#and despite being hurt i don't want to be isolated. it's just that i can't trust again
kinda really sucks that i've been made to feel so obnoxious and wrong that i just can't really talk about anything myself unless i'm asked something
#but hey that's what happens when everything you've done that felt safe and ok#kinda never was and you were told you only talk of 1 thing and don't care about anything else#but then now i'm told i'm apparently missed and it's missed when i used to talk freely about stuff#and i can't believe that. even if i try my hardest to#i know i can't do that and i know if i let go of my constraints and talk with no restrictions i'll be told off again#and if not then i won't be told it's not ok and i won't be told it's too much#and i'll be doing harm without realizing it#but that's what i deserve for not putting others before myself#i guess. sort of. went back to knowing that whatever i want or feel doesn't matter#so that's fine i suppose. i can still live and move on sort of#so. it's whatever. i'll be asked and i'll be talked to if i'm wanted or needed#whatever it is i do out of my own initiative or interest won't be welcome and that's ok too#as long as i keep finding happiness myself in something then. ok#kinda sucks to be hurt deeply and then blamed for reacting a certain way too#being told 'i'm hurt now' kinda fucking sucks. because i never wanted this to begin with#all i did was. feeling safe and talking a lot. but that was of course not ok#and god knows how not ok that had been. for how much time. and i wasn't told#now it's become extremely sensitive and i require 100% transparency on whatever happens or i feel insanely bad#like my chest just gives up. and i'm capable of being made guilty even when i'm honest about this too#so i think i'm kind of tired and i really don't know what else to do. and i don't feel like talking#but i'm still here. and i realize i don't feel anger or hatred or anything like it. there's just. kinda nothing#but if i'm asked or talked to i feel good and i feel ok#but because of my hurt i've become less reliable on that and i'm not believed when i say i still treasure it a lot#and despite being hurt i don't want to be isolated. it's just that i can't trust again#but oh well right. i apparently caused all this and caused my personality to completely change#so it's all on me i suppose
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adventuringblind · 8 months
Don't Leave Us
Lestappen x Reader
Genre: angst, hurt/comfort
Summary: With the mass amount of online hate and a relationship that's not public, it all gets too much.
Warnings: graphic depictions of self-harm, graphic depictions of suicide
Notes: I hope you're doing okay, Nonny! Maybe this will help you like it does me :)
side note: I am not above begging for interaction. Fill my inbox with feral driver thoughts! Interact with my posts! It feeds my praise kink and makes me giggle and kick my feet 🥰
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It's not like the toxicity of social media is a new thing. She's always known that it could happen. She just wasn't expecting it to be so... much.
Her relationship with Max and Charles isn't out for the public. There are dangers that come with opening that up for everyone to get a glimpse of. Reporters waiting to make snide remarks. Fans that want to bash on the drivers they dislike.
Plus, she's not famous. People don't notice her. At least - they didn't until recently.
Some WAG account had managed to get photos of her with either Max or Charles. Not the three of them together. Speculative fans determined she must be playing both of them.
Not all of them, some people defend her. Those comments make her cry out of relief that at least someone isn't trying to tear her down.
She doesn't bring it up to either of the boys. They have enough on their plates as is. Stress and sickness become her new best excuses to not go out in public.
Sure, she's isolating herself and not talking to anyone. Carmen and Lily keep trying. She's just not ready to show her face.
Nothing is sacred anymore. The rumors are too much. Even avoiding all social media isn't enough. She can't even leave her house without someone trying to discreetly take her photo.
Her skin burns with attention every time she steps out the door. She can't eat knowing people are always looking at her. She can't even go to the shop to get groceries or to her mailbox.
It gets worse by the day. Soon enough, someone figures out where she lives. Knowing she has a stalker makes every ounce of security she once had vanish.
It's miserable seeing her information leaked out for everyone to see. Privacy is now a luxury of the past. It's enough to send her spiraling.
When her safety is called into question, Max and Charles bring her to Monaco. They are willing to risk it for her. Their attempt at giving her some piece of mind by staying in the same apartment only makes her thoughts darker.
She's the reason there is so much negative publicity. The sharks are circling them, just waiting for one wrong move. Is she ready to be the catalyst for her lovers' downfall?
The thought sends her stomach up her throat. The thoughts swirl around her head, paralyzing her body into a perpetual state of fear. Stuck in a luxurious Monaco penthouse. Because people being toxic and stalking her is such a horrible problem to have. She should just suck it up; pretend everything is fine.
So then, why is it so hard? Why can't she just be alright?
One week. A plan in her head and a smile plastered on her face. The boys haven't asked about it. Their concern shows in the facial expressions, but they don't push. Maybe it would be better if they did. Send her already crumbling walls to the ground.
She deep cleans on Monday. She does her best to make sure the apartment isn't in disarray, that her own things are packed away, so they won't have much to deal with. The contrasting red and blue of Max and Charles' clothes are the only things left in the closet when she's done.
Speculations start again on Tuesday. Max and Charles spend all day in some PR meeting about it. It gives her time to sort out her affairs without them hearing her. She cooks them dinner to help ease the frustrations. Their teams don't want them to come out, but they do.
Wednesday, they leave to their next destination. She doesn't leave the hotel room despite the concerns of others. Carmen and Lily come around at some point. They eat in with her and kick out the boys. It feels normal for the first time in months. She almost breaks and tells them.
Thursday is media day. She feels for both boys as they get asked invasive questions about their love life. They look stressed. She gets hugged a little tighter that night. It calms the thoughts, but it's not enough. They hurt more every day. She's just wants it to stop.
Practice on Friday goes well for both. Max and Charles are in better spirits. She drags herself out to eat with them. the boys don't care who sees. She does. The anxiety nearly suffocates her. eyes crawling over her skin. Please, make it stop.
Saturday is a wreck. The qualifying is difficult for both her partners. Their relationship status is once again coming under fire. The speculating is becoming extreme, enough for the whispering of the paddock to become deafening to her ears. She spends her time hiding away, writing her last thoughts in messy scrawl.
Sunday, they turn the weekend around. The podium has always suited them. Smiling for everyone to see and dousing each other in champagne. She smiles too, even though it hurts.
They fly back to Monaco that night. Conversation turns to going public despite team wishes. They are willing to risk it for her. She can't bring herself to say yes. They worked hard to live their dreams; she won't ruin it for them.
Monday comes around again. The notes are laying out on the table. The boys are with their friends, some kind of brunch get together.
She leaves the bathroom door unlocked.
The bath filled, her clothes still on. Her thoughts finally still. Tears streak down her face.
The water is cold.
Then it's red.
"I worry about leaving her alone." Charles pulls the car back into its spot.
"Well, if we brough her along it wouldn't be much of a surprise, yes?" Max checks his watch again. "Plus, what could she have done in the fifteen minutes we were gone?"
They haul the ridiculous number of snacks to the front door. They decided last week they would see if they could coax the female out of her depressive state, just for a little while. Maybe get her to confide in them. If not, then at the very least a therapist.
The distance is damn near suffocating. She's so close physically, yet so far away mentally. Always staring at the walls with a distant look in her eyes.
The apartment is eerily quiet when they step inside. The kind that Charles despises after living in a chaotic house with two brothers and three busy schedules his Maman had to keep track of.
He drops the bags and peers around the entry way. Then searches the corridors until he finds one of the bathroom doors closed.
Charles knocks on the door but receives no response. "Cheri? Are you not feeling well?"
Charles almost dives out of the way when Max comes barreling down the hallway. The Dutch tries the doorknob, heavy breathing filling the odd silence.
Charles pales at the sight revealed to him. Paralyzed that this horrific scene could even be a possibility. Is he dreaming? He has to be - there isn't any way for this to be real... right?
"Charles!-" the Monegasque is dragged from his thoughts. Real or not, Max needs his help. Scratch that - she needs his help. "- Get an ambulance!"
Charles fishes his phone out of his pocket and makes the call. Max is desperate trying to stop the bleeding from the vertical slit traveling her forearm. "Is she...?" He can't finish the thought. Heart being through his chest at the possible answer.
"Pules is there but faint." Max sounds like he's desperately trying to hold back his tears. His mind working desperately to keep her alive.
Charles must space out. He doesn't remember opening the door or watching her be carried out by the swift paramedics. The car ride doesn't register, not until they are already in the waiting room.
Max hands him her notes. The paragraphs she wrote to them. A final goodbye in messy scrawl, but the tails of her letters still curled.
"She did it for us, Charlie, because she thought she was hurting us."
They both break down in the uncomfortable waiting room chairs. Charles violently sobbing. Neither of them respond to their messages. Phones buzzing with calls that go to voice-mail.
A doctor comes calling her name. Charles is only half listening. Specifically looking for either a confirmation of death or the relief of hearing that she's okay. Max seems to be paying attention. His shoulders sag, and there is a soft look on his face when they are left to their own devices.
"She's alive, Charlie."
He erupts until tears once more.
Everything hurts. Her thoughts are fuzzy. There is something soft beneath her.
The white ceiling is paired with the burning smell of alcohol. A sterile environment. Meaning-
Fuck. How did it go so wrong? How had they managed to keep her alive?
The beeping on the heart monitor picks up. A sign that she's definitely alive and in a hospital.
Her attempts at moving are futile. There is too much pain and exhaustion to do so. A pulsing behind her ears drowns out the thumping of her heart.
"Rest now, amour."
It takes a single stroke of Charles' fingers on her cheek to make her entire facade shatter into nothing.
She's mumbling incoherent words. It's a string of apologies, rants of anger and embarrassment, and confusion at why they are even here with her. They are continually reassuring her. They coo into her ear how they are so glad she's alive. That she doesn't have to fight whatever battle through hell this is alone.
Recovery is difficult. They have to put her on a suicide watch, but Max and Charles somehow manage to keep her out of the psychward. Mostly because they want to be with her at all hours of the day.
They miss a singular race for her. Then drag her to the next. Part of the deal they had made was that they won't sacrifice their careers for her.
They negotiated with the teams. Managed to wriggle around their soft spots and get them to approve going public. Max and Charles want to openly defend her. No more public executions. They'er pulling her out of the shark infested waters that is the media.
It's slow. People ask about it sometimes; why Charles and Max had missed that race. None of them give an answer. They aren't obligated to.
"Why fight for me?" She asks. a year after the events.
"Because chéri, we love you enough to help you carry the burden."
"Honestly liefste, we fight for what we believe in. We believe in you and the love you have for us."
