garden, despite it being the darkest route he could go. He continues to follow Mizi no matter where she is, even if it’s dangerous. And while Till follows Mizi, Ivan will follow Till. He also follows Till down the hall, similar to how, despite not having to, he goes back to Anakt Garden.
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Right after this scene, we cut to a room thats assumed to be where the hallway lead them to. We see Mizi and Till in front of what looks to be a massive guard dog like alien. Ivan stands far away, where he isn’t seen as he watches on. Mizi is scared, seen by how she holds herself and stands in shock and Till looks hurt. He’s sitting on the ground as if he was just struck and Ivan continues to watch on.
As Till stands up, we see flashes of falling stars suddenly appearing while Ivan continues to watch Till, and once he fully stands up we can see as Ivan’s pupils dilate.
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We can see, in later offical art, that this alien might not be a guard dog but rather a pet or companion given to Ivan. While it isn’t clear, we commonly see pictures of Ivan getting close to the alien or even in its mouth. The relationship between Ivan and this alien is unclear, in fact the entire existence of this alien is unclear. Such as, why is the alien attacking or scaring both Mizi and Till? If it’s supposed to be something related to Ivan, why is it hurting other humans?
The existence of this alien dog cannot be disputed, because this is the moment Ivan fell in love with Till. But it is curious about the entire situation. So let me try and break it down.
I mentioned before that Ivan seems to have a relationship with the guard dog, but I don’t think it’s a literal relationship. The guard dog is most likely trying to keep the kids out of something, however it is unclear what. If thats the case, then it would be strange that Ivan is friendly with this guard dog. I think, instead, Ivan sees himself in this guard dog.
He sees Till fighting, or trying to at least, against the dog. Something that *does* happen between him and Till during this point. The two of them get into fights because Ivan instigates to grab Till’s attention to him. He sees Till being hostile with this alien, something he believes Till is with him. Not to mention, this alien must be alone often. It’s job is to guard something, meaning it must be kept seperate from other aliens and humans and it must keep it up. It’s job is to keep others away. Ivan can relate to this as to him, his job is surviving, which indirectly results in him being alone. I believe the art of Ivan with the alien is not to say he has a relationship with the alien, but because he sees himself in him.
I also think that this is also symbolic of their relationship. How Ivan is there watching and observing Till, just seeing him in general, however Till does not notice him. He doesn’t look back at where Ivan is, because he doesn’t know he’s there. Instead he’s focused on whats in front of him right now. An alien and Mizi, similar to him focusing on his hatred for aliens and his love for Mizi.
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I believe after Ivan sees this with Till and falls in love with him, he recreates this scene in his mind. We can see this with the scene above where Ivan looks at whats happening, instead this time he looks different. Before he looked with a curious gaze and intrigue, not too worried or emotionally invested. However now he’s shown with a gripped hand on the wall, with the wall showing obvious signs of damage due to someone gripping it repeatedly. We also see the eyes of Ivan, how it’s focused and this looking much more crazed then last time.
While this could also be literal, showing Ivan might be leading Till here and watching him, replaying the scene in reality, but I believe this is more then likely a scene he replays in his head, for multiple reasons.
Till would stop believing what Ivan says after a while, in fact its most likely that it was Mizi who got him in that corridor. Perhaps he followed her in there and got in that situation. Unless it was about Mizi, its more then likely that Till wouldn’t have even listened to anything Ivan says. I think the change in looks, like the hand gripping the wall and his eyes are supposed to represent how much he repeats this scene in his mind.
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And as always, for every Ivan analysis we must talk about this scene.
We see as Ivan takes Till out of his restrains, showing him out of Anakt Garden. The two of them are shown running away from the building, getting far away from Anakt Garden. Yet, Till stops. He lets go of Ivan’s hand and stops in his tracks, suddenly he is scared and realizing that by leaving, he is leaving Mizi. Ivan is hurt as he watches Till running back to Anakt Garden, and he smiles. His smile is full of hurt but he is still smiling. We cut back to the stage where we see Ivan, now he is taking off his mask and finally showing his true feelings, the memories are making him emotional. However he quickly put the mask back on and finishes his song.
This whole scene is very literal, but it’s still worth analysizing. This goes back to the idea Till would follow Mizi anywhere. Just as he follows the red flowers down a dark corridor, he follows Mizi in Anakt Garden. This is a very confliciting for Till to do, it’s not as easy as it seems for him. In that moment when he lets go of Ivan’s hands, thats when the realiziation of everything suddenly hits him. He realizes that by leaving Anakt Garden, he is leaving Mizi. He looks up at Ivan in fear and guilt as he turns around and leaves him, not looking back. This shows that Till is aware of the weight of the decision he made. He knows what he lost, you can see him debating and struggling with this as he stands away from Ivan.
In the scene above, we can see both Ivan and Till running away together, they are holding hands and laughing together. This shows that while Till did reject Ivan and being free with him, the problem was never being with Ivan, in fact it seems he was excited for it. But the problem was leaving Mizi.
Speaking of this, we can see as the two of them are leaving, it’s important to note what they are specifically doing. Till is watching the skys, rushing forward in order to reach freedom, while Ivan watches Till, he is not looking towards the skies but focusing on Till and his reaction, this shows their priorities.
Till would’ve loved to be free, if it was with Mizi and not Ivan. Ivan would’ve loved to be with Till, even if it meant to be enslaved.
We see this pan out as Till runs back to be with Mizi. He wanted freedom, just not with Ivan. This hurts Ivan, now fully knowing his love is unrequited and as he watches Till leave him, he continues back. He is fully aware at this point that he is not loved back, and most likely will never be. But that isn’t what matters to Ivan, what matters to him is Till. He would be willing to be enslaved if it meant to be with him.
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ilikekidsshows · 3 months
I used to think ML didn't let LB investigate to find out more about Hawkmoth - aside from keeping the monster-of-the-week-formular - was maybe also in reference to some other, more laid-back, magical girl shows, were the heroines only start to act after the antagonists (villains, magic, whatever) disrupted someone. But...your example with Sailor Moon made me realize... that in all those other magical girl shows I thought of the heroines help classmates/strangers around them even if it had no effect on their own lives. They help because someone needs help or try to find out why something seems to be off (and then it's due to the antagonists, coincidentally - they usually don't immediately assume it to be the antagonists - or there's an unrelated B-plot with no connection to the antagonists and the heroines help to solve that one too). In this sense....Marinette helps if an Akuma shows up? But she wouldn't bother for strangers without an Akuma? Is this the essence I get from this...? Was your example for Marinette helping a random stranger meant to be Fu from Origins? There...there sure must be more examples like this in the show, right? I mean, it wouldn't surprise me if not, since the show's bible emphasized how EVERYTHING has to be tied to Marinette, but...it sure isn't that bad, right? Marinette trying to cheer up Ivan in Origins for example was nice and she didn't get anything out of it? (but that was S1...)
I didn't intend the idea to be quite that extreme. I said Marinette rarely goes out of her way to help people for no reason and almost never helps strangers for no compensation. Marinette isn't purposefully unkind, she's just far more focused on her own problems for the idea that other people are struggling too to cross her mind (which makes it worse, since no one wants to call her out on it because she "didn't mean to"). Unless, of course, she sees what she considers a burning need and then makes a snap decision on what another person needs and acts on that without consulting the other person and ends up making things worse, which I consider the opposite of helping (and also something I mistakenly thought was a character flaw she was going to grow out of).
Giving a classmate a pep talk is the bare minimum she could do in Origins, and that was the main criticism I was trying to make: Marinette most often only does the bare minimum to be considered a hero. When it comes to heroics, she's clueless, unmotivated and lazy. She only really goes out of her way for people who are already her friends and family, and even then she's rarely all that helpful. All the other times outside of saving Fu in Origins, Marinette "helps" strangers when they're her clients, aka paying for her help (like babysitting), when her parents have asked her for a favor (like in Time Breaker), or when she did something to ruin their day first (like in Animaestro). Marinette actually starts off as a very typical example of a young teenaged protagonist who's kinda self centered, except the show refuses to treat it as something she should work on, something any other show that gives its protagonist this flaw would do.
Then she starts on what should by all accounts be her villain arc in seasons 4 and 5, but the show insists she's the greatest hero ever.
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a-chlolix-blog · 4 months
Scarabée and Kitty Claws AU
The Mime. A perilous Performer.
There were alot of posts on Instagram about Fred Haprèle's first show.
While it did have its MANY supporters...
♻️Mylegend🎥: I'm SO excited for tonight's show! This IS my dad's first major performance after all.
💙Mari-Caroon🥐: I am too! Thanks for thinking of me as a back-up plus one!
♻️Mylegend🎥: No problem! Ivan DID say he was gonna really busy with Kitty Section tonight.
💙Mari-Caroon🥐: I still think it's incredible how quickly Luka and Juleka were able to form a band.
❤️Best-Blogger📱: I WISH I could go... but I gotta babysit the twins. The struggles of being an older sister. Alix and Juleka are SO lucky to be the baby sisters.
❤️Best-Blogger📱: Alix, you there? You'd NEVER let that slide.
💥Alix the Awesome🥇: Sorry about that you guys! Was abit preoccupied. Me Nate and Marc are gonna meet you guys at Sweet Paris Creperie & Café.
❤️Best-Blogger📱: Girls! Scarabée just saved a kid! I gotta get this interview!
There was also that one bitter non-enjoyer of his work. Like his under study Christos AKA Chris.
Christos, annoyed: All these people are lined up for nothing! I could preform WAY better than Fred.
Sarah: Just a reminder that you ARE an under study.
Not far from the two, a child managed to get out of their mother's grasp and tries to run across the street, completely unaware of the car speeding towards.
Alix who was on her way to get her pre-paid tickets, sees this and immediately reacts.
She quickly hides, transforms into Scarabée, and swings to immediately grab the child and get them to safety.
The kid: Thank you, Scarabée!
Scarabée, quickly sends a text without looking at her yo-yo: No need to thank me. Now get back to your mom.
As the child went back to their mother, Scarabée notices Alya running up to her.
Alya: Scarabée! That was amazing! Do you have time for a quick interview-
Scarabée: Sorry, no time for an interview. I got plans! Next time for sure! *quickly swings out of her line of sight*
After landing behind a discreet hiding place without being seen or noticed, Alix transforms back, Tikki hides, and Alix walks up to Sarah to get her pre-paid tickets.
Alix: Hey Sarah! I'm here for-
Sarah: No need to explain, Miss Kubdel. Here you go! *gives her an envelope* your father paid great money for these.
Alix, taking the envelope: I am will aware.
Christos: *rolls his eyes at her*
Alix, says internally while walking away: What's that guy's deal? Whatever, I have better things to do.
Alix then once again discreetly hides, transforms into Scarabée, and quickly swings towards her destination, making sure to get there before Alya.
~~~~At Sweet Paris Creperie & Café~~~~
Marinette and Mylène were sitting at one of the Café's larger tables with Alix Nathaniel and Marc was Alya comes rushing through the door.
Marinette: Alya! Are you okay?
Nathaniel: Sounds like you were RUSHING to get here.
Marc: We saw the texts. Did you get an interview with Scarabée!
Alya: Unfortunately no, but she DID say she'd be available next time!
Nathaniel: At least you got a great apology video for Kitty Claws! *plays the video*
Alya, in the video: So let me get this straight, Jolie was the one who stole the Mona Lisa and trashed Sweet Paris... because she was akumatized due to Kitty Claws lying about her relationship status with Scarabée?
Kitty Claws, in the video: That’s right. And I can’t apologize enough for how I behaved today. It was messed up of me to take my bad day out on Jolie.
Jolie, in the video: For the LAST time Kitty Claws, it’s okay! Not everyone is perfect, that involves Superheroines or Superheroes.
Mylène: I was honestly surprised that Jolie was SO forgiving. Considering all that happened two days ago.
Nathaniel, smirking: Hey Alix that means Kitty Claws is single!
Alix: Nate, I WILL waste this crepe by throwing it at you if you saw another word!
Marc: It's best not to test her...
Mylène: Marinette! We gotta heard to your place to pick up my dad's hat!
Marinette: Oh right! We gotta get going!
Marc: My mom rented a limo for me to get around all day for errands. I can help you there to pick up the hat and drop you off at the play.
Mylène: That's awesome Marc! Thank you so much!
Marinette: Too bad you're unable to attend the show due to your errands...
Marc: No need to be upset about that. Let's go!
Marinette and Mylène: Right! *follows Marc out of the Café*
Alya: I gotta get home to the twins! See you guys hopefully later!
Alix and Nathaniel: Bye Alya!
Alya: *leaves the Café*
Nathaniel: Alright Alix, spill.
Alix, smirking: Whatever do you mean?
Nathaniel: You clearly have something planned.
Alix: You know me so well. *takes the envelope out her bag, opens it, and gives one of the tickets to Nathaniel* Here is your ticket. Now I gotta give Alya her's quickly. The only ticket would've been Marc's, but like he said, he had to run errands for his mom. So after getting Jalil to babysit in advance, Alya's gonna be going to the play with us.
Nathaniel, with his mouth agape: How are you gonna pull off getting the tickets to Alya, and getting the twins to Jalil before tonight?! Even you're not that fast!
Alix, smirking: That's my little secret.
Nathaniel, smirking: Is Kitty Claws helping you out with this?
Alix, blushing: Do you want me to take the ticket back?
Nathaniel, grinning: Not really changing the subject. What do you think Kitty Claws is doing right now?
Alix: Stop testing me Nate!
Nathaniel, still grinning: The fact that you consider a simple question as a test is quite telling-
Alix, blushing furiously: Nate!
Nathaniel: Alright alright... I'm done!
~~~~At Le Grand Paris~~~~
Chloé and Sabrina were getting ready for the play in her room.
Chloé had several outfits ready for herself and Sabrina.
Sabrina: Do we really need so many options?
Chloé: Of course we do!
Sabrina: Adrien's limo is gonna be here to pick us up in thirty minutes!
Chloé: We'll worried about that when it's closer to the five minute mark.
Sabrina: The show isn't until tonight! This is Mylène's dad's first major show... *smirks* do you think Alix is gonna be there?
Chloé, blushing furiously: Just pick an outfit!
Sabrina, still smirking: So NOW you're in a hurry?
Plagg, hiding: *whispers* Teenage girls are so unpredictable...
Chloé: Remember Sabrina, we heading early to hang out with Adrien before the play to cheer him up since he dad won't be joining us.
Sabrina: *smirks* So... if Alix just so happens to be where we're gonna hang out, that's a bonus?
