#and if our excuse wasnt good enough for him we were told off
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thetimelordbatgirl · 6 months ago
New school attendance rules (that are stupid as fuck) being published has me learning people didn't even know that the UK fines people for their kids not being in school unauthorized???
#i...i....yeah to anyone who didnt know#we do#this country is obsessed with school attendance#if its not authorized your fucked#hell even if authorized aka your carer did phone for you and shit#depending how many you have it can stack up and they'll get sus#and you'll get in trouble even then#like the new rules alone are increasingly making it clear if your not authorized you can get bankrupt depending how many kids you have#which yes makes the new rules abelist as fuck and also only rich people will survive it#hell if the schools cant fine you they'll at least make you feel shame#as my school had a form system where at the end of each term a form will be rewarded for the best attendance#so rip if you were the fucker that took i dunno one or two days off for sickness or whatever#because you just costed your form room the award and the classmates know it and will look at you#source: me who had to take sick days off#hell snow days you wont free at my school#my roads and pathways were iced so i couldnt go in#but noooo according to my head of year i should have tried cause he hunted all of us who took the day off and interograted us#and if our excuse wasnt good enough for him we were told off#and they'd literally encourage you to only take sick day off if your throwing up#my head of year literally said he dont care if we got a headache or small cough or sniffle just come in#...huh wonder how they did during 2020...#but yeah attendance in the UK in terms of schools is fucking strict#(also if your curious they did send us home if we were bad-bad#i got sent home once i think??? i dont recall much of that school for my own sanity#but i badly burnt my hand in DT via a soldering iron and i had to go home and the doctors and return to school#with a hand i couldnt write with which was my writing hand so um#yeah i couldnt work much until it recovered...well my english teacher forced me to write with my non-writing hand but#and one girl got sent home for throwing up on the stairs#and another from my limited memories for falling down the stairs which uh were stone in a way so um#(i fell up those stairs somehow once...didnt get sent home but i missed english so) they had no choices sometimes)
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hotch-stufff · 4 years ago
can i get angst 47 with gibbs 👁👁
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gif is not mine
Paring: Gibbs x Reader
Warnings!: mentions of abuse, angst, crying, comforting, abusive relationship, cursing, mentions of injuries from abuse
Prompt: "You flinched"
I laid on the ground, not having enough energy to stand up. I couldn't move, and God did it hurt to breathe. Probably a bruised rib, would definitely have some bruises to add to the collection.
Hopefully nothing bad enough to send me to the hospital. The last time I did that, well it was just really bad, and Darren was pissed. So pissed that when we got home, he beat me all over again.
Now I know what you're thinking. What is a federal agent doing staying in an abusive relationship like this? Truth is, I had no idea. At first it was because I thought the beatings would eventually stop, but they didn't. And after realizing they would never stop, I tried to get out. But that only left to another hospital trip and threats. The threats were the only reason that I stayed.
Darren threatened a lot of things. He threatened to beat me so bad I couldn't move. To kill me. But the worst was that he threatened to hurt my team. He knew the whole team, he knew them really well. He worked at NCIS for God's sake, just not on Gibbs team. And that was enough for me to stick around.
Of course, it should be known that it wasn't always like this. Darren was a good guy in the beginning. He brought me flowers and took me out to nice restaurants. He made time for me, and I did the same for him. But then, he didn't get the open spot on Gibbs team. I did. And it all went downhill from there.
The bruises were getting extremely hard to hide. Turtlenecks and long pants were becoming my everyday wardrobe. Which wasnt the easiest thing to work in, but foundation was expensive, and Darren spent most of our money on alcohol or cigarettes. Whatever his weekly fix was. It was ... exhausting. The front I had put up in front of everyone was tearing me down, and people were starting to notice.
Tony and Ziva, who sat closest to me would send me a concerned glance each time I winced when moving. I blamed it on muscle pain, from working out so much.
Abby would see the amount of makeup I was wearing and would ask if I was okay. Of course she just thought I was insecure. She would always tell me that I was bueatiful and that I didn't need makeup. It warmed my heart each and every time she said it.
Palmer was concerned because he had caught one of my bruises. It was on my wrist and my sleeve had rolled up slightly. He had asked about it and I had told him the first lie that popped in my head. That I had fallen. He had taken me straight to Ducky to make sure that it was actually okay. Which is how Ducky got involved.
And then there was Gibbs. Gibbs didn't ask questions, he didn't push for answers, he didn't send me concerned glances. But I was certain he knew something. He didn't know what was actually going on, because he would beat the shit out of Darren if he knew. But he just seemed like he knew something. I knew that if I was going to go to anyone about my "issue", it would be him. Gibbs had been there for me since I had joined the team. And we both had spent plenty of late nights in the office talking. Me, avoiding going home to Darren and him not wanting to go back to his empty house.
Everyone had said that Gibbs was this hard man that never opened up and remained silent most of the time. But boy once he got talking, he never shut up. We talked about eveything. And sometimes nothing, just enjoying each others presence. And if I'm honest, I may have been developing feelings for the guy. But I could never do that, because Darren would probably kill him. And that scared me more than anything.
But life seemed okay. Atleast I was the only one getting hurt.
Of course until it all came crashing down. And it had just been a normal day.
* * *
I sat at my desk, working on and endless stack of paperwork that came with each case. We had just wrapped one up, a good ending thankfully. The team was in high spirits, talking about going out to a bar tonight. But I knew Darren wouldn't have it. I had turned down the offer, instead opting to sit and do paperwork until I had to go home.
Everyone had left for the night, leaving me alone in the bullpen. My hand was a scribbling away, when I had felt the gentle tap of a hand against my shoulder. I should have been more careful, but I had thought it was Darren. So I flinched away from him and crossed my arms in front of my face.
"Y/n?" Gibbs. It was Gibbs. That was it. Just Gibbs. I instantly pulled my arms down and straightened up.
"H-hey Gibbs. What um, what can I do for you." He just stared at me, giving me the usual Gibbs glare.
"You flinched." I grimaced. Of course I did. I didn't want him to find out like this, but I guess this is how its gonna go.
"Um- I, I. Well you see Gibbs-" he cut me off.
"Is someone hittin ya?" He paused thinking, before remembering my oh so lovely boyfriend. "That son of a bitch."
"Wait Gibbs. Its not what you think." But the damage was done. He was going through everything in his mind. My clothes, the grimaces everytime I jerked around, the excuses, the late nights avoiding going home. It all made sense to him now.
"Take off your shirt." My eyes grew wide.
"Excuse me?"
"You heard me." There was no avoiding this, he wasn't letting me off easily. I took a deep breath before grabbing the bottom of my turtleneck and bringing it over my head. His breath hitched when he saw the bruises that littered my skin.
"My god y/n." He shook his head, running the rough pads of his fingers up and down my arms. "Gonna kill him." And he stood back up, turning quickly before stomping towards the elevator. I slipped my shirt back on and ran after him, but he was already gone. I hurried down to the parking garage and jumped in my car speeding off.
He was gonna kill him. Although who would kill who, I didn't know.
I broke just about every speeding law on the way to my house. When I got there, the door was kicked open and yelling was coming from inside the house.
"Gibbs!" I shouted, running as fast as I could. I walked in the door and gasped. There was glass littering the floor, and picture frames scattered across the ground. I walked further in the house and found them in my kitchen. Gibbs on top of Darren, repeatedly punching him in the face.
"Gibbs! Stop!" I ran to him, pulling him off of Darren. "Stop, he isn't worth it." I pulled Gibbs up by his arm and dragged him away. But he wasn't finished.
"Ya ever go near her again, you're gonna wish you were dead. We'll come back for her stuff, you better not be here when we do." I wanted to cry, to scream, to shout. But I held it in, grabbing Gibbs more forcefully and dragging him back outside.
Once outside, we hopped in his car, and he began driving back to his house. Saying I was grateful was an understatement. Grateful that it was finally over. That maybe I could sleep at night now without worrying about waking up to another beating.
The ride was driven in silence, and soon we were at his house. He got out of the car and walked inside, leaving me out here by myslef. I walked in after him.
I found him in the the kitchen pouring a glass of Bourbon. I came up behind him hugging him.
"Thank you." He froze for a minute before turning in my grasp and brining me into a tight hug. And thats what started the tears. We stood there as I cried into his chest for what felt like forever. Until he finally pulled away and cupped my face.
"Ya didn't deserve any of that. Don't know what happened, or when it started. But ya didn't deserve any of it. You are beautiful and loved and noone should ever have to be treated the way you were." He paused and I began rambling out whatever words came to my mind.
"It was you. I stayed because he threatened you. He said he would hurt you and the team and I couldn't let him." He leaned his forehead against mine. The tears pouring steadily down my face, sobs racking by body.
"Shh, shh. Sweetheart its okay." He leaned in slightly, our lips brushing slightly. And then he leaned in the rest of the way, kissing me into he most gentle way he could. So much different than the bruising kisses that Darren would give me. He broke away after a second.
"Dont know if your ready for it, but I love ya." He said softly. "We can do this, if you want. At your own pace. I just want to show you whats its like to be loved the right way." I nodded.
"I might need some time. But I love you too... Jethro." He smiled.
"Take all the time you need. But m'not leaving your side." I giggled softly as he brought me into another hug. And I stood there whispering thank yous and I love yous until we headed off to bed. I hadn't felt this safe in a long time, and I never wanted to let this feeling go.
Hope you guys enjoyed this one. I'm really enjoying writing for Gibbs. Thanks for reading! Requests are still open, so ask away! Im so sorry if I don't get to your request! If you would like an idea of what to request, here is my prompt list, and if you would like to read more of my work, here is my masterlist.
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heyitsyn · 4 years ago
a/n: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa i would put in all the reqs but there were so many people who requested for our fox babies that it would literally take up every space :”) and im happy to comply so here it is
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sunarin simp is typing😍🍃💞..........
so im actually just going to include the starting lineup like i knowwwww theres subs but im only most familiar with the regulars :(
okay so anyways!!
you might be wondering
how in the hell did you become the manager of these crackheads
from calm papi kita to psycho tsumu,
why are you their manager
you, the cute and shy and innocent not wittle first year, somehow became the manager of the powerhouse volleyball team of inarizaki high
it all started with our dear lovely samu
hehe bet you didnt see that coming
now we all know baby samu literally is the biggest foodie in the team and he constantly thinks about food 24/7 therefore there isnt much room in there for anything else except for volleyball
the dude loves to eat
it just so happens that you made food
your family owned a cafe down the street from the school and you worked there after school to help your parents
now how does this tie in with samu you ask
this chile was so hungry that he had to skip practice
sending kita a quick text about doing a quick errand, he walked down the street on the hunt for a quick place to grab a bite
he totally ignored kita’s warning of cramps if he ate a lot then practiced but whatever food is life
it just so happens he stumbles upon your family’s cafe
when he entered, the smell of bread and food entered his nostrils causing this baby to just float right in
you were manning the register while your brother was at school so you smiled at the incoming figure of this familiar boy
and because you recognized him, you couldnt help but grin and gasp a little
‘oh! miya-senpai!’
you exclaimed and osamu was confused because he’s never seen you before but he thought you were probably a kouhai in school
you looked young and definitely not a face he’s seen before so he concluded you were most likely a first year
and you were really cute
like really
that thought caused this babe to blink awkwardly and nod at your direction
‘uh, hi’
he greeted and you smiled at his awkward nature
‘what can i get you today, miya-senpai?’
he must’ve been busy looking at you to actually look at the menu behind you and he fumbled, rushing to find a food to get
‘wh-what do ya recommend?’
he asked and you paused then thought deeply
‘hmm, we have onigiris freshly made! and we also have milk bread thats really good!’
did you just-
did you just say onigiri?
‘yea ill take some onigiri’
he decided and you lit up
‘perfect! the total is-’
he completely blanked out because wow your smile was really pretty
‘miya-senpai? miya-senpai?’
you called out and he snapped out of it
‘oh, sorry, here’
he gave you the cash and you gave him back his change before wandering to the glass case where the savory foods were placed
you seemed to glide over and osamu watched you with fond eyes, interest bubbling in him
there was something about you that made him curious
but he just didnt know what
it confused him because maybe you were just someone he hasnt seen before and not the same fans he sees all the time
‘you’re really lucky, miya-senpai. i just finished making them minutes before you walked in’
you commented
this took him aback
‘you cook?’
he suddenly asked and you chuckled, soft and airy laughs filling the air
‘of course, senpai! learning to cook is an essential for a business like this’
and thus created a beautiful friendship
he would come over to eat nearly every day of the week while you would happily serve him
sometimes, he would even buy extra so you could eat with him
while you were talking, he noticed you lacked the accent others from there had and he thought you were not originally from hyogo
he learned that you were actually from miyagi and you moved here just this year
‘so, how ya liking it ‘round here?’
he asked one day, after swallowing his food
you thought about it before shrugging
‘i mean, its still the countryside so i guess everything’s the same. maybe the dialect? my neighbors have strong accents, haha’
samu chuckled
‘its common over here. ya sound a lot more from tokyo. my best friend’s from there, ya see’
you raised an eyebrow
‘rin. suna rin is in the team and hes from tokyo so he sounds like a standard city boy. ill take ya to meet him sometime’
nah he really wasnt
he wanted to keep you away from the others as much as possible, especially his brother, because he was a greasy mf
but that didnt really work out into plan because you approached him in school the other day
you saw him and you hurriedly ran to him where he stood with his twin and some guy
tsumu saw you coming from behind his brother and he smirked before nodding at you
‘samu, ya got a girlie running for ya’
samu turned, confused, until he saw your adorable face
‘y/n. whats up?’
you grinned
‘you left your team jacket, miya-senpai’
the red jacket was clutched in your hands and the two boys behind him shared a surprised look because osamu never mentioned a girlfriend
and with the way you were holding his jacket, the two boys immediately jumped into conclusions
more like atsumu started whining at osamu for not telling him he had a girl
‘i thought we were brothers! brothers for life!’
samu just awkwardly stands there and he has a sheepish look in his eyes that were looking at you apologetically
‘sorry about him, y/n. but thank you for returning it’
you handed him the fabric before smiling
‘it was a good thing you had a spare one for me, miya-senpai. who knew the rain would come so suddenly’
osamu sighed then playfully poked your forehead with his finger
‘how many times do i have to tell you to call me by my first name? i really dont want to hear anything that associates me with this bastard’
atsumu socked osamu at the shoulder causing the gray-haired boy to look away from you and start yelling at his brother
‘touch me again! see what happens then!’
‘yer just showing off for yer girlie! ya aint doin nothing!’
suna shook his head before turning to you with a sympathetic look
‘you really want to be with this guy? him and this idiot are practically a package’
you tilted your head
‘im,,, not with miya-senpai?’
suna blinked
‘but he gave you his jacket. he doesnt even give it to me. i guess its not part of best friend privileges’
at the mention of best friend, you lit up
‘oh! you must be sunarin! the tokyo boy!’
baby rin choked a little at the sight of your grin and he scrunched his eyebrows while awkwardly raising the corner of his lips to a smile
‘you,, uh,,, you know me?’
like it was the most obvious thing in the world, you nodded
‘at first, when miya-senpai told me, i didnt know who you were. but! youre actually very popular, suna-senpai! too bad i never saw you until today, though, because we’re in different floors. but! a lot of girls talk about you!’
poor rin didnt know how to react to that because he didnt want to look flustered but he didnt want to look cocky either
so he just opted to smile gently
‘oh. well, in that case. let me introduce myself to you. suna rintaro’
can we normalize suna being an actual nice guy instead of the cold stand-offish player bastard?
you shook his hand and said your name as well
like samu, he asked you to call him by his first name too since you were close to his friend therefore should try being close to you too
speaking of samu, him and atsumu reduced the violence to just bickering and they were still teasing each other even after you and suna talked
the coochi bangs boy rolled his eyes then slapped atsumu’s arm to gain their attention
‘yo. theres a girl here. try and be nice and civil’
atsumu seems like he forgot your existence because his eyes brightened at the sight of you
‘oh! heya!’
you nervously smiled at him because his hyperness and overall atsumu-ness was quite overwhelming
‘h-hello, miya-senpai’
atsumu pouted at how apprehensive you sounded
‘eyyy, why are you being nervous, girlie? im just samu, yanno! same face and everything!’
osamu knew you well enough that you were kinda awkward and you didnt know how to approach a hyper person like his brother so he naturally saved you
‘hey, y/n, the bell’s about to ring any moment now so try to not be late and ill be sure to see you later. do you want me to pick you up from your class and we can walk together?’
to you, it was just a simple offer from a friend but to the two, that was the confirmation of your relationship with the wing spiker
‘wahh, atsumu, your brother really is better than you. he knows how to treat girls good’
atsumu took offense to this
‘excuse you! i would be too if there were genuine girls in this school!’
osamu’s aggressive blinking was his signal for you to hurry along and you noticed causing you to chuckle before bidding goodbye
‘it was nice meeting you, rin-senpai. and,,, you too, miya-senpai. samu-senpai, later at 3?’
osamu softly smiled while nodding
‘later at 3’
the TEASING HE FACED from the two was unbearable and despite the amount of times he denied it, they were still teasing him
‘samu’s got a girlfriend~! samu’s got a girlfriend~!’
‘tsumu, i swear to god if you dont shut your trap’
‘imagine having a girlfriend’
true to his word, osamu was waiting for ya at the bottom of the stairwell from the one that led to the second floor, absentmindedly kicking some invisible thing in the floor
you were fixing your bag straps on your shoulders when you saw him at the end of the hallway and you couldnt contain your excitement seeing the grey haired boy
you shouted, getting his attention that made him whip his head up
the blank face contorted into a small smile and he raised a hand
when you made it next to him, you were grinning really big and samu felt flustered at your happy face
so he cupped your chin with his large hand that allowed him to squeeze both cheeks
he mumbled but you didnt catch it, too busy trying to get him to stop squishing
you were originally supposed to go walk over to the cafe but you didnt know that osamu was actually trying to skip practice and he was trying to hide from the members
okay first off, i dont think samu would ever skip practice willingly bc he has the same drive as miya atsumu but he also just wants to spend time with you asklfjldfjdlk
but the loud mouth tsumu saw you guys as you turned a hallway
you were busy talking to osamu about some cooking chef guy gordon and he was nodding and talking but then he heard a loud shout
osamu babie didnt know what was happening so he protectively placed an arm in front of you and hurriedly shoved you behind him in case something happened
duh you didnt know what was happening either so you were clutching his jacket and peeked from his arm to see atsumu stomping over with suna trailing behind him, seemingly texting on his phone
osamu lazily glared at his brother
atsumu blanched and sped walk faster until he was right in front of him to yell 
you furrowed your eyebrows
you tugged at his jacket and osamu turned to peer down at you and he gulped, preparing himself to hear your scolding
it wasnt the first time you scolded him as you just told him off the other day for not eating enough vegetables and fruits to balance out his unhealthy love for onigiri and sweets
‘samu-senpai,,, you told me you guys were taking an off week. why are you skipping practice today’
you were genuinely worried and you didnt seem to understand why he did that but the other two did and atsumu didnt hesitate
poor suna is just watching this go down and he felt bad that you were caught in the middle
so he suggested a compromise
you watched sunarin push atsumu’s chest to make him back off and he gently smiled at you before looking at the two
‘how about we all go to practice and if y/n-chan wants, she can wait and osamu can spend time with her when hes done? besides, atsumu, you know osamu has been doing good on his spikes. maybe we can persuade coach and kita to let him off early since hes,,, quote unquote,, ‘sick’’
osamu debated but you emerged from behind him
‘sure! samu-senpai would love to go to practice! right, samu-senpai?’
you smiled at him but it was a stern smile
you just wanted him to go to practice because you knew now of how important volleyball was to the school and they needed to get all their time and energy to win the sport
atsumu agreed to this plan but osamu was forced to accept it
just for extra measure, sunarin and tsumu walked behind you guys to the gym so you and samu had time to talk
you were chiding him of course because why would he waste time with spending time with you
‘just wanted to see ya, y/n-chan’
he winked but you pouted and wrinkled your nose
‘you cant weasel yourself out of this, samu-senpai’
osamu has never heard you scold him before so he was like o.o but inside he was like,,, hot
the gym was already on full practice and kita saw the second years from the door
as much as they loved the underclassmen, watching them get told off by kita was too funny to not watch
but what caused them to curiously peer behind the three was the appearance of a girl
a girl?
‘why’s a girl with them?’
aran mumbled and mimi shrugged, but also intrigued
you were behind osamu and he could tell you were nervous because youve heard of the reputation of the team
they were seen as practically as popular as the basketball team and everyone worshipped them
they were who put the school’s name in the map and you were about to meet the legends of inarizaki
thankfully, atsumu and rin walked to the front of you two so you and samu were at the back
samu didnt look at you but he reached behind him to open his palm as a signal for you to take it
you gratefully grabbed it and leaned closer in case something happens
atsumu shouted and suna chided him for being really loud
‘you’re late’
an even voice said in front of them and you leaned over to the side to see who it was from
your eyes bulged out of your head because one, wow he was handsome, and two, he looked like someone from miyagi
‘oh wow’
you mumbled absentmindedly and samu looked at you at the corner of his eye before scoffing
your face was totally bright red and your eyes were super wide
kita? really? of all guys? it was kita?
