#and i like y'all's contribution a lot every time
evillex11 · 9 hours
might get flamed 4 this but comments like “gege is just killing everybody now, gege needs to stop cooking, gege doesn't know what he's doing, etc.) r getting annoying ngl like they're posting that on every chapter no matter what happens 😭 and it's fine to criticize something obviously that can't be avoided but these empty comments that provide no actual/meaningful input into the criticism is just so redundant 💀
+1. these kinds of comments kinda encourage the disrespect gege receives... cuz they leave these kinds of comments everywhere to the point where it's pretty icky. and not much ppl bat an eye cuz some might think it's all lighthearted or normal when rlly, it's getting a bit too far. like there's ppl who r genuinely saying he deserves to get sick n stuff?? bc he kiiled ur favorite character?? bc u don't like the manga??? 😭wtaf
+2. y'all have something to say when a character “has plot armor” and y'all still yap when a character doesn't... so rlly there's no winning 💀and I, personally, don't think jjk is meant to be one of those “defeat evil with the power of friendship” shows,,, mind you, they are going up against a supernatural being who's named the king of curses and is known to be impossible to beat—of course that 17 year old ain't gonna beat his ass just cuz everyone's counting on them??? nor will that adult who's never encountered a being that strong before. it feels kinda corny saying this but the outcomes of the battles in jjk are a bit more realistic ... “gege's just killing everybody now” obviously they're going to die???? they're going against a power beyond them what do you expect 😭 i get that it's a fictional show but the characters are still humans ... even with their cursed techniques and weapons, they're not always gonna survive ... not every plan or tactic of theirs r gonna work or turn out the way they expected
+ they're at a war with something rlly powerful so ofc they're gonna fire every shot they have which, in this case, are their comrades
+ it has been addressed by the show/series itself that jujutsu tech lacks the manpower to protect everybody, this is literally part of geto's reasoning for his actions—he knows he and/or his fellow sorcerers r bound to end up with a pile of their colleagues' bodies bc there arent much sorcerers in the world esp ones that could survive for a v long time. if a character is aware of this, that means gege is as well bc he literally wrote him to think about that
+3. if u hate the writing so much JUST DROP IT 🤯 crazy idea, never been thought of before, I know !! but some comments rlly are not necessary.... just stop reading if u can't take it anymore... no one is forcing you to read it. and if u feel compelled to cuz u already read so much, then don't leave harmful comments towards gege?? it's so easy to stfu and be a decent person on the internet 😭 you're contributing nothing by leaving comments like that under someone's work. if u hate how it's going so much then go make an au and satisfy urself. it's just so unnecessary
+4. idek if gege gets paid enough to deal with reader's bs ... people need to remember these mangakas are also people with real lives who are just trying to live and get by. some authors rlly get dehumanized just bc of the art they make
idc if I get called a dickrider,, as an artist myself I'm just so annoyed I'm sawry 😓😓 drawing and writing takes a lot of work.. I get concerned abt gege's well-being when the quality drops a little in the manga. maybe they're seeing something that I'm not, that's why they leave comments like that. maybe I got something wrong too, I'd like to be enlightened if that's the case /gen
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taegularities · 1 year
regarding: candles & flames – what are some songs you guys think fit the c&f vibe? 🎶 
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anarchopuppy · 8 months
The Van Fund, or "Help Pops become homeless so they can finally stop begging for rent money every goddamn month"
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Hey y'all! I'm Pops (they/them), a broke-as-hell nonbinary autistic anarchist. People who follow me will know that earlier this year I got a full-time nonprofit job, which I truly believed in and did my best at while I was there. Unfortunately, my best wasn't good enough, and by the end of my term there I was getting lectures from my boss daily (same as all my previous jobs - being autistic enough to suck at work but not autistic enough to get any sympathy or accommodations is hell). Eventually I was so ground down and burnt out that I quit, and I've spent the several months since paralyzed with depression. On top of that, while working there the partner I was living with dumped me forcing me to move into a shitty one-bedroom apartment, and shortly after moving there my motorcycle (my only vehicle) was stolen. Needless to say, being trapped in this tiny space alone with no transportation has not been good for my already historically bad mental health
At this point, the thought of ever working a capitalist job again genuinely makes me suicidal, so I've been looking into other ways of living. After talking to some very helpful folks and looking through various resources online, I've decided to get a used contractor van and live in it for the time being. I intend to dedicate the extra time, energy, money, and freedom that'll give me (plus the van itself, when it can be useful) to mutual aid and the broader anarchist struggle as much as possible
To summarize: capitalism sucks, I'm gonna live in a van and do anarchy instead
Like I mentioned before, I'm completely broke. I know how I'm gonna make money once I have the van, but without transportation I don't have a lot of options. That's why I'm asking you guys for help
After looking around online, I settled on a goal of $3000 to buy a van outright and have it delivered here. If you're in a comfortable enough financial position to help me out, you can contribute to the goal on my ko-fi. I also have a patreon, and you can DM me for my venmo, paypal, or cashapp. Hopefully, unless something unexpected happens down the road, this should be the last big begpost I'll ever have to make
Thank you for reading, and thank you all for your help all these years. Reblogs are appreciated
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halfagone · 10 months
The Power of DPxDC
There has been a lot of anti-DPxDC sentiment going around lately; if you haven't heard about it, then don't worry about it. This isn't a post about the negativity, this is a post celebrating how much we've done as a crossover fandom!
Just as a bit of perspective, I've been reading fics from DPxDC since 2020. Now that might not seem like a long time ago, but back then we didn't even have 100 fics for the crossover as a whole, and look at us now! This is a screenshot from Ao3 just today:
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Incredible, isn't it? Look how much we've grown and contributed and shared! And that's not even mentioning all the wonderful Tumblr prompts and posts and incredible fanart. DPxDC has us in a chokehold and it isn't about to let go any time soon.
I know it can be a little disheartening to see all the people trying to drag us down. I know I've been left disappointed in some cases, but I also know that my love for the crossover hasn't abated at all, and I hope it stays that way with you all too!
There is so much engagement in this crossover, I cannot tell you enough how much you all have spoiled me with comments and kudos and fanart. A lot of my fandom friends like to tease me for writing so much, but I don't think I could have written half of those fics had it not been for people like you loving them as much as you do.
Passion is the lifeblood of this fandom, of every fandom! And I don't see that going away any time soon for DPxDC.
I know I want to comment and kudos more. I read a lot of fics, but I don't sign in often so that you can see me leaving that kudos, and it's been more and more apparent to me how many people don't realize how much I adore their writing. I'm hoping to fix that!
Some might say that we don't tag our work appropriately, and while that might be true in some cases, I cannot stress enough just how good of a job we're doing. @tourettesdog made a wonderful post not too long ago about tagging, and we do clean work! Not even a full 3% of all the tags they'd seen included a "main" tag, which has been the frustration for most. 3%? That's incredible!
You all deserve some appreciation for the hard work y'all do, and this is it! I hope you all know how well you've fed creators, readers, and fans like me! Don't let up, because we do amazing work. And that deserves to be celebrated.
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titanrpg · 6 months
you got a minute? I need a favor
Hey everyone, it's Lex. Happy New Year to you and yours!
Today, I have a huge announcement about Titanomachy RPG and its future. This month marks 3 years since I joined TTRPG Twitter. I've met so many incredible people and learned so much from y'all. Your support has allowed me to take one HUGE step in my life. 
I recently moved to Maryland from Florida to get some basic human rights. I also left my job of 7 years to try and live unburdened by selling hours of my life to some random rich guy. And now, I'm taking Titanomachy RPG full-time.
Here I am, already having taken the leap. I have some money saved up, yes, but ultimately I am trusting in the generosity of others to help me build out a life I can truly love.
So yes, this is a Patreon announcement. And there's a link to Caltrop Core below (if you want to make a one-time contribution). But before anyone exits this email, I want to talk about all the cool stuff everyone can expect from me, regardless of Patreon status or donor status. I have a lot of exciting things coming in 2024, like:
a NEW open license d12 system called DODECA!
physical copies of my games becoming available via Indie Press Revolution, starting with NIGHTHAWKS!
more consistent game & system releases
seeing more of my work in some upcoming Evil Hat projects (look for me in the Girl by Moonlight stretch goal zines)
prints of "prayer to curse ron desantis", bunny girl osr posters, and perhaps shirts/hats/merch?
ttrpg workshops IRL in the Maryland area
and much much much much more!!
