#with a hand i couldnt write with which was my writing hand so um
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thetimelordbatgirl ¡ 6 months ago
New school attendance rules (that are stupid as fuck) being published has me learning people didn't even know that the UK fines people for their kids not being in school unauthorized???
#i...i....yeah to anyone who didnt know#we do#this country is obsessed with school attendance#if its not authorized your fucked#hell even if authorized aka your carer did phone for you and shit#depending how many you have it can stack up and they'll get sus#and you'll get in trouble even then#like the new rules alone are increasingly making it clear if your not authorized you can get bankrupt depending how many kids you have#which yes makes the new rules abelist as fuck and also only rich people will survive it#hell if the schools cant fine you they'll at least make you feel shame#as my school had a form system where at the end of each term a form will be rewarded for the best attendance#so rip if you were the fucker that took i dunno one or two days off for sickness or whatever#because you just costed your form room the award and the classmates know it and will look at you#source: me who had to take sick days off#hell snow days you wont free at my school#my roads and pathways were iced so i couldnt go in#but noooo according to my head of year i should have tried cause he hunted all of us who took the day off and interograted us#and if our excuse wasnt good enough for him we were told off#and they'd literally encourage you to only take sick day off if your throwing up#my head of year literally said he dont care if we got a headache or small cough or sniffle just come in#...huh wonder how they did during 2020...#but yeah attendance in the UK in terms of schools is fucking strict#(also if your curious they did send us home if we were bad-bad#i got sent home once i think??? i dont recall much of that school for my own sanity#but i badly burnt my hand in DT via a soldering iron and i had to go home and the doctors and return to school#with a hand i couldnt write with which was my writing hand so um#yeah i couldnt work much until it recovered...well my english teacher forced me to write with my non-writing hand but#and one girl got sent home for throwing up on the stairs#and another from my limited memories for falling down the stairs which uh were stone in a way so um#(i fell up those stairs somehow once...didnt get sent home but i missed english so) they had no choices sometimes)
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iheartmapi ¡ 6 months ago
can you write alexia x reader angst if youre ok with it?
like them having a pretty harsh argument (because of what ever reason, you decide) and saying the meanest things to eachothet. Even though the argument startet soft, it ended with alexia saying stuff like: „the team is even successful without you we dont actually need you!“whilst r is trying to recover from an bad injury or „sometimes you truly are pathetic you know“ or maybe „can you shut tf up!? Is it possible seeing you and not getting annoyed of you for once?!“ or „no wonder you failed/lost/couldnt achieve/dont/ cant do this or that etc.. (the phrases are related to reader’s insecurities) alexia ends up going for a walk but when she returns r already put alexias bed stuff on the Couch and wont let her in the bedroom. After 1-2 days of not talking and ale trying to apologize, r comes up to her ( now even more insecure) happy but fearful ending pls make it as angsty as you possibly can. i hope it’s understood cause english isnt my first language:)
(I’ll try my best!!! Also don’t worry cause you wrote it perfectly and English isn’t my first language either so I get it)
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Teddy bear
(Yes I listened to Melanie Martinez’s teddy bear when writing this)
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Alexia Putellas x Reader
Summary: Alexia doesn’t always watch her words, and she sure as hell doesn’t during the most intense argument the two of you had ever.
Angst with a happy-ish ending.
TW: slightly toxic, degrading thoughts about one self, crude language,
Word count: 1,925
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The hour Alexia returned home after being away with the team for matches, she ran a hand through her blonde hair..Alexia loved her profession but it was still a very tiring one, all she was dreaming of in the moment was a nice warm bath to soothe her sore muscles and a good night’s sleep..
She dragged her feet through the front door and dropped her bags in the foyer and went ahead to the living room.
Upon entering Alexia’s eyes landed on you, you were relaxing on the couch with a random book by some bestseller author which really could be anyone, but you didn’t really care…you didn’t have much to do due to being prescribed to stay home to heal from a recent injury on the pitch. Lately you’ve been apprehensive and often worried all because of your injury and inability to play.
You looked up from your cheap book.
The exchange of words between the two of you was short and awkward, this weird tension appeared in the house and between you two before Alexia’s trip, its genesis wasn’t really clear to her..but she figured it was all a part of your hyper-sensitivity from the injury and would pass quickly anyways.
Alexia passed you and went to the kitchen to fetch herself a drink, she gulped some down, taking in the taste of being back home before returning to the living room, the silence went on, but you weren’t focused on your book anymore, though you pretended to be, secretly you were eyeing her every move, from when she walked into the living room to now as she was standing by the window looking outside.
You gulped, “Alexia?”
“Listen I-“ you rethought that “We…have something to talk about” the knots in your stomach were multiplying from stress each minute, Alexia was looking at you, the intensity of her gaze wasn’t helping you out.
“It’s about this specific..behaviour of yours” You started “I think you’re- um..I…” What were you supposed to say? You rehearsed this so many times before she came back yet now you felt as if you were on fire and your memory was gone. “I think sometimes you’re too touchy with others” you finally choked it out.
Alexia looked at you with an almost judging look “As in?” She stated sharply, “I mean like..we’re girlfriends you know? And I don’t want to forbid you from hugging others and stuff but sometimes you act so..intensely affectionate, like with Ona-“ Alexia immediately butted in “Are you being serious right now?” She belted at you “For fucks sake Y/n…you think I’m cheating on you with the whole team just because I hug them or something?” You feared this exact reaction from her “I didn’t say that…” You murmured “You kind of did though, I just got back and this is the greeting I get? Can’t you ever knock it down a notch?” She started ranting “You’re so melodramatic, as always” she scoffed.
“I’m not being melodramatic” you said, you felt weak against Alexia but you couldn’t just let her walk over you like this in this argument. “So it’s wrong of me to be afraid of my own damn girlfriend being so touchy with everyone?” You protested “It’s always like this, I’m the bad guy and you’re the victim”
Alexia took a deep breath, you swear you could detect the anger forming inside her pupils, then she opened her mouth, and yelled at you.
“Can you shut the fuck up?! Is it possible, seeing you and not getting annoyed of you for once?!” She scowled, you opened your mouth wanting to protect yourself, or calm her down, just say anything, but hell…it’s like every word ran away from you.
“See? You can’t even form a sentence, cause you know that you’re spitting straight bullshit” Alexia rolled her eyes “Sometimes you truly are pathetic you know”
Wow. Your eyes widened and you closed your mouth, not believing the clear poison coming out of your girlfriend’s lips. “I wanted you to get over this whole injury thing, wanted to try and make you happy, but you can’t do anything besides being stingy all the time. But you know what?” She waited a minute before adding “You’re stingy even without the goddamn injury, the team is successful, even without you! I hope you know we don’t actually need you?!” tears prickled at your eyes, begging to be let out, you couldn’t handle it, and they started running down your cheeks.
“Here you go now! Crying like a fucking baby, I’m not putting up with you right now” she barked before turning from you and heading out of the living room.
You sat still in your place like you were frozen, and truly you were, by the coldness Alexia just showed you, you heard her yelling “I’m going for a walk!” Before the front door swung shut. And then it came, you started crying, the tears marching down your cheeks and reaching your neck like a furious army, maybe she was right? She always was wasn’t she? Now you regretted ever mentioning that, but you acted stupid and brought up something that didn’t matter at all, now here you were, crying all alone like a big baby.
You stood up, your legs were shaking, in fact every inch of your body was, you stumbled towards the bedroom, feeling stupid but also cheated, the closet doors opened hastily and your shaky hands reached for every piece that belonged to Alexia, you took her bags from the foyer and threw everything inside…were you in an irrational state of mind? Yeah, probably…
Now everything of hers was in the bag, you glanced at the nightstand, seeing the framed picture of you two, kissing, but you couldn’t stand to see that happy memory right now. The frame was put down so that the photo couldn’t be seen by you and then you took the bags and simply threw them onto the couch, leaving them there for Alexia to see when she gets back. Now you didn’t really know what to do with yourself, finally you slumped on the bed like a picture of misery, left alone with your thoughts only.
Alexia knew she couldn’t stay outside all day even though you irritated her to the core, she just couldn’t understand why you were being so irrational…always acting so difficult, she thought to herself, she stomped down the street, already seeing the peak of the neighbourhood the two of you lived in, dreading seeing you again.
It was kinda weird, she started thinking about it deeply, she loved you, but at the same time you were such a big pain in the ass literally everyday..if only you wanted to cooperate and listen to her more most of your arguments wouldn’t even happen in the first place, you should know that she wasn’t your property, instead of being so damn jealous and giving her your attitude.
The house keys clicked in place and turned the locks to your home, though the home was literally a quiet battlefield lately. She sighed as her feet made contact with the familiar flooring. It was quiet, you were probably sulking in some corner and just didn’t want to greet her or make up for your stupid behaviour, always acting like a child afterwards such moments in your relationship.
The shock she felt when she entered the living room and was met with the sight of her bags atop the couch was immense. For a moment Alexia just started at them in disbelief before rage filled her again, she sauntered over to the bags observing them resentfully, where the hell were you? Cause she wasn’t going to let this go.
Kitchen, bathroom, small storage, balcony, backyard, nowhere. You were nowhere, but there was one place she hadn’t checked, the bedroom. There was no fucking way you just packed her bags and left the house, so you had to be there…
Firmly, her hand grasped the handle of the door, expecting to see you inside, acting like a saint..but the moment she turned it, it didn’t open, it was locked. So you were inside! Alexia angrily turned the handle a couple times more before knocking on the door. “Y/n?” She stated loudly, her tone was very passive aggressive, no answer. Then she just went ballistic and pounded on the door “Y/n! Let me in, god damn it!” Alexia didn’t stop until she heard your much quieter and shaky voice calling to her beyond the door. “I-I’m not letting you in Alexia!” You stated, “What?!” Her brows furrowed before she groaned in fury “This relationship is a fucking joke!” And then she stormed off.
You curled on the bed, thinking about what you’ve done, was this the correct way of handling things? Hell, you wished you knew, but nothing made sense to you now.
Two days, that’s how much time has passed since that ugly argument of yours, you eventually unlocked the bedroom and went out to see Alexia’s face filled with annoyance but she tried to talk to you once she saw you, weirdly calm for the emotions that were pulsating inside her, and in fact, she was the one trying to calm things down between you two, but you felt dumb and were too much of a coward to just accept it, the tension in the ENTIRE house was poisoning…and when you didn’t budge with Alexia’s apologies you two just stopped talking to each other
The insecure thoughts took root in your brain, eventually branching into a full tree with anxious and insecure fruits hanging from its twigs. After all, Alexia was always right about you.
