#and i will NOT tolerate any zionism in the notes
dailydemonspotlight · 5 months
I’m feeling in a Devil Survivor mood today, care for me to ask for Jezebel?
Jezebel - Day 33 (Request)
Race: Bel
Alignment: Free Palestine! 🇵🇸
May 7th, 2024
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Abrahamic faith and SMT go hand-in-hand. There's a reason YHVH is such a recurring figure in the series, and it's not just due to ATLUS wanting to see god be dethroned every entry. Hell, in mainline, a good amount of theming is based around abrahamic religions, such as things like the Law-Chaos dichotomy or literal Lucifer being a major character in almost every game in the series. However, if there's one game in the series famous for its Christian roots, it'd have to be the first Devil Survivor. Whether it be the main character literally being Abel, the demonic invasion having heavy ties to a biblical apocalypse, or many other characters in the story being reincarnations of biblical characters, Devil Survivor is rife with Christian themes. Admittedly, I haven't played it yet, being a mainline and DDS fan first and foremost, but its themes being so explicitly connected to abrahamic faith to the point it makes even mainline blush is notable to me.
Now, what does this have to do with anything? It has to do with our demon of the day! Great segway, I know. Today's demon of the day is the wicked witch and promoter of Baal, Jezebel! Being an infamous figure for good reason, Jezebel was responsible for many things associated with false prophets- whether it be propping up fake gods like Baal and Asherah or slaughtering Yahwist priests, she was responsible for the fall into heresy that the Omride dynasty experienced. In spite of how unpopular the dynasty grew to be to the common israelite who lived under her, Jezebel promoted growth, eventually leading to conflict with her own people. Only being a princess, she could only promote worship of Baal, however she often went out of her way to kill people who worshipped capital-g God, leading to Panic! At Jerusalem.
Eventually, she led to the death of Naboth in an act of greed for a fellow Israeli citizen, executing the man for not wishing to share his prosperous vineyard with her husband, Ahab. Watching this flagrant disregard for his people, though, was God, who was utterly fuming. Seeing the fall into heresy that Jezebel led Israel right into, he gave Elijah a prophecy- one of the eventual death of Jezebel. The man would report that prophecy to King Jehu, who would give a solid order- one to execute the woman. Jezebel then proceeded to be thrown through a window and eaten by dogs. Yes, really. Death by defenestration is a biblical thing.
Ever since that story, Jezebel has become synonymous with false prophets and heresy in abrahamic faiths, with her name typically being referred to as shorthand for any who manipulate others through lies and gaslighting. As unpopular as she was until her death, though, she's still referred to by many in that same context, and you may find people referring to others as 'Lustful Jezebels' if they're lame enough. Her name was also attached, in the Book of Revelations, to a priest who began to spread sexual promiscuity to her people, hence the "lustful" part of that saying.
Now, in SMT, her design is utterly fascinating- appearing as a late-game boss fight in Devil Survivor, the flowers seem to symbolize promiscuity, while the many tendrils emerging from the torso seem to represent all manners of manipulation. Her design is packed with layers of metaphor, and the imagery of flowers can also represent both 'honeyed words,' as well as the spreading of lies, like pollen. Her design also is frankly sick looking- I really gotta play Devil Survivor, huh? Overall, Jezebel is a fantastically designed demon with some serious importance behind her, a representation of sin and manipulation that I adore.
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ombre-ame · 1 month
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Fuck Zionism ..Fuck Benjamin Netanyahu bombing a school that was being used as a shelter. Forcing people into these makeshift shelters and then attacking them is inhumane. Where are the Hamas members they claim to be targeting? The world is watching and allowing this to happen, turning a blind eye to this genocide. This isn't about hostages anymore; it seems more like a hate-driven land grab. If my words seem strong, consider how unjust and harsh the reality of genocide is for the people of Palestine.
Aug 11/24
Side note..
I harbor no hatred or ill will towards any race, religion, country, or people . However, I have absolutely no tolerance for war mongers, murders hiding behind the mask of politicians . I will never turn a blind eye to injustice , if that makes me unpopular, so be it..
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grandhotelabyss · 11 months
Any thoughts on nick land / mark fisher?
I've encountered both of them essentially as bloggers—I don't think I've ever read a word of either on paper—so I can't say I've studied them formally or mastered their thinking.
Land's concept of capital as autonomous alien intelligence assembling itself through retroaction on human agents—do I have this right?—is fun science fiction. I accept that as a theory of cultural temporality in general but not necessarily as a theory of technology or capitalism in particular. As for his more (shall we say) "ethnic" idea about "exit" and the Anglo character—maybe there's something to that. Modern history as the struggle between decentralized commercial sea empires (UK, US) and despotic communist land empires (Germany, Russia, China). And his new thing about Anglo-Zionism—I believe he's read Milton deeply—is right on time. All his Compact pieces on the English canon are paywalled, so I haven't read them, but it seems like he's approaching the idea that the God of the Bible is the force he previously identified as capital. (I think this is similar to what Mitchell Heisman outlined in his Suicide Note, but I only read some of that, and only once, on one sleepless night over 10 years ago, and doubt I'll revisit it. Does Heisman cite Land? I don't recall.) Hyperstition is real, as any manifestation girl on here or on TikTok or on YouTube will tell you.
Now Fisher was a sad case. I think all that anti-humanist theory did him no favors, personally. I'm not sure he could stand in that desolate place, the way Land could. I don't believe I ever directly interacted with him online when we both were bloggers in the same milieu circa 2005 or so. Maybe once or twice. He had a positive Marxist take on Batman Begins, and I had a negative one, and I think somebody sent him mine when he had comments open. (He had a whole thing, which anticipated the "vampire's castle" image, about "gray vampires" who stalk the comments section and suck the life out of your imaginative assertions with their point-missing nitpickery. He wasn't wrong!) I'm sure he thought I was hideously naive if he ever thought about me at all, and I was naive, I was essentially a Stalinist, an obvious example of humanist theory gone wrong, but there are limits, too, to that gothic style he picked up from Land and the CCRU.
I think he said Kafka was his first major author. There's a case to be made that you should read Kafka only after Dickens. (I don't mean literally but metonymically. Nor do I mean the 19th century vs. the 20th or even realism vs. modernism. Replace Kafka with Baudelaire and Dickens with Joyce and it'll mean the same.) And I'm not talking about politics here or even ethics. No panacea for politics and ethics can be found in books. Kafka, for that matter, was probably a nicer guy qua guy than Dickens was. But, just as someone who has to live in the world in your skin, it can't hurt to read a non-anti-humanist book from time to time if you're a bookish person. To not always try to conceptually outflank as a ruse of power every obvious humane sentiment. And to try not to need your humane sentiments to be conveyed only by the most alienating stimulus, to need them to come in the form of their opposite. I never got over his review of The Passion of the Christ:
What, from one perspective, is the utter humiliation and degradation of Jesus's body is on the other a coldly ruthless vision of the body liberated from the 'wisdom and limits of the organism'.
Christ's Example is simply this: it is better to die than to pass on abuse virus or to in any way vindicate the idiot vacuity and stupidity of the World of authority.