Chloé: *throws an aqua green and black emperor waist dress at her*
Sabrina, admiring the dress: This is perfect!
~~~~At the Dupain-Cheng Bakery~~~~
The limo had just pulled up just as Fred walked in front of the Bakery.
Mylène, getting out of the limo with Marinette right behind her: Dad! *hugs him tightly* Are you ready for "The Mine's Extraordinary Adventure"?
Fred, returning her hug: Absolutely! Gotta make my biggest fan proud! Just need the finishing touch.
Marinette: I'll go get your hat so you can be on your way, Mr. Haprèle! *enters the bakery*
Fred then notices Marc in the Limo.
Fred: Marc, make sure to thank your mother for me again for writing the play.
Marc: Will do, Mr. Haprèle! *turns to Mylène* I got errands to attend to. Hope you guys enjoy the show!
Mylène: We will!
After the limousine drives off, Marinette comes out of the bakery with Fred's hat just as Mylène stops hugging him.
Marinette, holding the hat up to him: Here it is!
Fred: Thank you Marinette. Saving me at the last minute! *happily does the mime box trick before taking the hat*
Marinette, holding the invisible box: I fixed the tear in it and added the small pocket, just like you a asked.
Fred: You did a perfect job! Thanks to you, *takes a mini photo of Mylène out of his pocket* I'll have my good luck charm right here next to me at all times. A photo of my beloved daughter. *puts the photo in the hat's pocket*
Mylène: Awww dad! *hugs him again*
The second Fred puts his hat on, he gets a suspected call.
Fred, answering his cell-phone: Hello Sa-
Sarah, over the phone: FRED! WHERE ARE YOU!
Fred: I just had to get my hat-
Fred: It's not an excuse, I know the bus is leaving in last than an hour, I'll be there! *ends the call and sighs in relief* That was Sarah the play's director. She's very nervous about the premiere, she ready to blow a fuse! So I better get going. *kisses Mylène on the forehead* See you girls tonight at the Eiffel Tower. *runs off*
Marinette: Can't wait!
Mylène: Love you!
Marinette and Mylène then go inside to get ready for the play.
Marinette: Wait until you see the outfit I made for you Mylène! *pulls her into the bakery*
Meanwhile, Chris and Sarah are about to board the bus for the show.
Chris: So what's his excuse this time?
Sarah: He said he had to pick up his hat from a repair shop, or at least that what he said.
Chris: *rolls his eyes* He's one convincing actor.
Sarah: He IS a great actor, but he's always making excuses for why he's late-
Chris: Why he sleeps in the middle of rehearsal? Why he has to leave early? Why he's messing parts of his costume? Come on Sarah! When are you gonna wake up and smell the coffee? But it's up to you if you want the show to suffer... *turns his back to her*
Sarah: You're his under study. Just be ready to take his place if something happens, okay?
Chris, with his back still turned to her: I won't let you down.*smirks*
Sarah: Thanks.
~~~~At the Louvre~~~~
While Alim was helping Nathaniel get ready for the dance, Alix got a video call from Marinette.
Alix, making she isn't seen below the neck during the call: Hey Marinette! What's up?
Marinette: Oh nothing... *turn the phone to Mylène* just Mylène looking absolutely marvelous for the play tonight!
Alix: Mylène you look incredible!
Mylène: Thanks Alix! I'll tell you how the play went when it ends.
Alix: I'm looking forward to your review. Bye! *ends the call*
Nathaniel, now in his dark grey two-piece suit: Keeping this a secret from them was such a great plan!
Alix, in her warm grey two-piece suit: They're gonna be so surprised to see us there! Speaking of surprises, I gotta make sure Alya gets hers. Jalil, get ready for a surprise visitor. I gotta go double check something really fast.
Jalil: Right.
Alix then quickly leaves out of the Louvre, hides out, quietly transforms into Scarabée, and swings through the building.
Scarabée, internally: Good thing no one suspects a thing...
Jalil, internally: *stands by the door* How has Alix not gotten caught by others yet? I hope she's got an excuse planned for me.
A knock on the door is heard, before Alim could get up to answer him, Jalil rushes passed him.
Jalil: Don't worry dad. I got it! *answers the door and sees Scarabée* Hello Scarabée! What are you doing here?
Scarabée: I figured owned your sister a favor. So I'll be dropping you off at the Scarablogger's place.
Nathaniel, walking up to the door: Of course Alix got a Superheroine to help her pull this surprise off. Where is she anyway?
Jalil: I'd like to know that too!
Scarabée: She said something about getting snacks for everyone before the show.
Alim, walking up to them: If I knew she were gonna go on a quick trip to the store, I would've sent her a small list...
Scarabée: I'm sure she kept you in mind as well, Mr. Kubdel.
Jalil, internally: Good to know She had that planned out.
Scarabée: Ready to go?
Jalil: Yeah.
After leaving the Louvre, Scarabée grabs Jalil and swings in the direction of the Césaire home.
Meanwhile Fred was walking closer to the bus stop until he gets an unsuspecting phone call.
Fred, answering his phone: Don't worry Sarah, I'm early. I'm just right around the corner.
Chris: Actually it's Chris. Sarah asked me to tell you about a last minute Location Change. The bus is picking us up at the Louvre Pyramid in ten minutes.
Fred: Really? That's on the other side of town.
Chris: Yeah, but it's closer to the Eiffel Tower.
Fred: Well... okay, luckily I'll make it there on time. Thanks for letting me know.
Chris: No problem! We'll see you there.
Fred: *ends the call*
Chris, chuckling: Such an idiot.
~~~~~At the Césaire home~~~~~
Was watching Ella and Etta as they ran back and forth when she hears a knock at the door.
She then gets up to answer it.
Alya: Mom must've forgotten something...
When she opens the door, she shocked to see Jalil and Scarabée herself standing in front of her.
Alya, excited: Scarabée?! What are you doing here with Jalil?
Scarabée: I owe a friend of yours a favor. Jalil here is gonna watch your sisters while you go to the play tonight!
Alya, getting even more excited: This is happening so fast! I don't have an outfit picked out!
Scarabée: Way ahead of you.
Scarabée then holds up her yo-yo with one hand, and pulls an elegant red and black wrap dress.
Scarabée, holding the dress up to Alya: Here you are!
Alya: happily taking the dress: This is so beautiful! Thank you so much!
Scarabée: Don't thank me, thank your friend Alix when you see her.
Jalil: I'll do your hair real quick before you go Alya. Scarabée, why do you STEP OUT for a second? My sister went on a snack run. Can you see if she's alright.
Scarabée: OH! Of course! After I check on her, I'll be right back to drop you off at the Louvre Alya! *quickly leaves*
While Scarabée was on her way to the store, Sarah and Chris were ready to broadcast the bus.
Chris, already on the bus: We have to get to the Eiffel Tower for dress rehearsal. If you want any longer, you'll be jeopardizing the entire production.
Sarah: *sighs* You're right Chris, let's get going. *broading the bus* You'll be taking Fred's place tonight.
Chris: I definitely won't let you down.
~~~~~Back at the Césaire home~~~~~
Just as Scarabée returns, Jalil finishes working on Alya's hair.
Her hair was now in a cute curly left single tail.
Scarabée: You look incredible, Alya!
Alya: Thank you! I also think it's incredible.
Jalil: Nora taught me all that I know.
Ella and Etta, in unison: I want my hair done too!
Jalill: When these two left, we'll surprise them with the cutest hairstyles!
Ella and Etta: Yay!!!
Scarabée, reaching into her yo-yo: Your sister told me to tell you that she's on her way home *pulls out a shopping bag* and she hopes you and the girls enjoy these snacks *tosses the bag in his direction*
Jalil, catching the bag: I'll be sure to thank her later.
Scarabée: You ready to go, Alya?
Alya, grabbing onto Scarabée: Of course!
As Alya holds on to her, Scarabée leaves the Césaire home and begins to swing them both in the direction of their designated location.
~~~~~At the Louvre~~~~~
Meanwhile with Fred, he arrives at the Museum and seems confused to where the bus is.
Fred: Where are they? *runs up to Théo, who was passing out posters* Excuse me, you haven't seen a bus with that exact poster on it pull up here, have you?
Theo: *shakes his head*
This of course causes him to call Sara.
Sarah: *hears her cellphone ring*
Chris, sitting in the seat right behind hers: He's got some nerve calling now! I wouldn't give him the time of day if I were you.
Sarah, picking up her phone and answering it: What?
Fred: Sarah, where are you?
Sarah: We waited for you but you never came!
Fred: But I'm on time! In front of the Pyramid.
Sarah: What are you talking about?! Why would we be meeting there?!
Fred: I-i don't know the meeting place changed so suddenly-
Sarah: What- you know what? I'm not entertaining another excuse!
Fred: But Chris said-
Sarah: I don't care! It's not just this excuse, it's ALL of them! It's always an excuse!
Chris: *watches with a smile*
Sarah: Well, enough is enough! Chris will be the lead tonight at the premiere. At least I can count on him! *quickly hangs up and drops the phone onto the empty seat next to her.*
Fred feels upset that he's been tricked and his daughter will be disappointed in him.
Fred, beginning to cry: *takes off his hat and holds it to his chest* Mylène... I'm so sorry...
~~~~~In Hawkmoth's Lair~~~~~
Hawkmoth: Hmmmm... An actor who misses his own premiere. Now that's a tragedy. *readies the Akuma and releases it* Go my evil Akuma, let's hand this actor the role of a lifetime!
~~~~~Back at the Louvre~~~~~
Just as Scarabée lands on the opposite side of the Louvre's main entrance, the akuma entires the photo of Mylène that Fred was looking at through the tears in his eyes.
Hawkmoth: Mime. I am Hawkmoth. I am giving you the power to make whatever you gesture come to life. Destroy his premiere performance! You may be a Mime, but they can't silence you! However, in return you shall bring me Scarabée and Kitty Claws' Miraculouses. Shall we get on with the show?
Without saying a word, Fred is transformed into the Mime.
As Scarabée walks Alya towards the Louvre's main entrance only to see Mime slicing the posters with what seems like an invisible sword.
Scarabée, getting her yo-yo ready: Holy shit, an Akuma!
Alya, excitedly pulling her phone out of her hand bag: Holy shit, an Akuma!
Before Alya could start recording a video, Scarabée quickly picks up, runs into the Louvre and sits her down.
Scarabée: Tell your other friend not to leave no matter way!
Alya: Okay!
Scarabée: *runs out of the building*
After exiting the Louvre, Scarabée sees a cop car in mid air.
Scarabée, quickly jumping onto one of the two near by light poles near the Louvre: Can't leave these Akumas alone for five seconds!
She then immediately creates a net with her yo-yo before the car could hit the ground, saving Officer Raincomprix and the other cop.
Before the car could harshly land, Scarabée pulls her yo-yo back to her and launches it around the car while standing on one of the light poles she used to make the net and gently sits it on the ground.
After Scarabée pulls her yo-yo off of the cop car, the two Officers immediately get out of it, falling to their knees in the process.
Scarabée: Get outta here NOW!
After Roger and his fellow Officer ran off, Scarabée got a better look at today's Akuma.
Scarabée: Wait, that hat... MR. HAPRÈLE?!
The Mime then turns to her and readies an invisible bow and arrow.
After he launched it, Scarabée's barely able to dodge it.
She quickly looks at the hole that's now in the cop car window.
It barely missed her head.
Scarabée, internally: Hawkmoth better hope his address NEVER gets leaked!
The Mime then begins to shoot multiple invisible arrows at Scarabée, which she manages to dodge by back flipping and then using her yo-yo as a shield.
As Scarabée was dodging and blocking The Mine's attacks, a very familiar limousine was driving closer and closer to the danger.
Adrien sitting between Chloé and Sabrina, listens with the two as Nathalie talks with his father on her cellphone.
Nathalie, on the phone: Yes Sir, I'm sure he'll understand Sir.
Chloé, whispering: Are we surprised though?
Adrien, whispering as well: Nope, not one bit.
Nathalie, ending the call: You're father won't be able to make it-
Adrien: Who's shocked?
Chloé and Sabrina, in unison: No one.
Nathalie: He at least made sure to get the best seats for you and your friends in the front row.
Adrien: *rolls his eyes* The best money can buy...
Chloé: At least without him around we can go get some mille-feuille after the show!
Before the three of them could get excited about their trip after the play, Placide immediately stops the limousine as Scarabée lands feet first in front of it, continuing to use her yo-yo as a shield.
Scarabée, backing up towards the limousine window closest to her: Get out of there and find a place to hide now! I'll cover you-
Chloé then quickly rolls down the window and stares at Scarabée.
She immediately noticed her hair looking abit more messier than usual as well as a fresh cut on her cheek.
Despite seeming, Chloé couldn't help but admire her determination.
Chloé, internally: My Itty-Bitty's looking dangerous and hot without me?! Not gonna happen!
Without realizing it, Scarabée gets distracted herself.
Not only did she noticed what's visible of Chloé's gorgeous golden yellow drop waist dress and scarlet jewelry she chose to accessorize it with, but the scarlet red lipstick, earrings and gem encrusted hair scrunchie
Scarabée, internally: Damn...
After Adrien takes a quick picture of the two, The Mime immediately starts shooting invisible arrows again.
While Scarabée begins to cover the rich teens and their adult supervision, Placide pulls Nathalie out of the limousine with him, which caused Sabrina to repeat this action with both Adrien and Sabrina.
While running, Chloé managed to sneak away and hide as Placide and Nathaniel grabbed onto Adrien and Sabrina before running into the Louvre.
From where she's hiding, Chloé could see Scarabée continue to block and dodge the Akuma's seemingly long distance attacks.
Plagg, flying out of her purse: Are you gonna keep drooling or-
Chloé: Plagg, Claws Out-
Meanwhile The Mime continues to shoot his invincible arrows at Scarabée, until she manages to hurt his wrist.
He then begins to quickly put together what sounds like a bazooka.
Scarabée: Yeah not waiting for that to be shot at me *whispers* forgive me for this Mr. Haprèle...
Scarabée then uses her yo-yo to grab the limousine and throw it towards The Mime before he fires the bazooka, causing him to blow up the limousine instead of her.
When the smoke clears, Scarabée feels an invisible whip being wrapped around her.
Scarabée, struggling: Damnit!
Hawkmoth, communicating through The Mime: Grab her Miraculous! The Earrings, NOW!!
Before The Mime could pull Scarabée close enough to grab her earrings, Kitty Claws quickly extends her staff to painful push him away from her.