The whole week couldn’t just go on like this. You took the tiny pieces of courage left in you and took them to use them to apologise to her, you kinda treated her like shit..and all for nothing, you did hug your teammates too after all…teammates, friends, family, people just have different ways of showing it.
On the morning of what was supposed to be the third day you finally spoke to Alexia
“Ale…I- I’m just so fucking sorry, okay? That was so stupid of me, I dunno..I guess it was in the heat of the moment- the thing is I love you, I don’t want to lose you. I was an idiot, if you don’t want to then fine, don’t accept this shitty apology but I’m begging you..” by the end of your apology tears were streaming down your cheeks again, as lately you have been crying often when Alexia had no way of seeing you.
You could see the gears turning in her head, trying to decide whether she was going to accept or refuse, she narrowed her eyes at you “Yeah, you were an idiot” then she added “But I guess I’m glad you can see that now, listen I just…” the blonde sighed “Please stop pulling shit like that, sometimes you really are too sensitive” she reprimanded you softly, it felt weird listening to this harsh “truth” about yourself, even weirder knowing that those air quotes weren’t needed because it was the most pristine truth. Then Alexia looked at you with an unsure manner, “I love you too, ok?” She then said, and you nodded, after that she turned to steal a glance at the morning sky.
You sighed to yourself, appreciating the so long awaited moment of calmness.
You should remember to listen to her at all times, even if it hurt slightly.
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vivixivvv ¡ 4 months ago
𐙚 — valentines day
featuring — reo mikage || fem!reader || highschool AU
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reo wasnt prepared to have a crush,especially when valentines day was just around the corner.sure,he knew that he would get extra gifts and flowers.but he wasnt sure how you would like it,even though nagi tiredly reminded him many times that it’ll be okay.a few days before valentines day,he went to the store and decked out on all the chocolates and sweets there were.and probably a couple plushies too while hes at it.
now,valentines day was today and you were totally dreading it! seeing all your friends get chocolates and getting asked out all infront of you was torture,because whrn was it your turn?! but as you were teasing you friends ablut this guy,you felt a tap on your shoulder.it was reo,reo mikage.he asked you if you can come with him to your locker so he can talk to you,but the gitft awaited on the top shelf.
you opened your locker in confusion,immediately noticing the basket of sweets and a bear plushie holding a heart,even a boqeutte of flowers.you looked at him and couldnt help but smile,only to see reo with a sheepish smile.you paused for a moment,wondering if it was really happening,then stepped closer to grab the bucket.the bear plushie holding the heart,with the text “be my valentine?” on the front.you chuckle and hug reo,him letting out a sigh of relief and a hearty chuckle aswell.
“so its a yes?” he asked,looking at you.you nod and wrap your arms around his neck,the basket in your hands behind him. “i wouldnt be hugging you right now,would i?” you replied,making him smile.as you were about to plant a kiss on his lips,your friends run out the classroom and all yell and congratulate you for not being single this year… which made reo laugh even harder.
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authors note — OMG DO YOU GUYS FW THESE BANNERS??😭 i realized how much i love kurona and nikko,i never write ablut them😣 i js feel like no would be a big fan of them but idk…but um i also think that this one is kind of ooc😔 anyway is it obv i wrote this for a specific mootie😙
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tigermark ¡ 2 months ago
hi uh this is my first time requesting ANYTHING so i hope i'll make it clear and it wont be too hard for u. so basically like during wayv performance in japan yangyang has dislocated his shoulder wnich led to him having to leave the stage and go to hospital later where he cried in front of his members :( he was put a sling on his injured arm (this all actually happened if u keep up w him i believe u know) and after he comes back to korea his idol gf reader (i wish i cld write "me" LOL) despite her own schedule visits him and comforts him all day along w other boys and later they spend intimate time together (no sex yk js cuddles CAREFULLY to not hurt him) and reader is always an extreme sweetheart towards him and baby him all the time (tho shes few years younger), not rly with words but her actions... like in general hes always rly hard on himself and was upset he couldnt finish the performance and had to rest few days. also if u included coco it would be SUPER CUTE if u do this ill be infinitely grateful thank u so MUCH!!! have fun
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aww this so cuteness... i waited until i knew for sure that he was healthy and well to perform before i posyed this out of respect btw!!!
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the second you heard about yangyang's condition, you knew you had to drop everything. you called in sick to your own practices to visit him, bringing him food and a body ready for lots of cuddles.
you showed up to his apartment around noon, practically biting your nails with how anxious you were. you knew that seeing yangyang in a state like this wouldn't be easy for you, but you were determined to make him feel at least a little bit better.
after what felt like forever, yangyang opened the door, his face lighting up. he attacked you in a hug with thr arm that wasn't in a sling, dragging you inside and closing the door after.
"hi yangie... are you feeling okay? does your arm still hurt?" you asked, eyes traveling down to his arm in the sling. "i thought me stopping by for a while would maybe bring your spirits up.."
"i'm doing better than i was yesterday... thank you for stopping by," he says with that bright smile of his. he grabs your hand and pulls you over to his couch, cuddling up next to tou after you sit down.
"i was gonna ask you to come over but i wasn't sure if you were busy or not... wait how did you even know that i was injured?" he asks, tilting his head at you.
oh yes, he didn't even tell you he was injured. he knew for sure that you would start freaking out, and that it would definitely become a big distraction for you, so he decided to stay silent.
"um i follow a few fan accounts on twitter but why didn't you tell me?" you asked, getting a bit more comfortable on the couch.
yangyang explained why he didn't tell you, his empathy towards your own feelings in a situation like his extremely adorable to you.
"i kinda regret it though... i could've gotten these cuddles so much sooner," he says through a smile as be pushes you down so that your head is on the armrest of the couch. he places his chin on your chest and looks up at you with his pretty, shiny eyes which immediately captivate you.
you place a hand on his head, ruffling his hair a bit. "you're so cute," you say, the smile never faltering from your lips.
this cute moment doesn't last long, however. you see coco jump onto yangyang's back and his head quickly faltering onto your chest with a 'oomf' you giggle at the cute scene infront of you, coco's eyes just as shiny as yangyang's just moments before.
"oh do you want some attention too?" you ask coco, reaching out a hand to scratch his chin. he rubs his head against your hand, yangyang whining into your chest.
"okay, okay, i can't give both of you attention at the same time."
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kumezyzo ¡ 2 years ago
headcanons driving with bf!sapnap? i have brain rot rn over your tiktok you shared 🥹 maybe like a long road trip
this has been in my inbox for a bit. but its fine cause its 🐬 anon and we just ✨️understand eachother✨️. um...yea, my mind immediately went to when he 'stole' jimmy's car lol. so i refrained from writing that for now, dw. i would write that but as streamer reader. but this can be read as streamer or normal (?) reader.
umm, yea, enjoy! or dont... :) m.list
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bf!sapnap who asks you to meet his family in texas. and as a result, you suggest a road trip.
"baby, thats like a fourteen hour trip," he says in concern.
"so we drive seven hours each," you state obviously.
he looks at you cautiously before shrugging, "okay, then..."
bf!sapnap who puts his arm around your seat when he starts backing out of the driveway. then he remembered he had a backup camera and put his arm down. causing your heart to flutter for a moment before deep disappointment set in.
bf!sapnap who doesnt realize how much you've been staring at him since the drive started. twenty minutes in, he looks over at you as if to ask whats wrong.
he gives you a questioning nod, his eyebrows furrowed as he looks between you and the road.
"nothing," you say, looking down at your phone and pursing your lips to hide your smile.
"hmm..." he trails off playfully. "whatever you day, baby."
bf!sapnap who quietly sings to songs, tapping the steering wheel to the beat.
bf!sapnap who reaches over to give your thigh a squeeze and immediately bringing his hands back to the steering wheel.
"yes, sir?" you ask, shocked by the sudden act of affection.
"nothin', just felt like it," he says, keeping his eyes on the road.
bf!sapnap who reaches over to hold your hand over the middle console.
"are you getting bored?" you ask him, rubbing your thumb over the back of his hand.
"no... i just want to hold your hand," he says, squeezing your hand.
bf!sapnap who refuses to let you drive for a while until you stop at a gas station and beat him to the drivers seat.
"no!" he half shouted when he saw you sprint to the car as he pumped gas into the car. he stood infront of door, not expecting you to run to the passangers seat. he wasnt able to react fast enough as you dove into the front seat.
you cackled out loud when he opened the door and accepted defeat at the sight of your spread across the passangers seat, the console, and the drivers seat.
"haha! fuck you!" you laugh out as he rolls his eyes and closes the door in absolute defeat.
bf!sapnap who falls asleep in the passanger seat, light snores sounding in harmony with the music playing quietly through the car.
you look over when you hear a quiet snore in between songs playing. you couldnt help the smile spread on your face at the way he curled up against the door. his face resting in his hand against the window.
bf!sapnap who wakes up and with his eyes barely open, chugs half a large water bottle. like when you wake up from those good naps.
"how far are we?"
"not too far."
"which means...?" he trails off sleepily.
"since you drove for nine hours instead of seven, and ive driven for four..." you say waiting for him to do the math.
"mamas... i cant do math right now," he says, trying to rub the sleep off his face.
"we have like an hour to go, love," you say with a giggle, reaching over and giving his thigh a similar squeeze to the he gave you earlier.
bf!sapnap who leans over and gives you a kiss when you reach the first stop light in a couple of hours.
bf!sapnap who post a video to his story on snapchat with the caption 'passenger princess core ✨️✨️🤪'
he pans the camera towards you focusing on the road, your arm resting on the window, your head resting in your hand and the other on the steering wheel. to his luck, you place both arms on the wheel as you turn on your indicator.
then he comically reaches over to grab your right hand and slaps it onto his thigh. you look at him in shock before realizing he was filming. the video cuts right as you start laughing at his antics.
bf!sapnap who give you different directions to his mothers house once you guys get to an area he remembers.
bf!sapnap who cant help but smile when you show him the pictures you took of him when he was sleeping and while he was driving.
"you took pictures of me driving?" he asks as you guys lay in the bed in the room he spent a majority of his life.
i had a lot of fun writing this. it was cute and shit. sorry if reader seemed to much like a character even tho they technically are (?)... i just couldnt help it. -nony
"yea, you looked hot," you tell him nonchalantly with a shrug.
