#and he has a p strong moral compass
llumimoon · 1 year
I know I very much have a Normal Oak bias <3 but I do really understand each of the teens and their reasons for doing everything that they’ve done in this episode! It’s really really interesting to me to see all their different ideals, attitudes, and feelings clash !! I love Normal to pieces but I can admit that he can be pretty self centered and insecure at times. He has his flaws! As do the rest of the teens! And that’s why I love them so much as characters <3
#dndads#cal rambles#dndads spoilers#<- mostly just for what I’m gonna talk abt in the tags#i have a tendency to only talk abt my feelings surrounding Normal n the Oak family#bc they’re my favorite characters and I feel that I can articulate my ideas with the depth that I think they deserve#so I think I can come off at times as favoring Normal or thinking he’s always in the right#when he’s not! he’s absolutely not#did he fuck up a little this episode? for sure !! he is not completely blameless#i just like thinking abt the emotional fallout <3#i think Norm’s deep insecurities and self centered ness is gonna lead to like. a BIG OL BLOWOUT LMAO#i feel bad bc my guy can NOT get a break oh my god his house is going to fucking explode soon#but also !! everyone is hurting here !!#not JUST Normal even if that’s who I tend to focus on#it hurt a little to have everyone push Scary away#and it hurt to have no one understand Link !!#everyone is hurting each other right now#i feel like Link is a much more impulsive guy yknow#he thinks abt what to do in the NOW#and he has a p strong moral compass#which is why I looove Link all his actions and thoughts make COMPLETE AND TOTAL SENSE !#Normal on the other hand i think tends to over think things a ton or jusy. not think at all IWHEEGAJHA#AUGHHGH i ran out of tags to complete my thought here but <3#anyways i haven’t been in the dndads tag much these past few eps bc I’ve been a lil stressed out from all the character debates lol#so forgive me if this is redundant or something#i just wanted to get my piece out there <3
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darcylindbergh · 2 months
I have no idea what Harris' actual views on I/P are, but even if she is fully pro-Palestine wouldn't she still have to meet with Netanyahu? I mean realistically any change the US can possibly make would have to involve talking to Israel, right? Presidents meet with Putin even if they hate him/Russia's actions because that's how international politics works, it doesn't mean they like/agree with him
Well, theoretically, there's a bit of political game playing involved yes. But because the ICC has issued warrants for Netanyahu's arrest, if we're strictly following international law, Netanyahu shouldn't have been meeting anybody, he should have been arrested. But we're not doing that because the US currently thinks the ICC is wrong, which is a bad look for the US and which undermines the strength of international law, so I think this is bad and also wrong, but that's what's happening at present. And although US presidents etc have historically met with Putin, they would not at this point because Putin also has warrants out for his arrest. The difference between how the US has treated Putin v Netanyahu is, as it seems, pretty hypocritical.
Practically speaking, as you say, meeting with Netanyahu is a bit of a political game. The US has historically been a very strong ally to Israel and the US has historically been very much involved in the normalization of relations vis a vis Israel and the rest of the Middle East, and the US would very much like to remain involved in brokering a lasting peace, which involves not seriously alienating Netanyahu and Israel et al. Netanyahu and his far-right government are the ones holding up the ceasefire, and the US is only able to exert pressure so long as they are a valuable ally to Israel - if Israel has nothing to lose, in other words, the US loses its ability to exert pressure. And Harris wants very much to hang onto that ability, because she's setting herself up to exert more pressure than Biden has.
Harris has been critical of Israel. Harris is the highest-ranking Dem that has been critical of the situation in Gaza. She has been upfront about highlighting the suffering in Gaza. She's not oblivious to the conversations going on re: Palestine and the ongoing genocide. She's not sticking her head in the sand on it.
“The images of dead children and desperate hungry people fleeing for safety, sometimes displaced for the second, third or fourth time - we cannot look away in the face of these tragedies. We cannot allow ourselves to become numb to the suffering and I will not be silent.”
But she's trying to walk a very careful line on public sentiment re: Israel and Palestine. She's going to be very cautious to condemn anything with even a whiff of antisemitism in strong terms. She's going to be very cautious to affirm Israel's right to exist and to defend itself, which she does in the article linked above, with the caveat that "how it does so matters." But her willingness to call attention to the crisis ongoing in Gaza and her willingness to imply wrong-doing by Israel in how that crisis has been created signals to Netanyahu that her government will have stronger limits than Netanyahu has encountered previously. Will she be a perfect candidate? No. Will she always align with my moral compass? No. Will she be totally evil? Also no.
As voters, what does this mean for us and how we support Gazans and Palestinians?
To me this is very simple. Harris is a candidate who is willing and able to exert pressure on Israel to end the genocide and, ideally, to broker a long-lasting peace. Trump is a candidate who is willing and able to exert pressure on Israel to blow Gaza off the face of the earth. Between "willing to tell Netanyahu this is unacceptable" and "willing to tell Netanyahu to break out a nuke," I'm voting for the former every fucking time.
Not voting or voting third party doesn't actually tell Democrats anything except that you didn't care. They don't have a list of people who would otherwise have voted blue if only they'd taken harder pro-Palestine stance, they're not cross-checking your voting status against your social media posts and going, oh, nuts, we lost that one. Not voting or voting third party doesn't exert pressure on the Dems to go more left, you're not "teaching them a lesson," you're not making a point. It's non-information. It's not a boycott - it's a white flag. It's giving up.
You know how you exert pressure on politicians? You call. You write. You protest. Are you still calling your representatives about Gaza every day? Are you going to town halls and asking them about what they're doing to stop the genocide? Pressure is exerted through participation.
Progress is made by the people who show up.
If the Dems lose, you can pressure them all day and it won't make a difference because they don't have any power to make a difference. And the racist, anti-Muslim, anti-Middle East far right won't be listening no matter how much you shout.
I'm not giving up on Palestinians just because some greyface anon on the internet tells me I'm a bad person for choosing to vote for the candidate I can pressure to make a change.
I'm also not going to give up on people here at home who's lives are hanging in the balance. I'm a queer woman with a uterus and a pre-existing condition - I simply do not have the luxury or the privilege to stay home in November. I do not have the luxury or the privilege of being a single issue voter. I'm not going to give up on trans kids or immigrants or BIPOC or women or disabled folks or poor folks. I'm not going to give up on healthcare or on libraries or on public schools or on the environment or on the court systems. I'm not going to give up on safe workplaces and livable wages and safe products. I'm not going to give up and let corporate monopolies and censorship and AI and five rich dudes decide what the future will be.
Don't you care? Don't you look around you and care about the people in your own communities? Or are those people too real, too complicated? Do you only care when you can win points off it in someone else's inbox on tumblr dot com?
Is Kamala Harris going to be the perfect pro-Palestinian candidate? No. But I'm not inviting her to brunch. I don't need her to be my bestie. I don't need her to be my moral compass - I have one of my own, thanks.
I just need her to step forward instead of back.
Progress is made one step at a time.
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slickchickchocolatier · 6 months
₵Ⱨ₳₱₮ɆⱤ ₴ɆVɆ₦ : The Cannibal
Series: The Otherside
Warnings: gore, mentions of butchering human bodies, hints of cannibalism, survive and escape vibes, blood, dub-con vibes, this is not for the light hearted.
“Fuck this shit I’m out!”
Like clockwork, each member fleds; they spread out, ditching their pitiful gardening tools. You hear the commotion as you wiggle within the chained restraint, how odd that a whole group would rather flee than to gain up and tackle one man; surely they would win if they did.
The chains remain unbreakable as you attempt to feed your hands out of the metal cuffs, only able to free one hand in the process. You managed to lean your body over as the chained belt pinches your waistline. You finger the other cuff, desperately trying to pry it open so you could have both hands to work on the elongated piece that belted you to the stone platform. Suddenly a small poke causes you to yelp as the sharp sensation is pressed against your throat. You lay wide eyed as you stare Jessica dead in the eye. Her measly weapon of opportunity was hardly to be afraid of, yet with you forced into a stagnant position, you feared for your life as you saw desperation in her expression. “Don’t you dare move, I swear—“
Blood splatters across your face and you fall into a moment of shock. For about three seconds, your mind was an optical illusion until you snapped back into the reality of the situation—which was your co-worker stumbling to pieces as a large machete blade was fed through her stomach. The projection of the throw, along with the precision, was strong enough to slash through bone and cartilage. Your lips quiver out of fear as you watch her eyes roll back. Down she goes.
You couldn’t stop shaking. The amount of horror within you was enough to shrivel your spine, yet somehow you had enough courage—or curiosity, to turn your head. What you feared most was the expectation of this gifted killer to come at you next, now that everyone was gone. Your peripherals caught sight of numerous bodies laying lifeless by his feet, no wonder the remaining members chose to escape. The man was silent in his actions, you weren’t aware that he chopped down more than the leader of the group.
He stalks his way over in your direction. You shook more vigorously as you made out his body type. He was tall, with a boxy frame; mostly slender with subtle bulky muscle that graced his arms. The veins travel along them like rivers in the Amazon. He comes closer, and closer.
“Well shit.”
His voice was as deep as his brows. He tilts his head as he sighed, it was one that expressed the burden of a heavy weight—you.
“P-please…d-don’t—“ it was all you could stutter as you refused to take your eye off him. It was a defensive trait as you feared turning away would place you in a vulnerable spot, until you realized that you were without a weapon and chained up.
He squints his eyes and licks the top row of his offensive teeth. What was he going to do? The others had it coming, even with the intention of leaving this grave sight without killing anyone, that moral compass went south the moment he was spotted digging up fresh graves. He never liked hurting people, but became so good at it due to the amount of times he’s been forced to. Not to mention, all the times he’s had to hunt for food with Heeseung. Under normal circumstances, it was usually his sadistic friend who would do the deed. All his victims were ones who collected victims themselves; the sick and demented that were gifted in return by society due to their families expanded wealth. But ever since a pretty dainty thing named h/n inadvertently caught his eye, Heeseung had been more preoccupied in taming his new pet, leaving for Sunghoon to resort to this old nightly trend. A trend that was meant to end peacefully and inconspicuously, has now produced a conundrum.
‘What the hell do I do now? Do I call Heeseung and Jake?’
He was certain that his friends would come to aid him, there was no question about it. It was the sense of burdening them to do so, especially when Heeseung had recently claimed how much more work than he expected to clip his little birdies' wings. As for Jake, it had been a solid week since either one of them had heard from the Aussie stud.
The silence early killed you itself. You couldn’t bear it anymore as you anticipated the worst of the man’s actions. With his grip tightening on the remaining blade, his pupils shift from side to side as he ponders on what exactly the best course of action to take. Finishing you off was out of the question. You weren’t presenting a threat—at least not yet. While the others provided reasons to die by his hand, it was obvious by your current condition that you were dragged into this matter against your own will. A frail little thing, presented as an offering for their false belief. In a way, he felt sorry for you.
He notices your free hand, which then triggers him to make his next move. Tossing you a black sash, he directs the aim of it to your face. “Cover your eyes.”
His voice was low. You hysterically sob as you come to the conclusion that the man was going to execute you blindfolded. As if he read your mind, he sits on the stone platform beside you and leans in. “I’m not going to hurt you. Okay? Just put it on and we’ll get out of here. No screaming or crying, otherwise I will have to shut you up.”
His words sounded sincere. Maybe that was due to how his fingers came up to sweep the stands away from your cheek. You had no choice, so you obliged. Seeing you struggle to place the tie the sash nearly made him chuckle. It was somewhat cute with the way you were trying to obey, so much that you did everything you could to hold it in place when you weren’t able to tie it properly. He raises his hands and with a gentle, feathered touch, he ties the dash for you. Your breath paused during the entire time as you felt the long fingernails gently feeding through your hair. “Don’t move.”
You barely process his words when suddenly you felt the weight of metal shambles relieve you. You couldn’t see how he did it, but from what you could gather helping your ears, the man was skilled with those blades of his and managed to cut the chains at an angle, immediately snapping it and breaking the length of it. “I’ll remove this later.” His voice calmly states as you felt his finger hook under the cuff, between your skin and the metal. Breaking the other chains, you felt the lightweight of freedom. It felt like you were floating.
He drags you for God knows how long. Finally the car stabilizes to park mode as you feel the riddling engine shut off and the seat beneath you stops vibrating. The door closest to you opens and you feel his hands lift you from the back seating row. He was gentle, but so strong. You hindered each breath as you try to guess where he has taken you, but the blindfold proves to be an adequate obstruction in blocking your vision. He sits you down in what you guessed was a couch, after bringing you in and aiding you up a series of stairs after sitting in an elevator for a lengthy ride. At least you think it was an elevator. Your ankles binder by rope as are your wrists. He broke the chains but kept you bonded to ensure his cover and identity was not released through your venturous escape. When all was said and done, you feel him gently untying the blindfold and lifting it from your eyes. You looked around and was amazed to find yourself at the center of a well furnished bedroom. Seated on the edge of the large bed, you looked around to see the modern art pieces and the small sculptures that decorated the space. He stood before you with blood staining his hands and flight suit.
