#skeleton crew kb
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twinsunstars · 2 months ago
*Jod not listening to the kids whenever they try to get him to do something and listen to them*
Fern: 33!
*Jod, knowing SM-33 will beat his ass*: OKAY FINE
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fyregrl · 2 months ago
The best part of Skeleton Crew is going to be when the kids finally get back to their parents and tell them about the adventure. They're all going to be jumping in yelling over each other and doing funny voices for the various people they've met and acting out stuff and making sound effects.
They'll all be saying "CAN'T SAY I REMEMBER NO AT ATTIN" in their best impressions of SM-33 (ranging from pretty good to wrong accent entirely).
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blxem1lk · 1 month ago
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tag yourself pt 2
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youcanautogeneratethese · 1 month ago
I'm just now starting the show but I have to say, I love the trope of "shady person gets stuck with children that he needs to trust him."
Jod Na Nawood: "Finally, I'm going to make my big score! And no one can stop me."
Wim: "Hey, look at what I found!"
Jod Na Nawood: "Wait, no, Wim! Don't touch that!"
Jod Na Nawood: "C'mon, KB. You need to get some sleep, or you're going to too tired to run from the authorities, I mean to travel home."
KB: *Playing dumb* "Do you have any bedtime stories?"
Jod Na Nawood: "..."
Fern: "Hey, you're not a Jedi!"
Jod Na Nawood: "Uhh, say why don't I make you all some snacks?"
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knightofthenewrepublic · 3 months ago
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thecoffeelorian · 3 months ago
Anomaly (Jod Na X Reader)
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A/N: I typed this out in the span of a morning on my phone, and then worked my way up from there. Anyways, to business...
Title: Anomaly
Chapter Title: The Stowaway
Genre: Drama/Romance
Word Count: 1,077 words
AO3: Click Here!
Special Notes: I have zero idea if Jod is going to be either the pirate I think he is or the ex-Jedi that others believe him to be...however, if none of these turn out to be true, then I'll just mark this as an AU and keep on trucking along. 'Nuff said!
No Pressure Tags: @ladysongmaster @braveincafleet @ireadwithmyears and anyone else who might want to catch the first-ever Jod Na x Reader story in this fandom! Thank you for your consideration!
This doesn’t feel like the Great Work to me, you think to yourself, glancing around in silence as the Reclamation Committee gathers at At Attin’s first, and probably last, official spaceport. Originally, you would be deep into your latest pile of holo-work in the Undersecretary’s office, a half-drank cup of caf on your right and the few images of your surviving relatives sitting still upon your left.
Thanks to the curiosity of a handful of local children, however…everyone’s daily routine, yours included, has since been upended be it for better or for worse. In fact, the tension’s visible on everyone’s face as they await the incoming ship, and most likely for good reason—the ones said to be on board, at least in theory, are going to have a lot of explaining to do.
As for you, you’ve got both eyes upon your datapad screen like the good little Intern you are, making as many mental notes as possible while you wait. So far, according to the reports—or, at least, the official documents that you had been granted access to—all four of the missing children had been found safe; they had then been directed onto a secure flight back home; and, once the growing blur of that same flight could be seen from the platform and the volume of all human conversation around you grew alongside it, they would certainly be participating in a very long debriefing once those docking bay doors finally opened.
And yet...everything that you hadn’t been informed about becomes, as soon as the one known as Neel is the first to step off, pretty sparkling clear once the security droids all aim their weapons at the back of the ship.
“No, wait! Don’t hurt him, he’s a friend!”
To your surprise, if not also the surprise of everyone else around you, there was a fifth person on board. This person must have been halfway decent enough to keep this little group under their watchful eye, for the remaining kids still on the ship—Fern, Wim, and KB respectively—all add their voices to Neel’s protest as they’re coaxed onto the platform, Wim going so far as to try and pull the blaster out of a droid’s hands before a short pop of static electricity teaches him differently.
And, once those same droids give the order for them to come out with their hands up…your first sight of that fifth person all but takes your breath away.
Oh. Dear. Me.
Yes, there’s a man hiding back there, not some Wookiee in a fit of rage…but he’s not just any man as the ones among you already have been. No, this one has the equal look of both predator and prey written into his body language, for the look he gives the security team is nearly an even mix of one about to shoot down several live targets and one about to run for cover, almost like he's known both such situations in the course of his life...but isn't about to breathe a word of it.
