#Jean Duparc
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booksrbetterthanpeople · 2 months ago
How would your ocs react to What Marinette has done in season 5 finale?
Science Kids: *Glaring at Marinette*
Alya: *Whispers to Marinette* What did you do to them?
Marinette: I don’t know. And honestly? That’s not the worst thing they’ve done.
*In the kitchen one rainy evening, Marinette is pouring herself some juice and takes a sip, only to spit it out when she sees Simon at the window holding up a replica of the Ladybug and Black Cat Miraculous*
Marinette: AAH! *She closes the curtains, but when she turns her head, she sees Cosette standing at the other window with a black cat plushie and shuts those curtains and the third set.* It’s fine. They’re not really here. They’re not- OH, GOD!
*Standing at the kitchen window is Denise holding up a photo of Gabriel Agreste with his eyes scratched out*
*Marinette runs upstairs to her bedroom and pushes her chaise on the hatch*
Marinette: That’s not possible, they shouldn’t- *She whips her head around when she hears tapping at her window, and screams when she sees Jean and Reshma, the latter holding up a sign that says, ‘We know what you did in the last world’* No, no, no, NO! *She climbs up the ladder to her bed, but when she looks up, she sees Zoé looking down on her through the glass ceiling hatch* AAAHH! Leave me alone!
*’Little Kitty on the Roof’ plays in an eerie chord. Slowly, Marinette turns her head and sees Marc standing in the corner of her room and playing the song on his phone*
Marc: … Boo.
*Marinette screams, jumps down and pushes her chaise off of the hatch before hurrying out as if her life depended on it*
Marc: … Think we overdid it?
Aurore: *Emerges from the shadows with Mireille and Ismael, wearing Chat Noir, Ladybug and Hawkmoth costumes respectively* Well, you did. We didn’t get to scare her.
Zoé: *Tapping the glass* Hey, can you guys let us inside? It’s cold!
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coq-courage · 2 months ago
Rebooting Coq a Day Countdown! 16 15 days to go!
Today we speak about one of my favorite Random Civilians in Miraculous Ladybug, one Jean Duparc
This pic is from the wiki cuz I dont want to grab a better one
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But i want yall to REALLY look at this face... and now rewatch from the beginning of the show and tell me how often you see this fella
He is EVERYWHERE and we know he gets akumatized into the Magician of Misfortune but we know almost nothing about him, and yet
He has a name!
A FULL name!
I love him
We see him with friends now and then, laughing, and he's not in Chloe's circle, he's in Marc and Zoe's class
I personally consider him the bisexual friend to Marc and Zoe's gay and lesbian, but maybe he's straight, we don't know, he can be anything you want
I just want people to use him more in fics even without Marc or Zoe
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msweebyness · 14 days ago
Mylene 2. Jesse
My babies!!!!💖💖💖 @imsparky2002 @booksrbetterthanpeople @nerdy-chocomallow
They’ve been friends basically since birth since Fred and Imelda were old university best friends, and they remained close all throughout their lives
She is a total mama bear towards him. Upset this boy and prepare to die a painful death.
She taught his classmates how to coach him through a panic attack.
They gave each other’s respective significant others the shovel talk. Hers was significantly scarier than his. Anthony is convinced she stole a piece of his soul.
They have sleepovers every other Friday, where they binge old musicals and trashy reality tv.
She loves it when he lets her style his soft, fluffy hair. The boy can rock a ponytail. (He also styles hers sometimes)
Them when their parents got married before their graduation:
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They are not afraid to be physically affectionate with each other, they hug a lot. People think their boyfriends would have a problem with this, but why would they?
She will carry him if he’s tired or upset, because he’s babey.
They both carry stim toys for when the other’s anxiety is acting up
They always tell each other everything, she was one of the first people who knew about his dad.
They will sing together if they feel like doing so.
With Jean, they form the Broadway Baby Trio™️. It’s basically Team Rocket, but with showtunes.
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lostuntothisworld · 3 months ago
Bitter and Rebellious, Lilamoth's Origins, a rough draft
Maria DeAngelo was not a good person.
She was born lower class, and was extremely bitter about it. Although she had the work ethic and was very intelligent, Maria opted to stealing, swindling, and manipulating her way through life. She had no use for her loving but exhausted, overworked parents or her multitude of younger siblings.
Maria thought she was better than that.
At 17 years of age, she discovered Tsurugi Industries. They were experimenting with fertility treatments, and were rewarding a cash payment for eligible women who were willing to subject themselves to the trials and tribulations of experimental pregnancy.
Maria forged documents and signatures in order to show that she was of age, and was selected to join the trial.
Little did she know, she was the only woman in the trial who would conceive. She was secretly implanted with twin sentimonster embryos. Her body was being used as a stress test for what was possible with the Peacock Miraculous.
When her parents found out she was pregnant, she was cast out, and disowned. Luckily, Tsurugi Industries was more than willing to house and feed her in their campus while she was pregnant.
During her first trimester, Maria faked an illness. The doctors and nurses stationed at the Tsurugi Industries campus in Paris leaped into action at the first inkling of disease. Maria was hooked up to a million sensors and many tests were ran.
During the panic, Maria was able to discover the password for her case: “Miracle_01”.
Most of the information on her case was protected by fingerprint scanning technology, but she did find out the one single piece of information she was looking for: the biological father of her twins.
His name was Jeremy Verdi, and he was a very wealthy corporate lawyer of Tsurugi Industries.
Maria couldn’t help but grin. All that was left to do was meet this wealthy man and work her womanly charms in order to trap him in marriage.
The morning after she discovered her children’s father’s identity, she was packed into a first class private jet to spend the rest of her pregnancy at the Tokyo, Japan Tsurugi campus.
It was explained to her that the team of prestigious doctors and nurses there could check up on her constantly. Maria was confused as to why the Paris medical team couldn't watch over her, but decided against saying anything. She just had to be patient.
