#and i gotta go back to work tomorrow ;;0;;
akajhdas i was gonna work on my fic and sketch requests today but i woke up so fucking sick oh my god dkhshkjf, rip me
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haveyouanytime · 7 months
each miller brother takes their days off differently
inspired by it pouring rain where i live (# ̄0 ̄) | tommy x reader & joel x reader, NOT tommy x reader x joel
౨ৎ daily click to help palestine 🍉
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Waking up with Tommy in your shared bed, listening to the sound of the rain pattering against your window, you can’t help but feel tranquil and lazy. As much as you loved having the day off at the same time as your husband, you feel a bit peeved that it was only due to the pouring rain making the roads close off. You feel his body atop yours as he sleeps like a seal on a rock (you being the rock, unfortunately), his soft snores sending a deep rumble to your chest. 
You let him sleep for a bit longer, slowly running your hand through his dark curls you love dearly. It’s after a few minutes that you decide to get up that Tommy stirs, his hold tightening on your torso. 
“Nope. Mm-mm.” He grumbles into your sleep shirt, pinning you to the bed with his body weight. You sigh, thinking to yourself that his actions would be cuter if your bladder wasn’t about to explode. 
“Tommy, I gotta pee.” You softly push at his shoulder, still weak with leftover sleepiness running through your body. 
“Too bad.” He mumbles into your chest. He sighs, as content as possible in his half-asleep state. “Five more minutes.” 
And although you do eventually make it out of the bed-- it seems like you can’t escape Tommy’s arms all day. As you cook a lazy brunch, his chest is pressed to your back. As you eat, he pulls you onto his lap. As he washes the plates, he demands you stay beside him to hold him just as he did to you. Afterward, he drags you towards the couch, but you escape his grip as he lands on the plush cushions. You run a hand through your hair, taking a step away from the couch to try and distance yourself from his iron hold. “Tommy, I gotta do laundry.” 
“No need for laundry. C’mere.” He demands with a huff, sticking his arms out for you to join him. You can’t help but smile, thinking of how he looks like a child asking for a toy. 
“Tommy, we need to do laundry.” You sigh with a smile, taking a step closer to him to rake your hand through his dark curls. “All your work clothes are dirty, right? Can’t have you going to frame in sweatpants and a band-tee.” 
“You can’t do laundry, ‘cause it’s raining.” He grins, looking up at you and resting his hands on your hips. You let out an airy laugh, and you want to try and protest that the laundry can be done because you have a washer and dryer and not a clothesline like a pilgrim, but his hands move up to your waist and pull you down onto the couch with him. 
And as you lie on the couch with him, looking up at his peaceful face as he naps, you figure the laundry can be done tomorrow. 
With Joel? You wake up the same as always, with him already up. As you saunter down the stairs to the kitchen, he’s already making breakfast for three-- despite Sarah still being asleep upstairs due to the school sending out the announcement the night before of a canceled day due to the pouring rain. But there he was, cooking like he was about to get in his truck with Tommy and Sarah like any other morning. 
But he doesn’t. Instead, he turns into a handyman rather than a carpenter for the day. Anything that creaked moved quieter than a mouse, anything that leaked seemed magically brand new. The lights seem brighter in the doorway, kitchen, and bathroom, at one point, you find the front door open and you peek outside to see Joel battle the whipping wind atop a stepstool as he replaces the lightbulb on the porch. 
Once everything possible seemed done and it was only the early afternoon, you found him standing with his hands on his hips, just staring out the window. You and Sarah watch from the doorway, matching furrowed eyebrows as he just… stares. 
“Maybe we should ask him to do something,” Sarah whispers to you, “Maybe he’s secretly worked like a Sim this whole time. He can only function when given tasks.” 
“Have him do what? I think he’s already done everything possible.” You whisper back, your head tilting curiously as your husband seems frozen in time. 
“I dunno. Anything.” She speaks lowly, her honey-colored eyes widening as you both just watch Joel. 
“Maybe he’s like a T-Rex,” Sarah whispers, watching as her father stands like a statue, his gaze transfixed on the pouring rain. “If we don’t move, he can’t see us.” 
“You know I can hear you, right?” Joel raises his brow, turning to face you two. Sarah all but disappears, her sock-clad feet pattering up the stairs and abandoning you to deal with Joel. 
“Let’s take a break, honey.” You smile, walking forward and gently grabbing his forearm. You lead him to the living room, trapping him to the couch with your legs thrown over his. Much to his chagrin, you turn on a rom-com which pulls Sarah out of her room to effectively trap Joel by sitting on his other side. He grunts that he’s not watching a chick flick, but a solid 20 minutes into the movie, he’s hooked.
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iheartmomochi · 2 months
Dear Vocalist Momochi O•SHI•GO•TO \Back Stage!!!/ Translation
Important: as always i DID NOT make this translation. I commissioned currytantou on twitter, so all credit goes to them! I 10000% recommend you also commission them if you want a jpn -> eng translation! I always say that but seriously commission them, they're amazing!! And please do not repost this translation anywhere or use it for re-translations into another language (i've seen some people do this please just don't. it's not that hard to respect the wishes of the og translator)
You can listen to the cd here
Ahh, I’m excited to reach Okinawa! Not to mention we’re doing a special pin-up photograph session with Veronica! Oh, but the shooting will be tomorrow, right? That means we have half a day for ourselves once we touchdown. Yay!
Hey, where do you wanna go? Since you troubled yourself and tagged along, I should at least bring you wherever you want to when I’m free. Think of somewhere nice. Hehe! Oh? The announcement just now is for us, no? Let’s go then. Give me your luggage. I’ll carry it for you. Anyway, don’t you think it’s unusually packed in Haneda today? I see. It's the morning of a weekday after all. Right, everyone’s wearing suits on their way to work. Everyone’s working hard.
Let us go to our room for a bit, alright? Hehe! Guys, don’t drink too much, okay? See you tomorrow then.
Hurry and open up already. The luggage’s heavy, y’know? Ugh, I’m so tired. Actually this hotel takes so long just for us to check in. How is that even possible?
Huh?? So dirty! What’s up with this room? Did they actually clean it up? Am I supposed to spend two nights at a place like this? What the hell. Anyway, why do I have to take today’s flight if the shooting’s tomorrow? Not to mention a flight that early! Can’t it be night instead? Don’t get me started with the economy seat. I gotta deal with the public attention so at least get me a private lounge. Just how stingy could they be?
Actually, they promised something nice like a tropical resort and stuff but Okinawa of all places? If it’s a special photoshoot, shouldn’t it usually be Bali or Hawaii? That Panda guy always brings me some shitty gigs. What the heck, really? Well, yeah sure. I’m not going to be in this magazine again anyway.
Huh? Where’s the ashtray? None? Why? Huh? No smoking? Seriously! Unbelievable! What’s the staff doing? They’re not here? Shouldn’t they stay? Ah, I can’t deal with this anymore!
Huh? Who cares about shoes? This place is so dirty anyway. Nope. I wanna go back to Tokyo right away! Just how stupid can you be? I said I’m tired, didn’t I? And you can suggest going out now? We’ve come this far and you’re saying we should look for a smoking spot? If I have that energy, I’ve looked for that place ages ago. Whatever. I’m smoking here. You go buy canned juice or something. I’ll use that as an ashtray. Hurry up. You drink that ‘cus I don’t need the juice. Also, can you buy something for me to drink? Get me something Okinawa-ish while you’re at it? Right. Get me some seawater. The one in a plastic bottle. See you~
Oh, you’re late. How long are you gonna make me wait? Huh, this? Canned beer that I found in the fridge. I threw the insides because you took so long. Ahhh. What a waste. Ugh anyway. Why is this bed so hard? I just lied a bit and my back’s already hurting so much. No way I can sleep. This sucks, seriously.
Huh?! Shut up. I just gotta be careful and make sure to not drop the ash. Actually, can you not order me around? Who do you think you are? Hmm. Another excuse. Now you come here..! Hey. I said I’m in the worst mood ever, right? Do you know for what reason did I bring you along using my own money? For you to fix when we’re in this kind of situation. And yet, I’m feeling even worse thanks to you. What are you gonna do? Hey. Do something now. It’s your fault anyway. So of course you have to do it, right? Come on!
Alright, what shall we do today? Hehe! For now, will you take that off now? That’s been bothering me since this morning. Have you always had this dress? Don’t tell me you bought it to wear in Okinawa? Showing that much skin when band members and the staff are around. What are you thinking? Come on. I said take it off. Can’t do it yourself? In that case...Hm? What smell is this? The cigar’s smoke! Wa- You! Water, water! Bring it quick! Huh?! The bed cover’s burning! He- Someone?! Whatever can do, just be qu- Ah. You’re right. The fire’s gone. But hey..! Most of it was splashed on me! I bet that was on purpose! Right?! I can’t let you go today. Just a punishment won’t be enough. You know that, don’t you?
Huh? The mirror? That’s all it takes for it to fall? Just how sloppy did they mount the mirror? This hotel is seriously pathetic. So what are you gonna do? This room’s furniture is broken. I believe you know it but it’s all your fault, okay? Why don’t you start collecting the shards and apologize to me?
Ah, right. As you can see, they’re sharp so be careful when you pick the shards. You don’t want to you cut yourself accidentally. You might die if it stabs your neck by chance. Hehe! Are you afraid?
But don’t worry. I will never do anything like that. If I were to kill you, I wouldn’t go for an easy method like this. It has to be one that gives you even more pain and suffering. Otherwise it’d be pointless, no? So rest assured. Why are you silent? You’re supposed to be happy. You’re desperate and always anger me because that’s what you like. Right? Denying it after all this time? I won’t let you do that.
We have plenty of time until tomorrow so I’ll give you lots of pain the whole night. Look forward to it. You went all your way and followed me here to make sure I pulled off my job, right? So don’t complain no matter what I do. Got it?
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currytantou · 2 months
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[translation] Mayonaka Danshi Meshi audio drama / s1ep1 CVs: Uchiyama Kouki & Itou Kento
do not repost or use my translations! link back if you want to share. partial screenshot it allowed but blatant copy/paste is prohibited
Also x-posted on my wordpress page
Watch/listen here
0:12 (sound of typing on keyboard) Email to the other side…done. Documents for tomorrow…done. (watch beeps) Oh! Just in time. Alright, then! (clicks mouse then gets up) Hashida is signing off! Good work everyone.
0:50 What’s for dinner tonight? (phone vibrates) Yes, it’s Hashida. Thank you for your patronage. Yes.. (footsteps receding) Oh, the quotation estimate? Yes. I can confirm that on my side. Is it urgent? I can get to it. I’ll send it to you soon so please wait a moment.
(phone beeps) Change of direction, huh? Well, that can’t be helped.
1:35 Shoot. That took longer than expected. Can I make it in time before the store closes? My fridge is pretty much empty. At this rate, I might have to settle with eating box lunch from the convenience store. Please, make it in time! No, I’ll make sure to make it!
Ahh, I can’t make it! What to have for dinner? Should I just compromise today? Nah, I’m in the mood for Japanese food thanks to what I had for lunch. I’m not giving up now. I’ve no other choice. I’ll have to detour and go to the supermarket on the other side of the river.
2:29 No way…. How is this possible? I went to three different supermarkets and the fact that each of them ran out of vegetables… I was stubborn and ended up wasting my time. Should’ve used my time for something more worthwhile if I knew this would happen. (sighs) No point regretting over the past. Sometimes, incidents like this happen. Convenience- nah, I’ll settle with instant noodles today.
3:12 Finally home. It’s quite late already. Hmm, postage and letters.. hm? A delivery, eh? I got stuff delivered to me… That’s quite a big box. Oh? It’s from grandma! Huh? Did I ask her something?
I’m back~ (walks with the box and then opens the door) Heigh-ho..! That was quite heavy. What did grandma send me? (tears the tape) These are..! Lotus root, burdock and carrot! And plenty more! Oh, great! This box is full with veggies from back home! Feels as if grandma saw through me today! Talk about timing. Hm? Hold on. (checks fridge) Chicken and konjac jelly. Alright! I got ‘em. I can do this! I can make grandma’s chikuzenni with these ingredients. I don’t have to give up on eating Japanese dish! Thanks, grandma.
Still, I haven’t had chikuzenni in a while since I left home. I hope I can pull this off. Anyway, I just gotta try.
5:20 (pot boiling) First, pre boil the konjac jelly. I should prepare the rest of the ingredients in the meantime. Right. I should first peel the skin off. Get the carrot and lotus root done smoothly with this peeler. (peels veggies) Taro’s skin is thick so I gotta use a knife instead. (sound of cutting against wooden cutting board. Next, burdock. Just washing ‘em with water is enough, I guess? (washes burdock) That’d do. Now, I gotta cut these guys up. (cuts)
Grandma did mention that cutting uniformly matters in stews. When they’re different, the ingredients don’t soak up the same amount of flavour. Good thing I remember that. (continues cutting) What’s left are taro and soaked shiitake. Bite size cut would do.
7:13 Alright. Time to cut these pre-boiled konjac jelly. Evenly cut the konjac…nah, maybe I should try shred it roughly with a spoon. The sections are rougher than when cut using a knife and apparently this way, they would soak the flavour even better…but oh well, I can’t wait to try it out.
(water runs) Also, grandma’s chikuzenni isn’t complete without this…ginger. Ginger really makes so much difference. I’m gonna shred this guy thinly. (sound of cutting against board) Whew. Pretty much done with the prep for now. Next is the chicken. (brings out pot)
Sesame oil goes inside the pot and heats it up. (switches on gas) Add chicken and stir fry until the colour changes. (pot sizzles)
8:47 I guess this would do..? Then, I just gotta add the veggies that I cut earlier into the pot. (sizzles) Stir them until everything is covered in oil. Hm! This fragrant sesame oil aroma! How appetizing. Hm. Looking good. Almost ready. Add the water from soaked shiitake, sake, mirin, soy sauce, sugar and finally, ba-bam! Thinly sliced ginger! Ugh! What am I doing? Alright. What’s left is to let it simmer well. Hm? I feel like I forgot something…? Oh, a lid! Gotta cover it with a lid. Without it, the flavour would be uneven.
(covers pot with a lid) That’d do. Hold on. I forgot the bean to garnish with at the end. I should boil some in the meantime. (sound of water running, metal pot and gas being turned on)
Hmm. About twenty minutes until it’s ready, eh? Right.. I made quite a huge serving. Maybe I should let Akira eat some. Bet he’s eating junk either way.
10:30 (pot boiling) Alright. About time it’s done. I wonder how it’d turn out? Whoa. Looks good. Salty-sweet aroma. This is the best! (turns off the stove)
(door opens then closes) Sudou: Yo~ Hashida: Oh, you’re here? Sudou: Hashi, this is not like back home. You better lock the door. Hashida: Oh, sorry. I forget sometimes. Well, not like I have anything worth stealing. Sudou: One thought he’s guarded but it’s the other way. Hashi, that side of you really never changes. Hashida: Really? I don’t think I am that unguarded. Sudou: Oh, whatever. That aside. That smells really good. Stew? Hashida: Correct. I made chikuzenni today. Using the recipe from my granny. Sudou: Wow, seriously? How delightful. Makes me feel excited. Hashida: You don’t look excited though. Well, that’s not important. I’m gonna garnish this so Akira, can you dish out the rice? Sudou: Okay~
(opens fridge) Hashida: I got some beer. You’re drinking? Sudou: Yeah. Bring ‘em out. Hashida: Hmph. Silly.
11:59 (arranges plates) Hashida: Alright. Now that everything’s ready. It’s time. Hashida & Sudou: Bon appetit.
(both started eating)
Hashida: Oh. The flavour soaked in nicely. Sudou: Hm. This is good. Hashida: I was right to tear the konjac with a spoon. They soak the flavour well and curl into a nice shape. Sudou: Hmm, that method is possible, eh? Actually, this really tastes like the one I had at Hashi’s grandma’s. That kinda makes me emotional. Hashida: Emotional? You’re exaggerating. Sudou: Nah, I mean it. Remember how Hashi’s family often feeds my younger brothers and I, since our pop’s always busy with work? So to me chikuzenni at Hashi’s place is what I consider a mom’s home cooking. Hashida: Oh, right. The only family I have is my grandma, after all. I suppose this meal is a mom’s home cooking. I’ve never thought of it that way. Sudou: You better appreciate her more. Hashida: I do! I mean, I don’t feel lacking despite the absence of parents. I’ve never felt lonely just because grandma’s the only family that I have. Hey, now! Don’t make me say something embarrassing! Sudou: Ah, I see. Hmm. I somehow get it. Hashida: Well, in other words, we should be thankful for the love from people around us. Sudou: Whoa. The way you worded it just screams old person. Hashida: Huh? Really? That was unintentional. But right, recently I do feel like I am an old man. Sudou: Hehe. Just kidding. If anything, you no longer seem immature. It’s crazy if you still act the same when you’re a brat. Hashida: I hope you’re right.