‘SORRY! was samu who took so long!’
atsumu lowered his voice down but he didnt tell the captain of his brother’s plans to skip
‘he has a stomachache and he was at the nurse’s office’
suna smoothly came up with a lie and he might look cool and calm, his hands were clasped behind him with it clenching his phone
your eyes left kita to notice that habit and you had a small smile because it was another reassurance that these boys werent as high and legendary as everyone made them to be
in the end they were still just students and boys
they were still human
‘oi, osamu, who’s the girl?’
aran finally bit the bullet and asked the question everyone has been wondering since the beginning
both you and samu stiffened at the direct question to you but he nodded
‘this is l/n y/n’
he introduced and you raised a shaky hand as a greeting but let go of samu to bow slightly to your seniors
‘hello, my name is l/n y/n, i’m a first year’
a few players also raised a hand but it was mimi who spoke at last
‘nice to meet you’
kita nodded at you but turned to the three
‘why is she with you? are you skipping again, osamu?’
osamu inwardly cringed 
obviously, kita was sharper than they would think because he easily saw through suna’s lie
he also knew that samu never really got sick
he watched the younger shovel 5 bowls of ramen and still have enough room eat a plate of mochi and he was perfectly fine
it was silent between the four of you and atsumu and suna were looking at each other as they ran out of lies
dang they even planned the entire walk of what to say to kita
you looked between the twins and their friend before speaking up
‘samu-senpai really did have a stomachache. i was-uh-helping the nurse! um, i want to be a doctor or a nurse when i grow up! and-’
you started to ramble but because you were trying to lie and it was never your forte
‘we were tryin to convince y/n to be a manager. thats why we took so long’
atsumu huffed
you froze
a what?
a manager?
you were genuinely truthful about wanting to go into a medical profession but not a manager
you were already a manager before and you didnt really want to do it again
kita was inspecting suna’s and atsumu’s and osamu’s faces to see a trace of dishonesty
you saw him raise a dark eyebrow and you knew then that these three cannot tell a lie to save their life
so you nodded frantically making kita look at you
‘mhm! they asked me! miya-san wanted someone they knew already so they asked me because i’m samu-senpai’s friend! so here i am!’
your awkward smile and stiff outstretched arms might’ve seem suspicious but kita moved his gaze from you to atsumu and the blonde nodded
‘yea! ya’ve been talkin bout bein worried of next year cus yall aint here no more so i got sum person responsible enough fer us!’
after the longest 3 seconds, kita finally nodded and closed his eyes warily
‘alright. l/n-san, come here’
you froze at the way he said your name but suna was kind enough to walk over to your place beside samu to gently push you forward to kita
‘its okay’
he mumbled and you were so thankful because that gave you enough motivation and strength to keep going
your height was staggering between these men and kita seemed to tower you
but you kept an even and calm face 
you asked
kita looked at you and he stared at your face, pupils moving as a sign that he was inspecting your eyes and every feature 
oh my god you shouldve plucked your nose hairs this morning
before you could feel more self-conscious, he spoke
‘you said you want to be a doctor?’
‘well, more like a nurse but um same thing’
‘you know medical stuff? know how to treat injuries?’
‘yes. i was a manager back in my hometown so i have experience’
‘where are you from?’
‘ya familiar with shiratorizawa?’
you cringed but nodded
‘are you from there?’
the three stooges from behind you had wide eyes at this sudden revelation because that was a school theyve played before
even the last interhigh, they were familiar of how strong that school was
the eagle and the guess monster
and you were their manager before? 
must’ve been during middle school as you were just a first year
‘so you know how plays and stats work?’
‘yes. anything you want me to do, im familiar and capable to do it’
god why are you saying this
you didnt even want to be a manager in the first place
yet here you are again
you were getting flashbacks from the war ajkfdfd
kita looked at you silently once more before finally standing up straight and pointing you to their coach who was watching the whole thing with crossed arms and furrowed brows
‘there. talk to him and you can finalize everything. i think its too early to say this but nonetheless, welcome to the team, y/n’
no but really dont tell lies in general yall, maybe white lies, but try not to do that
duh you are much much closer to samu than the rest of the team so you tended to stick to him more
like you would go to him first if you needed something or if you wanted someone to help you with the crate, he would be your go-to
that would make atsumu whine because he felt that samu was better than him
‘oi, y/n! im really good with ma arms! i can bench 300 yanno?’
you politely smiled and nodded
‘thank you for telling me, miya-san’
then you would proceed to nudge samu’s arm yum to ask for help
dont worry!!!!
you do end up warming up to him
for my atsumu stans, yall tend to go to him when samu is either busy or you just need a good laugh
this mans will embarrass himself both on purpose or accidentally to make you laugh lmao
you also have extra bottles for his medicine because he has adhd and the guys are like,,,, yo chill
and duh atsumu would forget to take them so youre practically his reminder
we all know how tsumu was practically attacked that one time when he insulted those girls, right?
yall may have forgiven but i will never forget >:(
well, during matches, you as their manager, always have to tell the stands to be quiet when atsumu is serving 
but no one told you this
you kind of figured it out during your time like when his eye would twitch if samu was talking to suna too loudly or when he would close his eyes to shut off his hearing because of the loud spikes on the other side
you noticed it
so you would go to the stands and nicely tell them that if they see atsumu serving, to be quiet
‘i understand you are all excited when he does his serve but we would all benefit more you could release that excitement inside and silently’
*cue atsumu pretending to faint in sunas arms*
but canon suna :”)
as a player, suna is seen as really manipulative and snarky and witty
he loves to poke fun at the other team, even his own, and just all-around annoying
but off-court
suna is a very quiet and reserved person
totally different from the one who talks and yaps constantly to the other side of the net
and hes a really pure person in some topics
like he would turn red when you would compliment his new picture that he posted in inasgram 
or when you would offer to bandage him up for him because it’s hard to do it himself and your hand would touch his
dont tell anyone this but suna is very relieved that you and samu weren’t dating
thats all
thats all for now
OOOO kita!!!
okay so kita is the captain, right?
but he doesnt play
like he plays rarely and aran is usually the on-court captain
this causes you and him to be at the sidelines a lot
he would tell you what he thinks would happen next or what the next plan should be and you would provide your own input
in a way, he was the one who really taught you the mechanics of volleyball and he would tell you the different tricks that techniques that the twins came up with 
what makes you really soft and fall for him is when he starts to compliment his players
his pride in aran for being one of the top aces that has led them to nationals
his pride in mimi for being able to go on the longest on court and not be tired
his pride on akagi for being able to receive each ball and successfully give it to their setter
his pride on hitoshi for being the one who could handle the team personality wise and his plans for him to be his successor
his pride on ATSUmu for being the best setter he’s ever seen and his drive to get better no matter what
his pride on samu for being so strong and still getting stronger despite his dream career to be something not volleyball-related
his pride on sunA being motivated enough to help the team and make sure everyone knows that every ball can be stopped
like pls you almost cry all the time when you hear kita saying that because he seems to not say it to the others but only to you
it makes you happy that kita relies so much on these guys as much as they rely on him
so omimi ren is a very quiet and calm character
hes kinda like suna where they dont really say much but when they do, its usually important and not irrelevant like atsumu
and he didnt say much when you got inducted in the team as a manager
like he just stared at you and you were just like o.o
ngl he did scare you a bit bc of his tall height looming over you and the way his dark eyes just pierces you through your soul
hes the type that you cannot willingly tell a lie to him bc you know he will find out one way or another
he can see right through you
maybe thats what makes him such a good middle blocker
but you started to warm up to him really quick and he would sometimes walk you home if the others cant mainly bc he knows his appearance will make anyone back off
its the simple things that make you appreciate him
two words: ginjima hitoshi
he is so two-faced
like suna, the twins, and hitoshi
the twins are the annoying ones who causes trouble, suna is the one taking pictures and evidence while cheering them on, and hitoshi is the one trying to break it up
i think that hitoshi is really the worst out of the 4 and he keeps in because who else would be the responsible one of the bunch
hello? they were about to be third years next year like are we really gonna go on with possibly a miya twin or suna being captain?
so he tries to force down his inner chaos to take on the role of the responsible one
you try to release that inner chaos
you sometimes hear him egging on atsumu under his breath like ‘do it’ but quietly so no one hears him
and youre like
please? we’re not? supposed? to allow? atsumu? to eat? and swallow? a whole? raw egg?
at first, duh he was also like that with you but you want him to be himself and be comfortable with you so you work hard to make him open up
you kinda regret it
because he now wants to go through the mcdonalds drive-thru, with no car, just to get mcflurries
you stared down at hitoshi from your bedroom window with a confused expression
‘but? you dont have a car?’
he grins up at you
‘but i got a CART! they said as long as it’s a car and car is in the word cart and the extra ‘t’ is just a bonus!’
‘hitoshi no-’
so akagi is the libero of the team and he is the one responsible for the make sure the ball doesnt touch the ground type of thing
you get really worried about him bc he does a lot of flying saves and his knees always get roughed up and such
so you try and stitch him up as much as you can like you even send him sites for good warm packs to buy
something that isnt known about akagi is that he, like atsumu, really likes to cook
but more like
he bakes
he bakes as a stress reliever and its like his meditation time
you go over to his house a lot to go bake something w him and share it to the guys later on
during ina get-togethers, him and samu are in charged of the food while youre the sous chef
we forgot about him for a sec aldfjklkfdjlk 
it was all thanks to him
because of him, you became a manager despite your initial refusal to become one again
you made friends with more people and you were able to have a fun high school life because of it
because of him
osamu does get a little sad or irritated whenever the guys start to hog you up
like he has to push down the tantrum of ‘I SAW HER FIRST!’
he wants to be the better twin lmao
he gets really butthurt when you would go to someone else even during the middle of your conversation
like he would be talking to you on the side but suna calls you over for tape and youre going
he pouts and atsumu teases him about it causing him to bark at him
okay so training camp
i think therell be an imagine for this so ill try to not make it as detailed
lets just say its a mess
suna really wants to go hiking bc he wants to go the top of the mountain for pictures of the stars and stuff
but atsumu whines of the bugs and possible creatures in there
this causes osamu to tease him and call him a coward and a wimp
and leads to a fight which aran tries to break up but gets sucked in anyways
and omimi just stands by and watches but he intends to intervene if it gets too much
then akagi gets taken by suna to go the hike with him even though hes scared of bugs so hes whimpering and complaining
while kita and hitoshi are off in the kitchen talking about new grains of flour and stuff
where are you?
youre at the lodge, drinking your f/d (favorite drink) and watching all this go down bc at training camp, it’s every man for themselves
there is a lot of bonding times as a team bc these boys may seem like all they think about is volleyball but they like to do something else outside of that
what they love the most is going to the beach
not only do they get to have fun, they get to relax and see you in a swimsuit alkfdjkfj
especially when kita accidentally falls asleep? they bury him with sand and make him look like a mermaid
because they are players who work out so great bodies duh
and they get so much attention for that
but they all mainly pay attention to you and oh my
youve expressed not being comfortable in wearing a swim suit and watch these guys absolutely start throwing compliments at you
but the third years would softly tell you that it’s okay not to wear one bc all that matters is if youre comfortable or not
we know how kita’s family are rice farmers, right?
he farms to help his granny and sometimes, youre the only one who’s free enough to go and help him 
so you go over there all the time and granny really loves you bc one, you take care of her shin and thats beyond everything, and two, youre reliable and make shin laugh and such
like one time, you were carrying a basket to the back deck and granny saw you from the kitchen
she smiled before waddling over to the door so she could talk to you
you whipped around quickly at the call of your name before grinning and hurrying up to her
‘yes, granny?’
she gave you a bottled water then gestured down to the field where shin was tirelessly tending to the rice
‘please give that to shinsuke. poor boy has been pushing himself too hard with the field and his sport and not taking care of himself’
she chided but there was a certain hint in her tone that made her sound so proud of her grandson
you looked down at the bottle and squeezed it
‘kita-san works hard not for himself, but for everyone else. it makes me sad when he neglects his health and tends to the team instead. so dont worry, baa-chan! i’ll take care of kita-san for him! for you!’
nah bc granny was already gossiping with her neighborhood ladies about this beautiful girl that shin got and how they should be jealous their grandsons don’t have someone like you
since your family owns a cafe, the guys goes there all the time
its kinda like the ramen shop for the seijoh boys
they go there mainly to see you even outside of practice ANDDD
they wanna look good in front of your family
like tsumu suddenly knows cleanliness bc he cleans up the mess on the table or kita is no longer an introvert as hes now talking to your mom about the benefits of rice water and her not needing one bc her hair is already beautiful
and even during the summer, theyve helped out a lot when it was busy lunch times and you couldnt handle it yourself
okay imma stop now
everyone was already down and moody bc of the loss
and you wanted to be at the back bc you didnt know how to handle the situation
in your time as their manager, not once have you seen them lose
during those 10 months of being a manager, you have not once seen them be defeated during a game even with practice matches
then with those nobodies?
last time you checked, karasuno went down under when coach ukai retired
so having them lose was a real shock
and a really bad event
there was a certain air around you all during the bus ride to the hotel which made the entire time very uncomfortable
everyone finished their crying either in the locker rooms or the bathroom so all that was left was their red eyes
the coach sent everyone off to bed and although they were allowed more days to stay, they all collectively chose to just go home and keep those excused days as a rest day
‘we all would like to just stay at home and recharge’
kita’s request was everyone else’s, even yours, as you were both worried and tired for the boys
so that night, the coaches were able to book train tickets for everyone the next day back home
you stayed up, watching tv in your own room out of boredom because the group chat was quiet and you were too tired to do anything else
the next day, everyone 
osamu claimed your shoulder and he held your hand tight with his
his breathing was ragged and even with his closed eyes, the redness around them made it obvious he had been crying
the bus that was filled with excitement before, became quiet and the sound of the engine and wheels took over the silence
you thought samu had fallen asleep so you raised your free hand to stroke his hair
‘hey y/n?’
you flinched at the surprise but hummed 
‘imma tell him today. later, but today’
his voice was low and he was murmuring to hint that this was the extra sensitive topic you both discussed a few days ago at the cafe
you nodded but made sure he knew that no matter, he still got you
the coaches were upset and mad at the loss
but in the end, they all realized that this was the last game the boys would play as a team
sure, they could have practice matches and they could play again together in the future but nothing would change the atmosphere and feeling of playing the important matches 
this was the team that brought them closest to nationals with placing second out of the entire country
they were a good team that somehow got defeated
but the coaches were still proud
they didnt even yell at the boys to take laps and instead brought them into a team meeting
you stood beside the coaches, your own sniffles with everyone else, and listened to them talk
‘-year has been the most productive this school’s team has had in decades. i hope you all are proud of yourselves as we are proud of you. you lost so you are no longer in the competition and we talk about it tomorrow. but for now, go home and take a rest because tomorrow, we will be running laps and drills and miss y/n will be timing you until you pass out from exhaustion’
you blankly looked at the coaches bc you thought this would be a heartwarming talk but quickly turned into a threat
‘but thats for tomorrow. so go home and rest up. expect what is to come’
you were just wanting to leave lmao
like you wanted to hurry home and make something for the guys to eat tomorrow
just do something to make them at least smile
the guys were quietly packing up and you watched them with trembling eyes at their dismissal
you wanted them to stay longer
stay here and laugh and mess around
like tsumu poking kita and pretending he didnt
or mimi talking about something and aran staring blankly at him but he’s really sleeping with his eyes open and startling him awake
you shouted
they all stopped and turned to look at you
hitoshi asked
you hurriedly looked around to find something to stall them here and you noticed the cherry blossom tree that’s blooming 
must be the time of the year
‘l-lets! have a-take a picture! outside! by the tree!’
you pointed and they looked at each other
you were acting strangely
but they were simps for you so they just nodded and went outside
they didnt even complain and went to stand out in front of the tree
you had your phone and pulled it to the camera app to raise it to get the team in the frame
they looked sad and tired and worn out but they were still trying to joke around and have natural smiles
‘closer, you guys! bunch in closer!’
you motioned with one hand but they stopped
‘um? y/n? aren’t you gonna join us?’
ren asked but you shook your head
‘its? for you guys? besides, no one will take it for us, silly’
the boys insisted on you prop it up on a bench over there because they wanted you there with them
‘hey, come here! lets all be in it!’
aran shouted and you had no choice but to follow them
the boys had to stand closer to the camera as the bench was a ways ahead of the tree but dont worry, the tree is still there
they wanted you in the front bc they were all taller than you but they really wanted to showcase you
you were their manager and the person who took care of them
they treasure you so much
someone shouted and the timer hit zero and the picture was taken
sure, their school’s motto was that they didnt need things like memories
to not have anything tying you down to the past and to challenge yourself with everyone focusing on the future ahead
in years from now, you could just be another thing from their past and nothing else
but they would be damned if that happened
any fragment of you to remind them of the best time of their youth and the person who loved them more than anyone else did
so yea, sure they wanted to represent their school’s motto
but this time
they can make an exception
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technowoah · 4 years ago
if you're taking asks for the prompts, can you do 11 and 17 from the angst list with george but have a fluffy ending? she/her pronouns pls
I Can Make It Right
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Thanks for the request babe! The way it came out was gender neutral i dont think I user she/her, but it still works trust me!
George x reader imagine (established)
11) "It's not important apparently"
17) "You already made me feel like shit so might as well finish me off"
⚠︎ angst with happy ending, unresolved issue but they're gonna fix it dont worry 😌, angry George, swearing
*** = flashback
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You had stood infront of your bathroom mirror finishing up your makeup for the night. Your hair was already done and you had a nice outfit on, not to fancy and not too comfortable. While listening to a playlist George had made for you, you had put down the brushes you were using. It didnt really matter if you cleaned up your makeup that was littered all over the sink right now, but right now you were feeling good.
Today was your and George's 3rd year anniversary and you couldn't be happier about it. Today you two were going to dinner and doing something else which was supposed to be a surprise for you. It was a night on the town.
George and you met 4 years ago actually. You two started out as acquaintances, the slowly grew into friends and then one day he asked you to join him to dinner. At first you were oblivious to his actions, thinking he was just being a good friend, but turns out the more dates you two went on the more you caught on. He officially asked you to be his girlfriend 3 years ago today.
His friends keep on pressuring George to propose already, they think it's been long enough. The only thing close to marriage is a promise ring. He put the ring on your finger as a promise that one day he would marry you, everytime you doubt that he will propose you turn your attention to the cute ring on your finger.
You had turned off the bedroom lights and sat on your bed finally relaxing after struggling to find a decent enough outfit for tonight. George said that he was going to pick you up around 6:00 and now it is 5:47 so you had some time to spare.
You had found yourself scrolling through tiktok because you had nothing else better to do at this moment. It was a guilty pleasure of yours even though you and george both joked around about hating tiktok.
Time began to tick away so you had checked the clock on your phone which said 5:57 pm. You had grabbed shoes that you set up against your bed, slipped them on and grabbed all of your belongings for the night. You stationed yourself in the living room waiting till George came to the door.
Nervousness always came up before a date, it was the anticipation actually. You were excited and nervous about the date as you always were, but today for you was special. It was three years worth of beautiful love. You remembered the time he first said I love you too, it was just like it was yesterday.
"Hey y/n." George looked towards you. You both were sitting on a plaid, plush blanket with a brown woven basket ontop in between you two. It was just like the movies and that why you cringed because of how cheesy it was when George led you to it.
It was sweet, it was extremely sweet and you loved these dates that George always brung you too. You always felt special when you are sitting next to him.
You responded to George. "Yeah Gogy?" You laughed at the use of his nickname.
"Im trying to be serious right now and you call me Gogy." George smiled and shook his head. "Anyways, you know I love you, right?"
"Of course I do-"
"No I love you. I mean. I'm in love with you." George reached to rest his hand ontop of yours and repeated himself. "I'm in live with you y/n."
You wasted no time answering. "Im in love with you too."
George didnt show up yet, but there was no sweat. He was only 3 minutes late, maybe he ran into traffick. Your stomach was rumbling, but you didnt want to eat yet since you two we're planning to go to dinner. Patience is key, and it wasnt like he wasn't late before.
You started to get worried, it's been 10 minutes and still no sign of your boyfriend. You had gotton up several times to check outside of your door only to be met with no one. Your mind was jumping to conclusions about if he forgot your anniversary, but you shut those thoughts out for the time being.
Okay this is getting out of hand. You brung out our phone and began to text George, you couldn't believe that you had waited this long before texting the man.
Where are you? Ive been waiting for 29 minutes?!
[Sent: 6:20pm]
George what are you doing?
[Sent: 6:20pm]
You awaited his text message with your phone faced up on the coffee table infront of you. You didn't want to believe that George woukd forget, or overslept, but that was becoming truth the more minutes passed by with no call or text.
Calling him was useless, because he didn't answer. He didn't hang up on you he just wasn't picking up the phone, like he turned it off. You started to get worried if something happened to him, if he was in a situation where he couldn't call or text you. You wondered if he was safe at home and not out in the middle of the street.
In a flash all your worries subsided when your phone lit up with a notification.
ThisIsNotGeorgeNotFound is live:
Im Playing golf with my friends
That son of a bitch. Pissed off was an understatement, you were fuming. How could he end up streaming at home when you had constantly reminded him about this day, he knew damn well about this day too. How could he?
You ended up grabbing a jacket and your purse and ended up driving to George's place. It seemed like he was mocking you in a way, he knew you had notifications on for Twitch. You loved to support him and his career, but this was making a fool out of yourself.
Your hand tightly gripped the steering wheel as you tried not to run every red light you cane across. You finally came across George's home, you found a place to park and quickly got out of your car and sped walked your way to George's residence. Finally making up to George's door you knocked harshly on the door probably making more noise than what you intended too. You continuously banged on his door until you got fed up.