The rest of her pregnancy was uneventful. She lived life as lavishly as one could, in a private hospital. Maria did not suffer from any of the common ailments that twin mothers do, like disappearing twin syndrome, or twin to twin transfusion.
Even her delivery was uneventful. Maria didn’t remember any of it. She was brought into the clinic on her due date (a couple of weeks early, as is custom for twin pregnancies), was given medicine, and when she woke up, there were 2 tiny babies in little hospital cribs by her bed.
She named her eldest son Mio, after a character in a novel her mother used to read to her and her siblings. The younger daughter who was born minutes after him, was named Marguerite, which in French translated to “Pearl”, and also her favorite flower, the daisy.
The twins were small, but strong and healthy. Maria put on the perfect doting young mother act and the doctors and nurses discharged her when they deemed her ready.
She signed a robust NDA, and she was once again packed in a first class private jet and sent back to Paris, but this time with two little bundles of precious cargo.
A self driving limousine brought Maria and the twins back to her one room flat.
Maria prayed that the monthly checks she mailed her landlord from Tokyo arrived on time.
She slid her key into the lock. It turned, and the door opened. Maria stepped inside, two newborns in tow. She breathed a sigh of relief.
And then everything changed.
Maria was a terrible mother. She was never home, rarely kept food or baby formula in the house, and was a poor housekeeper. The only reason she had money to afford rent to her tiny flat was because Tsurugi industries paid her for the “experimental fertility treatment”.
But the money didn’t last long, because Maria would rather spend her time shopping and searching every nightclub for Mr. Verdi—a man like him didn’t stay home keeping house, after all.
But childcare, and keeping up appearances caused Maria’s funds to quickly run low.
Then came the revolving door of men that frequented the tiny apartment. The men supported Maria financially, but the twins were even more neglected.
Then one day, Maria attended a concert for an up and coming artist named Jagged Stone. Rumor had it that the musician was originally part of the smash hit duo that was CrocoDuo, but she didn’t believe it.
Maria wasn’t even looking for Mr. Bianca. was just there for the music, but fate had its own say, and she spotted him from across the club, in his own private booth.
The elusive Mr. Bianca was handsome for a man old enough to be her father. Or perhaps it was because he was waving around a heavy black credit card.
The second he laid eyes on her, Mr. Bianca fell in lust with Maria.
The aging man made his move.
Mr. Bianca showered Maria with gifts, jewelry, and money. Maria and her twins were finally able to move into a larger apartment with two bedrooms, instead of just a pullout couch in a single room.
Unfortunately, Mr. Bianca was married, and had a young family of his own. His wife was a stern upper crust employee of Audrey Bourgeois’ fashion empire. She was young, smart, beautiful, and had a strong disposition.
Mrs. Bianca also didn’t know her husband offered his DNA to Tsurugi Industries to create experimental designer babies for a lump sum of cash. But on the other hand, Maria told Mr. Bianca that her twins were the repercussion of a past boyfriend.
Despite the odds, Maria was still convinced she could make the man hers. She soon fell pregnant, and the lawyer’s marriage quickly dissolved after Maria brazenly presented proof of her pregnancy, and affair to the wife in question during an important fundraising event the couple was attending for Haus of Bougeois.
It was a massive scandal.
Mr. and Mrs. Bianca divorced, but Mr. Bianca also cut all ties with his mistress.
Maria was left alone, with no prospects, no income, and two, soon to be three tiny hungry mouths to feed. She could no longer afford a nanny, and the elderly neighbor who graciously watched her twins for free when Maria was tight on money had long since passed away.
Maria attempted a few part time minimum wage jobs between frequenting clubs in order to find a new affluent lover. Nobody wanted her after her public display of shame.
Maria hated working, and was deeply ashamed she had to lower herself to something so demeaning such as bagging groceries. She spiraled into a deep depression after mere weeks of taking care of twin infants.
A few short months later, she birthed her third child. A healthy bouncing baby boy. She named him Wayhem, a play on the word mayhem, to reference how her life has turned out.
The final funds from Maria’s affair dried up and the young family was evicted from their apartment. They moved between various shelters and motel rooms for about four years.
During one of Maria's three-day long partying streaks, the the children ran out of milk and cereal. Mio held his sister and brother's hands and lead them out of the motel room they were staying at. The three found a trash can and tipped it over, hoping to find something to eat.
Someone called the police, Maria was charged with neglect and abandonment, and the children were taken and sent to foster care.
3 year old Wayhem was fortunate, and swiftly adopted by a single upper middle class woman named Mrs. Verdi. Ironically, Mrs. Verdi was employed by Tsurugi Industries.
Marguerite was also adopted shortly afterwards, even more ironically to Mrs. Bianca. It was a PR stunt for Haus of Bougeois after Maria’s public scandal. The PR stunt worked, and people praised Mrs. Bianca for graciously taking in an unrelated daughter of her ex husband’s mistress. It worked out in the newly renamed Cerise’s favor. She was an intelligent child, and knew exactly what to say to her best advantage. Like birth mother, like daughter. Mrs. Bianca quickly grew fond of her new 4 year old daughter, as she wasn’t a disappointment like her younger biological daughter, Shone.
Mio was less fortunate, and spent most of his time shuffling from foster home to foster home before being transferred to a group home at age 8. His social worker insisted he change his name to something more “French”, as to appeal to potential adopters. He changed his name to Jean, and was eventually adopted at 11 years of age by a single plucky working middle class woman named Odille Duparc. 
During that time, Maria and Mr. Bianca met by chance at a seedy backroom party. Mr. Bianca invited Maria to his penthouse and the pair quickly started up another torrid love affair. It lasted only a few months, until Mr. Bianca suddenly ceased all fund transfers and communications.
It tuned out that the aging Mr. Bianca still had wandering eyes. While he was seeing Maria, he met, swiftly proposed, and was engaged to a beautiful 19 year old heiress.
Maria visited his penthouse in her prettiest little blood red dress. She rang her lover’s intercom. Nobody answered so she rang his intercom. And then she kept on ringing his intercom until a police officer arrived and escorted a sobbing Maria to the precinct.