Now, here's the link to my Patreon before I forget: https://www.patreon.com/TitanRPG
I have an AWESOME founding patron bonus. There are 3 tiers of membership, and no matter which you choose to join today, you'll get a pre-release PDF of GOLDEN BEETLE PLAYGROUND, my Medabots-inspired TTRPG built on Caltrop Core EX.
This bonus is ONLY for people who join this month. After January, I'll take it down to work on the game further (and eventually do a full release later this year). 
For tiers 2 and 3, I'll be releasing one short RPG every single month. These games will remain Patreon exclusives until I can put proper polish on them (or the patrons vote to release their favorites).
There's a bunch more goodies and details on my actual Patreon page. Click that link to see!
Eventually, I'll be putting merch up on that page, so even if you can't support with a monthly pledge, you'll be seeing posters, shirts, hats, all that very soon!
These days, I'm on tumblr every so often, but no other social media. Patreon will be my dedicated page for updates, game mechanics, design discussions, everything! Even if you join at the $3/month tier, I want to provide a ton of value, starting with GOLDEN BEETLE PLAYGROUND!
Click here to see the three membership tiers and support a trans game designer today!
Thank you for your support over the past 3 years. I hope to remain worth of it for many more years to come.
All my love,
Lex Kim Bobrow
Publisher, Titanomachy RPG
P.S. Here's the link again. Take a moment to check out the page please, and if you can't contribute, please tell your friends! I've lost touch with so many people after leaving Twitter, so any help in getting the word out is 10000000% appreciated!!
P.P.S. If you could reblog this post ASAP, I'd really really appreciate it. Thank you!!!
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betweenlands · 1 year
why you should vote herobrine in every single Tumblr Sexyman poll
he's one of the originals: look, a lot of these upstarts are new to the party. they may be sexy and they may be men, but they lack legacy. not so with herobrine. herobrine's been around. he's been around before sans. he's been around before bill cipher. he's one of the original originals alongside the onceler himself. know your herstory etc etc
he fits more of the criteria: look. i love benrey, i love reigen arataka, i love raymond animalcrossing. but look me in the eyes and tell me: is there a significant portion of people who ship them with themselves? once upon a time that used to be a requirement. and guess who does fit that requirement? that's right. herobrine. i mean, yeah, there's also herosteve i guess, but i was there back in the mid-2010s! i know what i saw! even to this day people will make new herobrine variant ocs! and guess what! sometimes they smooch!
he's a trailblazer: i think quite possibly one of the few more influential video game creepypastas you could cite would be BEN Drowned, but with all my respects -- he does not have the advantage of being in one of the longest-living games of the decade. herobrine, meanwhile? herobrine comes from the same time as first-era MCYT, and no matter how you feel about the phrase "MCYT" as a whole, you should know that interpretive roleplay and storytelling in the confines of video games is very, very cool and very, very important. and the first villain of every 13-year-old's minecraft roleplay? if it wasn't herobrine, he almost certainly made an impact elsewhere.
he's been through a lot: if i had a nickel for every time i saw whitewashed herobrine i would probably be a millionaire. despite being blocks he gets drawn as a stereotypical muscleman (twig herobrines get a pass they have a je ne sais quoi about them). his alive half-brother is a total asshole. people hate him on instinct because some famous jackass or another happens to play the game he's originated from. he's gotten banned from minecraft at least 10 separate times. he doesn't deserve this. he's just really been through the ringer and he really deserves this win.
i love your other guys. i do. except one or two of them but i don't want those guys anywhere near my blog so i'm not naming those fuckers. but for the most part i love like 90% of them and if it were up to me they'd all be given titles for their individual contributions to sexymandom.
but c'mon, y'all, it's herobrine minecraft. someone changed four pixels on the original steve skin and made a complete and utter legend and we can't just let that go unaccoladed forever.
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[ID: an image of Herobrine's skin at a 3/4ths angle facing right. /End ID.]
the universe loves you very much, be gay do minecraft and vote herobrine.
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killuintense · 10 months
❝ see you, leon ❞
rookie!leon x fem!reader.
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Warning: first part, second part.
summary: for Leon wasn't being enough to have you in secret, if it were up to him, he would love you in front of the whole world.
content: 4.3k words, fluff, semi-established relationship, cute and needy Leon, possessive and capricious Leon, smut, p in v, unprotected sex, fingering, mention of oral sex (m and f receiving), carefree home moments, pet names.
note: finally the last part of this fic that i loved writing so much, i was really surprised to see everyone who asked me to continue. Thank you very much for that ♡ now i hope you enjoy it and see you in other one shots or fics ♡ i love y'all :p
You could list as many things as you needed to about leon, about how attentive he was, the bad jokes he could tell, how much he would curse when something scared him or his work didn't go as he expected. You loved those little moments you spent with him where there could only be complicit glances and low touches, soft and innocent caresses that made your day less horrible. That month and a half that had passed had given you the opportunity to get to know him, to understand him and to like him more and more. Sometimes you even got scared counting the number of times you thought about him. When you walked through the center of the city and you saw a coffee shop and it reminded you of the horrible coffees that leon prepared, but you drank them anyway because, from your point of view, they were the most delicious in the world; or when you passed by a store and you saw a teddy bear and you thought of him, being someone soft, silly and a little rough, but always trying to help others like the angel he was. But most of all with you.
Things had really become a lot more intimate between you in those weeks. Not just intimate in the sexual sense of the word, but rather that intimacy that only the two of you understood, where with looks you told each other everything you wanted without needing to talk, where you laughed at the same meaningless things, where you had your own special words and moments. Like when he would tell you that thanks to him and his contributions they managed to discover one more clue in that investigation that was taking place in the police department, and you would congratulate him saying 'that's my cute pookie patootie' and he would get upset, but deep inside his heart would jump and he would feel warm. Or like when you were stressed out about final exams and he would take you for a ride in the squad car to take your mind off things, telling funny and embarrassing anecdotes from his time at the police academy.
"Seriously! Major Krauser was the worst, he told me that if I didn't manage to run 20 times all over the training field without stopping he would make me walk around the rooms naked" your face was flushed and your cheeks hot, remembering that angrily as you drove through that starry night. Your laughter, however, meant that that experience had not been in vain, now I could hear that melody coming from your lips, while your hands clenched your stomach and you denied asking me to stop.
"God, Lee, I'm really sorry but it's too much" you laughed again, wiping away those tears that the laughter had caused you, while you brought your hand to his cheek and caressed him gently. "I'm thankful that hadn't happened to you, you'd be even more traumatized" you joked, watching as he stuck his tongue out at you in mock anger and kept driving. You didn't know where he was going, but just feeling the breeze on your face, his voice and his beautiful, steady chatter made you forget about your worries, about what was overtaking you.
You had taken a special liking to each other. Leon seemed to have a little angel by his side every time he saw you, every time he referred to you with that proud smile that someone as beautiful and special as you were was paying attention to him. He noticed how all your attention went to him when he talked to you, how you analyzed the little details to help him every time you could.
Now you seemed to spend more time at the police station and had even started helping with the paperwork, almost as an excuse to keep seeing Leon and to 'spend more time with your father', even though you hardly saw him. And Leon couldn't have been more excited at the thought of seeing you going back and forth with the paperwork, handing it to him in an orderly fashion that relieved him of his work, or when you met in the break room and talked excitedly about the finished paperwork. You brought joy into his life and he felt he was lost because of you, because of your presence that filled him with an inexplicable and suffocating love. It suffocated him to know that at the university there were other guys who talked to you, that when you went out you were in danger of anything happening to you and you wouldn't come back, when you had attentions with some other cadet at the police station and you ordered their papers or offered coffee to them instead of him. It drove him crazy that others didn't know about the times you kissed or hid in each other's arms, giving out suggestive caresses without anyone noticing. He needed you to walk around with a sign on your chest that said 'property of Leon Kennedy' for them to stay away from you immediately.
And that itself was one of the things you loved most about Leon. On the outside he always seemed so helpful, kind and shy with other people, and with you he was no less, always being a gentleman who sought to court you and be helpful to you at all times. But he was not always so innocent. Especially when they were hugging, almost as gentle as ever, and he would run his hands curiously down your waist to your bottom, caressing and squeezing it. You always scolded him, but you didn't pull away, you even seemed to move closer to his touch, and even though they soon had to stop because there were people going all over the station, he took advantage of every second to hold your body in his hands by heart.
In fact, they had continued with their slightly over the top approaches. Shit, you couldn't lie but that man was addicted to eating you. Every chance he got he stroked you just enough leaving you wet and ready to have you in his mouth, making you moan his name over and over again as he held you gently and his tongue rammed into you with a desperation that drove you to orgasm. He was so needy. And you were so addicted to seeing him need you, sometimes he didn't say it, but he loved how you sought to suck him off wherever you were. You remembered that time when he shyly wanted to reproach you about the guy who kept you five minutes too long in college to talk to you, and he was sure it was to flirt with you.