Power depends upon the weakness of the organism. When authority is seriously challenged, when its tolerance is tested to the limit, it has the ultimate recourse of torture. The slow, graphic scenes of mindless physical degradation in The Passion of the Christ are necessary for revealing the horrors to which Jesus' organism was subject. It is made clear that he could have escaped the excruciating agony simply by renouncing his Truth and by assenting to the Authority of the World. Christ's Example insists: better to let the organism be tortured to death ('If thine own eye offend thee, pluck it out') than to bow, bent-headed, to Authority.
This is what is perhaps most astonishing about Gibson's film. Far from being a statement of Catholic bigotry, it can only be read as an anti-authoritarian AND THEREFORE anti-Catholic film. For the Pharisees of two millennia ago, puffed up in their absurd finery, substitute the child-abuser apologists of today's gilt-laden, guilt-ridden Vatican. Against all the odds, against two thousand years of cover-ups and dissimulation, The Passion of the Christ recovers the original Christ, the anti-Wordly but not otherwordly Christ of Liberation Theology: the Gnostic herald of Apocalypse Now.
This is why I found him frustrating when I read him as a daily blogger almost 20 years ago. Plus the over-solemnity about pop-culture ephemera. I found him a bit naive, too, in the end, though he was almost 15 years my senior. I also sometimes just didn't and don't know what he was talking about, because I sort of hated and hate theory.
In his purely political commentary, he was right, however, to focus on bureaucratization as an effect of neoliberalism—the way capitalism and communism converge in the present for the worst of both worlds, everything is at once a competition and frozen in a statist hierarchy. I'm not sure I'm persuaded by the "hauntology" thesis. I've thought through that issue in a different way and am not convinced the end of the myth of the revolution or the myth of the avant-garde has to mean that we have no future. In fact it might mean the opposite. But good for him for putting into public consciousness an interesting and melancholically beautiful idea that would otherwise have remained confined to smug Derrida-readers.
He is fun to read. That's the highest compliment I can pay. I'm sure the big K-Punk book is a wonderful thing to own and to browse through: to watch a movie or read a book or listen to an album and then see what he had to say about it. He was one model of the blogger as true essayist.
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dilfsona · 4 months
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You fictionkin, otherkin, or any kinda kin? You pro-ship/fic/etc.? Well boy do I have news for you. We've opened up a pro-fic friendly kin server. 18+ only! You will be thoroughly vetted and, with moderation bots, protected! Hop on in!
General Rules: ─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
No bullying. This community is built on supporting others and caring for creators and consumers alike. We do not stand for bigotry or harassment of any kind and discovering that you partake in behavior relating to, but not limited to zionism, racism, ableism, or queerphobia will result in a swift ban.
Absolutely no minors. We don't care if you're turning 18 in a month, come back when you're 18. This server has content that would be illegal to show to minors in any form and we do not want that. If you're caught lying about your age to gain access to the server, you will be banned.
This is a pro-ship server! All antis and anti-adjacent members are not welcome here.
Promos are allowed in ⁠promo ! Do not post more than one promotion in less than 24 hrs!
No images of IRL/Realistic minors.
No spamming! Please, god.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ─── Server Rules and Warnings: ─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
NSFW jokes are allowed outside of the ⁠nsfw-i and related channels, but keep actual, genuine NSFW discussions (such as porn, erotica, etc.) to their respective channels please! (Note: The shipping channels are inherently NSFW and can be treated as such! Feel free to send ship-related porn there.)
You might not want to share your twitter/tumblr, and that's okay! But you will have to at least DM it to a mod so we can verify you.
You might see a ship you don't like, and that's fine. If that's the case, mute the channel! We don't tolerate ship hate.
Slurs might be used by members; this is allowed. We're going off a trust-based system here; if you say a slur, you better be able to reclaim it. Do not call another member a slur if they've stated they're uncomfortable with it being used on them.
This server deals with dark/taboo topics such as, but not limited to: age gaps, incest, abuse, non-con, etc. Please make sure you're comfortable with those topics before joining! Darkfic and darker/taboo subjects are opt-in, though note that the shipping channels themselves are a bit of a free-for-all.
This server is friendly to all ships as long as they do not include real children. For example, RPF of adult celebs (EX: Tom Holland x RDJ) is fine and allowed.
Check people's DM status roles before DMing them!
The password is a favorite plant of yours.
You're free to invite anyone you believe would enjoy the server, but be aware that if they end up banned for any reason, we may have to have a chat with you. (EX: Member invites someone, invited member turns out to be a minor, both members get banned.)
The venting channel is opt-in but please do not post genuine suicide threats or wishes. If you are struggling with your mental health, please check out this list of helplines (international): https://blog.opencounseling.com/suicide-hotlines/.
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shu-of-the-wind · 1 year
welcome to my pinned post! buenas tardes y bienvenidos, よろしくお願い足します!sut dych chi heddiw?
i'm alix, pronouns they/them/theirs. i am an attorney and i will not be giving you legal advice so don't ask. (this is different from asking basic questions about how the law works. asks will be answered on a case by case basis.) my specialties are family law, DV law (including nonconsensual pornography), human trafficking law both domestic and international, and US indigenous law but i also have experience in criminal and juvenile defense, child protection, youth law, immigration and asylum law, and mass tort litigation.
i write. you can find my fanfics here. you won't be able to see my fic without an AO3 account; i've locked things to protect my work from AI scoops. if you are here for swallows on the beam questions (including character guides), click here. if you're looking for the sotb tag, click here. sotb fanart can be found here. if you are here for other projects of mine, click here.
i study fascism, high control religions and organizations, conspiracy theories, the evangelical christian right, american legal history, and some other things for fun. i'm building a youtube channel to do this more consistently. keep an eye on this space for links. i'm also mid-construction on a podcast with a friend, so i will be posting links to that here as well once it's up and running.
日本語が話せます!y estudiando español pero lo siento, mis maestros eran salvadoreños, mexicanos, y puertorriqueños entonces mi vocabulario es muy variado. a dw i'n dysgu cymraeg.
i am also exploring conversion to judaism. i won't talk about it here much because religion is a very private thing for me. i'll tag what little i do post here. i absolutely do not tolerate any zionism on my page. if you are a zionist i do not want to associate with you. that being said, being jewish and being a zionist are not equivalent and i will not tolerate antisemitism of any stripe from any of my mutuals. antizionist jews exist. zionist goyim exist. zionism is an idea, not an immutable identity. regardless of whether i do wind up converting, do not fuck with my friends.
my patreon is under construction. my ko-fi is here.
recommendations for books, tv/movies, and podcasts. also i sometimes go viral which i find weird (anything over 450 notes is viral to me). my fandom mixtapes are here.
if you're here for my opinions, click here.
if you're here just to hang, hi!
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thesister · 4 months
Hello everyone! This a rp blog for my bsd oc, Varvara Dostoevsky (which was actually the name of one of his irl sisters, fun fact!).
Pfp and header are not mine:
Pfp- https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/1706331
Header- Pinterest
I am a minor so nothing weird, as well as your basic dni criteria.
I will not tolerate any zionism, get out. Free Palestine🍉🇵🇸
More about her!:
Ability: her ability is "Notes from the Underground". Notes from the Underground enables Varvara to influence the emotions of those who come into contact with notes she's written, causing those affected to be suddenly overtaken by any emotion prominently portrayed in the note. The drawbacks of this ability are that it's predictably very emotionally draining for her and overtime has resulted in her having notable mood swings, as well as being overall much weaker with more positive emotions than negative.