“Make yourself comfortable. You’ll be staying here for a while.”
You slightly shook your head. “I-I can’t—“
“It’s either you stay, or you die.” He cuts you off while still keeping a calm demeanor. “You saw what I did. I can’t risk you going out and getting the police involved. For now on, you stay here.”
At first you couldn’t lie, a piece of you didn’t seem to have any objections considering his rather luxurious apartment, the man obviously came from money and luck. However, you couldn’t possibly stay with a strange man, especially when a significant factor that had slipped your mind back at the grave sight, it came back up as if to specifically impede in your decision…except you didn’t really have one.
Your eyes widened in absolute horror as you watched from up the staircase. Through the front door, he brought in one body bag after another. Oh God…
Now you remember why he was there in the first place. Overhearing the confused gasps of the cult allowed you to piece together the sickness this man was infected with. You panicked. You had to figure out how to get out of these ropes, there’s no way you could stay here. This man—this monster, was he intending to keep you so he could butcher you for his future meals? It becomes harder to breathe as you wiggled and squirmed, doing your best to break free. You hear him dragging one of the bodies into the bathroom, no doubt getting ready to section it off, piece by piece.
Finally, shifting your wrists loosened up the rope. You were able to use your teeth to pull it completely out of place, undoing the knot completely. You freed your ankles and removed your shoes to avoid making any noise against the magnificently marbled tile. Tip toeing through the hall, you took each step down the staircase as gently and carefully as possible. You heard him working the corpse from the crack in the door, it was the most sickening sound you ever heard. You weren’t sure what was worse, nearly being killed for a sickening ritual or being saved by a man who was the sickest.
The knob is within your grasp, you hold on and gently turn it. The door clicks open, which fortunately occurred during a large chop through what you guessed was a limb or joint. Opening the front door allowed you to view the entire private corridor, leading to a dead end. There, you saw it. A single elevator stationed off to the side. Freedom.
You quickly make your way over, but despair hits you in finding out that the keypad to the side required a passcode in order to operate it. It would so appear the entire floor was a private residence, as well as this elevator. How you wished you had peeled from beneath the blind fold to see the code entered. How were you supposed to get out of here now?
Taking the chance to guess the code, you start puncturing numbers at random. The keypad flashes red and makes a subtle beep to reflect the error. You continued to enter a compilation of numbers when a sudden sight caused you to scream. A bloodied hand reaching over your shoulder, plastered over the keypad. You jolt back and lea against the wall, the man was coated with more blood than before. It was a hellish sight, one that you could never forget.
“Running?” His voice came off almost facetiously as he taunts you with a small toothy grin. His look was somewhat different from before. It was a look of bold hunger, a contrast from the seemingly shy-quiet boy appeal he had before. It was almost as if the smell and sight of blood triggered him, the same way it happens with a lone shark in deep waters.
“Please…I-i won’t tell anyone. Just let me leave. I didn’t ask to be here…I didn’t ask for any of this. I just want to forget about all of this. I promise I won’t—“
He takes a step towards your direction, inadvertently shutting you up. Seeing you in this light, this specific version of you, it was eye opening to him. He’s never seen someone so wide eyed and pure, so clean and sheltered from the toxicity of evil and gore. To him, you were Persephone, in need of her Hades. He raises a hand with the intention of caressing your cheek, but the glistening shine of the red stain causes you to squint and yelp in fear. Of course it would. How clumsy of him to forget that the essence of your purity shouldn’t be stained. He lowers his hand, flicking his two fingers, bidding you to come hither his way. “Come here. Come and stay with me.”
You shook your head vigorously. There was no way. Not after knowing his darkest secret. “I can’t! Please let me go!”
He smiles and gives a small chuckle. “Go upstairs, and clean up. Top drawer to the right, you’ll find my collared button shirts. Put one on and get some sleep.” It was almost as if he didn’t even hear you. Maybe he did, he just refused to listen or honor your words. You shook your head in gloom as you found yourself trapped and forced to abide by his command. You sob silently as you start to walk back to the front door, his arm shelters your shoulders as he cradles you under the strength of his limb.
“Shh…good little girl.”
Taglist: @nshmrarki , @lprww , @baekxo07 , @m7omo@nikstrange@heeshees@moonmoongi@heesitation@heeseung-min @nctsslut @heeseung-min @addictedtohobi @strxwbloody
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eating-plastic · 1 year
Leaving Morals Behind: Kent x fem!reader SMUT
Warnings: NSFW, smut (MINORS AND AGELESS BLOGS DNI), age gap (older man-younger woman. Reader is ALWAYS +18), AFAB!reader, p in v sex, rough sex, oral sex (male receiving), masturbation, choking (the good kind 😏) , the ol' cheatin' with the babysitter trope, dom!Kent, sub!reader, degrading, infidelity (duh), swearing, slow burn, mentions of PTSD, reader tries so hard to be a good person lol, there are some feeling in this, probably some grammatical errors
Word Count: 7724 Words
A/N: Okay, I know, infidelity is wrong, cheating is wrong, I wouldn't cheat on my partner, and I'd hope to God he wouldn't cheat on me, my mama always said married men are off limits...but y'all are lying if you said you wouldn't become a homewrecking whore for this man. I'd happily be this man's fucktoy if Jodi ain't givin' it up lol. Please leave all morals at the "read more" line, you will be able to pick them back up at the end of the fic. Keep your hands and feet inside the ride at all times, and away we go!
You always thought you were a good person, or at least you always tried to be. You liked to be liked, giving and getting respect and rewards. Always wanting to be friends with a strong moral compass you never strayed from. So when you had inherited your grandfather's old farm and had to move to Stardew Valley, you were none the wiser that it was going to be a test of your good nature.
A test you were going to fail at.
Stardew Valley was beautiful, at least you thought so. Sure it wasn't as big and bustling as the city you were used to, but you didn't mind. No, the only problem you had was money.
The farm was a fixer upper, that was for sure. You knew you would have to get some seeds and maybe some animals to make money, but all you were concerned with was making the home look like a home.
And food. You needed food.
Whelp, looks like it was job hunting time for you.
Unfortunately you didn't even know where to start.
"Wow, so mom was right," the sound of a male voice causes you to turn. Behind you was a man about your age with blonde hair. "Someone did move into the old man's place."
Of course, that's where you would start. Being nice as you always were.
"Hi, I'm Y/N. Uh, this was apparently my grandpa's farm," you hold your hand out for him to shake. He takes it, but looks at you weird.
"You didn't know?"
"Uh, well no. I wasn't very close with him. I think I only knew him when I was a toddler," you truly didn't remember, then again your family was never close with their own. "So, you gotta name?"
"Oh yeah, sorry. I'm Sam."
Well, so far so good.
"Well, Sam, you wouldn't happen to know if anyone here has a help wanted sign or something. Kind of, uh...need to get this place fixed up."
He thinks for a moment.
"Eh, not sure. But hey, why don't I show you around? I'm sure you'll find something!"
With that, you followed Sam around, even getting to know him a bit more. You found him relatively likable, but you didn't really support his dislike for authority. Of course, you felt disappointment bubbling within you due to small towns typically meaning little opportunities. At the sight of your defeated face, Sam sighs.
"Look...there's someplace that is hiring, but it kinda sucks."
"Psh, I just need enough money for food and get the farm looking like, well, an actual farm."
"Yeah, it really does look like a shithole," at that, you punch his shoulder. "Ow! Okay, sorry. Look, I work at Jojamart, it's this big business that moved in recently, and they're always looking for workers. I don't like it, but if you can put up with it, then I'll take you there."
To make a long story short, you told Sam to lead you there.
You tried to get by on such a humble paycheck, but operation "fix up your new farm" was going slower than you'd like. On the bright side, at least your friendship with Sam was going well. You viewed him as the brother you never had, and he viewed you as the sister he never had. Not to mention he had introduced you to his friends Sebastian and Abigail, although the latter was more agreeable and welcoming to your kindness.
About a month or two of you living in Pelican Town had passed, Sam had asked if you wanted to go out drinking with him. He even added that it was his treat since you said you didn't want to spend your paycheck on anything that wasn't a necessity. He clearly had something he wanted to talk to you about and you alone, considering Sebastian and Abigail weren't present like usual.
"So...any reason you wanted to drag me out for a drink?" swirling your glass and watching the drink that moved within.
"First of all, you need it. You've been working for six months straight."
"I have not! And for your information, I can handle the responsibilities of a job. You can't even bear working for an hour." you quipped.
"Not true. I can't handle working two hours, thank you very much."
"Heh, okay okay," you prepared to take a sip of your drink. "So, what's the second thing?"
"How good are you with kids?"
You nearly choke on your drink and let out a laugh of disbelief.
"Wha-What kinda question is that?" your laugh makes Sam let out a nervous chuckle.
"Yeah, that does sound weird, huh?"
"You don't say."
He clears his throat, before explaining himself.
"Look, my mom's been stressed. Especially since my dad's been deployed. I gotta kid brother that she always worries about, and leave yours truly to babysit. Besides, you said you've been looking for a second job, anyways."
It's true. With the humble paycheck Joja was giving you, it was hard to get the farm fixed up, hence why you never went out drinking with Sam and his friends.
"It won't be much, but my mom really needs the break. Even if it's just for a day," the blonde looks at you pleadingly.
"Any little bit helps," you nod. "You sure your mom would be okay with a total stranger watching her kid?"
"Believe me, you're not a stranger to her. I've talked about so much that she thinks we're dating," he jokes.
"Ew!" you did a fake shudder at that, even making a goofy grossed out face.
"I know!" he lets out his own playful noise of disgust, before collecting himself. "So, uh, what do you say? Think you can put up with my little brother."
"Of course I can. I've babysat more kids than I can count before moving here. You have got yourself a deal, Samson." you held your hand out to shake on it.
Sam gave you an annoyed look that made you laugh. He hated being called by his full name, which you reveled in. Still, he shook your hand, sealing the deal.
You told Sam that you would show up at his place the following Saturday. Upon meeting his mother Jodi and his little brother Vincent, you liked them just as quickly as you liked him. Jodi did look as exhausted as her eldest son described, and was trying to turn you away from babysitting her youngest. Not because she didn't trust you, but because she felt she didn't have the money you deserved for taking time out of your day to watch the little boy that was eagerly asking you all sorts of questions.
You just told her what you told Sam, any little bit helped no matter how small. Besides, you were quickly taking a liking to Vincent. In fact, you would say that he was one of the cutest kids you'd ever babysat.
And so, after standing your ground, the woman caved, and asked her youngest son if he would like you to watch over him.
The answer was a resounding "yes".
So she left, leaving the two of you alone in the home.
"What are you doing?" Vincent asked, watching you tidy up the living room of the home.
"Just cleaning the room up a bit. Wanna help me? you had decided to indulge the child's love for insects, making sure he didn't get too dirty. At least, to the best of your abilities. He still needed to wash his hands afterwards. As such, you decided to assist Jodi even more by picking the house up a bit.
"I thought only mom cleaned?" he cocked his head to the side.
"Everyone cleans, kiddo. A nice home means a nice life," you moved to the kitchen to do some dishes.
"Is that true?" he asked.
"Mmhm, it is. Come on, you can help me dry dishes."
"But isn't that boring?" he still followed you into the kitchen despite his question.
"It doesn't have to be. How about I tell you a story while we work? Sound good?" you knelt down to be at eye level with the kid.
"Okay...but only if you let me have gummies afterwards."
"Whatever you say kiddo. Just don't tell your mother about the "gummy" part, kay?" you ruffled his hair and moved a chair closer to the sink for him to stand on.
He pulled himself onto the chair, and you began to tell a story you remembered from your childhood.
You were coming up on a year of living in Stardew Valley, and your farm didn't look like it's former self at all. Now, you had crops of your own, as well as a couple of hens. As such, you quit your job at Jojamart, now selling your wares, but you still babysat Vincent at least once a week.
You loved the kid just as you loved Sam: as another brother you never had. Jodi was still apologetic with the small amount of money she paid you, but you no longer cared. You weren't babysitting her younger son for money anymore, now you were doing it because you wanted to. Besides, you enjoyed helping the overworked woman out with cleaning up the house a bit.
As such, it allowed her to repay you by joining her family for dinner. It was nice eating with what you now would consider a surrogate family, now that you were so far away from your own. In fact, both Jodi and Vincent had finally stopped calling you and Sam a couple, which was nice.
Yes, your good nature and morals was certainly still shining through, and rewarding you in the end.
That was until he showed up.
You were eating some of Jodi's lentil soup for supper that night. While Vincent complained about it, you told him that if you could eat it, he could eat it. So he sucked it up.
Meanwhile, Sam was discussing a song he was writing with Sebastian asking for your ideas. The ideas you gave ranged from serious to jokey.