"Maybe it's selfish, but we want to share that with you. Keep you here with us to go on adventures and explore the different paths life offers."
"So don't leave us yet. You are worth every sacrifice."
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Mk1 intros with exotic dancer!reader
While reader has no bodily description, the vibe I'm going for is
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Please enjoy these self indulgent intros! I have put more details about the reader insert under the intros but see how much you can piece together from the dialogue 😂 Also black text is the reader
Johnny * "How much for a dance, beautiful?" "For you and Kenshi? Always on the house..." * "Think about it, gorgeous! You and I? On the red carpet?! IN THAT RED OUTFIT OF YOURS!!" "I'm not sure I'd enjoy the public scrutiny..." * "You are an entertainer like me in Earthrealm?" "An entertainer of sorts... remind me to show you Ninja Mine when we get back home!" * "Many of your earthrealm friends seemed confused that I am bound to both you and Kenshi?" "Yeah... explaining polyrelationships on earth is a bit harder than Outworld..."
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Kenshi * "It pains me terribly to know that you can't see me dance anymore..." "I can still see you in a sense. Besides love, I can feel your dancing much more acutely now." * "How many lucky men have seen the red outfit?" "Just you and Johnny..." * "We have already been threatened by the Empress and Princesses to not hurt you love..." "The bite marks you both left probably didn't help your case!" * "Does everyone in Outworld know about your relationship with me and Johnny?" "Unfortunately, court gossip spreads fast, more so regarding me or Mileena..."
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Sindel * "Remember my dear, there will always be a place at court for you, should you want it." "Thank you Aunt Sindel!" * "All those times you took the blame for Mileena, I did know about it - thank you." "It helped Mileena's reputation in court to not always the troublemaker, it was necessary." * "Please do not blame Mileena so much for that one night: Tarkat is very easy to contract." "And yet dear, you lived your entire life on the streets and never contracted it?"
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Mileena * "Based on the noises I heard from your bedchamber last night, I assume the earthrealmers are good at pleasuring?" "Mil, pleasure doesn't even BEGIN to describe the feeling..." * "Do you remember that celebration by the sea front when you thr-" "SHUSH - Mother does not know about that night..." * "How can you forgive me for blinding your lover?! I wouldn't blame you for hating me-" "You didn't have control! Kenshi knows that and I do too. Besides, how can you forgive me for letting you contract Tarkat?"
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Kitana * "A little birdie told me that Raiden likes you..." "I believe that may have been exaggerated..." * "Do you promise you will come back to visit?" "Of course Kit, I'll be back before you know it!" * "Li Mei still does not approve of your choices-" "Believe me, that will not change any time soon."
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Li Mei * "I am only looking out for the Princesses' well-being!" "By isolating them from their only friend outside the palace?" * "With your talent, you could have been a better umgadi than Tanya and yet you choose to be an entertainer?!" "I choose to live and enjoy life: not just survive it!" * "Despite what you believe, I am proud of your skill-" "Then maybe show it once in a while!"
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Tanya * "Does anyone know about our training?" "No, and I'd prefer it to stay that way." * "Look after Mileena AND Kitana while I am gone - they are like sisters to me." "Of course - it is my honour and duty" * "Thank you for supporting me and Mileena." "I was allowed to be with who I love; Mileena deserves the same."
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Raiden * "Do I make you uncomfortable Raiden?" "Uh... uncomfortable is not the word I would use..." * "I can put in a good word to Kitana for you~" "Thank you - that is very kind!" * "Did Johnny explain the relationship to you?" "I... understand the basic principle..."
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Kung Lao * "What does Johnny have that I don't?!" "Better table manners for one." * "How much for a dance?" "I doubt you could afford it!" * "Is it true you were engaged to Reiko?!" "He and I grew up together, nothing more."
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Bihan * "I will not associate with an outworld whore!" "You do understand that I am a dancer and not a prostitute? Right?" * "I will not be bewitched Sorceress!" "So you DO find me attractive!" * "I heard about the offer you made to Kuai Liang..." "Is that jealousy I hear in your voice?"
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Kuai Liang * "I am here to offer you my services... in ANY capacity... or position... you wish..." "Are you still speaking of kombat?" * "I hear you have a red outfit-" "Unfortunately handsome, that is just for Johnny and Kenshi." * "Kombatant or dancer, if I wanted your services, how much-" "For you? On the house..."
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Tomas * "Did you ever feel that you did not belong when you lived with the princesses?" "I was fortunate enough to have been friends with both Mileena and Kitana before Aunt Sindel took me in." * "If it puts you at ease, Madam Bo told me of Raiden's how-you-say 'crush' as well, not just yours..." "I can't believe she told you!" * "Kenshi? I am confused, Johnny said-" "This really is a bizarre concept to earthrealmers, isn't it?"
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Ashrah * "I heard what your Kriss said about Mileena and Kitana - what does it say about me?" "It says that you are a better person than you let on and that you keep your kindness guarded?" * "You know, I could show you a few moves to impress Syzoth?..." "Oh... thank you?" * "Perhaps you could do me a favour and not tell anyone about the having-a-good-heart revelation from your sword - I have a reputation to keep up." "If that is what you wish."
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Syzoth * "Ashrah is a lucky girl... that being said, my offer for a dance is still on the table..." "Oh... umm I appreciate the offer?" * "Ashrah says you are a better person than most people think." "I TOLD HER TO KEEP THAT A SECRET!" * "If it is any consolation, the people of Outworld considered me a freak as well." "It is comforting to know that someone so beautiful has shared my struggles."
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General Shao * "I heard about your relationship with the earthrealmers!" "UGH who told you?!" * "You only survived through Royal nepotism!" "Are you still upset about me defeating you at the banquet?! * "Your attractiveness is ruined by your demeanour and personality." "Is this the great general finally admitting his attraction towards me?"
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Reiko * "I heard the rumours, your relationship with the earthrealmers-" "Is none of your concern!" * "Had you not left the palace, we would have been engaged!" "There are plenty of reasons we would NOT have been engaged, Reiko." * "You were practically handed a position at court?!" "I chose my freedom Reiko - I did not want to spend the rest of my life as Li Mei's shadow the way you are with the general!"
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Shang Tsung * "I want a dance - name your price..." "Easy - YOUR HEAD!" * "I hear you do more than dance for the earthrealmers..." "DOES EVERYONE KNOW ABOUT MY RELATIONSHIP?" * "Not so innocent, are you?" "Like you have any right to judge me!"
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For this backstory description to make sense age wise, I'm going to use human years on the scale that Mileena and Kitana are in their 20s with the reader being the same age as Mileena. Backstory: reader is an orphan who grew up with Reiko - the two were just your average street urchins. At around age 7 when they were stealing from the market, reader saw two girls who were very lost and distraught. They asked her if she could show them the way back to the palace. Assuming they were joking, she ignored the request but asked them to hang out with her until their parents arrived. So the three girls and Reiko spent the rest of the day having fun. The next day, Li Mei found the four children and brought them back to the palace saying to Sindel that the reader and Reiko should receive punishment. However, Mileena and Kitana both vouched for them and their abilities in kombat. Shao, upon hearing this, decided to take Reiko under his wing. Meanwhile, Sindel was overjoyed to see that Mileena and Kitana made their first and only friend outside of the palace and decided to take reader in to be trained as an umgadi. So for the next few years, Li Mei trained reader in kombat and the ways of palace life but this did not stop reader and Mileena to sneak out of the palace at any given chance. By the time reader was 16, it was time for her to take the umgadi vows but reader shocked everyone by saying she wants to be a street performer instead of an umgadi. Sindel agreed with the condition that whenever reader is in Sun Do, she will stay at the palace with them. So the reader split her time between staying in Sun Do and travelling.
In terms of trying to match this up with MK1, following Reiko's defeat, Sindel is ready to yell at Li Mei for failing to secure the entertainment when Reader walks through the door offering to do so. The royal family immediately go to hug her leaving the earthrealmer gang confused. Liu Kang then explains the story to Raiden, Kung Lao and a smitten Johnny and Kenshi. The banquet takes place with the reader as the entertainer. When Raiden's toast is interrupted by Shao, reader tells him to back down with a fight ensuing with reader as the victor. She ends up becoming very fond of the earthrealmers and decides to spend time with them. The game then unfolds as usual and after the festival when the earthrealm players return, reader goes with them alongside Ashrah and Syzoth. By the end of the game, reader returns to earth with Johnny and Kenshi with the promise to return Outworld soon. (Also let's say everyone survives in this scenario because I love writing intros for Sindel).
@redlotus98 maybe it's time to make an MK branch of the red house universe...👀
Let me know if you want to see intros for characters talking about the reader
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virune · 4 months
Oh oh story prompt!
"After a rather long day, two very tired hedgehogs find out they've been sharing a secret resting place"? Hope that makes sense, just two hedgehogs being like "oi this is my isolated sleepy spot-" LMAO
Sonic was bone-tired.
Eggman had really pulled out all the stops today. Droves upon droves of badniks, all powered by a chaos emerald that the doctor had somehow managed to get his mitts on. Then, if that weren't bad enough, he'd even brought Metal Sonic along with him, if only to add insult to injury.
It was all over now, at least: with the help of his friends - Tails' smarts, Amy's perseverance, Knuckles' strength, and Rouge's cunning, the doctor's evil plot had been sufficiently brought to an end, one destroyed badnik at a time.
"Wasn't expecting you to join the party, Rouge," Sonic had told the bat, smiling at her as she dusted off her immaculate clothes.
"Well, let's just say I happened to be in the area." Rouge's replies always seemed to be intentionally cryptic, Sonic noticed. "And besides, any chance I have to knock that rotten doctor down a peg, I'll take. He's a nuisance for all of us."
"Hah! Can't argue with that." Sonic rubbed his arm, and then reached out a hand just as Rouge was about to fly off. "Wait! I - can I ask you something?"
"Sure, Big Blue." There was a twinkle in the bat's eye, one that Sonic only usually saw when Shadow was nearby. Speaking of which…
"How come Shadow wasn't with you? Is he… on a mission?"
"That's right." Rouge's eyes seemed to glitter even more, as though she could sense his disappointment. "Very important business. I'm sure you understand."
Sonic offered a smile. "Yeah."
"Why, were you hoping to see him?"
"What - I - no! I was just curious! You two are friends, aren't you?"
Rouge's hand found a place on her hip, pinning Sonic in place with a gaze that seemed to be able to find anything it ever searched for. She had always been so incredibly perceptive - especially when it came to Sonic's little… crush.