"Yeah, sure, I'm sure it was to talk about homework..." he mentioned sarcastically, you could tell he was saying it almost like a tantrum, turning his gaze from you as if that little scene could get you to pay attention to him alone. He loved your attention and thirsted for it whenever he could, so he softened further when you grabbed his jacket sleeve and gently tugged, giving him a playful giggle.
"Lee..." you were getting closer and closer, and you knew it was quite dangerous considering that you were in the corner of an empty room at the university, where you had brought him to talk because of that cutting behavior he had taken out of nowhere "Don't be mad at me, baby" you felt him gasp at that nickname, looking at you with his mouth shining from licking his lips, hungry for you. You kissed in a way that you felt his hands squeeze your hips and making you almost unintentionally feel the bulge in his pants. And you always loved to spoil him, to make him feel good. You loved to feel the way his legs trembled and he controlled himself not to cum the second you put him in your mouth, like in that moment, where he pushed his cock again and again against your throat "I love to fuck ya throat, damn it's so deep" he whimpered under his breath saying how good you made him feel, that he wanted you all to himself, that your attention should be his alone. He would always cum so desperately, take your hair between his fingers and stretch deeper inside you to the point where the hangings would begin. But it felt so good that you ignored him and chased his orgasm to have your reward; his essence so hot and thick in your throat filling you mercilessly.
Then he would become the most sensitive and cute little thing, as if there was nothing left of that uncontrolled Leon, almost fainting in your arms when he calmed down and you hugged him "I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." his chest would move frenetically and he would stroke your hair, soothing the tight pain his fingers had left earlier; but you loved him, you loved that every tiny touch of him remained on your skin reminding you how good he could make you feel. But you always laughed and reminded him that you had ruined his hair that morning too, choking him between your thighs as he ate you hungrily, moaning against you, so wet and weeping for his tongue. You needed each other more and more, those touches and caresses weren't enough, having each other's mouths was intoxicating but it didn't make you drunk. They needed more.
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You left Leon's bed lazily. You wore Leon's shirt, it was loose fitting and fit you like a short dress, filling you with the warmth of his scent as you grinned like a fool as you made your way to the kitchen. Both had been resting all that Saturday, your father had left town for work and you were able to sneak away with Leon to his house for the weekend. You were sure that your father would murder Leon if he found out about it, but in his own words, he would be willing to take that chance.
You headed towards the kitchen with curiosity while observing everything, laughing under your breath; there were things placed in an almost clumsy way, like the plates tilted in an uncomfortable area of the cabinet, or the glasses too far away from your reach. It made you tender to realize that it was obvious that he lived alone. And that really had been the best morning of your life. Waking up and seeing your boy slumped on the pillow with incomparable tranquility, breathing heavily as his arms tightened around your waist and his curves melted into the softness of the sheets. The skin of his bare upper torso, his broad back and full of small freckles and moles being illuminated by the morning sun was a blessing. The bed smelled of him; that masculine yet clean scent that Leon had, that you could swear was very similar to the perfume of a rose, mingling with your sweet scent that you soon let permeate making his sleep deeper than ever.
"Up so early?" you heard his husky voice and a soft yawn, bringing you out of your thoughts with a small start as you cursed for being startled. You turned around with a frown ready to scold him but your voice caught in your throat when you saw him with that facade he had when he first woke up. His blond hair was slightly tousled to one side, and although it wasn't very long it fit the contours of his face perfectly. He had a wonderful body, he wasn't exactly a skinny boy, he had everything in place and with a volume that made you want to squeeze and bite him. His abdomen smoothly marked by the training at the police academy and the V-shape that was made into a light trail of hair that took you to travel beyond his pajama pants. You swore that if it weren't for his drowsy state, he'd see you drooling like a fool.
"God, you scared me" you laughed, and after feeling your face warm from your recent thoughts, you turned your back to him and started heating water to pour coffee for both of you. Leon laughed and walked over to you to hug your back, wrapping his arms around your waist. It was wonderful how his muscles seemed to squeeze you tight enough, sharing that characteristic warmth with you.
"I didn't know you'd look so good in my shirt in the morning" his voice was drowned out by having his mouth sink into your neck, leaving soft kisses that caused you to melt like chocolate in the sun. He had no mercy for you.
"Kennedy, hands where I can see them, it's too early" you joked turning to kiss him. You couldn't resist him and his loving touches, his hands seeking to reassure you that you were there and not somewhere else, with someone else. Your mouths joined in a synchronized but awkward dance, both wanting to own each other. However, you decided to pass him the coffee cup before the kiss went to the next level, hearing a moan from him.
"You know you can't escape my kisses forever, don't you?" he raised both eyebrows and bumped his cup with yours in a playful toast-like fashion, stealing a soft chuckle from you. You loved that even just waking up he was like that with you, as honeyed and gooey as a jar of natural honey. So cloying that it forced you to pinch his cheeks in an attempt not to explode with love.
That day you acted like a couple who hadn't touched each other for months. Endless kisses, caresses here and there, and hugs where more than once you fell asleep in the tranquility of his arms. They had watched dozens of movies and eaten popcorn and chocolates like two bears hibernating under the warmth of blankets. They joked constantly and wouldn't stop chattering in the middle of the film, throwing out sarcastic comments and complaining about 'how bad horror movies were these days'. And you couldn't blame Leon, a young man from the nineties who grew up on eighties horror and you a lover of the classics, it seemed almost like fate.
However, at one point you both seemed to start ignoring the movies and put the snacks aside. That little kiss that had started as a simple token of affection ended up turning into a hungry kiss where the lion's hands traveled all over your body with curiosity. Both were aware that they didn't want to live from each other's mouth anymore and that they needed another kind of approach, but you couldn't avoid feeling exalted by the whole situation; it was the first time that things went too far and, although a little shy, both looked at each other with complicity when the hands needed to move away all possible clothes, being an annoying obstacle in the way. At that moment, knowing that they both wanted the same thing, the embarrassment took a back seat and noises began to emerge from both of them; soft gasps and meaningless words as they ran their mouths over each other's skin, exploring every nook and cranny.
In a moment, almost without realizing it, you were completely naked. Your clothes in the corner of the bed while your hand clung to Leon's shoulders and he groaned between your legs as his tongue plunged so deep into you that you felt like you were about to faint "Mhm..." a moan of pleasure escaped the blond's lips, his nose brushing against your throbbing clit while his free hand stroked himself hard and dripping.
"Leon, Leon-" a loud moan came from your lips as he inserted two fingers at the same time as he sucked your folds and abused them with his saliva mixed with your juices, he seemed to savor you as if it were his favorite food, as if eating you was his favorite activity in the world "Put it in, please..." your hands clutched at the sheets as you curved your back, completely stimulated at the slightest touch. Leon came out from his hiding place between your thighs and without stopping his fingered thrusts looked up at you in surprise.
"Are you sure...?" you wanted to laugh at that moment, feeling tender at the pathos of the situation. He was asking you that? they were both completely naked and from your position you could see his glans as red as it was wet, covered in precum that made you want to suck him right there. But, however, if it was because you didn't want to, Leon would ignore all that and stop, because you were his priority.
"Leon!" you scolded him trying to get a moan to stay in your throat, but you exposed yourself too much and his fingers touched your favorite spot again, making you moan loudly and collapse on the bed again, biting your bottom lip "Stick your fuckin' cock in me or I'll kill you" you bellowed as he laughed, gently pulling his fingers out. You reached for him desperately, feeling that unbearable emptiness you needed to fill with him. He looked so eager, you could see him twitching in desperation wanting to enter you, wanting to bury himself mercilessly. That's exactly why the blond couldn't take much more, and soon you felt his face hide in your neck and he slipped in with a slowness that made you see stars. It was thick and wet, hot, and you squeezed it with such precision that you soon heard it whimper in your ear, while your eyes tried to stay focused and not give way to tears of pleasure.
"Fuck, fuck..." he moaned, you felt him start to move, taking your hips hard as you felt his body stiffen on top of you; knowing him you knew he was taking all his desire to ram into you madly just so you could get used to him "You're so tight, so hot, I just...." he bit his lower lip and you sought his mouth to fill it with your tongue, kissing him messily and angrily, you were completely gone in the way you felt him growing in your belly.
