#and even if i only ever know them by their usernames
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newttxt · 1 day ago
20 questions for fic writers
thank you @strawhattery for @ing me, even though i do feel like it's a not-so-subtle urge to finish my current wips... (i need the kick)
for reference/those who only see my art, i used to be a fic writer who occasionally drew. that's obviously changed, but i am trying to write more, so you can find me at pseudoanalytics on ao3.
1) how many works do you have on ao3?
44, but only 35 are linked to me (9 are anonymous...)
2) what's your total ao3 word count?
347,773 😰
3) what are your top five fics by kudos?
while i nodded, nearly napping (suddenly there came a tapping) [haikyuu, ushiten]
redacted :/
the inherent romance of classical conditioning (or, the fine art of emotional recognition) [haikyuu, sakuatsu]
you're really pushing it (but you're going much too slowly) [haikyuu, ushiten]
redacted :/ (sequel to the first redacted...)
4) what fandoms do you write for?
most of my fics are so old i can't bear to look at them, but i'm trying to write more for one piece. then i've written a decent amount of haikyuu, pacific rim, and star wars.
5) do you respond to comments? why or why not?
initially? i absolutely do! but as any of my friends will tell you, i struggle to even reply to dms or texts. so alas. i drop off pretty quickly
i LOVE comments though, and i eagerly read and reread them frequently ;__;
6) what's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
oh sheesh. you may only ask once (so be prepared for the reply) which is a bad end for pacific rim 2. or i guess... a worse end. it's also a bit of a role swap au, if i remember correctly.
7) what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
i... honestly don't know. i typically write happy endings. i like to write "missing scenes" and post-canon, so things tend to be rather open-ended or to just lead into the next part of canon. my memory is also not my prize-winning quality, so i can't really remember how my fics ended pre-2018ish.
8) do you get hate on fics?
i know i've gotten some ruder bookmarks, but not typically, no. i get more hate on art or in my ask box, but i honestly just delete it all, so it never sticks.
9) do you write smut?
yes, though its debatable if it's "smut" so much as "sex in such an irreverent context that it becomes humor." i cannot take sex seriously, so alas, i rarely write it seriously. i use it more as comedy and a tool for character studies. i do enjoy a stoic character's facade getting cracked open.
10) do you write crossovers?
i don't write legitimate crossovers, with characters from different medias intermingling, and frankly, i rarely do au's either.
but if i have one weakness, it's that i am ALWAYS a sucker for a pacific rim au. yes, i am rotating a one piece version in my head.
11) have you ever had a fic stolen?
i had a sakuatsu one reuploaded to wattpad under someone else's username. they deleted my author's notes and added their own, as if they'd written the fic, too. hilariously they even used my art for the cover.
it got taken down, but idk why. i never reached out about it.
12) have you ever had a fic translated?
yeah! i've had 5 translated, and i've had 2 turned into podfics, which is cool.
13) have you ever cowritten a fic before?
nope. i'd be terrible to work with, tbh. my writing process is a holdover from my journalism days, and the steps are a mystery even to me. i think i'll stick to drawing art for other ppl and their fics.
14) what's your all time favorite ship?
i will hold to the fact that it's asanoya from ao3. they were the first ship i got really invested in, and i see their impact on everything i ship to this day. they were my "blueprint," if you will. i still get smiley when i see art for them!
on the flip side... terezi/vriska was also a formative ship for me. but i won't discuss that.
15) what's the wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
rip go ahead and start talking (i'll pick up the slack). it's my 1-of-2-chapters ushiten fic that i should just mark as complete, since the first chapter can stand alone.
16) what are your writing strengths?
hard to determine your own strengths, but i think my dialogue/characterization are pretty strong, especially since i still regularly flex those muscles when writing comics. i also think i'm funny.
17) what are your writing weaknesses?
but seriously, i am so bad at sitting down and just hammering out a fic. don't get me started on outlines or longform works. i'd rather grab my pencil and start drawing, i'm afraid.
18) thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
i think there are ways to interweave words or terms in other languages, but overall, i'm a fan of just standardizing everything into one language. if your character understands it, i think all readers should be able to understand it. and i'm not a fan of when you're expected to scroll to the end for a translation; i think it interrupts the reading flow.
this is a generalized opinion though. i think there are ALWAYS storytelling exceptions, so if the other language usage is really important to your theme/intent, i can see why you would do this!
19) first fandom you wrote for?
please don't do this to me. it was maximum ride. yes, the james patterson books about the kids with bird wings. i wrote 4-5 fics, i was in middle school, and — as far as i know — they are still up on ff dot net. no, i won't elaborate.
20) favourite fic you've ever written?
hands down, it's the sakuatsu domesticity simulator. it's not necessarily my best work in terms of writing skill, but i also drew over 50 images for it and html coded it into an interactive story. i'm just proud that i started a big project by myself and i actually finished it!
it's my dream to someday make a whole visual fan novel. i feel like the domesticity sim was the first step.
oh boy i'm bad at tagging but if @syrupfog, @lawsbbygirl, @macabrekawaii , @bmouse, or @cooknumber3 want to go for it... :))
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not-poignant · 1 year ago
Hello! I read some of your reposts about importance of comments and that any can be usefull to self evaluation as author. My question - is it weird and uncomfortable if people bring too many personal problems commenting your fics? Like, do you distant yourself out from comments that bring a lot of person's drama, does it feel uplifting in the end, if comment is a lot about reader's not so happy history? Can you still feel joy from that kind of comment?Thanks for unswer if you do.Have a nice day!
Hi anon,
So, this is kind of complex. I would say the vast majority of people don't overshare at all, and when they are sharing from their lives, it's in a way that makes complete sense and is very 'contained.' I can tell they're not expecting emotional labour from me, and that they're sharing because they found a point of resonance between themselves, the story, the situation, or the character/s, or a combination of all of the above.
And like, that's a part of why I write, y'know? I want to strike up that sense of resonance in folks who relate to these characters, so when people share that it has resonated, that's like... purposeful and meaningful to me. I feel like I've made a connection. I also sometimes feel sorrowful - like when someone explains they relate to Efnisien because of abuse they've also experienced, or when someone explains that they relate to a character's chronic illness because of their own.
But I can also generally tell through tone and language that the commenter doesn't expect labour from me, they're speaking their pain into the world in a way that's like 'this is me, and here's this character, and we both share this thing in common.' In a perfect world, none of us would know what this kind of pain is like. In this world, a lot of us do, and we get to feel less alone when we read stories where we feel seen.
And that is, by and large, the general experience when readers share something personal that they resonated with in a comment.
That being said, I do also maintain very strong boundaries with people's personal matters, because I'm not someone who's 'healed and above all my own issues who is sharing what I've learned to people still going through it' I am someone who is still going through it. And often folks have no idea what kind of day I'm having or how I'm feeling when they comment, and so... on the very very rare occasion I do get a comment that feels like it's pushing for some kind of emotional labour that's beyond what I can give... I will not give that labour. I will acknowledge their comment, thank them for reading, and not...give energy I don't have to spare.
And like, honestly, 99 times out of 100, everyone is very respectful of that and even caring towards it.
I can probably count on like two hands, in ten years, the commenters who I felt had become very self-focused or what I felt was over-sharing in comments in a way that sort of...was no longer about me or the story, where they just treated the comment section as a diary instead. In those cases I tend to leave very brief acknowledgements, as a kind of 'I see this, I know this is painful, but this is not my lane, and I don't want this to be my lane.' But a more compassionate version of that.
If anything, the most personal stories, anon, come to me in Asks that are sent via Tumblr, off anonymous, so I can reply privately. These folks are usually very...aware that I might not be in the space to hear them, and are frankly the most 'if you don't have time or energy to reply please don't pressure yourself', so I feel no burden or obligation and that usually makes it easier to reply in my own time.
The ones that come to me via anon, I only reply to selectively, and that depends on a few factors. Some things are extremely personal and frankly I'm not comfortable replying because even if I did it would be to say 'I think a professional needs to handle this.' I've also - very rarely - had a few people do things that were not cool, to manipulate me into caretaking them, usually because they want the comfort feeling that one of my characters creates, and then from there thinks 'Pia made that character so they can give that to me instead.' This doesn't happen often, but it's very distinct when it does.
But that's rare! Super rare!
It might be that others read the comments of folks in fics and think 'I would never share those kinds of details about my life like that' and that's fine for them - but some folks do need to share, and want to feel seen because they felt seen during the fic, and I have no problems with that in general.
I have learned so so much about the human condition, about the fact that things that I thought literally no one would relate to are things that actually a lot of people relate to, etc. through the grace and vulnerability of the folks who comment on my fics with personal anecdotes or even just 'I've been through something like this, and I thought you showed it well / it's a painful thing to go through.'
I know a lot of authors wouldn't have much patience with that maybe? I don't know. I'm literally writing trauma recovery, mental illness and chronic illness, queerness and neurodivergence, and people going through tough times. I don't think an author ends up writing that stuff if they're generally not looking to make a connection with fellow folks who have also gone through some tough times! And even if I can't be those people's support systems, I think all of us having these ephemeral moments of effectively saying: 'Same bro' through the comments, is pretty powerful, and magical, actually.
Caveat: If a person brings personal problems into my fics with the expectation that I will then fix them, that's something I don't really do and don't enter into. That's where my boundaries are firm. Sometimes I won't even acknowledge those kinds of situations at all. If a person reads something for free and then seeks to obligate a complete stranger into being their support or therapist, there's a much bigger issue going on there that isn't my business, and I generally will maintain significant distance in those situations.
TL;DR - I don't think I'd write these stories if I didn't want to make connections with folks who have also gone through some hard times. The vast majority of people who bring up personal stuff aren't necessarily bringing me 'joy' - but I don't just look for joy in the comments, anon, I also look for connection, resonance, moments of feeling less alone, and sometimes that's not easy, but it's still very special. As for the very rare occasions where someone wants me to personally hold their hand, I step back, because a) that's not my job, and b) I don't think folks realise sometimes just how much proverbial hand-holding I need as well lol - I might sound like I have my shit together, but I do not.
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supernovaa-remnant · 7 months ago
hi good luck for next week 🫂 random question: have you ever gone stargazing? i dream of getting a telescope to gaze at the night sky with, i bet it's even cooler for someone that can actually identify all the Stuff out there lol
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thank you jadeee 🫂💕 I have the next two days off so at least there’s that
I do go stargazing!! I love stargazing :3 tbh, my hometown and the general area gets pretty good views of the night sky, so I grew up just looking up at the stars at night. there’s definitely light pollution, but also you can kinda see the Milky Way just with the naked eye while stargazing here, which is pretty cool.
Speaking of stargazing!! We have a convergence of meteor showers ahead of us. The Aquariids peak Monday night, and the Capricornids peak Tuesday night. Since the exact peaks are literally just one day away, you’re gonna be able to see lots of meteors from both showers within the next few days. And, the Perseids are around (though they don’t peak for another couple weeks), so you’ll probably be able to see some of those, too! Definitely recommend trying to catch that if you’re able to!
Anyway, I hope you’ve been well, Jade <33 I love you thank you for sending me an ask :3
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anghimalaaynasapuso · 26 days ago
sfw + nsfw. this is just an amalgamation of all my ideas
könig has never been one for putting his face on social media. even before the scars that pull at the skin of his cheek, reshaping his expression in ways he’s never fully grown used to, the idea of being seen, really seen, has never sat right with him. there’s a certain comfort in anonymity, in keeping the world at arm’s length. easier that way. safer.
that unease, paired with what some might consider his more nerdy interests, means he gravitates toward spaces like discord rather than the highly curated feeds of instagram or facebook. there, he doesn’t have to worry about photos or videos— just a username, and a presence in text.
his handle is simple: king 👑. a nod to the name he’s carried for so long, stripped of rank, stripped of weight.
even in the server where he’s most active, he keeps things vague, blending into discussions about games, military history, or whatever niche interest has caught his attention that week.
every now and then, he’ll let something slip— a mention of deployment, an offhand comment, disappearing for months at a time, only to return with a sudden burst of activity. some put the pieces together. most don’t. and könig prefers it that way. it’s easier to let them think he’s just another guy with spotty internet.
your first interaction is rather simple in retrospect.
he’s back after weeks of recon, shaking off the mission like dirt from his boots, easing into the familiarity of a gaming server he’s called home for years.
it’s not a small server, so new people come and go. he does his usual routine— an automated, slightly impersonal welcome but what he doesn’t expect is the sheer enthusiasm in return.
he stares at the message for a second, counting the exclamation marks. three. four. five? a small smile tugs at his lips before he even realizes it.
it doesn’t take long before you’re at his metaphorical side, sending a friend request before the conversation even shifts from your college courses.
the older members tease him. something about his last deployment scrambling his head enough to take a newbie under his wing. he lets them talk. he doesn’t mind.
soon enough, you’re in his private messages, dramatically lamenting your latest loss in a game he’s only vaguely familiar with. könig listens— well, reads— as you rant, words spilling out at a rapid-fire pace, interspersed with keyboard smashing and increasingly incoherent frustration.
he’s not much for new releases, preferring to sink his teeth into a single game for months on end, grinding away until mastery is muscle memory. still-
one evening, without preamble, he sends you a link. his profile. in your game.
the response is immediate. ‘king!!! 🥺’ you type, followed by an onslaught of keyboard mashing that takes up half his screen.
he exhales a short laugh, shaking his head. he wonders if you know how easy it is to make him grin like an idiot.
the calls are… an unexpected development.
könig doesn’t make a habit to join server calls. ever. it’s not even about anxiety, not really, just preference. too many voices, too much noise. he never expected to be comfortable enough with anyone to want to be in a call, let alone initiate one.
but when you start gaming together, it becomes a necessity. typing mid-match isn’t exactly efficient, and you’re the first to point that out.
“okay, listen, king, i am not about to lose another ranked match just because you take five years to type ‘behind you.’” he huffs, amused, but relents.
soon enough, calls become second nature— no longer tied to gaming, no longer requiring an excuse. you always ask first, polite thing that you are, and könig always agrees. sometimes it’s an unspoken invitation, a simple “call?” sent in the quiet hours of the night. sometimes he beats you to it, pressing the button before he can think too hard about it.
one time, it’s you who calls. he answers on the first ring.
“are you- wait.” you pause, listening. there’s a distinct, rhythmic thud-thud-thud in the background. not footsteps, but something heavier, more controlled. “are you on a treadmill?”
“mm.” his voice is steady, unaffected. a quiet confirmation.
you gasp, and he can practically hear the amusement brewing in your tone. “oh my god! you actually work out? i thought you were lying.”
he snorts, breath hitching slightly as he adjusts his pace. “why would i lie about that?”
“i don’t know! you just- i mean, you sit at your desk all day, playing the same game for hours, and you’re always online at weird times-”
“you are describing yourself,” he points out.
“shut up.”
there’s a pause, and then, with the kind of mischief that only comes from knowing exactly how to push his buttons, you add, “prove it.”
he slows to a walk, swiping open his phone. a moment later, you receive a picture. him, flexing. the lighting is dim, but you can still make out the cut of his forearm, the solid shape of his bicep. just to humor you, he throws up a peace sign.
“not stolen from pinterest.”
you burst into laughter so sudden and bright that he finds himself smiling before he can stop it.
you learn what it means to miss könig pretty early on.
it happens suddenly. one day, he’s there, active as usual, sending the occasional meme, idling in voice chat even if he’s not talking. the next? radio silence. not even a ‘typing…’ indicator.
at first, you don’t think much of it. maybe he’s sleeping in. maybe he’s busy. time zones are weird. it’s fine.
but then a whole day passes. then another. you check his status— nothing. not offline, not do not disturb, just… gone.
curiosity turns into concern, and before you can think better of it, you ask in the server.
“hey, anyone heard from king?”
the response is casual. unbothered. “oh, dude’s probably deployed again.”
you blink. reread the message. “deployed?”
“yeah, king’s military.”
there’s no warning for the way that statement knocks the air from your lungs.
military? as in, real-life combat? as in, war zones and danger and actual life-or-death situations?
you stare at the screen, fingers hovering over the keyboard, unsure what to even say to that.
he doesn’t resurface for weeks.
you don’t realize how much you’ve come to rely on his presence until it’s gone. his absence is loud in the quiet moments of your day, in the spaces where a message from him would normally be.
you check the server out of habit, catching yourself before you can search his username. it’s stupid, you think. you barely know him. he’s just some guy from a discord server.
but the worry lingers.
and then, one day, just like that— he’s back.
his return is as unceremonious as his disappearance.
no dramatic entrance, no fanfare. just a simple “hello.”
you see it the moment he sends it. your stomach flips.
before you can stop yourself, you send a private message. “you’re alive.”
a moment passes. then— “yes.”
you frown. “you were gone for weeks.”
“i know.”
frustration bubbles up. “you could’ve said something.”
“i couldn’t.”
you hesitate, fingers tightening around your phone. you don’t know what you were expecting. an explanation? reassurance? but it’s clear you’re not getting one.
but then, a follow-up message. one that feels heavier, more careful. “i’m sorry.”
and just like that, the irritation dissolves.
it’s strange, the way things slip back into place after that.
he doesn’t talk about it, and you don’t ask. but something shifts. after that deployment, könig starts telling you when he’ll be gone. nothing in detail, really. just a simple, “i’ll be away for a bit.”