To your growing sense of alarm, he’s also far too damned attractive for his own good, let alone yours. Sure, there are the signs of middle age upon him, why would there not be—and yet, other than the visible age lines upon his face, the stiffness in his steps, and the traces of silver within his hair, you just couldn’t stop yourself from running a visual scan of everything else he’d brought down to the surface. Things like...the hard set of his shoulders, the sharp outline of his jaw, and—worst of all—those startling blue eyes that you swore saw everything ahead, behind, and every other direction around him in a matter of seconds. Eyes that could see right through you if you’re foolish enough to let them, though you can only hope you never fall for any piece of this stranger’s charm, direct or otherwise.
And if that alone hadn’t somehow warned you in advance not to look too long, not to examine him too closely, and above all else, not to allow yourself to care too much about what might happen to this mysterious stranger…the reaction of the head droid would finally drive it all home.
”Jod Na Nawood, also known as ‘Crimson Jack’, also known as 'Captain Silvo', in the name of the Republic, you are hereby under arrest…”
Crimson Jack…? Captain Silvo? Him?! That one was the 'Thief Of A Thousand Treasures'?
You’d heard of a few stories about that scary figure, but that was all they were supposed to be. Stories. Legends. Tales one told to their children in order to get them to behave at the dinner table, and not real people of flesh, blood, and bone, because there were supposed to be no such thing.
Especially not away from the pages of a holobook, let alone outside of any datapad video feeds.
And yet…as this infamous Crimson Jack finally allowed the binders to be snapped around his wrists, one sad look sent towards the children before being taken into custody, it was here that you had to start asking yourself whether or not some of these stories were, in truth, full of facts as solid as durasteel—and if so, whether this stranger was truly as dangerous as the stories whispered in the dark made him out to be.
It would also be about a few seconds later that those startling blue eyes would just happen to meet yours, an even stranger feeling of both warmth and cool air pass between you like the rush of a long-dormant hyperdrive slowly working itself back up to full power and, finally, a phantom set of words echoing within your mind just as surely as if he had spoken them aloud.
I see you.
Several minutes would pass by until you snapped yourself out of your stunned silence and came back to reality, a few familiar faces around you making sure you were all right, that no tricks or funny business or strange arcane rituals had taken your mind over where you stood—and yet, for all of that, there was only one thought left in you, only one question that made sense—and so, even though this man was no longer in your sight, still you asked it out loud for everyone else to hear.
“And if I were to get inside your head, Mister ‘Crimson Jack’...what would I see?”
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classicanalyzer · 2 months ago
Skeleton Crew - Can’t Say I Remember No At Attin Thoughts
"Perhaps someday, when I am leader of the Triok, I will remember your ways. I see now. You weakness...it makes you kind. And my world could use some kindness." Hayna
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This was a pretty noice follow-up to the last episode. It was a lot more focused on the character interactions as home seems to be ever far away.
Those satellites at the opening look very much like the ones used for Operation Cinder. Given some of the Imperial-looking uniforms (especially the Imperial Army Trooper helmets) in the episode and the destruction of the world, I wouldn't be surprised if that's the case. But Jesus, if their world was destroyed by Operation Cinder, that's one hell of a dark backstory for At Achrann. Especially given how Jod even said,
"This is At Attin? It tastes like ashy dust. Looks a lot like my home planet, actually." Jod Na Nawood
It has to be Operation Cinder unless the satellites are part of a similar barrier system (or the world could've been hidden by different methods). I also wonder how bad Jod's world must've been for him to make that comparison. I can't wait for that Episode 7 Jod lore.
Jod's "kill me" look and line delivery just killed me. He's so sick of this BS now lmao. I honestly thought he and SM-33 kicked all their asses but it just turned out he just gave them Old Republic credits haha.
Also very interesting that the Hattan army seems to have a CIS tank as well alongside the Imperial Army Trooper helmets. The world must've been destroyed and known to the galaxy for quite for some time by that point.