It was all going so well, until the front door opened.
You all turned your heads to look at who it was. Though you never met him, you knew just who you were looking at. Sam, Vincent, and Jodi all told you about Kent. You knew he was in the military, and how his family had worried about him. He was loved, and everyone's words made you want to meet him when he got back from his deployment.
Now though, you felt small as his eyes fell upon you. He was analyzing you, a stranger in his home, despite clearly being on good terms with his family.
You wanted to excuse yourself early, now no longer hungry as you were intruding on what should have been a nice moment of a family reuniting.
Of course, after Kent found out you were both Sam's best friend and Vincent's babysitter, he stopped staring daggers at you like you had just burnt his most valued possessions. He even offered you his hand to shake, which you noticed was rough and large compared to yours.
After being properly introduced to him, you voiced that you were going to leave, coming up with the excuse that your crops needed tending to.
As you walked home, you decide to stay away from Sam's place for a bit, wanting him and his family to have a proper reunion with the patriarch of the house.
It had been a few days since that dinner, and you were still following your decision. You still hung out with Sam, and Jodi and Vincent always said "hi" to you when you passed by them in town square, but you still didn't want to intrude.
So you spent these past days walking around Pelican Town, after tending to your crops and hens. You loved taking in the scenery and waving hello to any of the villagers that you'd greet. You also just love getting lost in your thoughts.
"Hey, uh, Y/N!"
You jump at the sound of a rough, male voice calling your name. You turn around and see Kent walking towards you. He doesn't seem as cold as he was when you first met him. As such, you got a better look at the older man now that you weren't frozen under his gaze.
He looked like an older, more handsome and rugged version of Sam. Also more muscular too, at least from what you could tell despite the clothes.
"H-Hi," you still can't help but be shy around him.
"Look...I'm sorry about our first meeting. I noticed you were kinda shaken up after it," he rubs the back of his neck, clearly feeling a bit guilty about it.
"It's okay. You didn't know me. You just wanted to eat and sleep I imagine, right?"
"Yeah," he nods and sighs. "Still, why don't we start over, clean slate."
He holds his large hand out for you to shake once more. You smile sheepishly, and take it.
"Clean slate," you agreed.
Clean slate was right. After that day, everything in your world went back to normal. You got to babysit Vincent again, and you felt welcomed to hang out and eat supper at Sam's place too.
However, you quickly noticed that things were a bit rocky in his world. He would talk about how he was happy to have his dad back, but noticed that he seemed so standoffish, Vincent would even complain that he didn't play with him anymore. Jodi never spoke on the matter, but you assumed that she understood the seriousness on the matter. You certainly did.
Before moving to Stardew Valley, you had a huge interest in psychology, taking classes in both high school and college. You even had plans of becoming a psychologist. Funny how those plans changed.
The point is, you had an idea what Kent was going through. Being a soldier certainly wasn't easy. You had no doubts in your mind that he had seen and done things most couldn't even bear.
Whenever you would walk around town, you'd notice that he would stand under trees a lot, all by himself and deep in thought. Sure, he'd smile and wave at you when you'd pass by, but you knew that there was a disturbance inside his head. You wondered if he wanted someone to talk to. Then again, you didn't want to be pushy. Besides, you were just a family friend that he was only starting to get to know. There was only one way to find out.
Asking him.
You timed your walk perfectly with Kent heading out to stand under the tree just North of his home. He was a bit suspicious, considering you would usually take your walk later, but maybe you just felt like taking it sooner.
"Afternoon, Y/N," he greeted and continued on his way.
"Hey, Kent," you chirped.
"You're taking your walk early."
"Yeah, I didn't have much to do today. Why sit inside waiting for the clock to strike when you can just do it now, right?"
"I guess," he tenses up a bit when he notices you aren't breaking away from him like usual. Maybe you were just in a friendly mood. "So, uh, how's the farm coming?"
"Oh, it's going great! You should've seen it before I cleaned it up. You wouldn't even recognize it.
"Maybe...this town hasn't changed much since I left."
His jaw is tight and he clearly is starting to get lost in thought. Now was your chance.
"Are you okay?" you ask.
"I'm fine," he says quickly.
Alright, that didn't give you much to work with.
"Do you...do you want me to leave you alone?" you clearly aren't buying his words.
Kent sighs, deeply.
"Y/N, listen, don't you have something better to do than waste time following me around?"
Resistance, that was to be expected. Still, you would try one more time. If he continued to push you away, then that would be it. You would leave him alone.
"I know you're not fine, Kent. I can't imagine what you're going through, but I just want you to know that I'll listen to you if you need me to. But if you want me to leave you alone, then I will."
He stares at you intensely. He's both analyzing your words, and deciding if he wants to talk. You continue to look up at him, patience evident on your face. Eventually, he takes a deep breath and begins to speak.
"You like listening to other people's problems?"
"I like being there for people if they want me to, however they want me to. So, if you want me to leave, I will."
"Heh, a farmer, a babysitter, and a shrink. Is there anything else you can do that I don't know about?" he really doesn't want to give you a straightforward answer. Unfortunately for him, you were more stubborn than you let on. At your lack of backing down, he just looks away from you.
"It just doesn't feel right....Like I can't go back to normal no matter how hard I try. I'm happy to be home...but I hate that I can't just go back to who I was before...," he trails off.
Well that's shocking. You were really expecting him to tell you to "fuck off". Still, you'll take it.
"Have you tried talking to someone about this? Jodi?" you push a bit, seeing how responsive he'll be. Luckily, he replies to your question.
"No one here gets it, so why should I? Besides, Jodi just wants to pretend that everything is still great, so why should I ruin that? Hell, why am I even telling you this, anyways?" he runs a hand through his hair, frustration evident at the matter.
"Only you know the answer to that, Kent. I'm not gonna tell you what you should and shouldn't do, or how you should feel," you hesitantly hold your hand up to touch his arm." I'm just here if you want someone to just listen to you."
You're both silent now. Neither of you know what you want to say. Still, your hand is resting reassuringly on his arm, which he doesn't shove off. Finally, the older man sighs.
"Look, just...," he thinks about what he wants to say. "Just know that you don't have to waste your time listening to me, okay."
You give him a sympathetic smile.
"It's not wasting my time, if I'm just doing what I wanna do," you squeeze his arm gently before letting it go. "I just want to be there for you, Kent. Just like with Sam, and Jodi, and Vincent....And I'll do it however you all want me to."
He glances at you, before giving you a shadow of a smile.
"You're too nice of a person. You know that, Y/N?"
"So I've been told," you giggle.
'You were just being nice,' you thought. It seems like those five words had become your mantra ever since that day.
You were just being nice while you listened to Kent open up about whatever he felt comfortable with telling you.
You were just being nice when you would reassuringly touch his arm and speak so sweetly to him.
You were just being nice when you would give him gifts he loved, while the rest of his family would only get gifts that they liked.
And it was just a coincidence that you started wearing more dresses now, because he would always compliment you when you wore them.
Everything even got to the point where Kent would visit you at your farm to help move things that were too heavy for you, when you had complained about whatever you were having trouble with. You didn't want him to strain himself, but he insisted. He said it was because he was repaying you for always being there for his family.
So yes, you were just being nice when you would watch him move objects around, always wearing a white tank top that showed off his arms, or even forfeiting the shirt entirely.
You were just being nice, because you were just making sure he didn't pass out from heat stroke, hence why you gave him towels, ice cold lemonade, or even offered your shower to him.
This wasn't because you desired the older man. No, of course not. How could you? He was not only married with a family, but you were friends with his family. Sure he was attractive, and sure he cared about you, but you'd never pursue anything with him. You weren't a homewrecker.
You weren't. Even when your brain would betray you and make you dream about Kent in situations that ranged from wholesome, with him kissing you while standing under one of the many trees he stood under, to down right pornographic with him pinning you down to any surface and fucking your brains out. Nope, you couldn't be into him. Even when you would wake up from those dreams with butterflies in your stomach or damp panties.
No. You couldn't. After all, would you really be into him if a cold shower washed those thoughts away? Would you really be into him if you still hung out with him and his family? Of course not.
You were just being nice.
Well, that was until one wet dream you had one night.
'You were babysitting Vincent like always. You were helping him study for a science test he had that Friday. You supposed you could add tutor to that list of farmer, babysitter, and shrink.
Suddenly, both Jodi and Kent entered the home. The boy at your side got up from your spot on the floor and ran into his mother's arms. She said that he had a doctor's appointment, which was odd because you could've sworn Vincent's doctor's appointment had passed. Still, they both left, leaving you and the older man alone in the home.
He walked into the dinning room, and called for you to follow him. You did what you were told, only to have his hand wrapped around your throat. You could still breathe, but it didn't stop you from jumping.
Kent now had you pinned up against the dining room table, calling you a "dirty homewrecker" and a "filthy whore", and with his hand under the skirt of your dress.
The next thing you knew, you were bent over the table, your skirt flipped up and your panties ripped off, all while the older man behind you used your body like you were nothing but a sex doll.
Fuck, it felt amazing. You had never had your body used like that before, but you were already addicted to it. Especially as you felt your orgasm coming closer...and closer...and....'
You woke up, panties completely soaked and your pussy craving attention. It was at that moment in your lust filled mind that you thought one thing: fuck it.
No cold shower was gonna take care of this, and you decided that you were done lying to yourself. You were done with being nice all the time. You wanted Kent, and you didn't give a fuck about his wife and sons.
So, you slipped your hand down your body and underneath the waistband of your pajama shorts and panties.
Little did you know that Kent wasn't exactly having the most platonic thoughts about you, either. Though it did take him a bit longer than you for him to have his own "fuck it" moment.
You were so beautiful, attentive, sweet, almost innocent in his eyes. And as such, he also just assumed that all of the actions you had done for him, was just you being nice.
That's why he would go over to your farm to help you. He was just repaying your kindness. He was just being nice.
He didn't want you. No, how could he? He loved his wife, he had a family. And you? Innocent, sweet little you? You couldn't have wanted him. You were a good girl, not a homewrecker. No, he didn't desire you at all.
Even when his brain betrayed him by playing dreams of you as his little wife instead. Coming home to you, loving you, taking you out on dates. Nope, that longing feeling he felt after waking up from these dreams was something else.
After all, would he really be into you if a cold shower washed those thoughts away, or if he could still look you or his family in the eye. Of course not.
You were just being nice.
That was until he had his own wet dream about you.
'He was sitting in a field with you, which was odd considering how open fields make him uncomfortable, but you looking at him so lovingly seemed to make him forget that.
Something he noticed was that you were wearing a dress, as you seem to be wearing dresses a lot nowadays, except this one left little to the imagination. The skirt hardly covered your ass, and the top put your cleavage on full display. You, however, seemed completely unaware of your revealing outfit.
The next thing Kent knew, your dress was off, and apparently you weren't wearing a bra or panties underneath. He was also hovering above you, with his hand wrapped around your throat. Despite this, you were looking up at him, completely blissed out. As if this dream couldn't get any better, you let out the most adorable moans while he fucked you.
What started off with what could've been interpreted at "love making" quickly transformed into something more primal. And he loved it. Especially as his orgasm got closer...and closer...and....'
He woke up, except unlike you, he woke up in the middle of the night, with his wife peacefully sleeping beside him. He couldn't take a cold shower, and he couldn't go back to sleep now that he was almost painfully hard. There was only one thing he could do.
'Fuck it,' he thought, before getting up to head to the bathroom, after making sure everyone in the house was asleep.
Neither of you made a move. How could you? You didn't know if Kent desired you, and he didn't know if you desired him. Besides, there was the whole, oh, you know, married with a family issue. Still, that didn't stop you from wanting to be a bit subtle on the matter, now wearing dresses that had shorter skirts or emphasized your cleavage, and touching him a bit more.
Everything didn't come to a halt though, until you had asked him to come over whenever he could to help move something heavy. Apparently, that meant Kent coming over on what felt like the hottest day of the summer. As such, you decided to set up your sprinkler in case he needed to cool down while he worked. Oh yeah, and so you had an excuse to run around in your bathing suit in front of him.
When he saw you, he was taken aback by seeing more of you than he was used to, even looking away to focus on the task at hand. That clearly didn't last long, as you felt his eyes back on you while you bent over a bit to splash the cool water from the sprinkler onto your face.
"Alright, move over. I need to cool down more than you," the older man jests.
You look up at him and smirk, moving aside.
"Go ahead."
Kent stands and sighs, as droplets of water fall unto him. While he's distracted, you grab the sprinkler and hold it towards him, causing him to get hit in the face with a rush of water. You place it back down and laugh at his startled reaction. Unfortunately, this gave him enough time to replicate what you did to him.
"Eek! Kent, stop!" you squeal out, trying to shield your body from the sprinkler's cold blasts.
"Nope! Not until you say you're sorry," he playfully sneers.
"Ah! Okay! Okay, I'm sorry!" at that, he puts the sprinkler back onto the grass. "Truce?"
