#and he complimented it and told her he’s proud and that she’s so talented
moominpopzz · 5 months
Thinking ab Ashe Winters and wondering if after awhile of trying to show Mark stuff she does and him not caring, if she just stares at the things she creates and accomplishes and imagines a world where she could show him and he’d smile and ruffle her hair and tell her he’s proud of her and whatnot
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delzinrowe · 8 months
Love Letter - TAKUMA INO
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WORD COUNT: ~5.1K WARNINGS: None. F!Reader SUMMARY: Y/N receives a love letter, sadly the sender wasn't very specific when he signed it. A/N: Silly little brainrot I had months ago. Took me ages to actually finish this. Feedback is always appreciated!! Let me know if you wanna be tagged. TAGGING @just-jordie-things CAUSE I GOT BACK INTO WRITING BECAUSE OF HER, SHE'S AMAZING ♡♡♡
Another day filled with lessons of an unusual kind passed by. Gojo-Sensei was a good and devoted teacher, but everyone agreed that his teaching methods sometimes were a little… unorthodox, for lack of a better word. He tends to throw students into dangerous situations to fend for themselves instead of preparing them for it beforehand.
Y/N was just happy that she had her student days behind her. Now she was a semi-grade 1 sorcerer. After graduating from Jujutsu High she slowly but surely worked her way up the ranks and earned the respect of her fellow sorcerers, one of which was Ino Takuma, who seemed to be just as impressed by her as he was by his mentor Nanami Kento.
Whenever she wasn’t on a mission Y/N used the time to train, either by herself, with Takuma or with some of the younger students. Which was exactly what happened right now. For the past hours she had exchanged blows with each of them, successfully winning every fight. Until Maki decided to challenge her. Without any ounce of cursed energy she was supposed to be an easy target, but exactly this made her all the more dangerous in close range.
She stood opposite of Maki, wearing a smile on her lips and chuckling a little. Even after losing their training fight there was not an ounce of bitterness within her. Maki was an astonishing fighter, she was more skilled and talented in hand-to-hand combat than any of the other students.
Due to her lack of cursed energy she focused entirely on close range combat, allowing her to win the fight swiftly. No doubt that Yuji would still smoke her in terms of raw strength, but Maki was no way inferior to any of them.
“You’re gonna raise hell some day, Maki.” Y/N never made a secret out of her adoration and pride for the young ostracized Zenin. If it had been anyone else Maki would have rolled her eyes and shrugged off the praising compliment, but Y/N was one of the few people she held in high regards, therefore her words meant a lot to the second year student.
Knowing that someone as strong as Y/N acknowledged her strength and even believed in her so strongly meant a lot to her, even if she would rather die a gruesome death than ever admit this to anyone.
“I’m working on it.”
Maki’s witty comeback earned another chuckle from Y/N. Truth be told, she was immensely proud of the young student. When she herself enrolled into Jujutsu High she was surrounded by all these amazing young sorcerers and even her teachers were fascinatingly strong. It often caused her to feel left out, as if she was merely a candle in the wind with everyone around her being raging wildfires, rapidly increasing with each passing day.
Back then Takuma was the only person who showed her acknowledgement, who openly told her that he believed she’d be destined for amazing and great things. Thinking back on it now, it might have been this exact moment her crush developed. She wanted to prove him right, that she was capable of whatever life as sorcerer threw at her.
Ultimately, she knew the pain of being left out, of not being believed in, of feeling far too weak. She wouldn’t allow anyone to feel like that, especially not someone like Maki, who was so willing and determined to prove herself.
Y/N only responded with a nod and a smile before turning around to gather her things. All too suddenly she halted her movements, her eyes squinting at the piece of white paper she spotted on the dark piece of clothing.
Right there, at the edge of the training grounds, in her lazily discarded jacket, stuck a letter, folded into a tiny rectangle. It certainly wasn’t there before. She would have remembered anyone messing with her clothes during the training. Whoever it was must have used the chance to leave the paper when she had her back turned. Or maybe when Maki successfully threw her onto her back…
However, that didn’t matter now, what mattered most to Y/N in this instant was the tiny rectangle. 
Curiously, and with careful touches, she reached for the paper and slowly unfolded it. Her eyes scanned over the lines written on it. The first thing she noticed was the handwriting itself. It wasn’t neat, but it was far from messy. It seemed almost as if someone tried to conceal their handwriting. Something else she noticed was that it was a blank paper, no lines or squares, yet the short sentences made it seem as if there had been invisible lines.
Whoever wrote this note went through the trouble of using an undersheet to keep the perfect lines intact. The level of detail for one simple note was astonishing. 
It took Y/N a few good moments of skimping over the words before she even realized what the letter said.
It was… a love letter.
Never in her life did Y/N think she’d receive one of those, let alone an anonymous one, only signed with initials, but there’s got to be a first time for everything, right?
Her gaze was fixated on the paper, as if it put a spell on her. The few lines were filled with sweet adoration, even bringing a smile to her lips until her eyes found the initials T.I..
Y/N still stood in the middle of the training grounds but she suddenly didn’t notice anything around her anymore. Her thoughts were now fully engulfed by the two letters that sent her mind into a haze. Who the hell was T.I.?
Bombs and missiles could have detonated right in front of her, nonetheless, nothing would have managed to tear her attention away from her thoughts going on a rampage.
Seconds passed, turning into minutes as Y/N kept on thinking about the initials but she couldn’t come up with anything. Even if she turned the letters around no one came to her mind. No one seemed to fit, until a certain image popped up in her thoughts. And suddenly the need for a written letter made much more sense to her.
<--With a suspicion now in mind, she set out to find her best friend, hoping to get a different perspective on the entire matter. Maybe he’d even have some advice ready for her to handle this entire situation. It surely would help her to at least get a male opinion on this. That is… if her best friend Takuma would even have an opinion on it at all. -->
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“Do you have any idea who T.I. could be?” 
Immediately after finding Takuma she spilled everything about the letter she received. It took him a good few minutes to get her to slow down but once he realized what she was on about his lips curled into a little smile, not too big to get caught but just enough to seem like his usual self. Even if he was a nervous bundle of anxiety inside.
“It’s obvious, isn’t it, ‘Kuma?” This was it. The moment he was waiting for.
He was the one who left the letter in her jacket during training. She’d confront him and after hearing his cheesy confession she’d admit to always having had a crush on him as well, and the two would kiss and be the dream couple everyone would envy.
…At least that’s how he pictured it in his head.
“It must be Toge Inumaki. I can’t think of anyone else, to be honest.” Y/N crossed her arms in front of her chest, the letter still clutched in between her thumb and her fingers, as she gave an expectant look towards her friend, not knowing that his heart secretly deflated at her words.
Takuma tried his hardest not to show his thoughts all too clearly on his face. Usually, he was the personification of bubbly, open and unfiltered, blurting out the first things on his mind without really thinking of his words first. But this time he had to bite his own tongue to stop himself from speaking too quickly. 
Why did she not realize that it was him who wrote that note? Then again, why did he have to sign it with his initials only? Was he really that stupid? Of course, there were other people with the same initials as him, he should have thought of this beforehand.
Or perhaps the fact that she instantly assumed it to be someone else meant that maybe she wanted it to be someone else? Did she believe Toge wrote the note because she wished that it was from him? Had her heart already been snatched by someone?
The possibility of it felt like a gut punch to Takuma. A few minutes ago he felt happy, expecting this moment to turn into the sweetest one of his life. However, by now his chest felt tightened, as if someone had reached down his throat and crushed his heart with bare hands, while simultaneously smacking the air out of his lungs.
This had got to be one of the worst moments of his life. He got rejected, indirectly at least, and in one of the worst ways too.
“If you think it’s him, then ask him about it.” The words were followed by a shrug of his shoulders, he tried so desperately to seem indifferent enough towards this. Of course, he didn’t want her to think that this entire topic didn’t matter to him, it did. More than she even knew. But she was smart and if he acted out of character now then she’d be onto him instantly. 
Y/N let out a deep sigh, uncrossing her arms and letting them drop to her sides. As calm as she seemed, her mind was a mess. Why did she have to receive a letter like this? Anonymous with only initials to make her guess.
“Yeah sure, and what do I even say to him?” She asked with a hint of hopelessness, shrugging her shoulders lightly.
“That depends on whether you like him or not.” Takuma kept his posture, speaking in a tone that was usual for him. Or wasn’t it? He tried way too hard to appear like his normal self that he started to overthink his actions, words and even the tone he used. Did he talk like this any other day?
“I guess so.” Her response, paired with the deep sigh she let out and her sinking shoulders were a clear sign of defeat. She didn’t seem suspicious of him. Good, he had played his role well. Now he just needed to keep it up a little longer.
Eventually Y/N’s chat with her best friend offered no real help or conclusion, besides the obvious ‘talk to him directly. It was a piece of advice she didn’t need, considering it was apparent inside her own mind ever since she successfully deciphered the sender of the note.
She dreaded the encounter with Toge. She didn’t want to break the young student’s heart. Why did it have to be so uncomfortable and painful when friends caught feelings? How she wished for the ground to simply swallow her whole right at this moment.
Alas, there was no way around it. No matter how much Y/N tried to think of a different solution, she had to be direct and honest with Toge. He deserved that much.
Seconds passed and neither Takuma nor Y/N said anything. For Takuma the heavy tension in the air seemed almost unbearable. His heart threatened to burst out of his chest, wanting so desperately to confess to being the real author of the note. But he figuratively bit his own tongue to stay silent. It felt obvious enough to him that she wasn’t reciprocating his feelings.
On the other hand, Y/N felt a thick tension for different reasons. She dreaded the encounter with Toge, no matter how much she knew that it was necessary to clear the air. A feeling of unease and anxiety spread through her stomach and she took a few deep breaths, releasing the last one as a deep sigh.
“I should talk to him right now.” For a moment she glanced at Takuma before her gaze shifted towards the letter she still held tightly. There was nothing else to say or do, anything she’d come up with now would only prolong the much needed conversation.
“Good luck.” Takuma’s short nod was met with a grimace from Y/N, followed by quiet short noise that could only be described as a whine.
Just for a fraction of a moment he forgot the aching pain in his chest. Goddamn, why did she look so cute right now? It took all his willpower to keep his mouth shut when inside him everything was screaming at him to just be honest.
Without any further ado she turned on her heel. Even if she didn’t know where to find Toge, she was sure that eventually she’d run into him. Maybe she could think of the right things to say until then.
Takuma’s gaze followed her until she was out of sight. The second grace sorcerer wasn’t a coward or shy by any means, he was brave and courageous. So why couldn’t he just walk up to her and confess, like he had thought about so many times? Why did he settle to write a letter and leave it in her jacket like some clumsy lovesick teenager?
In an instant he froze in place, his eyes wide in shock as the realization hit him like a jolt of electricity. As soon as Y/N confronted Toge she’d find out that the letter wasn’t actually  from him. His heart had started pounding and he felt paralyzed when he realized the extensive consequences of her finding out. Their entire friendship would shift and become awkward. In the worst case it might even end he’d lose his best friend.
He had to follow Y/N and ‘accidentally’ interrupt her encounter with Toge before the blonde student could expose his secret crush on his best friend.
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For an experienced high grade sorcerer Y/N was far too immersed in her thoughts to realize that for the past half hour she had been followed by Takuma. He didn’t even have to use any cursed energy to be as stealthy as possible. She was too occupied with her search for the blonde student to notice him either way.
Well, she didn’t actively search for Toge, no. She dreaded this upcoming conversation more than anything else. Instead, she simply wandered around the school grounds as casually as she could. Eventually she’d find him, wouldn’t she?
She had already given up on thinking of what to say, nothing seemed good or fitting. With a nervous feeling in her gut she decided to just wing it and come up with anything she’d say on the spot.
Just when Y/N was about to call it quits and chicken out of this entire situation she saw Toge walking a little bit further away from her current position. After suppressing another unmotivated whine she took deep breaths to calm her nerves before approaching him.
“Hey, Toge!” She tried not to sound too loud with her yell as she ran up to the blonde student, who turned around towards her and greeted her with a hand sign, as per usual paired with a quiet: “Kelp.”
“I wanted to talk to you about something.” Y/N’s head was tilted a little and a somewhat awkward smile appeared on her face. Damnit. She tried so hard to act normal but she had only ever been in this situation two or three times before. Rejecting someone was hard on its own, but even worse when it was a good friend. How would she even start?
Instead of saying any of his safe words Toge opted to not say anything as he only raised his eyebrows. A silent sign that she had his attention and a gesture for her to keep talking.
“The letter you sent me… it was really nice, but…” As much as Y/N tried to find the right words, it resulted in her sounding uncertain. Hopefully this wouldn’t cause their friendship to get awkward.
The more she tried to construct a coherent sentence, the less she was actually able to speak properly. The nervousness that surged through her body felt almost paralyzing, even more so than the uncomfortable silence that hung between them. But she had to say something. She couldn’t give Toge any false hope. He didn’t deserve that.
“I don’t like you like that, I’m sorry.”
If Y/N had the courage to look up right now she would have seen the confused expression on Toge’s face as he tried desperately to make sense of this whole situation. However, her gaze was just about anywhere else, focusing on invisible dots, as to not look at him directly.
He wasn’t entirely sure what she meant, but with the limited vocabulary available to him he decided to simply agree with it and call it a day. Whatever this was about would surely resolve on its own. For him there was no need to stress about something he didn’t fully grasp either way.
“Salmon.” With that Toge nodded his head, conveying his understanding, even if it was merely an act.
“I don’t wanna hurt you, and I hope we can stay friends.” Even though Y/N harbored no romantic feelings for the short blonde student, rejecting a friend was always a gut-wrenching experience. It was something she hated, even if it had thankfully only happened very few times. The anguish of having to turn down someone she was close with always hung above the friendship, similar to the damning dropping chandelier in Phantom of the Opera. At one point it might crash and reduce the remaining friendship to rubble and dust.
Although this didn’t seem to be the case with Toge, he took the rejection like a champ. If Y/N hadn’t been too overwhelmed by this situation she might have realized that Toge even seemed a little too chill about getting rejected. But her mind was elsewhere, involuntarily drifting to the young sorcerer who was now hiding behind a wall, listening in on their conversation.
Toge hadn’t exposed him, he took the rejection and went with it. Yet, for some reason it caused Takuma to feel twisted. Y/N didn’t even think of him when she received the letter, and now she had officially rejected ‘T.I.’, which made it practically impossible to send her another note. He should have just gathered his courage and confessed when he had the chance.
“Salmon Roe.” Two words was enough to pull Y/N and Takuma out of their thoughts and bring them back to the present. She only nodded in an effort to ease the awkward tension between them, even if she was the only one that felt it.
Toge pointed towards his dorm rooms, not even attempting to say anything else before lifting his hand in the air to wave goodbye as he left Y/N on her own. Her thoughts were racing and her heart pounded in her chest. The conversation had gone smooth (more or less) and Toge took the rejection well. Hopefully this wouldn’t have any awkward consequences in their friendship. 
Meanwhile Takuma leaned against the wall he was hiding behind, nervousness filling his stomach. He should get out of here, leave before she noticed that he had followed her.
His palms were sweaty, his heart beating so fast and hard that it threatened to burst out of his chest. His head leaned against the surface of the concrete as his eyes were closed. If he already felt like this when he was just hiding behind a wall then how was he ever gonna face her and confess? He, the usually cool, calm and collected auspicious beasts’ user, was undoubtedly a coward. 
“‘Kuma?” Y/N’s voice rang in his ears, instantly his eyes widened. Instantly he cursed himself for not disappearing sooner. Now it was too late for that, if he attempted to leave now she’d just follow and question him.
“What are you doing here?” Her voice was, understandably, laced with confusion. Had he listened to the entire conversation she had with Toge? Why would he even care about it?
“Hey.” It was the most awkward and stupidest he had ever sounded as he dragged out the one word greeting. He wanted to disappear right now, vanish into thin air never to be seen again.
When he didn’t say anything she lifted her head forward just a bit and raised her eyebrows expectantly, urging him to continue with her sharp gaze. Oh, how he scolded himself internally at this very moment.
“I’m just here for emotional support…” The way the words came out of his mouth seemed more like a question instead of an answer to her initial inquiry.  If there was ever an award for the worst lie, Takuma would receive it without any close competition. Even without this dead giveaway Y/N would have known that something was foul.