Remembering that George had given you a key to his house you dig through your purse to get your set of keys out anr unlock his door. You stomped inside his house and closed the door behind you.
"GEORGE! GEORGE!" You yelled through the house. You were being reckless and annoying, but you didnt care at this point you were fuming and needed to tell George how you feel.
You had made your way to George's recording room where he was talking to his friends on discord. George looked towards you in shock clearly not hearing the sounds you were making throughout his house.
"Y/N?!" George yelled and muted his microphone.
"What the hell are you doing?" You exclaimed back.
"Im streaming thats what Im doing!" George sassed back at you, not paying attention to his screen and the chat.
"Dont get smart with me. End the stream."
"What?! No!"
"You heard me, we need to talk." You crossed your arms across your chest. Your heart was beating too fast for your liking and you tried to calm yourself down, but George's comments were getting to you.
George was about to unmute himself and get back to the game. "No we dont-"
"GEORGE END THE FUCKING STREAM! This is embarrassing! Talk to me cause you have some explaining to do." You snapped at him.
A silence tell upon you two and he glared at you before turning to his stream and closing it out.
"Okay guys! Go watch the other boys streams I need to go now! Bye!" George quickly ended and turned off everything.
He turned around to you still sitting in his chair. "What? What do you want?"
"Do you know what today is?" You asked.
"April 30th." George answered bluntly.
"Thats all you have to say?" You asked in shock. "It's our anniversary dickhead!"
"I fucking know that." George said.
"You do? So why did you start streaming and we had dinner plans?!"
"I told you we were streaming! You weren't listening to me!" George stood up from his chair when he said that.
"When the fuck did you tell me this?!"
"A couple days ago! You didn't listen!"
"But you knew that was our anniversary! And we made dinnerr plans-"
George yelled over you. "A month ago! We made those plans a month ago so excuse me for forgetting!"
"So all these other years you remembered our anniversary and went out of your fucking way to cancel other plans around that date, but today you didnt because why?!" Tears were threatening to fall down you cheeks, but you wouldnt let him see you like that.
"Because I planned this already with the boys! And AGAIN you werent listening to me when I said that-"
"There were several other times that you could've told me too! But you didn't!" You sniffed trying to keep the frustrated tears inside.
"I already planned this and I cant go back on my promise-"
"But you can with me?!" You yelled and George stopped talking. He's just studying your face at this point and you hated this silence.
"Its not important apparently." You said while walking out of the recording room.
"You're being a bitch." He mumbled.
"Excuse me?! That is so disrespectful!" You spun around yelled at him.
"You already made me feel like shit so might as well finish me off." George said in a annoying tone.
"Yeah you should feel like shit! I feel like shit too so-!" You threw your hands up in exasperation and stormed out the room. You had made it to the door before George called out to you again.
"Y/n! Y/n! Please!"
"No! Just..." You paused before opening the door and ushering your way out. "Call me when you get your shit together.
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You were currently curled up on your couch eating leftovers that you had in the refrigerator. That had satisfied your hunger for the night because the dinner was canceled that night. Your anger and sadness had subsided and you were only left with an unusual feeling in your heart. Your relationship felt incomplete, this fight felt incomplete. You didnt break up with him, but you were waiting for closure.
The TV was the only light in the room. It illuminated what it wanted to, you didnt care if it was too dark. Usually you would be cuddled up with George at this ungoldy hour, but you weren't and that made you tear up.
Your sadness was still there, your anger towards George turned into pity. You were sad about the actions he took, but somewhere in your heart you could forgive him. You could forgive and move on if he would come to you.
Speaking of, you had a knock on your door. You didn't have the strength to get up, but you did. Shuffling your way to the door you sluggishly opened it to find George standing there with his hands in his hoodie. The person you wanted to see, but at the same time you wanted to slam that door in his face.
"Hey." George spoke and you gave him a small smile, nothing more.
You turned around to find your seat back on the couch where you were comfortable, but also giving him a silent invitation to come inside. You had sat down on the couch not paying attention to George, but you knew he closed the door, took off his shoes by yours, and put his keys on the table by the door like he always did. It was like a routine to him.
George ended up awkwardly standing beside the couch as you ignored him.
"You know, if you didnt open the door I would've used my keys like you did." George tried to spark up a conversation, but you only hummed in response. You were scared that if you spoke, you would cry.
George ended up making his way to the couch sitting beside you and pulling you into his embrace. Your head was on his chest and you began to sob. You missed this it's only been a few hours, but you had felt that in those few hours you had lost everything. You continued to sob into his hoodie as he rubbed your back and shushed you, whispering sweet nothings into the air only for you to hear.
"Im here, and Im sorry. Im so fucking sorry that I did this to you and I only hope that you can forgive me." George said, his voice cracking a little when he said that. You kept crying.
That's what you wanted to hear all along, that's what you needed. You could forgive him in due time, you always will because you love him, you will always love him. You both can always make it right.
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iwaisuke · 4 years ago
confessions; but not remembering it
ft. kita shinsuke, sakusa kiyoomi x sick fem!reader
genre: fluff
a/n: this has been sitting in my drafts for a while and then i rushed bc i was getting tired 🙃 also. sakusa's is a little ooc. sorry ab that
-» ˚⸙͎۪۫⋆
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» the clean yet musty smell of rain filled the gym as the boys practiced. it was a surprisingly humid and rainy spring day today here in the country side of hyogo
» "achoo" you had been sneezing and coughing all day. you also had a terrible headache but took some medicine to see if it would help. the spring allergies really getting to you
» you didnt reay have the time to be worrying about yourself. As a 2nd year manager of the inarizaki team, (recommend by suna) and the boys working so hard practicing for nationals there was no way you'd let this little cold get in the way. you had to work just as hard as everyone else!
» "hold on, im about to hang up your jerseys to dry"
» "i got you guys some fresh towels!"
» "i can run and grab that coach. im headed that way anyways"
» the coach called for a short break to rest up for a bit. everyone was sore and exhausted from practicing every day. "here. i filled your water bottles up!" handing them to all the boys. "y/n you're all wet" akagi sounded concerned.
» "hm? oh its alright. I'll dry off in a minute. i took the shortcut to the drinking fountain to refill your waterbottles instead of taking the long way" you nonchalantly said. "so you ran through the rain like an idiot?" suna threw a clean towel over your damp hair and ruffled it. "suna!! stop!! you're gonna ruin my hair"
» "like i said. its alright" you reassured the boys.
» kita, on the other hand had noticed your fatigue. although he wasnt as perceptive on peoples feeling and thoughts as well as others, he could easily pick up signs like yours. he admired you dearly for how hard you always work for the team. how you willingly did anything to make them smile. how you always put others first before yours. needless to say, he had a bit of a crush on you.
» "l/n san. i think you should take a break too. there's no need for you to be running around for us while we're resting" kita assured you. "i still have a few things left on my list to do.. but afterwards I'll take a break!" kita let out a sigh. you were stubborn sometimes and kita knew you were the kind of person to not stop until you're finished.
» "I'll be right back. i gotta grab the laundry"
» making an excuse to leave, your heart was beating fast. you knew kita's words were the kind he'd say to anyone, but it made your heart feel fuzzy when he'd look out for you.
» the stone cold captain who you thought he was, actually was so kind. he was just a little awkward like you, and a little blunt with what he said sometimes. but you learned the great qualities he carries and how much he actually cares about others well being. he was a hard worker and you couldnt help but absentmindedly fall for the captain.
» running up the stairs to the second floor of the gym, you felt a shift in your step. head becoming dizzier than it was just 5 minutes ago. legs trembling, you started falling before feeling a presence behind.
» kita's arm wrapped around your waist, supporting you in efforts to not letting you fall over. "i told you to rest l/n san" kita said sternly. "you wont benefit anyone if you keep overworking like this."
» you knew kita was right, but you really didnt want to rest knowing you'll be letting the team down by not working hard.
» "i promise I'll rest as soon as im done with this one thing" pleading with kita. he let out a sigh, knowing you really wouldnt until you did finish so he allowed you to do so.
» finishing grabbing all of the dry jerseys and bringing them downstairs to pass out to everyone, you didnt really notice atsumu and osamu spiking volleyballs at each other until aran yelled
» "y/n! watch out!" honestly, you were too tired to move out of the way so you figured, it do be like that sometimes, and allowed the ball to hit you.
» or... so you had planned the ball to hit you.
» kita stood in front, blocking the impact of the spike that you had prepared yourself for. there was agitation in kita's eyes. more than you usually noticed when then twins were miss behaving. concern washing over, he looked you straight in the eyes
» "... is there something wrong kita san?" lifting up his hand to your forehead, he let out a sigh. "why didnt you tell me earlier you had a fever", then walking over to the coach meanwhile atsumu and osamu come over to apologise for being reckless.
» "get your stuff. we're going home" kita said bluntly.
» "huh? but practice is-"
» "please l/n san. for me"
» kita would only take yes for an answer this time. no if's ands or buts. so here you were, walking home with kita. only the sound of raindrops hitting your shared umbrella being heard.
» muscles starting to ache a little more and your legs becoming more tired than they were when you left the gym, you began to walk a little slower every step
» "get on my back l/n" "its ok kita san, i can walk. its already enough that you're walking me home" "i didnt ask if you wanted to. im telling you to"
» you couldnt tell if it was the fever that made your face warmer or if it was kita's words. nonetheless, you got on kita's back. he was a lot stronger than he looked and you couldnt help but stifen at being so close to your own crush like this.
» "relax. I'll make sure you get home." he reassured. you leaned into his back, warmth seeping in, your eyes began to feel heavy.
» "kita san" "yes?" "thank you for always watching out for me"
» a comfortable silence was met as the sound of rain filled your ears.
» "kita san" "hm?" "did you know..." your voice softened "i like you a lot kita san"
» did he hear you correctly? if he wasnt paying attention he wouldve missed what you had said, being drowed out through the pitter patter of water. now his heart thumping louder than ever before.
» "l/n san-" he was about to go on but was met with the gentle rise and fall of your chest and the soft snores of you on his back, knocked out from exertion. kita let out a light chuckle, finally relieved you were resting.
» you had missed the next day of school, but when you came back the whole volleyball team bombarded you with love.
» "WE'RE A FAILURE TO NOT NOTICE YOU FEELING SICK" atsumu cried. "how could we let our one and only precious manager get ill for taking care of us" akagi, clearly dissapointed in himself. "please let us know when we can take care of you too y/n" aran said.
» "its no big deal. really!" waving your hands in defense. "it was just a small cold. but i do have a question though"
» all the boys gathered around to hear what you had to say
» "how did i get home?? i really dont remember what happened after i almost got hit by atsumu"
» it shocked the guys honestly. you genuinely didnt remember a single thing due to your fever. "wait? you don't remember kita taking you home?" suna replied, your face becoming red. "k-kita san took me home-?" "yah. he left in the middle of practice to do so" osamu added.
» immediately, you got up to find the captain that apparently took you home the other day. he was in the storage closet cleaning and grabbing the equipment for todays practice.
» "kita san" "oh. l/n. glad you're feeling better" his smile brightened the musty closet. "about that, im sorry for troubling you and having you take me home the other day. i honestly dont remember what happened after i almost got hit by atsumu. my mind was really fuzzy that day, but im truly thankful for you going out of your way for me. it really means a lot"
» kita was dumbfounded. you really dont remember? "no need to apologize l/n. it was my responsibility as a captain. and afterall, what good would i be if i couldnt even take care of the person who means the most to me"
» your heart raced. 'person who means the most to me' ? cheeks blushing a rosy pink, you were internally thanking the musty store room from being dim.
» with arms full of equipment, kita walked by you and stopped.
» "by the way l/n san. did you know?"
» ears perking up at the vague yet familiar line
» "i like you a lot too l/n san"
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» now we all know sakusa HATES germs and for the past week and a half, he's been telling you to keep up with washing your hands, wearing a mask at all times even when you eat omi it doesnt work like that. pls especially since you are prone to getting sick easily no matter how hygenic you are. your immune system just hated you. PERIODT
» you remembered sakusa scolding you for running out of hand sanitizer and then the next day you were out of commission. bed ridden with laryngitis, cough, slight fever, the whole works. it was like your body was making fun of you or something
» you texted komori, asking him to take notes in class for you and relay homework information while you were at home resting up. but there was one request you had and made komori PROMISE.
» "he's probably gonna notice your absence y/n. he'll find out about it either way"
» "well if you dont tell him then he wont know. its not like he even cares about where i am like that"
» "thats what you might think. but i know he's gonna say something i can garuntee it"
» the next day at school, sakusa did notice your presence missing. it was quieter not having a 3rd person in the group of friends. not having you around to talk to him when komori was gone.
» pulling out his phone to text you, he asked where you were that day.
» "on a family trip :D !!! forgot to tell you, but I'll tell you all about it when i come back!" you wrote, attaching an old selfie of a different trip you went on to make it more believable.
» you had hoped this silly cold would get better in a day, but soon that day turned into 2 and then 3 and then 4... you pretty much missed the whole week of school at that point
» Friday rolled around and komori was on his phone all day. sakusa noticed his cousin fidget in his chair more than usual and it irked him to see him like that
» "what's with you today?" one eye raised, sakusa finally asked. "uhhh nothing really" komori wasnt very good at keeping secrets lets just start off with that, but he was trying his best.
» "well clearly somethings wrong. you're fidgeting." "well haven't you noticed somethings been different all week?" komori hinted
» sakusa sat there in thought. nothing's been different? he ate the same breakfast he usually does every morning. all his studies have been well. there were no tests this week so there was no reason to be anxious like komori was and even if there was, he would've done well anyways.
» "just tell me what it is." sakusa was starting to get annoyed. "y/n..." komori started. "y/n?" "do you know where she's been this week?"
» did you not tell komori about your family trip? you usually told komori everything, but then again you didn't tell him either until he asked you about it.
» "she said shes on a trip?" he nonchalantly said. komori's eyes started watering. "A TRIP TO THE HOSPITAL THATS WHAT IT IS" he blurted out. komori didnt mean to let it slip , he was just so worried about your well being.
» "hospital?? what are you talking about. did she get injured on her trip?" "no omi. shes been sick all week and her mom just texted me saying she went to the hospital today because shes had a fever for 3 days straight. there is no family trip"
» sakusa's heart shattered. you were sick and didnt even tell him?
» before both he and komori knew it, his legs were running faster to get to the hospital than he had ever imagined he could ever run.
» and there you were. fast asleep in a bed with an IV drip. your face flushed, forehead sweaty and shallow breaths escaping your chapped lips. you were a hot mess but sakusa didnt care. stepping to your bedside to greet your mother she explained to him that she had to go to work and asked if he could watch over you until she gets back.
» sakusa said yes without even hearing the whole thing. his heart and mind saying yes to whatever it took to get you to feel better.
» gosh how he hated hospitals, but what he hated even more was the fact that you were in the hospital and he didnt even know.
» the doctor came in for their evening round and ensured sakusa that you were indeed getting better! your fever had broken not too long ago and your body was working extra hard to heal itself up!
» "is there anything i can do to help?" sakusa asked. he felt helpless in this situation just watching your face distort in uncomfort every now and then, and coughing your lungs out.
» patting sakusa's shoulder, the doctor told him that just being here for you is enough. "you gotta be a strong boyfriend for her alright son? she'll be able to go home tomorrow first thing in the morning if her fever doesnt come back"
» sakusa slumped in his chair at your bedside, the doctors words ringing through his head. 'boyfriend huh?' he thought to himself. "if i was her boyfriend..." he whispered to himself, "i would be a failure for not even knowing my girl was sick..."
» to kiyoomi, you were beautiful. even now in this sad state you were in. deep down he locked these growing feelings he had for you inside of him because he always felt like you were a better match with someone else and after this stunt you pulled of lying to him about going on a family trip, it only made him feel worse.
» it was now night time and you finally began to stir in your sleep, the fever finally gone. sakusa reached out to move some hair that was stuck to your face, fingers tracing the outline of your jaw. your eyes slowly opened and met with his dark orbs.
» "y/n?" "saku- wait this is just a dream. omi wouldn't be here. he hates hospitals" you let out a forced laugh and then a sigh through your sore throat.
» you reached out to sakusa's hands that were resting on the side of your bed. "omi would never let me hold his hand because he'd say im passing germs to him so hopefully dream omi wont be the same" you were aimlessly talking to yourself, not even realizing that this really wasnt a dream.
» he squeezed your hand in return. hoping that you wouldnt let go any time soon. a funny smile appeared on your face just at the thought of him. "even if you're stupid for not realizing how much i like you... i cant wait to see you again omi" you whispered before falling asleep again.
» sakusa didnt know what to do. he sat there frozen in his chair. it was his first time hearing you call him omi. heck. you literally just confessed to the boy. his brain was running wild. groaning in distress he let go of your hand to step out for a breath of fresh air now that you were back asleep.
» it was 5am and your mother came back to the hospital and thanked sakusa for staying by your side. He left in a hurry to make sure you didnt see him there.
» Monday rolled around and sakusa was waiting outside of the school gates for you. he had planned on asking you about your "trip"
» "good morning sakusa!!" your bright and cheery voice rang through his ears. honestly he was trembling inside. the memory of you confessing to him still fresh in his mind.
» "how was your trip?" you stopped dead in your tracks. "haha... it was good !! sorry i forgot to get you a souvenir" you were trying to play it cool but sakusa could tell you were forcing yourself. "i wouldnt want a souvenir from where you came from so its fine" sakusa's words threw you off. "i - im not sure im understanding what you're saying sakusa?"
» you felt a tug on your hand. "dont you mean omi?" his voice husky as he whispered into your ear. cheeks flushed, your brain felt like it short circuted. you've always tried your hardest to not let it slip that you want to call him omi since he hated when people called him that.
» sakusa smirked at your cute reaction he got out of you. letting go of your hand he began to walk into the school leaving you at the gate dumbfounded. "and by the way. you're just as stupid for not realizing how long ive liked you too"
-» ˚⸙͎۪۫⋆
thank you for your order! enjoy~!
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aestheticsuwu · 4 years ago
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🍃Blue Lagoon 🍃
@judahlux I wrote this , hopefully you like it
.... . ......
Coming out of the hut where they kept the wood safe and dry for the fire . Mr.Miyagi asked him to cut some , laying down the wood and starts to sectioned them to be chopped .
The old man was inside probably organizing their mess , he will blame it on Daniel later .
The omega himself was laying in the hammock , he was about to tease him about not doing anything like always until he looked at his direction .
He froze .
Daniel looked beautiful , His dark skin shined alongside with his hair . His lanky arms were behind his head , Johnny felt like he couldnt breathe.
Daniel turn his head toward his direction  , the smile on him made johnnys chest feel warm . He looked gorgeous until the omega opened his mouth .
" You know , you should do less starting and do more working . "
Spluttering in anger he throws sand in his direction , all he got back were more gigles .
Beautiful ,huffing at the idea more like little punk .
Focusing on the wood until it was done. Sweat was dripping down his back , the sun was  bright making his skin rosy from the heat .
" Daniel-san go get more fruit for dinner . Johnny-san come help Miyagi to move pot . "
 The old man walked right back to the hut , following him to help him . But he couldnt help to look back once more were Daniel was heading .
Shaking his head and blaming the heat for his behaviour  .
 After helping Mr.Miyagi,  he sat watching the old man finishing lunch for the three .
" Old man , do you ever look at Daniel and just feel annoyed .
" Daniel-san ? No , he just full of energy like puppy . Why ask Miyagi ? . "
" I dont know today he just .... nevermind . " He couldn't find the right words to describe it and he kind of felt embarrased .
They waited for a good while for Daniel to come back but he never showed up .He didn't want to admit but he had been worried , Maybe he had gotten hurt on his way back .
" Johnny , go ." Sometimes he felt Mr.Miyagi could read minds .
" ME !? "
" Hai , check the river . "
Springing up from his spot and started heading towards where Daniel had left earlier .
He told himself the gut feeling of being worried was because the punk was making them wait on lunch .
The omega was knowhwere to begin with , tired walking aimlessly he went to the river where Mr.Miyagi had mentioned .
Catching sight of the headband that Mr. Miyagi gave to daniel when he presented and sinced then he never not once wored it .
Never once to give up the chance to scold the omega he went forward to scare him but the second time of the day the words got caught on his throat .
He felt his face get hot , his mind was confusing him from the thoughts he recently been getting ever since his status was presented as Alpha .
His mind been catching every little thing that Daniel would do . How he whined of not getting to do hard work and then continued to whine when he did .
How when he would eat he would get all the fruit juice all over him when he was in a rushed to go swim .
Or how his wolf kept reminding him to get bigger and stronger , and felt big pride when the omega would notice .
 Not realising how sometimes at night he wants to hold him and touch him without feeling ashamed .
" Johnny !! Come join me the water is fantastic !! .
" While you were busy having fun swimming we were starving . This is why you get on our nerves . "
That pout wasnt going to make him reconsidered his argument .
" Johnny cmon , just real quick ."
He didnt know why he felt like doing what the omega wanted , his inner wolf making him go against his word .
Daniel wasn't lying , the water felt amazing to the days weather . Diving in to take a quick swim , rising up to shake off the water .
The boy infront of him was smiling , he himself couldnt help but to smile . Daniel started splashing water , that little punk tried to swim away from him but he latched on to his waist .
Both were face to face , those eyes reminded him of the book with pictures Lucille had taught them words and animals . Even since he was young he thought that Daniel had ressemblance to a deer .
