#and it turned kinda long by accident haha
weirdthoughtsandideas · 9 months
Writing advent calendar 2023 Day 18
Prompt: Sport
Aka: Luna and Ramiro compete on who's the best babysitter
Read on ao3 or under the cut:
Ramiro had declared himself the best babysitter, and was sure Jim and Yam's daughters agreed. Though, Jim and Yam said Luna also was a very great babysitter. Ramiro shook his head, and decided to put this to the test. He called Luna.
"Well, why not make it a competition?" Luna chuckled.
Jim and Yam also thought this sounded fun.
They decided to put it to the test at the mansion. Jim and Yam dropped their daughters off there, and they would be babysat by both Ramiro and Luna. Though, they also needed to babysit two extra kids: Luna's recently adopted daughter Lucia, and Simón and Ámbar's newly born little daughter. Ramiro had only met her once when she was just born, but now she was around 3 months. When Luna told Simón and Ámbar about this babysitting competition she had with Ramiro, Simón had immediately handed over their daughter and went "babysit her too while you're at it, and report everything about Ramiro losing to me".
"Yes," Ámbar added, "She's been having tummy problems, and if I know my daughter correctly, she's gonna make sure to have a blowout as he's holding her."
"Or on me," Luna chuckled.
"Well, you know how to handle her. He doesn't. It's gonna be hilarious," Simón said.
They waved off all the parents. Lola and Charlie, Jim and Yam's daughters, were mesmerized by the large living room, especially as it was decorated for christmas. They were chasing around Lucia, who was just as energetic and curious as her mom. Almost as if they were biologically related.
"So, what's first to do?" Ramiro asked. 
They heard a cry from the other room. Simón and Ámbar's daughter had woken up from her nap.
"I'm gonna go get her. You try to not let them wreck the christmas tree."
"That'll be easy..."
He checked on the three toddlers. He knew Lola and Charlie better than Lucia, but he had met her a few times by now. They were about two meters from the tree.
"Hey dudes, you wanna come over here?"
"Look at the tree!" Lola exclaimed.
"Yes, it's pretty! But we need to be careful to not knock it down. You're big, little dude, you can ask the younger to come over here."
Lola nodded. "Charlie, come! Lucia, come!" 
The two one year olds followed her lead.
"You're a natural leader, little dude!"
"Why do you call her 'little dude'?" Luna asked. She was carrying the 3 month old baby, rocking her carefully.
"Funny story... I thought she was a boy before she was born. And Jim and Yam never corrected me, and... well. Now that's her nickname. And when Charlie was born, I decided I needed a nickname on-brand!"
"Mama..." Lucia mumbled, toddling up to Luna and clinging on her legs.
"Right, I need to make a good on-brand nickname for your kid, too. And that baby."
"Baby!" Lola pointed out.
"Yes, it's a baby."
"Pima!" Lucia said. She was trying to say 'prima'. 
"Yeah, it's her little cousin," Luna said, walking towards the couch to sit down. 
"Is it really?" Ramiro asked. "You and Ámbar are... kind of cousins, but you're not like, actually related."
"She's the adopted daughter of my biological aunt, so yes, we are cousins, even though not biologically. That makes our children second-cousins, even if they also aren't biologically related. Also, we're raising them both in the same house, so they're kind of raised as siblings in a way."
All the toddlers gathered around the baby. 
"Pet," Lola said, petting the baby's head.
"Yes, you can pet her, if you're gentle."
"What's her name?" Ramiro asked. "I don't think I remember."
"Oh, it's-"
Luna was interrupted by Charlie letting out a random scream.
"Wow, you got some lungs! Anyway, her name is-"
They were interrupted by another scream. This time from all three toddlers, as Lola and Lucia thought it was funny to scream as well.
"Lucia, you know we don't scream. It scares your little cousin."
"About that," Ramiro said, "If we're gonna do this babysitting competition, I think you have an unfair advantage because your actual daughter is here."
Luna nodded. "Yes. I think you should take care of her today."
"Who are you gonna take care of, then?"
"You can take care of the 1 year olds, and I'll take care of the baby and three year old. At least in the first round."
"What is the first round?"
"Snack time!"
They headed to the kitchen. There was a high chair for Lucia, and Ramiro figured he'd simply have to have Charlie on his lap.
"Lola, you like yogurt?" Luna asked.
Luna poured up some yogurt for her and served it with a little spoon. Then she grabbed a bottle and sat down, feeding the baby. 
"I found some bananas!" Ramiro said. It was one banana already chopped up in tiny pieces. He gave a small plate to Lucia and then one plate to Charlie.
For a moment, all kids ate in peace. Luna and Ramiro exchanged smiles. This seemed to be running smoothly.
Then Lola noticed the 1 year olds eating bananas, and she immediately teared up.
"I wanted bananas!"
"Oh, I didn't know..." Luna said.
"I want bananas, too!" 
Ramiro immediately got up (still holding Charlie), and got a little plate with banana pieces. He then slid them across the table. "Here you go, little dude!"
Lola immediately stopped crying. Quietly, she started to eat, very pleased.
"One point for Ramiro..." Ramiro whispered. Luna squinted at him, but smiled teasingly.
Luna finished feeding the baby and started to burp her. At the same time, Lucia started to throw her bananas at Ramiro.
"Hey, we eat, not throw!" he told her.
Lucia giggled and threw another banana at him.
"Luna, raise your kid."
"You're the babysitter," Luna said. 
"But you're also a babysitter!"
"I'm not a babysitter to my own child, Ramiro."
Lola also started throwing her bananas at Ramiro now. Charlie was giggling. She couldn't throw herself, as Ramiro was holding her, but she was enjoying it.
"No throwing food!" he said, which only encouraged them to throw more.
"You still want that point?" Luna asked.
They went upstairs. The mansion had a lot of rooms, and a certain room they had converted to a playroom. It would probably be more used once the children grew up a bit more, but the toddlers seemed to have fun. Luna put the baby down in a baby bouncer.
The toddlers started to run around excitedly, examining and throwing all the toys around. The baby was looking skeptical at the scene in front of her. Luna could see Ámbar's genes in there. Judging everyone by her look.
"I'm sure once you grow up you'll join in the fun, nena." She kissed her on the forehead. "You wanna know how I know that? Because you got Simón's genes, too."
Lola had found a toy that, when you pressed a button, a song started playing. All three of them started dancing. Or, well, swing slowly from side to side or bounce their legs.
Lola thought this was very fun, and as soon as the song ended, she pressed it again, so she could hear it once again.
"She's gonna play that like 50 times, won't she?" Ramiro asked.
"Probably," Luna said. 
Charlie and Lucia had shorter attention spans, so they stopped caring to dance pretty soon. Charlie grabbed a doll, which had already lost a bit of hair due to Lucia being very "kind" to it. She then started to pull the hair, and put her mouth on it.
Lucia meanwhile was on her way to play with something, but then it was like she got a sudden realization, and she ran to the curtains and hid behind them.
"What is she doing?" Ramiro asked. 
"Hiding," Luna shrugged.
"Do you think she put something in her mouth that she's not allowed to have in her mouth?"
"No, we would have seen that. She was holding nothing."
"Then what is she doing?"
Luna gave him a look that said she knew exactly what was going on, but she wasn't going to tell him. "She... just needs some privacy. She'll come out soon."
"Lola, let's not play that song anymore," Ramiro said, grabbing it from her.
"Noo!" she protested.
"But the toy needs to sleep! It needs to rest!"
Lola seemed to accept this explanation. However, she then proceeded to sing on the song the toy had played.
"Unbelievable," Ramiro sighed. "I don't get how she don't get tired of singing or dancing."
"She's the daughter of Jim and Yam."
"Ok, that's true."
Suddenly, the baby started to let out frustrated whines and grunts. 
"What's up now?" Ramiro asked. 
Luna knew the face the baby was making, and she turned to Ramiro. "Why don't you pick her up, while I watch over the Sanchez girls?"
"Ah, yes. Kid switching."
Ramiro picked the baby up. "Sch... maybe you need to move around a bit... it's so boring just sitting in that chair... yes." The baby was growing fussier by the seconds. Ramiro stroked her back, walking around a little. 
"Why she cryin'?" Lola asked.
"She's just having a tummy ache," Luna explained. 
The baby started to cry louder. Ramiro wasn't sure what to do.
"Sch... yes... it's gonna be fine. It's good to cry. We all cry. Let it all out."
As he said that, it sounded like someone released an explosion.
Lola and Luna started laughing. Ramiro frowned, not sure if to feel disgusted or surprised. 
"Was that the baby?" he asked.
"I told you she had a tummy ache," Luna chuckled. "But I'm sure she let it all out."
"Don't tell me she crapped on my shirt."
"No... she seems to have succeeded in not making a total blowout. Though... judging from that sound, she's gonna need a big diaper change."
Ramiro immediately wanted to hand her over. "You do it."
"Why? You don't want to?"
"No. Please."
Luna tutted, and grabbed the baby. "Well, she's three months, so we're probably gonna change her multiple times before they come home. You're gonna do it next time. Meanwhile, you can change my daughter."
"Your daughter? How do you know she..."
"She always goes behind the curtain."
Lucia wandered up to them right at that moment.
"Hi, sweetie." She bent down and checked her. "Hm, seems like you need a change." She pretended to be surprised.
"Wait," Ramiro said, "What about the others? We can't leave them alone here."
Luna looked at the Sanchez siblings. "Lola is potty trained, although she'll probably need to use the bathroom. I can help her with that. You can change Charlie, too."
"Does Charlie also need a change?"
"Charlie, is your diaper dirty?" Luna asked. Charlie, in response, started to run out of the room. Luna and Ramiro exchanged looks, and nodded in unison.
"All cleaned up!" Luna exclaimed, taping the new diaper on the baby. She then turned to Lola. "Need some help over there?"
"No, do it myself!" Lola replied, and flushed the toilet.
"Alright, let's go wash our hands."
It was not going as smoothly for Ramiro. 
"Lay still! Please!"
The toddlers thought this was a game, and tried running away all the time.
"No. Stay still!"
"One point for Luna," Luna mumbled to herself.
Ramiro had a whole wrestling match with both of them, but after a few minutes, he finally had managed to change both of them.
"Luna, can I ask you something?" 
"Why don't you potty train your child, so I don't have to change her?"
"She's 1."
Luna shrugged. "I got her 5 months ago, Ramiro. I've been busy just getting to know her, and making her comfortable in her new home. She's just getting used to living here and having me as her mom, she's not quite ready to stop wearing diapers."
"Well... ok, that's fair. Jim and Yam however, have no reason to not potty train Charlie. They keep her in diapers just to tease me, I just know it."
Luna shook her head.
Suddenly, the baby started crying again.
"What's up with her now?" Ramiro asked.
"I think she's tired," Luna said. 
"She just had a nap?"
"2 hours ago. She's 3 months old, she needs lots of naps every day."
"I wish I was 3 months old so I could take lots of naps..."
"Well, you know, this is perfect, because it's time for Lucia's nap too. We can probably get the Sanchez sisters to get a nap too."
"I don't need naps!" Lola yelled. "Mama said I didn't have to take naps!"
"Which one?" Ramiro and Luna asked.
Lola stared at them dumbfounded. "Mama. She said that."
"Well... you can help me put the little ones to bed?" Luna suggested. "We'll sing them lullabies."
Luna gave Ramiro a wink.
They went to a little room, where there was a spare crib and some mattresses on the floor. 
"So you just have a room for naps?" Ramiro asked.
"I'm the heiress of a giant fortune and this house has too many rooms. Of course I have a room dedicated for naps."
Lucia and Charlie did not seem to keen on going to sleep. 
"Ramiro, hold the baby, I know how to get the toddlers to calm down."
She made the room darker, the only light being the nightlights that were placed in random spots, like someone who plays the sims and just places lights in a room wherever. 
"Should we sit down a bit?" Luna asked, sitting down next to two mattresses. Her daughter sat down next to her, putting her head in her lap. Luna started humming. 
"I'm gonna lie down here," Lola said. 
"Do that, I'm gonna sing a little lullaby for the little ones. You wanna listen to it, too?"
Charlie lied down on a mattress, closing her eyes. So did her older sister, and Lucia was start to doze off in Luna's lap.
Ramiro was almost surprised by how good she was putting them to sleep. Then the baby in his arms started crying, causing a disturbance to the other kids.
"Ramiro, go out with her in the hallway," Luna said. "Rock her a bit, she's gonna fall asleep soon."
Ramiro went out in the hallway. He rocked the baby. 
"You're so tired. I can see it on you."
The baby's cry turned into more of a whine. She seemed a bit irritated. 
"I get it, you're trying to sleep and you can't. But don't worry, you're gonna fall asleep eventually. And I'm gonna be here until you do."
She started to whine less and less, turning calmer. 
"Aww... you're so cute, I wanna give you a hug. I'm gonna do that, ok?"
He let her head rest on his shoulders, as he stroked her back. She went quiet, only letting out relaxed breaths.
"There we go... you're all calm."
He put her in his arms again. She seemed like she almost was sleeping. He smiled at her. He nailed this. 
Then she scrunched her face up slightly and let out a sound that could only be compared to someone dropping a heavy object on a creamy cake.
"Seriously?!" Ramiro muttered, "We just changed you, are you doing this on purpose, bubba?!"
He had no idea where he got "bubba" from, it just came out. He looked at her. She seemed to have fallen asleep with a rather pleased face.
Ramiro walked into the room.
"Has she fallen asleep?" Luna asked. The two one year olds, and Lola, were almost sleeping, but they still hadn't fallen asleep fully.
"Yeah, she crapped herself again and then she fell asleep on me. Is she doing this on purpose?"
Luna snickered. "Well, it's your turn to change her."
"No thanks."
"Ramiro, I'm busy with the others. If you change her, you get two points in our babysitting competition."
"One extra if she pees on you during changing."
Ramiro raised an eyebrow. "I thought that was only a problem with baby boys..."
"Nope. Every baby."
"Oh. Well, that's fun."
He came back about 15 minutes later. The toddlers had fallen asleep, and Luna was petting them.
"How did it go?" she asked. "Did she pee on you?"
"No... she was sleeping through the whole thing."
"She sure is Simón's kid. Sleeping is her favorite hobby."
He put her down in the crib. "There we go, bubba."
"Bubba?" Luna giggled.
"Yeah, it's a nickname that just came to me."
"That's nice." Lucia was still resting her head on her lap. Luna tried to move, but her daughter started letting out worried grunts if she did.
"Your daughter is really cute," Ramiro said.
"Thank you. On her behalf."
"Is it gonna be fun celebrating christmas with her for the first time?"
"Oh, of course! I've bought so much gifts to her. She's so spoiled... they both are! Ámbar and Simón are out right now buying christmas gifts, and I am sure 70% of those are just for the girls."
She kissed Lucia on the forehead.
"We're good babysitters," Ramiro said.
"We are." 
"And you're a good parent."
"You, too. If you ever had children."
Luna then tried to get her daughter to lay down on the mattress. However, that resulted in her waking up.
"Shh... go back to sleep, baby..."
"No," Lucia whined.
Luna sighed, but smiled. "Alright." She picked her up and carried her as she and Ramiro walked out of the room. 
They sat on the couch in the living room for about 20 minutes, just talking about anything. Lucia had fallen asleep again in Luna's lap.
"Why are they so cute when they're sleeping?" Ramiro asked.
"Aren't they cute when they are awake?"
"Of course. Your daughter is really fun. She's a champ!" After uttering that sentence, he gasped. "Champ! That's gonna be my nickname for her!"
"Well, ok!" Luna laughed.
"Hi, champ!"
Suddenly, Ramiro's phone buzzed. "Oh. Jim and Yam are coming back soon."
"We better wake up their kids, then."
"I'll do it. I want some babysitting points."
Luna chuckled. "How many points do you have right now? I've lost count on mine."
"Same... anyway! I'm gonna wake them up."
Lola and Charlie quickly woke up, and seemed to soon have all the energy back. 
Jim and Yam soon came home, being welcomed by their daughters running up to them for hugs.
"Hi! Has everything gone well?" Yam asked. 
"Yeah," Luna said, petting Lucia's hair, as Lucia was slowly waking up.
"Hello!" Simón announced. "Oh, we arrived at the same time?"
"It seems like it!" Ramiro chuckled.
"Where's our daughter?" Ámbar asked.
"Sleeping," Luna said. 
"Did she...?" Simón asked.
Luna gave him a smug face as she mouthed "twice" and simultaneously held up two fingers.
"Well, how did your competition go?" Jim asked. "Who won?"
Luna and Ramiro exchanged looks.
"It seems like there was a tie!" Luna exclaimed.
"No, I'm sure I got more points," Ramiro said.
"No, but you don't know how many points you got. We also forgot to give out points some times."
"It doesn't matter," Jim said, "Because you're both amazing babysitters."
Luna and Ramiro did a high five. 
Who won, according to you? ;) I haven't come up with a good name for Simbar's daughter yet, but maybe one day.