“Would you just spit it out?” Gone was the nervousness she felt just moments ago during her conversation with Toge. Now she was aggravated and irritated at his unusual behavior. It must have been connected to the love note, but she couldn’t come up with any reason why.
As Y/N was still waiting for his response, Takuma felt the sinking realization that he wouldn’t be able to get out of this situation without coming clean about the love letter. The weight on his chest grew heavier, his heart pounded louder, the beating rang in his ears. He wiped his hands on his pants, rather pathetically as they kept on sweating. Had he ever been this fucking nervous prior to this moment? He couldn’t remember.
Even after facing curse users, as well as encountering and successfully exorcizing countless curses, and finding himself in the most dangerous situations, he couldn’t remember ever feeling this uneasy in his entire life.
The silence between them remained for what felt like an eternity, but actually had only been about two minutes. Y/N knew that he heard her question loud and clear, there was no need to repeat it. Especially considering how nervous he appeared. Something was definitely wrong, but no matter how irritated or aggravated she was with him, she’d never pressure him. That simply wasn’t how their friendship worked.
Seconds felt like hours for Takuma but he knew he had to say something, and eventually, after taking multiple deep breaths, he finally overcame his uneasiness and forced himself to speak up.
“I’m T.I.”, as little as his words seemed, it had taken him immense courage to say them out loud.
“The letter… it’s from me.”
Y/N simply stared at him as he dropped this bomb of information on her. The thought of “T.I.” actually standing for Takuma Ino had never seriously crossed her mind. Even if for a split second she might have hoped for it, she had immediately dismissed it.
For as long as she had been friends with him he was never the type to write letters, especially love letters. She had known him long enough to learn his character inside out. He was blunt, but not brutal, open and unfiltered but never hostile. In short; he wasn’t someone who would hide behind an anonymous letter.
Or so she thought at least, which caused her thoughts to go into overdrive.
“You wrote that? Why? Did you think it’d be a funny joke? Is that why you didn’t say anything before and just let me make a fool out of myself in front of Toge?” Y/N asked suddenly, completely overwhelmed with this situation and clearly overthinking it.
Takuma knew that tone all too well, he was the one to calm her down more than just a few times, and while he was still nervous about this whole ordeal, he couldn’t watch how she doubted herself so much that she didn’t take his love letter seriously.
“No, it wasn’t a joke. Listen…”, for a moment he paused, his might searching for words as she took a step forward to her. He let out a deep sigh before he spoke up once more.
“I like you. Like… a whole lot. I’ve pretty much had a crush on you since forever. I don’t know what made me write a damn letter. I guess I was too much of a coward to tell you face to face.” Even though he had taken a step forward, he couldn’t look into her eyes. His averted gaze focused on an invisible point a few feet away.
“It’s not a joke, alright? I’m serious.” His heart hammered against his ribcage. This was the moment he didn’t want to experience.
Y/N was far too shocked to construct a proper sentence, the confession had taken her by full surprise. Neither of them dared to say anything but as the moments passed her lips curled into a smile that she tried to suppress. It was slowly setting in that this wasn’t a joke or a prank. Takuma seemed to be genuinely nervous, even anxious. Something she wasn’t used to seeing.
Furthermore, she had known him for quite some time and while he was a bit of a goof who liked to pull pranks, he never would have gone for something that could end up emotionally scarring someone.
Her heart went from racing twice as fast to skipping a beat all the way to pounding heavily inside her chest. It felt as if a fuzzy blanket was wrapped around her, the realization that the boy she had a crush on liked her back.
“And you’re really really serious?” She questioned quietly, her voice now lacking the previous panicky tone.
“More than anything.”
When he finally lifted his head again Takuma saw the smile on her lips. It was like a drug to him, instantly he returned it with a smile on his own, the uneasiness fading away and being replaced by a warm feeling that spread through his limbs.
“Good, cause I like you too.”
“You really do?” His mind struggled to believe that it was real, but the way she smiled shyly with this faint blush on her cheeks was all the proof he needed. And suddenly he’s floating from happiness.
Suddenly the anxiety he felt died down, and all the uneasiness disappeared from his body.
Y/N had no time to brace herself when all of a sudden his arms wrapped tightly around her frame, pulling her right into his warm chest. The closeness, paired with his familiar scent, felt like a dream to her.
Takuma didn’t need to say it, it was obvious that he was happier than ever about this development, but so was Y/N.
The two of them didn’t know how much time passed, could have been an hour, could have been an eternity. In reality it was closer to a few minutes, when he eventually loosened his hold and leaned back just enough to look at her. 
Y/N could have sworn she just fell much deeper for him when she saw his unusually flushed face. A sign so beautiful and handsome that she never wanted to look away. It was a sight she didn’t expect, and certainly something she never knew she needed to see until now.
“So… Can I kiss you?” Takuma asked, and Y/N swore he was still nervous, which caused her chest to feel even warmer. It was unlike him to not ooze confidence with every fiber of his being, however, knowing that she had this effect on him, even after both of them confessing, filled her with pride.
“I don’t know if you can, but you should.” She responded with a smirk, albeit with her cheeks so heated that she felt like a radiator. The chuckle that followed her words was cut short when his lips captured her own. Her giggle died down when she practically melted into the kiss.
It was a little messy and chaotic, but eventually they fell into a rhythm that felt just right in every way.
Her hands, which were still wrapped around his torso from their hug, grabbed his sweater tightly. Meanwhile her thoughts dissipated, leaving nothing else but the blissful happiness, and the fluttering butterflies in her stomach.
Everything was drowned out until a few seconds later when Takuma pulled away. As if she was magnetized by him she tried to follow his lips, leaning further into him just a few inches before regaining her composure. She opened her eyes but didn’t look at him right away. It was such a silly thing that she felt embarrassed for not wanting the kiss to end but at the same time she knew that from now on she could have kisses anytime she asked.
Her hands slowly let go of his sweater. A wave of uncertainty hit her but it was gone as quick as it arrived once she felt him reach for her wrist.
His hand found hers, and their fingers interlaced. Y/N couldn’t help but notice how natural and easy everything felt with him. Her heart might have raced like a sports car and rang in her ears like church bells but being with Takuma like this felt more natural and comfortable than she had ever imagined.
For a while it was quiet as the two of them simply started strolling around aimlessly on the school grounds. But there was one thing Y/N still wanted to address…
“You couldn’t come up with a better way to sign it then T.I.?”
“To be fair I didn’t think your first thought would be Riceball Guy.” He mumbled back and rolled his eyes, listening as her giggles turned into a short but warm laugh.
His eyes were glued to her, the corners of his lips subconsciously curling into the happiest grin he could possibly create.
They had no label yet but she was his girl, there was no doubt in his mind about it. She was hers even before he had even known it. And there was no way in hell that he’d ever let go of her.
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pixiesfz · 9 months
winners are grinners c.f
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plot: arsenal women are asked to join the sidemen for a collaboration video and you and your girlfriend are asked to come.
warnings: none really, might come out with a harry version later for fun
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You had your arm around your girlfriends shoulder when they pressed the record button and one of the seven boys who's named you found out was JJ started yelling at the camera.
You had known about the sidemen, you did live in London after all their fans were everywhere and almost all their videos went viral.
You smiled when you felt Caitlin laugh at one of their jokes and looked at her "ya happy we came?" you whispered and she turned to you "I reckon we smash em" she smiled and you laughed at her enthusiasm.
It was early in your relationship and you hadn't made anything public yet in terms of media-wise, you tried to keep it a secret from the team but the captains clearly latched on to your closeness and beat it out of you.
When they were discussing the 'discount code' you slipped your arm off Caitlin and started playing with the soccer ball underneath your feet "What about Gunners" you said when they didn't like their first word.
"Oh yeah Gunners!" KSI said with a shrug as Josh celebrated behind him.
You all went to your spots as one named Ethan just explained the first game. "Someone throws the ball in, touch it once, and then kick for a goal," he said and you all agreed.
"I don't think we need to ask if we're partners right?" Caitlin joked, her Aussie accent popping through as you laughed "yeah but you're going first"
JJ went first, kicking a fairly easy shot but your goal keeper and friend Manu must have been day dreaming cause she watched it go through without moving.
"Manu babe!" you called out "You just watched it go in!" you called out to her which made the girls laugh "I'm warming up" she defended herself and all the girls laughed again.
You were happy you agreed to come now it seems more fun than you thought.
The boys were still celebrating as you patted Ruby "your turn Rubesicle" you told her as she and Noelle went over.
You looked at Caitlin whose competitive nature had taken over her as she started to squint around "You're going to get lines if you squint Catie" you teased and she shook her head "Shut up".
You smiled, proud of yourself as Ruby took her shot and Toby caught it, next was Harry who had an impressive kick but Manu shot up and tapped it away which left you speechless.
All the girls erupted in cheers at your friends talent and all the boys clapped whilst complimenting her save.
"Care to do that against Chelsea next time?" you called out and smiled when you saw Manu look at you with a deadpan expression.
Noelle went next and also kicked an incredible shot but Toby blocked it in the same mannerisms as Manu.
Everyone went into shambles again and Noelle went to her knees, you got so excited that you clung on to Caitlin that let out a loud gasp.
"That was the save of his lifetime!" Noelle yelled and everyone laughed.
Next was Ethen who hit the post and you and Caitlin walked up to the camera which you smiled at.
"Hi my names Caitlin Foord" Caitlin introduced herself "I should score but we'll see" she shrugged, you laughed at your girlfriend as you repeated her words to her "C'mon Caity" you encouraged before throwing the ball up and watching as she touched it with her knee and kicked it into the middle and straight into Toby's hands.
"Caitlin!" you yelled knowing that she could kick a better goal in her sleep "It is scarier than you think" she defended herself to you as you both laughed going back.
You watched Josh go next as he tried to do something cool but failed...miserably.
You couldn't hold in your laugh as he whipped his head around to see where the ball was and Simon who was next to you laughed harder from your reaction.
"We brought grandad with us today, sorry" Ethan yelled out and for a second you felt bad for the man but he was also laughing at himself so it seemed fine.
You and Caitlin walked up again as you looked into the camera.
"Hi my names y/f/n but if I miss it's Caitlin Foord" you smiled before Caitlin yelled out a 'hey' as you smiled cheekily at her.
Caitlin threw the ball as you touched it with your right foot to keep it on the ground but went back a little to smash it, it seemed like it was going to go in before Toby stretched out his leg and hit it out with his foot.
You groaned as Caitlin laughed at you and grabbed you to take you to the line.
"You almost made me do the splits!" Toby called out and you laughed "be more flexible then" you defended with a smile.
A couple more shots later and a failed trick shot the whole fourteen of you were smiling ear to ear as you all had fun. Simon got another one in and now you and Caitlin were going up "I reckon low corners he's expecting high shots" you told her as you looked at the goalie.
"hey, no team chatting!" JJ called out as you both laughed and separated, you threw the ball and Caitlin touched it before kicking back left corner which he thought would go high, just as you predicted.
You cheered for Caitlin before she opened her arms for a big hug as you ran back to the girls "on the map" you sang out to them.
It was your turn soon enough and you did the same thing as Caitlin but switched to your left boot so it would go the other way which Toby got confused by and dived the other direction.
"Oi she's strategic!" Simon yelled out towards you as you gave an innocent smile to them which they laughed at. When you were walking back Caitlin whispered in your ear "such a smart girl" she praised as you blushed.
Once it was your turn again you completely smashed it with your left foot making the ball go fast so Toby wasn't quick enough to stop it as it hit the net.
"Let's go!" Noelle yelled out from her spot on the side and Ethan clapped "beautiful!" he hyped as a smile formed on your face and Caitlin laughed.
The boys ended up hitting 5 before the girls and next was a crossbar challenge which Caitlin ended up being a gun at, scoring three of the five you and Ruby being the other two to score one.
You looked at the camera before sighing "something about the boys crying out in defeat is empowering" you shrugged and walked off, you didn't know that clip of you would become viral in a couple of days.
Penalty's were next and you put yourself up second in line, before Caitlin, you were first to get one in for the girls and Caitlin quickly behind as you both clapped hands.
"They're like a dynamic duo" JJ whispered out loud "if only you knew" you joked back and Caitlin pulled you away before you could see the look on their faces.
Your next one you ran towards the left but kicked it to the right making Toby confused and go to the left making your shot clear and easy.
"I'm quite proud of myself there" You smiled at Caitlin who smiled "You're too adorable," she told you before going up herself.
It was now 9 - 7 and you only needed one more goal for the girls to win the round and it was your turn.
"This is really nerve-wracking" you admitted before the boys started yelling things out about 90-minute goals and champion leagues.
You winked at Caitlin before taking your shot when it hit the net all the girls came running at you with cheers and you jumped up and down.
Next was free kicks and everybody kinda sucked at it but the boys eventually scored three, even if you accidentally hit Harry in the chest and had to apologize six times as he said 'It's fine' with a clearly winded voice.
It was two all and we decided to end it on rock paper scissors which you elected Caitlin for.
"Why me?" she asked "Cause I will end up forgiving you if you lose," you said as the others nodded Caitlin just rolled her eyes and went against Vik.
Vik went rock and Caitlin paper so we won and all the girls went into cheers and you jumped on Caitlin's back "Oh yeah!" you yelled out as she laughed at your excitement.
When she put you down she covered her microphone "Am I going to get rewarded for this miraculous win" she said with a smirk and you just smirked back at her.
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amymbona · 1 month
What if Dilf!Art was put into the ballet instructor au?? Like After the tennis match that Art and Patrick had, that hugged confirmed a friendship again. Of course Art and Patrick retired, tired of the pressure tennis put on them, the pressure of being with Tashi. So Art and Patrick remained close friends, living close to each other, having their daughters be friends. When Patrick put Eleanor into ballet classes Art thought it would be good for Lily to something different than her dad and mom did. So both of the girls had ballet classes, being in the class, being taught by the same lovely ballet teacher. Now Patrick was the one who absolutely fell in love with her first, if we’re doing timelines. He talked about her to Art, and he really didn’t think anything of it, because he didn’t pay much attention, not when he would go picking up his happy daughter with her arms interlocked with Eleanor’s as they skipped towards him and Patrick. But when the ballet teacher spoke softly to Art about Lily’s improvements in ballet he immediately understood Patrick’s obsession. She was so soft and caring, so youthful, it was something Art definitely needed throughout his life. Art thought the same things Patrick did, that she was the one who could probably take away all of his problems, all of those days he’d eat such bland food for his tennis diet, pushing himself so he could make Tashi proud, doing anything for Tashi but nothing was ever enough, she wanted good tennis and he wanted love. (IM SORRY, I WANT BOTH MEN)
Okay so this is actually fucking insane 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁
You don't even notice their growing affection towards you, especially Art's. You've known Patrick for quite a while and so you're used to him being, how to say it... friendly. Really fucking friendly. Subtly touching you, complimenting the way you treat his darling daughter and make sure she gets to develop her talent.
And poor Art is feeling completely distressed, as if he wasn't capable of even half of whatever Patrick can do. He tries to joke with you and you respond equally as softly, even giggling at some of his silly jokes. He thinks you're an angel, but he's also afraid you like Patrick more. At least you don't make any decisions considering the kids, because you've been treating his Lily as if she was here since the beginning.
Art brings the topic of you once, when the boys are alone, which is the first time that it happens (as Patrick was usually the one to rant about you).
"She's really pretty."
"Who?" Patrick asks without looking up from his phone, probably thinking he's talking about some random celebrity.
"Lily and El's ballet teacher," Art mumbles.
Patrick teases the living hell out of Art that evening. And he makes sure to pay attention to his blonde friend's behaviour the next time they go to pick their girls up from practice. A pleasant discovery is made when Art stutters as he attempts to respond to something your say and his cheeks heat up like two full strawberries. Yeah, he makes fun of it.
But it also gets poor Patrick worried, considering everything that has happened over the last fifteen years... When Art got chosen by Tashi and favored by the whole tennis industry. The cutest one of the two. And considering your own softness and the ethereal aura of your being, he's thinking you might choose Art over him.
Without knowing or ever discussing it, the two friends become jealous of once another, or rather afraid, both of them finding themselves so deeply attached to you. Two confident men who used to be so smug and full of themselves are reduced to worried babies that can't help but feel neglected.