Kitty Claws: Hands off of Itty-Bitty! So what are we dealing with? Invisible Weapons?
Scarabée, smirking: Lucky guess.
Kitty Claws: I'm more than just a pretty face.
The two heroines then turn away from each other to face The Mime after hearing what sounded like a jail cell closing and then locking.
They launched their respective weapons towards them only for them to bounce off of invisible metal bar and back in front of them.
After the two heroines run up to the invisible bars and grab them, The Mime tips his hat to Scarabée and Kitty Claws before turning around and walking away from the two.
When The Mime starts an invisible car, the two heroines went from leaning against invisible bars to falling onto the ground.
Scarabée: When he started miming the car, the bars disappeared.
Kitty Claws: So if he starts another pantomime, the previous one will evaporate?
Scarabée: Yeah, which makes this abit easier for us!
The two then begin to follow The Mine's invisible Car.
After quickly catching up, Scarabée and Kitty Claws jumps on top of the invisible car.
Kitty Claws: For your sake I hope you didn't imagine a tacky car to drive.
The Mime begins to drive when faster, which causes Scarabée to need to hold onto Kitty Claws to keep herself from falling off.
With her arms around Kitty Claws' waist, she notices The Mime following a familiar bus.
Scarabée, still holding onto Kitty Claws tightly: He's one of the Actors from that Theater Troup and he's after that bus ahead.
After hearing Scarabée say this, The Mime jumps out of the still moving invisible car.
Scarabée: *watches The Mime* What the hell is he doing?! *let's go of Kitty Claws* We gotta stop this thing NOW *manages to get into the invisible car*
Kitty Claws: Let's hope you can reach the invisible breaks, Itty-Bitty~
Scarabée: No times for jokes KC.
Scarabée manages to stop the invisible car before it could hit a mother and her small son.
Scarabée quickly realized her hands were shaking slightly.
Despite this she manages to clam herself down abit as more people gathered around the invisible vehicle.
Kitty Claws: Great job drinking the invisible car, Itty-Bitty! If there weren't an Akuma nearby, I bet no one would believe this was real.
When The Mime starts his invincible motorcycle, Scarabée and Kitty Claws fall to the ground.
Scarabée: He already on the move we gotta hurry-
Before Scarabée could finish speaking, Kitty Claws picks her up with one hand, which causes the shorter heroine to automatically wrap her arms around the black heroine's neck and her legs around her waist.
Scarabée: What are you up to?
Kitty Claws: Just reminding you that it's great to have friends in high places, Itty-Bitty. Hold on!~
Kitty Claws with Scarabée holding onto her then extends her staff into the sky.
Scarabée: I could've done this myself you know.
Kitty Claws, smirking: Awwww but where's the fun in that?
Scarabée: *chuckles* Just get ready to stick the landing, KC.
Kitty Claws then uses her staff to land herself and Scarabée feet first onto the bus.
Kitty Claws: Where could the Akuma be?
Scarabée: *snaps her fingers* In his hat.
Kitty Claws: Oh, a literal lucky guess?
Scarabée: Just one of my hidden talents.
Scarabée uses her yo-yo to make a net.
He dodges the net and jumps on the bus.
The Mime then makes his invisible sword heard to the two heroines.
Scarabée: KC, I need a distraction.
Kitty Claws: On it!It!
Kitty Claws jumps off the bus and starts running on active cars until she's behind The Mime and jumps back onto the bus, readying her staff for battle.
While Kitty Claws and The Mime are fighting, Scarabée tries to get the hat off with her yo-yo, but he quickly notices.
The Mime grabs the yo-yo before it could touch the hat.
The Mime tries to pull Scarabée into an attack.
Kitty Claws: Don't even try it!
Kitty Claws get the Mime to release Scarabée's yo-yo by hitting his wrist with her staff so hard, he drops it.
She then uses her staff to hit him in the side of his stomach.
He almost falls off the bus but Scarabée grabs his wrist, which causes him to faceplate into a the window Chris was sitting by.
Chris, shocked and afraid: Fred?!
The Mime looks away from Chris and looks up at Scarabée.
Hawkmoth, communicating through The Mime: The Miraculous! Grab her earring!
He then tries to pull her down with him, but Kitty Claws pulls Scarabée back onto the bus.
Scarabée: KC, his hat! Grab it!
Kitty Claws, noticing The Mime holding something invisible: Look out!
Scarabée then barely dodges an invisible hammer.
This caused Scarabée to drop him and The Mime to fall onto a a moving car that began to immediately slow down.
He then uses an invisible chainsaw to get into the car and silently orders the terrified driver to follow the bus.
Scarabée, getting pulled back up by Kitty Claws: We gotta get all these passengers to safety NOW.
Kitty Claws, readying her staff: I'll cover you.
Scarabée: I'll try to hurry.
After knocking on the glass, Scarabée's immediately let in by the Bus Driver.
Scarabée: Stop the bus right now!
Sara, walking up to her: Scarabée? What's happening?!
Scarabée: One of your Actors has been akumatized and for some reason he seems to have it in for your troup!
Sarah, shocked: Fred?!
On top of the bus, The Mime begins to shoot invisible arrows at Kitty Claws, which she quickly blocks with her staff.
He then stops shooting at her and shoots one of the bus' wheels, making it go out of control.
Kitty Claws: Oh shit!
After noticing the two street lights quickly getting closer, Kitty Claws quickly runs across the bus, jumps in front of it, extends her staff, jumps in front of the bus while making sure it fits perfectly between the street lights.
After stopping the bus from crashing, Kitty Claws is launched forward but makes sure to land graceful.
Inside the now still bus, Scarabée manages to hide the mini panic attack she was having with stern face.
Scarabée: Stay inside and don't panic. We've got this under control.
Chris, hiding behind his seat: Scarabée, I know why he's after us. I took his role from him. He can perform instead of me, I can't care, just please keep us all safe!
Sarah: What do you mean you took his role from him? He lost it!
Chris: Not exactly... there's something I am to tell you.
After Chris reveals the truth, The Mime then jumps from car to car, jumps onto the bus, and launches himself at Kitty Claws.
Scarabée, running off of the bus: I'm coming KC!
He quickly swings graceful yet furiously at Kitty Claws until he knocks her staff out of her hand and slams her to the ground by her neck.
Scarabée is just about the reach them both until The Mime pulls an invisible sword on her.
Hawkmoth, communicating through The Mime: Her Miraculous is within reach! I want her ring!
The Mime then let's go of Kitty Claws' neck to grab her.
But before he could do so, Scarabée uses her yo-yo to grab his hand that is now free of invisible weapons and pulls it in her direction.
Scarabée: What Fred did was absolutely shitty, but I know you wouldn't want your daughter to see you like this!
After Scarabée then pulls him away from Kitty Claws and towards herself, The Mime once again creates an invisible sword.
After seeing Scarabée dodge his unseen blade quickly and Kitty Claws being on her feet again, The Mime creates an invisible bomb and throws it at the two.
Which had them both on the ground.
Kitty Claws, furious and shocked: A BOMB?! SERIOUSLY?!
Scarabée: Lucky Charm!
Scarabée uses her Lucky Charm and a shoe box appears.
Kitty Claws: A shoe box? Itty-Bitty if you wanted me to take you out shoe shopping, there's a time and place-
Before Kitty Claws could finish speaking, The Mime rushing at her with yet another invisible sword, forcing her into another one on one fight.
Scarabée then uses her Lucky Vision while Kitty Claws and The Mime continue to fight.
Scarabée: I got it. We gotta make even more angry, KC!
Kitty Claws, dodging the invisible blade: Is that even possible?!
Scarabée: That depends, how good are you at being a pain in the ass?
Kitty Claws: I will not knowledge that question with an answer.
Scarabée: Just keep him busy and angry.
With the lucky box now with a hole in it, Sarah's glasses as a magnifying glass, a Mime poster, and a car's light, Scarabée creates a protector.
She flashes the protector onto the Eiffel Tower.
Scarabée: Hey Mime! Cool poster! Don't you agree?!
Fueled by anger, The Mime doesn't hesitate to cut the "poster" in half with an invisible sword.
But that's before he realizes that he had sliced the Eiffel Tower in half.
Before the Eiffel Tower could hit the ground, The Mime creates an invisible shield, holding it up and protecting under it.
Scarabée: He can only mime one thing at a time.
Kitty Claws: Now he's cornered! My Itty-Bitty has the biggest brain!
Kitty Claws then extends her staff to grab the hat and pull it towards them.
Scarabée then takes out the picture of Mylène, rips it in half, frees the akuma, purifies it, releases it, and uses her Miraculous Cure to fix everything.
When Fred's turned back to normal, Kitty Claws pulls Scarabée into another Victory Selfie.
Fred: What happened? How did I get here?
Sarah, walking up to him with Chris behind her: I'm so sorry I didn't believe you, Fred.
Chris: I'm sorry too. I was so desperate to perform that I lied to you about where we were meeting up.
Fred: I forgive you.
Sarah: But lying to perform will NOT go unpunished. You won't be performing today, Chris!
Chris: That's fair... when I get the part next time, it won't be through lies and slimy tricks.
Fred: We'll all be looking forward to it.
Kitty Claws then begins to hear Scarabée's earrings beep.
Kitty Claws: Itty-Bitty, your earrings.
Scarabée: I better get going!
Kitty Claws, playfully pouting: Oh really? That's a shame! I would've loved to be your date for the play tonight.
Scarabée: *rolls her eyes* Thanks KC, but I got other plans.
Kitty Claws watches longingly as Scarabée swings away.
~~~~~In Hawkmoth's Lair~~~~~
Hawkmoth: The show's not over yet, Scarabée and Kitty Claws. You just wait, there's still a last act to come.
~~~~~Out of the Louvre~~~~~
Alim, Nathaniel, and Alya were anxiously waiting for Alya to show up or call when Alix comes running up to them with two shopping bags.
Alix: Sorry I'm late, I got caught up in the fighting with other people-
Nathaniel and Alya, running towards: ALIX!! *hugs her*
Alim: Now I am a valid reason to wait in the car until the play's over.
Alix: Aside from witnessing a couple of near car crashes I'm fine-
Alim and Nathaniel, shocked: YOU WHAT?!
Alix: It's okay! Scarabée and Kitty Claws were there to stop them. Can we please go now? I really wanna see the looks on Marinette and Mylène's faces when they see us there.
Alim: Alight, let's go.
After they all into the limousine and drove off, Kitty Claws detransforms back into Chloé and goes into the Louvre to see Adrien Sabrina Nathalie and Placide all frantically looking for her.
Adrien and Sabrina are the first one's to notice her.
Adrien and Sabrina, running up to Chloé: CHLOÉ YOU'RE OKAY!! *hugs her tightly*
Chloé: I'm fine you guys! No one called my dad, right?
Nathalie: No, but Placide came close a few times.
Chloé: Now that the Star is here, can we please go to the play?
Nathalie: The backup limousine's outfit now.
~~~~~At The Eiffel Tower~~~~~
Marinette and Mylène were sitting down in their seats waiting for the show to begin.
When three familiar faces walk up to them.
Alix, with Nathaniel and Alya behind: Surprise!
Marinette, excitedly: Oh my goodness!!!
Mylène: You three look amazing!
Alya: So do you two!
Nathaniel: For the record, this being a surprise was Alix's idea!
Alix, grinning: No regrets!
With Mylène in the end seat, Alya sets next to Marinette, Nathaniel sits next to Alya, and Alix sits next to Nathaniel.
That leaves three empty seats to the left.
After about fifteen minutes of talking about how the play could go, Chloé Sabrina and Adrien walk up to the three empty seats.
Chloé, smirking: Well, well, well! Look who all learned how to dress for tonight. Make sure you're home before those riches turn back to rags~
Nathaniel, Alya, Marinette, and Mylène either groaned, rolled their eyes, or did both.
Adrien, groaning: Don't do this now! We're here to watch the play.
Alix: Listen to Princey, Witchy. We're all just here to enjoy ourselves. In other words, you try to ruin this for us, I will personally make sure this ruin for you as well. Got it?
Without saying a thing, Chloé sits in the empty seat next to Alix.
Sabrina sits next to her and Adrien sits in the end seat.
As the play begins, Chloé couldn't help be steal glances at Alix from time to time.
Sabrina, smirking: *whispers* I take it that switching seats is outta the question?
Chloé, whispering: Shut up!
Little did Chloé know, Alix was stealing glances at her as well.
Inspired by: @emdoddles @princess-of-the-corner @muggle-born-princess @dcschart @justanotherpersonsuniverse @symphonic-scream
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imthepunchlord · 11 months
The Marinette Swap
Adrien version
I should wait for the Paris Special to come out first, but man, I can't help but ponder the potential dynamics and fun there could be just shuffling up the two Marinettes and fun it could've brought being in each other's own reality.
Like, Special!Marinette actually being in the canon world, and she's this way between Chloe's bullying and no one stepping up to help her, so she helped herself. She went punk/goth/emo, largely to piss Chloe off. And she's petty, jaded, spiteful, and cynical. Despite all this, she's still Marinette at the core. She's not going to turn a blind eye to those in critical need.
So she still rushes out to go help Fu, but she tells him off afterwards cause wth was he thinking. But hey, that warrants her getting the earrings. Maybe she just needs a bug to soften her up.
I don't know if Alya will become her best friend, as I don't see this Marinette backing down when Chloe tries to scare her out of her seat. It could be that Chloe begrudgingly backs down, shoos away Alya who goes to sit with Nino (or Marinette, liking her spitfire; though if Alya sits next to Nino that leaves Adrien to sit next to Marinette), or maybe Bustier intervenes and forces Marinette to sit elsewhere. Which maybe she sits either by Alya or Nino (or maybe Ivan?).
Idk, what happens in the classroom is up in the air.
Either way, Stoneheart happens, Marinette nopes out, and finds the earrings and there's Tikki telling her she's got to be a hero!
Only it's a lot harder getting this Marinette going cause no, is she crazy? What the heck even is she?
It takes the damage in the city to get worse to convince Marinette to go out and see what she can do, though she makes it clear she's not going to be a hero. She's going to pass the earrings on. Tikki will take it, desperate and pressed for time. So Marinette heads out a lot more prepared, internally panicking still, but having a better idea what she needs to do. She saves Chat, and gets Stoneheart resolved in just one setting.
Chat likes her efficiency and thinks she's cool, but man is she cold. He does call her Ice Queen or Red Queen occasionally, just to be teasing.