"Of course," she said, her voice smooth and nonchalant. It made his fur stand on end. "Don't sweat it, hon. I'm sure you'll get to see him soon."
Before Sonic could babble out a flustered reply, Rouge took off at last, disappearing into the darkening sky.
Wow, was it that late already? Despite his frazzled nerves, Sonic found himself feeling tired, mouth stretching open into a generous yawn. Well, since Eggman had been taken care of, surely it couldn't hurt to grab some shut-eye.
Luckily for him, he knew a nice little spot. Somewhere quiet and undisturbed. And it wasn't too far from here - at least, not at the speed he was capable of.
And so, with a final wave goodbye to his friends, Sonic vanished up the mountain in a cobalt blue streak.
Someone was in his spot.
Even from up on the bank, Sonic couldn't miss the orange glow coming from the cabin windows, nor the smoke billowing from the chimney. It was getting darker still, and somebody had stumbled upon this place and made it their own.
But who?
This old cabin had been left, seemingly abandoned, up on a mountain. Surely nobody could find it under normal means. Sonic himself only found the cabin because he'd decided to take a detour from his usual running path, winding up the mountain until he was pushing open the door to look inside.
It was a nice little cabin, too. Nobody came back to claim it so Sonic decided to… well, make it his own little place, so to speak. He didn't have any qualms sleeping outside, but sometimes curling up in front of a warm fire was nice too. So what if he wanted to indulge himself from time to time? He thought he'd earned that at least, saving the world as often as he did, and as he continued to do.
So to discover that someone else had snuck in while he'd been distracted made him a little annoyed.
He didn't want to just barge in the front door - after all, if they were capable of scaling the mountain, Sonic couldn't underestimate whoever was inside. Was it Eggman? Had he found the cabin somehow? Had he followed Sonic there and set up a trap?
Whatever the case, Sonic had to be ready for a fight.
He approached as quietly as he could; stealth was never his forte, but if he wanted the upper hand, then he needed to be delicate. After all, he'd hate for his beloved cabin to get destroyed in an altercation. Maybe he could take down the intruder swiftly, or find some way to lure them out before they fought. Keeping the cabin intact was his main priority.
Sonic went to peek through the window, but he grit his teeth with some irritation to find that the curtains had been pulled shut. Damn. What now? The front door lacked any windows or mail slot. How could he get inside without being noticed?
He saw it then. On the second floor. An open window.
Hah! Had the intruder completely forgotten to close it? Sonic took a couple steps back and gauged the distance - he could probably climb up. A running jump would be too noisy. So, giving himself a moment to stretch, he braced himself against the bricks and began to ascend.
His fingers hurt, digging deep in the crevices between each brick, but he pushed on. The window was inches away now. He pushed himself up, brushing the windowsill with his fingertips and hoisting his body up. Slowly, silently, Sonic climbed through and into the bathroom.
It was dark. But it was also empty. A good sign. That meant he hadn't been caught yet. He closed the bathroom window behind him before he tried the door handle, opening it as carefully as he could to avoid making any sound. It was so uncharacteristic of Sonic to move this slowly, but he tried his best, because his favourite sleeping spot was in jeopardy.
He tiptoed along the carpet at the top of the stairs and peeked down over the railing to see if he could spot anything. The glow was brighter from here and he realised it was coming from the hearth in the living room. Someone was using up all the firewood! Oh, the nerve. If they weren't dangerous, maybe Sonic could convince them to leave.
The first step creaked under his weight and Sonic froze, expecting alarm bells to sound off, expecting a trap to spring, expecting badniks to swarm him. Anything. Instead, nothing happened. The fire crackled. The peace continued on.
OK, well, he wasn't in trouble yet. He still had time to figure out who the intruder was. Taking a deep breath, Sonic made his way down the rest of the stairs. He was standing near the doorway now. The living room was just around the corner. He could see the shadows of a figure dancing on the opposite wall; whoever they were, they'd made themselves pretty comfortable on the sofa.
Sonic squinted his eyes. As he focused harder, he realised that the silhouette looked vaguely familiar. They weren't moving - were they asleep? - but he couldn't deny that the stranger seemed to have quills that turned upwards at the end in a way that was so distinct, so unnatural for a hedgehog to have.
He inhaled again, and he caught the unmistakable scent of lavender in his nose.
It couldn't be.
He turned the corner at last.
Shadow jolted upright, the book he'd apparently been engrossed in falling from his lap and thudding against the floor. His red eyes met Sonic's, burning brightly against the glow of the fire.
"What the hell are you doing here?" Shadow asked.
"What am I - what are you?" Sonic cried, incredulous. "This is my cabin!"
Shadow removed the green woollen blanket from his legs to stand up. "Don't be ridiculous. I found this cabin months ago."
Sonic balked. That couldn't be right. He found the cabin. He'd been coming here regularly for weeks - months, even!
"I don't understand. This is my favourite sleeping spot. I didn't think anyone else knew about this place…"
Shadow retrieved his book from the floor, dog-earing the page he was on and sitting back down. "That makes two of us."
"So, spill. How often do you come here?"
"Couple times a month. When I have a moment."
"So do I." Sonic stepped closer. "Listen, I had to deal with Eggman today. Rouge was there. Where were you?"
"Elsewhere," was all Shadow answered.
Sonic clenched his fists. He was always happy to see Shadow, although he'd never admit it, but he wasn't happy about this new discovery.
"Alright, well. I'm pretty tired, and I wanted to rest here tonight…"
Shadow stared at him. "So?"
"So!" Sonic fumbled, gesturing vaguely to the door. "Leave! So I can relax."
Instead of leaving, Shadow tilted his head to the side. "Why don't we both just stay here? I'm willing to tolerate it, if it's all the same to you."
Sonic's mouth snapped shut. His face was warm, and not because of the fire. Absolutely not. There's no way he could relax with Shadow, of all people, around. Especially not in such a… comfortable, domestic setting. It was too much for him. He'd rather run a hundred laps through a blizzard than cope with his stupid feelings.
A hand patted the empty spot on the sofa, breaking Sonic from his thoughts.
"Sit. I want to finish this chapter."
Sonic frowned, willing his heart to stop racing. He eased himself onto the sofa next to Shadow, staring straight ahead. For some reason he was afraid to look. Shadow was much too close.
"Rouge recommended this book to me." Shadow's voice was soft and deep and it all but made Sonic nearly jump out of his pelt. "I'm about halfway through now. She expects to hear my thoughts on it."
"Oh?" Sonic dared to look, then, if only because Shadow's attention was directed down at the book in his hands. He scooted closer, just a fraction, to see what the writing was like. The scent of lavender was much stronger now. "Is it good?"
"I'm enjoying it," Shadow admitted. Sonic caught the ghost of a smile on Shadow's face and decided that he liked it, and would very much like to see Shadow smile more often.
"Good," was all Sonic could say, quite hopelessly, as he willed himself to relax into the sofa cushion. His eyes drifted closed for just a moment, exhaustion setting in as he basked in the soothing warmth.
"Let's agree that this cabin is off-limits for fighting," Shadow said. His eyes didn't leave the book, but Sonic wasn't so sure he was actually reading anymore. "It's too nice to ruin."
Sonic's mouth suddenly felt dry, but he worked hard to get his voice back. "Y-yeah," he stammered out, feeling like an idiot. "I don't think either of us will wanna give it up, right?"
Shadow hummed in agreement. "We'll just have to compromise. That means sharing."
"Sharing," Sonic confirmed. Despite himself, he found himself smiling at the idea.
Basked in the firelight, he snuggled just a bit closer to Shadow, whose body was as warm as the fire. He could probably get used to this, he reckoned.
Before he knew it, Sonic fell asleep to the scent of lavender and an arm around his waist.
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anobsessedwriter · 2 months
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𝑪𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒏𝒕 𝑪𝒚𝒄𝒍𝒆ִֶָ࣪☾.
Rafe Cameron × reader (ANGST)
Warning: toxic relationships, manipulation, gaslight, just rafe being toxic.
๋࣭ ⭑✮˙⭑
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Rafe Cameron had a way of drawing people in with his magnetic charm and effortless charisma, not to mention his good looks. When you first met him at a summer party, the way he smiled and looked at you, made you feel like the most special person in the room. you were easily captivated by his charm.
In the early stages of your relationship, Rafe was the perfect boyfriend. He showered you with affection and gifts, constantly surprising you with dinners and weekend getaways. “You deserve the world,” he’d say, making you feel over the moon, These moments created a deep bond between the both of you, but they were also a smokescreen for the darker aspects of his personality.
As their relationship progressed, the cracks began to show. Rafe’s controlling tendencies started subtly. When you went out with friends, Rafe would text you frequently, questioning where you were and who you were with. “I just want to know you’re safe,” , "Can't you see that i'm worried",his frequent messages felt suffocating, as you couldn't enjoy a moment without him making you feel guilty for leaving him alone so you'd quickly return.
whenever you decide to attend a party with your friends, Rafe’s demeanor would immediately shift from affectionate to cold as soon as you mention your plans to him. he'd always say “Again with the parties?” or “I thought we had plans tonight.”, "they're more important than your own boyfriend?" you always try to explain that you need a bit of space, but Rafe’s disapproval was palpable. you were left with feeling guilty and ashamed for wanting to enjoy a night out.
During the next few months together, Rafe’s outbursts became more frequent and intense. He would criticize your appearance, and say things like “ why are you trying too hard” or "isnt that way too revealing?",One afternoon, as you were getting ready for a casual lunch date, Rafe snidely remarked, “Are you really going out in that? looking like a damn hooker.” The comment left you feeling self-conscious and hurt, despite your attempts to brush it off.
he'd constantly accuse you of cheating, whenever you don't text him instantly, when you don't pick up immediately or when you come home a bit late, he'd yell and break things, making you cry and flinch then he'd try to comfort you saying he's sorry and he just love you.
Rafe’s manipulation was psychological as much as emotional. When you tried to discuss your feelings, he would deflect or twist the conversation. “You’re too sensitive,” he’d say when you expressed how you felt by his actions and words. “I’m just being honest. If you can’t handle the truth, maybe this isn’t going to work.” you felt like you were walking on eggshells, afraid to express your emotions in for of making him upset or starting another argument.
