#and everyone was like “THE TITLE AND COVER IS PRETTY CLEAR”
sagegarnish · 1 year
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I'm so super excited to read my new copy of classic BL yaoi queer romance manga "Kissing Standing" 🥰🌸🏳️‍🌈 OG Cover below the cut
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educatedsimps · 4 months
— "ctrl+C, ctrl+V" sakusa kiyoomi
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sakusa kiyoomi x f!reader
a/n: saw a fanart of chibi sakusa and this came to mind so i just had to write this out to get it out of my head 🫠 sorry if my writing's not perfect i wrote this in like an hour HAHAHDHDJSJSHD
cw: FLUFF, parenting au, atsumu being annoying
wc: 586
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Kiyoomi had always expressed how much he wanted your kids to have your features - from your hair, your eyes, your smile, your laugh, he wanted them to inherit everything about you. He essentially wanted his kids to be mini clones of you, the person he loved and admired the most in the world.
However, when your first child was born, it was pretty clear that she'd take after her father. Immediately, you noticed birth marks at almost the exact same spot as her father, and as she grew older, her hair started to curl at the ends just like her father's. Unsurprisingly, they had similar personalities too. She was probably the most educated six year old when it came to personal and public hygiene.
And when Reina's little brother was born, you swore they could be twins. That is, if you ignored the eight year age gap between them. Akimitsu, like his sister, took after Kiyoomi. He had the same dark curly hair and sharp eyes as his father, but one difference between him and his sister was that he had a much more outgoing personality. Even at six months old, he was already smiling, laughing, pointing and waving at everyone he passes by.
Today was no different. Strapped to his father's chest, Akimitsu was excitedly pointing towards his older sister practising volleyball in front of him and babbling incoherently. Next to him, the one and only Miya Atsumu was seated on the bench watching his twin boys practice their volleyball skills with Reina. You watched as your husband fished out a pack of tissues and wiped away the drool on his baby's chin.
"Dude, what's up with your sets today? Even Reina can't spike your shit sets and she's a better spiker than me!" Ryūjin exclaimed, pointing accusingly at his brother.
"Shut yer trap, Ryū! Yer just jealous 'cause my sets are still better than yours!" Ryōta retorted. Turning to his friend, he apologised, "Sorry, Reina, I'll work on my sets."
Reina scrunched her face in slight annoyance but acknowledged her friend.
"Y'know, Omi-kun, yer daughter somehow looks even more like you when she does that," Atsumu chortled.
Confused, Kiyoomi looked up at the blonde setter. "Does what?"
"THAT!" Atsumu screeched, pointing at Kiyoomi's face, which was, of course, scrunched up like his daughter's. Kiyoomi hurriedly covered his son's ears at the sheer volume of Atsumu's outburst.
"Will ya keep it down? My kid's gonna go deaf at this rate," Kiyoomi huffed, glaring at Atsumu. The latter sheepishly apologised.
"But for real though, your kids are basically your clones," Atsumu continued, "Guess ya don't have to worry about 'em not bein' yours, right?"
That earned him a hard slap on the back of his head by both you and Kiyoomi.
"THE HELL WAS THAT FOR?" Atsumu cried, rubbing the back of his head to relieve the pain.
"Excuse me, sir, what are you insinuating?" You spouted, glaring at him. For all the years you had known him — since high school, to be exact —Atsumu had never failed to come up with the most insensitive lines.
"I'm just sayin'! It's cute that yer kids look so much like you!" Atsumu sulked.
"No shit they're mine, baka," Kiyoomi grumbled, the annoyed scrunch once again making an appearance on his face.
Hearing a fit of giggles, you all turned to Akimitsu who was pointing at Atsumu with a gummy smile on his face.
The six month old happily clapped and cheered as Atsumu was left dumbfounded.
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a/n: sakusa’s children would 100% inherit his curly hair YOU CANNOT CONVINCE ME OTHERWISE like it’s literally so cute. they’d have the same scrunched face when they’re annoyed AND IT'S FREAKING ADORABLE anyway i titled this one ctrl C ctrl V for obvious reasons HAHA
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© educatedsimps 2024. do not repost, copy, translate or plagiarise any work from this blog on tumblr or any other platforms. if you do, the simps will hunt you down. likes and reblogs are appreciated!
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wlntrsldler · 6 months
poisoned mercury | now you got me
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ix. now you got me by inhaler
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the happy little bubble you and luke made for yourselves inevitably bursted a few days after you made it official– though if you asked luke, you rejected his advances, which always earned an eye roll from you followed by a long kiss to his lips that had him silent for the next five minutes. you knew he was milking the hell out of you saying no to his question until he let you listen to the song, but you were his and he was yours regardless of the title. 
you stared at yourself in the mirror, blushing as you ran your fingers down the marks on your neck. you added a turtleneck under your chb shirt, not having enough energy to cover up the marks on your neck with makeup, and you definitely didn’t have the energy to explain to people how you got them. thankfully, the weather cooperated with you today. it was unusually cold for the summer, a slight breeze entering your room from your opened window. as you continued to get ready for the day, your phone buzzed with a text from your dad. 
‘hey kid, can you come to my office real quick?’
you hadn’t spoken to your dad in weeks, not since he stormed out of the cabin after finding out what started the fight with your teammate. this was the longest you’d gone without speaking to him. you texted a thumbs up and made your way out of your room. 
luke was sitting on the coffee table in the middle of everyone, looking at you with wondering eyes, “where are you going?” 
“my dad wants to talk.” 
“do you want me to come with you?” luke got up from where he sat. you told him last night that you’d been avoiding your dad as much as possible, and he did the same with you. as much as you guys butted heads, luke knew that it was taking a toll on you. you shared that you were scared about what would become of your relationship with your dad. luke, being as close to his mom as you were with your dad, understood. he knew what it was like to feel like your biggest supporter was giving up on you. it wasn’t a feeling he’d wish on his worst enemy, and definitely not a feeling he’d ever wish on you. 
“no, it’s fine,” you clenched your jaw, shaking your head. 
luke’s shoulders slumped over as he stuttered in his actions to sit back down, “oh, okay–uh, let me know if you need anything.” 
you nodded and waved a small goodbye before exiting the cabin. your heart was pounding the entire time you made your way to your dad’s office. a lot of things had been weighing on you this summer– your probation, a possible dent on your record, your estrangement from your parents, luke– and it was a lot to handle. camp half blood was supposed to keep you away from the problems that existed in your day-to-day life, but it seemed to follow you. 
you entered your dad’s office to see him typing away on his laptop. his eyebrows raised when you walked in, motioning for you to shut the door. he closed his laptop and placed it in one of the drawers of his desk. he took a deep breath, “hey, kid.” 
“hi, dad,” you replied, suddenly feeling like a little kid again. you sat on the usual chair in front of his desk and leaned back, “what’s up?” 
“i, uh,” he cleared his throat, “i just wanted to say i’m sorry for how we left things. i shouldn’t have stormed out like that. i was just angry. but not at you, at myself for making you feel like you had to fight these battles for me.” 
he leaned across his desk to hold your hands, “you’re my kid, y’know. my job is to protect you, not the other way around. so i apologize if i ever made you feel like you had to come to my defense.” 
“and i’m sorry for being mia the last few weeks,” he chuckled, squeezing your hands, “i’ve been in contact with my lawyers and they’re working on making sure the charges against you don’t stick so i’ve been pretty busy with that.” 
“you think it’ll get sorted out?” you asked. 
“yeah, don’t worry about it. it’s finishing up and i think you might even be able to play this season,” your dad smiled. “but i have to deal with a pr crisis right now that sprung up on me this morning.” 
your shoulders relaxed at your dad’s words. at least your probation was getting sorted out. that was one less thing to worry about. you tugged on the sleeves of your turtleneck as you got comfortable on your chair, “what’s the pr crisis?” 
he sighed, pulling out his laptop, “something with the band.” 
you hoped your dad didn’t notice the slight widening of your eyes. because you hadn’t been talking to your dad, he didn’t know about the recent developments between you and luke. you two didn’t show much pda outside of the cabin, scared that one of the campers would break their nda and post a picture of the two of you. neither of you were ready to tell the world about you two yet. it’s too soon. you didn’t even have the “what’s going to happen to us after summer?” conversation yet. 
“what happened?” 
“some pap pictures leaked. it’s of this new actress in hollywood and a guy leaving her hotel room. the press is reporting that the guy is luke. it looks a lot like him and you know the media– they run any story that’ll get them clicks even if it’s not fully fact-checked as long as they add the word ‘allegedly’ to the article,” he rolled his eyes, turning his computer to face you. “nobody knows where the pictures came from, so we don’t know if it’s actually luke or not, but i’ve been on the phone with may and their team all morning trying to do damage control. she’s telling the guys about the pictures right now.” 
at first glance, your heart dropped to your stomach. the guy did look an awful lot like luke. the rational part of you knew that this was probably taken before the two of you met because you’ve seen him every day since and he was practically imprisoned at chb all summer, but then you thought of your impromptu trip to achilles’ arcade and it made you want to throw up. if luke could sneak away with you like that, it would’ve been easy for him to do the same when he was alone. 
were the nights he didn’t spend in your bed because he was “writing” just an excuse to sneak off to meet up with the girl in the picture? she was gorgeous, after all. blonde, tall, the perfect new hollywood star. they’d make such a great power couple. the two rising stars in their respective industries, the perfect pair. 
the boy’s face, who may or may not be luke, was covered by his hood, but you can clearly see that he was kissing the girl deeply, with his hand placed on the curve of her back. the next picture was them with their fingers laced together as she led him into the hotel, giggling at something he said. the guy had a similar build as luke and dressed the same way as he did when he was having a lazy day– sweatpants, hoodie, and converses. 
bile made its way up your throat as you continued to scroll through the pictures. you looked at the time stamp of the photos and closed your eyes, wincing, when you saw that they were taken two days ago. luke didn’t sleep in your room two days ago, nor was he in the cabin. he showed up the next day saying that he was in the studio, trying to finish up the song so you would officially accept being his girlfriend. 
you squinted at a close-up picture of the pair, zoning in on the guy's hand. you breathed out a sigh of relief, fingers immediately clutching the ring that rested on your index finger. you turned the laptop back to your dad, “that’s not luke.” 
his eyebrows shot up, looking between you and his laptop screen, “how do you know?” 
“look at his rings,” you pointed at the bands around the guy’s fingers, “luke doesn’t wear a ring on his ring finger anymore. and look, the guy has a ring there and it’s gold.” 
“how are you so sure? what if he just decided to wear it that day?” 
“trust me,” you waved off, “he’s particular about his jewelry. he stopped wearing one on his ring finger a while ago. and luke doesn’t wear gold jewelry.” 
your dad narrowed his eyes at you suspiciously, shutting his laptop, “i didn’t realize you were that close to luke that you had his accessories memorized.” 
“ah– well,” you cleared your throat, looking down at your feet. you felt caught. “s’your fault, really. you made us live together.” 
“is there something you need to tell me, kid?” 
you got up from your seat, quickly making your way to the door, “geez, dad, i didn’t realize the time! i promised clar that i’d help her with camp duties, so i gotta go. thanks for all your help on the probation and permanent record thing. you’re the best!” 
you didn’t bother to turn around to see your dad’s reaction to your excuse. you knew that he could see right through you. 
you dad called from behind you, his joking tone camouflaged by his “dad” voice, “tell castellan that if he does anything wrong, i’ll kill him and his career!” 
“love you!” 
your dad shook his head, biting back the smile on his face, “love you too, kid.” 
as you were rushing back to your cabin, you ran smack dab into luke who was frantic, worry evident on his features. his eyes widened when he saw you and he placed his hands on your shoulders, steadying you so you didn’t fall at the impact. 
“five star,” he sighed out, out of breath, “i don’t know if mr. d told you but those pictures aren’t me, i swear!” 
you had two options– you could one, tell him that you knew it wasn’t him and put him out of his misery or two, you could pretend to not believe him and make him sweat. luke looked like he was about to get on his knees and beg you to believe him. you wouldn’t be surprised if he made a powerpoint presentation listing the reasons why it wasn’t him in those pictures. 
you pursed your lips, “i saw the pictures luke.” 
“and they weren’t me!” he said, exasperated. his eyebrows knitted in anxiety, as he chewed on the nail of his thumb, “you gotta believe me, babe. i don’t know who that guy is but i can promise you it’s not me.” 
you tried not to swoon at the pet name that left his lips. “how do i know that? you weren’t home the night those pictures were taken.” 
“i know it looks bad, but look,” he ran a hand through his curls. “i finished the song the boys wrote and you can go listen to it right now, but then that night, i got caught up with a song idea about you and i stayed up all night to write it. you can listen to the demo right now if you want. you can listen to all the demos you want if that gets you to believe me. i think the recordings have timestamps too, so you’ll see i was in there all nigh–”
“down, pretty boy,” you couldn’t keep it up any longer. luke looked like he was two seconds away from bursting into tears and as much as you wanted to hear him yap, you didn’t have it in your heart to drag it on. you chuckled, wrapping your arms around his neck. you pressed a soft kiss to his lips and he instantly relaxed at the feeling. 
your lips moved in sync as his hands found your waist, pressing you closer to him. his tongue licked your bottom lip, asking for permission, which you gladly granted. it was the sound of clarisse and chris inside the cabin, tapping against the windows that pulled you and luke apart. you both turned to look at your friends who all had shit-eating grins on their faces. 
travis and connor were behind the couple, shaking their heads, “get a fucking room, you heathens.” 
luke flipped them off and pressed a softer, more innocent kiss on your lips before you spoke. “i knew it wasn’t you. just wanted to see you sweat a little bit.” 
“that was mean,” he pouted, but he couldn’t fight off the smile on his face. he always seemed to smile after he kissed you. it made you want to kiss him again, starting a never-ending chain of kisses that would surely lead the two of you to be unproductive for the rest of the day. “i was so scared, five star, you have no idea. the fucker looked so much like me.” 
you laughed, playing with the curls on the nape of his neck, “trust me, i know. my heart dropped to my ass when i first saw them, but i knew it wasn’t you.” 
“how’d you know?” 
“the rings,” you flushed, thinking about how crazy you must sound knowing these small details about him.
“shit, five star,” he whistled, surprised. there was a warmth in his chest that spread throughout the rest of his body at the idea of you paying attention to these things about him. “nothing can get past you, huh? i didn’t even notice that.”
“yeah, at least you know not to sneak around behind me because i’ll find out,” you teased, lacing your fingers together as you slowly made your way up the steps of the cabin. luke stood in his spot, pulling on your hand to get you to to turn around. you walked over to him, confused, “what’s up?” 
“y’know i wouldn’t think of doing that, right?” he asked, voice suddenly serious. “i would never do that to you.” 
your eyes softened as a wistful look appeared on your face. you kissed his cheeks, relishing in the feeling of luke wrapping his arms around your torso in a tight hug. you pressed your face into the crook of his neck, placing a feather-light kiss on his jugular, “yeah, yeah.” 
“‘m serious,” he pulled away, holding your face in his hands. he was staring at you intently, making sure that you were hearing his words. you never gave him an indication that you didn’t trust him, but luke knew that it was better to tell you these things straight up if he wanted to have a real relationship with you. he knew it takes a toll on the people he dates (not that he’s had any relationships like what he has with you) to see these bullshit stories online. if he was in your position, he knew the reassurance would help. luke placed a kiss on your forehead, “i wouldn’t do anything to mess this up if i can help it, five star.”
you let out a forced laugh, awkwardly shifting in his grasp, “yeah, given that my dad controls your contract, i know you wouldn’t.” 
luke frowned, “not because of that.” 
“uh huh,” you said, feeling too vulnerable right now. you didn’t know how to handle this situation, so you coped with humor, “he likes you so don’t worry, your contract extension is practically in the bag.” 
you tensed at luke’s use of your real name. he never called you by your name. he always called you by the nickname he gave you when he first met you. five star. you knew luke wasn’t in the mood to joke around. “luke, it’s fine.” 
“i don’t want to pick a fight,” he sighed, playing with the hem of your shirt, “but i just need to hear you say that you believe me when i say that. i wouldn’t cheat on you or do anything to make you feel like i ever would.” 
your voice shook as you spoke, “what if you’re just saying that because it’s still summer and we see each other every day? what’s gonna happen when i’m back in school and you’re out in the world traveling and living your rockstar life?” 
luke’s heart broke at your words. did you really think that he would forget about all of this once september rolled around? as if you didn’t consume his thoughts every day since he met you, as if he didn’t count down the minutes until he got to see you again when he was forced to be away from you because he had things to do, as if he didn’t have a sinking feeling in his stomach when you weren’t next to him. he was starting to think you didn’t understand just how deeply he felt about you even when you assured him that you did understand. 
“i’m not gonna lie, long distance is gonna be hard,” he said, “but we can figure it out. i know it.” 
“i never knew you were such an optimist, castellan.” 
luke laughed at that. if only you knew how many times he psyched himself out of making a move on you because of his own pessimism. it only changed recently, when he finally decided to say fuck it and go for it. “for you? always. i’d be stupid not to be. you’re a good thing, five star.” 
luke fucking castellan. you pressed your head into his chest, feeling his rapid heartbeat against your face. he gave you a tight squeeze, placing a kiss on the crown of your head. he loved having you like this, all soft and cuddly with him like you didn’t want to let him go. he should be scared at how quickly he was falling for you, how attached he already felt. 
you kissed his lips again, pulling away with a smile, “so babe huh?” 
“babe, baby, sweetheart,” he mumbled, leaning over to kiss you again. “anythin’ you want.”
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artists-ally · 3 months
Hi! So I was the anon that asked about size difference and I’m happy that you like it :) my request would be Harvey with a reader that’s on the shorter or petite side. Harvey cannot contain the thoughts running through his mind when his clothes easily drown you or how both your hands can be covered by his. I can just imagine him fucking the reader deep and groaning when he sees her tummy bulge 🙈
{My Hands, Your Lips} Reader x Harvey Specter
I'm gonna pretend I'm not as turned on by the thought of Harvey pushing my knees up to my ears and making fun of how much smaller I am than he is. Toootalllyyy not gonna do that... ahaha- Anywaaayyy enjoy!!! Title inspired by this song.
Word Count: 6,366
Warnings: Petite/Small reader, Smut; size kink, dom!Harvey, spitting, choking, degrading, spanking, bondage, mild breeding kink.
Tagging: @rosedpetal @blacktreacle22 @bbyanarchist
“Harvey, don't you think I should wear heels with the dress? If I don’t then I barely come up to your chest.”
“No,” he shakes his head. “No heels.”
“Why are you so adamant that I shouldn’t wear heels tonight?” I didn’t mind taking opinions from him every once in a while, but he rarely tells me not to wear something. 
“You don’t need to make yourself taller, Yn,” he whispered, placing his hands on my shoulders. “You’re too fucking pretty for anyones good, and I don’t need the people at this party thinking they have a chance.”
There has been something off about him for the last few days anyway. He’s been more pent up than usual. A lot more… touchy. Specifically picking me up and putting me wherever he wants. Setting me on the counter while he’s cooking, picking me up and throwing me on the bed before we go to sleep. Nothing overly sexual, but it’s clear there’s been something else going on.