And responsible Marinette wants to pass the earrings onto someone she knows could be a good hero, only there's no one she really knows that she can pass the earrings onto and take this off her hands. So she's kinda stuck with it.
So this jaded Marinette is stuck working off the optimistic Tikki and playful Chat, with the former trying to help Marinette heal and embrace the role to be a hero while Chat is trying to get her to smile and loosen up and have some more faith in humanity. And she does perform her duties and she does help people, even if she's standoffish and doesn't have a lot of patience for people.
And their whole dynamic is just summed up as:
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Now, Canon!Marinette in the Special's world is a little harder as we don't have a lot of info or seen much of it yet (outside leaks/rumors, but I don't know how true those are, the few I've seen anyway). So this is a little more creativity/headcanon territory.
But, Marinette's pretty happy in a Paris cared for and protected by the Butterfly hero, though she thinks he kinda looks like a loser, but hey, she appreciates what he does. She'll just keep those criticisms to herself.
So she's surprised one day when a curious pair of earrings show up and a little bug thing is like "Hey, you're chosen to be a hero!" and she's just so confused cause they already have a hero? But, if he needs help, Marinette wouldn't mind lending a hand, cause he's done so much, and it's not like she's going to deal with the heat of things, right? Either way, she's uncertain but she'll give it a shot.
And the hero is surprised, but he's open and welcoming, a tad controlling but she can tell he means well.
And she soon learns why she was out, as the "villain" they face is more powerful than even their Butterfly hero: Claw Noir.
Now, Marinette wouldn't call him a villain. But he certainly liked causing problems and taking his destructive power out on the city. If anything, he was more the city's... prankster. Just with destructive power.
And at worse, he was obnoxious, especially when he wanted to be petty and try and trip her up. It's getting to a point she's now carrying spray bottles, cause she's a busy hero and she doesn't need this. Her mentor has a lot of high expectations and the last thing she needs is Claw Noir turning the sidewalk to liquid cement and making her stuck for a few minutes.
And the biggest factor that assures her that Claw isn't a villain is the pure fact that if she's ever in a tight spot, he literally pops up out of nowhere and helps.
He is a good guy, probably just lashing out for some unknown reason. He just needs a few more squirts in the face.
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thefallennightmare · 1 year
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credit to whoever created the gif. found on google/Pinterest.
Pairings: Bucky Barnes(winter soldier era) x Reader.
Warnings: angst, language, fluff, violence, smut.
Summary: Reader has spent the last seventy years in hell as a prisoner soldier; Hydra's greatest weapon. Well, second greatest weapon after The Winter Soldier. The only thing that got her through that hell was him, even if she was the one behind his biggest pain.
Authors Note: Smut ahead! Tags are open! There are a few sentences in Russian in this chapter, translations (best to me knowledge) will be at the bottom of this chapter.
Tags(open): @elizacusi-blog @pattiemac1 @yvessaintmuerte @mdpplgtz03 @mayjaysthots @broadwaybabe18 @sebsgirl71479 @yourfavunsub @themorningsunshine @nikwld @splendidreads @fall-myriad
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I let out an agitated groan as I let the sparks crackle to the tips of my fingers and wrap around the head of the man that kneeled before me. His cries of pain fell on deaf ears while I stared forward, keeping my eyes out in case anyone else surprised attacked me.
I scoffed at the thought. This man didn’t surprise me, nor did he even attack me. He thought he was being stealthy by sneaking up behind me but before he could press the blade of his knife across my throat, I spun on my heels and kicked his feet out from under him.
His body fell to the ground, lifeless eyes staring back up at me, and I stepped over it, the mission nearly finished. It was all I thought about, weighing heavy on my mind and shoulders because I knew that once I returned to the compound, it would put me in the good graces of Ivan. With how everything had been lately, that was something I desperately needed. I needed to show Ivan that he could send me on these high stake missions. Since he was now in charge, everything I did was under a hard gaze. He was apprehensive about my abilities ever since the first day they brought me to the compound. Even with everything I’ve accomplished for Zola, Ivan was still unsure.
At the thought of Zola, my heart dropped only for a split second. I didn’t feel sad that I missed him because I sure as hell did not. It was sad that now someone more ruthless than Zola was in charge. The Americans had captured Zola and there wasn’t a tear shed for that man from either Soldat or I.
My feet froze momentarily as I thought about him and how his mission was going. Our last mission together was when we hid in the closet, barely able to keep ourselves off of each other. When we returned a day later, we found out that Ivan was in charge and he did not like the idea of Soldat and I going together on missions.
If you both went on your own missions, we could get a lot more work done.
Ivan’s thick Russian words replayed in my mind and I shivered the exact way I did when he first said it.
While Soldat received all the high-stakes missions, they succumbed to Ivan’s errand girl. He only sent me in when he needed something cleaned up which is what I was doing now. One of Ivan’s men was supposed to steal an important document from this rich guy’s estate but failed when he was caught and hid somewhere in this house so Ivan sent me to find him and save him.
“Don’t forget the file!” Ivan called out after me while I was leaving the compound.
I turned the corner and met yet another dead end. An aggravating groan fell from my lips before I turned on my heels and went back the way I just came from. Whatever blueprints Ivan gave me for the estate haven't been updated in some time. They held the guy up in some kind of office but with four floors he could be in any of these rooms.
Stopping quickly, I decide to listen for where he was. I closed my eyes and focused on all the noises that were flowing through the house.
On the current floor, there were two voices down the long stretch of hallway. Young voices which meant kids, so I made a mental note to make sure they didn't catch me here. It still fucked my brain up from when I had to kill that young girl last year, I refused to do it again.
On the floor above me, there were two voices again, these older. Their breaths were short and raspy, moans echoing in my ears.
“Oh, Alexi. Harder.”
“Quiet! My wife is here, if she hears you I will cut off your tongue, understand?”
I rolled my eyes in disgust at the man who had no problem bringing his affair into the house where his wife and kids lived.
Two floors above, I heard a soft female voice singing while water ran in the background.
“Must be the wife,” I grumbled.
Then finally I heard Ivan’s man on the floor below me which I guessed was the basement. His cries were the only voice I heard downstairs and knowing that he was alone, I made quick work of slipping through the large house quietly, playing the errand girl yet again.
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“Good work, Voin,” Ivan nodded with his lips pulled in a thin line as his hand gripped tight on the folder I had brought back.
Once he saw me stepping back into the compound with his man hoisted over my shoulder, he only cared for the folder that was tucked underneath my arm.
I nodded in return, hands clasped behind my back, as we stood in his office back at the compound. Finding his man tied up in a room in the basement was easy, as was the retraction and save as well. I got away with only killing two witnesses so as Ivan said; it was a good mission.
“Anything else?” I questioned.
Ivan ran a hand over his face as he mewled over something in his mind before shaking his head.
“You’ve done very well the last few weeks. I’m impressed. You can take the rest of the night off. No training or missions.”
I bit the sly remark deep into my tongue and nodded instead, quickly leaving his office before Ivan would change his mind. It was a rare occurrence after returning from a mission to take the rest of the day off. It usually was filled with rigorous training or leaving right away for another mission. But I couldn’t hide the small smile on my lips when I thought about everything I could do tonight.
First on my list was soaking away the dry sweat and blood from my body in the tub, letting the hot water ease my aching muscles. Then I’d spend the rest of the night in my small cot with the same book I had read countless times over. It wasn’t much but with the hell I had endured here the last handful of years; it was enough to bring a light up in my step.
There was hesitation in my steps as I came to a stop in front of Soldat’s living quarters. We haven’t seen each other in almost two weeks, both of our mission schedules not matching up. A part of me wondered if Ivan did that on purpose, he never liked the idea of Soldat and I being a team so it made sense that we would be sent on different paths. The door to Soldat’s room was closed so I couldn’t see if he was inside so I listened intently; I realized he wasn’t back yet from his mission. Ever since Ivan became in charge, he opted not to freeze Soldat in between missions only because they sent the both of us to one back to back. He would only freeze Soldat when Ivan deemed it necessary.
Thankfully, Ivan hasn’t made me erase Soldat’s memories in a long while. He wanted Soldat to be strong and remember every death that came at his metal fingers. My disgust at that was clear with the grumble low in my throat but I had to show I was happy about it; mostly because I wasn’t causing pain to Soldat.
Once safely inside my living quarters, I continued to walk the path toward my bathroom and let all of my things clatter to the floor. First were my weapons and the straps that held them. Then, I kicked off my boots; them sliding across the cold floor beneath my feet. I practically ripped myself out of my tac suit, the leather peeling away like a second skin. A guttural groan crawled its way through my throat when I let the cool air brush against my heated skin.
As the warm water filled the tub, I dared a glance in the mirror that hung above the sink. My hair was still in its braid to the side of my head, the end cascaded over my shoulder, and my eyes were dark with exhaustion. But that wasn’t what had my attention; it was the scars that littered all over my body.
Over the years being here, I had grown quite the collection from either missions or training. The largest and noticeably the worst one ran along my stomach, just above my belly button. It was about three inches long and the skin didn’t heal the greatest even with my super healing. The memory of how I got it was still fresh in my mind six years later.
I was on a mission, I couldn’t quite remember what for, but somehow got corned by two guards. I did my best to fight them off but when they eventually got the upper hand and dragged a hunter's knife across my stomach. My tac suit at the time wasn’t as strong and thick as it is now so the sharpness of the blade cut clean through. The blood pooled around my feet and for a moment; I thought I would die. But that thought left my mind as soon as it crept in. I gained some strength to kill the two guards and finish my mission.
The sudden cloud of stream brought me out of my past and I turned towards the tub, shutting off the water. With the tips of my toes first, I slowly stepped into the tub and let the heat of the water scold my skin. It washed away the remnants of today and I closed my eyes allowing myself to relax for the first time in quite some time. I hummed a Russian tune, my gentle voice echoing off the walls of my bathroom and when the water lost the warmth that my body craved, I reached for my shampoo. The peach scent made me immediately think of Soldat.
He told me when we were in the closet together that he loved the smell of my shampoo and ever since then I made sure to always use it. One of the few luxuries I could have here.
Once the bath was ice cold now, I stepped out and then wrap a towel around my body. The scratchy material felt rough on my skin but as always, I ignored it thankful that I could even take a bath. For being held captive here, Zola made sure I had everything I needed, with some restrictions. Ivan kept that rule once he took over.
My feet padded through the bathroom back to my bedroom where I froze suddenly, the large body looming in the doorway. The pounding in my chest from my heart was so loud and hard, I heard it echoing loudly in my ear as my mouth ran dry.
“Soldat,” I breathed.
His burning eyes watched me, unmoving. He still wore his mask and tac suit which meant he had returned from his mission probably not that long ago.
Feeling hot under his gaze, I gripped the towel tighter around me afraid it might slip through my shaking fingers. Usually, I have better control of myself when around him but this was the first time I had seen him since our time in the small closet; I wasn’t sure how he would react because of it.
Did he regret it?
Was he upset that I grabbed the side of his head?
Did it turn him on as much as it did me?
Did he think about it like I had?
“How was your mission?” I asked trying to ease the sudden tension between us.
“Eto bylo khorosh.”
The Russian words were muffled through his mask but I understood.
It went well.
I nodded once then took a step towards the dresser to grab some clothes. Soldat moved towards it before I could, blocking my path. My shoulders went rigid in slight fear. For the first time since we had been working together, Soldat was unreadable in what his actions meant and that scared the absolute shit out of me. I didn’t know why he was in my room, this being the first time. I was the one who trained him into who he was today so I knew if he was going to attack me, I would have a chance against him.
My mind swirled with so many scenarios on why he was in here. The one that stood out was that maybe Ivan had said those damn words to mind control him and sent him in here to kill me. Maybe Ivan wasn’t happy with how well my mission went and sent Soldat to take care of me.
“Soldat,” his name came out in a breath, “I need to get dressed.”
He stood unnerved, still blocking my dresser.
I let out a deep breath. “Please move.”
The way his hazel eyes burned into me made my entire body shiver with delight, goosebumps pricking at my skin. When I saw something twitch underneath his pants, I realized he was not here to kill me. Soldat was here for a different reason. My tongue rolled over my bottom lip slowly as the grip on my towel lightened a bit but did not let go.
“You don’t want me to get dressed, do you?” I asked.
Anyone without the trained eye I had would have said Soldat didn’t move his head, but I saw it; a small shake.
The surrounding tension became thick with something sexual and with one large breath, I let the towel fall to my feet now standing bare in front of Soldat. His eyes darkened with lust and my usual strong demeanor faded the longer he stared at me.
His name faltered off my tongue when he began stalking towards me like a predator ready to catch his prey after hunting them all day. The bottom strands of his hair bounced against his shoulder, eyes bright with desire. He was backing me farther into the room and only stopped when my back hit the wall. Soldat was so close to me, I could feel his warm breath through the holes of his mask. I could feel how wet I was between my legs because of his stare alone.
I clenched them together, hoping that it would curb my desire for a few moments.
One metal finger raised to my face, tracing the line of my cheek then my jaw, stopping at my bottom lip. The coolness of it ghosted over my bottom lip before all of his fingers wrapped around my throat and my blood filled with something other than fear.
Sheer ecstasy.
Soldat’s fingers gripped my neck, not tight enough to cut off my oxygen but hard enough to leave faint marks. I wanted to speak, but no words reached my lips.
His thumb pressed under my chin so he lifted my face closer to him, his nostrils flaring.
“Peaches,” was the only word he muttered.
I knew what it meant though; my shampoo.
Hand still wrapped aroung my neck, Soldat pressed his large thigh between my legs and the roughness of his pants scratched against my pussy. I moaned in pleasure with my eyes fluttering shut.
“YA tak davno khotel poprobovat' tebya.” His breath fanned over my lips.
I swallowed the large lump in my throat as best as I could with Soldat’s hand still wrapped around me. He still wore his mask and as much as I wanted in off so I could see all of his face, the thought of coming undone under him while he wore his ignited my skin.
“Soldat,” I whined at his words while rubbing my core against his thigh, trying to chase the high I desperately needed.
He grunted in response, hand dragging away from my neck and wrapping around my back. Our chests pressed together, and I pulled at all the straps and buckles of his vest hoping to get it off.
“Please,” I begged, a puddled mess in his embrace.
I kept rubbing my pussy against his thigh, my arousal coating his pants, as my high was so close I could almost taste it on my tongue.
“Y/N,” he groaned my name into the skin of my neck.