Luckily, their smart girls pick up on their dads' distress. Unaware of the reason, they play detectives and they dump their suspicionw on you. When you're talking with Art and Patrick the next time while the girls are changing in the locker rooms, you bring that topic up.
"The girls told me that you two have been having some issues. They said that you look worried. Is something going on?"
You speak to them like you're an angel sent from the heavens above, they really both want to drop to their knees and cry until you decide to be merciful enough and take them into your arms. The little frown of worry on your face and the crease between your brows are enough to send both of their hearts beating faster.
"Worried?" Patrick asks with a casual chuckle, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. "Do we look worried Art?"
You asshole, Art thinks, shooting his friend a glance. "I- I don't think so. Perhaps we're just getting older. A mid-life crisis, you know."
A giggle from your mouth gets them both to tremble on their feet.
"Okay, okay, I won't pry," you assure them with a nod and that beautiful smile of yours, "But if you feel like talking to someone, don't be afraid to reach out."
You pat both of their shoulders delicately, Art just ends up glancing at you with an open mouth as you move while Patrick has to physically prevent himself from grabbing you and stopping you from walking away.
Later in the evening, when their girls are asleep, they discuss your existence over the phone. Luckily, still on the best friend wavelength, they both come up with the same ideas. Somehow getting you close to them, closer than a normal ballet teacher should be to her students' parents, especially a father. Especially two fathers.
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fortunekookie07 · 4 months
X amount of time ago, I got my first request for a story. I am still over the moon about that. And being that Xavier's new memories just dropped, I chose him per requesters prompt.
Potatosugar this one is for you
Moment Forever Lost
Rafayel, just thinking or hearing his name sent butterflies coursing through your stomach. Your best friend, the person you felt closest to in the world. The one you wanted to spend the rest of your life with.
Rafayel, the one existence in this world you felt you could never reach. Not after she entered the picture. How many plans had been rearranged, canceled, or simply forgotten because for Rafayel, she always came first.
When Rafayel told you that she was the one who had rescued him as a kid, and then confided in you that I'm that moment he fell in love with her. Your heart shattered into a million pieces.
After all, how could you compete with that? She was a hero to Rafayel, and he was smitten. The first time you met her you wanted to abandon all hope. She was beautiful.
Perfect, straight, long dark brown hair. A small frame and delicate features. It was like fate had created a perfect girl and then sent her your way to destroy the future you'd wanted.
You had begun to war with yourself internally. Half of you instantly hated her for stealing your place. The spot next to Rafayel had belonged to you. You'd been the one friend who stuck by him since middle school. Rafayel's personality was a bit off putting to most people after all. Even she had found his manners a bit extreme.
The other half of you actually liked her. She was nice, friendly, and very likeable. Her smile alone put anyone at ease. Then there was her talents. As a Deepspace Hunter, her skills were unrivaled amongst her graduating class. She had been named the best and she'd gotten to join the Unicorns Team that took on the most dangerous missions. It was no wonder that Rafayel was smitten with her.
You constantly compared yourself to her. Frustration rising whenever you thought about the goal you once had. Your Evol had never really developed. Making the ground shake around you would not benefit you or your partner at all. Often times you couldn't even control it. Whenever your emotions got out of hand so would your Evol. It drove you crazy to see someone else living your dream.
You hated yourself for having such negative thoughts about someone so kind. She ha never once been cruel to you. Even if she constantly seemed to but in whenever you were spending time with Rafayel.
Today was your birthday, twenty four years old now. The same age as Rafayel. By a few months, as he constantly reminded you. Proud of being the older, and therefore wiser one.
Rafayel had insisted on going out to celebrate. He'd wanted to take you to his favorite restraint. It was high class and typically only catered to famous individuals and top notch business men and women. It wasn't unusual to see this place booked out for some high tech companies meeting.
Rafayel had persuaded you to come here. He wanted to make you feel important. Not just to him, but for yourself. He wanted to make this a day to remember. He had reserved a table with a fantastic view of the city below and gotten you a beautiful dress to wear.
The color was a deep, dark blue. A sheer outer skirt of intricate lace. The lace went all over the dress and the sleeves. Fitting your figure perfectly. Complimenting all of your best features.
You arrive at the restaurant and walk to the maitre'D. "Reservation for two. Under Rafayel, has he arrived yet?" You ask with a smile. The man looked down at the tablet in front oh him, scanning the list of reservations for the night.
"I'm sorry miss, I don't have any reservations for Mr. Rafayel tonight". The man looked apologetic as he relayed the news. "Oh maybe he made the reservation under my name"? You say with a question and rattle off your own name. The man shakes his head again. "No miss, no reservations under you either". You felt your heart sunk as you stepped away from his podium.
You fish your phone out of the small hand bag you'd brought and immediately call Rafayel. It goes straight to voicemail so you leave a message. "Rafayel, I'm here at the restaurant but they don't have a reservation for us. I'll just wait for you. See you in a few". After hanging up you go to sit on the cushy bench just outside the entrance doors.
Five minutes goes by and you check your phone anxiously. Nothing, no calls or texts. You tuck your phone back into the bag. Couples drift by you once in a while. Some of them glance at you curiously as they walk inside.
Fifteen minutes go by and Rafayel has still not appeared. A sinking feeling in your stomach knots your insides up. This is not the first time you've been stood up, but like a puppy everytime he calls your name you go running back. A burn in the corners of your eyes start as you desperately try not to cry.
You pull your phone out again and call Rafayel once more. It still goes straight to voice mail. "Rafayel where are you? You are coming right? I'm still here waiting for you". Your voice cracks a bit at the end before you finally manage to stave off your tears.
Still wanting to belive that he would not ditch you on your birthday, you continue waiting. Perched on the seat, hoping, just praying, that Rafayel will suddenly appear. Hair disheveled from running and face apologetic, but it doesn't.
For forty-five minutes you sit on that bench and wait. When some of the people who'd gone in for dinner are now coming out you stand up, shame burning your face red. The looks on their faces clearly peg you as having had your date ditch you. You can't take being judged by people you don't even know and run off. The tears have broken free and are streaming down your face.
You don't know or care where you are going at the moment. Just away from there. You stop running after you stumble and realize you've made it to the edge of the downtown area. The restaurant is some thirty blocks behind you. Thankfully it isn't too late and this is a well traveled area. You're able to get a taxi.
Your phone rings as the taxi pulls up in front of your apartment. Rafayel's name and picture flashing on the screen. You send the call to voice mail and pay the driver.
As you're unlocking your door your phone starts ringing again. Rafayel's name and picture showing up once more. In anger you just turn your phone straight off and stuff it into the bottom of your bag. A voice speaks behind you.
"Wow, are you so against taking my call that your abusing your phone too"? That haughty tone can only belong to one person. Rafayel.
You turn and pin him with your angriest glare. "I don't even want to see you right now, much less hear your voice." You spit, hurling all the venom you can muster with your pain and humiliation.
He reaches out to take your hand and you're quick to slap it away. You hide the wince at the loud sound if the smack and the stinging on your palm. His arm is still held out towards you. The back of his hand red with the marks of your fingers.
Tears gather in the corners of your eyes again. "I get that I am not first in your life and that I never will be, but how could you stand me up on my birthday with plans that YOU made"? You ask not looking at him as your voice cracks. He moves in closer and forces you to look at him.
"You are important to me, you're my best friend. I am so sorry about tonight...". You cut him off placing your hand over his mouth before he can say her name. "I don't want to hear it Rafayel, don't say her name. Especially right now". You feel like your soul will shatter if he utters her name now.
He brushes your tears away one handed and you finally realize he's been holding his other arm behind his back. Before you can ask he's drawing his arm from behind his back and presents you with a bouquet. The fragrance hits you before your mind can register what you are seeing.
In his hands is a dozen of the largest white chrysanthemums you have ever seen. The bloom easily bigger than his hand. You didn't even know the flower could get this big. You close your eyes breathing in the scent of your favorite flower.
"I am sorry, this couldn't be avoided. It was an emergency. Let me make it up to you tomorrow. It's the first day of the lantern festival. Let me take you". You look at him in surprise. It was a well known fact that Rafayel hated crowds, for anything. It was one of the reasons why he so often skipped out on his painting exhibits. He didn't care for all the noise either. You'd never been able to get him to go to one before.
"R-really"?!? You ask hardly believing your ears as your heart soars. He nods before replying. "Really, let me take you". You hug him tightly in response. The ruined birthday all but forgotten now.
"I'll pick you up at 6:30 tomorrow". He says when you finally let go. "See you romorrow"! You tell him excitedly before going inside.
Once in the kitchen you search for your flower vases. Finding the perfect one that can hold such a large bouquet, you fill it with water and csrefully place them in it.
You take a deep whiff of the flowers before heading to your bedroom. As you get your pj's on you feel a sense of dread, like something bad is going to happen real soon. You squash it down and force yourself to sleep.
The following day can't pass fast enough. All day long you are distracted, even you co workers notice that you aren't getting much done. Seeing as you are usually zipping through your work it isn't hard to notice.
Finally the end of the work day has come. You excitedly clean up your desk and shut your computer down. Being an office consultant had its drawbacks but the job was easy and the pay was good. Even if it was boring sometimes. It was the safe and stable direction your parents had encouraged you to take after failing to qualify for the Hunter's Association.
After you got home you were quick to jump in the shower and freshen up. You only had an hour before Rafayel would be knocking at the door.
You decide to wear easy to move in clothes. A white dress and sandals with no heel. The dress is simple and cute. Having a halter style top and a point cut skirt that swishes while you walk.
Just as you finish tying your hair into place the doorbell rings. You grab your phone, keys, and wallet then slip them into your small off white knit bag and run towards the door.
Rafayel smiles in the other side and draws you into a hug. "You're right on time"! You say brightly closing thr door behind you after locking it. Rafayel casually takes your hand as he's done many times before and you start walking.
He asks you what you want to do first when the first lights appear just ahead of you. "Let's walk around the stalls and play some games"! You say just as a familiar figure comes into view. Your blood freezes as you recognize her.
You turn and look sharply at Rafayel and stop short. He tries to mask his expression and you can stop the look of betrayal on your face. You jerk your hand out of his. "Did you invite her to come with us"?!? You ask your eyes darting back and forth across his face searching for a denial.
She quickly interjects. "Rafayel didn't invite me. He told me he was going and I decided to come too. I didn't know I was interrupting a date". She says holding her hands up to calm you down. Her face is genuinely sorry and guilt is written all over her face.
"If it makes you feel better I'm meeting up with someone too. I though we could walk around as a threesome. But we can make that pairs. He's my partner from work. His name is Xavier, he's a good guy. Easy to get along with. You might like him". She says with a bashful smile.
Oh, OH there's that look on her face. You recognize it as you'd worn that same expression whenever you thought about Rafayel before. You glance at the man in question. His face is tight and there is a forced smile on his lips.
"There he is now! Xavier"! She calls waving wildly to someone coming up behind you. Turning you see a tall man with ash blond hair and a pair of the deepest blue eyes you've ever seen. "This is Rafayel and his friend". She introduces the two of you to him. He nods and looks you over before nodding with a small smile. "I'm Xavier, nice to met you". He says going to stand beside her.
This man radiates calmness but you can feel a dangerous aura lurking beneath that. As well as a fierce protectiveness for the small woman beside him. She grabs your hand and tugs you into the bustling crowd ahead. "Come on, or were going to miss all the fun"! Her excitement is contagious and your earlier anger had completely disappeared.
It seemed for once that Rafayel had not interjected her into your plans. That happiness was short lived when you noticed he kept paying attention to Xavier and suggesting that he play this and that game with her. Alot of the time she agreed, sometimes she would decline and play with Xavier. Most of the time she would play twice with both of them.
You were beginning to feel like a third wheel and regretting ever having come to this festival. Rafayel was hardly doing any of the activities with you and it stung sharply. Wasn't this supposed to be his apology for ditching you on your birthday?
Finally you could stand it no more and you stopped walking. The only one to notice was Xavier he looked back at you and asked "Are you ok"? You shook your head. "I'm not feeling well, I'm going home". You turned and walked straight back the way you'd come. Ignoring the protests from everyone coming this way and them telling you, you were going the wrong way.
It seemed like it took forever but finally you made it back to the entrance of the festival and you sat down. The tears came again. You just couldn't understand how and why you were so ignored by Rafayel. Your jealousy burned as every scene played back in your head. Rafayel had only played a few games with you and every time had been when she hadn't wanted dtonolaybwith him first. It had only been then, once she'd rejected that he would ask you like a second choice.
Once again you found yourself completely distraught for the second time, for the same man in only two days.
You walked home alone. Mood completely sour and expression dark. Fishing your keys out as you stood in front of your door you noticed your phone. Unlocking it you were unsurprised to find that there were no messages. Either Rafayel hadn't noticed you were gone yet, or he just didn't care. You shut it off and opened the door. Silence greeted you, just as it always did.
"I'm tired of being alone". You say out loud to no one. "I don't want to be in love with someone who doesn't even see me anymore". You cry sinking to the floor and sobbing again. You don't know how long you sit with your back to the front door crying. Your thoughts are jarred when the doorbell rings. You say nothing and listen. The bell goes off again two and then three more times.
Rafayel's soft voice comes from the other side. "Why did you leave without saying anything to me? Why didn't you tell me you were feeling sick in the first place. I was worried". He says and the concern in his tone irritates you. You stand up and yank the door open.
"Were you actually worried? How long did it even take you to notice I was gone??? Did you even look for me? Why did you ignore me almost the entire time I was there? Am I just a doormat to you? Am I supposed to act grateful any time you decide to toss me even a SECOND of your precious time"? You hurl all your pent up frustrations at him as more tears slip down your face.
Rafayel frowns and you can see him getting angry but you cut him off. "I'm tired Rafayel, I'm not a puppy that will keep running back to you every time you call my name. I will not be grateful just because you remember that I exist. I can't do this anymore. Loving you hurts to much and I just can't take it. It's killing me inside". You try to wipe your tears away.
"I never asked you to love me. I told you she was important to me a long time ago. It was your stupid choice to fall in love with me knowing all that". He spots back at you angry now. Not since your days in middle school when you first met has Rafayel spoken to you this way.
"You think she'll come to love you back?!? Open your eyes and look you stupid ass! She's in love with someone else too! She won't choose you"! You slam the door in his face before he can respond and run to your room and throw yourself into your bed. You sob yourself to sleep and wish that you had never met Rafayel. He's finally driven you into that dark place you'd tried so hard to avoid.
In the days that pass you feel numb to the world. Two weeks have gone by and not a single message or call from him. Not that you were expecting any or wanted any. The last message was from him and one of the silly stickers he liked to use.
If your heart wasn't broken and you weren't trying to recover from the severe emotional beating you'd taken, you might care that your phone was so silent for the first time that you could remember.
Several times you'd opened your contacts and went to trash all his messages and then block and delete his number all together. You just couldn't bring yourself to do it yet. Maybe in a few more days. You kept telling yourself that over and over again. You were caught in this vicious cycle. Wanting to move on and finally free yourself from him altogether and being unable to do just that.
You had adjusted to your life without Rafayel in it. A few times you'd seen his writing a message bubble pop up in your conversations but he never sent anything. You still didn't care.
Two months had gone by and nothing. Once Thomas had reached out to you asking why you hadn't been to the gallery recently but you didn't answer that message either. Under different circumstances you might have felt guilty leaving him on read.
After work that day you decided to change your pace for the first time in weeks. You went to the coffee shop you used to frequent. The Cafe style had always been cute to you and the chairs were so comfortable. Just as you put your hand on the door you noticed a familiar figure in your favorite chair.
Rafayel was slouched in the chair, completely unlike him. His wavy purple hair was messy and ot looked like he was neglecting his sleep. Badly at that, if the dark circles under his eyes were anything to go by. His head was perched on his hand and he was tapping the arm of the chair.
As if sensing your gaze he looked up. His eyes went wide and he immediately stood up and took a step in your direction. You let go of the door handle and stepped back blending into the people walking as you hurriedly left. The moment your eyes met you felt a twinge in your heart. You weren't ready to see him again.
The next day at work your mood was positively black, as if a heavy thunderstorm was hanging over your head. Everyone steered clear of you. Only coming to speak to you when absolutely necessary.
The day passed by slowly and you paid little attention to anything around you. By the time you noticed that it was quiet everyone had already gone home. You packed your things up slowly and were getting ready to leave when the hairs on the back of your neck stood on end. There was a strange energy in the room and your senses screamed danger at you.