“What’s been up with you lately?” I ask straight up. 
“Nothing, I just don’t want you to wear heels.”
“Why don’t you want me to wear heels?”
“Because, I asked you not to.”
I tilted my head to the side. Let's see if this theory is correct. “Is it because you want me to be smaller than you?”
“Yn, don’t.”
Ding ding ding!
A smirk brightens onto my face. I’ve suspected for a while now that Harvey has a thing for how much smaller I am than him. It’s clear he’s been trying to tell me– or rather cryptically showing me by physically demonstrating so.
The grin only gets wider.
“I asked you nicely once. Don’t.”
I rolled my eyes, “Fine, you win. Be mysterious and oddly demanding about what I wear.”
Before I could even reach for the pair of heels I was planning to wear, Harvey had gripped my arm, spun me around, and his hand was around my throat.
“You know no matter what you wear, you look stunning. And if you must know, I think everyone’s focus is going to be on you anyway tonight. And I don’t need everyone staring at what’s mine.”
Oh. OH. Oh my. 
I genuinely didn’t have a response other than a shiver rolling through my body. I knew he felt it because his grip tightened, both on my hip and around my neck.
“You know you can wear whatever you want, but just know, I’m willing to deal with the consequences of anyone who looks for too long.”
“Harvey, that’s a little extreme,” I chuckle, trying to make light of a clearly serious topic for him. “What about this particular event has got you so stressed out about everyone looking at me?”
“It’s our first formal, corporate event together,” Harvey explains. “No one has ever seen you all dressed up. And I’m not sure I want them to because… fuck, Yn you looks so good tonight.” The compliment makes my heart mushy. “Harvey, you know I’d never-”
“It’s not about that. Of course I know you won’t let anything happen. It’s everyone else’s grubby little hands I’m worried about. It’s a dog eat dog mentality in the world of law. Everyone at the event is not afraid to take what they want, go after it with everything they’ve got.”
“So it’s going to be a room full of men like you? And Jessica, of course. I’m excited to meet more women like Jessica. Oh! Will–”
Harvey cuts off my question with a deep laugh. He spins me around and places his hands on my hips while he looks down at me. “I literally just told you that every man here will want to have a piece of you, and you’re more worried about meeting more women like Jessica?”
“Yup,” I nod, pressing up on my toes to give him a kiss on the cheek. “Because I know you will keep me safe.”
I watched his eyes change. The smile faded and I felt his grip tighten. Again. “Fuck Yn you always know just what to say.”
I let my arms fall around his shoulders, our fronts cradled close. “And I say lets get the fuck out of here and go party.”
Ray stops the car at the base of the staircase that led up to this gorgeous venue. We were in Washington D.C. for this conference. Lawyers and other legal personnel from all over the country were invited to network and do whatever other corporate bullshit they desire. There were guest speakers, of which Jessica was invited to give a talk on her journey of being a first in class Harvard graduate.
Bad. Ass. 
There had been a convention with a ton of vendors, a cooking class, and a shitload of corporate jargon. Being in a room, albeit a very big room, with hundreds of lawyers was starting to eat away at my brain cells. I’m glad it’s the last event of the week. 
The gala. 
The streets were lined with luxurious cars and limos, guests exiting and ascending the staircase in their finest glam. Everyone looks exquisite and propper. Who doesn’t love to play dress-up every now and then?
Per Harvey’s request, I did not wear heels. I settled for a pair of black sandals with a pearled band around the ankle. They did have a small heel. Frankly everything I wore that wasn’t flip-flops had a bit of a heel to it. But they weren’t the stiletto pumps I was going to dawn instead. 
I had bought those shoes to specifically go with this dress too. And this dress… It had one inch straps that formed a square neckline. The bodice had corset paneling that was lined with sheer lace. The skirt hugged my hips and then the slit opened it up. Gorgeous. And I had a coupon. Win win. 
With my hand wrapped around Harvey’s arm, we walked in together, greeting people left and right. I was finally beginning to understand just how powerful Harvey actually is in the world of law. Everyone knows he is. Sean Evans, a guest speaker from Seattle, even knew who he was. We were watching his speech on how to give a thorough deposition, and he called Harvey out by name from the crowd.
Wild shit going on here. I was just content being arm candy all night. 
“Ahh, there he is,” Jessica calls out from the cocktail bar. “Harvey, Yn, this is Michael Bunting, one of my old professors from Harvard.”
“A pleasure to meet you, Mr. Specter. I’ve heard many things about you, glad to finally be able to meet in person,” Michael smiled pleasantly, shaking Harvey’s hand firmly. “And you must be Mrs. Specter.”
“Oh, no no I’m-”
“Not yet,” Harvey cuts in. I give him a raised eyebrow and he just winks at me. 
Well… guess we’re gonna talk about that later. 
“Let me buy you each a drink,” Michael offers. 
“No drinks for us tonight, but thank you anyway. It’s kind to offer.”
Okay, clearly Harvey has some sort of ulterior motive for later tonight because when has he ever turned down a free drink? I sort of pay attention to whatever Harvard/lawyer lingo their yapping about, but it doesn’t strike any of my interests. I see Rachel and Mike across the room so I pat Harvey on the shoulder and ditch him for her.
Before I can get a few steps, he tugs me right into his chest. “Where do you think you’re going?”
My knees go a little weak. “Just to chat with Rachel.”
“I’ll walk you over.”
“That’s a little much, Harvey.” I ‘adjust’ his tie to give my hands something to do. “Besides, you’re chatting with that professor. I have no fucking clue what you all are talking about, and I need Rachel’s opinion on a new curling iron I was gonna buy.”
“Trust me, the last thing I want to be doing is chatting with Michael Bunting. That guy doesn’t know his left shoe from his right shoe.”
Curious, I look down at his feet. I’ll be damned. His left shoe is on his right foot. Seriously. 
“Huh, a bit ironic isn’t it? An established Harvard law professor doesn’t know which shoe belongs on what foot.”
“See where I’m getting with this? Wherever you go, I go.”
With a playful smile, I ask, “What happens when I need to go to the bathroom?”
He bends his head down and whispers in my ear. “Trust me, you don’t want me to come in there with you, sweetheart.” It doesn’t take long before a pulse settles between my thighs. Harvey just chuckles, kissing the space behind my ear. “I bet you’d like me to follow you, huh? Lock the door. Bend you over the sink. One hand in your hair, pulling it back so you have to watch in the mirror. The other covering your mouth because you don’t know how to be quiet.”
Suddenly, my curling iron questions seem inferior to what is happening. 
I knew he was pent up, but this is… this is different. 
“So yes, I will be escorting you anywhere you wanna go tonight. Understand?”
All I could manage was a nod. Harvey has always been dominant, but this is uncharted territory for our relationship. And I’m kind of fucking loving it.
He pulls away from my space and grabs my hand, dragging me behind him. Curse him and those long legs. I have to skip a step and then another one so I can stay behind him. With his shoulders blocking the way, I can’t see where we’re going. To the bathroom? A coat closet? Maybe to-
“Rachel, Mike,” he greets. I have to fight to keep the frown at bay. 
“Yn!” Rachel says elatedly. “God, you look stunning. Where did you get that dress? And those sandals are adorable!”
“Have fun,” Harvey spoke softly, kissing the back of my hand before leaving me with Rachel. 
I tell her all about the dress and the sandals, and about Harvey not wanting me to wear heels. And the… context to it as well. She had a knowing smirk on her face. Mike left us to our devices after he heard her say ‘I think you’re going to need to take a sick day after what Harvey is going to do to you’.
Oh how I wish she’s right. 
“I mean, is it that bad?”
“Is what that bad?” She quirks her head to the side, sipping whatever pink, goddess looking cocktail she has. It literally has glitter in it.
“The height difference.”
Her eyes scan me up and down, “Well, it’s certainly more apparent without the heels, that’s for sure. But I mean it’s cute. He’s like a head and a half taller than you.”
“It’s like standing next to a giraffe. I know Harvey isn’t that tall, I think I’m just that short, you know? It’s annoying. I have to look so far up at him. And I had the cutests shoes I was gonna wear with this dress. ‘Till mister ‘I can reach the top shelf everywhere’ told me not to.”
Rachel snorted, a drop or two or seven of her cocktail spewing out from her lips. “Yn, you look hot no matter what you wear. And if Donna was here to scold you, she’d say something along the lines of ‘there isn’t anything a bit of pouty lips and fuck me eyes can’t do’. So, since Donna isn’t here, go give Harvey some pouty lips and fuck me eyes.”
I just smile. I love Rachel so much. “I would go find him, but he might pull me into a backroom and literally beat my ass. He walked me over here just so he wouldn’t lose sight of me.”
Both of us laugh at the ridiculousness of it, but it is kinda true. I could easily disappear and no one would notice. Literally. I might be the smallest one here and it would be easy to stick to the wall and–
“Excuse me, ladies, but might one of you point me in the direction of the nearest balcony?”
I looked over my shoulder to a man who had a charming smile. His hair was combed back and he had on a tux. As if it would help, I stood on my toes and tried to look for one, but legit couldn’t see a thing. 
Rachel had a nasty look on her face. I looked between the two of them, waiting for… something to happen.
“It’s Ross, actually. But I’m sure you already knew that, Tanner.”
“Uhh–” they clearly know each other.
“Who’s your friend?” This Tanner guy asks. He looks at me and takes a sip of his drink. 
“You don’t need to know, beat it.”
Oh, so this is obviously an ex or something. He looks a little older, but who am I to judge?
“I’m Travis Tanner,” he extends a hand. “An old friend of the frim.”
“Take your sleazy hands somewhere else, Tanner,” Rachel takes a step towards him, standing shoulder to shoulder with me.
“Relax, Ross,” he says. “I’m just trying to talk to her. I didn’t ask for her hand in holy matrimony. Go find that little associate of yours so I can buy her a drink.”
I felt a presence behind me, then an arm slip around my waist. The cologne I picked out earlier this morning wafted around me and I let myself lean into Harvey. 
“Say one more thing to her and I’ll put you on the floor, Tanner.”
I have never heard Harvey sound so threatening. 
I watched his brown eyes go from me, and then distinctly up to Harvey. “Of course.”
That grip around my hip tightened and I laid my palm over his hand to get him to relax. It did nothing. “Rachel, would you mind going to find Mike for me? I need to ask him a few questions on what the expected sentence time is for a man who is about to make another unrecognizable to his face ID.”
“Gladly,” she says, marching off to my left. 
“Darling, you’re seriously with a man who is verbally threatening to beat the shit out of another?”
“I’m about to get a whistle and referee the match because I think Harvey would like to go a few rounds with you,” I state my view on the matter. 
Travis grins at me. “I see why you like her. She’s feisty, can pack a punch in that small frame of hers.”
I can feel Harvey take a deep, steadying breath. “My love?”
“Hmm?” I look up at him.
“Get behind me.”
“Harvey–” He gently unwinds his arm around my waist and steps in front of me. The taught muscles in his shoulders pop out through his shirt. He ditched his jacket somewhere along the way.
I look over to my left just as Rachel finds Mike. She whispers something to him and I watch as his whole face changes. He whips his head around and we lock eyes. With his drink forgotten on the small bar-top table, he heads for our direction.
“Make a comment about my girl again, and I swear to God I will knock your teeth out.”
“Relax, Harvey. Why don’t you ask her what she would like to do. You seem to be awfully keen on making decisions for her,” Travis suggests. What a cocky son of a bitch. Does he actually think I’d give up Harvey for him? What a fucking joke. 
“I think you’re right,” Harvey agrees. He steps to the side just as Mike gets there. “What do you think, sweetheart? Would you like to sucker punch him or shall I?”
I can’t help the evil look that crosses my face. Instead of answering him, I simply grab a hold of his tie and yank his lips down to mine. He answers with a vicious bite, groaning into my mouth. His palm finds my neck, not being shy about the show. 
When I pull away, I’m left breathless and more than a little turned on. I know my lipstick is smudged to hell because I can see it on Harvey’s mouth. With a wicked smirk, I turn to Travis, who is red all over. “I think I’d just rather show him all he’ll never be able to touch.”
Harvey, again, plants himself behind me, but keeps his hand wrapped around my throat. “You heard her, Tanner. If I were you, I’d probably try, too. She is one of a kind. But she’s mine. She lives in my home. Eats the meals I cook for her. Wears my shirt after I’ve fucked her until she’s whimpering my name. She’ll have my ring on her finger one day. Have my last name. ‘Yn Specter’ sounds a whole lot better than ‘Yn Tanner’, don’t you think? So, while you still have your dignity–no matter how many times I have to take it from you in court–I suggest you get the fuck out of here. Now. And if I ever hear of you talking about her, I’ll break more than your teeth.”
Everyone had a look of shock across their face. Including me. 
Without a parting word, Tanner left. I felt Harvey let out a breath as he dropped his hand from my throat. 
I breathed a sigh of relief. Mostly for the fact that I didn’t have to call the police to report a homicide and then run off into the sunset to escape for being a possible accomplice. 
“Well,” Mike scratches the back of his head, clearing his throat. “That was certainly… something.”
“What the hell is going on over here?” Jessica steps into our circle. “And why the hell did I just see Travis Tanner practically sprinting towards the exit?”
“He tried to put the hots on Yn,” Rachel has the most sinister look on her face. I give her a look that screams ‘really?’. She just mouths ‘good dick tonight’ before winking at me. 
Is it bad I was already thinking the same thing?
“What the hell did you say to him?” Jessica asks Harvey.
“Trust me you do not wanna know,” Mike says before Harvey has the chance to elaborate. “I think I need to go bleach my ears.”
Rachel just laughs at him. “We’ll see you guys back at the office on Monday.”
As they leave, Jessica looks at the two of us expectantly. “Well?”
“Just be thankful that what came out of his mouth didn’t become reality. Otherwise there might be a lawsuit on your hands,” I explained. “I took care of it.”
“So what I’m hearing is I should hire you to defuse all of the fires Harvey tends to ignite?”
I giggle, stepping into his side. “I think that spark is the exact reason you hired him in the first place.”
Harvey glances down at me, a fond, proud look in his eyes. He kisses the top of my head. “Plus, if you hired her, I’m not sure my production value would go up.”
“Well, now that that image is burned into my head, I’m gonna go drink it away. Oh, and Harvey?”
“The next time you get the chance to punch Travis Tanner in the face, don’t hesitate.”
I stared at Jessica in disbelief, jaw to the floor. “I knew I liked her.”
“Yn,” Harvey spins me around to face him. He takes my face in his hands, scanning my eyes back and forth. “Are you alright?”
“I’m fine, he was just–”
“Did he try to touch you? Did he actually touch you?” 
I remove his hands from my face, grasping them in my own. “No, Harvey. He didn’t. I’m not sure Rachel would’ve let him take another step anyway. Who is that guy? Why do we all collectively hate his guts?
“I’ll tell you on the way home.”
“We’re leaving?”
“Fuck yes,” he hooks two fingers in his tie and yanks it loose. “I can’t stand being here anymore and I can’t stand seeing men gawk at what’s mine either.”
“Harvey, I don’t think everyone is gawking at me.”
So fast the room blurs, he pins my back to his front and grips my chin. “Just look around, Yn. Notice how everyone is sneaking glances at you? Even if they're with a date, everyone has their eyes on you. They always have their eyes on you. Fuck Yn… you have no idea just how easily you could bring all of them to their knees.”
“The only man in this room I want to see on their knees is you while you're between mine.”
Hearing the tremor in his breath does more things to me than I’d care to admit. “You’re gonna regret saying that. Let's go.”
On the car ride back, Harvey explains everything that has to do with Travis Tanner. Safe to say I am now a certified hater. What a fucking cunt. An actual asshole. And now knowing that he’s crossed and fucked with so many people I love and care about? Next time I see him I’ll put my fist through his face. 
Enough thinking about this dick-wad. I have Harvey literally dragging me down the hallway from the elevator to his door. He shoves the key in on the first try (thank god) and slams it closed. My skin is on fire with a need for his lips all over me. 
I don’t care where. 
I need him everywhere. 
He easily picks me up and bends me over the side of the couch. Harvey’s hands carefully remove my sandals, placing kisses up my calves as he goes. Those skilled fingers of his move my skirt out of the way, pushing it up over my ass. 
He pauses. And I grin. 
“You are such a little devil, aren’t you?” A single finger trails up the inside of my thigh. Then a hand cracks down on my ass. My very bare ass. Did I purposefully not wear anything underneath? Yes. I absolutely did. 
“I figured you wouldn’t want to waste time.”
“Please,” he scoffs, “getting the privilege of undressing you is no waste of time.”
My heart aches. How could I have gotten a man with the most perfect mix of worship and corruption?
Harvey stands and presses his need into me. “Feel that? God Yn, you have no fucking clue what you do to me, do you? It still amazes me every time, how you take me so well.”
“I just like being good for you,” I admit. He grinds his hips harder, pushing me deeper over the couch. 
“Yeah? Gonna be good and take it, huh?” I nod as best I can. “Yeah, I know you will. On your knees first, pretty girl.”
There isn’t anything I’m not willing to do for Harvey when he calls me his pretty girl. It’s just a fact. 
Heat courses through me as I sink to my knees, staring at him. All the way up… Fuck he is so much bigger than I am. This might be the first time I’m truly noticing it. 
One button at a time, he undoes his shirt. He throws it to the side, making a show of the belt next.
“Give me your hands.” I give my wrists to him, watching carefully as he folds the belt into a figure-eight and gives it a tug into place. “Now open up, tongue out.”
A rough hand on my chin makes me open my mouth wide, tongue rolling out. He rolls his against his cheek, then spits in my mouth. The whimper I let out is embarrassing. I can’t help the flush that burns up my neck and to my cheeks. 
“You’re fucking mine.”
I’m breathless as he shoves down his dress pants and boxers. I don’t even get a chance to admire him before Harvey shoves all the way down my throat. Tears sting my eyes when I gag, but the feeling of him against my tongue outweighs my need for air. 
“For every tear that rolls down your pretty little face, I’m gonna make you cum that many times.”
Oh dear God…
Okay, I have to focus. 
I am careful about my breath control. Between the taste and the sound of him it’s incredibly difficult to focus on anything other than the outrageous throbbing between my legs. 
“Fuck, just like that pretty girl. Keep taking it so well and I’ll give you anything you want.”
He knows how to make my brain melt. I relax, letting him all the way down. He stays there, pelvis to my nose for a few seconds. I know he likes watching the tears form in my eyes, so I look up at him. 
“Aww, I know it’s so big for you. But you’re doing such a good job, Yn. Just a little more then I’ll give you what you really want. F-Fuck that feels so good.”
I grin internally, knowing he loves it when I press my tongue up onto the underside of his dick. I do it a few more times while he thrusts in and out, more than enjoying hearing him fall apart. 
For a few minutes, he rocks in and out. An abundance of praise falling from his lips. Telling me how pretty I look, explaining how I’m his and only his to see like this. I’d have no one else ever again. He has ruined me for anyone else. 
Precisely how I want it. 