"You're so thick, so hard, fuck me, fuck me!" you moaned in the middle of the kiss, you stirred your hips eagerly and Leon didn't take long to take you firmly to pull out completely and then back in. You both moaned in unison at that action. You scratched his back so hard that your punishment was to feel him thrust into you, hitting your womb with brutality. And he seemed so soft, sweet and innocent, but at that moment he seemed to be too high on your pussy.
"You're mine, you pussy it's mine, fuck, tell me yes, tell me you're mine" he moaned in groans, the back of the bed banging against the wall, making a noise that you hoped the neighbors wouldn't mind so much. But at that moment all you were interested in was that he kept up that ferocious rhythm, ripping curses from your throat as he whispered incoherently about how much he loved to fuck you. "I'll fill you up for days, baby, I'll make you walk around in pain so everyone knows I fucked you good at night, don't you want that, my girl?" he growled under his breath, feeling his abdomen contract and the tip of his dick pounding you faster, messier, perfectly about to cum.
"Yes! Fuck yes, yes, harder!" you moaned in a sob as you hugged him and felt his face sink into your tits with devotion as he bit them, sucked them, and made a mess of your skin. Between the thrusts, so erratic, so strong, mixed with his fingers pressing against your swollen clitoris, your vision went dark as you felt one last thrust and the hand Leon held on your hip dug his fingers in and tore a pathetic moan from his lips, accompanied by your name. You embraced him with your choking orgasm as spurts and spurts of cum deposited inside you, he seemed to cum so much that you felt full, hot. You were so wet around him that you felt that soon his dripping seed would spurt from inside you to stain the sheets beneath you. But Leon stayed inside you warily, wanting to live there if possible; loving the sensation of having you tied to him somehow, that somehow such a primal part of him was filling you at that very moment causing you to still be moaning under him while he could barely regulate his breathing.
"I'm sorry, I cum too much... I'm sorry..." his face sunk into your chest as he barely regularized, and you soothed him with caresses in his hair, laughing softly once the tranquility of that blow that gave you the orgasm, finally appeared. "I'm going to clean you up, just let me..." he was going to pull away but you prevented it by pressing his face against your tits, making him sink there. He didn't seem to object, staying like a scolded but pleased puppy in that hot and comfortable area of your body.
"I need you with me, just… stay," you asked him in a breath. Leon gently stepped out from where he was, looking at you as he smiled and nodded like a happy child. He gave you a soft kiss and made himself more comfortable next to you, still not coming out from inside you. You could almost swear you were starting to feel him hard again, but in return he left soft caresses in your hair as he laughed at the sight of you almost falling asleep in his arms. His arms that were your safe place.
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"I love you."
You looked to your side as you stopped checking your notebook and paid attention to him. Leon was red as a tomato and staring at the ceiling, his police uniform resting against his body, just like the first day you saw him. You felt like it was yesterday, that you saw him enter naively not knowing that you would be transformed into his desire to live every day, his desire to love someone, to desire each other with someone. He was naive not knowing that the young woman he had seen in the distance would become his friend, his companion, his lover.
"I know... I know it's silly to say it now, to say it like this but it's not easy to see you just exist and feel like my chest is going to explode, you know? I need to tell you... I love you so much that I can't stand my shame to know that someone like you noticed someone like me" he confessed. There was nothing about that awkward, awkward young man with the words and, though you didn't know it, it had been the most spontaneous sentence he had said in years. He didn't think it, he just felt it and said it. Like a love impulse, which encouraged him to improve day by day. You were his love.
"I guess I was never good at hiding that I love you..." you laughed, turning your whole body towards him as your hand gently caressed his cheek. It was a habit between the two of you, you held his face in the softness of your hands and he closed his eyes; he forgot everything for a few seconds. And yet now you could see a look of love so deep that almost for a moment you felt that tears would threaten to escape. "I love you more than you can imagine, Leon" the sincerity in that whisper, where only you and he understood each other was enough. He kissed your hand and placed his own against it, caressing it, making sure that under no circumstances would you pull away.
"Do you want to be my girlfriend...?" his gaze was on yours and although he tried to look calm and confident, a glint of fear was visible in that sea of blue his eyes formed. And you felt that you had an angel in your care, an angel that was watching over you but at the same time he was looking for you to take care of him, to accept to take care of his little hurt and abandoned heart. Leon was alone in life. He had only you, and you caressed his soul at every moment, with every word, taking care of him from bad dreams and bad thoughts, being his confidant every day.
"You know I'd be a fool to refuse" you laughed, leaving a soft little Eskimo kiss as you bit your lower lip, seriously holding back the urge to cry. It was the first time you felt the need to cry for love; for a healthy, mutual love, for a love that gave as well as received and was reciprocal in every way. "I want to be yours for life" you murmured, your lips glued to hers "because I love you more than my heart can bear."
"Thank you..." you felt his voice break softly, and you held him, held his face with love just as you held him every day with your love "Thank you for making me the happiest man in this world" he planted a kiss on your lips. As sincere and soft as the breeze coming through the window, with the sun going down in the sunset orange sky with purple sparkles. A sky that witnessed a love corresponding and belonging to each other, two lovers in love with a heart to give.
Because if Leon had you, and you had him, you would never need to say goodbye to him again. Because if you had him, in your heart you would always welcome his love, like the first time you saw him.
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i4bellingham · 1 year
SYNOPSIS: in which a relationship thought to be a fleeting moment lasted for more than they'll ever know.
CONTENT: incorporated with a slight social media au! + obsessive hateful fan speaking shit. conversations are in (google translated) spanish and english + gavi being an adorable child + innuendos by pedri :’p / also NOT PROOFREAD please don’t sue me. read part two here
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❤️ 💭 ↗️       • •
Liked by gavi, alejandrobalde and 1,768,923 others
pedri el más feliz contigo. feliz aniversario mi amor. the happiest with you. happy anniversary my love.
tagged: yourusername
View all 13,901 comments
user1 wait what- one year ???? 😧
user2 y'all been together for one year i-
user3 remembering the days where your fans thought this was just a fling 😭 you guys are celebrating one year with each other now congrats 😭❤️
gavi happy anniversary!
fcbarcelona sending love to you and yourusername ❤️
user4 another month now and you'll break up anyways 😐
user5 shut yo stanky ass
user4 let's bffr here besties they're not gonna last ☺️
user6 user4 and this is why your father left you, your mom hates you, you failed school and you're single meanwhile yourusername is here living the absolute best of life 🤷🏻‍♀️
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❤️ 💭 ↗️       • •
Liked by jamalmusiala10, neymar, pedri and 195,986 others
yourusername here's to many more small midnight talks about life with you. happy anniversary bebe ❤️
tagged: pedri
View all 4,679 comments
_rl9 never let the haters ruin such a beautiful relationship!
pedri never
gavi the second picture is when you text him and his focus is not with us anymore :/
yourusername i always tell him to stop texting me when he's out with you guys though ☹️
gavi i know, pedri just doesn't listen because he's annoying like that
yourusername say sorry pedri :/
yourfriend1 happiest anniversary to you both! ❤️❤️
pedri i love you
yourusername i love you more
pedri i love you the most
yourusername i love you more than most
pedri i love you so much that no words could ever describe to which extent
alejandrobalde pedri we get it man 😃 (anyways happy anniversary yourusername)
gavi pedri simp (i don't know if i used that word correct)
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Pedri was still high on adrenaline when he was whisked away for an interview just after their game.
His football jersey clung onto his skin in an uncomfortable but familiar hug with grimes and sweat all over his body. If people looked closely, they'd find small specks of dirt on his cheeks from the amount of time he tried intercepting a ball pass from the opposing team. He still looked good nonetheless, not that he needed someone to remind him that as he stood carefree in front of the multiple camera shooting his every angle as he waits for the first question to pop up.
“So... what a game huh?” The reporter chucklesㅡ for what reason, Pedri doesn't know but he simply chuckles alongside him. “How do you think of your performance today Pedri? And how do you think that contributed to the win tonight?”
Pedri scratches his nose bridge, then placing both hands over his waist as he takes a lean back to keep the mic near from his lips.
“I think this is one of the best games that I’ve played entering this season. I think that defensively I’ve gotten a lot of progress and it showed in this game tonightㅡ but I believe there is still room for improvement. I think that I had made a few bad calls during the game as well so I’ll definitely look into that as to not make the same mistakes again but overall, I’m pretty satisfied and happy with how my performance played out tonight and contributed to our team’s win.”
The reporter nods his head behind the camera, seemingly impressed at the response he got from one of Barcelona’s golden boys.