Just then a strange screech echoed in the room and something hit you out of nowhere. You flew up into the air and across the room just as alarm bells went off in the building. Metaflux! Your alarmed brain screamed at you through the pain as you were crumpled on the floor where you'd fallen. A Wanderer was inside the room with you and you had no way to defend yourself.
Sheer panic overtook you ss you lifted your head and looked behind you at the horrible monster bearing down at you. That was when the tremors started and you screamed as it's blade bore down on you.
Just as it was about to strike you a gunshot rang out. The monster was knocked sideways and it's blade swung off course. Cutting the desk in two, instead of you. The creature screeched as a flaming dagger sunk into its arm. Rafayel had showed you his Evol many times before. You knew that dagger even at a glance.
The screen around you changed suddenly and then you weren't in your office building. "Protofield"! A female voice called out. Finally you could see Rafayel and her. He called your name and tried to come to you but was held back by the group of Wanderers.
"Just stay put we'll rescue you"! She called tone serious. You couldn't exactly move. Pain and fear had you rooted to the ground. You'd read about protofields before but lacking the skills, you'd never been in one.
Gunshots, screeches, grunts, and communication between the pair sounded all around as they fought the Wanderers off. Just as quickly as it had appeared the protofield vanished. The last Wanderer seeming to have been destroyed.
The two made their way over to you, picking across the damaged desks and scattered paper. Rafayel knelt next to you. Assessing your injuries as she made a call on her watch. Relaying the situation back to the Association as well as medical support.
You hadn't realized it yet, but your breaths were coming in short gasps and you were starting to feel dizzy.
That was when the floor started shaking again. This time the tremors were violent. Rafayel glanced around as he stood up trying to hold his footing. "Earthquake"? He asked glancing at he watch. She shook her head as Rafayel looked around some more.
Only you realized where the tremors were coming from. You'd never told Rafayel you had any Evol at all. He'd believed you when you said you were born without one and had never developed one after the Wanderers first appeared.
The shaking got worse and cracks appeared in the windows as it seemed like the whole building was moving. "Danger"! You managed to gasp out feeling like your energy was being sucked out of your body. You lay on the ground feeling dizzy and nauseous. The windows busted out, sending glass straight to the ground ten floors below.
Rafayel took as step towards you just as a violent shudder went through the building and the floor gave way beneath you. Then you were falling. You tried to scream as you fell. Above you Rafayel was falling too. Seeming to have jumped through the hole after you. Groaning metal and breaking glass was all that you could hear before you blacked out and then silence. Nothing but silence.
Three months later
Rafayel sat at your bedside. He was usually here at this time of day. It was part of his routine now. He'd gotten used to the beeps of the machines in your hospital room. He'd thought back again and again. The Dr's had determined the earthquake like tremors had come from you. When you had panicked your body's natural instinct to protect itself forced your Evol out of control.
The result had collapsed the building you'd worked in. Thankfully everyone else had gone home for the day. His injuries were nothing compared to yours. Bumps, scrapes, and bruises. He hadn't even needed to be checked into the hospital.
You on the other hand, the list was long and scary. Broken ribs, a punctured lung, skull fractures, a dislocated arm, broken leg, the list went on. He had tried not to read all of it.
The Dr's had treated all your physical injuries and you'd had to under go three different surgeries. The skull fractures had caused the most concern for them. A concussion was the least of your problems.
Right now you were comatose. Your body had shut down all necessary functions to try and repair the damage. The extent of damage to your head had been undetermined as long as you remained asleep.
Rafayel looked at you again, glad most of the bandages were gone now. Beeing wrapped in gauze nearly from head to toe was hard to look at. He took your hand again, careful not to disturb the IV.
"Hurry and wake up, I'll even let you yell at me. I don't mind anymore. You can be mad all you want. Just don't sleep anymore. Please". His voice was a weak whisper as he rubbed his thumb on the back of your hand.
For the first time your hand twitched in his and he looked up sharply at your face. He called your name and the heart monitor picked up your increased hear rate immediately.
He waited anxiously with baited breath and then after what seemed like hours your eyes fluttered open. He leaned over and pressed the call button on your bed after informing the nurse you were awake he turned his attention back to you.
"I'm sorry for everything that happened. You were right. I acted like a jerk, and I didn't treat you very well. I knew for a while that my feelings wouldn't be returned. It's not like she didn't tell me about Xavier before. I just didn't want to listen. If you'll just forgive me, I don't need anything else. " Rafayel said in a rush. Spewing everything out that had crossed his mind in the last three months.
Confusion had knit your brows together. You were looking at him with an odd expression. The door opened as the Dr came in just as you started speaking in a raspy voice. Your words had his heart sinking to the floor.
"Who are you?"
Uwahhhhhh I just realized how long this was editing and proofreading 😵‍💫😵‍💫
I really do torture myself, but then again, short stories aren't very common for me. Oh, well.
I do hope you liked this one. It's a no happy end one. Unless you want to pick it up from my ending and make it happy.
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kunikida-spotted · 3 months
hi hi!! since you like kunikida, i feel like you’re the right person to ask :D
how do you think kunikida would act/show care for people around him? the ada for example.
i’m writing a fic about how kunikida silently shows his care for the agency, but i tend to struggle with characterisation so i need your thoughts. because he obviously cares for the ada members a lot, but i don’t know how to portray it in a way that’s not too “soft” or “goody-two shoes” while still making it clear that he does love these people.
sorry if this is out of the blue lol :’) ty for your time!!
I love analyzing characters 😼
this is going to be a long one. I do not apologize because I love kunikida
also tumblr ate this ask so I found this in my notifs and not my ask box
(also I want the fic please please please I want to read it please)
Some things are canon (first few) others aren't.
We already have seen a few ways he shows care for members!!
-Calling daily. It's in his schedule to call Dazai. And to make sure he's coming into work.
-Telling Dazai he can always vent if he needs to.
-"You were so talented. I couldn't have asked for a better partner."
-Buys Dazai food. Also Kunikida makes food for Dazai. (not canon but hey. he would and you know it)
-They banter a lot, but we still know Kunikida cares.
-Kunikida listens to Dazai (Dazai rambles a lot)
-Also hugs. A lot of hugs. Like he just gives him hugs. Kunikida will hold Dazai and rock him, idc what anyone says.
Atsushi; (I've realized this is all canon info and not personal headcanons)
-Praise. He does respect Atsushi, especially after he saved Kyoka. (After saving Kyoka, he praised him by saying 'good job')
-Yes he gives Atsushi lectures and reminders.
-Kunikida is proud of everything Atsushi has done. He compliments Atsushi's work (Kunikida compliments everyone for their work btw)
-Kunikida trains Atsushi!!
-Also let's not forget the hug they shared during the reunion.
Ranpo; (this is also all canon..)
-Kunikida praises Ranpo often. Like really often.
-"We'll be counting on you, Ranpo-san."
-"The ideal detective— no, in fact, the ideal ability user."
-Even after learning about Ranpo not being gifted, he still acts like Ranpo is.
-They do have a close bond. Ranpo has told Kunikida that he's the strongest. Ranpo also supports Kunikida, and tells him to stay calm and act like Fukuzawa during the cannibalism arc. (This is more about Ranpo, but still it shows they're close enough to say this stuff to each other)
-Respect! He does respect Yosano just like the other members.
-He surrendered his own life for Yosano's. This was because of the Hunting Dogs. (this goes along with respect)
-He knows Yosano's schedule. Take that as you will.
-Kunikida fully believes that Yosano can always help him no matter the injury. He doesn't care if he's injured because he knows Yosano can help him.
-Because of that one, I'd believe that he'd do a lot for Yosano as thanks. Gift giving, hugs, whatever Yosano is comfortable with.
-Kunikida is very kind towards Kyoka. He opens up to her after her entrance exam. Which we can see the differences in the anime and manga.
-Kunikida gives lots of advice to Kyoka. He does the same for Atsushi. I'd say this is because he's technically a "higher up" because he joined before the two of them.
-He has also given Kyoka a page of his notebook in case of emergency while Kyoka was trying to save Atsushi. (canon)
-Definitely helps her with tasks. If she's struggling, no she isn't, Kunikida is right there.
-Headpats!! And he gives her stuffed animals as gifts.
-Did I mention that he definitely carries a stuffed animal on him at all times just so he can give it to Kyoka? Because he 100% does (prove me wrong challenge) (level impossible)
-Kunikida actually knows a lot about Kenji. Specifically his ability and the way he acts with others.
-Unfortunately there aren't many interactions of the two.
-However, I think Kunikida would do everything Kenji wants. Not just because he's a higher up/ superior, but also because he has a weakness to Kenji. nobody wants Kenji angry.
-Both can easily give bone crushing hugs, so I think it's easier for them to hug each other than to hug other people.
-Yes Kunikida buys Kenji food. Yes he gives Kenji blankets for when he falls asleep. Asagiri told me himself trust me
-Kenji and Kyoka play with stuffed animals and dolls/ toy animals. Kunikida now keeps some random toys and animals with him just to calm them down.
-Kunikida also buys Kenji stuffed animals because he realized Kyoka liked them and Kenji seemed to want them as well.
-Canonically, they do trust each other!
-I think Kunikida treats him to food a lot. Just as a little treat.
-Also praise. If we know he canonically can give praise then he should praise Junichiro for his hard work.
-Junichiro likes physical touch (my opinion) so I think Kunikida gives him hugs and pats on the back.
-Like you know that thing people do where they pat someone's back and then rub it? That's literally Kunikida to anyone I think. Just mainly Atsushi and Junichiro.
-I don't think they've like canonically interacted?
-Also treats Naomi to food. Just mainly sweets because she loves sweets.
-Hugs. The Tanizaki siblings love physical touch. That's their number one love language.
-Pats on the head for good work.
-They don't hang out much. But he will visit her.
-Daily check ups. He just visits her or goes to her during work and asks if everythings okay. (I think he does this to everyone, just a headcanon)
-Also headpats. At this point he has probably patted every single person's head at some point. Except for Fukuzawa (out of respect for him)
-He has a lot of respect for him. We know this.
-Asking how his day was, making sure he's okay.
-Buying/ making him tea.
-Taking him out for food or drinks, whatever Fukuzawa is preferring in the moment.
-Hugged him once. Was horrified about it. Was also embarrassed because he didn't even mean to like it just happened.
-Fukuzawa didn't mind and hugged him back. This only made Kunikida more embarrassed. Also I think Kunikida's face and ears go read when he's embarrassed.
Katai; (if you're including him)
-They've known each other for ten years. They know each other well.
-Kunikida visits him often. Normally he reminds him to do chores, or does the chores himself.
-Kunikida encourages Katai to go outside. He'll also tell Katai to try going out without his futon.
-They're very close! Kunikida knows basically everything about Katai, and knows how to help him out.
-Kunikida praises Katai. (all above canon and this too)
-Kunikida makes food for Katai. I think he does it because Katai doesn't eat healthy food often.
-Kunikida and Katai cuddle. Trust me guys (whatt I'm definitely not a kunikatai shipper hahaa that'd be so weird..)
-Kunikida tries to go out with Katai but because Katai is a hikikomori it's pretty hard to do.
-Kunikida listens to all of Katai's ramblings on literally anything. Katai will listen about Kunikida's ideals too.
-Kunikida gives Katai words of affection a lot. Katai is insecure and Kunikida knows. That is why.
Unintentionally he will headpat people at the agency. Like "Good work." and then suddenly his hand his on their head and he pats it. Not even for a specific reason, he's just did it so frequently to the younger members and now it happens to everyone.
He takes everyone out for food/ drinks seperately, just so they can have a little bonding moment.
This definitely didn't take like two or three days tee hee
Lots of tags because this took a lot of time
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randomarttalent · 5 months
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Mlp Pie's next-gen
Original posts, info and links down below
MaudBriar Kid
Ship: Maud "Slate" Pie + Mudbriar "Walnut" Fossilized Maple Maple is very different from their parents, not just in style, personality or special interest. Maple has a few hidden disabilities, meaning many won't know what it is unless it's told to them. Maple is dyslexic, meaning she has a harder time reading and writing, in Maples's case, she has a harder time writing than reading. Even though she may not be as fast as the rest in the literary world, that doesn't stop her, her way of creative thinking comes very handy with different tasks around the rock and wood farm. Maple also doesn't care about pronouncing, he's someone who goes with the flow a lot, which can be seen in his cutie mark. Its different patterns in a moving motion, show how flexible he is and how his talent is noticing the small things and being able to help in almost any situation.
LimeDa Kids
Ship: Gilda "Glory" + "Shady" Limestone Pie
Gloomy Glory
Gloomy is small for a griffin and his age, reason why is because he has dwarfism, which is also the reason why he had been abandoned. Griffin's used to throw away the weak and sick chicks, under Twilight's rule these traditions have become illegal but some are still able to get past and go unnoticed.
Luckily Gloomy was found before anything bad happened.
Gloomy is the oldest of the two but always gets mistaken for a small child. He has gotten used to it over time but it still annoys him. Because of his condition, he has a harder time flying, reaching things and certain things over longer periods of time.
Glaze Glory
Glaze was a large baby, this caused one of his wings to become deformed and so, he too was abandoned by his mother. He managed to survive till a representative of Twilight noticed him as they were traveling to the Dragon Lands.
Glaze grew and grew in size and soon enough the bed he was using in the orphanage was too small but soon enough he was adopted by Gilda and Lime. He still grows and will for plenty of years to come, as dragons live for centuries.
CheesePie Kids
Ship: Pinkamena "Pinkie" Diane Pie + Cheese Sandwich
Lil Cheese Even though he is short, Lil Cheese is the oldest of his siblings. He was born too early because of Pinkie's diabetes and high blood pressure, causing him to be c-sectioned at birth. Pinkie had only started on the medication to help her with these conditions. Lil Cheese has some problems with breathing at higher rates, meaning he can't play as much as other kids. Running for too long was also very dangerous for him, as his lungs never fully developed.
Lil Cheese was for most of his life homeschooled but as he got older and promised to watch out for himself, he was allowed to enroll. The teachers were told of his condition and Lil Cheese was happy to finally be able to be with other kids his age. Of course, he loves his family but he had always dreamed of making friends on his own. He did feel outside, as he couldn't play as the others but he had mostly gotten used to that feeling because of his younger siblings and watching them play.
As Lil Cheese grew up, he got his cutie mark while making a cheesecake for his Bright Luck, as it was her birthday. He wanted to do it alone, as he had helped a lot throughout his childhood and felt as if he could do it alone now, he wanted this to be his gift to her, as he didn't really know what she wanted that he could get. At the birthday party, as the slices of cake were handed out, he received compliments and he felt so proud. He then received his cutie mark and everyone was happy and excited by it.
He now works as a writer, writing stories of his life growing up, and his hardships, and has even written a best seller of a romance fantastical world, which world was made very open and broad. In his free time, he likes to go out to schools, talking about his disability. Helping teach that there's nothing wrong with being different.
Pop Tart Pop Tart is the tallest in the whole family, her broader makes her stand out and has been an insecurity all her life, as she feels rather less feminine than she wishes to look like. Even though her tall figure might frighten some, her heart is solid gold, and she's incredible with children.
Even at a young age, she liked taking care of the younger twins, she was the first one to be there if one of them began to cry, even scolding her parents about it. Even though they couldn't do anything about it, as sometimes babies just cry. As she enrolled in school, she became the popular one, as she looked the oldest and her warm and welcoming atmosphere. However, as they all grew older, she became less important to the other students, as they got older, and started having other feelings for things, such as crushes, makeup, spots, and so on.
Pop Tart didn't mind at all and rather liked the students her age who weren't around a lot, she enjoyed hanging around the younger fillies and colts, as she felt more important there as she would help the teachers and get compliments for her helping hoof. As everyone in her class got their cutie marks, she didn't. No matter what she tried, nothing had that spark and wasn't her calling, and as time went along, Pop Tart was tired of trying and only wanted to focus on her education. She wanted to be a doctor, specializing in children, wanting to help the young ones, like someone had with her older brother.