You hold out your hand, which he shakes.
"I'm sorry about making you come out here. Especially on the hottest day of the summer," you do feel a bit guilty about the whole thing, despite flaunting your body in your bathing suit.
"You know I don't mind. I'm always happy to help you out."
"I know...," you begin, deciding to make a move now. You make your way closer to Kent before giving him your best "bedroom eyes". "I just wish there was something I could do to repay you."
You drag your fingertips up his arm, which causes him to tense up. His eyes widen at your actions, and he backs up from you.
'Oh, shit.'
You quickly drop your hand to your side. Your face begins to heat up with embarrassment and shame. You try to get out an apology, but all that comes out are stuttered phrases.
"...I see," Kent grabs his jacket and walks out of your backyard. All you can do is just stand there, humiliated.
You raise your hands up to your face and take a deep breath, ashamed of yourself.
'Oh, Yoba, what have I done?"
After that event, you couldn't even look at yourself in the mirror. What was wrong with you? How could you do that? You tried to seduce a married man. A man who you were close with, and had a family you were close with. And now he knew just what a horrible person you were. Hell, it felt like everyone in Pelican Town knew, despite them not treating you any differently. In fact, Jodi and Vincent still would greet you anytime they passed you, and Sam still would invite you out to drink with him and his friends. And every time, you had to put on a mask like you were still a good person, like you didn't try to destroy their family.
You also never saw Kent after that day, but you were purposely trying to ignore him. How could you face him? He seemed pretty pissed off at your actions, not wanting to associate with someone like you.
You were actually considering moving back home. What was once someplace you felt welcomed in, now felt suffocating. Everyone knew, they had to.
It was evening now, and you were doing everything you could to ignore your thoughts and how much of a miserable human being you were.
The sound of your phone ringing rips you from your task, and you almost feel like just letting the caller on the other end give up trying to reach you. Guilt pulls you to answer it though, because if you are going to try and feel less miserable about yourself, why ignore someone who may have needed you. So you answer, lifting the device up to your ear.
"Y/N," the voice on the other end greets. You feel your blood run cold as you recognize who it is.
"Kent...wh-what can I do for you?" you swallow, nervously.
"Sorry that this seems short notice. I was gonna take Jodi out for drinks and Sam's off with his buddies somewhere. Do you mind watching Vincent for a bit?" he doesn't sound pissed off or tense, like you expected. That does melt your nerves a bit.
"Y-Yeah, sure. Um, I'll be over there in a bit."
And just like that, the line goes dead. You take a deep breath. You were just going to watch Vincent, that was all. Maybe this was your road to redemption. Maybe your little stunt that hot day was going to become water under the bridge. So after composing yourself, you head on over to the home you had been avoiding.
It seems like the distance between your farm and Sam's place had gotten shorter during your trek. You actually just stare at his front door wondering if you should just turn around and head back. No, you had to try and reconstruct your shattered, good nature. Flaking on people who needed you was not going to help. So you knock on the door just as you used to.
Unfortunately, Kent greets you when the front door opens, though you didn't know if greeting Jodi would've been any better.
"Come in," he says, shortly.
You walk in and the older man closes the door behind you. You wait for Vincent to come greet you like he always does when you babysit, but you can't hear the sound of his footsteps getting rapidly closer, nor do you hear his voice. In fact, the whole house was quiet.
"Kent, where is everyone?" you ask, feeling nervous.
"Gone," he says, before walking into his kitchen.
"Wha-gone? What do you mean 'gone'?" you hesitantly follow him. He is leaning up against one of the counters, thinking.
"Jodi took the boys out for a little vacation. I stayed behind," he still doesn't look at you.
"I-I...why?" everything is beginning to feel weirdly dreamlike.
"Because we need to talk," his eyes finally fell on you. "And you haven't been giving me much of an opportunity."
"Sorry...," your voice is small, and you look down at your feet. As much as you don't want to face this talk, you know that getting it out of the way may make things better.
"'Sorry' is right. You pull that little stunt all those days ago, and then avoid me," wait what?
You look up and notice that Kent is much closer to you now. You freeze up a bit, but feel confused that he doesn't look angry with you.
"Tell me, sweetheart," he leans a bit closer to you. "Do you normally fool around with married men?"
The question takes you by surprise and your cheeks heat up.
"I-I...no," it's the only thing that comes to your mind, which now feels empty.
"Clearly," he holds your face so you are forced to look at him. "You have a bad habit of working me up, where people could see or hear us. Do you want everyone to know that we're fooling around, hm?"
You don't speak, still frozen and tense. Kent sighs, letting your face go and moving away from you.
"Of course...you don't want that anymore, do you?" he turns his back to you. "If you don't want to, then you're free to go."
"W-wait...y-you...?" you let out a frustrated sigh, trying to compose yourself and ask what you wanted to ask. "You mean...you weren't mad at me."
"Of course not. I was just surprised and needed to think," he glances over his shoulder." Now, answer my question, Y/N: do you want this or not?"
Well, here you were. A crossroad. You could either try to rebuild your moral compass, or you damage it permanently. And you know what? The fog in your brain and the dampness that was forming in your panties was going to keep you from walking out that door. This was going to end in two ways: just getting a taste of what you've been dreaming about so you could move on, or becoming addicted to it entirely.
Kent's back is still to you, and a smirk forms on your face. You begin to remove your clothes as quietly as you could. You regret not not wearing a dress as it would've made this so much easier, but your guilty mind had sworn to not wear them anymore. Funny how that was going to change.
"You know what?" you drawl, waiting for the older man to turn back and look at you. He does, and a smirk forms on his own face as his eyes fall upon you, now only clothed in your bra and panties. "I don't think I'd mind fooling around a bit."
"Clearly," he makes his way back towards you, but this time he wraps one of his hands around your throat, squeezing it lightly. "Heh...and here I thought you were a good girl. Looks like I was wrong though, huh?"
You shamelessly whine at the feeling of him mildly choking you, reminding you of one of your many impure dreams about the older man.
"Yeah, you aren't a good girl at all," Kent's other hand wanders to your back, pulling you closer to him and undoing your bra. "You're just a filthy whore, right?"
You bite your lip, a nice quip for his comment forming in your mind.
"I'm your filthy whore," you correct, which causes the older man to chuckle darkly.
"Oh yeah?" he asks, which causes you to nod. "We'll see about that."
He suddenly lifts you up, causing you to wrap your arms around his neck and your legs around his waist. You are carried to his bedroom. As if the situation couldn't get any more taboo, he was now going to fuck you on the same bed he shared with his wife.
Kent closes the door behind him out of habit. Not that he had to worry about anyone bursting into the room. In fact, he was surprised how natural he was with this considering he and Jodi have hardly fucked since he got back.
There was no time to think about that though. Especially as you sat down on the edge of his bed in only your panties now, your eyes full of curiosity at what he was going to do to you.
"The fuck you think you're doing," he growls, which both startles and turns you on. "You think I'm just gonna let a whore like you get comfortable, just like that?"
"N-No sir," you whimper.
Kent's eyes don't move from you, his gaze as hard as it was the night he first met you. Even as he slowly begins to undress, his glare is still unmoving. As soon as his torso is bare, your eyes wander, taking in all of his muscle and scars.
"Come here."
"Hm? Wha-?"
"I said 'come here'. Don't make me have to fucking repeat myself," he crosses his arms across his chest.
You waste no time making your way over to him, only to be shoved to your knees. You look up at the older man and your mouth waters at what'll happen next.
Kent's hands move to his belt, undoing it and pulling his pants and boxers down enough for his cock to spring free. Your eyes widen at his size, wondering if he'll even fit inside your pussy. Oh well, now's not the time to think about that, especially since you had a job to do.
"I take it I don't have to tell you what to do?" he asks.
You nod, taking his dick in your hands and jerking him off. You then begin to swirl your tongue around the tip, getting a feel for his length. Once you feel ready, you take the first few inches of his cock into your mouth, taking him as far as your gag reflexes would allow you.
Kent moves his hand to the back of your head, gripping your hair harshly. He tries to be nice and let you suck him off at your own pace, but impatience begins to consume him.
Eventually, he forces your head all the way down his dick, causing you to gag and for tears to form in the corners of your eyes. You ball your hands into fists and try to relax your throat, allowing the older man to fuck your mouth however he'd like.
And that's just what he does. He continues to use your mouth at a harsh pace, groaning with pleasure at such. Your panties are soaked, and you move one of your hands underneath the waistband to stroke your clit. Your moans add to the older man's satisfaction, and he looks down at you.
He loves what he sees. You with teary, half-lidded eyes, some saliva seeping from the corners of your mouth, and your hand touching yourself.
Suddenly, Kent pulls you off of his cock. While you're happy to have a breather and give your jaw a bit of a rest, you still feel disappointed that you aren't gonna feel him cum down your throat. As such, you remove your hand from your panties and look up at him confused.
"Don't let me stop you, sweetheart. In fact...," he pulls you up from the floor and moves you to the bed. Your panties are then ripped from your body, and the older man removes the rest of his clothes as well. "There... now why don't you continue playing with that pretty, little pussy of yours."
His words make you shiver and your wet hole to clench around nothing. You spread your legs and move your hand back to your cunt. You soak your fingers in your slick and go back to rubbing your clit. You tilt your head back , and breathy moans drip from your lips.
Kent takes in the sight of you. Despite wanting to fuck you right then and there, he still wanted to enjoy a bit of a show, especially as your moans grew louder. While you are distracted, he moves to his bedside table and rummages for a condom in the drawer. It's nice that they are finally going to get some use, now.
He moves back to you and grabs your hand, halting your motion. You whine in frustration, as you were on the verge of your release, but get cut off as you are flipped onto your stomach.
"On all fours. Now," he growls.
You waste no time getting onto your hands and knees, and feel the bed dip behind you. Kent gets into position, before ripping open the condom's packaging and rolling it onto his dick. He then lines himself up with your pussy, before pushing into you.
You cry out at the feeling of being stretched out and drop onto your forearms. The older man barely gives you time to adjust to his size before setting a harsh pace. You had never felt such an intoxicating mix of pain and pleasure in your life. Needy, high pitched moans leave your mouth at his cock thrusting in and out of you.
"Yeah? You like that, huh? You like getting fucked by married men?" he growls into your ear after leaning down so that his chest was to your back, still not halting his pace.
You try to respond, but it feels like the tip of his dick is hitting your cervix, which scrambles your sentences into sobs of pleasure.
"Of course-fuck! Of course, a dirty, little homewrecker like you does," he moans, while wrapping his hand around your neck once more.
Despite his degrading words, Kent is enjoying this as well. As horrible as it sounds, he does love the feeling of your tighter, younger pussy when comparing it to his wife's. Scratch that, he just preferred everything about you when compared to Jodi.
You listened to him, you were there for him, instead of just pretending that everything was okay. It could've helped that you never knew him before his deployment, or it could've been that you tackled things that were wrong instead of ignoring it.
At the moment though, he doesn't care. He'll think about it later, right now he has a job to do. Right now, your pretty, little cunt was tightening around him and your moans were now screams. You were going to cum, and he would let you, but not that easily.
Kent slows his pace and his thrusts become shallow. The sudden change causes you to whine in a combination of confusion and frustration.
"Aw, what? Did you really think I'd let a whore like you cum?" he chuckles cruelly at your desperate whimpers.
"K-Kent...please," you even try to push your hips back, but he tightens his hold on your neck, stopping you.
"Tell me, sweetheart. Why should I let you cum, hm?" he didn't expect you to give him a good answer. In fact, he didn't even care what you told him. He just wanted to hear you beg.
"P-Please, I-I'll do anything! Please!" you feel tears beginning to flow down your cheeks. After keeping you from cumming once, you didn't want him to deny you a second time.
"Aw, you're that desperate to cum, huh?" his faux sympathy makes you nod. "Hm, alright...I guess I'll be nice."
His pace changes to the harsh speed it was before, pulling a surprised moan from you. Your orgasm hits you like a freight train, and you cum harder than you have ever had.
The feeling around his cock, makes Kent spill his own release into the condom. He wishes he didn't have to use it, but he knew the consequences if he didn't, and you both were already doing something that would have serious consequences if found out.
He pulls out of you, and your body goes limp. You are blissed out of your mind, and the bed underneath you feels comfortable. The older man decides to take the time to dispose of the condom, as well as look for any other potential evidence of his affair that would need to be taken care of.
He then returns back to the bedroom, lays down next to you, and starts petting your hair. It's gentle, which seems odd after he roughly fucked you, but you certainly weren't going to complain. You move to face him, and give him a dazed smile.
Kent smirks at your reaction, shifting his hand from your hair to your cheek, thinking while he stroked it.
"You need anything?" he breaks the pleasant silence. You just shake your head, and pull him closer.
You could stay the night. Jodi and the boys weren't going to be back until tomorrow night, which was fine by the both of you.