(it means everything.)
slowly, you get used to it. the rhythm of his presence and absence, the way your conversations pick up right where they left off, as if no time has passed at all.
it goes on for months. this… thing between the two of you. könig doesn’t hesitate to call it friendship, though he knows, knows, it’s something else entirely.
something with edges softer than companionship, something that lingers in the pauses between conversation, in the way you had whispered his real name under your breath when he revealed it to you.
he doesn’t rush to name it. doesn’t push. he lets it simmer until it feels inevitable.
in the end, it’s you who breaks first. technically. not that he’s keeping score. not that he would ever rub it in your face, especially when he was a mere day away from asking the very same thing.
it starts with a message. no preamble, no buildup. just a simple: hey, what are we?
könig sees it and reacts before thinking. presses the call button so fast his thumb practically smashes the screen. it rings once, twice—
“you didn’t even ask.” your voice comes through, half exasperated, half amused.
“didn’t want to give you time to unsend.” his own voice is steady, but his heart is anything but.
you huff. “bold assumption.”
“not really.”
a pause. he hears you shift, fabric rustling, the sound of you settling in. something warm and slow uncoils in his chest at the familiarity of it.
“so,” you start, hesitant. “what’s your answer?”
könig exhales, tipping his head back against his pillow. “do you want the truth?”
he hums, considering. in reality, he’s known the truth for a while now. probably before you even realized it yourself.
“i like you,” he says, simple, sure. then, because he knows you, because he knows your deflections, your habit of teasing when you get nervous, he adds, “and i’m very aware you like me back.”
you sputter. “that’s a bold assumption-”
“not really,” he repeats, smug this time.
you groan, but you’re laughing, and it sends something bright flickering through him.
könig doesn’t ask for nudes. not once. he flirts, he teases, but never pushes. he knows your boundaries, respects them, never even hints at wanting more. if anything, he’s careful. too careful, sometimes. like he’s afraid of crossing a line you haven’t even drawn.
so when you finally send something, it’s your choice.
the first picture is tame. barely anything. it's a shot of your thighs, soft and warm in the low light of your room. nothing scandalous. nothing too revealing. but the second you hit send, your stomach twists with nerves.
könig sees it immediately. you watch the typing bubble appear, disappear, then appear again. and then— “fuck.”
you grin. “good?”
“you have no idea.”
it only escalates from there.
könig never requests more. but when you send it, when you want to send it, his reaction is worth it. he worships you through the screen, tells you how beautiful you are, how much he wishes he could touch you.
“pretty,” he texts once, attached to a voice message.
you press play. his breath is ragged, like he’s just run a mile. “pretty thing,” he repeats, voice tinged with something almost reverent. “you’re going to ruin me, love.”
the first time he sends you something, it takes him forever to work up to it.
you don’t ask for it. wouldn’t dream of pushing him into something he’s not comfortable with. könig isn’t shy, necessarily, but he’s private. you know that by now.
so when, out of nowhere, a picture pops up on your screen, your brain short-circuits.
it’s cropped carefully, but there’s no mistaking what you’re looking at— bare skin, broad shoulders, his stomach flexed just slightly.
“you like?” he texts after a minute.
you swallow hard. “yes.”
“good.” and then— “more?”
you bite your lip. “please.”
könig gets bolder after that.
he sends more. never too much, always teasing, always just enough to leave you wanting. sometimes it’s his hands, sometimes it’s his abs, the sharp cut of his hip bones, the waistband of his sweatpants hanging just low enough to make your mouth water.
one night, he sends a voice message instead. you press play.
at first, all you hear is his breathing. then, slowly, softly— your name, whispered through a noise that makes heat bloom low in your stomach.
“wish you were here,” he murmurs. “wish you could see what you do to me.”
the actual nudes don’t take long. not ar all. you’re both desperate. buzzing. könig’s the one who caves first.
it starts with your text. 10 p.m., the hour where inhibitions slip through grasping fingers like sand.
“wanna see your cock so bad, könig…” you murmur to your propped phone, cheek pressed to your pillow, another one stuffed against your chest like it might replace the hollow ache between your ribs. a distraction. a poor substitute.
on the other side of the screen, he exhales, dragging a hand down his face. fingers tensing, then flexing, like he needs something to hold onto. “love-” your whine cuts through before he can even think. instinctive. needy. his stomach clenches. “okay, okay. as long as you're sure.”
his heart pounds as he opens his photos. he doesn’t exactly collect dick pics, but there are a few kept locked away, private albums, a passcode he suddenly fumbles to enter.
three minutes. that’s how long it takes to choose the best one. the right angle. the right lighting. enough to make your breath hitch when you see it.
he hits send before he can overthink it, then leans back, phone balanced on his thigh, bottom lip caught between his teeth.
your phone buzzes. the photo pops up. you blink, breath hitching sharp in your throat.
“oh my god.” the words spill out of you before you can even think to stop them. “könig…” you stare at the screen, gaze locked on the thick, heavy length of him. the way it curves slightly, resting against his thigh like it’s weighed down by its own sheer mass. your breath stutters.
“you're so fucking big.” it barely registers that you've said it aloud.
“yeah? you like it?
“like it?” you shoot back. “i want it inside me.”
his breath leaves him in one harsh exhale. he shifts, hips rolling involuntarily like he can feel your words on his skin.
“can i see you too?” he sounds so polite. and then, as if that wasn’t enough to twist the knife deeper— “please?”
your stomach flips. you bite your lip, already reaching for your phone camera, the need to show him everything burning through you like wildfire.
your breath comes shallow as you slip your hand lower, phone steady in the other. the need is a pulse under your skin, throbbing, insistent. you pull the covers back just enough, the cool air prickling against the heat between your thighs.
the camera catches everything. your slightly parted thighs, your swollen clit, the wetness gushing out of your hole. it feels like baring a secret you’ve never told anyone. you hesitate for half a second, heart racing, then hit send.
the second the message disappears from your screen, it hits you— you just sent that to him.
on his end, könig freezes. the photo loads slow, torturous, and when it finally pops up, he feels his whole body tense, blood rushing south so fast it’s dizzying. “f-fuck, i need to be inside of you-”
sex with könig, if you can even call it that, at first, sneaks up on you. you never thought you’d be the kind of person who got into this. sending texts that made your face burn, leaving voice messages you could barely listen back to without cringing. but with him, it’s different. easier. less embarrassing because it’s him.
still, going from nudes to actual phone sex takes some time.
“gonna sleep,” könig texts you once, attached to a blurry photo of his bed.
“alone?” you send back, teasing.
the typing bubble appears. then disappears. then— “obviously.”
you grin at your phone, satisfied. but then— “but i could use some company.”
you stare at the message longer than you’d like to admit.
in the past, you hadn't told him how many times you’d dreamt of him because you thought you'd scare him off, kept your mouth shut about the images that haunted you at night, of his hands pinning you down, his mouth at your throat.
didn't tell him that you had woken up panting, arousal between your thighs, könig’s name on your lips too many times. didn't tell him that you had pressed your hand against your clit during your calls, to the sound of his voice, to his laugh, to the quiet, wrecked groans he sometimes lets out when he stretches after a workout.
but you wanted to.
and tonight, you would.
the conversation turns slow. lazy. heavy with something unspoken.
“you sound tired,” könig murmurs, voice warm. he’s always like this late at night. soft, unhurried, like he’s sinking into the sound of you.
you swallow hard. your skin feels too hot, too tight. “i’m not.”
a pause. then, lower— “what is it, love?”
you hesitate, pressing your lips together. it’s too much. too embarrassing. but he knows something is different.
“talk to me. tell me what you’re thinking.”
you let out a shaky breath. “i had a dream about you.”
the silence stretches.
you can hear him inhale. you bite your lip. force yourself to continue. “i think about you. when i-” you stop. you can’t say it. can’t admit it.
könig exhales through his nose, like he’s trying to steady himself. “when you what?”
your stomach is a knot of nerves. but you want this. want him. so you take a breath, close your eyes. “when i touch myself.”
his breath stutters.
“fuck.” the word is almost a groan. your pulse hammers, blood rushing through your ear as heat pools in your stomach.
“könig,” you whisper.
he exhales, whispers his next words like a beg, “say it again.”
you swallow. “i touch myself to you.”
“i do too.”
your stomach flips. “what?”
“i-” he cuts himself off with a quiet curse, like he's frustrated with himself for hesitating. “i touch myself to you too.”
your breath catches. heat blooms in your chest, spreading down your spine. “könig-”
“all the time.” his voice is lower now, raw, like he's aching with it. “when i can't sleep. when you're on call with me, laughing, teasing me. when i wake up hard in the middle of the night and can’t stop thinking about stuffing you full.”
your body is burning again, despite the aftershocks still rolling through you. you're about to choke out a reply when you hear it— the rustle of fabric, the faint creak of bedsprings, the wet slide of skin on skin.
“are you-”
a sharp inhale. “yes.”
“let me hear you,” you whisper, thinking about his pretty, pretty cock. uncut, soft skin stretched over the flushed head, the way it would slide back when he’s fully hard, revealing the deep pink of his leaking tip. the veins that wind down the length, standing out against the pale skin
there's a pause, a hitch in his breath. then, slowly— “okay.”
there's a small rustle, könig adjusting himself on the bed. the faint sound of him pumping lotion on his hand. a quiet sigh. and then, a low grunt as the warmth of his palm wraps around his cock.
könig looks down at his hand, eyes half-lidded, hips bucking up in small thrusts. he imagines your pussy instead of his fist, hot and tight and so fucking warm, fluttering around his length as he pushes in, spearing you open with a cock too big for your little cunny.
he knows you’d cry for him, little gasps and hiccupped moans, squirming beneath him as he bullies his cock deeper, past that tight ring of muscle into the slick, warm clutch of your cunt.
“a-ah- fuck, ah-”
your breath stutters at the sounds, hips grinding against your palm. “wish i could see you.”
“on cam?”
you groan, squeezing your thighs around the pillow in-between your legs, grinding your clit against the material softly. “yes, please..”
fuck, you're so polite.
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rafesangelita · 9 days ago
♡ when a double date with rafe leads to him feeling a sense of familiarity + you may have revealed your biggest secret yet..
warnings: mean!rafe. enemies to ???, suggestive language, lots of cussing lol, slight angst, mild sexting, light degradation (reader and rafe just like being snarky towards each other), sexual tension, flirty banter (?), slight arguing
a/n: this is part two of this fic right here! if you’d like to be added to the taglist just comment on this post or leave me an ask <3 i do plan to write three more parts to this!
links: previous | next | mini series masterlist
wc: 2.9k
[1:19 AM] countryclub: we have the same area code.
you felt cold sheer panic run through your veins at the revelation, your heart beating in your ears as you kept rereading his message. you refused to believe what he said to be true. this couldn’t be happening. sharing the same area code could only mean one thing— both of you resided on the island.
sure, the island was small, but it couldn’t be that small.. right? your mind was reeling, everything that you two had talked about, the pictures that you two shared, over the last few months ran through your mind at lightning speed. tossing your phone to the side, you rested your head in your hands, trying your best to piece something, anything, together. this mystery man didn’t talk like anyone you knew, or so you thought. you chewed on your bottom lip, your chest rising and falling as you realized that you hadn’t even confirmed if you two shared the same area code. for all you know he could just be making up some lame excuse for leaving you high and dry.
yeah, that had to be it.
[1:33 AM] brattydiaries: fuck you. i don’t believe that.
[1:35 AM] brattydiaries: i don’t need you to come up with some elaborate lie in order to spare my feelings. if you weren’t serious about reaching out to me in the first place, then you shouldn’t have asked for my number.
rafe was pacing back and forth in his room, the taste of tequila from his earlier activities still lingering on his tongue. he scoffed once your messages came in, his eyes narrowing at his screen as he scratched the back of his neck. insinuating that he didn’t really want to talk to you was just flat out insane. nowadays, all he could do was imagine the way your voice would sound in his ears while he pounded you in, the thoughts and images of you taking up his headspace.
[1:38 AM] countryclub: are you fucking stupid?? i was very serious about wanting to talk to you, you live in my fucking brain.
[1:39 AM] countryclub: 252. that’s the area code for kildare island.
[1:39 AM] countryclub: and judging by the way you post your nail appointments every two weeks, along with all the sexy lil try-on hauls you did for me, i could confidently say that you’re not a pogue.
your eyes widened in horror. only someone who lived on kildare island would know about the whole ‘kooks vs. pogues’ thing. besides the confirmation with the area code, you knew he wasn’t lying. you stared blankly at the screen, having no idea what to say or even do about this situation. having these kinds of blogs and letting anyone you knew in real life find out about them was social suicide. maybe not so much for rafe, but you? you were a totally different person out here. you had a reputation to uphold, you couldn’t risk the scrutiny you or your parents would face if anyone ever found out.
as mad as you were at the mystery man behind the screen for ghosting you without an explanation, you could understand his sudden disappearance now that you currently felt sick to your stomach at the realization. he was far too close for comfort. based off of his username, you knew you two had to be running in the same social circles, your blood running cold at the thought of this person being someone you might’ve had contact with before. figure eight wasn’t big enough to keep a secret like this, it was only a matter of time before you two would unintentionally reveal yourselves to one another.
[1:50 AM] brattydiaries: this can’t go on any longer. sorry not sorry.
you ignored the small pang of hurt in your chest when you pressed send. apart of you hoped that he wouldn’t let you off so easily. you couldn’t deny the thrilling feeling that sat in your tummy at the prospect of knowing who he is but also being utterly clueless at the same time.
[1:55 AM] countryclub: nah.
[1:55 AM] countryclub: i got you right where i want you now.
there was no way in hell rafe was going to just allow you two to go back to not talking. he did it once, but he wouldn’t be able to do it again. especially now that he knows everything he wants is on his side of the island. just in arm’s reach. obviously, he couldn’t physically stop you from blocking him, but at least he knew that if you responded to him then you two were on the same page.
and sure enough..
[1:59 AM] brattydiaries: whatever.
were you scared shitless? yes. did you believe that this was going to backfire in some way? most definitely; but you’d be lying if you said you didn’t want this. whatever little sexting arrangement you two had going on, it was the only relatively exciting thing you had going for yourself and you weren’t necessarily ready to let it go.
[2:03 AM] countryclub: so can i call you or what?
you shook your head even though he couldn’t see you.
[2:05 AM] brattydiaries: fuck no. goodnight.
rafe smiled down at his phone before getting ready for bed, both of you finding it nearly impossible to get any kind of sleep. when you woke up the next morning, you were met with at least a dozen messages from chanel.
[8:10 AM] chanel ♡: topper just dropped me off at home..
[8:12 AM] chanel ♡: crazyyyyy night.. but anyways! me and you are going on a double date tonight. idk who topper is bringing but you don’t get to say no because love me, okay!?
[8:12 AM] chanel ♡: LMAO imagine it’s rafe
[8:18 AM] chanel ♡: omg you srsly need to wake up already and come over so you could help me choose an outfit!!
you continued reading through her texts, already dreading tonight’s plans as you decided to go ahead and get the day started so you could get this whole ‘date night’ thing over with. even though chanel jokingly said topper would bring rafe to be your date, you really hoped that wasn’t the case. the last thing you felt like doing was fighting or bickering with him because of your indifferences. after spending the afternoon rummaging through chanel’s closet, she finally settled on a dress that she hasn’t worn out before. “where are we even going?” you asked.
“topper said it’s a surprise so he’s picking both of us up from here.” she smiled, her words making you roll your eyes. you hated not knowing what you were getting yourself into. yet again, here you were, sexting with a stranger who just might not be a stranger after all. by the time topper texted chanel that he was outside, you two were in full glam, ready for whatever tonight may bring you. topper opened the doors for both of you, his eyes widening slightly at the sight of you two. “we weren’t sure how to dress, sooo..” topper nodded, “yeah, i can see that.”
topper had on a casual outfit, a stark difference to the mini dresses and heels you and chanel currently wore. “now is probably a good time to tell us where we’re going.” you quipped from the backseat. at your cattiness, chanel flashed you a glare. “rafe offered up his boat, so i figured we’d just have a couple drinks, have a good time, ‘you know?” you scoffed, crossing your arms over your chest as chanel happily agreed. this was bullshit. not only did you have to spend the next few hours with rafe on his stupid boat, but you were sure this ‘double date’ was going to turn into a third wheeling act real fast.
fifteen minutes later, and rafe was reaching out to help you onto the druthers, an annoyed look written all over his face as you tossed your purse at him first. “what? i don’t want my bag to fall in the water, okay?!” taking hold of your hand, rafe caught a glimpse of your nails, the french tip design looking oddly familar. you squeezed his palm, stepping onto the deck with a sigh. topper and chanel had already made their way inside the cabin area, both of them laughing as they slid the door shut, leaving you and rafe all by yourselves. it was moments like these that made you wish you could be anywhere else.
rafe scanned your outfit, his eyes lingering on your cleavage before you turned around, annoyed. “i guess it’s a good thing topper didn’t mention i’d be spending majority of my night with you. ‘cause i wouldn’t have came.” you snatched your purse back, your heels clicking against the deck as you sat on one of the cushioned chairs near the lounging area. rafe grabbed his cooler, deciding to entertain your antics since all you two had was time. “mmm, i don’t know about that. apart of me thinks you like arguing with me. i know i do.” you scoffed, a bittersweet smile gracing your lips.
