#and have to take orders from him?
Huddling for warmth or stranded is fun but what if it wouldn't be Kylo, it wouldn't be Dameron who is stranded with Hux. Let's not make it about ships. Let's make it bad.
What if Hux is stranded with Pryde. Because that. That would be a real torment right? What if they fail to kill each other, and they have to somehow survive bc i feel they are both strong on surviving. But then, it's a nightmare for Hux because it's like he is re living his childhood again but without Brendol this time. And Pryde is not making it easier. So one day Hux just breaks into tears, Pryde screaming in frustration at him and Hux not able to comprehend anything any more just curls down on the ground covering his head with arms. And Pryde just freezes above him not able to talk any more bc he just remembered the same scene from the past. Armitage on the ground Brendol Hux above him. Broken glass around. He remembered that he was disgusted then by both of them, the boy crying and screaming without a reason and drunk Brendol. He took a step back and Hux moved quickly, knocked him over, taking his weapon and looking at him with pure determination. Bc he was not a helpless boy any more. But they both knew that neither of them have a chance of surviving alone here. So Hux lets him go slowly.
"From now on. You are on borrowed time, Enric." Hux hissed. "The day i won't need you to survive will be the day of your death."
And every next day spend with Pryde Hux hates himself a little more. For not being able to kill him here and now, for this pathetic break down, for being scared of him, for crying when he is not around, for not being able to stay calm, cool and controlled as he should. For having to share space and rations.
And Pryde it's just becoming gradually more empty. But he starts to flinch every time Hux is making more sudden move.
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vigilskeep · 2 months
when you first start the cousland origin, you can have some conversations with arl howe, teyrn cousland, and duncan that shed some interesting light on the political situation in ferelden. it’s definitely the origin where you get the most context on the rebellion and on cailan and his father. while howe isn’t exactly the most trustworthy of sources, he is also one of the most openly critical of cailan that we have access to, which i think is worthy of interest
howe remembers maric with what the toolset describes as “genuine fondness”: “your father hasn’t spoken of our time with him? that man took care of his friends. as they say, he was large as life and twice as tall!” i think we should pay particular attention to that man took care of his friends.
what howe’s talking about is a really important aspect of kingship, where you win the consent and enthusiasm of the nobility for your rule by offering rewards like wealth, land, and prestige to the loyal. kingship is always less stable than it’s portrayed, and this is one of the ways that kings must essentially sell to the nobility that answering to them is worth their time, which would be especially important in ferelden given everything we know about its culture. fereldans believe someone only has power when it is given by the loyalty of those below them, who have the right to freely rescind that loyalty. the dao codex says that “the sight of [fereldan kings] asking for—and working to win—the support of ‘lesser’ men is a source of constant wonder to foreign ambassadors.”
i suspect howe is remembering a maric fresh from the victories of the rebellion, who was able to reward those who had followed him with the spoils of those victories. at the end of the stolen throne, we see that in the final days of the rebellion, maric was killing those who had betrayed his mother to the orlesians even when they arrived under truce to meet him on holy ground. in dao, we see no lingering orlesian nobility except for those who married in and continue to be met with marked hostility. i think we can safely surmise that maric elected to make no conciliatory measures and give everything to those who had followed him; with the orlesians on the run and his people out for blood, he was in a strong enough position to do so, and it certainly served to win the fond memories of men like howe.
by contrast, howe goes on to say, “it’s too bad cailan isn’t half that.” the toolset notes establish very clearly that it’s the same issue, elaborating on howe’s thoughts: “bitter turn, i don’t get as much from the current king”, and “disdainful, i have no use for him, he does me no favours”. this isn’t a minor character detail, if howe’s last words when killed by the player are anything to go by. “maker spit on you... i deserved... more...” whatever it is that howe feels he should have been given, by the crown or anyone else, it characterises his actions and his defining treachery.
it’s in these same conversations that we see another side of this demonstrated. there are two points where howe can openly criticise the king, and bryce immediately admonishes him for both. one even has the toolset note: “speaks sharply, as a lord to a lesser man, not a friend to an equal”. it definitely comes across that way; the way he tells howe “that’s enough” is not far off the voice he uses when the player, his child, displeases him. bryce can’t tolerate any criticism of cailan, as the couslands in dao are ardent supporters of the king. to venture some hc, i suspect that this is not merely royalist fervour, and that howe’s resentment for having been given less is matched by bryce’s awareness of the precariousness of having more.