Mr. Bianca had written up a robust NDA, and a restraining order was put in place. With intimidating officers present, Maria felt she had no choice but to accept defeat. She signed the papers.
Unfortunately, Maria discovered shortly after the fact, that she was newly pregnant. Not wanting to deal with the inconvenience, she contacted an agency, and was able to find an adoptive family for the child.
The adoptive mother was none other than  Nadia Chamack.
Maria opted for an anonymous adoption. She gave birth, and the healthy newborn baby girl was swiftly placed in Nadia’s arms.
Ashamed and angry, Maria refused to even look at her newborn daughter before she was handed over to her new mother.
Nadia named her precious baby girl Manon, and the pair never saw Maria again.
After she relinquished her fourth, and final child, Maria faded into irrelevance, while she worked minimum wage jobs in between boyfriends who were willing to pay for her every convenience.
Due to the documents she signed, and the law, Maria can have no legal no contact with any of her four children, not that she ever would want to. They ruined her life.
She wished they were never born.
The DeAngelo family was directly mirrored off of Alya's, the current holder of the Fox Miraculous.
In the DeAngelo family, the eldest are a set of fraternal twins; a boy and a girl. In the Cesaire family, the youngest, are identical twin girls.
In the DeAngelo family, the second eldest, Marguerite, is a villain, while in the Cesaire family, the second eldest , Alya is a heroine.
In the DeAngelo family, the second pregnancy results in Wayhem, a boy. In the Cesaire family, the second pregnancy results in Alya, a girl.
The eldest in the Cesaire family is a carelessly headstrong overly protective sister who is older than the DeAngelo twins, while the youngest in the DeAngelo family is a selfish domineering sister, younger than the Cesaire twins.
The Cesaire parents are very much a typical loving family unit with their daughters, while Maria DeAngelo and Mr. Bianca had their children unconventionally, or illegitimately, and treat them poorly.
The Cesaires are working class but are smart with their money, but Maria DeAngelo was given a small fortune and squandered it.
There’s probably more but I can’t think of them! Ha!
If you read to the end, thank you so much!
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nerdy-chocomallow · 1 year ago
So because I wasn’t posting for awhile I might as well give you my tier list of almost all the miraculous characters up to season 4. Soooo here you go!
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If you want me to elaborate on some of these placements then just ask me and don’t be rude about it! Okay bye!
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imsparky2002 · 7 months ago
Miraculous Animal AU - Science Class
Zoe the Wasp - Though her and Chloe are not technically related, they've been together since birth and see eachother as sisters. Even though they're sweeter than Chloe, Zoe has a sharp pincer that she uses for hunting her food. She also loves movies and punk rock songs that play on the record player. They adore their hedgehog mate, Cosette, and their dog mate, Sabrina and often fly on their noses.
Aurore the Swan - Aurore's a big, beautiful and elegant bird, who also happens to be a nervous wreck 90% of the time. Due to society's expectations of swans to always be radiant and magestic creatures, Aurore can be a perfectionist, scared of failing in the eyes of her elders. It's only thanks to being with her friends and her penguin mate Mireille that she's learned how to relax and simply live life for herself. One of her favorite things to do is to honk about the weather with her girlfriend to the other animals on each farm.
Mireille the Penguin - Mireille is as quiet and chill as the temperature they prefer to live in. She's often waddling around to see what the weather is like, and their favorite pasttime is going for a nice swim in the pond. She often finds it hard to open her beak and speak up, but is working on it with the more extroverted animals. They also like visiting their older brother, Theo, who is the pet of a famous artist.
Jean the Macaw - If you want to see an animal with flair, vigor and theatricality, look no further than Jean. A particuarly passionate parrot, Jean loves to strut his stuff wherever he goes, showing that they can squawk the squawk and walk the walk. They adore the theatre, listening to all sorts of musicals from the record player and copying certain words that he learns from the scripts. They also put on little shows for their friends, with the help of some of the more theatre-loving animals. He cherishes his mate, a nerdy deer named Austin T.
Lacey the Cheetah - Lacey always has a need for speed, so don't coop her up. As the fastest not just of Farmer Olga, but of all the farms, it's Lacey's job to catch any troublemakers trying to sneak in. She also loves parkour, racing for glory against Kim, Alix and Aggie. Because of her low stamina, she can often be found napping in various parts of the farm. Be thoughtful and don't wake her up.
Denise the Bison - Denise is one bulky bison. They grazing, rolling around in the dirt, and prefers to be in a herd rather than alone. A very social bison, they want to make sure everyone feels included in daily activities. They may be huge, but they're one of the friendliest and calmest animals on the farm, always willing to be pet. There's only one animal that can make them blush, that being their serval mate Simon.
Simon the Serval - A snarky and slender serval, Simon's a cat who is always trying to nab pieces of technology to use for himself. Some of his friends call them "Keyboard Cat" since he constantly paws at the computer as if it were a majestic artifact of God. They also can be rather grumpy in the morning, needing to climb a tree or mark territory to cool off. Sometimes, he likes jumping onto the back of his bison mate and going for a ride.
Cosette the Hedgehog - A spunky and spiky critter, Cosette's always in the mood for exploring, digging and foraging. You can often find it sniffing its' friends, rolling around in a ball, or digging with its claws for treasures. They love makeup, and have made some out of various substances found on the farm to put on its' animal allies. One time, Cosette and their foxy friend Alya tried to recreate something they saw from a Sonic movie. They were sad to find out foxes couldn't actually fly.
Ismael the Raccoon - A witty little gremlin, Ismael proudly identifies as a "trash baby". He likes digging through garbage, collecting various items from the bins to put on display at his room for the other animals to see. He's a night owl for sure, usually hanging out with the other nocturnal animals around the various farms. You can often hear him chittering with a meowing Simon, as they snark about various things.