“yeah? i bet. female attention seems to be something you lack.” rafe laughed, taking a seat next to you. “oh, i can guarantee you that’s not the case.” he scooted closer, unscrewing the cap from his beer. yeah, right. you knew all about rafe’s inability to hold onto a relationship, rumors of his emotional unavailability spreading around the island like wildfire. “no? i’m sorry, i just assumed since, you know.. you’re a full time asshole.” rafe put his beer down, his adam’s apple bobbing in his throat as he swallowed thickly. “only with you, i am.”
you laughed, finally meeting his gaze. he was a lot closer than you thought, his cologne filling your senses as your eyes flickered down to his lips for a second. “so i’m special then?” you had a faux innocent look in your eyes as you blinked up at him, the sight making his jaw clench. “no,” he smiled, leaning in, “but i can be nice. i can be real nice.” the insinuation made your cheeks heat as his face was just mere inches away from your own. tilting your head, you flashed him a sweet smile before shoving him in the chest.
“that’s never going to happen.” rafe acted like you didn’t have any effect on him, but inside? he was fighting every urge to pick you up and take you back to tanneyhill. he couldn’t help but feel like he knew you more than you let on, your demeanor reminding him of a certain someone. “can i ask why?” he watched as you grabbed his beer, your lipgloss smudging around the rim as you took a swig. “why i don’t like you, or why i won’t let you fuck me?” rafe leaned back in his chair, his thighs spreading as he crossed his arms over his chest.
well you definitely had a way with words..
rafe took the time to get a really good look at you. he had a feeling about you that he couldn’t quite put his finger on, the familiarity driving him crazy. he was determined to figure you out. “both.” he answered, taking his beer back from you. slipping your heels off, you brought your feet up and got comfortable in your spot next to rafe. “well i only realized i didn’t like you when i found out you had been talking about me first. so, really, i should be asking you why you don’t like me.”
rafe blinked. all this time he thought that you felt the way you did just because. “how come you never asked me then?” you stayed silent for a few moments before shrugging. “everyone has always made their assumptions about me. about my parents, about my life.. but no one really knows me, or what really goes on in my home. i just let people think whatever they want.” rafe’s eyebrows knitted together in confusion. “what do you mean?” at his words, you realized you may have said too much.
putting your defense back up, you backed away from him slightly before you scoffed. “you’re the last person i’d ever confide in, rafe.” the man next to you immediately recognized what you did, having veered away from being vulnerable a countless amount of times himself. rafe couldn’t help but keep digging. “let’s go tit for tat, then. you tell me something, anything you want, and i’ll say something in return. ‘that way it’s an even exchange.” apart of you hated him for making this so easy.
“i’m not doing that with you.” your voice sounded different. it lacked that usual bite and now rafe felt bad for opening his mouth in the first place. before the awkward tension could settle over you two again, you got up with your phone in your hand. “where are you going?” rafe watched as you slid the door open to the cabin area. “inside. i need to make a phone call.” you lied, walking past chanel and topper who were aggressively making out on the couch in the corner.
locking the small bathroom door behind you, you sighed, taking a moment to let go of a breath you didn’t know you were holding. what even was that out there? unlocking your phone, you sent chanel a text that you wanted to leave even though the chances of her seeing it was extremely slim. you stalled, deciding to freshen up your makeup as you waited for this so-called ‘date’ to end already. you were reapplying your lip gloss when your phone went off, making you mutter a ‘thank god’. instead of the notification being a message back from your best friend who was currently getting her face sucked off, it was from tumblr instead.
[9:14 PM] countryclub: what are you doing right now? i could use someone to talk to rn ngl
you looked up from your screen and stared into your reflection. this message came at just the right time.
[9:15 PM] brattydiaries: that makes two of us. i’m not with the sweet talk rn though, but i could use a distraction right now for sure..
[9:16 PM] countryclub: define ‘sweet talk’ cause i had every intention of asking you for some sexy pics and maybe a phone call if you’re down with that?
you refrained from laughing at his text, his bluntness throwing you for a loop. you couldn’t deny the giddy feeling you had in your tummy when you thought about hearing his voice. biting your lip nervously, you pulled the neckline of your dress down, exposing the lace of your bra before snapping a few pictures.
[9:19 PM] brattydiaries: 3 attachments
[9:20 PM] brattydiaries: here’s the first half of your request. make me wet and just maybe i’ll accept the call..
rafe was outside on the deck looking over his shoulder every two seconds to make sure you weren’t coming back in time to see the explicit photos currently illuminating his screen. he cursed under his breath, his eyes raking over the soft swells of your breasts. you were so fucking perfect, he couldn’t believe you were so close yet so far.
[9:22 PM] countryclub: fuckk you’re unreal.
[9:22 PM] countryclub: i hate that i’m wrapped up with something right now, otherwise i’d be sending you paragraphs about how pretty your tits look for me.
you sighed in defeat, making a mental note to send him a text once you were finally in the comfort of your own bed. with you still in the bathroom, rafe took his time examining the photos, his eyes widening slightly as he zoomed in on the dainty diamond pendant of your necklace, the background looking like something he has seen before.
[9:25 PM] brattydiaries: aww, too bad.
just then, chanel knocked on the bathroom door, her hair looking slightly out of place once you opened it. “i just saw your text. you ready to go?” you nodded, adjusting your dress before stepping out. “sorry to cock block you, i just had a really weird moment with rafe.” you explained, tossing your phone back in your purse. chanel waved you off before interlocking her arm with yours. “don’t even worry about it, we’re going back to his place, anyways.” she reassured you.
topper was already outside on the deck once you two made your way out of the cabin. glancing at rafe, you quickly looked away once you saw that he was already staring at you. “well, thanks for letting us use the druthers.” chanel smiled, in which rafe just shook his head. “ah, don’t even worry about it,” he held your stare, “..i had a good time.” blinking away from him, rafe’s eyes caught onto your cleavage once again, except this time; a sparkle from right above your neckline took him out of his reverie.
that necklace..
before he could piece anything together, you were moving with chanel, not sparing rafe another look as you were getting back onto the dock. the car ride back to your place was deadly silent. all except for the music topper had playing in the background. by the time you had gotten home and showered, you felt your world come to a stand still when your phone started ringing, an unsaved number with kildare island’s area code showing up at the top.
accepting the call, you held up the receiver to your ear with a shaky hand before speaking.
“..you sound pretty.”
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taglist: @meallan01 @sf1738 @emeloyy @hmmshhhh @chelzaa @starkeycore @liyah4evaaaa @hnybitches @urbimom @kittenjujusblog @femaholicc @lil-sparklqueen @yktayy9669 @matthewswifeyy @icaqttt @jjasmiineee @lilithblackkk @rafecameronswhoore @rafesgreasycurtainbangs @ditzyzombiesblog @i-love-gvf @blondrafe @wolf-2005 @brianquinnlvr @lightbluebaby @jkrafe @lovemaybankk @xcinnamonmalfoyx @drewstarkeysbabe @issues4him @dahliaparton @slut-4-gojo @luvagirlsworld @nemesyaaa @jwdiaries @midsoulz @drewstarkeyzwhore @urmotherlvr @chillgal135 @wtfisastiles @dollyfiles @annaconscience @rafesluvr @locallyhateddoll @acidfeens @cherubfille @whathechickenstrip @my-name-is-baby @wtfdudesblog @atjlovverr
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pucksandpower · 2 months ago
I’m a Feminist
Franco Colapinto x team principal!Reader
Summary: everyone knows that Franco has a thing for older women, okay … so when his team principal turns out to be a (stupidly attractive) older woman, he can’t be held responsible for his actions
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Franco sprawls in the chair, arms crossed over his chest like he’s holding court instead of facing an emergency meeting. His grin is wide, cocky even, and wholly unapologetic. Across the desk, you pinch the bridge of your nose, willing patience to come like some kind of divine miracle.
“Explain,” you say, voice flat, your tone giving nothing away. You refuse to let him see how utterly exhausted you already are by this conversation.
“I sneezed,” Franco says with a shrug, “and liked all your pictures. Really, it was — how do you say — an accident.”
You stare. No, you glare. "And commented damn mommy on all of them?”
Franco falters — barely. There’s a half-second where his grin wavers, his bravado cracks, but then it’s gone, replaced by another shrug. “I-I have the flu?”
Your exhale is sharp, just shy of a growl. “Franco.”
“What?” He leans forward now, feigning innocence. “Is it so bad? You look muy guapa in your photos. Should I not celebrate my team principal’s beauty? This feels sexist, no?”
“Sexist?” Your eyebrows climb so high they might leave your face.
“I’m a feminist,” he announces, as if that explains everything.
“Do feminists call their bosses ‘mommy’ in the comments?”
“Only the hot ones,” he shoots back without missing a beat, then quickly adds, “Joking! I’m joking.”
You slam your palms down on the desk, the sound sharp enough to make him flinch, but the smile doesn’t leave his face. If anything, it widens. “Do you even understand how unprofessional this is? I have sponsors asking me if I’ve been hacked! The CEO of Dorilton Capital called me himself this morning!”
Franco’s face lights up like you’ve just paid him a compliment. “Darren! He likes me. He said I was charming.”
“He said you were a walking HR violation!”
His grin falters again, but there’s something annoyingly endearing about how quickly it returns. “Well, at least he talked about me.”
You sink back into your chair and drag a hand through your hair. God, you’re tired. “Do you even know how this looks? You went through every single photo I’ve ever posted. Franco, that’s-”
“Obsessive,” you snap. “Creepy. Insane.”
“Romantic,” he offers, leaning back again like he’s just solved a puzzle.
“You are twenty-one years old!”
“And you’re …” He trails off, letting the sentence dangle in the air like bait.
You narrow your eyes. “Don’t finish that sentence.”
He smirks. “I was going to say timeless.”
“Franco, enough.” Your voice is sharp enough to cut through his bravado, and for the first time, he looks a little serious. “Do you have any idea what kind of position you’ve put me in? If this gets out-”
“It won’t.”
“It already has! You didn’t think people would notice when every post I’ve made since 2016 suddenly has your username in the likes and comments?”
Franco shrugs. “I’m a fan.”
“A fan?” You throw your hands up. “What are you even a fan of? My press conferences? My sponsor meetings? My ability to yell at you when you ruin your tires on lap seventeen?”
His grin returns, this time with a little more sheepishness. “How sexy you look doing that last one, mostly.”
Your head falls into your hands, and for a moment, there’s silence. You think — foolishly — that maybe he’s finally run out of things to say.
But no.
“You never answered my DM,” he says, voice lighter, teasing.
Your head snaps up. “Excuse me?”
“Last week,” he says, tilting his head like it’s the most casual thing in the world. “I sent you a DM. Very respectful. Very sweet.”
“I don’t even check my DMs!”
“Well, now I’m offended.” He places a hand over his heart like he’s genuinely wounded.
“I’m going to lose my job,” you mutter, mostly to yourself.
“Don’t be dramatic,” Franco says, waving you off. “You’re too good to lose your job. Everyone knows that.”
You stare at him, incredulous. “You’re the one who’s dramatic! I can’t believe I’m sitting here having this conversation right now.”
“I can’t believe you’re not flattered,” he counters, leaning forward again. “I thought women liked grand gestures.”
“Grand gestures?” You bark out a laugh, humorless and sharp. “Franco, this isn’t a romantic comedy. You don’t win me over by cyberstalking me!”
“Cyberstalking?” His mouth falls open, mock-offended. “That’s harsh, no? I think of it more like … research.”
“Sí. I’m just a very dedicated employee.”
“Dedicated?” Your laugh this time is louder, more incredulous. “I swear to God-”
“Would it help if I apologized?” He interrupts, holding his hands up like he’s surrendering.
“Yes,” you say immediately.
He doesn’t. Instead, he tilts his head, watching you in that unnervingly focused way he sometimes has, the one that makes you feel like he’s cataloging every detail of your expression. “You wouldn’t believe me, though. Even if I apologized, you’d think I was lying.”
“Because you would be lying.”
“Touché.” He grins again, but this time it’s softer, less of a weapon and more of a shield. “Okay, so maybe I’m not sorry. But I didn’t mean to cause problems for you.”
“Could’ve fooled me,” you mutter.
“I mean it,” he says, and for the first time, there’s something like sincerity in his voice. “I thought it was funny. I didn’t think-”
“That’s the problem, Franco. You didn’t think.”
There’s a beat of silence. For a second, you think you’ve finally gotten through to him. His expression shifts, the grin fading into something that almost looks like remorse.
Then he says, “But if I had thought about it, you’d still be mad, so really, why bother?”
He laughs, bright and unrepentant. “Okay, okay. I’ll stop. I promise. No more liking your pictures, no more comments, no more DMs. Contenta?”
You eye him warily. “You swear?”
“On my life.”
“On my seat,” he amends, holding a hand to his chest.
You sigh, long and heavy, but you nod. “Fine. Just — keep your head down for a while, okay? Don’t give anyone else a reason to call me about this.”
He stands, smoothing his shirt with exaggerated care. “Anything for you … mommy.”
“And don’t call me ‘mommy,’” you snap as he heads for the door.
He pauses, hand on the handle, and glances back over his shoulder, smirk firmly in place. “Not even in private?”
He’s laughing as he leaves, the sound echoing in the hallway long after the door closes behind him. You sink back into your chair, exhausted, and wonder — not for the first time —if this job is going to kill you.
And if it does, you think grimly, it’ll probably be Franco Colapinto’s fault.
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fruithoughts · 4 months ago
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‎‎‎‎ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤh. joshua x fem!reader  ⪩⪨
01.ㅤۗㅤ𝙼ember .  ⎯⎯⎯  joshua.
02.ㅤۗㅤ𝙲𝚆 .  ⎯⎯⎯ multiple pet names, possessive thoughts, mentions of blowjobs(m.) and sex, just a very gentle guy who loves his girl more than anything.
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⪩⪨ boyfriend!joshua whose instagram is filled to the brim with pictures of his beautiful girl, sometimes he forgets to tag you but it’s okay because it takes no sherlock holmes to figure out your username since he only follows your account and a naruto fanpage. 
⪩⪨ boyfriend!joshua who wants you to meet his parents in less than a month into the relationship, it’s extremely important to him to make it as clear as possible that he is serious about you, leaves no room for overthinking at all, always a step ahead of you in the “would you still love me if i was a worm?” department, the best boy indeed. 
⪩⪨ boyfriend!joshua who would rather take a bullet than let you pay for literally anything, because how dare you even suggest paying for your own things? as if you don’t know the only reason he works so hard it’s exactly so he can pamper you endlessly? the absolute nerve of you, better get on your knees and start apologizing.
⪩⪨ boyfriend!joshua who is the sassiest and most dramatic guy you’ve ever been with, but can not for the life of him handle the thought of you doing any work at all, in every aspect, which, ironically, sometimes makes you work even harder to get what you want.
⪩⪨ boyfriend!joshua who makes it the world’s most difficult challenge to accept receiving head from you for the first time, he enjoys being the one doing all of the work to make you feel good, he just couldn’t see how blowing him off would please you at all so he kept denying(while completely ignoring the tent forming rapidly in his grey sweatpants) until you begged too sweetly, so softly, looking at him with so much adoration and love, like you wanted nothing more than to please him, he could have finished right there but instead he shook his head and sat down in the bed, ready to give his princess anything she could ever want, just like he promised he would! even if what she wanted was to kneel in front of him and try to fit his thick cock into her little mouth for a while.
⪩⪨ boyfriend!joshua who uses every opportunity that stumbles across his way to show off his huge arms, it’s a win-win scenario, he gets to feel all hot and manly and you get to hold onto your boyfriend’s strong biceps everywhere you go and get carried on bride style after a night out that, honestly, didn’t even leave you that drunk, but since he offered to carry you, who would ever say no?
⪩⪨ boyfriend!joshua who adores your nails and is always super excited to see the results of your nail appointments, asks for pictures during the whole process, sends you food when it’s taking too long, and finally when the nails are done, he’s there to pick you up in his shiny car, more than ready to do the last step of your nail day, which is putting them to the test, the scratch test. 
⪩⪨ boyfriend!joshua who just can’t help but adore when you leave him all marked up, he loves it, and how can you blame him? was he supposed to be normal about having proof straight on his body of just how good he made you feel last night? how could you even consider he'd do such a thing? this man is not normal about you in general. 
⪩⪨ boyfriend!joshua who knows your entire wardrobe like the back of his hand, half of it because he bought it, the other half because of how often he’s watching you, definitely a “i look at you more often than you think” kinda guy. he’s very proud of just how well he knows his baby.