over the centuries, the theirins have consolidated their power and eradicated almost all the teyrns (the noble rank that is second only to the king). with the only other lingering teyrn being loghain, who is essentially part and parcel of the royal family, the couslands stand alone as the only real rivals to theirin power within ferelden. there are rumours that bryce was once considered for king instead of the theirins; he too could have decided to believe he “deserved more”. but unlike howe, and perhaps understandably given his strong position and happy growing family, he is satisfied with what he has. he will not take the risk of even the slightest challenge being made within his hall
(i expect that bryce’s satisfaction with the current situation further spurred howe’s dissatisfaction to its heights, given the complicated cousland-howe history and the fact that he was expected to accept a friend he had fought beside as a superior for the rest of his life.)
i don’t think howe’s judgement on cailan is likely to be without basis. we don’t hear about any victories the young king has to his name, from which he could have passed around spoils. (to be fair, cailan had harder luck than maric in this regard. a king who raises a successful rebellion gets to bring glory and prestige to everyone who follows him, whereas a king trying to rebuild after that rebellion mostly gets to bring, uh, taxes probably. especially on wealthy centres of trade like howe’s amaranthine, one might assume.) cailan also takes a far more diplomatic approach to the question of orlais, which perhaps predictably did not win over many nobles of howe’s generation. it makes sense that cailan’s strongest supporters would instead be men like bryce who hope for things to simply continue, peacefully, as they are. perhaps in another world where cailan had won the battle of ostagar, he might have earned wider respect. (you could actually argue on this basis that there’s more sense and purpose to cailan’s glory-seeking than he usually gets credit for.) but howe already acts before ostagar, which can only demonstrate his certainty in cailan’s failings at this point: his belief that even if cailan could win, he would not be stable enough to pursue justice for the couslands
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Hey, I had a thought for the fantasy au! So on one of the previous versions of the WH website, there was a rhyme for the show that went:
A house is a place with four walls and a floor,
with a ceiling above and a lovely front door.
There's a bed to cradle you safely at night,
and windows to bring in the morning sunlight.
Your house is a mirror of just who you are,
A reflection that tells you to never stray far.
Which I thought might make a good incantation for when Wally properly summons Home (I can't remember if that's ever required for Warlocks but hey, it's still a fun poem regardless).
ohhhh this. i like this...
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bonus og sketch! big ol eyes...
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& no capalet because uhhhh eh nah and also i wanted Home's pendant to be on full display!
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rainbowpopeworld · 4 months
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(Edited to add: not an actual quote from Michael Sheen - this is a meme)
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worstloki · 11 months
AU where Loki doesn’t interfere with Thor’s banishment at all and it takes Thor years to prove himself worthy and when he returns to Asgard everything is just. The same. Nothing seems to have changed at all and everyone greets him like his absence was a minor obstacle that didn’t fundamentally change Thor and the worst part is Loki stepped down from the place as regent without any delay and Thor can’t help but feel there’s something underlaying the way his brother looks at him now and won’t let him touch him and Thor doesn’t know what he could have missed because he doesn’t think he would have found anything wrong with the things around him and how everyone behaves if he hadn’t spent time on Earth reflecting.
#the warriors 4 not being interested in anything Thor ‘learnt’ at all#and making it clear that Thor was punished unfairly and the AllFather’s decision had been harsh#Loki saying he’s happy for Thor and Thor sees the way the smiles are forced and he sees the way Loki avoids any touch#Thor hating the way Frigga talks about Loki’s short regency and Thor’s absence like it wasn’t two whole decades or something#like she’s so grateful to have her other son back without ever addressing why he was gone#Thor just. growing during his time on earth and being much more aware of the behaviour around him#he learns to be critical and assess why people around him may act a certain way#once he realises that it’s possible for him or anyone else to be fallible and make mistakes it’s over for Asgard for him I think#Thor returns and Loki gives him the throne and everyone expects him to obviously have the throne#and Odin is sleeping and Thor isn’t comfortable with the way everyone accepts him as king regent after the banishment#Loki who either never lashed out against Jotunheim or did and it was brushed away and no one thinks about it as anything#but Loki is still deeply affected and acts the way he always would have but Thor can feel it’s not the same#he knows something is wrong and Loki won’t say anything about it and Thor doesn’t know how to bring it up#Thor sees Loki metaphorically receding into the shadows to become a nonpresence so loud Thor hears it even after returning from decades away#Thor goes to Earth and gets his priorities in order gets a new worldview learns not to take what he has for granted#and finds out he actually despised Asgard#he’s been back a week and he can’t stand it
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winepresswrath · 7 months
sudden yearning for time travelling teen jiang fengmian lands at lotus pier fic that winds up being about a perfectly nice kid having a varying series of "oh no. i don't like that. that's a lot" reactions.