13:53 Sudou: Actually, having chikuzenni while talking about the past with you makes me feel like I just time slipped to when we’re kids. Hashida: Hehe! You’re right. We really played hard back then. It’s impressive how we didn’t get sick of it, even though we lived in the countryside. Sudou: Yeah. Oh, I’m recalling things. You’re quite popular among the girls since you’re casually nice to them. Hashida: Really? I think that’s normal. Sudou: How is that normal? Plenty of girls asked me to pass love letters to you. It was so annoying. Hashida: Ahh, that happened, eh? Heck, don’t be annoyed over something petty! Sudou: Nah, it was so annoying. You said you wanted to focus on the club and stuff. Turning them down half-assed. You’re making it awkward even for me too! How annoying. Hashida: You..! In that case, I’ve got something to say too! Did you forget how I had to let you sit on the back seat of my bicycle simply ‘cus you can’t ride it yourself? You can’t do that until 8th grade! There should be a limit to how unathletic one could be! Sudou: Not 8th. 7th grade! Hashida: Nah, you were in 8th grade! It’d be a problem if you still cannot cycle ‘cus we’re gonna commute to a further place in high school so I accompanied you to practice. Remember? Sudou: That was the 7th grade. Definitely not the 8th. Hashida: It’s not important! Sudou: It is. This involves my good name. Hashida: Heh. As always, you’re so oddly stubborn. Whatever. Uh, ah! Hey, Akira! You’re spilling so much! Gosh. Use this to wipe. You never grow out of it. Sudou: Oh, sorry. Hashida: I guess you can’t help when you stop focusing. But why can’t you control your mouth? You’re old enough, it’s about time you fix that habit. Sudou: Uh, you’re right. Hashida: Oh, almost out of beer. Should I bring more? Sudou: Hashi, I think you’re more like a ma than a pops…
Thanks for reading!!!!! I had this in draft since march lol :’) I translated this just because?? As a practice? Out of whim? lol anyways. This franchise is seriously underrated so pleaseee check it out. I doubt anyone translates this anyway so I did it. I hope this post let seiyuu fans who weren’t aware discover something new. So far, I’ve no plan to continue translating… (there’s four seasons. It’s hella long and I don’t think I can do this voluntarily) but commission is always welcomed!! ❤
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russetfoxfur · 1 month
so i dont usually do liveblogs because i never show up to streams and also im not very good at reacting to stuff. However. i will make an exception because HGCZ IS OUT!! and i have seen so much hype about it that id be a fool to not at least read it. livereact will be under the cut for spoilers and. stuff.
- ok we arent even on the actual ZINE and the opening dedication?? "Of the arts, storytelling is one of the oldest: humanity weaves an endless tapestry of heart, hope, and home that continues to shape us all to this day. To tell a story is to bridge the gap between yesterday and tomorrow; to tell a story is to inextricably connect us all." THAT OPENING PARAGRAPH DUDE
- interesting premise. im intrigued. though i am a little concerned about the "classist violence" and "body modification" warnings. I suspect this is not all Fun and Games
- "I gotta say, "Hot"Guy, this is pretty disappointing. You can be AverageGuy. MediocreGuy." "Oh! "Guy"!" the best part is this is so in-character for them to do
- the ENTIRE EXPLANATION bit omg. joel trying to interject and comic-style getting talked over, lizzie robbing cats instead of cash... and her backstory...
- i. that sudden style shift is not in fact comical and i am now eyeing the unreality warning at the beginning of the zine with sudden alarm. should i be alarmed by this? maybe this is fine. lets say its fine
- JELLIE! hcing her supername is HotCat. she DEFINITELY needs a matching HotGuy costume. and i am somewhat more reassured!
- wait hold on. went back to that first hotguy comic to see the warnings (hidden in the title, missed them) and. WAIT WAS THAT REWRITING FUCKIN MIND CONTROL
- :0 cuteguy appears! doody did rlly good work on this one!
- CUTEGUY IS AWESOME!!! those WINGS... agh i love comic bubbles they just have so much personality and those icy words... and cuteguy pointing HOTGUYS OWN ARROW back at him..... you could not have made a better introduction holy shit
- and then he just flies off. awesome. we should all aspire to be the same level of cool as cuteguy.
- ren would be able to just say hotguy like that. also sidenote i am hearing all these lines in my head as im reading so writers youve all done fantastically!
- is pearl... a journalist? or is this the wrong gal? if she is a journalist then good for her!
- oh :( everyone hates unionizing the vigelantes. sad but realistic :(
- sweetferaline (bahm bahm bahhh)
- ok this is incredibly funny. teeth dog ftw
- and the reply sections are always a cesspool! glad they got that right
- and now permit office grian! we are going through so many different iterations of grian... imagine we get poultry man next
- is that GEM??? IS GEM A VILLAIN? also i dont really know who the hippies are... idk its just hard for me to recognize this artstyle ig
- WAIT. HAS GEM BEEN SPYING ON GRIAN'S DETECTIVITY? or am i just reading this all wrong? i might be reading this all wrong
- alright i might have to reread that one-- WAIT MORE MIND CONTROL. AND BODY MODIFICATION??? THE MISSING CUB... guys if this is sculk!cub im gonna maul someone
- AAAA BEHIND YOU HOTGUY (i called it)
- also love how i instantly went "oh a tibbycaps comic!"
- ok i LOVE this panel where they figure out Arson. the way both conclusions are reached in tandem! and also YAY WOOO ARSON THIS BITCH UP 🔥
- "i use sculk to season my pizza" ah. I see. typical cubfan behavior. carry on
- "None of us are perfect, despite what you say might feel when you look at me" this Bdubs email is SO IN-CHARACTER
- " i replied to some of these but then i kinda got bored and started sending links to cool space facts instead" honestly this is what i would do too. and i would be happy to get cool space facts in return for my hotguy email. i dont see what the issue is here
- oh is cuteguy taking issues with the supernovae. skill issue tbh
- this whole cuteguy-cub email chain is HILARIOUS. scratch that this whole email segment is hilarious jesus christ. grian is being SO BITCHY and im HERE FOR IT
- PEARLIPOP IS A REPORTER! YES! and zedaphs in this au! he isnt even going under wormman??? shocking (< says a zedaph fangirl who is completely fixated on one passing mention of him)
- oh my god this is the best storytelling format ever. the panicked exchanges between cuteguy n cub, pearl reporting as she is wont to do... genuinely i love this so much i am giggling so much im actually gonna stop liveblogging because i just want to read this. ill be with yall in a moment
- actually never mind "if he waits too long to answer it starts to play the whole Lilo and Stitch movie audio" cub i love you so much. hgcz i love you so much i almost forgive you for that very jarring first comic
- it looks like we have seven or so more years before hotguy becomes a reality... new reasons to live. also the chatter discourse is insane from what ive seen doc does just act Like That on twit/chatter
- "sumagram" well i guess we know who owns that now
- THE AWKWARD EXIT. i love it
- SHIRTLESS SCAR.... im aroace but like. i can still admire a shirtless man cant i. artist did a good job
- horsegirl hotguy... wild stallion cuteguy... someone needs to write this au. i should write this au. actually hold on *scribbles furiously in my "crackfic ideas" notes* carry on
- update: now listening to scheming weasel for atmosphere.
- “Who’s the more foolish: the fool, or the fools who follow him?” stellar line. only a certified HotGuy can produce lines like these
- "after a tick or two" if hermitopians measure time in ticks like minecrafters do then thats such a cool worldbuilding detail
- testing of new weapons montage! i know hotguy is the star of the show here but god i love cub so much more. can cub be the "protagonist" here instead actually
- i. i have suspicions that cub is not sculk-free. or is this a flutterbat situation where it is all dealt with but its not but actually it is but it also kinda isnt? yknow. im gonna write this off as a flutterbat thing but i will still be keeping a very close eye on cub
- *snort* deep enough to hold twelve pieces of bamboo (i am such a sucker for in-jokes)
- grian is warming up to scar... also hotguy bandaids
- AND I GET THAT REFERENCE TOO!! very clever! grian shut up its two in the morning! "Scar doesn’t seem to know how to react, his mouth falling open and then promptly shutting again." same grian why would you bring up the nose hair incident and to an unsuspecting hotguy no less smh learn sone manners
- you know what if grian can learn first aid from the nose hair incident in alaska then scar can get injured in a volleyball incident (i have never watched scar which yes is a skill issue but also if this is also a reference i would not get it). beloved desertduo who cannot lie to save their fuckin lives
- alright im gonna take a break from liveblogging rn! i will be back in (my) morning with scheming weasel and a renewed spirit. goodnight yall! <3
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marriiemeii · 1 month
02. daily life at work
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summary: just a typical day at work. not.
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"soojin," a voice calls out. people close by look over surprised that the mai park was calling out to someone.
"mai mai!" soojin exclaims, heading over to the other lady. there was a little hop in her step. when she reached mai, she gave her a quick hug.
"do u wanna go out for dinner?" mai asks the younger girl. soojin nods her head excitedly.
"of course! any opportunity to hangout is welcome to me," soojin smiles. mai nods and pats soojin's head before wrapping her arm around her shoulders.
"c'mon, there's people i gotta introduce you to," mai grumbles, guiding soojin somewhere else.
text chat: soonie + wonu
soonie: wonuuu
soonie: i know it's ur lunch rn
soonie: plsss i have a question
wonu: did u break your laptop again
soonie: NO, i havent done that since last time
wonu: good what do u want
soonie: does mai know the new intern?
there's a rumor saying those 2 are secretly dating
wonu: why are u listening to rumors anyways
soonie: cmooon i need some excitement in my work life
wonu: or are u making sure u dont lose ur bet
soonie: :0
wonu: everyone already knows the bet came from marketing
soonie: well if u already know just tell me plsss i need the advantage
wonu: they're college friends that's all im saying
soonie: thanks wonu! ily mwah😘😘
to: carat publishing house staff
from: human resources department
subject: short updates meeting (optional)
body: good afternoon leads and staff,
we will be holding a short updates meeting today at 4:30PM. because the meeting is being held under short notice, the meeting will be optional.
we hope to see you there!
your human resources department
- with the editorial department
"hansol, you can go to the meeting," hansol's lead, jihoon, says without looking up from his work. the small office room that held 5 employees was quiet with jihoon's voice breaking the silence.
hansol looks up from his work to stare at his lead worker. "just me?"
"yeah, take notes and let me know what happens so i can tell the rest of the team."
"ah ok," hansol nods his head, pouting a bit. he had certain things he wanted to finish today at work but he would have to make some time tomorrow then depending on the meeting.
he could hear other staff mumbling that they wanted to go to the meeting. jihoon probably knew this so he only chose one person to go so the small department doesn't end up gwtting behind on work.
hansol sighed softly to himself. time to do extra work before the meeting so he doesn't have to play catch up tomorrow.
- with the financing department
"mingyu, do we have to go to the meeting?" chan asks his lead. mingyu looks up from the spreadsheets he was proofreading.
"what meeting?" he asks cluelessly, going back to reading.
"it was just sent by hr, mingyu," minghao says, his head poking out from behind his large monitor.
"oh! yeah we all have to go," he says. he looks over at soojin. "you too, soojin."
"eh really? but it's my first day. should i be there?" soojin asks surprised. he nods his head.
"of course, we gotta show off our new member y'know?" mingyu smiles.
"will we be behind if we all go though?" minghao asks. mingyu goes quiet. thinking about it.
"it's fine! we got a new addition to help us anyways!" mingyu says. chan and minghao shake their head at their lead and soojin just smiles awkwardly feeling a bit bad.
chan notices this and walks over to her. he pats her shoulder.
"welcome to the team, soojin. hope you can get used to mingyu's spontaneity."
"thanks, i hope so too."
"hey, don't brainwash her, chan. i see that look in your eyes too minghao!"
- with the marketing department
"i volunteer to go to the meeting for everyone!" soonyoung stands from his desk with his hand raised. everyone looks over at him from his sudden outburst.
it was silent at first, until everyone started talking at once.
"no, i should go because all you're gonna do is stare at mai all day," seokmin retorts.
"well all you're gonna do is stare at yeri all day," seungkwan says. seokmin stares at seungkwan with a look of betrayal as soonyoung and hayoon laugh.
"why can't we all just go?" seungcheol raises his hand. the lead of marketing looks over at seungcheol. "it's not going to be that long right?"
the lead nods hers head. "that's fine you can all go if you want, but soonyoung and seokmin you have to take notes. gotta make sure you're not just staring at mai and yeri."
soonyoung and seokmin look at their lead is exasperation. "i don't even like her!"
- with the it department
"are we going to the meeting?" junhui asks, his head against his arm that was on the table. he was looking at mai, who was typing on her laptop.
wonwoo stops typing and looks at mai, wondering what her response would be.
"do you want to go?" mai asks, continuing to work.
"hmm kind of. just curious about it. i finished my work for the day too," junhui says.
"i'd rather just hear about the meeting from an email or something," wonwoo says.
"junhui, we can go. wonwoo you can stay if you want," mai says. both of the boys smile, content with their lead's decision.
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j2spntranscripts · 6 months
★ 2007 Chicon (Gold/Breakfast)
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Official name: Creation Entertainment's SALUTE TO SUPERNATURAL, SMALLVILLE AND BUFFY/ANGEL (Breakfast and Charity Silent Auction) Location: Hyatt Regency Woodfield, Chicago, Illinois Time: Sunday November 11, 2007, 7:00 am (GMT-6) Panelists: Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles Last episode: 3x06 "Red Sky at Morning" Nov 8, 2007 Next episode: 3x07 "Fresh Blood" - Nov 15, 2007
Question Index: 1+Eyelash story 2+Towel/Sweat Shenanigans 3+ Sandy; 3x05 crossroads demon scene 4+ Writer's Strike; Creative Control 5+ Jared on Sterling K. Brown; 3x07 fight scene 6+ “Supernatural~ Charlie the Unicorn” 7+ Painted Muscles; Hug 1- Evil Sammy Laugh; 2x14 Tied-up Meg!Sam scene; Gore-Tex 8+ 3x08; Jensen on Ben Edlund 9+ Sam and Dean’s Hair 2- What did you do this weekend?
(video playlist/links and transcript below the cut)
(*if you notice any mistakes in the video transcripts or found more video coverage of the con please point them out thanks*👍) (*tumblr doesn't like dailymotion vids so I can only hyperlink them*)
*Purple text: corrections/suggestions from @detailtilted
[Click Here]- jaredjensenbfast by _sin_attract
◘Chicago November 2007 - J2 Breakfast - Enhanced Edition Con Video - V2.0 by DetailTilted◘ ◘Jared and Jensen Coming in to Breakfast in Chicago by Runedgirl◘
Jared and Jensen walk through the door and then up on to the platform making the stage. The audience is cheering, screaming, and continuously flashing photos. Jensen is holding a coffee cup. Jared steps up to and grabs the mic.
Jared: Does this thing work? (to the audience) What are you guys doing awake right now?
The audience laughs and gives garbled reply and then cheers. Jared reaches over to Jensen’s mic and pushes it down on the stand. The audience laughs. Jensen nods.
Jared: I gotta fix this for him.
Jensen tightens the adjustment collar on the mic stand. Jared reaches over to Jensen’s mic again and pushes it down farther but it pops off of the mic mount. Jared then puts it back on and leaves the mic turned slightly down and away from Jensen. Jared looks at Jensen smiling, who smiles back. Jared then goes to adjust his mic stand smirking to himself. The audience cackles.
(0:21 DT, 0:23 R) -introduction
Jared: (to the audience) Good morning!
Audience: Good morning!
Jared: Thanks for coming out! (looks down at mic stand) Look at this. (adjusts his mic up and down)
Jensen: I’m still waking up you’ll have to excuse me.
Jared: (playing with the mic stand) Yeah. Or he’s trying desperately to. Y’all can clap for him too. I know that y’all- that was all cheering for me.
The audience screams and claps. Jensen holds his hands out and open with a smirk. Jared nods his head while still fiddling with his mic stand.
Jared: He gets sad if he doesn’t.. if he doesn’t get some too. So. (audience giggles) Wow.
Jensen: Well we-we appreciate you guys getting up so early to do this for us. (Jared: Of course) We, uh-
Audience member A: Are we-
Audience member B: We’re (?eating?) that day.