⪩⪨ boyfriend!joshua who remembers all of your food preferences and orders, knows all of your allergies, all of your icks and all of your friend’s gossips because he’s just so well behaved! he won't tell anyone, he never would! he's your joshy! you can trust him to keep all of your secrets, forever.
⪩⪨ boyfriend!joshua who’s very open about the fact that he wants to marry you, live the rest of your lives together, maybe with a kid if you’re into that, maybe just dogs if that’s better for you, he got his own wishes when it comes to creating a family, but at the end of the day; this man has one priority, and she has a name. whatever is best for you, it’s the best for him.
⪩⪨ husband!joshua who no matter how long it has passed since you got married, has not lost even a little bit of his obsession with you. his precious flower, his cute little thing, his darling, his sweet girl, that’s all you’ll ever be to him, all his to love and protect, forever.
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mulloey · 1 month ago
hunted • yunho
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it’s all a game, he says. you’re desperate to play.
yunho x fem!reader
words: 4.7k
warnings: extremely dark kinks, heavy consensual non consent (cnc), dubcon at some points though you have a safeword, internet hookups (don’t), unprotected sex (don’t), the word ‘rape’ is used, hard dom!yunho, fear play, glove kink, choking, impact play, knife play, under-negotiated kink, size kink, painful sex, sir kink, you’re referred to within the scene as a victim and a sex slave, explicit threats of bodily harm and death in the context of cnc, mind break possibly, aftercare, crying etc
you’ve been appropriately warned of the content ahead. click out if you are uncomfortable. this is not safe to do irl. hate is blocked.
You don’t know where else to turn.
It’s been on your mind for a while— this fantasy. This game. You don’t know why, or how, and you’d never, ever admit it, but it plagues your thoughts, day after day, haunting your dreams night after night without respite. You’re too ashamed to even say it.
You never told any of your previous partners; you’d hint, maybe, suggesting weaker, milder things to nudge them the right direction, but they always shied away, got scared about three miles south of what you actually wanted, and ran screaming. You know it’s wrong. If anything, the fact that they ran away should have been a green flag. But it wasn’t. Not to you.
You make the account around 3am. Your username is nondescript, profile photo grainy and blurred, showing just enough to attract someone who might be able to do this for you. You write the post with trembling hands; the words come easier to you than you’ll ever admit.
I want to be forced. I want to be raped. I want to be punished for resisting. I imagine a stranger, maybe one I’d only seen in passing. He can’t get enough of me. He needs me. He’ll have me. He follows me wherever I’m going, lying in wait. It doesn’t matter how much I resist. I’m going to be his. He. Will. Have. Me.
As expected, your phone is blown up by the time you check it. Hundreds of old, gross, sleazy men desperate to get a taste of your — shudder — young pussy, as one called it. You hadn’t given a specific age, just that you’re in your 20s, but they all seem content to run with the idea of you being on the lower end, rather than the higher. Perverts.
You scroll through the messages. each one confirming the rational part of your brain that says this is a stupid, dangerous idea and you should forget you ever even had it.
It’s the one at the bottom that stops you. Sent not long after you’d gone to sleep, but they’d liked the post almost instantly. The profile picture is like yours — grainy, blurred, but suggesting a toned, young-ish, large body — and he too is in his 20s, if he’s telling the truth. His message is short and respectful— a breath of fresh air.
youknowme: Nice post. Do you really want that, or do you just like imagining it?
You bite your lip. You don’t know why, but this person feels… different. Exciting. You want to know more.
rosedepths: i really want it. can you give it to me?
youknowme: I could. Would you take it all?
You chuckle— you know what he means, but you figure you’ll have some fun. See if he’s expecting a sweet, scared little doe who’ll be quick to submit; or if he’s expecting a fight. If he’s expecting you.
rosedepths: nope.
The typing button appears and disappears a few times. You assume he doesn’t like your response, and he’s not as exciting a match as you’d hoped, until his next message comes through.
youknowme: Yes, you will.
Oh, fuck. You feel yourself leaking as you read it over and over. You’re desperate to know more.
rosedepths: have you done this before? raping a stranger?
youknowme: I hope you’re talking about CNC, Rose. If you are, then yes. I have.
rosedepths: you any good at it?
youknowme: I’ve subdued much feistier things than you. I can give you what you’re asking for. Do you want it?
The need in your stomach is so profound you think you could keel over. You’ve never found it easier to type something out.
rosedepths: yes.
You talk until you sleep, and you’re optimistic about this guy. He’s careful and meticulous with your kinks and limits, guiding you through the details while still retaining the mystery and allure you’re craving. Despite your protests, he insists on a safeword, but assures you that that’s ‘the only thing in the world that will stop him.’
As you become more familiar with this site, designed solely for this purpose it seems, you see this man is… popular. To say the least. He even has what looks like a review section from other women he’s fucked and oh, there’s pictures. Not of him— but of the deep bruises and stinging cuts he’s left behind. You click through the reviews, pupils dilating the longer you stare the screen down.
He fucked me so good.
He put me in my place.
He’s brutal.
No one’s ever made me cry like that. Or cum.
When he proposes a meeting, you don’t think twice.
By the time next Friday rolls around, the knot in your stomach is a constant; it follows you around, heavy and aching as it trails behind every step. You know it’s just nerves, excitement, the thrill of knowing you’re about to do something very, very wrong. But some part of you does wonder if it’s doubt— are you being stupid? Is this a bad idea? Well, yes. You are and it is. But is it… too bad? You don’t know. As the clock ticks slowly towards your ‘appointment’, you feel more and more anxious to find out.
You clock out at 5, hurrying down the stairs of your office building to dash home. You’d prepared your bag already, shaved this morning and placed your fanciest, laciest set of lingerie under your work clothes. You take a second to freshen up, touch up your makeup and dump your work bag on your bed before you’re hurrying out the door again.
The hotel he’d booked is downtown, shiny and new and well beyond your price range. You wonder for a moment what this man does for work. Your knowledge of him is very, very limited— by design, of course. This whole game, this whole exercise hinges on him being a total stranger. But still, you can’t help but be curious. The one clue you have is the name the room was booked under— Yunho. You must have said it to yourself a thousand times; trying it out, the sound, the feeling. It tastes tantalising on your tongue and you’re bubbling with need by the time you make it to your room.
You hesitate when you reach the door. He’d told you he’d arrive later, at an undetermined time, but you can’t help but wonder. Is he in there, lying in wait? Will you open the door to find him sat on the bed, or hidden behind a corner, or, your heart races at the thought, right there on the other side? You breathe, in, out, in, out. You can do this. There’s nothing you could find on the other side of the door that you wouldn’t beg for another day.
You’re almost disappointed when you walk into the room to find it totally empty. You check the bathroom, the corners, the cupboards, half hoping to find him looming there, waiting to strike. But you don’t. You sigh, sitting down on the bed and sliding off your shoes. You’re not really sure what to do now. You suppose you could touch yourself, you doubt he’d blame you for being excited, but over the past few days, without realising you’ve found yourself almost saving yourself for him; each time your hands had wandered down there, you’d stopped yourself. He’ll take care of it.
Sighing, you decide to turn on the TV, flicking lazily through the channels until you find something that entertains you until he arrives.
With every unexplained noise, every creaking of a neighbour’s door, you look up eagerly, hoping to see Yunho looming in the doorway. But you don’t. Hours go by, your hope fading more and more, until you accept that he’s just not coming tonight. Tomorrow, maybe. You hope.
By the time you’re ready to sleep, you’ve passed several hours in front of the mindless reality show you ended up settling on. Trying to ignore the crushing disappointment that Yunho hasn’t shown up today, and the fear that he never will, you turn the TV off and settle into the sheets.
He’ll come tomorrow. He has to.
Eyes adjusting to the darkness, you make yourself comfortable in the cool, fresh sheets. The only sounds in the quiet room are your slow, steady breaths and the low hum of the air-conditioning. As your eyes begin to droop, you feel yourself relaxing into the memory foam, wondering and hoping he’ll be there when you wake up…
There’s a hand on your mouth. The lights are on.
Your eyes snap open and your body jolts, adrenaline flowing instantly. The hand is large, covering your mouth and nose and you can’t breathe.
As you adjust to the light you get a good look at him, and you’re so shocked that for a moment you forget you’re supposed to struggle. Yunho is gorgeous. Fading blue hair, dark enough to seem black from a distance; features gentle, eyes dangerous and all blending perfectly together. He’s wearing a white shirt and pinstripe waistcoat that struggles against a broad, toned chest that seems to be trying to escape and his large hands are covered by a pair of thick, leather gloves.
Fuck. You’d beg for this man any other day, happily and eagerly. But you can’t do that now. You have to fight. You thrash against him, legs flailing but his body holds you down, pinning you in place and oh, he’s large, too. He could incapacitate you now and be done with it, but it seems he wants to play.
“Well, aren’t you sweet.”
His voice is low and rough and addictive, dripping with want and danger. He stares you down, eyes narrowed, blank, burning.
“Gonna be a good girl for me?”
The pressure of his hand has eased enough for you to breathe and you lie still for a moment, gauging your next move. You nod, slowly. I’ll be good.
He smiles, not really believing you, and then his hands are off you. For one second, they’re off of you and you take your chance— you jump up and bolt out of the bed, dashing in the direction of the door. You hear him curse, but you know he’d chosen this room, large enough to practically count as a suite, specifically to give you more room to run. And run you do; you’re still half-asleep — you’re not quite sure if you did fall asleep, in the end, or if he got to you just as you were drifting off — but the adrenaline pumping through your veins is enough to carry your feet towards the exit.
You hear him on your tail but he’s not running— no, his steps are leisurely, like he knows he’s going to catch you and is merely amused by your idea that it would end any other way.
He lets you get to the door and pull it halfway open, just enough to think you’ll make it out into the hall, before it slams shut in your face, only just missing your fingers where they’d lingered in the doorway. Then there’s strong arms on your body, slamming you with full force, your body colliding painfully with the heavy wood. You struggle pitifully in his hold and as the lock clicks shut above you, you hear the barely restrained anger in his voice.
“And where the fuck are you going, bitch?” He growls. He grabs your hair and tugs your head backwards, sending a painful sting through your scalp then slams your head back against the door. “You tryna get away, pretty girl?”
You grunt, pushing back against him as hard as you can, but with his firm grip on you all you manage to do is push your ass back against his crotch. He groans, the grip on your hair tightening. “Fucking tease,” he mutters. “Bet you’re wet already.”
He spins you around, holding you by the neck against the door, his body caging you in as his other hand roams across your breasts, squeezing them just short of painfully. You struggle fruitlessly but you’re completely trapped and you know it.
You feel his knee nudging at your closed legs, clenched together to keep him away from your heat as if it’s not aching for him already. “Open,” he says.
“Fine.” His leg draws back and lands a kick between your knees and you yelp, legs forced apart; he shoves his thigh into the gap, holding your legs open and your pussy exposed as his hand runs up your bare thigh and slips beneath the silk slip you curse yourself for wearing to bed. Could you have made this any easier for him?
His fingers tease the edge of your cotton panties, pulling it back and slapping the elastic against your skin and all you can do is stay in place, held under his weight as he toys with you. But you’re not done and this isn’t over. You’re just biding your time. You just need an opportunity; a moment of carelessness for you to slip away.
He runs a finger softly across your covered pussy, and the smug expression on his face tells you exactly what he finds there.
“For someone who doesn’t want this,” he says, “you’re awfully fucking wet.”
“Fuck you,” you spit.
He’s quick to react; a heavy slap lands on your face, turning your head forcefully to the side and leaving a lingering ache.
“Wet and mouthy,” he says. “I wonder how quickly you’ll break.”
Your stomach twists but you give nothing away; you’re enjoying the back and forth, the game, too much to give up yet, no matter how desperately you want him to just fuck you alrady.
“I’ll never fucking break,” you snap.
“Oh, you’ll break.” He leans in closer, enough for you to feel his breath on your face as he speaks. “They always do.”
You can hear your heart beating wildly, pounding against your ribs and your breath stutters. “And if I don’t?”
“If you don’t…” He lets the words hang in the air, gaze flickering across your shivering form. His mouth curls into a thin smile. “I’ll just have to hurt you real, real bad.”
You swallow thickly, tension caught in your throat. You wish that didn’t sound so enticing.
“Now,” he says. “Open your mouth.”
You force yourself to laugh, amused despite your terror by the notion that you’d just give in and obey. You purse your lips, sealing your mouth shut— directly defiant. His eyes flash and his hand tightens around your throat, cutting off your airflow as he presses down on the sides of your neck. You manage to hold out for a few seconds until you feel your eyes bulge and you gasp, mouth opening in a desperate bid for air. He loosens his grip, grabbing your chin and pushing his thumb in just far enough to hold your mouth open for him to spit into it. The saliva lands on your tongue and he pushes your mouth closed, pressing his hand over your mouth and nose again. “Swallow.”
Knowing he won’t let you breathe until you do, you swallow the spit; it feels disgusting and degrading sliding down your throat but the humiliation burns with pleasure and you’re desperate for more.
“Good girl,” he smiles. “Not that hard to listen, is it?”
You scowl, squirming under his hold. Yes, it is that hard. You manage to wring your arms free enough to grab at his arm, trying to pull his hand off of your face. In the panic one of your nails digs into his forearm and he growls, pulling you forward just to slam you backwards again. Your ears are ringing and his hand is pressed even tighter across your mouth and nose.
“Disobedient little bitch,” he hisses, “you want me to fuck you up?”
Yes, fuck, please, your mind says. But you keep that on the inside, and instead of begging or submitting or doing any of the things your body is screaming and pleading for you to do, you bite down. You bite down hard.
The taste of blood is a small victory as he shouts, snatching his hand away from you but this time he doesn’t give you the chance to get away; you make it a few steps before he grabs your wrists, clutching them easily in his injured hand, forcing them behind you back and twisting them painfully to hold you in place so he can backhand you again— and again, and again. You scream in pain, but if he notices, he doesn’t care. His expression is livid, eyes black and burning with rage. “Fucking. Little. Bitch.” Each word is punctuated by a hard slap, knocking the wind out of you over and over.
“Someone needs to put you in your fucking place,” he growls. “Dumb little sex slave.”
The word hits you somewhere deep, stomach twisting into knots as wetness pools. Slave. Fuck.
“I’m not your fucking sex slave,” you bite back and he laughs.
“You don’t know what the fuck you are. Stop squirming.” He twists your arms a little further, teetering on the edge of too far. You whine, straining against him and he cooes. “Hurts, baby?”
“Yes it fucking hurts,” you snap.
He snorts, amused. His eyes darken again as he leans in closer. “Any more attitude and I’ll fucking break them.”
You can’t help the gasp that escapes you, fear pushing through your veins again. His grip on your arms is iron and you know he could snap them with ease. But would he really? You say nothing, staring up at him with wide, pleading eyes. He grins.
“Don’t think I won’t,” he laughs. “I’ll break every bone in your body if it’ll keep you pliant.”
“I’ll do it one by one,” he continues. His grip on your wrists tightens again but he doesn’t twist any further; still toeing the line. “Nice and slow so you feel it all,” he smiles, and you know he’s imagining it as he speaks. You wish you could say you weren’t. “Let you hear the crack of each bone snapping in half until you’re completely destroyed. You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”
You shake your head, voice quivering. “No.”
You scowl, squirming again to show your displeasure. “Let me go, Yunho.”
He hadn’t told you what to call him, but you decide to take a gamble that he doesn’t want you using his name and you’re right— he grabs your neck, pressing down hard enough to make you dizzy. “Call me that again,” he hisses, “and I’ll slit your fucking throat. Got it?”
You catch the whimper before it leaves your throat but you can’t stop your pussy from leaking even more than it already was. You didn’t know you could be so terrified or so horny. But you’re not giving up yet.
“You call me sir,” he says, “is that clear?”
You smile thinly. “Yes, sir,” you say, so sweet and polite that he sees right through it. He raises an eyebrow, waiting for your next move and it comes in the form of a wad of spit, landing like a bullet between his eyes.
Then you’re on the bed. You’re landing on the bed, shoved down and he’s crawling over you, holding you down with his weight and— there’s a knife on your throat.
Your eyes widen, all your blood rushing to your head at once. A knife… he’d never mentioned a knife. On your profile you’d said you were open to knife play, but he was so meticulous when he went through all the kinks he was planning that you thought… Well, you didn’t think he’d have a knife.
“Oh, that got your attention, didn’t it?” He grins. There’s a fire, a dangerous gleam in his eyes that hadn’t been there before and you feel it in the deepest parts of your body. You feel something else, too, and it burns just as brightly as your arousal. As he presses the knife down just enough to sting, you realise you are genuinely, truly afraid of Yunho. And yet…
Yunho sees it too; “fucking gushing,” he spits. “You’re more sick than I am. Don’t act like a victim now.”
You whine, squirming slightly and he hums thoughtfully.
“Or do,” he decides. “Actually, I’m sort of hoping you don’t do what I tell you. I’d love to watch the light leave your eyes when you finally stop struggling.”