“Any celebrations happening tonight for this big win? For another 3 points on the board?”
Pedri smiles but he shakes his head. “No, the guys will get into that but I will be celebrating something else tonight, this is a special day for me and for my girlfriend after all so I just want to spend this night with her.”
“Speaking of girlfriend...” The reporter trails off, flicking through his card with a teasing glint and smile on his face as he follows through with his statement. “It’s your guys’ anniversary today yes? Made quite a lasting impression on Twitter, this one.”
Pedri nods his head, eyes steering away from the media crew momentarily when his eyes catches a familiar figure walking towards them alongside Gavi.
“Yes, it's our anniversary today so not only do I get to celebrate the win tonight but I also get to celebrate an entire year of love and happiness with my girlfriend.”
Pedri shoots you a smile when you catch his eyes, mouthing ‘wait for me’ as he tends to his media tasks by finishing off the interview with a few more remarks for the game, team improvements and whatnot before he walks over to you and Gavi in brisk steps when he's finally done.
He's a few mere foot away when you immediately open your arms for a hug, not minding that he's still dirtied up from his previous game, all with the sweat and gunk clinging onto him. Pedri immediately falls down into your embrace, and Gavi takes that chance to slip away when he sees the cameras pointing to you both while still airing live.
You plant a kiss each to his cheeks and nose, leaving more than a swift peck to his lips that he returns gratefully and with glee.
“I’m so proud of you, do you know that?” You tell him as he leans his forehead against yours. “You did so well today baby, I’m very very proud of you.”
Pedri wraps both of his arms around your waist, locking you snug against him as you snake your hands around his shoulders.
“You always tell me that, no?” He leans down to whisper in your ear. “But you can always show how proud you are of me yeah?”
You don’t say anything but you do slap his chest when Gavi comes in barreling through your hug, jumping behind your boyfriend while he's got both hands over Pedri’s shoulders.
“Happy Anniversary to the two of you!”
Pedri shakes the younger one off before moving to walk away, pulling you behind him. “Too loud Gavi.”
“But we won! And it's in your anniversary and you guys should all be loud!”
Pedri smiles tight-lipped, another whisper going through your ears before he's leaning back up as if he never just said something to rouse you up.
“Oh you'll definitely be loud tonight, that's for sure.”
Not only did the media capture you lip-locking live with your boyfriend after his post-game interview, the interaction with Gavi and Pedri’s whispered suggestive comments that left you stunned and bothered definitely made it to the trending topics on Twitter for the next days to come.
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gurugirl · 5 months
My Tumblr Babes!! 💕 BFD!Harry
Tomorrow I'll be posting a special Valentine's Day Best Friend's Dad Harry. I'm working on it now and it's super sweet and fluffy and smutty. Can't wait to share it with y'all! Not sure what time I'll post it but here's a glimpse of what's in the works...
. . .
The lease on your apartment was coming up. Harry wanted to move you both out of your little place and find something with more space. You would go wherever he went without question but you did warn him you were still jobless. Your contribution would be minimal but he only assured you that he was going to take care of you and he didn’t want your money.
Every weekend for the past few weeks had been dedicated to finding a new place. Apartments and houses alike.
“Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day,” you suddenly remembered as you spoke from the passenger side of Harry’s car as he drove you to look at a place that was having an open house.
“I know,” he reached across to put his hand on your thigh, “Did you forget?”
You laughed, “I totally did. I think with everything going on it just didn’t cross my mind. But I saw that sign outside of Scasi’s restaurant about their Valentine’s Day special just now.”
“So you’re saying you didn’t plan anything romantic for us?” Harry teased.
“I did not. What would you like Mr. Styles? A night out on the town? Some flowers? Cologne maybe?” You laughed when he squeezed at your thigh.
“Why not all of it?”
You looked toward his profile and laid your palm over his hand, “I’ll give you all of that if you want.”
Harry glanced at you with his dimpled grin, “Baby, I know you would. But I’ve already got something planned for us. Think you’ll like it.”
You adjusted yourself in your seat and angled your body toward his, “Oh yeah? What have you got planned then?”
“You’ll see soon enough.”
The three-bedroom house at the edge of town was adorable. But it wasn’t a rental. Which had you a little surprised. The backyard was plenty big for landscaping (which it was in desperate need of), the master bedroom faced the big ugly backyard but the ensuite bathroom was to die for. All upgraded finishes with a soaker tub and a steam shower.
The kitchen, however, was your favorite. The stove was one of those fancy chef’s stoves with the red knobs. The refrigerator was built into shelving and at first glance looked like a tall cabinet.
“Harry this is a lot. Three bedrooms?” He had your hand in his as you both walked around the space.
“It’s a lot for us right now. But what if we have a baby one day? And that backyard? Ugly as sin right now but I love to garden and I know we could make that something really special. For us. For a family here if we wanted.”
bfd harry tag list: @zayndrivesmeinvain @i83andrew @shamelessfangirl-3 @onceagainace @stoneyggirl2 @fairytale07 @princessaxoo @littlenatilda @stylesfever @whoreonmondays @harryspirate @lovrave @missstyles4 @cherryluvhobi @ladscarlett @hisparentsgallerryy @chesthairrry @oscarissacsslut
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pedroshotwifey · 6 months
Pickled Peña Challenge 2023
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Good Impression
Pairing: Husband!Javier P. x GN!reader
Word count: 1.2k
Tags/Warnings: Nothing really, fluff, lil bit of angst (silly angst tho), reader and Javi have a dog, Chucho being hella cool, kissing, cussing, vivid descriptions of fried pickles, wifey being actually stupid
Summary: You really wanted to bring something for Chucho's new year's party...
A/N: Hey, y'all! This is my contribution to @goodwithcheese's Pickled Peña Resolutions Writing Challenge! It's kind of stupid but it's what I've got lmao. I can't wait to read everyone else's Peña stories (please feel free to tag me in them)! Unfamiliar with this challenge? Read more about it here! @pickled-pena
You curse as you watch a pickle slice splat wetly onto the kitchen floor, jumping back to avoid it landing on your bare foot. Max, your golden lab (who was oh-so-creatively named by your husband) is quick to clean it up not a second after it falls. 
“Goddammit, Max,” you scold as you watch him scarf it down without shame. “That’s your fifth pickle today.” 
Hell, it might be the sixth. You usually aren’t a super messy cook, but it’s a different story when you’re in a time crunch. You need to leave the house in about an hour, and the fried pickles you promised to bring for Chucho’s new year’s party are only half done. 
Javier walks in then, chuckling slightly at the interaction he just witnessed. You give him a pointed look before getting back to the task at hand, smothering pickle slices in the flour mixture you had made up. 
“Oh, come on now, sweetheart,” Javi says as he walks up behind you to glide his arms around your waist. “Don’t be like that, we have plenty of time.”
You roll your eyes and half-heartedly shove him off of you as you dip the first batch into the oil on the stove. 
“In case you haven’t noticed, Javi, I still have to fry every single one of these slices, and then let them dry and cool before we can leave. Plus, I still need to change my clothes, and we have to pick up a gift for Chucho on our way there.”
Javi presses a kiss to the top of your head, humming in response to your explanation. 
“I think we’ll be okay. Chucho isn’t going to mind if we’re a little late.” 
“I know,” you whine. “But I still hate not being–”
“I promise you, baby. As long as I show up with ‘that pretty partner of mine’, there’s not going to be an issue.” He pinches your hip lightly as he quotes his father’s words from a few days earlier. 
You can’t help the faint smile that crawls across your face at that reminder. You had been so worried about Javier’s family not liking you, but it turns out that they adore you just as much as he does, just from what he’s said about you. It’s nice to know you’ll be welcomed so warmly even though they had never met you previously. 
The two of you had met in columbia by chance, hooked up, and things spiraled from there. As much as he tried, Javi just couldn’t tear himself away from you. A year later, the two of you were married, and a year after that, you both moved back to Javi’s hometown in Texas, where you’re now, finally, about to meet everyone you had heard so much about. 
You had told Javi that it’s your new year’s resolution to make a good impression, but you doubt that’s going to be very hard. You’ve already made a good impression in their book just by marrying the man.
“How about you go ahead and get changed, and I’ll do what I can here?” Javi suggests. 
You scoop out your pickles and lay them on a rack to dry before turning around and planting a kiss on Javi’s cheek. 
“Thank you, baby. That would help a lot.” 
“No problema, mi vida.”
He grabs your wrist to pull you in to press his lips against yours. You smile against him before pulling back and planting a final, light kiss on his lips. 
“Okay, I’ll be right back,” you tell him as you back out of the doorway. 
