#sass answers
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killerandhealerqueen · 7 months ago
he laid on the ground beside him? he laid on the GROUND BESIDE HIM? HE LAID ON THE GROUND BESIDE HIM?? and you was gonna let me watch that?
Are you talking about the ending of Killer and Healer? Aka Ep. 37, the episode that we do not talk about? You mean...this scene?
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Then uh...yes. Yes I was.
Everyone needs to experience this pain. Everyone
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master-sass-blast · 2 years ago
i love your old dogs new toys fic! you’ve literally created so much out of nothing (they took her from us too soon never forget) love you bye
I've sat on this for so long because I was trying to figure out what to say, and I couldn't think of anything sldkfjlkdsjfldskjfkldsfj.
Still can't, except to say thank you, and love you, too, nonny!
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metamatronic · 1 month ago
(ignore that i fully missed the ask button on the first attempt in my eagerness and accidentally unfollowed and refollowed)
Love your WilliamWasFramed!AU! It's such a fun and unique take on all the characters!
I'm curious about a few things 👀 How did "Eggs" and Springtrap bumping into each other at Fazbear's Frights that first time go? What's Phone Dude's thoughts on Springtrap and also the nightguard he chats on the phone with who's toootally not the same person? And if someone were to, say, write a fanfic of your AU, what'd be your ao3 username so the work can be properly gifted over there-
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First Impressions Are Tough
Will eventually managed to convince the night-guard to let him into the office, but it took some time to get through to him—something about ‘Eggs’ having a nasty run-in with a “friendly-sounding” animatronic in the past.
(Also, my AO3 is metamatronic as well! If anyone were to write me anything I would cry fr /pos)
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call-me-clevy · 3 months ago
Maybe... Fishie foind me?
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Also, I made him more creature. I think he's dumb and I hate him <3
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recurring-polynya · 5 months ago
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Once was one thing...
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...but I feel like this is not just a "I'd have two nickels," situation, I think Renji really is the designated shouter for situations where everyone wants to stand around and do a two-page spread look cool. Is it because he won the All-Gotei Trash Talking Championship, or is this one of those things like tenteikura and opening senkaimon that are just traditional lieutenant duties? He's the only lieutenant present in the first situation. In the second, and in the second, he's the only lieutenant whose...captain is present?
He's also very tall and projects well. Ikkaku is also good at hollerin', but he this happens two panels later, so it's unsurprising that he's been banned from spokesperson duties:
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screwpinecaprice · 5 months ago
Would connverse kid(s) be given any sword training or self-defense (despite era-3 being more peaceful)?
Sorry in advance, I could not English right now. Hope I'm understandable at least. 😅
With my connverse kids, Ebony would be very interested in Gem stuff and going around different places and planets. Apart from hostile environments, there are still rouge and corrupted gems out there though. Best to know combat.
Rohini really likes swordfighting, but she mainly have used it to compete athletically. Sometimes it's useful when she tags along Ebony.
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/Sakura/* saw her older siblings their swords, and she just thinks fencing is fancy. 🤷‍♀️ Whether she'll get over it or not, I don't know yet. Haha
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/Zachary/* would not be interested with swordfighting at all.
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*Sorry, STILL don't know what to officially name the twins. 😅
Also, can I use Steven's healing ability as an excuse for him and Connie still looking younger than their age and hide my inability to depict age? 🥺
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styona · 1 year ago
I may be wrong, but to me it looks like Tob did the most massive eye roll ever known to mankind, he's like 'dude I cannot do this, say something, please, I'm tireddd'. And then Martin straight up refuses to answer the question and elaborate in any shape or form😂 He did not give two fucks, but didn't forget to keep it polite at the same time, 'thanks for your concern tho'😅 (if I got it right) He's like I know you don't give a damn, but thanks for the effort. What a man
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fictionadventurer · 4 months ago
A Biltmore Christmas may be the first Hallmark movie to drive me to fanfic.