“You wanna cum, don’t you, pretty thing?” Harvey mocks, grabbing my hair at the root and nodding it for me. “Yeah I know you do, you love it when I make you cum. Show me those tears, baby. As many as you want. Wanna make you feel so fucking good.”
When the tip of his cock hits the back of my throat, I choke. And he does it again, eyes trained on mine. I feel the tears swell up. Not too many, I’d like to be able to walk tomorrow. 
On purpose, he does it again. And again. And again until twin tears are rolling down my cheeks. One from each eye. 
“Two? Come on, I think you want more than that, don’t you?” I shake my head no, but he doesn’t let up. “If you don’t want more, then don’t let any others slip, sweetheart. I’m not done fucking your mouth yet.”
It’s relentless. His pace is nothing short of brutal, and it takes everything in me not to start sobbing. I tried to close my eyes, but he ripped his dick out of me so fast I almost fell over.
“Did I fucking tell you to close your eyes?”
“N-No Harvey,” I whisper. 
“Then keep them open.”
I have no choice but to obey. Somehow, I don’t let anymore breach the boundaries of my lashes. He didn’t wanna finish down my throat, so he pulled out and brought me to my feet. He thumbs my swollen lips, and I gently suck his finger. 
“You are gonna be the death of me, woman.”
“What a way to go,” I chide, earning myself a smack on the ass.
“Bed. Now.”
“Yes sir,” I respond, relishing the way his eyes darken. He removes the belt from my wrists, kissing the red marks. He picks me up, wraps my legs around his hips, and walks us to our room. 
The air in there is cold and my skin breaks into goosebumps. Or maybe it’s just the way he’s kissing me. Like he's worried I’m not real, some dream he’s going to wake up from. Desperate. Needy. Deprived. His hands grab around my waist and he throws me off of him. I land on the bed, about to prop myself up before he grabs my ankles and yanks me to the end of the bed. 
For a few moments, he just stares at me, guiding my legs open against the bed. His eyes ravaged me. An expression I’ve never quite seen before washes over him. His palms swallow my thighs. He pushes, pushes, pushes until they’re flat against the covers. Harvey goes to say something, but retracts it. 
“What, Harvey?”
He looks up at me like it’s the first time he’s seen me naked. And it is most certainly not the first time he’s seen me naked. 
“You’re just… fuck Yn you are so small compared to me.”
“I knew you had a thing for it,” I confirmed my hunch. 
“Seeing you tonight, without the heels on… it just did something to me. Something visceral. Something carnal. Knowing I can so easily do anything I want…”
Harvey knelt to the floor. The first brush of his tongue on my core made me sigh. He knows exactly what I like, what drives me crazy. And I have two orgasms coming my way tonight. No pun intended. 
I let my eyes close gently as he explores me. He reaches up and pinches a nipple between his fingers and it’s an effort to not writhe around. But his other palm is flat on my stomach, pinning me in place. I look down, seeing just how fucking big his hand is. Fucking hell–
“H-Harvey,” I gasp, feeling pressure build in my core, at the base of my spine. The tips of my fingers and toes begin to tingle. 
“Cum whenever you want, sweetheart.”
His permission is all I need. I let myself relax back, indulging in the freedom of his pleasure. I shiver when he sucks my clit hard, and I can see the grin on his face. Harvey spreads my legs far apart and keeps the exact pressure and motion of his tongue. I shake apart, endless praises falling from my lips. 
Harvey stops before it creeps into overstimulation and rises over me. I can smell myself on his lips when he kisses me, and the taste of my own release makes my brain fog with desire. 
I fist my hands in his hair, trailing kisses down his neck and chest. His physique drives me insane. Yes, he could absolutely do anything he wanted to me so easily. It fills me with the most delicious type of fear and desire. 
“Lay back down,” he commands. I comply without further instruction. I need to feel him. 
“Please, Harvey,” I beg. 
“Please what? Use your words, sweetheart. I can’t give you what you need if you don’t tell me. Or are you too fucked out? I still have to make you cum a second time, and you’re already begging for it? Pathetic, Yn. ”
A tremble rolls through me and I whimper. It’s the strain, the grit in his voice that makes it worse. “Need you to fuck me so good.”
“Yeah? You need me to fuck that tight little pussy of yours, baby?”
“Mhmm,” I nod, spreading my legs for emphasis. “Need it so bad. I’ve been so good for you tonight.”
“Yes you have. Wanna cum on my cock?”
“F-Fuck Harvey please,” I plead. 
I watch as he lines up with my pussy, and as he pushes in. He’s slow, draw it out so I feel every inch of him. Makes me as restless as possible. 
“Keep taking it, you can handle it. Stop whining, you slut. You love it. I know how much you crave me inside you. Just like that, sweetheart, just a little more.”
Harvey hooks his hands under my knees and pushes them flat against my sides, getting as deep as he can. He also pins my hands under them so I can’t move. With slow rolls of his hips into mine, I’m forced to take him all the way. I can feel him everywhere. It’s the most amazing type of overwhelming. The muscles in his abs and thighs ripple with every thrust and it drives me fucking insane. 
He laughs at me. Mocks me. 
“You are so cute like this. So adorable split open on my cock,” he coos, dragging his right hand all over my body. It cups my neck, then he plays with my chest. I lean into the touch, wondering how much more I can take before I shake apart. 
“Please make me cum, Harvey. Need it so bad,” I ask desperately. It’s a need I’ve never had before. “Fuck please please please.”
“You really wanna cum, don’t you, baby? You’ve been my good girl all night long. Doing exactly what I say. I think you deserve it.” The brush of his finger against my clit rips a scream from my throat. I was unprepared for just how much I was going to be able to feel it. It was so much. Borderline too much. Pleasure melted in and out of pain. But my body needed it. I wanted it so much. 
“Oh fuck,” I cried out, unable to sit still. I got a reprimanding smack to my thigh. 
“Hold still.”
My thighs went back to being flat, one of his arms pinning both of them. It was relentless. He was not going to stop until I came so hard the neighbors three floors below heard me scream his name. 
I was a mess when I came. My body bowed off the bed, physically unable to be stable. I wiggled around, fought against Harvey for even an inch of room to get away from his torture. 
“You’ll be done cumming when I say so. And I’m not fucking done with you.”
“Oh god Harvey please,” I begged. “F-Fuck fuck fuuuuck.”
I took a full breath only when he stopped rubbing my clit, just for a second while he pulled out and spat on my pussy. If I wasn’t numb from pleasure, I would’ve probably come a third time. He filled me up again, not being careful this time. 
I lay limp, content to let him use me in any way he wanted. He kept my legs up, fucking me hard. He didn’t care about whether or not I was feeling good. He knew he did his job. More than enough for me. Time to make him feel good. As best I could, I clenched around him. His palms splayed over my stomach, pressing firmly. 
His hips faltered. 
“God damn, Yn. I can fucking feel how big I am inside you. I bet you can feel it too. So fucking deep in there, and you’re being such a good girl. Taking it all and not complaining. My perfect little fuck toy, huh? Yeah you were made for me. Gonna fill you up so good.”
He flipped me over on my stomach, hiking up my hips so my ass sat in the cradle of his hips. He pinned my head down and fucked me harder than he ever has. His nails dug into my skin. I knew my ass was going to be bright red from the crack of his palm against my skin. 
“God you are so perfect, Yn. Such a good little slut. Gonna take it all? Not gonna spill a drop?” He yanked me up by my hair. I cried out a no, mind going a little stupid now. As if it wasn’t before. “Oh fuck–”
His hips stilled, and I could feel him throbbing inside me. He was buried all the way, and it felt too good. I tried to crawl away, but pulled me right back, fucking me on his cock. Nails raked down my back, and he chuckled when I shivered.
“Good girl, fucking such a good girl for me, Yn. You took me so well, sweetheart. You’re stretched so tight around me too, feel that?” The tip of Harvey’s finger trailed around my entrance and I hiccuped for a breath, a few stray tears spilling over. “Aww, you’re struggling so hard to keep it in. Come here.”
Harvey dragged me backwards so I sat in his lap. I let my head lull against his shoulder and went limp. 
“God I am still so hard…” Gently, Harvey fucked me on his cock. I moaned absently, too tired and spent to care. “You are so fucking amazing, Yn. My good girl. I’m the only who gets to fuck this pussy, you hear me? Your pussy is mine to fill. I’ll never get sick of watching you fall apart at my hands.”
“All yours,” I say, voice a little raw from screaming. 
“All mine.”
Vaguely I feel him slide me off his cock. I’m pretty sure he carried me to the bathroom because the next thing I know I’m in the tub with him gently cleaning me. His hands are soft, careful to avoid my most sensitive areas. It’s all gentle kisses and tender touches. Not only can he break me down, he always puts me back together. Brings me back to a safe, caring, loving reality. 
“Are you still awake, my love?” Harvey asks, running a brush through my wet hair. 
“Not for much longer if you keep massaging my head like that,” I smile, feeling all warm and fuzzy in his hands. 
“Do you need anything before we go to sleep?” Harvey asks. “It wasn’t too much for you, right?”
I shake my head, “No, of course not. Would’ve told you if it was. I liked it. A lot.”
“Good good.” I can feel his grin as he kisses both of my cheeks. “I’m glad you enjoyed it as much as I did.”
“If I had known sooner, I would’ve stopped wearing heels long ago,” I teased, finally opening up my eyes. 
“Yeah yeah yeah,” he smiled, that big goofy grin I fell in love with. “Ready for bed?”
“Mhm,” I humm. “I could use some water. And maybe a snack.”
“Blueberries and a chocolate chip cookie?”
“God you know me so well,” I swoon. I kiss my lips together, a silent demand for him to meet me halfway. Without hesitation, he does, then helps me into bed before going to the kitchen. When he returns, Harvey climbs into bed with me. I just look at him for a moment, really taking him in. 
“I love you, Harvey.”
His smile lights up his eyes. “I love you so much more, Yn.”
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gay-jesus-probably · 9 months
I like the general fandom trend to just take the plot of Hyrule Warriors as a loose guideline at best and just use the whole concept as a good excuse to get blorbos to interact across timelines, BUT I'm very disappointed that everyone is missing the comedic potential of a very specific squad of characters:
Young Link (aka Mask), who walks out of the nightmare of Majora's Mask and immediately gets portal kidnapped into a temporal war, takes one look at the whole mess and decides that you could not fucking pay him to admit to being the resident expert on Time Shenanigans. He introduces himself with the title of Hero of Termina, and definitely doesn't have any other ones, that would be crazy. Hero of Time? Never heard of him.
Tetra, who is a kickass pirate captain with zero patience for people trying to shove her into the Designated Princess role, and realizes immediately that Oh Fuck, this Hyrule has a lot of Ideas about how the Hero and the Princess are supposed to properly play their parts, the second they realize she's technically a Zelda they're gonna shove her in a goddamn dress and damsel her again, that's not happening. So she's definitely just a really cool pirate captain, nothing else going on here at all, definitely not the heir of the Hylian royal family in her time, that'd be crazy.
Ravio, who is literally just a palette swapped Link, meaning that the second his hood comes off, things are gonna get Awkward. There's no way in hell he's dealing with all that Hero baggage, that's Link work, so that giant bunny hood/mask is practically superglued to his head, and he's not taking it off for love or money.
Spirit Tracks Zelda, who is just in the Phantom Armour the whole time, and passing herself off as just a friendly ghost posessing a suit of armour to help the Hero of Spirits. Of course she isn't Princess Zelda, that's ridiculous, if she were a Zelda then people would start getting really weird about her technically being dead, and boy does that ever sound like a whole Thing she doesn't want to deal with, so she can't possibly be Zelda, she's just a nice ghost knight. Also, her teenage grandma is here, and that's kinda weird, so it's easier to just not admit to being royalty and avoid that awkward conversation.
Finally there's Sheik, who is not the Princess Zelda of the era straight up abandoning her war torn country for months at a time so she can risk her life in extreme cosplay for no clear reason, but is instead the actual Sheik from Ocarina of Time, who just beat Ganondorf like a month ago and is still trying to process what the fuck to do now. Also, he's been pretending to be a boy since he was ten, and is realizing there's a pretty good chance that he isn't pretending anymore, so that's a whole other can of worms. But for the last seven years of his life, being Princess Zelda meant certain death, so he's not really inclined to introduce himself like when in a new and stressful situation (not to mention he might actually just not be a girl named Zelda anymore), so he automatically introduces himself as just Sheik the spooky ninja man, and fuck he's in too deep to back out now, looks like he's committing to the bit. If you think you sense the Triforce of Wisdom on him, no you don't.
Cue shenanigans as the five of them attempt to hide that they're all actually kind of A Big Deal. The group motto is "Nobody says shit", which is usually delivered as a frantic hiss whenever someone slips up. Just the reunion between Sheik and Mask alone would be absolutely buckwild given how they parted, and how they're both frantically pretending to Not be involved with each other. For added hilarity and/or drama, Sheik gives his semi-bullshit cover story of having just been a friend of the Hero of Time, then runs into said Hero of Time and they both have to desperately pretend not to know each other, because if anyone picks up on the mountain of baggage between them then Mask is busted, and he won't hesitate to drag Sheik down with him out of sheer spite. Not to mention the weird balance of Sheik being used to this Link being a teenager that's actually a small child, and now has to adjust to Link who is a small child that's actually a teenager.
Also, i really feel like we're all missing out on the comedy potential of Ganondorf recognizing Young Link on sight and the two of them immediately launching into a grudge match with some extremely personal and specific insults on both sides. Meanwhile literally everybody else is just standing there watching, trying to process the fact that out of every single person that's been pulled out of time, Ganondorf only has personal beef with a literal nine year old.
I just feel like we're all really sleeping on the potential for Shenanigans here. The whole thing is an absurd mess, why not have some fun with it?
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packsvlog · 4 months
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── ✎ CHERRY SODA, 𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘬𝘰‧₊˚ ୨୧
✶ 𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: June has arrived with a constant presence of heat waves, which your hot self is happy about — after all, now you have an excuse for your red cheeks and sweaty hands whenever 𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙠𝙤 𝙞𝙚𝙞𝙧𝙞 is near you.
✶ 𝐚. 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: happy pride month! i love loving woman. at the end, i got heavenly inspired by gatsby’s love for daisy, if you’ve seen the movie with leo, you will understand which scene i’m referring too. fun fact: the movie they are watching is bodies bodies bodies, and i wanted to explore more of reader’s ct, but i couldn’t, cus is all fluff. there is always gojo slander in my fics where he is not the love interest lmao. I ALSO LEARNED HOW TO MAKE DE DEGRADE TITLE MWAHHH. divider by: @cafekitsune
✶ 𝐬𝐲𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐛𝐮𝐬: fem!reader / pure fluff / modern!au / curse!au / crackfic! / all are minors so no smut or sexual innuendo / everyone is gay / english is not my first language / too many swear words / lesbian!shoko / reader’s sexuality is shoko, and only that.
✶ 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 3.4k
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The happiest day of your life in Jujutsu Tech was the day you found out your upperclassmen, Shoko Ieiri, was lesbian.
That’s it, it was a simple statement made by her when you heard Gojo Satoru flirting with the girl and receiving the news as an answer. You nearly fell to your knees thanking whatever deity is taking care of this universe and you, the sky was clear of clouds, but you could hear perfectly the fireworks of celebration in your head and heart.
“And then, she said ‘Gojo, I’ll rather eat raw liver than be dating a man, specially you.’” You recall the talk while walking from side to side in your room, while Haibara and Nanami are seated in your bed, one with a enchanting smile and the other completely bored. “And…”
“And what?” Haibara bounces on his crossed legs, hands gripping your sanrio plushie of Cinnamonroll, his favorite of your vast collection.
“And she is vegetarian!” You clap your hands, Yu following your movement. “So, Gojo turned to me, and he said ‘and what about you, hot stuff?’ ”
“What did you answered?” Nanami is the one to ask, although his eyes are fixated on the album cover of the vinyl in his hands, disco playing in the background, his ears are all focused on the gossip.
“So, you see…” Scratching your head, you sighed. “I fumbled for real, just went back to you guys.”
Haibara happy expressions morph into disappointment.
“You’re so stupid, with all respect.” He offends you, though. “This was your chance, it’s not everyday we can be going around telling people we are gay, specially our crush.”
“You do all the time.” Both you and Nanami answers the boy.
“Yeah, ‘cause I’m me, Yu Haibara, the one that can’t shut his mouth. No one tells me their secrets, Kennie had to bodyslam me multiple times because I was always about to tell everyone, when we fist stared going out.” Although he said with energy, the boy had his lips in a pout.
“That’s not true, you haven’t told anyone I’m sapphic or about my crush on Shoko.” Your pacing has stopped, as you tried your best to comfort him.
“Not yet, at least.” Nanami snorts his small comment, before whipping the smirk of, and groaning. “Listen, I’m not in the mood to have you two whining, one is already hard enough to deal with, and I’m dating him! So you need to fix this, Y/n.”
“Huh? Fix what? What did I do?” You stare at Haibara, but he seems as confused as you.
“You need to make sure Shoko knows you’re into women as well. Make this your plan of life or whatever, soon as she knows, then comes plan b: get her on a date, it’s not that hard.”
“Yes it is!” You argue your friend’s really good plan. “She is Shoko Ieiri, pretty and popular and strong, and I’m little old me.” You dramatically falls on your carpet, hands on your forehead like a damsel.
“Girl, be for real, this school does not have that many people to be calling her popular. It’s just that you both are the only girls.” Haibara throws the sanrio plush at your face after his statement. “And you are as strong as her, in fact you are stronger than her, you literally are the strongest at the school.”
“So close! That’s the albino with the blinding eyes, actually.” Says Kento, coming to sit on the floor by your side. Both of you with large doe eyes staring at an energetic Haibara.
“She knows what I mean, your cursed technique is literally the more fucked you get, the more stronger you become. If Gojo bitch slapped you, you would break this world with your energy.”
“What are you saying, baby?” You stare agape at Nanami, is not always he uses the pet names, but the boy is as shocked as you with Haibara’s statement, so it slipped.
“Yeah, what’s with you and this weird coach talk? I don’t wanna be slapped by Gojo.” You mumble awkward, thoughts going straight into the cursed image of having Satoru’s large hands slapping your face — goosebumps follow your disgust in your skin.
“You need to shoot your shot, make her see you as not a school friend but as a potential future girlfriend.” The brunette gets up from the bed and points to your calendar. “It’s june, time to proud!”
You are proud and extremely hot, days later when summer has made its presence everyone’s problem. The students at school discards the purple jackets of their uniforms to only wear the white shirt underneath. You have to do a double take when you see Shoko and her classmates coming your way at the vending machine.
Ieiri looks so beautiful. She always does — but there is something about the short box braids she has, or how she tied her blouse on her waist, the way her skin is glowing with sweater, or the way she is smiling and right in front of you — glossy lips tinted pink moving. Oh shit, she is talking to you.
“I’m sorry what?” You catch yourself saying before staring at her eyes, she is smiling and they are almost closing. Adorable. “My brain is melting, it’s so hot.”
Lame excuse, but she buys it, you think.
“I was asking if you bought your soda yet.” You can sense her eyes on your empty hands, and smiles more when you sign no with your head.