In her education, she became the top of her class, her still hoofs and quick-thinking brain were exactly what this job needed. As the final texts came, she was starting to get nervous, not wanting to fail or mess up. Her family and friends did their best to calm her mind and wished Pop Tart the best as she was called in on the performance test. At the start, she was quiet and didn't talk much but as time went on, her voice grew and she even came up with ideas for the main doctor's procedures. He was slightly surprised at her idea but was beyond proud of her improvement in the surgery and bright mind.
She passed and her cutie mark finally came, a cute fixed bear, resembling her and her passion for her work. Pop Tart started work at her education hospital but soon was moved to a better children's hospital, which specialized in child care and sicknesses.
Rock Candy Rock Candy and his twin brother Swirl Mix are always together, even though they are so very different. Rock is very outgoing and has ADHD, in his case making it harder for him to concentrate and doing tasks. He has a hard time lowering his vocals in exciting situations, as well as going nonverbal in upsetting ones. Whenever he gets very excited, his voice is loud and he starts moving his front hooves, doing stemming.
Rock is very kind and is very happy to hear others talk about their likes, as he wants to know about them and will even research the topic to later bring it up. If ever down, the best way to brighten up his day is by letting him ramble on about his latest hyper-fixation. 
At school, Rock had a hard time learning because of his ADHD but after learning he had it, he received extra time of things, as well as allowing him to bring fidget toys.  In one of the cooking classes, they were making candy and they made misshapen sugar bracelets, he was the only one made extremely well for his age and first try. He couldn't stop showing it off and would even start making candy with his mother. Earning his cutie mark as his aunt Marble Pie came over and they made rock candy together.
He now owns his own half-section of Sugar Cub Corner, selling sugar sweets and beautifully made rock candy in jewelry-like styles.
Swirl Mix Swirl Mix compared to his twin brother has always been more quiet and had a harder time socializing. As he had Autism, in class he would mumble a lot more than at home. Sometimes he would suddenly switch from happy to sad or angry, which consered the teacher.  After being tested with his brother, they found out he had Autism and he also received extra time for homework and tests but he didn't actually need that, as he always did the homework on normal time and even wrote more than what had been required.
Rock Candy was the only one he really talked to at school, as he didn't like the other students very much and would rather be alone than play with them. So it was only him and his brother, only on a few occasions did he play with others who weren't the teachers. Swirl was very anti-social and needed a lot of planned play dates and trips for him to open up more and learn that others also could like what he liked and he could have a good time with classmates.
Swirl got his cutie mark while helping decorate a birthday cake for themselves, his side was a lot more neat than that of Rock, who didn't quite have the touch for it. Swirl as his brother owns his own half of the store, selling cakes and baked goods. Their mother works with them both, helping whoever needs it, and is the main pony at the cashier, as well as on deliveries.
MarbleShoes Kids
Ship: Trouble Shoes + Marble "Droplet" Pie
Bright Fortune Bright is almost as tall as his father, scaring many upon meeting him for the first time, however, like his father Bright is a very kind hearted stallion. Bright's passion and cutie mark is that of traveling, exploring and finding old treasures. As a young colt, he would read all the stories of Daring Doo and wished he was on such journey's. Once he was old enough, he joined a expiation team, they traveled for 3 weeks in total before coming home with some old ponish's weaponry. Bright wears a headband and some cloth from his back to his behind.
Inky Hoof Inky compared to his brother's never saw the thrill of leaving their land. He loved to stay near Appleloosa and to go out to visit family but otherwise, he just wanted to stay near home, watching over his wild flowers and making jewelry with his mother. Inky is a lot like his mother, both in appearance and personality, he's only open and carefree with family.  Inky got his cutie mark while making his mother a birthday gift, including the wild flowers near their home and her name sake of a gem. Inky wears a necklace, earrings and whatever wild flowers are in season.
Obsidian Coat Obsidian has never been a person pony, rather linking the dark and quiet of the caves. As a young colt he would join his mother in the caves, helping her find crystals for her to make jewelry of and sell. But Obsidian was rather interested in exploring the deeper parts of the caves, wanting to see what lies in the depths. He would often be told to forget that dream, as it's too dangerous and Marble couldn't stand the thought of losing a child. But once he had turned 18, his only wish was to be allowed to cave dive and after a long discussion, he was allowed to go, if he did it with a team. Obsidian now works with a small but understanding team, they know of his anti-social behavior and don't mind much, talking mostly among themselves. Obsidian wears gauge earrings, snake bite piercing, bat wing shaped shades and a hoodie.
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starmoondany · 6 months
Okay so, let's talk about Walburga Black.
I have A LOT to say.
Little reminder that everything I'm going to say below are my lore headcanons, and not everything follows the canon. Basically most of what you are going to read came from my imagination. Hope you like it ;)
— Walburga was never a good mother, not at all. She had very deep-rooted ideals and putting that above love for her children is unforgivable. But that doesn't mean she hasn't suffered with her parents too.
— The Blacks had been sharing their traditions and ideals for centuries from generation to generation, it was almost a sect. A family truly full of dark secrets; including murders of their own members -children born as squibs- to maintain the purity of their blood. Children were raised, or rather indoctrinated, since they had the ability to think. Being born under the Black surname was truly terrifying.
— Walburga and her brothers were no exception. Her parents were never gentle with her, she couldn't remember any hug, or even a kind word from her mother. She spent her teenager years trying to make her parents proud of her, but she never received a praise from them. Her parents demanded a lot from her, expecting nothing but perfection from their only daughter. And Walburga tried very hard to meet those expectations.
— Walburga demanded a lot from herself, a lot, even beyond her limits. She never doubted her parents, believing that they were always absolutely right - something they constantly said about themselves. Walburga was a perfectionist, disciplined, responsible, strict and very demanding woman, with herself and later with her children. She was raised believing that there was no room for even the slightest error, that's why when her first son, Sirius, revealed, she felt horrible disappointment in herself and enormous hatred towards him. Seeing that her eldest son, her heir, threw away everything their family made so may sacrifices to maintain, was the most humiliating example of betrayal for Walburga.
— She was completely blinded by the doctrine that had been instilled in her as a child, believing fervently and absolutely in everything that their supremacy dictated. That's why she was unable to see the damage she was doing to her children, the damage she was doing to herself, and the damage that had been done to her her entire life ((None of that is an excuse for what she did, no no, I'm just saying that no one in that family was okay lol)).
— She was a talented witch in her years at Hogwarts. Getting the highest grades, being a star student, focused on her studies and nothing else. She didn't do what other teenagers did, she wasn't interested in boys like other girls. Her mother told her that all of that was a waste of time, and promiscuity, and she believed everything her mother said -not having experienced that in her youth would affect her in her adult life. Besides the fact that she had also gotten married as soon as she graduated-.
— Walburga, at least in her younger years, wasn't what she later became. She was also a person, and she loved others, but she didn't know how to love. No one ever taught her how, she was never really appreciated by anyone, and that's how she learned to treat others.
— The only thing she heard from her father was how much she looked like her grandmother, which she didn't see as a compliment, since that was the only thing her father deigned to say to her. The man had never paid attention to his only daughter's achievements. And the only thing he heard from her mother was how imperfect she was. Her mother treated her like her worst enemy, making her daughter's teen years hell. Walburga had thousands of insecurities installed by her own mother, about her way of being and her physical appearance. Walburga never saw it; but her mother was very jealous of her.
— Anyway, Walburga never complained. She never cried. Nobody, absolutely nobody, had ever seen her cry. She never let anyone see her emotions, her vulnerability. She hated feeling vulnerable, weak, it was what she hated most in the world. She believed that she would be truly perfect if she had no emotions. She saw her vulnerability, her sadness, as a sign of weakness. Of imperfection. And all Walburga wanted was to be perfect in her mother's eyes. To be perfect for the noble house of Black, to fit the size her mother had molded her to. And looking weak, cry for everything her mother had imposed on her, everything she demanded of her, was like a betrayal of all that. Because she should be eternally grateful for having the honor of being a Black, right?
— Still, she had a breaking point. When she was old and her life, her family, had completely fallen apart. The day Orion died, the day she found out that her youngest son, Regulus, died; she cried in front of Kreacher for hours. As if she was crying everything she hadn't cried in all those years.
— And when Sirius was put in Azkaban, when she first read what happened in The Daily Prophet, she felt a strange mix of emotions. On one hand, she knew there was a mistake, there had to be a mistake. Because if Sirius really was a Death Eater, her son would never have run away from home. She got along terribly with her oldest son, but she knew him like the back of her hand. And she knew her son was not a murderer. When she found out, Walburga, for the first time in many years, wanted to see her eldest son once again. She really, really didn't want Sirius to be in Azkaban. It made her uncomfortable, she didn't like to think about it. But her pride was stronger, the Black pride was always stronger, and she never did anything to help him.
— She died feeling miserable. Not just imperfect, but a complete failure. She knew her mother would be endlessly disappointed in her. Walburga, although she never admitted it, was afraid of dying. Because she knew that her mother would be waiting for her somewhere. And she was terrified of her mother ((Trauma passes from generation to generation guys, everything makes SENSE)). She was a failure, her husband and youngest son were dead, and she let her eldest son rebel, and even though she hated Sirius for that, she would never forgive herself for letting him break the mold.
— She hated when Sirius cried. Because she went through the same suffering as him, but she hadn't shed a single tear. And seeing her son being so different from her, so weak in her eyes, made her so angry. She hadn't raised him to be like this.
— She was an impulsive woman. She spent her entire life containing her emotions; her sadness, her disgust, her anger. But this last one was the most difficult to contain. Walburga lived her teen years crying inside, but at some point she learned how to change sadness for anger; an emotiona that made her less uncomfortable. At that moment, she finished becoming a monster.
— Sirius, although it wasn't his fault, had a hand in creating that monster. Since he was little, Walburga never had to deal with someone who opposed her so much. And the fact that he was her son only made it worse for her. She wanted submission from Sirius, obedience, and she tortured her son, trying to strip him of every drop of rebellion, trying to not leave anything of him. But Sirius was a Gryffindor, and he had a lion heart. And when he ran away, it was the last straw for Walburga. From that day on, Sirius was no longer her son.
— Walburga never was good to her children, but she did loved them. Though she didn't know how to show it. Regulus was her favorite. Her youngest son was her only hope, the only thing she had after Sirius betrayed her. Regulus was not like Sirius, he was submissive to her; and that was exactly what she wanted. So when Regulus died, the only son who had made her proud in some way, she felt like she lost the only person she had ever loved. The only person who paid attention to her. The only person who, somehow, looked up to her. ((Although that was what she believed, I'm not saying that Regulus really admired his mother 👁️)) ((This family's relationship is very complex)).
— Walburga, despite having a rotten heart, was a truly beautiful woman. Many noticed her appearance in her youth, drawing the interest of many, but Walburga never saw it as a compliment. Her black hair, her pale skin, and her sharp blue-gray eyes. Walburga was an imposing woman; not because of her size, but because of her eyes. Because of her always pressed together lips and her constantly furrowed brow. The elegant woman made her presence known wherever she went, for her beauty and her firmness. ((i LOVE Eva Green as her fancast, literally her)).
— The Blacks really had a thing for looking like a French monarchy (with the incest and all lol). Walburga loved to wear dresses that didn't match the era, which the other members did as well. Except, well, Sirius ((Siri babe I love you but you also liked making your mother's life miserable)).
— Walburga spoke perfect French, she constantly mumbled in French, saying things she couldn't say out loud and swearing at people. She tried to pass the language on to her children. With Regulus she managed to, with Sirius halfway. He had never been interested in anything his mother wanted to teach him. Another thing she managed to pass on to Regulus was playing the piano. She knew how to play the piano, she had gone to lessons as a child, and she taught Regulus since he was little.
— Walburga's two children looked like her. With their black hair, pale skin and blue-gray eyes ((It's not like they have much genetic diversity either tho, their parents are cousins KANWNDKIAJD)). Both inherited part of Walburga's personality, although in different ways. Regulus was the one who acted the most like Walburga at first glance; with the same frown, the same sharp eyes, and his unfriendly attitude. He had the elegance, coldness and discipline of his mother. He also inherited that disdain for vulnerability, but, ironically, he was the most vulnerable one there. Although he also inherited the ability to hide it very well ((except with Sirius)).
— Sirius, although he seemed completely the opposite, was also like his mother. Especially physically. It was scary because he really did look a lot like Walburga when he started growing his hair out. People told him that a lot and Sirius hated it, yet he still kept his hair long. He also took after his mother in terms of sociability. Of course, Sirius was an explosive extrovert and Walburga was reserved, but they both understood social dynamics perfectly. And they took that to their advantage. Besides, Sirius had a way of arguing, a way of insulting, very similar to his mother's. Looking for and noticing the same weak points as her in people. Sirius hadn't noticed that until one day, in the middle of a horrible argument, Remus yelled at him that he was exactly like his mother. Sirius was horrified to hear that. And began to hate that part of himself. He hated knowing that he was his mother's son, that the blood of that horrible woman also ran through his veins.
— He wondered if she had ever loved him, or if he had ever loved her.
— Walburga, on the other hand, died feeling miserable, knowing that she lost her entire family. And that was, in part, her fault. She sometimes found herself wondering if perhaps she was too hard on him, but she quickly pushed that thought away. Sirius decided to abandon her, abandon his entire family, and Walburga would never forgive him. Although she wished things had been different. She really did loved her oldest son.
It may sound strange but I really love this character. Walburga is such a complex character, I had a lot of fun creating a lore for her. There's a lot to say about this family, and JK is useless and no one likes her so SKWJJAJD here are we with our headcanons.
Don't be afraid to comment guys, I love when you do that ((I need friends)).
You can send questions too, I'd really like some interaction.
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mvltisstuff · 1 year
hello again, i’ve requested a few times (the feels and sweet nothing) and i was hoping i could request again? (i think i might add an emoji at the end bc i love your writing and will keep requesting as much as you allow ❤️❤️) anyway, i hope you’re doing well and things are going good.
i was wondering if i could request a buck fic where is partner is an artist and he finds a sketchbook of sketches of him and when he asks about it they talk about how pretty he is and how deserves to be appreciated and just making him feel super loved with it. thank you if you get to it and ofc no troubles if you don’t. take care 🥰
also is 🚒 good for a way to recognize me??
wasteland, baby! - e.b
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summary: request
evan buckley x reader
a/n: omg you always have such creative ideas! i love receiving requests so always feel free :)) 🚒 = ❤️‍🔥 i also won’t be posting as frequently for the next few weeks due to finals, but after that i’ll be posting a ton!!
buck had come over to y/n’s apartment after his shift for dinner, and the scent of thick acrylic paint and primer had stung at his nostrils. he began to love the smell, as he knew that it meant she was around. he had let himself in with his key, taking in all of the perfectly placed plants and artwork on the walls.
she had a canvas that was almost complete, with just a few finishing touches. buck had walked over to it to examine. her talent was extraordinary. he knew it was out of this world, and the way she was so proud of her pieces his made his heart swell up with love.
“hi, buck!” y/n says, beginning to walk out of the hallway from her room to her art. she was wearing a pair of dark green pants and a white t-shirt which somehow complimented her beautifully. her face had small specks of blue and red on her cheeks and black and grey streaks on her shirt. “sorry it’s such a mess in here, but doesn’t this look great?”
“no, don’t worry about the mess, but how long did that take? it’s amazing!” buck stutters a big, not being able to comprehend how art like that could come out of her hands.
“thank you, love,” she replies, taking his belongings and placing them down for him. “how was work today? anything good?”
“just a normal old day, but you know it’s the 118.”
“it is never normal at the 118,” y/n smiles and gives him a cheek kiss before going to wipe her face off. buck goes to sit down in her living room on the couch, and she follows behind him with a quick change of shirt. she placed a small pizza in the oven to cook for them, and cuddled up next to him while they told each other stories about their day.
“it was wild, y/n,” buck starts. “i mean this woman literally rose from the dead after like 15 minutes, after being under a street. oh! you’re going to love this- and we saved some puppies in a sewer.”
“oh my god, are they ok?”
“they’re all fine, but i’m not sure if we are right now.”
“what do you mean?” she asks, slowly and carefully.