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clouseninjago ¡ 1 year ago
Hey besties. Heresmy uh Ratings of the NINJA 🤯🤯🤯 Except i love them all
Lloyd - 8/10 HHGOOOHHJHJG my gosh i love him . He is so so silly and so so yaes. Yass. Genuinely like i would protect him with my life HES NOT MY FAVOURITE but i still love him. how can you NOT love him
Kai - 9/10 and I'm gonna be completely honest when I say that the only reason he's my third favourite ninja over cole is because he's red (my favourite colour) and he has fire powers (my favourite element) but otherwise i like the two equally. Anyway HE's SO COOL like genuinely . Funny as hell too. Not a big fan of his haircut HOWEVER i am a zane fan so i choose not to make a big deal out of that
Jay - 7/10 yeeeshhhhhh ERM i am going to preface this by saying I AM NOT A JAY HATER and i am not even a jay disliker. He is funny and he is silly and there have been many occasions upon which I have looked at him and thought 'hes just likw me fr'. HOWEVer there were certain occasions. Certain seasons even. Maybe a specific season that came after possession and before hands of time. In which he ticked me off quite a large amount that may have negatively affected my opinion. BUT I STILL LOVE HIM hes just jever been a favourite and #that season didnt do much to help
Cole - 8.5/10 like I said he's basically joint with kai apart from the fact he isn't red. But i fenuinely love so much about cole i love his design (he was basically the only ninja to have a good haircut before the redesigns icl) and i love his personality and just everything about him is Awesome. And one thing i found really interesting is when he was a ghost. And i wish that got more focus cause i would have really liked it
Zane - 13/10 HOOOOO BOY i will be brief. I could genuinely go on for days on end about how much i love zane ninjago but I Will Be Brief. Everything about his character just makes me so SO happy. His personality and his design (his haircut is cute i swear) and his story and EVERYTHING ABOUT HIM and i said that for cole as well but this is TEN TIMES MORE INTENSE every time i think about him it feels like an actual electric SHOCK through my entire body I'm so so serious. I also find him to be like INCREDIBLY relatable. There have been occasions where i literally Cried because he was Just Like Me and i couldnt TAKE it anymore. And it's not even funny and it will never even be funny and the season 3 finale left me in shambles for weeks. And to be honest i think the show needs to be nicer to him because why is he always going through something. This little guy cannot have one normal day i swear. Let zane be happy challenge imPOSSIBLE. And i know a lot of people don't like how robotic he is after season 3 and I totally get that but for me personally that doesn't really change how much i still love him as a character even if there are some changes i want to be made with his writing. Just realised i said i would be brief and then wrote a whole paragraph Um im gonna move on,
Nya 10/10 I LOVE HER!!!! Genuinely cannot think of one negative thing to say about her apart from it took the show a good few seasons to get the hang of actually writing her (as much as i adore rebooted it pisses me off how dirty they did her in that season). But she is just SO cool and i love her and i loved her in skybound and she was probably one of the only things i loved about skyboukd other than echo zane. Good lord i love nya she makes me malfunction in the brain. Whenever i drink water i think of her
garmadon 5/10. And i dont mean that in a negative way i mean genuinely true neutral. I actually loved him in the movie he made me cry a lot but when we're talking just the actual show? Euuiwuuajajgghj. In the first couple aeasons i was really mixed on him like i think he was a really interesting character and he was silly but i had proper BEEF with him too like he made me MAD. And then seasons 3 and 4 came around and . And. Sensei Garmadon. fun fact about sensei garmadon i didnt Particularly Like him but thats ok!!!!! That is ok!!!!! I did like garmadons backstory with clouse that was very interesting i really.Really liked it. Idont know if you could tell but um tumblr user clouseninjago quite likes clouse ninjago so that made me happy tbh. Ok im actually done fr now and i would tag more people to share their opinions but i have no friends so @colesstar Hi
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takami-takami ¡ 29 days ago
Nosferatu spoilers. Necrophilia. Emeto
Watched nosferatu.
I was going to write a post about how this is the worst movie ive ever seen. Like. For the first hour 50 minutes or so. I genuinely did not know if the movie was supposed to be serious or not like i couldnt figure it out genuinely.
Um. Okay. Last 20 minutes. Unm.
Okay. I was ACTUALLY gagging like i literally dry heaved. I looked like this the entire time except with my hands over my face in real life sinking into my chair
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Original analysis:
This film Insists on itself. Like the actual tiktok audio. Okay like i get what theyre saying about sin and sex and death and the repression and all that but do i need to watch everyone sucking and fucking each other for an hour to get that. Uhm.
Yeah. The dialogue was not great. It was extremely corny. "You're telling me we have a DEVIL amongst us!? I shall not hear such tales of GHOSTS" type shit.
I. Liked the pigeon. Then they killed the pigeon.
Why is everyone moaning and breathing so much WE GET IT!!!! WE GET IT!!!!!!!! CANNIBALISM AS DEVOTION IS SO TIRED. Why was everyone VOMITING so much like you only need One good vomit scene to really hit.
It was so. Overdone. And like. Artsy. And it kept badgering the same point home. One-note. Could thomas have been shown as scared without being at 100 the entire time?
And I was cringing. Basically. But maybe that because olde british is inherently cringeworthy.
After the necrophiliac scene the movie took a DRASTIC turn and I was literally gagging and not in the Gagged💞🌟 way i mean ACTUALLY GAGGING and dry heaving. My mouth was open the whole time and I was cringing for an entirely different reason. It genuinely became so actually horrific that I was like in actual shock. Which is why i am so speechless rn.
I think i... I think i hated it?
Like, okay, i said this on my side account but nosferatu WISHES he had what old georgie from cloud atlas had. I think part of me selfishly wishes that nosferatu (the character) was actually erotic in some way like old georgie was? But honestly kudos to the director for making someone with a demon kink who has had a thing for fictional iterations of the devil forever actually grossed out by it. Like they genuinely made him AS unfuckable as possible. Which is fair.
Um. The necrophilia scene actually changed my analysis of the movie cuz the rest of the film was like, trying to be symbolic in its meaning too hard. But that scene wasnt.
When they started arguing and then fucked in the middle of it out of nowhere when talking abt nosferatu i almost rolled my eyes like okay whatever man. Ew. We get it.
But i was liveblogging this on bsky and was like "freidrich my beloved the only normal character in this movie" and then the NECROPHILIAC SCENE. WHAT THE FUCK WHAT THE FUCK WHAT THE FYCK
I genuinely think this was one of the worst movies ive ever seen UNTIL the climax to ending of the movie in which I am so baffled and confused that I am speechless. I still think it was one of the worst movies ive ever seen? I think????? Im not sure.
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roseworth ¡ 2 years ago
Opinions on Rose's Ravager outfits? Personally I always feel like she gets screwed over when it comes to outfits. I thought her original outfit was bland, but I'd rather have that than the weird pirate motif DC keeps putting onto her now.
HEAD IN HANDS i just wrote a whole response to this with details of every single one of her costumes then i pressed the wrong button and accidentally deleted ALL OF IT im gonna cry. so im sorry if i forget something because this is the second time im writing this whole thing :(((((
anyways overall i agree her costumes are usually bad. they either dont really fit her vibe or theyre boring or they have way too much going on. there are only a handful that i actually consider Good and most of them are really bad or just kinda nothing
but i put under the cut what i think of all of them:
original costume: BAD
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this one falls into the bland category and its just.... not good. like the boob window is so unnecessary, i dont like the mask, and the colors are so nothing, and every detail sucks. i like the boots tbh but other than that. bad.
the same costume but different: better
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i like this because it takes some of the good aspects of the other one and keeps them, but then makes it all a lil brighter and gives some more orangey accents. i wish she didnt have the mask at all, i hate it. but when she does have the mask i prefer it when her hair is sticking out the bottom, i dont like it when its all tucked in like in the first pic
the same costume without the mask: <3
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im counting this as its own costume just because in the middle of teen titans she goes a while just not wearing the mask at all <3 its so disappointing when she puts it back on after going a bit without it
ok. new 52 time :/
NOWHERE fits: so fucking awful
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technically not even ravager outfits but still. everyone point and laugh. the white and green does NOT look good on her and both of these costumes look terrible. especially the first one bc what the fuck is going on with that skirt thing
the ravagers: unfortunate serve
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i fucking love this costume, i think this is actually one of my favorites of hers. i think it combines costume + armor really well, and i think that the color scheme really suits her. the art in this book was so fucking pretty and she looked so good every time she showed up. the unfortunate part was every other aspect of this book :/
her worst look: literally fucking terrible no redeeming qualities
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girl take that shit off right fucking now i cant be seen with you wearing this. there is not a single part of this fit that looks good. i said the color scheme looked good in the last costume bc the red was kept to accents. there is so much red going on here and thats FAR from the worst part. lets go from head to toe. that mask is literally a travesty, i dont know who thought it was a good idea. the weird collar thing she has going on is so????? then she has the skulls on her shoulder pads, which are bad enough on their own. and why does she have a bazooka on her back. and why does she only have a skull on one knee?????? this is a fucking mess. kory attacks her on sight in this book and i fully believe its because this costume is so ugly she couldnt hold herself back. um. i like the fingerless gloves though i guess
rebirth: hesitant slay...
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i hate the mask but other than that its?? fine???? this one used to be my favorite but i dont really like it as much anymore, idk why. i think its trying too hard to be armor and casual at the same time and ends up not looking good. i hate this mask soooo much though, i think the weird thing going on with her eyes makes this the second worst mask behind whatever was going on in the last one. and like you said i think this one relies too much on the pirate motif??? like i appreciate the reference to the eyepatch i guess but i would rather they just give her an eyepatch. like the skulls and the pirate thing seems way out of place and doesnt fit her vibe or the outfits vibe at all and it just looks weird. but other than that this look is. Fine.
defiance: eh
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this one isnt technically ravager either but its still a rose costume so im rating it. its very ,,,, fine. like i dont have any problems with it but there isnt anything i particularly like about it. the whole point of the white costumes in this arc was because they were supposed to look wrong and out of place and all so i cant fault it for that, but theres just not really anything going on here its fine for what it is and thats all i can really say about it
willow: SLAY &lt;3 <3
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i love this one, probably another one of my favorites. once again the black with red accents suits her so well. and the artist draws it so it doesnt even seem that horny despite the fact that its a lace up crop top and booty shorts <3 she looks so nice and i love the fit thats my girl (gn) ❣️❣️
stormwatch: yeah &lt;3
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two screenshots just to point out the fact that she changes costumes halfway through this issue and i want to bully her for it. but this one is nice, its really simple but i think it works, plus shes drawn like an actual adult instead of a 15 year old so i cant complain <3 the skull imagery is very small and doesnt seem to piratey so i still dont love it but i forgive it. this costume is pretty good and i like it overall, its one of her better costumes
and yeah <3 i hope i didnt forget any but uh rose babygirl we have got to get you better costumes. i think the best color for her would be like a reddish orange bc i like the red for her but the orange is kind of Her Color (even though its only because of slade) and i think she should never wear that mask
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mekatrio ¡ 1 year ago
too sick to draw or do anything else which means its the perfect time to watch mca and be a little autistic nitpicky bitch about it. planning to do a post like this per episode, this one's for episode One. well episode one part one bc nothing in my life is easy and i keep forgetting theres a fucking image limit for posts 🙄
- I HATE THIS FUCKING ANIME ok i needed to get that off my chest...... groaned so loudly at the first four seconds fucking... Church Bells and POLES?!?!? POLES?!?!!! i hate shaft's enviromental choices ok moving on
- how the fuck did i not realize that ayano's VA is rena ryuugu lmfao its all i can hear nowadays
- right theyre on a fucking clock... for some reason.... also honestly i dont like ayano's voice that much. like the voice is fine but i dont think it fits ayano's character
- also this clock sucks i wish it was like more More you know more gears more machinery like ep12 insanity ok wait. are shinaya 3d models here lmfao.. maybe?