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koolades-world · 5 months
hiii i was wondering if u could write something about the obey me brothers (plus diavolo if ur up for it) with an mc who randomly feeds them their own food. for example mc is snacking on chips and theyll just walk up and hold a chip to his mouth until he takes it/refuses. doesnt matter what hes doing theyll just offer a bite or two.
i do the same thing with my younger siblings and friends so its kinda like a love language. ^^
hi! sure thing :)
enjoy <3
Mc who shares their food randomly
he won't lie, he was confused the first time and actually asked what you were doing haha
once he learns it's just because you care, he gets the warm fuzzies
he works so much that sometimes he forgets to eat or skips it altogether in favor of getting more work done
he's very glad to have you in his life and he thinks that every time you offer him some of your food
he's ecstatic to take snacks from you even if it's not something he likes or think he'll like
he never thought he'd be so loved
he learnt about this habit early on into your trip in the devildom and while he thought it was a little strange but he grew used to it
now he can't imagine you without that! he tries his best to reciprocate
when you offer him your snacks, he actually might not notice for a second
usually he's in the middle of gaming
but he really appreciates the habit and you <3
like lucifer, sometimes he forgets to eat since he's always in the middle of play a game so sometimes the snacks you feed him are the only snacks he gets that day
as long as any crumbs won't get on his books, he's more than happy to let you feed him
he himself is guilty of getting crumbs between the pages so if it happens on accident, he's not mad he just wants to prevent it if possible
he'll offer you a seat beside him and even if all you do is continue to snack and not share, he's happy
he loves having you around and your presence is a comfort <3
he thinks it's so sweet!
while he has lots of fans and is very popular, you're so easily able to look past that
sometimes you don't even say anything when you offer him the snacks and he knows you do it just because you care about him
he always shows the love back with a quick hug or verbal confirmation
bestie he is SO on board!
he he wasn't already snacking he's taking it without a second thought
even if we was snacking, it's just something to mix up what he was eating
he'll be sure to tell you how tasty it was and how the flavor of the food you gave him and the food he was eating combined in his mouth haha
he's asleep more than he's not
you might just be sitting by his side ready with snacks that you will probably eat all of in the process
when he is awake though! he couldn't be happier
he's more than happy to accept but if it's something he dislikes he's not afraid to voice it because that's more for you and less for him
he thinks it's very cute! he cares about you very much and he finds it very endearing
whenever you offer him your snack, he'll stop whatever he's going to turn all of his attention to you
as long as it's not pickles, he will accept
never accepts it absentmindedly, and will always always say thank you!!
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ryescapades · 1 month
can i request Narumi x reader but the reader is similar to Dazai(not really but i forgot who else that i could make an example of) ? Very silly and people underastimate them because of that but when the situation calls for it they're scary as hell.
Maybe Narumi underastimate them at first, and then he saw how scary they actually are but instead of going 100% scared he's like "thats kinda hot"
Maybe the reader is a captain/vice-captain of another division or a platoon leader. Also, make the personality EXTRA silly(the reader is doing it on purpose) like airhead, silly, and very naive (the reader is faking it and people actually fell for that act)
caprice | narumi gen
— three times narumi noticed you during the joint training session between the first and third divisions, slowly getting to know you from afar and the one time he inadvertently decided to fall for you (literally).
genre/warning: gn platoon leader dazai!reader, fluff, inaccurate use of scientific conditions and processes, idk if reader is silly enough here... i tried my best ok TT
a/n: uh another long fic haha thank you for the request!! dazai is actually one of my top kinnies but i'm not sure if this is even good, anon i'm rly sorry if it's not up to your standards 🥲 also here's the menace :3
3.4k wc hoshina | extra
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the first time narumi gen met you, a member he'd assumed was from the third division, the only thing that was on his mind was what the fuck?
no, literally.
because what the fuck were you doing being hung upside down in the first division's gym room, discussing about god knows what with his platoon leaders?
"wait, wait, i think i'm finally feeling it!" you squealed, arms expanding to the side to distance the others from your hanging body. "whoa! is it working, is it working?" tachibana inquires excitedly beside an entertained-looking shinonome. "are you really sure this method is even legit?" the latter added, amusement clear in her eyes.
"what the hell are you guys doing?" narumi couldn't help himself from intervening the scene, for the sheer incredulity had taken over him before he even had the time to think it over. the three of you turned to face him in surprise.
his own subordinates straightened up to give him a salute, while it took you a few minutes before you did too. "ara, if it isn't captain narumi himself," you mused. narumi only raised an eyebrow, not shocked in the slightest that you knew him as he waited for a reply to his earlier question. at that, your expression enlightened.
"oh, right! your platoon leaders here were meditating earlier and tachibana-san almost dozed off... so i suggested a method to feel less sleepy. being hung like this makes you feel the blood rushes to your head, you know? it's such an exhilarating feeling for real," you claimed, resulting in the captain to gaze at you questioningly as your thumb and pointer fingers perched below your chin almost proudly.
narumi blinked, thinking about how... odd this person— you— was. is the third division only consisted of weirdos? must be some random low-class officer meeting those two on accident, he thought, shaking his head slightly in disbelief.
it was not long after that when the first division's captain saw you again, this time in the mess hall where you were sitting with some familiar faces from the third division, which only reinforced his theory that you were indeed from the third.
"reno, have you watched the new movie i talked about before?" furuhashi asked, swallowing his food before looking at his fellow officer. "oh, the one with that famous actor from russia? no, i haven't. isn't that movie adult-rated though?" the silver-haired prodigy asked.
"whaaat? why are you children watching movies about people who play hide the salami, huh!?" kafka scolded, causing furuhashi to counter back, "who the heck even says 'hide the salami' these days, old man?!" by then you just arrived with your tray of food, hearing only one-fourth of the sentence when you took a seat beside the older man.
"oohh, are we pranking someone?" you butt in eagerly, joining in the conversation. the other three snapped their heads towards you in confusion. "prank? who said anything about a prank?" reno asked, head tilting to the side.
you smiled, blinking owlishly at his question. "hide the salami? why are we hiding food if not for a prank...?" your eyes bounced between the three men who were sharing awkward glances with each other.
narumi, who had been eavesdropping the whole time, nearly grimaced. so you're odd and... kind of an airhead, in a way. his brain concluded, simply observing when you abruptly pointed your finger at something far to the right, "captain ashiro, look! there's a cute cat over there!!" when ashiro snapped her head so fast, she realized a bit too late to catch your sneaky hand stealing a piece of food from her tray.
"hey, eat your own food!" kafka reprimanded as you happily nibbled on the stolen treasure but ashiro only waved it off, muttering about how she's gotten used to your antics by now, secretly fond of how your delighted expression itself comically resembled a feline creature.
"what are you staring at, baka shisho?" kikoru's jeer interrupted narumi's daze, causing his back to tense. "nothing. can't you go a day without being an annoying pest?" he sneers, which the girl only laughed mockingly at, though surprisingly she didn't notice that the captain was still snooping in to hear the conversation at your table, listening to the many obnoxious and bizarre (yet interestingly smart, he'd begrudgingly admit) ways you'd recommended to prank someone.
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ˏˋ°•*⁀➷
the third time narumi saw you, it was during a joint sparring session between his and the third division. he was initially supposed to be overseeing kikoru and her new numbers weapon suit but the commotion at the central area of the training venue had snatched his, and the other officers' interest instead.
it was you, preparing to spar with hoshina, his nemesis. in hand-to-hand combat, no less. not to add the two of you were going to use real swords, not the dummy ones.
"are they serious? why would they match up against hoshina?" "i know right... they're gonna lose for sure," "yikes, i'm sending early condolences to them right now,"
narumi had to agree with what he heard his division members were whispering about. sure, he sometimes thinks hoshina's skill level is below his own, but to spar with a regular officer? the swordsman is gonna pummel you straight to the ground, no doubt!
however, his chain of thought was eventually cut off when he later noticed that you were holding on your own, superbly at that. with every hit of hoshina's blade, you'd parried with your own and every small opening hoshina had unknowingly exposed, you had taken the advantage by striking just as hard.
the rapid sounds of metal clanging against each other were loud, echoing even. it was plainly and clearly visible to him that you're not just an officer.
narumi called for his disciple, "oi. who's that training with your vice-captain?" he asked, head nodding towards where you and hoshina were still exchanging blows. kikoru glanced at the direction he mentioned before she grinned wide and cheshire-like.
"oh, them. that's one of our newly appointed platoon leaders, y/n-san! such a spectacle to behold, i know! they're from the third, after all!" she boasted. a platoon leader? y/n, huh... narumi could finally put a name to that pretty face.
wait, what? who the hell said that?
the bicolor-haired man shook his head a bit before focusing back at the fight. "what are you gloating for, dumbass. it's not like—" his sentence died midway when suddenly a particular hard swing from hoshina had struck you straight in the face, causing you to stagger backward as your block was seen a little too late to cover the blow.
the atmosphere suddenly became silent and still, narumi's eyes widening in surprise at the same time as hoshina's in guilt when everyone noticed the few drops of blood through your fingers. "shit, sorry! i didn't mean to hit ya that hard! you okay there?"
narumi instinctively took a step towards your direction when your figure started swaying, his eyes unconsciously glaring at the violet-haired man as the latter reached out his palm so that you could show him the bruise but when you gave no reply, eyes downcast and body rigid, hoshina cursed under his breath. "fuck, y/n. i'm so sorry—"
the unexpected sight of your mischievous, uninjured face and only a faintly sliced skin on your palm greeted the crowd. an annoyed mark appeared at the side of hoshina's head. "you cheeky lil' brat! ya had me so worried there!" he scolded, his hands pulling on your cheeks so hard your eyes watered as you whined, "but it was hilarious watching you— ow, ow, vice-captain! that hurts!"
the others seemed to relax, and a few hushed murmurs entered narumi's ears.
"the heck? what a fluke." "right? there's no way they held off for that long. the vice-captain must have gone easy on them."
on the sidelines, narumi's mouth gaped open and then closed like a fish. was that actually a fluke, or are you actually...? he was slightly bewildered, not knowing whether to acknowledge the fact that you are, in fact, such a whimsical and unserious person he almost found it quite endearing (he didn’t bother acknowledging that thought), or that it was unnoticeable by almost everyone else, but he could see the scratches on hoshina's hands and face, the nicks his RT-0001 eyes had detected were done by your sword.
they were indistinct, hardly noticeable, and barely bleeding that it just proved how careful you were in handling your blade. what's more jarring, however, was that his kaiju eyes couldn't miss the deadly and almost murderous look in your eyes when you were exchanging blows with hoshina earlier.
narumi couldn't help but to smirk menacingly as he ran a hand through his locks, feeling enraptured by the sudden realization.
so it's not just hoshina he has to beat. there's you now.
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ˏˋ°•*⁀➷
it was another random tuesday night when the emergency kaiju alarm blared, signalling the entire headquarter of the incoming kaiju attack. in the meeting room together with the captains and other platoon leaders from the third and first divisions, you were briefly discussing strategies and plans for the neutralization process.
"so it's settled, then. two platoon leaders from each division in one sector. make sure to remember where your group is assigned and keep track of any yoju going in and out of your sector before alerting the other platoons of it. this one might get messy," ashiro summarised before everyone briskly moved out, preparing to head to the kaiju location.
narumi, who had been halfheartedly listening to the whole briefing in boredom, pushed away from the wall he was leaning against and headed towards the door, before noticing a lone figure standing by the desk in the middle of the room.
you were staring hard at the splayed out map in front you, hands shoved in your pockets and head tilted to the side in what narumi assumed to be deliberation. what else is there to think about when ashiro already summed up everything? the man thought before he shrugged, leaving you alone in the meeting room.
the mission was supposed to be simple. tedious, sure, but easy enough for the two divisions to handle. take down the honju, then finish off the remaining clusters of its accompanying yoju— it was said they'd go berserk when triggered by the death of the mother— that were scattered throughout the district.
well, until it's not so easy anymore.
once ashiro had shot down the honju using the explosive power of her cannon, all the yoju had indeed, gone ballistic. the battlefield was messy with all the kaiju corpses and rubbles from destroyed buildings.
appointed as one of the main firepower on land, narumi's earpiece dinged, and the voice of one of the operations officer filled his ears. "captain narumi! sector d requested for backup just a few minutes ago but we've recently lost contact with them!"
confusion took over the captain's expression. backup? these lots of yoju barely have a 4.0 fortitude, did a new high-leveled kaiju appear? oh well, another material to be used in increasing my kill count and popularity if that's the case. his mind pondered as he stepped off the dead body of the kaiju he'd just taken down, his bayonet slung over a shoulder.
"aite, on it," straight away on the move, he considered the possibilities of a bigger threat popping up, like another one of no 9's creation, for instance. narumi's expression darkened at the thought.
however, when he arrived at the site, there was no commotion at all. it was rather quiet. he would've thought that no battle had happened here, if not for the concrete debris and kaiju remains laying around. he decided to look around and survey the area, just in case the information he received was just a small miscalculation.
it was not until he realized he had walked for too long that he froze. sector d wasn't supposed to cover this much space, so why were there so many corpses outside of the neutralization area? narumi tried connecting his earpiece, only for it to let out a series of crackles. this is where they lost connection, huh? he thought.
a sudden movement to his left had him going stiff before he swiftly and sharply spun, bayonet ready in his hand. irritation took over his expression when he saw that it's just an officer. "hey, i almost took your head! be more mindful next time, will you?" he chastised, causing the officer to bow profusely, cowering away from his large weapon. "i apologise, captain narumi! i was just wondering what are you doing here... the neutralization is already finished in this part of the sector."
"haah?? operations said you guys needed backup. what's up with that?" he complained, glaring at the officer who he assumed was from the third division since he wasn't a familar face to narumi at all. "oh, that's already been dealt with! platoon leader y/n had it all planned out!" narumi halted at that, now intrigued so he told the officer to fill him in on what happened prior to the mission.
"psst, you two! come here for a sec," the men in question, toma and ryu turned when they had heard you calling for them a few feet away from the mixed group of first and third divisions soldiers in sector d. "yes! what is it, platoon leader?"
"mind helping me out for a bit?" as they immediately nodded their heads, you straight promptly explained what you wanted them to do. "so we just need to be on the lookout with you at the communication towers outside the sector?"
"ding, ding! that's correct! if you see a kaiju coming your way, just lure it back to your original post where everybody else is. i'll be staying back to tweak out some electricals at the radio masts." you stated.
with the yoju having a bat-like behavior, you'd theorized that they would use ultrasonic echolocation to create a radio wave disturbance that could badly affect the earpieces you're using. despite how low the kaiju's fortitude is, it's immense intellect make up for most of that small number.
that's why the yoju would've probably target the region with the densest wave energy, which is the telecommunication towers. with its echolocation and your communication devices pulsing simultaneously, they would interfere with each other and cause an overlap of frequencies. hence, communication lost between officers would highly likely happen.
"that's fine and all, but y/n-san... if the kaiju really is how you speculate it, what if there's a lot of them coming at once?" toma asked worriedly. "you'll die, of course." you simply answered, making the officers screech in horror, "WHAT??!!"
letting out a chuckle, you waved a hand in dismissal. "don't worry. if there are many of them appearing, just leave them be and return to your post,"
toma and ryu exchanged a look. "but then we'd be leaving you alone, y/n-san!" the latter wailed. at that, you hummed thoughtfully, "hm... i'll be the one dying then," you said matter of factly.
"how about we do rock-paper-scissors to decide who's fixing the comms?"
"this is not the time to joke around, platoon leader!"
you belted out a laugh at their unified shriek of despair. "it's fine, it's fine! put a little trust on me, yeah? if there's nothing else, i'll head on first. i'll be counting on you guys!"
"turned out the kaiju that emerged really did behave exactly like how platoon leader y/n had expected. i kind of felt bad for the first division officers that were assigned together with us because they weren't informed about the plan," toma, narumi had learned of his name, said.
narumi stood there, a tinge of amazement sitting in the far back of his mind at the thought of how meticulous you had been in planning your own strategies. although he was a bit annoyed that you didn't bother telling your fellow platoon leader or superiors— ashiro, hoshina, or him, even— about it. your officers were right; you could've died.
toma was about to add more when your sheepish voice in his earpiece caught his attention. "nee, nee, toma. are you free right now? or anybody, really. i've fixed the signals since it got altered again but uh, i kind of need some help with all these yoju around me," you said, not in the slightest worried about how dangerous the situation you were in right now.
in fact, you sounded like you were casually talking about fixing a broken lamp instead of trying to adjust the freaking junction boxes while being surrounded by a bunch of kaiju.
narumi zeroed in when toma cried out your name. "what? you said you already neutralized all of them, y/n-san! what do you mean there's more?!"
the first division captain immediately snatched the earpiece, completely unapologetic in his action. "your location, platoon leader?" he ordered. "i'm still at the comms towers— oya? is this captain narumi i hear?" he didn't bother answering before he was already running (not before tossing the earpiece back to its owner), leaving behind a flabbergasted toma.
when narumi eventually stepped past the metal fences enclosing the area where you were at, the rosiness of his irises detected not just the piles of dead monsters but also a horde of still-alive kaiju swarming around a radio mast. his eyes twitched, visibly annoyed now that he knew why his earpiece had been giving out static noises one too many times ever since he entered sector d.
he made a quick work of taking them down, slicing away and shooting at every kaiju that came his way. at one point, he heard a faint sound behind him. narumi was about to turn and finish off the kaiju that was ambushing him, but then there was a slight change in the air. it was heavy, and it was approaching fast.
suddenly, a figure dropped from above, plunging the kaiju straight in the core so swiftly narumi almost thought he saw a lightning strike right in front of his very eyes. with a power so dense it almost rivaled his own, the man could only stare as blood sprayed out from the dead monster, raining down on both him and you.
sweet lord, it was you.
with your personal weapon in hand, standing so gracefully on top of the corpse it had his breath stuttering in his chest.
fuck, that was so hot, narumi unconsciously thought.
you, with blood smeared everywhere on your face and suit, finally connected your eyes with his. "oh, captain narumi! i didn't think you'd actually come here," you exclaim. when he gave no reply, your eyebrows raised in curiosity. "did you get injured, captain? why are you on the ground?"
it was only then that he noticed that he was down on his knees (narumi? the narumi gen?? kneeling???), his own weapon laid at his side, neglected. what the hell? he refused to admit how powerful and magnificent you were that it had him forgetting about your little naivety, that it had him weak in the knees.
he shook himself out of his embarrassing stupor before quickly standing back up. "good... i'm good," narumi internally cursed at himself when he realized his voice quivered midway.