It doesn’t take too long for you to get dressed. Javi is just finishing the pickles as you walk back into the kitchen. 
“Should be all set,” he says as he wipes his hands down with a paper towel. You lean on your toes to kiss him again.
The two of you have everything cleaned and packed up within another few minutes. You glance at the clock, which tells you that you should be right on time by the time you’re walking out the door. You grab the container of pickles to take with you to the hall table by the front door. 
Javi mumbles something from behind you and then walks into your room, patting his pockets as he goes. You almost laugh under your breath at his forgetfulness until you realize you left your keys in the bathroom. 
You place the container down and walk down the hall, not noticing how precariously balanced the tub is left. You snatch your keys up at the same time you hear a crash. You gasp at the sound of what can only be a plastic lid breaking off to spill your hard work all over the floor. 
Your fears are confirmed as you quickly make your way back to where you left them, only to find Javi hovering over the mess. When looks up and immediately catches your stunned expression, his entire body freezing as he does so.
“Baby,” he starts slowly. I swear it wasn’t–”
“Javier. F. Peña,” you seethe, each name spat out as its own individual sentence. “You did not just knock that down,” you almost dare him to contradict you. There’s absolutely no way for you to make another batch right now. You don’t have the time nor the ingredients. 
“Hey, hey, hey,” Javi retorts defensively, holding up his hands as he takes a step toward you. “What makes you so sure that it was me? I thought it was you until I got out here!”
“Me?” you gawk at him, offended. “Unlike some other people I know, I’m not that fucking clumsy!” 
“Woah, you stand there and accuse me, but where were you at the time?”
Just then, Max slinks into the hall, drawing both of your attention to his guilty movements. His tail wags hesitantly behind him, his head ducked. The fact that he’s not all over those damn pickles tells you all that you need to know. You sigh in frustration, pinching the bridge of your nose. 
You look back up at Javi, and you can’t miss the glint of amusement in his eye. A smile peaks out as you lean down to Max’s level. You don’t scold him, instead gently grabbing his collar to lead him to your room before shutting the door so you can clean the mess without interruption. 
Javi’s already on it, sweeping everything into a dustpan. You lean against the wall as he finishes up. 
“Guess we’re going to have to stop by that burger joint in town,” you say, sighing again. Javi watches you, sending you a sympathetic smile. He knows how much you wanted to bring something homemade, how much it meant to have something to offer, no matter how small. 
“I’m sorry sweetheart. Maybe next time we can invite Chucho over for dinner next week, make up a big meal for him.”
You smile back at him. He always knows what to say. He walks into the kitchen to dispose of the contents in the dustpan, and you to your room to release Max before rejoining each other in the hall.
“Ready to go, my little chef?” 
You roll your eyes at him with feigned annoyance as you take his hand. 
“Let’s go, Peña.”
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neko-loogi · 8 months
Heeeyy, I'm back with a new Helluva Boss opinion post thingy
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Okay so, the Mammon episode- it was alright I guess? Tbh it didn't strike me as super awesome or anything, it's just kinda there?
Anyway, let's talk about it a little bit!
So I wanted to start off with Mammon himself, I'm gonna be honest I don't hate him but I don't like him either. I'll admit I do actually like his voice, I'm sure y'all might find it annoying but I dunno, I like his accent and the way he talks is kinda funny. His design tho? Eh, it could use some work.
For instance, his eyes are weird, like every time he was on screen my first thought was always: "Wow, he looks like Robin from TTG". I also hate how he's shaped like your typical "fat" character from cartoons. But for some reason they decided to give him skinny arms but a round body. He's weirdly disproportionate, which is disappointing because they definitely could make a better plus sized character design. But oh well, knowing Viv, she wouldn't even try.
I will admit his true demon form is kinda cool, except that I actually thought he was going to be a caterpillar or something but he's a spider? I swear, Viv has some weird design choices.
Moving on, the episode was cluttered as hell. It had way too much stuff in it, which made the episode feel eternal. Not only that but the episode has 4 songs.. FOUR FUCKING SONGS- When will Viv realize that not every HB episode needs a song? Like is this shit an animated series or a fucking musical? Make up your mind Viv-
Anyway, I'm glad this episode focuses on Fizz, but his character did feel a bit off in certain scenes, but aside from that everything else was fine. (I found that scene of Fizz talking to the deaf imp child while using sign language to be very endearing).
Alright, I'mma point out a few other things real quick:
Ozzie's relationship with Fizz is absolutely adorable and I love them so much. However I don't understand why they portray their relationship as a bad thing? Like, fucking Queen Bee is dating Vortex (who's a hellhound, and they are a lower class than imps) and nobody says anything and she's a sin- so why can't Ozzie do the same??
I also happen to noticed that Fizz and Mammon's relationship is similar to Angel Dust and Valentino's- I just hope they don't completely butcher my boy Fizz, because he's the ONLY character I genuinely like from this god awful series.
Edit: I find it outrageous that Fizz apologized to Blitzo in the previous episode for the accident and claims that yes, he was affected by it but he's gotten over it. Yet here, he's super insecure about it and seeks approval from Mammon. It doesn't make sense- I swear it's like the characters are evolving backwards (as in the character development just resets and they act like nothing happened).
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I also just wanted to say that this character made me feel super uncomfortable throughout the episode (which I guess is the point, but honestly they didn't need to add him.) Like, was it really necessary to include this Reddit mod, Discord user incel with an obsessive personality to the episode? He doesn't really contribute much other than to probably trigger people who have dealt with some form of harassment like this, and to make Fizz look super helpless so that Blitzo can defend him.
Blitzo didn't contribute anything to the episode, they didn't need to add him either. Like we get it he's the main character but that doesn't mean he has to be in every fucking episode doing absolutely nothing other than saying a bunch of curse words or shooting someone.
In conclusion, I didn't like this episode that much. I was expecting more to be completely honest.
Sorry if this post was a little long- I wanted to write more stuff but I don't want to burden y'all with reading a lot of shit lmao. Anyway, that's all, love ya <3
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bit-b · 1 year
There's a VERY problematic artist that's been infamous in the Hat in Time sphere for a while. It is the user "ThatTechnique". They've been called out in the past for their suggestive/explicit drawings of the young characters in 'A Hat in Time'. They have long since been banned from the Hat Discord, and generally shunned by the community.
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Recently, a document released detailing her attempts to groom a 14-year-old aHiT fan. The screenshot evidence shows clear attempts to manipulate this teen into being in a relationship with them. I encourage people to go read the document. I do warn that it's stomach-churning. And people sensitive to grooming and discussions of NSFW should proceed with caution. Though, any explicit material has been censored and cropped. Investigations were done by 'Impactor' and his team. The doc was signal boosted by 'Aster'. 'The Thatti Document'
Despite this evidence, Thatti is trying to play it off like the document is no big deal. Saying that the document didn't reveal anything that people couldn't already figure out. (complete lie, since the grooming evidence is brand-freakin'-new™) Also, she didn't reply on the tweet that had the Google doc. She instead replied to Impactor's comment saying "On stand by for questions as always". My guess is that she did this so that she wouldn't inadvertently make the callout show up in people's feeds. A user would need to add a couple extra clicks to reach it. Not a lot of extra distance, but distance nonetheless. This is clearly an attempt to de-legitimize the claims made by the document, and to manipulate her current followers into thinking that reading it is a waste of their time.
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Even though she claims it's a "waste of y'all's energy", 2 hours later, she made a poll on her account letting people know that she's considering closing her main account and making an 18+ one in it's place. She also plans to focus on using her Tumblr account for her SFW art.
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This tells us WAY more about how she actually feels about this. If this was about not liking Twitter, she'd just up and leave the platform. NOT create an 18+ account to replace the SFW one. And a few of her followers have even chimed in saying how odd it is for her to wipe out her whole account instead of leaving it up as an archive.
She knows she's been caught. And she's running.
I write this post to warn people on Tumblr about her actions. She's been here a while, but it seems like she's planning on making it her new art home. If that is the case, and if this isn't an isolated incident, she might attempt to groom people here.
I urge you, DO NOT engage with ThatTechnique. Don't comment or reply to her posts. Do not @ her. Do not DM her anything. A manipulator is VERY risky to interact with, and you could put yourself in danger by doing so.
Instead, spread the word about Thatti. Warn others about her past and current actions. To be extra cautious, block her on whatever socials you have in common with her.
If you are/were a victim of Thatti, Impactor is keeping their ear out and wants to hear from you. Please get in contact with him via DMs or mentions on Twitter. He plans to update the document with whatever new information he can find.