Appearance: Varvara is around 5'9 and pretty lanky overall. she has silky black hair that reaches her mid back, which she does up in different braids most of the time. her style of clothing is typically within the realm of light acadamia.
Her existence!: sooo kind of a sigma situation? except she DID exist, at one point but she died :/ bc yk, Fyodor's old as hell. then basically fyodor created a new version of her in the Book, obviously writing all the stuff he knew happened in her life. this is one of the reasons she's only 19, despite having lived to around her 50s before passing, as I believe her and fyodor grew distant from each other after this due to some familial issues so this was the only things he was certain on. plus can't have his younger sister looking older than him, can he? anywho she's been up and at em for around a year at this point and has figured out that she's kind of not a real person but! it doesn't bother her! totally!
annnd that's what I've got for now, will update if there's anything I've missed :]
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tenderkith · 11 months
She. Silent, fawn-eyed. Clever.
Allow me to introduce myself as Annabella, a recipient of numerous endearing monikers such as Ann, Bella, and I would be most delighted if you would graciously bestow upon me a similar appellation.
I hold an immense sense of pride in embracing the usage of feminine pronouns, as I have gracefully attained the age of consent. Additionally, I am delighted to announce that I'm a proud Leo.
I would like to bring to your attention that this account holds great significance to me as it serves as my sanctuary, enabling me to express myself openly and authentically. Here, I have the liberty to share various aspects of my life, including personal anecdotes and captivating selfies, without the need for preemptive content warnings or trigger alerts.
I possess a discerning palate when it comes to music, embracing a wide spectrum of artists who captivate me with their enchanting melodies. From the ethereal tunes of Taylor Swift, NIKI, SZA, BLACKPINK, aespa, Frank Ocean, The Weeknd, Kodaline, to the soul-stirring compositions of Daniel Caesar and numerous other gifted musicians, my taste is truly eclectic. Furthermore, I find solace in the timeless charm of rock bands like My Chemical Romance, Paramore, Green Day, The Goo Goo Dolls, Radiohead, and Guns N' Roses, among many others. It is worth noting that my appreciation for music transcends geographical boundaries, as I derive immense pleasure from immersing myself in the harmonious beauty of Indonesian songs by esteemed artists such as DEWA19, Chrisye, MALIQ & D'Essentials, and countless others.
My interest in K-POP is not particularly extensive as I am solely dedicated to supporting BLACKPINK and aespa. The depth of my love for BLACKPINK goes beyond what words can describe, so if you happen to have any negative opinions about them, I kindly ask you to refrain from engaging with this account. Although I occasionally indulge in watching movies, I must admit that horror and gore genres are not my cup of tea. In terms of actors, Jacob Elordi holds a special place in my heart, while Han Sohee stands out as my favorite Korean artist. Additionally, I also enjoy watching anime on occasion.
Please do not follow if you:
Homophobic, Zionism, and Islamophobic
Interact frequently with Cybfess or Moonareas.
I do not tolerate following without my consent.
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beesandwasps · 2 years
Not Magic But Intent
The phrase “intent is not magic” used to be pretty popular on social media a few years back — it means “doing a bad thing while having a good mindset does not somehow make the bad thing good”. This is true.
However, intent does have some practical effects. Right now, neo-nazis are trying to take over relief efforts for the train derailment in Ohio. They are doing this in hopes that if they talk really loudly about how mutual aid is coming from fascism, they will be able to recruit more fascists, or at least make the recipients of the aid stop opposing it. Since we don’t even want the fascists we already have, let alone a new crop, this is concerning.
I bring this up not because of that specific issue but because I am starting to see something on the left which worries me, involving intent.
Fascists are evil and we should stop them. If you’re here and reading that, I’m kind of presuming you agree with that statement. (If not, go away.) But it is worth asking ourselves “why?” now and again, so that we remain clear about this.
The correct answer is “fascists need to be stopped because they will, if left unchecked, harm (and usually kill) people for traits which they cannot control, such as ancestry or sexual orientation”. If there were, somehow, a fascist movement which exclusively sought to improve the lot of its favored group by nonviolent collective bargaining on their behalf, like the AARP does for old people, then it would not be necessary to resist it — but it also would not be categorized as a fascist movement, because a movement is called fascist because of its hatred of and, ultimately, violence towards the “other”. Nobody is seriously going to categorize the AARP as fascist (unless they start blaming young people for things and trying to kill them, of course — that would put them over the line).
Now, note the specifics of that answer: the fault is with the hatred of and violence against others. It’s not the particular selection of who those others are. If you encounter a political movement which blames all problems on white people and wants to kill them, that’s as bad as American fascists who blame all problems on dark-skinned people and want to kill them, or nazis who blame all problems on Jews and want to kill them. The wrongness is the desire to scapegoat people and then harm and kill them.
I bring this up because I keep seeing posts which seem to be saying “we need to resist nazis because they hate Jewish people, and Jews are special and should be exempt from violence”, with the implication that if said nazis were targeting some other group it would be okay.
Think that’s an exaggeration? Think again — the current Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, leader of the single largest political party of Israel — which is considered centrist and mainstream in Israel, no matter how right-wing it may appear from the outside — has spent years trying to whitewash not just nazis but Adolf Hitler himself. In 2015 he tried to claim that Hitler didn’t want to kill Jewish people and just a couple of years ago — there’s an article on this somewhere in my blog’s archives which I can’t find, and I don’t want to Google this too specifically because I don’t want a bunch of searches with these terms in my history — gave an interview where he said that if the Nazis hadn’t specifically put Jews on their enemies list they would have been fine (which means that the other people who were in concentration camps, gays and Roma and disabled people and dissenters and so forth, were fine to exterminate). It is absolutely a mainstream opinion in Israel that fascism is fine as long as Jews aren’t the target.
Hate crimes against Jewish people should not be tolerated. But they should not be tolerated because hate crimes should not be tolerated, not because the target is Jewish people. We don’t need Jewish übermenschen any more than we need “Aryan” ones; unfortunately it is clear that Zionism is increasingly linked to exactly this worldview. Deciding that Muslims — and particularly Palestinians — are inherently evil and then trying to kill them, which is official Israeli policy now, is fascist, and must be stopped.
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blindinjustice · 8 days
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BLINDINJUSTICE is an independent, mutuals only & selective interpretation of M.ATT M.URDOCK from marvel comics' SPIDER-GWEN. written by ej (22) / she/her.
DISCLAIMER 1. This blog is 18+ and I will not follow or write with anyone under the age of 18.
DISCLAIMER 2. I am not my muse. M.urderdock as the Kingpin is, y'know, a villain and not a particularly likeable person. Please don't view anything he says or does as an endorsement of him. Roleplaying boundaries are important to me, though, and I make a point to reread your rules or our conversations as I write.
DISCLAIMER 3. I won’t tolerate bigotry in any form, which includes (but is not limited to) ableism, sexism, racism, transphobia, homophobia and religiously motivated bigotry. Also, I believe in a free Palestine and in dismantling Israel, so zionism or any other imperialist beliefs. It’s also worth mentioning that I completely anti J.ason L.atour despite writing a character from his run of the comic. These rules also apply to faceclaims. If you see me writing with someone you think breaks these rules, privately let me know and I’ll escalate the situation.
