#strawberry felon au
a-gil-rebel · 9 days
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Someone on AO3 asked for a proper description of Sixer, so I thought I'd add it here as well!
Sixer appears to be about the same age as Ford in the main series, possibly a bit younger. Brown hair and eyes, greying around the temples, etc.
He wears a neutral yellow trench coat with the pattern shown above on it. It means Mind and Muse, which are nicknames they use for each other in private interchangeably. "You /are/ the Mind of this operation." "And you the Muse."
Underneath, he wears something light like a long-sleeve henley, usually red, navy, or yellow, and tan slacks and brown boots. He's a lighter color pallete than Ford for sure.
He carries a messenger style bag that will be described in next chapter, but in general is brown with navy trim and appears just big enough to carry a large textbook.
His eyepatch is just a plain black. He has one that has a yellow triangle on it, but shockingly, he isn't using that one atm, haha.
I think that's all I can say for now? I can't wait to add information about his tattoos later.
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starlightkun · 1 year
The new Elle magazine pics of Taeyong immediately reminded me of Unicorn Taeyong in the Strawberry Sunday universe because of his hair color!!! I can imagine Unicorn Taeyong with that hair color and vibe.. it feels dreamy and magical in a way !! and I'm excited to read tdhea since I'm finally done with my exams, I already read the first chapter.. and I'm loving the vibe of this story. I'm already questioning my top 1 from this Strawberry Sunday universe after reading the first chapter itself 🤡 and not my renjun being considered as the crazed madman here pls, I love human renjun <3. - 🌺
yes the pink and blue and purple pastels that he had in that shoot r very unicorn!yong!!! very dreamy, very pretty n handsome at the same time <33
idk if i can even rank the strawberry sunday fics at this point 😭 they all hold such a special place in my heart in their own way i wanna roll all my characters up in little blanket burritos and tuck em into my pockets n keep em safe they're all just the loves of my life now
and human renjun my beloved <33 hes......impassioned. he might have willingly committed a felony in tdhea but really hes just so passionate about his field of study and since when has learning been a crime <33
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niniblack · 6 years
Undercover Cop/Teacher AU part 5
Past part are here: #undercover au
We’ve actually reached the end of what I already have written, and I got derailed by another idea today, so this might be it for the daily updates for a bit. Fingers crossed that it continues to be slow at work!
It’s the longest Monday of Damen’s entire life. The clock ticks at a glacial pace as he muddles his way through his classes. If the kids notice that he’s not paying much attention, none of them mention it. Damen’s too preoccupied with trying to remember everything he can about last night and figure out this mess too notice if they did anyway.
He has a list in his head. He doesn’t dare write it down, in case anyone saw it.
Fact 1) Laurent ordered a drink in a bar. Multiple drinks. The bartender asked for his ID and accepted whatever Laurent showed him as proof that Laurent was old enough to drink. Therefore, Laurent is over 21, and Damen has not committed any felonies.
Fact 2) Laurent was way too good at giving head for a teenager. Damen knows this because he was once a teenager, and knows that teenagers are selfish when it comes to sex. This isn’t as definitive as purchasing alcohol, but Damen feels good about this as evidence in the not-a-felon category.
Fact 3) Laurent had talked about a job and a boss. Only adults talk about work like that. But he never mentioned what the job was. Damen files this in the maybe column.
Fact 4) Laurent looked like a teenager this morning. If Damen hadn’t seen him last night, he never would have doubted that he belonged in high school. He’d looked young last night, too, but not that young. Lots of people looked younger than they really were. Hell, there were 30 year old actors who played teenagers in movies. Damen filed this off to the side. Clearly he could not judge Laurent’s age on appearances alone. Down that path leads ruin.
Fact 5) Damen is starting to suspect that Laurent is fucking with him. Evidence: Laurent is currently sitting in the back of Damen’s senior level French class, accepting a lollipop from Nicaise, the delinquent freshman who wound up in this class because he’s fluent and no one knew where else to put him.
“Do you have strawberry?” Laurent asks.
Nicaise digs through the bag, and emerges with a pink candy.
Laurent unwraps it and pops it in mouth, keeping ahold of the stick. He catches Damen’s eye and hollows his cheeks.
“Nicaise,” Damen says. “No candy unless you have enough for the whole class.”
Nicaise frowns at him. “I’m not giving any to these losers,” he says, tucking the bag back into his backpack.
“Should have thought of that before sharing with Laurent. Bring it here.” Damen holds out a hand, and keeps it there until Nicaise grudgingly gets up and throws the bag at him.
“What bug crawled up your ass?” Nicaise asks.
“Language,” Damen says.
Nicaise repeats himself in French, looking Damen straight in the eye as he does it.
Laurent’s grinning. “Maybe he just needs to get laid,” he mutters to Nicaise.
Nicaise’s face lights up in unholy glee at having a partner in crime. “Who would fuck him though? He’s not even attractive.”
Laurent’s eyes flick back over to Damen. “You never know.”
“If you two are quite done,” Damen says.