“No..No! I was about to, you want some? I can buy for you.” You cringe at your own desperation, but Shoko sweetly laugh.
“No! I want to buy for you. I’m you senpai, it’s my job.” She goes for the machine and presses the number for cherry coke twice, before paying with her card. Shoko gives you your can before saying her goodbye and moving back to her waiting friends, both males smirking at you.
Walking back with a maniac smile before sprinting to your bedroom, you where once again greeted by Nanami and Haibara in there, startled by your sudden entrance of nearly breaking the door down.
“SHE KNOWS MY SODA!” You scream before falling to your knees, the cold can pressed against your hand reliving you.
“What does she mean?” Haibara asks to his boyfriend, but Nanami simply shrugs, annoyed.
“Don’t know, but clearly you don’t know ours. I’m thirsty and melting.” The blond whines before leaving the room to grab his and his boyfriend’s beverage.
“Hai, you don’t understand.” It’s a second after the door closes, you are in front of the boy, happy expressions in contrasts to his alarmed one. “She payed for my soda, and she knew what was my favorite.”
When Nanami returns, minutes later, he is appalled to see you and his boyfriend screaming happily and jumping on your carpet, while on the background, wedding bells are heard from your music box. He sighs desperate.
Friday comes quickly, and luckily for you, it’s the first of the month, therefore, movie nights in your room: the perfect hangout spot, as always. It’s been a tradition since your friendship with Haibara started, and Nanami shows up whenever he was bored, which pretty much was all the time — specially now that he has his own boyfriend to cuddle.
You love them both to a crazy extent, is true! But no one in their right minds enjoy third wheeling, so you keep mumbling while setting your room up with the help of Yu while Nanami is out buying the snacks. It’s in the middle of your one person rant while adjusting fairy lights on your bed, small couch and plushies’s shelf, you feel something being throw to your head.
“Ow! What was that for?” You turn around to a pissed of Yu, hands on his hips and scowling face.
“I’m so tired of you, Y/n.” The boy comes closer to you, you fear he is going to throw any other thing, but instead he hugs you. “Please, don’t be stupid. Shoko likes you, everyone can see as much as we see you like her. So stop wasting time.”
It’s not supposed to work, because after all, you are the second most dramatic person in this school — coming after Satoru. For some reason, you might blame the summer heat waves that burn your skin much like Shoko’s attention does, and your brain has always been fogged with thoughts of only her. The thing is, Haibara is partly right. You like her lots and lots, and she likes girls lots and lots, and you are a girl, a pretty girl that can make Shoko laugh and feel comfortable — a pretty girl she knows what’s the favorite soda flavor.
Haibara is startled when you leave his embrace to move out of the room, he follows you after a few second of astonishment, and when the boy notices where you are going, a large smile is plastered on his face. He is so proud of you.
Both of you stop in front of a black door decorated with a cat rug and painted with flowers and vines, handmade by Shoko herself. You take three long breaths before knocking the door, and nearly jump back when it’s opened less than a second later by a six foot tall white haired freak with devilish smile. Gojo doesn’t have his glasses. Bitch knew you were coming.
“Shoko, your girlfriend is here.” Satoru sings before opening the door more, giving you a sight of Shoko’s perfectly cleaned room and minimal decorated, a total contrast to your own.
“Y/n?” Ieiri jumps from her bed besides Geto and comes your way at the door, pink cheeks much like yours. “Hi!”
“Hi…” Your soft voice you have reserved only for her comes out, before you scratch your throat and looks at everyone. All eyes are on you. “Uh, the boys and I are doing a movie night. We- - we thought of inviting you guys, if you want.”
“We would love to, we were so bored, actually.” Shoko answers right away, before turning to her friends.
“Huh? Weren’t we going to the mall?” Gojo asks turning towards Geto, but the black haired only shakes his head. “Oh, oh! Yeah, yeah, we are totally bored, no mall! Just movies with friends sounds amazing.”
“Great!” You smile triumphantly. “Nanami is getting snacks. Hai, can you send him a message asking to buy more?” You turn to your friend, but he is already with his phone in hand, texting, one of his hand making a positive sign. You turn back to face Shoko, shivering while noticing she is already staring at you. “So, see you… You guys, in fifteen minutes?”
“Yeah, see ya.” She whispers back.
It takes Haibara hands on your shoulder, much like Gojo’s on Shoko, for you to realize both of you had been quietly staring at each other. You wave her goodbye before moving back to your dorm. While in there, you and Haibara prepare the room for the others. The sofa would be for him and Nanami and your bed for you, as always. Your friend goes to his room before returning with his inflatable neon pink couch, which prompt you to change your neon lights to pink, as well.
The room is cutely decorated before you both fall on the bed to rest, and then a knock come. You don’t get up, Nanami just bursts into the room before dropping his bags on your coffee table. He scoffs.
“Why did you had to invite them?” Is all he says before falling on his sofa. “I mean, I like her, Geto I can handle…” Kento moves his face to stare at you two before whining. “But Gojo?!”
“Damn, I thought this was going to be a good time, not an offending me time.” The three of you jump at hearing Gojo’s voice, he is by your door, annoying smile decorating his face. Besides him, is Geto and Shoko.
“Every hour is a offending Gojo time, sorry bud.” Geto taps his friend head before moving inside your room, his eyes scan the place before deciding to fall on the neon sofa. “Nice room, Y/n, very you.”
The “thank you” is at the tip of your tongue, barely leaving through your voice, before stagnating when you look at the door, where she is. And fuck, you don’t think you’ve said anything in this world before, words become nothing in your mind in that very moment, all you can think is compliments and her name — Shoko is wearing a different outfit than earlier, she discharged the shorts and shirt for a flourished sundress, and two strands of her hair are braided. You can also catch glitter on her eyelids and her signature pink gloss on her lips.
“Shit.” Someone say, and you quickly realize it’s your voice. You cough before shifting your face to the boys, all again staring at you. “Uh, than… Fuck, thank you, Geto.” You say before moving towards the coffee table and grabbing two sodas of cherry coke and twizzlers. You go towards Shoko, who is still by your door, and you handle her the soda with a happy smile she copies.
“Am I going to have to share the pink couch with them giants?” Shoko whispers, motioning her head towards Satoru and Suguru, both playing fighting in the inflatable couch.
“No, no.” Couching again to refrain the embarrassment of answering so quickly, you sigh after, containing your nervousness. “You can share the bed with me.”
You close the door behind her, and soon your hand is in her back, moving both of you towards your comfortable bed and sitting on it, legs sprayed all over while your backs are resting on your comfortable headboard. Shoko is near the wall, caged by your body.
You toss the controller to Haibara, and he starts to go through the movies in the playlist showed on your wall, by your projector. You are not interested in movies anymore, if you could you would move everyone away and be with only her. You can sense her face moving towards the boys and you, but you keep staring at your soda. The cold in it keeps you in check.
Taking a gulp, tasting the faint cherry, you wonder what kissing Shoko would taste like. You could bet it would be like strawberries with sugar sprinkled on them, maybe a spoon of honey as well. And obviously, a tinted bitter of the cigarettes she smokes from time to time — it used to be worse, until you commented on the bothering of the smoke, and now she never smokes whenever you are near.
Maybe, you head and heart wonders, she likes you. There is nothing wrong with you, after all. You are pretty, smart, strong and sometimes funny. You could be liked by her as much as you like her, right?
The movie is already playing when Shoko pokes your arm, your mind goes blank and you move to her, tilting your head.
“Can I have a licorice?” She quietly asks. You want to give her anything, in fact.
“Yeah, here.” You open the package, giving her one of the red tubes. Trying not to, but failing, your eyes focused on the way her lips closed on the candy, wetting part of it with her gloss.
“Hey! No snoggin in there, I’m already third wheeling these two.” Gojo’s voice makes you realize how close you were to Shoko’s face, you grunt before staring at Nanami and Haibara, and they are just holding each-other.
“You’re bitter ‘cause Suguru won’t cuddle you.” Shoko answers after biting harshly her licorice, Nanami laughs at her answer when an offended gasp comes from Gojo. He doesn’t deny.
You laugh at Gojo’s offended face, and to add more fire to his bitterness, you move your arm to Shoko’s shoulder, she goes stiff for a moment before resting her head to your neck.
“Traitors.” Gojo mumbles and goes back to staring the movie, you see Suguru smirk before doing the same you did to Shoko to his friend.
After more minutes of the movie, in a particularly funny scene, you sense Ieiri’s head moving, you look down and she is already facing you. You grab another licorice and give it to her, straight to her mouth, she bites it before you take a bite on the other end.
If that’s the closest your mouth would come to hers, you would take it. By the gods, anything she would give you, would be precisely loved by you. Her presence, her scent, her glittery eyes staring solely at you. You would trade anything for her in that moment, if only to keep her attention on you and yours on her. What’s heaven to a woman’s love anyway?
You want to kiss her when the licorice is devoured eagerly. You almost do, lips reaching closer, and her eyes flattering shut, but a bombing laugh of Suguru takes you both apart. No one noticed, all eyes on your wall. You sigh gulping, groaning once more, but smiling while hearing her quiet giggles.
When the movie ends, everyone but you two get up, cracking their bones and talking loudly.
“Y/n, what was your favorite scene?” Haibara is the one who asks you, smirk in his face he shares with Gojo. “My favorite was the cruise one with the bananas’s costume, so funny.”
“Oh, yeah! Yeah, my favorite as well.” You answer while caressing Shoko’s arms, she starts to giggle more and you smile as well. “There was no cruise scene, right?”
“No, there wasn’t.” Shoko moves her head up, laughing sweetly now.
The gods really took their time with her, appreciating every little detail, from her laughs she emanated such good feelings, your insides would go warm and butterflies would rip your ribcage. But truthfully, you felt the weight of all your emotions while staring lovingly at her. Someone coughed.
“Well, I don’t know ‘bout you guys, but I’m tired. Should we go?” Gojo says and everyone agrees, they all say goodbye to you before stopping at the door, Nanami moves towards your music box, playing a calm song he knows you listen to before sleeping.
“Aren’t you coming, Shoko?” Suguru asks with malicious in his voice. She yawns, but doesn’t move.
“I’ll walk her to her room, don’t worry.” You say, making her nod and soon all the boys are gone. Is just you and her, in your bed.
Shit. Shoko Ieiri is in your bed. The perfect girl, the one you adores, the most beautiful human being is laying on you in your bed and she is not complaining, she even hugs your waist tighter when the door closes.
“Ieiri.” It’s rare for you to call her by her name, and she always seems happier when you do, this time is no different, she moves her head up with that cute smile you adore. “I like you.”
You always wondered how to confess to someone — her — in the most majestic and perfect way. In your mind, much like Haibara did to Nanami, you should give her plenty of her favorite food and flowers to match her sun kissed cheeks. It’s not something you planned, because you’ve never thought this day would come. Although it all changed with her in your arms, like she was always meant to be, you were designed to hold her.
So, in the pink and yellow lights of your room, under a shelf of dozens of plushies and Novo Amor playing in the background, your eyes focus shifting from her glitter eyeshadow to the gloss in her lips, that was heaven to you. That was the perfect place. She smiles, and you know you did the right thing.
“I like you too, Y/n.” Her sweet voice is melody to your ears, you barely register what she says, but is nothing to worry about, her lips are quickly on yours by the end of her sentence.
It’s cherry.
Shoko Ieiri tastes like cherry, in fact, she tastes like your favorite soda, a part of you who loves the beverage, unknowingly already choosing her. Her gloss is passed to your lips, giving you more of her taste, and when the kiss gets deeper, you feel like heaven has been given to you. In that moment, you know you are lost.
You separate yourselves for a second, finding yourself hovering over her, and stare at the her pretty crimson face, for just a moment appreciating that after her you would never be the same again. And how happy you were for that. So you go back for a second kiss, and a third, and more, more. All the kisses she wants, you will give to her, for the whole eternity you’ll have by her side — you are hers, and she is yours.
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clu-ven · 2 years
Kissing the Bad Batch to escape from the Empire (with Rex and Cody!)
(I know the title is kinda confusing but just go with it for a second)
1.9k words ! suggestive (mainly with Crosshair) !
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Looking back, when Cid said this was an “easy job”, you should have known better than to believe her. Apparently the simple supply pick-up was in a crowded city where everyone would be too busy with their own problems to even notice the Batch. In fact, the job was supposedly so easy, that there was no need to send the whole squad, just you and him.
What Cid failed to mention was that this particular planet had recently been seized by the Empire, with patrols of TK Troopers constantly on the streets, armed to the teeth and waiting for the likes of you. Thankfully, you’re able to pick up the supplies but just when you think you’re safe, a patrol of troopers comes into view. You need to think fast, knowing if they see you or his very recognisable face then you’re both screwed.
“Trust me?” you ask in a hushed whisper.
He nods his head and before he can question why, you pull him in for a kiss…
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It’s like it happens in slow motion for Hunter and yet he’s still surprised when your lips touch his. He sees you getting closer than usual, your feet rising to your toes as you lean up. 
At first, he doesn’t quite believe this is happening. He knows why you’re doing this, that this will perfectly cover both of your faces but there’s a small part of Hunter that wonders or well, hopes that maybe there’s another reason.
The instincts he’s been trying to ignore for months finally come to the surface and Hunter leans into the kiss, a small groan coming from his throat as he does.
Afterwards, he stays close to you, his breath ghosting your neck. Hunter doesn’t want to move away from you just yet, wanting to linger in your scent for a little bit longer. 
Staying close to you helps ground him too. Since this is a pretty crowded city, you’re like a safe space for Hunter, making him feel secure as he listens out for the heavy boots of the TK Troopers or the crackling of any nearby comms going off.
Hunter doesn’t want to let this moment go but he doesn’t want to make this a big deal or turn it into something it’s not.
Despite any clear indications you give him, Hunter is still doubtful and so you’ll have to bring it up if you want to be anything more than friends.
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It takes Tech a few seconds to analyse the situation but he’s quick to conclude that this is, in fact, a considerably effective method of escaping the TK Troopers.
Resting his hands on your hips, Tech manoeuvres you so you’re completely hidden, his back being the only part visible to anyone walking by.
He doesn’t necessarily relax into the kiss, too busy trying to listen out for any passing soldiers while thinking of another possible escape route if you were to potentially be caught. 
But Tech’s a great multitasker, making sure to make the kiss a worthy one while listening out for the enemies and trying to figure out a plan B, C and D. As much as he wants to get lost in this kiss, he knows this isn’t the time nor place.
Tech takes this in his stride, not letting the kiss distract him completely. Once you eventually break the kiss, Tech cautiously looks out to make sure the coast is clear. After all, there’s still a mission to be completed and until you’re both back at the ship, danger could be around any corner. 
“That was an excellent idea,” Tech praises, giving you an approving nod “the generalised uncomfortableness of interrupting a kiss is something many nat-born, TK Troopers will feel, often preferring to ignore the couple than interrupt them… yet another reason why they’re inferior to the clone army but that’s a conversation for another day”.
He doesn’t want to dwell on the kiss, preferring to immediately friendzone himself for you in the hopes of avoiding any miscommunications or awkwardness. 
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Wrecker isn’t really shocked, he’s more confused. With your lips on his, you can basically hear him hum a muffled “huh?!” against you.
Although he has no idea what to do while you’re kissing him, Wrecker is quick to melt into the kiss, pushing his confusion to the side and wanting to simply enjoy the moment. 
Honestly, he’s just happy to be here so he lets you take the lead. Wrecker keeps his hands down by his side, letting you make any other moves as well as letting you decide when to break off the kiss.
Wrecker doesn’t want to be the one to pull away, wanting to savour your lips on his while he can. Hell, if you keep kissing him for the next half hour, Wrecker has no problem staying here and doing exactly that. 
“What was that for?” he asks when the kiss is finally over, a wide grin on his face. 
Expect everyone to know about this when you get back to the ship. Even if Wrecker tries to keep this to himself, he can’t, needing some advice from his brothers on what to do next 
(and there’s a part of him that wants to brag about kissing you).
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A million thoughts race through Echo’s mind. Are you doing this to evade the troopers…or is there a part of you that’s been waiting for a moment like this? While his body freezes for a few seconds, his lips thankfully begin to kiss you back.
He’s very respectful, not trying to deepen the kiss or make any potentially risky moves. The last thing Echo wants to do is overstep a boundary.
Suddenly Echo finds himself paranoid about things that have never crossed his mind prior to this. Are his lips chapped? What does he do with his hand? Would it be weird to hold your waist? He doesn’t get to the answers of those questions, as the kiss comes to an end all too soon.
When you pull away from him and check to see if the troopers have moved on, it takes Echo a few seconds to kick back into gear, his brain foggy with desire. 
When you both begin the walk back to the ship, Echo keeps you in the corner of his eye, wanting to say so much to you but with no idea how.
He knows this is a golden opportunity to confess his feelings for you but every time he opens his mouth to say something, the words get stuck in his throat.
In the end, he decides to swallow his feelings, not wanting to ruin your friendship by confessing his desire to be more.
Even rotations after the kiss, Echo can’t stop thinking about the sensation of your lips on his. His mind keeps trailing back to that moment, yearning to relive it… but do you want the same thing?
(I know it doesn’t really work story wise but I just had to include Crosshair, Rex and Cody in these too lol!)
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When you kiss him, the first thing that pops into Crosshair’s head is that he needs to one up you. If you think you can surprise him with a kiss, then he’ll take it further, leaning into you until you begin to walk backwards. 
When a wall presses against your back, Crosshair uses his arms to cage you in and further obscure your face from anyone passing.
He doesn’t shy away from the kiss, his tongue teasingly running along your lower lip... but that’s all he does; tease. 
Crosshair likes to tease you, to see if you’ll rise to the bait and take it one step further. It’s like a game you two play and he can’t get enough of it. 
He pulls away first, making you crave for more. Checking to see if the coast is clear, he gives you a firm nod before continuing back to the ship.
Afterwards, Crosshair keeps his cards close to his chest. He doesn’t really acknowledge the kiss, not making a typical sarcastic remark about it but not saying anything pleasant either. 
In all honesty, Crosshair doesn’t know how to feel. He hasn’t felt this way about someone before and it’s weirdly intimidating for him. Crosshair isn’t sure what this feeling is but if you don’t mention the kiss, he’ll go back to his usual teasing self in no time.
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Rex forgets how to breathe. While you close your eyes, Rex’s eyes go wide open, utterly stunned by your actions. His whole body tenses as he starts to process what you’re doing.
Rex has faced many distractions on the battlefield, kriff, he’s even had siths play mind tricks on him and yet this kiss is by far the most effective distraction.
The only thing he can think about is you and how badly he’s wanted this for so long. His hand twitches, wanting to cup your face but he stops himself, not wanting to overstep.
Instead, he compromises with his doubts and simply takes your hand in his.
Rex could never entertain the idea of you and him being anything more than friends during his service to the Republic but what’s stopping you two now? He’s not sure what to do, too many emotions swiftly coming to the forefront. 
Rex has to pull his gaze away from your lips afterwards, completely overthinking each move he makes and being extremely cautious not to make this weird.