Audience member C: We didn’t go to bed.
Jared briefly lifts his hands up and smiles.
Jensen: (nods) Alright, so we’re all on the same page. (audience cheers) Uh, you know, we got to fly back up to Vancouver today and, uh, (Jared: Right) and start working tomorrow. So, uh, you know, that was not a whole lot of time. So, we had to (gestures) cram it all in today. So, anyway.. thanks for getting up and, uh, let’s have fun today, huh? (audience cheers and claps)
Jared: (leans down and claps) And did y’all see Sam and Fred? Did y’al-
Audience: Yeah! (cheers and claps)
Jared: (hold his hands out) They rock, huh? They’re really cool. Now you know why we guys have so much fun (adjust mic mount) when were on set because everybody.. is.. laid back.
Jared turns back to look at Jensen who’s staring back at him. Jared says something off mic (?“lug hack”?). The audience giggles. Jensen pumps his eyebrows at Jared smirking. Jared nods and then Jensen turns and walks behind Jared to place his coffee cup on the hotel’s podium.
Jared: (turns back to the audience and gestures towards Jensen) He’s really laid back. (gestures towards Jensen again) He’s actually going back to.. go to sleep. (audience laughs)
Jensen: I know, just give me a pillow (?and a stool and I’m like-? or ?to snuggle up with?) (Jared: Yeah) (mimics sleeping and then adjusts his mic stand).
Jared: Yeah. We actually had trouble sleeping also. We’re still on Vancouver time. And gone from night shooting in Vancouver world to-
Jensen: (about the mic stand) I’m not that short. (audience laughs)
Jared: I know.
Jensen unscrews the adjustment collar, separates the rods, and carries the top part of his mic stand one-handed. The audience laughs, cheers, and claps. Jared goes to say something but then laughs.
Jensen: I’m like Montgomery Gentry now.
Jared: Yeah. (?Too zoot? or ?Kazoo?) (pats his coat) I kind of feel like taking this off.
Jensen: (?That’s the way? or ?That's allowed?)
Audience member: Take it off!
Jared starts to take off his coat and the crowd screams. Jensen slumps his head back. Jared stops, holds his hands out and backs away from the mic and then goes back, waving his hand.
Jared: It’s not that exciting. (audience laughs)
Jensen: Saw that one coming.
Jared turns to his side and flashes his clothed shoulder to the crowd. The audience catcalls. Jared then fully takes off his coat and places it behind the podium.
Jensen: I want to know what I have to do to get that (points up to the one of the posters hanging) in my bedroom. (audience laughs and screams)
Jared: (to Jensen) That’s actually where they got it from, actually.
The audience laughs. Jensen snaps his fingers and then briefly looks away.
◘Jared and Jensen at Breakfast in Chicago (2) by LauraTX1◘
Jared: I know, I gave them the one of you (points to Jensen’s poster) other there, so. That was usually on my roof.
Jensen: I don’t look very happy over there.
Audience member: Sam’s behind you! Look behind you!
Jared: Which one? (points to his right) Oh, yeah.
Audience member: So hot.
Jared: Sam… I like it.
Jensen steps away from the mic and goes behind Jared to take off his coat and toss it behind the podium. The audience cheers. Jared nods, shrugs, and then puts his hands on his hips.
Jared: (looks at Jensen) You always upstage me, man. (audience and Jensen laugh) Like, I thought I was the only one. (shrugs) Fine.
Jared begins unbuttoning the top half of his striped shirt and then pulls the opening to show more of the t-shirt underneath. The audience screams. Jensen briefly looks and then rolls his eyes elsewhere.
Jared: (laughs and shakes head) Just kidding. Yeah me too. (to the audience) I want to tell y’all guys a funny story that I haven't told- (abruptly raises hand) Hi! (widens eyes and points towards the audience) Oh is that money? Oh well..
Jared backs away from the mic and starts playing with his belt. The audience screams and claps. Jensen nods at Jared. Then Jared laughs and leans on the mic.
Jensen: (to audience) We take traveler's check and visa.
Jared: There’s a writer’s strike going. (audience laughs) We’re hoping so- I mean if you got a five- (gestures at audience member and squints) Jeeze- Dean’s welcoming party to hell. Hey (pats Jensen’s arm and points at the audience)
Jensen: (to Jared) Did you bring your, uh, credit card machine, so you can just slide (gesture) the- the Visa Mastercard.
Jared: (buttons his striped shirt back up) I- I did actually. I brought it with me.
Jensen: Yeah. (points to the audience) It says “Dean’s welcoming party” (nods and raises hands)
•(2:56 DT, 2:58 R, 0:47 L) Chicon07Gold;1+ Eyelash story
Jared: I want to tell y’all a funny story about Jensen to really embarrass him. True story. We, uh, we were at this restaurant-
Jensen: (holds up hands in a pinch gesture to the audience) Not yet.
Jared: (puts a hand on Jensen’s shoulder) Has anybody been to Vancouver? ‘Cause-
Audience: Yeah! (cheers)
Jared: It’s a great city, right? There’s a restaurant called VIJ’s that’s, um, that’s, uh, this great chef and this, uh, great Indian food. And we were sitting there and, um, you know, into-
◘Jared and Jensen at Breakfast in Chicago (1) by runedgirl◘
Jensen: (shakes head) I don’t know why you’re telling this story. (audience laughs)
Jared: (throws hands up) I have to. I have to. Like, Jensen he’s a, you know, he- he plays sports. He works out. (audience woo) He’s.. got a girlfriend. He’s.. kind of a manly (gestures) kind of guy. You know, (gestures to Jensen) he doesn’t look it, (audience laughs and Jensen crosses his arms) but- he’s sort of into like football and stuff.
◘Supernatural Chicago Convention: The Eyelash Story by Jessica◘
Jared: And we’re sitting there and waiting to get seated. And we’re sort of like, uh, we’re having a drink and, um, having some appetizers and stuff. And, then Jensen kind of gets this funny look on his face. And he goes, “Wait, stay still”
◘Jensen and Jared at Creation Con 2007 in Chicago by JihaanK◘
Jared reaches over to Jensen and pretends to pick an eyelash off of his cheek. The audience laughs.
Jared: And then (laughs) about half way into the reaching for my face (slowly reaches out to Jensen) he’s realizes that he’s like reaching to grab my face. (audience laughs. Jensen smiles and briefly turns away) And you see his face change from like, (mimics Jensen to the audience) “Oh, I got to get that” to “What am I doing?” (audience laughs) But it’s too late. I think it would have been worse if he was like this- (reaches towards Jensen and then retreats) So-
Jensen: (shakes head and gestures) I was already in there. Already- (gestures) It’s a public restaurant. See we’re so used to- to- (gestures to Jared and him)
Jared: Yeah. And I’m going, “Jensen, why are you grabbing my face?”
Jensen: Like, looking out for each other on set-
Jared: “We’re not on set right now.”
Jensen: In a controlled environment.
Jared: (nods) Yeah.
Jensen: (shakes head and then gestures to his head) And I forget these things.
Jared: Yeah. Yeah.
Jensen: (shrugs) I’ll work on it.
Jared: Well, unfortunately for me he forgot it in front of, uh… you know, twenty people that were (?)-
Jensen: It was like, “Quick!” (mimics drinking beer) “Chug your beer. Chug your beer.” (audience laughs)
Jared: It was like, (signals to an imaginary waiter) “Uh, can we get more shots.. sir?” (laughs)
Jensen: (to audience) Well, how’s everybody doing?
Jared: Good morning, Jensen.
Jensen: (audience cheers) Yeah? Did you guys- did you guys, uh, see Steve last night play? (audience says yeah and cheers) (nods) It’s pretty good. We were hiding in the back. (audience gives a yeah)
◘jaredjensenbfast by sin attract◘
Jared: (?We even got to see him?) (claps his hands)
Audience member: We wanted you to sing.
Jensen: Yeah. Ye- Mmm.
Jared: I wanted him to sing too. (audience cheers) (thumbs to Jensen) He’s got a nice voice.
Jensen: He’s- (shakes head) you know he’s-he’s- he’s good. I didn’t want to come up and ruin his sets, so, uh, (audience aw’s) (Jared: Yeah.) He’s, uh, I- He and I’ve- ‘ve, uh, have, you know, plucked a guitar plenty of times together and then hung out and sang. So, it’s a (shrugs and shakes head) s’old hat.
Jared: I’ve sat through it. It’s exciting. Sandy and I were trying to rush him up there. And, trying to get you up there to go sing. (audience aw’s) (Jensen throws his hand up) He punched me under the table.
Jensen: I did. (audience laughs) (nods) I did.
Jared: I think he was trying to punch Sandy, but-
Jensen: I was trying to suckerpunch, but-
Jared: He ended up hitting me.
Jensen: She hit me back I think.
Jared: Wait what?
Jensen: (nods) Yeah. (laughs)
Jared: Woah, woah. (laughs) I just kidding. (audience giggles)
Jensen: (to audience) Umm, alright see you later. (feints leaving) (audience and Jared laugh)
Jared: He’s gone and he leaves me just like that. (Jensen returns to the mic) Anybody have anything fun? (claps) What? (audience cheers) I can’t believe there’s so many people here. I thought it was gonna be just people that (?don’t sleep?)-
Audience member: (?no?)
Jared: (?That’s right?)
Jensen: Now- now I wanna know, who- who came the furthest.. to be here?
Audience members: Australia!
Jensen: Australia?
Jared: (points) Pittsburgh?! (nods) Okay.
Jensen: (laughs) It’s outside of Chicago!
Jared: Anybody from Chicago? Anybody local? (audience yeah’s) So we probably shouldn’t (gestures) talk about Cowboys or, uh, anything (grimaces, cowers, and then uncurls) Yeah? Texas? Where in Texas?
Audience member: Dallas!
Jensen: Dallas!
Jared: (points) San Antonio? (gives a thumbs up and points) (Jensen gives audience finger guns) Go Spurs. Go Spurs. I’m sad about the Celtics doing their-
Audience members: Go Celtics! Go Celtics!
Jared: (turns) Yeah, I know. I know. I know.
Jensen: They’re looking good. (?Maybe they got the spirit?)
Jared: Well, um, another guy who’s on our network that you probably know really well, Tom Welling, who plays Superman on “Smallville,” (a few audience catcalls) he’s a big-
Jensen: Who? (audience laughs)
Jared: he’s a big Celtics fan. So, we have to hear it from him. So. Last thing I want to do- (points at audience) Are you too? Are you Celtics also?
Audience member: No, I came from Baghdad.
Jared: Oh, I- that’s right. (audience laughs) They have basketball. (laughs)
Jensen: That’s right. Yes. (points) Yeah, we might have a winner for the-for the (Jared: that’s right) distance there.
Jared: Yeah. I think that’s probably the farthest. (some no’s from the audience) I’m- I’m at a loss. I don’t- (audience laughs)
Jensen: I’m still asleep.
Jared: Yeah. It’s still (looks at watch) what? Five o’clock?
Jensen: (looks at watch) Well, it’s- It is, uh,- No, it’s- Yeah, it’d be 5- (Jared: for us?) Yeah, not even six o’clock for us because we’re pacific coast time. (audience aw’s)
•(6:51 DT, 2:16 SA) Chicon07Gold;2+ Towel/Sweat Shenanigans
Jared: (fans shirt) I’m nervous. I’m so excited y’all.
Jensen: You’re sweating.
Jared: I am. (audience catcalls) I’m a sweater.
Jensen: (to creation staff) Can we get a towel over here?
Jared: It’s coming off. It’s coming off. (mimics taking off his striped shirt) (audience laughs) I’mma- I’mma- I’mma sweater person. That's- that's what I do on set. (Jensen rubs his forehead) I eat. I sweat. (audience laughs)
Jared wipes his forehead and goes to grab Jensen’s arm. He then proceeds to wipe his face all over Jensen’s shoulder. The audience laughs. Jensen smiles while wiping his forehead one more time, and then moves to pick up a towel from a creation staff member. He then throws the towel at Jared and it hits his mic. The audience is laughing. Jared fumbles it and is passed the towel from a person off stage.
Jared: (off mic) Thank you.
Jensen: This is so not how I envisioned this going. (audience laughs)
Jared wipes his face off with the towel. And then stops to lean in on the mic.
Jared: (to Jensen) It’s actually exactly how I envisioned it going. (audience laughs)
Jensen: That doesn’t surprise me.
Jared: I thought we were very clear to each other that I was gonna- (wipes face with towel)
Jensen: Yes.
Audience member: You’re still taking care of him. (audience laughs and then aw’s)
Jared: (nods) Yeah. I know. (Jensen: That’s right.) Wait, I’ve been saving him some, this season (audience laughs, claps, and cheers)
Jared throws the towel and makes like he’s walking away. Then he turns and pumps his fist.
Jared: (off mic) That’s right. That’s right. (picks the towel back up) (on mic) (?I saved your-what??)
•(7:44 DT, 3:08 SA) Chicon07Gold;3+ Sandy, 3x05 crossroads demon scene
Audience member: He killed Sandy!
Jensen: (to audience) What’s that?
Audience member: He killed Sandy for yah.
Jensen: Yeah.
Jared: (points) That’s right. That’s right. (nods to Jensen) (audience member: No wonder she-) That was.. not as tough as it should have been, but uh.. (audience and Jensen laughs) Oh. (crosses his arms and grimaces) She probably heard that. (audience laughs) Just kidding.
Jensen: If she didn’t, I’ll tell her.
Jared: I know you will. Thank you. (Jensen laughs) I appreciate it. I-
Jensen: That was- that was a- that was a really good scene too. But, I wasn’t there. I had the day off (nods towards Jared) and, uh, when Sandy came. So, I didn’t get to-to harass them on set while they were working together. (Jared: Yeah) But, uh-
◘Jared and Jensen at Breakfast in Chicago (3) by LauraTX1◘
Jared: Too bad for us. (hook gestures) (?just fuck ourselves?)
Jensen: She did a really good job.
Jared: I know. (claps)
Jensen: I was really proud of her. (audience claps and cheers) And then, you- you blew her head off. (audience laughs. Jared grimaces)
Jared: Hey, man-
Jensen: (opens his arms to the audience) Gotta love Supernatural.
•(8:36 DT, 3:55 SA, 0:20 L) Chicon07Gold;4+ Writer’s Strike; Creative Control
Jared: I only do what the writers telling me to. Well, not anymore now that the writers are on strike. We sort of can change lines. Because they can’t go, “Uh, we got to call down and check with the writers,” because the writers can’t say “yes” or “no.”
So, Jensen and I are like, “We don’t really like this. I think we’re just going to change.. that.” (audience laughs) “Like, what-“ (grimaces and in a stained voice) “Fine. Fine.” (audience laughs)
Jensen: (smiles and nods) And then I actually was talking to, uh, Kripke the other day on phone on his way to- to- to the picket lines. And I called him and I was like, (mimics talking on phone) “Hey, uh, Eric. Listen, I got a question about this, uh, this one line. I’m not sure if this is going to translate. I mean, trans- You know, it reads fine on the paper, but, uh, I don’t know that there really going to understand what I’m talking about. What if I changed it to this, or this, or this?”
And he’s like, “I can’t talk to you about this stuff, man.” (audience laughs) He’s like, “If you want to talk about direction about the character, but you probably got that figured out by now.” (audience and Jared laughs) And they really couldn’t. Y’mean, seriously (Jared: Yeah) his hands were tied.
And, I was like, “So, I could..” (Jared: Yeah) “pretty much do anything” (Jared: Yeah) “I want.” and you can’t do anything.” (audience laughs then cheers) (Jared: Yeah) “Game on, Pal.” (audience laughs and claps)
Jared: (thumbs to Jensen) I’m actually not going to call him Dean anymore. I’m going to call him- Anybody have any suggestions? (turns to his left) Jill!? (audience laughs) (nods) Jill. (points) She said it, man. I didn’t- I didn’t (holds up his hands and backs away from the mic)
Jensen: (gestures to himself and Jared) (Jared mimics pushing Jensen in front of his mic) Jill and Susan.. (audience laughs) from, uh.
Audience member: A boy named Sue.
Jared: (nods) Sue? (points) A boy named Sue. (J2 hold up their arms and look at each other) Yeah, I’ll take that. (nods) I’ll take that.
Jensen: Makes sense. (shakes head)
Jared: I love Johnny Cash. You get Jill. I’ll take Sue.
Jensen: Alright. Fine. (audience laughs)
Audience member: Sue!