Reshma the Elephant - A polite and elegant elephant, Reshma never forgets to cherish her friends. She often trumpets about new ideas for fashion, and her best friend Ismael is as protective of her as she is with him. Her fashionista friend is Marinette, the little ladybug. They are always working together on new animal attire, despite being vastly different in size. She loves wrapping her trunk around her cheetah mate, Lacey, and her polar bear mate, Margo.
And that's the Science Kids! Thanks to Coco and Weebs for the animal species ideas. Make sure to watch out for the Recess Class who will be the next farm to show. Give a thumbs up and show your support in the reblogs and replies. @artzychic27 @msweebyness @nerd-chocolate
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darkwitch1999 · 5 months ago
🎃💀This is HorrorWeen! Noelle Odeja's Scare Lists💀🎃
Somewhere in the Darkverse, Noelle Odeja is sitting at her desk in her room. Plotting...preparing...waiting for the upcoming spooky season when she shall once again rein terror on her unsuspecting vict-...er volunteers with her horror-themed "bag of tricks". She has been eagerly awaiting the arrival of her favorite month since last November and now the time is almost upon her to unleash "Horror Ween"! First things first, to make her list of who to scare and who not to scare:
Scare List ("Volunteer's" Name & Scare Difficulty)
Marinette Dupain-Cheng: Low
Nino Lahffie: Low
Max Kanté: Low
Chloé Bourgeois: Low
Sabrina Raincomprix: Low
Lê Chiến Kim Ature: Low
Mylène Haprèle: Extremely low (proceed with caution)
Aurore Beauréal: Low
Alya Césaire: Medium
Rose Lavillant: Medium
Michael Odeja: Medium
Nathaniel Kurtzberg: Medium
Mireille Caquet: Medium
Adrien Agreste: Medium
Juleka Couffaine: High
Marc Anciel: High (Will critique my work)
Ivan Bruel: High
Alix Kubdel: High
Lavender Leyva: HIGH
No Scare List (Names & Reasons)
Lila Rossi- Of course my bestie gets a "Get Out of Trauma-Free" card!
Devin Nolan: Seriously, nothing horror-themed that I throw at him fazes this guy! The only things that scare "Mr. Perfectly Serious" are being touched or getting a grade lower a 100%. However, even I'm not that ruthless enough to intentionally cause him to have a panic attack, even if he does always acts like a dick towards everyone.
Jean Duparc: Scaring him is not as fun anymore since he overdramatizes his fear to the point when I'm not even sure if I genuinely scared him or he's acting in acting out a scene from a horror movie. I will consider calling upon him as an ally if I need some help this year.
��Zoe Lee💖: I just don't feel like it....and nothing else....
Ronan Odeja: Dad gets nauseous and almost passed out at the sight of a bleeding skinned knee. Even just talking about blood and gore makes him feel sick and dizzy. There’s no way he can handle any of my Halloween pranks without experiencing a severe nervous breakdown.
Alyssa Odeja: No way in hell am I pranking my mother. I’d rather not be grounded for the whole month of October. Seriously, my mother has like no sense of humor when it comes to “Horror-Ween”.
Anais Odeja: What kind of monster do you think I am?! No way am I going to terrorize my sweet baby sister!!! (I’ll wait until she’s at least fourteen).
And there you have it! Everyone on the scare or do not scare list for Halloween! Please let me know what y’all think of this set up and if you have any suggestions on how to scare each person on the scare list, send me your idea through the “Ask Me Anything”. Those on the “No Scare List” will not be scared and the Parisian Bitch Quartet will be saved for last!
@artzychic27 @thetwistedarchives @andromeda612 @miraculousfan1232 @msweebyness @nerd-chocolate @lady0lunamoon @username8746489 @imsparky2002
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narusakufantastic · 25 days ago
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Okay, I had to redesign him. He just had such a generic design then again he is Ms. Mendeleiev's students and most of them are background models. I attached his original design for comparison
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plumsaffron · 4 months ago
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Rule Number 1:
Don’t make the reinvented version of Grassette, Upsette
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miraculouslbcnreactions · 6 months ago
What is your opinion on each of the known students in Ms. Mendeleiev's class (Marc Anciel, Aurore Beauréal, Mireille Caquet, Jean Duparc, Zoé Lee)? I realize that Zoé’s section of your answer will most likely be the longest, but I figured I’d go ahead and put them all in one ask anyways since there’s only five out of sixteen total and having one ask for each of the other four seemed unnecessary.
Zoé is going to get the most analysis out of me, so we'll save her for last and start with the character that I have the least to say about:
Jean Duparc
I didn't even know who this was, so I had to check the fan wiki page about him. He's apparently a minor character who gets akumatized and defeated off screen. His design is so generic that the trivia section reads, "Jean's design is a regular background model used in groups and crowds in the series."
So, yeah, nothing to say about this one. I can't have opinions on a character who barely even counts as a character.
Mireille Caquet
Mireille is a minor step up from Jean in that I actually know who she is - she's the girl who wins the weather reporter job at the start of Stormy Weather - but as far as her personality goes, I have nothing to comment on because Mireille does really have a personality. She only exists so that Aurore has someone to lose to at the start of Stormy Weather. That's why Aurore has a really cool and memorable design while Mireille looks like she's wearing pajamas. I don't think Mireille even has lines at any point in the series. If she does, they're not memorable, making her another character who barely counts as a character, leaving me nothing to talk about.
Aurore Beauréal
I really like Aurore's design, but there's not much else for me to say about her because we don't really get to know her character. She made for a fun akuma and that's all that she was meant to be. Her non-akumatized lines are just generic ranting about her loss
Aurore:(in the elevator) I should have won, I have the talent, the star looks, everything! But she took everything away from me. They took everything away from me! They--
and a generic statement of confusion after she's freed from her akuma. I wouldn't have been upset if she'd become a reoccurring character because - once again - she's got a really cool design, but I can't tell you anything else about her, so there's nothing for me to analyze.