PRIVACY. I'm mutuals only, so please only interact with my memes, starters, starter calls, edits and whatever else if we both follow each other. I reserve the right to be selective with who I follow back, because I'd like to keep this blog as a relatively quiet space for now.
UNIVERSE. In terms of the multiverse, this particular M.att is from Marvel’s Earth-65, which appears exclusively in Spider-Gwen comics. His nature as a multiversal variant of a typically heroic character means that this specific origin is important to my portrayal of him, but it's easy for me to write and justify crossover scenarios. In fact, because I know I write a character from a niche universe, I expect 95% of my threads will be crossovers.
WRITING STYLE. I'm naturally very descriptive. I tend to write multi-para, in third-person present tense. Also, as M.att is blind, I tend not to use visual-based descriptors in my writing, unless it's something he's aware of or can deduce with his radar sense. I also prefer not to interact with accounts that use messletters fonts.
ACTIVITY. My activity can be incredibly spotty, so you may have to bear with me at times. I can go from several replies a day to none within months. But I never expect fast replies from the people I write with. Writing, to me, is very much built on mutual respect.
SHIPPING. I ship based on chemistry from our interactions, as well as plotting. If I'm honest, I much prefer to write platonic and antagonistic dynamics over romantic ones, but I'm open to your ideas as we play them out. I don't write anything of a sexual nature though. That's just not for me, but I have no issue with people who do.
COMMUNICATION. I typically like to start discussions in tumblr direct messages, although I do have a discord that you can ask for if you like to talk on there! I'm much more active on my discord and have no issue sharing it. Just note that I can be a little anxious when it comes to talking with new people, so you may have to bear with me at times.
EXCLUSIVITY. I’m duplicate friendly (particularly if you write 616/nmcu M.att) although I probably won’t follow single muse blogs first if we write the same character. In general, I have no exclusives because I don’t personally like to ask anyone to be exclusive to me. The one exception to this rule is E.lektra N.atchios, just because my girlfriend writes her.
TRIGGERS. I currently have no triggers but I will tag common triggers as "tw trigger" as well as anything I know may trigger my followers. It is worth noting, however, that M.urderdock is a ninja assassin crimeboss and has canonically attempted suicide, so tw violence and tw suicide will be common on this blog. I won't force these upon you, but they're important to the character.
VERSES. I'm going to add information later. But for now, please know that I typically write within Spider-Gwen canon when M.att is the Kingpin (the status quo of vol 2. 12–19 in particular) but I am open to pre and post canonical threads for him too, and I'll be providing thorough verses soon enough. I'm crossover and oc friendly too and love the idea of mixing with muses from all sorts of origins!
That's all for now! I may add more as I settle back in to this blog. Feel free to let me know if there's anything major I may have missed. And I look forward to interacting!!!
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idwashed · 3 months
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greetings, fellow proxy ! the name's adam. 24. I'm trans (ftm) with he/they pronouns. bisexual. white. I live in the UK (GMT+1) & this is my blog for Wise, one of the dual protags of Zenless Zone Zero. this blog will be just like my multi (hcpebled) in that it'll be for fun & I'll write when the mood strikes. this blog is 21+. I hope you all have fun here too! please note Wise will be a mix of lore & headcanon ( & canon divergence when it should arise ). please find my carrd here (all information copied beneath the cut in case of any access issues). personals do not engage.
*icon border credit
Name: Wise
Age: 21-23
SO: Bisexual
Identity: Male (trans, ftm).
Pronouns: He/They
Occupation: Owner of Random Play (video store) and famed Proxy "Phaethon"
Family: Belle (sister, alive)
A citizen of New Eridu, Wise, along with his sister, Belle, are the owners of Random Play, a video store that also serves as their home & the base of their operations as Proxies, individuals that guide others through the Hollows, distorted dimensions full of supernatural danger.
After a job gone wrong - their computer systems hacked, their friends in danger, their Proxy account washed away in a sea of data and corruption - Wise ends up accepting the help (and eternal presence) of Fairy, a powerful AI to help navigate the Hollows. Here is where their story begins.
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01. Hi there! The name's Adam. I'm 24, trans (he/they), white, bi, and I'm livin' in the UK. My activity fluctuates between all my blogs depending on inspiration and other factors - work & mental health mostly. But I always try to drop in & have fun when I can.I do not interact with anyone below the age of 21 - purely for comforts sake & due to the content that my blog may have.
Please tag anything related to clowns, moths, and harry potter. this blog is a no-go zone for HP/JKR related stuff, so I tend to go out of my way to avoid it regardless, but just in case. I will try to tag my content appropriately but if there are any tags missing, feel free to drop an Ask/IM and I shall make sure to tag where I can!
03. SHIPPING AND NSFW I love shipping. I love exploring a variety of dynamics. So please, feel free to come talk with me about them! If we start something and end up not feeling it, that's okay too! there's always other opportunities!There will be NSFW on this blog but it will be tagged "nsft tw" and usually under a read more.
04.INTERACTIONS Usually memes/unprompted asks are the best way to start interactions with me, or even just dropping a DM to discuss stuff! I ocassionally do starter/plotting calls too.
RE: memes. I don't enjoy my notifs getting cluttered, so when rb'ing a meme, please try and reblog from the source. I understand ofc that some blogs no longer exist/tumblr isn't always great with redirecting, so don't worry if you have to reblog it from when there's no choice otherwise!
05.Let it be clear that no hateful behaviour will be tolerated here. racism, homophobia, zionism, etc. don't be a twat. I am a fan of the block button.~
06.EXTRAS Just in the case that you feel you wish to unfollow/not interact in any regard - that's perfectly fine, all I ask is you hardblock me to avoid any awkward confusion. besides that I don't really have much left to say here! I hope you enjoy my muses and that we get to write together and have a great time!
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nuclearspring · 5 months
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by scout (27, any pronouns).
note: my fallout tv verse is adjusted to mesh better with new vegas canon. more information on that here. (link leads to fallout tv spoilers; proceed with caution).
roster includes (primaries bolded; the rest are secondary): albert cole, alejandro "cash" castillo (vegas & ncr based oc), arcade gannon, benny, betty zhao (vegas based oc), boone, cooper howard, courier six (sasha dubrovhsky, alias boris medvedev), lucy maclean, maximus, ulysses, & veronica santangelo.
you can find more thorough descriptions of characters here, including links to bios.
to interact: if we're mutuals, shoot me a meme, send me an ask, or dm me! provided i'm following you, i am open to interaction or plotting whenever, and will respond when i can.
001. i'm generally comfortable with most subject matter covered in fallout canon (within reason - there are some things handled by fallout that i personally think were handled very poorly, and i am certainly highly critical of the media, which does include grievances with new vegas, and there will sometimes be criticism of it on this blog), but i won't write incest, rape / csa, etc, and will block those who do / who fetishize anything of the sort.
no racism, antisemitism, zionism, (and if you think those latter two are the same thing, dni) etc will be tolerated. terfs dni. the usual. i won't interact with muses from harry potter, peaky blinders, attack on titan, or detroit: become human / other david cage games. i may not follow multis back if they have content on them that i worry my mutuals might not be comfortable with as well, and tend to be quite wary given past experiences. i will also sometimes block or softblock if i see interactions with people or characters i'm not entirely comfortable with for whatever reason. indie is a little weird and, as previously mentioned, i've had some strange experiences. i encourage controlling your own space in the indie world. for that reason, i'll never take a block personally. also on that note, if we're mutuals and you see me interacting with someone who has, for lack of a better phrase, done some harmful shit, feel free to send me a dm and let me know.
while i'm not personally comfortable disclosing my ethnicity online - it is something that i've been taught to hide when possible - except to people i know and trust and talk to, i will disclose that i do look to new vegas as something to process and explore certain aspects of my identity and family history. i do have intergenerational trauma and that is another reason i may use the block button quite liberally/be either slow to follow back or not follow back at all in some cases as i have seen a lot of interpretations of canon (as well as numerous aspects of canon itself) that i don't feel okay with at all. i expect that people do their research when writing cultures and situations they're not familiar with, and try to meet that expectation myself.