Unfortunately for you and Kent, this wasn't going to be a one time thing. You both were addicted to each other now, which meant that this could get dangerous. Not that either of you cared though. You both were going to enjoy each other no matter how this fucked up fairy tale ended.
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daddy-dins-girl · 1 year
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Pedro Boys - Lawful/Neutral/Chaotic
This was such a tough one to do... Thanks to everyone who shared their input and helped me put this one together :). I hope I did everyone justice!
Lawful Good - Marcus Moreno. Always acts with compassion, honour and a sense of duty. Marcus will always do what's right. He is courageous and moral and respects law and order. A "superhero" through and through.
Lawful Neutral - Din Djarin, Frankie Morales. Din will follow his creed; the creed of the Mandalore, always ("This is the way"). He has a strong moral compass and upholds order. His creed and his clan come before anything else. Frankie also follows a code; the one that's patched on his jacket shoulder in the form of an American flag. He may not always agree with the orders he's tasked to carry out and for that he'll carry a lifetime of grief and trauma on his broad shoulders.
Lawful Evil - Jack Daniels. Jack uses the "black & white" of the law to further his own agenda. Blinded by vengeance, he has a goal to achieve and he plans on seeing it through, regardless if it means harm will come to others who may or may not deserve it.
Neutral Good - Javier Peña. A man ultimately out to do good in the world, Javier upholds strong moral values and pursues justice, however he isn't afraid to act outside the law (which happens to be his job) if it's what he believes to be for the greater good. Javier will disobey a direct order if he believes the end justifies the means. He doesn't feel as bound by the red tape as the bureaucrats upstairs and it's always been his belief that it's better to ask for forgiveness than permission.
Neutral - Joel Miller. A true neutral, Joel Miller marches by the beat of his own moral drum. He'll act for himself, indifferent to what is "good" or "bad", based solely on his own needs or feelings at the time, or if his survival depends on it. He won't kill for no reason, but he would certainly kill if he believes someone means harm to himself or his loved ones. By the way, "the trolley problem?" Don't worry, Joel solved it :P
Neutral Evil - Maxwell Lord, Dave York. They have little to no reservations about bringing harm to others if it gets them what they want, but they also won't go out of their way to do something hurtful or evil if it brings them no benefit. Dave is paid to do a job. It's a name on a piece of paper in his pocket, nothing more. Loyalty or morality plays no part in it and Dave is happy to dust off his hands after it's done and go home and tuck his children into bed (and he sleeps just fine at night, thank you for asking). Maxwell has grand aspirations and plans to see them through, regardless of who gets hurt in the process. He'll "grant your wish" whether its for the greater good or the greater bad, as long as it benefits his own agenda.
Chaotic Good - Oberyn Martell, Javi Gutierrez. They uphold principles of justice and freedom but are unconcerned about how it is achieved (inside or outside of the law). Oberyn Martell believes in vengeance in the name of justice. He is bound by honour, love and duty to kill those who brought harm to his family and he will do it with a smile on his face. Javi Gutierrez' actions are inherently good and he believes in doing the right thing, although he will turn a blind eye to his criminal empire family and reap the benefits of their actions because he knows no other way.
Chaotic Neutral - Pero Tovar, Ezra. These individuals follow their own whims and will act in whichever way benefits them the most at any point in time. They are beholden to no one. A mercenary, Tovar can be paid to operate on either side. It makes little difference to him, so long as the price is right. However he also has no qualms about switching alliances, should it ultimately benefit him better, or just because he feels like it. Ezra is first and foremost a survivalist. He will always act in his own self interest with no intentions or bias toward doing evil or good. He's quite capable of switching sides if it is what is best for him (and the teenager he accidentally adopted along the way) either in the moment or for the long run.
Chaotic Evil - Max Phillips. This man is evil simply because he can be, and because it's fun. He lives for himself and his own desires with no respect to rules, authority or other peoples lives. He thrives on destruction and chaos (and has a blast doing it, thank you very much).
related posts: Pedro Boys "During a Fire Emergency" Pedro Boys "Nice Argument. Unfortunately," Pedro Boys "Don't Fuck This Up" Pedro Boys "Dad(dy) Matrix" Pedro Boys & Stabbing Pedro Boys "Feral/Sad/Angelic" Pedro Boys Respond to "I love you." Pedro Boys "Character Tropes" Pedro Boys "Gay/Depressed/Horny on Main" Pedro Boys "Dad/THOT/Bastard" Pedro Boys "bring some Coke to the party" Pedro Boys "Zombie Apocalypse Team" Pedro Boys "I Want a Baby" Pedro Boys "As Babysitters" Pedro Boys "As McDonald's Dads" Pedro Boys "in a horror movie" Pedro Boys "Cinnamon Rolls" Pedro Boys "5 Kids, 3 Chairs" Pedro Boys "Playing Monopoly"
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milkbreadtoast · 3 months
still on my reread of early twsb and... the inn mini arc is so good/important... i didnt realize how much when i first read... but like... (ch 46 thoughts IM PLAGUED BY THE #YESSAYS AGAIN)
the MC trio's personalities are all SO diff and up till now theyve had a lot of friction and only rly interacted together bc they were kind of forced to... But despite their stark diffs one of the main thing that unites them is they all have the same strong moral compass... like their morals r in alignment. They all can't stand seeing injustice... and their diff personalities give them diff approaches to solving the (same) problem; diff strengths filling in what the other lacks... but they have the same goal/their hearts r in the same place... I rly think this is the strongest thing that binds them together🥹 theyre all good kids...
This inn mini arc is the first time the MC trio r all united in thought and working together completely of their own volition (while they showed teamwork before, it was still in situations where they were basically forced to be together, e.g. training lessons or punishment)
But here they witness the same event and they all feel the same rage at the injustice and put aside their differences to make a plan...
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yeseo's had a lot of misunderstandings/misreadings of cedric's behavior and saw him p unfavorably up to this point but thats slowly starting to change... im just gonna drop some liveblogs here skfjd
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(+ u wouldnt think much of it but the fact that he observes they all make the same expression "at the same time" means he's glancing at each of their faces...)
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the fact that hes constantly checking cedric's reactions + trying to read what he's thinking/feeling in the moment... yeseo's empathy is 1 of his strongest traits imo and this an example of how he extends this to everyone (including the guy who he has thought of as a huge jerk all this time + is trying to avoid)
(and this is something I RLY rly love about yeseo... even w ppl he tries not to get close to/doesnt particularly like he still cant help but empathize with them? like even way before this when he concludes cedric must be entering the tournament to help his "son" who is in pain... and reasons that he must feel angry seeing chris freely mooch off yeseo's ether bc his "son" suffers from ether depletion... and when the 3 are assigned to clean the portal as punishment, and he's waiting outside w ced... notes that "he looks serious even from the side" and blurts without thinking "um... it will be okay, your royal highness." "...i am talking about Sadie." all these are examples of him extending empathy to cedric/thinking of him sympathetically (even tho he has the wrong idea)... He doesn't have to, but he does anyway, because that's the kind of person he naturally is... I really do think his strong empathy is 1 of his most prominent chara traits. 🥹❤️‍🔥)
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🥹... this moment is rly cute skfjsn but yet again!! another small ex of him trying to understand what cedric is thinking on some lvl and relate/connect w him (EVEN THO ITS ALL SUBCONSCIOUS... AND HES THINKING THIS IN LIKE A LIGHTHEARTED JOKEY WAY... STILL TRUE)
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(^the fact that he describes how cedric's eyes look means that he looked over & checked cedric's reaction in this moment, even tho ced didn't give a verbal rxn like himself & christelle...)
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^^^^^🥹🥹🥹..!!!! AAAAH... also i talked mostly abt cedyes here but he definitely grows closer w christelle bc of this too (and the 3 of them as a whole)... and again its bc their morals r in alignment here + he's starting to understand what kind of ppl they r... but its ESP important w cedric bc he never rly thought of chris as a bad person? but up till even just the day before he's thought of cedric as being a huge asshole... witnessing all these tiny little moments that together signal a (gradual) turning point in how he views cedric makes me WANT TO FUCKING SCREAMMM AAAA!!!! AAAAAAAAH.
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saucerfulofsins · 2 months
before like where put private on twt we where able to found that he liked pro trump and pro life tweet
also one of his stans was followed by him and she was very very happy and decided since he was following her to make a video presenting him a go fund me for a family in gaza that needed help she said that since it’s something very important to her it would be wonderful if he could’ve made a donation
he then unfollowed and blocked her
also on his ig profile there was ableist, sexist, racist, xenophobic and fatphobic meme posted by a 30 yo man and also he took pics of women at the gym and posted on his ig
he deleted the photo just now after being dragged about this thing
and let’s not forget how he told how tommy behavior towards chim and hen was just silly corny and teasing
Yeah I didn't wanna say anything I couldn't back up with sources, but I don't think any amount of sources about LFJ's personal issues could make me like this guy. Big ick.
And like. These are choices he is making! This is the way he chooses to present himself! And I know I keep coming back to this, but it's his focus on his own masculinity that I find most fascinating. It reminds me of a text I read for my BA thesis (which I did on representations of masculinity in 3 Middle English romances):
Experience indicates that the masculine gender is fragile and tentative, with weaker biological underpinnings than the feminine. It requires strong social support to maintain fictions of superiority based solely on a measure of physical strength. (Jo Ann McNamara in Medieval Masculinities, p.3 (1994)).
And it really feels like he feels superior because of his physicality/masculinity, when personally I find that quite threatening? I don't think there's anything inherently cool about it either, and most of all, I don't think that is the message 9-1-1 as a show is telling. It's completely out of tune with the show's message of talking, opening up, being vulnerable, letting people in. His "edgy humour" is also doing the opposite, it feels very late 2000s youtube, completely lacking any sort of moral compass or empathy. (I hate it enough that I've ended friendships over that kind of bullshit).
I think the reason I keep circling back to masculinity is because I think everything he does is filtered through it. It's the first thing he says about Tommy, and he clearly sees Tommy as more important than Buck, which I suspect is because he considers Tommy more masculine. And I hate it! I fucking hate it! Because if masculine masculinity is the epitome of cool, and that's admired by him, then everything else is automatically the OPPOSITE of that and therefore weak/not good.
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You know, it was DM only, but it should probably be made public in case people need a quick reference for writing so... how would you describe Iori as a person? :P
Like I said, I haven't watched the entirety of 02 as a whole in a loooong time (mainly only particular episodes), so I may not have the "entire" picture ready and people may also disagree with me here and there. However, these are the summary points:
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Iori is polite, pedantic, responsible and definitely wants to do everything right. Usually very level-headed, a smart, curious and strategic bean with a strong moral code, may actually appear a bit aloof and distant at times, but that's mainly because he contemplates and (over)thinks a lot. Also, if you annoy him, his tongue will definitely get sharper. He actually has quite some snarkiness to himself. Has strong opinions (he particularly knows what he doesn't like), but still struggles sometimes to put his foot down.
Very soft on the inside too, but obviously doesn't easily let that show too much - mainly because he doesn't want to be seen as a burden, since he is literally the youngest Chosen Child among the main group. Tries to be rational, but his emotions might play a bigger role than he'd like them to. Kendo is definitely a method for him to ground himself there (which may also make him one of the most athletic Chosen Children at some point later down the line).
Speaking of which, he may also be prone to more traditionalistic thinking due to his upbringing, that may or may not have manifested in him having very black-and-white-ish perception habits as a kid. But the people he willingly surrounds himself with - whether it's Takeru's extreme moods, Daisuke's and Miyako's over-the-top-ness or him having to come to terms with Ken initially clashing with his own values - basically FORCE him to think outside the box naturally. His sense of compassion definitely develops over time. Also thanks to the people he is choosing to look up to, including his two senpais, Jyou and Koushirou, who not only show him the importance of persistence and thoroughness, but also kindness and trust.
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redfurrycat · 2 years
❤️📺Ten (ish) TV-shows I love❤️📺
Tagged by the lovely @renai-chan to do the 'Ten Movies I love' Tag Game.
I already did that, so allow me to redirect you to this post listing my ten movies, and this other one (a much much much much longer version, if you feel up to it).
However, after reflecting about which 10 movies I like the best –what a dilemma it was– I also thought about which 10 TV-shows are my comfort rewatches. I came up easily (surprisingly so) with the selection, so let me share that with you instead! 😊 ❤️
Xena: Warrior Princess
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The most badass warrior I have ever seen on TV. What a sight is Lucy Lawless, I fell in love with those gorgeous blue eyes since the moment my child eyes saw them… This tv-show is everything to me. Xena & Gabrielle, the purest soulmates. There were also lots of amazing characters and actors (Karl Urban and Kevin Smith, among others). Produced in New Zealand too… Which is so awesome! <3 (Strong opening theme!)