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- i like this line. saur mysterious
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- hahaha.... the Kaien Panzermast
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now that i think abt it i have no idea why its called kaien panzermast. like i what its referring to (the song siren thing thats telling kids to go tf home) but what the hell is a Kaien Panzermast?
- this scenery is near meaningless to kagepro literally just a whole bunch of nothing when i say i hate shaft's choices for this anime..... like what is any of this shit. also orange??!? orange of all colors..... god damn man
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-- this part is cool tho. a bit too heavy handed in the symbolism but i appreciate the gesture
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- lol at this:
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BECAUSE SHE DIDNT! not until 2017 lmfao. this makes me suspect that the revelations from mr2 were initially supposed to be in the anime. but in the end for whatever reason it couldnt fit itself there, so the only revelation we got was The First Tragedy Exists. and no elaboration.... now that i think of it, iirc me and many fans were pretty thrown off from this opening back when it first aired cuz this was like, the first time we've seen ayano act like this. wait. let me check my timeline
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ok nvm lol. second time. first time shes ever like this is in the manga:
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but anyways back in 2013/2014 before the LTM episode, there was like no context whatsoever for Why Is Ayano Like That. so that was a doozy
- damn can u imagine working on some songs writing a novel and getting these amazing voice actors to voice ur characters... ohhh i wouldnt know how to act
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i mean thats um. one way to show a timeline getting thrown away... I Guess. ignoring the fact that Mary Has Long Hair (which she shouldnt), its a cool visual idea but the execution is um... hfjkssjk
- hehe
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headphone actor mv on the left and mca countdown thingy on the right. holy shit they are near identical damn, i just thought they were similar but no, its practically identical. thats so cool T_T if only the rest of this anime was this cool.... whatever onwards i go
- shintaro's stupid futuristic high-rise apartment... i loathe thee
- the fuck is this
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- first instance of shaft's trademark of putting random shit on the screen and im already annoyed its gonna be bad for me for the rest of this rewatch if i can even last that long. i know i will at least til ep 10 (11???) cuz i need to see baby mekatrio
- no aku benci lmfao shaft hates to animate so much they threw this story into the future so they could just conveniently project things onto shintaro's cyberwall hahaha..... i fucking hate this anime
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- looks like shintaro was drawn by 4 different artists in these various shots that only span like 5 seconds
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- damn in the anime its not even ene's fault that shintaro spilled the soda lmfao. thats all on him this time
- also shinene's voices are srsly perfect
- XX you say...... 🤨
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- storyboarding sucks shit they went from flashback to not a flashback to flashback again my fucking god dude. the only reason i can make sense of any of it is cuz im rewinding every little thing
- literally no reason to add 'roomie' to this translation but it made me laugh so I GUESS
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maybe i should hunt for the official crunchyroll subs. but im too lazy
- lmfao
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text from Mekakucity Talkers 24, translated by x0401x. only difference from tht and the screenshot is that shintaro still has hair lol
- hm. i wish it made a bigger deal of shintaro leaving the house. yeah he threw a fit but i wish the actual stepping outside aspect was more dramatic yknow. like how Children Record emphasized it
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- also curiously this episode is missing this sentence from shintaro abt someone rebuilding the city bit by bit which is in the novels and the manga, which is meant to foreshadow saeru's influence. but then again the first 17 manga chapters are taken nearly word-by-word from the novels so maybe thats all it is 🤷
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- also it took like 6 minutes for shintaro to leave the house... theres other things being done ofc, establishing shinene's dynamics, quick exposition of how ene ended up with shintaro to begin with, and spilling soda onto the computer and leaving the house. but i feel like it wouldve been better if the anime stuck to what the novels + mr1 does, where ene blares a loud fucking alarm. that quickly establishes shinene's dynamic and easily leads to a So You Must Be Wondering How I Got Here type of thing, and then knock over the soda leave the house bam easy. instead the anime really took its time with like..... idk making shinaro look ikemen. yeahhh not the best choice, especially considered how rushed the last few episodes are gonna be. ok back to watching the anime
- also aku benci x2 like its only futuristic when its convenient which is soo fucking Lazy. theres literally no reason for this story to be set in the future. like all this city scenery is based off actual modern day Kashiwa its just... ugh. barely any care put into this anime at all
- this anime is cool sometimes
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- reused this pencil texture from the start of the episode... wonder how many times ill be seeing that
- the fucking comedic timing of these terrorists lmfao. and right theyre clowns... for some reason....
- also dude ill still never understand why only their thumbs are the only parts ziplocked like what. also isnt that harder to animate... THIS STUPID ANIME
- this is a completely fair reaction to having kano shuuya speak to you for the first time
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- no the fuck he isnt he hasnt thought of shit my god.
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that comic person on here was not lying shaft really fucked up the order of events here bigtime. kano only speaks to shintaro after shintaro's done brooding.... also seto doing fuckall lol. ik he'll say smth in like 2 seconds but i do find it funny that we've seen him for like the past minute and he hasnt said shit
- ok but its cool that kano's hand just doesnt obey the ziplock.... very clever of the artists to just make him put his hands behind his head and other gestures to indicate that theres something up with him
- why are his eyes red.
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philtstone ¡ 2 years ago
My kingdom for hopeful-verse Miles and Kamala (platonically preferred) - any prompt you want, but I think 43 could be nice?
#43 -- piggy back rides part of this au im like 394834 years late answering this but i do finally have something to offer. what was originally meant to be a touching scene where the gang finally runs into kamala's family ended up as ... this ... because the pacing was a disaster and i couldnt salvage it. hopefully i will eventually write the other thing. thank u to @foolgobi65 and @firstelevens for being good friends and talking me thru some of my "uuuugh i hate writing" moments. we didnt quite make it thru but something definitely was achieved.
They break into Walmart through the smelliest part of the garden center. Miles has to carry Kamala piggy back style to do it, and so almost doesn’t catch AJ when he slips and falls face-first towards a big bag of fertilizer. AJ starts giggling upside down beneath the greenhouse window, one leg held up by last-second webbing and the other gripped in Bucky’s right hand. 
When Miles has pictured post-apocalyptic Walmarts in the past, he’s always imagined them to be abandoned. Like maybe some trashed empty shelves, or flickering lights. Spooky wind blowing through the place. That kind of shit. If they wanted to enter one, they’d break the door down, badass style, with the butt of their cool post-apocalyptic rifle.
Miles played through The Last of Us with Uncle Aaron and only got creeped out like, twice; he knows how this stuff works. 
They’d sneak through the empty place all vigilant (that’s a word Dad loved) and he’d grab all the Tylenols from the top most shelf no one else had reached while Peter or Bucky or Sam kept a careful eye trained on their surroundings, and if bad guys showed up, they’d do badass stuff and then drive away tires screeching in their cool getaway pickup truck.
Miles – who should really know better, given the multiple months of this world he’s lived through by now – thinks the reality of life is exponentially more stupid.
“Exponentially,” recites AJ, who has recovered from his near-fall (though Bucky still looks stressed) and is evidently getting more and more bored of holding tightly onto Aunt Sarah’s hand by the minute. “When somethin’ grows by means of a ma-the-matical component.”
He sing-songs mathematical, though he’s a smart enough kid to keep it all to a whisper. While AJ drags his feet, Aunt Sarah, who has been tense since they stepped foot out of Madame G’s house five hundred cross-country miles ago, and is tenser now post AJ-in-fertilizer disaster,  continues flicking her eyes around sharply. She’s fisted her free hand in her hoodie pocket where Miles knows she keeps her knife. Miles wants to tell her that he’s sure his spidey sense would notice if there were any bad guys behind the ant-be-gone displays, definitely, but a niggling little voice in his own head is also stressed out. 
“Is that right, baby?” she asks in an absent whisper.
“Momma, you gotta tell me if I got exponentially right.”
“You got it right, AJ,” says Miles.
AJ heaves the quietest Loud Sigh Miles has ever heard, “Like, we are exponentially not finding any drugs.”
“Pain medication,” Kamala mutters immediately, from over Miles’s shoulder. She twisted her ankle when they all jumped off the moving train.
… Yeah. Life’s been pretty crazy recently. Miles wonders what Dad would say about it.
“I don’t need drugs.”
“That’s exponentially false,” AJ offers.
“Technically,” agrees Miles, “ibuprofen is a drug.” 
“Um, there’s a total difference between necessary medication and drugs?” 
“Yes,” Kamala hisses. Then she frowns. “No! Wait, no. Sometimes. Ugh – Miles!”
“You’re the one bein’ a hater,” he says, low voice, grinning. “It’s okay, we’ll steal you Tylenol instead.”
“Good,” she mumbles.
“... Which is also technically a drug –” 
Miles gets the last word before all three of them are quelled by Bucky’s silent raised eyebrow.
The reality of life — so much less cool than Miles’s imagination and video games — is that while the old Roxxon big box by the pier in NOLA had been ransacked and half cleaned out ages before Miles and Peter started sneaking in and out, this place is stocked. 
There’s stuff from the floors to the ceilings, and it’s making Miles a little dizzy with the sensory feedback. 
“Maybe it’s ‘cause we’re almost in Texas,” Kamala whispers wonderingly into his ear, as they peer around a corner at a giant car tire display.
It’s not like there are customers inside or anything, which makes the whole thing stupider. Just a big ass Walmart full of shit being guarded by bad dudes with guns, but just for that, they gotta sneak around.