I wanna thank Impactor for organizing this document, and thank everyone who gathered and contributed information. More specifically, I wanna thank Apple for reaching out and giving all these details about their abuse. That was a brave thing, and I applaud you for it. I genuinely hope that things smooth out, and that these callouts give you a level of closure. Please stay safe, everyone. There are some great people in this community. But every community will always have some creeps on the underbelly.
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sageistri · 3 months
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I'm going to ignore what this user is talking about because y'all know my opinion on armys and their "boycott". Hobi didn't do well because armys do not like his music and because he doesn't have a lot of stans, not because of the boycott and I think the person in that screenshot proved it. Armys are only listening and streaming the music they like for the members they bias and other artists they like, end of story.
My focus is on the person in the screenshot and that "I think most of us boycotters are rapline biased because we care about the social message" what does that mean?
It's really something that for years that rapline biased armys get away with saying borderline Anti stuff and armys let them because of pity. And I checked the quotes of this tweet, barely anyone's pointing out how weird that statement is, but are more interested in using that account as an excuse for Hobi's less than stellar chart performance.
They have always gotten away with the subtle shades. I remember an army account saying maknae line stans were visual stans, and they also got a lot of likes for it too with no one calling them out.
Rapline stans and their superiority complex, with the way they act you would think they stanned Kendrick Lamar or jcole. No y'all just Stan pseudo-intellectuals and one trick ponies.
What would Hobi do as a soloist if he was banned from basing his concepts and music on how he was a street dancer from Gwangju a million years ago? I think Yoongi is a good rapper but you hear one suga or agust d verse and you've heard most of them, and namjoon rivals Tae when it comes to being pretentious btw with that fake cultured thing he's got going on.
For years rapline would imply that they "wrote, composed or produced x song" and armys would make everyone go with that narrative and then you check the credits it's a million other names before theirs. Namjoon would come on live, give a break down while repeatedly saying "I" and of course to armys it means he did the whole thing himself when he obviously co wrote it with multiple others and most times he isn't even the main writer or composer lol. Most BTS songs are sent to them by other writers and of course the rapline make their own contributions and needed changes to fit the group, but armys will go on and on like they're the sole writers. This has been the foundation of their superiority complex.
And what social issues do rapline talk about? What have they rapped about in their solo songs that impacted society?. What "deep message" do they have in their music that vocal line haven't also talked about in theirs? These men have the advantage of having larger discographies , nothing more.
Edit: Not saying that I don't think they're good artists, I've praised them and their artistry multiple times and I do think Yoongi and Joon are the best rappers in kpop. Just find it annoying how their stans act like they're miles above every other Kpop artist when it comes to the stuff they sing about.
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moodywyrm · 1 year
Do you have hc for farmhand! Sevika that are nsfw… cause I’m a whore
only writing this because I feel so unbearably needy and sub and touch-starved I'm crying. we got the full length yoga pants, hoodie, blankets 1 and 2, and all four stuffies on deck. chubby reader as usual. @pinknightsinmymind I have another contribution baby <3
she's absolutely a pleasure/service dom, most of the time. I imagine she does like to be the sub (emi has convinced of Sub Sevika), but that takes a lot of working up to. remember, she comes to the farm pretty closed off after a terrible stint in the city. at the beginning of y'all's sexual relationship, which is her first relationship where she's really, truly cared about her partner, she just needs to be able to take care of you.
fucking insatiable when it comes to giving head. I'm talking making out with your cunt, absolutely fucking soaked and sloppy, there is slick in her hair at this point. the first time she went down on you she came untouched in her boxers. honestly didn't even know she could do that, but finally getting to taste you and have you completely at her mercy after a fucking Year of pining? yeah she didn't stand a fucking chance.
after that, takes literally any opportunity to eat you out. doesn't care if your sweaty from fieldwork, it drives her fucking crazy. also doesn't care if you're hairy, baby loves hairy pussy. I said it and I stand by it. first time she sees your pussy, she goes a little bit insane because god you've been hiding this from her? y'all wanted each other for so long and she could've been shoving her face in between your thighs for how long? she's gotta make up for lost time.
doesn't let up until you've cum at least – at the absolute minimum – three times. anything less is a damn shame. needs to have you shaking and fucked out before she even considers letting you go. same thing applies to any other sexual act.
speaking of other sexual acts. her strap. holy shit her fucking strap.
dark purple. 7 inches. girth as all hell. veiny. can be a breeding strap. attached to an expensive leather harness that Sevika takes such good care of. even got special leather cleaner for it. also must add. she didn't have this one before she got with you. specifically picked this one out with you on one of your semi-regular trips to the city, alongside a few other toys. this one's her favorite though <3 next to the black strap that also has a side that goes in her <3
when it comes to fucking you with her strap, she always has to prep you. extensively. im talking at least an hour with her mouth and fingers, getting you all ready and worked up to take her. does she know you could probably take it sooner than that? yes. does she love the ritual of getting you so unbearably worked up that you cry and scramble to hold onto her when she finally pushes in? abso-fucking-lutely.
loves literally any position to fuck you in, but has a soft spot for missionary and having you ride her. for different but similar reasons.
missionary because she loves how you look beneath her, dependent on her, how she knows she can take care of you in this position. plus being able to watch your tummy squish when she manhandles you into similar positions like a mating press is just so fucking good for her.
riding her, whether she be laying down or sitting up, because she adores seeing you use her for your pleasure. it took a second for you to feel entirely comfortable being more commanding during sex, so whenever you want to ride her, she's so incredibly proud and horny. there's just something about having you astride her, taking your pleasure with no shame, no reservations. it's fucking beautiful, and she thinks you look like a goddess every single time.
loves scissoring with you, btw. always with her on top bc that requires some strength and why does she have it if she ain't gonna use it to make her pretty girl feel good. honestly didn't really consider scissoring when she was in the city, contrary to popular belief. mainly relied on oral and strap. meeting you was a fucking Revelation.
I mean it. she almost came the Second she pressed her pussy against your sloppy, warm, wet cunt, clit still throbbing from your orgasm. she doesn't know if any sensation will ever compare. fucking loves feeling you cum right against her, leaking all over her.
as hot and dirty sex can be between you two, it's also incredibly fucking intimate. this goes back to you being the first partner Sevika ever really got with that she truly, 100% was in love with, down to her fucking bone marrow. she needs to let you know that she loves you more than anything, and sex helps her do that. there's so much hand-holding, eye contact, hushed 'I love you's, kisses pressed against necks, etc. etc. everything she does, she does for you, and she needs you to know that. will even light candles for you, fucking you And making love to you in a pink-tinted room. nothing but the best for the love of her life.
that being said. baby fucking loves to take you around the farm. doesn't care how exposed it is. behind the greenhouse? check. behind the farmhouse? check. on the porch of the farmhouse? triple check. on the grassy patch above the pond? quadruple check. she does not care where it is, she just need her woman at all times, however you'll let her have you.
sometime she'll intentionally show off while she's working the farm, knowing just how needy it gets you. can't even begin to count how many times you bringing her lemonade on a hot day turned into you on your knees, dressed rucked up enough to stuff a hand down your panties as you ate her out, her big strong hands gently holding you against her cunt.
also loves your pretty lil dresses, you only started wearing them more when y'all got married and Sevika insisted on taking over the bulk of the farm work. Lets you play the pretty lil housewife, even though you still insist on helping around the farm. Anyway the dresses: yeah she fuckign adores them. loves it when you wear the off the shoulder ones with no bra, bc then she can just yank and expose your gorgeous tits, ready and waiting for her mouth.
also just. housewife kink. I will not elaborate at this time but im 100% certain of it.
farmer sevika smut! I will warn y'all now and by warn I mean but my foot down: this au is gonna have a lot of fluff. there will be smut, sure, but im a fluff girl to my core. this is basically my stardew valley fantasy. I hope y'all will love the fluff just as much as the smut.
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cringefail-hermitry · 6 months
I've been wanting to make a post like this for a while now, and well, having just finished a crucial stage of my life, I think this is a good a time as any.
It's gonna be a long one
Like, *LONG* long
Like, I Am Going To Mention Every Single One Of My Mutuals By Name long (if you'd rather not be tagged in the future, do warn me)
First of all, the primary purpose of this post is as a letter of thanks for the wonderful months you Tumblr peeps have provided me this year. I am not hesitant to say joining the hellsite was the single best decision I have made in the last 12 months, heck, I think about 2/3rds of the friends I mantain regular contact with nowadays came from here. But this wouldn't be a long post if it was just a brief "thanks y'all for improving my life". I'm gonna get into detail. And I'm gonna be sappy about it. You can't stop me. You're not my mother. And not even my mother could stop me from posting this.