The relationship became more toxic as Rafe started to slowly isolate you from your friends and family. Whenever you spent time with them, Rafe would accuse you of neglecting him. “You’re always with them,” “Don’t you care about us anymore?” The guilt he built in you led you to eventually distance yourself from those you loved, making you more reliant and dependent on Rafe.
you still remember the time when your friend kiara noticed the change in you, you never were this distant or this quite. When She talked to you about it,Rafe blew up with anger. “She’s just trying to control you,” “She is probably jealous of us, i dont want you talking to her okay?”, you just couldn't say no or disagree with him.
Rafe’s apologies were frequent trying to manipulate you into forgiving him, he would show up at your apartment with flowers and a box of your favourite chocolates. “I’m sorry for what happened,” ,“I love you more than anything. I’ll change, I promise.”
and if that doesn't work? he'll switch it up on you balming you for it all, "it's all your fault", "maybe this wouldn't happen if you just listened to me", you would forgive him, hoping that these sweet and caring gestures were a sign of change.
Despite these moments of sweetness, the cycle of toxicity continued. On one occasion, you discovered that Rafe had been secretly reading your messages, When you confronted him, Rafe’s reaction was defensive. “I just wanted to check, whats wron with reading my girlfriend's messges” he said. “why are you upset? are you hiding something?.”
The last straw was when Rafe had taken you to a dinner with his family and friends where he criticized you in front of everyone When you tried to defend yourself, Rafe would get angry “You’re embarrassing me you know?" , “Why can’t you just behave".
That night, as you laid in bed, you realized that the person you once were had been overshadowed by Rafe’s demands and criticisms. The realization was painful, but it needed to be acknowledged. you knew you needed to leave for your own well-being.
you got up and started packing things to leave. Rafe’s pleas for you were too hard for you to ignore. “im just trying to protect you,” he said, “We can work this out. I promise, I love you.” and you couldn't say no to him,you couldn't just ignore him and leave you were too far in love.
would he really change....probably not but you still had hope.
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tee-dohrnii · 5 months
Hey!! I’d love to see Thalia and Gale being domestic, if you don’t mind!! Your art is GORGEOUS.
I’d also love to learn more about Thalia’s backstory or any Gale headcannons you had!
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I hope this counts as being domestic I just can't resist a good nap time moment :') and I also wanted to just do doodles but I got carried away and started coloring 😭 coloring has never been my strong suit so I hope this is fine
And uaaa thank you for thinking my art is gorgeous!!! I'm honestly really glad to see people are enjoying my silly doodles here thank you!!
--- vv Thalia backstory blurb vv ---
In terms of backstory, honestly I haven't been able to flesh it out much yet! I also don't know much about dnd lore (I really wish I did) so anything I say here may not be consistent with lore :'D
However, what I have so far is Thalia used to be Thalia Adkrana, daughter of a noble family from a powerful bloodline of storm sorcerers. Despite being the 4th born child out of 5 children, since birth she's shown to be more blessed with magic than anyone in her family, powerful storms raging around her constantly when she was younger and destroying anything around her, causing trouble for her family. As she grew older, she may have logically understood how it is to keep her lightning under control, but whenever she gets very emotional her magic tends to lash out in response to her reactions. Growing up privileged and powerful, she also developed a bit of a superiority complex and an awful temper when things don't go her way, so not really a good combo when her magic gets unstable when she's upset.
Because of this, her family preferred keeping her within their property as much as possible to avoid dealing with her and to avoid troubling others, especially when one wrong outburst from her could ruin their family reputation. Growing up isolated from world didn't really help her grow and mature properly either, and her temper tantrums got worse and worse the longer she was kept in there and the more her family seemed to just give up on her. The only one she could really confide in and find comfort in was her younger brother.
Everything really changed when one day she decided to speak up against her family and demanding they let her leave the house, let her come with them to one of their social gatherings. Hells, she's been trapped in their property for so many years at this point she wants to engage with people, even peasants at this point because she'd rather deal with them than look at the same suffocating decor for even another second. Voices and tempers rising, she grew more and more frustrated as her parents kept shutting down every argument she could come up with, and the more the storms around her grew the more she proved that her parents were right for keeping her in. Angry at them, angry at herself, thunder roared and the lightning sparks dancing around her gathered into huge bolts of lightning, surging out of her in rage as if her magic itself was screaming out for her if her words and her voice couldn't reach her family. She knew they had every good reason to not let her out, knowing her own lack of control over her own emotions - but maybe if they trusted her just once, guided her, saw her as someone in desperate need of help instead of a stain on their family name, maybe things could've been different.
But that's not how we got to this point. A loud thud of a body falling flat on the ground snapped her out of her state and right beside them lay one of their servants, dead at her feet, and as if the panic she was feeling couldn't get any worse, just close by she saw her younger brother lying on the floor, badly hurt and crying out from pain. Immediately her parents, older siblings, and anyone who heard them nearby rushed to her little brother and the poor servant, doing their best to take care of the situation and Thalia stood there silent, watching her world fall apart in front of her eyes.
The order to banish her from their home came soon after, no longer Thalia Adkrana but simply Thalia, removing her status and all the benefits that name gave. Since she so desperately wanted to go out and see the world, now the world is all she'll have and no home to return to.
Kinda really awful timing when shortly after she started her new unwanted life as an adventurer, she got picked up by a nautiloid and had a tadpole squirming its way behind her eye.
And also shortly after meeting poor souls who shared the same unfortunate tadpole situation she was facing, it's no wonder Thalia fell so hard for a certain wizard who showed her in one night how beautiful, intimate, and warm magic could be as it enveloped her whole being like a gentle embrace - that her power and her emotions were something she could learn to channel and not be afraid of, a perspective her family failed to teach her for years. And even if at times she still found herself electrocuting the waters they stood on in her anger or excitement and hurting them, or maybe her temper would get the best of her again and she would unconsciously lash out at them before she could even realize she was yelling, after every argument or petty insults thrown at each other, they would still watch out for one another and care for each other and soon after they'd be sitting around a campfire laughing and enjoying each other's company.
It's no wonder once she's found a family she truly belonged in and felt safe in that her true nature finally bloomed after being suppressed for so long - a kind, lonely girl who loved being around people and helping them in all the ways she wished she could've helped her younger self ages ago, never letting anyone get left behind and given up on like she was back then.
Although being out of touch from reality for many years did create a lot of very awkward moments when interacting with people during the beginning of their journey, she did learn very fast how best to compose herself in public - best she could when the ones teaching her are also a couple of social outcasts but hey it's fine.
Whew! That's a lot actually. Idek if any of that makes sense I'm not going to proofread all that :') I also don't really have any Gale headcanons I do really enjoy reading other people's headcanons about him though!
I hope this answer is sufficient ^_^
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sl33paholics · 7 months
Omg Yandere Johan x Black fem reader would be so hottttt!
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My Little Mouse
Johan Liebert x black!fem reader
Warning(s): Gaslighting, isolation, psychological warfare, manipulation, etc.
Mfw I still haven't finished the 2nd Valentine's day writing piece: 😧😧😧😧😨
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You heard the sound of the door knob turning.
Your heart sank. The few hours of freedom you had is now gone, going back to sulking on your mattress like a child whose favorite toy was taken away. You could only hope that the guy who entered wouldn’t mind if you hid under the blankets.
No such luck.
You can hear his steps coming closer, and in just a few seconds, you feel the covers being lifted up, exposing your head to the cold air outside your apartment. Your eyes widened, and you buried your head as deep into the pillow as possible, hoping you were just enough to prevent him from seeing your face. But it wasn’t working. Johan's eyes were already locked on yours. “Ah, there you are,” he said with a smile, and you couldn’t help but notice how charming it looked on this man, despite the fact that he was a psychopath.
“What are you doing here, little mouse?” Johan asked, leaning over the bed until you felt heat of his body radiating on your skin. He leaned down, and you could smell his cologne, which smelled like roses and vanilla, with a hint of cinnamon. His warm lips grazed your forehead before his teeth bit into your earlobe. You flinched at the contact but didn't pull away, knowing he would be more aggressive after hurting you. The pain was nothing compared to the humiliation you're feeling right now.
"...don't do that," you mumbled, wincing at the slight pressure against your flesh. "Please..." You knew that if you said anything else, he'd hurt you more.
So instead, you closed your eyes and prepared for another round of torture by Johan, when suddenly his arms were pulled around your waist, your head resting against his chest. You opened your eyes again, confused, and saw his dark gaze fixed on something behind you. Confused, you glanced behind yourself and saw that he was staring at your sketch book. Your hand unconsciously moved towards it, trying to hide it from him, but he noticed it anyway. "Are you drawing me?" He asked in an amused tone. "How cute." You could almost feel his grin when you turned your head to look at him.
You shifted yourself away from him, trying to get away from him as soon as possible, but he held you tighter. "Let go of me,” you demanded, squirming to try to break free from his grip. “Leave me alone!" Your voice broke at the last sentence, sounding so vulnerable and helpless that you wished you hadn't said anything.
That grin.
That sly grin he had on his face made you want to punch him.
Throughout your stay, you noticed that he'd never put his hands on you, ever.
No matter how much you screamed, berated him, kicked him, and did anything to Johan, he never seemed to get angry at you one bit. You found it very difficult to hate him. You hated his smugness, his cockiness, his coldness, and the way he treats you like a prisoner in this apartment. It was infuriating. "Why do you continue to fight?" Johan asked in a soft tone. "I give you everything. Shelter to stay, food to eat, a shower to clean yourself." He laughed humorlessly. "Why must you struggle so?"
"You know why," you replied harshly, glaring at him. "You don't care about me." You felt guilty saying those words, even though you did mean them. Maybe you didn't. Maybe it was true, and you deserved to feel that way.
Without warning, Johan cupped your face with such force that you felt the pain shooting through your face, his thumb pressing hard onto the side of your jaw. The sting lingered, but you didn't dare to let out a sound, afraid he'd do something to you. Johan made your head turn towards the length mirror, "Look at yourself, Y/N," he told you in a harsh whisper. "Can't you see yourself? You're beautiful." And then he kissed you. This time, it was a gentle kiss, with no tongue involved. The gentleness shocked you because you thought that he would do something more to you than simply kiss you. But he simply placed his finger underneath your chin and gently tilted your head, forcing you to look at yourself.
"I love your eyes, their color. They're the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen." Johan spoke softly, his breath hitting the corner of your lips, causing shivers to run down your spine. "Their shape makes my soul feel like it will burst. So bright and alive. Can you imagine? A beautiful soul, hidden underneath all that..." He trailed off, looking at you expectantly. "Beautiful clothes. Perfect hair. A face that could light up a room and a laugh that could fill up a room." Then, he chuckled.