Laurent holds up his hands, still grinning.
One of the other kids, Ancel, leans forward across his desk. “Are you gonna pass out the candy or not?”
Ancen is sitting in front of Nicaise, and Nicaise kicks his foot at the leg of Ancel’s desk, hitting it hard enough that it start to tilt to the side and Ancel shrieks before righting it. “You little shit!”
“I didn’t bring it for you! Get your own damn snacks,” Nicaise tells him.
“Mr. A just said he was going to share with the whole class.”
Damen feels like throwing the candy at them all right now, honestly. This is hands down his worst class of the day, and it’s not even due to the recent of the addition of the maybe-student he’s going to go to jail for fucking. Somehow this end of the day, senior level French class wound up full of kids who either know the language well enough not to need the class, or are so bad at it that they shouldn’t have passed the previous year and only made it in because the counselors needed to fill up schedules. Nicaise and Ancel are the worst of the lot, bickering with each other one minute and trading lip gloss the next, and somehow Laurent has already fallen in with them.
It’s ten minutes into class now and so far Nicaise is the only one to have spoken any French beyond bonjour so Damen switches to French to tell them all, “You can earn the candy. Who did their homework and can go conjugate the imperfect form of être on the board?”
Nicaise rolls his eyes and mutters something to Laurent that Damen can’t hear. Laurent laughs.
“No volunteers? What about you, Laurent?” Normally Damen wouldn’t pick on anyone on their first day, but this feels like an unusual situation in every regard. “Want to give it a try?”
Laurent frowns at him, and then says, with an atrocious American accent he definitely didn’t have last night, “Je parle un… peu fra… france? French.” He caps this off by holding his hand up, thumb and index finger close together, and repeating, “Un peu.”
Damen stares at him, stunned.
“Français,” Nicaise supplies, snickering.
“Right, that.” Laurent says. He shrugs. “They asked if I knew any French. They didn’t ask how much.”
Nicaise leans forward to poke Ancel. “Finally someone at your level.”
Ancel swings around and nearly clocks him, but Nicaise ducks, laughing.
“Boys!” Damen yells, glaring until they settle back into their seats.
They get through the rest of class. Damen winds up tossing a sucker to anyone who can give a correct answer -- mostly Erasmus and Kallias, who sit in the front and are always really earnest about learning. Nicaise interrupts occasionally to mock someone’s pronunciation, and all Damen can do is tell him to stop being rude because he’s not actually wrong.
He doesn’t call on Laurent again after the bell rings, when he says, “Laurent, stay after for a minute.”
Nicaise demands the rest of his candy back before he’ll leave, but then it’s just Damen and Laurent left in the room. Laurent lounges back in his chair and puts his feet on his desk.
“Un peu français?” Damen asks.
Laurent shrugs.
“You spoke it pretty fluently last night.”
“You should really lock the door if you want to talk about that,” Laurent says, in perfect goddamn French.
Damen grits his teeth, but Laurent isn’t wrong, so he goes over and shuts the door, dropping the shade over the little window and engaging the lock.
“Is this going to be a thing then?” Laurent asks. “Asking me to stay after class and locking the door?”
“You just told me--” Damen cuts himself off with a huff of breath. “Is faking being bad at everything your new thing?”
Laurent drops his feet back to the floor and stands up in a fluid motion, making his way through the desks and towards Damen. “I’m not bad at anything,” Laurent says, right up in Damen’s personal space now.
Damen tries to take a step back, but the door is behind him. “What are you doing?”
“You’re cute when you’re teaching,” Laurent says. “Trying to look stern but failing miserably.” He grins, leaning further in, hands landing on Damen’s hips. “And the kids like you, even if they’re being brats.”
“Including you?” Damen asks.
Laurent makes an agreeable noise.
Damen reaches up and brushes Laurent’s hair back from his face, tucking it behind his ear. “You’re a student.”
Laurent shrugs. “They told me not to fuck the other students. No one said anything about the teachers.”
“The-- what?” Damen asks, but Laurent is ignoring him, fingers fumbling with Damen’s fly. “Wait,” he says, just as Laurent gets a hand into his pants.
“What?” Laurent asks, pausing.
“You’re a student,” Damen says again.
Laurent just looks confused.
“I can’t sleep with students,” Damen says.
Laurent frowns. “It’s after hours, I’m not a student anymore. It’s fine.”
“You… That is not how it works.”
Laurent purses his lips. “I was going to suck your cock again. Yes or no?” He gives said cock a squeeze, and Damen wishes he weren’t already half-hard just from being this close to him.
Damen’s going to hell.
In for a penny, in for a pound. Might as well at this point. Nothing left to lose, right? He could probably come up with more idioms if he tried but he just nods.
Laurent squeezes his cock again and drops to his knees.
Damen’s pants are around his thighs and Laurent has just taken the head of his cock into his mouth when reality slams into Damen like a freight train. He shoves Laurent back with a firm push on his shoulders, and the sudden motion means he gets teeth scraping his dick painfully.