Yeah , Daniel was bambi . His bambi .
He surged forward to kiss him , the need was killing him inside and once he did Johnny knew he couldn't get enough .
He felt happy .
Until he's pushed him away by angry looking eyes .
" Why did you do that , i was saving my first kiss for an alpha . "
" Im an alpha ! . " Was Daniel dumb , because he clearlt wasn't a beta or omega . If he was he would think Miyagi would have told him .
Daniel looked frustrated , but what he said next made him feel sad that soon turned into anger .
" But it wasn't supposed to be you , now you ruined it ! "
" You know what, I was doing you a favor . Nobody would want to kiss someone that looks like a wet rat ! "
He shouted as he got out of the water , he couldn't believe how stupid he was to kiss Daniel.
" Hey ! Not like your any better ! looking like a .......... "
Saving him the excuse to find the word to insult him with he continued to fight .
" oh yeah , then how come your always drooling as you stare at me . "
But that kinda didnt help when he's been lately staring .
" Haha thats the other way around !  . "
" whatever "
Mood being ruined walking past by the basket full of fruits not even bothering to help Daniel. 
Other alpha ? Why would Daniel want another alpha . It made his stomach upset and his hart ache , arriving to the hut he quickly goes up to his bed not longer having a appetite.
He was grateful that Mr.Miyagi left him alone for awhile and Daniel didnt kept being his annoying self .
When refusing to eat dinner , Mr. Myagi became worried .
" Johnny-san San okay ? "
" Yeah , just not hungry ."
" Miyagi make tea for maybe rut , just in case . "
Mr . Myagi was suprise after arriving on the island that his suppressants tea made it along with Books , knives and some clothing had not once touch the water .
Miyagi himself was a beta he didn't need the tea but Lucille was an omega so she did get her heats once every 3 months .
When lucille passed away when her bite mark started to fade meaning her husband had passed away . With her time left she taught Johnny and Daniel everything she knew .
Johnny was the first to present soon after Daniel presented but it was harder having an alpha around . Myagi knew a smell of an omega in heat made an Alpha Hungry for lust so he started to give them teas to help them with their heats and ruts .
The tea helped him a liitle but his wolf was restless knowing the omega rejected him making his scent stronger every minute he dwelled about it .
In the middle of the night he felt someone get in his bed , the smell of vanilla and cinnamon with a tint of sadness invaded his nose . Opening his eye to see Daniel crawling in .
" What are you doing , were not allowed to be in each others beds. "
Turning around quickly to see if Miyagi had woken up .
" Im sorry about earlier . "
" Its whatever , stop it .stop . Im not gonna fall for your bambi eyes ! . "
" My bambi eyes ? You havent called me bambi in a long time . Can you start calling me that again ? "
" I thought you said that you hated it . Are you blushing ? " .
" Stop asking questions . "
Daniel moves forward , he expected a kiss on the cheeck but he was wrong once he felt lips on his own .Soft and chaste,  it drove him crazy just by a 2 second peck .
" We can kiss whenever you want , but just that okay . "
Nodding , leaning forward to kiss the omega . It was hard to refrain himself while having daniel under him .
Holding daniel in the verge of falling asleep , he wished they wouldn't leave or that no one would could rescue them from their home .
The thought of not being with Mr. Myagi who raised and was a father to them left him sad but Daniel being with someone elses droved him mad .
He didnt want to share what was his .
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asphalt-cocktail · 4 years ago
okay sin sunday !! what if reader is feeling really self-conscious and one of the beatles (or all of them 👀👀) just worship the reader’s body and tell them how gorgeous they are,,, and make them cum like 4 times 😳
Oh my god I love this idea! I’ve been thinking about writing something like this so I’m excited you suggested it. This turned out WAAAYYYY longer than I expected. But if you want me to write another one where they have a proper fuck let me know! Because I also have that idea brewing 👀👀👀
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Warnings: group sex, smut, oral(f), fingering, some body shaming and confidence issues, body worship
Your ears burned with embarrassment and anger as you pushed your way onto the plane through the crowd of people.
“I can’t believe they’d let someone who looks like that work for them.” The crew of girls snickered as they talked about you, oblivious to the fact that you were in ear shot.
The burning in your ears traveled up your cheeks and spread down the back of your neck as you stood in the tiny plane bathroom and stared at yourself in the mirror. You poked and prodded at your face, your big nose, and lopsided eyes then you smushed your belly in your fingers and let out a sigh. Maybe they were right.
“Hoy, you almost done in there love?” You could hear ringo knocking from the other side and quickly composed yourself.
“Yeah I’ll be out in a minute.” You answered back shortly before you exited.
The rest of the plane ride you sat some distance away from the boys, using the excuse of paperwork and the fact that you needed to get some sleep to not arise any suspicions.
After the plane landed you holed yourself up in the hotel room.
“Don’t you want to have a drink with us?” Paul’s eyes pleaded with you. It was tradition that after you landed you all sat down for a card game and drinks before sleeping the first night in your new hotel room.
You shrugged your shoulders “nah I’m kind of beat after the last flight.” Paul looked at you with a pouty expression and the way johns eyes narrowed as he looked at you told you he didn’t buy it. But neither of them said anything
The following evening as you all rushed to enter the the hotel after a business day of interviews and photo shoots you could hear girls again talking about you, “oh my god those shoes?” and “god can you believe they let her leave with her hair like that?”hammered in your ears.
Your throat felt tight and your eyes burned, a little hiccup left your mouth and you rubbed your stinging eyes with the palm of your hand. George looked at you and squinted his eyes as you all waited for the elevator, “are you... are you crying?” He asked loudly.
You blinked hard and felt hot tears run down your cheeks “no.” You said weakly and quickly rushed I to the elevator as the doors slid open. You crossed your arms over your chest and your lips pressed into a tight frown.
“What’s wrong?” John pressed, putting an arm in your shoulder.
You shrugged it off and walked off the elevator, thankful to hear it ding and see the doors open to the floor your room was on, “I’m fine.” You hiccuped quickly walking off.
When you got to your room door, you fumbled you with your keys before you finally broke and let out a soft sob, hoping the boys were far enough away that they couldn’t hear.
“Oh, come on love, we only want to help.” Ringo said staring at you with his droopy blue eyes.
Your lip quivered and you let yourself in, the boys followed shutting the door and turning towards you. You covered your face with your hands feeling Johns firm arms embracing you in a tight hug. His broad body surrounded you, making you feel comforted and protected from the mean words that dug I to your brain.
“I feel ugly.” You choked out, crying and leaving tear stains on Johns suit jacket.
You could feel their eyes burning into your back as John tried to soothe you, rubbing your back softly. The awkward silence told you that they didn’t know how to react, “what makes you think that?” You could hear George swallow thickly after he spoke, like he was trying to choose his words with military precision.
“The girls outside always say bad things about me.” You said finally pulling away and moving to sit on the edge of your bed, John followed holding your hand in your lap. You played with his fingers, tracing them and admiring the callouses and roughness of his palms.
“What girls?” Paul asked
“She means the ones downstairs.” George answered
You sheepishly looked away from them, “I don’t know why you guys keep me around, I’m no good.” You huffed out.
Paul gaped at you, “what do you mean no good?” He scoffed.
“Well there was the time I told you the wrong time for the interviews back in New York and we showed up on the wrong day, or the time I forgot ringos cymbals at the venue, or when I tripped over your guitar stand in the studio and knocked all the papers over.” You whimpered softly and rubbed your eyes, feeling more tears forming, “you guys should really get someone prettier who is more organized.”
John squeezed your hand, “a forgotten cymbal and some messed up papers are hardly a thing to get fired over. Hell Neil didn’t strap our guitars down and they busted all down the high way and we didn’t even fire him.” His hand cupped your cheek and forced you to look at him, “and don’t ever say you aren’t pretty.” The way he stared at you told you he was deadly serious.
You swallowed thickly and placed your hand over his, “Brian wouldn’t have hired you if he didn’t think you were worth it. You know how much of a perfectionist he is.”
Ringo hummed in agreement, “I knkw it’s easier said than done, but don’t listen to those girls out there. They don’t have anything on you okay!”
Paul nodded his head, “very easy on the eyes, love” he said and gave you a quick wink.
Your face felt hot and you quickly looked away and played with the hem of your blazer, rubbing the stiff fabric between your fingers, “I don’t know, they always say my hair looks bad and that I’m ugly or my nose is too big.” You still felt bad thinking about their words.
“Well do they know that you wake up two hours before everyone else to take your hair out of your funny little curlers every morning?” John asked
Your face whipped over to him, “how do you know I do that?”
Johns face flushed and he shrugged, “I hear you rummaging about when we get those fancy villas.” He admitted. He swallowed thickly and looked at the three other men.
The silence told you that they were conversing. It was something that only they seemed to be able to do with eachother, talk with looks they only they understood.
Paul cleared his throat before the silence could get uncomfortable, “here why don’t you lay back and if you wanted we could show you. You know how much we appreciate you.”
You could feel the heat of embarrassment creeping up your neck and spreading across your cheeks, “what, what do you mean?” You asked.
John put his hand on your shoulder, “let us take care of you, yeah?” His eyes searched your face for any uncertainty.
“We can stop anytime you like.” Ringo added quickly.
You swallowed thickly and nodded your head, “Okay, I can do that” you said more to reassure yourself that you weren’t going crazy.
John sat back against the plush hotel pillows and patted his legs, encouraging you to settle between them. You hesitated for a moment and looked at the three men standing in your room trying to decide if they were taking the piss. The nischevious glint in Paul’s eyes wasnt the same as when he and John were scheming, no it was something you’ve never seen before.
You crawled over and laid against John’s chest, admiring how his body was soft and firm. You let out a shaky gasp feeling his hands rubbing your arms and brushing your hair out of the way, he tipped your chin back with his forefinger and placed a timid kiss on your lips.
The kiss was nothing you’d expect from big tough John. It was soft and sweet, like he was kissing for you to enjoy and only you. You let out a soft whimper and craned your neck at an awkward angle, wanting to take in more of him. He pulled away and smiled devilishly at you seeing your flushed face and dazed eyes.
All at once you felt the bed dip around you and you suddenly remembered there were three other people in the room. You felt a wave of embarrassment begin to wash over you.
Paul nudged your legs open with his knees and you hesitantly spread them open, now overwhelminlgly aware of how your cloths had begun to stick to your skin from sweat. When did it get so hot?
You reached to unbutton your blouse but your hands were caught between George’s long slender fingers. He gave you a kind smile and worked your buttons, placing soft kisses down your chest as each button exposed more and more of your skin. Your stomach twitched and you saw George hovering over your exposed tummy “don’t” you quickly said in a panicked voice.
George nuzzled his face against your soft tummy and kissed it, “please don’t be nervous, you’re gorgeous.” You could feel his lips moving against your skin and shivered at his words.
The three men removed the remainder of your cloths with soft touches and kind glances that reminded you this was about you, not them; and soon you were bare before them.
Paul slipped to the side while Ringo took his place. Paul placed little kisses along the outside of your spread legs while Ringo’s fingers lightly raised up them, the cool metal of his rings burning against your hot flesh. You squirmed as they both got closer and closer to your core. You watched with anticipation as both boys hungrily eyed you.
To your surprise Ringo was the first to act, swiping on of his thick fingers and gathering your slick on them before he inserted one into you. You let out a weak sigh and your walls twitched when you realized that George, John, and Paul also let out soft sounds of satisfaction and watched as Ringo’s thick finger pumped in and out of you with ease.
Your mind began to swim, feeling Paul kissing and sucking on your thighs and hips before kissing the top of your mound. Your hips jolted with surprise and your squirmed feeling the tip of his tongue expertly flick against your swollen clit.
You bit your lip hard and struggled to keep quiet, while staring at the two men at your lower half. Paula tongue traced rapid shapes against your clit as Ringk inserted another finger, “Jesus Christ,” you hissed out loudly, your back arching against John and your shoulders pressing into him.
John hummed and nuzzled your neck, kissing snd sucking on the sensitive skin, “love those pretty little sounds you make.” He whispered heavily in your ear. You shivered and tried to maintain your composure, but all sensibility was lost upon feeling George’s rough hands kneading your breasts and peppering your collarbone and chest with wet kisses.
Your mind began to swim with overstimulation, George’s hot mouth sucking and swirling your nipples against his tongue while Johns hand eagerly took to pinching and twisting the neglected ones while he whispered things that would make even the most foul mouthed sailors blush. Paul’s talented tongue flicking and lapping at your clit while ringos thick fingers pumped in and out of your soft wet walls.
George trailed kisses up your neck and jaw before placing an opened mouthed kiss on you, it made your toes curl feeling his tongue rubbing against yours while John kissed your neck. You brought your hand up to rub George through his tailored suit pants. He broke the kiss and lightly pulled your hand away, “this is about you” he said softly. He was so close you could feel his lips lightly brushing against yours as he spoke snd feel his hot breath on your face. “You look gorgeous like this, you knkw that right” he asked after placing a quick succession of lingering kisses in your lips, “taking us so well, suck a good girl, bloody brilliant”
Your face scrunched up and your walls twitched around ringos fingers. You were close. Heat began to build in your belly and your thighs flexed, “I-”you could hardly recognize your voice as you struggled to find your words.
“You gonna come for us?” Ringo asked, the pace of his fingers speeding up.
You let out a breathy whine and bucked your hips. Your hands traveled from George, to John, to Paul, unsure of where to ground yourself. Finally you settled with one hand in Paul’s hair, pushing his face closer to you while the other hand gripped John’s hand tightly. Paul’s lips lewly smacked as he sucked your clit and he let out a satisfied him, “Oh fuck” you huffed out.
Your breathy mains climbed in pitch and your back arched until suddenly your mind went blank and your skin felt like TV static. Your walls clenched around Ringos fingers as he and Paul worked you through your orgasm. Your mind felt fogged over like the morning after too much drink and your thighs felt sticky from your mess.
John, or was it George? Someone kissed your temple and you let out a content sigh, much too exhausted in that moment to open your eyes and check.
“I think you’ve killed her,” John said, cheeky as ever.
You hummed and arched your brow as it to say “I’m still here” and lazily opened your eyes.
The first face you saw was Paul, his pouty lips red and wide eyes hanging heavy as he placed an opened mouthed kiss on your lips. Paul’s were almost analytical, You could taste yourself on his mouth and moaned into the kiss. He eagerly swallowed up your sounds before pulling away and kissing the tip of your nose. A gesture so innocent in comparison to your prior actions.
You hadn’t noticed ringo left the room until he returned to the room with a warm washcloth. As attentive as ever, he cleaned your mess from your thighs. As he finished you grabbed his hand and pulled him forward, the way he kissed was wildly different from John, Paul, and George. The way John kissed you was tender, he kissed you for your pleasure while George’s were fiery and passionate. Paul was analytical, like he was always trying to get one step ahead of you as though it were a competition. But ringo he was soft, his mouth moved against yours with care, for a moment you forgot the rest of the boys were in the room. He smiled for a moment and pulled away.
Once your light and airy high passed you sat up from John’s chest. John looked at you “i don’t to ever hear you say bad things about yourself again.” He said like a mother scolding a child. His serious facade passed and a ghost of a smile played on his lips “if you do we might have to do this again.”
You smiled and let out a small laugh, “i don’t know if I’ve gotten the point across maybe I could use another reminder later.”
George grinned, “we’ll have to check with our fab assistant to see if it fits into our schedules.”
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blkgirl-writing · 5 years ago
"Unforgettable" Sokka x Woc!reader smut
Summary: Sokka can't get a dirty image of you out of his mind.
Warnings: sexualization of the female body, because we are queens. Male masterbation, cursing.
A/n: First Sokka Smut!!! It's not quite a full smut, but it's getting there. I'm proud of this one. As in nearing the end of my binge of Atla, I keep falling deeper in live with this boy. I set up a part 2, but we shall see if it gets one. Please leave some feedback if you want another one!
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Sokka couldn't get you out of his mind. The memory of your body seeping into every single thought of his. Pure intentioned or not, you ended up in the front of his brain.
Water dripped down your glowing skin, the light shining down on you like a beam of pure beauty. Water around you glimmering like gems.
You stood in the cool water just above your knees. Your fingers were tangled deep in your hair, finally taking the time to detangle the locks, hair brushing your skin as you hummed a tune he didnt know.
Sokka stood there, balancing himself on a tree, about two seconds away from biting off his bottom lip.
"Oh! Sokka. Hey." You greeted, shooting him a soft, kind smile. Thing is, you didn't bother to cover up, to sink into the water, or use your arms to cover as much as you could. No. You just looked at him, and it took all of his might to not just melt right there.
"I was just taking a bath. Did you wanna come in?" Sokka blinked, keeping his eyes on yours, not daring to look back down. You were both adults, he shouldn't feel like a schoolboy, looking at a pair of boobs for the first time. but he does. He's staring at the curve of your breasts, the valley between them, the dips of your hips. You're fully enchanting him.
"I uh...just...I should get back to the camp. I just got a bit lost. I'm sorry. Keep uh, doing your thing. No hurry. Take your time-" and just like that, he was off, leaving you alone in the pond.
Fuck. He was rock hard. Shit.
Fucking dumbass. You had invited him in with you, clearly. But you were also his friend, and he didn't think you saw him like...that. sure, you were the adults of the group, and had always had something, but sokka couldn't fully accept the idea of the two of you. At least, until he saw you naked.
Everything shifted. The rest of the day, he kept to himself. Fingers seeming to always fiddle with his boomerang, or sharpen his blade. He couldn't keep still for the life of him, and it wasnt like it went unnoticed. Toph told him to fuck off, Katara asked him if he was okay. He needed to blow off some steam. And some fighting practice just wasnt gonna do it.
Sokka was the last one to go to his tent, waiting until the moon was well into the sky, and everyone was sound asleep.
He settled himself in hid tent, propping himself up slightly with a pillow. He could see the outline of his erection through his pants, practically begging for attention. It had almost gotten painful. Sokka eagerly pushed down the fabric to his thighs. His dick already leaking precum down the swollen tip.
His hand trailed down his stomach, slowly wrapping his fingers around his cock, gently taking himself in his hand, pumping himself just enough to release some of the pressure of the day.
Sokka didn't try to suppress the desire anymore, letting his imagination go wild, dreams that he never admitted to.
He imagined your fingers working at his dick rather than his own hand, your lips wrapped around the top, staring at him as you worked your way to deepthroating him. Cheeks hollowd around his cock, his hands weaving through your hair, grasping for his dear life.
Your body, burned into his mind. The fight practices you had together, when sweat dripped down your skin, hair messy and coming out of your braids. How your lips parted as you heaved in breaths. The way you licked your lips, bit them when concentrating.
"Y/n! Fuck, yes!" His voice came out far, far louder than intended. His free hand went to cover his mouth, but he didn't stop pumping. He was so, so close, he couldn't stop now. He would hear if someone came near. The vision of you in his mind started to blur, eyes nearly rolling back into his head from the pleasure.
"Hey, sokka-Oh"
you stood still at the opening of the tent, eyes wide, completely unable to look away from the scene in front of you. It had just...happened so fast. One second you hear a strangled moan and sokka shouting your name, the next you see him with his cock in his hand, cum dripping down his fingers, some splattered on his stomach. No, it was far too good to keep your eyes off of. His face was a but flushed, a thin veil of sweat on his skin. Splayed out like a god in a sculpture.
"I uh-" Sokka stuttered, looking around for something, anything, to cover his crotch with.
"I thought I heard my name and-" you blinked, lips parted, heavy, deep breathes being the only thing from keeping you from passing out. The air was thick, warm, sweaty, it smelled overwhelmingly of sex.
"Look, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt anything-you just keep, uh, having fun." It was a sorry excuse to leave, but you did. Quickly stepping back and turning around. Letting out a deep, long, haggled breath.
"Wait! One second, fuck-" Sokkas voice came through the canvas, sounds of him stumbling around clear in the otherwise calm, quiet night.
"I didn't mean to say your name, I swear, it just slipped out and it sounded quieter than I thought-"
"It's okay, really, I don't mind at all." It came out much, much more...needy, than you'd wanted. This wasn't exactly how you'd imagined telling sokka that you found him attractive (usually, they ended with some sort of rejection, even in dreams.) You were just...a bit stunned. Trying to convince yourself that it really was a mistake, acting like this had been the first time he had said it. But, the few times you had to share a bed, or slept in close quarters, you heard the same thing, and that wasn't something you could just brush away.
"Oh." Sokka sighed, like a weight was lifted from his shoulders. But, only one of many. His shoulders were still tense, jaw still clenched.
"Sokka, I really don't want you to feel bad for what you were doing." You reached for his hand, just brushing your own with his, making sure he knew you were there, and it was okay, more than okay.
"I'm a fucking perv, that's what I am." He muttered, eyes glued to the floor. You could almost hear his brain overheating.
"No! No, it's natural to get yourself off-"
"Fucking hell," sokka really, truly wanted to die. Right there and then. Life no longer worth living, at least not after this.
"It's not as bad as you think, sokka." Your voice was soft, trying to be as comforting as possible, for you and sokka. You were so glad sokka wasn't able to look at you, cause your pure lust and neediness was crystal clear on your face.
"How?" He wanted nothing more than to apologize and curl up into a ball.
"Because I liked hearing you say my name like that." He never understood how you could say the most intense things with such ease. The weight of the words crystal clear, yet almost hummed.
"Say that again," It was dumb, but, he wanted to hear you say it again. He needed you to.