Being this close, I could hear him more clearly underneath the mask and knew that by the tone of his voice, my actions on his thigh was sending him over the edge as well. My hands began treading down his chest to the front of his pants where his erection was begging to be let out. Before my hand could palm it, Soldat gripped my hands and pinned them above my head.
“Oh fuck,” I moaned.
With my hands pinned above me and my erratic movements against his thigh, I felt myself bleeding into the white light of an orgasm.
So close. So fucking close.
I was afraid to do anything wrong or differnt to cause Soldat to step away from me. It had been so long since I had an orgasm and craved it so bad. As if he could tell, his metal fingers pinched and pulled at my nipples before cupping my breast into his hand. Feeling his finger work the perky buds of my nipples and my wetness soaking his pants was enough to make me reach the edge, but I needed a bit more to push me off.
“Konchi dlya menya, kukolka,” Soldat ordered through the confines of his mask.
That was all I needed. His words in Russian urging me to cum for him to tip me over the edge, a mind screaming orgasm wrecking through my entire body. I writhed against Soldat whose arms now wrapped around me to keep me steady as I rode out the last of my orgasm against him.
Our eyes locked and through my blissed out gaze, I saw his pupils were blow wide, blackness clouding his usual hazel eyes.
“Soldat,” I crooned his name, my pussy throbbing against him.
No words came from him as Soldat let me go, the coldness of the room painting over my blazed skin, and turned his back to me, leaving me standing in the middle of my room alone.
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Eto bylo khorosh.-it went well
Konchi dlya menya, kukolka-cum for me, doll
YA tak davno khotel poprobovat' tebya-i've wanted to taste you for so long.
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artzychic27 · 1 year
Hi, I'm the anonymous who suggested the AU of Favoritism, and I had another idea for a while in my head and season 5 and you fixed it even more, what if Marc and Zoe were Ladybug and Chat Noir, Zoe with the miracle cat and Marc with the ladybug …. in this AU they would already be in school at the beginning of the year, they would not be akuma, and I think they would not make the same mistakes as the original duo (half of Paris' problems with akuma is because of the love square, and them not being in love would save a lot of headache), what do you think?
Did someone fancy Fancy Heroes au?! Let’s just pretend you did
Keep in mind, there’s gonna be some out of order episodes, so… Yeah, it’s an au. Not everything’s gonna match up, you guys
It’s Zoé’s first day at DuPont… And she’s terrified. Cue dramatic inner monologue giving a vague hint on what went down back at her old school and explains her slight trust issues and why she left New York
Fortunately, she’s got her half sister (Who’s not a complete mythic bitch because they’ve been DMing each other ever since Chloé took a dna test when she was thirteen) to show her around and occasionally translate if needed
While they walk to school, Zoé runs into an old Asian man about to get run over by a car, and quickly pulls him out of the way
After checking up on him, they leave, and fail to notice his hand slipping into their backpack
Zoé meets her classmates and keeps her guard up when they try to converse with her
Marc who was assigned as Zoé’s guide, meets up with her, and while they’re both sort of introverts, Zoé attempts and succeeds in getting a few words out of him, and even learns about his crush on a certain someone when she catches him eyeing a redheaded guy walking past their classroom
The first day of school is pretty normal. Mme. Mendeleive welcomes Zoé, goes over the lesson plan, the students go to study hall, and Cosette saves Zoé from tripping over some asshole’s leg and embarrassing herself on her first day
Cue lesbian crush becuase this pretty girl so much prettier up close, and is holding their hand!
While Zoé is busy chatting them up, trying not to be a disaster, Stoneheart suddenly appears and starts destroying everything on sight
Ismael: Nope! Nope! Nope, nope, nope, nope! *Speedwalks away* I’m out! Peace be with y’all!
The students evacuate and head home while Stoneheart hunts for Kim, and that’s where Zoé finds the box in her bag. And in them she finds a ring, and… A tiny cat
Introductions go as canon, with Plagg explaining her new role, talking about the misuse of the Butterfly miraculous, asking for cheese, and of course… She’s freaking out becuase she’s a teenager with the world on her shoulders!
But after a much needed confidence boost, he transforms into Apex Predator, and their outfit is just so distinguished lesbian punk
They head out to track down Stoneheart, and meet another hero named Mariquita. They communicate with each other as to what their power sets are, helping them to come up with a plan, easily turn Stoneheart back into Ivan, and purify the Akuma
Crisis. Averted. Boom.
Oh, but the cops try to arrest Ivan until Apex Predator fucking lays into them and gives them all a verbal lashing
Apex Predator: He’s clearly disoriented and has no idea what just happened! He was possessed by some maniac who preyed on his emotions! That’s the guy you should be arresting! So, leave this sort of work to us until you can get your shit together!
Mariquita: If I weren’t gay, I’d be all over you.
Apex Predator: Yo, same!
The next day, Apex Predator and Mariquita are all anyone can talk about, and Zoé is trying so hard not to blush when girls call her hero persona hot
She notices that Ivan isn’t around and makes a note to ask Mariquita to help her make a public statement when she hears people still blaming Ivan for something that was not his fault
And she may not have to wait long becuase another Akuma appears! And it’s Stoneheart again, becuase some assholes just wanna blame him
This time, Mariquita slaps a few police officers across the face with his glove for shooting at Stoneheart while he has captives, becuase that’s dangerous as hell!
Anyway, they save Ivan, Myléne, and Chloé, Miraculous Ladybug, all is well… Then Hawkmoth makes his appearance and blames them for the destruction
Apex Predator: Fuck you, you human condom!
Mariquita: At least we’re not preying on the emotions of hormonal teenagers, you creep!
Apex Predator: CREEP!
They’re turned into memes instantly
Apex Predator and Mariquita are an impressive team- No romance gets in the way, they communicate, and Mariquita doesn’t throw Apex Predator into danger without warning
Zoé and Marc get pretty close as friends, and this makes Marc friends with Chloé by association and the enemy of one Marinette Dupain-Cheng (Who despises anyone who’s friends with Chloé because of a childhood grudge)
One day during another Akuma… Let’s say Mime, Mariquita protects Nathaniel from getting hit by the invisible arrows (Cue Nath’s celebrity crush)
When the Akuma’s all taken care of, Mariquita and Apex Predator head off to transform back, but unknowingly go in the same directions and transform right next to each
Zoé: MARC?!
Marc: ZOÉ?!
Marc/Zoé: …
Zoé: … Wanna… Catch a movie, sit in comfortable silence and then talk when it’s over?
Marc: Yeah, alright.
I take you back a few weeks ago to the start of the school year!
Marc is a shy boy who prefers to keep his face in books, when all of a sudden!… He has to show the new student around and bear social interaction!
He dreads the walk to school, but is actually relieved he left when he did, because there is just this old man reaching for his cane, and no one is helping him. Because he’s not an asshole, Marc helps him up and heads to school, not noticing the extra weight in his bag
Stoneheart happens, he meets Tikki, freaks out, and to the present!
After getting some explaining out of the way, Marc and Zoé figure they can make this work. Besides, it’s not like the world will end if they know each other’s identities… Yeah, no it won’t… They’re fine
Anyway, school’s normal, no akumas in about two weeks now, Nathaniel’s drawing Mariquita, Marc notices and blushes because a pretty artist is drawing his hero self
Of course, Zoé has to tease him, and in retaliation, he teases her about her crush on Cosette
Zoé: It’s funny how we’re both gay punks in love with short artistic bisexuals.
Marc: Life is odd that way.
Let’s see… Oh, on the weekend, during the fencing team’s practice, and during the episode, Copycat, Lacey, a friend and classmate of Marc and Zoé spies Marinette sneaking into the locker room and follows her
There, she spies Marinette breaking into Adrien’s locker and swiping his phone
She snaps a picture of this, becuase this is highly disturbing!
Then on Monday~
Ismael: Whoa! That’s creepy!
Denise: And highly disturbing.
Simon: Amazing video quality, but yeah, I agree with Ismael and Denise.
Reshma: I have always had my suspicions about her. I’ve seen the way she’s stared at Adrien, but I assumed it was an innocent crush.
Aurore: I saw her drool over him. It was gross.
Cosette: So… What shall we do with this video?
Jean: Blackmail!
Denise: Jean!
Jean: I want free clothes.
Aurore: Okay, but let’s hold off on showing that video. Technically, Lacey broke a law.
Lacey: She broke it first.
Aurore: True, but let’s go through all the right channels, and get this bitch red handed.
Mireille: That’s my girl.
So, on top of superhero work, Zoé and Marc are working up the nerve to ask their crushes out, doing schoolwork, and exposing Marinette’s steadily growing list of felonies because her behavior is just becoming disturbing
When Lila arrives, the Science Kids can already tell she’s lying, but figure she’s only trying to fit in. It’s Marinette who’s got the real problem with her
Marinette: You all know she’s lying?!
Cosette: Could you not scream in my fucking ear? Yes, we know she’s lying, and we don’t care. Why? Becuase this does not concern us. She’s not in our class, and she’s just telling us about her “connections.”
Simon: Yeah, and if your friends believe everything she’s saying, I fear the day they come across a cult leader, but so far, Lila’s just telling tales of an extravagant life. No need to bite our heads off.
Marinette: B-but she-
Mireille: Has a crush on Adrien?… She’s become infatuated with the object of your obsession? Hm?… Yes?… I have hit the nail?… She’s somehow stolen the boy you cannot speak three words to?… Has she?… Yes?
Marinette: I didn’t not come here to be mocked-
Marc: What did you expect, then?
Marinette: Oh, you and Zoé are probably laughing with Chloé all about Lila humiliating me!
Zoé: No, just about how tacky glitter is. Oh, and Chloé doesn’t believe her, either. I laid down some facts.
Marinette: … UGH! *Storms off*
Zoé: You’re welcome! Can you believe that girl?
Denise: Uh, guys? She’s following Lila.
Lacey: She’s gonna murder her! I knew someone from this shit hole would turn out to be a murderer!
Ismael: We gotta stop her!… After lunch.
Mariquita and Apex Predator battle Volpina, and learn from an Akuma with no filter just how she got Akumatized
Mariquita: Why would you pretend to be a superhero, first of all and then go telling some random guy? That’s dangerous with Hawkmoth going around.
Apex Predator: Second, Marinette was in the wrong for how she reacted.
Volpina: That’s not all! She followed me to the park!
Apex Predator: … If you give up your Akuma, you can help some… associates with a sting operation to get Marinette of your back.
Volpina: DEAL! *Breaks her necklace*
So Lila’s not the antagonist, but Marinette still hates her even though she stopped lying… About certain things
She apologizes to the class for lying, and they (Except Marinette) allow themselves to give her a second chance
Really, this is all so Lila can be a spy for the Girl Squad’s Adrinette plans and report back to the Science Kids, and then use her powers of manipulation to slowly get in the girls heads on how Marinette’s behavior is disturbing and quite frankly, toxic. It doesn’t take long to bring Alix over to her side
Hmm… What else?… Oh, yeah, remember when Lila tossed the Grimoire in the trash? Well, Marinette found it and discovered a little something about the Ladybug and Black Cat Miraculous. With the Wish, she can make Adrien all her’s!
She just has to get Akumatized and win
So, anytime there’s an Akuma near her, she makes a grab for it, but is real discreet about it and doesn’t go for one every day
Nothing can go wrong!
… Then Jean catches her reaching for an Akuma one day in Season 3. Fortunately, it got to Ikari Gozen first.
Reshma: This keeps getting better. Add it to the crimes list.
Simon: *Typing on his laptop* ‘Grabbing Akumas’. Okay, we’ve got breaking and entering, stealing, stalking, putting up an illegal ‘no parking’ sign, reading people’s private letters-
Lacey: Uh, guys? I caught Marinette making out with a wax statue of Adrien and then taking a strand of its hair… Then it turned out to be the real Adrien, and now I am going to have nightmares.
Simon: … I’ll add that to the ‘Disturbing Behavior’ list.
Mariquita and Apex Predator make sure to keep a nice close eye on Marinette from now on, but don’t account for her intentionally upsetting people so she can take their Akumas and look like the hero for keeping innocent people from getting Akumatized
Her latest victim? Nathaniel, already self conscious about being socially invisible and anxious after his classmates unintentionally left him behind during five Akuma attacks. She puts it in his head that it’s survival of the fittest and he’d just slow his friends down and put everyone in danger because he can’t keep up
Nathaniel: What the fuck?
Marinette: Or, and this is just a theory… Maybe it’s just that, they never liked you in the first place? Come on, you’re quiet, and it freaks people out. Sure, Juleka’s quiet, too, but Rose helps balance her out, you know, Nath?… Nath?
Nathaniel: …
Marinette: Yeah, good talk. *Leaves, but keeps an eye out for akumas*
Cue Akuma, but the next day, much to Marinette’s annoyance. Nathaniel is turned into Ultraviolet, an Akuma who can make himself invisible, and causes all sorts of chaos in his classroom- Flipping desks, scratching the chalkboard, breaking windows, and punching holes in the wall
When Alix realizes that the Akuma is Nathaniel, the students try to talk him down, but he refuses to listen and accuses them all of never caring about him, making them wonder where he got that idea from
Since they can’t just separate themselves from the group to go transform, Marc and Zoé attempt to talk to him and successfully assure him that his classmates do care about him
Doing so calms him down and allows Ultraviolet to reject the Akuma on his own while Tikki does the Miracle Cure
The first thing Nathaniel sees when he regains consciousness is a pretty boy looking concerned over him
When Alix goes to ask how he got Akumatized and where he got the idea that none of them cared about him, Nathaniel shuts down when he notices Marinette out of the corner of his eye
… Let’s skip
Okay, Marc and Nathaniel are slowly building their relationship, Cosette got tired of waiting an asked Zoé out since he’s obviously into them, and their list of Marinette’s crimes is slowly getting longer. Soon, they’ll turn it into the police and have the conduct an investigation. Oh, and they call new holders to help with Akumas (The Science Kids)
Marinette’s classmates, meanwhile, are becoming wary of her when they realize her “cute school girl crush” on Adrien is more of an obsession after Lila brings up the creepiness of the schedule
It’s late at night when suddenly, Marc and Zoé face their worst nightmares- Rejection, and Audrey
When they escape from their respective fears and run outside, they discover that this is the work of an Akuma, who just so happens to be Marc’s little brother!