He might seem distant when you get back to the ship but it’s not because he didn’t like the kiss. It’s the opposite actually and now he needs to figure out how to approach you about the possibility of you two ever becoming more than friends.
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This isn’t what Cody expected when you asked him to trust you but he admires your bold move. Usually, he isn’t too eager to show affection in public but since you’re already kissing him, he decides to throw caution to the wind and fully embrace the moment.
He’s quick to follow suit, deepening the kiss as he pulls you flush against him. He knows why you’re doing this but there seems to be a lot of passion in a kiss that’s apparently just supposed to be a quick escape plan.
This can very quickly turn into a mini make-out session, both of you getting caught up in each other. This attraction between you and the Commander has been building for quite a while now and neither of you feel like backing down, the kiss overcoming you both.
Out of everyone, Cody is the quickest to realise you didn’t do this purely to evade the troopers and that there’s more to this. While Cody can be modest and he definitely thinks you can do better than him, he can’t ignore the signs that you may like him more than you’re letting on.
Immediately afterwards, he might seem a little cold but he’s not doing that on purpose. After all, you’re still in immense danger and need to get back to the ship ASAP so until then, Cody is still in ‘Commander’ mode.
When you’re both safe and onboard the ship, Cody brings up the kiss. He knows that if he doesn't talk this out with you now that he’ll just put it off out of fear of making things awkward. 
Cody is determined to find out if the kiss meant something to you and if you feel the same way about him as he does you.
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morganski-19 · 27 days
Chills Right to the Marrow Part 32
ao3 link| part 1 . . . part 29, part 30, part 31
Eddie ended up needing more than just a week before he was cleared to come home. He needed at least two, and even then, it was all up to the hospital’s physical therapist to determine if he gained enough strength to go home. Where he wasn’t going to get more hurt by living at home.
But he was still coming home. And soon. Which means that Dustin has to get convincing. Steve was supposed to plant the initial seed. Let it ruminate, so by the time Dustin got there, he could hammer the final nail in. But when Dustin pulled out his list of reasons, ready for the spiel, he can barely get a word out before Wayne’s speaking.
“Oh, I already heard all about it,” is what he said. “I can admit that it’s a good plan. Thanks for thinking of it.”
That was easy. Too easy. Did Steve really convince him all by himself?
Either way, the plan was in motion. A few days later, Wayne moves in with Steve. Taking one of the bedrooms upstairs, a few doors down the hall from Steve. Right next to the guest bathroom that would be just his. He was almost never there, but it was better than the motel.
Dustin could tell that he was sleeping a little better. It could be knowing that Eddie was coming home soon, and that he could slow down the house hunting process a little bit. Give more time to find a place that they will both love and spread out the expenses of finding new furniture. Steve already offering storage space in another one of his spare bedrooms and anywhere they need.
It's not like anyone else uses the house.
Time continues to pass, and each day Eddie gets stronger. On the two-month anniversary of the day he woke up from the coma, he takes his first step without any assistance. Human assistance, at least. He is still using mobility aids. But he still did it.
Some days are better than others. The pain has subsided to some extent, but there are days where Dustin visits and Eddie barely moves. Something about pins and needles traveling up his arms and legs when he does. And there are days where he’s really shaky, and nothing can help it.
But he can still come home this week. So, they needed to actually get their asses in gear.
Steve helped Wayne sneak back into his house in the middle of the night to try and salvage some of Eddie’s clothes. Or really, anything that was in Eddie’s room. They were able to save some of Wayne’s stuff too, so he could walk around in something other than the same two outfits and his work uniforms.
The room on the first floor apparently had never even been used. So, Steve had to take the plastic off of the mattress and get some sheets for it. the room was otherwise bare, except for the patterned wallpaper and basic furniture. It wasn’t Eddie though, so it needed some work.
Dustin employed pretty much everyone he could.
“Dustin,” Gareth yelled down the hall. “I have those posters that you wanted, they’re in my garage. Swing by anytime to pick them up.”
It was more posters than Dustin was expecting. Black Sabbath, Dio, Metallica, mixed in with old posters they made for Corroded Coffin, and one old one from Hellfire. There’re a few movie posters mixed in as well from titles Dustin doesn’t even recognize. But it’s good.
Steve finds an old cassette player in his basement. Looks like it had never even been opened. It’s a really nice one too. They were able to find some of Eddie’s cassettes, but most of them where ruined.
It was still something.
“Don’t you think this is, like, a lot,” Mike questions. The posters and picture Dustin had printed out almost entirely covering the walls.
“No,” Dustin says. Going back to unpacking some of the things that they saved from the trailer.
“His room wasn’t even this covered in the trailer,” Lucas adds for some reason. “You don’t think this might be a little overkill.”
Dustin glares at them. “But he didn’t have this gross wallpaper in his trailer.”
“It is not that bad,” El comments from the bed. Her and Max just sitting there, not helping.
“Someone describe it to me, I want to know. Wait,” Max points at Dustin. Somehow knowing exactly where he is and that he was going to describe it poorly. “Someone other than him.”
“It’s literally just a bunch of small red diamonds,” Lucas explains. “Think Steve’s room but slanted and red. But not plaid.”
Max nods. “Yeah, that isn’t that bad. It could be worse. Have you seen the pink flower room.” She gags.
“It still is not that bad,” El defends.
Will and Mike share a look, continuing to unpack a box of books. Steve brings in what should be the last box of things. Considering they were only able to save so much. He looks around at the walls, taking in everything.
“Dustin, I know you want this place to feel like home, but could you leave a little bit of wall uncovered. We don’t want to overwhelm him.”
“He’s not a toddler, Steve,” Dustin groans. “I don’t think he’s going to get overwhelmed.”
Robin comes in to tell Steve something. But gets stopped in her tracks as she looks around the room. “Oh. My. God. That is a lot of posters.”
“Thank you,” Lucas says. Arms crossed while he stands in the corner. “I think we have more than enough on the walls.”
“There’s more?” she questions. “Where were you going to put them?”
“Fine,” Dustin whines. “I won’t put any more posters up.”
Robin leans into Steve. “By the way, your mom’s on the phone.”
Steve lets out a long sigh. “Thank you.”
He walks out of the room, Robin close behind him. The rest of them putting the finishing touches. Lucas and Mike convincing Dustin to take down some of the posters and make the walls look less cluttered. Like Eddie would care about cluttered. Have they seen what his old room looked like.
But he might be able to admit that floor to ceiling posters were a little overkill. He just wanted this place to feel even a little reminiscent of the trailer. Of what Eddie had back home. Is that really so bad?
The next day, they all patiently wait in the living room. Eddie was getting discharged this morning. Meaning that Wayne is bringing him here, right now. Eddie will be in real clothes, out of the hospital. Finally getting back to normal.
Or, as normal as he could possibly be. But still more normal than in a hospital.
Because now, he can eat real food. And get real sleep. That isn’t constantly disturbed by nurses checking on him in the middle of the night. In a bed that is really comfortable. In a house that is constantly quiet.
He might finally start to fully get back to the Eddie that Dustin knew before all of this.
A car pulls up into the drive. Doors slam, and voices can be heard by the door. Steve goes to get the door before the bell rings. They were supposed to wait in the living room, but Dustin can’t help it. He follows.
“Holy shit, Harrington, how tall is this ceiling?”
“I have no clue.”
Eddie’s crutches make soft thumps with every step. Steve shuts the door and lets them know where they can put their shoes. It’s a bustle of voices while Dustin waits for them to turn around and see that he’s there.
That he’s been waiting for this. For so long.
“You know you didn’t have to build that ramp for me,” Eddie says to Steve. Still not turning around.
“I didn’t. I built it for Max. You just get to use it for free.”
Eddie smiles a teasing smile. It’s been a while since Dustin’s seen that. “Aw, taking pity on me, are you, Steve.”
“Just shut up.”
Wayne clears his throat, stopping whatever the two of them were doing. He nods his head toward Dustin still waiting in the hall. Eddie turns his head, finally, and sees him.
Something in the shape of relief fills his face. “Hey, Henderson.”
“You’re here.” Dustin can’t help the wetness in his voice. Or his eyes. He wasn’t expecting to cry, it just happened.
Eddie makes his way over to Dustin. Slightly wincing in pain, but not complaining. He balances his crutches just right so he can pull Dustin into a hug. A proper hug. Dustin’s not sure how long it’s been since he’s hugged Eddie. Too afraid to do in in the hospital.
But he’s not in the hospital anymore.
“Yeah,” Eddie says with more waiver in his voice than he would probably admit. “I’m here.”
tag list (closed): @the-they-who-nerded, @insteviewetrust, @croatoan-like-its-hot, @jettestar,
@tinyplanet95, @steddie-as-they-go, @slv-333, @littlecelestialmoth, @thatonebadideapanda,
@fandomsanddeath, @marismorar, @wonderland-girl143-blog, @glass-bottle03, @gutterflower77,
@here4thetrama, @goodolefashionedloverboi, @jaytriesstuff, @cryptid-system, @manda-panda-monium,
@resident-gay-bitch, @anaibis, @xxsutherlandxx, @forevermineliv, @mugloversonly,
@gregre369, @n0-1-important, @different-tale-student, @spectrum-spectre, @tartarusknight,
@devondespresso, @swimmingbirdrunningrock, @cheertain, @anti-ozzie, @autumncrocusandladybug,
@greeniebean911, @cr0w-culture, @stillfullofshit, @connected-dots, @daisynotquake,
@morgannotlefay, @a-little-unsteddie, @dolphincliffs, @maskofmirrors, @me-and-my-sloth,
@papergrenade, @waelkyring, @sweetheartprincess28, @katouasobj, @astercomoasflores
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sockeye-station · 7 months
Wait is your four the captain? How did that happen?
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so! octo expansion goes all normally, we have our agent 8 fighting through the entire structure to escape, agent 3 gets brainwashed, they have to fight, yadda yadda. you probably know how it goes by now. But here's the thing.
what if i went ahead and changed a tiny thing. just the teensiest detail.
what if instead of spamming splashdowns, tartar decides to use one big fuck off booyah bomb.
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"but, didn't booyah bomb come out after octo expansion?"
yes. yes it did. and that's why i chose booyah bomb specifically.
tartar whipped out the idea to use a booyah bomb from some prototypes it found out about after abducting god-knows-who, and used it despite its unstable build. No one, at that moment, knew whatever that was, what it did, how dangerous it was, or anything of the sort. This was some sort of last hurrah, as it knew that this was its last shot at stopping this failure from escaping the facility. And so it exerted Agent 3 into giving it everything he's got. Quite literally, even! It pushed him so hard, he too became unstable while trying to mantain and boost the energy ball.
The Booyah Bomb is thrown with as much power as Tartar could muster out of that creature, pretty much covering most of the arena. Once the ink settles, and Agent 8 gathers his senses, he looks around. Agent 3 is nowhere to be seen.
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at no point in canon is sanitized agent 3 properly splatted throughout the fight — you only break their shield, they superjump back to their platform, and you eventually knock them out. you never splat them. so who's to say that, just like agent 8 during the ascent, they don't have a respawn anchor?
That's what I decided to play with here. Agent 3 is splatted with no respawn anchor. Agent 3 is dead.
The rest of octo expansion plays as normal, only that there's no passed out Agent 3 waiting at the helicopter.
Starting from here, Agent 8 becomes affiliated with the NSS through Cuttlefish after breaking the news, feeling like he needs to make it up for the loss they suffered as he feels responsible for it. He grows closer with Agent 4, and eventually they become closer friends, even staying at her place after she invited him once their friendship was more developed. This paragraph is mostly to explain how they know each other and how their friendship started, also explaining why my Agent 8 gives OtH Agent 4's number instead of Cuttlefish.
Okay! Now, back to the point of this ask. I actually had a bit of this typed out in a server I'm in!
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[Agent 4] didn't really have a choice when it came to becoming Captain, being the fifth longest-standing member of the NSS after craig, the squisters and agent 3. craig was retiring, the squid sisters were still busy with their inkopolis celebrity scene, and [Agent 3] was dead. so she was the next best option.
she didnt really ask for this in the first place, and yet she accepted out of hopes of being acknowledged. When she was just an agent, the rest of the team didn't keep in touch with her much (except for Agent 8) after the events of OE, and at one point even stopped being called for whenever Callie got the shades on again. Whenever she patrolled, she did it without any previous call, and was rarely acknowledged by the others. She still kept visiting the canyon whenever she could after everyone else had moved on.
even after becoming the "captain", the others didnt usually reach out to her for assistance, and instead tended to act on their own. they never really took her as captain, rarely listening to her. so obviously this whole mess made her feel like absolute dogshit, questioning why she even decided to go through with this.
that title was meant for [Agent 3]. not for her. he was the one that came before her, and was better than her in so many ways. at least that's what the others kept repeating around her.
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as much of a punch in the gut being constantly compared to someone else was, she kept pushing to try and make herself known, separate from the other's achievements. which is why she ended up accepting marina's request.
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A Quick Review Of Helluva Shorts #4: Chupacabras
Hey everyone, helluva bored critical here to give a review of the newest HB short; CHUPACABRAS. I'll do my best to cover the plot, the goods and the bads, and to give my two cents.
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First off, the composition of the title card is a bit awkward; the flashy text of "CHUPACABRAS" reminiscent of Mexican culture clash with the duller tones of the background, making it less appealing. If a different screencap was chosen, such as this:
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I think the text would've fit better.
However, the plot premise is pretty good, let me talk about that if you haven't seen it yet; I.M.P. head out to kill a client, but they're surrounded by a hoard of goats and they try to clear 'em out. The client, Gerardo, wakes due to the ruckus, and Blitz is captured and mistaken for a chupacabra.
Note: the folklore of the chupacabra originates from Puerto Rico, though sightings of it have spread to Mexico and other parts of Latin America. Mexicans do know about chupacabra, but it's commonly misinterpreted as being of Mexican origin.
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In Mexico, if I'm not mistaken, the chupacabra looks similar to a mangy coyote. Blitz is wearing more goat-like rags, which isn't entirely accurate.
Anyways, Gerardo has taken Blitz's gun and crystal, so he's unable to break out of his sitch.
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The D.H.O.R.K.S., getting word of a "chupacabra" in Tijuana, head to Gerardo's display, where he's chargin' 100 pesos per view. The agent duo gets into a funny squabble about payment, and the tiny black goat that you see in the image above, meanwhile, heads over to Blitz. Blitz bribes it with a nice slice of cheese to help him out.
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Gerardo is close to shooting up the D.H.O.R.K.S with Blitz's gun, but since it's demonic, it burns his hand and leads to an improbably catastrophe bullet ricochet that kills him.
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The goat retrieves Blitz's crystal; Blitz and the D.H.O.R.K.S. make a hasty escape, and the episode ends with the small goat beginning its Cult of the Lamb arc :).
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What was good:
Moxxie and Blitz's interaction at the beginning is a good joke, it got a chuckle out of me:
"I want to say these are Earth goats, sir." "I don't care how great they are, they are In. My. Way!"
The Hispanic voice actors did an awesome job.
The music is energetic and fun.
D.H.O.R.K.S. and Gerardo's interaction is well-executed, it was my favorite joke of the short.
Blitz's escape is well-animated and he looks like a rascal.
Background jokes, such as Agent #1's badge saying "Insert Text Here".
The art of the final shot, where the goat is ruling over its disciples in a candle-lit shed, has great composition and lighting. Whichever artists created this shot, you executed it damn well.
Along with this, the shot of Gerardo's house is beautiful.
The beginning frenzy was entertaining. I liked the shot of Blitz shooting like a madman:
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What could've improved:
Millie had no lines in this short, despite being present in it. I wish she did; being a farm girl, she could've had some quick commentary 'bout the place or interact with Moxxie a bit.
Blitz's swearing in this short can drag on a bit. He's a crude imp, but some of the jokes just got the punchline of a swear. They could be crafted better.
As mentioned in the beginning, the title card could use some work.
Also mentioned, how the chupacabra is represented isn't accurate. I'm no expert though; if you're reading this and wanna counter me, I'm alright with that.
Other comments/opinions:
The pesos ain't exactly accurate, but they get the main idea across.
I ain't a fan of HB humor to be honest, but I won't fault you if you like it.
I.M.P. missions are starting to get restricted to shorts, which I'm not a particular fan of either. The show was originally advertised as a hitman dark comedy, but its main plot has changed to something that I can no longer be invested in.
I appreciate the background team and the music composer, Alexander Arntzen. I'm a big sucker for art.
Overall rating: 6/10 or 7/10. Nothing too spectacular, but it's pretty cool! Let me know what you thought of the short in the comments.
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Baby Daddy
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TW: Smut. DOM!Rafe. Smut. Language. Manipulative and toxic behaviors. Degrading language. Read with discretion. 
SUMMARY: Rafe manipulated his way to your bed once again...
onclouds999 asked:
Can you do a toxic baby daddy smut with rafe. Yn decide to just co parent one evening and rafe wants a lil more than just family time
Baby Daddy
Late as usual. Your mind had already begun to conjure the poor excuse he would have when finally arriving to pick up your son. Would it be traffic like it was last week or work the Friday night prior to that? It didn't matter. All you could think of was how at ease you would feel for tomorrow morning when you could wake up without the alarm coming in the form of your child knocking on your bedroom door. You loved being a mom, even if the role came unexpectedly. But you were still human. You still wanted to sleep in every so often. You wanted that small break you were warranted after a week's worth of responsibility for a life you hadn't created on your own. 
The thoughts of that night in question managed to sneak their way into your thoughts as you sat in wait against the kitchen counter, only to be interrupted by that eventual knock of certainty. 
"Your dad's here..." The title still foreign in regards to someone like Rafe, who still believed responsibility was set to everyone else. But you couldn't deny how it warmed your heart to see your son's excitement for his father. Those small moments visualized are what made you regret not being able to make it work. And if life with Rafe could be composed solely of those moments than it could have. But he was too manipulative. Too dark. Too toxic. 
"My car just broke down."
"What?!" You peeked your head out of the door of your apartment. 
"And the storm is coming in pretty quick...guess I'll be staying in tonight." You clenched your jaw. 
"Can't you have Ward or Topper-" Before you could offer an alternative, his jacket was removed and he was moving in the direction of your son. 
"Looks like we're staying with mommy tonight.". You clenched your jaw. 
"All of us?" Your toddler asked, eyes of wonder matching Rafe's that looked to you in mischief. He made a habit of using your son to make you acquiesce. Christmases spent at Tannyhill when you wanted to go back home to your own family. The choice of preschool as a Cameron child wouldn't be caught dead in a public school setting when "higher education was within reach". You could hear Ward speak the words as you thought them. But even down to the design of your son's room in YOUR apartment. Rafe got the final say. 
Luckily, the night was nearly over. Sun had already been exchanged for the moon and the stars sat as sporadic diamonds across a clear sky covered in a dying storm as you set your son to sleep. After sharing dinner with pleasant conversation, you overheard Rafe read your son to sleep as you finished the dishes to wake up to a clean kitchen. But as he emerged, you recognized that glimmer in his slate cobalt irises. The same that convinced you to keep from using protection that night four years ago. The same look that made you a mom with the accompaniment of that devilish smirk and those hands tracing up your body...
