#and feasibility studies
researchers-me · 21 days
Our primary focus is on market research and data analytics. We offer a range of Market Research Services, such as surveys, mystery shopping, benchmarking, and feasibility studies. Additionally, our analytics services include data analysis, reporting, and dashboard creation, which enables management to make informed decisions. We also assist companies in implementing analytics tools such as IBM Cognos and Power BI.
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cyberstudious · 4 months
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saturday, may 18th, 2024 ☀️
things are really good right now. my partner and I signed the lease for our next apartment this week, so my brain can finally move onto other things! the weather is beautiful here and I've been enjoying sitting and reading on the balcony (and commonplacing at my desk when it gets too hot outside).
I also finally got myself a copy of Practical Malware Analysis the other day - I really wanted this book when I was working on my last certification, but I knew it would distract me from studying too much. I've only read the first chapter so far but I'm excited to keep going! it's nice to be back to studying something that I'm super interested in.
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taralen · 2 months
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I had too much fun with this. These are my concept art notes to determine how his facial anatomy works for my LoveLetter AU. He is semi-organic and rife with body horror.
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gameraboy2 · 1 year
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Behind the scenes of The Outer Limits (1963), "Feasibility Study"
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syn4k · 3 months
i'm a writer living in the usamerican southeast of course i'm interested in the different accents and dialects of the english language
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defectivegembrain · 5 months
they should make more sitcoms about very specific situations that I don't have a script for, so that I can have a script for them. For example they should make a sitcom about a laundrette because it feels unlikely that people pass the time with musical numbers like in dr horrible
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menlove · 4 months
those pictures are going to force me to add a scene in this fic that's already getting too long. sighs deeply.
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leo-illustrations · 5 months
HI! IRL Leon here!
i'm currently going through my final days of Junior High school and i need abit of help for something school related ^^ You can click here to participate in helping my group!
if you're curious about what this is about, it's a survey
TL;DR - this is a survey for a feasibility study and we need at least 500 respondents (I've posted something similar in the past, this is the same thing ^^) please do share! i would greatly appreciate it!
(this is also to finish JHS so i can also get to work with my on going CS-AU PLEASE I'VE BEEN WANTING TO WORK ON IT FOR MONTHSSS😭😭😭)
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zukkaoru · 11 months
"please update!!" bestie this is a oneshot.. it's done. it's over. and not only is it clearly marked as such, but one of the two main characters straight up DIED. what more do you want me to add
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hella1975 · 1 year
'why are you smiling' because i have beautiful mutuals and we all love each other. go back to your sports romance you heinous bitch
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researchers-me · 21 days
Our primary focus is on market research and data analytics. We offer a range of Market Research Services, such as surveys, mystery shopping, benchmarking, and feasibility studies. Additionally, our analytics services include data analysis, reporting, and dashboard creation, which enables management to make informed decisions. We also assist companies in implementing analytics tools such as IBM Cognos and Power BI.
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skitskatdacat63 · 9 months
i know you are studying languages, how many do you speak/understand at like … i could get around here level fluency?
So, I've studied German, Russian, Latin and Japanese.
German is definitely my best, I started studying it probably about 8 years ago and have studied it for most of those years. I think it's just difficult to get fluent bcs it really depends on your teacher and environment. I think I could survive w it tho, I was pretty okay with it, and even improved, when I was in Austria and Germany. It's more of a confidence thing honestly. I think if I was there for more than a month, I'd definitely improve even more!
Russian is probably my second best, it's only been tho 2 years or so. I'm good at the basics, but I've not gotten any real world experience so :/ and my prof rn is so bad djkfkfl love her tho <3 I think I need to watch more Russian media like I do with German bcs that def helps. I think I'd be okay at getting around in a Russian speaking country, but mostly just basics.
I've forgotten most of my Japanese unfortunately ah :( but that was only like 2 years, and Latin is of course a dead language so there's not a lot of ways to apply it(but I'd like to get better with it)
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If you want to talk about sexuality with me you better be ready to discuss split attraction models, amatanormativity, kink as symbolic manifestations of other desires, sex positivity and rejection of puritanism.
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pestilight · 1 year
     The hero will not make it.
     Rauru pours every scintilla of light he has left into those grievous wounds. He presses it all into the wrist he's yet to let go of since that fateful clasp, a wellspring funnelled through the anchoring point of their contact. So tremendous an effort is it that another piece of his arm crumbles, quicker to decay without the blessing of Zonai blood nor heart nor stone, peeling off and fading into nothing within strands of dispelled radiance.
     Still, it is not enough.
     The right arm is beyond salvaging. The Gloom: a loathsome force merely kept at bay with his light's slower abrasion. With what it has devoured, devours, and seeks to continue devouring as its master recovers his strength, the hero — Link, a faint voice chimes, sweet with conviction and love for her swordsman — will not make it.
     What an enormously cataclysmic thing to reckon with.