"And a voice as sweet as honey."
You protested weakly, wanting to slap him. No, not a perfect soul, but not bad either. Johan continued talking, ignoring your protest. "A life filled with laughter and smiles, filled with joy. But that won't happen anymore, will it? Because someone has stolen it away from you." "Johan, please stop-" But once again, you couldn't finish the sentence. "You're mine. Nobody else can have you, understand?" Johan grabbed your shoulder, holding you still, so that you didn't escape him. "Nobody." You nodded meekly, trying your best to appear calm despite the fact that you felt like crying.
Silence filled the tension between you two, Johan stared at you for what felt like ages, before letting you go. You immediately scrambled backwards to avoid his touch, putting distance between you, going back to the corner of the bed. All you wanted was to live in peace, and now you were being forced to give that up...because of Johan Liebert?
"Now, litte mouse, we should start our day. It's been a while since I've spent time with you."
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yanderes-galore · 10 months
Hello again friend! I kept thinking about this when we were playing together. What if there was a survivor on a colony/space station of an alien infestation that happens the usual way: Some idiot infected with a chestburster comes into the formerly safe area. This survivor gets the said alien attatched to her and it follows her around. The xeno vents, stalks and runs with the survivor around. Of course the human learns to utilize this xeno to defend herself too, "Sic her on 'em" as we lovingly call it. ;)
Hello, my friend! Here you go :) Takes place on the Sevastopol like in the game! Here's the ideas I came up with! Ended up keeping it Gender-Neutral as it's mostly just me spilling ideas. Xenomorph is female though.
Also, yes, the title is meant to look like that. That's the name of the game according to Xbox.
Yandere! Aliens, Isolation Concept
Pairing: Animal/Pet-like
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Overprotective behavior, Alien pet (?), Violence/Murder, Kidnapping, Stalking, Forced companionship.
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Most people are familiar with Aliens, Isolation, right?
You spend the whole game trying to survive a station invested with Xenomorphs.
For the first portion of the game you're chased by just one Xenomorph.
That's what this idea is based on.
You're trying to survive in the Sevastopol, roaming the halls and hiding in vents from people, androids, and aliens.
Except this time... the alien doesn't want to kill you.
She has other purposes for you.
It's unknown why this particular Xenomorph is so attached to you... but one thing is painfully clear.
She won't leave you alone.
Despite the terrifying aspect of this, you can use this to your advantage.
You can use audio lures and flares to call the Xenomorph into the area.
She naturally targets humans, although is she sees an android as a threat she'd attack that too.
Another way to call her is by your voice.
Simply screaming calls the beast to the area to cause chaos and death.
You are, surprisingly, the safest person in this station.
The main threat appears to be on your side for one reason or another.
As a result... she becomes like a weapon... an attack dog (alien?).
The Xenomorph always seems to know where you are, like she's remembered your scent.
No matter how many times you transport yourself around and between areas, you can hear her signature crawling in the vents.
Even if you knew the alien doesn't plan to kill you... you dread going under open vents.
Even with the help you don't find yourself comforted in the dark halls of this station.
You still use vents to hide and gather whatever supplies you can.
Wouldn't it be a neat idea if the Xenomorph found supplies and dropped them by you from vents.
You'll be standing by a vent, only for crafting materials to be dropped beside you in a saliva coated mess.
Quietly you thank your foreign helper and put together an item.
People are wary to target you, they've heard of a human being able to tame the alien creature roaming about.
Yet at the same time... you have access to good supplies....
Anyone who attacks you is met with the same end, a Xenomorph slashing and biting through their flesh.
Hell, even if you made friends, you can hear the Xenomorph hissing from the vents.
She wants to keep you alone.
The Xenomorph would only stay out of the way for so long.
Soon she'll feel she wants to keep her human safe and hers.
Just when you feel you're getting used to the Xenomorph, the tables turn.
She picks you up from a vent or pins you to drag you away.
She doesn't intentionally knock you out or hurt you, yet that may still happen by accident.
When you wake up you find yourself in mini nest within the station.
She doesn't take you to the reactor, she wants you alone.
You're surrounded by the strange Xenomorph resin the creatures make.
You can't move, the resin coating the walls and locking you in a room.
You... you really thought you would escape.
Yet the Xenomorph only chitters and hisses, nuzzling her oblong head against you as she curls around you.
Truth is, you were probably going to die here anywhere.
The alien may try to give you food and water, but you're on a sinking ship.
Having an alien be your protector in this place has a price to pay...
This time... it just so happens to be you.
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mari-lair · 1 year
We are told at the very start of the manga that "if you want to know a person, you need to find out what makes them angry"
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So I want to talk about Gon, and what makes him angry.
Gon is hard to anger, especially for a kid: He wasn't angry at his dad for abandoning him and never visiting, he wasn't angry at Mito for lying that his parents died, he wasn't angry when Leorio made everyone lose 50 hours at the trick tower despite revealing later in Hanzo's fight that his hope to meet his 'amazing hunter dad' would vanish if couldn't finish the exam on his first try like Ging did (there is no "better luck in the next exam" for Gon), he never gets jealous when Killua shows more strength or knowledge than him even though they are the same age and he used to be very powerful on his little island, and so on.
But it's not hard for Gon to get angry for others: Be it angry for their safety or about people disrespecting their wishes. Especially if they are his friends.
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His anger is stronger when his friend's lives are at risk, their safety triumphs over his wish to respect what they want.
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But he doesn't care about his own life.
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He is never angry when people hurt him. As Hanzo had put it, even injuries as severe as broken bones don't matter to Gon.
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But Gon was visibly frustrated in Hanzo's fight.
He wants to win. And he wants to be the one to win not for Hanzo to forfeit. He wants to earn his license, he need proof that he is strong, capable, and worthy of being in the last phase, aware he was only here because Hisoka let him pass.
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The person Gon feels the most anger towards at the end of the exam is himself for being a hunter but not feeling like he is worth of the title.
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Gon is always the most angry at himself.
When Kite kills a foxbear, punching Gon for trespassing in their territory, Gon isn't angry at him or the fox bear that attacked him, he puts the full blame on himself and tries to make up for it by raising Kon.
When Killua goes 'back home' he gets angry at Illumi for making Killua do things he doesn't want, but he also blames himself for not being there for Killua when his fight with Illumi happened.
Similarly, his instinct when he learned, without a doubt, that Kite is beyond saving, was to blame himself.
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He isn't thinking about Pitou, isn't even seeing them, blinded by Kite and his own guilt.
This quest for 'revenge' was never about Pitou, it was always about healing Kite. And since Pitou can't heal the dead, Gon blames himself, he is angry at himself.
Pitou is the one that killed him. Killua was the one that was terrified by Pitou's aura and knocked Gon unconscious to run. Kite was the one that told them to run. Gon is far from the "reason kite died" but he loves and respect Kite and Killua, so he obviously doesn't see anything wrong, he never once blames Killua for what happened.
In fact... He had thanked him
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And Gon is genuinely grateful here.
It breaks my heart how much he loves and trusts his friends, eager to share all his good times and victories with them. Wanting them by his side always, no matter how personal his journey is.
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But when something bad happens he wants to 'make it better' alone. Is never "we will fix this" is always "I will", because he doesn't want to trouble them, be it by his own emotions, or outside dangers.
Gon never blames his friends, so he is the one responsible when bad things happen, the only one that needs to fix any problem. And if death is a risk, he will immediately assign the lethal job to himself, and himself only.
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Gon isolates himself when things get hard but he still doesn't want to be alone. He craves company and support more than ever when he is hurt.
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But he doesn't like to feel weak or helpless, so asking for help or opening up is extremely hard. He mostly just gets angry at himself for feeling how he feels and refuse to make it someone else's problem.
He didn't cry after stealing Hisoka's badge but he was feeling helpless and unworthy so he sucked it up and went to do better, it was only after Kurapika asked directly if he was okay that he lowered his walls and found himself crying.
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He is just a kid, he can't process his self hate, frustration, or guilt well, and his way to feel better is to help others, be useful and powerful. But sometimes that's not enough, or he simply can't help.
So he constantly finds himself in situations where he gets injured, physical pain is something that he is more used to, that it's easier to process: He let a foxbear cub claws his shoulders after his actions make Kite kill the cub's mother, he let 'puppet kite' hit him even when he learned its robotic attack pattern, he feels weak and frustrated because 'The Bomber' wasn't taking him seriously and he hates feeling weak, so he delayed Killua's plan and got his hands destroyed to prove to himself that he can do it.
But helping others is still the clear priority over hurting himself: The best example to show this is when he visits the Zoldycks. He never took his anger about the Zoldyck family's isolation on Canary when he visited Killua, letting her knock him down again and again in silence for a while before expressing his frustrations with how unfair it is that he need to go through trials to visit a friend.
And when Killua's mom visited, he prioritized canary over his goal.
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Gon is just... kind. Is far easier for him to care about strangers than it is for him to be angry.
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Gon is smart, but he is not the best at figuring out people when they don't tell him how they feel, especially when Gon is annoyed or unsatisfied.
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So I am not surprised he assumed cool-headed killua, who hides all his pain and is so reliable and mature, "always cleaning up Gon's mess", wasn't in pain in the chimera ant arc. It’s like having someone say “be calm” when you’re angry, stating cold facts that only make you feel more incompetent in your emotional state.
It hurt because it feels like Killua, whose opinion Gon values so much, doesn't care about Kite, his super important mentor figure. And since Pitou’s behavior makes it so he can’t use them as an outlet for his emotions, this hint of anger and betrayal at Killua makes him lash out without thinking about his friend.
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But even in his blinding guilt and hatred, Killua is important enough to still be able to calm him down, and reminds him of his goal.
Gon doesn't understand Killua is hurt (since killua doesn't tell him) but at least... He is not alone.
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"I can't wait" --> He genuinely feels like Killua is as calm as he pretends to be, only he is the 'helpless and in pain' one in Gon's mind and so Killua could easily wait, but he personally can't. He is alone in his pain.
"how long must we wait?" --> Killua is here. Gon never feels truly alone with Killua by his side, he at least has the comfort of an anchor in these trying times.
Killua, who feels unwanted, hurt, and useless, also misunderstands Gon and leaves when Gon needed company the most. Is none of their faults, but it does make Gon's already incredibly bad state even worst.
There is no one but himself to calm him down when he hit his breaking point, and Gon isn't kind to himself.
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His 'fight' with Pitou wasn't revenge. It was a failed attempt to "get kite back" to "fix him" which failed, and he couldn't deal with the resulting grief, so he turned it all into a suicide attempt.