“You know I don’t like splitting up,” Aunt Sarah’s voice comes out in a tense whisper.
They’re camped by electronics, trying to map their route. Miles can’t sense anyone in the aisles immediately close to them but they can still hear the occasional walkie talkie sound off and the distant opening and closing of the warehouse doors on the other side of the building, where the real action is happening. 
Aunt Sarah’s expressed this sentiment before, twice by now actually. The first time was when the whole idea was introduced. Like, hey, wouldn’t it be easier if we split up, and you guys grabbed groceries and jacked one of the big cargo trucks they’ve got sitting in the back lot with GreatValue: Part of Your Community plastered over the side, while we got Kamala’s pain meds? 
There was a whole thing where everyone argued about who was the best at hotwiring trucks. Peter and Sam eventually won out over Bucky, who Miles has a niggling suspicion wouldn’t have left Aunt Sarah and AJ and Kamala anyway. Ned and MJ are doing groceries, with the help-slash-protection of their new and terrifying Wakandan friend Captain Ayo, who Miles thinks actually probably has great taste in snacks.
“I know,” Bucky says, a very quiet statement out of the side of his mouth. His eyes are on the aisle in front of them, and the giant tire display, but something about the way he says it is like, he gets something Aunt Sarah isn’t saying that none of the rest of them can. Kamala claims they’re madly in love, which she told Miles about in the strictest confidence. Kamala is a big believer in being madly in love. Miles isn’t so sure, but the exchange does remind him of his mom and dad, which is an emotion so strong Miles’s already tripping senses stumble over themselves to cope with it, so he shoves it down and ignores it entirely. 
He focuses on Kamala’s uncomfortable squirming instead. The piggy-back ride is because her ankle hurt too much to walk on, and Miles figures it’s probably really sore by now.
“You okay?” he whispers, just to her.
“Ugh,” she admits. She wouldn’t have said anything like that to the adults, he knows.
“So I shouldn’t put you down?” She’d spent ten minutes arguing that she was too heavy for him, outside.
“I’d have a really bad limp,” she sighs, sounding miserable. Bucky’s still kind of limping too, on account of getting mauled by a giant rat thing. That’s what Sam said, anyway.
“Besties in limping,” Miles says, which is worth it for Kamala’s quiet giggle. Aunt Sarah hears them and reaches out her free hand to rub Kamala’s back.
“Escalator route,” Bucky decides on finally. AJ looks up with large and solemn eyes, hopeful that they’re finally gonna get a move on. “There by the freezers, there are enforcers. We go behind the escalators, we won’t run into anyone.”
Aunt Sarah stares hard at the frozen foods aisle, then at Bucky. “How do we know, behind the escalators –?”
“Miles,” Bucky whispers. It’s so low Miles could pretend not to hear him if he really wanted, which is kind of impressive given that they’re sardined so close together Miles is basically breathing in the poor guy’s ear.
“I don’t sense anyone,” Miles says, maybe a little less confidently than he means. Kamala shifts her hands nervously where they clasp around his neck, and the plastic beads from one of her bracelets dig into his collar bone. He clears his throat. “Remind me again why I couldn’t have just grabbed us this shit on my own and got out?”
“Zappy invisibility doesn’t make up for the power of friendship?” Kamala offers.
Bucky shoots them another look over his shoulder. 
“No. Interstate is on the other side of the lot anyway. Going around would’ve been more dangerous.”
“Dude,” Miles says, “how do you do that. You’re like barely moving your mouth.”
“Uncle B used to be a ninja,” AJ whispers solemnly from the floor, now completely resigned to his boredom.
“It’s ‘cause his mom was from New Jersey,” says Kamala. “Everyone from Jersey has mad skills.”
Bucky makes a face, like, why did I ever tell a bunch of kids about my life. Miles is sympathetic.
“I think being from Jersey should count against you in a court of law,” Miles says. “Anyway, no way, B’s a New Yorker.”
“His energy gives matrilineal skill adoption,” Kamala whispers.
“What’s matrilinear?” asks AJ.
“Jesus fucking Christ,” mutters Bucky.
Miles and Kamala grin; AJ makes a shocked Pikachu face at the cuss.  
Aunt Sarah looks tense again. “James.”
He sighs, recalibrates, turns to her: “We’ll be fine.” The hard staring thing resumes. After a second Bucky’s mouth moves, and this time no sound comes out at all, except it kind of looks like he’s saying honey. At any rate, Aunt Sarah’s expression softens. Miles feels Kamala breathe in sharply and dig her fingers into his shoulder like dude, dude, see?! 
Bucky turns back to look at them and Miles tries to school his expression into something totally chill and not interested in the grown-up drama.
“Clear line of sight. You guys good for the rear?”
Miles puffs his chest out a little. “You kidding? With our combined powers?”
“Me and Miles are like a quadruple threat for government watch lists,” Kamala whispers, a crooked tilt to her grin.
Miles tries very hard not to snort out loud. He makes a dumb choking sound instead; Bucky sighs.
The reality of dystopian Walmarts might suck, but it's kind of nice that he has Kamala around, to make dumb jokes about it with. With that thought, they plow forward, to secure the drugs.
"Pain meds!" Kamala hisses, and Miles grins.
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ispyspookymansion ¡ 2 years ago
I was honestly really pissed off and saddened by nadine's death I know it's a horror franchise that kids absolutely do die in but it really rubbed me the wrong way killing off an autistic/neurodivergent coded child. Generally women and marginalized ppl don't fair well in the series or much of horror. Hell one movie takes place in a psych ward, I think the setting is important for it but even then the demographics are off overall. Hope this ask comes across clearly I don't mean to be offensive or make something out of nothing
i do hear what youre saying! i think its sort of. i mean. people have to die, its a horror show, and with NO actual character death (as in, major characters and not just random episodic one offs), it would get really really stale. imo it already is in some ways, but thats not the point. that being said, who would be allowed to die in the the franchise yk? basically all of the characters are marginalized because child’s play is pretty diverse in a variety of ways. it felt very obvious to me from the start that nadine was being introduced just so she could be killed later without having real consequences, and they never treated her as more than a means to an end, so i just couldnt feel that bad about her as a character. her death looked badass too which helps. hey, at least we have. Um looks at the smudged writing on my hand. autistic coded murder little sister? hm. maybe don is bad at this writing a tv show thing
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bigearsbunbun ¡ 1 year ago
New Year !! 1/30/2024
its been ages since I last posted in this account er.. well things had been busy with school and I completely forgot this website existedT.T
So um a lot has changed for sure!! though I dont really know where to start....
well school um...I became an achiever in the first quarter can u believe it:O well obviously my math is still terrible but um Im trying my best still!! we're still waiting on the second quarter card (grades) which I think the card giving will take place next month? they havent really announced the date so we're just waiting for them to...
okay social life.. have I made some friends this school year...well yes a lot actually they're very friendly I guess some people I just happen to have the same interests with and some are just sociable T.T though I still prefer my grade 9 friends...but Im sure ill get close with some of these people in 3rd quarter cause thats how it all started in grade 9 anywayTT
my grade 9 friend group is still alive so Im pretty happy we hanged out like after exams and got some milk tea:D some of our friends weren't able to come though but its okay...
lately Ive been helping my aunt clean her store and she offered me to work there part time.... well I think its a realy good opportunity since Im really saving up for some stuff Im planning to buy:D example a new phone because the one Im currently using isnt really good anymore and Ive had it for ages already...
In regards of my new years resolution I guess I do have a few that I wanna start doing...like reading more books...sleeping some more and avoid staying up till 2 am everydayTT....continue learning languages...and journal some more...Im actually itching to go to the store and buy a sketchbook to use it as a journal because its just way cleaner to use a blank paper than some paper with lines since I can just adjust the size of my hand writing however I like
Okay now...my arts...I was literally stuck in art block for 3 weeks..... couldnt draw at all I was so out of it....but now Ive been drawing some doodles so I guess thats a good thing at leastxD my aunt gave me her coloring pencils since she said she doesnt even use them anymore..I was so grateful since I dont really have a proper set of coloring pencils...and now I have like so many coloring materials..I have 2 sets of crayons the other one having like 96 colors pretty crazy ik....i hate 2 sets of coloring pencils...coloring markers...I have some paints and a watercolor...IK so manyTT AND I HAVENT EVEN MASTERED USING COLORS YET gosh goodluck to me>.<
well I think thats about all...I really do feel like Im missing some stuff but er I'll write those in the upcoming posts in the future:D if I ever dont forget about this website again that isx3!! WELL BABAIII<33!!
0 notes
theblueflower05 ¡ 2 years ago
Part One: Genesis
Summary: The start of it all. In which you meet your best friend and fall in love with the Sully’s
Word count: 1140k
Warning: Mentions of bullying. Can be triggering and emotional. I got a little choked up writing this.
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My heart will never be, will never see. Will never know.
Oh heart and then it falls.
And then I fall.
And then I know- Genesis, Grimes
You can't remember the first time you’d noticed Neteyam.
Noticed the heat in your cheeks and the tightness in your chest when you’re anywhere near him.
It’s like a strike of lightning, a crack of thunder. Nature erupting, no longer desiring to be ignored.
You think that maybe you were seven years old. Him nine.
Because of course you had seen him, known him. Had spent your short years with him ever present, a staple in your community. Netyam, the first born son of Jake Sully, renowned Olo’ eyktan and Neytiri, future Tsahik.
His name sung, praised. Lore in the making, a Greek tragedy being written. A king being molded.
But most of all, at least to you, he’s Kiri’s older brother. An ever present shadow, always keeping her in his peripheral.
Kiri finds lost things, and Austrapod who strayed from the nest. Glow worms washed out by the rains, she finds them and nurtures them. Connects to them, tries her hardest to understand them, loves them. No matter how creepy crawl-y, how mean or stand off-ish. How odd. It makes you sad, that other Na’vi dont feel the same way about her.
The other children make fun of her fourth finger, of the way she speaks English with her father and the other science sky people. How she stares at the bioluminescent flora and fauna for just a tad too long, whispering to the gentle breeze about how beautiful she thinks they are.
Kiri finds lost things, but you found her.
Years ago, sitting alone by the creek.
“What are you doing?” You asked, fascinated by the girl as she carried a soft tune to no one in particular.
She had almost jumped out of her skin, hadn't realized that anyone was there. Much less you, you who always seemed to be swarmed by a group of friends. Who answered questions first in class and had the prettiest necklace.
She’s mortified to be caught by anyone. But especially by you.