“No, no,” Damen says. “I can’t do this.”
“The fuck!” Laurent demands, from where he’s landed on his ass.
“You are a student,” Damen says. “I can’t sleep with you.”
“You already did!”
“And that was a mistake. I’m so sorry. I’m sorry about just now. This is… this is bad.” Damen yanks his pants up, fumbling with his fly. “Look, I’ll get you moved to a different class. You don’t have to ever see me again. I didn’t know. You were at the bar and you were--“
“Damen,” Laurent breaks in, stopping Damen’s rambling apology. “How old do you think I am?”
Damen blinks down at him. “If you’re a senior then you’re 17 or 18.”
“If I were a senior, yes,” Laurent says.
Damen stares down at him.
“Damen,” Laurent says, tone slow and patient. “I’m 25.”
Damen keeps staring. Finally, he manages to say, “What?”
“Did you actually think…?” Laurent shakes his head, laughing incredulously. “This morning you said-- Damen, this is an op. I’m undercover.”
“I thought you were underage! I thought I was going to go to jail!” Damen nearly shouted.
Laurent’s still laughing. “You said this morning that you knew!”
“No, I didn’t! I said I was gonna go to prison this morning.” He glares down at Laurent. “This is not funny.”
“This is hilarious,” Laurent says, finally climbing back to his feet. “I thought you made me as soon as I walked in.”
“How?! I told you I was going to have to register as a sex offender.”
“I thought you were just being melodramatic,” Laurent says. “That’s why I told you not to say anything. We’ve been working on this case for months, I can’t afford for you to blow my cover.”
“I can’t believe you let me think I’d fucked a student all day,” Damen says.
Laurent tilts his head, giving Damen a considering look. “Did you still think I was a student just now, when you were going to let me suck you off?”
Damen sputters. “I suspected you weren’t.”
“Uh huh,” Laurent says, a slow grin spreading across his face. “This is kinkier than the handcuffs, Mr. Akielon.”
“Please don’t,” Damen says.
Laurent leans in, hand skimming down Damen’s stomach towards his cock again, breath warm against Damen’s neck. “I think you’re getting--“
They’re interrupted by someone twisting the door handle, and knocking when they find it locked. “Damen, are you in there?”
“Shit, it’s Nik,” Damen whispers.
Laurent steps back. “Oh. He knows,” he says, also whispering. “But he can’t know that you know. This whole op has to be secret from the teachers.”
“What are you even undercover for?” Damen asks. Louder, he says, “Just a sec, Nik,” to the door. He pats down his front to make sure his pants are zipped.
Laurent crosses the room to grab his bag. “Drugs,” he says, answering Damen’s question.
Damen frowns. They’d had a student overdose last month, but he’d thought it was an isolated incident. “And Nik knows?”
The doorknob rattles again, so Damen reaches out to unlock it before Laurent can answer. “Hey Nik.”
Nikandros is frowning. “What’ve you been doing? Did you forget about drinks?”
“Oh, right! Um, no. No I was just…”
“He was helping me with some remedial French,” Laurent pipes up, coming to stand next to them. “I’m really far behind. My last school didn’t have such a good foreign language department.” He flashes Nikandros a bright smile, then turns it on Damen. “Thanks again, Mr. Akielon. Same time tomorrow?”
“Uh… I coach track on Tuesdays,” Damen says.
“I’ll find you out there then,” Laurent says. “Bye Mr. A, bye Mr. Delpha.” He waves over his shoulder as he walks away.
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a-gil-rebel · 19 days
Yknow what
As a treat, since Gravity Falls has so taken over my brain. Have some cringe art at a skill level far below what I should be able to create by now under the cut
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Also me realizing my GFAU Bill is naked compared to everyone else's....
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a-gil-rebel · 3 days
Chapter 4 of Strawberry Felon is up, its half the chapter I Wanted to write but hopefully it's still good.
Dipper gets Mabel in on the gossip on their guest, and I am forced to think of riddles.
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a-gil-rebel · 15 days
Hii Author!! I just wanted to say that I love your GF fanfic so much!! I re-read it a lot and was wondering if we could have a sneak peek for the next chapter?
Im so glad you're enjoying it so far! I couldn't decide between something funny, dramatic, or just out of context for your sneak peek, so I hope you like this snippet!
"Dipper, why don't you help me in the lab before supper, I could use my favorite assistant." Ford offered, and Dipper's face lit up before darting to his backpack.
"I-I'd love to but ... I've had a pretty long day so uh, I may just do some reading."
Something was definitely wrong. Dipper would never turn down research without a good reason.
Once they made it back to the Shack, Dipper walked Sixer up to the couch on the porch to sit with Stanley, literally leading him by the hand. What did Sixer do to his nephew!?
Mabel sat with Stanley as well, so Dipper and himself headed inside.
"Dipper." The boy jumped, quickly turning to face him. No, it was more like he was trying to get the backpack as far from him as possible. He got down to the kids' level, putting his own hand on the boy's shoulder. "You know you can trust me, right? You'd tell me if something... was going on."