Your breath hitches, caught in your throat. You don’t… you don’t know how you feel about this. You knew he’d be intense; the reviews had painted a clear picture of just how much he feeds off of fear. But there’s a wild, uncontrolled look in his eyes as he threatens your life so casually, so smoothly, that makes you wonder…
No. You know it’s fake. It’s all fake. You know it’s just a game and you know he’d stop if you said the safe word he gave you. But the knife at your neck is real. The darkness in his eyes is real. The fear is real. And he sees it in your eyes, his lips twitching into a small smile as though he can tell the exact moment you accept it. “Good girl,” he purrs. “Are you ready to listen?”
You say nothing, glowering up at him. He smiles, tilting his head.
“Open your mouth.”
Fuck no. This isn’t over. You meet his eyes with your mouth firmly, resoundingly shut. You purse your lips for good measure, determined to disobey.
His hand collides with your face again; the back of it, this time, and the feeling of his knuckles against your cheek makes you cry out before you can stop yourself. He seizes the opportunity of your parted lips and plunges two gloved fingers into your mouth. You choke, spluttering and he tuts, looking disappointed. Even with fingers in your throat, you feel like a naughty, scolded child beneath his firm gaze.
“See,” he says, his voice low, “I could make this so much worse for you. It’s in your best interest to do what I tell you.”
His fingers push in deeper and you feel the bile rising; you thrash and panic in his hold and he snorts, finally easing up. As you gasp for breath, he pulls his fingers away, a string of drool following him from your mouth and coating his fingers. He wipes them down on his pressed pants, looking disgusted. “Fucking mutt,” he spits. “Let’s put you to good use.”
Before you can register what’s happening, his dick is pushing into your mouth and fuck he’s massive. You can hardly hold him in your throat and your vision blurs with tears even before he starts to move— when he does, he wastes no time starting slow; he goes straight to fucking your mouth with hard, deep thrusts and you feel your tears and saliva cascading down onto your chest. You must look disgusting, but you’ve never heard anyone sound as feral as he does.
Just as you’re getting used to the feeling, he pulls out. His cock slaps against your face before he flips you over, bending you painfully over the edge of the bed. He doesn’t waste time prepping you — not that he needs to with the way you’re dripping — before forcing himself into your tight hole. You scream, feeling yourself being torn apart and he laughs, pushing your head into the mattress. “Fucking bitch,” he growls. His low voice is barely heard above the slapping of his skin on yours and the lewd squelching of your sopping pussy. You burn with humiliation but you can hardly think of anything but the pain of being stretched open and the force of his thrusts. You sob into the sheets but he doesn’t care, only getting rougher each time you cry out.
“Take it,” he barks, “you’ve been waiting for this dick your entire fucking life. So fucking take it.”
“S-sir,” you gasp. You thrash as much as you can under his iron grip, dizzy with pain and pleasure.
He snarls, hand landing hard on your ass. “Drop the act, bitch,” he growls. “I know you fucking love this. Clench.”
Still sobbing, you do your best to obey, clenching your pussy around his dick and it sends a jolt of electricity through your body. He groans, movement stuttering slightly under the new pressure on his dick.
“Fuck,” he grunts. “Such a pretty little victim. With a tight fucking hole.”
You feel his orgasm approaching; all the pent-up energy and frustration of fighting and subduing you pulsing through his dick as it pounds against your walls. His grip tightens on your waist, other arm coming to wrap around your neck, holding you in a chokehold as he finally releases inside you.
He grunts and moans through his orgasm and you feel the warmth of his cum filling you up before he finally collapses on top of you, pulling out quickly.
“Good girl,” he breathes. “It’s over, baby.”
The dam breaks. Your low, desperate sobs give way to full blown weeping, your whole body shivering with each cry. A million emotions, previously drowned out by pain and fear and pleasure, are suddenly at the surface, pushing against your skin and desperate to break through. You couldn’t name or number them if you tried but you don’t have to, because Yunho is there— his hands are on your skin, voice in your ear as he soothes you with whispered words you can’t comprehend.
“I’ve got you,” you finally make out. He says it again and again, over and over. It forms a familiar rhythm you can follow and cling to as you come back down to earth.
I’ve got you.
I’ve got you.
I’ve got you.
He’s there when the fog clears, cradling your aching body in his arms. His smile is soft and fond but there’s a concern in his eyes as he looks you up and down. “How do you feel?” He asks.
You open your mouth but no words come; you make a soft, content-sounding noise, the best you can do for now, and he chuckles. “I’ll take that as ‘you’re fine’, then.”
He shifts slightly, adjusting you to hold you closer to his chest. You follow his heartbeat as it thuds lowly in his chest. You hadn’t expected this, really; he’d said aftercare was a non-negotiable for him, so you knew he wasn’t going to just fuck you and dip, but the care and tenderness with which he cradles and soothes you is almost as electric as the brutality of before. It’s as funny as it was, you suppose, inevitable— this man has violated you in every way, and yet you’ve never felt more safe than you do in his arms. Two separate faces; opposing but inseparable.
A while later, he asks if he can give you a bath and you nod. You’re strangely embarrassed as he lowers you into the hot water, quietly soothing you when you hiss as it touches the wounds on your ass and thighs; maybe it’s the tenderness of his care or the knowledge that every mark on your body was put there by him, but you feel oddly exposed.
Still, he’s careful as he holds you still, letting your aching joints soak as he cleanses you of the remnants of what he just did to you. When he lifts you out, wrapping you in a soft towel and carrying you back to bed, you feel like you’re floating on a cloud.
Your voice returns soon enough, and quickly something pushes through to the front of your mind. Still slightly in the haze of subspace as the last drops of adrenaline dissipate, it seems like a reasonable, if not pertinent question.
“Yunho,” you say. He makes a ‘hm?’ noise, squeezing your thigh in recognition. “Would you really have broken my bones?”
He laughs, and you feel his body shaking slightly. It feels… warm. Familiar. “No,” he says. “That’s just part of the game. My favourite part, actually.”
“What part?”
“Making you wonder if it’s really a game.”
Through the aching pain of your pussy, you feel a slight twinge, making you clench unconsciously. Oh.
“You had a safeword,” he says. “So I knew I could push you. But I didn’t do anything I wasn’t sure would make your little pussy throb.”
You can’t help but blush at his words, mewling slightly as you snuggle further into his hold. You could stay like this, wrapped in his strong arms and held securely against his chest, for a long, long time. You wonder if he could, too.
“Yunho,” you say softly.
“Will you stay?”
You glance at him nervously, afraid of his answer. He smiles, holding you closer. “As long as you need,” he says.
thank you for reading! comments/feedback/reblogs are appreciated! requests are open! love🖤🖤🖤
taglist open!
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 7 days ago
Hi 👋, can I request a self aware Smilk & reader, where he’s the only one who knows of their existence, and the reader can sometimes take control of him which causes some confusion to other cookies.
(You can choose whether it’s a one-shot or headcanons)
Yess self awareness time
After trying and trying again, you finally pulled Shadow Milk Cookie from the gacha, thrilled that he finally came home!
Now that you've understood all the hype surrounding him and how crazy powerful he can be after clearing his Beast Yeast episodes, you had all your star jellies, toppings, and a legendary beascuit saved just for him.
But ever since obtaining him, you've noticed some...oddities with him that made you assume it was part of his programming/AI.
When you see him walking around the kingdom or working at a station that's not the toy store, he's looking at you a lot.
Of course, some cookies may glance at you occasionally, with even fewer breaking the fourth wall (like Black Sapphire and Devil Cookie), but that's just what the devs added as a funny joke.
Shadow Milk...is different. He doesn't follow their script to a T.
The way he talks and waves at you, shows off during battles and making himself the last cookie standing in difficult arena fights, and doing his juggling trick when he knows you're looking at him.
Then he actually responded to you after you made a remark about where to put his statue...and at first you're startled, bc no way could that have been a coincidence...
In reality, he had an "awakening" of his own--in that his knowledge suddenly extended beyond CRK's borders.
Somehow, he can see and hear you, becoming 100% aware that he's in a video game.
But you assume his new antics are part of his programming...until one day the charade falls apart and he straight up tells you that he knows the truth. He even says your username, the device you're playing on, and the day you started CRK as proof in case you think he's lying.
You're stunned at first, but then you think it's actually pretty awesome....until he claims that he's the only one who knows and felt like it would've been better if he didn't.
Of course, the master of deceit would rather ignore the truth and live out a lie, like all the other cookies are....but he's stuck with this earthbread-shattering truth that's only his to bear.
In a way, being "trapped" in this game reminds him of the witches and the time he spent in the silver tree, believing he escaped one prison only to end up in another.
After you leave the game to tend to some real life matters, he tries sowing chaos in the kingdom by revealing this to other cookies, thinking they'd "wake up".
Yet none of them know wtf he's talking about. Not even the Beasts or Pure Vanilla, who thinks he's just trying to trick everybody again..although he admits that what Shadow Milk is saying sounds most outlandish.
Typically, he'd be able to conjure up some kind of "evidence" and manipulate wide masses into believing any word he says.
But you're untouchable, and he has no way of obtaining tangible proof of your existence to show the other cookies...and once he realizes this, he gets frustrated.
"Who do you think fulfills our wishes at the tree???? Who do you think indulges us with star jellies????? Keeps this kingdom from crumbling to pieces?!! We are ALL the puppets to an even bigger puppet master!"
Anyone who hears this yap from him just thinks 'is he alright? like genuinely?'
The next time you log in, Shadow Milk is gravely upset that he has to carry this burden and decides to take it out on you.
Suddenly there's lag spikes when his ability is on cooldown (so you can hardly use them in battle and lose your ranking in arena), he avoids you trying to pick him up in the kingdom (much to other cookies' confusion, as from their pov, he's fleeing something that's invisible)...and he even corrupted his own stats to make it seem like any promotions were gone and his level dropped back to 1.
You ask him why he's causing you all this trouble, and his next rant was more or less....a reasonable crashout.
"I was a god...or at least that's what I thought. But no. I've been lied to. A master of deceit...has been lied to again!! What cruel irony! This world...this life of mine....it's all been one big game from the start! And nobody knows but I!! HAHAHA!! Tell me, [username]..what's it like being the true god of this world? Do you enjoy toying with our lives? What makes you think you deserve my power?! Damn you....and damn this prison!! YOU'RE NO BETTER THAN THOSE WITCHES!!!"
Other cookies just see him screaming at nobody in particular, although his rage forms rifts in the ground, from which the other-realm creeps out to attack anyone close to him.
You end up closing the game out of fear, leaving it alone for the next several hours.
While initially scared to reopen it, you did understand why Shadow Milk lashed out like that--he thought he was in control, and couldn't comprehend the idea of it being somebody else.
You don't know why he, of all cookies, had to be cursed with this forbidden knowledge, but what could be done about it now?
So you returned to the game and found a plushie of him somewhere after looking around for a few minutes, and after clicking him, he turns back to normal and scowls.
"What? You've come back to toy with me more, stupid god? Or were you just worried that I did something to your precious kingdom?"
"No, and no." You say, explaining to him that while you'd never fully understand what he was feeling--and couldn't help him explain your existence to other cookies--you wanted him to see you as a friend, not a puppet master or a witch or some untouchable god like he accuses you of being.
To show him you're serious, you bought all of his decor and gave him his own little castle/spire-like area, where he can indulge in his hobbies or just retreat there whenever he wanted to.
For some time, Shadow Milk is silent as he inspects everything and for a moment...you thought he reverted back to his NPC programming...
Then he looks at you and grins a little. "Jeez, if only you put this much effort into the rest of the kingdom."
"Yeah, well...I'm working on it." You chuckled. "Black Sapphire and Candy Apple Cookie think it's "dull" and doesn't compare to your spire, but-"
"I'll deal with them later. This...is acceptable."
It's fair to say...he's content.
He seems to finally accept his new reality, as he doesn't corrupt his stats or sabotage your gameplay anymore, allowing you to use him as your strongest magic cookie again.
Now if you start shifting your focus towards pulling Awakened Pure Vanilla, however, he might stir up some trouble to make the process take even longer
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verstappenverse · 2 months ago
Pairing: Camgirl!Reader x Obsessed!Max
Authors Note: NSFW still working on the details for the upcoming fic but having fun with the concept. Let me know what you think or send any additional ideas 😉
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Max can’t remember how he found your page—maybe it was a suggested post on Instagram, or maybe some random link caught his attention. It doesn’t matter how it started, what matters is that now he’s addicted.
At first it's just curiosity, he wasn’t the type to watch cam streams or really spend any time on adult content, but something about you was different. You weren’t like the over-the-top, hyper-curated content he’d expect from this kind of thing. You were sweet, soft-spoken, almost shy in the way you interacted with the camera. And Max sitting alone in his Monaco penthouse couldn’t look away.
He tells himself it’s just a passing distraction, a way to unwind, but then he starts getting… attached. His obsession grows quietly at first. He subscribes to your page, buys your exclusive content, and sets notifications for your streams. It doesn’t matter if he’s at a racetrack, a sponsor event, or a hotel halfway across the world - when you post about your next stream, he checks the time difference and tries to plan his schedule around it.
The first time someone else drops a high tip and you thank them by name, Max feels it. That sharp, irrational sting of jealousy. He knows it’s stupid, he’s one of thousands of viewers, but the way you smile for them? It makes him want to punch a wall. So he does the only thing that makes sense - he outbids them.
When you say his username in that soft, teasing tone and add “Thank you so much, you’re incredible!”—it’s like a shot of adrenaline straight to his chest.
It starts small a few high donations here and there, but soon enough he finds himself spending more of his income on you than he’d ever care to admit. From there it spirals, he’s tipping more, requesting more, even messaging you privately. You respond graciously of course, you always do, but Max convinces himself that your replies to him are different. More personal.
Custom videos, private streams - whatever gets him a little closer to feeling like he’s the only one you’re looking at. He tells himself it’s harmless. He can afford it after all.
It doesn’t take long before his obsession starts creeping into the rest of his life. Between races, he’s refreshing your page to see if you’ve posted. During long-haul flights, he’s watching your videos on repeat. Even at the paddock while his team is running simulations or tweaking the car setup he catches himself checking for notifications.
There are nights he barely sleeps staying up to catch you live, even if he has an early training session the next day. Between races he’ll watch your older streams on repeat, memorising the way you speak, the way you smile. Max knows he’s in too deep, but he can’t stop. He doesn’t want to stop.
His spending ramps up. When someone else tries to steal the spotlight in your chat, he doesn’t just outbid them—he obliterates them. He’s dropping tips that make everyone else look like amateurs, just to keep your attention squarely on him. And it works. His messages get bolder and more desperate too.
I can’t stop thinking about how good you’d look in my bed.
It’s torture watching you touch yourself, knowing I could make you feel so much better.
Tell me I’m your favourite, just once.
You should be sitting on my lap right now instead of talking to them.
Do you know how hard it is to sit here and watch you, knowing I can’t touch you?
The things I’d do to you if you were mine… you wouldn’t be able to walk the next day. Your lips part in surprise at that one, and you quickly cover your flustered reaction with a laugh. “Well, that’s… quite the statement,” you say, trying to keep your voice steady. I never make promises I can’t keep.
But it’s not enough.
The idea of being just another fan starts to gnaw at him. Max Verstappen isn’t “just another” anything. But Max is nothing if not competitive, and the idea of being just another fan doesn’t sit well with him for long. He’s used to winning, to being first, to having the best. He wants to be the one you think about when the stream ends.
He wants to know you in ways the others never could. Where you live, what you liked to do when the camera was off, whether anyone in your life treated you as well as you deserved.
What would it take for me to get your attention?
And when you reply, laughing softly, “You’ve already got it,” it’s game over for him.
Max is playing a dangerous game. Balancing his life as one of the most recognisable athletes in the world with his growing obsession for someone who doesn’t even know who he really is. But that’s the thing about Max - when he wants something he gets it. And right now, there’s nothing in the world he wants more than you.
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osaemu · 1 year ago
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.ೃ࿐ streamer!au: some other streamer's been buying you gifts, but satoru knows he can spoil you better.
contents: fem!reader. kinda sorta clingy!gojo. more toji slander hehe. inumaki and megumi gang up on gojo. like always. oh also you guys kiss on camera! tagging @sutorus and @yunymphs ꨄ︎
author's note: ughhh he's such a pretty pathetic loser i wanna shake him silly :(
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"oh, satoru, someone sent me another gift!" you say with a smile, beckoning him over to look. satoru hops off his chair and looks over at your computer screen, resting his chin on the top of your head. "look, it's the skin i said i wanted! i wonder who sent it to me, huh..."
satoru shrugs and dips his head to kiss the side of your face. "coulda just asked me for it, y'know," he mutters, eyeing the username that had apparently sent you the gift.
you ignore him and gesture at the time on the top-right corner of your screen. "isn't your stream starting in a couple minutes?" you ask, tilting your head. satoru nods and pulls away, shaking his white hair out of his eyes before walking back over to his monitor. and just a minute or two later, he's live and chatting with his early viewers.