To me, Gon gets angry when he feels inadequate or that a loved one deserves better, he has self-centered tunnel vision when he gets angry, so he doesn't realize his anger-fueled actions might trouble others, but when he does he will make an effort to set aside his own goals for others.
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He is a good kid, a genuinely good kid with no self-love that is surrounded by adults that usually view him as a monster or a "admirable powerhouse" first and a child second, and it takes an enormous amount of strain to make him break.
He is a very strong kid, I wanna hug him.
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litnerdwrites · 6 months
Azriel in Silver Flames
I've basically hated the IC since... Acowar, honestly. But the more I think about it, the more conflicted I am about Azriel. I liked him in every book, but in retrospect, I'm not so sure anymore. This is mostly regarding his treatment of Nesta, since he honestly didn't do much before hand the start of Silver Flames, and he didn't do too much during it either.
I understand why Azriel would stay away from Nesta from the end of ACOWAR to the start of Silver Flames. He's observant, and I imagine he's figured out that Nesta doesn't want to spend time with the IC. Moreover, he may also see it as being in Feyre's jurisdiction, and wanting to stay out of it out of respect for her privacy and what not. It's his behaviour through out silver flames that has me conflicted.
Azriel was raised in confinement with limited interactions with other people. He saw his mother once a week, for limited time and suffered physical and verbal abuse, and torture during that time. He had no control over his schedule, food, social interactions, nothing. Yet, despite that, he allowed Nesta to be isolated and kept on a strict schedule and diet that she has no say in, and we never see any signs of him arguing against it. Especially since he knows being locked up somewhere against your will, where you can't leave, often made to do things you don't want, is what most of the IC's trauma roots from (Amren in the Prison, Rhys UTM, Feyre UTM, Mor in the CON, Azriel in his father's dungeon, etc). Why the, seemingly, most sensible person allowed this is beyond me.
Azriel, through out the book, never protests against this treatment either. He treats Nesta decently, though that is the absolute minimum. She should've been treated like that, regardless, of where she was or what she was doing.
He despises Illyria, knows the dangers out there, from both males and whatever's in those forests, yet he doesn't protest against Nesta going. We've seen that there are days where she wanders around on her own (like when she went to Emerie's), without protection. What would happen if she jumped off a cliff or a steep bluff? Or if she went into the forests? What about if some of the males attacked her? It's not like she was constantly supervised. trusting her witch status will keep them away is too risky, since some might not care. Azriel knows the dangers of Illyria, and he let her be taken there. He saw how Illyria hurt his mother, and how she was treated, first hand.
He doesn't do anything even after suspecting that Cassian pushed her down the stairs, or witnessing her being verbally abused by Cassian, and Rhys when he cares to show up. He doesn't defend her, or shut his brothers down, he just lets it happen, seemingly unbothered. Idk about you, but if I was at dinner, and my brother said to his girlfriend, the things that Cassian says to Nesta, I'd drag him out the front door by the hair myself.
Azriel also had a bag packed for Nesta and Cassian's hike from hell, waiting for Cassian to come get it. He let Cassian take Nesta somewhere else against her will. He, presumably, knew about the plan to take her on that hike, helped prepare for it, and just let it happen without a care. He knew where they were taking her, and what they were going to make her do, and he let it happen.
Then there's the issue regarding the Trove. Azriel pushes for Nesta's right to know about what her powers can do, yet he doesn't have any issue pushing her into life threatening situation to keep Elain from it? He says that Elain shouldn't be exposed to whatever darkness the trove and cauldron possess, but that alone implies that Nesta should be exposed to it, and that's despite her mental condition at the time.
While I don't think Azriel's status as a spymaster means he should know things like Nesta's fear of fire, and her suicidal ideation, but it does mean that there's a very good chance that he does (and yet he still sends her on that hike). Knowing this, Azriel implies that Nesta should go on these life threatening missions, where she could be killed, or commit suicide, or be taken.
Azriel is shown to stand up to/argue with Rhysand in the bonus chapters. He does so for himself and arguably Elain. Why doesn't he do it for Nesta too?
It's all of these little things that leave a bitter taste in my mouth regarding Azriel.
Would he have tried to beg/force Nesta to go instead of Elain had she refused, or if he would've stood up for Nesta if Cassian had become physically violent with her. If she refused to go on that hike, would he have fought for her right to chose like he did before? If Rhys tried to kill her, would he stand up to him for her? If Elain is mistreated in her book, would he stand up for her? If so, why not Nesta too? How can he call himself her friend if he doesn't at least try to talk about how wrong it is, assuming he even realises it's wrong to start with.
We haven't gotten much of his pov yet, and he doesn't really say much, but from what I have seen, I'm concerned. Azriel may not be actively trying to hurt Nesta, but it feels like he enables his brothers and his court too much.
Didn't Tamlin dod the same, along with his court, who watched Feyre whither away, and did nothing. Even if they didn't see what was happening in her head, they saw her wasting away from lack of sleep or food. Isn't Azriel doing the same to Nesta by letting her be treated that way? Reaming neutral still makes him part of the problem, doesn't it?
Am I the only one who gets this bad taste in my mouth when I think about this?
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sunnycanvas · 4 months
Heyyy, can I ask, will there be part two for the angry Baldwin post??? I'm just so curious how it will turn out.
Part 1
I was busy packing my bags when I heard the sound of knocking. I swiftly concealed my bags beneath the bed, straightened my attire, and called out, "Enter." Tiberias entered, his expression fraught with concern. "(Y/N), are you alright?" His words were like a key unlocking the floodgates of my emotions, and I crumbled before him. With a mixture of relief and despair, I found solace in his embrace, feeling like a vulnerable child seeking refuge in her guardian's arms. "Shh, it's alright, (Y/N)" Tiberias murmured soothingly. "You're safe now. No one will harm you." As tears streamed down my cheeks, I finally found the courage to voice my torment. "Tiberias, what was lacking in my love for him that he doubted me so?" A sorrowful smile graced Tiberias' lips as he gently withdrew from our embrace. "Love, dear (Y/N), is often not about what you lacked, but the demons that torment the one who doubts. Baldwin's love for you is genuine, I assure you. Despite his outward strength, he harbors deep-seated insecurities, especially when it comes to matters of the heart." "I've known him since he was but a boy," Tiberias continued, his voice tinged with empathy. "He has always fiercely defended you against those who sought to undermine or insult you. But within him, there lies a fear, a fear of not being enough for you, of not measuring up to the love he believes you deserve." "He knows, deep down, that your fidelity is unwavering," Tiberias added softly. "But his own doubts, his own inner turmoil, sometimes cloud his judgment." "And he can't help but succumb to those doubts, letting his insecurities consume him". I got up and went near the mirror gazed at my reflection. "He insulted me, my friend," I murmured, the pain evident in my voice. "He insulted all of us." Tiberias watched me with a mixture of sadness and confusion, unsure of how to ease the burden of my sorrow. "I don't know if I can ever bring myself to return to him," I confessed, my voice choked with tears. "To go back would be to walk on eggshells, tiptoeing around his doubts and insecurities." "Who said anything about going back?" Tiberias interjected gently, his words penetrating the haze of my anguish. "(Y/N), could it be that deep down, despite everything, you still wish to return to him?" A surge of anger and denial coursed through me, and I whirled around to face Tiberias, my eyes ablaze with emotion. "No!" I exclaimed, my voice trembling with fury. "How dare you even suggest such a thing?. "(Y/N), please I know you well enough" "Don't do anything that you end up regretting rest of your life"
Just then my door slammed open "(Y/N)," Baldwin's expression shifted from fear to an outpouring of relief and joy at the sight of me. Without a moment's hesitation, he rushed forward and enveloped me in a tight embrace. "Oh, (Y/N), I was so frightened. I thought I might never see you again.
"I shall take my leave then," Tiberias muttered, his embarrassment palpable at witnessing our intimate moment. Baldwin, upon hearing his voice, seemed to suddenly notice his presence and immediately glared at his direction. "I thought I told you to leave and not be around my wife anymore". His words were sharp with possessiveness and authority. I felt a surge of anger towards my husband and couldn't hold back my frustration. "Baldwin, you've already shattered my heart and tarnished my reputation," I exclaimed, my voice trembling with emotion. "And now you want to isolate me from my friends too?"
Hurt flashed across Baldwin's face as he reached out, his bandaged hands gently cradling my cheeks. "(Y/N)," he began, his voice heavy with hurt and desperation. "Has he been poisoning your mind against me? Turning you away from me so they can snatch you away?"
I gazed at him, bewildered by his accusations. "But why would they want to do that?" I asked, confusion lacing my tone. Meanwhile, Tiberias took advantage of the tense atmosphere and quietly slipped out of the room, leaving us alone to confront our turmoil.
"Because you mean everything to me (Y/N)". Baldwin pulled me even more closer, so close that I had to put my arms against his chest to prevent myself to move in further. I was merely inches away from his face now. When I looked closely I could see faint eye circles. His ulcer seemed to increase, probably because of stress. His eyes seemed reddish and I could see small traces of water in his eyes. Is he about to cry? I waited but no tears came out. "Please (Y/N)" "Please don't do it to me, to us". "This past week has been torment for me". "You are the first and only woman I have loved". "I know you wouldn't hurt me like this, but my fear and guilt doubted my judgment". Baldwin let out a small sob then continued "I always knew you deserve better" he admitted feeling guilty "I hated when you would start to get close to any man and there was always lingering fear that you would leave me for someone better".
"Enough with your excuses!" I exclaimed, my voice trembling with indignation. "You insulted me" "Had everyone believe that I am something that I am not" "Don't act like you are victim here". Baldwin let go of my arms and painfully replied "I know". Inhaling deeply to calm the storm of emotions raging within me, I faced him with a simmering anger. "And what exactly do you plan to do about it?" I demanded, my voice trembling with frustration. Baldwin's response was immediate, his tone earnest. "I'm willing to make a public acknowledgment, to put an end to those who would speak ill of you," he declared, his sincerity evident in every word. My anger flared anew as I probed further. "And how did you suddenly come to this revelation? How did you finally realize it wasn't me?" I demanded, my patience wearing thin.
Baldwin didn't hesitate. "We re-evaluated the evidence before proceeding with the annulment," he explained earnestly. "That's when it became clear that the accusations against you didn't add up. I conducted a covert investigation and discovered the truth: you were falsely accused. "His admission hung heavy in the air, a fragile thread of hope amidst the wreckage of our relationship. "Please, (Y/N)," he pleaded, his voice tinged with desperation. "I know I've made mistakes, but I'm willing to do whatever it takes. Just give me one more chance."
