#the stroke
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meep-meep-richie · 2 years ago
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I don't think we talk enough about Aziraphale's hand here
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eirikrjs · 9 months ago
UPDATE JUNE 21, 2024
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Hello all,
It's been some time again since I've updated on my recovery. I've seen some significant gains in my hand lately, enough that i am fully confident now that I'll recover to 100% or near it. I can currently extend my fingers (remember, the stroke affected my left side) about 50% of the time when i try, which is a massive improvement from 0% a year ago.
My elbow is still being difficult, it can't extend at all. It likely just needs more time/therapy.
I also twisted my ankle a few weeks back. It was when i was relearning to walk in just my shoes at therapy (I always need to wear an AFO outside the house) and my ankle... just gave out. My brain's communication to my ankle likely got mixed up.
So that's me of late. I'm still Law-aligned for my own safety/sanity, but it's been going well. I got my first Halloween decor of 2024, the vintage skeleton headstone blow mold & mutant skull prop seen above , not the bloody skeleton. I'm in high spirits!
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And of course, I've been playing Vengeance. I quite like it; it's been a little cumbersome playing one-handed, but totally doable with a little patience.
I got the digital deluxe version on ps4 and have been enjoying cheesing everything with the dlc.
This is no doubt the version of SMT5 that will be remembered; there'll be no arguing over this being the definitive version of the game.
My progress: Level 50 and I just met Mastema, so I'm taking it slow. I expect the platinum will take me most of the summer to complete.
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gypsy-that-i-was · 2 years ago
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myimaginaryradio · 11 months ago
The Stroke - Billy Squire
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evilmark999 · 25 days ago
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Thanks, HB (Haiku-Bot)...
I do this to myself, but not wholly. I had a stroke in late 2021. This is my new normal. My bad...
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I think that it's really important for people to realize that being disabled is traumatic. genuinely. your body and brain feel like they are breaking down and wrong. you are in constant heavy stress from stuff like chronic pain. most disabled people i know have a somewhat regular emotional break down from the trauma of it all. and we are expected to just smile through it by society, to not be in the way, to not be an issue.
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realmoftheacornking · 28 days ago
Stroke me, stroke me
OPM WARNING! (Old People's Music)
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drakehavenelite · 1 month ago
Now Playing...
Artist: The Stroke
Title: Silly Mistakes
Album: Silly Mistakes Single
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Played on: Mon Feb 17 2025 09:07:47 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time)
#The Stroke #BEWARE THE SIREN #1977 to 1981 THE ERA OF MUSIC
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Now Playing...
Artist: The Stroke
Title: Silly Mistakes
Album: Silly Mistakes Single
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Played on: Mon Feb 17 2025 09:07:47 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time)
#The Stroke #BEWARE THE SIREN #1977 to 1981 THE ERA OF MUSIC
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as-i-watch · 9 months ago
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Chilchuck is definitely the kind of dad that scared his kids with the boogie man, he has that kind of humor
and probably ended up having them sleep on his bed bc he scared them too much too
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0thevisuallibrary0 · 6 months ago
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duxonocrotalus · 7 months ago
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eirikrjs · 2 years ago
UPDATE 9/2/23
Wow, it's almost fall and I'm still kickin', so here's a proper update about what's been going on with me. I do feel great most days, and with Halloween in season around the US, it makes me very happy. As far as stroke recovery goes, my leg has a newly made brace and my walking in general has greatly improved the past few months. I really don't roll my left foot anymore, in other words, my foot can go flat instead of landing on the ankle and possibly causing injury.
My arm is still mostly nothing but a couple weeks back I was able to move my shoulder again so there's hope. I also got a home electrical stimulation device so I give my arm and hand a jolt for an hour everyday. With time, I feel confident i'll recover.
A great help with my recovery has been the amazing @dagdasgoddess , a fellow young stroke survivor who has been watching out for me and offering encouragement every day for a couple months now, exactly when I needed it. Mentally, stroke recovery is pretty damn tough but most days I feel positive about it, with great thanks to her.
And now on to some business. Shortly before my stroke I was planning on celebrating the 10th anniversary of my blog (which would have been in December of last year, but I was still in the hospital, obviously...) And one of the things I was going to do was photograph and review all the smt demon figures I have, using my special diorama table. I got around to starting the project a couple weeks before the stroke, naturally starting with the Leonard figure. Here's one of the pics:
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I also made something of an anniversary banner, just because, I guess:
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I also want to talk about some milestones reached, starting with some follower counts. By December last year I finally surpassed 2k followers, so thank you so very much. This is after Kanekos Crib Notes quickly dwarfed my own blog followers shortly after its establishment in like 2014. But now my own blog is even ahead of kcn, as undoubtedly its current annual schedule limits its growth and reach. (But hey, it's almost October, aka KCN MONTH)
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The last milestone is above: my Stealing Knowledge blogger has reached half a million views! Unbelievable, thanks for reading and sharing over the years! Identity crisis part 3 remains the most viewed, with over 50k on its own.
Finally, I want to talk about the future. Another 10th anniversary plan was to try and monetize the blog somehow, probably via a Patreon for new articles and such and many other ideas, maybe even doing YouTube videos to answer asks instead of them being all text. I have lots of other ideas too, but they'll have to wait until my arm works again. So instead of monetizing the future, for now I'm just going to ask y'all kindly to chip in for the blog's past. I'm amazed at how much activity the blog still generates from--let's call it "legacy content".
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To that end, I have set myself up a kofi account where you can show your appreciation for that "legacy", kuwabara, kuwabara, if you'd like. All money earned will go towards paying down bills accrued during my recovery, like my hyperbaric treatments. In perfect honesty, it's been around 3000 US dollars so far. Don't feel obligated to contribute and thank you all for still sticking around with me despite my relative inactivity. And if course, continue keeping @sorenblr busy if you wish.
I would also not expect my own recovery before next year, that's just stroke for you. Thank you all!!!!!
p.s. I was featured as a stroke survivor again on another therapy facebook post:
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nightmaretour · 4 months ago
Anyway, people with brain damage I love you. People who have had strokes I love you, especially if you're told you were "too young" to have one. People who acquired your brain damage by less common means such as infection, lack of oxygen at birth or degenerative disease, I love you. People with moderate and severe brain damage, I love you. People who lost their sight or hearing or ability to speak because of their brain damage, I love you. People who have paralysis from their brain damage, I love you. People with amnesia and severe cognitive issues from their brain damage, I love you. People with rare and unusual symptoms from their brain damage, I love you.
You are not a punchline, you haven't lost your humanity, your thoughts and opinions are as valuable as anyone else's. We deserve respect.
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[ID: a dark red banner with the words "This post is about physical disabilities, do not derail." in grey font. Either side of it is a lighter grey wheelchair user symbol with the user leaning forward with the arms raised and back, giving the appearance of wheeling fast. End ID.]
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myimaginaryradio · 2 years ago
The Stroke - Billy Squire - 1981
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fallziell · 10 months ago
Mr. Bungle Does The Stroke Upon Eager Fans
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