I would've said "I thought long and hard about who I'd start with", if there was any question about it. There isn't. @tearychildren, where do I even fucking begin. I can't really say anything too specific because if I begin I don't think I'll stop and half this post is gonna be about you, and this is already a very long post, so I'm just going to leave it at this, you already know well enough just how much you matter to me.
Going onwards, another of the early spots goes to who I believe was my first mutual, definitely one of the first people I followed, @chlorohexidine, a long-time mutual and recent good friend, our daily chats, however short, never cease to be highlights of my days, your art is really cute (love me some rounded shapes) and brainstorming ideas for your TTRPG campaigns is always fun (I really like your worldbuilding, too). It's only fair to mention your (and my, just needed to make this segue well) good friend @xsenpi, infodumping touhou to you both genuinely got me through that month, and Undertale 2: Revenge of The Robots with Rei and TC has been a blast so far.
@soundsofastar is another that warrants special mention for actually changing my brain chemistry and making me appreciate the local wildlife even more than usual (if we ever meet in person, WE ARE GOING ON A NICE LONG WALK TO LOOK AT BIRDS TOGETHER, WHEREVER IT IS WE ARE WHEN THAT HAPPENS, MARK MY WORDS). Your art also makes me feel things. Not many things make me feel stuff a lot. That is impressive. I should be in a good spot to finish reading the Illuminae Files within the next few days, so please do pester me about it, otherwise the piece of media that the next person I'll talk about recommended to me will consume all the time I'd read it in.
So, the next person I'll talk about, @northwest-cryptid, thanks for letting me use our DMs as my Mabinotepad, and for getting me into Mabinogi in the first place, you've been both the direct and the indirect cause of many good times, and I gotta be honest I kinda admire you a lil' bit (and if you know anything about how I talk, I am horrible at expressing vulnerability, admiration and these sorts of emotions without a bunch of euphemisms unless I'm doing this sort of tangent where I attempt to talk about myself in a more depersonalized way, so what that sentence there essentially means is "I admire you a lot and you are an inspiration").
Another pivotal figure in how this year shaped out is @ratlesshonret, creator of The Bird Nest, site of many good times, who has exposed me and many others to some wonderful media (I AM GOING TO FINISH POCKET MIRROR SOMETIME, MARK MY WORDS), reading through all the chats in the server is usually a blast, too. Your contributions to my life cannot be understated. Seriously, thanks.
The next great friend I'll mention is @transgender-lea-crosscode, we've started talking more only recently, but have already bonded a fair bit, I reckon, damn you're good at Blazblue. You've dared to make me good at the game and for that, I commend you. You should say words about Zeroranger in my general direction sometime, I'd be happy to hear/read them.
Now for those mutuals that I don't really speak to, but are responsible for like, 75% of my total notes, like, everyone is more than welcome to jump into my DMs and start talking about anything whenever, but y'all specifically are folk I'd have started talking with regularly ages ago if I knew what to talk about. @hoshinoreika2004, @ward-leon, @edenplumreal, @tabnk2, @tapok-eve , @boofbv and @sorcerousbrick, thanks for all the lil' dopamine hits.
Shoutouts to @wretchedbirdthing for being normal about that bird, you're a blast to see on my dash and I wish you luck snapping those collarbones in twain to hear those gay little squawks.
@freiflies and @ottisbuns, alongside Tapok, Vic and Honret, y'all bring life into The Bird Nest, and although I haven't really shown up much there recently, I still read most of everything, the words are cool, keep up the good work!
@genericgirl420 and @mikusays-transrights, you two are the mutuals that suffer the least with The Distances, so let's do this in a more, well, local fashion. É genuinamente bom ver que a comunidade brasileira do tumblr está ativa e saudável, aumenta minhas esperanças de encontrar outras criaturinhas desse site maligno pelas ruas, sua presença, por si só, já melhora meus ânimos, por isso, agradeço profundamente.
Ok back to speaking in simplified Old German. This next section goes out to @lemocoffe and @teacup-of-doom, both of whom I haven't really interacted much, but what little there was was quite great, this is, in fact, an invite to do more of the interact-y thing. Y'all are cool.
Another shoutout to a frequent view on my dash, @lobotomise-me-please, whose "Boobs Girl Music" post still has 10k notes to me, I'll get back to mass reblogging it someday (if y'all wanna help, check out @boobsgirlmusic for the post, that's my Boobs Girl Music sideblog where I reblog Boobs Girl Music)
@aurora-veil, @limbuscompanyyuri and @thevanishedpeople-intothenight are up next, some of my first mutuals, y'all post good. And have been doing so consistently. For the past like, 9 months or so. That's impressive.
@meltingadoration, @holyitsquiverrflynn and @jestressofnihil, my more recent moots, there hasn't been much time to do the friendship-building and knowing each other thing, but all that means is that there's still many opportunities for that, which is cool.
Last but not least, the mutuals who I haven't quite gotten to know as well, but I'm inviting to chat anytime, @readysetgargoyle, @atlasmothss, @meeresengel, @flesh-borne, @b-kut, @aureatecenotaph, @risingdragonblade, @agender-witchery (your posts helped me immensely in figuring out gender, thanks for that) and @lich-of-lcorp. Y'all are cool, we should talk more.
And one last section for all those who I've been in touch with but aren't mutuals with, for any and all reasons (I do tend to reblog very, well, erratically), y'all deserve to be on this list, but I just didn't wanna bother you too much (I do have words of thanks to say though, if you want them, just ask).
This post is still too short to express how thankful I am for y'all existing. I don't think text could ever do it justice.
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eirikrjs · 10 months
UPDATE 9/2/23
Wow, it's almost fall and I'm still kickin', so here's a proper update about what's been going on with me. I do feel great most days, and with Halloween in season around the US, it makes me very happy. As far as stroke recovery goes, my leg has a newly made brace and my walking in general has greatly improved the past few months. I really don't roll my left foot anymore, in other words, my foot can go flat instead of landing on the ankle and possibly causing injury.
My arm is still mostly nothing but a couple weeks back I was able to move my shoulder again so there's hope. I also got a home electrical stimulation device so I give my arm and hand a jolt for an hour everyday. With time, I feel confident i'll recover.
A great help with my recovery has been the amazing @dagdasgoddess , a fellow young stroke survivor who has been watching out for me and offering encouragement every day for a couple months now, exactly when I needed it. Mentally, stroke recovery is pretty damn tough but most days I feel positive about it, with great thanks to her.
And now on to some business. Shortly before my stroke I was planning on celebrating the 10th anniversary of my blog (which would have been in December of last year, but I was still in the hospital, obviously...) And one of the things I was going to do was photograph and review all the smt demon figures I have, using my special diorama table. I got around to starting the project a couple weeks before the stroke, naturally starting with the Leonard figure. Here's one of the pics:
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I also made something of an anniversary banner, just because, I guess:
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I also want to talk about some milestones reached, starting with some follower counts. By December last year I finally surpassed 2k followers, so thank you so very much. This is after Kanekos Crib Notes quickly dwarfed my own blog followers shortly after its establishment in like 2014. But now my own blog is even ahead of kcn, as undoubtedly its current annual schedule limits its growth and reach. (But hey, it's almost October, aka KCN MONTH)
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The last milestone is above: my Stealing Knowledge blogger has reached half a million views! Unbelievable, thanks for reading and sharing over the years! Identity crisis part 3 remains the most viewed, with over 50k on its own.
Finally, I want to talk about the future. Another 10th anniversary plan was to try and monetize the blog somehow, probably via a Patreon for new articles and such and many other ideas, maybe even doing YouTube videos to answer asks instead of them being all text. I have lots of other ideas too, but they'll have to wait until my arm works again. So instead of monetizing the future, for now I'm just going to ask y'all kindly to chip in for the blog's past. I'm amazed at how much activity the blog still generates from--let's call it "legacy content".
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To that end, I have set myself up a kofi account where you can show your appreciation for that "legacy", kuwabara, kuwabara, if you'd like. All money earned will go towards paying down bills accrued during my recovery, like my hyperbaric treatments. In perfect honesty, it's been around 3000 US dollars so far. Don't feel obligated to contribute and thank you all for still sticking around with me despite my relative inactivity. And if course, continue keeping @sorenblr busy if you wish.
I would also not expect my own recovery before next year, that's just stroke for you. Thank you all!!!!!
p.s. I was featured as a stroke survivor again on another therapy facebook post:
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