"I have the couch made up-' 
"Can I take a shower? I didn't have the chance since getting off. I came straight here. To see you...both." He asked the question already knowing you had no reason to deny him of this. But as he slipped away, not even to the bedroom before being shirtless, you rolled your eyes at his attempts. 
Although you weren't proud of it, it wasn't the first time in which you'd fallen back into your old patterns. Rafe was familiar. Toxic. But familiar. He was that old sweater in the back of your closet that you found comfort in no matter your weight or motivation for the day. He was that song you thought you'd forgotten on the day you needed it most. But along with the ease came more of a bittersweet underdone of the chaos he left behind. Which was why tonight was so special for you. It was the first night in which you intended to move on. 
The bath was the first step to what was preparation for a date with someone else. Someone new. Someone you never would have paid attention to before now. But with a string of broken relationships having collected pieces of your heart, you didn't think it would hurt. Which was why you shouldn't have been surprised that Rafe happened to break down tonight. If he even had. You had half of a mind to run out into the blizzard and investigate. But before you could, he emerged in only a towel. 
"Forget your clothes?" You asked, turning around in annoyance. 
"I remember a time you used to lick down my stomach and leave scratch marks on my abs and now you can't even look?" He scoffed as you glared. Your anger was enough to ignore the way his abdomen was accentuated beneath the droplets of water seemingly left intentionally. 
"Would you please just get dressed?!" You groaned as your phone rang on the counter. 
"Hey!" Your cadence lifted. 
"You can't make it?" The kind voice of your date asked, soothing understanding set over his disappointment. 
"No, of course I understand." You would leave out the overnight guest you had acquired at the last minute before wishing him a good night and turning back to find Rafe leaning against the door to your bedroom. 
"Who is he?" You clenched your jaw, slightly relieved that Rafe didn't know as it meant the guy was safe. To keep him this way, you evaded his question. 
"I checked the weather and it says the storm will only last until about two and so I'll make him breakfast and then you can go-"
"So you can go on your date?" He asked, almost teasing the idea. 
"It's not a...yeah..." You corrected. "Yeah...Rafe."
"Is he a good guy?" He asked while folding his arms, flexing his muscles with the intent to steal your focus. 
"I don't know. It'll be our first date."
"Then let me tell you how it would go .." he began to walk closer to you every few seconds as he spoke. You rolled your eyes to his 'man-splaining'. 
"He is going to compliment you all night all to get you naked. Once he has, he'll get dirtier about it. Ask what you like and maybe even smack your ass." 
Your eyes narrowed sharper towards him. 
"And he'll leave. He won't call. You'll feel like shit."
"Oh really?" He nodded, now standing only a foot or so away from you, his arms coming across himself once again. 
"Now let me tell you what you'll do ..." Your brows arched in intrigue. 
"You'll be nice and sweet...compliment his sense of humor although you'll have to force yourself to laugh all night. You'll let him fuck you because you'll be trying to convince yourself it's a way to move on..." He now hovered over you. 
"But when he leaves ..you'll slide your hand to that bedside drawer and take out that vibrator you use and think of me like you always do. Because that's the only way you ever come. Because of me-" 
"Believe it or not, Rafe...I don't need you for that." You spat, even if it had been a lie. No matter how close to that precipice you came, you couldn't find relief unless imagining his touch or his lips. His kiss. His cock...
"What were you going to wear for him?" He teased the shirt already draping halfway off of your shoulder. As you corrected him, he scoffed. 
"You should wear the powdered blue set. Easier to take off. It will be over faster-"
"Go to hell ..." You muttered before trying to move past him. But in the attempts to try, you felt him capture your wrist. 
"I am." Your eyes nearly closed to his words. 
"Everyday I'm not with you."
"You were with me. You dictated my every move. What I wore. What I ate. What I said...that isn't being with me...that's prison...I have a right to be happy Rafe..."
"All those times you screamed for me, you were miserable?"
"It was always sex. It was how you tried to fix how fucked up you are. But nothing can. Not therapy. Not your dad's money. Not me. I tried. Every time you just got high. Every time you screwed up...but not now. Not again." Your words were cause enough to be released. 
You moved into your bedroom, closing the door as softly as possible to keep from waking your son connected by only a thin wall. The ambition to bathe in ease and seclusion remained as you began to run the water and sat on the rim of the tub. Wearing only remnants of the day's outfit, you traced your fingers through the water before adding your bathing additions. Bubbles coated the top in a thin layer as Epsom salt was set for your aching muscles. But they would do nothing to soothe the ache between your thighs. 
"You belong to me." His voice wasn't as surprising as the grasp made at the back of your hair and neck. 
"I don't-" You were forced before the bathroom mirror. 
"Let me remind you." Before you could object, your panties were infiltrated by his fingers. 
"Nice to know I can still make you this wet without doing much..."
"It's not because of you-" You attempted to derail his confidence, but he was quick to correct you. 
"You said you hadn't even dated the guy yet. And I know for a fact nobody can touch you or fuck you like me." He pulled harder at your hair, but not enough to make it impossible to see your reflection. All because he wanted you to witness your body's response to him. 
"I'll give you one last chance to be honest for me." 
But you paused. Validating him meant lengthening this tormenting toxicity. Even if the release he allowed was incomporable it was also detrimental to your existence. Small doses were a near overdose in his presence, which left any interaction dangerous. Especially alone. Especially those confined like this. 
"That's okay baby...Your pussy is telling me everything I need to know. Everything I already did..." He was cruel with the first finger set inside of you. The familiar thick digit was directed on a mission solely to tease you as you arched back against him. 
"Rafe..." His second hand came over your mouth, turning your jaw to face him. 
"You don't say anything until I say...if we wake him up it's going to be because his mom's too big of a whore for my cock to be quiet. But because she's too desperate for just my fingers." He pulled you back to face the mirror before tracing your neck with his tongue. 
"You remember my tongue, don'tcha baby? You've come on it enough times...I can still taste the last time...mmm..." He groaned as your eyes rolled. That masterful tongue that has been the means behind so many undeserved apologies prior to now. 
"And my cock...you want that don't you baby? Reminding you how deep," His finger projected this as you gasped. Your lips remained open to the pressure of his finger as a second brought a sensation only he could. 
"How hard it makes you come? How it was meant to wear your cum? Just like you were meant to drip with mine?" Your attempts to speak only came out in broken breaths and unsteady whimpers. 
"You think anyone, especially a fucking pogue, can do better?" You turned to face him. 
"I never told you he was-" 
"You think I don't know? You think I'd let anyone like that around my son? Around you?" He cocked his jaw, blowing out a breath as his fingers increased in speed. 
"You'll always be mine. And even if it takes knocking you up on purpose again, I'll fucking do it-" Your eyes widened in horror. 
"What...you- He withdrew his fingers as he dropped that towel and pulled down your panties, all while you remained in shock. 
"It was the only way to keep you. And until I can stop "fucking up", this is how it will be. When I need it. And you need to be reminded. There is no one else. For me. Or you." He bent you over he sink just enough to align himself to your sex. 
"Stop pretending you'll ever need more." He thrust into you, your fingers at a tight grip around the edge of the sink. He began as violent as possible. Deep and quick as you cried for him, only his name intelligible beneath your pleas. 
"Tell me...tell me how many times this week you came thinking of me...just a number." He demanded in breathless strides mads into your gluttonous sex. Swallowing and savoring him only long enough to promote his pleasure while leaving you more desperate. He accommodated this by the tease made at your nipples as he twisted and pulled the sensitive nerves. 
"Twice? No, I know you need it more than that...maybe twice a day...bet you were about to do that in that bath...right? Knowing I was just beyond that door but you wouldn't dare ask ..but I know you fucking need it...so take it." He clenched his hand tighter in your hair. 
"Maybe if I remind you another way..." You were taken out of the bathroom and into the bed, forced into your stomach. The sound of your bedside table coming open made your stomach twist as you knew what he had been in search of. Exactly what he'd found. 
"Still smells like you...I'd say you used it last night, if not this morning. Dirty girl...." He set the vibration at its highest setting. 
"You deny this and I finish here..." He explained switching a slap to your ass. 
"You come before I say and you will be left so fucking overstimulated that that pogue all the way to The Cut will hear you scream for me...So listen and be good so I can fuck you how we both need. And maybe I'll even let you make me breakfast tomorrow." He winked as he connected the vibrator to your clit. 
Everything was too much. His cock set as the pressure inside of you, the vibrations at war with your urge to obey him as he was a man of his word, and the way he smirked against your shoulder as he felt you counter such desperations. 
"God, you need it...Oh fuck, you're still that desperate little whore..."
"Please...please Rafe..."
"Oh and you still sound so fucking pretty when you beg. But I think..." He guided you to face him, pulling you to the edge of the bed. 
"I've earned a little something...for my patience." You were forced to take him before you could speak. Eyes set to tear as you gagged violently over him. Quick to acclimate, your cheeks pulled into a hollow and your throat opened to him, before you were taken off of the rhythm achieved. 
"And you still take my cock so fucking well...now you're gonna ride it to make us both come. Get on top of me." He didn't force or guide you, he wanted you to do this yourself. And just as you had done in every instance, you showed such enthusiasm by positioning him inside of you. 
"Please..." You pleaded as he pulled the vibrator to view. 
"Tell me what I want to hear and you can come nicely then." When your expression contorted into confusion he would pity you and elaborate. 
"Tell me you know I'm it. You don't need anyone else. Mean it."
"Its you rafe. I hate it. But it is ...I need you..." You shuttered at the words were only a verbalization of your body's response and reaction to him. 
"Good girl...My girl...ride me like you wanna be mine again and maybe tomorrow you can be." You drove him into you as your nails came down harshly onto his shoulders. The chill that developed down your spine as he smirked to such pain had been ignored by the pleasure his cock left as you sunk yourself down onto him. 
A smack to your ass pulled you from your near euphoria as he slowed, "This can be everyday. Just say it." You groaned. 
"Say you want me back and I'm yours." You moaned in length over him. 
"Tell me and you get to come." You fought this as you knew he would take any mention of possession to heart. But you needed it. The way he clung tightly to your chest by the latch made of his lip around your breasts to the grip made at your ass as he guided himself deeply over you had been enough to take you to that joint high. 
"Good girl..." He smirked. "Now come." The vibrator at your clit sent you to shatter over him. Your orgasm unlocking his own as he pounded into you by burying you into the bed beneath you.
"That was for you..." He explained by turning you onto your stomach until your ass was level with his waist. 
"This is for me." He announced before taking you this way as well. The same enthusiasm as if you weren't dripping with him. All while he once again got what he wanted. 
He always did...
TAGLIST: @hopebaker @iovdrew @penny4yourthoughts @magnificantmermaid @pickingviolets @lovedetlostt @trikigirl271 @maybankslover @slut4starkey @slvtherinseeker @obxiskewl @bluesongbird @slut-era @ailee-celeste @camilynn @sweetestdesire @onmykneesforrafe @drews1love @phildunphyisadilf @mashdan0916 @belcalis9503
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disneyprincemuke · 10 months
i don't want you like a best friend
alternatively: love wasn't always easy for us (next)
in which their trip to the bahamas two years ago suddenly becomes a push and pull game that neither of them knew the rules to
(series masterlist)
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she huffs, jumping as she hikes her bag up her shoulder. with the other hand, she pushes her luggage ahead of her while she shoots daggers at the older boy next to her. "why did i agree to this again?"
"because it's the last two weeks before summer break ends, and logan wants to at least step foot into the bahamas at least once this year," oscar mutters, carefully eyeing the older boy walking ahead of them. "it's not that big of a deal."
"i don't like beaches. it's hot, sand gets in my hair, and the ocean is scary," she lists out her complaints as she narrows her eyes down into another glare. "why couldn't we just have spent it in florida with his family?"
"because that's not the bahamas," oscar points out. "come on, don't be a vibe killer. it's the one thing logan wanted to do this summer break."
she actually doesn't mind the beach all that much. what she minds is watching the guy she's having a current massive crush on flirt with girls and eventually hook up with them.
it seemed like a good idea agreeing to go three weeks ago, convinced that she was on the verge of breaking free from the grasp of his stupid blue eyes and charming smile. but no, she still lies awake at night in the room next to his, thinking about his conversation in the kitchen with oscar about having a reciprocated crush on her.
she was so close to getting over him when she found that out. now it's just like it was about three weeks ago.
she had mistakenly stared into his blue eyes too long after an intense game of twister, tangled up with his body as she tried to retain her title of reigning champion in their household. her arms shortly gave out after that, admitting defeat and then running to her bedroom to call xyriel about her newfound crush.
everyone just assumed she was being a sore loser about losing the title, but she was actually giggling softly with xyriel and leia about how she never noticed how his eyes sparkled under the light. the loss didn't even feel as serious as it typically does.
"the bahamas is stupid," she mutters. "florida's better than that, anyway."
"you just don't wanna be on a yacht, admit it."
"being in the sea for an indefinite amount of time without land nearby just seems like a clear death wish. i'm too young to die! i've got history to make, you know?"
oscar stares at her. "we went to barcelona like you wanted, then we went to scotland like i wanted. so we're going to the bahamas like logan wants."
she maintains her frown. "fine. but you're buying me at least three cocktails when we get there."
"i'm pretty sure logan's got that covered," oscar snorts with a soft laugh. "he said yesterday he can't believe you agreed to this trip."
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"oh, come on," logan sighs, throwing his head back and slumping his shoulders. he sways slightly and pouts his bottom lip out at the girl under the covers. "you're seriously not joining us for drinks at the bar downstairs?"
"i don't really feel like drinking," she sighs, shaking her head. "maybe i'll come down for a while to join you guys. but like, later."
"what? why not just come with us now?" logan whines, reaching out for her shoulder to shake her. "xyriel and leia have reserved the table and oscar and lily are making their way. dalton is also getting ready next door. you'll be all alone in here!"
she jolts when his hands come into contact with her skin, making her squeeze her eyes shut against the pillow in an attempt to suppress the goosebumps developing on her body. "logan."
"i'll pay for your half of the bill tonight," he says gently, lowering his face towards her.
"that's actually pretty convincing," she smiles, lifting her head from the pillow to look at him. she wipes her face completely and blinks at him blankly. "but no. you're going there to meet girls, anyway! xyriel will be your stand-in wingman tonight."
another thing that complicated it all for her is also the unfortunate fact that she's gotten so well at scoring logan dates and girls that he's just simply brought her everywhere the minute she turned 18.
but she just didn't feel like doing it tonight.
"what are you talking about? i'm not insisting you join us so you can find me a girl," logan laughs. the dipped end of her bed disappears, making her sigh in relief, only to tense up again when the other end dips down and he is brushing the hair away from her covered face. "let's go out and get drinks tonight with the group. leia, dalton and i swore off girls tonight, and xyriel promised no boys."
she closes her eyes when he has successfully cleared her face from her hair. "that's very sweet, but i really just want to stay in and watch a movie tonight."
"all by yourself?" logan sighs again. "you're going to watch a movie all by yourself on our first night in the bahamas?"
"yeah, the sound of the beach waves really fit the vibe. i was thinking of watching 'forgetting sarah marshall'."
"that kinda blows. sitting by the beach and getting drinks would obviously do you more benefits. it fills up your daily dose of human interaction too."
"i've been interacting with humans all day - we were at the airport where oscar was recognised by those guys, remember?"
"are you still upset about that?"
"yeah, a little! i really needed to pee."
"okay, what do i have to do to convince you to come down and at least grab dinner with us?"
she stares at him blankly, actually contemplating his offer. "you're that desperate to get me out of bed?"
"yeah, lily was asking if you'd be joining tonight."
she groans, slowly scrambling to climb out of her bed. "okay, fine. but you're paying for my bill tonight."
"great! go get ready!"
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"see, this is fun, right?" logan smiles, leaning back into the cushion of the couch they managed to snag up in the corner of the boardwalk. "aren't you glad you came out to spend time with us?"
"yeah, i can't believe it," she answer monotonously, sipping on her mango shake. she watches logan lean forward to put his drink down before sinking into the couch once more. the stoic that paints her face slowly contorts into horror as she watches logan swing his arm back to rest on the area that's directly behind her.
her head snaps to the couch directly across her, widening her eyes at xyriel. "help me," she mouths.
xyriel shrugs at her with a sly mouth tugging at the ends of her mouth. the older girl simply starts to sip on her cocktail and tears her eyes off the struggling-to-keep-her-cool girl.
"ah, i know," logan mutters, sitting up in excitement. he slaps her knee gently. "let's go to the dance floor over there!"
she feels her heart start to race, and she's almost sure that it's going faster than humanly possible. she feels her cheeks start to heat up, her arms start to shake, the thoughts in her head start to blur themselves out and she almost slides off the couch the moment their eyes meet.
"maybe not."
"you never wanna do anything?" logan's statement comes out as a question, throwing his arms in the air. "did you even want to come with us to the bahamas?"
"okay, okay!" she throws her hands up in the air to surrender. "you're right - this is our last vacation before the second half of the year."
"exactly! so, let's go!" logan pushes himself off the couch and beckons for her to get up. he steps aside to let her walk ahead but does not notice the way she calls out for help from leia as she leaves their table. "join us when you guys are done eating!"
"ah, be safe!" oscar calls out right before he feeds himself a spoonful of the carbonara he's ordered.
"don't get lost!" dalton, logan's brother, calls out to them with a laugh.
"so, what's it to you? you're singling me out so i can help you find girls in the meantime or something?" she teases, his hands on her shoulders making her feel slightly giddy. she opens her mouth as they walk past the bar counter, hand darting out to tap this random girl on the shoulder. "have you met f2 dri-"
"sorry," logan apologises to the random girl sat at the bar, yanking his best friend away from the counter in horror. "why did you do that?"
"is that not why you pulled me out?"
"no, i genuinely invited you out to the dance floor with me!" logan frowns, smacking her shoulder gently. "i know you didn't wanna go to the bahamas."
"what?" she sings in guilt, turning to glance at him as he pushes past the crowd. "what makes you say that?"
"i can see it in your face," logan mutters with a roll of his eyes. "and you? say no to drinking in a foreign country? no way."
"what are you talking about? i'm not legal to drink here, logan. i'm not 21," she whispers, finally stopping in her tracks to turn to him. "you sound like you've drunk too much already."
"good thing we've got xyriel to get us all drinks, duh," logan answers softly, turning her back around to the direction of the dance floor. "time to show me your dance moves."
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"see, we had so much fun!" logan slurs, leaning into her slightly as they walk across the dark pool area after closing time of the resort's club. "aren't you glad you came out with us?"
"i am! you're right - i had a lot of fun tonight," she nods, pushing him up gently to keep him upright.
while the rest of the group decided to tap out early from their night out, logan had whined and insisted that he wanted to see the club vibes through and through. he wasn't leaving until he was kicked out.
their friends raised their eyebrow at them, but she reassured them that she will yank logan back to their shared villa one way or another. even if it meant dragging him across the cobblestone bricks that riddled the entire resort.
so here they are, stumbling right by the villas that would lead to their own.