"hey, suguru," he says with a grin, waving at the screen when his close friend joins. "you wanna join my team for today? the match's gonna start in a couple minutes."
suguru-geto: yea sure one sec
satoru spins around in his chair a couple times, and he blows a kiss at you every time his chair faces your direction. and every time, you humor him and catch his kisses. eventually, he stops spinning around in circles and starts actually interacting with his viewers.
inumaki: i hate gojo's streams
inumaki: you just stare at your gf for half of them
inumaki has been kicked from the stream by satoru-gojo.
"anyways. suguru, you ready yet?" satoru says with a grin. suguru replies with a thumbs-down in the chat, and satoru groans impatiently. "what are you even doing that's takin' you so long?"
suguru-geto: taking care of something
"whatever," satoru grumbles, slouching down in his chair and spinning around one more time. "hey, chat, y'wanna know a funny story? i could use your help on it too."
the comments explode with various forms of affirmation, and satoru turns his head and winks at you. "so, lately, some random account's been sending my girlfriend everythin' she could ever want. skins, coins, you name it. what does that mean?"
he ruffles his hair with one hand and drums his fingertips on his desk with the other, surveying the replies from underneath his long, white eyelashes.
sho-ko: some guy wants her sooo bad
yuuji-itadori: maybe the person's just being nice! :)
satoru makes a face at shoko's comments and scowls, sitting up and leaning closer to the screen. "i dunno if the guy who's sending my girlfriend gifts is here right now, but if you are, you better not think that you have a chance with her. 'cause you don't!"
you can't stifle the smile that spreads across your face at satoru's indignant words, and when he turns to you, you just can't help but laugh. he's so sweet, even and especially when he does his best to gatekeep you. but ever since he brought you onto his stream for the first time, you've been an instant fan-favorite, so he can only hide you for so long.
satoru scrunches up his face at you childishly, and you draw a heart in the air right back at him. it makes him smile ruefully, and his eyes light up when you blow a kiss at him. he turns back to his screen determinedly and raises an eyebrow at the latest comment.
sho-ko: do u have the guy's username? cus you can find out who it is that way
"oh, it's... hard to say. rio-zuku?" satoru tries, squinting his eyes. "i don't know, whatever. you guys know him?"
megumi-fushiguro: dyou mean ryosuku? i hate him
yuuji-itadori: oh i don't like him either :( hes mean
satoru scoffs and puts his feet up on his desk, rolling his cerulean eyes. "he can't be more famous than me, so whatever."
megumi-fushiguro: he gets 100k views per stream
"well, he can't be a better gamer than me," satoru replies dismissively, waving his hand.
kugi-saki: didn't he win the val championship last year?
"but i bet i'm hotter!"
toji-fushiguro: you wish
"fuck you, toji," satoru huffs indignantly. "well, how haven't i heard of this guy? if he's so famous and so hot, huh?" ignoring your snickers, satoru switches to another tab and types in the username. but when he clicks on the first link, nothing shows up. it's a blank profile, and satoru's jaw dropped.
"how the fuck am i blocked?!" he whines, flopping his head back on the headrest of his seat and pretending to faint. the chat floods with a thousand expressions of laughter, and you hop off your seat to go sit on the desk of satoru's desk, taking care to stay out of sight of his camera.
satoru opens one eye and squints it at you, lips forming a childish pout. he reaches out and twines his fingers with yours, completely ignoring his exploding comment section. you squeeze his hand gently and reach over his keyboard, hitting a key to mute his microphone.
"i can block him if you want," you offer, wrapping your other hand around satoru's. "and, for what it's worth, i think you're prettier than him."
satoru grins smugly at that, eyes softening more and more the longer they focus on you. "m'kay, thanks... wait, how do you know what he looks like?" he asks suspiciously, narrowing his eyes playfully.
"'cause i looked him up this morning."
your boyfriend sighs dramatically and pretends to faint again. when he reopens his eyes, there's a slightly new look in his eyes as he mumbles, "i wish people would stop hitting on you."
you reach out and touch his chin, forgetting that people on his stream could probably see your hand even if you two were on mute. "oh, i get that a lot," you tease, pinching his cheek affectionately. "but, honestly, you're the only one i wanna be with. even if that other guy buys me everything i could ever want, he's still not you."
satoru kisses the inside of your hand, eyes still fixed on you. "you do know that i'd buy you all of that and more if you asked, right?"
"i know. and i'd love you even if you were as broke as toji."
your side comment makes satoru throw his head back in laughter, and he shakes his head as a wide smile grows across his face. he pushes his chair closer to the desk and tilts his head up, minty taste fresh on his mouth as he smiles against your lips.
a bashful giggle slips past your lips as satoru kisses you again and again. from the corner of your eye, you can see that the two of you are just barely off-camera—in fact, anyone who's watching the stream can tell that the two of you are kissing, but you're still just out of sight.
"d'you want the new battle pass?" satoru mumbles against your lips, caressing the side of your face. you nod and grin, kissing the corner of his mouth.
"only you would talk about a battle pass while you're kissi—" satoru cuts you off with another kiss, stopping you from finishing your sentence.
"uh uh, shut up and let me kiss you. you're the prettiest girl i've ever seen n' i wanna enjoy you," satoru says plainly, gripping your chin in between his thumb and index finger. he tugs your lips on his again, and when he finally pulls away, he turns back to his screen and sticks out his tongue.
satoru unmutes himself and smiles smugly at the camera, face flushed pink from the way you had kissed him back. "well, at least that asshole doesn't have my pretty girlfriend, and he never fuckin' will."
yuuji-itadori: aw you two are so cute :)
megumi-fushiguro: i miss the single gojo
inumaki: im back whatd i miss???
inumaki: oh nvm im leaving again
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ceilidhtransing · 8 months ago
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I've cropped out the username because I have absolutely no desire to start drama or make a personal “callout” or have people go harass someone or anything like that (and if you take this kind of thing as an opportunity to go and be horrible to another Tumblr user then that is terrible and you should stop), but wow, I have never seen such a clanging example of amatonormativity. I don't think OP necessarily meant it this way, I don't think they meant any harm, I don't think they're consciously arophobic or something - it's far more likely that they're simply unfamiliar with aspec issues, and I always prefer to assume good faith - but I want to talk about this post anyway because it provides a really good and explicit example of the way society just sort of... asserts the centrality of romantic attraction and entirely forgets aromantic people exist.
I do want to first say that I actually agree with the initial point this post is making. Romance as a genre is unfairly derided as some kind of “lesser” form of art, and this derision very frequently comes with generous helpings of misogyny. I totally agree that romance is not at all an unintellectual or superficial thing to write about, and it's bad that it gets treated that way and that readers and writers of romance get so often mocked and condemned. Romance is a totally valid genre and enjoying it doesn't make you vain or stupid or superficial.
HOWEVER. As an aromantic person I find the rest of the post just... I don't know, it's just so perfect as a probably unwitting expression of baked-in cultural amatonormativity. It's brilliant. It's so funny to me. I can almost do a line-by-line breakdown of the way it so completely forgets the existence of aromantic people. In fact, let's do that.
It is so fundamental to us. The issue here should be pretty obvious. The assumption that romance is some integral part of The Human Experience and that it's fundamental to All People is pretty much amatonormativity 101. It reinforces the idea that people who don't experience romantic attraction are “lacking”, forever sitting apart from The Human Experience, and possibly in some way not quite fully human, since we don't experience the thing that is apparently so fundamental to humans.
To want to love and be loved. The post seems to be incorrectly equating “romance” with “loving and being loved”, when in fact there are many people who don't experience romantic attraction yet absolutely love and want to be loved. (And of course loveless aros, aplatonic people, various folks who don't “want to love and be loved” also exist, and it's important to emphasise that this desire, just like romantic attraction, is also not necessarily integral to all people.) “Love” is not automatically “romantic love”, but this post seems to imply that romance is the only, or default, form in which love can exist.
If you don't think every great work of literature. philosophy. metaphysics. was ultimately about romance. I don't think you were paying enough attention. OK this is the line that elevated this post from “sigh, more casual amatonormativity to scroll past” to “I just have to respond to this”. Where to even begin with this assertion. This is a level of “assuming romance is central to everything humans ever do and ever create” that I've almost never encountered before. It feels like a manifestation of the tendency for alloromantic people to declare that, because romance is very central for them, it is thus central to Everything. And I'm homing in on “romance” because the post doesn't say “ultimately about love” - which would still be a reach, but less of a reach - it specifically says “ultimately about romance”. As an aromantic person who is an academic at heart and highly educated in the humanities and social sciences, the idea that my ability to understand literature and philosophy and metaphysics is somehow greatly hampered by the fact that I don't experience or relate to romantic attraction is just... what??? This idea is really very funny to me but also genuinely pretty insulting, even though I'm sure it wasn't meant that way. Not only does it feel like the summation of every patronising “oh, you couldn't possibly understand” directed to aromantic adults who are, in fact, entirely capable of understanding, but it also flattens the incredible breadth of human intellectual experience into “being about romance”. I sometimes find myself wishing that alloromantic people would peak outside the bubble of amatonormativity and realise that actually, there is an enormous swathe of human experience and intellect and creativity and expression that has nothing at all to do with romantic attraction and romantic relationships. And no, stating that, I don't know, the Book of Job is not actually about romance has nothing to do with our society's misogynistic denigration of romance as a genre; it has everything to do with the fact that the Book of Job is not actually about romance. (And if you aren't familiar with Job or for some reason don't consider it a “great work of literature”, replace with whatever other example you can think of; there are many.) It's insulting to imply that aro-spec and/or ace-spec people are somehow less able to participate in art and literature and philosophy etc because we might bring a perspective that doesn't include romance or sex at all and we're just not capable of understanding that Actually Romance And/Or Sex Is Central To Everything. It's genuinely absurd to argue that all the pinnacles of human intellectual achievement really, at their core, come back to romance, and it speaks to our very blinkered society's tendency to declare things like “everything is really about sex” or “everything is really about romance” or “everything is really about breakups” or whatever and then look at aro-spec and ace-spec people like we're aliens and go “but like... how do you even live?” Newsflash, there is so much more to life than romance and love and sex. You can live an entire, very fulfilling, very meaningful, very thoughtful life without these things being at all relevant to you. That's not to dismiss those things as minor or unimportant - they are indeed very central to a lot of people's lives, and they're not “dumb” or “shallow” or whatever - but they're not central to everyone's lives, and they're hardly The Only Things In The World.
And if your response is something along the lines of “well OK there's a tiny minority of people who don't engage with romance and/or sex, or relate to it in the same way most people do, but that doesn't mean that romance isn't still at the core of humanity, or that all the most important things don't still have romance at their heart”, imagine telling a woman that “well, you can focus on a career if you want, but what's really fundamental to being a woman is being a wife and mother - in fact, motherhood is the most important thing in the world, it's fundamental to women, it's what all women's literature is about”. Or, hell, telling a person of any gender that “parenthood” is the central pillar of all of humanity and that every great work of art ever produced is ultimately about parenthood and obviously parenthood is fundamental to everyone's being - forgetting that actually some people will never be parents, and implying that their childlessness makes them less able to understand The Human Experience. That might give you some small idea of what it's like to be an aspec person and be repeatedly told that feelings you don't experience and relationships you don't have and attractions you don't relate to and acts you don't engage in are somehow Fundamental To Humanity and are what lie at The Core Of Everything: how excluding that is, how alienating that is, how oppressively stifling that is.
Feeling that love and/or romance and/or sex are very important to your own life is totally valid, but I wish alloromantics and allosexuals could be more capable of opening their minds and imagining and empathising with an existence for which these things aren't central. Our lives aren't lesser, or emptier, or sadder, or shallower for lack of romance or sex. Our experiences are part of The Human Experience. Our perspectives on art and life and relationships and philosophy and humanity and everything else are just as valid. We are just as capable of profundity, of creativity, of insight - because romance and sex aren't “at the core” of any of these things. We are here, and we're tired of being forgotten, ignored, sidelined, dismissed, erased, talked over, talked past. It would be great if society at large actually remembered we exist once in a while, and that our lives are just as beautiful and important as anyone else's.
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ericityyy · 1 month ago
Hiii I was wondering if you could do a choi seung hyun x reader where the reader is also in a k-pop group and they do a callab together and they slowly fall for eachother? Sorry if this doesn’t make sense lol
𝐒𝐚𝐲 𝐘𝐞𝐬, 𝐒𝐚𝐲 𝐘𝐞𝐬
𝙎𝙪𝙢𝙢𝙖𝙧𝙮: 𝘛𝘸𝘰 𝘪𝘥𝘰𝘭𝘴 𝘧𝘳𝘰𝘮 𝘵𝘸𝘰 𝘥𝘪𝘧𝘧𝘦𝘳𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘨𝘳𝘰𝘶𝘱𝘴 𝘤𝘰𝘭𝘭𝘢𝘣𝘰𝘳𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨. 𝘞𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 𝘨𝘰 𝘸𝘳𝘰𝘯𝘨? (𝘈𝘉𝘚𝘖𝘓𝘜𝘛𝘌𝘓𝘠 𝘕𝘖𝘛𝘏𝘐𝘕𝘎)
𝙏𝙧𝙤𝙥𝙚: 𝘐𝘥𝘰𝘭 𝘹 𝘐𝘥𝘰𝘭
𝙏𝙮𝙥𝙚: 𝘍𝘶𝘭𝘭 𝘍𝘭𝘶𝘧𝘧
𝙒𝙤𝙧𝙙 𝘾𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙩: 1525
𝙒𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜: 𝘕𝘰𝘯𝘦
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Over the years, putting two idols together and creating what some people call a “ship” has become normal in the K-pop industry and its fandom. During the second generation of idols, two particular groups reigned supreme, known as the kings and queens of K-pop then—and even now.
BigBang, the kings, and 2NE1, the queens, each had talented and well-known members. It was the peak of YG Entertainment when these two groups released a song or an album. And due to being in the same company, shipping was unavoidable. T.O.P and Y/N can attest to that.
With every interaction, fans always pointed out how the two looked at each other, how they behaved around one another, how they smiled when the other person was mentioned—everything and anything that related T.O.P to Y/N and vice versa was always watched closely. In times like this, what do fans need? A good collaboration between the biggest, unsinkable ship of the century, as one fan dubbed them during a BigBang interview on a variety show.
“So, what do you both say?” Yang Hyun-Suk, famously known as YG, asked the two idols before him. His usual cool demeanor was evident, his arms crossed as he waited for their reply. “It’s a simple collaboration song for an upcoming hit series, and the music directors specifically asked for both of you. They’d even give you the opportunity to help in the composing aspect, knowing that you are both capable of doing so, right?”
T.O.P looked at Y/N for a moment, her face exhibiting a thoughtful look. His heart started to drum in his ribcage. This was a huge opportunity for him to spend time with her, of course he would take it. “I’d be alright with taking the job, only if Y/N holds the same sentiment.” He tried to act calm and composed, but his mind was repeating, 'Please accept, please accept, please accept.'
His prayers were answered when Y/N smiled up at him. “I would love to. It would be a fun experience.” T.O.P mirrored her look with a smile of his own. YG looked between the two with one of his eyebrows raised, a noticeable smirk appearing on his face.
“Great! That’s settled then. I’ll let them know of your response.” YG stood up from his couch facing them and approached his office chair to face his computer.
T.O.P and Y/N hastily stood up after him, their hands politely placed in front of them. “Sir, if I may ask,” the latter interjected through the sounds of keyboard clicking, “What is the series we’ll be doing an OST for?”
After eagerly leaving YG’s office, they immersed themselves in planning and discussing the possible feel of the song. They knew that this collaboration would hold high expectations from their fans, who had been requesting it ever since they first saw the two idols interact during their debut days. Meeting with the music directors, composers, and producers of the song, they carved out time for late-night studio sessions, leaving others amazed by their commitment despite their tight schedules.
It wasn’t a surprise when “rumors” of their collaboration sparked the internet, trending for days.
[TRENDING] BigBang’s T.O.P And 2NE1’s Y/N Are Rumored To Collab In Upcoming Series “Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo”
Reading the comments, the two laughed to make up for their sleepless nights. “I love how excited they are; it just makes me more determined to do our best for them,” Y/N said fondly, looking at her phone, her expression failing to hide her soft spot for their supporters. T.O.P hummed in response, feeling exactly the same way.
He flinched when Y/N harshly slapped both her cheeks. “Let’s do this!” Her face looked determined as ever. It made him more fond of her, especially after the few days they had spent navigating the logistics and artistry of their vision for the song. The music directors gave them a beat, a melody, and some unfinished lyrics for the chorus. They trusted the two to make the music together and to help them in every chance they had.
There was never a dull moment between them. T.O.P softly rubbed Y/N’s cheeks with his thumbs, watching as they reddened from the impact. “Don’t do that again. You can rest if you want, but don’t hurt yourself, idiot.” He flicked her forehead lightly.
Y/N deadpanned at him. “Saying that and flicking me on the forehead nullifies your point.” He just laughed in response. ‘Never a dull moment,’ he thought as he felt his heart race at their proximity.
Y/N opened the notebook given to them for ideas and writing lyrics. She hummed in tune to the lyrics with T.O.P looking over her shoulder, adding some lyrics for his own parts as well. After some time passed, Y/N felt a weight on her shoulder, shocking her. She looked and only saw dark, messy hair. Y/N smiled, patting his head, making T.O.P bury his face more into the crook of her neck. She hesitated at first but then leaned her head on his, not noticing the smile that grew on the rapper’s face.