How couldn't he bring himself to demand answers from the boy? What happened on the island? What's in the backpack? But those questions sunk out of reach.
"Of course I trust you, Grunkle Ford.... I trust you to keep us safe."
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a-gil-rebel · 17 days
Okay, I'm running into a block on chapter 4 of this GF work, so I'm crossposting Chapter 1 to Tumblr for feedback! What do yall think is gonna happen next, what do you want to see?
Chapter 1: Tourist
The old man stepped through the swirling yellow portal into somewhere in Oregon. Familiar, yet not a place he'd ever been before. Light streamed upward from the sunrise, not quite sweeping the valley yet, and a spray of water misted them lightly.
"Wooow" the voice in his head drawled out. "Wow wow wow wow wow, so this is the infamous Dimension 46'\, roomy!" The old man chuckled, dusting himself off as the portal closed behind them.
Shifting the backpack on his shoulders, he took a quick scan of the area. A waterfall cascaded down into the valley to their right into a lake. A small shadowy island stood in its center, and he mentally tallied that as one of the first places they'd look into. The small town that stretched out in front of them had a center with a statue he didnt recognize, a few charming diners and a water tower with a muffin painted on one side.
His associate immediately took notice of the strange air the town radiated.
"I like this place, I think its about as weird as they say, maybe more! But I can't sense the rest of the dimension, almost like it exists inside a bubble. What could that be, Sixer?"
Sixer scratched his head as he pulled out his oldest book from a bag a dash too small for it to have been in. "I wonder if this place has a similar magnetic attraction of weirdness to my home, and no one's yet destabilized or disrupted the field enough for it to burst. This dimension must not have had a Me smart enough to figure it out. Not to worry old friend, after we have our fill of this little town, I can look into building a device to do that here, too."
The voice in his head chuckled. "Then let's get this party started!"
With that, they headed down toward the shore, a wave of a six-fingered hand pushing any plantlife out of the way as they went.
"Grunkle Ford, you promised to help me make Grunkle Stan's cake!" Mabel's cries fell on deaf ears as Ford and Dipper continued covering the table in more dumb math papers for their game.
"Yes yes, I'll pick one up later-ah!" He yelped as she pulled him down by his old man ear.
"This is the first time you two get to celebrate your own birthdays together in like. A billion years! You're going to Make him a cake and you'll LIKE IT."
"Okay, Okay! I will I promise, but our birthday isnt even until later this week, is a cake this early necessar?" He relented, and she released him, tugging her sequined sweater back in place.
"You two haven't celebrated in thirty years! You guys are gonna celebrate all week, because if you don't, you're going to have to deal with this Mabel-" she swiped her hand up her sweater, the sequins reversing to show her own face looking dissapointingly at him "-and you do Not want to meet that Mabel."
Dipper snickered from across the table. "Mabel, do I even wanna know how long it took you to make that?"
"Lo suficientemente largo como para escuchar todo nuestro libro de texto de español en audiolibro para poder aprobar el examen final." She replied, her right eye twitching. "Cake!" She shouted one more time before there was a knock on the door.
"Candy and Greta!" She gasped, running out of the kitchen and grappling past the TV to answer it. All three of them squealed a chord so ungodly the goat in the yard ran off, and Mabel invited them upstairs to help her unpack the rest of the way. Her and her brother had been there since the beginning of June, but both their families were on vacation that first week, so today was the first time they'd all been able to get together.
Since the divorce was finalized, the twins decided to make the attic a permanent room, somewhere that had at least enough stuff to crash there anytime if things got sour at home. Their mom still lived in Cali, but their dad had moved all the way to New Jersey where he'd grown up. So if Mom was ever overwhelmed by being a single mother, she'd given them the option to homeschool up in Oregon for a month or so, since they "liked it so much". Mabel liked the chance to do things at her own pace and be able to stay in Gravity Falls even after summer, and Dipper liked staying up to date with everything Ford was researching at the time, since the nerd was ahead in most classes anyway.
After about an hour decorating her side of the attic, they decided to go into town to see how things had changed. Greta told her about the new statue in the towncenter. Nathaniel Northwest's was torn down after the previous summer's revelation of who he really was, and priorities shifting after Weirdmageddan. The new statue was apparently designed by Robbie, whose art skills had flourished. It was abstract, with every 2D shape imaginable except for any triangles, and Candy swore if you looked at it at a certain time of day, the shadow spelled out "Up Yours".
After a snack at Greasy's Diner and saying hi to Pacifica, they decided to pop in and out of a few shops on their way back when she spotted Grunkle Ford in the bakery.
The voice in his head had gotten bored quickly on the island, since the only creature of note was somwhere in the underwater caves. So Sixer decided to take him to a local shop to pick out anything he wanted. He hadn't expected an entire sheetcake to be his heart's desire, but would he ever truly understand the immortal deity? They were about to bring a large vanilla with raspberry filling to the front when a child ran up to him, demanding something about making the cake himself.