“you don’t smell something burning?”
she takes a deep inhale and looks over to her smokey kitchen. it wasn’t too bad, but definitely enough to make it inedible. “shit! fuck, i forgot about it!” she says, bouncing the pan up and down while trying not to burn herself.
y/n was busy discarding of the pizza when buck looked over at her with joy. he had a cheeky smile on his face and was laughing at the forgetfulness of both of them. he looked back down in front of him and the coffee table, and he saw a book that y/n always has on her. she brings it to work, to her family, anywhere she goes, she has it. it was her beloved sketchbook, filled with hundreds of small doodles and big pieces. buck has seen a lot of things in it, admiring each one before he comes across a bookmarked section.
when he flips the pages of the book, he notices that the person that is sketched and shaded looks particularly familiar. he makes note of the sharp nose and soft, but hard jaw. he sees the famous birthmark on the side of his face. he’s never looking right on, though. he’s always focused on something or has a light grin on his face. buck knows these are of him, but he doesn’t think he had any importance to be the top drawing in her book.
y/n walks back in to greet her boyfriend, “i think we might just have to ord-“ she looks at the sketches that she had put on that paper. a heat rose up into her face, reddening her cheeks and making her feel a sense of embarrassment.
“a-are these me?” buck asks, quietly. y/n nods, slowly, praying that she didn’t make him uncomfortable and that she will see him again tomorrow. “i-um..”
“you don’t have to say anything, buck. i never meant for you to see those and if you don’t like them, i’ll never do it again i swear. you just, you’re so beautiful, buck. and i love to draw beautiful things.”
“i just don’t know what to say, these are so good. i feel like you know me more than i know myself,” he says, chuckling a bit.
“you like ‘em?”
“i love them,” buck says.
“good, i just couldnt stop myself. you are always so pretty, no matter what and i want you to know that, so i tried to convey it through this. i was going to show you eventually, but i wanted to do more.”
“why me, though? you could draw anyone,” buck asks.
“no one else is you! you might have a pretty face and all but there is really nothing more beautiful than your soul. you are filled with so much love and sweetness and i’ve been dying to find a way to show you, because you are loved, evan. i love you and i wanted to put my two favorite things together. not a day goes by where i have anything but love for you.”
suddenly, the feeling in bucks chest is rising stronger, feeling like it’s going to burst. when it does, he has strong riptides of tears in his eyes. with a pure smile on his face, he passionately leaves a kiss on her lips, and he feels loved for the first time.
growing up, his parents never showed him love. he always begged for it from everyone he knew, and now he feels like it isn’t deserved. but someone, y/n made him feel like he will forever be worthy of love. and he will never forget how she fixed him for the best.
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simpinberry · 2 years
for my mental health i need hcs of bella ramsey x fem or gn reader with words of affirmation love language ‼️‼️
hi guys i’m back to feed you some more bella content ˖⁺‧₊˚♡˚₊‧⁺˖ hope i did this right and that u guys like it :) also tysm for the requests
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listen listen!!! after taking a shower she would 100% leave sweet compliments on the foggy mirror for u to read. will add ‘kiss your s/o’ to your to do lists.
will text/send photos of random things that reminds you of her throughout the day. she does this especially when she’s on set and you guys can’t talk much. they have your favorite snack there? sends u a photo and tells u theyre thinking of u. lots of i miss yous, love yous and that she can’t wait to be home to see u again. “text me abt what you get up to today babe” “pedro is making fun of me because i’m apparently such a simp for you, he is absolutely, in every way, correct ;).” “i saw a butterfly today n it reminded me of the pretty tattoo you have”
will watch u like the weirdo she is when you’re getting ready in the morning. sneaks up behind u and repeatedly attacks ur face with kisses. “i have the most beautiful gf in the world” “omg i love this purple eyeliner on you, it rlly suits you” “your curls look really defined today, the new conditioner you got is so good!! my beautiful bby”
is the type to whisper compliments in between kisses. yk like corny spelling out of i love you in between pecks? yep, does that. “i really really like you” “my darling” “mine” “you’re so cute” in between kisses hehehe.
spam texts you when you send/post a photo. in your dms/comment section screechingggg!! my mans is DOWN BADDD. needs and loves to comment “first” on ur posts. they actually make up most of ur comment section. “BABE IM DYING YOURE TOO BEAUTIFUL” “so glad we’ve advanced technology so i can stare at this photo 4life if i want to” “you+this dress= my death”
randomly tweets a photo of you, captioning it “this is my darling, be jealous, gn”
very validating when you’re upset and talks you through it. thanks you for speaking up and communicating abt anything that’s been bothering you. SPILLS THE TEA WITH YOUUU. you have a co worker you hate? she hates them too. listen to me when i say she is on ur side, she is shocked and they’ll even remember stuff you’ve previously told them to add to the fire. best bf frr “thank you for telling me babe, i’ll really keep it in mind next time, i’m so sorry for hurting your feelings like that” “it sounds like it’s been difficult for you to complete (insert task) you’ve been working through it so well :)” “he said what??? yeah like he’s one to talk, go go! continue tell me more i’m invested” “babe you’re honestly so right, this is why i always listen to u”
definitely acknowledges you so so much when you accomplish something. will go on about how proud they are of you, how well you’ve done and how wonderful it is. big or small, bellas on her way to pour her heart out to you. would be unbelievably encouraging throughout the process too, telling you to keep going and trust the progress. “you’ve got this babe, go on :))” “that drawing is absolutely amazing, you’re so talented omg look at the details” “you submitted your assignment?? ahead of time?? that’s my girl frr” “these cookies are amazing, thank u sm for baking them ughh give me a hug you’re the best baker ever, they’re so soft!!”
you guys will be facetiming one night when shes away in a different country for filming. she’s been gone two months and you really miss them. you get a bit emotional talking abt it and they really listen, telling you to let it out. just before you guys hang up they tell you to look at the last drawer of your jewellery box. turns out she wrote you a letter before she left, many letters in fact, for when you really miss them. you can’t help but sob reading it. she attached a polaroid photo of you guys kissing at bottom of the page. she’s so incredibly kind in the letter, telling you how wonderful its been getting to know you these past few months. "hehe youre probably crying from how nice im being" istg this mf even teases you in writing. when you're finished you call her back, they immediately burst out laughing at your blood shot eyes, “hahahhs i knew you’d cry”. sneaks in a ‘you look so pretty even when you cry’. tells you they have more hidden around your room and that when you need it she’ll tell you where you can find more ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ
goodnight!! if i made any mistakes, no i didn’t. byebye!!
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teddywrites0 · 8 months
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𝐒𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞𝐬 𝐚 𝐛𝐨𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐈’𝐦 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐚 𝐛𝐨𝐲. (𝐡.𝐲)
summary: yunjin has found herself crushing on her friend, who has a crush on someone else. it’s not as simple as that however, y/n is the first girl yunjin has ever liked… and you like a boy. (student!yunjin femstudent!reader, brief yeonjunxreader, brief angst, jealousy, pining, sunshine sunshine protector, reader is lowkey an idiot, friends to lovers.)
warnings: cursing, detailed descriptions of a fight, blood, detailed description of an injury, yeonjun is a douche (not a portrayal of him irl!!), the word “gag” once, let me know if i missed any!
word count: 2.1k
a/n: not proofread! obviously based off of that song that’s trending on tiktok, im not sure if it’s out yet (:
©teddywrites0: do not repost or translate my works! (reblogs are appreciated.)
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she watched as you walked into the room, hair swaying with each step. you were an enigma, hard to figure out, but beautiful nonetheless. everything you did was beautiful to her as a matter of fact. she was just proud to be your friend, she was proud that she was the one you were walking to. “hey jen how’s that term paper going?” your rich voice rang through her ears like church bells. “you know i hate when you call me that,” she said softly with flushed cheeks, “it’s going fine, how about yours?” you sat in front of her in the small table of the library. “i finished last night, even though our professor told me to stop being such an overachiever.” you said sulking cutely. she watched as you looked down at your lap, it was adorable to her. “sometimes it’s good to overachieve, you’ve got a talent.” she complimented. you looked up with wide eyes, a smile tugging at the corner of your lips, “you really think so?” she giggled at your innocence, “of course.” you reached for her hand, rubbing your thumb over the back. her smile dropped and she pulled back her hand. “are you alright?” you asked, oblivious to what a mess you just made to her stomach which was flooded with butterflies. “yeah.. yeah just fine.” she plastered a fake smile across her face. she would never admit her feelings even to herself, she thought she was silly. that maybe she just hasn’t found the right guy. the problem with her feelings.. just walked into the library. “god look at him, how can someone be so perfect?” you ogled. you had that fairytale look on your face. yunjin wanted to bury herself into the ground and never crawl back out. part of her wished you’d make a move on him and get it over with. he was popular, even if you were the most gorgeous woman in her eyes.. choi yeonjun wasn’t a relationship person. it didn’t matter if you hooked up with him, he’d be done with you in the morning. she wished it would just happen so she could comfort you when he says his trademark line, “i don’t do relationships.” so you would finally stop speaking about him. so she did what she did best, “just talk to him, if he rejects you move onto the next.” fake it. you sighed deeply, still staring as he typed away at his laptop. he looked up, meeting your eyes with a smirk. you quickly looked away, “holy shit we made eye contact, hide me!” you panicked covering your face with your hands. he was already standing up, walking coolly toward your table. yunjin rolled her eyes preparing for a pickup line or a faux compliment. “hey beautiful, couldn’t help but notice you staring.” he said as he took a seat beside you. yunjin wanted to gag. your hands remained on your face, burning with a fiery blush. “adorable, isn’t she?” he asked, acknowledging yunjins presence for the first time with a sly grin. he lifted his slender hand and gently removed your own from your face, “what’s your name angel?”you giggled nervously at the sudden contact, “y/n.” you said softly. “well y/n, go on a date with me?” now yunjin wasn’t expecting that. her stomach was in knots. usually yeonjun picks up a girl from a party, he’s never actually been on a date with someone as far as she knew. how does she know so much about him? he was her bestfriend, until college started. “yes! i-i mean sure!” you said grinning ear to ear. that’s when her heart sunk to her stomach. “alright sweetheart, meet me at that one fancy place on main street at eight.” he said tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear. once he had left yunjin spoke up, “a gentlemen would’ve offered to pick you up.” you rolled your eyes playfully, “i’m sure he has his reasons.”
now here yunjin was, helping you get ready for a date that wasn’t with her. “do you think he likes red? or is that too sexy? i could do pink but i don’t want to seem too innocent.” you rambled while skimming through your closet like a mad woman. “just wear the white one. it suits your.. figure.” she said carefully. “you’re right. thank you again, for helping me.” you said as you began to take your jeans off. yunjin quickly turned around, “you’re welcome.” she said nervously. you furrowed your eyebrows, shaking your head and dismissing the thought of asking why she seemed so uncomfortable. once you were changed you stared long and hard in the mirror before turning back toward yunjin. “how do i look?” you asked fiddling with your fingers. she turned around, eyes widening, lips parting. “you look..” — “is it bad?” she quickly shook her head, “no you look gorgeous.” you smiled, pulling her into a tight hug and thanked her for the fifth time that night. “would you mind if i walked you? i just want to make sure you get there safely.” truthfully she did want you to be safe, but she also wanted her time with you to last a bit longer. “that would be great actually, but i wouldn’t want you to walk alone on your way back.” you said, pulling away slightly so your arms were still around the back of her neck. the proximity of your faces making her extremely nervous. “it’s alright i’ll wait for you outside.” it didn’t take long for her to convince you, you finally had let her go and she felt like she could breathe again. the night wind blew your loosely curled hair and yunjin had to stop herself from staring a few times. it was getting chilly, the sun had set and you repeatedly rubbed your hands together. to tell the truth she thought he was going to stand you up, but low and behold there he was, looking as smug as ever as he offered a hand to you at the entrance of the restaurant. he gave yunjin a quick look of accomplishment.
once inside yeonjun led you to a table, pulling a chair out for you and taking the seat across from you. “you know.. i’ve noticed how you look at me.” he said smirking. you blushed, “was i obvious?” he chuckled, “in lectures, in the library, i just don’t know how you didn’t notice me looking at you.” he flirted. you smiled softly, and shortly a waiter came to take your orders. he ordered an expensive wine, and the date went well. he was almost too flirty, you found it a bit overwhelming. if it were anyone else they’d think he was sweetening them up, kissing their ass if you will. but unfortunately for you, you’re oblivious to a lot of things. yunjin sat on a bench outside, hugging her cardigan to her chest. it had been over an hour, she really didn’t understand how all of a sudden yeonjun had seemingly become a date person. finally, you and yeonjun walked out, his hand against the small of your back. yunjin stood up, “ready?” she asked. you nodded before gasping, “i left my phone!” you ran inside before yunjin or yeonjun could offer to get it for you. “look at you.. waiting out here like some kind of body guard.” yeonjun said sourly. yunjin glared at him, “she’s my friend, and knowing you i’d like to make sure she’s safe.” he furrowed his brows, “what is that supposed to mean?” before she could answer you had rushed out, looking at the two in confusion. “is everything alright?” yeonjun smiled, “just peachy.” he then leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to your cheek. yunjin rolled her eyes. “jen you should sleep over!” you said. she pursed her lips into an awkward smile. you and yeonjun said your goodbyes and you interlocked your arm with yunjins. back at your apartment, she found herself zoning out through the story of your date. “and then he kissed my cheek and god it was magical, you saw it right?” she snapped out of her thoughts and nodded. “we’re going on another date next weekend!” you said, excitedly clasping your hands together. now this is weird. “i’m happy for you.” she said with faux excitement. “i’m going to see if he’ll join us for lunch tomorrow, if that’s okay?” you said, a hopeful glint in your eye. how could she say no to you? you always gave puppy dog eyes, whether it was intentional or not. it was everyone who ever knew you’s weakness. “that would be great!” she said, knowing deep down it would be hell.
he didn’t show up, you and yunjin sat in the campus cafe for thirty minutes and he didn’t show up. yunjin was more upset than you seemed to be. she watched you check your phone every five seconds, stare at the door in hopes to see him walk in. it was pitiful, and she was growing frustrated. “c’mon we’re leaving, he’s an asshole.” you reluctantly stood up, walking out of the cafe with yunjins arm around your shoulder. you wanted to cry, it wasn’t that big of a deal, you thought maybe he had his reasons. “listen guys are jerks, he’s not an exception.” she reassured you. you walked down the sidewalk gripping onto yunjins shirt while her arm remained on your shoulders. you were embarrassed, it was your first date in a long time and you thought it went well; but apparently not. she was pissed. you had to walk through the parking lot to get to the main campus. on your way, a couple making out against a car caught your attention. “gross.” yunjin said grimacing. “wait..” you said cautiously removing yourself from yunjins side and approaching them. “yeonjun?” you said quietly, a quiver in your voice. he turned around, no sign of remorse in his eyes. “hey sweetheart.” he smirked. the girl left with an annoyed scoff. “how could you?” you asked, tears welling into your eyes. yunjin caught up, slowly realizing what was happening. “we’re not in a relationship? how is it your concern?” yunjin pushed you slightly out of the way, slapping him harshly. “you are such a selfish, arrogant ass!” she shouted, gaining the attention of a few students. he scoffed, “you mind explaining yourself?” she shouted yet again. you watched in silence, choking back sobs. “i was playing the long game, sweetening her up until i could get a taste of that innocent p-“ she landed a punch square on his nose. you gasped and students started to crowd around the three of you. he hunched over, holding his bleeding nose. “i’m not going to fight a girl.” — “tough.” she said before kicking into his side. “yunjin stop!” you shouted. she couldn’t hear you, all she could hear was her heart pumping rapidly in anger. she shoved him and hit him anywhere she could. finally, having enough, he punched her back. “h-holy shit.” he said, realizing what he had done. her lip began to bleed, a deep cut tracing her bottom lip from his ring. you grabbed her wrist pulling her away from the crowd before a professor or campus police showed up.
you rushed her to the infirmary, “where the hell is the nurse when you need her?” you shouted. a note was left on the desk, “on lunch.” it read. “great.” you scoffed. you pushed yunjin down onto a cot gently. “y/n it’s okay really” — “no it’s not.” you interrupted rummaging through the supply drawer. you collected a cotton ball and some rubbing alcohol, “this is gonna sting a bit.” you said as you dabbed her lip gently with the alcohol coated cotton ball. she winced. you couldn’t quite see so you had to situate yourself to be standing directly between her legs. she looked up at you, it was so hard seeing you this close. “i wish you were a boy.” she whispered. “what?” you asked, “nothing.. it- it’s nothing.” — “jen.” you brought your hand up to cup her cheek. “y/n.” she whispered, voice shaking. you brought your face closer, leaning in. her lips were soft, and you weren’t sure exactly why it felt so right. you weren’t sure why you hadn’t done this a long time ago. you pulled away, leaning your forehead against hers. “what does this mean?” you asked, voice barely above a whisper. “i don’t know.. all i know is i want you to do it again.” she said with a slight smile. you smiled leaning into another kiss.