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oaksapling · 1 month
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Lamont Fisher.
'Monte' or 'Fish' to friends and family. One of Brooklyn's friends who cooks at the diner Nicky and Rory work at. He's also their plug. Likes to mess around with different edible recipes because he knows Rory prefers them to smoking. He always lets Rory taste test for him and he might be charging Rory a little less than he charges everyone else but no one has to know that.
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kats-randomology · 2 months
It was brief but ya know what its more than we've gotten of them in the last twenty years. Let's get us a season 2 and maybe we'll get to have more hinjinks (PLEASE LET THEM INTERACT WITH IREP FFS I WANT SILLY DRAMA)
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silverwhittlingknife · 4 months
"the fault, dear Brutus -" (Julius Caesar)
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Quotes from A Critical History of English Literature by David Daiches. Panels from Death in the Family, Under the Red Hood, Lost Days, and Batman and Robin.
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justaz · 3 months
merlin being forced to confront the fact that he’s failing his people bc he’s sitting idly by while uther slaughters them all and coming to the decision that he has to act to save them but that’ll make him camelot enemy no. 1 but technically he already was they just didn’t know it. merlin spending a week all morose but unwilling to talk about it and spending as much time with his friends as possible. on his last night in camelot, he goes to arthur’s chambers and the prince is confused on why he’s there. merlin drops a sealed letter on his desk before pulling arthur into a gentle and emotional kiss. they barely separate, their lips hardly a breath apart, and merlin asks for forgiveness. arthur, thinking he’s apologizing for the kiss, tells him there’s nothing to forgive and goes in for a second kiss but merlin pulls away, knowing that that one brief kiss was all he could handle. if he lets arthur kiss him the way he’s dreamt of being kissed, he won’t be able to do what he needs to do, he won’t be able to leave. merlin tells him good night and leaves before arthur can react. he’s gone by dawn.
#arthur spends a long time storming thru the castle searching for him before returning to his chambers and reading the letter#the letter which outlines that merlin was resigning from his service and leaving camelot#arthur is enraged#merlin is still gone#gaius either wont tell him where merlin is or truly doesnt know#arthur mopes for weeeeeeeeks#then reports start sprouting up of a mysterious person traveling around the land and protecting druids from raids#and intervening when villages/towns attempt to execute sorcerers#uther sends arthur out to find this person and bring them to justice and arthur frankly couldnt care less about them#but it gives him the opportunity to go out and search for merlin so he jumps at the opportunity#he and his men eventually track more and more recent sightings of the cloaked figure to a town on the border of camelot and mercia#they chase the figure thru the streets until arthur corners them and flatly recites their charges of crimes against camelot#and orders them to return to camelot to be tried#the figure hesitates then sighs and turns around#arthurs sword droops to point at the ground as he takes in merlins slightly guilty face#‘i can’t do that arthur’#arthur is hurt from merlin sudden absence that he didnt even have the decency to warn him about#but now hes double hurt bc the reports of the mysterious person included them weilding magic#so now he also knows that merlins been lying about that as well and his hurt quickly turns to anger bc thats all he knows#he raises his sword despite knowing that he wont be able to bring it down on him. merlin smiles sympathetically as if he also knows.#merlin gets away and arthur returns to camelot only to be sent out again and again to kill merlin#friends to enemies to lovers#yippeeeee#bbc merlin#merlin emrys#arthur pendragon#merthur#fanfiction#fanfic#fic idea
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in this weird place where i do think its plausible cullen has worked through a lot in the 3-4 years between da2 and inquisition but i also think he's 100% not done fixing his shit.
he accuses the mages way too quickly in haven, and then when the templars are throwing their hissy fit (and remember, the inquisition has no idea what's happening) while the mages reach out he still wants to go talk to the templars instead.
he gives the templars the benefit of the doubt, continually, and like. idk, i just wish DAI gave us a moment to hammer down either
we had to save the order from red lyrium and we keep seeing templars refuse to question their orders and refuse to consider their own actions or
the order has glutted itself on poison and power and serves a blighted tevinter magister and not a single deserter from therinfal showed up at our doors. they followed their orders and marched into living death.
i need that confrontation where he has to finally stop giving them the benefit of the doubt. and without him saying, "i was wrong about [specific action]," like, i can't blame people who dislike him. there isn't really a satisfying confrontation in DAI regarding his past. i wish there was, but its kinda been left to fanfic writers at this point, lmao.