The shooting of the music video for the OST was simple, with the setting just in the recording studio. The two idols were side by side, singing the song. The director's main instruction was to be themselves and have fun with the song they had played such a major role in creating.
“You ready?” T.O.P asked Y/N as they both put on their headphones, the cameraman ready to capture every moment.
“I’m excited for this; it’s the first time we’re going to sing the song as a whole.” Y/N held T.O.P’s hand for a moment. “I’m proud of us, oppa.” Although he managed to maintain a cool demeanor, he was nervous that his hand might be sweaty, revealing his frantic thoughts.
The director pushed the talkback button. “You guys ready? Remember, this is to give the fans a perspective of your finished song, so just be yourselves throughout the recording. Sounds good?” The two idols nodded. “Yes.”
As the music started playing, Y/N leaned closer to the microphone.
“니 눈앞에 왔잖아 내가 여기 있잖아
너의 입술로 말을 해줘 say yes, say yes”
(I'm in front of you, I'm right here
Tell me with your lips, say yes, say yes)
The two of them looked at each other with endearing smiles as the world around them disappeared, and it was just the two of them enjoying the song. With their group, even in their solo careers, they rarely did types of music that were mellow, romantic, or light. Their music often had a touch of hip hop, so creating this song was a challenge for them, but they were definitely proud of the outcome.
“...love is true.” As Y/N finished her part, it was T.O.P’s turn to lean toward the microphone.
“간지럽게만 느껴지던 눈 빛이
이제는 익숙 하단듯이 웃음 짓지”
(Your eyes that only tickled me
Now make me smile as if I'm used to it)
T.O.P held Y/N’s hand and raised it in front of the camera, making the girl quietly laugh and lightly smack his arm. All the while, the rapper continued his verse.
After the release of the series, the OST, the music video, the groups’ fandom gobbled everything up like they never ate for weeks.
[MV] T.O.P & Y/N – Say Yes | 달의 연인 - 보보경심 려 OST
Username 5: MY PARENTS ACKKKK!!! WE NEED THIS LIVE ASAP!!! To those who agree, say “I”
↳ Username 7: I
↳ Username 8: I
– see 800 replies –
Username 6: can you all just see how smitten he is with her :(( our tabi is growing up and falling in love
↳ Username 9: “And if he falls in love tonight... It can be assumed…”
↳ Username 10: can somebody tag me if someone makes an edit of them with “can you feel the love tonight?” lion king style
↳ Username 11: @/username10 no
– see 5 replies –
Username 12: i love how he’s so comfortable with her and is the one initiating contact like T^T
↳ Username 13: I thought I was the only one who noticed that lol they’re so sweet istg
Username 15: But can someone look at how in love she is with him too, i swear JUST SAY YOU’RE TOGETHER
Username 16: no cause if someone looks at me the way she looks at Choi Seung-Hyun I would marry that girl on the spot
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this is my first choi seung-hyun (t.o.p) imagine! i really hope yall enjoyed this one cause i would keep writing for that man. he deserves the world fr! keep supporting him 🧎🏻‍♀️‍➡️ also i might do a part 2 on this depends if you all want it 👀
423 notes · View notes
yuan4i · 6 months ago
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FALSE GOD kinich x reader
SYNOPSIS you, a straight-A honours senior student at teyvat high, hoping to receive the teyvat academic medal. however ever since the year started, you’ve only scored second place to kinich. your relationship with kinich is a bit complex. rivals; that’s what you’d call your relationship with him. other than the fact that he’s oblivious to who you were… until a faux relationship between you two started? 
STATUS 08/18/24, coming soon (planned after cod ends) 
GENRE social media au, modern au, high school au
CONTENT WARNINGS one-sided rivalry, fake dating troupe, implied female reader (they/them prns), suggestive scenes, everyone’s a senior other than kachina, written during 5.0’s release, messy timestamps, will add more later! (☆) = written chapters
TAGLIST closed! please let me know if you changed your username.
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TAGLIST @viannasthings @Imgayandshesanime @thegalaxyisunfolding @felisfuscqs @yae-lover @pneumosia @kiokiee @emiliona @kemireads19 @novasstar @3cst4syy @meigalaxy @sketcheeee @cherrybb-ily @kazumiku @ashyiiy @kazumiku @riminiscensce @uppuzstars @tighnariskobi @owoshiny @coorwe @lunavixia @scarasbaby @silverxyz0 @reisore @lobbitack @https-mika @xiaoderrrr @callistolol @lxkeeeeee @aethenawhosp @0407files @romyoia @yuu1105 @yuyuumi @lamcos @keiiqq @weilelian @runa1urmum @dazqa @rvoulte @ganertys @guineverewaves @bananasquash @3lectraheart @kunikame @lacunasweven @itsactuallylina @rilllvri @frosted-hyacinth @glitter-and-tears @fantasyhopperhea @queenof3ferrets @royalgoldenghost @animeobsessed56 @potteraep @fallenisded @manhdayyyy @vervainnnn @slvdsjjk @morgyyyyyyy @sands-worst-enemy @mccnology @eutopiastar @lulumallow @lamocs @x-hihihi-x @leralise @siomairice135 @sunturines @allenmqww @mitsuriscannongf @aeferkssr @vxcmx @kaoiyeva @samyayaya @yourmomssneakylink @scarlet-bluestar @chsyug @its-vante @darling-eos @faeryarchives @matchablossomsss @ellieloverrr @lyyzzei @yuminako @neuviloved @kinichieswife @pookiebearcave @marinson @anqelkoz @beverlyhillstapwater @simonisferal @theswordthatstabbedjouno @sliceofjai @liyue-harbour @ciel-solar @bobaducky
sign up for taglist (closed) here
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©yuan4i 2023/2024. all rights reserved. do not repost, modify, steal, plagiarize, or translate any of my work without my consent.
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laiamilton · 3 months ago
i love the english | leah williamson x fem! reader
summary; everyones fave ex wag seems to start soft launching again in london
fc; kenia os
warnings; cursing i think
notes; kenia os is soo cute but this was kinda sorta proof read
masterlist !
༘˚⋆𐙚。⋆𖦹.✧˚ ༘˚⋆𐙚。⋆𖦹.✧˚ ༘˚⋆𐙚。⋆𖦹.✧˚ ༘˚⋆𐙚。⋆𖦹.✧˚
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liked by kaliuchis, leahwilliamsonn, and others !
yourusername: london, thank you so much!❤️
username: QUEEEEEN
username: i miss u and joão 😢
username: girllllll
username: lowk same😕
username: they were not a good relationship tho 😭😭😭
username: reallll
username: the red heart omg london is red so true 😫😫😫
username: why is leah williamson liking this????
username: like ariana what r u doing here
kaliuchis: 🥰🥰🥰 *liked by yourusername*
username: KALI WHAT DO U KNOW??🤨
username: u and joão were so cute 😔😔
username: REAL i miss my parents sm
༘˚⋆𐙚。⋆𖦹.✧˚ ༘˚⋆𐙚。⋆𖦹.✧˚ ༘˚⋆𐙚。⋆𖦹.✧˚ ༘˚⋆𐙚。⋆𖦹.✧˚
yourusername uploaded to their story !
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[caption 1; 🐆🐆] [caption 2; when a certain someone likes my outfit a bit too much🙈🙈 💐]
username WHOOO
username plz say it’s joão plz plz plzzzzzzz🙏
username omg did joão buy u the flowers??
username THE FITTT😫😍
username it’s giving glamour blonde glamour
username was that joão?
༘˚⋆𐙚。⋆𖦹.✧˚ ༘˚⋆𐙚。⋆𖦹.✧˚ ༘˚⋆𐙚。⋆𖦹.✧˚ ༘˚⋆𐙚。⋆𖦹.✧˚
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liked by leahwilliamsonn, pesopluma, and others !
yourusername: more of london ❤️
username: london is red SO TRUEEEEE
username: i don’t think she’s back w joão anymore considering he plays for chelsea 😔😔
username: oooo she’d look good w calafiori😍
username: maybe she’s single? she doesn’t need a man
username: maybe she’s gay
username: shes only ever dated men tho???
username: peso pluma liked 😍
username: they’re friends !!
username: shes sooo😫
username: coygggskxjlefkodf
username: leah liked again omg
username: fairs she decided to explore london after her concert i get it 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️
username: new music when plz im already going through withdrawals even tho tommy & pamela came out a month ago😔🙏
username: so no joão?:/
username: nahhh she’s an arsenal fan and he plays for chelsea 😭
username: enemies to lovers????🤔
username: i miss them but no💔
༘˚⋆𐙚。⋆𖦹.✧˚ ༘˚⋆𐙚。⋆𖦹.✧˚ ༘˚⋆𐙚。⋆𖦹.✧˚ ༘˚⋆𐙚。⋆𖦹.✧˚
yourusername uploaded to their story !
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[caption 1; w the best photographer ❤️] [caption 2; now playing ➡️ tommy & pamela by peso pluma and y/n l/n (trans; quiet so that no one sees us]
username i think i figured it out ong
username gorgeous girl
username this soft launch is killing me just pls tell me we have wag y/n back😭😭🙏🙏
username yeah that’s not joão 😞😞😞😞
leahwilliamsonn being the best photographer only came after you telling at me 😕
yourusername sorry my love but the angles were off😔😔😔
leahwilliamsonn yeah yeah my bad for staring at the pretty lady in front of the camera instead 🙄
yourusername take me out for ice cream nd maybe i’ll forgive u xxxx
leahwilliamsonn the things you to do me… i’ll be home in 20
༘˚⋆𐙚。⋆𖦹.✧˚ ༘˚⋆𐙚。⋆𖦹.✧˚ ༘˚⋆𐙚。⋆𖦹.✧˚ ༘˚⋆𐙚。⋆𖦹.✧˚
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liked by leahwilliamsonn, katie_mccabe11, and others !
yourusername: ibizaaaaa
username: wait a damn mf minute….
username: i recognize that bun from anywhere😭
username: body is TEAAA😍😍
username: ok ibiza take over period
username: why is katie mccabe liking did the ibiza post attract all the fem footballers
username: face BANK😫
username: is that leah williamson?????
username: GIRL IT ISSS
username: omg she’s w keira too wtfffff
username: i love women !!
username: i took a pill in ibizaaaa
username: i am no better than a man 🤤
༘˚⋆𐙚。⋆𖦹.✧˚ ༘˚⋆𐙚。⋆𖦹.✧˚ ༘˚⋆𐙚。⋆𖦹.✧˚ ༘˚⋆𐙚。⋆𖦹.✧˚
leahwilliamsonn uploaded to their story !
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[caption 1; new camera to become a better photographer she says] [caption 2; i think i’m alright]
username girl….
username THATS Y/N!!!!!
username ur dating someone ??💔💔
username u and y/n are no longer subtle btw queen😇😇😇🤗🤗🤗
username WAHHHHHH
username enough of this soft launch give me a hard launch !!!!!😭😭😭🙏🙏🙏🙏
yourusername i need the best of the best for my instagram feed excuse u😠😠😠😠
leahwilliamsonn u are so right i’m sorry my love😔
yourusername ugh i love when you listen to me so quickly 🥰
yourusername im showing this to katie
leahwilliamsonn NOW WAIT????that’s not even fair bc then everyone will know
yourusername it’s ok to be a lover girl at heart, babe
leahwilliamsonn can you blame me? this soft launch stuff is annoying 🙄🙄
yourusername but it’s funny seeing all the comments 🤒🤒
leahwilliamsonn but i wanna show you off NOW
yourusername lol simp
leahwilliamsonn yeah true
༘˚⋆𐙚。⋆𖦹.✧˚ ༘˚⋆𐙚。⋆𖦹.✧˚ ༘˚⋆𐙚。⋆𖦹.✧˚ ༘˚⋆𐙚。⋆𖦹.✧˚
yourusername uploaded to their story !
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[caption 1; she love smiley fries] [caption 2; ☺️☺️]
katie_mccabe11 what’d you even say to her to get her all smiley like that???🤣
yourusername told her she looked cute nd how i was gonna post that picture on my story 😭😭
katie_mccabe11 oi i’m so gonna use that against her
yourusername i got u 🫷🙂‍↕️🫸
keirawalsh why is she so red?
yourusername i said she looked cute
keirawalsh ah makes sense
username this is sickening yall are fr a power couple omg
username Y/N FOR THE GIRLSSS ( specifically leah omgggg😫😫😫 )
leahwilliamsonn oh you actually posted this
yourusername i said you looked cute, no?
yourusername leah i can hear u giggling in the living room
leahwilliamsonn hurry up 😒 and wear my arsenal hoodie
yourusername ok whatever u say ❤️
༘˚⋆𐙚。⋆𖦹.✧˚ ༘˚⋆𐙚。⋆𖦹.✧˚ ༘˚⋆𐙚。⋆𖦹.✧˚ ༘˚⋆𐙚。⋆𖦹.✧˚
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liked by leahwilliamsonn, keirawalsh, and others !
yourusername: God i love the english
tagged; leahwilliamsonn
leahwilliamsonn: wow who is she???
yourusername: you’re sooooooooo
leahwilliamsonn: 😇😇😇😇
leahwilliamsonn: ❤️❤️❤️❤️
yourusername: 💙💙💙💙
leahwilliamsonn: babe…..
yourusername: sorry🙄❤️❤️❤️❤️
username: oh how cute🥹
username: sleeping on the highway 2night💔
username: real oomf real
username: OH HELLO HARD LAUNCH😭😭😭💞💞💞💞💞💘💘💘💓💗
username: idk if i wanna be y/n or leah
username: POWER COUPLEEE😭❤️
keirawalsh: did she giggle while watching you post this?
yourusername: maybe
stanwaygeorgia: come on, leah’s always giggling and blushing over y/n
leahwilliamsonn: how is this turning against me ??
katie_mccabe11: ahh so this is why leah was giggling during training??
yourusername: maybe 😇
leahwilliamsonn: NO?????
kyacooneyx: she lies !☝️☝️☝️
alessia: it’s true i was there 🙂‍↕️
liawaelti: so happy for you both❤️
leahwilliamsonn: thank you for not teasing me
liawaelti: oh i will just later
yourusername: LIAAA🫶🫶🫶🫶
username: i told yall y/n is for the girls🙄
username: congratulations 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
498 notes · View notes
themultifanshipper · 3 months ago
I was wondering if I could ask for a request? I love your work and I had an idea for a fic but don't have the skills to make it a reality, ANYWAYS lol.
Charles leclerc finding out his crush does onlyfans 😏
You were very well paid as an engineer in one of the top Formula 1 teams, but your secret side hustle provided much more of an... escape, than your day job did.
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Warnings: onlyfans, sextapes, smut, masturbation, fluff, Charles’ brain literally malfunctionning, angst but it end well, also I know this isn't how being a brand ambassador works but for the sake of this fic pretend Charles owns part of APM.
You had an Onlyfans. You'd had the account since college, and it had helped pay for your engineering degree.
But you'd found the experience so liberating and exciting, that you never really stopped.
So you continued posting regularly, and streaming, completely anonymously of course.
It would be absolutely mortifying if any of your colleagues found out about your other source of income.
You were smart about it. You never showed your face, barely spoke, and didn't put anything on your account that would in any way hint at your identity.
Your username was inconspicuous, you didn't really have any defining features on your body like tattoos or scars, and you'd even bought a green screen to hide your surroundings.
Sometimes you recorded videos in risky places, but they were never recognisable enough for someone to know exactly where you were.
Being a mechanic for Charles Leclerc was a dream.
He was so nice to you, if a bit shy, and extremely helpful in his feedback to you and the team.
He had made moving to Italy a lot easier and the flat he rented for when he was there was in the same neighbourhood as yours.
Charles had a thing for you. He couldn't deny it, he'd been taken with you ever since your first day, when you walked in late, and wearing a Ferrari uniform that was obviously several sizes too big for you.
“They sent me the wrong ones!” you panted as you tried to explain your attire “the orders got mixed up and I got sent someone else's uniform, I've just been at the office trying to figure it all out”
He was barely listening, your eyes had captivated him and it was too late, he just stared at you.
He snapped out of it and you could finally get to work, but not before Carlos had sniggered in the corner and given Charles a teasing look.
The teasing only got worse when it turned out that the uniform mix up was actually with Charles, because you had similar addresses.
The discovery that you'd actually been technically wearing his clothes had driven Charles to the edge of madness and back.
You'd tried to give them back to him once you’d received your own, but he insisted you keep them.
“I don't need them, you can have them”
“But they're yours! I don't need them either and they're way too big for me anyway”
“They look really good on you, you can wear them for bed or… or something…” he stuttered, the image of you in bed and in his clothes was too much for him, and he blushed his way out of the room as Carlos, who had unfortunately witnessed that interaction, howled with laughter at the idiocy of his friend.
Over the next few months Carlos was getting increasingly annoyed with Charles.
He'd teased him to bits for a few weeks, but now it was getting just plain pathetic.