002. minors dni. i'm an adult, and i only want to write with adults.
003. i'm fine with shipping but i like to build rapport between characters first and figure out where they stand. rivalry, friendship, etc are also plots i value - my focus won't entirely be on shipping.
004. best way to start interacting if we're mutuals is just to shoot me a meme or a dm - i guarantee that if i follow you, i'd like to write.
005. if i don't follow back, it's likely because i'm unsure of your rules (aka certain things aren't touched on and i'm not sure where you stand), or if i can't see us interacting. nothing personal.
006. i usually don't write nsfw on tumblr! if i do, it will not be the main focus of the thread. don't mind if others write it, nor do i mind prompts that allude to it, but if i'm writing it i'd prefer it not be the whole story, if that makes sense, and i'd also prefer only to write it with people that i've known for a while.
007. themes present on this blog will sometimes be heavy - canon is heavy. content warnings for colonialism, violence, militarism, fascism, allusions to genocide, allusions to slavery, assimilation, indoctrination, intergenerational trauma, and post traumatic stress disorder. i will tag things whenever possible. if there is anything you need tagged in particular that i miss, or if i ever make a mistake, feel free to reach out and let me know so i can course correct.
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jooniperbonsai · 8 months
about me
first thing to note, I have a zero-tolerance policy for racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, zionism, and ableist bullshit. if I see you interacting with my content in a way that is discriminatory, I'll see to it that you're blocked.
i discourage minors from interacting with or reading my work. if you're under 18, you don't have any business here.
hi I'm h, a writer procrastinating on her poetry manuscript.
here's a little rundown of me:
age: '93 liner
sign: aries
listening to kpop since: briefly 2016; 2021
kpop groups I frequently listen to: BTS, seventeen, txt, newjeans, fifty fifty, Ateez, twice, shinee, exo
ult group(s): BTS and seventeen
ult bias: kim namjoon
biases: hobi, woozi (!!!!!!! heavy on woozi), dk, hongjoong, taehyun (my son), & jihyo (!!!!!!!!!!!)
kpop concerts I've been to (the list is exhaustive of others): PTD LA D3, Seventeen Face the Sun, Hobipalooza, D-Day Tour
wreckers: yoongi, wonwoo, mingi, & soobin
other loves: poetry (I have an MFA in poetry 🥺), bookbinding, iced lattes, sunsets, flowers, art (I work in fine art education), reading, animals esp my cat, astrology, the color blue, sad girl indie music, spring
write what you love. you never know who it might reach.
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cupidzgf · 9 months
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ 𝗥𝗨𝗟𝗘𝗦
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i am going to make this as simple and easy as possible. if we can all follow these basic boundaries and rules, then this can be a fun place!
first and foremost, minors. i do not mind if minors interact with my non nsfw posts. they will be tagged that way, and warnings will always be there to let you know if it's safe or not. (if the post is spicy but not full smut, it counts as NSFW, sorry!)
however, do not expect the same treatment for NSFW works. if i see ageless/minor blogs interacting with my smut, reblogged smut, or anything NSFW, i'm blocking you. i have warnings on every post, and by now, you should have seen it on enough of nsfw posts to know that minors aren't allowed. you should know better by this point. no excuses.
(also, i curse on this blog. i never met anyone who had a problem with it, but just in case you don't like it, don't follow)
I may write about mature or heavy topics such as alcohol, drugs, smoking, mental health, etc... please read the warnings and use your discretion. i would recommend that only adults read it, but ultimately, it's your choice. please don't blame me.
i don't tolerate any form of hate or violence. whether it be disrespect, racism, misogyny, islamophobia, homophobia, or zionism, none of it is allowed on this page, and you will be blocked and, depending on the severity, reported. 
do not by any means bring up topics such as rape, pedophilia, incest, etc...(you get the picture). 
i may write about mental health issues, but that does not mean i want discussions about it. tagging, sending, or texting in my inbox about big trigger topics like suicide, self-harm, eating disorders, and intrusive thoughts will get you blocked without a second thought. 
politics and religion, personal questions, or venting are not permitted in my inbox. 
because this is a secondary blog, i can not be your mutual. sorry.
i do post or reblog spoilers but i will tag them as such!
on a lighter note, i very much enjoy interaction. tumblr is an incredible space to make friends in a community of your favorite interests, so please don't be afraid to talk!!!
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right now requests are open. thirsts are welcome, and if i'm feeling it, i may write something for it, but please don't expect it
my writing is mainly directed toward female or afab readers. I will occasionally do gender-neutral. 
i perfer not to write the reader with a specific race, religion, disorder, etc...
i may and will write for characters who are minors, but i will never age them up to write smut about them, so please don't ask. 
i don't write about any hate, daddy kink, scat, vomiting, hard bdsm, vore, feet, gore involved in sex (no blood at all), noncon, incest, pedophilia, piss, raceplay, ageplay, sado-masochism, gunplay, (ill add when i think of more. a rule of thumb if your wondering whether or not to send it, if it's hardcore or involves some form of violence i probably wouldn't send it!) 
if you don't see me currently talking about a fandom, then i am probably not a part of it and have no interest in writing it. 
please remember that i have a hectic life outside of tumblr and i have had requests take months before. patience is all i ask of you. if i can't get to it or for whatever reason can't do it i will pm you or if you're an anon, post it on my blog so you know and can ask another writer if you want.  
this brings me to my next point: don't send the same request to multiple blogs. i've had it happen before. it's shitty. don't do it. 
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thank you, guys for all of your love and support. you're amazing. have a great day, lovelies!!! 💗
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scion-of-kings · 3 years
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                                            𝐆𝐈𝐋 - 𝐆𝐀𝐋𝐀𝐃
                               ᴏꜰ ʜɪᴍ ᴛʜᴇ ʜᴀʀᴘᴇʀꜱ ꜱᴀᴅʟʏ ꜱɪɴɢ
                                                      ⭑ ⭑
                                                    ⭑ ★ ⭑
                                                      ⭑ ⭑
      Indie RP blog. Sel. & Priv. Permanent semi-hiatus. Since ‘17.
                                      Default verse: Starlight
                    ꜱᴇᴇ ʙᴇʟᴏᴡ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴜᴛ ꜰᴏʀ ᴍᴏʙɪʟᴇ ɴᴀᴠɪɢᴀᴛɪᴏɴ
This is just so… it’s written down somewhere and you have an idea about what’s cool and not around this blog. It’s a bit long but you’ll see I’m pretty chill with everything -most of the rules are just basic common sense.
• I’m slow. Super slow. I work full time and have a busy life outside Tumblr. Keep this in mind if you have trouble writing with someone who might take weeks to answer a thread.