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thegurlwhoisntthere · 3 months
Fun little thought I thought I’d share 😋
Imagine, it’s the big showdown between Red Hood and Batman, Joker’s unconscious form slumped nearby, completely bound.
Red hood, Jason, demands that Batman kill him. That after everything he’s done, all the people he’s killed, he pleads with his dad to kill the Batman (although he’d never admit that he still loves the man as a father, not yet).
There’s some dramatic back and forth where Batman refuses and Red Hood insists pleads that Batman Bruce kill the joker, until Bruce rips off the cowl and reveals that he did!
He did kill the Joker! He wore his favorite suit and grabbed two $1000 watches and used them as brass knuckles and beat the fucker to death! He burned his body and buried the ashes outside of the goddamn Fortress of Solitude so no one would find them! He folded up the bloodied suit and boxed them with the broken watches and put them a hidden compartment in the base of Jason’s memorial in the cave, where no one would ever touch or find them! He waited until Superman was off world so he wouldn’t stop him again and told no one of what he did!
And how that ends is up to y’all. I just think that it’s interesting how there are canonically 3 Jokers (possibly more if dc changes their mind) and wouldn’t it be fun if Bruce knowingly murdered one of them only for another to pop up and make him suicidal to the point where a little Timothy Drake needs to blackmail his way into being Robin so he doesn’t kill himself?
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lesbiangracehanson · 1 year
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another day, another j7 scene that makes me feel insane 
#insane + turned on at the same time. it's a terrible predicament#olivia watches voyager#j7#seven of nine#kathryn janeway#star trek voyager#i think janeway Did need to hear this im ngl.....#like the fact that she clearly takes it on board + it affects how she proceeds with the doctor confirms that imo#and seven was making good points!#i'm glad she advocated for the doctor#bc it did feel like the whole crew was regressing a bit in their treatment of him recently idk#voyager's continually grappling with this tension between 'giving' someone their freedom/encouraging them to explore it#and then abruptly retracting that freedom when it's convenient#e.g. obvs the doctor with the memory wiping + the fairly regular 'i'm gonna deactivate ur programme' threats#seven with the 'ur an individual but there's also ever-shifting parameters to ur individuality' etc#also 'ur an individual but we will harvest u for nanoprobes on demand + ur objection will be noted but ignored' lol#but also tom in a recent ep of s5 - janeway bringing up how she freed him from the penal colony#+ also b'elanna in s5 - janeway barely giving her 2 seconds to recover#before ordering her to 'move on' from her anger re: that holo cardassian operating on her#it's like. yes all starfleet ships have their hierarchy + individual freedom exists in tension with that#but bc there's such an amalgamation of characters on voyager#from backgrounds that aren't starfleet/aren't strictly starfleet#and that - by their presence on the ship - have been 'indebted' in some way from the beginning#it all feels even more complicated#anyway why have i just written all these tags lol <3
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allastoredeer · 5 months
The Egg Bois have no one to take orders from after Sir Pentious dies. Then they see Lucifer and immediately follow him around and unlike Alastor who didn't like being tailed by the annoying yappy yokes, Lucifer is enthralled by them because they are like little ducklings forming a line as if Lucifer is their mother
One egg boi, Frank, is the only one that stuck to Alastor, and Al makes it clear he wants him to go away but Frank stays with him. One time when Al was cooking, Frank asked if he could help and Al thought for a moment, grinned, picked up the egg, and plopped him in the boiling pot. Unfortunately, Frank did not hard boil, in fact, he enjoyed the hot bath, and the rest of the egg bois ran inside as Lucifer entered the kitchen and screamed in horror at the display but the rest of the eggs hopped around Al's feet, pulling at his trousers asking to join the bubble bath.
Alastor trying to boil Frank is just fogjwenweln 🤣 I can see that. The fact that it's not working AND Frank's enjoying himself AND the other eggbois want to join in makes it all so much better.
Also, the other eggbois following Lucifer around like ducklings 🥺 that's adorable.
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hyunpic · 6 months
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murdockmeta · 1 year
thinking about moon knight having marc call steven the best superpower he's ever had during a really emotional moment and how that show handled DID better than just about any piece of media I've ever seen and. I'm sobbing actually. they equated his neurodivergence with being the greatest part of him after marc had spent so long trying to hide his DID out of shame. and maybe that sounds like bordering on glorification but it really wasn't. because they made it so obvious that what marc meant was that steven kept him ALIVE and that's the most he could ever ask for and anyway. whatever whatever it's fine
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