You were all Charles could talk about, but he was too shy to do anything about it.
“Cabrón, you need to ask her out instead of talking my ears off about her”
“It's worse than that Carlos, I've done… something”
Carlos raised an eyebrow at his teammate, whatever Charles had done, it couldn't be good.
“Go on”
Charles blushed and looked around before getting his phone out to show Carlos something.
"There is this Onlyfans account…” he started and Carlos groaned in frustration, already knowing where this was going.
“She looks and sounds a bit like her and… Carlos I'm obsessed. I think I have a problem”
Carlos glanced at the screen. The girl didn't not look like you, but given that her face wasn't visible, and he had never seen you naked, he wasn't capable of making any sort of comparison.
“You need to do something about this mate, this is not healthy”
Charles sighed, putting his phone away. “I know”
They were at a race, waiting for qualifying to start while you were out working on the car that would hopefully get him pole position.
And it did.
The first thing he did when he got out of the car was run to you and lift you up as you laughed.
“Thank you, thank you for the car. It was perfect!” you blushed and hugged him back.
“Anything for you, Charles”
Eventually he was whisked off for his interviews and you were left red-faced and grinning as you watched him go.
The first week of summer break was spent in the factory doing some sim work and testing to see exactly what was so right about the setup, and whether you could replicate it for Carlos' car.
So the three of you (plus all the usual employees) were in Maranello for a few days.
Charles took you to one of his favourite restaurants to celebrate his latest race win.
You had a few drinks and laughed the night away, and when you separated at the end of the night, all Charles could manage was a peck on the cheek.
You went home to finally start your stream, late, and Charles went home to discover his favourite account would be starting their stream late.
 Perfect timing, he thought as he unbuckled his pants and got to work.
Yeah, he had a problem.
“Ferrari69 has joined the stream”
It wasn't rare that formula 1 themed usernames popped up in your subscribers, but it always made you chuckle when your literal employer's name appeared while you masturbated on camera for the world to see.
Ferrari69’s name was a regular sight, and a regular donator, and quite generous too.
It was probably an old rich man who had nothing better to do with his money, you supposed.
You had planned to film one of your riskier videos that week.
You didn't want to livestream it in case something went wrong, or you got caught.
There was a beautiful park in Maranello, one that had plenty of hiding spots.
That, and you did it at night when no one was around, so it was all good.
It all went smoothly, and once you were done you packed up your equipment and started making your way home when you spotted a familiar frame walking down one of the footpaths in front of you.
“Charles?” you called out and you heard a gasp followed by a relieved chuckle.
“Oh my god you scared me!” he smiled at you as you got to his level.
“What are you doing outside at this time?” he asked, perplexed.
“I uuhh… I was just clearing my head I guess… it's been a long week, you know?” you tried, and he obviously wasn't convinced but he nodded anyway and silence fell over you.
“So um…” you could feel the awkwardness dripping from his tone “that's a nice bracelet”
He motioned to your wrist and you grinned at him.
“Thanks… it's your own collection” you giggled and he facepalmed.
Yes it was his collection, he was wearing the same one around his own wrist.
“Right, right… I think I should probably head home and get some sleep then” he chuckled.
“Yeah, me too. Need to be up bright and early tomorrow for my flight home”
“Yes! Me too actually…” he fiddled with his hands nervously and the awkward silence became too much for you.
“Right well, goodnight then. I'll see you in a few weeks, Charles” and before you could think too much about it you leaned in and pressed a light kiss to his cheek.
He reddened and smiled shyly.
“Yeah, see you around”
You rushed home and slammed your front door, leaning against it as you tried to slow your heart rate down.
That could have been a disaster. God knows what could've happened if Charles had wandered past a few minutes earlier.
You shuddered, the idea of Charles catching you in the act wasn't completely unpleasant.
But you couldn't risk it, you wouldn't be filming in that park ever again.
You looked through the footage, editing what needed to be edited, and uploaded it to your channel before going through your nightly routine.
Your phone buzzed with likes and notifications as your most avid followers reacted to your new post but you didn't look at them until you were firmly planted in your bed, ready to go to sleep.
By the time Charles got home, he was ready to do some serious unwinding.
‘that's a nice bracelet’ ??? What the fuck was wrong with him.
He took a quick shower and checked his phone for the notification he hoped would be there.
He clicked on the video and grabbed a bottle of lube before climbing into bed.
He didn't even get to open the bottle though, because his eyes zoned in on the little familiar blue diamond chain around the woman's wrist.
Then he took in the surrounding trees and bushes, which were even more familiar.
It couldn't be you, surely it was some kind of twisted coincidence.
But objectively, the evidence was damning.
He decided to look through the comments as a distraction.
There were the usual comments about how hot she was and how people wished they were with her.
A flash of possessiveness surged through Charles at those.
That was new. He'd never felt possessive over her before, but now that he suspected it was you… that was a different story...
You liked a few comments, replied to a couple of others and were about to call it a night when you got a different notification.
A private message. From Ferrari69.
You opened it curiously, he'd never messaged you before, despite the numerous times he had sent you money.
“That's a nice bracelet”
A chill ran down your spine. That's exactly what Charles had said, in the park.
“Is it new?”
Bit of an odd introduction, but you supposed he deserved to know, it was his money that had paid for it after all.
“It is yes. I was in Monaco recently and I thought I'd spend some of the very generous tips you've been sending me ;) thank you so much by the way”
Charles' possessiveness flared again. Technically he had paid for that little trinket that he'd seen you wear only hours prior. He felt emboldened, and a bit turned on by that fact.
“That's a shame… I happen to know the owner of the collection, I could have made sure you got one for free. You could’ve spent the money on something else…”
Several red flags went off in your mind.
He seemed to be taking an interest in becoming your sugar daddy, which is not what you'd signed up for.
But more importantly, this man (you assumed it was a man) was potentially acquainted with Charles. Big no-no.
He could be lying for attention of course, but if the amount of money he'd sent you was any indication, he was proper rich, and therefore could very possibly know everyone in the goddamn paddock.
“If it makes you feel better, I've spent your money on other things as well, like a custom dress I'll be wearing to an event soon, and also that custom dildo I used in the park earlier :)”
Charles' dick throbbed as he thought back to the video.
“Really? Money well spent in that case. I enjoyed the video very much ;) Will you be doing any more risky ones like that?”
“I don't know… I was almost caught by a colleague of mine tonight”
Charles was in too deep. He needed to stop this madness before somebody got hurt.
He ended the conversation as quickly as he could without seeming off, and groaned when the thumbnail of the video flashed on his screen again, cock twitching at the sight of you riding a dildo that he'd paid for.
And then you’d met him in the woods, and acted as if you hadn't been getting yourself off minutes before.
Instead of doing the reasonable thing and having a cold shower, he put the video on again and fisted his cock desperately until he was spent.
Yeah, Charles was fucked.
A chill ran down your back as you turned your phone off.
You couldn't shake the feeling that your identity was in danger.
You shrugged it off, putting your paranoid thoughts down to the fact that it was late and you were tired as fuck.
You caught your flight the next day, barely, because you'd forgotten to set an alarm. So the night before was successfully put out of your mind for now as you snoozed away on the plane.
A couple of weeks later was the event.
You and Charles called it that in a derogatory way, because you knew it would be anything but an event.
It was possibly the most boring day of the calendar, basically the equivalent to a business meeting, but with everyone forced to be dressed to the nines because sponsors would be there.
It took place in a big mansion, belonging to some CEO or another, in the Swiss countryside.
So all the most important staff were invited, and put up in a fancy hotel.
Charles was waiting anxiously for you to arrive.
He had decided that today was the day he was going to tell you he knew about your uhh… side activities.
He didn't quite know how to broach the subject, but he was sure the inspiration would come to him at some point.
He'd spent the last two weeks avoiding any conversation with you, and he hadn't told Carlos a thing, confusing the Spaniard to no end as he watched Charles suddenly turn completely dismissive whenever you were mentioned.
When you arrived, he thought he was dreaming.
You were wearing a long red satin dress. It showed off your curves, having a very low neckline and no back.
The old rich pigs sponsors were going to love you.
He certainly did.
Wait what? Did he love you? He was certainly possessive over you. And completely obssessed with you, and your eyes, and your smile, and the way you were the only one who laughed when he made stupid puns…
“Charles?” you frowned at him, eyes full of concern as you snapped your fingers in his face, trying to get his attention.
You were standing right in front of him, sparkly makeup making you glow, and you smelled divine. He didn't know how long you'd been standing there.
His brain was short circuiting and he stared straight at your breasts that were barely covered by the rosso corsa fabric that was clinging to your body.
“Charles?” you knew he was staring, and you were getting slightly uncomfortable. “Are you okay, man?”
He paid for that dress. You looked fucking sexy incredible in a dress that he was responsible for buying, in his colour.
Something glinted in his vision as you lifted a hand to his forehead to check whether he was having some kind of fever.
You were wearing the bracelet. His collection. The bracelet you were wearing when you fucked yourself on camera with the dildo he also paid for.
“Charles people are staring. Do you need to lie down?”
Shit. He needed to say something.
But there was no way in hell that anything that came out of his mouth could possibly be appropriate right now.
He gave it a go anyway.
“You're all mine” he growled.
You jumped at his tone, retracting your hand in surprise.
“What?” you whispered, glancing around to see if anyone was listening in.
“Do you want to know a fun fact?” he said, mouth dry, brain barely working.
“Uhh… sure?”
“I paid for that dress”
You looked at him questioningly but he didn't elaborate.
“What?” you chuckled nervously. “No, I paid for this?” you were very confused by Charles' sudden change of personality. He looked like he was on drugs, pupils swallowing his irises as he scanned your body.
“I also paid for this” his voice was hoarse as his hand went to grab you wrist.
He internally begged you to understand what he was saying, even if his mouth couldn't say it out loud.
“I… I don't understand Charles… this is from your collection but you didn't buy it for me? What has gotten into you?” you ripped your arm away from his grasp.
“No, I paid for it, and I can prove it to you.”
You frowned as he took out his phone and tapped away on it for a minute, hiding it from your view.
You were even more confused when he put it back in his pocket and waited.
“Charles what-“  you were cut off by the sound of your phone buzzing in your bag.
What on earth was he playing at? You pulled it out to check it.
He opened his mouth just as you saw the notification on your screen, and you froze as your brain absorbed the information.
“I just sent you two hundred euros”
‘Ferrari69 has sent you 200€’
Your fingers tightened around your phone.
You physically couldn't look away from the screen.
You reread the notification over and over, while your brain replayed Charles' words.
This couldn't be happening.
You tried to heave in a breath but it got caught in your throat and you choked on a sob.
You walked away as quickly as you could, tears threatening to blur your vision as you almost ran down a hallway in search of somewhere you could block out the thoughts threatening to split your head open.
You've been found out. You're going to lose your job. Charles has lost all respect for you. You will lose your career, your friends, everyone you've ever known is going to be disgusted by you.
You didn't hear the footsteps behind you until it was too late.
Charles wrapped an arm around your middle and dragged you into the closest room he could find.
You didn't have the strength to fight.
Tears flowed freely down your cheeks as he sat you down in a chair and cradled your face in his hands, crouching down in front of you.
“Hey. Hey, it's okay. You're going to be okay. It's just me. I'm the only one who knows. Just breathe. Come on, deep breaths for me.”
Thankfully, Charles' brain had rebooted at the sight of your trembling frame running away from him.
“I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.” He leaned his forehead against yours, thumbs wiping the tears from your cheeks. “I shouldn't have told you like that. I don't know what came over me. I’m sorry…”
At last you were breathing relatively normally again.
“Charles” your voice shook as you pushed him off and put your head in your hands.
“You have no idea. No idea how humiliating this is.”
“I won't tell anybody, I promise.” Charles took your hands in his and squeezed.
“That's not the point. It’s supposed to be secret. If anyone else finds out I'll lose my job, and… and you”
“Look at me” he whispered, and you slowly raised your head, eyes betraying nothing but vulnerability.
“You are not going to lose your job, or me. I have been in love with you for months. This is not going to change that. And I will not tell a soul about this, I promise…”
Your jaw dropped. Your head was pounding with all this information.
“And do you want to know a fun fact?” he cracked a smile and you couldn't help letting out a nervous laugh.
“I think I've had enough fun facts today thank you very much”
He chuckled dryly and nodded understandingly.
“This one is important though. Do you want to know why I followed your uhh… account, in the first place?”
You shook your head.
“It is because I was too much of a coward to tell you how I felt, and the woman in the videos reminded me of you. So it was like I was in my own little fucked up fantasy when I watched them.”
Your eyes were wide as you listened to him. He was thinking of you, while unknowingly jerking off to your actual nudes…
“And you have no idea how fucking hard I came when I figured out it was actually you”
Your breath caught in your throat.
“That is so fucked up, Charles”
He nodded.
“I know. So if anything, I'm the one who is humiliated, and if you never want to speak to me again, I will understand”
You laughed disbelievingly. It was almost sweet how he was trying to make you feel better.
“Charles… I don't think you understand. I am in love with you.”
His mouth opened and closed several times before any sound came out.
You laughed “Yeah, oh…”
“You don't care that I am a pervert who has been sending you money?”
You froze and thought back to the conversation you'd had that night.
“Oh my god… is that how you figured it out?”
“No” he chuckled “I figured it out because you wore my fucking jewelry collection in a video filmed in a place I know very well, minutes before I saw you in it”
You sighed. “I knew it was a bad idea”
Charles’ hand came to cradle your jaw, thumb brushing at your lower lip.
“If it makes you feel better, not a day has passed where I haven't thought about fucking you in those bushes”
Your breath hitched and you saw his pupils grow in size.
“As long as we don't film it and post it on the internet, I don't see why we can't make that particular fantasy come true”
It was his turn to gasp.
“Next time we are in Maranello, I am going to fuck you under the moonlight.”
You scrunched your nose at his words.
“That's very sappy Charles”
He laughed, slowly leaning in closer to you as he responded.
“Well, so far the beginning of our relationship has been… complicated. I need to make up for it…” his lips brushed yours and your unsteady breath mingled with his “starting right. Now.”
He pressed his lips to yours and your eyes fluttered shut.
It was surreal, kissing the object of your long time affections.
His lips were so unnaturally soft, parting your own as his tongue came to deepen the kiss, and his hands came to rest on your waist.
Your own hands came up to curl in his hair and tug at the strands, making him groan.
“Fuck- don't do that unless you want to walk out of this room limping”
You smirked at him, very tempted by the offer. But you knew that at any moment someone was going to come looking for Charles for his speech.
“I'll take you up on that at some point, but right now you need to go. I'll get myself freshened up and join you in a minute”
He nodded, coming to his senses. He did need to go make a speech. Inaugurating his new relationship would have to wait.
His speech was the most entertaining thing of the event, considering how dull the rest of it was.
Every time he spotted you in the crowd he would stutter, blush, and need about a minute each time to get back on track.
And only you noticed, but he kept subtly readjusting himself every time he put a hand in his pocket, feigning nonchalance.
The two of you left straight after the speech, bumping into Carlos in the lobby.
“Where are you going, Cabrón? You need to do the thing at the end with the-“
He took one look at your guilty faces, and intertwined hands, and groaned.
“Jesus… okay, go. I will cover for you”
You both thanked him breathlessly and all but sprinted to Charles' car.
He drove you to the hotel you were both in, and dragged you up to you room as fast as was humanly possible.
Unlocking the door was a challenge, already climbing on each other by that point, and if someone else had been in the corridor at that moment they would have seen a shirtless Charles pulling your dress up around your waist while trying to get his keycard in your slot, as it were.
It wasn't long before you were inside, fully naked, pressed against the wall with your legs hooked over his arms as he pounded into you.
You panted and whimpered into each other's mouths, pulling each other closer as you struggled to kiss with the pleasure that was coursing through your bodies.
“I love you” he said, voice cracking with the effort of holding back.
“I love you, Charles” you whined, one hand scratching down his back, the other tangling in his hair to pull on it once again.
He growled and his hips slammed yours against the wall.
“Fuck, I'm going to fill you up if you keep doing that”
You moaned, extremely close to edge yourself.
“Do it. Fill me up, Charlie. Make me yours!”
You reached your highs at the same time, moans echoing in the room as you rode the waves of pleasure, clinging to each other desperately.
He carried you over to the bed, put you down gently and kissed you senseless.
You showered together and you put one of his shirts on (the ones mistakenly sent to you) to sleep in.
While you were in bed, cuddled up together, one of his hands slipped under the shirt and came to rest on one of your breasts.
“Baby?” you giggled as he gave it a quick squeeze.
“I can't believe I used to fantasize about these, not knowing they were next to me the whole time…”
He kissed your cheek and you groaned.
“God, you are such a perv, Charles”
He laughed softly. “I think you are not well placed to be saying that to me”
You gasped in mock offence.
“Why? Because I've been posting myself masturbating for the world to see?”
“Nooo…” he purred in your ear “Because, you are going to keep doing it” he bit your ear lightly as his other hand trailed down your body “and I am going to buy you all the things I want you to use on yourself, for the world to see”
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