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kittenmey-rin · 8 months
Yandere Drv3 x Female Ultimate Singer Reader
Swapped Mastermind role au!!!
Your Pov
Hope's Peak Academy, Hope's Peak Academy is a school for Ultimate Talent students for everyone to be welcoming, learning experience, and meeting new students of Hope's Peak Academy, You are probably wondering of who's this person talking, well I'll introduce myself to you, I am Y/n L/n, I'm the new Ultimate Singer, the reason why my Ultimate Talent is the Ultimate Singer is because I am a famous singing celebrity in my life, when I was 8 years old, I started singing an song that my parents started to notice me of singing, but I felt very very proud that my parents started giving applause to me and my singing voice, a few years later, when I was 10 years old, my teachers and my friends were really really really really surprised that they heard me singing for the first time, and they started giving me good compliments about me and my singing voice, and my teacher not only give me all Straight A+, but they give me a letter from Hope's Peak Academy itself, I went thought of how did Hope's Peak Academy know about me and my singing, how did they know where I live, how do they know my name, but when I read the letter of Hope's Peak Academy, it said that they got a good friend who had been hearing from my singing, giving me Straight A+ from every single classes, and explained everything about me, a few days, after I told my parents about my new Talent, they felt 100% proud about my talent and to me, but they felt that they are going to miss me, I started to comfort them and told them that I will always be your daughter no matter what happens or where I went into....
And that's when I 1st arrive in Hope's Peak Academy, but I feel very very exhausted, fainted on the floor by the grass. When I woke up, I was in the classroom, sleeping on the desk, I looked around my surroundings, and it seems that I am in a classroom and it is not a dream, as I was standing from the desk, and was about to leave the classroom, I heard an strange sound of a locker or 2, I turned around and saw 2 different people who got out of those lockers, I looked at the 1st person, she has like light navy green Straight and short hair,but her hair is blocking her 2nd eye, has light green/light turquoise/light gray eyes, wears an navy blue school dress, and is a little scared, I looked at the 2nd person, his height is almost an giant's height, he has like darker green, curly and long hair, wear circle round glasses, red eye color, and wears navy blue clothes. It became quiet for a few minutes later, until I spoke with a calm voice. "Hey, uh... are you both okay, you both aren't hurt, are you???" You said while looking at the both of them, at first when they looked at you and they thought that you are the intruder, but when they looked at you clearly, they thought that you are an trapped Ultimate, just like them. "Yes, we're okay, we're not hurt, thanks for asking....???" She said while looking at you with a polite manner. "Oh, I am Y/n L/n. " You said while introducing yourself to them. "Well L/n, it's nice to meet you, I am Kirumi Tojo." Kirumi said while looking at you with a shy smile. "Tch, Gonta is Gonta Gokuhara." Gonta said while looking away from you.
You have introduced yourself to the other Ultimate students, and started to activated their friendship petals, you thought everything went smoothly, but that is until Monokuma announced the Killing Game of Despair, You are terrified of Killing one of your friends, and decided not to kill any of them during the Masterminds Killing Game.
You may not know is that your friends are starting to feel yandere emotions around you and decided to kill each other so they can get to you and make you to be their future wife....
To be continued
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ornii · 2 years
La mia musa (My Muse)
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Nancy Wheeler X Male Reader
Summary: You had a painting project and Needed a muse for it, Gladly, Nancy took your fumbling offer in exchange for help in her history class
"So why do I have to sit like this all day?"
Nancy Wheeler, the Wheeler Families daughter and occasional friend of few. She sits so elegantly in a chair inside a classroom of Hawkins High, an art room adorned with Odd drawings, used cavas and the smell of paint. She had one leg crossed and was looking forward, her eyes slightly dart to the left to a cavas being painted on. The quiet but abrasive sounds of paint being produced upon the canvas can be heard gently under music being played via a radio.
"Nancy, I've told you before that this stuff takes time." A man peers past the canvas to her, a student of Hawkins high just like her, he has this very flow y and fluent look to him. He frowns a bit at her.
"We can reschedule it if you're not up for it today..." he says, Nancy considers it for a second.
"No, I want to finish it so you can show me, since you've never let me see it." She replies a bit coldly and he agrees.
"Okay, keep your chin a bit high." He replies and she leans her head upward slightly, he looks at her and their eyes meet. He could only just stare at her; watching as Nancy's beauty just beams though the room like the sun rising through the horizon. He looks back down as Nancy smirks just slightly. She had a slight feeling of his intentions when he awkwardly asked her to be his "Muse." Which was mostly just him stumbling on her words, and him convincing her by helping her with History class. To just stand in one spot, just too easy for her to pass up.
"So, what is a Muse anyway?" Nancy asks and (Y/n) continues to paint while explaining.
"Well originally they were Greek Goddesses of Art forms, The Nine Daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne, but the term means something that inspires you to paint, to create.. and for me.." he says, (Y/n) makes a power move and peers over, staring at Nancy.
"It's something so perfect you can't take your eyes off of." He says, his words caught Nancy off guard, All her life she somewhat kept her cool but at this moment she was actually caught off guard, speechless. There was an awkward silence between them as the mutual attraction began to fester. Nancy, embarrassed just looks back at her Muse spot. (Y/n), even more embarrassed just keeps painting, now keeping his eyes off of her. He pursues his art for another hour and a half of awkwardly cute silence, the two eye each other for a moment and then go back to their jobs.
"Alright, done." He says, breaking the silence, Nancy stands up and stretches her legs a bit, standing on her tippy toes.
"Great, that took forever." She says and walks over next to him, she then finally gets to stand before the painting.
"I'm glad I'll be able to get to see this.."
Nancy halts her sentence looking at the painting, such colors, the way her hair was drawn with such cautious love and attention. Each stroke of the brush was meticulously made with care and complexity. Nancy was at a loss of words as he stood next to her, He smiles a bit, actually proud of himself.
"It's my best work, I want to call it...
"The Mystery Girl.."
Nancy just couldn't believe the attention to detail, the artistic flow of her hair, the almost heavenly like aura around Her, the perfect brush strokes that represented her eyes were an almost perfect color of hers, she just blinked a few times and turned to him.
"This is, Amazing. I knew you were in art class a lot but this is.. whew." She says slightly combing her hair to the side. It has a certain beauty to it all, and that Beauty was Nancy. She turns to him, so amused by what she's witnessing.
"You really are talented, Steve isn't into stuff like this, I don't know why." She says a bit sad, and (Y/n) felt the compliment in his heart, and wanted to feel like this more. He always thought Nancy was this mystery girl, so intriguing, so beautiful and consummate. Once he saw her in Mrs.Duffers history class, like a modern day Audrey Hepburn or a Lady Elsie. Such beauty should be encapsulated in a way to always be existing.
"Thanks. Uh, sorry for making you stay after school those times, I just wanted it to be, perfect." He says.
"No, you don't have to apologize it's, I can see it was really worth it, what do you plan on doing with it?" She asks, "The Painting." She says and he looks at it.
"Once it dries.. that's up to you." He says, Nancy looks at him confused, and realizes what he means.
"I-I can't take this, it took you days to make this." She says and looks back at it.
"Yeah, but it would be easier to explain to your Boyfriend and Parents that you got this made by a professional, than people asking why I have it." He replies. And Nancy looks at him, she was indecisive but then held her ground on it and grabbed him by the hand, it shocked him a bit and he turns to her.
"You're taking this with you, you made it, put it in an exhibit for aspiring painters or something. You deserve it, your Mystery Girl says so." She says with a hint of authority, it was more than enough for (Y/n) to nod sheepishly. She smiles and lets go of his hand. They were interrupted by a horn from outside. Nancy peeks out the window to see a car.
"That's Steve, gotta go." She says, Nancy turns and walks over, offering a handshake, he takes it and she smiles.
"It was nice being your muse." She says, and walks to grab her backpack and he nods, still staring.
"Yeah, it was nice." (Y/n) says and she gives him one last smile before leaving, (Y/n) stands there by himself before turning to the Painting.
"I guess I'll be seeing you.. Mystery Girl."
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riacte · 1 year
MCC 9 / All Stars Blue Bats - Sky Battle and Survival Games Analysis
(Reposted on Reddit! If you've been around my blog since 2021, this is just a rehash of my old posts from that time :D)
Since it's September and it'll be three years since the iconic MCC9, I decided to move some of my Blue Bats analysis here. As Ren puts, I still "think fondly of the Blue Bats".
In hindsight, it's probably kind of obvious that Blue9's success in Sky Battle (MCC9's first game that they got 3rd in) foreshadowed their overwhelming success in Survival Games. The Blue Bats survived the first round of SkB as a full team, and I believe that was the first time SkB was played, so that was pretty cool for an "underdog" team. H even screamed "I did nothing and I'm proud of that!" and Fruit pointed out they didn't even lose a single player. Later, in SG, they once again survived as a full team (significantly harder to do so compared to a single round of SkB).
It's not a coincidence - the four of them play different roles that are equally essential. They work like a well oiled machine which helps them power through PvP/ team games like SkB and SG.
HBomb is naturally the leader and strategiser. He was in charge of their strategy in Sky Battle. Similarly, he (and Fruit) was the one who led the Bats to loot around the border and gear up in Survival Games. H unites the team with his charisma. He makes the call outs. Everyone else follows. H knows what his teammates are good at, and thus knows how to assigns roles.
Classic examples of H's talent scouting: predicting False would pop off in Dodgebolt before he even actually talked to her (False killed H in one round of Skyblockle in MCC8 and he said she "scared the heck outta him"), and teaching Ren to sandkeep in MCC9, and Ren eventually became known as a good sandkeeper. H was already familiar with Fruit's skillset before MCC9, but the way he accurately pointed out False and Ren's core strengths when he just met them is crazy. (People didn't really think of the hermits competitively before MCC9. Although H did VOD review the two of them.)
Fruitberries is of course the key player when it comes to PvP, and he's in charge of combat. Fruit killed Dream and Techno in the first round of SkB, then went on to get a whopping eight kills in SG. Fruit’s just naturally cracked and with H to reel him in, he just goes insane. Fruit’s one of the first to approach any dangers, and when he’s in danger, H is ready to back him up. There is a very good reason why H + PvPer is a dangerous combo. They make up for each other's weaknesses and they compliment each other scarily well.
Everyone probably knows about the ferocity and power of Cherrybomb, but how about Ren and False, the first two hermits to win?
Ren is the so-called “support”. He was in charge of mining iron blocks and making armour in Sky Battle. He was also in charge of resource management in Survival Games. However, Ren had a tendency to stray, and that was exactly how he got killed in the 3rd round of Sky Battle. Afterwards, H told him to stick with the group. In SG, Ren was running around and finding chests, and learning from previous experience, his teammates made sure he didn't stray. In SG, the Bats rarely split up for long, so they stayed together and they dominated.
Ren also gives the others loot to better protect them (him telling Fruit to take his armour in the early stages of SG). Ren loyally follows orders, and while leaders are important, they need followers too. This is why Ren and H compliment each other well.
I want to stress the importance of Ren's "support" / "storage" role in SG. A big part of how Blue9 won SG is their gear (everyone had iron armour at least, they also had decent weapons and abundant food). Ren picked up twentyish arrows from Sapnap's loot, he gave some to Fruit, then False said she needed arrows so Fruit offered to split, but Fruit didn't need to do that because Ren had already split it for them, saving them time and the confusion of throwing each other gear. Ren isn't just a storage box, he knows what his teammates need, and he gives it to them.
False, as pointed out by other people, is observant and has a high spatial awareness. She reminded both H and Fruit of the border during the first round of Sky Battle. She did that for other teammates in Skyblockle in previous MCCs, and continues to take notice of the border in all MCCs up till now. In SG, she was frequently the one to remind Ren to come back, and kept a lookout for other teams. (False's spatial awareness and instincts also shines through in MCC19 SG, but that'll be another post.) She keeps an eye on events unfolding as Fruit and H charge into battle.
As a False main, I know she's generally good at surveying the battlefield / keeping track of her teammates / noticing the border (it's not a False SkB POV if she's not yelling about the border lol), and because Blue9 had excellent comms and they listened to her, her instincts could shine.
So really, the Blue Bats’ individual strengths and team strength were displayed in their first round of Sky Battle, and SG just showed their strengths off perfectly, with H as the leader/strategizer, Fruit as the nimble PvPer/ bridger, False as the observant spotter and Ren as the support who managed resources and built walls. False and Ren's roles could be easily neglected because those aren't flashy roles, but they're critical for the success of the entire team. MCC, at its core, is a team-based tournament. They're stronger together. The full team survived in Sky Battle, a PvP/team game. The full team also survived in Survival Games, a PvP/team game.
So, Survival Games Domination might not be as shocking as one might think. Sure, they got lucky, but it was absolutely not a fluke, since their success in Sky Battle set the stage. MCC9 Blue Bats has always been a cohesive and tight knit story.
I'll add in a bit for All Stars here, since the Bats got second in AS SkB. Similarly, the Bats survived their first round as a full team, further proving that MCC9 SkB was not a fluke. To add to the parallels, H also screamed "I did nothing!". They did well in AS SkB in the same way they did well in MCC9 SG. The composition of the Blue Bats as a team and their individual strengths basically spells it out. I would even dare to say it's inevitable that they're going to do well if they communicate and have high morale. (Funnily enough they were sad when SG was chosen in MCC9 because it was their least wanted game.)
It's also cute that you can tell False and Ren have become a lot more confident in All Stars when compared to teaming with Fruit and H in MCC9.
In MCC9, when H asked whether False would like to go left or right in Battle Box, she laughed and said she didn't know. In All Stars, H asked False to play as the hunter for one round in PkTand False just casually said "yeah, yeah, I can! It's on me." And we know how she told him to shut up in MCC29 Dodgebolt. False's taking charge!
In MCC9, Ren was feeling a little sad about getting 30th individual but everyone cheered him up by saying he was better than 10 other people. In All Stars, Ren also got 30th individual at one point but he was pretty happy about it because he "usually did worse" haha. The team in general became a lot more comfortable with each other.
Even though it's been almost three years since then, MCC9 Blue Bats remains my favourite team and POV. They're just unbeatable in my mind - the underdog arc, the shounen-esque hero's journey, the slick communication, the way everyone's individual strengths shone, the pioneers of Hermit + S tier teams, the butterfly effect this team-up caused (eg. H in Vault Hunters, Ren's MCC crown and his Third Life Red King lore), everything about it. Blue Bats Supremacy :D
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madness1999sworld · 4 months
Oh, What a life
Summary: Tatiana has been through hell growing up to an abusing and alcholic father and a mother just wanting to keep the peace while raising her and her little sister. What happens when she leaves her home to find a new purpose in life?
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TW: cursing, mention of abuse but not detailed, 18+
Minors do not interact
Chapter 2: We finally meet
As I wonder whatever happened to that guy from before. I start walking out of the training room and see him appear in the hallway, it almost feels like he was waiting for me. He still had on his gray ninja suit but this time he didn’t have his mask on. He”s very handsome, he looked to be maybe a year or two older than me. He notices me and he smiles.
Me: Oh, It’s you
???: Yeah< hello. My name is Tomas Vrbada or you can call me Smoke, I’m the one who gathered Kuai Liang for you.
Me: Yes, Hello. My name is Tatiana or Tati if you’d like. It’s nice to meet you.
Tomas: It’s nice to finally meet you too Tati. Actually, I wanted to talk to you about something.
Me: Oh, what is it, Tomas?
I was nervous about what he was gonna say hoping I didn’t accidentally mess something up of his, or even hoping I didn’t step on anyone's toes while I’m here, I don’t want to cause any conflicts with those living in the temple. It doesn’t help my nerves that he’s hesitating to speak as if trying to find the right words to say “Just piss off, no one wants you here”.
Tomas: I just wanted to make sure that you're doing ok and that you’re taking your training seriously. I know that it can be hard sometimes, But if you keep at it you’ll be a powerful warrior. Liang actually told me how far you come, and well, I just wanted to say that I’m proud of you.