“Nothing, singing” Kiri answers, cheeks glowing purple.
“To who?” You continue on and she knows that you’re going to make fun of her. That you’ll run and tell your friends how freaky she is.
“Um, to the fish. I think they like it” She whispers staring down at the ripples on the water. Ready for the onslaught.
“Really?” Your voice isn’t malicious, isn’t cutting or mean. It’s sweet, the way it always seems to be “Do you think they can hear it?
You come beside her and crouch down, close enough that your shoulders are almost touching and Kiri stares at the side of your face, confused.
“Yeah, I do” She starts, a stutter in her small voice. “Do you wanna see?”
“Yes please” You chime, eager.
Kiri sings the song that grandmother taught her. The one about the sun being in love with the rain, even though the rain lived to dim it’s light. The fish like sad songs, Kiri has learned. As she sings they take turns coming to the surface, erupting it in happy popping bubbles.
You giggle joyously clapping and cheering “That’s so cool”
And no one had ever called Kiri cool before.
You didnt care about her hands, didnt care that she couldnt carry a tune when you asked her to sing more with you. Spent the whole day swimming, and laughing with you.You braided her hair with a few beads from your favorite bracelet and came back to the village hand and hand, fingers interlaced toting her along.
You’d found her and she was yours.
All of your other friends would have to be nice, you promise her. You’d make them. Just watch. Jake and Neytiri could only look on with warm amusement as Kiri trailed behind you, eyes wide as her smile. Grateful that she’d found someone. A confidant, a peer. A friend.
“I told you she just needed a little time. She’s a late bloomer, like you” Jake had sniggered to his wife, earning a sharp elbow to his wide chest. Neytiri knew isolation all too well, and had never quite broken out ot her introverted nature.
Was it so wrong that she didn't want her daughter to face the same? Kiri had barley spoken a word with the other children for all of her seven years.
When Kiri had asked to bring her new friend to their hut for dinner, her parents eagerly accepted.
“Of course, bring er’ over! Anytime you want, kiddo”
Having dinner with the Olo’eyktan and his family is big, an honor. But to your small mind, it's just Kiri. You’re excited to see her baby sister that she goes on about and most of all, to gift her the bracelet that you’d made her. It looks just like yours, almost identical.
Kiri shrieked with joy with you give it to her “It’s beautiful- no ones ever given me a bracelet before”
The other girls in class exchange them with each other, but never with her. Kiri’s chest feels full and her eyes full of tears.
Neytiri has to hold in her own as she watches the scene.
“I made it just like mine” you grin, holding out your own wrist “See? So everyone can see that we’re best friends”
You help her put it on, loop the knot tight so that it doesn't fall off and Kiri cradles her wrist to her chest for the entirety of the meal. Twirling at the many beads with her fingers.
“Kiri honey eat your food” Jake pushes, chuckling at her childish antics. “You gotta use your hands for that”
You hand her a piece of cut up fruit. She doesn't have to use her hand if she doesn't want to.
Neteyam cant help but grin, gapped from where he’d recently lost his front tooth. Impressed at your semi blatant form of rebellion.
An impressed little thing that you’d never thought you’d get from the boy.
Your heart, young and new and all to naive, bursts.
Completely enthralled with the Sully family. With the beauty of Kiri’s mother and the goofiness of her father. With baby, Tuk, who babbles but doesn’t wail. Even Lo’ak who had pulled your tail at lessons once seems better in the dim light of mild evening.
It seems as if she never let go of your hand after that day. Where there is one of you, the other is never far behind. Sat close during lessons and shrill giggles at dinner. The months go by. Then years follow, and any novelty that this was just a juvenile friendship fades and wanes.
Eywa brings her children together, Eywa knows when two souls are meant to cross.
The older you get, the more you find you have to trust that.
A|N: I’m so excited to finally get this first chapter posted I know it’s a little jumpy and hard to follow but that’s just because I wanted to tell the story of y/n and Kiri’s friendship before we start. It’s important to the flow of the rest of the story
Chapter two is written and ready to be posted! Let me know if you want a tag!
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shoot-the-oneshot ¡ 2 years ago
Mistaken identity
Daniel Riccardo x reader in honour of Monza it was only right to post Danny Ric
Daniel Ricciardo as mistaken identity
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F1 romance tropes masterlist
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“You can do this Y/n its no big deal, just a promotion on the line nothing huge.” Giving yourself a pep talk fixing your hair in your cars mirror. You were a journalist well an intern but this article could be your big break. You almost couldn’t believe it when your boss gave you the chance to write it. But when the original journalist caught the flu his loss was your gain.
An exclusive interview with St Hugos, Chief winemaker Peter Munro, it was a huge deal, you left immediately from the office to the vineyard, a decision you were now regretting as your heels sunk into the dirt. Stumbling through the vines you let out a sigh of relief finally finding him bent down inspecting some vines.
“Hello!” You shouted with a yelp as you tripped in your haste. With surprisingly fast reflexes he caught you just before you could fall. You met his eyes with a wide smile collecting yourself.
“Sorry, your assistant told me youd be out here it’s nice to meet you sir,” you rushed out, Holding your notebook tightly to your chest. Daniel laughed at your obvious excitement, not to brag but he was used to that reaction. By assistant he figures you meant Michael, he’d definitely make fun of him for that later.
“Pleasure is all mine beautiful.” He couldnt help but pull the hand you held out for a shake to his lips. Loving the pink hue that dusted your cheeks. You coughed straightening up. “Shall we get started?” You asked motioning to the two chairs in the open spot between the rows of grapes. Dan just nodded following your lead. Who was he to say no to a beautiful woman.
He thought you were an employee of the winery but seeing your outfit he was starting to question his assumption. You clicked your pin and opened your book, crossing one leg over the other unintentionally showing off more of your leg.
“So, what made you decide to pursue wine?” You asked a soft smile on your face as Daniels scrunched up in confusion. This had to be a joke, Michael was definitely behind this. So being the jokester he was he played along.
“Well one night during dinner at this beautiful restaurant i just thought to myself wow this taste like shit i could make a better wine, and my mate dared me to and here we are.” He waved his hands to motion to the vineyard while you pursed your lips nodding. “Um okay.” To say you were surprised would be an understatement this was not what you were expecting out of a highly renowned winemaker.
“Let me ask you a question?“ Daniel or Peter as you thought, leaned in resting his head on his arm propped up on the arm rest of the chair. “Sure.” Setting the pen down you gave him your attention which he liked more than he cared to admit.
“What do you think of the wine?” He asked watching you closely as you dropped your eyes to the ground. “I can’t say I’ve ever tried it.” At your words his eyes widdened and he jumped out of his seat. “Well we have to fix that, stay here.”
He ran to his bag left by the vines and pulled out a bottle and a big decanter.
He popped the cork and poured it. You grabbed the bottle to look at the label when he was done. “What’s the three mean?” His smile widdened when you asked.
“It’s only the sexiest funniest most handsome Formula one driver, Daniel Riccardo, did i mention good looking?” You laughed and nodded. “Once or twice yes.”
“Are you ready for the best wine you’ve ever had?” He asked cockily, holding out the decanter. You ignored him and asked a question of your own. “Is that supposed to be a shoe?” He nodded excitedly. “Yep like a shoey its kind of my signature thing.”
You raised your eyebrow, this is definitely not how you imagined your first interview would go.
“You drink wine out of a shoe?” He shrugged, “normally champagne but same difference. Plus i dont have glasses so.” You watched as he took a sip like he’s done it hundreds of times before. “See”
Hesitantly taking the glass shoe you tipped it up. As he watched expectantly.
You nodded you head handing it back “It’s pretty good.” He whooped throwing his hands up making some of the wine spill out that he clumsily tried to jump out of the way. Looking over at you with a sheepishly expression as you having seen that.
“If we could, can we get back to the interview now.” You asked, as he settled back down.
“Counter offer, we play twenty questions I’ll go first.” He spoke not giving you a chance to disagree. “What’s your favorite color?” Shrugging your shoulders you thought for a second. “Orange probably.”
“You’re just perfect aren’t you?” His words made you blush again, but he meant it the longer you all spoke going back and forth learning little things about each other he couldnt help but want to learn everything about you. You were obviously excited when you met him but you didnt ask him one question about racing and he loved being able to have a conversation about the other things he was passionate about.
He smiled to himself as you tried to take another sip out of the decanter, it being passed back and forth throughout the interview. The sun was just setting casting a golden hue over all it touched, making your hair almost glow. He momentarily panicked watching you close your note book.
“Let me take you out?” He blurted out, making him cringe at his outburst. “I’m not sure that’s a -“ “what’s a better way to learn about me then spending more time with together” he interrupted, sensing your objection. He wasn’t wrong if you wanted to blow your boss away going more in depth would be the way to do it. So you nodded your head, pulling your phone out for him to put his number in.
“Dan?” You asked confused seeing the name he put under his contact. “It’s what my friends call me.” He explained. How people got Dan from Peter you have no idea but maybe it wan an inside joke you didn’t get. He like the gentleman he is walked you to your car before going to find Michael.
“We’ve been wondering where you were what took so long?” His trainer asked seeing Daniel finally stroll back in widest smile he had ever seen on the mans face. He and Peter have been waiting for him to bring back a grouping of grapes for the video they were supposed to shoot when he didnt come back.
“I was talking to the girl you sent looking for me and must i say I’m now a believer in love at first sight.” He trailed off wistfully. “What girl?” Michael asked confused he didn’t send anyone anywhere. Daniel laughed nodding along. “The one who thought you were my assistant, which now hearing it I think we need to change your title.”
Peter who was silently listening to the two men cut in. “Was her name Y/n?” Dan’s eyes shot over to him the second her name reached his ears. “Yes that’s her!”
Peter looked over to his assistant Alexander. “Was that interview today?” He nodded, “yes i sent you the email reminder this morning and set her to the vineyard.”
“I sent Daniel to the vineyard.” As his bosses words the mans face paled.
“So what happened exactly.” Michael who had been looking between the men like a ping pong match asked. “She’s writing an article about St, Hugo. And was supposed to interview me for it today.” At Peters words the dots in Daniels head started to connect. “That’s why she kept asking about wine”
“Please call Miss Y/n’s office and informe them of our mixup, so we can get it straightened out.” Peter told Alex who quickly reached for his phone only for it to be snatched out of his hand by Dan. “You can’t do that.” He rushed out panicked.
‘Why not?” Dan rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, “i might have asked her on a date.” He mumbled. “You what!”