Jared: (claps and then points to his right) We got Sue. We got an actual Sue over there. (nods and fist pumps)
Jensen: There we go.
Jared: (to audience member) I’m going to borrow your name for a little bit, if you don’t mind. You can do nothing about it. (to audience) We’re all hoping for a quick end of this (claps) writer’s strike, so that we can- (Jensen nods)
Audience: Yeah. (claps and cheers)
•(10:07 DT, 5:25 SA) Chicon07Gold;5+ Sterling K. Brown; 3x07 Fight scene
Jared: (?Go back out.?) I mean as of right now we still have- We’re doing episode eleven right now and we have episode twelve written. But, uh, we’re supposed to get thirteen done before the break. (turns and gestures to Jensen) Filming at least. I guess, episode 7 airs on Thursday?
Jensen and audience: Yeah.
Jared: With Sterling, who, uh, (audience cheers and claps) Who you all know and love. Yeah (claps) (?He’s great. He’s-?) We’ll have to- What is it?
Audience member: I said, “Did you kick his ass?” (audience giggles)
Jared: (tilts head with a smirk) You’ll have to see. (audience laughs) Let’s say- let’s say (flips hair) look at- look at this face and- (audience laughs) (points at his cheek) And this is a zit, it’s not a punch from, uh.. Sterling. I tried to get rid of it the other day.
Jensen: (?It was- Sterling told me it’s a?) real big fight sce- (nods to Jared) It’s one of the biggest fight scenes you’ve had.
Jared: It was. (nods) It was a- it was a big fight scene. And he’s a very strong- (nods) strong person. Like, I think he played high school football and stuff. And I’m used to- I mean, I’m not a small guy. So, usually people are making fun of me going, (sways back and forth) “Hey don’t throw me around.” And I’m sitting there and he’s like picking me up and pushing me. (backs up) “This isn’t fun.”
And then, uh, we were both all dirty, so he’s in the make up trailer and he like (mimes Sterling) takes his shirt off and starts washing up. (Jensen smiles) (makes sound effects) He’s got muscles everywhere. (audience laughs) I’m like, (makes a face) “Come on, Sterling.” (flexes his arm while sticking his butt out) But, uh, yeah he made me look good.
Jensen: So, then I walk in, Sterling's shirtless, (thumbs to Jared) (Jared: [nods] Yeah. Yeah.) (Jared walks away from the mic scratching his head) Jared's flexing in front of the mirror. (audience laughs) (shrugs and shakes head) (?I just stood around and watched?)
Jared: And we weren’t even filming. That was just Saturday. That was actually the day after. So. (nods) We didn’t know he was gonna-
Jensen: (?That’s our day off.?)
Jared: Yeah. We didn’t know he was gonna-
Jensen: So I grabbed the video camera. (audience ah’s and squeals)
Jared: (points and then points back) Roll footage!
Audience: Yeah.
Jensen: (laughs and nods) And roll footage.
Audience member: You’re putting it on YouTube, right?
Jensen: Yes.
•(11:47 DT, 7:06 SA) Chicon07Gold;6+ – “Supernatural~ Charlie the Unicorn”
Jared: Probably. (claps) Probably. I was actually- we were on set the other day, and I wanna- I was curious to see the season 1 gag reel. I hadn’t seen it in a while. And, um, and I came across- Did y’all ever see a video called Charlie the Unicorn? (audience screams. Jensen smiles.) (backs away a little and claps) There’s one called Supernatural, Charlie the Unicorn. (audience screams) (points at fan screaming) That I went to and I was cracking up, (thumbs to Jensen) and he and I had watched it a few times and been showing it to people. (Jensen nods)
Jared: And so, I ran in, I was like, “Dude, you’re not going to believe this.” (Jensen: ?It's hilarious?) And so I pushed the button on his computer. (Jensen looks up and laughs) And it sort of starts to download. And so, the song starts, but he gets distracted. I think, uh, Gabe, who’s one of our assistant directors, comes in and take him to set. So, I’m trying to pause it, and I’m trying to make it bigger. I don’t want him to see where it says “Supernatural~ Charlie the Unicorn,” because I didn’t want to ruin it. (throws a hand at Jensen) And finally I showed it to him. And, we’re having a real kick out of it. So.. There’s a par-
◘Jared and Jensen hug by InsipidRamblings◘
Jensen: This is just getting worse and worse. (audience laughs)
Jared: (nods to Jensen) Yeah. (to the audience) He was having a- (scratches head)
Jensen: I was Charlie the Unicorn. And we were flexing in the mirror. (Jared: Yeah) On a lovely Saturday afternoon. (audience squeals and laughs)
•(12:39 DT, 7:57 SA, 0:15 IR) Chicon07Gold;7+ Painted Muscles; Hug
Jared: Shirtless. (grimaces) (Jensen knocks his head on his mic. The audience cheers) (to Jensen) I need to have someone who will paint me up and then I’ll look good. (audience laughs)
Audience member A: I’ll do it!
Jared: (to A) Yeah? (points) (?what's there?) (mimics drawing) like sharpie markers (Audience member A: Yes.) or something? (mimics drawing more and then laughs)
Audience member B: Yeah!
Audience member A: I got one in my purse!
Jared: (to A) Do you really? (Audience member A: Yeah.) Is it silv- Is it blue or pink? (gestures to stomach)
Audience member A: It’s- No. It’s black.
Audience member C: We have silver!
Audience member D: We could get one for you!
Audience member C: I have pink!
Jared: (to A) Aw, that’s no fun. It’d be blue or pink.
Audience member A: I could get one for you!
Audience member E: I've got one in maroon if you want to come get- (giggles).
Jared: (to A) (nods) I gotta do pink.
Audience member D: Real men wear pink.
Audience member C: I got pink!
Jared: But- yeah, you know what? I wanna try and wear pink. I don’t know if I can.. pull that off.
Jensen: Sure you can. (audience squeals and laughs)
Audience member: Real men wear pink!
Jensen: Absolutely.
Jared looks down and smiles and then goes to hug Jensen. The audience aw’s. Jared looks at Jensen and then pulls away laughing. Jensen laughs.
◘Jared and Jensen at Breakfast in Chicago (4) by LauraTX1◘
Jensen: That’s not going to be on any websites tomorrow.
Jared: (thumbs to Jensen) Stone face. (hears Jensen and walks away laughing from the mic)
Audience member: Just don’t let him stand behind.
Jensen: Yes.
Jared: (returns) Yeah, that’s right. That’s right.
Jensen: None of that.
Audience members: Do it again! We missed it! Do it again!
Jensen: (shakes head) Ho-ho-oh
Jared slowly goes to hug Jensen again. And then pats Jensen’s chest.
Jared: (off mic) Dang!
Jensen: (shakes head) Don’t do that to him. He get’s all excited and sweaty.
Jared: (returns to mic) Don’t prompt me! Yeah.
Jensen: It’s not pretty.
Jared: (gestures to Jensen) I’m nervous being this close to him. (audience laughs)
• (13:39 DT, 9:04 SA, 0:31 L) Chicon07;Q1 - Evil Sammy Laugh; 2x14 Tied-up Meg!Sam scene; Gore-Tex
Audience member: Can you do your evil Sammy laugh?
Jared: Who- Which one?
Audience member: Your Evil Sammy laugh.
Jared: Which one was it? (audience laughs) I don’t remember. You know what’s funny, is that-
Audience member A: The one where you’re sitting in the chair.
Audience member B: Yeah, the one sitting-
Jared: I’d have to see it. I’d have to see it.
Audience member C: The cackle! The cackle! You throw your head back and cackle.
Jared: (Breathes and puts his hands on his hips, smiling.) Look (backs away from the mic) I’ll-I’ll- I’ll do it. I just can’t remember it.
Jensen: (squints) I have no idea what they’re talking about. (audience laughs)
Audience member: “Born Under A Bad Sign!”
Jensen: Oh! (holds his hands up) What?! (audience laughs)
Jared: It was just a bad head cackle? (audience: yeah) I gotta get tied up. (audience screams)
Jensen lifts up a hand and turns and walks away from the mic.
Jared: Anybody got any rope? You got to really be there and feel the character.
Jensen walks back up to the mic with a hand out and then shakes his head. Jared glances at him with a smile.
Audience members: Roleplay!
Jared: (to Jensen) get a rope.
Jensen: (?Ok, where's?) my rope. (starts patting his pockets and chest)
Jared: (?You didn’t-?) (starts patting his pockets and chest)
Jensen: I didn’t do it!
Audience member: I got my Cam cord! (Jensen points and then laughs.)
Jared: Yeah, that would work. Cam-Camera cords. That (?can?) hold me. (shrugs his shoulders)
Audience laughs. Jensen facepalms, rubs his face, and then looks at Jared.
Jensen: It’s like a snowball. (looks away) (audience laughs)
Jared: you know what’s funny is- (audience member says something) It is the m- yeah- That’s true, actually. We always have these- Whenever were doing the crazy water demon throwing we always get so wet doing over and over and over again that we have these Gore-Tex shirts on, which don’t let any water underneath, and like Gore-Tex pants, and shirts, and-
Jensen: Yeah, that’s a bunch of crap. (shakes head) (audience laughs)
Jared: We look like an absolute (?whore? or ?horror?) whenever you, uh, whenever you finally go to get changed, (rubs his body) like why do I have black latex, Gore-Tex stuff on. (audience laughs) And it doesn’t let any water in, which is great, but it also doesn’t let any water out. So if you’re naturally a sweater like somebody I know? (audience laughs. Jensen smiles) You’re sitting there going like, (flapping shirt and scrunching his face) “Are you sure this stuff works?” (audience and Jensen laughs)
Jensen: “I’m soaked.” (smiles at Jared)
Jared: “I’m kind of wet. Like, why? Why is it-” And you’re sitting there and you’re tied up. And you’re just trying to.. do the best you can do. (audience giggles) Um. (stares at Jensen) (audience laughs) It’s tough. (Jensen laughs) But the guy who directed that- the guy who directed that episode, uh, “Born Under a Bad Sign” he just did our Christmas episode. (audience cheers and claps) Which will be airing- Yeah. (claps) (Jensen nods) It’s going to be airing, um- airing-
•(15:44 DT, 11:02 SA) Chicon07;8+ 3x08; Jensen on Ben Edlund
Audience member: At Christmas? Yeah.
Jared: Yeah. At Christmas. (audience laughs) The last one before the break. Bring-
Jensen: (to Jared) Ben Edlund, right? Ben Edlund?
Jared: (to Jensen) Uh- uh (nods) yeah. I think Ben Edlund wrote it, but it was (throws hand) Miller Tobin who, uh-
Jensen: (to audience) (laughs) You guys, have you ever seen Ben Edlund?
Audience: Yes!
Jensen: (laughs) He’s so not what I expected.
Jared: He’s cool, huh. (audience and Jared laugh at Jensen’s response)
Jensen: I-I- I’ve met him at, uh- (shrugs) because he just really kind of joined us full time this season. I met him at, uh, Comic Con this year. (audience woo’s) (opens arms) And, uh- And I was just expecting, you know, a Kripke clone. (Jared: Right.) (audience giggles) This ub-buh-
Jared: Semi-neurotic.
Jensen: (starts doing a jig) This thirty year old, kind of, you know, fidgety, a little bit nerdy, (audience laughs) (Jared: -laughs- Yeah.) and just, you know, (smiles and then gestures to his head) a brainiac basically. (Jared: Right.) …Jim Morrison walks through the door. (Audience laughs. Jared nods.) And I go (leans head back with a confused expression and then shakes his head) I didn’t expect that. Black fingernails, (audience laughs) shades,-
Jared: “Hey man.”
Jensen: “What’s up, man?” (nods his head back and forth) (audience laughs) (points) “I dig your stuff.” (audience laughs. Jared nods) and I’m like, “I want whatever you have.” (audience and Jared laugh)
•(16:37 DT, 11:55 SA) Chicon07Gold;9+ Sam and Dean’s Hair
Jared: It’s called hair.
Jensen: (nods) Yes.
Jared: and you can’t-
Jensen: (shakes head) I don’t have much.
Jared: Actually, with the writers not writing short hair, you can grow your hair.
Jensen: This is true. And you can cut yours. Finally. (audience cheers mixed with no’s)
Jared: You know what? I’d like that. I’ve had- (points to head) I’ve had this hair since Gilmore Girls. (audience woo’s) I’ve-I’ve been- I have no idea what the shape of my head is. (Jensen and audience laugh) Right now it’s just curiosity. (Jensen: Giant) I don’t know somethin’s growing in there. (Jensen holds his hands out to measure something big) I mean, it’s b- (laughs) (audience and Jensen laugh) Well, I mean, I just- I’m curious, do I have a mole?
Jensen: Well, I r- Like, I remember when, uh- when we first started, you know, we’re in talking and Kripke was like, “Oh no, I- come on. I like- I want Jensen’s hair short and leave Jared’s hair long. And then I don’t want to change it. You know, I-I don’t want to pull a ‘Felicity!’” (audience laughs)
◘Jensen and Jared by InsipidRamblings◘
Jared: (nods) That’s right.
Jensen: I didn’t know what he was talking about. Now I know. (audience laughs)
Jared: Yeah. (nods) Yeah. But at least (?if I have a myspace page?) in his head.
Jensen: So, we’re a bit stuck to these for a while until, uh- you know, until we get the okay.
Jared: If-if y’all guys bring us back, then we’re stuck in these for a while. (audience cheers and claps. Jensen nods.) I guess I won’t have to shave my head for another.. year or so? (some audience no’s) Couple of years? (audience starts yelling out responses) Alright. Alright.
Jensen: I’m just waiting for the script that says, “Dean enters the room. Sam’s asleep in the motel.” (audience catcalls. Jared laughs.) “Dean pulls out his clippers.” (Jared nods) (mimics and makes sound effects shaving Sam’s head)
Jared: That’ll have to be the next prank episode. (some audience woo’s)
Audience members: Nair! Nair!
Jensen: Nair? That’s just wrong. (audience laughs)
Jared: (starts to laugh but stops) Aw! That’s me! Who said that? (audience and Jensen laugh) (picks up his mic stand, but puts it back down.)
Jensen: (to audience) Now you did it.
Jared: Nair? What is that stuff? (rubs his nose, looks around, and then shrugs) (audience laughs. Jensen laughs) I don’t even know what (laughs) that is.
Jensen: It’s in your toiletry bag, Jared. (Audience laughs and then Jared laughs out loud and claps) (smiles and then rubs his face) Oh man, alright what else? What else we got? Anybody have any- any little anecdotes?
◘Jared and Jensen, breakfast by augustfading◘
•(18:32 DT, 13:50 SA, 0:08 AF) Chicon07Gold;Q2- Weekend; plane ride; Michigan avenue
Audience member: What did you do this weekend?
Jensen: What did we do this weekend? Uhh-
Jared: W-We had a four day weekend. (pats his fist and then waves Jensen off) You- you just stay over there. I’ll talk.
The audience laughs. Jensen briefly holds up a hand and nods. Then turns and walks slightly kicking his mic stand.
Jared: So, uh, we flew together.
The audience aw’s. Jensen goes to the podium and grabs his coffee mug to take a drink.
Jared: Oh. (waves his hand) He has no feelings.
The audience laughs. Jared turns around and sees Jensen drinking his drink on the far side of the stage and then laughs. Some of the audience starts yelling at Jensen to come back. Jensen comes back up to his mic.
Jared: (gestures between their mic stands) Put a big guy in between us.
Jensen: (points in the audience) I’m going to hang out with them. (feints walking off stage) (audience cheers) (laughs, waves, and then returns to his mic)
Jared: We, uh… (watches Jensen) We, uh- We- We had a four day weekend, because as you know today is, uh, Remembrance Day, is what they call it in Canada. So we- (audience member: Canada! [woos]) so, we get off in a Monday, but Friday we had off. So, we’re flying together. It’s been a long night. And, I finally start getting to sleep. And, uh, we’re in row 1. That-That is- is not fun, because I either got my legs straight up (lifts his leg) on the wall (audience laughs) and the people behind me are staring at my socks and my gargantuan feet going like, “Like, why is that guy, like, showing his feet?" (swipes hand) Finally I getting to sleep-
Jensen: Yeah, like at one point both of our legs (gestures with two fingers) were like straight up (Jared: Yeah) (audience laughs) the wall. Makes us look like some.. aliens.
◘Jared and Jensen at Breakfast in Chicago (5) by LauraTX1◘
Jared: (gestures flip down) And it’s the- it’s the television that comes down off the thing. (gestures to placement) So, it’s like two feet, (audience and Jensen laughs) a television, two more feet. When we kind of turned around, they’re like, “I don’t want to stare at your feet when I’m watching-“ (to Jensen) What was it? Hairspray?