I was shocked by what Tomas had to say to me, I never really received compliments from random people before. Yes I get that Kuai Liang has done it plenty of times, and I will admit that it took a minute to get used to, but He’s my teacher. I also know that Sub-Zero has also complimented me but we were fighting and I could give a rat's ass about him. With Tomas though I could tell that he meant it and cared for me even though we just officially met. It’s actually very sweet of him.
Me: Aww geez, Thank you. I appreciate that. I just finished with my training actually, in the training room.
Tomas:*smiles* That’s great to hear. I’m sure Kuai Liang is proud of you too and I also have a surprise for you.
Me: Oh, really?
Tomas: *nods his head* Yes, follow me.
I followed him to this small closet, nervous and worried about what Tomas was gonna do. He opens the door pulls out a new ninja attire from the shelf and hands me it.
Tomas: usually I would put this, in the student’s respeated room on their bed nice and neatly but since we haven’t met yet I thought this would be the better option.
I took the suit from him and looked at it, it was beautiful it was a black suit with a dark green undertone to it, having black laced sleeves attached to it. The suit almost looks like it could be an almost skin-tight dress, with a well-fitted pair of black pants and wedge black and dark green combat boots. There is also a pair of dark green fingerless gloves and a black face mask with dark green highlights to it.
Me: Tomas. This is beautiful. Thank you so much.
Tomas: *smiles* I’m glad you like it. Now let’s get you your room. You’ll need to rest up before your next training session.
I nodded my head agreeing with what Tomas just said and we began walking to my room. The walk was quiet which I appreciated but I wanted to know what is everything that Kuai Liang told him.
Me; So, I’m guessing that Master Liang told you that I fought Sub-Zero?
Tomas: *nods his head* Yes, he did. I’m sorry you had to go through that. It must have been scary. But don’t worry will make sure that Sub-Zero will never bother you again.
Me: It was, I won’t lie, but I was shocked with myself that I defeated him. It made me proud of myself.
Tomas: *chuckles* I’m not surprised. You’re a talented fighter, Tati. You just need to keep practicing and trust your abilities. If you ever need any help, you can always come to me or Master Liang.
Me: Thank you, Tomas. I will keep that in mind.
Once we finished talking we made it to my room. Tomas opened my room door for me so I could enter my room, I walked in and looked at him one last time.
Tomas: You're welcome. Now get some rest. We’ll continue talking more tomorrow.
Me: OK. Goodnight Tomas.
Tomas: Goodnight, Tati. Sleep well.
Me: you as well.
The door shuts. I make my way to my dresser put my new clothes inside and grab my pajamas to take a shower and head on to bed. As I lay there I felt a sense of pride and accomplishment, from when I came and joined the Shirai Ryu to now. Even though I know I still have much more to learn. The next morning. I wake up feeling refreshed and energized, The sun is just starting to rise outside of my window and I can hear other members of the clan waking up and getting ready to start their day as well. I get out of bed do my morning routine, make my bed, and put on my new ninjutsu attire. I walk out of my room and head to the training area. As I make my way down the hallway I see other members of the clan also heading toward the training ground. Some nod their head greeting me while others focus on their training regimen. I nod to them back and go to the training grounds. When I arrived I saw Master Liang standing in front of the room surrounded by a group of students all of whom waiting for his instructions. He notices me, smiling, and motions me to come over to join. So, of course, I walk over.
Me: Good morning. Master Liang.
Kuai Liang: Good Morning. I see that you all are up and ready for training. Which is good. Today, we’re going to work on everyone’s footwork. I’ll show all of you what I mean. Tati why don’t you come with me to the fighting mat.
Me: alright
Kuai Liang leads me to the fighting mat and starts demonstrating a series of footwork patterns to me and the rest of the students. He explained that the key to effective footwork is to be able to move quickly and efficiently while maintaining balance and stability.
Kuai Liang: Now, let’s try something simple. Try to follow my movement and keep your feet moving at all times. Ok?
Me: Ok
Liang starts demonstrating again this time doing the basic footwork pattern. He moves forward, Then back, then to the side, and then back again. He moves slowly at first, allowing me to get used to the movements. I tried my best to follow Liang’s teaching, doing my best to keep up, but it was challenging to move quickly and efficiently. I stumbled a few times. Thankfully, Liang is patient and helps me with my mistakes.
Kuai Liang: Remember, footwork is all about balance and control. You need to be able to move in any direction with ease, while still maintaining your center of gravity. Try to focus on your movements and feel the energy flowing through your body.
I relax My body. Letting my body take over. I felt the movements flowing through me, and soon after I started doing the moves with ease and confidence. I look at Kuai Liang and see him smile proudly, impressed with my progress.
Kuai Liang: Good job, Tati. You’re doing well. Now let’s try something a little more challenging.
Me: Oh, OK.
This time Kuai Liang demonstrates a more complex footwork pattern, this time incorporating a series of spins and turns. He moves quickly and gracefully, making it look effortless. I watch him closely, trying to memorize the movements. I attempt the footwork again, but find it more difficult than the last one, trying to keep up with Liang’s speed. Which has me stumbling and losing my balance a few times, but I keep going. Kauai Liang keeps watching me closely, offering some advice and corrections as I go.
Kuai Liang: Remember, the key is to keep your movements fluid and connected. Don’t think too much, just let your body move naturally.
I take a deep breath, relax again, and try to do the complex pattern again. I feel the movement flowing through me, and soon I’m moving with ease and confidence. Liang smiles, glad I processed everything.
Kuai Liang: Amazing Job, Tati. You’re getting the hang of it. Keep practicing and you’ll be able to do this in your sleep.
Me: Thank you, Master.
Kuai Liang: You’re Welcome, Tati. Remember, practice makes perfect. Keep up the good work and you’ll be a master of footwork in no time.
Liang left to go attend to the other students who still needed help with their footwork, while I kept working on my footwork for a little more until I felt way more confident with it. Once I finished, that was when Liang ended the class and dismissed everyone. I feel proud of my progress and excited to continue improving my skills. As I walked out of the training room, I come face to face with Sub-Zero. Confused as hell I took a step back and was ready to fight him but he just smiled at me.
Bi Han: Good work today, Tati. You’re making progress.
Me: why are you here?
Bi Han: Relax, I was just passing by and wanted to see how you were doing. I heard you were practicing footwork with Kuai.
Me: * taken aback* Yes I was, but why do you care? You and Kuai Liang are enemies.
Bi Han: *shrugs* Just curious, That’s all. I know me and Liang haven’t seen eye to eye but I know yours and his relationship have been complicated, but I don’t think it’s a bad thing for you to learn from him. He’s one of the best fighters in the clan, after all.
Me: *annoyed* It’s not complicated at all. He is my teacher and I am his student nothing more nothing less. I am aware that he is one of the best fighters and I am honored that I’m being taught by him.
Bi Han: *nods his head in understandment* That’s good to hear. I’m glad you respect Kuai Liang and are willing to learn from him. Just remember, don’t let him push you too hard. He can be a bit intense at times, but he’s only trying to help you improve.
Me: *unsure* Yeah, I’ll keep that in mind.
Bi Han: *smiles* Good, well I’ll let you get back to your day. Good luck with your training.
Me: *still unsure* Thanks.
I walked away from Sub-Zero, once I was out of sight of him I started speed-walking looking for Tomas. I looked all around the compound for him but couldn’t find him anywhere, I started wondering where could he possibly be as I walked around some more I realized theirs a library there. I walk in and immediately see Tomas reading a book. I walk toward him, he looks up from his book sees me, and smiles.
Tomas: Hey, Tati. What’s up?
Me: *sits across the table from him* Hey, I was looking for you. Ummm did you know that Sub-Zero is here?
When I told him the smile on his face disappeared and turned into nervousness. I looked at him worried,” I wondered what Bi Han did to Tomas to make him feel this way.”
Tomas: Sub-Zero? Bi Han? Here? Are you sure?
Me: Yes, I literally just talked to him.
Tomas: *sighs* I was afraid of that. He’s probably here to cause trouble. We need to find him and make sure he doesn’t do anything stupid.
Me: that’s what I thought too when I saw him. But to find out he just wanted to talk.
Tomas: *confused raising an eyebrow* He just wanted to talk? That doesn’t sound like him at all. Are you sure you didn’t misunderstand?
Me: Yes, I am. He came to check on how I was doing. He saw that I was learning how to do footwork with Kuai Liang.
Tomas: *expression soften* That’s…………unexpected. I wondered why he’s suddenly interested in your training?
Me: I don’t know. He told me that he was glad that I was working with Kuai Liang and that I should try not to overwork myself.
Tomas: *nods thoughtfully* Well that’s good advice. It’s always important to take breaks and not push yourself too hard. Do you think was being genuine? Or was he just trying to lure you into a false sense of security?
Me: I mean, I think he was. But I don’t know. This all seems weird.
Tomas: *sighs* I agree. It’s definitely weird that he would suddenly come to check on you and give you advice. I’m going to keep an eye on him and make sure he doesn’t cause any trouble.
Me: OK, thank you.
Tomas: *smiles and gets up out of his seat* No problem. Just be careful around him, OK? He can be unpredictable.
Me: I will, don’t worry. I’m gonna head back to the training room since there won’t be a bunch of students there, I want to start training with my new swords, that Kuai Liang gifted me.
Tomas: *eyes lighting up* New swords? That’s exciting! Can I watch you train?
Me: Of course
We go back to the training room and I unsheath my swords, Tomas watches and admires the new swords that Liang gifted me yesterday, with their intricate design and sharp-edged blade. I start my training but I clearly need help because I hardly know how to use one let alone two. Tomas watches and decides to help me,
Tomas: Here, let me help you. Hold the swords like this.
He shows me how to grip the swords properly and adjust my stance. I followed his instructions, doing what I was told. He continues to guide me through the basic movements, making sure I’m getting the hang of it.
Tomas: Good, Good. Now try to combine your strikes with a forward thrust, and remember to keep your balance.
I do what I am told, and execute the movement perfectly, surprising myself with my newfound skill. Tomas smiles at me, proudly.
Tomas: See? You’re a natural! With some practice, you’ll be a master swordsman in no time
Me: Thank you, for helping me, Tomas. Fighting with swords reminds me of using the stick's weapons it's just a little longer. So, How did you get into the Shirai Ryu, Tomas,
Tomas's expression darkened slightly when I asked that question, not really wanting to explain his story.
Tomas: It’s a long story, My childhood wasn’t the greatest. I was with Kuai Liang when he decided to make a clan of his own. I helped him and I jokily told him that I was the first member of the clan.
Me: *sadden* I see, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you think about the past.
Tomas: It’s alright, it’s behind me now.
Me: You must be really close to Kuai Liang, huh? And if it makes you feel any better, I also didn’t have the best childhood.
Tomas: Well I am his adopted brother. He and I always got along.
I looked at him shocked, I never knew that he and Kuai Liang were brothers. Does that mean he’s also Bi Han's brother as well? He places a comforting hand on my shoulder, to reassure me.
Tomas: Don’t worry, we’ve both been through a lot. But that’s what makes us strong. We’ve survived, and we’ve learned from our experiences, and now we’re here, fighting for what’s right.
AN: I hope you are all enjoying this story. Again, please don't comment any racist bullshit on my story. You will get blocked, nor any fat comments about my character.
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sheerfreesia007 · 2 years
Stupid Cupid #26
Title: Stupid Cupid # 26
Fandom: Top Gun Maverick
Pairing: Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin x Reader
Author: @sheerfreesia007​
Words: 1,150
Warnings: Fluff
Permanent Tag List: @paintballkid711, @fioccodineveautunnale, @phoenixhalliwell, @linkpk88, @weirdowithnobeardo, @athalien
Prompt: Compliments
Gif Credit: @topgundaily
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Jake rushed through the doors of the restaurant knowing that he was late for dinner with you and his folks. He had promised you that he’d be there with you to meet them but his last briefing had run late and he was left racing to the restaurant after hurriedly dressing himself. Tonight was supposed to be the night that he introduced you to his parents as his girlfriend and he knew you were a little nervous to meet them. something about making a good impression on them since you and Jake were now dating. 
Just as he came up to the podium he spotted his mother and father seated at a table not far from the middle of the room, you were sitting across the table from them with your back to him and the front door. From what he saw it looked as if you were talking nervously about something as your hands waved in the air, he smiled softly as he recognized your nervous tick. 
The sound of someone clearing their throat caught his attention as he stepped closer to the table you were sitting at and he turned his head to see a pretty young woman standing at the podium looking at him with eager hungry eyes. The old Jake would have been flattered and eating up the attention but he was more focused on getting over to you so that he could ease your nerves as you sat alone with his parents. Ever since he had met you he’d seen a change in his attitude towards women, even his own squad mates had noticed the change with Rooster continuously thanking you whenever he could.
“Can I help you?” simpered the hostess and Jake shook his head with a kind smile.
“No ma’am, my girlfriend and parents are right over there.” he explained as he pointed to your table. He watched as the woman seemed to deflate with the knowledge that he had a girlfriend. Jake didn’t bother to wait for a response from her as he made his way over to the table. He approached from behind you and as he got closer to the table he made eye contact with his mother who smiled warmly at him before flicking her eyes back to you. Just as Jake was about to reach out for you he heard what you were saying to his parents.
“You must be so proud of Jake.” you said affectionately and it caused him to stop short as he stood quiet to listen into your conversation.
“Of course we are. But tell me dear, why are you proud of him?” His mother asked kindly as she smiled encouragingly at you.
“Oh well, I’ve only known him for a short amount of time so far. But he’s told me about all of his commendations from the Navy. He wasn’t able to tell all the details but it’s all very impressive and a testament of his skill and talent as a naval aviator.” you expressed to them in soft awe of his career. Jake felt his chest puff up importantly as you explained to his parents how he made you proud. “But I think his character is even more of a reason to be proud of him. Jake’s a proud man and he has reason to be but there’s also a soft kind side to him that while not shown very often, he does have it.” you said affectionately as you chuckled softly. His mother laughed delightedly at your words as she darted her eyes over to his father who smirked knowingly.
“Let me guess he was full of himself when he first met you.” his father said with a knowing laugh. 
“Oh yeah, persistent, arrogant, almost too full of himself.” you agreed with a reminiscent chuckle. “But after I turned him down the third time he took a step back and tried again with a different approach.” you explained to them fondly. Jake watched as his mother and father looked at you with shocked wide eyes.
“Three times?” his father asked, surprised as his eyes darted over to Jake who nodded his head in answer. Jake took another step closer to you as he listened to speak up again.
“Yup three times. Once he figured out that I wasn’t interested in a cocky pretty boy aviator he showed me a different side to him.” You responded factually. “He truly is a sweet, thoughtful, kind man who I wished would show that side more to everyone else. But I understand why he doesn’t. It comes with the career, I understand.” you said showing how intuitive you were about Jake’s life. 
“What was the sweetest thing he’s done for you?” his mother asked curiously and Jake could feel you light up at her question even while he stood behind you.
“I have a dog at home and one night I was working late into the night. When I told Jake that I was worried about my dog not being able to go out for a few hours he went over to my house and walked her for him as well as ordered take out for dinner for us.” You responded and his mother smiled kindly at you as she nodded her head. 
“That sounds like Jake.” she said with a happy smile on her face. Jake shook his head gently as he felt his chest swelling with pride and love for you as you talked about him with his parents. He placed a hand on your shoulder gently and felt you jolt in your seat.
“Talking about me even when I’m not here huh?” he asked teasingly as his mother and father smiled at him fondly while you looked up at him worriedly.
“Only good things I promise.” you said hurriedly and he grinned at you softly before leaning down and pressing a soft kiss to your cheek.
“I know I heard the tail end of the conversation. I’m glad you’re not nervous anymore.” he whispered into your ear.
“How long have you been standing by and watching?” you asked him and he grinned at you as he took his seat. 
“Only from when you said that you were proud of me.” he teased you softly and you gasped softly at him making him grin wider at you. “You keep giving me those compliments and soon they’ll go to my head.” he said, making his mother chuckle at his words.
“Too late.” you griped out and both of his parents burst out in laughter as they avidly watched the two of you interact. Jake grinned before winking at you then turning to his parents so he could join the conversation finally. He grinned ever wider when he felt your hand find his under the table and grip it tightly in reassurance, he responded in kind as the conversation flowed between the four of you.
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