"but did you have fun with me, though? on the dance floor?" logan grins, slinging his arm lazily around her shoulders. he reels her into his side, pressing his lips against her temples for a wet and sloppy kiss. "i had fun with you."
"it's always fun with you, what do you mean?" she smiles, leaning into his lips as she wraps her arm around his waist.
she'd also given in to drinking a little bit more that night, and admittedly having fun. now they're both buzzed, and she has an excuse to be touchy with him. if it backfires when she does something unusual with him, she will just blame it on the alcohol.
"yeah, you like me more than oscar, don't you?" logan teases, scrunching his nose as he glances at her. "i'm your favourite friend."
she laughs, nodding to appease the drunken state of her best friend. "sure, logan."
"well, now i don't believe you," logan states, pulling away from her. he stomps his foot on the ground and folds his arms over his chest, turning his face away from her. "i don't like the tone in which you said that so you obviously don't mean it."
she turns around, eyebrows raising at his behaviour. "logan, it's late. let's debate this in the villa, okay?"
"nope, not until i'm convinced that i'm your favourite person in the whole wide world."
"logan? are you serious?"
"logan," she sings gently, walking over to him with her arms extended to grab his arms. "let's just go. you're super drunk and we're here for like four days. you don't want to spend tomorrow hungover in bed."
he whimpers, shoulders slumping slightly. he drops his chin to look down at her. "but you would take care of me if i'm too hungover to function tomorrow, right?"
"like i've been doing since you turned 18 two years ago," she laughs, her hands finally making contact with his arms. "let's go, mate?"
"no," logan breathes out, pulling her back into him when she attempted to guide him in the direction of the villas. "stay here with me for a minute."
"what's wrong?" worry paints her face as he starts acting calmer than before. her eyes follow logan's hands, lifted up to her face as he tries to brush back her stray hair behind her ears. "are you alright?"
"have i ever told you," he pauses to trace a line down her cheek with his fingertips, "how pretty you are?"
"only when you're drunk," she whispers back with a playful smile. "did you ingest some kind of poison and you've only got a couple minutes to live? is that why you're like this?"
"no," he shakes his head. a small smile appears on his face, tucking a finger under his chin to lift her eyes up to meet his. "i just think you look very pretty. i don't tell you that often."
she admits she almost felt her knees buckle at his words and melt on the ground at his words. logan had never been a very outwardly affectionate type unless he's drunk, so while this is expected behaviour out of him, it's never gotten quite as intimate as this.
she's had him fall asleep with his head in her lap before on the couch, but never has he been this close to her while whispering sweet words at her.
"it would be weird."
"it shouldn't be."
"logan, are you alright?"
he doesn't respond. and she freezes in her spot when his hand drags along her skin, cupping her cheek as he leans down into her. her eyes widen when he closes the gap between them and she has to forcibly swallow the scream bubbling from her stomach when their lips touch.
it's not her first kiss, but it may as well be.
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"he what?" lily gasps, eyes popping out her head as she closes the door behind her. "logan kissed you last night?"
beneath the duvet that covered the bed, a head of hair pops out. she pushes her hair out of her face with squinted eyes and a prominent frown. "i am sleeping, lily."
"i know, but you texted me at 4am telling me that logan kissed you on the way back to the villa. am i supposed to just ignore that when it's the first text message i saw when i woke up?"
the girl scans her friend's outfit, nodding in understanding. lily's hair is still in a pair of braided pigtails, running down her shoulders, jumping over to her bed in pink pyjamas.
"did he say anything after that? did he confess something to you?" lily interrogates her, jumping into her bed excitedly with a squeal on her lips. "oh, my god! you're going to be with logan? oh, i'm so excited! we can go on double dates and go out and do couple stuff!"
she sighs, moving further into her bed to make space for the brit to lie with her. "i don't know what it means."
"you don't know what it means?" the excitement in lily's voice falters immediately. "what do you mean by that?"
"he smiled at me after he pulled away," she says, resting her cheek onto her palm as she recounts the hazy memories of their walk back to the villa. "and then he vomited."
"he hurled? after kissing you?"
"he did drink a lot, so i guess i'm not that offended."
"he hurled? i'm going to kick his ass, (y/n)! what the hell?"
"lily, calm down. it's way too early for you to be this mad," she whines, desperately taking lily's wrist into her hand. while she's not hungover, she is, however, quite affected by the alcohol and the lack of sleep. "inner voice, lils."
"how you're not fuming at his immediate reaction after kissing you is killing me!" lily grunts in a soft voice, smacking her arm. "why are you just letting him kiss you without saying anything else? what's it even mean?"
"we'll talk about it later," she giggles, pressing her lips together. she presses her fingertips against her lips, trying her best to remember how logan's lips felt against hers just hours prior.
the way she tasted vodka on his lips; she doesn't even typically lean towards the liquor but it tasted so good on him.
excitement bubbles in her chest again, now scrambling to sit up on her bed to meet lily's height. "oh, my god, logan kissed me!"
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a scowl permanently carves her face as her eyes are trained on the other end of the yacht. there, logan stands, leaning against the wall with a beer pint in hand while the girl standing in front of him throws her head back to giggle.
"calm down, he's not even that funny," she mutters under her breath, sipping on her cocktail for a couple of seconds.
"cocktail, not juice," oscar cries, reaching out to pinch her straw and pulls it out of her mouth. "what is your problem, mate?"
"thirsty," she answers, opening her mouth to lean down to land a bite on his hand. oscar quickly retracts his hand away from her, gasping when she glares at him. "mind your business, oscar!"
"i thought you were finally starting to open up to the thought of holidays at the bahamas? what's wrong now?"
"what's right," lily scoffs, throwing her arms in the air as she rolls her eyes. "look at your stupid friend, babe."
oscar raises his eyebrows in confusion as he follows the driver's gaze to their friend, now one step closer to the girl he's talking to. "what's wrong? this is normal behaviour for logan." he turns to his best friend in confusion. "you know that, you literally helped him snag dates in the club."
she turns her head slowly to look at oscar, maintaining her unimpressed stare as she waits for him to connect the dots. "seriously?"
it takes a couple of seconds of oscar looking back and forth between her and logan before it connects. his jaw drops to look at her with an accusing finger up to point at her. "something happened last night when we left. what did you do? did you fuck?"
"oscar!" lily gasps.
"ew!" she scowls, flicking his forehead. "no, we didn't fuck!"
"then what is it?"
she rolls her eyes, leaning into him to confess. "we kissed last night."
"you kissed?" oscar screams, jumping in his seat.
"shut up!" she hushes him, pulling him back down to sit. she glances at logan then tears her eyes away when she catches his curious stare. "mate, can you be any more subtle than that? i don't think the entire yacht heard you."
"you kissed?" oscar repeats through gritted teeth, leaning into her whispering. "are you fucking kidding me? are you guys absolutely crazy?"
"he kissed me! ask him?"
"but he's with that girl."
"yeah, ask him why he's flirting with her too!"
oscar pauses. "he's not flirting with her."
they turn their heads simultaneously to the boy across the yacht. by that point, logan's practically pressed up against the girl with her hand on his shoulder.
"okay, so he's flirting with her," oscar mutters, turning back to her with a soft hiss and a sheepish and apologetic smile. "you've never let things like this pass. do something."
"flirt with that guy over there," lily suggests, shyly pointing to another blonde at the table right next to theirs. she hides her smile behind oscar's shoulder with a giggle. "he's been staring at you for a while. i swear he pointed at you while he whispered in xyriel's ear earlier."
"what?" she frowns. "i'm not like that."
"you're just going to let logan kiss you then flirt with other girls to your face the next day?" oscar points out. if there's one thing oscar loves, it's drama.
not so much when it's his best friends in the thick of it, but he can't stand the fact that his younger best friend is being screwed over by their older best friend. perhaps logan needs to meet someone who can level out the playing field?
either way, if she doesn't want to level it out, he will do it himself.
and it's just confusing for him because he can very clearly remember logan still pining over her right before they left for the bahamas.
"go, go talk to him," oscar says, flicking his hands towards the other direction to send her on a mission. "trust us. we know how to get logan to talk to you about that kiss."
her stare lingers on the couple, both smiling mischievously at her as she contemplates. "you guys are kinda scary. have i ever told you that?"
"just go," lily scolds, shoving her gently to push her off the couch.
she stumbles forward, giggling nervously as she shyly approaches the table. oscar leans back into his girlfriend, lily wrapping an arm around his shoulder from behind him, her chin resting on the other as they watch the scene in front of them unfold.
their eyes dart from logan to her every couple of seconds, starting to giggle softly when they see logan do a double-take when he sees her leaning against the back of the sofa of the other table.
oscar mutters, "look, now he's getting irritated."
logan's eyebrows furrow and a frown turns his lips downwards when she scooches into the middle of the friends that are sandwiched together.
it's not long before logan approaches them, leaving the girl he was just talking to hanging. they look up at the older boy with innocent doe eyes, eyebrows raising as if to ask him what he's approached them for.
even though they knew the exact reason why.
"what is she doing with them? isn't she supposed to be sitting with you guys?" logan points out, briefly pointing out the girl at the other table. she's sandwiched between xyriel and another guy, his arm wrapped around her shoulders as she laughs and sips on her margarita.
lily shrugs. "i guess xyriel called her over. what's the issue?"
"yeah, mate," oscar challenges him softly, "you ditched us for miss brunette over there. we weren't complaining."
logan clears his throat, taking a deep breath. clearly agitated by the situation, he just shakes his head and rolls his eyes to downplay his irritation. "whatever."
as he walks back to his previous spot, he can't help but let his glare linger on the younger girl. as fate would have it, she looks up to catch his eyes.
a pang of guilt hits him, but he continues walking forward anyway.
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taglist: @myxticmoon
232 notes · View notes
doscharolastras · 4 months
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Title: A Fine Romance (Marcus Pike x f!Reader)
Rating: Explicit
Word count: 2735
Warnings: Established, long-term relationship; no age gap; strong language; semi-public sex; oral sex (female-receiving); unprotected PiV sex; Reader identifies as female and has female anatomy but is undescribed otherwise; Reader has no name — Marcus and others call her by pet names (i.e.: “Songbird”, “my girl”); gratuitous use of Bruce Springsteen lyrics.
Notes: Part of the @pedgito / @chaotic-mystery / @amanitacowboy Summer Of Love challenge! I was given Marcus Pike at a concert and the moodboard above. This was not anywhere near the story I set out to write, but it’s the story that wanted to be told. I hope everyone enjoys.
Dedicated to @ladamedusoif, my beta, my lifeline (sometimes literally), and one of the best friends a girl could ask for… Thank you. 💜
(Dividers by @saradika-graphics)
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You’re nervous.
You’re used to the feeling, and usually, it passes pretty fast. Once the lights hit your face and the mic’s in your grasp, it all fades and there’s nothing but you and the music and the crowd singing your lyrics back.
Maybe it’s because it’s a festival — your first one ever. You’re far more accustomed to dark little bars or the smaller concert venues you’ve recently graduated to. So this? This wide-open field with its hundreds of thousands of faces and unknowable reach thanks to a free online livestream?
This makes you nervous.
“Hey.” Marcus’ voice is clear even over the din of the crowd. “You alright?”
You turn to meet his deep brown eyes, shining with excitement for you. “Just a little shaky.”
His smile widens and his broad hand falls to your lower back. “You’re gonna be amazing, Songbird.” Just the sound of your nickname slows your heart rate a little. “And,” he leans in and kisses you softly, his lips dragging on yours a little longer than necessary. “I can’t wait to celebrate your success afterward.”
You feel the heat in your face though you’re sure no one heard Marcus’ entendre. Swatting gently at his arm even as you wink, you pull back. “Where will you be?”
“There’s a little family section in the pit. On your left from centerstage. I’ll be right there.” He presses another kiss to your cheek as one of the stagehands waves to you, your signal that you’re about to go on. “Love you,” he murmurs, catching your fingers and squeezing them. “Go kick some ass.”
“I love you, too,” you reply as he hurries away.
“You ready?” Dante Robbins has been your guitarist since the days of playing on the street outside the bars.
“Mm. Let’s do it.”
Your traditional pre-show handclaps are half-hearted, and you wonder if maybe Dante is just as nervous as you. But when the MC announces your set and you bounce onto the stage, things start to feel much more familiar.
“Thank you, New York!”
Dante’s nimble fingers slip into your über-popular cover of Bruce Springsteen’s “Rosalita”, the festival’s backing band picking up immediately, and your gaze surreptitiously slips down to find Marcus in the exact spot he’d said.
“Spread out now, Rosie, doctor come cut loose her mama’s reins You know playin’ blind man's bluff is a little baby’s game You pick up Little Dynamite, I’m gonna pick up Little Gun And together we’re gonna go out tonight and make that highway run You don’t have to call me lieutenant, Rosie, and I don’t want to be your son The only lover I’m ever gonna need’s your soft sweet little girl’s tongue Ah, Rosie, you’re the one…”
As you dance and sing across the stage, your nerves all but abated, you catch Marcus again, bouncing and clapping like your very own Courteney Cox. He’s got such a smile on his face you can’t help but grin back, almost wishing you could pull him up to dance beside you.
“Rosalita, jump a little lighter Señorita, come sit by my fire I just want to be your lover, ain't no liar Rosalita, you're my stone desire…”
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Your set consists of six songs, and you close it out with your first single, “Stone Desire” (which calls right back to “Rosalita” and, you think, is a perfect circle). The roar of the crowd is beyond deafening as you hurry off stage, and in the excitement, you realize — Dante isn’t with you. In fact, he’s been more than absent since you first got up on stage.
“Dante?” you call. You try to think — nothing unusual had happened since that morning. You’d done your little rehearsal in your hotel room while Marcus showered; you’d driven over together in the trailer bus…
And yet, since you’d gotten to the festival grounds, he’d been distant. The cold way he started the gig. The enthusiastic high-fives that had been your signature since the early days had been lacking. He didn’t even respond normally to the way you chatted and introduced him between songs.
What did I do? you think. Our biggest chance yet and he’s…
You step past the little curtains that separate the wings of the stage from the outside world, and stop dead in your tracks.
Dante is standing right there, acoustic guitar now strapped over his shoulder. You recognize the song he’s playing — Peter Frampton’s quintessential “Show Me The Way” — but it’s truly just background noise to the other thing happening…
Marcus, on one knee, holding up a simple diamond solitaire.
“I know you probably think I’m insane,” he says, his voice soft but strong. “But I’ve wanted to do this for so long and I just… Today felt like the right day. This feels like the right moment.” His eyes hold yours as you take slow, tentative steps towards him. “I want to be there for you every single time you sing, sweetheart. Your own personal fanclub — on and off that stage.” He reaches out and takes your fingers lightly in his free hand. “Will you marry me?”
You feel the grass under your knees before you even realize you’ve dropped down to meet him. “Oh, Marcus,” you murmur, your fingers grazing up over his stubbled cheek. You feel tears on your face and your smile doesn’t feel like it will ever falter. “Yes. Of course, yes.”
Dante’s soft guitar is all you hear as Marcus slips the little band over your finger and pulls you in for a kiss, his tongue parting your lips as his hand curls around the back of your neck. “Oh, I love you,” he whispers into your mouth.
“I love you,” you reply, the salt of your tears and his delicious taste mixing between you. You’re sure people can see you, that your little moment isn’t private in any way, but you just don’t care. The only thing that matters is the beautiful man wrapped in your arms.
The kisses are only broken when a thought hits you. “Wait, wait.” You push back, your palms pressed against Marcus’ shoulders. Marcus holds you, his face colored with concern. “Dante?”
You look up at him, and he smiles a little, shrugging, his long hair bunching against his shoulders. “Sorry.”
“Marcus,” you say slowly. “Dante knew this whole time?”
“I didn’t know who else to trust,” he replies, grinning. “Figured he was a good choice.”
“Wish it was anyone else,” Dante interjects. “I can’t keep a secret for shit.”
“I thought you were mad at me!” you cry. “You were so out of it!”
“Tell your fiancé not to make me lie to you!”
“A secret is not a lie, Dante.”
Guitar long since swung around his back, Dante folded his arms over his chest. “And that’s why you’re a government agent and I’m a damn musician,” he laughs. Leaning over, he presses a kiss to the top of your head. “Congratulations, babe. And you.” He points a finger in Marcus’ face. “Be good to my girl.”
Marcus salutes. “I will. I promise.”
With that, Dante is gone, and you and Marcus are alone — still kneeling in the grass, your new ring glinting against his shoulder in the sunlight. “C’mon, let’s get out of here.”
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After a quick food truck meal and a couple of beers — interspersed with a handful of folks coming up to you for photos and autographs — Marcus holds your hand as you make your way back to the trailer. There’s a DJ on stage now, filling time between the late afternoon sets and the big time evening performers, and you hear your “Rosalita” remixed into an upbeat Mexican cumbia rhythm.
You laugh, but Marcus takes a different approach, pulling you in to dance with him. You’ve never been particularly good, but he is, and you fall into step with him as his hands curl around you and his body sways against yours.
“So hold tight, baby, cause don't you know daddy's comin’...”
His voice fills your ear, his breath hot on your cheek, and you press back against him, your hands wrapping over his where they rest on your belly.
Without another word, you turn and take his fingers in yours, pulling him to the trailer. You’re barely inside before your lips are on his.
“Easy, easy,” he whispers, but you fumble behind him to lock the door as you kiss him deeper.
“I want” — your teeth scrape over his full lower lip — “my fiancé” — your nose along the line of his beard — “to fuck me” — your tongue down the column of his throat — “right now.”
You know Marcus. He’s soft, gentle, romantic. Just the way you love him.
And yet, inspired by the song lyrics he’d purred in your ear and your proclamation of desire, a switch seems to have been flipped.
He grabs you, swinging you around so the backs of your thighs are pressed against the little table against the other wall. You take the hint, sitting back on it as he devours your mouth. “You’re going to have to be very quiet,” he whispers. “Even with the music outside.”
You nod, whimpering already as his fingers slip under the hem of your shirt and brush against your bare skin. He moves slowly, but soon the t-shirt is gone and so is the bra beneath it, and his lips have taken their place.
Carding your fingers through his hair, you toss your head back as his tongue circles over one of your nipples. “Oh, Marcus…”
“Shhh, love,” he whispers into your skin. He continues his path, pushing you carefully back to rest on your elbows as he dips into your belly button. His deft fingers work at your jeans, and he only pulls his mouth from your body long enough to release you from them.
He meets your eyes, wordlessly awaiting your agreement, and when you mouth, “I love you”, he grins and disappears between your legs.
It’s hard to be any kind of quiet when Marcus Pike is eating you out. In fact, it’s damn near impossible, and the only way you can control yourself is to grab the t-shirt you’d been wearing and stuff it between your lips.
Marcus isn’t all that quiet, either. His little groans and moans as he strokes himself through his jeans and as his lips and tongue probe your most sensitive areas are enough to make you come then and there. His hands are holding your legs apart even as every instinct inside you is telling you to close them; his nose is nudging your clit in the most delicious way possible as his tongue darts inside you.
You remove the material from your mouth to whisper, “Marcus, baby, I’m close.”