Jensen: (nods) Hairspray. (audience laughs)
Jared: I mean. (shrugs shoulders) What’s that?
Jensen: I mean, I don’t know. What-what- what movie?
Jared: I don’t know that movie. (audience laughs)
Jensen: (one shoulder shrug) Well, somebody must have googled it and looked it up.
Jared: So, I finally get to sleep and Jensen walks me up. And, I can’t go back to sleep. I maybe got thirty minutes of sleep.
Jensen: Yeah, it- Well-well, you, uh-
Jared: And I feel- and I feel someone tickling my toes. (audience laughs and aw’s) And I wake up and he’s (scratches his mic) (audience laughs) And then I really woke up. And, uh-
Jensen: Well, he really was asleep and I’m like, “I really had to go to the bathroom.” I was sitting window. And- and I s-looking at him, “There’s no way.” (audience laughs. Jared laughs and walks away from the mic, claps, and then comes back.) So I just start kneeing him. (mimics nudging with his knees) And he’s finally like, “What?!” And I’m like, “I gotta go.” (audience laughs)
Jared: “What?”
Jensen: “What?”
Jared: “We’re landing?”
Jensen: “No! Shutup!” (audience and Jared laugh)
Jared: And then we, like, we walked around so much. And, I went to, uh, Michigan Avenue. (Jensen gets a refill for his mug on the far side of the stage) Which was- which was fun. It was great. (some audience woo’s) I’ve been here a few times before and I’ve seen the Hancock Tower. And I’ve been up there when I was in high school and did some speech tournaments here. And so (a few audience aw’s) I got to go back and see it again. It’s nice architecture. (claps) We wanted to do the, uh, architecture tour, (Audience member: Yeah!) but it closed at four o’clock. (Jensen nods)
We go to- you know, you hear, you know, you go to Chicago you gotta do the deep-dish pizza. (audience yeah’s) And so we, uh, we get around. We-we get like- (to Jensen) Three o’clock? (Jensen nods) We’re like, “Yeah, let’s grab a piece of pizza. And go do some stuff.” And, we get there and we’re like, “We’ll take a deep-dish, you know. Split it between supreme and.. pepperoni.” And they’re like, “Alright, that’ll be like an hour.” (audience yeah’s) Like, it totally blew (?my mind to-?)
Jensen: Hey, I could have made it. (audience laughs)
Jared: Cook that stuff. I just want to throw in stuff in the oven.
Jensen: An hour?
Audience member: How good is it?
Jared: It was really- We went to Gino’s? (looks at Jensen) (audience woo’s) (Jensen nods) Yeah, it was good. It was really good. And then we all slept like Thanksgiving sleep.
Jensen: And we wrote- wrote our name on the wall.
Jared: Yeah. Wrote our names. (nods)
Jensen: Yeah.
Jared: Yeah. I wrote “I love Jensen.” (Jensen nods. The audience cheers.) (nods)
Jensen: I wrote “I love Jensen.” (nods) (audience laughs)
◘Jensen & Jared in Chicago: The College Try by BabyBlueSteel◘
Jared: I- (laughs) And right next to each other, so.. no one mix it up. But then we took a Thanksgiving style nap. You know when you eat too much turkey and you just go-
Jensen: (fake snores) Yes. And-
Jared: And because of the nap we were up till (nods) late (laughs) last night, so.
Jensen: Yeah, well hey, I couldn’t go back because after, you know, Steve’s show (Jared: Yeah) I went back and it’s like couldn’t go back to sleep. So, (Jared: right.) might be a little sluggish today, but (fist pumps) we’ll give it the old college try. (audience laughs and cheers) (smiles)
Jared: That’s right. Right. (Jensen: Yeah.) You went to college? (audience laughs)
Jensen: It’s just a phrase, Jared. (audience laughs. Jared grimaces)
Jared: Sorry. I feel bad now. (Jensen laughs) Maybe we will be in college this time next year if the writers aren’t- (audience laughs) (to the audience) Any suggestions?
Audience: No, boys don’t do-
Jared: I know. Knock on-
Jared looks around and then turns to Jensen and then softly knocks on his head. The audience laughs and some aw. Jared returns to his mic and then Jensen makes a knock noise with his mouth.
Jared: (to Jensen) that was more hollow than I expected. (audience laughs. Jensen nods with a smile) (laughs) It really is early in the morning. (laughs)
Jensen: (?It ain’t easy being me.?)
Jared: Awesome. (audience laughs)
•(22:22 DT, 17:39 SA) - Closing
Jensen: (throws up a hand) I’m out. I’m done.
Audience member: We love you.
Jared: We love y’all.
Jensen: I'm running low.
Jared: Thanks guys. Thanks for the support and everything. (?This is great?). (audience cheers and claps)
Jensen: (nods) Support. Yeah. (nods) I thank you.
Jared: It’s easy to lose track of.. who you’re making the show for, you know? And, you get so bogged down in sort of the day to day stuff that you forget that there are people that are out there enjoying what you do. And… so we really appreciate it.
Jensen: You guys keep us employed. So, you know, we-
Audience member: We love you!
Jensen: We- we- (briefly looks at Jared) (Jared nods yep) appreciate you so much. (audience screams out we love you’s and cheers)
Jared: We love y’all.
Jensen: (?Alright, we gonna cut this-? or ?All right, well they’re telling us-?)
Jared: (to Jensen) That was for me by the way.
Jensen: Yes, I know.
Jared: (thumbs to Jensen) But, you guys tell Jensen you love him too.
Audience: We love, Jensen! (Jensen turns to look at Jared with a smirk)
Jared: (to audience) Not that loud! God. (turns away from the audience)
Jensen pumps his fist. Jared back towards the audience laughing. The audience yells out they love Jared. Jared nods.
Jensen: Alright guys, they’re telling us to wrap it up. So, we will- (waves) I-I assume we will see you- the rest of you guys (Jared: Right?) later.
Audience: Yeah!
Jared: Good morning, guys. This is a good way to wake up. (Jensen: Yeah) To see all y’all's smiling faces. Thank you so much. (claps)
Jensen and Jared walk off stage to their left and exit the room. Except Jared comes back to grab the towel on stage
Jared: I’m taking this. (audience laughs)
Jared goes to off stage and then throws the towel to the audience before stepping off to then exit the room.
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angelbxxy · 2 years
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Hey y’all idk how this works I’ve never been struggling this hard before. My two daughters lost their dad my fiancé a week ago from a heart problem we didn’t know he had. It was sudden and now I have to plan a funeral alone. I never imagined that he would be gone we were just talking about getting a life insurance policy like a month ago but never did it. I already have our two daughters I gotta take care of on 1 income now I don’t know how I’m gonna pull this funeral off of anyone can help us send him up the right way plz consider donating 🥺😭❤️
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Cashapp $prettymom18
January 15th 2023🚨⏰⚰️
Still waiting on donätîons I currently only have $250(I took out a loan that’s all I was approved for)/$3,400(cost of funeral service and funeral home plus casket. The $3,400 DOES NOT INCLUDE THE BURIAL 🪦🥺😭⚰️😣♥️
Please help us if you are able and I would appreciate it if you can not help us financially, a reblog and prayers will always be appreciated.
RIP my one and only Prince Charming 🥺❤️🪦⚰️
Cashapp $prettymom18
UPDATE JAN15th 8:54pm
Still 0 help but I’m still great full for all the reposts and likes if you know anyone who may be able to help or has a big following on here PLEASE don’t hesitate to tag them in ur repost or just tag them on the comments ❤️🙏
PS my friend said if someone wants to donate but they don’t have cash@pp I can give them her Venmo or chime or PayPal so if that is what is stopping you from donating DM me and I can send you her vënmø or paypãł
Thank y’all again♥️
Katie 🥰⚰️🪦🫶🏽👩‍👧‍👧❤️‍🔥💔✝️
I probably should’ve put this in the original post but I’m having trouble getting donations and I’m doing this all by myself his family hasn’t even called me since I told them he passed and I was a foster kid so I really don’t have anyone to help. The only person that is helping me is financially struggling too but she took out a loan bc my credit sucks so I was denied anyway thank u if u have anyone on here who u talk to a lot see if they can repost it too I wanna get some type of traction lol
Tumblr BLOCKED ME FROM MESSAGES WTF HAPPENED!!!! Someone plz help me get my messages back
Plus still no donations so please keep reposting and thank you for all the support from the reblogs
Jan18 update
Thank you to whoever sent $5 that’s the first and only donation I’ve gotten so far
Please if u can’t donate repost and tag your friends!!! I don’t know what I’m going to do if I can’t raise enough for the funeral, I don’t even have enough for a cremation
Jan 20 update
Im $30 short to start a payment plan with the funeral home I have an appointment tomorrow morning at 9am PLEASE SEND HELP either repost or dono
Anything helps us!
Help us bury my kids dad and my fiancé!
Jan 30th update♥️❤️‍🔥🥺😭🚨
So I DIDNT get enough money to have a funeral for my fiancé 😖😭 we had to cremate him and they put me on a payment plan. I still want to have a repass but I need to get a hall or something to gather everyone. The cheapest one I’ve found is $350 for 5 hours
I want to celebrate his short life and the memories we all have with him ♥️
It’s been 3 almost 4 weeks since he’s been gone and life being a widow mother of 2 is a lot harder than I ever imagined. Please repost even if you can’t help ❤️‍🔥
@localmacguffin @laymedowninsheetsoflinen @enderamethyst @transgendz @othert @pixelstx @spongebobssquarepants @queenpandaxoxo @pukicho @shareyourdollar @mutual-aid-booster @horangi @jacklant3rn @bugs-for-hugs @difficult @commie-cosmo @yellowgirl93 @racism-inc @mousedetective @vaspider @shineemoon @queenpandaxoxo
121 notes · View notes
primusfortuna · 4 months
Cuit Hangout Lines ⟡ Beginning of a Dream
⚠️ I referenced the JP wiki for these lines. It's possible there might be some discrepancies with the in-game dialogue.
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Affection Lv. 0-3
Start Hangout “I hope I get some good ideas... Truth is, I have no clue what to do for Oscar-san’s meal tomorrow.”
Talk About Last Night’s Dinner (Tap)
First or second interaction
“I get so nervous whenever I serve Oscar-san... In a good way, of course.” “Wanna know the secret ingredient to my dinner last night? Well, I added a teeny bit of berries to the sauce for the meat.” “Hehe, could you tell it was a Ricordo local speciality? I thought it'd nice to have something like that once in a while.”
Keep interacting
“Ahaha, was it that good? You always eat my food with a smile, so that makes me very happy.” “I want to keep making food that makes people happy when they eat it. I'm not just talking about customers...” “Oh, right, is there anything you want to eat tomorrow? I’ll use it as a reference for the menu.”
Play Shiritori¹ (Drag)
First or second interaction
“Soup... pudding... G? Grati... no, nevermind.” “Can I play one that might be a little hard? Appetizer. How about it? ...I could think of one.” “Sugar... Worcestershire sauce... Ah, you can't say vinegar, okay?” (Original words: satou, usutāsōsu, su)
Keep interacting
“Hehe, take your time. I have no problem with culinary-themed shiritori, but are you doing okay?” “Huh? You’re learning from this? You’re pretty engaged. I gotta follow your lead too. Okay, let’s keep going.” “My turn? Gelato. It's to. What’ll your reply be?”
Readjust His Brooch (Long Press)
First or second interaction
“My guild emblem... I’m very proud to be working under Oscar-san.” “Ahh... Was it a little crooked? Thanks for noticing that for me.” “Thank you. Would've been terrible if that fell off... Hehe, that kind of tickles.”
Keep interacting
“You’re very careful in putting it on. Thank you. This is something very precious to me.” “A medal is a sign of recognition... Every time I look at this, I’m reminded that I made it here, in my own way.” “Of course, I still have to work hard, but I need to aim even higher.”
Get Closer
“Uhm... Is something wrong? Er, you’re a little too close, what’s going on...?” “Wah! What’s wrong? You’re closer than usual, so that startled me a little.” “......... Hehe, it’s like we’re having a staring contest, huh?”
End Hangout “Oh, look at the time. We should head back now. This walk helped clear my head.”
Affection Lv. 4-7
Start Hangout “Since we're heading out and all, maybe I should’ve made some snacks?”
“Huh? I’ve got bags under my eyes? I got totally caught up in making sauce yesterday... I guess I was working late into the night.”
Ask For Cooking Tips (Tap)
First or second interaction
“I think it’s important to find delicious foods. I get really happy whenever I find a dish that makes me think, 'I want to recreate that taste.'” “It’s important to get used to making something. Practice it over and over until it tastes good! Hehe, you can do it.” “Always measure your ingredients exactly. The measurements written in recipes have been tested for the best taste.”
Keep interacting
“You want to hear my personal tips? Hmm... I guess, cook while imagining someone’s smile as they’re eating.” “You know, I’ve been cooking for my family for a long time. And I still get happy seeing them all enjoy my food.” “I want my food to make people happy... I think that sentiment is the best spice of all.”
Fix His Loose Tie (Drag)
First or second interaction
“Huh? Oh, I see, my tie was loose... I got a little startled when you suddenly started touching my neck.” “Thank you. Oscar-san might’ve scolded me if it stayed crooked.” “I really try to be careful. It just slips out of place as soon as I start moving around. I owe you one.”
Keep interacting
“You’re fixing it so thoroughly. I really admire that meticulous side of yours.” “......Huh? Do you not know what shape it was in originally?” “Even you have moments like these, huh? Hehe... Cute. This is perfect, thank you.”
Massage His Palms (Long Press)
First or second interaction
“Ah, are you giving me a massage? This makes me kind of happy. Thanks.” “Your hands are so soft. Mine have gotten rough and callused from holding frying pans and stuff.” “Hah~... This feels so good. I don’t usually pay that much attention, but I guess I was pretty tired.”
Keep interacting
“Maybe that’s enough for now. You’ve already soothed me plenty. Aren’t you tired now?” “Giving me a special service today...? It’s my lucky day. It feels so good when you’re touching my hands...” “Make sure to tell me when you get tired, okay? ’Cause I’ll give you a massage. ...Ah! Unless you don’t want me to.”
Get Closer
“It’s rare for you to get this close... No, it doesn’t bother me.” “Can I tell you a thought I had? You’re cute. Super cute... Oh, I’m not trying to butter you up or anything.” “Is there something stuck to my face? ...Oh, there’s not? Then... What’s going on?”
End Hangout “Do you have some time after this? I’ll whip up something simple and I’d love to have you try it.”
“I always feel so soothed when I’m with you... You’re like a vitamin to me.”
Affection Lv. 8-10
Start Hangout “Lately whenever I’m with you, I can’t stop coming up with dishes I want you to eat.”
“For some reason, you seem cuter than usual today... Is it your makeup? Hehe, I’m kind of getting butterflies.”
Ask for the Newest Restaurant Recommendations (Tap)
First or second interaction
“I heard from someone at the market that a restaurant with good seafood pasta popped up.” “Meat, veg, seafood, ethnic food... What kind of recommendation do you want? I’m always in the know about this.” “Wanna check out a place with tons of different desserts? It’s a huge hit with girls, and I’m curious about it myself.”
Keep interacting
“I have an idea! I’d love to take you to a good restaurant I know. What do you think?” “They’ve got delicious entrées and desserts. Plus the interior is pretty. I think girls would love this place.” “I’d like to hear your opinion too... I want to know what kinds of things you like more than anything.”
Hold His Hand (Drag)
First or second interaction
“Hm? Hehe... Sure, go ahead. Ah, can I fix my grip a little? I want a tight hold on your hand.” “I’m so happy. ’Cause you don’t usually do this type of thing, right?” “It puts me at so much ease when you hold my hand like this.”
Keep interacting
“Your hand is so warm. Huh? I can hold it tighter? Well... If you say so.” “You have this strange gentleness that feels like it’s wrapping me up. I can’t really put it into words...” “Also, I’m getting butterflies. I feel so happy... Am I the only one like this? How do you feel?”
Touch His Dark Circles (Long Press)
First or second interaction
“Hm...? What’s wrong? Wondering about my eyebags...? Sorry. Did I get you worried?” “Ahh, I got up kinda early this morning for cooking prep... *yawns*... Er, sorry I did that in front of you.” “Ah, found out I'm sleep deprived? I just got so many food ideas last night that I had to sort them out...”