Marc Anciel
Marc is the first character with some actual substance, but the substance is hardly abundant. He's just a kind of generic shy writer. I'm not sure why he's been added to the cast as a reoccurring character because they really didn't need more characters and they already have a writer in Alya. So I don't dislike him, I think he's fine, I'm just not sure why he's here. I was especially confused when he was given a miraculous because what has he done to earn one? He's not even part of the miracuclass where everyone gets a miraculous no matter how unworthy they are. It feels like he was just picked because they needed 18 holders, but they only had 17 and Marc is Nathaniel's comic-writing buddy, so I guess he's good enough?
Speaking of Nathaniel, I know that people ship him with Marc and that they're kind of implied to be together in the show, so I guess I should comment on that? I have to admit that I'm not a fan. Nathaniel's actions in Reverser were incredibly off-putting making this yet another couple with a really unhealthy foundation to their relationship. Why does Miraculous keep doing that???
In case people don't remember, Marinette gives Nathaniel Marc's story to read and Nathaniel assumes that it's Ladybug's private diary because the story is called "Diary of Ladybug". Why Nathaniel thinks that Ladybug would have Marinette deliver her private diary to him is beyond me. This is especially true since it doesn't read like any diary I've ever seen and the episode starts with these exchanges:
Marinette:(sees Marc) Marc you made it! (Marinette runs up to Marc and grabs his arm) Come meet everyone! (dragging him inside) This is Marc, the boy I told you about! The one who's always writing. Marc:(hides his book in his jacket) Uh... I'm sorry I didn't want to disturb you.
Jean-Pierre: Alix is our expert at street art. (Alix flips spray can in the air and catches it) And Nathaniel- Alix: He likes to draw people in skinny suits. (Nathaniel throws a piece of paper at Alix and she laughs) Nathaniel: Welcome Marc. As you'll find out, the good thing about this place is you can say whatever you want and no one will judge you, or only in good fun. (Marc notices Nathaniel's drawing and walks over to him) Marc: I... I saw your drawings on the school website, but they're nothing compared to the real thing. The movement, the expressions, the attitudes. They're all so-- Nathaniel: Thanks... That's nice.
Jean-Pierre: By the way Marc, you've shown up at the perfect time. Marinette told us that you're always writing and Nathaniel is looking for a script writer. (Nathaniel smiles at Marc)
Based on all this, it's not weird for Marinette to assume that Nathaniel would be able to guess that she was giving him Marc's writing. After all, the first few scenes of this episode all happen during the same day, meaning that Nathaniel was given this book right after being told that Marc liked his art, being told that Marc was a potential script writer, and being told that Marinette was Marc's friend, but whatever. What really matters is that, when Nathaniel goes to meet "Ladybug" and finds Marc instead, he gets extremely mad and rips Marc's book in half:
Nathaniel: What?! You're not Ladybug! Marc: Of course I'm not, it's me, Marc. Didn't Marinette tell you? Nathaniel: Marinette? (He looks over to Marinette's balcony, where he sees her filming him) Marinette: Uhh, operation "Comic Book" has hit a snag! (Tikki hides) Nathaniel: You were trying to make a fool of me, weren't you? (Points accusingly towards Marinette) Do you think it's funny to toy with my feelings? Marc: No, not at all! I-I just want.. to make.. a comic book, if you want to, that is. Nathaniel: A comic book? Us!? Together?! Never! (He tears Marc's book in half)
Oh yeah, I'm totally shipping these two. Couple of the century here. Really living up to that whole, "say whatever you want and no one will judge you, or only in good fun" thing, Nathaniel. Why did you even jump to the idea the they were making fun of you? Nothing in the episode set that up as a reasonable conclusion. No one was bullying you and you seem pretty freaking secure about yourself. If any character was set up to assume they were being made fun of, it was Marc!
This is another case where the show is trying to make things Marinette's fault, but she's actually not doing anything wrong. This is almost entirely on Nathaniel. They had a relatively minor miscommunication and, when he discovers that, his reaction is to destroy another artist's passion project in a fit of rage.
Anyone who thinks that it's okay to destroy another person's property because they're hurt needs anger management classes before they're ready to date anyone. Any time I see Marc and Nathaniel together, I remember this moment and wish that Marc would get out of there because I just don't view Nathaniel as a safe person. This was just such a massive overreaction and it gives me major ick vibes. Especially since this is yet another case where the wronged party never really gets an apology. The most we get is this:
Ladybug:(turns to Marc and Nathaniel) Marc and Nathaniel? By now you realize there was a big misunderstanding, but if you give each other a chance, I'm sure you'll find out how well you can work together. (Nathaniel holds out his hand, Marc looks, smiles and shakes Nathaniel's hand)
Why are we implying that there was blame on both sides here? Marc was the wronged party in every conceivable way. Once again, major ick vibes.
Zoé Lee
Zoé is written like someone's Mary Sue self-insert which is not a dig on Mary Sues! Mary Sues are just the most popular female equivalent to escapist male power fantasies and escapist fantasies should belong to all genders! However, if you're going to write a character like this, then they're supposed to be the main character. It's really freaking weird to have a side character written like this.
What do I mean by a Mary Sue self-insert?
Zoé shows up out of nowhere and immediately becomes best friends with all of the core cast members
Zoé has a tragic backstory that everyone finds oh so sad and comforts her over even though it really should make them wary of her ("I used to lie about everything and it lost me all my friends!" Yeah, I'll bet it did!)
Zoé is good at basically everything she tries and has no real flaws
Zoé gets brought into the magical girl squad in her second appearance, making her the character with the least development prior to being given a miraculous
Zoé is somehow the voice of reason, seeing the truth of things while everyone else is deceived in episodes like Kwami's Choice or Adoration, giving her things like the anti-Lila powers previously only held by Marinette and Adrien
Zoé is chosen as Adrien's replacement while Alya replaces Marinette, implying that these two are on equal standing somehow
In other words, Zoé is generic and kind of boring, but is treated as the best thing ever, which makes her a pretty annoying and crappy side character. The reason characters like this are successful main characters is because the whole point is escapist fantasy. You're supposed to be able to project yourself onto this generic cool person and pretend it's you being fawned over by your favorite characters. It's not my cup of tea, but I see the appeal and get why it's not hard to find stories like this especially in the romance, isekai, and fanfic genres, all of which are big on escapism.