"Because I thought you saying my name like that was a dream come true." You smiled, gaze settling to the stars above, just for a bit of release. To make confessing a bit easier. "I loved it when you moaned my name."
"Sokka, use your words."
"I was using words!" Sokka shot back.
"Were you thinking of me when you were masterbating?" You almost choked on the words, feeling yourself cringe at how it came out. Almost desperate. Needing him to say yes. Pleading that the dream last a bit longer.
"Yeah," Sokka breathed in deep, exhaling a somewhat shakey breath. "you're just so hot and sexy and seeing you today made me crazy. I mean, youre just so out of my league, and I couldn't get you out of my head. You drive me crazy, y/n, everything about you. Your body, your voice...sorry, was that too far?"
"Sokka, I've wanted to fuck you since the day I met you." You laughed, resisting the string urge to roll your eyes at his pure ignorance. "We both know we've been dancing around our tension. I cant count the amount of times I went to bed all hot and bothered and dreamed about you."
"So...you find me fuckable, and you've had wet dreams about me?"
"Gods have mercy, Sokka, you're the most handsome man I've ever met, and you know it."
"Of course I do." His hands settled on his hips, a small, cocky grin on his lips. His brain was going again, but this time, on the autopilot you loved. When he was at his most confident.
"You're so fucking beautiful." Sokka turned to you, testing out the waters a bit, he placed his hand on your lower back, pulling you slightly closer to him.
"Sokka, if you don't kiss me right now-"
"Then what? What will you do?"
"I dunno... fuck you or something."
"Now I'm thinking otherwi-" you cut him off with your lips, pressing lightly on his soft ones, grasping at the back of his hair, anything to get him closer to you. His hand wandered down, grasping at your skin, pulling your hips towards his desperately.
"Wanna go into my tent?"
"I would be crazy if I said no."
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blazingstarship · 3 years ago
How was your and Yusei’s first trip together? Where’d you go, what did you do, was it for any special occasion? Was he nervous to spend a whole weekend or however long alone, just the two of you? Or was he thrilled at the chance for some privacy where he could really show you just how much he loves you without worrying about being interrupted? :3
— @dark-magical-ships 💙
Oh my those are some really good questions!!!
Thank you so much @dark-magical-ships!!💙💙💙 it really got my mind off :)
My thats some story! Allow me to dump it in this post😁 damn this turned a whole novel i cant…sorry and just ignore most of it like It really got out of hand😅🙈SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG💖💖
Our first trip wasnt planned to be a trip😂 it was supposed to be a date in another city and then going back. It was around three months we were dating and we got to the idea to go out of the city and explore more…well more Yusei’s idea since he has been catch up on work and kinda…didnt pay much attention to me. So he planned a long drive on his runner to have some alone time together and full attention.
We went to the sea side where that night was full moon and you could see the Stardust Road light up (Yes refference to vrains hehe). We spended the day at the boulevard, noticed Yusei wanted to check out a game shop and we even got new cards. Yusei gave me a card I reminded him of “Astro Kitten.” Cause it was a kitten in space and this kitten had a mole just like me.
We had enjoyed diner at a fish restaurant at the pier along with a sweet ice cream diner as the evening had fallen. We got a great spot to watch the Stardust Road light up as Yusei excused himself and as he came back trying to be flirty.
“Ha, what have we here?” Yusei said as he turned my face around with his free hand to look at him as he pulled closer and closed the gate between us as he kissed sweetly. “Seems like I catched a beautiful shooting star tonight.”
I swear I looked at him so confused like, what the h happen. Yusei and trying to flirt…one confused me. I even asked him if he was feeling okay iwiekekkdmd his face was priceless. Like me being a mess and trying to understand whatever he did. He sure tried his best to be more romantic that moment.
Eventually he told me he wanted to go to the zoo with me to look at the panda’s cause I like them. But the trip back and then to the zoo takes a lot of time so he suggested to stay at a hotel for the night.
“I wanted to surprise you.” He said as I smiled.
“You sure surprised me...only we..we never.”
Yusei waited for me to finish the line.
“We never slept together. I-I mean spending the night and sleeping.”
“We can take separate beds.”
“Yeah I know but uhmm.”
“You dont like to sleep with me in one room?”
“What? Yes I like to sleep with you I-I mean in a room and only sleeping but..I also dont mind we sleep in one bed.”
It was Yusei’s turn to blush and be surprised. “I uhmm I...”
“Sorry I didnt mean-.”
“I like to.” Yusei said.
“In one bed?”
Yusei nodded as he stroked my cheek nervous. “I always wanted to know the feel of sleeping with the girl Im in love bysides me.” He said shy.
I smiled and leaned my head on his shoulder and snuggled to him. He blushed as he smiled and sighed as he holded me close.
“And I always wanted to sleep bysides the boy Im so in love with.”
Yusei snuggled his face in my hair and sniffed my sence. “Hmm, then we take one bed.”
“Yes.” I mumbled.
The hotel room was big enough to fit a nice two sized bed, we only had a problem with clothes.
“I should have brought...a pair of pjs or make up or other stuff…” I said kinda lost how to find a solution for this.
“Uhm..” Yusei said and scrached his hair. “You can...wear my shirt.”
“Thats sweet but..” I said and looked at myself. “I wouldnt fit.”
“You would fit and...look cute in it.”
“I heard that.” I said with a smile. “You look cutter in it.”
I kissed his cheek as he holds my hand. “Sharon?” He said as I sit next to him.
“You look amazing to me.”
My look went off, I still have trouble believing he likes the way I look. “Please Yusei dont.”
“Try my shirt. Please.”
“But...what about you..”
“I wear another shirt under this one.”
I sighed and nodded. “I try.”
Yusei smiled and pulled his shirt off that took me off guard yet looked curious and interested. He indeed wear another shirt.
He gave me his shirt and I looked at it. “Okay, guess Im gonna change too.” I said as I stand up and walked to the bathroom. I putted off my clothes and bra and tried his shirt. It fits but its tigh, I sighed deep. “Dammit.”
Yusei was very restless like, the curtains open or closed, the light normal or dimmed, picking a flower out the vase but putted back in, checking his breath and grabbed a mint, even on the bed he was kinda bouncing up and down. Boy he was nervous and he really wants this, he have been wondering how it feels to be with each other while sleeping…just sleeping.
I grabbed my stuff and walked out of it. “Yus, your shirt do-.” I said as I saw the curtains are closed a little and a little light shines. I saw him sitting in his shirt and boxers, looking up when I walked in again.
I laid my stuff on the chair and smiled.
“Hey, what do you think?” I asked unsure.
Yusei cracked a smile. “You look cutter than I though...”
“Its close, I dont wanna ruin your shirt.”
“I dont want you to take it off.” Yusei said.
“You sure?”
Yusei nodded. “Please wear it.”
“Okay.” I nodded in agree and walked to him and sit on the other side. We went under the covers and laid with some distance away. There was an awkward silence.
“Are you tired?”
“Not really. You?”
“Uhmm…sh-shall we put on the tv?”
“Yeah okay.”
What even was this convo…gladly the silence would be gone, damn it was really odd to be at night time together alone. A knot was there but none of us dared to start about it.
A movie was popping up. Titanic. Great…I have watched once and I regonize the scene. All the sappy romantic stuff has to happen yet.
“Is this titanic?” Yusei asked as I nodded.
“Yes it is. Did you ever saw the movie?”
“No, you?”
“You wanna watch it again?”
“Sure just leave it on.”
My oh my I wonder what he thinks of the movie. A couple of minutes in and they went to the
“This is romantic…right?”
What a bunches of nervousness was sitting there. I shaked my head a little as I shoved more to him as he looked surprised. “May I lay…closer to you?”
He only nodded as he cleared the space for as I laid my head on his shoulder as he putted his arm around me. “You can breath you know.” I joked as I hear a shaky sign. “If it makes you uncomfortable I will mo-.”
“Stay.” “I dont…I want you to stay.”
“Okay. But please try to relax, you feel really tense. Its just me…I just want to get closer to you.”
I feel his breath as he sighed again as he said. “Me too. Thats why I wanted to go on this trip.”
I got off him as I turned around and laid on my stomach as I looked at Yusei. He turned around as he putted the volume down. He couldnt pay attention to the movie anyway.
“What?” He asked soft as we keep staring at each other.
“Nothing. I just realize I had a whole day with you alone and now the night and even tomorrow.”
“Is it too much?”
“No!” I said shocked. “I mean...I love to be with you, Im happy we are together. I am really happy with the time I am with you. But also I am very nervous. Im not used to so much one on one attention of you.”
A sigh of relief and a chuckle came out of Yusei. “I am really glad you are saying this cause I have been nervous since we got here.”
“Really? Havent noticed.” I joked as Yusei shaked his head.
“But Im…I’m happy we are alone together. I am glad I got..get time to give you the attention you deserve…”
“Is this about the past weeks?” I asked as I had a hunch in my gut what he was refference to.
“I know I havent paid much attention to you and I know how you made me food and kept me hydrated while I was on hyperfocus…” He chuckled nervous as I just keep repeating in my head how indeed he was so up his work we barely talked and sometimes his small smile wasnt enough to keep me coming back to the garage. Specially when everyone else got his full attention and I got pushed back. Well I though I pushed this though back but he brought it back up again.
“But I just hope you know mean so much to me and I wanna thank you…” He said as he laid his hand on mine.“Like giving you a proper thank you for your caring and sweetness.”
“Im…” I sighed deep. “I know you mean well…but I just wished you paid more attention to me back then. It really hurted me that you ignored me.”
“I didnt know, I really didnt know.”
“You couldnt know cause you dont know me that well like…what I cant stand. What makes me feel awful.”
“Tell me everything.”
“Tell me all your likes and dislikes…I wanna know and remember them. I will try to do my best to be a better…boyfriend.”
“On one condition.” I said as I holded his hand tight. “You tell me yours too.”
We had small talks what we liked and disliked. Eventually we got deeper about ourselves. We both have trouble to open up and show the real us cause of our pasts. We noticed how we changed each other and just gonna take it slow. Also means getting deeper into intimacy. Just laying next to each other is so nice and knowing we see each other before we sleep and first thing we wake up.
We fell asleep with some distance but still holding hands till we woke up that morning close in each others embrace, it felt neutral yet Yusei had admited he never knew this would be such an amazing feeling and neither would I have known. Also I have apologized about the drooling on his shirt as the stain was visible as Yusei said he was sorry he had on my head..It was a really funny mess and we gladly could laugh about it.
But since that trip, our relationship got to a next level. Since that night we slept more times together, bonding on intimacy level.
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modern-vellichor · 4 years ago
Grief, is a Beautiful Thing
Stage Two: Anger
Warnings: Grief!! Mentions of death, suicide. Loss of a major character. Battles with depression, silent tears, heart and gut wrenching sadness, minor smut just to keep you on your toes.
Series Masterlist
Anger; a strong feeling of annoyance, displeasure, or hostility.
Eventually, after weeks of watching the front door with a longing look in your eyes, after weeks of keeping Steve's things untouched, after weeks of waiting up at night for him, you realised, maybe, he isn't coming back. You were mad.
You were angry at Steve, angry at him for lying to you, for leaving you. You were furious at him for leaving you cold and broken and empty and thinking you were strong enough to pick yourself back up again.
You were angry at Bucky for trying. He was always there for you, calming you, telling you everything was okay, and it wasn't, it really wasnt.
You and Steve never argued, never in public anyway. God, if you could see him now, you would scream and shout and make sure he knew how wrong he was, how much you hated him right now. How could he do this to you.
You had disobeyed direct orders on a mission. Steve told you to hold back, but you saw and opportunity, and you took it, it was the right decision. Sure, you got stabbed a few times, but you got what you needed, quicker too.
"I can't believe you, Y/N. I gave you a direct order and you didn't follow it. Look at you now, you could have died"
You rolled your eyes at the love of your life, sighed, and stood up, blood trickling through your fingers clutched to your side.
"With all due respect, Captain, I did what had to be done, and it worked. So don't criticize my decisions", you only called him Captain when you were raging, when you thought he didn't even deserve the acknowledgment of a name.
"You are hurt, you went against me. I could ruin your career for that stunt"
"You wouldn't dare, don't lie to yourself"
"God, you're so fucking full of yourself, Y/N"
"excuse me?", you scoffed, eyebrows raised. Steve immediately regretted his words, uttering hurried apologies. "You know what, Cap, I am full of myself. I'm such a narcissist, such a bad person, huh. Where did our little golden boy go wrong, ending up with a good for nothing gal like me, huh?"
As if right on time, the jet had landed, so you made a grand exit, waltzing off the jet with your head held high, and tears in your eyes.
You couldn't go to your own room, not where the sheets smelled of him, not where his things sat snug next to yours. So you knocked on Bucky's door, he let you in without hesitation. He walked you to his bed, he held you as you cried, cradled you until you slept. He tucked you in under blankets that smelled like coconut, gun powder, and whiskey.
So as you lay, head buried into a pillow that smelt like Steve, tears staining soft satin, you thought about doing the exact same thing.
You picked yourself up, untangling yourself from the sheets, bare feet padding to the elevator. Straight to Bucky's door.
knock knock knock. gentle and soft, barely audible.
"doll?", he was half asleep in his doorway.
"hey, buck", you muttered, smiling sadly.
"what's up?"
"I can't sleep in there, Bucky. I can't do it. I swear to god, hes everywhere", you sobbed.
He wrapped an arm around your shoulders, pulling you into his room, into his bed. For once, you welcomed the cooing and the soft touches. You appreciated the way he cradled your face in his hands as you cried, catching tears with his thumbs as he watched you fall apart. He was holding you together, his legs tangled with yours, his lips uttering sweet redemption into your hair, hands softly drawing circles on your back.
You leaned into him, wrapping your arms around him in return, you pressed your face into his neck, breathing him in, soaking him up. This was what you need right now, and you fell asleep bathed in the warmth of his bare soul.
Bucky's eyes opened to you making your way out of his room. He sighed, hands reached out to you, lazily.
"why are you up so early, doll?", he checked the clock. 05:57am.
"I gotta work"
"you really gotta take some time off, you're gonna work yourself to death, especially in your form"
You gave him a small smile, "I'll be fine, Barnes. Go back to sleep"
He happily obliged, rolling over and closing his eyes, hearing the far away click of his door closing.
You locked yourself in your office the entirety of the day, making angry phone calls to people who just wouldn't listen, pacing as you waiting on stats to come through, filing reports, organising mission after mission, without even considering a break.
Bucky knocked on your door around 6, pushing it open softly.
"Hey, Barnes. What is it?", you asked, not looking up from your computer as your fingers danced quickly across the keys.
"Its dinnertime, come eat"
"I'm not hungry, but thank you"
"Y/N", you answered his calls, not taking your eyes off the screen. "Y/N, look at me, for God's sake"
You slammed the laptop shut, eyeing him up and down dangerously. Sure, Bucky Barnes might be able to snap your neck with his little finger, but he couldn't break a man down like you could. He couldn't stare at people so hard it bore holes in their skulls, he couldn't exude power like you did, he couldn't tear into someone's soul with spiteful words and a harsh tone, not like you.
"What was that? I'm looking now, Mr. Barnes, please, embarrass yourself further, you have my full attention", you smiled at him, but it was sly and condescending.
"You haven't eaten all day, you need to eat"
"I need to do my job, and I think you've forgotten that I am, in fact, your superior, so get out of my office", with that, you opened the laptop again, and continued on with your furious typing.
Bucky didn't budge, he knew you could get irritable on a good day, and good days usually didn't involve dying, being resurrected, losing half your team, and taking over Stark Industries.
"Y/N, please, come on. You're being irrational"
"And you're forgetting your place, you always do. I care about you, Buck, but now is not the time to be sticking your nose in places it doesn't belong, go annoy Sam or something, I don't have the time for you"
You stood up and ushered him to your door, with a hand on the handle, you gazed at him with a harsh stare.
"Have a goodnight, Barnes, stay out of my office"
You swung the door closed, if slammed shut mere inches away from Bucky's nose.
You avoided him like the plague for the next few days, not meeting his gaze, not uttering his name. You spent all your time locked in your office, not saying anything to anyone, until you had to.
You called a meeting, the pathetic remains of your team gathered around you. A teenage boy, a bird man, a god of thunder and an ex assassin walked into a room, what a wild joke.
You briefed them, you flew them out to the hotel, nicer than the last one you stayed in. You could only get three rooms, Sam got one to himself, he won rock, paper, scissors.
The awkward silence had settled thick and heavy between you and Bucky, sat on your own separate beds, neon light filtering in through the curtain.
"I think it's your turn to tell me a story", that was the first thing he had said to you in days, you were shocked, a little taken aback.
"The last time you and I were in a hotel room, you asked for a story, and I gave you one. I want a story."
"oh", you chuckled, "what about?"
He thought for a minute, shifting to face you, blue eyes bright and playful.
"a boy"
You both laughed, all remnants of anger and spite evaporating. This was exactly like Bucky, make everything better with a joke and a laugh.
"I don't really have stories about boys. I was only 18 when I started with Stark. I met Steve when I was 23-"
"How did you meet Steve?", he cut in. You realised then, no one had ever told Bucky that story.
"He never told you?", Bucky shook his head in response.
You met Steve before Thanos, before Bucky, before Ultron even. You were young,
You walked with purpose across the dirt and sand, General Sanchez struggling to keep up as he briefed you. You were in an old army uniform, one that had once belonged to a friend, it was a little tight but it made do.
"Ms. Y/L/N, you said you called backup?", he asked, hesitant.
"I did", on cue, the quinjet handed some feet ahead, and Tony stepped out. "and there he is"
Tony started to walk alongside you and the General, the team walking a few feet behind you.
"Stark, pleasure seeing you again"
"same goes for you, Y/N, what's happening"
"ever seen Godzilla?"
These creatures had been popping up around coasts all over the world, a couple even had gone as far as peaking tails out of the water, ridges on their backs visible deep below the surface. All you knew is that they were massive, monstrously big, and dangerous. They had been testing the waters, seeing how ready you were for an attack, and today was the day. According to radar scans, the biggest off them all had showed up off the coast of L.A, so here you were.
Steve couldn't help but stare at you, walking tall and dignified, head held high, voice strong and authoritative. Even as you were bleeding out on the floor, cheek swollen, lip cut, eyes blackened, he thought you were beautiful, angelic.
"Really?", Bucky laughed. You just nodded, saddened by the distant memory. "you guys always seemed so, settled"
"once upon a time we were running around like kids, sneaking into empty offices to make out like horny teenagers. We settled down eventually", bitterness was evident in your voice as you spoke. You missed those days, running around with Steve's hand in yours. He had really ruined hand holding for you.
"You wanna know what Steve said to me on our first date?", you asked, breath trembling and voice shaky, tears brimming in your eyes.
"sure..", he spoke hesitantly, not sure if that was the right answer or not.
"He said, "you remind me of a girl I knew back in the war", the same girl he left me for. He fell in love with me because I reminded him of a dead girl."
You and Bucky ducked behind a car, both of you officially out of ammunition. You sighed, looking around for any form of weapon as bullets came ricocheting towards you.
"If this is how we go, I'm gonna be pretty fucking pissed", he scoffed, always making a joke.
"me too, Buck"
Your eyes scanned the ground desperately, Bucky was trying to get to Sam, Thor, even Peter, but the comms had been cut. Your eyes settled on a baseball bat not far from Bucky's feet.
"Hey, Bucky?"
"yeah, pup?", for a split second that dream flashed behind your eyes. pup.
you were snapped from your thought by a bullet flying past your ear.
"I got another story for ya", you grinned. Bucky cocked an eyebrow.
"I used to play a lot of baseball in high school", he followed your gaze, mischievous grin playing at his lips.
"you sure?"
And with that, you emerged from behind the car, bat in hand.
"Hiya, boys", you called out to the two thugs stood in front of you, they trained they're guns on you, just not quick enough.
Before they could even process what was happening, you were on top of them, swinging, punching, kicking. Bucky snuck up behind you, joining in on the fight.
Your breathing was heavy as the two men collapsed at your feet, blood spattered across your chest and face, Bucky couldn't help the butterflies in his stomach, red always was your colour.
There was a wicked smile playing on your lips, teeth sharp and glinting, you looked psychopathic, killer, and Bucky loved it.
Maybe he could help you release some of that anger, he hadn't gotten a good beating in a while.
You went out the night you got back. You almost went to knock on Natasha's door to invite her with you, you stopped yourself with tears in your eyes when you remembered.
You didn't tell anyone where you were going, to be honest, you didn't know yet. You slipped out of the compound quietly, the kind of thing Steve would have disapproved of.
You decided on a quaint little bar, a few blocks away, small and cozy. Old jazz hummed softly through the speakers, you fit right in, blending in with the crowd, no one paid you any mind, and you reveled in it. Being normal for once, being another someone in the crowd, instead of some comic book superhero.
A few hours went by, you spent the time people watching. You paid particular attention to a girl, not much younger than you, she looked just like Natasha, she even ordered a vodka and soda, you just smiled to yourself.
You heard someone slid into the barstool next to you, it must have been at least midnight at this point. He ordered an old fashioned, Bucky's signature. You just kept your attention trained on the other patrons, that was until you felt a hand splayed across your back and warm breath fanning out across your bare shoulder, you were ready to punch a man at least twice your size. You turned around, hand balled into a fist.
"Hey, pup"
It must've been the drinks, it had to have been. Bucky's tongue was hot and heavy in your mouth, hands all over your body. He kicked your door closed behind the both of you, pushing you up against it, rough. The wind was knocked from your lungs, his lips travelled down your face, leaving a trail of wet kisses across your jaw and down your neck. He nipped at the shell of your ear before growling, low and animalistic.