"Grunkle, you better not be getting that cake instead of making one! You promised me!" The girl yanked on his coat threateningly, pointing a finger at him, the two other children behind her also making threatening stances. The presence in his mind flared with anger, even though there was no real threat. She must be mistaking him for another adult, how old was she? He barely remembered his own human physiology.
"Don't worry, little one. I was just getting... Inspiration. I will make the cake myself." She seemed satisfied with his response, and after a few more glares left them alone.
"How peculiar. I wonder who she though I was? And what's a Grunkle?"
"Not a clue, Sixer. Can we eat that cake now?" He laughed and waited for the kids to leave before checking out as well, heading into the woods so they could eat in peace.
Mabel got back to the Mystery Shack to see Soos wrapping up his last tour of the day so he and Melody could take the afternoon off. Wendy was in charge of the counter like old times, and Grunkle Stan would still be out of the house for a few more hours, playing in some casino tournament he'd won his way into on the edge of town. She left Candy and Greta in the shop to check on her dork brother, feeling a bit bad he was left home alone since Ford was at the shops.
Except she walked into the kitchen to see both her nerd twin And her Grunkle Ford, batting at egg creatures as they herded them into a box.
"Mabel!" Dipper called out, smiling and covered in egg yolk. "You won't believe what we've been up to! Grunkle Ford was trying to recreate that scene from Fantastica with the mops, but instead the cake baking itself, but then-!"
"Woah woah woah, okay Dip. Usually I'd be totally excited to hear what you dorks have been up to, but Ford! How could you!?"
"What? I'm baking the cake, as requested, its very serious business!"
"No, you used some kind of officer copier to make a copy of yourself and buy a cake at the shops, didn't you! Huh! Huh! I'm wise to you!" Both of the nerds gave her a stupid face.
"Mabel, I've been here the whole time. But this is concerning." The old man's face screwed up in concentration, one foot still holding the box of sentient eggs shut. "It could be any number of anomalies, a doppleganger? Living plant clone? Interdimensional traveller? Mabel, do you remember any details of this Not-Ford? Green skin, desire for human flesh? Second head?"
"I can do you one better, I never miss a scrapbook-tunity. Whoopah!" She slammed down three polaroids on the dining table, one of 'Ford' from behind, which was mostly a picture of his fancy leather trenchcoat, then one of him clutching a cake in fear, then one from farther off with him waving his hand at nothing.
Dipper picked up the one with the cake laughing at his funny stance, but Ford picked up the first, the only one without his dopplegangers face in it.
"We need to find this... False Ford. Before he does something dangerous. I'll get my flesh-ripping ray!" Grunkle Ford announced cheerfully, running off toward his basement lab. Dipper quickly launched himself to cover the box of eggs, and Mabel grabbed her sticker book to seal it shut while they were gone. She went with a muffin and chihuahuas theme.
Sixer ate half the cake, his stomach threatening to pull itself out of his body. "No, absolutely not. If you want to eat the othet half, you have to come out and do it yourself." He shook his head at the whine that echoed in his mind. After tucking away the other half in his bag, they went back into town to explore some more. Even got a red balloon from the Museum, which they promptly turned a nice shade of yellow.
The museum had everything from pickaxes and live dynamite from the founding days of Gravity Falls, to taxidermy animals and an entire room of eyeballs. It was interesting, and he'd have to get a better look at some of the items on display later, but all it really did was amp up their appetite for the Mystery Shack. Determined to do a few more tourist attractions before the main event, they headed out of the Museum to visit the Cemetery.
The Pines family and company split up to find Fake Ford. Wendy volunteered to check the roof, so Soos held down the fort in giftshop. Greta and Candy would bodyguard the bus station to make sure the Faker didn't skip town. Ford didn't want to split up the twins, and needed at least one person with him at all times to prevent anyone having to "chose the real him". So they headed to the shop to canvas witnesses, or try to pick up a trail.
"Huh? Oh yeah, you were in here earlier." The checkout clerk, a teen with a voice crack that could shatter glass, pointed at Ford.
"Yes yes, but where did I go after? Think, Sven, the world as we know it is in danger!" Ford grabbed him by his uniform suspenders, but all he did was point at the nametag that said Steven.
"Thats not even my name, man! But hey, if you got anymore those bars, it may jog my memory." Steven wiggled his eyebrows and Ford dropped him again, wiping off his six-fingered hands.
"Eugh. What do you mean, bars?"
The teen looked around before ducking behind the counter and, with much effort, dropping a gold bar on the conveyor belt.
"Woah!" The twins awed.
"Grunkle Ford is that real?" Dipper asked as Mabel reached toward it whispering "Shiiinyyy." The teen bapped them away and Ford put his arm between them before pulling out a raygun and pointing it at Steven.
"You have 5 seconds to tell me where he went, or what you call your flesh will go through a dimensional paper-shredder, leaving you nothing but a pile of bones."
Steven went white as a sheet and collapsed.
"So much for that lead." Ford sighed as Mabel chided him about honey and vinegar before he turned his gun toward the bagger, who had been leaning against the counter the entire time, a tired looking teen with purple hair. "You have 5 seconds to-!"