While I will defend this type of character as fine in general, they have no place in a show like Miraculous. Miraculous is not an escapist fantasy. It's supposedly Marinette and Adrien's love story, so what is a self-insert fantasy doing here? The show really showcases how awkward this is in Adoration where Marinette spends the whole episode freaking out about Zoé liking Adrien - because of course the self-insert gets a love triangle with the leads - only for Zoé to confess her feelings for Marinette like a good little self-insert would, but of course Marinette can't accept those feelings so it's just kind of fizzles instead of leading to the standard self-insert romance with their favorite character. Writers, what are you even trying to do here? Why is Zoé getting all this attention? It's weird...
Zoé's awkwardness is only exacerbated by the fact that she's also a blatant Chloe replacement and I don't just mean the fact that she gets the bee. I mean that she's often used to disseminate information that Chloe would have or to fill the role that a redeemed Chloe would fill. For example, take this scene from the episode Gabriel Agreste:
Zoé: (rudely) Jean Quinton, did my mother tell you that the dinner party is no longer at Gabriel Agreste's tonight? Armand: Oh no! Madam didn't mention anything to me. Zoé: A helicopter will be coming to the roof, to take you over to the Eiffel Tower. Armand: Is mademoiselle sure about this? Zoé: Excuse me? Are you suggesting that I might be wrong? (walks away) Ridiculous! Utterly ridiculous! (to herself) Sorry, but it's for a good cause.
The writers needed Chloe for a minute, so Zoé adopts Chloe's personality to allow them to have a good Chloe without doing the work to actually make Chloe good. Btw, this scene shows exactly what I mean when I say that I want a wild card on the team. Someone who isn't afraid to be mean to get the job done. The writers clearly understand that a character like that has their uses, but then you'd have a character who is on the side of good, but who isn't a total goody two shoes and I guess we can't have that?
As you've probably picked up, I'm not much of a Zoé fan. I find her pretty obnoxious because she's so wildly out of place. Outside of her role as substitute Chloe, her character adds nothing to the story. There's no missing role that she uniquely fills because the cast was already bloated as heck when she showed up. To be fair, there are ways this could have been fixed.
Zoé shows up right after Chloe's betrayal and she almost immediately reveals herself to be a status chasing liar who is trying to be a better person. This should make everyone super wary of her and could have been used to demonstrate the difference between a person who doesn't want to change (Chloe) and a person who does want to change (Zoé). This would require the show to allow for multi-episode arcs, though, because Zoé's acceptance would need to be a slow process and not speed run in a single episode.
You could have also had Zoé show up at the same time as Audrey and used her as part of Chloe's story either to drive Chloe to be worse or to give Chloe someone who helps her get better because no one understands your messed up home life better than your siblings.
But those are some pretty major changes to canon. As is, Zoé is totally unnecessary and I wish that the writers would stop trying to make us love her by giving her cool roles in the story, shafting characters that we've all wanted more of in favor of this rando that they forced on us at the last minute. I will forever be salty that Zoé got the black cat instead of Nino. Alya had already had her identity outed twice, give someone else the Ladybug and let Nino get a chance to shine! Or just give the ladybug to Alya and black cat to Nino and imply that this is going to be a new love square situation. After all, Kwami's Choice has Tikki claim:
Tikki: No, they’re made for each other. Love is what gives them their strength.
Implying that the ladybug and the black cat should be in love so why are you picking Zoé and Alya? Not exactly opposed to that ship, but I don't think it's actually the plan, so what was that about? Plagg and Tikki didn't even seem to consider the comparability of their new chosen which is super weird given the whole "made for each other" line we get from Fu when he picks Adrien and Marinette in Origins. You can tell that no care was put into choosing the replacement heroes. They just once again wanted to show how cool Zoé is.
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princess-of-the-corner · 1 year ago
2 random pb headcanons:
Jean Duparc is related to the Doe family like as a second or third cousin, and all other members are also references to placeholder names
John took Jane's surname
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booksrbetterthanpeople · 6 months ago
Adult!Austin T would have a restaurant, and i have a feeling that even tho he is a sweetheart, he would be a chef like Gordon Ramsay, a good cooker but a short fuse for crimes againts food
Austin Tomassian-Duparc: *Kissing Jean goodbye* Bye, sweetie muffin, I’ll see you after work. *Petting and kissing Orpheus goodbye* Bye, baby, be good for daddy, okay?
*Later at his restaurant*
Austin T-D: Listen up, grunts! We have a Sweet 16, Bat Mitzvah, and retirement party to cater, so get to fucking moving, and don’t fuck up!
*His chefs hastily get to work preparing several dishes*
Austin T-D: *To a chef cracking eggs* Are you putting in the yolks?! Do you not see the fucking yolks in the fucking bowl?! Do it again, and stop wasting my eggs!
*He storms over to a chef preparing a salad*
Austin T-D: Who the fuck taught you how to cut veggies?! *Squeezes a tomato in his fist and smears it on the chef’s apron* This looks like a pizza place prepared it! Who cuts a tomato into thirds?! Go to the corner, and think about what you’ve done! *Glances over* And YOU!
*He grabs two loaves of bread and puts them on the chef’s face*
Austin T-D: Answer me! What the fuck are you?! I will tell you what you are! You are an idiot sandwich! SAY IT!
Chef: *Close to crying* I’m an idiot sandwich.
Austin T-D: That is right! And who the fuck ordered this bread?! *Takes a bite out of it only to spit it on the floor* I wouldn’t even give it the honor of using it to wipe the sweat off my brow after making sweet love to my husband!
*His phone rings*
Austin T-D: … One moment. *Answers and does a complete 180* Hi, snickerdoodle! Orpheus did what? *Laughs* I swear, that boy acts like a cat. Send me a picture of that, okay, sweetie pie? Love you, kisses! *Hangs up* … GET BACK TO FUCKING WORK!