“Look if she finds out from him I’ll look like a jerk who played her just let me go on this date and i’ll explain it myself in person.” He offered, hoping they’d go along with his plan, he could always just keep the assistants phone and run away so he couldn’t make the call. He sighed with relief when they agreed.
One date turned to seven and in a few months you were an official couple, while Daniel couldn’t be happier he still found himself stuck in that lie. “You want us to what!” Max shouted all the drivers were huddled outside of Daniels flat, shushing the Dutchman. “She may or may not think my name is Peter and I’m a winemaker so i need you lot to go along.” He explained, taking a quick peak back to the door to make sure you hadn’t opened it.
Collectively, Max, Lando, Charles and Carlos all looked disappointed while Pierre was enjoying the humor of it all. “You have to tell her what are you going to legally change your name just so she never finds out?” Charles asked making Daniels eyes widden. “That’s not a bad idea.”
“Its a horrible idea!” They yelled getting shushed again. Daniel sighed looking more somber than the drivers have ever seen the happy go lucky Australian look.
“I love her,” was all he needed to say for them to understand. Carlos raised a hand to pat him on the arm pushing passed him to the door way. “You’re lucky i know all about the vineyards in Spain.”
Dinner went perfectly, no talks of formula one to give him away and true to his word Carlos talked your ear off about the winery’s he’s been to. “I wish we had this dinner a day earlier I would’ve loved to get a future on the article about peter.” You spoke. Making Daniels heart skip a beat, not in the normal way that happens when you’re around. “What do you mean a day earlier?” He dreaded your answer already having a feeling what you meant.
“I finished the piece, yesterday and sent it to my boss. She’s going to love it i have a feeling a promotion is right around the corner!” The drivers could hear your excitement which only broke their hearts, Daniels right there with them. He’s obviously heard about your hopes of being hired to the company and every second he didnt tell you the truth he was pushing you farther from you dreams.
Max loudly dropped his fork and starred daggers through Daniel, who sighed knowing what he had to do, he just hopes he doesn’t lose you in the process.
“You need to take article back right now!” He shouted, his nerves getting the best of him. “What, I can’t?” You tilted your head confused at his request and the sudden tension in the room. “I’m not Peter.” Daniels voice dropped to where you couldn’t even hear him. “Excuse me?”
“I’m not Peter, my name is Daniel.” You laughed thinking he was joking but taking a look at the other men in the room, your stomach dropped. “I’m so sorry Y/N i tried to tell you i didnt know you were done writing it-“ his eyes got blurry the longer he watched you process the information, cutting him off.
“What are you talking about!” Realizing now wasn’t the time for apologizes and that you wanted and needed the facts. Taking a deep breath to prepare himself.
“Remember the wine we had when we met, i said it was a partnership with an F1 driver?” He started, pausing for you to recall the conversation. “The funny sexy one?” You mumbled out, he couldn’t help but smile a bit at your words, while Lando scoffed in the background.
“That’s me, the real Peter, was supposed to meet you that day but his assistant got mixed up and you ran into me.” Your breathing had gotten deeper as you starred at you plate, well through it. He wasn’t ready when your eyes met his sending daggers straight to his heart. “And you just went along because my job isn’t important, right just a little intern to play a joke on. This is my life Peter, or whoever you are!” You yelled abandoning your chair to pace back and forth. You’ll be a laughing stock interviewing the wrong guy was one thing but sending it to your boss, youll be lucky if you ever get hired anywhere.
“Y/n you know me.” He begged moving to reach for you but you smacked his hands away. “Apparently i don’t! Are they even winemakers?” Waving your hand to his friends who all had sheepish looks on their face but one who was still glaring at what’s his face. Daniel dropped his head, giving you your answer.
“Of course they aren’t, just you lying to me wasn’t enough was it.” You humorlessly laughed collecting your things from the kitchen, making Daniel chase after you.
“Y/N dont leave please let me explain.” He cried out trying to stop you the closer you got to te door the more his heart broke. “I love you!” He choked out, making you pause. Turning back to look at him with tears in your eyes. Shaking your head.
“If this is how you treat someone you love, i dont want it.” The boys watched as you closed the door behind you, Daniel not moving from his spot staring where you last stood. “She left.” He repeated over and over as they went to comfort their friend. “You’ll get her back.”
“How!” Dan sobbed out, needed every once of hope that maybe just maybe this wasn’t the end. Honestly they had no idea how they could help him fix this.
For days you tried to find every way of getting the article back, without luck you counted the days every time you walked into the office past your bosses desk keeping your head down, you got to day six when she called you in. Shutting the door behind you, immedily going into apology mode. “I am so sor-“ she silenced you were a raise of her hand.
“I dont know how you did it, interview Peter Munro not that difficult.” She started staring right at you as you tried to make yourself as small as possible. In your panic you couldn’t help but think of the times Dan as you now know comforted you, making tea and your favorite meal after you told him you had a bad day, of course it was slightly Burned everytime but the thought was there. You nodded along to her words she was right it wasn’t that hard.
“Ma’am if i could just explain.” She interrupted you once again. “It seemed like an easy task for your first article, I’m honestly impressed.” She laughed and you just knew you were kissing your job goodbye. “But to get an exclusive with Daniel Riccardo, wow.” If you had water you would’ve choked on it for sure. Scrunching your eyebrows you asked her, “What?”
“I really don’t know how you did it but great job, the details you got make me feel like i knew him personally when i read it.” She praised, while you shook slack jawed. And slowly nodded. “I look forward to reading more of your work, you have a bright future here.” She stood to shake your hand. You couldn’t believe it. How did this happen. As you walked out of her office her assistant was waiting for you outside.
“You’re welcome.” She winked, leaning you there alone. Still confused as to what exactly happened you walked to you desk seeing a vase of orange roses. It didnt take a genius to know who sent them, it also didnt help they were beautiful. Reading the note you sighed. ‘I’m downstairs please meet me.’
You mind shot back and forth to meet him or not, you decided that if for no other reason then to have something to write about you walked to the elevator, tapping your foot on the way down. Seeing him leaning against a blue McLaren, you only knew that’s what it was from when you googled him. Between his fingers was a single rose. He shuffled on his feet as you got closer.
“Hi Daniel.” His eyes lit up hearing you say his name for the first time, you both gazed at each other in silence. “So how’d you fix it.” You knew it was him, you couldn’t even get it back let alone make changes.
“Figured i messed it up the least i could do is fix it because you deserve that job more than any journalist I’ve met.” He shrugged. “Plus your bosses assistant is a big fan.” You huffed out a laugh at his words, making him smile at the ice being broken.
“Baby i am so sorry-“ he started, you shook your head eliminating the space between you both, “Shut up Dan.” Using your hand wrapped around the back of his neck you pulled his lips down to yours.
Snapping out of his shock he wrapped his arms around you forgetting about the rose until you yelped and pulled back being pricked by a thorn.
“Oh god I’m sorry.” He rushed to set the rose on his hood still keeping you close with one arm, not wanting you to walk away from him again.
“Are we going to be okay?” He wasn’t dumb he knew a kiss didn’t mean you forgot everything but he hoped it meant he had a chance. Giving him another peck you nodded.
“We’ll be good, I’ve always loved the mistaken identity trope anyways.” You joked making him relax against you.
“You can still call me Peter sometimes if you want.” He wiggled his brows making you laugh. And shake your head at his antics, you could forgive him eventually already knowing you couldn’t live without him or the chance of not seeing his smile everyday.
Another one down I hope you guys liked it!!!check out the other parts at the F1 as romance tropes masterlist.
<< lance stroll as marriage of convenience
Charles Leclerc as best friends brother>>
F1 tag list.
@starxqt @motylekrozi @yeolsbubbles @laura-naruto-fan1998 @mooone90 @damianodavidhands @zig-zzag @its-astrotea-love love @peakywitch @obsessed-fan-alert @lenniebordeaux @marelovesf1 @capela-miranda a @enjoymyloves
@amsofftrack @coffeehurricanes @speedysimp @jasondeservedbetter @chilwell-mount @buendiabebeta
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gettinshiggywithit ¡ 2 years ago
!love is a mystery;it is a crime!
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pairing:- ranpo x reader x poe
genre:- attempted angst
honestly im not even sure if this good i just came up with it when i was half asleepp..
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Edgar Alan Poe,the greatest mystery novelist of all time!
At least anyone would think he was
But to the man himself? He was nothing but an insecure little writer
He’d tried to best his rival,the absolute genius Ranpo Edagawa,since that fateful day during which they’d first crossed paths.
But nothing,absolutely NOTHING ever seemed to work
Not a story with only mass murders and serial killers and not a story that took him SIX YEARS of his life, to write
It was getting frustrating but poe still had a spark that just refused to die within him
Even karl was getting worried with the way his best human friend was over working himself but alas he was just a raccoon.he could neither talk sense into poe nor could he slap ranpo...
But one day,
With one glance
Poe felt that hunger to please,to prove himself,just lighten a bit
That day was the day he saw you
Beautiful as ever.buying some tofu from a shop he frequented
“Quick Karl,how do i look??” He asked his furry friend.to which the ring eyed creature relied with a little prrp
“Okay,im goin to talk to them!”
“Prrrppp”(translation:-YES POE YOUVE GOT THIS!)
He walked up to you and quickly snatched something up on the way,he couldnt just pop up near the counter and talk to you out of nowhere!!! You’d think he was a creeper!!!
Once he was at the counter he just looked at you,heat rising in his face, and said
“That brand of tofu is the best,its quite affordable too,its a mystery how they dont sell out!”
At the sudden introduction if a voice that was seemingly talking to you,you turned around to see the a man with bangs and a raccoon on his shoulder.
You didn’t really think he was weird,you thought the raccoon was kinda cute tbh!
“I know right! Its so good!!”
a moment of silence with the only sound being the sounds of the road outside and the cashier lady ringing up your other purchases,passes and you think to introduce yourself
“Oh im y/n btw!”
“Im- im edgar but my friends call me poe.”
“Ooooh so you’re poe??” You replied.
He was astonished!how did you know his namee?????
Were you an ability user too?? Perhaps a spy from the guild sent to find him??????
“Uh-you- uh,know me?” He asked,his hopes of mustering the courage to ask you out disintegrating before him by the second
“Of course i do! You were in the guild!”
He breathed a sigh of relief
You seemed to be a regular person
“Oh um yes! Im not that active with them now though..” he continued
“Ah...sorry to hear that i guess... would you like to come over to my office by the way?? We’re making a huge feast to celebrate our President’s birthday!
His heart began to skip beats upon BEATS at this
He MUST be dreaming because if he heard it right,YOU just asked HIM to join him for dinner?!?!?!