"Dude was talking to himself the whole time, said something about the History Museum." The teen popped the bubblegum in her mouth before continuing. "And for the record, I'm not telling you this because of your flesh gun thingy. I just like ratting people out."
"Ah. I see. To the Museum!" Ford shouted before running out of the store, Mabel and Dipper applogizing as they ran after him.
The trio followed Fake Ford's trail to the History Museum, where Real Ford found some particularly unnerving security footage they definitely legally obtained of the doppleganger changing the color of the balloon with the wave of a hand and flash of blue.
"No incantation, no talisman, Ford, can you do that?" Dipper asked, in awe. "He's magic!" Mabel chimed in.
"No, I cannot, and I don't want to know what he's done to be able to. We need to find this Ford." He forwarded the tape to follow the yellow balloon back to the entrance, the only camera with a mic.
"Hm? How about the cemetery, that sound alright? ....If we're lucky there may be a good spot to raise the dead." Fake Ford laughed after a pause and left. "If we're lucky!" Was the last thing they heard before he was out of sight. The three rushed out and headed toward the cemetery, the sun creeping toward the horizon by now.
The cemetery had no living residents to rat out a trail, no security footage to scour or even dead to talk to, all of whom were apparently too good for a ouiji board.
"What now?" Dipper asked, sitting at the entrance with Ford.
"Maybe he's just a tourist, I mean he hasn't done anything!" Mabel ventured.
"There's too many signs leading otherwise."
"Mabel is right, Ford. Whats one bad thing he's done? Pay in gold? Change the color of a balloon? Heck, he didn't even raise any dead!"
Ford stood suddenly, his face distant. "I can't say for sure, but, I have a bad feeling about how this Ford. The power he weilds is too familiar to be anything good. We need to find him."
Mabel looked down at her phone and replied to a text. "Well, we're running out of time. Greta and Candy are heading home right now, and Wendy went home an hour ago. Maybe we should regroup at the Shack and start in the morning?" Ford sighed and pinched his nose.
"Fine, fine. Stanley will be home soon anyway. Let's go, kids." All three hung their heads a bit as they went home, the entrance door bell ringing overhead.
"Soos? We're back!" Mabel called out, but Soos didn't hear them, apparently laughing it up with a late customer. They headed deeper into the shack only to stop short.
"Oh Mr Pines, that conveniently off screen story you shared was so funny!" The stranger leaning against the counter laughed as Soos shook his hand.
"Oh please, Mr Pines was my father, call me Sixer." Soos looked up just as they approached, waving.
"Oh hey lil dudes, Mr Pines. Look, its you, but another!"
The twins and Ford braced as 'Sixer' stood to full height before turning toward them. An exact copy of their Ford with a calculated look on his face, that suddenly broke into a smile.
"So there is another me here, its a pleasure!" Sixer reached out to shake his hand, when all three jumped to a defensive stance, Ford with a flesh-ripping raygun, the girl from the shop with a crossbow, and a boy, after fumbling with a book for a bit, to some sort of martial art stance.
"Are you insane!?" 46'\ Ford shouted, making his company flare with anger. He kept himself smiling and calm as Ford continued. "If you make contact with another version of yourself, this entire dimension will collapse!"
Sixer laughed and waved his hand. "Oh that? I solved that issue ages ago in the Dimension of Literals. You know that ongoing argument of 'nothing ever really touches because of the space between atoms'? I wont go into detail, but I can assure you, we can make contact safely, so maybe you can lower your Version Flesh Ripper?"
Ford blinked and lowered his weapon a bit. "How did you know exactly what version this was?" Sixer smirked a bit and gestured to his bag.
"I'm on version And I've met a few Fords in my day, not for a long while though."
"So wait, there's other universes where more of us exist? Are you an Author too? But, why are you here then?" The young boy spoke up, tripping over himself with questions.
"I'm just a tourist, certainly not the most common type of Ford. Not only do many infinite dimensions exist, but Alternative Universes as well, that either closely follow your lives, or branch off exponentially. I don't believe I've met you before though." Sixer held out a hand to shake his, and before Ford could stop them the child was shaking his hand vigorously.
"Its so cool to meet another Ford! I'm Dipper, thats my twin sister Mabel. Can you really do Magic? How? How many dimensions have you visited? Our Ford was stuck outside our world for 30 years, have you been travelling that long-?" He laughed at the child's excitement.
"You can call me Sixer, I much prefer it. And 30 years!" He looked up at Ford, whose raygun pointing at the floor by now. "Thats not bad at all! What made you want to come back?"
"That is none of your business, and you are not welcome here. Tourist or not, I just don't trust you." Sixer's smile fell finally, remembering why they hadn't visited another earth dimension in a long time.
"I'm not here to cause any trouble, we just wanted to see the dimension, its known for its incredible magnetic attraction for the weird and strange, far beyond any other Gravity Falls!"
"We?" Ford bit back, and Sixer shrunk in on himself a bit, the voice in his head finally chiming in to laugh.