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coq-courage · 20 days ago
i was watching some season 3 with my fiance last night and you know that episode with marianne? Backwarder?
Jean Duparc is there
laughing at Marinette as one of the background characters when she's writing her love letter out loud
Things we know about this kid:
presumed a he/him
gets akumatized into Magician of Sadness or some shit like that i dont remember the name rn
his face is used to be Chat Noir's during a trick Ladybug does at the pool where they fake detransform
he's in the same class as Marc and Zoe
shows up completely randomly
he's not an Extra, cuz he's got a name and keeps showing up, he's a Side Character, he affects the storyline even minutely
we know his face
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msweebyness · 2 years ago
DuPont School for Monstrous Youths- Jean DuParc
Jean rocks the stage like no one else, dead or alive! As always, thanks to @imsparky2002 and @artzychic27!
Species: Phantom
Appearance/Attire: Curly, shoulder-length brown hair in a mullet, palled purple skin, limbs that are translucent at the tips, bright magenta eyes. Grey bejeweled opera phantom mask, Black Leather jacket with red music note pins, Long Violet scarf with fringed ends, White V-neck T-shirt with Phantom Mask decal, belt that looks like piano keys, Maroon Leather Pants, Heeled white boots.
Bio: A phantom with a passion for both broadway theater and rock and roll, Jean can usually be found jamming out on his synthesizer! More than a little dramatic, they always manage to find a way to keep their friends entertained while being as extra as possible. His favorite place to jam out is the school’s vast catacombs, where he’s set up a stage and studio for when they’re hit with inspiration. His favorite person to sing for is their boyfriend, Austin T, a reaper!
"Howdy, my angel of death. I composed a little ditty just for you."
"Hope ya'll are havin' a Phan-tasmic time tonight!"
"We ain't supposed to sing opera, but keep hurting the people I love…well, it don’t seem like you’re usin’ your mind much anyhow!"
"Would y'all mind givin' some feedback on my new tune? Be honest...unless ya hate it, then be quiet!"
"What's under my mask, well that's none of your dang business!"
"Hit it, ya'll!"
Don’t ask about the mask, okay? It’s a phantom thing! Leave thoughts in the comments and reblogs!
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lostuntothisworld · 8 months ago
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There's a theory on Twitter that Wayhem is somehow related to Cerise because of the chameleon on his shirt. I raise you this crack theory:
Cerise, Wayhem, Jean Duparc, and Manon are all related
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nerdy-chocomallow · 2 years ago
My Vesperia redesign and a bit rewrite of a queen banana:
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I want to thank everyone that participated in the poll for this and the upcoming Kitty Noire redesign post I’ll be doing next. Just wanted to say this post is for pure fun and not for malicious intent just like my sole crusher redesign and sorry that wasn’t clear enough. Anyway on to this post.
My opinion about her original design:
Honestly, I like Vesperia’s design, it looks pretty great. And look, I know it has its drawbacks and may not be the best design but it is far from the worst design in the whole show. That goes to Aspik, Snake Noir, and Hawkmoth/Shadow moth/Monarch, huh like father like son. Okay back to the discussion beforehand, yeah Vesperia looks more like a wasp than a bee but I don’t find any issues with it since some of the heroes also don’t like their respective animals as well and some people weren’t complaining about them, to be honest. Also if I did have a problem with it then this post probably wouldn’t exist. Honestly, the things I don’t like about her design are her camouflage mode design, her hair, and the slider (what the wiki calls it) on her chest. Her camo mode hair comb is just a bee design but with her usual colors for her clothes, which doesn’t look that pleasing to me. Her braid isn’t just working for me and I’m kinda confused about how it looks when it is unbraid compared to Queen Bee's hair where that hairstyle makes sense. And why the slider on her chest, it feels very out of place, to be honest, and it doesn’t need to be there at all. So yeah this design is pretty solid in my book. I like the design even though there are problems with it that people have that are genuine criticisms of it.
So let's redesign Vesperia and see if the design could work for her as much as her original design.
Her Redesign:
Okay, so I ended up changing the design a lot more than expected so here we go. The things I’m keeping are her boots, her mask, her stripes, and her antennas since I like them and would fit here. First I would give her a short half-down and half-up hairstyle so the hair comb with the antennas can stay in place while her bangs and bottom layer are black hair color and then her mask being the same as before. Then I would give her a sleeveless swan-necked black shirt with warm yellow stripes and the collar is warm yellow as well. She has black fingerless biker gloves with spikes on them and warm yellow shorts with suspenders hanging down and chains belts which is where the spinning top is. She has bee wings as well because it would work for her. Lastly, having black ripped tights and boots from her original design. And as for the disguise mode for the miraculous, I would have two pink bougainvillea flowers one on the right and one on the left and they each have a skull head in the middle while having gold leaves and thorns as well for the rest of the hair comb. Here are some pictures for reference:
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And yes, I know she isn’t a ginger but that stops me from pushing my Ginger Zoé agenda!!
Some notes and quotes:
Okay I know this is the part where I do a personality rewrite but honestly, it is the same as her canon self so let’s move on.
Before I do the quotes, here are some things that I would like to mention:
She can be very snarky whenever Chloé gets akumatized.
She is very close friends with Rooster Bold and Purple Tigress. And may or not ask them for love advice sometimes.
I think during Queen Banana, Zoé had a bag of honey chocolate chip cookies and gave Pollen to recharge, and ever since Pollen loved them.
She may not know Pollen that long but she and Pollen have a nice bond where Zoé was mostly scared of her at first but ends up thinking Pollen is one of the sweetest things in the world. While Pollen would help Zoé with her self-confidence and always be happy to see her (and lowkey shipping her with her crush).
And her antennas can emote as some anime ahoges can even without her noticing it.
Now here are some quotes for you guys to enjoy (and sorry these are a bit weaker than usual) also I'm did use @artzychic27 ocs in this I’m tagging them for that reason:
Reshma when Queen Banana appears: … I swear to god, the more she gets akumatized the more she looks tacky in each one.