There was no way in hell that he’d pass up this opportunity!
“Sure! I mean as log as im not a being a bother...”
“Oh no don’t worry we’ll have plenty of food to eat!”
“Oh,is that what the tofu is for??” He asked curiously
You looked down at you hand at that and placed it quickly on the counter
“Nope~thats just for me”
After both you and he had paid and left,you started walking to your office
It was silent for a few seconds while you thought about what to say and then finally,
“Oh is that a raccoon ?? Whats his name??? Can i pet him please????”
This sudden outburst of questions caught him by surprise but he was happy that you were the one to break it
“Oh um yes,yes this is a raccoon,his name is Karl,and i dont think hes mind being petted no.”
“Ooh greatt!!” You said before starting to pet the livin Shit outta him
And funnily enough karl seemed to like it!
Once you arrived at the ada headquarters he was going to ask you if the office you were speaking about was the ada
But as your pace quickened he had to run a little to stay by your side
Once you were outside the door,he had his answer
And after a secret knock was perfomed by you(to make sure They dont accidently let President fukuzawa in and ruin the surprise.)the door opened to reveal the one that he knew as atsushi
You smiled at the boy and gave him a hug before running over to his rival and giving him an even tighter hug and a passionate kiss to add
It was at this moment that poe’s heart shattered
How could he have been so stupid! Of course someone as beautiful and amazing as you would be with ranpo
He cursed himself for falling so hard so obsceenely fast and when you brought ranpo over to introduce him,he plastered on a smile to hide the pain
Of course ranpo didnt notice,and even if he did he didn’t say anything
But You were actually surprised to find that they knew eachother
You babbled on about how you could now be a trio and ranpo asked him how his new novel was coming along
He smiled at your suggestions and the prospect if spending time with you and also let ranpo know about his new book
You then spent the night partying eating and enjoying yourselves(after President fukuzawa came ofcc)
All the while you had no idea that poe was trying to pick up the pieces of his broken heart
Love was a mystery indeed;but in that moment poe knew that it was also a crime
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please dont repost my work here as your own on any platform all rights belong to me except that of the characters used,their right belong to their respective owners.but these stories? mine.
feedback,likes,reblogs and comments are so very appreciated tbh :’)i hope you enjoyed and ill catch ya next time!
Comments & Reblogs w/ tags >>>>>>>>>>>likes please
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glilboy ¡ 3 years ago
Ateez reactions to finding you reading smut about them: Hyung line
ive had this idea for awhile and even requested it a few times from other writers but..i felt it was time to write it lol
tws under the cut
warning, this piece of fiction contains mentions of somnophilia, slight dom and sub dynamics, and general explicit topics.
You had attempted to stay up waiting for Hongjoong, deciding to reread one of your favorite stories in the mean time. Unfortunately that wasnt enough to keep you awake, you ultimately passing out and your phone tumbling onto the floor.
Hongjoong had a feeling you'd passed out since you didnt message him any "i miss you :(" texts after 11pm so seeing you knocked out on the couch was no surprise. He slowly padded over to you smiling softly, then noticing your phone on the floor and went to pick it up for you. He was never the kind to go through your phone but your smart self had no shut down timer which left the fan fiction on display for him.
He couldnt help but be curious seeing paragraphs of text and decided a little reading would do no harm. As he began to read though he felt his gut sweep, in a good way. He was honestly a little upset until he saw his name but when he read his name it was like all of exhaustion disappeared. Luckily he didn't have work the next day he thought to himself.
Sitting down on the couch with a plan he slowly nudged you awake. "Hi dear," he spoked softly with a smirk.
You rubbed at your bleary eyes and looked up at him, "Oh hi Joongie. Sorry I didn't mean to fall asleep." He smiled even bigger at you.
"Thats fine, it helped me find out something fun," he tucked your hair behind your ear. Still waking up you made a small "huh?" before seeing the phone in his hand.
"Oh..." you mumbled, starting to be awake enough to get it. You finally looked at him straight on and saw his signature devilish grin.
He moved his hand to slowly move up your thigh, giving it a small squeeze which elicted a sigh out of you. "Didn't think you'd read stuff like that Y/N, but I guess you're just full of surprises huh doll," the pet name made you shiver, Hongjoong never having used that one before.
"I'm sorry Joongie," you mumbled into your arm, face now red. His hand moving up to cup your core and grind his hand into it making you whimper softly.
"Oh dont be sorry dolly, just shows me that you really miss me."
Saying Seonghwa was caring was an understatement in a way. Despite his busy schedule he made it a point to showed he cared in different ways. One thing he always did was if you left your phone out at all he would put it on the charger for you. Small things!
Today though he had come home earlier than usual while you were taking a quick shower. Seeing your phone on the counter he waltzed over setting his stuff down to throw it on the charger even if it wasn't that low. He noticed you left it on, open to a book he assumed enough.Him being the lovely man he is he wanted to read a bit to see what you liked and possibly buy you a physical copy. Written porn with his name in it though was not what he was expecting.
Seonghwa gulped, setting down your phone with his hands shaking and his face now flushed pink. He took a deep breath and set down his bag, running his fingers through his hair now being surprisingly worked up. A part of him felt embarrassed for being turned on by the writing but at the same time he knew you didn't read it for no reason.
"Hwa! You're home early hello!" You ran up to him giggling, now clean and dressed in some sweats.
"Hey babe, yeah we got let out early cause we learned the new choreography fast enough. They asked us if we wanted to do more vocal practice but none of us did," He laughed, trying to shift his legs to hide his slight erection.
"None of you stay late ever," you giggled sarcastically up at him. "Well, I was gonna take a nap. Do you want to? I'm sure you're tired."
He nodded softly and took your hand walking to your guys bedroom talking about your day. He changed himself into more comfortable clothing then joined you in bed, you curling into him quickly. Once you settled Seonghwa felt he could actually breathe, feeling like a middle schooler just for getting more worked up from having you close. He heard your breath settle which is when he shifted away a bit from you.
"Fuck..." He mumbled, having the space now laying on his back to palm himself over his erection. Looking over at your sleeping face made it worse, the piece you had opened having involved somnophilia. One thing he never had the guts to suggest to you despite having such an open relationship.
He didn't notice your eyes flutter open at the movement. You only just fell asleep so you were in no means in too deep. You decided to play it though, closing your eyes and throwing a leg over his waist as if you were just adjusting in your sleep.
He inhaled a sharp breath and bit his lip now mildly frustrated at the whole situation. Mumbling a fake sleepy "Hwa" you moved to straddle the man hearing a childish sigh escape his lips.
"If you keep moving, I swear to god," He mumbled out loud thinking youre still asleep since you had always been a chaotic sleeper.
"And what will you do about it horny kid," you giggled against his neck. You could feel his body tense.
"Go back to sleep and I'll fuck you like your sick little fantasy, how about that hm?"
Rain was beating against the window as you cuddled up on the couch with your phone in hand. Yunho was on the other side of his personal office playing video games. It was a chill day but something in the air was setting you slightly off the edge.
Besides the sweet glances and cheesy smiles thrown at each other, your screen was very much the opposite of innocent pure love. Getting indulged in the story you started to zone in, missing some of his looks making Yunho curious as to what your interest was delved into currently.
"Be right back guys," he said into the mic mischievously. Quickly making his way over he slipped the phone out of your hand, this behavior wouldve typically been fine but because of the contents on your screen you gasped and reached out for your phone. "You doing something naughty or do you just like acting suspicious?" he grinned before looking at your phone.
His face feel reading the paragraph of a particularly nsfw scene. You were now sitting up staring at him wide eyed, "yuyu please oh god its not what you think, i think." Silence filled the room, the only noises being the sound of his running pc and the dull chatter of the other boys.
"Do you read this often?" he said out of hesitation and pure curiosity, almost feeling that he violated your private space. He kind of got the gist of it all right away, thankfully for your sake.
"Not all the time but i mean, you are busy yunho," you tried to softly explain knowing this was odd territory.
"Do you...ever want to try it," he says, getting to the end of the page and looking at you.
"I can't say that..none of them aren't, nice," the air was filled with an awkward energy that could suffocate another person if they came in at such a weird time.
The two of you stood there for a second, until he moved towards you and took your hand. He placed it on his bulge and you sucked a breathe in.
"Take off my pants," he ordered, a strange harsh tone to his voice. For you guys there was never set roles, not any dom or sub dynamic but it wasnt vanilla per say so him speaking like this was new. Besides that, you did as he said and pushed your thumbs under the waistband of his sweats, pulling them down his legs.
Silently he took your hand then sat down on his gaming chair, pulling out his large cock. He slipped on his headphones before looking up at you with a shit eating grin.
"Sit down, i can tell youve been dying too babe."
You were waiting for yeosang to come home after a shorter than usual practice, deciding to pass the time by indulging in your secret world. In the midst of browsing your favorite blogs you didn't hear the door open, this event made you learn not to have headphones in when participating in such activities.
Walking in, Yeosang looked around for you and spotted your figure on the couch. He slowly moved near with a secret motive of scaring you when he glanced at your phone seeing a photo of him paired with a lot of writing. Tilting his head curiously he squinted to read the text, reading along with you until his face flushed.
Sucking in a breath slightly he moved back to the door, playing off him just entering. You noticed his figure walking towards you and sneakily turned off your phone and got up to greet him.
"Hey babe, it's nice to see you in the sunlight," you giggled and wrapped your hands around his waist. You noticed him hesitantly wrapping his arms around you, causing you to pull away.
"Hey, whats up? you seem a bit off?" you pouted and brushed the hair out of his eyes, not catching the little blush.
"Yeah yeah babe, I'm fine. promise," he cleared his throat and pulled away, making your heart sink a bit. He practically completely ignored what you actually said.
"No Yeo, I- did I do something wrong? Or just a long day?" you pried knowing something was up.
Shifting awkwardly on his feet he looked up at you, his hair back in his face. "I um, saw what you were reading."
The color drained from your face, mouth slightly hanging not knowing what to say. You thought he was pissed, was going to leave and break up with you but right when you were about to talk he spoke again.
"C-can we do that?"
A moment of silence passed and you looked up at him, your boyfriend who was typically very soft and gentle in bed. Knowing what you were reading was likely pretty heavy in his book, you became worried. "Yeo, I just read it. It means nothing I don't want to make you uncomforta-"
His lips cut yours off and one hand entangled in your hair, his other guiding you to the wall by your hip. Back flush against the way you pulled away after a moment to see his eyes wide and sweat already beading down his temple.
"I've wanted to do that, just didn't want to scare you dear."
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