By now, my irritation had swelled to an almost unbearable level. "It's far too late for that," I snapped, my tone laced with frustration. "I'm seeing someone else now."
Baldwin's reaction was immediate. He clasped my waist, drawing me closer to him with an urgency that caught me off guard. "Really?" he demanded, his voice tinged with a hint of anger. "Who dares to seduce my wife in my absence?"
"William," I replied, my own anxiety bubbling to the surface.
"William who?" Baldwin pressed, his tone growing more intense.
"Archbishop of Tyre," I confessed, instantly regretting my words.
Baldwin's reaction was unexpected. He froze in place when he heard my response. "Shit!" "Shit!" "Shit!". "Why would I say that?" "Stupid anxiety". I mentally cursed myself. Meanwhile Baldwin let go of me as he burst out laughing as he held his stomach saying "My father's confidant and my tutor". "Of course, you wouldn't find someone within a week" "Silly me, to even entertain your fabrication for a moment." Flushed with embarrassment, I huffed in exasperation. "I haven't laughed like this in ages," Baldwin remarked, wiping a tear of amusement from his eye. "This is too good not to share." Fear gripped me at the thought of others learning of my mistake, and I quickly interjected, "Don't you dare." Baldwin's mischievous grin widened. "If you agree to grant me another chance, your secret is safe with me," he proposed, mischief dancing in his eyes".Reluctantly, I met his gaze, detecting a mix of regret and sincerity beneath his playful facade. Sensing my hesitation, Baldwin's smile softened into a wistful expression. Taking both of my hands in his, he knelt before me. "Allow me, as your husband and sovereign, to make a solemn vow," he declared with unwavering solemnity. "I swear upon all that I hold sacred to right my wrongs, to exert every effort in seeking your forgiveness." Moved by his earnest plea, I yielded. Baldwin's smile returned, tinged with a touch of sorrow as he pressed gentle kisses to each of my cheeks. We embraced, our shared burden of remorse weaving us together as we sought solace and reconciliation in each other's embrace.
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magnuficentwo · 2 months
Hi guys. Does anyone else think about the way Handsome Jack's mistreatment of Angel in a surface level seems like it makes sense, only for it to be so brutal, so insanely self-centered, so inhumane that it loses all the deniability the man could've once had? Does anyone think about how Angel's entrapment was not caused just because she killed her mom, but because Jack saw danger for HIMSELF in his daughter, not once thinking that she could've gotten hurt through it too ? Does anyone remember how his justification for why he "needed" to trap her away wasn't even really for her safety, it was for HIS feelings and HIS pain and HIS grief, never once focusing how Angel's siren powers acting out wasn't even her own fault. Because she was never even responsible for the fact she had them in the first place.
Angel never had anyone to guide her or help manage her phaseshift, no information on how she could cope with outbursts or keep everything in check because sirens are just hard to study and find in general, but also because people just didn't bother to try. She was blamed for her mother's death because she couldn't control herself, but she was a child. She literally Didn't know how to do that because no one Taught her how to, because there was no one who even could. Her punishment for something that was only barely her fault (because I really, REALLY doubt she would've killed her mom on purpose, especially given the context that she was already unstable from Jack's dialogue) was to get used as a human battery over and over in extremely painful circumstances, basically tortured for years and years while also isolated and only ever in contact with her abuser, with no one else knowing where she was or even WHO she was anymore, forever bound to do his bidding because there was literally nothing else she could do.
That is, until the vault hunters came along. The Vault Hunters, who by all means don't even know she exists properly and only understand her as a guide, not a person, are portrayed in her mind as potential saviours— Friends even, because she HAS no one else. These people were always her ticket out of the hell, and they had no idea.
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Does anyone think about how its the vault hunters taking action against Handsome Jack (The Villain) that leads Angel to finally speak up against Jack (Her Dad) and his abuse, even when she's punished for it, because she's just so tired, so utterly exhausted, so incredibly fucking angry with this fucking guy, that she just doesn't bring herself to care about it anymore ? How her rebellion comes from the tiniest sparks of hope of people standing against an overwhelming threat despite it seeming so impossible at first, despite the odds being completely stacked against them ? How Jack's first instinct when she acts out of line isn't to try and make Angel understand his side, to manipulate her as he does to everyone else, it's to directly punish her physically until she can't keep acting anymore (by shocking her) ? How much of a threat does this teenage girl pose to this grown ass man for him to want to do that, even when she's literally trapped away in what he believes to be an impenetrable base, away from everything and everyone, including himself ? And does he not feel shame knowing he does the things he does ? All the echo-logs indicate he doesn't, but his words are always pointing towards this secret 'care' for Angel, like he has to keep it hidden for some reason. And for what ? She still hates him. It would've been much more useful for him if he was just even the slightest bit more loving or caring, but it doesn't even cross his mind that it would be the case, because his head is so up his own asshole he can't see the effect that's already permeated all across Angel's demeanor to him. He doesn't see her as anything more than a tool, and she doesn't see him as anything more than a monster who's forcing her into living the worst life she could for his own purpose. And that's why she believes the only way out is to kill herself. Without her, Jack wouldn't be able to keep doing the things he wanted to, and it would be HER doing it, HER volition, HER autonomy getting regained for just this one time for a goal she thinks could be larger than herself, larger than her dad's reach over her.
And it was all thanks to Vault Hunters who never even knew her, Vault Hunters she sacrificed everything for because they were her friends in her mind.
I think about Angel a lot
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yuripira4e · 5 months
i already posted this in some tags but I want to be more insane acryally. This is kind of just my opinion on Edwin and The Cat Kings relationship n why I don’t think fans should try and push their relationship.
Their relationship is starts off and is mostly the cat kings own narcissism and predatory (not age wise; I mean literally) behavior towards Edwin and Edwin's need for someone to push him into understanding that his queerness doesn't have to be torture and can be something giddy (even if he doesn't return those feelings). This is super important to Edwin but his rejection of TCK is also as he immediately recognizes his lack of feelings and actual literal discomfort at the moves placed on him. TCK is good about boundaries and consent sexually wise but that doesn’t stop their relationship from progressing from there.
At first, the cat king does like Edwin but he doesn’t know anything about him. He sees their relationship as a game and Edwin simply as someone he wants to have simply because he can’t. He continues to torment Edwin (showing up as people he does like, propositioning him still, being threatening when his control is questioned) through out the show but starts to feel that “romanticism” towards him because hes infatuated by the kindness he's shown despite the cruelty he's presented to Edwin. Queerness and performance always go hand in hand and Edwin’s lack of it entices the Cat King.
The show runners and Lukas, the actor, have said themselves that the cat king is an older secretly insecure character. He’s jaded by heartbreak the the world’s condemnation of everything he is. Edwin is this younger, genuinely kind character that shows him that projecting his hurt on others and romanticizing it only hurts both people in that relationship. Their relationship is about the isolation of queerness and the walls put up to protect yourself and the coping mechanism used to not be hurt again; even at the risk of hurting those just like you- or those who used to be (cough cough the show runners saying that TCK represented the older men with bad intentions that every young gay man has met that welcomes them into the space and makes them feel loved to use them). The Cat King uses Edwin and Edwin knows this. That kiss from edwin was not a reciprocation of feelings; it was to say "I'm sorry your loneliness had caused you to think you have to use your power to control those weaker than you. (Naive, young, and someone he can literally trap) It's the easiest way to feel. And while I cannot and will not give you what you want or need, you deserve to feel happy and not like you have to gain attention of those uninterested to feel good enough.”
I just can't even explain all my thoughts about their dynamic it's just so much about the predation from older queers because of the trauma they've endured from their elders and the cycle of hurt and abuse that is passed down and the way we can break the cycle with kindness. The way we can protect our youths by healing those traumas.
Something the cat king learns and accepts because he can like Edwin. He can show Edwin the sweetness and beauty of being queer while also not being the one that should hold his hand through it. Edwin cannot be a romanticized replacement for the pain others have caused him and trying to force him to be so, continuing to treat him like prey to catch, will only continue the cycle.
tdlr: their relationship is super important for both of their relationships with queerness and trauma and becoming more aware of their identities but their relationship is not romantic- it’s simply an attempt to romanticize Edwin into someone he could love (hurt and control) in place of the people who’s actually hurt him and is supposed to be a parallel of real life predation in the queer community but the realization of this created an amazing acceptance and new bond I do hope they explore without TCK trying to force a non-platonic relationship
Off topic but I don't like people defending their age gap because, yes, Edwin is 86, but he died with a teenage boy brain and then spent 70 of those years in hell where he certainly was not getting his brain developed while TCK has possibly hundreds of years of sentience and experience. The power imbalance is not it y'all and that’s like super clear in the show
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bau-drabbles · 2 years
dancing with your ghost
a/n: enjoy! and apologies if it's ooc for him 💀 it was written in a rush :)
maeve's death affected spencer relationship with you more than realised, he just didn't know the true extent of it until jj points it out
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"what are you doing spence? you shouldn't be in here, not like this" jj entered the room, to see him buried in files. his curly hair was tousled, like he'd been running his fingers through it countless times. and judging by the tense lines on his forehead, she guessed it was one of those days. he was distracted, his fists clenched tightly around the folders.
she'd gone to you just moments before, wanting to know what had happened. she could see the pain in your eyes but you didn't want to speak so she didn't force you. and how could you?
the anger practically swallowed you whole, making you see red whenever his name was mentioned. she was your closest confidant in the bau, jj knew spencer was the reason for your pain. and despite you telling her over and over not to confront him, she did so anyway. it had to be done.
however today, the atmosphere was different. spencer was different. so were you.
"she had you, so it's fine. i'll talk to her tomorrow" he hated how selfish he sounded, how cold he was. but those horrible thoughts he tried to keep at bay poisoned his mind, the darkness trickling in through the cracks of his facade.
the fight you both had just hours before killed him more, he needed you. he always did. so why was his feet planted firmly on the ground, refusing to seek you out. why did it feel like there was a knife in his heart, twisting deeper every second he was away from you? why did it feel like his whole world was about to crash down at any given second
he tried to keep himself distracted but all his mind would replay were those haunted pictures of his ex lover. how helpless he was, how completely lifeless her body felt, how he could prevented it all. and it absolutely obliterated him in pieces.
he would wake up in cold sweats, looking to his side where you'd be snoozing away peacefully. and he reminded himself that you were there and safe and sound.
until the next time you wouldn't be.