"I saw you covered in that blood on the mission, and I just couldn't help myself, pup, I had to get myself a taste"
fuck. me.
@vicmc624 @dee-vn
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heyitsyn · 5 years ago
Shirabu x Reader
a/n: im not very familiar with shirabu on a spiritual level like i am w the other characters but ill try my best!! 
request:  okok haikyuu hcs: shirabu is reader’s childhood best friend and messed up their last game in middle school because he changed his setting style to accommodate ushijima,,, and reader, as the manager is very very pissed and they get into a huge fight,,, so once they get to stz they’re academic rivals, reader became the vbc manager just to spite him (oh yea they definitely still have crushes on each other but it’s hard with the current situation) only if it’s ok!! not a lot of ppl write for him :
this is kinda the best friends-to-rivals-to-friends again-to-lovers
requests open!!
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lets get our inhalers bc this finna be a wild one luvs
so, basically,
you and him were actually childhood friends since he lived next door to you
lets say you met when you were 5 and you just stuck on to this slightly cold and dismissive boy who was the shy type
idk bout you but i actually like that type
ppl dont really understand how yall got along bc you were the extrovert and the laughing type of girl
he only stuck around bc you were actually a smart person who helped him occassionally w your organized notes
but he still appreciates your time and efforts to be his friend despite his personality
plus, you also liked volleyball and together you both would watch volleyball matches in his house where you would see him with a smile that he unconsciously wears
like when yall were 8, you gave him a volleyball for his birthday since he lost his old one when he was playing by the river
at first, he was like, ‘oh, thanks, i needed this’
but then as he started tossing it up and down, you could see that bashful smile starting to surface
you shrieked, 
bc you rarely see it and you think its super cute,
and just wrap him up in a hug and he turns all shy again but with a soft smile and a soft blush
‘thanks, n/n-chan’
uh oh, feelings
since he mainly focused on doing homework or studying, not a whole lot of kids really approached him to hang out since they thought he only lived to study and play volleyball
but you didnt care bc youve been friends w this bun for a long time and you know hes not really like that
he has fun moments too
since you were the manager of the volleyball team, you always try to showcase how fun he was by trying to take the team to bonding places 
the team does think that shirabu has fun but only if its w you
one afternoon, you naturally just go to his house w him since your mothers know youre practically best friends and so you basically live in each others houses
yall were about halfway through middle school so shirabu has been studying more to get scholarships for schools
he was studying on the little table while leaning against his bed while you were just lounging on his bed after studying
oikawa 2.0
you pouted at the distracted reply before sitting up and wrapping your arms around his shoulder from behind him and placing your chin on his shoulder
‘lets do something fun!!!! im boredddd’
he wasnt really fazed by the skinship bc youve been like that to him since day 1
but thats going to change soon
‘i have a new sudoku book over there that you could do’
omg what
you shrieked in betrayal before leaping off the bed and grabbing his arm to stand him up
shirabu was actually annoyed that you were distracting his studying but seeing a wide grin on your face made him double stop
am i,,,, catching feelings?
nah, he just going through puberty
‘lets go to the fall market! yuki-chan told me theres a new food place that opened and theyre handing out free samples!’
you excitedly told him and continued shaking his arm to persuade him in going
‘n/n-chan, this is my only free day from volleyball to study. i need to pass the test on friday’
you rolled your eyes at that lame excuse
‘i know. i set up the schedule differently bc you have a big test on friday! but you would still have time to study!’
‘but im still unfamilair with the topic-’
‘cmon, ken-chan! youre so smart you could rival buddha!’
‘i dont think,,,,, thats a right comparison’
‘either way, we’re going to hang out and have fun!’
he honestly didnt know why he was at this crowded market w you
shirabu is a whole simp
‘omg ken-chan! look! takoyaki!’
you dragged him to the stall and the nice old lady smiled before taking your order
‘1 box please. ken-chan, you want?’
he shook his head no and started taking out his wallet to pay
but you stopped him
‘no, you dont have to pay since youre not eating’
‘but i want to’
‘ken-chan! you need to save up for college!’
‘no its fine im pay-’
‘here ya go, dear. free of charge’
you both stopped at the nice lady’s sentence
‘no it’s okay. its cute to find a boy who’s willing to pay for his girl since that doesnt really happen nowadays. i hope you have a great rest of your date!’
‘it’s not a da-’
‘thank you, maam’
shirabu takes the box and leads you out of there
you smirk and poke his tummy
‘you want to go on a date with me, ken-chan~?’
he turns red and looks away
‘no. it wouldve taken longer to fully explain the situation so just go along with it to make it faster’
you giggled
‘hm sounds fake but okay’
you both continue to walk around the market and even buy a few things like a mini buddha statue or a pair of cat ears for both of you
with everything you bought, shirabu payed with it all
you were pouting as you walked and he noticed so he nudged you with his elbow
‘oi, what’s wrong?’
you crossed your arms
‘hm.. i dont like that ken-chan is buying and spending money for me on things that symbolize our fun. i want to give ken-chan something to remember this day too!’
shirabu grows flustered but hes really confused
youve always been a thoughtful person who tries to be independent but unconsciously ends up depending on others like him
but your thoughts of wanting to do something in return for him just sounds like heaven right now
lmao what a simp
he looks around for a place that could have something that sparked his interest but nothing caught his eye
until he caught a photo booth by the corner
‘oi, n/n-chan, let’s go there’
you followed his finger and you gasped
‘thats perfect, ken-chan! let’s go!’
you drag him to the booth and you giddily enter the coins for the machine to start
but he was starting to think this wasnt a good idea
he was in a cramp space with you pressed against him
but youve always been glomped to his side since yall were kids so what was the difference now?
bc you catching feelings, fool!
‘ken-chan! its starting!’
he finally snaps out of his flustered state and he raises a peace sign with a smile
with all the pictures, there were funny pictures of you and him,
well mainly you
but he was happy to have them w you
‘ken-chan, you know i love you, but when will you fix your hair?’
he glared at you
‘i like it so its staying that way’
you giggled at his attitude
‘okay, ken-chan. at least it would make you stand out in the crowd so i dont have to look for you!’
you hugged his waist and he froze up, suddenly feeling awkward with this familiar position
its okay, shes naturally like this so calm down
after your hang out, he didnt even bother going back to studying
he just laid on his bed, looking at the strip of pictures with a fond smile
he was happy that you only showed that true, bright, happy grin to him
it was only for him
and he only showed his to you
bc you were you and you were the greatest thing, next to his parents, that he has in his life
omg that thought
he freezes and the picture falls on his face at that realization
omg, does he like you?
youre a great friend and his best friend and he wants to be your friend forever
but then, he realizes
youd separate one day and youd have a boyfriend and get married and have a family without him
no, he wasnt going to let that happen
he didnt like that thought
and thus, began his crush for you
and you were the same thing too but you noticed it later than him
oof, when this one girl confessed to him at the back of the school, you cried to him when yall got home
‘when ken-chan has a girlfriend, he wont hang out with me anymore! hes not going to be my friend anymore!’
it took some reassurance from him and more from your mom, when you got home, to realize that you liked your best friend
and thus began the skinny love stage
the whole volley team knew of your pining and tbh, they thought yall were dating but you were just like, nah, we friends
if anyone were to look at you, they would think the same thing
but ofc, yall are insecure hormonal teenagers who think that the other doesnt like them and if they confess, they would be rejected and that would ruin their friendship and they would not be friends anymore and they dont think they could handle that so its better to keep the feelings hidden and remain friends bc if theyre happy, theyre happy
oml my entire love life
this continued on until the last year of middle school
bc not only do you suddenly stop being friends, you became rivals
so as volleyball manager, you helped the team with whatever they needed in return of them doing their absolute best and winning the game
the last game of the year, you were slightly confused at the way shirabu was playing bc it wasnt the normal way he sets
before, his sets were so good that he could give it to any player and they would spike perfectly
but now, it was so different due to the simple, almost lazy, and very high tosses
the team was slightly irritated bc they couldnt keep up with the high tosses so they couldnt hit it
in between the sets, during break, you pulled him aside as you wiped off his sweat
‘ken-chan, youre not setting properly to the others. theyre getting angry because it doesnt allow them to spike right.’
he glares at you, with almost manic eyes
‘its their fault for not being able to jump high enough. in order to get a point, the ace must get a high toss to aim a quick spike’
‘but theyre not able to jump that high, ken-chan!’
you whispered, worried that he was going too intense and they would lose the game
all the hard-work the others put in, all to waste
‘i dont care. i must start early and change early so ushijima could hit my sets in the future’
‘but they’re not ushijima, kenjiro!’
you whisper-yelled
‘right now, theres no ushijima, no oikawa, its just you and the team. your team’
he was shook that you used his first name and the way you were actually telling him off
youve never been like that before
but he was blinded by his goal in the future
‘why is he our ace if he couldnt even hit tosses meant for an ace?’
‘because hes not the ace you’re hoping him to be!’
‘kenjiro, listen to me, these boys have worked their asses off for years to even come close to playing against seijoh or shiratorizawa. im going to do everything i can to make that happen and im not going to let them lose just bc you are too busy focusing on the future rather than the present’
with the way he looked at you, you really thought he would listen to you and play the way his team needs him to play
but no, he played the way he thought ushijima needed him to play
in the end, due to the foreign and unfamiliar tosses, they were unable to hit as much points causing them to lose
you could never forget the looks on your fellow classmates, who were also going to graduate this year, as they watched the ball that shirabu tossed, hit the floor right next to them
to say you were pissed was an understatement
you were F U R I O U S ™
you held the hands of the first years as they were devastated at their first loss
but you caught the eye of your ‘friend’ and he was biting his lip in irritation and anger
as your team was walking to their locker room to get changed, you pulled shirabu aside
‘what the hell’
he stared at you
‘we lost. we lost bc they couldnt keep up’
‘kenjiro! are you not listening to yourself?! you lost because you couldnt accept the fact that your teammates arent ushijima wakatoshi! you couldnt accept the fact that they’re not tall enough! strong enough! ace-like enough! and for what?! for the future?! the future where you’re going to set for someone like ushijima?!’
‘i vowed to set for a player like him, y/n! i want to toss a ball to someone as powerful and as talented as him! thats a promise i intend to keep’
you were dumbfounded 
he was acting on his own reasons and selfish intent, even costing them a game, for his preparation in the future
‘i cannot believe you right now. i didnt know you were so selfish, shirabu. of all the years i knew you, you were never like this. so what changed?’
at the almost betrayed look on your face hurt him bc weren’t you always there to help him? to support him? wasnt that the reason you became a manager in the first place? 
‘you dont understand, y/n. i need to change the way i play now because it will greatly benefit me in the future’
honestly, you didnt even know why you were so angry about this
sure, it was volleyball and it was just a game
you had high school to win it again
but maybe it was the fact that he wasn’t being the shirabu you knew
the ken-chan you grew up with and harbored feelings for for years
he was turning to someone that worked not for himself, but for some guy he has never even spoken to
you blinked away the tears and looked off the side, away from his face
‘right. the future. yanno, if youre already like this, i dread to think about how you would act once you get that goal of yours. but i know one thing. im not going to be there to see it happen’
god that last sentence
he felt a piece of his world crumble bc were you saying goodbye? were you leaving him?
‘i cant see you torture yourself into changing into a new person, kenjiro. so good luck finding someone who can’
‘oh yea? well, i dont need you! i’ll be perfectly fine on my own and find someone better than you! youre easily replacable!’
that was a big booboo love
that fight costed him more than a decade of friendship and a few years of love
despite living so closely together, you refused to even acknowledge him and when your parents got together, you’d find some way to be out ofthe house or you’d lock yourself in your room
he tried many times to get to you and even cried to you, begging to not leave him
but you willed strong and you left him alone
omg she handled this so bad and i cant w puberting teenagers
eventually, he got tired of chasing you and was now angry at you for picking a team of people youve only met for a few years over him who’s been there for you since you were 5
he was betrayed, cold, and sad
without each other to be there, you both studied even harder and eventually, you were both able to get into shiratorizawa
initially, you wanted nothing to do w that school since you knew kenjiro was going to be in it and that bastard ushijima wakatoshi was too
um,,, babygurl ushi did nothing to you
but your mother really wanted you to go to a nice school since she wanted you to go to a nice college
since yall werent friends anymore, he didnt know you wouldn’t be in shiratorizawa
so imagine his surprise when he saw you entering his class with the girls uniform on and a completely new hairstyle and hair color and were you wearing makeup?!
lmao she acting like they broke up
anyways, all he knows, is that boys were already looking at you and vying for attention and dear god, he didnt know how to handle that
for the first month of school, youd think you would just be ignoring each other like you did back in middle school
but nope!
somehow, yall were now talking again!
except it was a mean type of talking
you see, shirabu studied as much as he breathed and you were just a naturally smart sister who didnt study as much
but you still were able to make it to the top and currently, you were the 1st in your entire class
‘ara ara? 1st again? better luck next time, shirabu-kun~’
he glared at you from his seat as you passed by with a smug grin
this fueding is giving me vertigo
‘shut up. at least some of us work for our grades’
that was so weak lmao
but you turned around to blink your eyelashes, slightly mocking him
‘eh? are you saying that i’m naturally gifted? yanno, shirabu-kun, naturally gifted people are much better than those who have to work for it. you play with ushijima-senpai, right? so you’d know the difference between you two.’
bringing up ushijima always pained him but he kept repeating it to himself that he was doing it so that he could go to nationals
sensing his silence as defeat, you waved your hand and went back to conversing w your other friends
this continued on again for a while and he was already sick and tired of it
not only was it beginning to get annoying, it was beginning to hurt
he cornered you at your locker
aaaaa kabedon!!!!!!!
‘listen to me and listen well, y/n’
yessir im listening
‘whatever the hell youre doing, cut it out. youre not going to rile me up anymore and im not going to give you the reactions you want. i dont understand why youre doing this to me but you need to stop before i make you’
ngl, that tone of his voice was the lowest youve heard and it made you so red bc that was just hot
but you gulped before grinning wolfishly, hand pressed against his chest and the other snaking around his neck
you pulled him down to your level so you could lean close to his ear
‘now you listen to me and listen well, ken-chan, youre not my best friend anymore so you can no longer tell me what to do, kay?’
shirabu was just flustered at the close proximity between your lips and his ears that he completely missed your warning
he only snapped out of it when you walked away, heading towards your next class
you sat in class that day, wondering how to tease him more
clearly, just words wouldnt make him irritated
gurl why you doing this
and you were stumped until you saw a red-haired looking guy accompanied by a gray-haired looking guy coming up to you
ofc you recognized them from the volley team since you’ve,,,,,,maybe seen a few practices
you thought theyd just pass by but they stopped in front of you and you looked up w wide eyes
‘can,,,, i help you?’
‘wow shes cute!’
the red head shouted and you shrunk under the gazes of these tall men
‘sorry about him. im semi eita, second year’
you shook his hand and you introduced yourself before soon finding out this other guy was tendo satori
‘so what do you need me for?’
‘you see, we’re kinda in need of a manager. and i think its better to have a manager who is close to a player in the team. i apologize to say this but i saw you and shirabu-san by the lockers the other day and i think its best to have his girlfriend as our manager’
you shrieked, shocked that they thought you were
at this mention, you got a flashback from the festival and you soon turned bright red at the label of you being kenjiro’s girlfriend
‘and youre so cute y/n-chan! i can see what our darling kouhai sees in you!’
‘no, you got it all wrong its-’
then you stopped
omg this was the perfect opportunity
no gurl stop jesus take the wheel
shirabu would hate it if you were a manager bc that would give you more room to tease him
then you smiled
‘i accept, senpais. i want to see my baby in action after all’
they were ecstatic since it was a hassle to find a manager who wasnt infatuated w ushijima
you exchanged contacts and soon, you were brought to meet the team
oh boy when kenjiro saw you at the door, he dropped the ball on his head
what in the hell were you doing here
‘guys, this is our new manager!’
you peeked out from tendo and waved at them
‘hello, my name is l/n y/n, first year. and im glad to be your manager’
noticing shirabu’s shocked form, tendo and semi shared a look and interpreted as, hes so happy that his senpais chose his girlfriend for him so now he could show off and play better and that could hopefully turn his attitude to be more grateful and respectful rather than this dismissive and disrespectful behavior
but shirabu was dying inside
oh god, youre totally going to tease him during practice and hes not going to be at his best and hes not going to be able to prove himself to ushijima
‘oi! shirabu-kun! come be grateful to your senpais for letting your darling girlfriend as our manager!’
‘hey baby!’
omg, what
again, you have a loud and expressive personality so you were kinda shameless so you just ran up and hugged him
aaaaa this is so embarassing wth
‘didnt you miss me? oh, youre so cute!’
god, he knows youre only here to spite him
right on point, good sir
ugh you were practically teasing him as the manager and you were having so much fun making him all flustered
but he was also spiteful 
sometimes, he would stick his foot out whenever youd run towards a player and hed laugh at you embarassing yourself in front of them
youd return the favor by accidentally throwing his water bottle at his face
‘oh, gomen, ken-chan’
the entire time, the team was baffled to see the usual stoic and dismissive shirabu so freely laughing and actually teasing you
they think its just for good fun and not the aim of hurting each other since yall are dating and youre just flirting
combined w being academic rivals and now rivals during the team, you both were unintentionally becoming close again
the brutality was slowly simmering to a low heat
and turn the over on at 350 degrees
now, it was just to make each other flustered
the crush that you thought was gone, was slowly digging itself out like the zombies in plants vs zombies
and my god you were annoyed
from now on, you were nothing but rivals and a parasite on his side
him feeling the same
dating would cause too much and the hurtful words would eventually come back up and you concluded that you were just too different
you didnt conclude shit
one time, the team was walking from practice to a nearby convenience store to pick up food
ofc you were picking out a billion foods and you just shoved them all to his arms
‘my darling boyfriend would pay for it because he loves me. ya know what they say, make his pockets hurt’
he glared at you 
‘as far as i remember, i wasnt dating a pig’
ngl, that hurt a little bc hes calling you a fattie
but he still went up to pay for it and you intentionally bumped him with your hips to annoy him but it caused him to drop his wallet to fall
and out came his money and that picture
the picture from nearly 3 years ago
you bent down to pick it up before he could even move 
god, yall were so happy and young back then
it was awkward silent since you didnt give it back and yall walked out of the store and the team was sensing the weird vibe around you two
‘oi, what happened? its so tense!’
‘did you fight?’
‘did you get caught making out by the aisles?’
‘ong shut up, kai!’
yall kai is a third year senpai that i completely made up since we dont get insight on the senpais before ushijima
but the team noticed the weird aura around you two and decided to walk away to give yall some space
‘can-will you hand it over now?’
shirabu mumbled
you nodded and pushed it in his hands
‘why,,,, why do you still have it?’
‘you gave it to me. of course id still have it’
you were silent before coughing
‘can we talk?’
‘its about time we do’
yall walked away from the team towards your home but were taking weird turns and corners to prolong the walk
you looked up to see him and you laughed
‘this is ridiculous. its not fair’
‘what are you talking about?’
he whispered
‘i was so angry at you for saying that you dont need me and that you could easily find someone better because i knew that and i didnt like it. but i was so hurt that it came from your mouth. out of everyone, i would rather die than hear you say that to me. i think thats why ive been like this. i dont know, im being stupid. i was being stupid.’
he stopped walking and clenched his fist while glaring at the ground
‘you told me you were going to leave me. you were telling me that you wouldnt be friends with me anymore. i had to choose between you or volleyball and i wasnt at the right state of mind at that time so i chose incorrectly’
you noticed him not beside you anymore so you went behind him to rest your forehead on his back so he would see you since he preferred to be honest while not looking at you
‘ken-chan, we messed up big time, didnt we?’
his body shook as he laughed
‘i guess we did’
‘it was only over a game. i was so mean and dramatic and ive called you names and said bad stuff about you and im sorry’
‘im not innocent either. i said those words to you and im sorry’
despite slightly making up now, you both knew those feelings would have to wait because you were only getting each other back
‘can we start over, ken-chan?’
‘you want to?’
‘then we will’
omg the whiplash this is giving me
so yall are finally becoming friends and your families are relieved yall made up again bc wowza those dinners were torturous
‘now that they made up, we can go back to planning their wedding’
slowly but surely, everything has been going steady and your friendship was getting better
but you didnt admit to the club about everything bc again, shirabu was like, ‘i dont feel like explaining everything’
you both still kept a rivalry but it was friendly this time with cute wagers like treat me to milk bread or banana milk
tOOrU oIKaWA’s fAvoRiTE fOod iS MiLK bREaD
he came over often and studied w you and yall would end up actually just watching a movie or watching brain games, unconsciously cuddled up on the couch
this new closeness was doing damage to your heart bc you were again reminded of how much you liked this boy
initially, you thought it would just go away and never be seen again but it said
sIKe biH!
every time you saw him, youd unconsciously sweep away a stray hair and fix it to his weird crooked style
but whenever you do that, shirabu would get a close view of your face and omg you were freaking beautiful
and thats saying something from a guy who saw you through your awkward phase
hes unconsciously touching you more and showing more affection, even more than when yall were young
just being w you was emotionally exhausting as he holds himself back from doing drastic things but he was over it
he was done with all the years of pining for you so finally found the balls to do something about it
you were over at his place to study for exams and he was coming back up with juice
you were slumped over your calculus textbook with your hair in a bun and glasses on wearing his clothes
god theyre practically dating already
‘ken-chan, come help me with this’
he nods and goes to sit behind you
with his tall height, he was able to look over your shoulder and place his chin on it and tbh, you were so frustrated w the problem you didnt care about the closeness
‘you misplaced a decimal so everything got all wrong’
he mumbled
you gasped and made a noise of agreement before changing your answer
he didnt move though, instead wrapping his arms around yourwaist
‘oi, n/n’
this is a familiar scene
‘wanna go to the market tomorrow?’
at the mention of the market you stopped and leaned back
oh god your heart leapt at the feeling of his chest behind you but you composed quickly
‘should we?’
you turned to gauge his reaction at your closeness but he gently smiled
you havent been back to the market together since that day and it was so nostalgic as you both did the things you did back then
from the takoyaki to the stalls
it was so fun
but your heart was beating so fast
his smiling face and thoroughly enjoyed face was doing palpations in your heart
you looked away to stop staring at him and found the photo booth
‘look, ken-chan! the photo booth!’
he chuckled at the thought
‘should we go get another one?’