"anyway, what in the world was that?! your officer said you didn't inform my platoon of your little plan here!" he fussed.
"ah, that! it was a gamble actually. i didn't want to risk the lives of those who haven't worked with me enough to understand how i operate in this line of work. my subordinates knew what they were in here for," you explained, nonchalantly wiping away the red liquid from your face.
a gamble on your life, basically. narumi frowned at that. he was about to comment more when you turned away, though your face was still directed at him. "well, in any case, i think i should be thanking you, captain." you sent him a cheeky grin.
"huh, what for?"
"you said i was hot earlier. thanks!" with that, you dashed away to handle the remaining kaiju, leaving behind a flustered and rigid narumi gen as he watched you go on a killing spree.
in spite of your beauty and grace, in his eyes, you ain't no angel, no. you're a goddamn valkyrie, an ethereal being dancing with death in the middle of a bloody battlefield. and he— his heart, is a mere soldier ready and willing to be lead by you to the gates of heaven, he realised.
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jp phrases used >> おや (oya), ねぇ ねぇ (nee nee)
©🅁🅈🄴🅂🄲🄰🄿🄰🄳🄴🅂. do not steal, translate or repost my work anywhere else !
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epiicaricacy-arts · 1 year
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taking places
more fatui lyney ft. arlecchino bc unfortunately i am obsessed and also have been listening to early p!atd songs once again hehe haha
read the “behind the design” for my fan design here
close ups
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sketch + rough colour map
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very short process discussion utc because for once i have very little to say!
this one kinda came outta nowhere. i was just doodling some angles and i turned one into lyney and not long after i found myself drawing my fatui design again 🥲 the premise was totally on accident though since the angle the face was at meant his hair covered the only visible eye and i didn’t wanna restart
nothing too special style-wise either. i just wanted to do some painting so i didn’t put much thought into composition as i usually do. wanted to experiment with some greener colours since green is a color im very unfamiliar with and i saw some art on pinterest with very limited palettes that had green in them. i noticed that for drawings under really bright lights the artists tend to lean towards green, which is cool!! i hope i pulled that effect off, i think i did pretty well with this piece 👍
misc notes would just be me experimenting with limiting my rendering, meaning i put details in the shadows and tried keeping the bright areas relatively flat. originally arlecchino had her jacket but i took it off since it was too complicated ☹️
also i have no idea how i pulled off that one sleeve with the frills and i’m very pleased with it. 👍
thank you for reading expect some horrors soon 🫶
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wasyago · 5 months
I'm so curious, but it's okay if you do not have an answer for me; did something happen to Etho in your recks au for him to need all of those robotic prosthetics, like an accident of sorts? Or did he, I guess, experiment on himself or something like that?
Wonderful design, by the way! I can't stop looking at it, I love it so much.
haha yeah something did happen :)c
so, as you may or may not know, the world of recks suffered from a catastrophe caused by the moon going off its orbit and almost crushing into earth; which caused the creation of many gravitational anomalies all over the planet; which caused most of the big cities to evolve downwards and move under the sea level; which created this odd phenomenon of many skyscrapers in the middle of the city being abandoned and staying vacant, even if the buildings are technically fully operational.
and so teen etho, our smart little boy, thought "Hey, i don't wanna live so low underground where the sun doesn't reach when there's perfectly good houses on the surface!" so he just kinda... left his home and moved to one of the abandoned buildings. which, i mean, good for him and all that. BUT.
see, the thing about run down buildings is that they don't have a good water supply. and the thing about water in recks au is that it has a ton of bad chemicals, moon debris, leftovers of destroyed infrastructure, etc, in it when unfiltered or filtered poorly.
and etho, although smart, wasn't smart enough to give proper attention to the metallic taste of the water in the building he moved in to. like, sure it tastes a little weird but otherwise it's fine, it's something you would expect from an abandoned skyscraper right?
well, little did he know that the water he drank for god knows how many years of his life, was actually slowly dissolving his insides and poisoning him! and yknow, sharp pain in your guts every so often is one thing, but actively coughing up blood is another. and thank god he met cleo by then, because they forced him to actually do a check up to see what was wrong.
everything was wrong how you might've already guessed, to the point where the damage wasn't reversible anymore and there was no way to heal naturally. sooo etho had to get the prosthetic and say goodbye to his organs. the other option was to say goodbye to his life tho so he got pretty lucky there i think. thankfully cleo is a prosthetics doctor neurologist person, and she was able to get everything sorted fairly quickly for him and get that man on the operating table as soon as possible.
so at the end, all of etho's vitals had to be changed, including his throat and lower jaw because it also god badly damaged by being in contact with the water. (turns out etho had the raspy voice not because he was cool but actually because he was dying 😬) and! let me tell you, removing someone's entire set of vitals and changing them for the artificial ones in one surgery without killing the person in the process is actually very hard!! who would've thought huh...
well uhmm, yeah so this is what happened to etho o3o
(the eye prosthetic is another story tho, this post is already pretty long so maybe next time)
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mythicmanuscripts · 1 month
hi!! thank you for all your work, I binge read it all and now I just go back and reread over and over! I know you do GOT too, so just to start off, what about sub!Robb with a betrothed/wife he’s known for a long time? maybe he’s really stressed out after ned leaves to kings landing and he has to take over, and the only emotional release he can find and really trust is letting himself fall into subspace with you?
His mother is preoccupied with Bran after the accident and he has to be strong in front of the rest of Winterfell, but with you he can just let himself float and get all clingy and teary and know you’ll take care of him—
haha I’ll say thank you and stop before I start rambling too much!
This is so good!! I absolutely love Robb (I think this is where my love for Jace comes from actually) so I am very very happy to start off GOT talk with him!! (Sidenote: wanna know the GOT character I love the most? Sansa. I would die for her. She went from my least favourite character to my absolute favourite, 10/10 character development)
My answer isnt too explicit but there's definitely NSFW undertones and implied sexual activity so I'm gonna put it under a cut just to be safe :)) Also, all my GOT content will have the appropriate tags such as 'game of thrones' and 'game of thrones x reader' so if you don't want to see this content then just block one of those tags.
So firstly, I love the idea of being long time friends with Robb and long time betrothed? Kinda simpler to the Jace and Baela relationship with you and Robb being promised to each other a long long time ago. Maybe after you're promised to Robb you choose to stay at Winterfell after that? Or maybe you're supposed to stay for a few weeks and then return home but when it's time to leave you decide to stay.
You and Robb get along incredibly well from the moment you met and you're both so excited to one day be married. Robb definitely constantly calls you his betrothed and will tell off anyone who says anything inappropriate about you or tries to get too close to you because you're his betrothed.
I think maybe what happens is Ned tells you both that you will finally get married when he returns from King's Landing? Of course you're both overjoyed about this. There had definitely been moments where you two came close to doing things you shouldn't before marriage, and to be honest you would have happily not waited until marriage, but Robb is the perfect gentleman and honour is so important to him not only his but yours. He would never ever do anything that would make people question your honour.
However, once Ned leaves and it becomes very clear that he's not going to come back anytime soon and Robb is having to take on the role of the head of Winterfell... then things start to come apart.
You can see how much he's struggling, and of course you'd never turn him away. At first it's just coming to you and asking for advice and venting. You have always been each other's safe space, and since you're supposed to one day be the lady of Winterfell as well as his wife, of course you listen and help him.
Robb starts to lean on you quite a bit, which he appreciates so much and he doesn't know what he'd do without you. In public Robb seems to be very put together and the pressure he's under never shows. But once the doors are closed and it's just the two of you, he allows the facade to fall and lets you see how much he's struggling.
You always listen and help him. You offer advice but you also just offer a safe space, allowing him to rest and relax. You always offer him hugs and distractions and he appreciates you so so much.
Pretty soon a problem comes up. When he's alone with you and all his walls are down, it's very hard for him to hold back? He wants so badly to just dive into your arms and kiss you and be comforted. He knows you're not married yet so he's not supposed to even touch you really, but he can't help it when he's feeling so stressed and so vulnerable and he just needs someone to make him feel good.
It starts off with you letting him hug you a lot more and then it goes into cuddling. Originally Robb feels that even this is too far, but you reassure him because you can see how bad he needs it. You also remind him that you're his future wife. He can't ruin your honour because he's the one you're supposed to keep the honour in tact for.
Pretty soon you've got a routine. He comes to you and the two of you cuddle together and you listen to him vent. Then you'll either offer him advice or just distract him? He's honestly like a cat, practically purring as you rub his back and play with his hair.
I think this is where he starts to drop into subspace? At first he's not quite sure what's going on, all he knows is that suddenly he feels like he's not close enough to you and he's getting all weepy and desperate and he has no idea why. You notice his distress of course, and you try to help him as best you can but it's very clear he's wanting to be closer, wanting more.
You'd grant him that if you thought he actually wanted it but it was pretty clear that he wasnt in the right headspace. So instead you just hold him extra tight until he calms down enough to fall asleep. The next time you're alone with him you have a conversation about it.
He tells you he's not sure what happened. But most importantly, he assures you that while he was at first scared, you calmed him down perfectly and after that he slept better than he had in weeks.
So you allow more and more of it, both because he needs it and because honestly you love being able to see him like that and you feel so privileged to look after him.
He starts to kneel for you after that and he loves it so so much. The first sexual thing that comes from it is just him eating you out? He won't allow you to return to favour, but he absolutely loves being able to do it to you.
Needless to say, the marriage date ends up being brought forward.
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lilacmingi · 6 months
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My works are 14+ ONLY. If you’re under 14 DO NOT interact with me or any of my works
Pairing: Hufflepuff!Yunho x Hufflepuff!fem reader
Word count: 4,968
Note: Seems kinda silly sharing this one considering its March lol but when I was writing these Hogwarts AU imagines, they were being posted around November/December 2022 and I felt bad for not having anything festive written so I made this one take place around Christmastime to add some festive flair. Hopefully you guys can still enjoy it, even in March haha
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"You need to dress warmly, Y/n. It's getting colder these days." Yunho tugged your scarf around your neck, making sure you were all bundled up.
You merely chuckled, amused at how much he cares for you.
"I'll be fine." You assured him.
"We have to walk all the way to the greenhouse for herbology. You should stay warm."
You gave him a reluctant smile, allowing him to adjust your scarf to where it would cover your chin.
"Okay." He gave a small nod of approval before linking arms with you. "Let's go. Don't wanna be late."
Leaving the warm corridors of the school, you stepped out into the chilly air. It was nearing the end of autumn and would soon be winter, though based on the bitter temperature outside it felt like the season had already arrived. You and your fellow housemate trekked across the school grounds, stepping over leaves that had long fallen off the trees, their color now a dull brown. The holidays were just around the corner and Hogwarts had rolled out the Christmas decorations, decking the entire school out in holiday cheer, the colorful array of twinkling ornaments and other baubles giving the castle a cozy feel. The Great Hall was the most beautiful with large Christmas trees throughout the room, holly and ribbons hanging along the ceiling, all topped off with white snow falling from above, the magical icy clusters not feeling cold at all.
The greenhouse came into view, you and Yunho hurrying over desperate to get inside and out of the chilly air.
"Good afternoon." Professor Sprout greeted you with her usual warm smile, her jovial personality shining through as always.
"Afternoon." You greeted, making your way further into the greenhouse, taking your place at the long table that stretched along the length of the greenhouse.
You and Yunho began unpacking your supplies, your fingers brushing against his by accident.
"Your hands are freezing." He commented, grabbing them with his larger ones.
A faint heat creeped onto your cheeks as he squeezed your icy palms between his, warming them a little. You were so focused on him, you didn't notice the other students filing in the greenhouse, preparing for class.
"Alright. Now that everyone's here let's get started." Professor Sprout spoke up, causing Yunho to release your hands.
You exchanged sheepish glances before the both of you turned your eyes away out of embarrassment.
"Since Christmas is approaching, I thought it would be fit for us to study mistletoe. As you all know, this parasitic plant is used for decoration, but you can also use it for antidotes for the forgetfulness potion and common poisons."
"Ha. Mistletoe." You chuckled softly. "How festive."
Professor Sprout proceeded to explain more facts about the plant, allowing everyone to examine the white berries on the herbage, cutting them open and grinding them for potions.
The greenhouse, though slightly warmer than the chilly outdoor air, didn't offer much heat for your cold fingertips. Suddenly you missed the warmth of Yunho's hands, wishing he could hold them one more time.
Professor Sprout filled the silence in the greenhouse by giving a brief history lesson on mistletoe, talking about how it was used as a holiday decoration in the 1700s, then she proceeded explain how wizards used it for potions, though at that point you started zoning out.
Her voice became mere background noise as your eyes lingered on Yunho, who was closely examining the leaves on his plant which was held between his slender fingers.
By some miracle, you managed to pull it together long enough to make it through class.
You rubbed your hands together on the trek back to the school, tugging your scarf up to cover your nose and shield it from the chilly gusts of wind that fiercely hit your cheeks.
Once back inside Hogwarts, you let the heat from the torches lining the hall to warm you up a little. Yunho noticed the way you rubbed your hands together, wiggling your fingers around a bit.
"Here." Yunho held his hands out to you palms up.
You placed your smaller hands in his and allowed him to warm them the best he could, though his fingers were pretty cold as well, but they were warmer than yours. Plus, you can't possibly pass up the opportunity to have his hands holding onto yours.
You chuckled softly at Yunho's appearance, noticing a tint of pink on the tip of his nose.
"What?" He asked amusedly.
"Your nose is pink."
"It's freezing too. Wanna feel it?" He teased, leaning in closely preparing to press his nose against your cheek. You were quick to pull away, laughing at him.
"Come on. Let's go to the dining hall and see if we can get some hot chocolate before our next class." He stated.
"That would be fantastic."
The both of you went straight to the Great Hall where thankfully you were able to get a hot beverage to warm you up, the drink doing wonders for you.
"This was a good call." You sighed contently, grateful that your friend had suggested the idea. "I needed something that would warm me up quickly."
He hummed in agreement, his face covered by the mug as he gulped down the chocolate beverage. Once he set the cup down, a small amount of whipped cream dotted the tip of his nose as well as his top lip, the sight making you giggle.
"What? Do I have something on my face?" He asked, knowing there was whipped topping on him.
"Come here." You beckoned, grabbing a napkin and cleaning his face.
Yunho's heart fluttered at your simple yet very effective actions. His eyes lingered on your face, taking in all your beautiful details, from your lashes to your soft-looking lips, his mind beginning to wander as he imagined what it would feel like to kiss them.
He blinked himself from his daze, humming in response.
"You zoned out. I asked if you were ready to go. We've got just enough time to get to class."
"Oh. Yeah I'm ready."
It was early morning, right around breakfast time and you were sat in front of the fireplace in the Hufflepuff common room with a letter in your hands and a heavy feeling in your chest.
The sound of feet shuffling along the floor above could be heard over the crackling fire before you, Yunho's voice following after.
"Oh, you got something from your parents?" He observed.
"Yeah." You sighed as he descended the stairs, taking a seat beside you.
"Must've been important if it was delivered straight to the dormitory."
"It was."
Based on your discouraged tone and small frown, whatever news you got wasn't good.
"What's wrong?"
"It's a letter from my parents. They work for the Ministry of Magic so they're really busy and it seems they're not going to be home much. Looks like I'm going to be staying here for Christmas."
Yunho frowned. He hated seeing you upset, even more so he hated that you would be stuck at Hogwarts over Christmas break instead of spending it with your family.
"Come here." He beckoned softly, pulling you into a hug, which you happily accepted.
His hugs were always the best. He was bigger than you, so being in his embrace always felt nice, warm, even safe. You've always joked that his hugs were magical because they always seemed to melt your problems away whenever you were upset about something.
Yunho rubbed your back soothingly, allowing you to stay in his arms for as long as you needed.
If you were forced to stay at Hogwarts over Christmas break, he would stay with you.
Or maybe...
He let out a sudden gasp as a lightbulb went off in his head, making him pull back.
"Why don't you spend Christmas with me and my family?"
You took in a quick breath at his sudden proposition, looking at him with a shocked expression. At your response, or lack thereof, Yunho continued.
"You can send an owl back to your parents and let them know you're going to spend Christmas with me."
You continued to sit there, your mind processing everything.
Spending Christmas with Yunho?
The idea sounded great, honestly. You'd be able to spend the entire break with your crush. What more could you ask for?
Judging by the hopeful expression on his face and the expectant gleam in his eyes, he really wanted you to accept his offer, so you did.
When Christmas break rolled around, you found yourself boarding the Hogwarts Express with Yunho and a suitcase of clothes and other necessities for your visit.
The both of you made your way into one of the roomettes, sliding the door closed behind you before moving to sit on one of the benches.
"Sit next to me, Y/n." Yunho patted the spot next to him.
Softly smiling, you moved across to Yunho's bench, seating yourself beside him.
"I haven't seen your parents in years." You commented.
"I'm sure they're excited to see you, especially mom. She asks about you a lot."
"She does?"
He nodded.
The train departed from the station a few minutes later, rolling into motion. You watched as the school got smaller and smaller the further away you got. Your heart started to beat a little faster at the thought of being with Yunho for two weeks at his home.
The snack trolley rolled by not too long into the ride making the Hufflepuff beside you perk up, an excited gasp leaving him.
"Y/n, do you want something?" He asked.
"Yes, please."
Yunho asked the lady pushing the cart for your favorite candy along with some of his favorites before she went on to the next roomette. It didn't take long at all for the both of you to tear into the sweets, enjoying them as you watched the trees and valleys pass by.