Keep interacting
“You don’t have to worry that much. Ever since you came around, I’ve stopped forcing myself as much as before.” “Huh, you don’t believe me...? It’s true. Besides, I always have you backing me up.” “What about you? Are you sleeping well? You work yourself to the bone everyday... I’m the one who should be worried.”
Get Closer
“I wonder what you’re thinking about right now. I hope it’s me... Kidding.” “Feeling your warmth up close puts me right at ease... Hey, can you come closer to me?” “Doing this with you is starting to feel so routine to me. I even get uneasy when you’re not around.”
End Hangout “Honestly, I don’t want to go back just yet, but I have things that need to be done. But we’ll go out again for sure, okay?”
“Haha... That's the face of plain disappointment. But. I bet I’m more upset than you are. ...How ’bout we take the long way back?”
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[TL Notes]
1 - Shiritori is a Japanese word game. Players take turns saying words that begin with the last syllable of the previous word. Playing a word that ends in "n" (ん) is an automatic loss.
This game doesn't translate well in English, so I decided to just translate each word literally and add the Japanese words in parentheses (if necessary).
8 notes · View notes
vee-beeee · 11 months
(Part 2) Robo Camping
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Im literally so sorry this took actual years, i got super sick
but im back with PART 2 and im READY
sorry for plot holes as always
I hope this isnt more trash, i worked so hard on this LOL
part 1 is (here) (i think) (idk how to link this properly)
Enjoy :D
Warnings: swearing maybe, FLUFF, and guys im venturing into the unknown here but there IS SMOOCHES and listen i tried hard but if they suck im SO SORRY
guys i gotta warn you, this is really cheesy like REALLY
this is so long holy 4k words
Conner, Nines, Sixty x reader
You were HERE
After months of planning, days of road trips, hours of waiting, you were here.
And it was perfect.
You guys were deep in the heart of the woods, giving a little privacy to your area. The campsite itself was open with trees surrounding you, almost closing in with how the large they were looming over you. And in the corner was a break in the woods to a trail, which lead down to a small, crystal clear stream. Everything was gorgeous, just how you remembered it.
You giggled to yourself as the boys talked amongst themselves about how amazing it was while Nines picked a good place to park. After waiting point 0 seconds for Nines to unlock the door, you threw yourself into the woods and into this new experience.
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(lil gif to get your brain going)
You ran to the middle of the camp and spun yourself in a full circle, taking in your surroundings. You could see your mountain peeking over the tree tops, and it looked majestic and glorious. Tomorrow you definitely wanted to check out the visitors lodge that sat around the middle of the mountain.
"You look like your enjoying yourself"
Snapping out of your trance (the mountain had that effect on you) you turned to look and see Nines smirking at you, but his gaze loving. He looked relaxed, and like he totally belonged in the woods, wearing a grey plaid shirt and his LED slightly hidden under a small beanie. You smiled at seeing him, and quickly ran a little ways up to him and made a motion with your arms to silently ask for what you wanted. His lips twitched and he nodded, allowing you to wrap your arms around him and sink into his hard shell of a front. You sighed softly and turned so your face was right between his pecs, enjoying the slight softness that his shirt provided. He smelled strongly of spice, and you inhaled to get more of it. The scent filled your lungs with a tingle, and you tried to mumble to him how much you enjoyed it
"Ymmmph smellpmh nicmph" he hummed out a laugh at hearing your poor attempts at communicating "what are you trying to say my dear?" you giggled into him and put your chin on his chest to fully gaze up into his face. His eyebrows were scrunched up but his eyes were full of mirth. Quietly, you started again "I said you smell nice" his face broke out into a Nines grin, brighter than ever as he and leaned in to press a gentle kiss to your temple. "Why thank you, I actually keep myself clean. You must be smelling real soap" you gasped and swatted away at him while his grip on you got tighter and he chuckled out.
"Geeez get a room you two!" you broke out of your bubble with Nines and looked over your shoulder at Conner and Sixty, who were in the middle of unpacking the car. Sixty was glaring pointedly at the RK900 unit while he unfolded a chair, (and you knew he was the one who said that) and you heard Conner chuckle as he pulled a box out of the trunk. You sighed and nuzzled one more time into Nines chest, finally detaching yourself from his artificial warmth to blow him a smooch dramatically, watching his lips quirk as he fake caught it, bringing the hand he caught it in to his lips and giving you a charming look.
After that you guys helped get set up, you and Conner were assigned to making the tent while Nines and Sixty set up the (very organized and clean) camp. When you and Conner were done getting the tent built, you both jumped into it and hopped onto the humongous blow up mattress the boys bought. The tent was very spacious with room for all of you to move around, and the mattress only took up 1 third the space. The rest of the space had a small table with pillows set up around it, and all of your suitcases pilled up on each other in the corner. The roof of the tent was high and see-through, for " romantic star gazing" as Conner called it in the store. (To which Hank had rolled his eyes so hard you were surprised he didn't fall over and muttered something about teenagers in love)
While you were staring off into the sky above you, Conner caught your attention. He had gently reached out for your hand while you were distracted, and when you had turned your head to face him he brought it up to his lips and kissed it. You blushed and smiled goofily at him, and he returned it, grabbing you fully now and rolling you over on top of him. You both lightly laughed at the position, you were now on top of his whole body looking down on him and he was staring up at you. You continued to lovingly gaze at each other before you decided to quickly peck him on the lips. You started to pull away, only meaning to do a fast smooch, but his hand flew up to the back of your head to prevent you from leaving him.
And then his lips lightly meet yours again.
Lips moving in sync, warmth filling your body, as he oh so gently kissed you. Like you would break if he was to harsh. His hand started massaging your hair, and the other wrapped around waist to keep you in place. Your palms moved up to rest on his chest as the kiss grew deeper, his mouth moving against yours as he soaked in your softness and savored it. Unfortunately, to busy making out, you both failed to hear the sound of branches crunching and someone walking towards the tent.
"Oh come on!" You jerked in surprise and looked up to see Sixty's head. He was totally scowling at Conner through the tents see-through mesh. " She had her fun with Nines and now this? When's my turn?" You burst into surprised giggles as Conner gave him a cheeky, breathless grin. You watched as Sixty as he stalked away, grumbling about being last. You gave Conner's cheek a soft smack and rolled off of him, standing up as much as the tent would allow and stretching. You heard him get off the mattress and felt cheeky hands resting at your waist. You swatted his grabby paws away as he chuckled, and you both left to help the others.
Finally, just as the sun was starting to set, everything was set up. Your tent was in the corner of the camp, making sure the top was out in the open so you could clearly see the night sky. There was a new picnic table set up, with cooking supplies and games piled on the top, and near the opening in the trees you guys had set up your chairs around the provided fire pit. It was picturesque, the perfect campsite.
"You guys, this looks awesome!" You laughed and plopped down in you chair while Sixty started a fire. "Indeed. I think we did a good job" Nines looked around, hands on his hips and nodded to himself. Conner came over and gave you a blanket, settling down in his chair next to you.
The rest of the evening was spent talking about various things while you ate your dinner and, of course, smore making. Only you could eat them, so you had 3 androids eagerly making the perfect smores and waiting for you to eat their model smore. You did eventually get sugar overload, and watched as Sixty, while cackling, set his marshmallow on fire for fun while Conner told him off and explained fire safety. To which Sixty ignored.
Eventually it got late, you got tired, and you all tucked into bed. All the androids present turned their internal heaters up and snuggled up to you, and you literally turned into a marshmallow yourself. You all looked up at the beautiful sky, filled with stars you just couldn't see in the big city, and you fell asleep listening to soft robotic breathes and the sound of the woods waking up.
Aaaaand then you woke up. In the middle of the night. With a need.
A need you hated. Because it would involve getting up from your comfortable spot, smushed between Conner and sixty and Nines leg??, and venturing into the woods.
You slowly started moving, looking around at your boys. They were all in rest mode, and you didn't want to interrupt them. So you snuck out of the tent, pecking all their heads as you left.
Now, you seem to have forgotten that you were dealing with androids. Who wake up when the detect their human has gotten up, noticing a disturbance. After you left the tent and went rummaging through one of the boxes on the table for a flashlight, you heard unzipping and saw a sleepy Sixty emerge from the tent.
"What are you doing sweet cheeks?" You flushed at the nickname, and looked him up and down. He had sloppily put on his shoes, and pulled a hoodie over his sleeping shirt.
"I needed to go use the bathroom, sorry for waking you" You quietly whispered to him, returning to your mission of finding a light source. You saw an LED swirl amber in the corner of your vision and suddenly a head lamp was being strapped to your messy bed head.
"Well let's go, I want to go back to snuggling you again" you started to protest, but he just tutted at you, explaining that there were bears in the area and he was making sure you weren't going to be mauled or kidnapped.
"If there was a bear, what are you going to do? Fist fight it?" You chuckled as his smile fell. It was quickly replaced by a smug smirk "I could totally win that fight. I literally have iron muscles." You doubled over in soft giggles after watching him flex his synthetic muscles through his hoodie and kiss them.
You both started off, groping around in the darkness trying to find your way to the campsites communal bathroom. Eventually you did find it, and you almost cried. It had been a 5 minute walk through the darkness and you were desperate. You heard Sixty laughing at you as you ran inside. You grimaced at the state the bathroom was in when you first entered (it being a campsite bathroom and all), and made sure to wash your hands with A LOT of soap.
You finished up and walked out to see..
No one? Had Sixty gone back without you?
You cautiously called out his name and turned in a slow circle, activating your headlamp as you did so.
And then you closed your eyes, screamed, and swiftly turned around and throat punched someone.
Your scream died out, and you cracked one eye open when you heard wheezy laughter. Fully opening your eyes, you were greeted by Sixty chuckling and holding his throat. You gasped as you saw his skin melting into the pure white underneath.
"Sixty Im so sorry! Its really dark out and I was freaked out already, are you okay?" He coughed out a yes and you saw his LED blinking yellow as he did a system diagnostic. "Damn girl, you punched me so hard you knocked a plate lose" you put your face in your palms and apologized profusely, and he had none of that. "Hey Hey Hey look at me" you stopped rambling and turned to see his face. He gave you a goofy smile as you made eye contact and your eyes darted back down to his throat to see that it looked a injured. There was a small line of white that lead down his throat, meaning you really had knocked something lose.
"It'll be fine. I'm actually a little impressed, but listen. It was my fault anyway. Now-" He started reassuringly, and you watched his hand slid down his throat until he reached that patch of white. His hand gently applied pressure and you heard a small hiss until the white was gone and his LED returned to a calm blue. you heard a chuckle before a hand went under your chin and he tilted your head up, drawing it close to his.
"Can you kiss it better?"
And then his mouth was hastily on yours, basically devouring you. You were so surprised that you gasped, but he quickly swallowed it. He grabbed you and gently pushed you against a tree, grasping for a branch for balance as he swept you away with his lips. This was different from Conner's kissing. This was desperate, fast, like Sixty was not afraid you would break. He was rough. You reached for everything, his hair, his back, the tree behind you, looking for purchase as he rapidly took your ability to breathe.
It was over all to soon as a light shone on the both of you.
And holding that light, was a disappointed pair. Conner and Nines.
"Honestly you two"
They grumbled and turned around, not even waiting for you both to join them. You and Sixty turned to each other and breathlessly giggled, before rushing to join the Rk's. You decided to briefly question them.
"What are you guys doing out here anyway?" They looked at each other before Nines eyes raked your form over "We heard a scream, and came to investigate. Are you okay?" you immediately flushed, and turned to look accusingly at Sixty. He rubbed his arm and turned to stare in the darkness chucking as he murmured
"I pranked her. But she got me good! She's actually got quite the arm."
And it took a minute for the pair to compute what Sixty implied.
He scared the crap out of you.
In the woods.
At night.
And made you scream.
And punch him.
And then Nines basically throttled him.
That ended in you and Conner pulling Nines off of Sixty as he once again fell into choking fit, and you explained you had already throat punched him. Conner applauded you for your strength when you told him you accidently loosened a panel.
You all eventually got back to camp, and fell into a snugly, warm, android pile once more.
Watching the stars.
The next morning you couldn't have been more comfortable. Conner was crowding your back, curling around you with both of his hands resting on your stomach. Every part of him was heated, and you were melting. Sixty's head was shoved into your chest, the rest of his body entwined with yours, making you the middle of a android sandwich, and you were NOT complaining. Nines was mysteriously not here, but as soon as that thought crossed your mind, your nose picked up on some eggs and bacon being cooked. You sighed happily and picked your hands up to rub your hands through sixty's hair.
He let out a groan and snuggled deeper into you as you softly giggled. You felt movement behind you and you started stretching your legs
"Good morning my love" came a sleepy voice from behind you. A similar voice revealed itself from your chest, and Sixty turned his head to gaze at you.
"Good morning to you too boys" You murmured, keeping one hand to run through Sixty's hair, and the other went up to smack Conner's cheek a couple times. The boys waited until you were done re-positioning yourself to snuggle deeper into you, and you almost did fall asleep again, but a soft voice and the unzipping of the tent flap woke you back up. You closed your eyes and felt soft lips kiss your temple "I made you breakfast. I know its early, but I remember you said you wanted to go to that Lodge on the mountain today. So I have prepared everything to leave as soon as your done eating" your eyes gently blinked open and you took a moment to study Nines face. His eyes were droopy and filled with adoration, and he was dressed in a warm puffy jacket. You leaned up to peck his lips, which he returned until Sixty yanked you down and grumbled. Nines chuckled quietly and left the tent, leaving you to get ready.
Once you all were dressed for the day, you and the Rk's left the tent to see Nines packing some boxes in the car. As soon as you spied your breakfast you grabbed it and started eating. You always remembered to praise Nines, as he enjoyed your input on how his food tasted.
"Nines this is amazing as always" you watched his lips twitch upwards "I'm glad. You need real, healthy food in you. Not that garbage from "mcdonalds" or any fast food place that you ingested so much of on the road trip" annnddd then Conner and Nines were talking about unhealthy fast food restaurant food was now. You giggled as they talked, hearing their clear disgust for the industry. Sixty came and sat down next to you on the picnic table, where you had set up, and started talking with you on what you wanted to do that day.
When you finished eating, your group set off in the car once again to go to the mountains visitors lodge. You were super excited, you had so many fond memories of the place and you were ecstatic to come back with your boyfriends and re-live the experiences again.
After a short and sweet drive, filled with amazing scenery, and the trip flew by as you soon made it to the lodge. You were thankful for Nines planning because it was totally dead at the time of day it was. Speaking of, what time was it?
"Oh my god its 6 in the morning" you exclaimed after checking your phone. Conner looked at you from the drivers seat, confusion visible on his face.
"Did you not notice?" you shook your head at him and he chuckled, along with the others "That's because you sleep in all the time, you don't know what morning looks like" a certain smug voice stated from the backseat. You rolled your eyes and got out of the car, grumbling as you slammed the door shut.
They weren't wrong. You were slightly prone to sleeping in.
"But isn't it beautiful in the morning?" Nines had apparently snuck up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist and whispering in your ear. His breath made you shiver, and you nodded, taking in your surroundings. The mountain was lit up by the morning sun, looking heavenly, and the rolling cliffs that surrounded it were covered in snow and shone brightly. You sighed into Nines, and took the moment to enjoy the cool air that the altitude and forest provided.
You all walked in to the lodge and greeted the exhausted employee, and started looking at the displays of the mountain. Nines and Conner read every plaque and information board, and Sixty wandered around messing with the controls on the displays, to which Conner would quietly glare at him. You went off on your own to a empty room, that when you clicked a couple buttons, showed what climbing the mountain would look like, a little hologram appearing before you. Standing alone in the empty room, you listened as the narrator explained what was going on.
"Enjoying the show?"
You tilted your head to see Nines leaning against the door with his hands in his pockets. His lips were quirked upwards, and he slowly sauntered towards you, spinning you fully to face him. He gently held you, kissing your temple as you got closer.
"I am now"
After finishing up with the main area of the lodge, your little crew went to the gift shop. Where the boys all bought themselves AND you something, which you had protested to at first, but they insisted.
Nines got himself and you matching sweatshirts, saying you "needed to bundle up more"
Conner got some new card games, (your collection growing) and then told you he would play with you later. You were totally winning that
Sixty got you a stuffed animal moose. You immitaly named it mouse.
A good day overall
After that, you all took a walk in the flower fields behind the lodge, and you took A LOT of pictures. You were just so happy to be there with your boys, and the flowers were gorgeous this time of year.