‘yes! come on!’
you quickly inserted the money and shirabu had flashbacks
but this time it was going to be different
‘okay lets start!’
the first picture, it was a peace sign
the second one was a wacky one
but the next one, was different
‘oi y/n’
the shutter went off just in time of him kissing you
the bright light caused you to close your eyes and you soon forgot what was happening
all you knew you were kissing ken-chan
your best friend
turned enemy
turned friend again
and now,,, were you lovers?
this rollercoaster is quite loopy
he pulled away and rested his forehead against yours
‘im sorry if-’
‘no balls, do it again’
and this time you lunged back for another
and again, this time, not only did you give him another photo, but you also gave him your heart
la fin.
yall what did i just write
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cloudykaii · 5 years ago
pairing: bts x eighth member!reader [platonic]
summary:  omg i just real some of your eight member scenarios and eveerything was so good!! i wasnt into eight member things before but now.. im super in! 😭 can you do a scenario about compilation of the members little caring act on stage, backstage, when theres camera or not, something like that to the eight members?? if you make it then i would be so delighted. than you !!
warnings: none, it’s just really fluff :( some of it might not make sense, but i really love this
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A lot of things could be said about your brothers. Each and every one of them had their moments and mistakes, just like you did. Some people would call them rude, or selfish amongst other things, but the one thing they could never say, is that they didn’t care about you. ARMY pointed it out all the time; they even had compilations of moments the eight of you cared for each other, but your favorite were the ones titled things like: “six minutes of proof that bts’ world revolves around y/n.”
Jin jumped as your head fell against his bicep. You were at an afterparty for an awards show the eight of you had been asked to present at. The music wasn’t too loud- you used to joke that it was because everyone knew rich people liked to brag. You had no idea where the rest of your brothers were but you and Jin had been perched on the oddly comfortable sofa as he socialized. He could feel your hairpins digging into his shoulder. 
“Y/N, are you okay?” You didn’t answer and he moved slightly so that he could reach across and tap your arm, but you moved with him. He felt your even breathing and sighed. You still had around two hours left before they could leave. 
One of the girls he had been talking to chuckled as you gave a tiny shiver in your sleep. “She must be tired.”
He smiled at her before slipping off his blazer to cover you with it. “She works hard, sometimes I think she works harder than the rest of us,” he chuckled, pulling you closer so that he could make sure she was comfortable. 
No one knows how a fan account had that video trending on twitter under the hashtag #BabyY/N three days later. 
One bad thing about being the only girl in an idol group, is that sometimes you get the least amount of consideration. Not because they didn’t respect you or anything like that, it’s just that after styling for seven boys, you think sometimes the staff tends to forget you are not a guy, or maybe they had never seen a girl in real life.
Or at least that’s what the short dress you were wearing had you feeling like. It’s not like it wasn’t pretty, a black skirt and connected by a thin, white lacy strip that wrapped around your abdomen. It was gorgeous, and the silky ribbon of a choker around your neck made it look even better, but it was just.. so short. 
You powered through like a trooper, despite the fear in the back of your mind that you were flashing the entire audience while you danced. The minute the song stopped and everyone moved to get a drink of water, Yoongi was taking his jacket off and tying it around your waist. 
Not speaking into the mic, you let him do as he wanted but asked, “Are you even allowed to do that? Won’t the stylist say something about how you ruined her outfit?”
Tightening the knot of material, he rolled his eyes. “Honestly, I don’t give a fuck what the stylist has to say right now. Not only is your outfit not okay, but it’s obviously making you uncomfortable. You can wear this until the next outfit change.”
“Thank you,” you hugged him briefly, glad he had your back. 
There was a time where you guys were recording a live during a long break while at practice. Fans talked about it for ages afterwards. Taehyung sat against one of the mirrors, holding his phone, while Jimin was in the picture beside him. 
“Basically, that’s it. We haven’t really-”
“Y/N, stop running around, you’re going to hurt yourself!” Jimin’s voice cut in, making the other man look over. 
“What is she doing?”
Jimin huffed, “I have no idea, but she’s going to- Y/N, at least t- no actually come here, I’ll do it for you.”
And when you bounced into the view of the camera, only for all the fans to see Jimin pulling your foot to him so he could tie your shoe. “Be careful this time, even if you’re playing tag.”
Jeongguk laughed at the camera, the comments being ridiculous. He was doing a live, answering questions about the embarrassing moments he chose to talk about. “No, it was funny! He fell, but then he tried to play it off by doing pushups, but he feel while trying to do that, so-”
He heard the door open in the background, and the camera saw him turn to the side just before he let out an “oomf.” The side profile of your face was visible to the viewers as you moved to curl against him on the bed. You rubbed your eyes sleepily, and he frowned. “It’s really late, you’re supposed to be asleep.”
You mumbled, “I was, but then I got scared and woke up. I didn’t want to be alone.” He pouted at that. You tended to have nightmares whenever you were stressed, and since he was the one who found out about them first, he was usually the person you ran to. 
“Do you wanna sleep in here?” He asked softly. Everyone tuned in could hear everything, but your brother barely remembered that he was even recording as he fussed over you. You nodded, already drifting off on his shoulder. He smiled down at you before turning back to the camera. He read the many comments of everyone cooing over you. “Yeah, she’s alright. I’ll tell her to tell you guys herself tomorrow. Anyways..” 
Of course, there were incidents that were more serious. 
The sun was setting, which made the perfect picture for the shoot you guys were about to do. The rooftop everyone was on was beautiful and stone, the kind of background you saw in movies. The sun seemed to glitter, and the wind made everything sway until the lake’s seemingly glittering waves caught your eye. “Whoa,” you gasped, moving closer to get a look.
You waved off Taehyung’s warning. “I’ll be careful! I just want to get a closer look!” You walked back over to the edge, admiring the way the sun sparkled on the water. You subconsciously leaned closer, moving your body a little too far against the thin railing, but before you could topple over, a hand grabbed the back of your jacket with a tight grip, yanking you back until you were a good distance away from the railing. 
Your back hit someone else’s and you recognized Taehyung as you turned to see him. He stared down at you. “I said be careful!” 
“I’m sorry,” you said a little shakily. Taehyung sighed before pulling you back into a hug. “Having a little sister is so hard, you’re not leaving my sight for the rest of the day.”
Another moment fans loved to talk about actually happened at a fansign. You smiled brightly as the next fan came up to you, following the line. “Hello!” you greeted happily. 
Something about this girl threw you off though, and the look in her eyes had you unintentionally leaning away from her. You couldn’t decipher it, but when nothing happened, you told yourself you were just overthinking it. She was probably just excited to meet what could have been her favorite artist group, right? 
You stood by Hoseok as the fansign ended, moving to follow him out of then venue. He chuckled as he looked at you. “You have that look.”
You wrinkled your nose. “What look?” 
“The one that says you’re hungry,” he teased, poking you in the stomach, making you whine. “Well, maybe-”
“Y/N!” You turned around, cutting yourself off mid sentence, to see the fan from earlier. “I found you.” Her smile was a little too bright as she reached for you, only for Hoseok to push you behind him as you stuttered out, “I’m sorry, we really have to go.” 
You moved to attempt to leave after that, but her demeanor quickly changed. Her face changed from too happy and delighted, to dark and angry. Her eyes narrowed, and she reached for you more aggressively this time. “Don’t be son ungrateful,” she squeezed your wrist painfully and you cried out as security finally made their way over. 
Hoseok immediately pulled you to him, looking at the rapidly forming bruise on your wrist. Even though at the moment, it was just a large red mark, his face still tightened. “This never should have happened,” he cursed when he noticed tears in your eyes. 
He pulled you into a hug as he waited for the rest of your brothers to show up. “It won’t happen again,” he promised you. 
The moment that was probably the most talked about, was when a talk show host felt the need to ask you how it felt. Namjoon shared a glance with you. 
“Excuse me?” you asked timidly, straightening up. 
The interviewer turned to you. “Oh, you speak English! I was just asking how it felt to be so similar to a child all the time.” The man’s tone of voice didn’t even change, but the idea that he had expected Namjoon to translate this to you, and now casually asked you as if there was nothing wrong with the question. “You know, they’re always taking care of you, it makes it seem like you can’t do anything by yourself. Does it ever irritate you?”
You tried laughing it off, the chuckle leaving your lips as you ticked a strand of hair behind your ear awkwardly. “Not really. They’re not doing anything to be condescending, and I know that.”
“Do you feel like that is because you need their help?”
“That’s enough,” Namjoon cut in, his jaw clenched as he slid forward a little in his seat as if to help get his point across. “Y/N is perfectly capable of taking care of herself. We pitch in to check on her because we love and care about her, and she does the same for us. She is not a child but a grown woman who we love and care about enough to make sure she’s okay and gets the nice treatment she deserves. With all due respect, if you insult our sister again, we will be forced to cut this short.”
You looked over to him, offering a silent thank you as the interviewer coughed, trying to recover. The bad news was that this interview was live, so he really couldn’t do anything but sit there and realized he had just embarrassed himself. 
Honestly, what else is there to say? You loved and cared about your brothers, and they loved and cherished you. 
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thedramaclubs · 4 years ago
Tonight belongs to you
Summery: it’s prom night and the group is going to have the night of there lives
Ships: Logicality, Prinxiety, demus/dukeceit
When they’re singing
Patton- blue
Duet- orange
Kaylee- black
Ms Greene- pink
It’s prom night. Remus is at Patton’s helping him pick out a suit. “You better hurry up in there or your gonna me my drag alter ego....Eugene lee yang from the try guys.” Patton came out wearing a light blue tux.
“What do you think?”
“Well it’s better than the pink. But you got fuzz on your shoulders. You’ve got great shoulders”
“This isn’t working” Remus clean off the fuzz
“Don’t panic...does this help?”
I don’t know?....What did you wear to your prom?” Remus got quiet “Well I was gonna wear a dark green dress with sparkles everywhere. But this isn’t about me this is about you. Your gonna have the night of your life.” Remus walked back to get a view of the tux.
“Hey what’s your date wearing?”
“I don’t know.” Remus’s face change to confusion. “He didn’t give you a little fashion show?”
“I’ve never been to his house. His mother doesn’t know about us.” Patton felt anxious
“How long have you been together?”
“A year an a half.”
“Oh my god....”
“But he’s coming out tonight big time that’s the plan.......I’m really scared”
“Well for so many reasons but mainly because.......half of the people their still hate me.” The room got quiet. Remus put out his hand for Patton and they sat on Patton’s bed.
“Look I never went to my prom.” Remus started to tear up. Patton gave him a hug and a single tear fell from his face. “Looks like your mystery boyfriend and I never had your courage. You made all of this happened and when you walked into that gym tonight, you know what their gonna see.....the bravest person in the world.”
Patton gave a small smile and a nervous giggle “This is scary does everyone go through this?”
“Are you kidding of course. Right now girls are spraying on their tans, whitening their teeth and shoving their fingers down their throats one last time and trying to look their best for the prom. But they are wasting their time. They might as well be wearing a garbage bag........with the word “whore” on it and you know why.........because.......they’re whores.”
Patton was shocked “WHAT?!”
Remus then regretted that last statement
“No my god they don’t have the glow you have right now”
“I trust you completely and that’s kinda scary”
I can tell your feeling wary but you can count on uncle reemy he turn this butchy duck into a swan
Your whole look could use a shake up you can borrow all my make up and the pair of SPANX I currently have on
I think I’ll past
Treat the whole world like your run way make it fierce but in a fun way try to flip your hair like Cher and drag queens do
And I don’t mean to be rude dear but you could use some attitude dear
Let’s show the school tonight belongs to you
One things universal, life no dress rehearsal, so why not makes some waves before it’s through
Go big or you’ve blown it, it’s time that you own it let’s make it clear that tonight belongs to you
Now whatever we choose we gotta make sure to sell it
How do I do that?
Allow Ms Allen to demonstrate
You might find this disconcerting but old Remus has done some flirting
Try to bat your eyes and smile each time you grin
I can guess your whole agenda
You be Elphie I’m Galinda
It’s makeover time so why not just give in
One things universal
Life’s no dress rehearsal
So why not make some waves before it’s through
Go big or you’ve blown it
It’s time that I own it (yes sir!)
Let’s make it clear that tonight belongs to you
Belongs to me
Kaylee and Shelby are at Kaylees house
“Oh god I can’t believe this is finally happening” Said Kaylee
“He almost ruined it for all of us” Said Shelby
“Well what goes around comes around. You look hot”
“You look so hot”
Well I hate to sound conceited but the boys get over heated when I strike a pose or or two like thus *they do poses here*
And you have to hand it to me I mean even I would do me
Let’s show the world tonight belongs to us
One things universal, life no dress rehearsal excuse me while I state the obvious
go big or you’ve blown it
It’s time that we own it lets make it clear that tonight belongs to us
Logan finished getting dress. He was in a black tux with a dark blue tie with his hair pulled back with gel.
“You look so handsome. You should always wear your hair like this.”
Logan took a deep breath. “Mom I want you to know what’s gonna happen tonight I-”
“Shh can we not spoil this moment. I’ve worked very hard on this night. I have a right to enjoy it too. Your gonna have a wonderful prom like a normal boy I made sure of that”
“What does that mean?”
I don’t like when strangers in my way or when somebody messes with the PTA
Or maybe that’s just me trust me
Fixes little problems is what I do now everyone is happy I promise you
And I would never ever miss a night like this Logan your my super Star now get your ass in the car
The Prom has begun. Every is dancing and having the night of their lives. Everyone has worked so hard for this night music blasting, streamers and confetti flying and everyone haveing the night of their lives.
One things universal life’s no dress rehearsal excuse me while I state the obvious
Go big or you’ve blown it
It’s time that we own it
And make it clear that tonight belongs to
Make it clear that tonight belongs to
Make it clear that tonight belongs
TO US!!!
Patton and the actors are at the gym door about to go inside we’re the rest of the kids are.
“You look so handsome” Said Roman
“Are you sure it’s not to boyish?”
“No it’s definitely boyish.” Said Janus as he held a little box.
“He means it’s not to boyish. My husband likes to mess with people time to time but that’s what I love about him.” Janus blushed at what Remus Said. “You did good Remus. I thought you had no fashion sense whatsoever but I was wrong.”
“Thanks Roman. Where’s your date?”
“We’re meeting inside the gym. He’s still a little shy about all this but he’ll be there.”
“Well this is were we leave you our work here is done.” Remus got the box from Janus and inside was a boutonniere. He pinned it on Patton’s tux and they started to walk away.
“Can you walk me in Remus? I’m a little nervous.”
Remus gave a small smile “of course.” The two of them squealed and walked in the gym
“We did good you guys. Now who’s wants a drink?” Roman, Janus, Thomas and Joan walked out.
The moment Remus and Patton walked in the gym.........they were in shocked. The gym was empty. Their was no one there except for Virgil on the phone and some balloons and streamers.
“What’s going on?”
“I’m just putting the pieces together give me one second.” Virgil went back on the the phone and Remus kept looking around the sad and empty gym.
“Where is everybody?”
“What’s going on here?” Once Remus said that Roman, Janus, Thomas and Joan came in.
“Something’s wrong. The entire parking lot is empty!” Roman looked around
“Jesus what’s the theme of the prom death row!” Said Joan
Patton’s voice started to shake “Mr Hawkins. Where are all the kids? I don’t understand?”
Logan and his mom were at the real prom and Logan was concerned
“I don’t understand. Why aren’t we at the gym?”
His mom provided and explainantion “Well at last minute their was a problem and we had to change the venue.” “Mom what’s going on tell me the truth.”
“This is what happened as I understand it the courts told the pta to hold and inclusive prom.”
“Don’t worry we did what we had to do”
“There was some resistance but the parents met without my knowledge and organized 2 proms”
“We gave him a prom”
“One for all the kids at elk lodge down town”
At both places
“Oh my god” Said Patton and Logan
And THIS prom.....JUST for you!”
“Now you go have fun! I will be here to make sure everything is perfect”
Patton’s voice was shaking “Wait no I got texts from kids at school everyone said it was here!”
“They lied to you it was part of the plan.”
“Oh my god!” Roman exclaimed
“YOU LIED TO ME!” Yelled Logan at Kaylee and Shelby
“Who’s the lier.”
“We know about you and Patton.”
“Trust us we’re doing you a favor.”
“You can thank us later.”
“Patton I’m so so sorry this is...... IM STILL IN SHOCK” Patton walked away to cry a little
“So your saying the whole town kept this from him?!” Said Thomas
“This is so cruel” Said Janus
“I’m gonna cry!” Remus ran into Janus’s arms and started to cry.
“This is a disaster.” Said Roman
“This is a PR problem.” Said Joan as they walked to Roman
“No we had a PR problem, this is a full-blown disaster this is the end of my career.” Virgil overheard the conversation.
“Whoa whoa, that’s why you came here for publicity!?” Roman walked to the taller man “Virgil you don’t know how the world works.” “Yes I do......unfortunately.” Patton put his glasses back on and walked to the front of the gym.
One things universal, life’s no dress rehearsal, when people find a scapegoat, to condemn. We went big yet we’ve blown it I guess I should have known it all along tonight belong............. to them
Patton’s phone rang
“I swear I didn’t know.”
“You were on the prom committee how did you not know?”
“It was Kaylee and Shelby. They found out we were together they didn’t want me to tell you.”
“I don’t believe you.”
“Then come met me.”
Silence. Logan began to cry
“I can’t”
“You can’t or you won’t?”
“My mom is here.”
“WELL LEAVE HER!” Tears we’re streaming down Patton’s face
“She’s watching me every second!”
“I’ve had enough”
“I mean it’s not how I thought it would go I’m sorry.”
“Great, perfect, that fixes everything, have fun at the normal persons prom!” Patton hung up.
“Patton. PATTON!”
Remus than interjected “Okay here’s what we’re gonna do, we are gonna go to that prom and-”
“NO THIS ALREADY THE WORSE NIGHT OF MT LIFE JUST STOP HELPING ME!!” Patton ran out of the gym crying and Janus followed after him
And make it clear that tonight belongs to
Make it clear that tonight belongs to
Make it clear that tonight belongs
TO US!!!!!!!
End of act 1
Okay so I’m gonna take a break from writing the au for a bit. I’ll still be on tumblr and you guys can talk to me I’m just gonna take a break do for about a week or 2. if you want to be tag let me know
People to tag/ @artissijules @patt-off @frogsandcookies @icantthinkofacreativeurl @purplestarrystars @actingonimpulse
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words-for-holland · 5 years ago
Happier (2) | T.H.
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Summary: Kate and Harrison question Y/N on why she really left Tom. Natalie and Harrison become Tom’s shoulder to cry on. Another message?
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8
A/N: By popular demand, Ive decided to continue Happier! Thank you for the support !
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The only word that can describe Y/N and Tom’s experience after being apart for a whole week. The feeling where you wake up from an awful nightmare praying to never experience it again. The only difference, this was no nightmare. It was very much real.
Happiness and love were now just meaningless words for them. Days and nights can pass, but the emptiness in their hearts stayed. While Y/N had her fair share of reasons for being apart, Tom still couldnt understand. She had to have known that no matter what, Tom would always pick her. With the slightest ounce of hope, he’d text Y/N at least once a day to make sure she was okay. But each unanswered text brought a wave of disappointment.
“Hey mate...Cmon I know you’re waiting for her, but now’s not the time.” Harrison explained, his heart breaking for his best friend. “You need to give her the space she needs.”
“I just cant believe she really left me.” Tom muttered. His head hung low, hair an unruly mess, and his facial hair sprouting, but his eyes remained the same. Brown, puffy and welled up with tears. “All because of these stupid fucking rumors!” He yelled out in frustration throwing his phone at the closet. Tom sulked into the closet to grab his phone, right next to it was a small box that contained a promise he was going to make to her, had everything not gone all to shit.
“Shit...” Harrison muttered. “You were going to propose to her.” He knew Tom was bound to pop the question to Y/N, but he never thought he’d see the day that she would fall out and leave his best friend. Yet, it all seemed off. In the time he knew Y/N, she was never the one to give up, especially when it came to Tom.
“Yeah...I was going to ask on our anniversary next month. I love her...more than anything.” Tom confessed, staring at the diamond cut ring. “Before she left, she wished me happiness. Saying I’d be happier with Natalie, but i just don’t believe that.”
Harrison was about to open his mouth, when Natalie popped in their doorway, giving a small sympathetic smile. “Hey...I heard you two in the hallway. Is everything alright?” She asked.