"Oh shush" he muttered before addressing Ford. "I... I meant I wanted to see the dimension, I apologize, I've been travelling for.... a long time." The looks he got weren't exactly confident.
"Cmon Sixer, we could take em! Just throw them in a dimensional cube for a few days while we hang out!"
Sixer hissed at the voice in his head. "We don't do that willy nilly!"
"Who are you talking to?" Mabel asked, and Sixer jumped at suddenly being aware of her presence, since she had climbed onto the counter to inspect him closer.
"...Myself." He ventured.
"You're insane." Ford jabbed, crinkling his nose as if he'd smelt a Gongoozler.
"Sure I am, whats your point?" He replied in stereo with the voice in his head. Mabel reacted a bit to this, pulling Ford, Soos and Dipper into a group huddle.
"They think we can't hear them from that far away?" The presence chuckled, and Sixer laughed with him, covering his mouth as he looked around at the items on display again. Most were obviously fake, but just had so much Gravity Falls Charm it was enchanting. After a moment of deliberation, which he chose not to listen into by humming a song, they approached him again.
"Okay, Sixer." Ford started. "We've decided to allow you to... tour our dimension, as long as you stay within the confines of Gravity Falls, and a few more stipulations to be determined, such as not paying people in gold bars."
"We-ah, I, can't leave Gravity Falls due to its natural law of weirdness magnetism, so you won't have to worry about that. But, while I'm here if you'd like me to collapse the barrier-!" He offered, only to be met with a cacophony of 'No'.
"Okay-Okay! Well heard."
"You can stay in the spare room, Grunkle Sixer! There's always a spare, somehow." Mabel's face screwed up in concentration as Sixer and Ford replied in unison.
"Spacial anomalies from Grasside Omega."
"This is still a little weird." Dipper chimed in as Sixer laughed.
"Don't worry, we won't be in your hair for long." He replied, just someone burst in the door.
"Long story, they can't prove I cheated, Ford save me!" The man shouted as he raced into the shack with a pile of money in his hands, going to hide behind Sixer.
"Oh, uh, wrong Ford, sorry mister." The man looked at him proper as they both did a double-take. "Stanley...?"
Suddenly the entire party was rocked off their feet at a roar outisde, and something pounding the ground so hard it shook. They ran outside, leaving Soos and Stanley in the doorway. On the front lawn was an amalgamation of casino chips, cards and a slot machine for a face, formed into an anthropomorphic creature.
"Now that is quite something." Sixer laughed, and Ford quickly started looking in his journals for any information.
"Possibly a type of Tulpa, or guardian of the Casino? Stanley how do you get yourself into things like this?!"
The Casino Creature started pulling the roof off the Shack to try and get to Stanley. "Grunkle Ford, do something!" Dipper shouted.
"I think I have something in my lab that can-"
"No time!" Sixer shouted, running in front of them and placing his hands on the ground, starting an incantation to trap the beast. "Zuds wkh ehdvw lq d exeeoh!" He shouted as yellow symbols encircled it, creating a bubble around the creature to protect the Shack and themselves. "Dwwdfn- I mean, attack it now! Hurry!"
Mabel, still carrying her crossbow, started firing into the barrier, bolts sinking into the beast, but to no affect. Sixer flinched as the beast slammed into his magic, but held fast as Ford ran to get a device from his lab. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Dipper helping his sister reload her crossbow with different bolts, one with flamestones tied to the end. He watched as the new bolts, while not hitting as high, burst into flame as the geode was shattered on impact. He braced himself for the heat radiating off it as the beast lit up with flames, otherwise unnerved.
"Grunkle Ford..!" The kids cried, just as Ford burst out with a weapon the size of a machine gun.
"Take this you oversized Bankroll!" Ford shouted as he shot a series of lasers at the beast in pulses, turning every card into a greeting card, and poker chips into potato chips, which all fell into a pile underneath the sentient slot machine, which howled and tried to hop away as Sixer lowered his shield.
The twins whooped and hollered as Ford smirked, hands on his hips. "Not bad, Sixer. The shield was cute. But its good I was here to finish it off."
Sixer stood and dusted his hands, eye twitching at his comment. Just as the twins were investigating Ford's weapon, the slot machine closed it's 'mouth' and started a high pitch sound. Sixer jumped in front of Ford and the twins and let his associate react for him, a large swirl of blue absorbing the golden blast, grinding his heels in as it pushed him back into Ford. Then he gladly returned the energy with blue flames, dissolving the cards, chips and slot machine to nothing, along with the grass caught in range.
Shaking the flames from his fingertips, he panted and turned to Ford and the twins, all of whom were clinging to his coat. "You guys alright?"
Ford quickly let go, looking around for his dimension to start melting, which, as he'd assured him, it did not. The twins started talking over themselves, asking him how he'd done that. His focus was on Ford, smirking a bit as he indulged in his own pride. "What do you think, Ford? Was that 'cute' too?"