Jean: Yep and the fact she got a gaudy car and gorilla as well is stupid.
Ismael: I’m starting to think ShadowMoth is getting worse in Akuma design as we speak that is even low for him since some of the early Akuma designs weren’t even that good.
Reshma: Yep, he is even worse than Gabriel fucking Agreste is.
ShadowMoth: *crying* I’m not a bad designer.
Cosette: Okay, I think we’re safe here from that loony banana for now. *turn to face Zoé* Right now, we need to *sees that she upsets* Zoé?… What's wrong?
Zoé hugging her knees: …
Cosette: *sits next to her* You can tell me if you want, I just want to know if you’re okay.
Zoé: … It's my fault.
Cosette: Huh?
Zoé: It's my fault that she’s acting like this and terrorizing everyone! If I wasn’t in the movie, she wouldn’t be ruining it and got akumatized. She was probably right to want to send me back to New York. *starts tearing up* I’ll just keep messing up things for everyone else just like I did back in New York.
Cosette: Zoé, none of this is your fault.
Zoé: What?
Cosette: *gently holds her hand while blushing* You didn’t do anything wrong in this situation and Chloé is just trying to pin blame on someone else so she wouldn’t have to admit that it was her fault in the first place. There were many times when she got akumatized because she didn’t get what she wanted those were way before you came here. Even if you mess up, like I said, I and many others are going to be here to help you, no matter what. Overall, you did nothing wrong in this situation and I’m going to keep telling you that until you believe it, okay?
Zoé: *blushing* … Okay, I believe you.
Cosette: *hugs her* Good.
Zoé: *hugs them back and then let's go when she hears chaos coming from outside* But, I need to face her alone. She’s my sister and I can’t sit by and let her hurt others because of me. So I want you to stay here so you can be safe because knowing that you aren’t hurt, makes me happy, Cosette.
Cosette: Okay, just be safe out there.
Zoé: I will. *hugs it real tight before leaving* I’ll be back!
Cosette: *blushes while smiling* Okay! ‘That’s my girl.’
Ladybug summons a motorcycle: … What the?!
Zoé: Hmm, if you don’t mind can I drive it?
Ladybug: Oh…Okay?
Zoé: Great! *puts on her helmet and gets on it* Hang on!
Ladybug: *holds on to her* Wha- *gets freaked by the fast driving* AHHHHHHH!
An alternative way to defeat Queen Banana (sorry this is too corny for you):
Queen Banana holding Ladybug while her banana gun is against her head: Give me your miraculous, or else I’ll turn her int- *gets pulled into the ground by a yellow string and drops her banana gun* What the?! Who dares to stop me?!?
Vesperia: I did, banana brain.
Queen Banana: Who are you supposed to be, my pathetic clone?! Because there is only one Queen Bee and that is me!!!
Vesperia: .. You're right, you are the only queen bee around here. You know the one who almost caused a train to crash for her selfish reasons, the one who decided to work with Shadowmoth because she didn’t get what she wanted, and put every other hero in danger by revealing their secret identity to him not realizing the consequences of what will happen next. No one wants to be Queen Bee because she is nothing but a pathetic person that expects things to go her way all the damn time. You are queen bee since no one wants to be anything like you, especially me. *grins a sly smile* I’m Vesperia by the way! *wields her spinning top back into her hand* VENOM! *stings Queen Banana and takes her hair clip* Here you go! *throws it to ladybug, who catches it*
Ladybug/Chat Noir: 😧
Chat Noir: … That was unexpected.
Vesperia while princess carrying Cosette: Are you okay, Co- I mean civilian?
Cosette: *blushing like crazy* Um-uh..um YEAH! Thank you for saving me!!
Vesperia: *also blushing while her antennas emote a heart shape* You're welcome! Let’s get you to safety, don’t want someone as cute as you to get hurt. *starts to fly up to the skies*
Cosette: ….*makes confused bisexual noises*
After a few minutes of searching for a safe place
Cosette: *blushing* Thank you for saving me Vesperia, you’re a very pretty- I mean pretty cool hero!
Vesperia: *blushing* Of course! I’m always here if you ever need saving umm…
Cosette: Cosette.
Vesperia: Right! You have such a lovely name.
Cosette: Thanks. *smiles softly and awkwardly*
Pollen looking at a picture of the science kids: My Queen, who are these people?
Zoé: Oh, those are my friends. We took that photo a couple days after I first got here.
Pollen: Oh so they’re like your court?
Zoé: Well I’m not sure if that's the right way to use it like that.
Pollen: … *points to Cosette* So would that mean this girl you were talking to isn’t queen by your side then.
Zoé: … *blushes like a ripped tomato* NO! Not like that!! I mean I do appreciate Cosette as a friend of mine!!! It’s not that I have a crush on it exactly!!
Pollen who saw the whole conversation when she saved them: Uhhh right, my queen. ‘It seems like my queen may be having trouble expressing her emotions… a lot.’
Marc: Oh hey Zoé!
Zoé: Hey Marc, hey Nathaniel! What are you guys doing?
Marc: We’re heading to movies and the fact I finally got him to take a break from drawing all that adrienette cringe.
Nathaniel: I still think we could have stayed at home to watch some movies.
Marc: But it's lovely out here, especially the weather! Anyway, what are you doing?
Zoé: Oh I was just smelling some flowers, no biggie!
Nathaniel: Really, your cover in flowers and pollen.
Zoé: I was checking if flowers were okay and might I say, they are looking and smell lovely.
Marc: Oh okay. Well you want to come with us to the movies?
Zoé: Oh no thanks, I don’t be the third wheel on your date and don’t want to make things awkward when you two decide to make out in the movie theater. *she’s wink while MarcNath blushes*
Nathaniel: We better get going, bye Zoé.
Marc: See you at school, Zoé!
Zoé: See ya! *waves MarcNath goodbye as they walking* Well, time to go back to smell these lovely flowers!
Hope everyone has a good day and enjoy this post!
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