     Somewhere in the far distance, what sounds startlingly like the time bell knells a solemn rhythm. His spirit cannot cast shadows, but it paints a seafoam glow over Link as Rauru looms over his body — hand clutching ever tighter, as though his hold alone could pierce past the trappings of mortal flesh and erase every sliver of rot in one fell swoop. He reaches for the Gloom again, tendrils of incanted light enveloping the source in a shimmering embrace, and once more, his magic does not purge as cleanly as he wants it to. Once more, another fragment of his remains falls away.
     This is foolish, a part of him thinks; the part mired in memories of wanton bloodshed, of surviving at whatever the cost, of a time before a tempering kindness. Foolish, and needlessly cruel. He has seen damage of this severity wrought before — has treated it before.
     At his core, he knows what must be done. His hesitation, in the face of that, is not a mercy: it is another moment suspended between life and death, another opportunity for the Gloom to spread, another tally against the odds of what would now be a miracle.
     Another failing.
     Rauru does not need to breathe, yet he nevertheless finds himself going through its invisible motions. It calms him, marginally, and his mind clears enough for the thought to turn constructive. Yes, he knows what must be done. The question now is: what is he to do with the repercussions?
     —What repercussions? Another part of him thinks; the one locked in shame, drowning in regret, fraying with the need to pen this story to its very end.
     The flow of his light stills.
     It resumes a split second later, surging forth to continue hindering the creep of darkness, but his grip loosens. His fingers, slowly, unwind.
     What repercussions, the thought continues, when it is only the right arm that has to be dealt with? A right arm that has to be accounted for?
     A right arm that he, blessedly, still possesses?
     Link's chances of survival do not seem so slight, now.
     ( Rauru's chances of atoning do not seem so elusive, now. )
     It is a simple thing, grasping that ruined hand. Honing his light to burn through everything — skin, sinew, blood, marrow — is, too, effortless with how densely the corrosion is seeped into the flesh. The Gloom lingers, harder to contain for a moment with no corporeal bearer, but that will soon be remedied.
     Link's fingers are the last ashes to be swept away. From there, it is just a matter of connecting.
     Rauru does not say the words as he threads their vitalities together. Vows like these have always been a show of devotion more than anything, anyway. When this arm is all he can hope to offer to Link — to Zelda, to Mineru, to Sonia, to Hyrule, to everyone and everything he's loved and lost — what could possibly indicate his devotion more?
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indizombie · 11 months
Australia Institute polling showed strong support for policies that would reduce food waste, including labelling reform, relaxed cosmetic standards, and kerbside collection of food waste. Australia Institute polling showed strong support for policies that would reduce food waste, including labelling reform, relaxed cosmetic standards, and kerbside collection of food waste. Senior economist Matt Grudnoff said consumers were concerned about waste and change was not happening fast enough. "It's high time for the government to act on food labelling reform and the other recommendations of the National Food Waste Strategy Feasibility Study," Mr Grudnoff said. "It proposed removing best-before dates from products that do not need them, scrapping sell-by and display-until dates, and extending allowable use-by dates for long-life products."
‘Supermarkets slow to support use-by-date labeling reforms as food waste soars, says think tank’, ABC
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ausetkmt · 1 year
Presumptive Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden said Wednesday he was in favor of paying slavery reparations to African Americans and Native Americans if studies found direct cash payments to be a viable option.
Critics have questioned Biden on his refusal to commit to paying reparations, which proponents say would serve as monetary compensation for the actions of white slave owners. Monies paid would also help to bridge the wealth gap between African Americans and white people. While some have suggested paying cash directly to the descendants of African slaves, Biden said he would need to look at studies concerning the idea first.
"If, in fact, there are ways to get direct payments for reparations, I want to see it," Biden said Thursday during a virtual town hall meeting hosted on social media by the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). "But why are we waiting around for the study? We can deal with this stuff."
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After acknowledging that his plans for educational and housing reform were not "mutually exclusive" to the concept of paying slavery reparations, Biden said "I can't believe that, whatever it is, the African American community would not support what I'm talking about in addition to fair reparations."
Biden demurred on specifically stating he was in support of reparations, saying the answer "would depend on what it was and will it include Native Americans as well."
Newsweek reached out to the National Urban League for comment. This story will be updated with any response.
Paying reparations has been a controversial topic in Washington. In 2019, a hearing on the topic was held by the House Judiciary Committee's subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights and Civil Liberties. Although a bill was proposed to form a commission to study the feasibility of reparations, no action has been taken on the bill since 2019.
Co-sponsor of the bill New Jersey Senator Cory Booker said in a 2019 statement that addressing the "institutional racism and white supremacy" against African-Americans could not happen "without first fully documenting the extent of the harms of slavery and its painful legacy.'
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell disagreed with the idea, saying in 2019 that "it'd be pretty hard to figure out who to compensate."
"I don't think reparations for something that happened 150 years ago for whom none of us currently living are responsible is a good idea," McConnell told reporters.
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