• No godmoding. Do not control my character’s actions, unless we’ve talked about it and I’ve said it is okay to do so in certain threads. 
• Hate doesn’t happen here. I don’t allow it. 
• Let’s keep the drama in character. I won’t tolerate it ooc. 
• If you’re underage, I will not rp NSFW/smut stuff with you. I’m quite past of age, so NSFW can happen anytime and will be properly tagged. It may go under a read more. That being said, I would prefer writing with adult writers --nothing wrong being a teen in the RP scene (I was one myself once upon a ton of blogs), but I would kindly encourage you to find writers closer to you in age.
• I’m selective. Just for my own sanity. It means I very much like to have a controlled number of threads and will not start anything new until there are slots available, so to say. I don’t have that much time to be around here, and it can be overwhelming to come back after a while and find +50 drafts waiting for me. 
• I do reserve the right to refuse to rp, specially if I feel our muses are not connecting at all.
• OCs, AUs and crossovers are more than welcome, though I will need some details to get things going (bios, info, etc). Anyway keep in mind I feel most comfortable within Middle-Earth and that I will be reluctant to write something set in a fandom I don’t know much about -or if I don’t really see Ereinion going there. Fandoms I won’t be doing crossovers with include Harry Potter, ASoIaF, Marvel and videogame based ones. 
• On that note, I won't follow any HP related muse, neither characters coming from other JKR works.
• I won’t follow you if you’re not an rp blog, but you’re welcome into my ask and the im thing anyway (I’ll follow if your rp blog is a sideblog, though, just let me know!)
•Racism, zionism, antisemitism and anti-LGTBQ+ commentaries and views will get you a block. Good riddance.
• I won’t follow you if you’re not an rp blog, but you’re welcome into my ask and the im thing anyway (I’ll follow if your rp blog is a sideblog, though, just let me know!). 
• If it’s not tagged as “do not reblog”, feel free to do so, whatever it is. In fact the only things I want you to /not/ reblog are threads, though I’m okay with you hitting the heart. The rest is fine, whether it is a headcanon, a joke, a drabble or something I wrote ooc.
• As I don’t really have that much time to be around, I tend to tag my memes and starters with the people they’re intended to. Please refrain from sending anything if the tags don’t mention you. Otherwise send in whatever you want :)
•If you want to plot, or talk or whatever, IM and messages are open to everyone out there. I do not bite, though I’m shy as hell. Mutuals can ask for my Discord.
• HAVE FUN! That’s why we are here, right?
•I don’t agree with LACE. Ereinion sort of… does? It has more to do with his image as the head of the country than personal belief, for him.
• Though I know this whole mess of a story about Gil-galad’s parentage, I will be roleplaying with The Silmarillion version of him being Fingon’s child, because it’s the version I like the most. Yes, I know Christopher believes that might have not been his father’s last word on the matter but I couldn’t care less. The Fingolfinian lineage is the one that makes the most sense to me. 
•I also don’t agree with most fanon stuff, specially regarding the Fëanorian side of things; you are welcome to have your own opinions and views, of course, and I welcome healthy discussions and debates about the lore, but do not try to shove fanon down my throat disguised as a canon take because I won’t like it. 
•My portrayal leans heavily on my own headcanons about Ereinion’s life and what little bits the text lets you see about him. They’re part of my Ereinion and I’ve been developing them for years. Anyway if we’re writing and any of them collides with your own headcanons on whatever the matter, I’ll be more than happy to discuss them with you and get to a solution that works and makes sense for the both of us. 
•While I do not expect anyone to be The Official Tolkien Walking Encyclopaedia, I do expect coherence. 
•Also I’m not a big fan of biased and twisted interpretations for the sake of shaming characters you don’t like/hate. If you want to bash someone you personally don’t like, make it ooc and don’t involve me. Likewise, I’m not a big fan of dog-piling either.
•Yes, I’ve watched the show and yes I have loved it. I will take bits from it, because the aesthetics and stuff are cool, but I will be keeping mostly to the books and my headcanons when writing Ereinion, as I did before.
•In fact the only romantic ship I’m willing to write is the one currently going on with @tallshipsandtallkings and her OC Elenna, daughter of Elendil. It is something we’ve been building up for some years now. 
•I won’t romantically ship Ereinion with Círdan or Elrond. In my head I picture Círdan mostly as a father figure for Ereinion, being sent to the Falas so young; as for Elrond, I believe his relationship with him is either brotherish or some sort of parental figure/ward. I don’t know if you agree with me or not, but I don’t feel comfortable writing something that feels like incest. 
•Brotps and ships that have nothing to do with romance/sex are cool, though.
•Romantic or not, I will need chemistry between our muses.
•I’m not exclusive and I don’t do mains. I welcome duplicates -even from my own muses! Each one of us brings something new to their portrayal, and that’s very enriching. I’ll be more than happy to discuss our characters.
•I actually do prefer to plot things out before starting a thread. Threads derived from memes are the exception to this rule, as they tend to be more spontaneous stuff. If we’re friends ooc and have talked a lot or if I’ve given you free rein to do so, you can send starters directly into my inbox without it having to be a meme, or start a thread without my explicit consent; if we don’t know each other yet, please don’t.
• I’m open to all kind of threads, except for abusive relationships.
• I think each thread has its own pace. Long replies are good for a certain plot, while short ones are good for a certain other. But one-liners? Not a fan. I tend to make long posts, but I won’t ask you to match my length if you don’t feel like writing that long, or that short. Write as much as you’re comfortable with.
• I won’t format, but I don’t mind if you do. Also I don’t really care if you try to match my format in your replies or not. I’m no one to tell you how to run your blog. Same applies to icons.
•Please tell me if you need me to tag something for you. The most recurrent triggers are usually tagged by default but let me know  if you need something more specific.
•I won’t be doing modern AUs set in the USA because look: that might be your default setting, but it is not mine. I will rarely do these, though, since I’m more comfortable in Middle Earth.
•If you see I’m not cutting my posts it means I’m from mobile (which is from where I post mostly these days). Feel free to trim our threads down for me if it is an issue for you. 
•I don’t care if you continue a thread below an ask or if you open a new post for it; just tag me and I’ll be there. I personally do prefer continuing asks in a new post.
•While I don’t mind if you reblog a meme from me without sending something in (like… I would hate to make you send something in if you don’t see that meme happening between our muses), I would ask those who follow reblog karma to have the courtesy of reblogging from the source. I’m seeing some people preaching it and then reblogging from me or others so just. Be consistent. Do it or don’t but don’t say something and do the opposite. 
•Please, don’t feel compelled to go into the IMs to tell me “hey, I dropped this thread!” I know that conversation can feel awkward and uncomfortable for some people, so just skip it if you need to. Sometimes you’re just not feeling a thread anymore, right? Nothing wrong with that. 
•I don’t care if you reply to our thread in two hours, three weeks or some months. Even actual years. I’ll be more than happy to read whatever you’ve written and will try to write a reply as soon as I can (Hint: the term soon is not in my vocabulary).
-Until I find a proper faceclaim for Ereinion, the amount of icons used will be very reduced.
-I made all of them.
Note: I reserve the right to change these rules, should it be needed. Last update: Sept’24.
Age: living the 30s.
She/her, though any pronouns work. 
Call me Nin, please.