To combat the nightmares being brought to life, they call in Jean to use the Pig Miraculous
Hamlet during his debut:
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(I just wanted an excuse to use this gif, now let’s get back to the story)
Marinette is becoming more frantic with each passing day. Adrien still isn’t hers’, her friends aren’t doing anything to help her with her plans, there are rumors going around that she caused Nathaniel to get akumatized because someone overheard their conversation, and the Science Kids have been spreading rumors around that she supposedly committed several crimes! Fortunately for her, Alya is sticking around (Only to keep her grounded)
When Alya tells her that maybe it’s time to move on, Marinette becomes angry and yells at her to leave
While Marinette’s alone, an Akuma makes its way into her room, and she grabs it. She tells Hawkmoth (Yeah, he’s Hawkmoth because I ain’t calling him Shadow Bitch) what powers she wants, and cue Princess Justice
Her power allows her to bring back every Akuma Hawkmoth’s ever made, and they’re all under her control, and by extension, Hawkmoth’s. Only he won’t get tired from having so many Akumas active, so that’s a win for him
A swarm of Akumas invades Paris and brings back many of the past Akumas. And while they’re spreading chaos, she’s hunting down the Science Kids and by extension, Chloé, Lila, Nathaniel, and Adrien
The Science Kids take refuge in a seemingly normal massage shop and watch live footage of the Akumapocalypse on their phones
Ismael: This is how we all die. I-I always thought I’d die long after I turn sixty, or something!
Cosette: That crazy bitch is gonna kill us all. We are fucking dead. So, I suggest we all pray for the cool hand of death to take us before she does!
Zoé: Babe, that’s dark.
Cosette: Because I’m scared as hell right now! She’s got a big ass sword, and I saw her pierce it through someone’s chest!
Master Fu: Can you all keep it down?
Science Kids: …
Jean: … Are we all seeing the same short Asian man?
Marc and Zoé realize they have no choice but to reveal themselves as Mariquita and Apex Predator.
Mireille: Knew it.
And Master Fu starts handing out the Miraculous for each of them to use. Jean gets the Pig, Denise gets the Turtle, Ismael gets the Snake, Reshma gets the Bee, Mireille gets the Mouse, Simon gets the Horse, Aurore gets the Rabbit, Cosette gets the Dragon, and Lacey gets the Fox
Their mission? Rip that Akuma from Princess Justice’s cold, dead hands!
Leonardo traps multiple Akumas in a massive Shell-ter, Lemon Bee freezes Dark Cupid so he can’t fire any arrows, Wyvern gathers up some lingering akumas using Wind Dragon, Bronco teleports those Princess Justice hasn’t slaughtered to safety, Minnie clones herself to break multiple Akuma-infected objects, Foxtrot distracts the Akumas with illusions of herself and the other heroes, and King Cobra stops many… Many horrible incidents
While battling some Akumas, Mariquita gets struck across the face by an unseen force and realizes that it’s Ultraviolet. He attempts to talk him out of it, but that only makes him angrier, so Mariquita says something to him that only Marc knows, momentarily distracting Ultraviolet enough for him to de-akumatize him
Nathaniel is just staring at him before Mariquita carries him bridal style to somewhere safe
Meanwhile, Princess Justice has found and kidnapped Adrien. Lapin’s not letting that happen, and goes back in time to whack Princess Justice over the head before yelling at her past self to get Adrien to safety and then leaving
Princess Justice is seething, and sends out more Akumas to akumatize more people while she goes to hunt down all those who betrayed her and put her sword to use
Eventually, Mariquita and Apex Predator corner her and give everything they’ve got against her attacks. However, when it looks like she’s about to win and cut their heads off, Hamlet swoops in and uses Gift on her. While she’s distracted by an image of Adrien being her devoted husband and having three planned kids, Apex Predator cataclysms her sword, and Mariquita purifies the Akuma, finally ending the madness
King Cobra: We lived, fuckers!
Lemon Bee: Oh, to hell with it. *Kisses Foxtrot*
Foxtrot: … Damn.
And while they’re celebrating, the police arrest Marinette because an unnamed someone emailed them a long list of her crimes, which include intentionally trying to get people Akumatized so she could take their Akumas
After Marinette is found guilty in a court of law, it’s a nice cozy jail cell countries away for her
Cosette: So… What now?
Marc: I guess we keep looking for Hawkmoth. I hear he’s got a new partner, now, and… Zoé and I could use more teammates if you-
Jean: Yes! For Daizzi and the outfit alone!
Cosette: Same, honestly.
Mireille: Is this happening? Are we doing this?
Zoé: We’re creating a superhero team! Fuck Fu’s shitty rules! And I’m gonna tell you guys so many fucking secrets about the Miraculous that Marc wasn’t allowed to tell me!
Marc: But then I told her! Fuck rules!
All I’ve got at the moment, but how am I just turning your prompts into pure Marinette Salt? Gimme another one, let’s see what else I can do
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A Tide That Turned Everything: Chapter I - Separated, Hurting, Broken
Summary: Aleksander is alive but he paid a price for surviving. Because of his actions Grisha are hunted and executed. They find a place where they can be safe. There you meet with Alina, Mal and Prince Nikolai. They plan to bring the country back together and destroy the Fold. In the meantime Aleksander gathers his own army. The question is, on which side will you be?
A/N: Here is another fic about General Kirigan and Reader! It's the third part in series about Reader being a Tidemaker. It concentrates of the events in season two of the show. I hope you will like it! As usual, I don't own anything from "Shadow and Bone". But I've almost finished reading the books! The only one that remains is the "Rule of Wolves". But this story still only focuses on the TV show. Also, English still isn't my first language, so if you see some mistakes, let me know. Enjoy!
Chapter Summary: Kirigan is searching for you and nothing will stop him from finding you. Nikolai tries to save his country. Alina tries to gather Morozova's amplifiers. And you? You try to mend your broken heart. Which may be difficult with everyone not trusting you and news you hear from David.
Pairing: Aleksander Kirigan/Reader, Ivan/Fedyor Kaminsky, Alina Starkov/Mal Oretsev
Characters: Aleksander Kirigan, Reader, David Kostyk, Genya Safin, Fruzsi, Fedyor Kaminsky, Alina Starkov, Nadia Zhabin, Mal Oretsev, Nikolai Lantsov, Zoya Nazyalensky, Tamar Kir-Bataar, Adrik Zhabin
Word Count: 4428
merzost – magic, abomination, unnatural creation, something from nothing moi tsarevich – my prince, son of tsar milaya – sweet girl There is a slight plot from third episode of the second season and also a bit more from the fourth episode. Inspired by prompts: https://pl.pinterest.com/pin/207306389089683705/ https://pl.pinterest.com/pin/207306389089584620/ https://pl.pinterest.com/pin/207306389089683695/ https://pl.pinterest.com/pin/207306389089684424/ https://pl.pinterest.com/pin/207306389089559821/ https://pl.pinterest.com/pin/207306389089683637/ https://pl.pinterest.com/pin/207306389089559895/
Tag list (let me know if you want to be added or removed):
Aleksander and his followers have set up a base in a house of an aristocrat family. Yes, he has survived. But paid a price for it. He created creatures of shadows with merzost, but because of that his health is falling. He's coughing, often with black substance, has headaches and has scars on his face that can't be healed. His condition deeply worries him. But something troubles him even more.
One day another group of recruits arrives. Aleksander immediately goes to greet them and looks at their faces. He's happy to see David and tells him that. Then, he returns to looking around. However, he doesn't see what he wants.
'Was [Y/N] with you?' he asks David, who's retreating with Genya. They stop. The Durast shakes his head with sorrow.
'I haven't seen her since the day we left the Little Palace after…' he doesn't finish. But Aleksander knows what he wanted to say. He nods. He walks to Fruzsi, another Tidemaker.
'Ask everyone who has arrived whether they have seen [Y/N] [L/N] during the last weeks,' he orders her. Fruzsi is surprised by this, but nods. She comes to his room an hour later.
'And?' he asks, expectant, hoping.
'No one has seen her,' Fruzsi answers. Aleksander's shoulders slump. He sighs, and runs a hand through his face.
'Tell the search parties to look specifically for her,' he orders. 'I want her found. As soon as possible.'
'I know she's close to you,' Fruzsi says, frowning. 'But shouldn't we focus on-'
'She's not close to me,' Aleksander interrupts her. 'She's everything to me.'
Fruzsi is surprised, guessing what he means. He turns away from her.
'With all due respect, sir…' she says slowly, '… why her?'
Aleksander turns to her. There's something in his eyes Fruzsi has never seen.
'Why anyone else when she exists?' he asks. The Tidemaker lingers only for a moment longer. But her place is quickly taken by someone else…
'Fedyor!' Aleksander says, happy and relieved. The Heartrender smiles and bows his head to his general. Kirigan walks to him and the two shake hands. The Darkling notices the tiredness and sadness in his friend's eyes.
'Ivan…' he says, his smile falling.
'Is alive,' Fedyor says. 'That's why it took me so long to get here. He's wounded and scarred. Healers are putting him back together at the moment.'
'I'm glad to hear it,' Aleksander says. 'He… he did well in the Fold.'
Fedyor nods. He bites his lip, hesitating.
'Any news of [Y/N]?' he asks. Sorrow fills Kirigan's eyes. He shakes his head.
'Not yet,' he answers and sighs heavily. He walks to his armchair and falls on it. He runs a hand through his face.
'I need her, Fedyor,' he says. 'Every time I turn my face, I expect to find her there. And I find nothing. It physically hurts. I've never known I'd meet a girl like her.'
'[Y/N] is one of a kind,' Fedyor agrees. Aleksander shakes his head.
'It's more than that,' he says and smiles softly. 'When I told her about my past, what I did, what I fear… she looked my demons in the eye and… smiled. She fell for the very thing I thought she'd fear.'
'I haven't met a kinder heart,' Fedyor says with a smile.
'Kind,' Aleksander says. 'Compassionate. Understanding. Gentle. That's who she is. That's why I fell for her. And I failed her. When she needed me the most, when they were throwing Grisha out of the Little Palace, I wasn't there. I even insisted she stayed there. She should have gone with you, like she wanted. But now she may be dead. And it's my fault.'
'She's not dead,' Fedyor says strongly. Kirigan looks at him with doubt.
'How can you be so sure?' he asks.
'Everyone knows she's important to you,' Fedyor answers. 'I think that if they had managed to kill her, they would have made every Grisha aware of it.'
He has a point, Aleksander must admit it. Hope reignites with him once more. Fedyor smiles.
'Fear not, General,' he says. 'She might look like a fragile flower, but her stem is made of steel.'
Aleksander can't help but smile. He nods. Fedyor's eyes suddenly light up.
'What about the gift you gave her for her last birthday?' he asks. Aleksander instinctively touches a ring on his finger. He sighs deeply.
'The problem is, I gave it to her so she would call on me if she needed help,' he says. 'Until she says my name while touching the necklace, I can't use my matching ring to track her. Believe me I… tried.'
'Well, we have David now,' Fedyor says. 'Maybe he could think of something.'
'He'd need something that belongs to her,' Aleksander explains, remembering how the Durast made the ring and necklace.
'And we don't have anything,' Fedyor sighs. Kirigan shakes his head.
'We will get her back, General,' the Heartrender assures him.
'I know,' Aleksander says and a look in his eyes darkens. 'I promised her. That the world can't keep us apart. And that there's nothing I wouldn't do to keep her by my side. I fully intent to keep that promise, Fedyor. No matter what.'
In the meantime, Alina and Mal have teamed up with a privateer, who's just turned out to be Prince Nikolai Lantsov. Together, they hunted the Sea Whip for Alina. She now has two amplifiers. She tried to destroy the Fold, but failed. After that, they head for the Spinning Wheel, a place where apparently Grisha have found a safe heaven – the Spinning Wheel. There, Alina reunites with Nadia… and Zoya. But the conversation with Zoya goes well, to Alina's surprise. They are now allies. After they walk their ways, Nadia joins Alina's side, uncertain.
'Someone else is in here you might be interested in,' she says.
'Who?' Alina asks, frowning. Nadia simply grabs her arm and drags her somewhere. A few corridors later the Sun Summoner sees a familiar back.
'[Y/N]!' she exclaims happily and runs forward, freeing herself of Nadia's hold. You turn around, surprised. You huff, when Alina falls into your arms. You hug her back slowly.
'Saints, I'm so glad you're okay!' she says, pulling away. You force a smile.
'Thank you,' you say. 'I'm happy you're alive as well. After I heard what had happened in the Fold…'
'I made it,' Alina says, smiling, and looks over your shoulder. 'Thanks to Mal.'
You turn your head and see a young man, looking both familiar and unfamiliar. He notices you and his frown tells you he has the same situation with you.
'Mal, look who's here!' Alina calls him, waving at him with enthusiasm. The man joins you, looking at you with interest.
'I hope you remember our dear friend from Keremzin, [Y/N] [L/N],' Alina says, looking between you two. Mal's eyes spark with recognition. He smiles broadly.
'How could I not?' he says and chuckles. 'You almost cracked my skull open once!'
'You definitely deserved it!' you laugh and go in for a hug. You hold each other tightly, then pull away. In a moment Mal's brows cease with worry.
'No offense, but you look awful,' he says. You smile wryly. You're well aware of the dark circles under your eyes, puffy eyes, pale face and so on.
'Well, I sleep with my one eye open,' you say. 'I'm not exactly welcome here.'
'Why?' Alina asks, frowning. You give her a look.
'I was one of Kirigan's most loyal Grisha,' you explain. 'No one here trusts me.'
'But you didn't know what he's planning,' Alina says vehemently. The corners of your lips lift slightly.
'How can you be so sure?' you ask.
'Yes, how can we?' a voice asks. You turn your head and see a young man in a uniform. You bow your head.
'Moi tsarevich,' you greet Nikolai. He stops by Alina and Mal's side.
'So?' he asks, eyeing you. 'How can we be sure we can trust you?'
'Nikolai!' Alina scolds him. You look tsarevich in the eyes.
'I didn't know Kirigan had planned to expand the Fold,' you declare. 'In fact, we haven't been close for a long time.'
'Why?' Nikolai asks, frowning. You smile wryly at him.
'I've been asking myself this question for months,' you answer. Nikolai eyes you again.
'I trust [Y/N],' Alina says strongly. Nikolai looks at her and they exchange a look. Finally, he nods and smiles at you.
'Alina's friends are mine friends,' he says and takes your hand in his, then kisses it. 'Pleasure to meet you, Miss [L/N]. And I'm sorry for the suspicion.'
'Charmed,' you say, smiling slightly. 'And it's perfectly alright. I understand.'