Stargate SG1/Atlantis
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MY FUCKING SCI-FY babies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can’t even tell you why I love these two TV-shows, because I got so overwhelmed about it! I. JUST. LOVE. THEM. SO. MUCH! (I actually watched several Stargate Atlantis episodes just before typing this list.) If you like the genre, GO.WATCH.THESE! (Amazing opening themes as well! <3)
Sabrina, the Teenage Witch (the 20-min-episode tv-show)
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I’ve watched every rerun on TV since it has been broadcasted. It is tied to my childhood, so I’m rather attached to it! I prefer this version over the more recent one, which is a bit too dark compared to the comedic one. Salem is so funny! He’s I-C-O-N-I-C! :P
Dr Quinn, Medicine Woman/// House MD
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My absolute two favourite tv-shows involving doctors… though they are very different from one another. Western drama vs. medical drama. It’s really not your typical medical show however.
A female physician from a 19th-wealthy family moving in the wild west to establish a practice. She feels very deeply and has a strong moral compass. The themes mentioned are quite serious (which I like) as you have, for instance, a close-minded-white-men little village, a woman working a man job, Cheyenne tribes being mistreated so are the black people and any other non-White people. Of course, it is still a tv-show, so I don’t how historically-accurate it is. But so not as sappy as Grey’s Anatomy if you know what I mean. 😊
AND the Sherlock doctor. Hugh Laurie is magnificent in this out-of-the-ordinary, junkie, snarky genius of a doctor!  
Avatar: the Last Airbender
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White Collar
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The adventures of an FBI agent and his con artist/thief consultant. YUP. It is as cool as it sounds. All the characters are lovely as well!
Downton Abbey
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THIS IS MY FAVOURITE BRITISH PERIOD DRAMA EVER. It is about the aristocratic Crawley family and their servants’ life during the earliest 20th century. The cast is realllllllllllllly good! A lot of good characters, strong episodes (very emotional sometimes)! Dame Maggie Smith is killing it as the Dowager Countess of Grantham, the sass in this character’s lines and faces!!!!! XD (Again, the opening theme is SO GOOD!)
Once Upon a Time
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A very nice tv-show where fairytales characters are transported into the real world because of a curse. The cast is INSANE! :O Nice revisit of famously known fairytales!!!! I have a thing for the accents…Well, there are a lot of different accents to listen to!
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It’s probably one of the last (new-ish) TV-show I’ve watched from the beginning to the end. The British (again with the accent) Devil’s adventures with the Detective (yeah… it’s her official name! XD). Very good chemistry between Tom Ellis and Lauren German! And the other characters are equally as good!!!!!!!!!
Prison Break
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Season 1 was the best. Truly. The idea was so original when the tv-show came out! Wentworth Miller’s acting is pure *chef’s kiss*. (That’s why I love Captain Cold so much btw, especially because Dominic Purcell is also his Rogues buddy in The Flash). Also, I’ve never loved the crookiest of the crook characters so much than how I love T-Bag. He’s the worst, but OMG his lines and mimicking (Robert Knepper did a fine job!)
As I already did the tagging before, I won’t do it again, but I let this open. Anyone feeling like talking about their comfort TV-shows are more than welcomed to do this “other version” of the tag game! 😉
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but-first--tea · 1 year
G - Growing - How have they changed over time? How has their self-image changed? Are they more or less of a risk-taker? Has their approach to romance changed?
P - Philosopher - Are they particularly philosophic? What do they believe is the purpose of life? Do they have any particularly strong convictions or ideologies?
R - Rebel - Do they follow rules, bend or break them? Do they find rebelliousness in others attractive? - Miqojak!
One, two, thr-- NINE? Well, pull up a chair, and I'll put on a pot of tea 'cause I've been writing this character for three years and this is going to take a while. (I think I'm going to have to put the second two in their own posts LOL )
How have they changed over time? How has their self-image changed? Are they more or less of a risk-taker? Has their approach to romance changed?
Once upon a time, Ferthur was a little girl without a name of her own, and who loved to dance… but was trained in combat and deception, instead. That's what you do when you're raised by shinobi after all, and disobeying her mother who sacrificed everything, including honor, to keep the two of them alive… well suffice it to say that honoring and obeying her mother in all things was the only true north her moral compass pointed to. It was them against the world. Her mother became an Imperial Shadow to keep them alive when the first Doman resistance failed, and survival and deception became the only things she knew. Never leave evidence. Never be prey. Never become attached to anyone, or anything you can't carry on your person if you have to swim across a river in the dead of night and disappear.
Everything changed when her all too inquisitive fingers curled around a soulstone she should absolutely not have known about, much less stolen, and definitely should not have unlocked. Fane lux Verinus [NPC] was intelligent, charismatic, ambitious… and, unfortunately for Ferthur, quite the manipulative narcissist. He earned her trust and affection by covering up her theft, encouraging her growing obsession with the magic within, and twisting her still-young and idealistic mind with rhetoric shared by Aulus mal Asina: that if Garleans possessed the capacity for magic, the division between Garleans and Eorzeans could be broken down, and the world would be a better place. Ferthur foolishly believed that this might mean Garleans would no longer feel compelled to conquer, and things might actually change for the better. Once Ferthur had reached a key point in her research, Fane promptly stole it and used it to further his own ambition by contributing it to the Resonant project.
When the scope of how deeply Ferthur had been used and manipulated became obvious, it also became obvious that Ferthur was now a loose end for Fane, and no longer safe. Unfortunately for everyone involved, Ferthur's mother was overprotective, ruthless, vindictive, and capable of extreme violence-- especially when it came to the safety of her child. Under cover of Doma's liberation, she targeted the Omori Clan, who had made their fortune providing highly conductive ores used almost exclusively for Garlean magitek weaponry. With the entire clan assassinated and assumed casualties of war and rebellious Doman retribution, Ferthur's mother gave her the identity of the family's sole surviving daughter, Omori Kaya, who 'managed to escape the rest of the Omori Clan's fate by being away from the city when Lord Hien liberated Doma.'
So it was that 'Lady Omori Kaya' took refuge in faraway Ul'dah. Obedient as always to her mother, Ferthur kept up the act as Lady Omori to the best of her ability. Faced with the guilt and deep regret for the series of events her obsession with magic had put into motion, she set aside her magic and fell back to her shinobi training. She became an angry, thieving magpie trapped in a gilded cage, hiding behind the mask of a perfect, demure Doman noblewoman afraid to go home. It went about as well as you'd expect.
Somewhat free for the first time in her life, half a world away from her mother, she was both exhilirated by possibility and desperately unsure what to do with herself. So, she decided to do what she thought her mother would have wanted her to do: utterly destroy the next man who tried to bully her and help the Doman refugees still adrift in Eorzea in the process.
She convinced, bribed, or outright bought and paid for a team of people [various OCs] to help her topple a kingpin name Eadmund Fowler [NPC] who had not only been preying on refugees, but had also (and maybe more importantly), been an absolute asshole to her. Once motivated by curiosity and idealism, the woman was growing more and more motivated by anger and spite. Once trained for calculating caution, she now wielded chaos as weapon and shield. Once completely under the control of others, taking impulsive risks for no other reason than because she wanted to felt like retaking ownership of herself. She was, after all, very much her mother's daughter, and becoming more and more dangerous in her own right.
Ferthur succeeded in toppling the kingpin. However, nearly the entirety of the team she'd recruited to help her betrayed her immediately after. Rather than a fellow comrade, the saw her as Lady Omori Kaya, just another rich noblewoman playing power games at the expense of everyone else. She'd hid her true self too well.
However, the high-profile fall of Eadmund Fowler, and the name Omori Kaya being tied to the scandal, brought Fane back into her orbit. When Fane's next ambition required access to the Omori mines and he sought out Lady Omori Kaya… only to find Ferthur, instead, things became… complicated. With Garlemald's destabilization, Fane tried to use his leverage over her to force her to help him become a Resonant himself. Ferthur's refusal prompted him to provide proof that he had captured her mother, and she was within range of the towers that had tempered so many Garleans, and her mother was very likely one of the tempered herself. He offered to return her mother to her, but of course he'd need to become a Resonant in order to do it. Fane, however, was unaware of two things: firstly, just how angry and dangerous Ferthur had become, and secondly… that she had another skilled magitek engineer in her pocket: Eligos Venator. When she asked him if, provided the plans, he would be able to build the Resonant machine and he admitted that he could, Ferthur's course of action became clear. It was then that Eligos gave the woman who had never had anything other than aliases her own name: Ferthur. It was then that she became far more than just a contract to Eligos.
Her morality having been influenced by Eligos, Ferthur killed Fane and turned over the plans to Eligos. While he worked, Ferthur meticulously hunted the shinobi that had been working for Fane, collecting their aether to fuel the Resonant process. Having never killed anyone herself at all before, much less over a dozen, Ferthur recognized that something in her had changed, even though she hadn't known the precise nature of what Eligos had done. She only knew that these were her actions and she felt… nothing. It was then she let go of much of who she had been, let go of the foolish idealistic girl who thought she could make the world a better place and had only gotten played by everyone around her over and over again.
She had Eligos turn her into a Resonant and went to Garlemald to extract her mother her damn self. Aided by an Ala Mhigan named Valentin Greywolfe, she fought her way through the wreckage of Garlemald and hordes of tempered… only to find that Fane hadn't mentioned one detail: he'd turned her mother into a biomech war machine out of spite. Ferthur was forced to kill her mother to free her from her torment and return her soul to the lifestream.
Having to kill her mother wasn't the only loss she would face in Garlemald, however. Eligos Venator's other contracts called him to Thavnair, where he met his apparent end upon a Blasphemy's claw. Due to their connection, she felt his violent death even a distance away. Crushed by grief, Ferthur went to the worst place she could have possibly gone: the Omori estate in Doma, where any number of people could easily out her as a fraud. If nothing else, she knew that sheer survival, as well as wanting to unravel the mystery in the Omori mines, would be something to focus her mind on other than grief.
What she hadn't expected, though, was a viera showing up at her front door a few weeks later. Having barely survived due to unforseen circumstances, once Eligos had recovered enough he had begun looking into any and all leads in order to track her. He refused to give up, and eventually found himself on her doorstep with a briefcase full of contracts, and and a bottle of soup stock from Pennyworth. The pair were reunited, and settled into recovering from all that had happened and figuring out what their life was going to look like moving forward. Since then, Ferthur has begun to fight some of her fears, and some the instincts to run and hide that her mother instilled in her for the sake of survival alone. Both of them finally began to truly live, and slowly Ferthur has begun to believe that he is hers to keep, and not everyone would betray her in the end.
Although she's still very much an oft-impulsive risk-taker, Eligos's consistent presence tempers that to a certain degree, and grounds her with his calm practicality. He is the one thing she will NOT risk, and Eligos's own cautious and long-term approach has seen him carefully snipping loose ends where Ferthur has simply left them and vanished. How things might continue to evolve as the two begin to work together more going forward remains to be seen!
Wow, did someone actually read this whole thing?
Thank you for the Ask!
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violentlyexplosive · 8 months
Get to know your Tav!
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(A silly little picrew courtesy of @crowesn to show their more "canonical" appearance)
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(How they look in-game)
(O)Leander | Half-Elf (Drow) | Oath of Vengeance Paladin (former Cleric of Lolth, eventual Cleric of Eilistraee) | He/They/It | Age: 45-55 (he lost track of time, whoops)
What is your Tav’s…
Favorite Weapon: Knife of the Undermountain King for lore reasons (advantage on attacks against obscured targets, like duh,) and a shield, but in-game I tend to gravitate more towards greatswords :p
Style of Combat: Sneak up, boss the party members around until the enemies are surrounded, and go in for a surprise attack.
Most Prized Possession: The bones of their undead cat named Shrimp, basically an enchanted summon. She helps him navigate :3c
Deepest Desire: To get revenge, both for themself and everyone else they deem deserving.
Guilty Pleasure: Swimming. Sweet treats. Getting to disembowl evil Lolth-Sworn Drow.
Greatest Strength: Unwavering sense of justice and duty, strong moral compass.
Fatal Flaw: STRONG MORAL COMPASS. Something of a burgeoning god complex, and is willing to decide between a person's life and death in the name of his Oath. Yikes.
Favorite Smell: Probably fire. Burning wood, Sacred Flame, burning flesh, you name it.
Favorite Spell or Cantrip: Can never go wrong with a good Searing Smite. And Guiding Bolt (when it fucking hits, anyway.)
Pet Peeve: People assuming they're stupid or helpless because they're blind.
Bad Habit: Gets a little single-minded at times, and loses sight of everything else (i.e. consequences, people's feelings, etc.)
Hidden Talent: Plays the viola (not the violin, make this misconception and he will be Grumpy.)
Leisure Activity: Reading (with the help of magic, of course,) and exercising.
Favorite Drink: Hot drinks: Tea. Cold drinks: Beer.
Favorite Person: Astarion, simply because they (ironically enough) found him to be the most agreeable person when their journey began. And of course as time went on they became actual friends/partners. Second place tho has gotta go to Jaheira. M'boy has mommy issues.