Personal account at: @montalais​ or the sideblog @grillsalad​ Mutuals are welcome to ask for my Discord.
Location: Spain (GMT+1).
A couple of things, so you can get to know the person behind Ereinion a bit: I can’t live without music, cinema is 90% of my life and I could get lost in a library and manage to not find the way out. Winter, woods, tea, books and rainy days are my thing. Shy AF. When I’m not writing, I’m a costume/fashion designer teacher. 
Although there’re five main verses covering from Ereinion’s childhood to his death in the Siege of Barad-dûr, I’ve divided each one of them in several smaller verses, as sometimes there are a lot of things going on there.  I’ll be adding the info and headcanons links once I get to write them.
Covering since his birth in Hithlum to the Fall of the Falas. (Roughly F.A. 450 - 473)
More info: History.
Trackers: Snows of Hithlum, Círdan’s home.
Covering since the Fall of the Fallas to the War of Wrath. (F.A. 473 - 587)
More info: History. 
Trackers: The Pearls of Balar, Young High King of the Noldor, The War of Wrath
Covering since early Second Age to the Fall of Númenor (S.A. 1 - 3319)
More info: History.  
Trackers: Foundations of Lindon, Elvish Rings and Elvish Forges, The Faithful Ships, 
Covering since the Fall of Númenor to the years previous to the Last Alliance (S.A. 3319 -3429)
More info: About Starlight 
Trackers: Of Elves and Men,
Sub-verse: Starlight and it’s chronology
Covering the events from the Fall of Minas Ithil to the final stages of the Siege of Barad-dûr. (S.A. 3429 - 3441)
More info: History. 
Trackers: Moon’s Fall, Keep Darkness at Bay, Aeglos and Narsil, none could withstand, Starlight
Ereinion’s arrival to the Halls of Mandos and his life in Valinor afterwards.
More info: History.  
Trackers: The Halls of Mandos, The Undying Lands
AU where Ereinion never died at the end of the Last Alliance and lived to witness the events in the War of the Ring.
More info: x
Trackers: Into brightness springs his star, Starlight.
The Shitcom: A chronology
More info: x
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expvrgction · 2 years
RULES (For mobile users)
Last updated on February 13th, 2024. Rules are subject to change without notice, so check back every now and then.
Mun is 29 and female. Muses are over 18 unless otherwise stated. Take note that I reserve the right to accept or deny any interaction at any time, and for any reason, based on the rules stated below and/or factors otherwise not stated here for my own comfort, wellbeing and safety. I also reserve the right to add or remove anyone from my role playing space on the same grounds, as well as the right to refuse giving any reason should you be hard-blocked. If I don't want to have you anywhere near my text role playing environment, respect that decision and move on.
I am a semi-selective role player! I’m the most comfortable role playing with close friends and other mutual partners, but don’t be afraid to ask for info, requesting for thread/plotting and/or just chatting in general if you are not yet a mutual or do not plan to be one.
This blog is meant for audiences 18 years old and above due to heavy amounts of dark and disturbing topics! Turn back if you’re a writer at any age lower than specified. I will not tolerate being lied about age to interact with me and anyone doing this will be hard-blocked.
This blog contains sensitive themes (e.g: wars, death, loss of loved ones), foul language, blood loss and gore), and will be tagged accordingly.  
Remember: Character views =/= author’s views. Keep this in mind whenever muses I play as are doing things that are unacceptable in the norms of society.
I don’t do NSFW role plays in the public, even if I am old enough to do so for this blog. Don’t force me to do this.
However, suggestive jokes may still be present. These will be tagged for those uncomfortable with those types of jokes.
I prefer paragraphed text role play, and users who can keep up with it. However, I am open to other writing styles if needed be.
No meta-gaming and god-modding. Try to be fair when role playing.
Do not force fictional relationship establishment! I am not very good with establishing and maintaining romantic ships between my muses and muses of others and chances that I will be SUPER picky is high, but other relationship types are otherwise free game (familial, friendship, rivalry, enemies)!
Ask box availability to anonymity is at my discretion. If this feature gets abused to the point I feel uncomfortable allowing it to stay on, then it will be turned off indefinitely.
Do not spam the inbox of this blog! I am more than welcome to more than a question from one blog at a time, but getting more than five messages in a consecutive and short time period from the same blog can get irritating.
I prefer having prompts and memes I post/reblog linked to when I am sent one from a list. This makes answering given prompts easier! You don't have to, but that means I will have to look for memes/prompts I posted/reblogged.
Crossovers are more than welcome, but for personal preferences and reasons, I refuse to interact with canon characters and OCs from the following: Axis Powers Hetalia, Countryballs fandom, Homestuck, Poppy Playtime, Yandere Simulator
The following character types are ABSOLUTELY off limits from RP with me: Any character aligning with harmful ideologies in real life (e.g Zionism, Communism, Nazi), Real-People Fandom (RPF) blogs, characters who commit sexual crimes against children and animals. I will hard-block blogs with the following character types who try to interact with me in any way, no questions asked.
Be respectful. Treat folks with respect as you would like to be treated the same, if not similarly. Being rude is not cool.
Be patient with my reply rate. I may be sporadic in activity, and I won’t necessarily reply to a thread right away.
Bullying, abuse, hate speech and otherwise poor conduct of behavior is not okay. Refrain from doing any of these.
Any disputes with me should be handled privately. If you have a problem with how I behave, tell me and I’ll make amends the best I can. I am a human like you, after all.
Do not drag me in any interpersonal conflict for no good reason. I’m aware that drama and related problems with social life online can happen anywhere at any time, but I’m here to write with others and have fun, not have petty arguments with people on a keyboard nor phone screen. In addition, public callouts or any other form of accusatory message regarding another mun sent to me, anon or otherwise, will be ignored unless you are willing to discuss it with me privately. However, I reserve the right to doubt your claims until you can adequately prove to me that the mun in question is an immediate danger to anyone they interact with.
Personal blogs are still allowed to follow and ask questions, but I will have you blocked/soft-blocked if you reblog ANY in-character interactions.
Breaking any of these rules land you a warning, and further violation will result in a hard block. Posting harmful content (e.g: Child abuse, animal abuse) in any way that shines them in positive light is subject to being blocked immediately and reported to authorities where applicable.
If you, at any point of time, for any reason disagree with the rules stated above, then it is advised that you avoid this blog altogether. Blocking exists, and so is the Back button. Use either or both.
If you have read the rules, send the phrase “Just do what comes natural” to my inbox! While it is not required, it is otherwise appreciated.
Thank you for reading.
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girlactionfigure · 5 years
Trump Gets it Right about Antisemitism (Updated)
Note: since this post was written, the order was issued, and it was not precisely what was expected. Nevertheless, I think the post is still interesting, if not relevant to the same degree. See the update at the end for a full explanation.
President Trump is expected to issue an executive order that Jews should be treated as a “nationality*” as well as a religious group. This means that Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which bans the use of federal funds for programs or activities that discriminate on the basis of “race, color, or national origin,” will now apply to antisemitism. And an administration official has said that the government would use the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) definition of antisemitism, which the State Department adopted in 2016, as a working definition of antisemitism (a previous working definition in use from 2010 is similar in relevant respects).