An hour into the train ride, you felt your eyelids begin to droop as a feeling of drowsiness slowly washed over you. Not wanting to fall asleep, you turned your attention to the view out the window and started watching the scenery, a vast field with mountains in the distance, each one a different size. Unfortunately, that didn't do any good and you ended up allowing yourself to rest your eyes for a moment, which of course resulted in you falling asleep.
Yunho's gaze was glued to the landscape outside when he felt a weight on his shoulder. Upon glancing over, he found you sound asleep, your body slumped over on him, head resting on his shoulder.
A soft smile of adoration tugged at his lips as he allowed his gaze to linger on you for a few moments, taking in your features up close. It was only when you stirred slightly that he averted his gaze back to the view outside, his cheeks slightly warm.
When he didn’t feel you move, he peeked over at you once more as soft breaths pushed past your slightly parted lips.
"Y/n. We're here."
You squeezed your eyes shut tighter, nuzzling your face into whatever you were resting on.
A deep chuckle sounded afterwards making you peel your eyes open.
Yunho was gazing down at you, eyes gleaming with amusement. It was then that you realized you'd fallen asleep on him, your head resting on his chest. This realization caused you to push yourself off him in a rush.
He only laughed, standing up from his seat.
"I'm sorry." You apologized.
"You seemed to be sleeping well, so I didn't wake you." He responded, offering you his hand. "Come on."
After a short taxi ride, you arrived at your destination, welcomed by strings of beautiful multicolored lights strung along the eaves of the house, the sight giving you a warm feeling in your chest.
You stepped into Yunho's cozy abode, the warmth from inside brushing against your cool cheeks, the smell of gingerbread and cinnamon reaching your senses.
"Come in, come in." Yunho's mom beckoned, ushering both of you inside. "It's freezing out."
Christmas music played softly throughout the home as you removed your scarf, your eyes roaming the house, taking in your surroundings. The feeling of someone tugging on your coat grabbed your attention, it was Yunho. You thanked him quietly, shrugging off the thick jacket and allowing him to hang it on the coat rack by the door.
"My Yunho, come here." His mom cooed, pulling him into a tight hug. "I missed you so much."
"I missed you too, mom."
After pulling away, she turned to you with a warm smile. "Y/n."
"Hello." You greeted.
"I haven't seen you since you and Yunho were in fourth year." She gushed. "You've grown into such a beautiful young lady."
You muttered a shy thank you before she escorted the both of you into the living room, going on about how excited she was that you'd be joining them during Christmas break and how she had prepared snacks for your arrival. Sitting on the coffee table in the living room was a plate of small sandwiches, crackers, and sliced fruit along with two glasses of water.
"Sorry. She gets enthusiastic when we have guests." Yunho murmured, cheeks tinged pink.
"It's fine. It's actually really nice. I missed her hospitality."
Just then, the front door swung open and Yunho's father walked in, shrugging off his jacket.
"Are they here yet?" He inquired before glancing into the living room where you and Yunho were seated on the couch. "Ah. I missed the welcome party."
"We just got in." Yunho informed him. "You didn't miss much."
"Good, good." His father nodded, making his way over to greet both of you, asking how classes were and how you'd been—just the usual small talk. He then grabbed one of the tiny sandwiches Yunho's mom had made.
At that moment, she entered the room and caught him in the act, immediately scolding him.
"Those are for Y/n and Yunho."
"Alright. Sorry." He chuckled, heading towards the kitchen.
"Y/n, why don't I take your bags to your room?" Yunho's mom offered.
"Oh, you don't have to do that."
"No, no, I insist. You're our guest."
You didn't have time to protest as she grabbed your bag as well as Yunho's and left the room.
After resting for a moment and finishing the finger foods that were prepared, Yunho's mom offered to show you where you'd be sleeping during your visit. Yunho wanted to unpack his things, so he got up and followed you and his mom down the hall, not expecting her to come to a stop at his bedroom.
"You'll have to share with Yunho. I hope you don't mind." She mentioned, opening the bedroom door. "Don't worry, though. I've set up a mattress on the floor so everything should be fine."
"I thought we had a spare bedroom." Yunho spoke up hastily.
"Oh, I've been using it as a storage room."
Yunho's face got hot at the thought of sharing a room with you, but at the same time it was a dream come true. Back at Hogwarts the boys and girls dorms are separated; the girls' dormitory is charmed so no boys can enter, though it's not the same for the boys' dorm, which is odd—but you've never stayed overnight with him before, even at school, so this would be a whole new experience.
Your palms started to get a bit sweaty as you took in the information you were just given, your slightly wide eyes staring at the sight before you. Alongside Yunho's bed was a small, inflatable mattress with a few blankets and pillows on it. While it did look comfortable, it was directly beside the place where Yunho slept. Judging by the giddiness in his mom's voice, she was more than okay with the both of you sharing a room.
"Well, I'll let you two get settled." She spoke up and excused herself.
As soon as she was out of the room, Yunho's head dropped as he let out a sigh.
"I'm sorry."
"It's fine." You waved him off.
You and Yunho have been friends for years, sharing a room shouldn't be weird... it only feels that way because of your feelings for him.
"I'm gonna unpack. You can make yourself comfortable."
Yunho moved across the room to his bed where his suitcase laid, unzipping the beg before removing items from it. You started to do the same, taking a seat on the blow up mattress in the floor, taking out your toiletry bag.
"You can put that in the bathroom across the hall." Yunho mentioned. "As for clothes, you can leave them in your suitcase or I can clean out a drawer for you to store them in."
"It's fine. I can just leave them in here." You responded, not wanting Yunho to go to the extra trouble.
Once settled, the both of you were called into the kitchen to have dinner, which smelled so good. It had been a while since you had a home-cooked meal. Though, Hogwarts had exceptional food, there's something different about having something made at home.
"You really went all out." You commented, your mouth watering at the spread before you.
"Of course. It's Christmas, plus we have a special guest. It's the least I could do." Yunho's mom smiled warmly, pouring everyone a drink.
After a nice meal, you spent the rest of the afternoon watching TV with Yunho and his parents. Turns out they found amusement in muggle television programs and enjoyed watching them. You unexpectedly got hooked on a particular show, the ups and downs of the plot pulling you in immediately.
After watching a few episodes, you and Yunho decided to get ready for bed and settle in for the night.
You watched in mild amusement as Yunho arranged his pillows in a particular order, one lying flat in the middle and one propped up on the bed frame on either side. A chuckle slipped from you by accident causing the tall boy to turn, eyeing you.
"Sorry." You apologized. "I didn't know you had a system going."
"I do. My bed fits me well so I arrange my pillows like this, but in beds that are shorter where my feet stick out, I arrange them like this." He began shuffling the pillows around, moving the ones that were resting on the bed frame flat on the mattress lying vertically, giving him somewhat of a barrier on either side of his main pillow.
"I have to do this at Hogwarts since the beds are smaller." He mentioned.
It may be silly, but his specific pillow arrangements were extremely endearing to you. The way he had a whole system figured out based on the size of the bed was too cute.
He didn't seem to notice your love-filled gaze as he fluffed his main pillow, shimmying underneath the covers.
"Are you settled in?" He asked.
"Mhm." You hummed.
Yunho raised his wand in the air, using it to turn the lights out before snuggling down into his bed.
"Goodnight, Y/n."
"Goodnight, Yunho."
Getting to sleep proved to be a bit harder than you had originally thought. You were hyperaware of Yunho sleeping so close to you and that prevented you from getting relaxed enough to rest.
It's not a big deal, Y/n. You told yourself. Yunho is your best friend. You've known him for years. There's no reason to be nervous.
Minutes passed and you tried different positions, lying on your back, your left side, then your right side. Nothing was working.
Movement on the bed caught your attention as Yunho's head popped up, peeking down at you.
"If you're not comfortable, we can switch spots." He offered. "If it's me you're uncomfortable with I can sleep on the couch and you can have my bed."
The thought of sleeping in Yunho's bed under sheets that probably smelled like him drove you crazy, but the inflatable mattress was just fine, plus you didn't want to take Yunho's bed from him.
"I'm good." You assured him.
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah. This is fine."
"Well, the offer is still there if you change your mind."
You murmured a thank you before rolling over, finally getting comfortable enough to go to sleep.
You woke up the next morning to Yunho shaking you awake.
"What is it?" You groaned.
"Get up. Hurry!" He pulled you to your feet, your knees nearly buckling, not used to all the sudden movement right after waking up.
Yunho wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you downstairs to the living room window.
"Check it out." Yunho gawked as he gazed out the glass pane.
"Wow." You gaped at the amount of snow that had blanketed the front lawn, the sight instantly waking you up.
"Oh, how pretty." Yunho's mom marveled. "You two should go outside and enjoy it."
The both of you exchanged glances, but before either of you could speak, Yunho's mom did.
"Go on." She gently ushered the both of you towards your room, telling you to bundle up. "I'll start on breakfast and you two go have some fun."
You had no choice but to do as she asked, going right back to Yunho's room.
"I'm so glad I packed warm clothes." You commented, pulling out a sweater and thick pants.
After layering up and putting on your coat and house scarf, you stepped outside hearing the many inches of snow crunch beneath your boots.
"That's one way to wake you up in the mornings." Yunho chuckled, his breaths coming out in puffs due to the frigid air.
"That's for sure." You shivered slightly, the icy weather flushing out the last remnants of sleep from your body.
"Come on." Yunho's gloved hand grabbed yours, tugging you out into the yard. "We should build a snowman."
"With all this snow, we could built three snowmen."
Yunho retrieved his wand from the inside of his jacket with a smirk. "You wanna try it?"
A knowing grin spread across your face as you pulled out your wand. "Let's do it."
With a simple locomotion charm, the both of you had large spheres of snow rolling across the lawn, getting bigger and bigger.
"Bring that one over here." Yunho pointed. "We'll use that for the base."
You nodded, moving your snowball to its designated spot as Yunho stacked his on top, using his wand to place the last and smallest sphere on top. In no time, you had three perfect snowmen built in front of the house.
Using your wands, the both of you gathered sticks and rocks to use for the arms and face for each snowman, placing them accordingly.
"These looks great." You beamed. "It's been  so long since I've done this. I feel like a kid again."
"Me too." He huffed out a laugh. "You think breakfast is ready?"
"I hope so. I'm starving."
"Come on." Yunho held out his hand. "Let's go."
Later that night, the air inside the house was cooler than normal thanks to the piles of snow outside. The double layer of blankets wasn't doing much to keep you warm, no matter how much you curled up or how high they were bunched around your neck.
"Are you cold?" Yunho asked.
You assumed he was asleep, so his voice startled you a bit.
"Just a little." You responded.
"Would you like to sleep up here? It's warmer when you're not close to the floor."
"I don't know. You've got that pillow fort up there, I don't think there's any room for me." You teased.
"I can always make room."
You were so desperate to get warm and Yunho's offer was very appealing, so you agreed.
Yunho shuffled around, adjusting his pillows as you got up off the inflatable mattress and joined him in the bed, which was noticeably warmer than your makeshift one on the floor.
You let out a content sigh, tugging the covers up over you.
"Better?" Yunho asked.
At this point, the fact that you were sharing a bed with Yunho didn't phase you, in fact, it was the last thing on your mind. You were just grateful to be warm. Yunho shuffled a bit, giving you some extra space before rolling onto his side, his back facing you.
"This is so much nicer than that air mattress." You commented blissfully.
"I imagine it is."
"You don't have to be so far away." You told him, noticing the distance between the both of you.
"I just wanna make sure you're comfortable."
"I am. Come on." You tugged at the back of his pajama top, making him scoot towards you.
He kept his back facing you, too nervous to turn around. Yunho felt bad that you were cold and simply wanted to help out, but now that you were right beside him, things were starting to sink in.
"Goodnight." You murmured sleepily.
It was only when he was sure you were asleep that he turned around. Your cheek was squished against the pillow as small snores moved past your parted lips. His hand reached out towards your face, his slender fingers barely ghosting over your cheek. Yunho found himself unconsciously moving forward, his gaze focused on your lips. Before he could get too close, he came to his senses and pulled away, choosing to go to sleep.
It was finally Christmas Eve and things were in full swing at the Jeong household. Yunho's dad has just placed extra logs in the fireplace while his mom laid out all the sweet treats she had baked, going on about playing some board games later. Presents had been wrapped and placed neatly underneath the tree, each present with a different decorative wrapping.
"There's supposed to be some muggle
Christmas specials on tonight." Yunho's dad mentioned. "We should watch some."
"That'll be fun." You agreed.
"Oh, darn." You heard Yunho's mom mutter.
"Is everything okay?" You inquired, poking your head into the kitchen.
"I'm out of eggs." She glanced at the clock on the wall. "The store closes in half an hour. I need to go."
You and Yunho watched from the living room doorway as she hurriedly slipped on her coat, calling for his dad to come with her.
"You two will be alright staying here by yourselves for a little while, right?"
You both nodded.
With that, she pulled out her wand, both she and Yunho's dad apparating in the blink of an eye.
"I can't wait to get my apparition license." You commented.
"Me too. It'll be so convenient." Yunho agreed.
Letting out a sigh, you turned to face him.
"So, what should we do?"
Your question went unheard and unanswered by Yunho who was more occupied with something above you.
"Ah." Yunho glanced up with rosy cheeks.
Following his gaze, you spotted a small bundle of mistletoe hanging from the top of the doorframe, sucking in a deep breath at the sight.
"I'm sorry." He muttered embarrassedly. "My mom must've put that there."
The tips of his ears were a deep shade of pink while his cheeks were almost matching.
"It's okay." You shrugged it off, acting as if it wasn't a big deal to help Yunho feel a little more at ease even though you were internally freaking out just like he was.
Pulling your bottom lip between your teeth, you weighed your options. Either you could walk away and pretend this didn't happen, noting to avoid the mistletoe for the rest of your visit, or you could try and kiss Yunho and see what happens.
Before you could make a decision, he started to lean in closer, your breath catching in your throat.
Yunho's lips met yours, pressing softly as if to test the waters. Though there wasn't much force or pressure to the kiss, you could feel the pliant softness of his lips as they dragged slowly against yours before he pulled away, the lack of contact leaving you wanting more. Without hesitation, you leaned forward, reconnecting your lips. The action clearly caught Yunho off guard but he was quick to respond, his arms sliding around your waist pulling you into his broad chest.
Your mind clouded over immediately, the feeling of his mouth on yours was almost too much to handle, but still you wanted more.
You got your wish, because it was at that moment Yunho stepped forward, pressing your back against the frame of the walkway as he began kissing you more feverishly.
Your fingers found purchase in his dark tresses, tugging at his hair. He let out a grunt in response, pressing closer to you.
"Yunho." You murmured against his lips.
He pulled away for a moment, gazing drunkenly at you with half-lidded eyes.
"I like you a lot." You confessed breathlessly. "I have for along time."
"Me too." He sighed, leaning in to capture your lips with his once again.
Your leg wrapped around his torso, your fingers grabbing at the fabric of his sweater.
Yunho pulled away again, making you frown slightly at the loss of contact.
"You're so pretty." He stroked your cheek.
Your eyelids fluttered closed as you sighed out his name.
"I'm not sure how long your mom will be gone, maybe we should go somewhere else." You suggested.
"Say no more." Yunho began tugging you along through the living room and down the hallway to his bedroom.
The both of you collapsed onto his bed with a grunt.
"I think this was my mom's plan all along." He admitted.
"Me too. Maybe we should thank her." You chuckled.
"Maybe we should." He grinned, diving in for another breathtaking kiss.
Hongjoong ⟡ Seonghwa ⟡ Yeosang ⟡ San ⟡ Mingi ⟡ Wooyoung ⟡ Jongho
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gamerwoo · 1 year
[skz] In Between: Felix and...
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characters: felix x gn reader (if there are any she/her pronouns that i missed while editing i'm so sorry it's an accident)
genre/warnings: idol!felix, streamer!reader, fluff, humor, established relationship, the whole fic is set up like an interview video, reader is bigger than felix, reader's online alias is saturn and is sometimes referred to as such, it's mentioned that reader is older than jeongin, one mention of a fic about a threesome but nothing explicit happens
word count: 3,800
summary: welcome to the couple's interview called 'in between:' where your favorite couples answer some questions to show a little background and insight to their relationships. today, we're exploring in between: saturn and felix!
a/n: i've done this kind of format for a fic before and i've always wanted to revisit that bc it was a lot of fun and sooo much easier imo so here we are!!! also don't ask me why the header is so low quality it saved normal i swear i think tumblr fucked it up 😔
chan | minho | changbin | hyunjin | jisung | seungmin | jeongin
[a short preview of the video plays where _____ is staring deadpan into the camera.]
_____: I behave. Gotta keep it cool with JYPapi.
[felix stares at _____ without expression. they don’t look back at him. they just continue to stare at the camera without any expression. a screen saying ‘technical difficulties’ pops up before the video cuts to the beginning of the interview. _____ and felix are sitting on stools beside each other.]
_____: Hi, I’m _____, or you might know me online as Saturn.
Felix: And I’m Felix from Stray Kids.
_____: And today, we’ve been invited to Gamerwoo to do a fun little interview all about our lil’ romance [they start drumming their fingers together like some sort of villain].
Felix: [laughing] This is In Between: Felix and Saturn.
[the intro card plays, and in the background, felix can be heard still laughing with _____ loudly asking, 'what?!'. then it changes to the question card before going back to the couple.]
[what was your first date?]
Felix: Is it, like…real date? Like, in person?
_____: Yeah, we went on Minecraft dates and even an Overwatch date once.
Felix: We don’t talk about the Overwatch date.
_____: You’re just mad that I picked Roadhog.
[felix slowly turns to look at _____. they continue to just stare back at him. a card that says ‘technical difficulties’ pops up before the video jumps back to the couple.]