Neel is pretty brutally honest about his friends, lmao. I love seeing his kindness shine through in such a hellish, war-torn world. I also like seeing his brief friendship and relationship with Hayna, who only knew war and nothing of a possible peaceful life. Plus unlike the girl he had a crush on in Episode 1, she actually knows who he is. Given how Episode 3 focused a lot on KB and this episode on Neel, I wonder if Episode 5 will focus on Fern and Episode 6 will focus on Wim.
It's pretty sad how the Triok and Hattan are stuck in a forever war and only trading for weapons, especially given the implications of the world being a victim of Operation Cinder. The idea of child soldiers being normalized in the world is pretty disturbing much less how desertion is met with death even applied to kids. I still find it insane to see on-screen aftermath of Operation Cinder in this episode, especially on this show.
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I also like how we see that for all of Fern's tough front, and she's just as scared of being truly lost forever.
SM-33 continues to be a comedic riot even when we see him being terrifying. God, when SM-33 was remembering his old Captain's orders and his voice started distorting into a nightmarish tone, that was pretty chilling. I would like it if the treasure was actually a legit stereotypical pirate's treasure.
This was a noice follow-up episode and I hope Episode 5 continues to expand on the mystery of At Attin.
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"I do remember At Attin. It was in this very room. The captain killed any of his crew that saw the coordinates to At Attin. Slaughtered them, he did. Then he ordered me to destroy them and forget everything I knew about At Attin. And then he told me, if anyone ever comes around poking around, looking for the treasure... He told me to pull them apart. Pull 'em apart. Pull 'em apart. Pull 'em apart. Limb from limb. Limb from limb. Limb from limb! Limb from limb! Limb from limb! Limb from Limb." SM-33
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jteditrandom · 12 days ago
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Star Wars: Skeleton Crew - Season 1 Episode 1.
Gif [2/???]
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short-wooloo · 2 months ago
I'm hoping next episode the kid's parents will get to see their children in action piloting the Onyx Cinder
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xylionet · 2 months ago
Fun fact
The bit of the brain where KB has her augs is the cerebellum. It does lots of motor function stuff like coordination, balance, any sort of fine movement, including the movement of the eyes.
Common sorts of issues with the cerebellum include the various types of ataxia and intention tremors. ADHD may also come from there.
If you have a look at the promo material, KB is the only one who doesn't have her own bike. Her parents were sorta implied to be over-protective in the first episode, so there could be perceived safety reasons for that.
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twinsunstars · 4 months ago
omega and the tantiss kids making their way to escape while the skeleton crew kids make their way across the galaxy, this is really the year of star wars kids being iconic
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fyregrl · 2 months ago
Next episode, when the kids do mutiny:
Fern has Wim get on her shoulders and they challenge Jod to a duel like that. They're completely uncoordinated but the combined amount of sheer determination somehow gives them a boost.
Jod tries to get SM-33 to help but when he looks over the droid's got KB hanging off his arm and Neel clinging to his legs on the verge of tears and 33's just like. Oh no. I'm trapped. Sorry Captain, you're on your own here.
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blxem1lk · 1 month ago
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wim is trying his best
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youcanautogeneratethese · 29 days ago
I love how Wim, Fern, and KB have a fight and Neel just goes to the loser.
Fern: "Fine! Have KB, but I'm taking Neel as collateral!"
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torturedpoetskywalker · 2 months ago
patiently waiting for the fern x kb and fern x hayna fanfics 'cause I'm too tired and too depressed to write them
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theowritesfiction · 2 months ago
at first I was really worried that Skeleton Crew will be similar to the disappointing PJO TV show which sacrificed actual character development in favor of constant action and Moving Things Along.
and the first few episodes of Skeleton Crew did seem as if they would follow this negative trend, however, lately I've been really enjoyed how they have managed to insert interesting character moments. Neel really shone in the chapter where he met Hayna, and they both taught each other some valuable lessons. And we also saw Fern breaking down and admitting that she struggles with leadership and doesn't actually know what to do.
and then we had the most recent chapter with Fern and KB having a bit of falling out, and then with help of Wim and Neel coming to better understanding of each other, and eventually making up in a way that only strengthened their friendship <3 I love those girls <3
another positive is that the show hasn't focused too much on Wim as a protagonist. Not making it all about him has really helped to make him very likable, at first I feared I might struggle to like him, but I'm glad that's not the case. :)
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