"Ha! Showed up by your own-ah, what exactly is goin on, actually?" Stanley clapped them both on the shoulder, and Sixer couldn't help but stare a bit as Ford explained dimensional travel to him. Stanley picked wax out of his ear as he 'listened'.
Sixer shook himself out of staring as Dipper tugged on his arm, wanting to hear about his adventures.
"Well, I suppose I can start at the beginning. Im sure Ford and I have nearly identical backgrounds, however the reason for our travels are most likely where we diverge. After I learned almost every secret of Gravity Falls, even if only a page worth in my journal, I broke the barrier of the town to allow the weirdness to disperse across the world, to allow those creatures, beings and phenomenons to intermingle, grow and change. Its quite possibly going to be my longest running experiment, a couple centuries so far, if I remember to go back to it someday!
That's why I offered to break the barrier earlier, so I apologize if I stepped out of line."
"That could be incredibly dangerous for our world, especially if someday Bill found his way back alive...." Ford replied
"Could that... really happen?" Dipper asked, though Sixer could hardly hear over his heart racing in his ears as the twins continued with graphic exclamations of what they would do if "Bill came Back".
"Woah woah woah, what did he mean Alive?" The voice in his head practically shouted, starting to push himself forward in his mind. Sixer held fast, instead redirecting the conversation to how late it had gotten.
"Well with so much excitement, I think I'm going to turn in for the night... haha... if you still don't mind?"
Ford put a hand on his shoulder. "Not at all, I have to say I was a little apprehensive at first, but travelling the multiverse for centuries? I can't imagine what knowledge you've been able to unlock." Sixer laughed a bit at the flattery, waving a hand as they headed inside.
"Oh, I heard from Soos I had interrupted some festivities that involved cake? We had the other half earlier, but, as thanks, you're welcome to have it." Sixer carefully pulled out the half sheetcake from his bag. The family cheered, much to his associate's dismay.
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a-gil-rebel · 20 days
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Gravity Falls Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Bill Cipher/Ford Pines Characters: Dipper Pines, Mabel Pines, Ford Pines, Bill Cipher, Stan Pines Additional Tags: Gravity Falls Spoilers, Book of Bill Spoilers Summary:
The old man stepped through the swirling yellow portal into somewhere in Oregon. Familiar, yet not a place he'd ever been before. Light streamed upward from the sunrise, not quite sweeping the valley yet, and a spray of water misted them lightly.
"Wooow" the voice in his head drawled out. "Wow wow wow wow wow, so this is the infamous Dimension 46'\, roomy!" The old man chuckled, dusting himself off as the portal closed behind them.
Or, the summer Post-Weirdmaggedon, an Interdimensional traveller pops up in Gravity Falls, and has to gain the trust of the Pines' family. Misunderstandings, shenanagins, and wholesome moments.
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a-gil-rebel · 9 days
Chapter 3 of my first Gravity Falls fanwork is up! And below the cut are some fun facts about Sixer from the end of chapter notes!
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This is basically what Sixer's vision looks like when Bill borrows his eye to use as a physical form. Objects often switch from 2-D blocks and basic shapes to 3-D at random, all very much more saturated than they should be. Makes it very hard to use depth perception!
Since in Canon Bill's physical form is basically a statue when he's not using it, and that would be pretty dangerous to just carry around with the possibility to break and trap Bill in 2D / the Mindscape, one of their deals is Bill shares an eye with Sixer. (Is it his eye in Sixer's body, or vice versa...? >:) )
Bill is nakey in this AU / alt version of himself. Dunno why I chose that, maybe just because bowtie tophat and cane felt very 2000s/2010s and he really did grow out of it.
Sixer has sensory issues with anything on his skin, which is one of the reasons He wears gloves (wheres Canon Ford seems to wear them as a reflex to hide his hands more). Mud, Pie Filling, Blood-
This also means he prefers lightweight clothes, a henley over a turtelneck, etc.
As always I love hearing any feedback, thoughts or even requests for sneak-peeks in my inbox, messages, comments etc. Hope you enjoy!
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a-gil-rebel · 2 days
Your Strawberry Rebel Sixer and Bill have me in a vice grip. I absolutely love them and the concept!! I just wanna squeeze them like a squeaky toy. Is it okay if I write a fic inspired by them? Fun shenanigans pop in my head with them but I wanna make sure it’s okay cuz they’ll probably go off from your vision lol. Thank you for sharing your writing!!! I’m def gonna have to check out your other writing it’s so fun :D
Omg I'm so glad you're enjoying it!! Yes you can absolutely write fic inspired by them, they've had plenty of years to adventure together so I'd love to see what you envision they get up to. Please tag or send me a link if you post it. I would love to read!!
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a-gil-rebel · 4 days
So I've fallen behind on writing Strawberry Felon because my mind keeps starting more AUs, so I've decided to try a poll to see what I should do about that, I guess
All of these are in different states of being written, some just a paragraph some creeping toward 20k words. So please help me decide what to do next!
Also feel free to ask abt any of these ideas in comments reblogs asks wherever :)
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