'Come, we have a lot to catch up,' Alina says, taking your arm and you start walking. Soon enough she tells you what happened to her. She tells you how Baghra warned her about Aleksander. How she escaped. How she met with Mal. How they found the Stag. But then Kirigan found them. He killed the Stag and joined Alina with its bones. He tried to harness her powers for himself. He used them to expand the Fold. But there Mal and three rouges from Ketterdam saved her. She and Mal escaped to Novyi Zem. There they met Nikolai.
'And that's about it,' Alina finishes her story a moment later.
'You've certainly been busy,' you comment. Your friend sighs. There's sadness in her eyes.
'I still can't believe I let him fooled me,' she says. 'I… I honestly thought we share some sort of connection, you know?'
'Yeah,' you answer quietly, now sad as well. But Alina quickly becomes angry.
'I still can't believe how cruel he really was,' she says with venom. 'All those people he murdered… because he wanted more power. How could someone be so cold-hearted?'
'Behind every cold-hearted person there is a kind heart which has been treated with coldness for a while,' you say quietly. Alina looks at you with surprise. But you don't say anything more.
'What about you?' your friend asks. 'How did you escape from the Little Palace?'
'I didn't,' you answer after a moment. Alina frowns at you. She looks you up and down, no doubt wondering how you can be here if you hadn't escaped from the Little Palace. You avoid her eyes.
'When the First Army raided the Little Palace, I focused on getting everyone else out,' you start. 'Especially the children. So, when I was about to evacuate myself… it was too late. I was caught.'
'[Y/N]…' Alina says, horrified. You force a smile and shake your head.
'It wasn't really for a long time,' you say. 'I escaped.'
'How?' Alina asks. You're silent for a moment. You try not to think about the time you were a captive. About what they did to you…
Darkling's whore… Filthy witch… Stupid serving girl…
'They were careless,' you answer. 'Thought they broke me. I used it against them. Then I found out about this place. Others weren't exactly thrilled to see me but they took me in. I guess my sorry state made them pity me.'
'[Y/N]… what had they done to you so they thought they broke you?' Alina asks with worry.
'Hurt me,' you answer after a moment and force a smile at her. 'You should rest. You've had a tiring journey.'
'But-' Alina starts, frowning.
'I'll see you later,' you say, hug her briefly, then walk away. Your heart is hammering in your chest. You don't look back. You don't think about what you told Alina. You don't think about it so much, you bump into someone.
'Sorry!' you apologise. The person turns out to be Zoya. She looks you over.
'How are you looking worse and worse every day?' she asks. You smile wryly.
'It's my hidden talent,' you answer and attempt to walk past her. But she grabs your arm. You look up at her. There's seriousness in her eyes.
'You're not alone,' she says, confusing you. 'Kirigan had us all fooled. I know it's hard for you, you were his personal servant and then his trusted Grisha. I know you must have certain attachment to him but… you have to let it go. He murdered innocents. And would do it again.'
'You… "Attachment"?' you repeat with disbelief. 'Zoya, I… He was the first person who saw I'm more than just a plain serving girl. Every time I struggled, he was there to help me. He saved me every time I was in danger. Do you remember Tsybeia? Even before it turned out I'm a Grisha he was always kind to me and protected me. And now… everyone tells me what he did, who he is. But I can't just forget about all the good stuff he did.'
Zoya looks at you. Suddenly, her eyes go wide. You stiffen. You know she realised your secret.
'And you love him,' she guesses and crosses her arms. 'Tell me, if he handed you a bloodied hand, would you take it, only because it was his?'
You stare at her. Tears well up in your eyes. You smile sadly, a bit brokenly.
'I honestly have no idea, Zoya,' you whisper and turn. You walk away, trying to blink away the tears. And you definitely don't think how much you miss Aleksander. Nor how much you wish he was alive.
The night falls. It is a relief to you, because you finally are away from the judging eyes, hurtful whispers. But the sleep never comes easily. Your thoughts are always a mess. Today as well.
You lay down in bed and try very hard to fall asleep. Your thoughts drift to everything that happened that day. You sigh and hesitantly grab the necklace on your neck. Pain clenches your heart.
Suddenly you find yourself in Kirigan's chambers in the Little Palace. Everything is just like you remember. You look down at yourself and see the clothes you were wearing as Aleksander's personal servant.
'I did miss the sight of that band on your arm,' you hear. Your heart stops. Oh, how you longed to hear that voice. You turn around and see Aleksander leaning on his table. He looks just like he did when you last saw him.
'Yet I still preferred to see you in your kefta,' he says, slowly walking towards you. 'It suited you. It was meant to be yours.'
'Sometimes I wish I've never discovered my powers,' you admit. 'Then I would just admire you from afar. I wouldn't feel this pain now.'
'Do you really?" Aleksander asks. You think for a moment. You smile sadly and shake your head.
'Not really, no,' you answer. 'Because it was worth it. Being with you was the happiest time of my life. Even though you insisted on hiding it from everyone.'
Aleksander stops in front of you. He hands his head.
'Will you ever find it in your heart to forgive me?' he asks. You're quiet for a moment.
'I don't know,' you answer honestly. Aleksander nods, understanding. He looks up and reaches toward your face, but hesitates. His hand hangs in the air.
'I hate seeing you sad,' he says.
'Then come back to me,' you say, tears filling your eyes. 'I just want to see you. Hold you. Hug you. Touch you. Kiss you. Cuddle with you. Love you. Then I'll stop being sad.'
Aleksander looks at you with pain. He hates to see you like this.
'I want this too, milaya,' he says. 'So much.'
'I waited for you,' you say. 'Like I promised I would. Part of me still does. Even though it's impossible for you to return to me.'
'[Y/N]…' Aleksander whispers. He slowly reaches out to you again. When you don't flinch away, he cups your cheek. The moment he does, your clothes change into your kefta from the winter fete. He smiles softly.
'I didn't even tell you that you looked magnificent that night,' he says quietly. 'Beautiful. And your performance… You were extraordinary.'
You smile. You waited so long to hear those words. You lean into his touch.
'It's hard without you,' you say.
'I know the feeling,' Aleksander says quietly. You touch his hand that is on your cheek. You turn your head and kiss it.
'Everyone is sad to be gone from the Little Palace,' you say. 'They say their lost their home. But I lost mine before the First Army attacked us.'
'Because I was your home,' Aleksander says quietly. You nod. Kirigan presses his forehead to yours. He closes his eyes.
'I wish I was kissing you instead of missing you,' he whispers, his voice shaking from pain. You close your eyes, fighting with tears. You fail, obviously. You can feel them falling down your cheeks.
'Did you think of me?' you dare to ask. 'When you were in the Fold?'
'Yes,' Aleksander answers, clenching his jaw. 'I wanted you to be by my side. And then I wanted to come back to you.'
'Why didn't you tell me?' you ask. 'About your plans about Alina and the Fold? The real ones.'
'Because you have a compassionate heart,' Aleksander answers after a moment. 'You'd disagree with my plan. Maybe leave me.'
'You don't know that,' you say, shaking your head.
'Wouldn't you?' Aleksander challenges you. You're silent.
'I don't know what would I do,' you say and look him in the eyes. 'You robbed me of that choice.'
Kirigan looks down. Maybe he's actually ashamed a bit.
'But I know I wouldn't leave you,' you add. Aleksander's head shoots up. You cup his face.
'I promised you to be with you for better and for worse,' you say. 'No matter what would happen, I would be with you.'
'And then maybe you would die in the Fold,' Aleksander says flatly. 'This one time I wouldn't have been able to save you.'
'Maybe I would have saved myself,' you suggest with a small smile. Kirigan sighs and shakes his head.
'Sometimes I really can't with you,' he says. You grin at him. But then your smile falls.
'Kiss me?' you plead. You don't have to ask twice. Aleksander cups your face and kisses you.
'We shall be together again, my darling, I promise,' he whispers.
'I want this more than anything,' you whisper back. 'So much.'
'Be patient, [Y/N],' Aleksander pleads. 'For me. Please.'
'I'm waiting,' you whisper. 'I'll be always waiting for you.'
Kirigan opens his eyes. He's met with the wall of his room in the residence. He sighs heavily and sits up. His finger caresses the ring on his finger. Then, he lifts it to his lips.
'Please, [Y/N],' he whispers. 'Call for me. Call for me and I'll come for you. I swear. I will always come for you.'
You, Tamar (a Heartrender) and Nadia watch Alina training her new abilities. She thrusts light at her target… but even though it's impressive, it doesn't even reach it.
'Absolute rubbish,' she grunts. Nadia scoffs and gives Tamar a look.
'It's the second amplifier,' the Heartrender explains. She walks to pick up a mannequin. You three follow her.
'With the Stag, summoning came like breath,' Alina says. 'This is like… reining chaos. Crossing the Fold was a disaster.'
'Hey, we'll get you there,' Nadia comforts her. 'If it helps, I could hit you with a switch and call you "stupid girl".'
'It may come to that,' Alina sighs. 'How is it I'm overwhelmed by the second amplifier and at the same time feeling the lack of a third?'
'Well, for now, let's focus on what we can fix,' Nadia says.
'Your aim, for starters,' you suggest. Alina gives you a look and scoffs. You all go back.
'As leader of the Second Army, I need more,' she says. Ah, yes. You had a dinner with the Lantsov family (you were so not happy they've arrived). During that Nikolai announced he and Alina are engaged (yeah, because you didn't see how she and Mal look at each other) and that from now on she's the leader of the Second Army. Not everyone was happy about it (ekhm, Zoya).
'I need to learn the Cut,' Alina says, turning to you. You stiffen.
'That was Kirigan's way, to lead with fear,' Nadia protests. 'You can lead with your heart. The Second Army will be better for it.'
'You make a good point,' Tamar agrees. 'But I wouldn't completely reject fear. Can't tell you how many have taken one look at my girls and… reconsidered. I don't know how the Cut works, that's a top-shelf Etherialki move, but I do know how to direct power. It's all about intention. I like to picture the face of the person I want to crush. Try it.'
Alina positions herself and exhales. She closes her eyes. Soon light surrounds her. A moment later she grunts angrily, waves her hands and light shots forward. You all look at the effect with wide eyes.
'Well, it's not the Cut, but… it's effective,' Tamar laughs. Nadia suddenly straightens up.
'Wait a moment,' she says. 'We do have here someone who's managed the Cut.'
She and Alina look at you. Tamar looks at you, impressed. You gulp.
'Once,' you say. 'I did it once. And I have no idea how. I… didn't exactly plan it.'
'Well, what did you think about then?' Tamar asks and you stiffen. 'What did you feel?'
You see in your mind Aleksander and Alina talking together, laughing. You remember the pain and hurt you felt. You were so overwhelmed you just had to let it go. And slashed the dummy.
'Anger,' you finally answer. 'I felt anger. The kind that was killing me.'
Before anyone can ask you more, you hear footsteps. You turn and see Adrik, Nadia's brother.
'I know, not to be disturbed, but they need you in the war room,' he says to Alina. She nods and looks at others. Tamar and Nadia turn and start walking. Alina grabs her jacket and follows them. But then she notices you're not following.
'[Y/N]?' she asks. You shake your head.
'My presence will not be welcomed there,' you say and smile. 'Go without me.'
Alina hesitates, but eventually nods and leaves. Adrik is behind her. You turn to look at the dummy the Sun Summoner hit. It has a hole coming from the arm to the stomach. Almost like the Cut.
You leave a few minutes later. You take a few turns, heading toward your room, when…
'David,' you say, surprised. David with his hands spread is being led by Tolya (a Heartrender and Tamar's twin) somewhere. They stop, hearing your voice. The Durast's eyes go wide.
'[Y/N],' he says and goes pale. 'Oh, Saints, you're here…'
'Why are you…?' you start but then remember. David was the one who made the collar for Alina. They don't trust him here.
'Come,' Tolya says and continues to take David away. You're left there, stunned and shocked. You can't believe your dear friend is here. And that he is a prisoner, while you walk free…
Later you come across Alina on the corridor. She smiles at you. You look at her, troubled.
'I need to ask you a favour,' you say.
'Anything,' Alina says at once. You gulp.
'I need to see David,' you say. Alina blinks.
'And you need me for…?' she asks. You sigh.
'For getting through the door,' you say. 'Alina, just because you trust me, doesn't mean others do. Please. I need to know if he's okay.'
Alina nods and walks with you to Nikolai. The prince isn't happy but he grants you your request. A moment later you enter David's cell. Alone.
'[Y/N],' he says, straightening up at the sight of you. You smile.
'How are you, David?' you ask.
'I'm… fine, thank you,' he answers. You frown. He's terribly stiff.
'And not exactly thrilled to see me,' you point out. David sighs.
'Forgive me,' he asks. 'Of course, I'm happy to see you. But if he finds out you're here…'
'Who?' you ask, blinking. David stares at you. He stares at you with disbelief, when he sees you're not fooling around.
'You… you don't know?' he asks.
'About?' you ask, confused. David shifts, uncomfortable. He doesn't know if he should say it. But you won't let it go, he just knows it.
'Kirigan is alive,' he finally says quietly. You stumble back and hit a table with your back. You stare at David, shocked.
'No,' you say, your lip trembling. 'You're lying. He can't be.'
'I would never lie to you about this,' David says softly. You stare at him. And see no deception in his eyes. He's telling the truth.
You bring hands to your mouth and let out a sob. You close your eyes and cry. You cry for the first time since the raid. These are tears of anger, sadness, pain, sorrow… and joy.
'How?' you whisper, looking at David again. 'How did he survive?'
'He created something in the Fold,' he answers, wincing. 'Creatures made of shadow. I guess they helped him. But he… he paid a big price for it.'
'What price?' you demand.
'He's troubled by coughs, headaches, pain,' David answers. 'I… I fear only merzost could cure him.'
Your heart aches. You don't know how you feel about all that.
'[Y/N]… that necklace I gave you… where is it?' David asks. Your heart speeds up.
'I don't know,' you lie. 'I lost it when the Little Palace was attacked.'
'Are you sure?' David asks. 'Because if even by accident you call him… he will come here at once for you.'
'Me?' you ask, raising your eyebrows. The Durast looks at you. He hesitates again.
'The priority for him and his Grisha is finding you,' he finally says. 'He… Every day with no news about you is making him more agitated. He insists that he needs you by his side. He more or less admitted that there was something going on between you two.'
You're quiet. You shake your head.
'I'm not the one he needs,' you deny and leave. You stop a few turns later. Your hand reaches to the hidden necklace under your kefta. You stop your hand mid-air. You shake your head and resume walking. You must let go of Aleksander. For your sake. And for others'.