Felix: Our first date was shortly after the first stream we did together, I think.
_____: [nodding] Yeah, it was. Because we were supposed to meet not too long after that stream, and then a couple days later you were like, ‘do you wanna go grab street food and I can show you around?’ and I was like, ‘haha okay!’ and then you ended up holding my hand and I stopped functioning.
Felix: [laughing loudly] No, ‘cause I could literally hear your brain trying to work! I just held their hand and they suddenly just stopped eating their ice cream, their face went blank, and even their walking kinda stopped so I stopped to look at them and they were so flustered.
_____: I wasn’t expecting it! I genuinely had no idea you liked me romantically so I was just like, ‘oh, we’re hanging out and he’s being nice,’ and then it was actually more than that and I was like– [_____ just stops and stares intensely wide-eyed].
[how did you meet and what were your first impressions?]
_____: So I stream online and I mostly play video games, and Felix really likes video games, too. And I knew that already because I’m a Stay and I was a Stay before I met him, and I would talk about them and Seventeen and New Jeans and stuff on my streams a lot.
Felix: And I just found _____ one day when I was looking through streams trying to find something to put on in the background, and I just really liked their stuff and kept watching. They were really funny and just fun to listen to, and they’re good at games, which is a bonus. It was fun to watch and _____ started to become one of my most watched streamers.
_____: But then this **********er–
[felix starts laughing loudly.]
_____: –starts telling Stays on one of his lives that he’s been really into my streams lately. And then suddenly my chat is going off, and ****’s being sent to me on Twitter and Discord, and I’m like, ‘what’s happening? Did somebody die?’ and then I died.
Felix: But then from there, y’know, we kinda reached out to one another – I think… [he looks at _____] Actually, I DM’d you, right?
_____: I tweeted something at you saying, like–
[the tweet in question comes up on the screen, reading: hi mr jyp, if i could ever play some games with felix on stream, that would be super cool :) thank u &lt;;3]
_____: ‘hey, would love to play with felix sometime’ and I tagged Stray Kids or something, and then you reached out on Instagram and said you’d love to play a game sometime so we figured it out and ended up streaming the first time we played together, and I was absolutely terrified and panicked for the first 15 minutes of stream until we got into a call.
Felix: You were so shy, too. [he smiles brightly and chuckles]
_____: I was so afraid of saying or doing something that could get you in trouble. I literally lectured chat from the day we finalized everything all the way up until the day we played just telling them to not be too vulgar or inappropriate or whatever because I was so scared of just ****ing something up.
Felix: And now you swear in any video we do together. [chuckles]
_____: Not your lives, though. [_____ looks right into camera very deadpan] I behave. Gotta keep it cool with JYPapi.
[felix stares at _____ without expression. they don’t look back at him. they just continue to stare at the camera without any expression. ‘technical difficulties’ comes back up before cutting back to the couple back to normal.]
Felix: I will admit, I was nervous, too, when we first played together. I was basically just a fan getting to play with their favorite streamer.
_____: [grinning back at felix] I know! You were so cute! I was, like, internally squealing.
Felix: And externally. There’s proof in the VOD.
[_____ turns to look at the camera again with felix laughing at them. their face is scrunched up despite how flustered they look.]
_____: Next question.
[who asked who out and how did it happen?]
_____: Felix. [they point to their left].
Felix: [shyly raises his hand] Yeah, that was me. I just– Okay, so we were both pretty shy with each other at first, but we got a lot more comfortable and were just kinda best friends, but there were moments I feel like where we’d both get kinda shy again [he starts to look to _____ for confirmation] like we both felt something there but we were both too shy to say anything.
_____: [smiling at the camera like it’s a bad infomercial] Take a shot every time Felix says ‘shy’!
[he snorts and bats their hand away when they give a thumbs up to the camera. it jump cuts to them after they’d calmed down from giggling at each other.]
_____: Honestly, I will say we kind of poked at the topic but never did anything for a while. Like we’d be like, ‘oh, let’s go on a date in whatever game we’re playing’ and I think there were serious undertones for both of us. But I was like, ‘there’s no way he actually has feelings, he has to think about his career, i’m just some idiot online,’ so I never said anything, and he was– Well, I don’t wanna say it for you since it was your feelings.
Felix: I was nervous about, like, scaring off a really good friend, especially since I did become a fan of theirs. I was watching _____ for over a year before we actually started talking so I think I was the same kind of starstruck as they were. I was just nervous like they were that this was all just a friendship and there wasn’t anything more from it.
_____: [looking at felix] I think I just started making it really obvious, though.
Felix: I definitely started to get a feeling that you were interested and the playful flirting was actually kinda serious. Like, you know how friends flirt? It was a lot of that, but I started getting a feeling they were trying to kinda be serious. So we went on that date and, like, I had planned it as a date but didn’t tell them. I just said we were hanging out, and then after I held their hand I was like, ‘so is this a good first date?’ or something like that, and yeah.
_____: And then he asked me out literally that night.
Felix: Oh, yeah, I couldn’t wait. I was scared I’d chicken out if I waited longer.
_____: I will admit, though, I took a couple days to give an answer because I was so nervous and scared.
Felix: [shrugs, looking at _____] Yeah, but we talked it out and then you said yes.
_____: [looking at felix] Yeah, I was worried about, like…ruining your career [laughs softly]. You made me feel less anxious about it.
Felix: [grinning] I try.
[what did the members think of _____, and what did _____’s friends think of felix?]
_____: [grinning] My friends were so ****in’ excited to meet Felix.
[felix starts laughing.]
_____: Like, I feel like kpop has become really popular with a lot of streamers for whatever reason, so a lot of them already knew who Stray Kids were. So when we played that first time– [suddenly turns very deadpan and stares directly into the camera] We played Bread & Fred, by the way. Very awful game to meet someone on. But anyway [they go back to normal] we decided to set up a time that Felix could play with my friends and I since I know a few popular streamers and we play together. So I reached out and asked if I could invite Felix from Stray Kids to play a game with us and they all lost it. They were so ****ing excited to meet him and then they were, like, obsessed with him when we did finally play. 
Felix: I was honestly excited to meet them, too. Some of them I had been a fan of for a while so it was fun to get to meet them and play and stuff.
_____: [scoffs and rolls their eyes but it’s obviously in a joking way] And yet you weren’t a fan of me yet.
Felix: You were newer!
[the ‘technical difficulties’ screen pops up for a few seconds again before going back to the couple.]
Felix: Yeah, the guys really liked _____. Chan would sometimes watch their streams, too, and I.N and Seungmin liked seeing them Overwatch gameplay. I remember the first time we planned to have a 5-stack in Overwatch with me, _____, Chan, Seungmin, and I.N, after we all got off and left Discord, I.N came into my room and was like, ‘Whoa, we gotta have them in our stack all the time’.
_____: [laughing softly] They only like me because I’m their carry.
Felix: [suddenly turns his head to look at them] Hey! Untrue!
Interviewer: Who’s the best at video games between the two of you?
Felix & _____: Me.
[the couple turns to look at each other. ‘technical difficulties’ pops up again before cutting back to the couple.]
_____: There’s literally proof. Should we pull up our Overwatch ranks? If you want, we could compare your League rank to mine.
Felix: You don’t even play Lea–
[he stops like he realizes something, and _____ starts laughing. he deflates and looks grumpy despite the smile growing on his face.]
_____: [still giggling] Exactly. You’re higher ranked than me in League.
Felix: [grumbling] Next question.
[who said ‘i love you’ first?]
[they both go to say something, mouths open. felix looks happy while _____ looks embarrassed, and they put their hands over felix’s body to try and keep him from speaking up first.]
_____: In my defense, I was very intoxicated so it doesn’t count!
Felix: [still grinning] It so does. [looks at the camera and tries to fight off _____ who is physically trying to get him to stop talking] So we had been playing It Takes Two together, which we did on their stream, and we were drinking for that, so after stream, we played some Minecraft just so we could, y’know, hang out in private and whatever. We were working on our new farm and stuff. But anyway, before _____ went to sleep and we were saying goodbye… [starts giggling] They literally just go, ‘I love you’ after the ‘goodnight’ and I just stopped because I was like, ‘did I hear that right?’ And then they started panicking and trying to take it back, and then they ended the call before I could even say anything!
_____: Because you were dead silent and it was embarrassing!
Felix: I just couldn’t believe you’d said that! But I left you a voicemail.
_____: He did… He called me and I didn’t answer and he was like, ‘hey, hope you sleep well. Also I love you too,’ and I died. I literally still have the voicemail saved.
Felix: [giggling and smiling brightly at _____] That’s so cute.
[has felix ever written a song about you and released it? if so, what was it?]
[the couple speaks at the same time]
_____: Not that I know of…
Felix: I have not.
[_____ looks to Felix and lets him speak.]
Felix: I’ve had, y’know, like…inspiration. But I’ve never written just one entire song all about _____. Not to say I haven’t tried, but they’re still just lyrics. 
_____: You did cover our song, though.
Felix: I did! We have a song that we decided we think of the other when we hear it, and I covered it once and it was posted on Youtube. It was before we were public, though, so I don’t think anyone thought it was anything.
_____: Dude, people were definitely shipping us before we were officially together.
Felix: [shrugs and chuckles] Okay, yeah, you’re right.
_____: You’re not slick.
[who’s the driest texter, and what are your names saved as in each other’s phones?]
_____: I’m so…painfully dry.
Felix: You are not.
_____: Compared to you, I feel like I am. Like, I feel like you always have a good reply to everything and you always seem interested and invested. I feel like I come across as like, ‘yup. sure. okay.’
Felix: No, you just…– Sometimes you only reply with a meme and I kinda sit there for a minute like, ‘okay, what do I do with this?’ [laughs]
_____: [shrugs] Sometimes I don’t know what to say.
Felix: What’s my name in your phone? [smirks and wiggles his eyebrows at _____]
_____: [dramatically clears their throat and shifts in their seat] So let me walk you through the timeline. At first, it was just ‘Felix’ with, like, the chick emoji and a heart because, y’know, I love Stray Kids. Then I changed it to ‘my little pogchamp’ when we started dating for shits and giggles, but I didn’t like that you weren’t in alphabetical order anymore, so I changed it back to ‘Felix’ with a few different heart emojis. Now it’s ‘Lix’ with the sun emoji and some hearts.
Felix: [laughing loudly] My little pogchamp?!
_____: I know yours is gonna be something super cheesy currently, so don’t even.
Felix: [pulling out his phone] It used to be. It’s normal currently.
_____: Walk me through the timeline.
Felix: So it was just ‘Saturn’ at first. Then it changed to _____, and then it was your name with some hearts, and now it’s just ‘baby _____’ with a sunflower and some hearts [he shows them his phone]
_____: Why a sunflower?
Felix: Because Stay call me the sun, and you’re my sun but I thought it should be different. So a sunflower…
[as felix trails off, he gets more flustered, and _____’s smile widens until they’re just looking at each other and smiling and giggling quietly.]
_____: You’re too cute sometimes.
Felix: [shrugs while putting his phone away, still grinning] Yeah, I try.
[do you read fanfiction about each other?]
_____: There was one time on stream where we somehow got onto the topic of fanfiction, and chat was asking if there was any of specifically me and Felix so I looked it up. For the record, there is, but I didn’t read it.
Felix: What was it about?
_____: The warnings were very much not safe for me to be reading on stream, that’s what I’m gonna tell you.
Felix: I haven’t looked up anything about us. I mean, when we first debuted, I was kind of curious and looked up about myself, but nothing about _____ or us together.
_____: Well, it’s out there.
Interviewer: Can you give us a hint as to what it was about?
_____: It was a threesome. [laughs] Can I say that?
Felix: [eyes wide, staring at _____] A threesome?! With who?!
_____: It was a reader insert.
Felix: [slowly turning back toward the camera, looking traumatized] I preferred not knowing.
_____: We’re bonding by both of us knowing this information. But now I kinda wanna look it up and see if it was any good…
[felix slowly turns back to _____, and the ‘technical difficulties’ screen pops up again before changing to the next question.]
[what item of yours does the other steal the most?]
_____: My entire ****ing setup!
[felix laughs evilly.]
_____: Anytime he stays over, he takes over my desk when I’m not using it, whether it’s before or after stream. He’s already there.
Felix: Everything runs so smoothly, and you have so many games! 
_____: You just built a new PC. You were bragging on Instagram about it.
Felix: [sighs] Yours is just better. It’s also very…aesthetically pleasing at your desk. And your chair is so comfy!
_____: I don’t even really steal anything of yours, though, so.
Felix: You can take whatever you want if you give me your setup. [he smiles and leans in, trying to seem persuasive]
Interviewer: You don’t steal anything from him?
_____: [shrugs] Not really. We don’t really share clothes or anything because of the size difference. I might’ve, like, accidentally stolen a pair of his socks a few times, maybe.
Felix: Oh! Your fuzzy socks are so comfy!
_____: All of the stealing is one-sided.
[which member of stray kids is _____ closest with?]
_____: [grinning] Innie!
Felix: Yeah, _____ and our youngest member, I.N get on really well. They play a lot of co-op games together. I think they stream with him more often than me, actually. [chuckles]
_____: I doubt that.
Felix: You guys are really close, though.
_____: I’m currently helping him build his first PC. [smiles and happily shrugs their shoulders] He’s like my little brother.
Interviewer: Do you ever fight when you play games together?
_____: Sometimes, and in that aspect, he reminds me of some of my friends I used to play games with a lot when I was first starting out. It was a lot of playful bickering, and that’s how it is with Jeongin sometimes. But it’s always fun playing together.
[what’s something the other does that you don’t like?]
[felix and _____ look at each other as they consider the question, but both of them just shrug at each other.]
Felix: Nothing, really.
Interviewer: Not any pet peeves?
Felix: [starting to chuckle] Okay, I actually have one that’s kinda weird…
_____: [looking somewhat scared] What is it…?
Felix: So…for context, one of our friends was saying how you know you love someone when you’ll fart in front–
[_____ starts loudly whining.]
Felix: [laughing] –of each other. And they refuse to fart in front of me! We’ll be hanging out on the couch or in my room together or something, and they’ll literally leave the room!
_____: Only if I think it’s gonna be smelly.
Felix: You can tell?
_____: Sometimes. Or if I know I can’t make it quiet.
Interviewer: Is there anything Felix does that you’re not super fond of?
_____: Um… Sometimes he looks at his members a certain way and I’m like, ‘...why aren’t you looking at me like that?’
[felix turns to look at _____ in confusion.]
_____: Don’t get me wrong, I don’t blame you! Y’all are handsome guys. But, like…c’mon, man.
Felix: …What are you talking about?
_____: [puts their hand on his shoulder] You know exactly what I’m talking about. I know how you look at Changbin.
[felix and _____ stare at each other in silence for a moment before felix suddenly looks at the camera with wide, knowing eyes.]
Felix: Ohhhh, yeah. Yeah, [laughs] I get it. I get what you mean.
_____: Look at me like that, Felix!
Felix: I do! I do. [turns back to _____] I swear I do.
_____: I don’t see the same panic in your eyes.
Felix: You want me to panic?
_____: Kinda.
[what’s something you especially love about each other?]
_____: Felix is always positive. I tend to get kinda pessimistic and, like, worry about things a lot. If I bring it up to Felix, he’s always looking at things from a good perspective or is always reassuring me that everything is okay.
Felix: I don’t think you’re pessimistic.
_____: I am when I’m stressed, which is usually. God, especially at the beginning of our relationship, or like, before we were even dating when people thought we were. [looks straight into camera with genuine worry] I was so convinced I was gonna get swatted. I was fully prepared to move my entire life to make sure it wouldn’t happen.
Felix: [reaches over to put his hand on their knee, rubbing it with his thumb] You do worry about a lot, but I wouldn’t say it’s pessimistic. It’s just anxiety. [shrugs]
Interviewer: So Felix, what do you like about _____?
Felix: I feel like I never get drained being around them. Like, you know how being social a lot makes you feel really tired? Being around _____ I feel like recharges me instead. They always just make me feel better by being around me, and they always make me laugh.
_____: See, that’s how I know I am pessimistic because my jokes are all dry and come from a place of trauma. [gives a very straight and boring smile right at the camera]
Felix: [chuckling] I’m begging you to just take the compliment.
_____: [shyly] Thanks, man.
Felix: [snorts] Yeah, sure thing, bro. No problem.
[_____ holds out their hand and they dab each other up.]
[the logo appears once again before cutting back to the couple sitting how they were at the beginning of the interview.]
Felix: Thank you so much to Gamerwoo for having us in the studio today to answer questions about us and our relationship. We had a lot of fun here today.
_____: If you want to learn more about us individually, you can see my boyfriend, Felix in the kpop boy group, Stray Kids. And if you’re interested in anything I’m doing, you can find me on most live streaming platforms at slrsatrn.
Felix: This has been…
Felix & _____: In Between: Felix and Saturn!
Felix: [waving with both hands] Byyyye, thank you!
_____: [doing a thumbs up at the camera] Adioso, friends!
[as the logo card appears on the screen again, felix and _____ can be heard laughing before they both say, ‘done!’ and laugh some more. The screen goes black and the recommended videos come up.]