#hallmark#a biltmore christmas#time travel#WHERE IS MY POST-CREDITS SCENE SHOWING HOW MARGARET REACTS???#she was one of the best parts of the movie!#you need at least five minutes of her screaming for joy!#also clearly there was a conspiracy of people in the past who knew about the time travel thing so how did that work?#what about that bearded guy on the crew who was CLEARLY another time traveler?#(there is no way that facial hair came from 1947)#also where does the relationship go from there?#how do you adjust?#does tour guide riker help out?#so many unanswered questions can fit into the last scenes of that film and i need answers#also just overall: thanks to people who said this one was worth seeking out because my goodness what a delight#that movie oozed charm#i think maybe my true core fictional love is classic '30s/'40s film because i was digging that vibe#the banter! the patter! the zingers! the perfect blend of cynicism and sentimentality#some of the background stuff was too modern but also some was spot on#that guy who played claude looks like he was born to be a classic Hollywood film star#the leading lady did not fit the vibe at all but she had great chemistry with the movie's leads so i can see why they cast her#the old-timey writer dude was charming#the main lady might be a new favorite hallmark actress (there's only one other on the list)#(watched part of a different film with her in it and she seems to put some of that classic hollywood sass into her roles)#i wasn't sold on the male lead at first but the writing came through for him#when he sits in the chair behind her! when he's trying to guess her personality traits?#charming and absolutely spot-on for the vibe#(the fact that they cast hallmark regulars in the remake is hilarious and also sad because it looks so much worse than the original)#anyway great time had a blast will definitely be rewatching
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blushingbubbles · 9 months ago
you did amazing! we're very proud of toy for doing all its ass spanks
thank u anon 🥹🥹 this made toy so happy and now toy's crying again here's another gif 4u
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ayyy-imma-ninja · 2 years ago
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That's right. They've been rather curious. You think you can...handle them?
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"WHO SAID YOU COULD COME OUT?!" I did. If you won't introduce him yourselves, then I will. ~ ~ ~
Alright, everyone. Got any questions for the little guy? Now's your chance. You can still ask things of or about Sun and Moon, but Lunar questions will be prioritized.
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killerandhealerqueen · 7 months ago
Hello....Do you mind if I ask your top 5 (or top 10) favorite moments from any media that you love (books, anime/manga, tv series, movies, games, etc)? Thanks if you want to answer. Sorry if I ask too much....
No, no, not at all! And oh boy....top 5 favorite moments...ha...okay. This is gonna be very hard, but I'm gonna do my best. Most of these will be from Killer and Healer because I am unwell and unhinged about them
The scene in ep. 12 of Killer and Healer when Jiang Yuelou saves Chen Yuzhi from Jin Dacheng's torture and he looks like he's about to rip out the man's throat
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I do love me a good attack dog
2. The scene in ep. 8 where Jiang Yuelou takes care of Chen Yuzhi after he collapses in the rain
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3. The scene in ep. 16 where Jiang Yuelou saves Chen Yuzhi from Lao Hu (and then when Chen Yuzhi stops Jiang Yuelou from shooting Wang Meng)
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4. The scene in ep. 11 where Zhan Junbai fucking loses his shit and slaughters the two tailors after Yu Tangchun stepped in and took the attack meant for him
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5. The hug in ep. 35. I fucking SOBBED when they reunited
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Plus the head scritch
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Bonus: The moment Jiang Yuelou grabs Chen Yuzhi's face in the deleted scene in the warehouse...good shit
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Never gonna be normal about these two, honestly
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master-sass-blast · 2 years ago
will you be writing more for HTH? (sorry if this is rude or anything, i’m new)
No worries, nonny!
As it so happened, I recently finished the next installment of HTH! It likely won't be posted for a bit yet, though. I have other projects that I'm working on as well, and I like to post in little caches, so I usually don't post fics until I have a little something for each major project.
But content will be coming, you can count on that!
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usedtobethelegendcreator · 2 months ago
I also grew up in the south, and one thing I desperately wish to see is our snarky Radio Demon slamming someone with a good old-fashioned, "Well bless your sweet little heart," insult.
YES. ABSOLUTELY. Ideally with the sweetest voice ever. Like, so kind that the other characters are visibly surprised by how nice he sounds. Cut to his face. His eyes are dials. He goes on to roast the recipient beyond recovery. All is as it should be.
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ask-runaan-anything · 7 months ago
Uhh by the way the egg wasn't destroyed so you killed someone for no reason
Excuse you. I killed someone for honor and vengeance, as was my edict. Avizandum, the King of the Dragons, was dead - murdered and turned to stone on the day he was to hatch his son's egg - and so the Dragon Queen decreed to me that King Harrow of Katolis needed to perish too, to pay the price for taking that life.
But you are right about one thing - the egg of the Dragon Prince was alive. You'll notice that Ezran, his human counterpart as an innocent and the son of the king, remains conveniently alive as well.
I can in fact do math, even with only eight fingers.
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in future, do try to accuse me of sins I've actually committed. I have a list.
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soaps-mohawk · 7 months ago
No need to respond, but I offer you
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The Snoozer Duo (ft. Diva Snoozer)
I love them 😍 I love them so much omg the snoozer duo sweet babies
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savage-sinister · 8 days ago
What would someone do if they met a Frankenstein Monster who was being abused
Don't quote me on this pal, but I think that question might be answered in a novel called "Frankenstein" by Mary Shelley.
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