This is a big deal, because the extreme anti-Zionism (misoziony) that characterizes the discourse on many Western colleges and universities clearly falls under the IHRA definition, which specifically mentions
Denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination, e.g., by claiming that the existence of a State of Israel is a racist endeavor.
Applying double standards by requiring of it a behavior not expected or demanded of any other democratic nation.
Using the symbols and images associated with classic antisemitism (e.g., claims of Jews killing Jesus or blood libel) to characterize Israel or Israelis.
Drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis…
which are all the bread and butter of Students for Justice in Palestine, as well as countless other anti-Israel organizations. Of course, antisemitism in the form of assaults, discrimination, and other more subtle forms of harassment in the guise of “free expression” – incidentally, things that would never be tolerated if their object were other minorities – also will be able to trigger a shutoff of federal funds.
Naturally, the usual suspects are outraged. Some of the outrage comes from those who would be outraged if Trump were to issue an order recognizing motherhood and apple pie, because he is Trump. Halie Soifer of the Jewish Democratic Council of America accused Trump of “hypocrisy,” blamed him for “emboldening white nationalism, perpetuating anti-Semitic conspiracy theories, and repeating stereotypes that have led to violence targeting Jews.” Even if these accusations were true (I am convinced that they are not), they are irrelevant to the reasonableness of this executive order.
But there are more substantive objections. They either deny that Jews are a nationality, or they object to the IHRA definition, usually saying it limits free speech by conflating “legitimate” anti-Zionism with antisemitism. Let’s take the issue of nationality first.
One group that objects to the idea that Jews are a people or a nationality, of course, is the PLO and the Palestinian Authority, who have always insisted that “Jewish” refers only to a religion, not a nation. They have therefore refused to accept the “two states for two peoples” formula or to recognize that Israel is the state of the Jewish people. This is one of the main reasons that the Palestinians have never accepted any of the generous offers of statehood proffered to them. Interestingly, there is also a strong current of “nationhood denial” among liberal American Jews. Some seem to think that attributing nationhood to the Jewish people would mean that they would somehow be “less American.” But of course nobody believes that granting this status to Italian-Americans would make them less American, or that Title VI doesn’t apply to discrimination against them.
This prejudice in the diaspora against the idea of Jewish nationhood goes back to the late 18th and early 19th century when Jews were first beginning to acquire rights in newly-enlightened Europe. The spectre of their “dual loyalty” to their country of residence and to the Jewish nation quickly arose. In 1789, the French Count of Clermont-Tonnerre, in a speech about the treatment of minorities in the new Republic, said “[w]e must refuse everything to the Jews as a nation, and accord everything to the Jews as individuals.” Let them have their religion and their quaint customs, but their national loyalty can only be to France.
Many Jews were happy to agree. In Germany, the newly-created Reform Movement adopted the idea of being “Germans of the Mosaic Persuasion,” nationally identical to their neighbors of the Lutheran persuasion. In America, the 1885 Pittsburgh Platform of the American Reform Movement included this unequivocal statement: “[w]e consider ourselves no longer a nation, but a religious community, and therefore expect neither a return to Palestine, nor a sacrificial worship under the sons of Aaron, nor the restoration of any of the laws concerning the Jewish state.” By 1999, their platform refers to the Jews as “a people.” But many liberal Jews, uncomfortable about the possibility (and often the actuality) of accusations of dual loyalty, take pains to insist that they do not see themselves as anything other than Americans (or Canadians, or Britons). Their Jewishness is only a matter of religion, ethnicity, or some cultural artifacts.
They have a right to say that if they wish, and to distance themselves from the Jewish nation, but they do not have the right to say that there is no Jewish nation. The Jewish people, in fact, are the paradigm case of a nation: if you want to know what the characteristics of a nation are, look at the Jews. The Jewish people have
A common geographical origin and a connection to their aboriginal home.
A shared genetic heritage.
A unique ancestral language.
A unique religion.
A shared culture.
A shared historical experience.
Self-identification as a nation.
It’s ironic that the Palestinian Arabs, who have multiple origins, a relatively short period of shared history, no unique language or religion, a culture based entirely on opposition to the Jews, and who have only self-identified as a nation since the mid-1960s, have the chutzpah to deny nationhood to the Jewish people!
What about the argument that the IHRA definition conflates antisemitism with anti-Zionism and thus limits speech that is critical of Israel? Despite what some say, it is actually quite easy to distinguish between legitimate criticism of Israel and antisemitism. The criteria were provided by Natan Sharansky, who called it the “3D Test of Antisemitism.” I’ll quote him:
The first “D” is the test of demonization. When the Jewish state is being demonized; when Israel’s actions are blown out of all sensible proportion; when comparisons are made between Israelis and Nazis and between Palestinian refugee camps and Auschwitz – this is anti- Semitism, not legitimate criticism of Israel.
The second “D” is the test of double standards. When criticism of Israel is applied selectively; when Israel is singled out by the United Nations for human rights abuses while the behavior of known and major abusers, such as China, Iran, Cuba, and Syria, is ignored; when Israel’s Magen David Adom, alone among the world’s ambulance services, is denied admission to the International Red Cross – this is anti-Semitism.
The third “D” is the test of delegitimization: when Israel’s fundamental right to exist is denied – alone among all peoples in the world – this too is anti-Semitism.
I call irrational, extreme hatred of Israel misoziony. Misoziony is a form of antisemitism, the traditional Jew-hatred raised to a higher level of abstraction. And there is no better test for misoziony than Sharansky’s 3D criteria, which are implicit in the IHRA working definition of antisemitism. There is no reason to oppose the IHRA definition, except to enable antisemites to disguise their poison as legitimate political speech.
The growing phenomenon of antisemitism in Western universities – where it usually takes the form of misoziony – has given rise to a great deal of consternation and hand-wringing on the part of university administrators, who have in general done nothing practical to reduce it. Yet again, Donald Trump has come along and cut what appeared to be a Gordian Knot, just as he did when he finally fulfilled the promise of the US Congress to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of the Jewish state.
And just as they did last May, Jewish progressives displayed their remarkable ability to cut off their own noses to spite their faces.
Update [12 Dec]:
This post was written on Wednesday morning in Israel, after news reports indicated that President Trump was going to issue an order that, among other things, would treat Jewishness as a “nationality” as well as a religious group.
It was thought that this would broaden the applicability of Title VI to prohibit discrimination against Jews, as Jews.
Apparently the reports were wrong. The final version of the order says nothing about treating Jews as a nationality, and reemphasizes that Title VI applies only to discrimination on the basis of “Race, color, or national origin.” It does note – something that the Justice Department already recognized back in 2010 – that belonging to a “group sharing religious practices” does not disqualify someone from being protected against discrimination on the basis of the initial three criteria.
This means that the applicability of Title VI has not been broadened.
However, as Prof. Avi Bell has noted (correspondence), the incorporation of the IHRA working definition of antisemitism into the order is important. The examples in the IHRA definition, in which Sharansky’s 3D criteria are implicit, clearly show what kind of “criticism of Israel” constitutes antisemitism. Therefore a university (e.g.) will not be able to excuse its inaction on complaints of antisemitism by groups like SJP on the grounds that they are “just” engaging in “criticism of Israel.”
The official text of the order can be found here.
______________________________________ * It should be understood that “nationality” is used in the older and broader sense of belonging to a people, or nation, and not in the narrow modern sense of citizenship in a country.
Abu Yehuda
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