The rest of the morning was spent on hiking around the lodge, and at lunch time you ate at a little restaurant that was off of the lodge. The boys sat amongst themselves talking, but while that was happening,
their LEDs were blinking rapidly
That's gotta mean somethings wrong
you were starting to get suspicious, eyeing them carefully as the group all sat with their LEDS blinking and occasionally giving each other looks.
And then Sixty and Nines just up and left.
They both said their goodbyes, saying they "wanted to check something" and left.
More interestingly, Conner face palmed at their delivery out of the corner of your eye.
"What are they actually doing" you questioned and ate one of your fries, watching the pair leave, and then promptly running past the window of the shop making your eye brows skyrocket.
"Its just something with work, its fine my darling" Conner crowded your vision, and offered to walk around in the more secluded parts of the flower fileds. He said he wanted to check the small lake out there, and you agreed but still kept an eye out for Nines and Sixty. They seemed anxious and in a hurry, but what did that mean?
You and Conner left the shop after paying for the food, and went on a little romantic walk. You swore Conner was redirecting your vision as you left, saying he saw a moose.
You didn't buy it. Something was up.
But Conner was dilligent.
He was on you the whole time, talking you up and forcing you to give all your attention to him.
Well, not forcing
When you got to the cute little lake, you guys sat on a sturdy old log that was covered in moss, but it gave you the perfect view.
"Hey sweetheart?" You hummed in response, but kept your eyes on the scenery.
"We have some time to kill" You turned to him, and of course
He was holding the card game he bought you.
And so, 36 minutes of time was spent as you fiercely tried to win against Conner.
You think the time was well spent.
Even if he won everytime.
He apologized every win, adding that he could technically "lower his difficulty" but you refused.
You were winning fair and square.
Did I mention what game this was?
"Haha! Uno!" you yelled into the forest, while Conner looked at you in amusement. Deep in his artifical heart, he knew he shouldnt do this to you. You worked so hard! But, he was only human. (android but you get it)
A quick "I love you" brushed past his lips and then he slapped down a +4.
You were frozen. You knew it was bad when he pulled out and "i love you" . Finally you gasped, looking at him in shook as he gave you a guilty smile.
"Wow Conner I thought you were supposed to be the nicest one" a voice hollered from the woods. You spun around to find the voice and saw Sixty and Nines emerge from the woods, and they gently chuckled at your misery face and caught up with Conner.
Sixty went off with the other rk800 unit, and Nines stayed with you.
"Is everything okay? You guys were gone for a while." His mouth just twitched and he gave you a cryptic "you'll see". You gave him a skeptical look before Conner and Sixty came back.
And Sixty handed you a map.
Giving him a confused smile, you opened it finding the answer to all your questions.
It was a map
For a scavenger hunt.
You almost screamed in excitement.
you LOVED scavenger hunts.
All the boys kissed your head, and Sixty whispered a "go wild" and you were off.
The clues took you all over the lodge, and the boys were there to guide you along the way and give you hints in case you got lost. As you ran around for almost 2 hours, they explained that Conner was the distraction, and Nines and Sixty had spent that time setting everything up. You took the chance to hug all of them, and you apparently got too "sappy" for Sixty. But you were so thankful that they took the time to set everything up. There was another perk though, every clue lead to a small gift. You had gotten stuffed animals, gift cards, little Knick knacks, the whole load. Every time you got a gift you would thank them profusely, and they would just chuckle.
Finally, you got to the end.
And found....a piece of paper?
That came with a picture?
The paper read "our new home" on it and oh my god
The whole scavenger hunt lead to this.
Conner gently grabbed your shoulder, and you turned to see them all softly smiling at you.
"We bought a place"
And you almost burst into tears.
It was a super fancy apartment, close to the top floor, with plenty of space for everyone.
And you could have ANIMALS
They asked you if you would move in and you immediately accepted, jumping up and down and throwing yourself into a droid hug while they laughed with you.
So it was a pretty good first day you think.
The rest of the week was spent hiking, fire mishaps, exploring, crossing dangerous rivers, and you (attempting) to tell ghost stories to androids that were not spooked at all.
One hike was definitely the most memorable, it being your last too
It, at one point, ended up with you pressed up against Nines as he held a hand to your mouth, with Conner and Sixty moving in front of you.
Going back a bit to before that, you all had been merrily walking down the trail, you talking about your favorites movie lore while the androids all listened fondly, when Nines suddenly stopped in his tracks.
"Woah is he malfunctioning?" was Sixty's immediate quip whenever Nines did something strange. Nines was currently tilting his head around, eagle eyes dissecting the forest and fields around you.
And then he suddenly jumped for you and grabbed your mouth, tugging you backwards into some bushes. You shouted in surprise and Conner ran to your aid, but Nines grabbed his arm and dragged him in the bush with you. He noticed Sixty's panic and quickly and calmly explained what was wrong
And then you gasped as Sixty, quick as a whip, jumped into the bush with you. All of you were silent, and then you heard snorting and grunting.
And a bear was totally walking a little ways away through the field that was next to the trail you were previously on.
You could feel Nines breathe on you as you all watched it crack open a log and rip it to shreds. In the corner of your eye, you saw Conner TOTALLY enamored. He had a goofy smile on his face while he watched it pulverize a log, and you assumed it was looking for bugs. You had to admit, this was super cool.
After a while it lumbered on, having its fill. Nines slowly released you as every one exited the coverage of the trees, and you turned around to peck his cheek and thank him for immediately protecting you. He whispered a soft "of course" and you smiled at his slightly blue cheeks.
Conner was talking about that bear for the rest of the hike, him and Sixty both recalling the events and analyzing them. You giggled at their excitement over seeing a real-life actual bear, and not just an android one at some zoo.
The camping trip was a success all together, you had fun with your boyfriends, they had fun with you, they got to see an actual bear, lots of good stuff.
It was a sad day when you had to pack up, you knew you wouldn't be back anytime soon because of how long it took to drive to the mountain and back. The boys were disappointed too, but said they enjoyed it so much they would be willing to do it again. (More like Conner and Sixty said that while Nines protested. He enjoyed camping, just not all the dirt that came with it)
A good trip overall with more camping to come. And a new apartment for you all to enjoy. Mission successful.
And you totally won a game of uno on the last night, to everyone's dismay. The cherry on top.
Holy crap I read it again and this is so cheesy
I hope you enjoy tooth rotting fluff lol
sorry for spelling errors and i hope its not crap!
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yummyboyzpost · 2 years
♥!Boss Bakugo x FemReader!♥
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-- 𝔽ᒪ𝓤𝔽𝔽/ 𝓁𝒾𝓉𝓉𝓁𝑒 𝒶𝓃𝑔𝓈𝓉 👊 / ꋊꄲ ꇙM꒤꓄ 𝘢𝘵 𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘵 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘰𝘯𝘦 :0 --
You've worked For Bakugo for about 7 months now becoming somewhat close with him, but he defiantly doesn't hold back on the yelling nor does he give you special treatment but....its Bakugo lol. But what happens when a certain green haired boy comes along. Ohhh nooo who could that be Muhshaahha. You are also Quirkless Oh yes and when I put >(*) Those little star things its just Y/n Talking to herself :) lmao
♥ *part one*♥
(Your pov)
*Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring*
"Oh god, shut up!" I yell at my phone that doesn't seem to stop ringing. It's my one day off who the hell is calling me. I grab my phone seeing the caller id
-𝘒𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘌𝘹𝘱𝘭𝘰𝘴𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘔𝘶𝘳𝘥𝘦𝘳🤬💥-
"ahh shit," I answer the phone "GODDAMN IT Y/N!" I pull the phone away from my ear knowing I'm probably gonna be def tomorrow "I'VE BEEN CALLING YOU FOR THE PAST FUCKING HOUR!" He said heaving breathing on the other side of the phone. ((Oh right for got to mention your his assistant, Gooooddd luckkk babes!!)) "Sorry sir, I was sleeping. I ju-" before I could get anything else out he cut me off "You what?" he said in a unsettling calm voice "I just woke up?" I said confused "My office now!" He said with a stern voice. "Oh uh sir, It's my day off." I said laughing not noticing he had hung up
*That bastard, I'm gonna kill him*
As I was walking into Bakugo's building, I bumped into a tall, buff ass man goddaayuumm. I looked up and I had never seen him before and yet he looked so familiar. God he was Hot as shit, *NO! y/n get your shit together, no time for gocking if I don't get to Bakugo in 5 Minutes I'm as good as dead*
"Sorry." I said grabbing my papers and I was about to get off the floor when I was floating, what the actual fuck? "A cute girl doesn't belong on the floor." he said smiling with the most adorable smile ever! omg my heart I think it might explode. what a lovely death that would me I say taking a step back but regaining my footing *No! Y/n snap out of it! You need to get to Bakugo's office!*
"Ah Thank you for your help uhhm?" I questioned hoping he would answer. but why dose he look so- OH GOD! ITS DEKU. I freeze in shock "Midoriya, you?" I was just standing there like an idiot *Come on Y/n! All you gotta do is say your name.* "De- DEKU!" I scream making everyone look at me *YOU DUMB WHORE!* shit... "I-I mean um, I'm L/n! sorry I just um." I don't know what to say... He laughed "It's okay L/n don't worry abt it, I-" He was about to say something but i saw my coffee all over his I'm guessing very expensive shirt. "OH MY GODS! I'm so sorry, I spilt my Coffee on your shirt! I don't really have money to give you. ummm Here," I said reaching into my pocket. "Thats my card, If you need anything call okay? I'll be there I promise! I gotta go or i might get my head blown off. It was really nice to meet you Deku!" I said running to the stairs.
(Deku's Pov)
Wow she was cute, I wondered If she had a Boyfriend. She gave me her card for what? In all honesty I didn't know what for, its just coffee, yea it might stain but i can just get a different shirt. It's not the end of the world. She made me smile on how clumsy she was, I might just call her.
(Y/n Pov)
I knock on Bakugo's doors hearing him groan knowing that was his was of telling me to come in *SHIT I'm dead* I walk in seeing his back turned to me, "You asked to see me?" I asked walking to his desk. "Where were you?" he said in a calm voice which surprised me. "Oh, today was my off day sir. I thought that meant it was yours too." I said sitting in the chair Infront of his desk. He turned around "You have no off days Y/n" he said eyeing me up and down, I didn't really dress to work today. In all honesty I thought we would just ask me to get him lunch. And yes he calls me by my first name, idk why It doesn't bother me. He's never called me L/n since I started working here.
"You look horrible." he said standing up walking over to me. "Excuse me? You know I could've just not came in. And good luck with firing me, cuz you know damn well no one besides me could handle your explosive attitude Katsuki!" I said standing up and about to walk out but he was already Infront of me. He looked angry "Sit." He said with firy eyes. *Shit y/n what were you thinking, you need this job. You can't just quit like that.
He's defiantly gonna fire you now you DUMB BITCH* I was waiting for him to say not to come back but he didn't say anything. Not gonna lie I was scared, he's never been this quite. "Bakugo, I'm sorry I just woke up on the wrong side of the bed." I said sitting back down in my seat. "Deku, huh?" he said eyeing down on me. "Um what?" I said confused. "Oh you mean earlier? I bumped into him on my way up here and spilt my coffee all over him, So I offered to help him with something in return." I said smiling and grabbing the status report out of all the papers I had on my lap. "Also here," I said handing it to him "I finished it early, Although you're not gonna like it." I said standing up again.
"Didn't I tell you to sit," he said placing the paper on his desk, and making me sit back down by placing both of his hands on either side of the chair. his face was so close I could feel his breath on my nose. his eyes... why is he looking at me like that. My cheeks turn red and my shoulder tense up. "Bakugo w-what are you d-doing?" I said with wide eyes, He didn't say anything he just stared at me. he leaned to my left ear "You won't talk to that damn fucking nerd ever again you hear me?" he said breathing hard *Oh My GoD Katsuki if you don't back up right now I'm gonna... Please back up!!!* "Okay." is all I said why wasn't he backing up? I said okay! then I felt a slight pressure on my shoulder and I heard some mumbling. "Bakugo, I can't hear you you're gonna have to move you head" I said as he shook his head.
He moved his head off my shoulder, "It wasn't important, he said backing off me and back over to his chair. I can't help but to think that he was lying. "You can go home." he said going back to work on his computer. I wanted to say something but, I think it's best if I didn't. I walk out with out but before I close the door I look back to say something but his eyes are already on mine. His eyes widen, "There's no need to be jealous Bakugo, you know yours." I say smiling His cheeks turn the slightest color of pink *cute* I walk out of his office and turn to go to my desk *Welp I'm already here might as well get some work done.*
<<Later that day, everyone has gone home except you and Bakugo, that's usually how it is anyways>>
"I thought I told you to go home." A deep voice said, I knew who it was "And I am," I said grabbing my jacket. "I had a lot of emails to look at and since I was already here I just decided to stay." I said smiling and walking over to him. "You don't drive correct?" he said looking at me "Nope, I sure don't" I laugh walking past him. He grabbed my arm I turned around and he was looking away to him the fact that he was blushing but I could tell *He's too cute! Ugh if only he liked me I'd make this man wish he could kiss me all day HAHAHAH* "It's late, let me give you a ride home Y/n," he said letting go of my wrist
*Why is he acting like this, he's never once asked to take me home. well except that one time I fell down the stairs... yea were not gonna talk abt it.* "Um it's okay! the bus runs late on Friday's. I'll be fine." I said smiling. "I wasn't asking." *UGH Bakugo and his demands... not going to lie its sexy as hell but it also mean I cant say no.*
The ride home was quite, he asked me a few questions abt Deku but that was all. When we got to my apartment, he got out and walked me up to my door. "Goodnight Y/n, I'll see you tomorrow." he said looking down at me with those sexy red eyes. "Goodnight Bakugo." I said about to walk into my house when he grabbed the door nob I turned around *AHHH he's way TOOOO CLOSE MY POOR HEART, IS he trying to kill me?* I turned my head to the left and tried to get ahold of my heart.
"Please don't call me that anymore, just call me Katsuki like you did earlier." he said as he leaned down I turned my head back forward and all of a sudden I felt a warmth on my lips, his lips were on mine?!?!?! His eyes widened and so did mine. He backed up and cover his mouth "I- I didn't mean to-" he was talking but I cut him off "No, N-no, it was my F-fault I shouldn't have-" I cut myself off and covered my mouth. "I- Um, Goodnight Bak- Uh I mean Ka-Katsuki!" I said as I turned around and ran inside my apartment.
*Oh god* I slid down my door and onto the floor. *I JUST KISSED KATSUKI BAKUGO!! I THINK IM GONNA PASS THE FUCK OUT.* my heart was racing and I couldn't catch my breath. What have I done?
algf;iuapfiuabg[uabgd OMG haha you guys kissed what a Silly SILLY Y/N ahahahhaha I'll probably post the second part sometime this weekend. Tell me what you think abt it!!!
I am Jumping with joy!!! this was the post i thought i lost forever lmaoooo it was in my dafts im so mf-ing happy haufgpiafpa
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alister312 · 1 year
A vigilante breaks into the king's room late at night and they share a quiet moment together.
a little friendly fire attack (992 words) for @0-dear-rose-0 who has been an absolute BEAST in these @spinthetags south park olympics 👀 team douche is blessed to have you for real
Read now on ao3 or below the cut!
Normally, a clattering at the king’s window in the middle of the night would be cause for alarm, but Kyle knew that clattering. He awoke to it most nights, after all. He quickly grabbed the candle at his bedside and lit it, making his way over to the window. The light from the candle wasn’t much to go by, but he could clearly see the bundle of dark robes on the ground and a shock of blonde peeking out from under the hood.
“Got past my guards again, Mysterion?” Kyle said, closing the window. “Should I start increasing my security?”
“You mean beyond just Stan and Ike?” the vigilante laughed. “Nah. They’re doing alright.” Her voice was rough and gravelly, but the effects of the voice change potion from the alchemist were just about worn off. Mysterion groaned as she stood and Kyle quickly put her arm around his shoulder, supporting her over to the bed.
“You don’t sound good,” Kyle mumbled as he pushed her hood back and unclasped her cloak.
“Is that why you’re undressing me on your bed?” Mysterion grinned. “To take advantage of my vulnerable state?”
“Kenny.” Already Kyle’s voice had that edge of tired exasperatedness and he had dropped the vigilante charade. There would be a bit less banter tonight. It was for the best, as Kyle gasped when he saw how dark and wet Kenny’s side was.
“Oh my god,” he whispered, horrified. In an instant, Kyle’s hands were on the wound, a green glow emanating as he worked his magic. Kenny sighed in relief as she felt the healing go through her.
“You’re a lifesaver, Kyle,” she smiled. He smiled back up at her, though it was a bit strained. Healing magic took a lot of energy out of him, but he insisted on doing it for Kenny.