Favored Display of Affection (platonic and/or romantic): (platonic) You know when guys, like, grab each others' hands before going in for a hug? Like, specifically the hand grab. But only if he's wearing gloves.
(romantic) Likes to put their hand on Astarion's hip, maybe wrap their arm around his waist. Gentlemanly gestures, if you will (do not be fooled, he is not a gentleman, whatsoever.)
Fondest Childhood Memory: When he and his mother were still close, and she'd play with his hair while singing him to sleep.
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Tags (mostly just people who's content I greatly enjoy, rather than mutuals, since I'm pretty late to the trend here lol):
@miraculan-draws @promtease @velnna @mooreaux @nat20composure
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necrcmvncy · 8 months
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is  that  TOM  HOLLAND?  oh,  no,  that’s  JAMESON  "JAMIE"  SOKOLOV,  a  TWENTY-SIX  year  old  WRITER  who  uses  HE/HIM  pronouns.  they  currently  live  in  SANTA  MONEDA  IN  VALPARAÍSO  and  the  character  they  identify  with  most  is  FERRIS  BUELLER  FROM  FERRIS  BUELLER'S  DAY  OFF.  hopefully  they  find  their  own  little  paradise  here  in  el  país  de  los  poetas!
FULL  NAME:  jameson  bennett  sokolov
BIRTHPLACE:  charleston,  south  carolina
BIRTHDAY:  october  15th,  1997
SEXUALITY:  bisexual  /  biromantic
HEIGHT:  5’7”
EYE  COLOR:  dark  brown
OCCUPATION:  romance  writer  (  he  writes  uner  a  penname  )
PEN  NAME:  bailey  whitten
SPOKEN  LANGUAGES:  english  &  russian
FACECLAIM:  tom  holland
okie  so  start  off   jamie  was  a  pure  accident  if  we  gonna  be  honest  here  ..  his  dad  ( dimitri  )  owns  a  string  of  popular  private  country  clubs  within  south  carolina,  north  carolina,  and  georgia  that  have  been  in  his  family  for  a  long  time  with  a  strong  dedicated  membership  and  his  mom  (  johanna  )  who  is  uhhh  ,,  kinda  younger  than  dimitri  by  a  few  years  and  was  working  the  summer  at  one  of  his  country  clubs  in  hilton  head  as  an  events  coordinator  for  kids  when  the  two  met
it  was  kind  of  like  instant  attraction  when  they  met  even  though  his  dad  was  about  32  and  she  was  24  and  u  know  ,,  dimitri  was  engaged  but  anywho  !!!  askew  moral  compass  aside  johanna  tried  to  keep  it  professional  and  bc  u  know  dimitri  was  about  to  be  married  but  eventually  the  two  fell  together  two  months  later  much  to  obvious  dismay  of  dimitri's  fiancée
jamie  adores  his  mom  bc  she’s  a  bit  of  a  free  spirit  who  is  a  bit  of  a  hippie  and  believes  strongly  in  astrology  and  ‘  looks  to  the  stars  for  guidance  ’  kind  of  jazz  and  v  much  a  lives  in  the  moment  type  of  person  ,,  but  she  definitely  fell  in  love  for  the  first  time  when  she  met  dimitri  and  let  him  extend  her  time  position  at  the  country  club  when  they  started  their  affair
his  dad  absolutely  loved  his  mom  and  wanted  to  marry  her  but  he  had  a  family  obligation  to  his  fiancée  and  her  parents  with  his  own  parents  that  he  was  willing  to  risk  but  that  window  of  opportunity  shut  when  it  turns  out  johanna  was  pregnant  with  jamie
so  yeah it's  for  the  best  his  mom  parts  with  his  dad  bc  she  figures  it  wasn’t  their  time  so  she  leaves  the  country  club  and  moves  her  and  jamie  down  to  charleston  where  she  has  family  and  starts  up  her  own  apothecary  business  based  on  botanical  medicines  with  a  wide  range  of  self-made  lines  from  herbal  teas,  bath  &  body  supplies,  medicine  &  aromatherapy
smth  of  which  she  is  v  proud  of  bc  she  put  herself  through  college  for  botanical  medicine  and  saved  up  money  through  odd  jobs  to  open  it  ,  plus  u  know  dimitri  helped  contribute  despite  her  arguments  against  it
ask  jamie  about  his  name  and  he  just  sighs  bc  he  even  asked  his  mom  about  it  once  and  she  just  smth  about  loving  jameson  whiskey  neat  and  that  was  that  on  that  ...  jamie  has  dealt  w  it  and  has  since  grown  an  appreciation  for  whiskey  so  yeehaw
jamie  has  an  odd  relationship  with  his  dad  ...  doesn’t  really  mind  and  is  p  chill  about  the  whole  situation  despite  it  all. his dad  visits  when  he  can  and  especially  on  birthdays  .. pays  more  than  needed  in  child  support  bc  he  isn’t  there  as  much  as  he’d  like  and  adores  jamie
when  jamie  was  about  7  dimitri  opened  a  new  country  club  outside  of  charleston  so  he  had  more  reason  to  come  up  to  visit  despite  his  new  family  being  v  frustrated
jamie’s  mom  always  described  him  as  an  unexpected  bundle  of  joy  bc  he  was  always  such  a  giggly  and  calm  baby  and  that  definitely  transfers  well  over  to  his  personality  now  bc  he’s  just  v  laidback  and  doesn’t  take  life  too  seriously  ??  which  his  mom’s  temperament  def  rubbed  off  on  jamie  and  kind  of  floated  through  life  easily
the  best  i  can  describe  it  is  just  ..  serena  van  der  woodsen  from  gossip  girl  ??  bc  jamie  is  overall  a  lovely  person  who’s  incredibly  nice  and  means  well  and  can  be  v  charming  with  his  words  and  smile  n  dimples  so  he  unknowingly  can  have  people  wrapped  around  his  finger  without  trying  ??  occasionally  takes  advantage  of  it  at  times  but  not  much  ,  but  things  just  come  easy  to  him  and  opportunities  just  fall  into  his  lap  that  seem  easy  to  others
for  as  lax  as  his  mom  was  in  raising  jamie,  he  ended  up  p  tame  compared  to  what  he  could’ve  gotten  up  to  with  drinking  and  drugs  ..  essentially  minded  his  own  business  and  basically  grew  up  helping  his  mom  out  at  her  apothecary  and  wandering  around  charleston  whether  it  be  at  the  beach  or  an  arcade  or  just  out  running
him  and  his  mom  were  well  off  bc  of  how  much  child  support  dimitri  gave  them  so  he  attended  private  schools  bc  his  dad  wanted  jamie  to  have  the  best  opportunities  even  though  his  mom  was  just  gonna  have  him  enrolled  in  public  school. other  than  that,  jamie  was  pretty  popular  throughout  high  school  and  was  involved  in  the  soccer  team  and  yoga  club  but  did  it  more  out  of  hobby  than  anything  else  and  did  above  average  in  his  classes  tbh
the  only  thing  jamie  kind  of  lacks  is  direction  ??  has  no  clue  what  he  wants  to  do  in  life  bc  he  thinks  he’s  too  young  to  have  his  future  planned  out  so  much  and  his  mom  doesn’t  mind  bc  she  thinks  jamie  will  find  out  what  he  wants  to  truly  do  in  time  and  the  stars  align  ,,  so  yeah  .  he  graduated  within  the  top  30  of  his  class  and  got  accepted  to  the  colleges  he  applied  to  just  in  case  he  discovered  what  he  wanted
to  many  he  kinda  just  seems  like  he’s  floating  through  life  that  appears  v  simple  and  handed  to  him  bc  of  the  money  his  dad  throws  his  way  which  is  true  ..  jamie  never  tries  to  claim  his  life  his  hard  bc  he  understands  his  privilege  and  not  everyone  has  it  ..  but  anywhoozle  he  got  bored  of  the  east  coast  and  decided  to  move  out  to  chile  and  make  up  the  for  his  lack  of  traveling  outside  america
writing  has  always  been  a  hobby  that  jamie  took  interest  in,  penciling  down  his  thoughts  and  formatting  them  into  smth  fun  and  creative.  his  journaling  turned  into  short  stories  which  turned  into  attempts  at  writing  his  own  novel.  his  fave  genre  is  science  fiction  /  fantasy  and  has  attempted  to  get  what’s  written  published  without  the  help  of  his  parents.
he  started  off  doing  a  side  gig  after  college  as  a  ghost  writer  and  through  feedback  from  publishing  companies,  jamie  found  out  that  he’s  pretty  a+  at  writing  romance  …  so  since  then  and  many  novels  under  his  belt  as  a  ghost  writer,  he’s  been  able  to  get  his  romance  books  traditionally  published  under  the  purposefully  ambiguous  pen  name  bailey  whitten
ngl  jamie  is  a  bit  embarrassed  that  it’s  his  romance  books  that  have  grown  in  popularity  throughout  the  years  and  lowkey  upset  that  his  sci-fi  /  fantasy  books  have  no  interest  to  his  agent  even  though  jamie  wants  to  keep  his  identity  away  from  public  eyes  so  bailey  whitten  to  the  book  community  is  a  legend  and  a  ghost  </3
jamie  likes  to  think  that  maybe  one  day  he’ll  be  able  to  get  his  prized  sci-fi  novel  published,  but  for  now  he  just  pockets  the  money  he  makes  from  his  writing  career  and  just  tells  people  he  ghost  writes  bc  he  finds  it  easier  that  way,  but  it  also  feeds  into  his  perception  that  it’s  just  smth  he  does  to  pass  the  time  since  he  has  a  monthly  check  coming  in  from  his  father
his  dad  is  literally  the  kris  jenner  meme  of  “  ur  doing  great  sweetie  !!  ”  with  the  camera  and  it’s  cute  bc  sometimes  he  flies down to chile to visit jamie and does those v touristy tours together
generally  an  easy  going  guy  who  is  easy  to  talk  to,  loves  people  and  is  just  enjoying  life  ??  spends  too  much  time  watching  shows  on  netflix  ,  playing  video  games  and  has  a  bit  of  an  obsession  with  making  fresh  smoothies  so  good  luck  to  his  roomies  bc  he  will  be  using  that  blender  whenever  ,,  and  drag  u  to  organic  markets  for  his  fruits  n  veggies  and  buys  too  many  candles  n  lotions
tbh  v  open  and  not  really  looking  to  commit  himself  to  anything  or  anyone  at  the  moment  ??  so  he’s  a  kind  hoe  ..  can  sleep  around  but  the  type  to  not  just  ditch  in  the  morning  but  will  make  u  breakfast  or  a  lil  sticky  note  thanking  u  for  an  a+  time  if  he  does  have  to  jet  but  mainly  just  enjoys  easy  relationships  rather  than  ones  that  are  v  demanding
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legendarybelmont · 1 year
The CV3 gang + Dracula for the meme? :>
FINALLY getting to this one, god im so sorry lmao ive been distracted by a certain funky new interest
okie dokie, first up: trevor!
favourite thing about them: uuh okay so basically everything but to pinpoint something specific: his personality? peak. hes a DISASTER. kind of an asshole prick. and i love that! its so good because get this: trevor is, in a way, the Quintessential Belmont, hes the blueprint as far as chronological goes (ignoring leon because he kind of doesnt exactly fit the dracula-stabbing mold im afraid) and he sets mad shit up, he literally befriends the series Big Good. and yet hes still a jerk. hes obviously flawed. hes the blueprint for a bloodline of noble heroes and yet hes so obviously human! hes a guy! hes kind of a bastard, prone to a stupid mistake or two, and of course even then hes still very much a Good Guy. hes loyal, has a strong moral compass, is generally friendly when hes not being a total bitch... you get it
least favourite thing about them: netflix. other than that there is nothing wrong with him. except he deserves better tbh i mean hes kind of underrated? for being the mc of the best classicvania and as i said, Quintessential Belmont, as well as kind of just seeming like the kind of character fandom would latch onto, hes not really talked about much unless its netflix!trevor. on one hand im glad he gets left alone mostly, but on the other its kind of a shame :(
favourite line: "INCINERATE!" but actually, im really fond of all his really bitchy lines to hector. "For one that served under Dracula, you seem much too weak." and "Be that as it may, I am the one who shall vanquish him, your meddling is unwelcome. Leave him to me!" (note, i love how he just Keeps Going when he talks, my man cannot end a sentence or take a pause for the life of him)
brOTP: so that i dont repeat the same thing too much, lets go with hector & trevor! i think they could be good friends :>. julia too, trevor has no qualms about hanging with witches considering he married one (but trevor & grant have my whole heart im sorry)
OTP: trevor/grant/sypha/alucard :D but if i had to pick just one, then i guess it would be trevor/sypha, since. its canon
nOTP: iiii cant really think of one? other than the complete obvious. there are some ships i dont really vibe with but nothing i dislike enough to go full on "fuck no" for.
random headcanon: a version of the events from each casino type game trevor is in did happen, because the idea that he kicked draculas teeth in that many times is really funny. angela from the pachinko or whatever is his friend who he has literally never mentioned to anyone ever because he forgor :)
unpopular opinion: i dont really know whatd be unpopular? lmao
song i associate with them: Belmont the Legend, pretty obviously, but moreso than that: Beginning! i think it fits the vibe of "silly whacky group of friends who may be kissing go on a magical adventure to knock draculas shit sideways". as for actual songs, uh, ummm. Hell's Comin' With Me by Poor Mans Poison :p
favourite picture of them: gotta be one of these
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now for best boy grant
favourite thing about them: his friendship with trevor!! very cute it makes my brain explode
least favourite thing about them: konami why did you put him in the basement? give him back now
favourite line: "I can help you a lot because I am very fast." he can help me a lot because he is very fast
brOTP: grant & trevor obviously! but grant & sypha is peak too, they bond over their shared stupid idiot. maybe he could befriend hector because of all the stealing hector does?