«─── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ───»
perma tag list [italics are unable to tag]: @minluvly @awkwardnesshabitat @woozarts @septicrebel @4kwp @thepencilkorner @bubblelixie @byunhoebaek @dejavernon @ahandfulofkeys @slut-for-dabi @avyskai @pussymode @sunoosult @moonlightcandy00 @missrobyn81 @day6andetcetera @ritzy-roo @casualtaelyn @skizzel-reblogs @itbtoblikethatsometimes @crazyllamasurfer @wonderfulshinee @ladylexis @bangmechanpls @army-stay-noel @reiheis @pretty-npeach @icarusthorn @saythenameseventeen178 @stay-gray @olivehues-blog @ulavenger64king @lillijay @twistedsiren @svintsandghosts @stellarstacysstuff @xxluckydreamsxx @chartrucewhore @dwaekkiracha @ssstraykiss @lukeys-giggle @bobrouxsky @strayKidsFamily @vensweety @seoli-16 @smilefordongil @flirtyskzbutterfly @freckleboilix @immortal-imagination
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secretmage · 1 month
Gaming Heads Solas Statue (Fade edition)
very long unboxing-related post ahead -
So I was lucky enough to get my hands on one of these and it has arrived! My sister was at home when it was delivered by China Post (and my country's post for the last-mile journey) from GH's Asia warehouse in Dongguan, Guangdong province. I live in South East Asia, so that's the closest warehouse to me. Shipping cost me 120USD but that price is likely dependent on where you live from their nearest warehouse.
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and let's just say the box is super big (boba for scale). The shipping box is 66cm x 30cm x 84cm (26" x 11.8" x 33") while the actual packaging box inside is around 60cm x 25cm x 79cm (23.6" x 9.85" x 31.1").
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The packaging box is more than half my height and I unboxed in a really small space, so it was a little of a struggle. I kinda just dragged the styrofoam out slowly and carefully. Both sides of the styrofoam - image of statue embossed on one side, and on the other side, the authentication card:
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The authentication card looks and feels like a credit card; the authentication code text is embossed in silver.
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I lifted the styrofoam up slowly so the parts don't take a rough tumble. And found myself face to face with disembodied body parts - I never thought I would use those words in a sentence. (I already unwrapped the base for the first photo).
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The base is really heavy! Unfortunately there was some really minor damage but nothing super glue (cyanoacrylate) can't fix. Just remember not to use too much, so the glue doesn't ooze out betwee the cracks when you press the pieces together. I didn't bother contacting GH over this.
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Boba again for scale, and main attachment points in the statue - the robe attaches to a notch in his butt LOL. Ignore the crack on my wall, clearly the veil is thin in my house as well ;_;
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Inventory of parts. The statue comes in 3 variants and here are the differences:
Standard Edition
Head with brown eyes
Hands clasped behind his back
The Veil Edition
Parts that come with the Standard Edition (i.e. Brown-eyed head, Hands clasped behind back)
Isana's Song
Acolyte's staff
One left arm
One right arm
TWO right hands for the staves. Okay this one tripped me up for a bit and I thought GH sent me two hands by accident. It turns out the sculpt is so detail-oriented that Isana's Song and the Acolyte's staves DIFFER IN DIAMETER so one hand is for Isana's and the other is for the Acolyte's (Isana's shaft is wider in diameter). Honestly if it were me I would have just standardised the diameters so only one hand is needed hahah
Fade Edition
Parts that come with the Standard and the Veil Edition
Head with light purple eyes
One left arm clasped across his chest
One right arm
But do check out GH's website for more details, they've itemised it better than I could. Currently, all 3 variants retail for the same price on GH's website so obviously, if you can, it makes more sense to grab the Fade edition to get more value for your money. Just note that the Fade ed. is limited to 500 pieces, Veil's is limited to 1,000, and the Standard has 1,500.
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Isana's song has two points of magnetic attachment to his right hand, so he can grasp it slightly higher or lower. The points are marked out super subtly but sliding the staff up and down his hand will reveal the magnetic areas easily so don't bother looking for these marks! Acolyte's seems to only have one.
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Height when Isana's Song is held at the upper position is almost 65cm, or 25.4". The entire length of Isana's Song is approx 53cm, or 20.9". The length is perfect as a real-life wand haha
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Both staves are secured by magic magnets to his back (though not both at the same time). It feels a little fiddly to me though. But it also means that technically he can hold a staff and carry another on his back like a dual-wielding mage.
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Some details (love the chainmail) and scale comparison with Dark Horse Direct's statuette (giving "don't talk to me or my son ever again" energy)
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I would say the sculpt and paint quality are great, the only two complaints I have is that:
The fur isn't as vibrant as the master on the GH website. It's missing the contrast as the dark parts of the fur are nowhere near dark enough but this is in no way a dealbreaker for me.
The hand holding the staff feels both secure and fiddly at the same time. It feels like if I brush the staff the wrong way the entire thing will drop right off, but at the same time there is a pin and some magnetic attachment so I am probably overthinking it.
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Right now I'm trying to get a case made as cheaply as possible so for now I've left it like this like a museum exhibit with some DIY stanchions (added a human for scale) -
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If anyone has questions or wants measurements or more detailed photos feel free to ask away! I just like to add that I consider myself lucky to be in a spot where I can purchase this without going completely broke so I'm grateful for that ;_;
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linawritestwst · 2 years
Hi for requests, can I ask for a reader (gender doesnt matter) who used to be an assassin back in their home world and their interactions with the vice dorm leaders? They haven’t told anyone yet, but who would catch on?
vice dorm leaders x reader who used to be an assassin in their world (gn!reader)
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THIS IS SUCH A COOL REQUEST i'm gonna be honest, i've been wanting to write something about an assassin!reader for a long time 🤭
these headcanons can be interpreted as both romantic or platonic (though some of them are a bit more romantic than others). also jamil headcanons turned out to be much longer than i intended. oh well jamil simps here's your food
warnings: mentions of murders, death, weapons and some minor physical violence (such as attacking and threatening other characters)
trey clover.
♡ he actually did have a feeling that there's more to you than meets the eye. don't take him wrong, he's sure that you're a kind and gentle person, but you just have this.. vibe, as cater would say. he felt like you're hiding something and not just from him, but from everyone here. of course, he wanted to know the truth, but he wouldn't force you to tell him anything. he respects your privacy and he's sure that you will tell him everything yourself if you feel comfortable with it.
♡ he has to admit, you can be.. kinda scary sometimes, haha. you sure know a lot about poisons, you'd be a perfect pomefiore student, honestly. and you're not scared of sharp things like knives, syringes, scissors, etc, at all, in fact, you look so.. confident when you use them? but like, confident in a scary way, you look so intense when you hold those things, it's like you could kill anyone with that thing right now, haha. y-you wouldn't actually kill anyone, right?..
♡ he would find out the truth about you by accident, he would just make a joke about you secretly being an assassin because of your knowledge and your skills. and that's when you would grab him by the throat, not worried about anyone finding you since it's just you two alone right now. wow, trey knew that you're good at p.e, but your physical strength is.. truly something. you could easily choke him anytime now, you're just holding back because you want to know how he found out. and when it turns out that it really was just an innocent joke, even though trey did have some suspicions about you.. you sigh heavily and let him go. this guy has to be more careful with his sense of humor.
♡ starting from that day, you know that there's no reason for you to try and hide anything from trey. no matter how hard you try to deny it, this guy knows for sure that you're an assassin now. you have no choice but to ask him not to tell anyone and if he does tell- wait, he's actually okay with it? he simply laughs and says that he knows what you're gonna do if he tells others the truth about you, so you don't have to worry about him exposing you or anything. as long as you don't actually hurt anyone, he doesn't mind your company, he likes you a lot, actually. you're so confused, why is this guy not scared of you at all?? you almost ended up choking him to death, why does he still want to be friends with you (or possibly, even something more)? ah, it's because he's so used to dealing with those chaotic heartslabyul students that he's not really scared of anything, even assassins..
ruggie bucchi.
♡ another guy who had a feeling that you're not so innocent.. however, he's totally okay with it. he won't try to learn more about your past or anything like that. it's not like he even cares that much about it. everyone has their own secrets, after all. well, unless someone orders him to find more information about you and promises to pay him well, that's when he will actually try to find out who you really are. come on, what else did you expect from him?
♡ he can't figure you out at all, but he does have a feeling that you killed someone in the past. at first it's just something that he jokes about and doesn't take too seriously, but.. something about you just makes him feel a bit uneasy. and that's already a lot, it can be quite hard to scare someone like ruggie. you know what, he's not even gonna try to find out more about you anymore. his life is more important than that and he's pretty sure that you could easily take his life if you wanted. so nope, better safe than sorry.
♡ he would find out your secret on accident and similar to trey, he would casually go "wow, y/n, i wouldn't be surprised if you turned out to be a serial killer or something". and of course, he's wrong, you're not exactly a serial killer.. but you're still a killer. SO NEVERMIND HE IS SURPRISED. you make him fall on the ground and grab his head, forcing him to tell you where he got that info from. you promise not to hurt him if he tells you, though you're not sure if you can keep that promise. ruggie tries to assure you that it was just a joke and he didn't actually think that you killed someone- that's a lie. that's a lie, he was sure that you killed at least one person in the past.
♡ you know that other students may find you if this guy makes too much noise, so you let him go. honestly, that was kind of stupid, now that you think about it. you were an assassin in your home world, but this is a completely different world, so.. you don't have to be an assassin anymore. you apologize to ruggie and tell him that it was just an old habit. he jokes about you having very interesting habits, but right after that he quietly asks if you actually are a serial killer. you know, it's not like he's scared of you, haha.. "yes", you say, deadpan. OH. OKAY. COOL. great, he really has to be more careful with you now- you laugh because of how funny his face expression looks and tell him that it was just a joke. he almost calms down, but then you go "i'm an assassin actually". t-that's not any better, you know that?? you don't have to worry about ruggie telling anyone anything though.. well, if someone asks and promises to pay- fine, fine, he really won't tell anyone.
jade leech.
♡ ANOTHER ONE. he probably figured out your true identity right when he met you. he didn't say anything though, so you can thank him for that. he would do it only if he got something in return, similar to ruggie, but it's still not that easy to make him talk. he's the curious type, so he would try to find out more, even though he can confidently say that you have killed someone before. he wants to know the details: how have you killed that person, who was that person, are you an insane serial killer or do you have a more sympathetic motivation? hm.. maybe it was actually your job?
♡ just so you know, he doesn't judge you or anything like that. no matter what reason you had for killing that person or those people, it's your life, it's your choice, so yeah, keep slaying, king/queen/monarch <3 and as you spend more time with him, he will give you hints about knowing more about your past than you think. of course, these hints make you very nervous, but don't worry, HE DOES IT INTENTIONALLY. hehe, it's so fun to see you react like that, considering that you're very calm most of the time and don't get scared often. but hey, if you react like this, it means he's on the right track, right?
♡ when the time comes, he would ask you about it himself. and he also would do it in a crowded place, so that killing him to keep your secret won't be that easy. don't worry, it's not like he would ask this question right in front of everyone, he would do it quietly, it's basically a whisper compared to voices of other people and noises that they make. and it's enough to make you panic, because you can't really make him shut up right now. so you just ask him as quietly as he did, "what do you want?". huh? what does he mean by "nothing"? he just thought that you should know that he's aware of your "dark side". ah, and again, he just wanted to see your reaction too. this guy is more dangerous than you even though you're literally an assassin..
♡ after that, jade would raise the topic of you being an assassin only in private, unless he thinks that you're brave and reckless enough to try to kill him. you still can't believe that he doesn't want anything from you, you can't remember the leech twins being so kind. it's probably because he's not afraid of you at all, even though you've killed people before. this guy also can use magic, so.. he's probably stronger than you, even though you don't want to admit it. before you leave, he suddenly tells you that he can still tell everyone who you really are, if he wants, so.. you better behave and not try anything funny, okay? yeah, this guy is terrifying.
jamil viper.
♡ he does get this weird feeling whenever he sees you, so he tries to be as careful as he can. he also doesn't let you spend too much time with kalim, because if you do something to him.. honestly, he wouldn't even blame you, it's easy to fool someone like kalim, but if anything happens to him, jamil will be in huge trouble. he would try to find more information about you though. he probably shouldn't be afraid of someone who has no magical abilities at all, but still, who knows what you're actually capable of. and why does his heart beat faster when you're around.. no, he's pretty sure it's not because he has a crush on you.
♡ .. hey, what if he actually tries to get to know you better? you know, totally not because he wants to understand if you're dangerous or not, haha. it feels believable too, because it's not like jamil became more friendly all of a sudden. he's still his usual self, it's just that he talks to you a bit more often now. you're surprised to realize that you actually enjoy his company, but you still can't help but feel like you should pay closer attention to him. after all, you also think that jamil is hiding something. wait, maybe you should try and find out his secret before he finds out yours? that way you can blackmail him if he even tries to reveal your identity! haha, that's it, you two are besties now, he doesn't have a choice <3
♡ your interactions are actually very entertaining to watch. you two are lying to each other and pretending to be friends even though you both know that you're doing this just so that you can go "I KNOW WHAT YOU ARE" when the other person lets their guard down. kalim is just happy to see you becoming friends and doesn't find it suspicious at all :D and eventually, you two start getting closer to the truth. you start to notice that jamil's smile whenever he's talking to kalim looks a bit forced and jamil notices that you become.. very enthusiastic whenever someone mentions a murder, a weapon or anything related to that. someone jokingly asks "hey what's the best way to kill someone" and you give such a detailed answer, everyone else goes shocked. and you have stars in your eyes the whole time. yeah, you're definitely insane.
♡ so, how would jamil try to find out your secret? oh, HE WOULD JUST TRY TO PROVOKE YOU. if you're angry enough, it's possible that you will end up accidentally revealing something about yourself. he wouldn't do it in a crowded place though, unlike jade, because even though this guy is obviously pretending to be your friend and he totally didn't become attached in the process he still respects you and he will keep your secret unless.. you know, you're actually dangerous. so while you two are cooking together, jamil suddenly ruins the warm and friendly atmosphere and asks, is there anything that you're hiding from him? oh, don't be shy, he's sure your secret isn't that bad, you're friends, right? it's not like you killed someone or anything- hey. hey, y/n, you're supposed to use this knife for cooking, WHAT ARE YOU DOING.
♡ you point your knife at him and ask what does he mean by that. how much does he know? did he know about it this whole time? does this mean that.. he won? he found out your secret and you still don't know much about him, you just think that he actually hates kalim and.. that's it. it's nothing compared to your secret. but it means nothing to you, so when you mention that you think jamil is just pretending to be this nice and polite person.. he does get a bit nervous. but hey, it's not like you have any proof. and jamil can't really prove that you're an assassin because no one would believe him if he says that you tried to kill him with a knife, you're pretty popular here.. fine. you were an assassin, right? you're not actually planning to kill anyone, right? so.. how about you two make a deal? jamil doesn't tell anyone anything about you and you don't tell anyone anything about jamil. you do want to tell everyone that this guy is more dangerous than he looks, but if he promises to keep your secret.. well, it looks like you'll have to pretend to be friends for a bit longer than you expected.
rook hunt.
♡ HE IS SO EXCITED YOU HAVE NO IDEA. oh, this guy knows. he knows that you're not so sweet and innocent. oh, you have nothing to be afraid of, he's not planning to reveal your secrets or anything like that. something is telling him that you're not planning to go back to that job of yours and you want to start a new life in this world, so why should he ruin it? and also he doesn't think it's that bad, you probably did it just because it was your job.. ah, and he doesn't have any problem with you enjoying it! you had fun, so again, why should he ruin it?
♡ he still wants to learn more though. not because he wants to tell others about your past, but simply because he finds you interesting. he really does want to get to know you better. did you enjoy killing people? did you hate your job? why did you become an assassin? could it be that your reason was actually very tragic and you had no other choice? or you actually hate people and you were more than glad to get a job like that? he won't judge, you will still be beautiful in his eyes. why? hm.. let's say that you're beautiful in this "special" way. you're so mysterious, of course a guy like him would want to know more!
♡ but you're smart, it's easy for you to notice that rook's been spending quite a lot of time with you lately and he asked you so many questions that it starts to feel like he's not just being friendly with you, this guy has either figured out who you are OR HE'S PLANNING TO KILL YOU. both options are terrifying. but no matter what he's planning, you won't give up without a fight. it doesn't help that this guy's been stalking you for a while now, that's even more suspicious. it's okay though, in case something happens, you will be able to fight back. wait, actually, maybe you should be the one to make a first move?
♡ YOU WERE WRONG. YOU WERE SO WRONG. you two are equally strong, but rook still manages to win. so here you are, lying on the ground and struggling to breathe properly. huh.. this is so weird. you're supposed to feel awful, you're supposed to hate this guy or even be afraid of him, but.. you're actually impressed? you even had fun fighting him like this?? and maybe it was kinda hot of him haha- he tells you that he tried to be nice, but oh well, it looks like you had other plans and you decided to use that kindness of his to deceive him. but he still won't tell anyone who you really are, so you don't have to worry about anything. why? ah.. it's because he had fun fighting you too. things like this don't happen often, so it felt like something new and exciting to him. also, he's sure that if he does tell everyone about your past, you still won't let him live a long life and he doesn't want that. not because he's scared of you, but because he's sure you two can be great friends.
lilia vanrouge.
♡ just like most of these guys, he does have a feeling that you're actually more dangerous than you look. oh, it's not just a feeling, he's absolutely sure of it. hey, he does have a reason to believe that, this guy was literally a general, he knows a person who killed someone in the past when he sees one. he's one of those guys who would try to find out more about you just because he finds you interesting. no, he's not scared at all, he may be old, but he's sure that if you two had to fight, he would win. and you would regret trying to kill him anyway however, he makes sure you don't try to hurt other students. he wants to trust you and he knows that most of these students are strong enough, but still.. there's a chance of you becoming another person who's precious to him, so don't try to kill other people who are just as precious to him, okay?
♡ honestly, you want to kill this guy just because of how annoying he is. he is so nice to you, but he also teases you and pranks you so often that it's hard to fight the urge to just stab him right there. you force yourself to calm down and take a deep breath. you don't have to go back to your ways, you can just live a nice and normal as normal as it can be in this world life, you don't need any enemies here. also you know better than try to fight lilia vanrouge himself, you know that you're stronger than some students despite being magicless, but you still doubt that it would be a good decision considering the things this guy says sometimes.