“I know,” he replies, looking up at you, his face shimmering with your slick. “Let go.”
And as he disappears again, you do.
You’re still shaking slightly, your breath in raspy gasps, when he — rather unceremoniously — pushes into you. The feeling is overwhelming and you can’t help but cry out louder than you’d intended, but he captures the sound in another bruising kiss as he lets you adjust around him. You tighten your muscles, relishing the fullness and weight of him inside you and on top of you, and he groans, taking the t-shirt from where it now rests over your chest and tucking it carefully behind your head.
As Marcus begins a slow but sharp rhythm against you, you discover that the little table is far sturdier than you’d have expected. His thighs slap hard against the bottom of your ass, and as he begins to speed up, you have the sudden image of the whole trailer shaking with the force of his thrusts.
It makes you laugh.
“What… What’s funny?” he pants, stuttering a little in his movements.
“N-no, don’t stop,” you breathe. “Just… If the trailer’s a-rockin’...”
“Oh, Jesus, sweetheart.” Marcus’ grin is real, even as sweat begins to bead on his forehead. “I must not be doing my job if you’re making jokes right now.”
As if rising to a challenge, he slips his thumb into your mouth and presses it to your tongue. After a moment, he pulls it free and uses it — wet with your saliva — to draw lazy circles around your clit as he fucks into you.
“That’s better,” he smiles. “C’mere.”
He slows a bit to allow you to push upright, your arms wrapping around his neck as he kisses you hard. “Can you carry me?”
“Mm, I think I can manage.”
He lifts you carefully, but he stumbles, and you both nearly collapse in giggles.
“Oh, Marcus, put me down.” You pinch lightly at his hip and he lets your feet hit the floor, his eyes taking in your whole body. “Like what you see?”
You smile and take his hand, leading him back to the little bed, only slipping away from him to push him onto his back. You stroke his cock a few times before repositioning yourself over him, angling yourself to take him in as deep as possible.
Your groans mix together in the heavy air, and when he’s fully seated inside you, you lean forward to shove his shirt up, encouraging him to remove it. When he does, you press heavy, hard kisses to his chest, slowly rolling your hips against his as you do.
“Ah, fuck, keep that up and I won’t last,” he hisses.
You grin. “That’s my plan, Mr. Pike.” You nip at a little cluster of freckles on the front of his shoulder. “At least, the first time.”
Marcus’ hands come to rest on your waist, gripping you just enough to give the impression that he’s in control despite you making all the moves on top of him. You hold onto his elbows, using him as leverage as you bounce and grind on him, keeping your rhythm steady as you watch his face redden, his freckles popping against the flush.
“Come on, Marcus,” you murmur. “Come inside me. Claim me; claim your wife.”
There’s a moment’s hesitation in his eyes, but just a moment, until he realizes you mean it completely. His fingers press so tightly into your skin you know you’ll feel the bruises for days but you don’t care, not one bit as you feel him shudder and arch beneath you. His body trembles and it’s enough to bring you over the edge with him, all pretense of quiet gone as you cry out and fall forward, your hand slamming into the wall over his head as he buries his face in the hollow of your throat.
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You’re not entirely sure how much time has passed since you rolled off of Marcus and curled up under his arm. The music outside is less electronic, so you figure the DJ has finished and one of the bands is officially playing, but that could be minutes or hours, really.
Rolling onto your side, you slip your left hand over Marcus’ stomach and wiggle your finger so the little diamond glitters in the dim amber light of the trailer. “Marcus?”
“Mm?” He sounds sleepy, dazed, but he tightens his grip on you and you feel his lips brush over your forehead.
“When did you know you wanted to marry me?”
He’s quiet, just the sound of his steady breathing for a few moments. “Do you remember the first time I came to see you sing?”
Our fifth date. “Yes.”
“It was then.”
You furrow your brow, trying to remember the exact details of the night. “Because of my voice?”
“No.” He shifts against you now, shuffling down on the bed so your faces are aligned. “It was because you walked off that stage, right up to me, and said, ‘Let’s go get Chinese food, I’m starving.’”
“...you can’t be serious.”
He grins, his whole face lighting up. “As a heart attack. I knew right then.”
You laugh, loud and happy. “Oh, I fucking love you.”
Marcus pulls you in, and you wrap your legs around him, lining him up with your entrance. “Again, sweetheart?”
You nod, shifting your hips just slightly. “I said that was just the first time,” you reply, lifting your chin for a kiss. “Gotta celebrate tonight just right.”
As he slips inside you again, gentle and easy, you cuddle your face into his throat.
“I just wanna be your lover, ain’t no liar…”
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slutforsilverfoxes · 1 year
Two Dirty Martinis and One Olive(r)
[A continuation of Oliver with a Twist 🖤]
“I just miss him so much,” you sniffle, scrolling through an album simply yet effectively titled with the olive emoji and a green heart. “Do you think he knows that I’m coming home? Or do you think that he thinks he’s getting abandoned over and over again? Oh my gosh, that’s so sad,” you lament aloud, bottom lip trembling while you stare into your cat’s soulful eyes on the dim screen.
“How much has she had to drink?” Aaron murmurs to JJ as you continue pining for your fur baby and talking Emily’s ear off across the table.
“Well, none of us really ate today, and she’s had one green tea shot and one-” The blonde grimaces as you down the rest of your glass and amends, “Make that two dirty martinis.”
You pop the singular olive swimming in the last dregs of the alcohol into your mouth before your eyes grow comically wide. “I just ate my son,” you declare, your statement accompanied by a gasp.
Aaron smooths a hand over his face to resist laughing at your antics and excuses himself to get you a glass of water. Leaning against the bar while waiting for a bartender to become available, he studies the way you talk so animatedly, emphasizing your thoughts with your hands, and the way everyone around the table has an easy smile on their faces while they listen to you. This team has always felt like family, but your presence has made them complete.
He can’t help but think of his own little family of two, and he wonders how Jack would feel about a new special friend in his dad’s life. Aaron’s seen the way you interact with children on cases, and he has no doubt that you and Jack would get along exceptionally well. Plus you have a pet? His son would be elated to have a cat to-
“What can I get for you, sir?”
He’s abruptly pulled from his daydream of the two of you coming home from a case to your two-legged and four-legged sons, the back of his neck heating up as he turns to face the bartender. Clearing his throat, he requests, “Just an ice water, please. Thank you.”
Beverage in hand, Hotch overhears the last of your statement to your best friend on his return to the table, “…would be nice to come home to a man.” Emily raises an eyebrow at him over your head sleepily nestled in the crook of her neck, and he fixes her with a look that clearly reads Don’t you dare.
She dares.
“Any man?” the brunette smugly prompts.
“There is this one guy,” you confess in what you believe to be a whisper but in reality is heard clear as day by the whole table. You let out a hum and a dreamy smile spreads across your face. “He’s perfect. At least, I think so.”
Aaron focuses intently on a bead of condensation running down the glass holding your ice water, fighting the urge to confess his love for you right here and right now in front of the team. His other option, which isn’t looking entirely unfavorable, is to place the drink on the table and flee the scene.
“But he’s so dumb,” you announce with a huff of frustration, and Hotch swears the world around him comes to a dead halt with a record scratch.
Stifling a laugh at the way the man in question’s sheepish smile has immediately melted into a frown, JJ inquires, “How so, hon?”
“I mean, what’s taking him so long?” you demand. “I’m pretty cute, I think. I’m clearly single thanks to this fuckin’ job. And I’m-” You wave your hands around in front of you before clarifying your meaning, “-putting out all the signals, y’know?”
“Well, why don’t you just ask him out, mamas?” Derek offers. Your girlfriends’ heads swivel in his direction with narrowed eyes, and he shows his palms in mock deference, mumbling a placating, “Damn, okay,” around the lip of his beer bottle.
A sigh rattles out of you as if Morgan has grievously inconvenienced you before you explain, “I can’t, dummy.”
“Why not?”
Aaron can’t wait to hear this.
Your best friend rushes to cover your mouth before you say something you’ll regret when sober while Penelope and JJ jump in to change the subject, but your muffled voice escapes through Emily’s fingers anyway. “HR says fraternization between a unit chief and their agent is a big no-no,” you elaborate, stretching out the word for emphasis. Aaron’s palm is damn near frozen now from stupidly standing there holding the glass, but his feet simply won’t move. “And trust me,” you carry on, bowling over Emily’s desperate attempts to shush you, “I wanna fraternize with that man,” you declare giddily.
Aaron clears his throat to announce his presence, hoping that the dim lighting in the bar will mask his pink-tinged cheeks. You turn to see him standing there and your face splits into a wide grin, your alcohol-addled brain seemingly not connecting that he bore witness to the entirety of your confession. “Hotch!” you cry happily. “You’re back! And you brought me a water,” you sigh, reaching for the glass.
“Figured you could use it,” he mumbles quietly, pulse racing when your fingers brush as the glass exchanges hands.
You assert, “You’re the sweetest ever,” and he’d be lying if he said his heart didn’t skip a beat at that.
The girls are studiously avoiding eye contact with him while Derek is staring at him, dumbstruck, and Spencer is quietly calculating the odds of you two confessing your feelings to each other before the night is over with a small smile on his face.
Hotch finds himself really wishing Dave hadn’t turned in early tonight. Or that he, too, had embraced being a senior member of the team and gone to bed instead of celebrating closing this case over drinks.
“Y’gonna just stand there all night?” you ask sweetly before patting the spot in the booth beside you. Aaron looks to his original seat to find that JJ and Penelope, still averting their eyes, have somehow shifted to the edge of the booth, leaving virtually no room for him to squeeze back in on their side.
Equal parts hesitant and hopeful, he slides into the space next to you feeling like a schoolboy with a raging crush when his leg tingles at the spot where the warmth of your thigh seeps through his slacks.
Oblivious to his racing pulse and thoughts, you lean your elbow against the tabletop and your cheek against your palm, looking up at him with a soft smile and a simple, “Hi there.”
“Hi, Y/N,” he murmurs back, and you gasp, “You said my name!”
“I say your name all the time,” he argues.
“Nu uh,” you protest, “it’s always Y/L/N or Agent or Agent Y/L/N.”
He hums in response, unwilling to admit that your name on his lips makes his brain a little fuzzy and his hands a little shaky.
“I like when you say my name,” you confess in a whisper, and Aaron can actually feel his heart swelling when you look at him like that, like he hung all the stars in the sky just for you.
In all honesty, if that’s what you wanted, he would defy gravity to make it happen.
“How’s Ollie doing?” he asks to change the subject, needing you to talk about something that makes you happy so he can keep seeing that beautiful smile on your face.
“Oh my gosh, so good!” you squeal excitedly. “He’s so, so smart. I taught him to sit and shake before meal time. Wanna see?”
“Of course,” Aaron smiles.
With a sly grin, you negotiate, “I’ll show you my kid if you show me yours,” and Aaron’s heart is now trying to actually escape out of his chest. “You…want to see pictures of Jack?”
“Of course,” you echo back. “How could anybody not love that little cutie? He’s got your dimples, y’know.” Your concentration shifts to your phone then, looking for the video of Oliver offering you his paw while Aaron sits there with a goofy smile on his face that has those very dimples making a rare appearance.
The next morning, armed with the logic that you’ll surely need to stave off a hangover, Aaron knocks on your hotel room door and asks you out to breakfast before your flight back home.
Find the third & final part of Aaron, reader, & Oliver's story here!
AH tags 🖤 @gothwifehotchner
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heartfullofleeches · 1 year
I think Sunshine prince will be trust fund kid with brag a docious ton of Lamborghini in moderen au
Works for me
Modern Au Sunshine/"Innocent" Prince/Stoic Bodyguard Reader
The "Prince" is a spoiled brat with living parents that have the entire city under their thumb. He's given the title for his looks and charms; the sweetest little devil you could probably met - until you get on his bad side. When he's in one of his moods, generations will be ruined if anyone dares try to talk to him, even if it's to cheer him up. The week he found out his parents were getting him a guard - nobody was safe. Everyone's favorite teacher lost their job of thirty years for giving him a quick pep talk while he was seething. This all came after he had an altercation with another student for play flirting with their partner though he was the clear victor. His parents thought the world was too dangerous for their sweet baby. They thought he was a child - weak. He'd show them. He'd ruin his guards life and make them regret stepping one foot his house and-
"Lunar, meet Y/n. They will be attending the same college as you, but outside their studies they will be with you at all times."
"A pleasure, Sir."
And....oh. He's never been called that before. Makes him feel like he's aged a century - but he likes the respect. You aren't as ugly as he thought you'd be either.
" I hear you have a reputation of being called a prince at your college. Would you prefer if I called you "Your Majesty" instead?"
There's no hint of mockery in your tone. You're serious.... Is it to late to take back what he said about ruining your life?
Princey here is all over his hired protection. He really lives up the "harmless babe, silly clumsy boy who can do no wrong." part of his act when you're around. He prefers bottled soda over canned because he can get you to crack them open for him and compliment your strength. He kicks open the doors of your class mid-lecture and whines about being hungry a whole two hours before break. You're quick to scold him for the latter, and your intervention plus his self dumbifcation leads to let mishaps among your peers - and eyes on you. Nobody is smart enough to make a move on you in his line of sight, but you pretty much become the school eye candy when he's off on his own.
The Prince moves out of his parent's four story mansion and into your dorm for a taste of that domestic bliss. Your living space gets upgraded to a two bedroom apartment because even his parents are wise enough to know putting you in one room would lead to trouble - but he weasels his way into your bed most nights regardless. He pushes his innocent act a little too far when he tries to get in the shower or bath with you, but rubbing his face on the towel you used is fine enough for now. Unbridled, unfiltered rage is casted at whoever may need your aid. You are his knight guard, and his alone.
[Bodyguard Guard Reader carries an unconscious peer out of the pool after they nearly drowned, their lips pale blue.]
"Oh my God. I don't think they're breathing -"
Bodyguard Reader: Don't worry - I know CPR
Prince Yan, pulling up with a vacuum: I got you covered!
Prince Yan: You pathetic, worthless, no good, low life, homewrecking, stupid, repulsive whor-
[Bodyguard Reader walks in]
Prince Yan: Y/n! I've been looking for you everywhere! Can you peel this apple for me with your teeth?
[Some thugs Prince paid off walking in limping and covered in bruises]
"Dude what the hell!? You said this was a joke
Prince Yan: The joke was it's funny you think Y/n would allow anyone to put hands on me. I would say you should see what they can do with a watermelon or pumpkin and their thighs - but if you did I'd have to skin you all alive
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Imagine Pope telling Benny you've gone missing while on a stakeout
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"Come on man, why all the cloak and dagger?" Benny jibed, "you're going to have to tell us why we're here anyway. Why did we have to follow some ridiculous instructions to get here."
"'cause we're all probably being watched, I couldn't risk anything else going wrong with this mission."
"What do you mean?" Frankie questioned. The atmosphere suddenly got very thick and uneasy.
"I um, so-" Santiago paused, unsure of how to start.
"Spit it out Pope." Tom jumped in.
"Okay, so you know I mentioned the set timings they brought people in, under the cover of night so they had more privacy?" the silence continued, "so with them knowing who I am. I needed to bring in a face they wouldn't bat an eyelid at..."
All four men wore heavy set expressions, cogs turning in their minds at where Santiago was going with this. Benny shared a look with his brother. Not liking where this was going.
"So I called in some help. Just know I didn't force this okay. I asked for a favour."
"Christ man. Spit it out." Will snapped. Not liking how sheepish Santiago was acting.
"It's Y/N. Okay she was doing some night recon for me and two days ago she went radio silent. And we had a strict agreement to check in once every 24 hours. So I knew she was okay." Santiago blurted out.
"Are you fucking kidding?" Benny asked, not sure how to take the news.
"I can't tell you how much I wish I was Ben. I'm sorry."
All five men had a soft spot for you. Having known you for a number of years. Friendships had developed across continents with them. They all cared about your safety as they did each other. Spending time both on the battlefield and at home. You'd even moved cities to be closer to the group. Since then spending a huge chunk of your time with the Miller brothers. Well. One to be particular. Benny and you had a different kind of relationship. One that had never progressed from the gooey eyed longing looks at one another from across the pool table. Among every other place you guys hung out. You supported him ringside at every match. Cheering him on and giving him the push to fight just that little bit harder. Earning you the title of good luck charm after Bennys fourth win in a row once you started coming along.
Saying that you had a special place with all of the guys. You were a constant with Frankies family. Supporting his wife while Frankie had his drug charges cleared up.
You even introduced Will to his fiancée.
Tom had listened to your advice on how he would be able to start repairing his relationship with his daughter. Resulting in them going on their first dad-daughter camping weekend.
Pope had always been a bit of an enigma with the group. But you too had a special place with him. You helped him hash out many a crazy idea. Toning them down when he got too into the idea of taking down huge conglomerates widely known to be untouchable.
"Fuck. Where was she last supposed to reach you?" Benny asked, leaning forward in his seat.
"She always called my phone from a payphone just outside the market. At two o'clock. But that last two days I've heard nothing."
"Where was she staying?"
"At a hotel on the outskirts of town, room 203. Self catering kind of deal."
"Right, Fish and Will. Go to that payphone and see if there's any sign there. I'm going to stay put see if she turns up here. Benny-"
"Go to the hotel. Got it."
The boys sprung into motion. Grabbing what they needed and heading for the truck they arrived in.
"Benny, I'll drop you off at the hotel." Santiago offered, earning a nod from Ben.
He followed closely behind Santiago. Still on the fence about whether he should give him an earful in the car of the way.
"She better be alright."
"I know. You're gonna kick my ass if she isn't."
"Damn right. But I know you didn't do this on purpose."
The ride was pretty quiet from then on. Both men itching to get to the hotel to confirm their hopes.
Benny couldn't help but scan everyone's face as they passed. Hoping she would just appear on a street corner unharmed.
Pulling up in the car park to the hotel. Benny was out the door even before Santiago could turn off the engine. Scanning the room numbers he headed for the stairs. Taking them two at a time, he followed the descending numbers. 213, 212, 211... Round the corner to the side of the block. He continued, 206, 205, 204... Pausing as he locked eyes on 203. Bracing himself for the worst he reached to twist the door handle, light pressure made the already opened door swing fully open.
Letting out a quiet whistle. Signalling to Santiago, Benny reached for the pistol he had stashed in the back of his trousers. With the curtains pulled the room was dim, when he didn't immediately spot you his guard remained on high alert. The room didn't look trashed. But it didn't exactly look neat and tidy. There was some semblance of disarray.
Benny recognised your belongings though. The notebook you always scribbled in. The snacks you never went anywhere without. He even recognised one of his boxing sweatshirts in the messy bed.
Relaxing his stance, Santiago took over scanning the rest of the room. Benny looked through the ripped up paperwork on the bed, seeing you'd made notes about the targets for him. Santi headed for the bathroom, to cover all bases.
"Benny get in here now!" Santiagos voice jolted Benny out of his thoughts.
Preparing himself to see something he didn't want to, he practically ran into the bathroom. Almost tripping over a crouching Santi. Who was hovering over your unconscious figure slumped in between the wall and the toilet bowl.
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