After closing the wound, Kyle sighed heavily and lay back on his bed from where he sat. Kenny lay down in solidarity with him, shuffling her feet that hung over the edge. The room was quiet except for their breathing and the occasional pop of the flame as it ate down the candle wick. Somewhere outside, Stan and Ike were on patrol, intentionally oblivious to the intruder in the king’s room.
“What happened?” Kyle asked after a while.
“Didn’t realize one of the soldiers was still conscious and they shot me with a crossbow bolt while I was leaving,” Kenny said. “It didn’t go in though, just grazed me. No big deal.”
“That gash was deep, Kenny.” Kyle rolled to his side, frowning as he looked at the princess beside him. “It could’ve gotten really bad.”
“But it didn’t.” Kenny turned her head and winked at him. “All thanks to you, your highness. Now I won’t have any scars to tend to or uncomfortable questions to answer at my dress fitting tomorrow.”
“Dress fitting?”
“Yeah, Cartman’s throwing a ball again. As the kingdom’s most beloved princess, I gotta look my best.” She laughed, but there was no mirth to it and the usual sparkle in Kenny’s eyes was gone. Kyle reached over and took her hand in his. He squeezed it gently, reassuring and sympathetic. A small smile returned to Kenny’s face, but when she rolled on her side to face Kyle, it was gone.
 “He’s blowing all of Kupa’s money and resources on parties and shit just for himself,” Kenny murmured. “The people of Kupa Keep, my people, they’re all suffering and Cartman could help them but he doesn’t care.”
“Again, if there’s anything I can do…” Kyle rubbed small circles in her hand with his thumb. It broke his heart to see Kenny upset but he’d been at war with Kupa ever since Cartman had risen to power and the McCormicks were royals in name only. Nothing either of them had to say was going to sway that tyrannical bastard.
“You’re sweet,” Kenny smiled, “but only Mysterion can help the people of Kupa Keep at this point.”
“Then I’ll continue to promise the entire elven kingdom’s forces in support of this mysterious vigilante,” Kyle said. Kenny giggled whenever he said this because she found it overly dramatic and dorky, but Kyle didn’t care if he came across that way. It made Kenny scrunch her nose in a cute way, open her mouth just enough to give Kyle a glimpse of her teeth and the ever so slight gap between the front two. The candle burned low, barely giving them anything to see by, but they didn’t need it. Kenny was glowing.
If things were just a little different, Kyle could imagine them spending forever like this, hands clasped and warm and smiling, but things weren’t different. Kenny was needed back in Kupa Kupa come the morning light and the journey back was long. The little moments they could steal were never enough but it was all they could afford.
Kyle helped Kenny refasten Mysterion’s dark purple cloak and tuck her braids back into the hood. She was perfectly capable of doing so herself, but they both just wanted an excuse to keep her here one more minute. When there was nothing else Kyle could do, he withdrew his hands, but they hovered, wanting to keep holding on.
“Be careful on your way back, Kenny,” he said. “Please.”
“It’s Mysterion,” Mysterion corrected, purposefully deepening her voice. The potion’s effects had long since worn off. Kyle laughed lightly and opened his window up.
“Of course, my bad,” he said. “Be careful on your way to Kupa Keep, Mysterion, and give the princess my love when you get there.”
“Oh she’s got it, don’t worry,” Mysterion grinned. “But a little reminder won’t hurt I guess.” She cupped Kyle’s face and kissed him softly before withdrawing and throwing a leg out the window. With little more than a wave and flap of her cloak, Mysterion was gone and Kyle was alone in his room, already awaiting her next visit.
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iheartmomochi · 1 year
Dear Vocalist Momochi YO • NA • KA translation
Important: i DID NOT make this translation. I commissioned currytantou on twitter, so all credit goes to them! I 10000% recommend you also commission them if you want a jpn -> eng translation!! And please do not repost this translation anywhere or use it for re-translations into another language.
Alright. Thanks for keeping me accompanied this late today. See you tomorrow. Oh, really? I don’t feel like I’m drunk though. Huh? It’s fine, you don’t have to do that. I’m fine, really! I mean, I just have to take the elevator. I’ll be fine on my own. I don’t want us to be late for tomorrow, so you guys should leave soon and get some rest. Alright then, bye bye! 
(sighs) That surprised me, seriously. I thought they’re gonna hang around again. Gimme a break. Gee, every bunch of ‘em are nuts. They’re thinking they can be all friendly and act over-familiar with me. Anyway they just can’t read the room. (sighs)
In the first place, it’s already midnight. I shouldn’t be out drinking. I didn’t even know drinking with them was part of the plan. Not to mention the no smoking area. Ugh. (sighs) I’m tired. I wanna shower and sleep right away. Ah, but I gotta smoke... Hm? Huh? What’s up with this poster? “Smoking is prohibited outdoors except in designated areas.” Hmmm. I see. In other words, you’d be penalized for this. Sooo? I knew that a long time ago!! Ugh! I’ve been patient until I’m home! And yet they had this notice on! How much harassment do I have to deal with until they get satisfied?! Stop bullshitting me! Uhhh! How annoying. 
(sighs) I’m back. What? Actually, can you not follow me around right up? I’m tired. (sighs) Like I said. I said, “Don’t follow me around” right? Huh? Sure, I tweeted a bit earlier. But why do you- (gasps) I-it was a mistake! See, I’ve deleted it. Plus, it’s not a big deal. 
Ugh! (chugs drink) Anyway, it’s the proprietary company’s fault this happened. What’s their deal? Having that poster up after all this time? Do they know what place this is? It’s a high rise! Not a public place. I always smoke when I’m at home, see? I’m not bothering anyone. I always make sure it’s alright to smoke too. Ugh, it doesn’t make sense. Why do I have to feel irritated even when I’m at home? 
They had construction out of nowhere outside until last year too. The proprietary company seriously don’t get it. If I knew this would happen, I’d prefer the previous high rise. No way I’ll let the proprietary company and the real estate go away for introducing me to this place. At this point, I’ll change this high rise for the worse! Huh? Obviously. I don’t want to spend any longer here. 
That said, I’ll visit the real estate on my next day off. Will you select a few good looking places? Bet you’re free anyway. Oh. But it has to fulfill my conditions. I’m gonna say them out so make sure you remember them. Got it? Here we go. It has to be away from loud streets, allows smoking, must have ten or more levels. Must be close enough to Shibuya, so close that 5000 yen for a taxi fee is enough. Also must come with a delivery box. I don’t want to unlock the door just to accept my stuff. And my working room must be soundproof. I definitely don’t want to meet up with any complaining middle aged neighbors. Has really good security. But I don’t want a place that has concierge or janitors ‘cus they’re annoying. And this is the most important. A place with a proprietary company that gets it, okay? Alright? Did you remember it? 
I’ll never forgive you if you miss even one condition, okay? No way it’s gonna be easy to find that. The residence changes I had thus far were greatly awful. But I’ve no choice, do I? What’s the point of moving, when I come across a bad place like this? Besides, the reason why I have to find something as petty as moving residence’s a hassle. Think carefully, will you? It’s all your fault. If you’re not someone who doesn’t do anything unnecessary, I wouldn’t be so rigid with looking for a place. There are plenty of places I could find right away. 
Do you think an apology could solve this? You know that’s not true. Not when all you’ve been doing is bothering me. Just like that. You still think that I would forgive you if you say sorry, huh? Hehe! You never change. Hehe! Ahh! Looks like you’re in pain. But I know you like this. You can’t help it, you want me to do this. I don’t hate that look on you either. It’s strange how I can distract myself when I see that. Even though I was so irritated until just now. Hehe!
There. I bet this feels good. Seeing how you don’t resist must be because you’re enjoying this. But is it because you love to be strained? Or is it because it feels like I need you? So, how? Was that enough? Or perhaps you wanted more? Haha! Why the silence? When you have such a desirous look on you. You should be honest. Say, “I want more.” Hehe. You are so pathetic. Nobody loves you and you have this “I’m so lonely” face. But I think you’re kind of cute now. It might be because I’m drunk. Thanks to you, my irritation just now is gone. A reward sounds nice but what do you think? You want it? I see. Come here. 
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the-sun-princess · 1 month
Emi Plays Revue Starlight: El Dorado Part 10
ok time to finish off the clautaba stageplay bit and we'll see if i'm insane enough for mahiru to start that route or wait til tomorrow after work
uh....cw?: for my brain finally catching onto lines in the play that straight up tell u whats going on but it didnt click til mahiru said the lines
oh right forgot to know who junna n nana are. sounds like junna's luigi so my guesses have been on the mark this time
oh interesting. miguel and carmencita are here at the grave
ajsfdf mahiru cavallero is just Immediately Shady As Hell thats very funny. tbf it Does help jam in that cavallero is not offering to take salvatore in outta charity
oo now the ring swap. that fits in better. also god i have to turn the bgm even further down so i can actually hear the voicelines
futaba praise :)
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d'awwwww hikari talked a lot about futaba
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yknow cavallero does say salvatore has a lusty toned technique is he like. sexually abusing him? not an interpretation i got outta the others but 3rd time reading and mahiru voicing it makes it sound that way
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i mean he has to be abusing his sailors in SOME way for them to hate them- it just didnt rlly click that rape was a possible option til now.
ble ble ble columbus
ohohohoho? isabel asking to come along this time. this was the only time til now i actually got that salvatore was the one grabbing isabel n kissing her junna salvatore there was 0 impression for me to Not think it was isabel doing it before running off
kaoruko salvatore at least had lines in the intermission that made it seem so
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YEAH I RLLY SHOULDA PUT TOGETHER IT WAS SPOSED TO BE RAPE BEFORE NOW- this isnt even subtext why did my brain just assume it was vague physical violence when its just.....obv sexual assault. tsk tsk at the other cavalleros u didnt say ur lines like a predator enough
sometimes i get overly concious of my art mistakes and then starlight goes and puts out an official product i had to pay for with art like this and i'm like 'i'm fine'
i dont even have a team of editors or ppl meant to be checking this stuff. or speak japanese well but i can still tell when they fucked up a line's translation (sometimes)
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i think its funny that in the intermissions the gfs of everyone come up to give them water
EXCEPT for nana to junna. futaba gave junna water bc nana was off crying in a corner about her kissing mahiru
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well now im just thinking about arisa freaking out at kasumi in bandori s2 skjhf
kiss again. do it you two. kiss again
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kaoruko what does THAT even mean
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oh my GOD kaoruko i s2g
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make allll that fuss about being embarrassed and then have to save face by calling the kiss futaba's "audition" i'm going to bang my head through a wall
yeah yeah obv futaba n claudines performances were inspired by the others
back to da play. carmencita still does Nothing
oh interesting, actual scenes of alejandro catching up to salvatore. .....ALEJANDRO WHY U HIRE THE BULLIES FROM THE FIRST ACT
ISABEL AS A STOWAWAY????????/ oh boy with all the upheaval to the status quo on this one i cannot WAIT for mahiru route
also i fuckin hate this line ksjfh (not literally but)
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all i can think of is
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oh i guess you can sail to granada from wherever they started-
it still makes 0 sense to me on how alejandro caught up to salvatore
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isabel using alejandro just to get to salvatore oohh man just rub it in
yeah sorry bud
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i like how the eyebrow is hidden by the eyepatch but not the hair
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i was wondering what isabel was doin all this time. just watchin i guess. she screams after salvatore jumps ship
rip isabel....still stuck in a destiny thats not of ur choosing
gah i want to mahiru route now. but i know i'll want to play it thru straight. and i have work tomorrow so i cant do that bc gotta get to bed at a semi-reasonable hour. esp if it'll be longer than the other routes like it prob will be
i wonder how tragic it will end...and also presumably where hikari pops in. like i know she's in here SOMEWHERE ksjfdh
<<part 9 part 11>>
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h0rnyv01d · 11 months
0: Height
1: Virgin?
2: Shoe size
3: Do you smoke?
4: Do you drink?
5: Do you take drugs?
6: Age you get mistaken for
7: Have tattoos?
8: Want any tattoos?
9: Got any piercings?
10: Want any piercings?
11: Best friend?
12: Relationship status
13: Biggest turn ons
14: Biggest turn offs
15: Favorite movie
16: I’ll love you if
17: Someone you miss
18: Most traumatic experience
19: A fact about your personality
20: What I hate most about myself
21: What I love most about myself
22: What I want to be when I get older
23: My relationship with my sibling(s)
24: My relationship with my parent(s)
25: My idea of a perfect date
26: My biggest pet peeves
27: A description of the girl/boy I like
28: A description of the person I dislike the most
29: A reason I’ve lied to a friend
30: What I hate the most about work/school
31: What your last text message says
32: What words upset me the most
33: What words make me feel the best about myself
34: What I find attractive in women
35: What I find attractive in men
36: Where I would like to live
37: One of my insecurities
38: My childhood career choice
39: My favorite ice cream flavor
40: Who wish I could be
41: Where I want to be right now
42: The last thing I ate
43: Sexiest person that comes to my mind immediately
44: A random fact about anything
oop this is long so
1: yeah lol
2: 6
3: nope, gotta keep them lungs healthy to stay slutty
4: nopity nope, i’m so scared of saying something i’ll regret while drunk
5: again, nope 😭😭
6: recently people have been offering me kids menus at restaurants? it’s odd, idk how old they think i am but
7: no :(
8: i wanna get a star pattern on my collarbone at some point, and maybe a jellyfish on my upper arm
9: yep! regular lobe, and a cartilage piercing on my right ear
10: i wanna get a bunch of piercings, but just on my ears, i’m getting a conch piercing on my left soon
11: probs my friend sophia but you wouldn’t know her obv lol
12: it’s complicated- we’re both into each other, and weve dated in the past, but neither of us is willing to b like “let’s get back together”
13: men just casually hinting at something they’re into. it just makes my brain go WILD with possibilities
14: being mean outside of sex
15: cinderella (1950)
16: i’ll love you if you’re sweet (my standards are so low i’m sorry)
17: my friends i don’t talk to anymore
18: i’ve had two seizures, and those were probably the worst moments of my life
19: i’m clingy but i won’t admit it
20: my chin and my need for attention
21: i got that hourglass figure <3
22: i wanna be an author!!
23: i have one little sister, i love her, but she’s nuts sometimes
24: no father, and my mom is more like a big sister than a mother to me
25: any date is perfect as long as i’m with someone i love. but if i had to pick, watching fireworks together
26: people pronouncing my city name wrong, idk why
27: he’s a lil short, he’s got curly blonde hair, and he’s so sweet, he wants to be lawyer someday
28: the person i dislike most has greasy brown hair, is 5’6, and looks like he doesn’t shower
29: protecting feelings, and also i’ve lied if i thought it’d help repair friendships
30: waking up early!! i hate getting up at 6
31: “will you wake up if i send you more pictures of cats i like, or should i wait until tomorrow?”
32: ‘we need to talk’
33: i’ve gotten told i look like cinderella twice today :)) that made me feel so amazing
34: i’m more attracted to men than women, but i’ve noticed that whenever i’m into women, they tend to be really strong
35: brunettes for some reason
36: tbh i’m perfectly fine in florida
37: my laugh
38: i used to want to be a marine biologist, and while that field is still incredibly interesting to me, i think i’d rather write
39: vanilla, i’m a basic bitch <3
40: adelaide kane, shes dropdead gorgeous i’d love to be her
41: greece, because apparently there’s a ton of cats!!
42: i had a banana a few hours ago
43: chris hemsworth. on his poster for thor: ragnarok, he literally fits leonardo da vinci’s idea of perfection, so i will unapologetically be saying this
44: the blue whale is the largest animal to have ever lived
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encyclopika · 5 months
An update of sorts - and complaining on main.
I've been stressed out since about February. It's actually a wonder i still got chapters out for my fanfic and did art during this time.
I've been all over for work, from South Jersey, to Massachusetts, to Rhode Island and then to Barcelona Spain (where I am right now) - all trips and events that I had to coordinate alone for the most part, with presentations, permits, travel, you name it.
For the final kick in the ass, someone stole my luggage in Spain by breaking our rental cars window. Luckily, they only stole dirty laundry and shoes, but ffs! Now I gotta deal with insurance for both the window and the last shit. I'm so done.
It really sucks because I never had the desire to go to Spain (or much of Europe) and this now puts me at a 0% chance of coming back on my own accord. Can't believe I've been all over the US, Canada, Fiji, Belize - never had something even remotely like this ever happen.
So, I'm looking forward to going home tomorrow and resting and enjoying my time off.
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