OTP: same as ever, trevor/grant/sypha/alucard, but to pick just one itd be grant/trevor
nOTP: havent got one lmao
random headcanon: hes a good cook! he made trevor the curry that you can steal from him in curse of darkness
unpopular opinion: more interesting than sypha tbh im sorry but he is
song i associate with them: i dont really have any :( but he can share beginning?
favourite picture of them: love the sotn fake grant sprite i really do
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and sypha time
favourite thing about them: i think its really cool how she serves as the template for a whole bunch of characters after her :D yoko, charlotte, juste, etc etc, lotsa magic users
least favourite thing about them: very underutilised, for someone whos basically trevors main partner as far as canon goes :( also most of her designs suck
favourite line: "I'm Sypha, the Vampire Hunter." awful translation aside, this implies she might have a reputation that trevor would know of. whats her rep goddamnit
brOTP: sypha & alucard! i think theyd be chill. netflix stay away from me
OTP: trevor/grant/sypha/alucard... and sypha/trevor, obviously
nOTP: yea ive got nothin
random headcanon: her and grant barged into julias cabin very soon after curse of darkness concluded demanding to know where trevor was, and the misunderstandings were glorious
unpopular opinion: shes kind of the least interesting to me of the cviii cast... which isnt actually saying much because shes still really interesting, but just less so than the other three. the cviii-ers have a lot of really interesting vague shit its funny
song i associate with them: none, again :(
favourite picture of them:
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and now we get to mr. popular, alucard
favourite thing about them: the existence of the secret boots is peak storytelling lets be real here
least favourite thing about them: as the only person in the world who sees alucard as more of a cviii character than a sotn or sorrow character, i wish we got more content of him with his original gang. that isnt netflix. and includes grant.
favourite line: can i go with an unused line? "Farewell, Father. Believe it or not I shall miss you." if not then uhhhh "I'm interested in this."
brOTP: alucard & sypha all day but tbh. arikado & yoko has such potential. arikado & hammer also
OTP: trevor/grant/sypha/alucard, but also just alucard/trevor
nOTP: i dont care if anyone else ships it but alucard with any belmont other than trevor just does Not do it for me for some reason, also mariacard because i just dont care lmao i prefer the sibling dynamic with richter for her
random headcanon: circa 2035 he just puts his neutron bombs in his sink he doesnt care anymore
unpopular opinion: in my heart he belongs with the cviii idiot group the most
song i associate with them: The Tragic Prince! and for not bgm, I'll Know by Red Vox
favourite picture of them:
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aaand finally, unexpected suggestion, draccy boy himself
favourite thing about them: hes so fucking stupid how on earth did he fumble leon belmont of all people THAT HARD
least favourite thing about them: half of his designs are peak and the other half kind of suck ass. case in point what the fuck is the crotch mouth on that one final form
favourite line: "Ah, sarcasm." bitch what the fuck are you on. im pretty sure thats just how alucard talks
brOTP: dracula & death friends till the end
OTP: uhhhhh i have no idea! maybe dracula/tomato juice
nOTP: once again i have no idea aside from the obvious
random headcanon: he had a nintendo switch in the year 1455
unpopular opinion: what the fuck is an unpopular opinion for dracula ermmm i guess that i think that his one form in cviii where hes just a mass of melted heads is really fucking cool
song i associate with them: A Toccata Into Blood Soaked Darkness!! peak dracula theme, sweeps Dance of Illusions tbh. Proof of Blood as well (i love Old Enemy but the wraith isnt really dracula to me)
favourite picture of them:
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cadmuslabs777 · 2 years
I absolutely do think Mobius could lift the Mjölnir. The other person who almost lifted was St*ve and Mobius has some similarities with him, like having strong morals and an unshakeable sense of duty and when his beliefs are proven to be wrong he owns up to his mistakes, he confronted Ravonna with no fear as he was about to be pruned. As soon as he found a new objective he redirected all that sense of duty to it. But he has something that I don't think St*ve has, which is a deep compassion and willingness to give even the worst people a second chance, he does not expect everyone to act according to his own rules and morals and respects their own stories and life experiences and he does that with a lot of kindness. And I think that is a much more Th*r trait. Th*r became worthy after he stopped being an arrogant Chad and became more respectful of people's differences and goals and started solving things in the most diplomatic way, without losing his playfulness. Not to mention he is as understanding as possible with L*ki and always ends up forgiving him because deep down he also has faith in him.
So yeah, that's why I think Mobius could lift the Mjölnir, but this is just my interpretation tho :p
*I censored the names bc I don't want to show up on those tags
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"Many have described these as uncertain times. And while that may be the case for the rest of the world, I can tell you what is certain: the United States will remain strong... and it will remain safe. That is my promise.”
S - 10
P - 5
E - 5
C - 10
I - 10
A - 8
L - 5
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[Our members were once the puppet masters of the United States, quietly pulling strings at every level of power in the nation.]
` ` ` ` ` `
「 Name 」
Damian Luther Hyde
「 Species 」
「 Gender 」
「 Sexuality 」
「 Origin 」
「 Age 」
「 Allegiance 」
The Enclave
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「 Body 」
6’5, 200lbs
Damian has a athletic build given his height and weight, he stands tall above his fellow officers, yet underneath his uniform is a heavily scarred and torn body from years of combat.
「 Face 」
Damian’s face, despite it almost never being shown behind the mask he wears, is a decently preserved one, if it weren’t for the heavy scarring around his mouth and eyes, he’d be mistaken for a model. His eyes are a soft amber color.
「 Hair 」
He keeps his hair neatly trimmed and combed, yet he keeps it long
「 Voice 」
Damian’s voice is one or authority. While somewhat deep due to the scarring on his throat, it’s the mask he wears which makes his voice even more intimidating.
「 Clothes 」
He typically is seen wearing his Enclave Uniform, as he holds his position with pride, the few times he is seen without it, he is either in X0-2 Power Armor, or he is in prewar style clothing.
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` ` ` ` ` `
In the complex and tumultuous world of Damian, there exists a multifaceted individual whose characteristics combine to create a captivating and enigmatic persona. Damian is more than just a man; he is a dynamic blend of virtues and traits that make him stand out in any setting. A close observer would find themselves in awe of the many layers that comprise this unique individual.
One of the first qualities that strike anyone who crosses paths with Damian is his unwavering courtesy and cordiality towards his allies. Whether it's a fellow soldier, a close friend, or a casual acquaintance, Damian treats them all with the same level of respect and warmth. His amiable nature is not just a facade; it's an integral part of his being, as he firmly believes in the power of building meaningful connections with others.
Yet, beneath his friendly exterior lies a mind that is constantly thinking and planning for the future. Damian is no stranger to anxiety and worry, especially when it comes to tactical matters. His ability to anticipate potential challenges and threats has earned him a reputation as a strategic mastermind. He spends countless hours contemplating various scenarios, working tirelessly to ensure the safety and success of his allies and the causes he holds dear.
With charisma radiating from every pore, Damian effortlessly captivates those around him with his jovial, humorous, and proud public persona. As a officer of the United States Enclave, he employs his natural charm to influence and persuade others. His public speaking skills, combined with his wit and sense of humor, make him an adept communicator, able to rally support and inspire others to follow his lead.
Beneath the glimmering surface, however, there lies a profound sense of pride in his heritage and the work he does. Damian takes immense pride in representing the United States Enclave, and his passion for his role is evident in every word he speaks and action he takes. This pride is not born out of arrogance but from a genuine belief in the principles and values that the Enclave upholds.
One of the most defining aspects of Damian's character is his deep-rooted respect for courage, loyalty, selflessness, and duty. He holds these virtues in the highest regard and seeks to embody them in his own actions. This unwavering commitment to principles serves as a moral compass, guiding his decisions both on and off the battlefield. In his eyes, character and integrity are the true measures of a person's worth, and he actively seeks to nurture these qualities in those under his command.
Despite the responsibilities and pressures that come with his role, Damian displays a remarkably generous personality, especially towards those under his command. He recognizes the sacrifices and dedication of his team, and he doesn't hesitate to acknowledge and reward their efforts. His leadership style is marked by empathy and compassion, always seeking to uplift and support those around him, fostering a sense of unity and camaraderie within the ranks.
The journey into the depths of Damian's character unveils a multifaceted individual with contrasting yet harmonious traits. His courteous and cordial demeanor belies the far-thinking, tactical mind that is always planning for the future. The public image of a jovial and humorous spokesperson contrasts with the deep pride he feels in his role with the United States Enclave.
However, it is his unwavering respect for virtues like courage, loyalty, selflessness, and duty that truly defines Damian's character. These principles are the cornerstone of his decisions and actions, guiding him through the complexities of life and shaping him into an inspirational leader. Yet, through all the challenges and responsibilities, Damian remains generously supportive of those around him, fostering a sense of unity and loyalty within his team.
「 Likes 」
He likes his troops and the command he holds
He values pre-war values over anything else
He loves America and the people it once held
He values righteousness over peace
「 Dislikes 」
The Old Enclave, mostly Stationed at Command Post Enclave the Oil Rig
He hates Tyrant, those who force their will upon others.
The Brotherhood of steel, for the murder of his men, the scarring of his face
The Raiders, their crude and cruel methods of existing
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The Enclave. The last bastion for the old America to arise from. Only the top ranking of the old world government knew about its existence. One of these individuals was General Edward Hyde, this was Damian’s Pre-war ancestor. Damian would be born on a enclave facility, R-1017, a outpost stationed in the Chicago area, after the defeat of Colonel Autumn, the few remnants would head to this Facility. During this point in time Damian was merely a Major at the time, focusing all of his efforts on reclaiming the Chicago area, unlike his three counterparts. President Richardson, President Eden, and President Thomas Eckhart. Damian remained focused on a new goal, reclaiming the America of old, not through violent Genocide, but by showing the side of the government that most had forgotten, by the people, for the people.
In the year, 2287, he’d successfully have the Chicago area under Enclave Control, yet even after that, he was informed about enclave assets on the west coast, and in Appalachia. Making a choice he’d have him and a elite squad, nicknamed the Black Devils. Named after the X-02 power armor they wear, would head to Appalachia to establish a presence there. Afterwards he'd turn his attention back onto the Nation's Captial, The Captial Wasteland, Formerly known as Washington DC.
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「 Total caps: 1776」
Plasma Pistol
X-03 Hellfire Power Armor
Galling Plasma
3 Synthetic G.E.C.K’s made by M.O.D.U.S
A C.A.M.P.
Blueprints for a water Purifier
Radio to Contact both the Kovac-Muldoon Platform, and Chicago
A Combat Knife
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「 Best Skills 」
Pain Train
「 Worst Skills 」
Iron Lung
Lock Picking
“If I must choose between peace and righteousness, I choose righteousness”
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ellislisa · 2 years
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On the Anniversary of January 6th, may we remember that these extremists &!their extreme movement are alive today. The disarray that was unleashed by the MAGA movement has not been distinguished. Today may we “NEVER FORGET”, and honor the US Capital Police & the Metropolitan Police of the District of Columbia for holding the Capital for hours without other law enforcement reinforcement. On January 6th they protected the property of the Capital building, Members of Congress and the peaceful transition of power (democracy). There is a strong message that all must send as citizens to demand that politicians condemn political violence & extremists. The majority of American people far out number those that have no moral compass or understanding of history. Abraham Lincoln said, “In this age, in this country, public sentiment is everything. With it, nothing can fail; against it, nothing can succeed. Whoever molds public sentiment goes deeper than he who enacts statutes, or pronounces judicial decisions”. It is staggering that on the anniversary of January 6th, two years later, the House is in deadlock for the 4th day to elect a Speaker of the House by the Republican Party. This is chaos, weak, embarrassing, & irresponsible. I am hopeful that this ugly display of power hungry politicians is finally crumbling. understanding that this has become finally that this is not serving the people or democracy. Never Forget. 🇺🇸🤍 https://www.instagram.com/p/CnEzlTYOtv3/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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