A/N: Thank you for reading! Let me know your thoughts! Reblog, like and comment if you could.
This can also be found on Archive of Our Own: https://archiveofourown.org/works/49965037/chapters/126151432
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madamefeu · 2 months
Hi! Here’s what your favorite Miraculous Ladybug character says about you!:
Marinette: You’re a child. You’re a member of the target audience for this show, and you don’t know why all of these teens and adults are raging so much about the ladybug show, but you’re content to watch the show and beg your parents for the toys and the cereals. Do they taste good? Probably not. But they have Ladybug on the box so you don’t care
Adrien: You don’t have an ideal relationship with your father. You’re a chronic people pleaser and you have no sense of boundaries, and you need to learn how to say no. Also break up with your girlfriend, she’s not in love with you, she’s obsessed with you, there’s a difference. You are not a person to her, you are a trophy
Nino: You’re really nice and a great friend, but that’s kind of all there is to you. You’re like vanilla ice cream, you’re sweet, and you’re dependable, and you’re so inoffensive that no one could possibly hate you
Alya: Some people are destined for greatness. You are destined to forever be a sidekick, and you’re surprisingly ok with that. You like supporting others from behind the scenes, and you don’t want the spotlight
Mylene: 2010s alt fashion has you in a chokehold, and you never want it to let go. You will be wearing shorts over tights and owl necklaces until your dying days
Ivan: Shy people who have the most hardcore music on their Spotify playlists. You listen to Insane Clown Posse and Suicide Silence while doing laundry or walking your dog
Rose: You’re an uwu pastel girly with the cutest fashion sense, also you’re definitely not straight
Juleka: Goth lesbian. You have a crush on your best friend, and I know that she likes you too, so just tell her how you feel already
Nathanael: Stop trying to make your best friend come out, he might not even be gay. Ok, he might be, but he’ll come out in his own time, you can’t rush him
Marc: *Holds up non-binary flag as the French national anthem plays*
Chloe: We know, Chloe was done dirty by the show. Everyone knows it by now, so keep writing your fix-it fics, or shut up and find a better fandom to join
Sabrina: Stop having crushes on your bullies, they are terrible people, you cannot change them
Kagami: Mommy issues. Probably not heterosexual. Probably needs a lifetime of therapy
Felix: You have daddy issues and you date girls with mommy issues, also I would bet my life savings on you not being neurotypical
Lila: Yet another brilliant character who was completely done dirty by the show. Go join the Chloe fans and write fix-it fics together
Toxinelle: You have a type, and that type is emo girls. You unironically love listening to them ramble about their latest edgy wolf OC or what they bought at Hot Topic
Griffe Noir: You’re in the same boat as the Adrien fans, but you also have a huge crush on an emo girl. If you wanna impress her, learn to play her favorite songs on guitar or write a poem for her. She’ll go nuts for that
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tumblingxelian · 3 months
Lady Glasswing & the Golden Guardian
Sooo I had some Butterfly!Marinette thoughts after writing the prologue and decided to share:
Tentative naming theme, The Golden Guardian & Lady Glasswing. IE, Chloe & her team center their IDs on acting as Guardians.
The story opens on Fu meditating to commune with the new Butterfly. He tries to be nice & diplomatic it all goes to hell when his explanations for not resurrecting people come off as "Selfish/Foolish"
But he figures they are a child without much real malice, he can handle this alone.
He cannot handle this alone.
Because Marinette is cunning & full of tricks.
More under the cut:
Its Winter, cos there's no strict reason to start this on the new school year. Both Adrien's parents are alive, so while cloistered he's not as desperate to get out. Some like Kagami may already be around.
I could also see the story being less "Episodic" and more being like, several "Specials" or movies.
IE, Glasswing's debut & Chloe's rise, the formation of the team & a betrayal, Shanghai & ID reveals, Heroes' Day, conclusion, perhaps?
The story would mostly follow Chloe & her allies, but cut back to Marinette fairly often and have some back and forths showing the steady shifts in dynamics as time passes.
As discussed Marinette's arc here is sort of study in a "Good" victim shifting into a "Bad" victim. In this case its also how the systems and cultures in place can fail both.
IE, Marinette was a good victim in response to tragedy, she didn't lash out, or make people uncomfortable. She cried as one would expect but she never made too much of a scene & she tried not to impose on others.
As a result she did not get nearly enough support & the systems meant to help her failed.
Either by simply not giving her enough time (Still expected to return to school) or through stuff like legalities & language (Her uncle & aunt can't do much) or negligence, (Her grandmother is her guardian but is not very preset because Marinette seems to be handling this well)
Add in a magic butterfly with empathy powers giving her a skewed sense of how emotions work. Leading to her alienation from the human condition & increasing desperation to undo her tragedy... Well this leads her to isolating & lashing out at others. a vicious cycle.
Ideally, I think the story would end with her being defeated but her identity covered up so she can get some fucking therapy. Possibly cos Chloe as a bad victim in her own right can kind of see a lot of herself in Marinette, like:
"If I had ended up with magical powers after one of my mothers visits, I'd have destroyed a lot of stuff too."
But unsure, the one gripe I have with this AU is how low key grim everything is while also finding that fascinating.
A lot depends on the tone really.
Because post prologue I basically envision a Mylene Akuma serving as Fu's debut & him saving Chloe, maybe an Ivan one the next day. Then Evilustrator so Marinette can cover her ID by rejecting him and being a target alongside Chloe.
Which also lets her see Fu has limited stamina.
Cue her creating several Akuma over a few days & then transforming several people; letting them run wild while keeping one on a leash (The Magician) to wear down Fu, then hit him with a surprise attack.
He manages to slip away via the Horse Miraculous with Chloe who was targeted as usual, but... Well his body basically gives out. With Chloe being defaulted to as the Box's new Guardian by proximity or Fu trying to get her to heal him.
Cue Chloe having a bit of a breakdown.
In the grim versions of the story he stays deceased, while in the lighter one's he returns via the Miracle Cure but has Guardian amnesia so he's mostly just able to offer her tea & a sympathetic ear.
Either way, this would also be where Marinette finds out Akuma cannot be wrangled as easily as she thought.
This forces a brief team up with Chloe that also lets her escape & gives motive to not pull a stunt like that again.
Meanwhile Chloe as the New Guardian realizes she is liable to be Glasswing's main suspect & living a very exposed life, does not keep the box or all the Kwami with her.
Instead, she hands them over to the few people she trusts, or that they trust. Keeping adults out of it either at the Kwami's advice & her own suspicion as taking them back would be super hard.
As a result:
Sabrina gets a couple and basically serves as Chloe's partner & or sidekick.
If she & Kagami are on decent terms or Adrien recommendation due to being tasty in a fight she gets some right away or after arrival.
The largely homebound Adrien holds the box along with Kaalki and Tikki. As Chloe captures the Akuma & brings them to him for Purification & Miracle Cures.
Chloe wants Tikki & Plagg as far away from Glasswing as possible.
Which leads to her sending the Black Cat to Zoe. They aren't close but they are family so she trusts it will work out. Plagg isn't a fan but in Chloe's words:
"No! I refuse! I refuse to let her win no matter what! Do you hear me!? Lady Glasswing might kill me, but she does not get to win!"
Plagg feigns agreeing because he respects spite, but it only takes him a few weeks to convince Zoe to become a hero and ultimately go to Paris.
Chloe: See this! This is why I have trust issues! Zoe: (Waves) Hi :) Plagg: >;3c
Zoe's also not over her "Pretending to be mean" phase, but adopts a more "Spoiled/Clingy little sister" act with Chloe; who despite herself, due to what happened with Fu is pathologically protective.
This, her time as a hero and getting emotional support from the Kwami & Fu, as well as seeing how little her parents; care all feed into her steady self improvement & bettering mental health. Plus therapy.
Chloe doesn't start out notably better than canon though just to be clear. But she does opt to not start anything with Marinette given the tragedy... But she is less patient when several members of class try & demand that of her too.
The stammering voice of Mylene hit Chloe's ears, a faint tremor touched with heat, "C- Chloe I need to, to tell you, Mari-" 'Again!?' White hot anger flashed across Chiloe's vision and before she knew it her palm had slammed against the nearest locker with a resounding bang! "I swear, if you and your rainbow dreadlocks are not fleeing my sight by the time I turn around, I won't care if I am held responsible for what I do to you!" Pivoting, Chloe was satisfied to see Mylene fleeing around the nearest corner. That was more like it, Chloe could feel the tightness in her chest fading as satisfaction replaced anger. "Chloe!" Sabrina's terrified squeak was all the warning Chloe needed to spin around to face a furious Ivan. The towering boys hands slammed either side of the lockers boxing her in. "You had no right to speak to her like that!" 'Oh, its about her,' Chloe realized, his voice ringing in her ears as a smirk forced its way onto her lips. A vicious one with teeth. "That's hilarious, given the likes of you have no right to speak to me at all." His hands balled into fists still clanking against the lockers as veins throbbed on his neck. Chloe opened her hand, long, deadly nails poised as her blood began to race. "Go ahead, see what happens when a plebian tries to strike their better." For a moment it looked like he might act before ripping his hands back with a roar. "You aren't worth it!" "Please," She muttered, turning and strutting away, "A strand of my hair is worth more than your house." Sabrina fell in at her side, gasping, "That was amazing Chloe, you really scared him off!" Preening, she waved her hand, "Some people just need to be reminded of their place, several in fact." Sabrina's brow knitted together, "So does that mean we're going after M-" "No, I already said that she's irrelevant, utterly irrelevant to me. But the rest of the class, they need a reminder of etiquette." - Within a dimly lit room, a smile spread across a masked face as she watched the pulsating cocoon finally hatch. "I knew I could count on you to hurt someone, so predictable." The violet Akuma flexing its ghostly wings before taking off into the air and towards its target. "Fly , fly my Butterfly, and bring me my prize."
Still unsure on some names, especially as Golden Guard is in use lol, plus do love Medusa for a Snake & Bee fusion.
Broadly most of them rely on swapping out between 2 or 3 Miraculous in fights or outright fusions, so the team is smaller but has more powers. Though using many in short succession or more than two at a time does have consequences.
Fei Wu joins the team as the sixth ranger around the same time or slightly after Lila is booted or leaves & hooks up with Marinette. Due to her father not being dead she's much more chill & kind of a nice jock in terms of vibes. She wants the other half of the Prodigious stolen by Lady Glasswing to be used by her & Lila back.
IE, Fei Wu has physical enhancements but Lila can spew all sorts of magma or radiation and such due to Fei fusing with the actual spirit, but Lila holding the Prodigious. To compensate, Fei also gets the Mouse.
Its funny how this was inspired by the Dad!Villain AU, but without the Wish thing, that'd change the tone again. But also probably just lead to Gabriel being murdered in his sleep XD Plus leaning away from the reality rewrite by using the Twelve Kwami lore.
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saintbrown · 2 months
Idea for a Miraculous LadybugxRottmnt crossover fic:
Miraculous Ninja Turtles: Rise of Ladybug and Chat Noir
Here’s how it goes:
A month after Hawkmoth first appeared, Master Fu is concerned with the frequency with which Marinette and Adrien’s classmates (as well as people related to them) have been akumatized. Having no other choice, he sends out a mystical message that is supposed to make contact with a clan that in the past were great allies to the order of the miraculous, the Hamatos. Half an hour later, a blue portal materializes in his living room and out come a giant rat man and four teenaged turtles.
Because of the akuma situation, the turtles are given disguise charms so they can enroll in College François DuPont as humans, while keeping their identities as the akuma fighting turtles a secret. Master Fu also keeps from them the identities of Ladybug and Chat Noir, as a precaution.
Here’s what I was thinking in terms of their dynamics with the class:
Leo: mostly hangs out with Kim and Alix, participating in their competitions and showboating (skateboarding, maybe?), he also joins the fencing club (something he is familiar with, but is still entirely different from what he knows) and forms a friendship with Adrien through it, and a rivalry with Kagami later.
Raph: lets his instincts lead him to the only person in class with a strong older sibling, Alya, and by extension Marinette and Nino. Whenever Alya nosedives into danger for her blog, Raph nosedives after her to drag her out. He also gets along great with Ivan (and Milene, though she is a bit intimidated by him) as they bond over being big as all get out guys.
Donnie: while the other three get along, to some extent, with most of the class, Donnie is the only one who will avoid interacting with the class, unless his brothers drag him along or it’s either Max (duh) or Nathaniel, whom he sits next to in the back of the class and will partner up with him for science projects, as he is the one less likely to bother help him with them.
Mikey: he hears the words “troubled teen with mommy issues and a preference for the color yellow” and he latches onto Chloe (and Sabrina) for dear life, telling her what she wants to hear, but in a way that keeps her out of trouble, and busting out Dr. Feelings whenever the need arises. If, for whatever reason, Chloe isn’t available, he will hang out with Rose (and Juleka).
Master Splinter: him and Master Fu get along like old friends. Fu will tell him stories about traveling the world with the miraculous and Splinter will show him his old Lou Jitsu movies and tell him factoids about the filming. They both enjoy each other’s company greatly.
Hero dynamics:
Leo and Chat Noir are fucking insufferable together. Despite becoming friends almost immediately, they can’t help but to bring out each other’s most annoying qualities, which isn’t great for
Raph and Ladybug, who are reaching their wit’s end with the other two, even to the point where they will speak in unison when reprimanding them. There’s a sort of mutual respect between them, both as the ones in charge and as wearers of red.
Mikey is everybody’s friend, he laughs at Chat Noir’s jokes and goes along with Ladybug’s plans, unless Raph has anything to say against it.
Donnie will, for the most part, follow either Raph or Leo’s lead in a fight, as he can’t help but see Ladybug as an inexperienced kid and Chat Noir as one Leo too many for his liking.
Ladybug doesn’t trust the turtles at first, but relaxes when Alya shows her pictures of the day inter-dimensional flesh attacked New York and the turtles that saved the city.
Chat Noir loves them almost immediately, even if Raph gets on his case sometimes, he’s like the responsible older brother that Adrien always wanted.
The shipping:
Raph is an Adrinette shipper, through and through, and will join Alya and the other girls in making it happen.
Leo, despite being her rival, thinks that Kagami and Adrien would make the cutest couple and is constantly arguing with Raph about it, along side
Mikey, who thinks that Luka and Marinette are perfect for each other.
Donnie couldn’t care less about the whole ordeal and is, in fact, working on an anti-love serum out of spite. His work has yet to bear fruit, but his annoyance will keep him on track.
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