♡ if you can't fight him, then you will try your best to ignore him. or, you know, just act normal around him. don't act suspicious, don't act like you used to be this extremely dangerous assassin in your home world who was proud of their job and was not just good, but great at it. but lilia can see right through your act and he even finds it entertaining. it's so funny to watch you try and convince everyone that you actually have a huge fear of knives right after you showed that you seem to have a talent for knife throwing. it's so funny that it's kind of cute even. keep acting like that and lilia might just fall in love with you, haha. come on, it was just a joke, don't take it so seriously!
♡ he would mention the topic of you being an assassin right after inviting you to go on a walk with him, you know, old men like him need to go outside more often, haha- anyway, you've killed people in the past, right? you want to attack this guy so bad, but you know that you can't. it would be too stupid and you know that you shouldn't underestimate lilia. so you just sigh and tell him the truth. for some reason, you feel like lilia isn't the type to expose you anyway. he's a surprisingly good listener and he doesn't interrupt you, you even find yourself wanting to tell him more about your past. you know you shouldn't trust him so easily though. when it's time for you two to go back to nrc, lilia thanks you for being honest with him and promises that he won't tell anyone about it. he actually had a lot of fun talking to you and.. he understands your feelings quite well. hey, maybe you two should be friends? oh, but can you promise him not to hurt anyone unless it's absolutely necessary? and if you try to hurt the people who are dear to him- nah, you wouldn't do that, you're too smart for making lilia angry on purpose.
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schizoidcel · 5 months
Hii! Saw that you’ve opened requests for project moon. What about Sinclair x reader (original universe or mirror) where reader was sure that Sinclair hates them. But Sinclair was just shy + his menacing gaze wasn’t particularly helping. Kinda hurt - comfort. Btw have a good day!
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- notes ̽ ۪⠀i did cinq sinclair since i think he fit lol (for the other anon who reqeusted (yk who u r) ILL GET TO IT I SWEAR m just struggling abit but with the prompt u gave vut bear with me pls♡)
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 : not proofread, MIGHT be abit the tiniest bit ooc
𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒 : your new director lowkey scares the ever living shit out of you :heart:
Oh he's terrifying
You were recently promoted to south section 4, and ofcourse you heard the things you dubbed as 'rumours' about the director of the branch.
Now, not only did you think wrong, but you felt like he had something against you
Yes, you talked to him from time to time, and from the way he spoke with you and with others you gathered that he was a timid and nervous man
But it all just changed when he was lecturing people, moreso if he was in an ACTUAL duel
Seeing him in the 'training hall' trying to teach tricks and whatnot to his underlings, but ultimately he either accidently ends up being too hard on them or
Actually just that .
Frankly you were abit scared to train under him aswell
Sure, he did seem truly kind hearted ..
So why is it that whenever you felt a stare on you, you felt like you were having a fight to the death with the south section 1 fixers
UEAG anyway
Soon enough, it was your time to train with him! Yay!
He had his eye on you (very obviously) and was excited to have a friendly training session with you<3
But you were (also very obviously) scared and reluctant around him, sighing alot
Which made the maneven more nervous 😭😭
He's used to people being frightened while getting trained by him but he genuinely thought he was nice with you so far and that you two had something going
Did he do something wrong. Why are you scared. He dosen't mean to bite he swears
He tries to distract himself from the fact you might REALLY REALLY not like him by straying off course and teaching you random ass association battle tricks everyone should actually be aware of (even though suprisingly you learnt some new stuff)
He can't properly express his emotions, it's a thing he struggles with
After interacting with him you can pick up that he's just a demure young man, one you'll have to be patient with
You'll have to reassure him that he's fine and he'll go back to normal! (as normal as he can got back to)
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────────── ♱ ❜ 🖤 . .
"G-good day, [name]! How are you?" The child asked, looking at them with curiosity. "...Well, you know, same old, same old... Ha. Ha. Haha." Some thoughts suicide got into their head for a moment.
However, the child didn't seem to care. Infact, he was ecstatic at the answer he had been given. "That's good to hear..! Uhm, as you're new, I'll make sure to teach you alot." He said with a smile.
Yet again, he wasn't entirely stupid. He could tell that everyone he duelled against had always been in a state of distress, and this time was no different.
What was different was the fact that the child had a newfound determination of trying his best to make sure the same incident dosen't happen again.
He had been wanting to talk to the newly promoted fixer for awhile now. At times, he would think of trying to figure out what to say that would be a good enough excuse to approach them.
He did not find this excuse, and kept staring at them for a long period of time accidently, which in turn inevitably brought upon a wrong idea in the head of his person of interest.
Sure, he was awkward, but he tried, and he found this a good oppurtunity. The child didn't want to give up.
"Alright, so..." He started to raise his voice just a little bit, not wanting to come off as too uncertain. "First, it's important to know the right way to yield the sword, but I'm aware you know that..." He chuckled abit, trying to lighten up the mood. He was in thought for abit, then began speaking once more.
"'Disengagement' is a commonly used tactic, as it is also very effective if executed correctly. I assume you also know of that?" The child questioned and proceeded to draw his sword.
The other child, dubbed [name], nodded their head. "I do." Although, the voice suggested more of a 'I don't actually know, but please let me be.' tone rather than a 'I know, and you don't have to teach me.' tone.
"Well, I would still like to teach you it in a more proper way. As your new director!" A sigh came out of the newly promoted Fixer's mouth, which made the child awkwardly chuckle. "...Uhm..." He thought he might've done something wrong. Not just in the interaction happening right now, but also the several times he attempted to be friendly with his person of interest, who now looked completely done and unnerved infront of him. Yet he couldn't focus on that right now. "Alright, let me demonstrate --"
The childs underling looked abit more stressed after he uttered those words, but they drew their sword aswell regardless.
The child proceeded to instruct his trainee.
It was obvious that both of them were in completely different physical spaces.
"'Pistol Grip', [name]." "Like this?" "N... No. Wait, let me -" "Ouch." "- Sorry!"
What was also kind of obvious was that they were in completely different mental spaces.
'Oh god. I can't keep going on like this... The awkwardness is killing me. I feel like I'm doing something wrong.' 'I wonder if director Quixote is singing in the Caféteria again...'
However, as both the children were distracted on the training field, an accident was sure to arrive soon.
Unfortunately, the director almost completely pierced through the shoulder of the one he trained. "Shit--" "O-oh dear..! [Name], I'm- I'm so sorry! I was..." The child panicked as he dropped his weapon and walked towards his trainee for today with haste, abit uncharacteristically. Thankfully, nobody really paid attention to nor noticed the both of them, due to the hall being so loud. The injured child groaned abit in pain as they clutched their shoulder, which made the directors heart fill up with guilt.
"A-again, I apologize sincerely, [name]. I'm just... Really distracted, I don't know how to explain it." He did, actually. He just really didn't want to because pf embarassment. "Maybe we should cancel the training session, I'll get you some assistance --"
"O-oh, director, don't worry about it." "..?" "It's alright. I know how you feel, actually. So I can understand. Cancelling the session really isn't necessary, It was probably my fault for treating this whole encounter weirdly in the first place... Maybe you in general, too. So I should apologize... Sorry."
The child looked abit taken aback from that statement, but shook his head and let out a relieved chuckle, "It's alright, please don't worry... I'm, uh, glad we resolved this." He smiled, a smile unusually soft and heart felt, especially coming from this one.
"Then, I hope you can come to me abit more in confidence if you need anything, [name]." The child seemed to have been abit more at ease now, which made him manage to speak quite normally.
He wondered if it would be considered weird to ask them to hang out later right in this moment.
"... I change my mind, can we bandage this?" "Ah, but ofcourse..!"
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HEARTS FOR UR REQUEST <3 i had fun writing this hes so pathetic lol. i added a scenario cus i didnt rlly know how to do the hcs (ALSO SORRY IF HES OOC? im not the biggest sinnie fan so i mightve messed up oops
on another note .. i wanted to use the narrator for the id uptie stories cus i feel like it'd be neater that way. so i didnt really describe every single emotional change but im sure yall can like figure out where and what
ૢ་༘࿐ thank you for reading ! Ⳋ᧙
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anima-writer · 2 years
REQUEST: Can I have Jonah Marshall and Adam Murray (separately, if not then just Jonah)with a fem (or gn) s/o who has a weak immune system and gets sick often, and they have to take care of them? (Fluff please) Please & thank you!
Adam & Jonah taking care of a Reader who has weak immune system.
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Summary: Adam & Jonah takes care of you while sick
Pairing[s]: Adam Murray × Reader AND Jonah Marshall × Reader, Plamantic
Warning[s]: none, just fluff
Word Count: 837
A/N: I kinda enjoy these types of requests because I also have a weak immune system. When the winter comes I just die for a whole 2 weeks.
Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry! I accidentally erased the request because I posted it by accident ):
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Let's go do in this way: Winter finally arrived, everyone in Mandela was happy with the arrival of the season, because who doesn't like the beautiful cold with a good hot chocolate in the morning or even at night? Well, there will always be a contrarian, right? And that someone is you. Because of your low immunity, winter was one of the worst things for you. But don't worry! Because two amazing friends/boyfriends are here to help you get better, even if it takes up to a month!
Now let's see how each one will do to overcome from this occasion.
Adam at first wouldn't be the type of person to get that close to you, like get in close for a hug or a kiss or something. He loves you but he's just trying to prevent himself from getting sick and he's also kinda right because he doesn't know how long you're going to be sick. Having two people sick would not be a nice thing for him.
To make up for the physical touch, he'd just get in quality time. He'll stay by your side when you're in pain, he'll hold your hand if you start complaining about how cold they are, and he'll always remind you to take your meds.
If you are the type of person who doesn't like taking medicine so much, Adam would insist a little and then he would give in and choose to make you a bean soup (if you love bean soup, pls kiss me and marry me), it might not turn out well but you were the one who chose not to take the medicine so you don't have nothing to say.
Adam will totally force you to try to go to sleep or just take a nap. Even if you don't want to, it's possible that Adam will take a baseball bat and hit you so you can go to sleep...haha, just kidding!! …At least-
I have a funny scenario where you and Adam ended up falling asleep on the couch next to each other while were watching something. You were sleeping on each other's shoulders and only the sound of the TV screeching would be heard and then Six appears watching this scene and decides to take a picture to tease you guys about it later.
After you get better, Adam tries to arrange a better day so you two can enjoy the winter like everyone else in Mandela's town. He'll make sure you're up for it!
Or if you don't like playing in the snow, then he'll find other ways for the two of you to enjoy the winter.
You kind of get to choose if you have any better ideas.
In short: Adam will be one of the best company if you end up sick and want some company. And, the best part, when you got better he promised to give you hugs and little kisses on your forehead.
Now Jonah…well, he's going to be a special case.
Still following the script, Jonah would help you feel better, remind you to take your meds and stuff. But, unlike Adam, he's going to be very carefree about being sick because he's going to be the one that even though he knows you're sick he still continues to hug you and give you a few kisses here and there. What? He just can't stand that long without touching you.
And when you complain about your cold hands? He sees this as a very good opportunity to continue to touch you. But he will hold your hands by the power of love, because he really didn't like how cold your hands were. It felt like you pulled them out of the freeze just now.
Jonah would happily get him to give you the meds but what if you're the type of person who doesn't like to take meds? Well, I'm sorry because Jonah is going to shove the medicine down to your throat. It's for your own good, please don't be mad at him :(
But he has a reason for forcing you to take medicine: he doesn't know how to cook. (I feel like Jonah is the kind of person who could burn the own ramen noodles) If he could he would make you a really nice soup but, just in case, it's better him stay away from the kitchen…do you want a bottle of water? Please accept-
You know what would be funny? If Jonah got sick because he had too much physical contact with you…haha! It's just a joke really....or is it not—
He actually got sick a few days later.
…Look on the bright side! You two can now stay in the comfort of your bed together, trying to keep each other warm, without interruptions! Yay free cuddles!
In short: Jonah, kinda, isn't one of the best options for when you're sick but he tries to make you happy when your mood gets low so...yeah, he tried his best.
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saetoru · 1 year
i can’t stop thinkin abt rich boy!geto who acts all casual when meeting up with gojo and his gf only to immediately choke on his words and turn into a mess when gojo’s gf introduces one of her friends who gives geto the sweetest smile he’s ever seen and god is his heart still in his chest??
gojo who just raises an eyebrow at him, silently asking wtf he’s doing and eventually geto gains his composure enough to introduce himself to her only to immediately falter when she giggles at his struggles. just rich boy geto acting all casual and shit around everyone until he literally meets the prettiest girl he’s ever seen and suddenly his heart is in his throat and he can’t seem to speak without stuttering.
though he gets her back when she later trips over herself and almost falls and suddenly it’s his turn to laugh as he helps her up and asks if she’s okay. he gets worried when she doesn’t reply and looks at her only to find that she’s staring at him, eyes practically sparkling as she gives him a toothy grin as she says ‘you have a nice laugh’ and god he’s an absolute goner.
idk something about usually cool and collected rich boy geto suddenly losing his cool around a seemingly random girl does smthn to me!!
sorry for the long message :D
gojo and his s/o who are always bickering and teasing each other and they never stutter with their banter / never run out of comebacks AND THEN THERES GETO. AND. HIS. S/O !!!! THE ONES WHO ARE SMOOTH AND HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY TO EVERYONE BUT EACH OTHER !!! AS SOON AS ITS EACH OTHER THEY BECOME EMBARRASSING LOSERS !!!!!! SAURRRRRR CUTE SOBS
and u just know on the first date when they go to kiss goodbye they both kinda miss and kiss the corners of each others mouths by accident and take a moment to flush and chuckle nervously like “oops sorry haha” and then suddenly they’re passionately making out in front of the door as if no one could just pass by and witness them sucking faces
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lucycore · 10 months
Hello again haha
As you can tell by now I LOVE your work. And I saw you wanted some ideas.
I've got a Peter Criss fan fic (🌶🔥 of course) idea for ya!
I've heard from Paul and Gene that Peter threw his drumsticks on them (live on stage) when he got upset.
So... What if that drumstic hits you (reader). After the show and he walks towards "you" after the show to ask if you're alright, and yeah... You'll do the rest😏
Heyy I really enjoy that idea. Hope u like it and thx a lot ♡
Peter criss imagine
Pov: Peter accidentally hurts u with his drumstick.
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It's 1979 and u finally could go on a Kiss concert. U were very excited to see the boys but deep down in ur heart u were more excited about seeing ur favorite catman with his cute cat make up. Peter criss.
U decided to be the most beautiful girl on the concert and even made sure to get in the very first row, right next to the stage. Ur heart was beating like crazy knowing u will see soon ur favorite boys..Or should I say boy? ;) (sorry).
After waiting for way too long finally, the lights changed and u heard loud screams and cheering all around u..The boys finally came on stage. Ur eyes immediately turned themselves to see Peter with his cute face paint, smiling at the fans that were freaking out. U couldn't stop smiling seeing him all happy and cute..He made u blush like crazy.
They started playing and u couldn't help but just cry out. U waited for way too long and now finally u could see them life..It felt like a dream.
As u were singing along all dreamed up and not aware of anything as if u left earth, u got woken up by a bang to ur head and slight pain that followed right after.
"What the heck? What was that?" It shocked u. "Felt like I got hit by something."
U looked around if someone hit u by accident but that wasn't the case. Everyone was concentrated on the guys playing. U looked down on the floor and saw a drumstick.
"Wait?..Is that...Is that Peters drumstick?" U had a lot of feelings go through u at that moment when u realized that u got hit by his drumstick.
In fact, peter was known to throw his sticks around and people did see it but when they couldn't catch it they just kinda left it there thinking someone else did catch it also Peter was known for getting upset and not throwing it directly at the fans but rather at Paul and Gene. Well this time it hit u.
U couldn't really process what was happening. Is it real life or am I actually dreaming? I got to see peter live and now even found his drumstick? Wtf is going on?
U could stop smiling, everything was perfect. The last great thing that could happen would be him calling u backstage but that's impossible so u quickly got it out of ur mind.
After the show was done all the fans started going out or backstage when they had a vip ticket. U sadly didn't so with the pain in ur heart and Peters drumstick close to ur heart u started making ur way out. Surprisingly u heard a voice behind u saying "hey" so u turned around curious who would it be. "Now I'm really getting nuts." U thought.
U couldn't believe ur eyes. It was peter..Fucking Peter criss standing in front of u with a soft almost nervous smile. U started shaking, ur heart beating higher and ur face getting pale.
"Im sorry for hurting u with my drumstick..I should be more careful and maybe not throw too hard objects..."
U just stared at him with a shocked face not quite ready to process what was going on.
"Hope ur ok?..." He added.
"Y-Yeah sure..Don't worry about it..Didn't even hurt that bad.." U smiled nervously.
He smiled back and nodded softly.
"So...Can I do something for u?.." He asked.
"F-For me? U stuttered. "N-No..I mean I'm okay and it's already a blessing getting hit by ur drumstick and then having u talk to me..What more could I wish for?" U said happily what made him laugh a little shyly as he looked down.
"Well are u sure? How about I take u backstage..We could talk more and better..It's quite chaotic here."
U thought u will pass out..Usually these things only happen in ur imagination but this time it's fucking real. U of course nodded and went with him. U guys went into his room and u just had to look around..It was stunning to see his room that he had while being on tour.
*Time skip*
After talking for some time u got more comfortable with him and he with u. U saw noticed his looks on ur body, literally striping u down with his eyes. U did look sexy that evening and got some guys to look at u but tonight it seems like ur only his..And by his I mean Peter.