"come on spencer, doesn't she mean anything to you? don't you love her?" jj's voice was sharp, tired of the eggshells she was walking all around him. she knew she was being unfair but she also knew how it felt to be hurt by him, how it felt to be completely isolated from him.
to her surprise, he whirled around, his lip curled into a sneer. she'd never seen him so agitated before
"love?? how can i trust in love? how could i ever trust in something that could be so present in one moment and so absent the next?" spencer scowled, slamming down the papers he had in his hands.
painting you in a bad light, he thought would make the whole ordeal easier. he could pretend he never loved you but his heart betrayed him. for every beat yearned for you only. every thought that ran through his head was consumed by you. like your soul was in his body, coursing through his veins.
"do you love her?" her voice interjected, coming closer.
"what kind of question is that?" spencer raised a brow to which jj rolled her eyes.
"answer it spencer" she spoke again firmly. he knew there wasn't a way out, she would know if he was lying. he wasn't very good at keeping those for long anyway. he slumped back into his chair, his arms wrapped around him tightly. his sorrow painted so glaringly obvious upon his features, he wondered if he would ever have a happy life.
one where you would be there, one where he didn't need to run from his happiness. one where he didn't need to constantly look back in fear.
perhaps that life simply didn't exist for him
"so much so, it consumes me daily" he whispered the sentence, he never thought he could've ever loved another human so fiercely. so passionately. so much like his old love
"then trust in that. if you can't trust in love, trust in y/n. trust her, trust in her love. go to her and make amends, she needs you as much as you need her, spence. i promise you" jj eagerly spoke, hoping he would spring up and dash out the door. but some things don't happen as they plan.
"these issues are not surface level jj. they run so much more deeper than that. don't you think i want to trust y/n? don't you think i want to give her my all?" the files were on the floor as he stood up, his head in his hands. it felt like to was going to explode with how many thoughts were crammed inside.
"why don't you? take a risk for once in your life spencer"
"i do take risks, calculated ones" he mumbled, his arms wrapped around themselves.
"and what of this?"
"this.... is not calculated. i cannot determine the outcome of it. i'm not in control, my heart is. and i don't think i could bear if it breaks again" finally what jj had been waiting for, the turth finally had revealed itself. but it was more complicated than she realised.
"it's maeve..... isn't it?" jj's voice was softer this time, shocked by his confession. there was no use in hiding it anymore. the dark rings around his eyes, his sunken face, all of it due to the nightmares that kept him awake at all hours of the night. the fear that once he achieved you in his arms, it would be taken just as quickly. he nodded, a sad smile while his eyes began brimming with tears
"i see her every night and every night it ends with her being shot. i could have done something to prevent it, i know i could have. and i'm so scared of that happening to y/n. she's not from our world jj, how could i subject her to a punishment like this?" it feels like he's underwater, his breathing hitched in his throat. his eyes water, biting his lip to stop the trembling. but it wouldn't work, nothing would.
"that wasn't your fault spence, we didn't know she would do that. nobody would" she touched his hand, her baby blues watering at the pain her friend was going through. just when the slightest bit of happiness fell into his lap, it was snatched away before he could've enjoyed it.
"that's just it. i should've known. y/n could enjoy a life where she wouldn't constantly be worried for her life at every turn, she could free. free from the life i could give her, free from me..." the tears dropped like pearls, down his face and onto the desk. with every drop, it cut jj deeper. that she too was helpless in that nothing she could do would remedy his pain and yours.
"spencer..." each cracked word he spoke she felt her heart break further. how you would never know the true extent of his behaviour, how even after all this time, the nightmares continued to plague him. and he didn't tell anybody, not a soul.
"i lost maeve, i can't watch y/n suffer the same fate. she deserves so much more than i could ever give her" his voice is strained, trying his best to keep his composure professional but each thought drove him further and further to insanity
his hands reach out to his wallet where there's a small picture of you. his fingers shakily traced your picture, you were so happy. his mind was trying to engrain the beautiful smile you donned into his mind forever. so that when tomorrow arrived and he'd no longer be there, that thought couldn't hurt him. he'd only remember your smiling face
but it would hurt, of course it would.
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strunmah-mah · 7 months
So I saw this interesting post discussing the bashing of otome heroines, and the person i saw it from had some tags comparing the OBSCURA and Touchstarved mc's and the different fan response to them. Which go me thinking, but reposing to it there felt like it would have derailed that post, some I'm putting my thoughts here instead.
Basically the tags were an observation that OBSCURA's mc gets treated as their own character (Vesper) whose popularity is comparable to that of all the different love interests. Meanwhile Touchstarved's fandom doesn't seem to rally around one singular MC with everyone having own OC instead. This despite the fact that their both gender neutral blank slates you never even really see.
I'd noticed that too and got thinking of why that is, so here's my theory.
Name. Notice that I referred to OBSCURA's mc as Vesper, but didn't give a name to Touchstarved's mc? When asking what your name is OBSCURA auto suggests a name. There's a not insignificant number of people that when given an auto suggested name won't go to the effort of changing it. (ex My first time playing a Legend of Zelda game it didn't even occur to me to change Link's name despite it definitely being an option.) And despite still being a reader insert just the act of giving them name makes Vesper feel like a more defined then Touchstarved unnamed MC does.
Origins. Vesper is Vesper. Who they were before the start of OBSCURA doesn't really matter, no matter what you might hc they were like before the start of the story, they still enter the mountain with the skill set no matter what. Touchstarved's mc is deliberately fluid. They have three different possible backgrounds and which one you pick does effect the mc's skill set. Make your own oc is literally built into the game.
Presentation of information. Touchstarved is very upfront about their mc's motivations. You are cursed. It's very isolating and has caused you to hurt others unintentionally. You are looking for a cure. What your curse is is never really a question. That's a very different experience from playing OBSCURA. The games hook is "people don't go under the mountain unless they have a good reason, unfortunately you have a great reason" it does not say the reason, it's a great hook. So you play the game, you go under the mountain and you find out what you're looking for is . . . blue moon ichor. You have no context for what that is, it's not initially explained, but it makes people pity you. It's not until you meet one of the LI's that it's revealed you want the ichor. You only only learn about Vesper's motivations as they chose to reveal that information to others. It's an interesting story telling choice. For me, it was more engaging to have Vesper being just as much of a mystery as everything else, than Touchstarved approach of giving that information upfront, but it comes at a cost. The MC's are both supposed to be self inserts, but hiding that information puts distance you and Vesper again making them feel more like their own character than a self insert.
Choice. Atleast as far the demos go Vesper's choices matter more. Your choices change who you meet, if you get a partner to help you face the future, or if you fail to achieve your goal chapter one. The Touchstarved mc makes choices too, it gives you slightly different dialog and you then you move on with your day. The TS MC is a vehicle to meet that game's LI's, your choices change what side of them you get to see. In Obscura your choices affect Vesper first and fore most, which again gives Vesper a stronger sense of character.
Just to be clear, I don't want this to sound like me dunking on RedSpringStudios and say they can't make good characters. Boy can they! All five of their love interests are full of character and intrigue. It's like I said in point two, the "build your own oc" approach seems very purposeful. It's a fan response they've encouraged, even releasing bio templates that match the official bios of all the LI's. This is what they wanted.
What amuses me is that RottenRaccons did not seem to realize what they had done. They seem very surprised but pleased by how much fans are latching onto Vesper as their own character.
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a-random-weeb · 1 year
Anyway, hi 👋 here it is again
Yandere you say? What do you think of self sacrificing dazai? Or if you want a different plot what about Fyodor using his wits to isolate, manipulate and control the reader into loving him and depending on him for everything.
Im glad you liked the idea!
Warnings: kidnapping, manipulation, unhealthy relationship
I don't know Fyodor as well, I haven't gotten far enough into the anime, so sorry if he's ooc. I just finished the Skyfall episode. (Ik I'm behind)
•Hes obsessed with you
•He'll do anything for you, he'll give his life to you!
•So... why don't you love him back?
•cant you see he can give you everything! He may not be filthy rich, but he'll give you all his money if you ask!
•You, of course, are a little creeped out
"Oh Darling~ why are you ignoring me? Come on Belladonna, I love you!"
"Leave me alone Dazai! Accept that I don't feel the same way!"
•He eventually kidnaps you
•He wants to give you everything, but he can't do that if you keep rejecting him, can he?
•Other than letting you go, he'll do almost anything! Cook? Ok! Buy you things? Alright! Kill someone for you? With pleasure!
•He ends up hurting himself while trying to do everything for you
•He needs you, and he will never let you leave
"Oh Belladonna! I killed that one dude who glared at you! Look, I have his head!" He holds out the head, his clothes completely covered in blood. When you begin to cry and throw up he tilts his head "Whats wrong cutie? You should be overjoyed!" You shake your head.
"St-stay away from me!!" The horror in your eyes is clear as you try to scoot away despite being tied to a chair.
"Aw no, don't try to get away~" he drops the severed head and hugs you, getting blood all over you. You throw up on him
"Oh? Are you sick baby? Ah well, it's fine, I had to wash this jacket anyway, it was covered in blood!" He smiles and skips away to get medicine, leaving you there to regret your life choices.
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‎•Lets say you both are dating
•At first it's fairly normal, there's a few red flags, but you're sure it's not the end of the world
•He's constantly taking you out out on dates
•he wants you to get as attached to him as possible
•He hopes to give you separation anxiety, then you'll never leave his side in the end
•He doesn't kidnap you, he makes it seem normal enough
•When you start living together.... thats when things take a turn for the worst
•He pays for the house and cooks and cleans
•He makes you quite your job
•He makes sure you're completely dependent on him
•It comes to the point you can't do anything for yourself
•You gain separation anxiety, it's all going to his plan
•He leaves you alone for three days, saying it's for 'work', but really it's to make sure you can't live without him
•If you're anxiety is so bad and you can't do anything and you keep calling and texting him, then he'll come back
•But if you can fend for yourself...
•He chains you to the bed, making sure you're well fed and taken care of.
•Hes not done until you can't do anything without him
•He can't have his beloved leaving him can he?
˚‎♡+˚*・ ꒰ა ♡ ໒꒱° ‧˚˚‎♡+˚*・ ꒰ა ♡ ໒꒱° ‧˚˚‎♡+˚*・
once again, sorry if Fyodor was ooc, and sorry for deleting it the first time 😅
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