“Mmm..Nat. I don’t think now’s the —”
“No it’s okay. She can come in.” Tom interrupted Harrison as he gestured Natalie to sit with them.
“Look. I know you’re upset by the whole thing, but you shouldn’t have to be.” She explained, her hand rubbing Tom’s for comfort. “She left you. For what? Because she couldn’t ignore a few comments about us...When there wasnt an us to begin with? She just didn’t care about you as much as you thought she did.”
“Yeah, but Natalie this is Y/N and Tom. The bond between them was supposed to be unbreakable. They’re practically soulmates.” Harrison argued. “It doesn’t mean that Y/N didnt care for him.”
“Look Im just saying if she really loved Tom with all her heart she wouldnt have left him because of me.” Natalie spoke out, flipping her dirty blonde hair to the side. She grabbed Tom’s hand again, and gently stroked soft circles. For Tom it felt good, but it wasn’t Y/N’s touch. Y/N would have traced squiggly lines on the top of his hand because it was less boring.
Harrison scoffed at her gesture. Sure he had known Natalie to be a flirt at times but never picked her to be the friend that got too friendly with another after a messy breakup. “I’ll be back. Have to make a call.” He muttered as he walked away from the most cringey and awkward situation a person has ever been in.
As Harrison made his call, Natalie scooted closer to Tom, leaning on his shoulder as she wrapped her arms around him. “Tom...I know it hurts, but you have to believe she wasn’t right for you. There are so many girls out there that could treat you better.”
“What like you?” Tom rolled his eyes as he put the ring away.
“If you wanted me, yes I could. I’d handle your career and your personality better than anyone else. I dont want to seem forward but I always imagined you’d end up with me. Its silly but I wanted that with you, the whole romantic movie experience.” She explained, endlessy spilling out her idealistic fantasy with him.
Tom was shocked by what he heard. To him Natalie was just a friend he had known most of his life. Maybe there was one time he did have a slight crush on her but that was just it. It was an attraction and nothing more. He thought for a great deal, wondering if this was where it all went wrong. Maybe he should have listened to Y/N more. “Tom did you hear what I said?” Natalie spoke up again, this time threading her fingers on the nape of his neck.
Tom shrugged her off, as he shook his head. He couldnt do this right now, he needed to be alone. “Look lets deal with this another time. I just...I really need to run right now...alone.” Tom excused himself as he grabbed his airpods and quickly left the room. Truthfully he always hated running, but desperate times call for desperate measures.
Meanwhile back in the States, Y/N still felt the affects of her heartbreak. She trudged through the New York apartment like a zombie with no purpose, waiting for someone to finish her off already. It wasn’t like she wanted to break it off, but it was the only logical solution at the time. The only problem, it built off a lifetime of regrets.
Kate watched Y/N from afar, the message she read still clouding her mind. Her best friend was terrible at keeping secrets, let alone she was always the first person Y/N would go to if she ever had one. She observed her very closely, waiting for Y/N to come to her.
Kate felt the usual vibrations of someone calling her phone. Again another unknown number? It was almost similar to the one Y/N had recieved. Maybe it was a robo-call or a psychotic fan, which if it was she’d have to talk with Tom about. A mental note she promised she would get too.
“Listen I dont know who you are, but if its the same person that sent my best friend a threatening message that she’s better off breaking up with her boyfriend...I swear to God I’ll fucking punch you in the face.” Kate threatened, her eyes glaring and fist balling up on the counter.
“Whoa...chill out. It’s me, Harrison. Im a friend of Tom’s.”
Kate looked up with surprise with a helpful pinch of embarassment and relief. “Oh. Hey, what’s up?”
“Nothing. I just wanted to know how Y/N’s holding up. I know she broke up with Tom, but something’s just not right about this. Has she told you anything?” Harrison confessed.
Kate shook her head as she continued to watch Y/N lie on the couch mindlessy scrolling through an already watched list on Netflix. “No. It’s like her soul left her body. I can barely get through to her.”
“Blimey, it’s the same with Tom. This is ridiculous, we should just get them together so they can talk about it.” Harrison groaned, thinking how stupid this all was. They could have saved each from the heartbreak and depression. “Are you sure there’s nothing she told you?”
Kate hesitated for a moment on whether she should answer. “Well... there may be one thing, but she didnt talk per say. It’s more of what I found.”
Harrison stood up, intrigued by her response. “Oh really what did you find?”.
Kate was about to answer until she hear a text go off on her phone.
I wouldnt say anything if I were you 😚
She squinted at the text when another popped up.
That is...if you want to keep your friendship with Y/N 🤫
“Uhh..it was nothing actually. Just found a wallpaper of her and Tom. She hasnt changed it since they broke up and she got a couple of messages......from Tom.” She lied haphazardly.
Harrison was confused and disappointed by her answers, knowing it led to nothing. While Kate was a great liar among all things, this wasn’t her best work. Of course it was all planned in hopes that Harrison, if he was really smart enough, could figure it out.
Harrison was not that smart, but he was a good lie detector, and that was all he needed to know something was definitely up and Natalie, although may be a good friend of his, became a prime suspect.
@hollanddolanfangirl @ifilosemyselfagain @hevjadams
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lemonsuccsblog · 4 years ago
Can u please make a smutty smut EXTRA SMUT of Miyiki Kazuya and his gf who are attending a party (any party) and she teases him, later on she gets punished BIG TIME!
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Word count : 2,527 words
Warnings : public, smut, nsfw, cock ride, bite, spanking, and also my bad writting :>
Summary : Your cousin, invited you to her birthday party and also told you that you can bring one person with you. That person is your boyfriend Miyuki Kazuya, things got a little heated and in the end of the day you got what you always wanted.
Creators Note : I just want to tell you guys that I am bad at writting but I CAN write. I'm just here accepting all your requests 'cause why not! This is my first NSFW so please do enjoy! Sorry in advance if it's not understandable! Here is your request Anon! 🥺❤
Just another 'peaceful' afternoon practice in Seidou's basball club. You paid a visit and saw that they were busy practicing, and as usual you saw Sawamura being loud in the middle of the field and Kuramochi shouting at him back.
Yup, just another 'peaceful' day.
You were busy watching their practice when you phone rang, and as you check who it was you were delighted and immediatley answered the call.
"Hey y/n, where are you right now?"
"The baseball field."
"Oh, anyway! I was looking for you to give you an invitation."
"Don't tell me you forgot...my birthday?"
You laughed nervously at her question and answered no, She let out a deep shigh and continued talking.
"I'm leaving the invitation at your house, and also it has a plus one written in it."
"Plus one..."
"Yep! I gotta go now, Bye y/n!"
We said our goodbyes and she hung up , thinking of what she said about the plus one made me think who to bring, when suddenly a sweaty arm was placed on my shoulder. It was sticky, it reeked of sweat but it's warm. I tried to look back who it belongs to.
"What's with that serious face?
It was Kazuya. Miyuki Kazuya, my annoying boyfriend.
"You reek of sweat, Kazuya."
Kazuya leaned over to your neck as he wrapped his other arm around your waist and buried his face to your neck. You can feel how his sweat dripped from his hair to your neck, it was warm and when a breeze passed by the warm feeling of his sweat became cold and sent shivers down your spine.
I cleared my throat and slowly removed his sweaty arms wrapped around me and threw a towel to his face. He grinned at me, that annoying grin on his face really makes me irritated.
He let out a hum while using the towel you threw to him and placed it around his neck.
"What is it, y/n?"
I took a deep breath and looked at him in the eye.
"Would you be my plus one on my cousin's birthday party?"
After telling him all that you can only expect him to say "yes" but instead he placed his hand over his mouth.
"FUFUFU, how cute can't invite anyone else?"
"If you're not up to it then, I guess I'll invite Sawamura."
"NO. I'LL GO."
That annoying grin on his lips, suddenly vanished and finally answered to a serious manner.
[ Time Skip : At the Party ]
You looked around the placed and you can already tell that this party is grand. You can see a lot of food and a lot of people.
You and your other cousins, talked and talked catching up to them was really fun, while Kazuya was just sitting at the table where you left him.
"You have a boyfriend?!"
"I want to meet him! is he here?"
They suddenly asked me these questions as I looked back ar Kazuya only seeing him dozing off. You excused yourself from your cousins and made your way to where Kazuya was.
"Kazuya, wake up."
You sat beside him and placed you hand onto his shoulders trying to wake him up.
"I'm awake!"
He suddenly stood up and I laughed at his reaction.
Now that I realized it, Kazuya really looks good wearing a suite. He really looks handso- hard?
Your eyes stared at his bulging cock with in his pants. And made your whole face red.
You turned your face away and pointed at his buldge, he immediatley sat down and covered his buldge with his hands.
"I was just tired, okay? because of practice you know...hehe"
Oh right, I invited Kazuya to come here and today was his only rest day. I didn't even consider how his condition was...
"Y/n, please don't mind...it.."
Words slowly slipped from his lips, when he felt your hand palming his bulging cock. He looked down and pulled you by your neck.
"Don't even think about it, y/n. I told you that doing it in public is forbidden."
Your hand gripped tighter on his buldging cock, letting out a deep groan.
"But how about this guy right here, It can't wait any longer ain't it?"
He clicked his tongue and looked around, seems like everyone was busy talking to each other. He turned his attention to you again.
"Just this once, make it quick."
"Okay then, Cap~"
Before you unbuckled his belt, the both of you moved closer to each other and hid Kazuya's lower half and your hand underneath the table with cover. Trying to act natural, while jerking him off was not easy at all.
You unbuckled his belt, slowly pulled the zipper of his pants and felt his warm cock underneath his boxers. You pussy felt wet and throbbing after feeling his warm cock.
You can see it in his eyes that he can't take it anymore, so in response you made your way to the shaft of his cock starting to jerk it off but then you felt his hand gripped into yours and took control to jacking him off.
"I said make it quick."
Not too long he came, he grabbed a table napkin using it to wipe the evidence.
He's still hard, was it not enough for him?
"Do you want more, Ka-zu-ya?"
"Are you tempting me?"
"Maybe I am? What are you going to do about it?"
"Oh I'll show you, what I'm going to do about it."
Both of you stood up as you walked away from your table, your cousin calls out to you making you turn to her way.
"Y/n! Food will be served in a minute now where are you going?"
"Oh, I'll be quick. It's just my stomach is aching…"
"Ah! okay! Be back okay?"
Walking away from the party and going near to a vacant bathroom, he leaned down and whispered.
"Is your stomach aching for my cum that bad y/n?"
Instead of glaring at him and teasing him back, you answered to his question just to rile him up.
"Of course I am, fill my belly up until I feel full, okay? Ka-zu-ya."
Telling him that was a bad idea, he pulled you in the bathroom and started to explore your body with his hands and lips, kissing your neck and leaving light marks.
"You really look good in this dress"
"You are too late for complimenting me, idiot."
He slid his thigh between you and grind it into you pussy making you let out a soft moan.
He grinned, hearing such cute noises coming from you, he stopped grinding his thighs and you let out a complaint.
"If you want me to move that bad, why don't YOU move?"
You clicked your tongue as you noticed his cocky side appeared. You set both of your arms around his neck as support and tried to move, fucking his thigh. You can already feel you pussy clamped inside wanting his cock. You were really wet ever since you jerked him earlier. Shaking your hips and grinding into his thighs.
"Kazuya, I want…right now…please…!"
He playfully tilted his head pretending he didn't heard nor undertood the words you said.
"What was that y/n I couldn't here you will you speak louder?"
After that last phrase in his sentence he suddenly thrust his thigh making you moan for him. He placed his lips into yours turning it into a sloppy kiss, you've always like how he kissed you this way. He kept on thrusting his thigh between you and kept on whining.
"K-Kazuya! more…I want more…dick I need it…
Hearing those words out for your mouth, he showed you a grin and kissed your forehead.
"Nah, I think that we should go now. I'm hungry.."
He fixed his hair, clothes and turn his back against you left unsatified and you stood up, knees trembling as you grabbed him by the hand
"You, can eat me instead…"
He wrap his arms around your waist and placed a kiss on your forehead and to your cheek.
"Someone is impatient today, I'll save you as my dessert."
Those words sent shivers down to your spine and you can feel you panties are soaked.
Time Skip : At Miyuki's Dorm
Arrived at his dorm, he knocked if anyone else is inside there but there was no response.
"Seems like we keep this place to ourselves."
"Hurry up…I can't take it anymore Kazuya…"
Pulling his left arm making his hand in contact on your pussy slowly rubbing it he can feel how wet you are by now. Opening the door he quickly slammed you behind it.
"You've been a bad girl today"
Roaming his hands all over your body sent shivers to your spine. Leaning to your neck he placed kisses
"You are going to be punished."
Placing both of your arms to his shoulders and just pulling him down making the kiss sloppy you grind your lower body to his half erected member. Slowly removing your right arm from his sholders you make your way down to his member you can feel it throb, it wasnt that thick but it is long and when it enters you it can only fit half.
"Kazuya, I want this right now…"
Without further a do, he grabbed your arm and pinned you down to his bed, as he removes his clothes you started to remove yours too but his hand grabbed yours
"I'll be removing it, so stay still."
Growing impatient, he finally removed all his clothes exposing his cock. Oh how you wanted it to be slammed right down to your core.
He was impatient also, he quickly removed everything and kissed your lips while kissing you, he grabbed the condom from his wallet (just in case) and sliding it down to his cock, he sepated from the kiss and placed his two fingers in your mouth
"Suck it."
You are not in the right mind right now all you could think about is Kazuya's cock. Your head feels hazy and so you started sucking his fingers
"Good girl"
Removing his fingers from your mouth he slid it to you clamping pussy
"Hm? what's this? You are so wet. I guess sucking off my fingers was usless."
He shoved his fingers and let out a moan, placing both of your hand to your mouth. you started to move your hips and he noticed that your impatient right now.
"I guess I teased you a lot by now go ahead, sit on it in one go."
Sitting he leaned back at a wall gesturing his cock you immidiatley go to where he is and placing your hand towards the wall you started inserting his cock, just half of it makes you full of it. so you stop.
"Why did you stop? didn't I said that you sit on it in one go?"
"B-But Kazuya!" It can't fit anymore! I'll break!
His left hand made its way to you ass cheek and spanked it making you sat on thw whole thing. You could only moan on this state you can't even say a word.
"See? you can take it all in."
He immediatley rubbed you spanked ass, looking at your face he grin, your eyes filled with tears your mouth slightly opened and salavia coming out of it. for him seeing you like this really turns him on.
"Try moving, ride my cock till your heart is content, or should I say pussy?"
Kazuya placed both of his hands to your ass cheeks, as you strugglge to ride his cock. It was easy to move thanks to you wetness but then again, it's all rubbing your insides and your pussy is clamiping on his cock, making it hard for you to ride his cock.
"What did I tell you before?"
Squeezing your left ass cheek which he spanked earlier.
"I told you before to not do it in public places, didn't I? and yet.."
His right hand made their way to you other ass check spanked again. Making your hips quiver.
"I'm sorry..I just… thought that I bothered you so much that I want to make you feel good.."
Leaning to your face he kissed all your tears away and grabbed you by the waist making your body and his collied.
"You don't need to be sorry, as long as you understand what I've said before and it's okay to let this one pass."
Now that he's all calmed down, you slowly lift your self up and slowly put it back down.you can feel the vibrations on his chest as you ride his cock thinking he really liked how you ride him.But that wasnt enough. He leaned back to the wall to get a good view at it and forced you down to his cock, his grip was strong you can already imagine how youll get bruises to your waist.
"Kazuya! too deep! stop!"
He didn't listen to a word you said, and kept on forcing you to ride his cock.He didnt look at you once instead he looked how your pussy takes his cock in.
"Kazuya, it hurts! no more please…!"
He was starting to feel uncomfortable to his position and slowly adjusting to a doggy style position he didnt took his cock out, fucking you like that was all he wanted but of course you didn't because in this way he can force you to take all of him in a fast pace.
"I'm cumming! Kazuya!"
He started slaming his cock in your pussy reaching your deepest parts and your throbing core. You cummed all over his cock making it easier for him to move. It was indeed tight and clamping all over him but he didn't care at all because he loved it.
"You are so goddamn tight y/n!"
"Kazuya! take it easy, it hurts!"
He inserted his thumb in you mouth and picked up the pace and slammed it deeper in you. Making you eyes roll back and bitting on his thumb. Judging on how he pickef up the paced means he is near his limits.
"Kazuya! Cumming! I'm cumming again!"
"I'm close too, don't pass out on me"
Grabbing both of your arms and pulling them as he thrust his cock deeper and faster, hearing you moan from his cock really turns him on, his fast pace didn't end as he reached his limit he thrusted it one more time and bite your neck preventing himself to groan.
"That felt goo- she passed out?"
He removed the condom from his cock and tied it up throwing it to the nearest trash bin, he laid you down beside him cuddling you up. kissing your redish eyes and the bite mark on your neck.
"Goodnight y/n sweet dreams."
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safebubblebycyg · 5 years ago
let's stop and talk about trans draco real fast, shall we?:
♡ would def come out to his parents during dinner a year before he went into hogwarts "so, hypothetically, what if i decided being a girl sucks and makes me sad and i wanna be a boy?"
♡ narcissa would just smile and pat him on the back, asking what he would like to be called
♡ lucius, to everyone's surprise, was not transphobic, but instead was now determined to have the most handsome son to prove that he didnt need a flat chest and a penis to be better than everyone else
♡ draco went into hogwarts horrified that teachers would deadname him
♡ clearly his parents had spoken to them, though, because they all gladly called him draco
♡ his relatives, the handful that were transphobic, sent him letters addressed to his deadname occasionally and draco simply didnt reply. when his father asked why he wasnt replying, draco said that there wasnt anyone of that name that he knew of (lucius knew he taught his son on how to be petty well)
♡ honestly draco was pretty lowkey about being trans
♡ he didnt ever change in front of people, he always covered his trips to madam pomfrey for testosterone with a library trip, and excused his more feminine build as "since when does body shape have gender?"
♡ which worked stupidly well
♡ until when he went to get his testosterone from madam pomfrey, theo was sitting in there getting treated for a bloody nose (he got into a fight, the idiot)
♡ and theo is the biggest blabber mouth, dont even argue, so he told both blaise and pansy
♡ and they all proceeded to ask (in perfect sync, which freaked draco out) "why do you need testosterone, malfoy?"
♡"imtransformerlinssakepleasedonteverdoanythinginsyncagain" "what?" "...im trans??"
♡ pansy literally just rolled her eyes ("goyle owes me 5 galleons, i knew something was up"), but theo and blaise looked ready to piss themselves
♡ why? because they had shared a dorm with him for multiple years, hOW DID THEY NOT KNOW OH MY-
♡ now, eventually draco fessed up to some other acquaintances, but it wasnt public news
♡ especially because slytherins protect each other at all costs. dracos voice cracked in class once and everyone looked at him, so the rest of the slytherins started answer questions and purposefully cracking their voices. when asked if they were making fun of draco, they all shook their heads and went "guess that's good ol' puberty. i am a growing teen, you know!"
♡ pansy was probably the most protective
♡ she has and will fight someone for draco
♡ "pans, i can fight my own battles" "shush, i throw a meaner jelly legs jinx than anyone in our year"
♡ and you may ask yourself: cygnus, where the heck is the drarry?" SO GLAD YOU ASKED
♡ harry james potter was madly in love with the blonde slytherin
♡ maybe it was the way he blushed after a voice crack or maybe it was his white blonde hair that he played with when he got nervous or maybe it was how he would pull his uniform shirt away from his chest, like it would stick if he didnt
♡ but harry had fallen hard
♡ so hard even ron pointed it out ("we know you're in love with the bloke, but can you stop staring at his ass and focus on the charms essay?")
♡ literally everyone is gryffindor knew
♡ that's alright, everyone in slytherin was well aware of dracos huge crush on harry, to the point where they quoted him ("perfect little potter, with his evergreen eyes that shine in the sun, and his lean body that i could lay on top of and listen to his heartbeat-" "shut up, zabini")
♡ so, for the first time, harry and dracos friends teamed up and operation drarry was in full swing
♡ hermione and pansy were in charge of setting the whole plan up
♡ ron and blaise were in charge of setting them up at the right place at the right time
♡ neville and theo were in charge of distracting the two for the day
♡ crabbe, goyle, luna, and ginny all got put in charge of setting up the place, and then hide with cameras
♡ the plan was simple, get both harry and draco to the astronomy tower at the same time by having neville and theo give them notes from the other (dracos note to harry written by blaise and harrys to draco by ron). ginny and luna would then set up candles and blankets and simple charms that let flowers and vines grow along the walls while crabbe and goyle set up charms to only let select people enter the astronomy tower without thinking they forgot something and leaving. and course, this genius was planned by pansy and hermione.
♡ well, until draco started wheezing cuz the dingus had stayed in his binder for way too long
♡ harry smiled softly at the embarrassed boy before pulling off his quidditch sweater and handing it to draco ("go ahead and take your binder off-" "how did you-" "shush, it was in the note, blaise didnt conceal it was him very well and threatened me not to judge you just because you're trans. i could care less, you're still you and still valid. now take off your binder, the sweater should be lose enough on you to cover anything")
♡ harry walked draco back to his dorm that night and told him to keep the sweater "it looks cuter on you"
♡ yes, draco told his father about it
♡ "dear draco,
this one was requested by @punkmccartney here on tumblr and i couldnt resist (:
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