"Yk it was nice meeting a chill girl like u..and again sorry for hurting u..I didn't mean to throw it that far."
U again told him that it was alright. He suddenly moved closer to u and ur heart again started beating faster.
"I know how I can make this up.." He whispered softly what made u blush like crazy.
"R-Really? How?" Ur face got read and the look in ur face was just shocked and nervous.
Peter smirked and as u were trying to realize what was happening, u were laying there, legs spread wide apart and Peters head between them.
Ur hand were grabbing onto the bed sheets as Peters tongue entered ur opening. U had ur head thrown back feeling his tongue penetrating u.
U let out not too loud but high moans while feeling all dizzy from the pleasure. U never had ur pussy licked before and for the very first time of yours it felt like heaven.
U didn't know what to do with ur head and the bed sheets weren't enough to grab so u just went for his hair and pulled him even closer, making his face almost disappear in ur private parts. His hands were stroking ur thighs and grabbing onto them. Ur eyes rolled back as u felt close to cumming.
U started cursing and his fingers thrusted in u as he felt u getting closer. His tongue was eating ur clit, hitting ur g spot.
Ur moans got louder and ur legs started closing but he forcefully kept them open. Ur back arched and ur body lifted itself while u were cumming all over his face and fingers. U literally squirted his fingers out of ur opening. That's how well he made u cum. He had a lot of experience and good for u..Ur first time having Oral was like an complete dream..People wouldn't believe if u would tell them.
He left u hardly breathing on the bed. U closed ur eyes cuz u needed a second while he was watching u and smirking. U told him that it was ur first time and he got excited about it and also got a little ego booster hearing how good he was.
Now u didn't have any condoms like him but u still wanted to repay him so without saying anything u sat up and made him lay down. U never sucked dick before but u didn't care about that, u just wanted to satisfy ur king so u just started stroking it and slowly licking and kissing his tip. Peter let out a little groan and closed his eyes, having one arm behind his head.
When u noticed that u were doing the right thing u decided to take him deeper inside but got stopped by ur gag reflex. U sucked on it for a bit to get ur throat used to that feeling so it allowed u to take him deeper and let him feel the heaven u felt a few mins ago. His groans got louder and ur sucking deeper and faster.
With ur free hand u squeezed his big balls for extra pleasure and with the other one u were stroking his cock while sucking.
He groaned and was keep telling u how good ur doing and how much he enjoys it.
This made u even weaker for him and letting him fuck ur throat was like a reward.
While he was closer to his climax, he grabbed the back of your head and pushed u deeper in. Ur gag reflex returned but u didn't care less. Ur only goal was to satisfy him and nothing more. He was thrusting faster and faster making ur eyes clench till he finally released in ur mouth.
His warm load was dripping down ur throat and his cock twitching on ur tongue. After he took it out of ur mouth u swallowed what was left of his load in ur mouth mixed with ur saliva.
He fell back on the bed all exhausted and heavily breathing while u laid ur head on his chest.
"That was amazing y/n" He mumbled.
"It was" U had ur eyes closed and breathed out deeply.
"I won't let u go..U will have to stay here till morning..U were so amazing and so beautiful..I need u right now to calm down and spend time with someone who's not like those groupie whores."
His words made u feel so special and u just still kinda couldn't believe that it's true..Usually at that point u would wake up and hate that u did but this time it was completely real. U were laying in ur favorite Rockstars arms and u were more than happy, hoping this never ends...
Excuse any typos. It's currently 1am I'm tired goodnight.
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projecto2-game · 3 months
DevLog 2 - The Devining
well. it only took 3 months. but here is our new devlog! or however you call it... We did write a whole devlog for early march, but with school and work taking up most of our schedule, we did not post it, and most of our progress fell to the sands of time.
Snail (@snailmusic) -
Yeah I didn't do nearly as much as freep, so most of those changes will be down there. part of the reason though is that ive been doing a lot of work on my music (haha yes self promo) so if you want to check that out it'd be great! (most of yall are just from my acc so you probably alr know) (my current style of music is probably not representative of O2's audio style or vibe, still working towards that)
The main thing I did was improve trenchbroom (level editor)/qodot/godot interop, which can bring us closer to building some levels (and who knows, a little alpha test in the future ;)). It was actually realllyyyy annoying due to a lack of documentation for qodot 4 (and also ill admit it, a bit of my stupidity) so there was a bug that I couldn't fix for a long time but eventually it was fixed and now it works great!
I also started looking more into the art style of the game, and I'm even learning a bit of how to draw (thanks to my friends! I wouldn't be able to learn like at all without them lol).
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^ guy on a cube
oh yeah speaking of outside help im getting this is (very slightly) now bigger than us two! the others aren't doing too much we can note right now (one doesnt have a tumblr acc either) but when their contributions come more into play we'll include them here.
See ya next time!
Freep (@freepdryer) -
Back in march, i spent a lot of time working on the AI, getting it to move… and run away, sort of. But more of that will come later. 
Lots of these last week or so has been on the character controller, and reinventing the wheel to introduce a state machine and get a lot cleaner code so its easier to revisit if we ever had to.
Im proud of the work that we've done so far, as we come close to a prototype with *Gameplay* 
New Things
Changed the look of the enemy slightly to remove the “amongus factor”
Rewrote the entire script for nav pathing
New enemy prototype can now feel pain / has a health pool that can be depleted using bullets from the player
Added a new line of sight for the enemy to check whether or not the player is in the area to follow
Added the ability for the enemy to hide - WIP - enemy can hide but isnt very good at it. Kinda like a child who turns away while hiding in the corner. 
Enemy can also detect when youre in a certain range, I will be adding more flags later on for detection (when the player shoots, sneezes, or explodes on accident)
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New testing map!
New areas for target practice, line of sight testing, following and hiding
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New player character controller!
Rewrote the entire script for the inclusion of State machines
This was painful.
Added 6(?) new states for several movement states
Added animations for 
Fixed the stair problem
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Whats next?
Continue work on enemy AI - finish hiding, add roaming, add attacking
Fix the stair problem again, but more?
The end?
Thanks for coming to our devlog! We will be back hopefully very soon!
9 notes · View notes
neo-shitty · 1 year
road runners — l.yb
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description. road running was just like any other high-paying job brought about by the new road management system. high risk, high reward. another position had been vacated in your station, you just hoped the newbie would last a little longer than the last one did. 
pairings. lee felix x gender-neutral reader
genre. dystopian!au, kind of workmates!au
warnings. graphic imagery, slight discussions on morality, animal death, multiple death by accidents, implied suicide (not of main characters), major character death
word count. 2.6k
notes. posting this after seeing this scene in the 5 star trailer haha kinda morbid thinking how i came up with this in driving school lmao hope everyone’s doing well! it’s been so long (。_。)
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On the job, you were but an observer—an additional pair of eyes with the extra skill of executing actions that the cameras could not. There would come a time when the development of technology would give birth to advancements that’ll eventually take over most human labors. But that day was not today, nor do you imagine it to be any time soon. For now, you’re stationed on one of the many towers that lined the Gyeongbu Expressway, roving the highway for something interesting. Just like usual, there’s nothing.
Becoming a road runner had been every child’s dream at some point. Every head turned towards car windows on expressways and busy highways, watching out for the moment the black-suited figures zipped from one tower to another. You were no exception, so when the teachers asked what you wanted to be when you grew older you answered the same thing every year: I want to be a road runner.
It wouldn’t be until high school when you learned the grim reality behind the coolest job you’ve ever known. Road runners never existed until about half a century ago when the government decided on the full enforcement of all traffic laws to eliminate the ever-growing traffic problem. A decade-long transition was put into motion in the year 2068; road and highways were reconstructed, and at the end of the ten years, most of the country’s major networks functioned in the same way train railways had, complete with a centralized system to track all of its users.
Automatic transmission vehicles ATVs took on a new definition, now functioning on auto-pilot and programmed to sync with the central system. While some people resorted to purchasing new cars with the built in systems, the government couldn’t force everyone to make the switch. They could, however, launch the strict implementation of all road and traffic laws through the system.
And so they did. 
The decision was marred with controversy when the accidents began to happen. While most citizens brushed it off their shoulders as a good riddance for nuisances, others saw through and began thinking there was a more sinister reason to it. The government never explicitly stated that MTVs were banned from the streets, though driving them grew more and more risky. They were rogues to the system, undetectable. Highways have turned into railroad tracks, cars into bullet trains. ATVs were hot-wired pods meant to get you to your destination via the quickest route possible and on the road, there was no stopping them. 
Both traffic and pollution significantly lessened with the transition, but one problem spiked—road-related accidents. Pedestrians were ploughed by high-speed ATVs, MTVs crushed by collisions, and the death toll reached hundreds within months of its implementation. But the government did not waver, nor did it carry the blame for everything that had happened. They wiped their hands clean.
“The system has been programmed with rules that have long been implemented, pre-existing ones we were already meant to follow beforehand,” they said. The ignorance of the law excuses no one, and so the government played court and passed judgment.
Right wings argued that roads were meant for vehicles alone. Why were pedestrians prioritized all the time when there were designated times and places for them like sidewalks, crosswalk lights, their very own safe zones. Pedestrians and other street-users abused their privilege, compromising vehicle drivers and contributing into traffic congestion. Humans were smart but they were slaves to their own egos, susceptible to being easily put back into place when reminded of a higher authority.
Sanctions towards traffic law violators were dropped. No more fines and months in probation and arrests. If you weren’t registered into the system, you were still free to use the roads as you liked. You could cross it whenever you liked, drove an MTV side by side with the ATVs but you could no longer sue other parties for what could happen to you on the road.
Little by little, as every road was remodeled and programmed with the centralized system, traffic law enforcers one by one disappeared—giving way to another job, one that acted as a countermeasure to the growing number of highway traffic accidents, road running.
The government thought response teams took too long to get to the accident area, hence the birth of the organization for road runners. Road running was a high paying profession, right for a job just as risky. Runners were stationed along major highways and roads, functioning as both lookouts and quick response teams for any accident, be it minor or major, that may occur. Minor accidents were meant to be dealt with by a single runner or in groups of three depending on the gravity. Major accidents were reported to the system which then rerouted upcoming road users for an hour until the highway was once again spotless. 
You never thought you’d land the job as an act of desperation but you did, filing in your application within days from quitting school and getting it. For a job that was sought for, it was vacated a lot. Runners either chickened out when accidents finally did happen or died in the process of cleaning up one. It wasn’t an easy job, it was gruesome. You felt the same way towards it when you were met with an accident a week into the job. But the fear and the ick passes and you began to look at things differently, observing street users with the detachment of someone who agreed with the government’s ideals.
For the past year, you’ve kept to yourself most of the time—staying on your tower through all the eight hours you’re supposed to be there unlike the others who roved around for anything. Compared to prior years, accidents now happened few and far between and most of the time on purpose. Your shifts were more eventless than not. Until a rally against corrupt ATV manufacturing companies took to the streets to make their point a couple of months ago. No rerouting was called that day, not until each and every one of the protestors lied mangled on the streets. The massacre was quick but the repercussions it left behind went far and wide, giving birth to a generation of new-minded individuals who were curious why the way of things had to be that way.
Felix was one of them and he joined the road runners in the midst of it.
“Chan quit. We’re getting a new guy today.” Changbin doesn’t even bother looking up to greet you, gaze fixated on his phone—making the most out of the few minutes before your shift began.
Beneath your finger, a green light flashes and the machine beeps. “Saw that coming,” you said, looking across the room to where Chan was stationed, a part of the tower office that you’ve seen more often vacated than occupied. “New guy on an expressway? That’s new.”
“Heard he’s one of the fast ones.”
Either that or they needed more people on the expressway. You joined the runners back when the positions were still fought for, the profession respected rather than shun. Starting out as a newbie, they assigned you to small streets and country roads until you were working on bigger roads then national highways. It wasn’t because you were getting any better in your job but because those positions were harder to keep than to earn.
The new guy was a bright-eyed boy with star-studded cheeks and a nervous smile. He blinked at the both of you as he walked in, unsure of what to say when you just stared at him back. The scanner beeps beneath his finger and he walks to the back of the office to where Chan used to sit.
“Lee Felix, right?” He turned to you, wide-eyed and alert. 
Road runner contracts only lasted a year and even then only a few stayed in the job long enough to renew it. It took one good look at Felix to know that he’d be one of those who wouldn’t make it past the year—either by quitting or some foolish mistake on the road.
An alarm blared as the clock struck 4 and runners from the last shift burst through the doors of the tower from both sides of the line. It wasn’t the splotches of wetness on their suits nor the expressions on their faces that gave it away, but the metallic stench that followed them as they came in. 
“What happened?” Changbin rose from his seat, giving way to the runner who shared his desk.
“Someone tried to cross the street on a green light.”
“How many?”
“Just one,” he answered, before finally looking around. “New guy?” He pointed at Felix who still stood frozen in the middle of the road. The quiet boy nodded. “Good luck then, kid.”
You never liked it when anyone glossed over the truth of the road-running profession. It paid high for the risk of cleaning roadkill carcass all the while preventing yourself from becoming one, but it never compensated for the images wedged into your subconscious of mangled bodies, scattered insides and pools of blood. So you’ve made it a habit to put a fair warning to anyone new to the job, turning to Felix as he followed you out the tower saying, “Do yourself a favor and quit.”
But of course he didn’t, they almost never did until witnessing their first deaths. The only thing that was different with Felix was his unpredictability because he stopped his first accident from happening. It wasn’t that you didn’t see it coming. He was curious and inquisitive, a dead giveaway of his political biases. He always asked why you never stopped the pedestrians or flagged down the MTVs and you always answered the same thing: these people knew the rules and the law and whatever consequences they suffered were beyond you.
Felix never seemed to get it, his humanity completely intact. Of the three of you, he always ended up black out tired by midnight, running up and down the road to warn people to use the overpass instead of the road or entertaining impatient folk and tricking them into waiting until the crosswalk lights turned green. 
But just like him, there were hard-headed people who never listened regardless of the measures he took. The first time he saw a person carelessly cross the road in a manic sprint, he jumped right after them. Grappling hooks burst out of his belt, piercing through the wind to hook onto metal bars across the highway and he swung across like a madman, saving the man at the last second before a truck rolled past where they once were. 
You met his triumphant smile with disbelief and horror. “Maybe they haven’t oriented you, Felix, but our job is to clean up, not pick up.”
“I know and I don’t get it. Of all people, road runners can save lives and lessen traffic accidents, so why not do it?”
You’ve heard of this subtle leftist movement spreading across the provinces, the new generation of road runners adding saving pedestrians into their list of obligations. It was counterintuitive to what the government wanted to be done, but it was morally aligned with what most people thought. Road runners were being hailed again, looked up to. But the inversely proportional scales tipped, lower accident rates meant higher risks for runners. 
It didn’t guarantee a 100% success rate. There was a dog one day, got loose from its leash and sprinted off the highway sidewalk. Felix had been the first one to see it, tunnel vision narrowed to the dog’s path as it leaped onto the highway. But you’ve seen it too, along with the bus barrelling down the highway that maybe he didn’t.
“Felix, stop!” You dashed from your station, reaching him before his grappling hooks shot out. The dog continued running across the street, the bus continued moving at speed limit. Wind blew past you as it passed, leaving you puzzled on the sidewalk with nothing but dust and a carcass in its wake.
“I could’ve saved it,” Felix said, already mourning the pup he’d only met seconds ago. But even he sounded hopeless, half-knowing that there was no way helping that dog out of this one because he couldn’t have made it across without the bus ramming into him in exchange.
You remembered a time when you thought the same way but the years have dulled your hope, whatever righteousness you’ve had in you dissipating with the disbelief that people still refused to listen. And the accidents came often, desensitizing you with every death happening before your eyes. These people didn’t care about themselves no matter how hard you tried to save them.
While you grew to accept it as the months passed, Felix did not, or he wasn’t on the field long enough to know that in the end he couldn’t do anything about it if the same people who were saved never wanted saving. 
Felix was never assigned to your part of the highway before, so he never knew about that regular passerby—one who only sat by to observe the timing of things. The man always came by on weekday afternoons rain or shine. The expressway was never made for pedestrians but he still came anyway. It wasn’t hard to predict what was in his mind but you never made a move to approach nor interfere. And he disappeared for quite a while, months, and you thought he finally kicked the bucket. But he comes back one day, with a brighter expression over his once gloomy face and you’ve seen too many suicides to know what another attempt looks like.
Felix, however, did not. You didn’t see the man coming because if you did, you would’ve stopped him the way you did before during close calls. But he sees the man before you do and in the spur of the moment, the man had jumped into the highway, Felix following immediately behind him. And you can still hear Changbin behind you, shouting about upcoming cars but it falls on deaf ears and you watched the accident happen—both the man and Felix run down by a parade of cars coming from a recently greenlit intersection. You saw them launched into the air, landing so far from the point of collision and further ploughed by upcoming vehicles. Pieces of the body landed scattered down the highway, cars coming too often for any of you to get any cleaning done. 
You didn’t realize you were holding your breath until you felt your lungs begin to burn. For a moment you stood there, both in shock yet expecting what had happened. It was only a matter of when it would happen. Eventually you snapped out of it when the cars stopped coming, green light finally turning red.
From your pocket you dug out the device meant to access the central system and set the timer. The system closes off the highway and reroutes all upcoming vehicles to other roads. You began the dreadful trek to where the bodies, or most of it, actually were. Changbin called for a highway sweep, the two-man team seeming not enough to clear all parts of the bodies off the street. 
“Shame, I thought he’d last longer.” Changbin muttered as he caught up beside you, his mask and gloves already on.
“He didn’t really have it in him, you know? He was too soft.” You answered. “This might’ve been the best way to go and better now than later.”
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© neo-shitty, 2023
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