#and by wrong i don't mean i think it's wrong that i am the way i am
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hetrosjistin · 30 minutes ago
Okay, I'm going to go out on a limb here but, sometimes, we have to put up with people we don't like.
I'm not talking about people who are actively monstrous to you (though that does happen too, capitalist hellscape and all means survival sometimes means knuckling under abuse), but just, that person who rubs you the wrong way.
And for the sake of just, living in a fucking society, you need to at least be civil. That's kinda fucking important. It's literally why we have etiquette in the first place, to allow us to send signals like "I don't like you but I am not a threat to you and don't want you to be threatened by me even though I think you suck Janice"
Save your vitriol for folks who have actually earned it, because if you get too used to just, not practicing civility to folks who aren't actively abusive or hostile or have otherwise made themselves out to be a threat to you (IE: active and proud bigots), then you're going to fall out of practice in building necessary bridges and community building.
You're not going to make friends with everyone. you're not going to like or be around everyone that life throws at you. Life is infinitely more tolerable if you grow a fucking RANGE of responses to people you don't like from "polite civility" to "punch them in the face"
Being nice to someone you don’t like is not manipulation btw it’s being civil
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saintsenara · 2 days ago
Hi, do you have an analysis for why you prefer bottom Tom? Most fics have him as a top, but I'm very interested in your perspective ma'am.
well, the short answer is because i want to and because i can.
the longer answer is that i just don't find any of the arguments for why voldemort would never bottom under any circumstances to be as convincing and definitive as their proponents claim them to be.
my issue - to be clear - isn't with people having a preference for reading or writing about him being a top. it's with the fact that him only being a top - and not only that, but him being repulsed or humiliated by the idea of bottoming - is typically presented as such an objective fact that preferring to read or write about him being a bottom provokes responses which range from the simply annoying - "this is out of character!" [any fic in which he consensually shags his prophesied child-enemy is out of character, be serious] - to the genuinely troubling - "it's disgusting! voldemort is a real man and real men don't want anything up their arses!".
obviously - let's be real - a lot of the arguments about why bottom!voldemort is impossible are just typical "slash fandom reinvents gender roles" shit - they essentially boil down to "omg no harry would bottom because he's the girl".
but others do come with more weight behind them. and two of these are:
that the gender norms voldemort was raised with would inculcate in him a big lump of internalised homophobia which would make him see bottoming as feminine, and - in seeing it as feminine - see it as weak, humiliating, dependent, and incompatible with his understanding of control and power. that voldemort would be horrified by the idea of being penetrated, because he would see it as something which polluted or profaned the body he considers to be sacred.
i do think it's possible to argue both of these points robustly, using actual readings of the text rather than just vibes. i've just never found any of these readings compelling.
and the reason why all comes down to this:
"I knew I was different," he whispered to his own quivering fingers. "I knew I was special. Always, I knew there was something." [HBP 13]
he's talking about something specific - how he's always known that he's a wizard - here, of course. but we can also take this statement and use it to think more generally about how he views being perceived as deviant, strange, or wrong by the norms of the society in which he lives.
by which i mean... he's somebody who believes that being different makes him special and that people who try to punish or shame him for his difference are idiots who simply haven't yet worked out that he's superior to them in literally everything he does. he's not someone who perceives being different in a self-flagellating way - he doesn't think there's something wrong with him, he doesn't think that his difference makes him a pathetic or unimpressive person. and he's also not somebody who views being criticised or punished for his difference as something which causes him sorrow or anxiety. it causes him rage - because it inconveniences him [it creates obstacles he has to overcome, although he entirely believes he can overcome them] and because it doesn't recognise his self-conception as the protagonist of reality:
Riddle's reaction to this was most surprising. He leapt from the bed and backed away from Dumbledore, looking furious. "You can't kid me! The asylum, that's where you're from, isn't it? 'Professor,' yes, of course - well, I'm not going, see? That old cat's the one who should be in the asylum. I never did anything to little Amy Benson or Dennis Bishop, and you can ask them, they'll tell you!"   "I am not from the asylum," said Dumbledore patiently. "I am a teacher and, if you will sit down calmly, I shall tell you about Hogwarts. Of course, if you would rather not come to the school, nobody will force you -" "I'd like to see them try," sneered Riddle. "Hogwarts," Dumbledore went on, as though he had not heard Riddle's last words, "is a school for people with special abilities -"   "I'm not mad!" [HBP 13]
you can entertain a very dark reading of this scene - in fact, i have - but it's also possible to entertain a liberating one, and see the child voldemort as someone who has always been proud of his difference and prepared to defend that pride in the face of censure, and who is absolutely delighted to be given the language to define and describe his difference and to be given access to a community of people who are similarly - in his words - special.
all of which is to say... the standard interpretation in fandom seems to be that a queer voldemort would fall somewhere on a spectrum from indifferent to his sexuality to actively ashamed of it.
but i think it's much, much more plausible that he'd actually be proud of it, and for his statement - "i knew i was different... i knew i was special" - to be used as the starting point for how we might imagine him realising that he's queer.
and this is why the "he'd have so much internalised homophobia he'd never bottom" argument always falls flat for me - it rests on an assumption that queer men having to grow past a childhood/teenage fear that there's something wrong with them is the default position. it overlooks the fact that there are many ways for somebody to come to understand their own sexuality.
and that two of those ways are "defiantly" and "spitefully". aka the lord voldemort special.
something which always stands out to me about the canonical voldemort, both when he's a good-looking teenager/young man and a monstrous, serpentine adult, is that - even with all the phallic symbolism which surrounds him [enormous snakes and ultra-powerful wands and so on] - the text presents him as somebody who comes across as fairly effeminate:
he's typically described - as we can see from this excellent analysis from @said-snape-softly - as speaking "softly" or "quietly". when he isn't, he's often "shrill", "shrieking", "screeching", or "screaming".
he has a hair-trigger temper and he's extremely emotionally volatile.
he's typically described as moving in ways which have similarly feminine connotations - he "drifts" and "glides". while the primary doylist reason for this is clearly so the reader associates him with snakes, ghosts, and dementors, it ends up giving him a quality of movement which is fey, rather than powerful and purposeful. indeed, we only ever see him do one thing which requires physical, as well as magical, prowess - duelling. but, like fencing - which is its real-world equivalent - good duellists aren't people who are physically strong or imposing, they're people who are cunning and nimble [and the other men the text emphasises are good at it are snape, flitwick, and harry - with harry's quick reflexes being explicitly given as a reason why [i.e. GoF 34] ]. his ability to fly is a demonstration of his magical power alone, since it allows him to circumvent the need to use a broom, which does appear to require physical strength [hence why the only main characters who aren't fond of using brooms are either women or fat, cowardly little boys like neville...]
building on this, he's often described in ways which make him sound quite physically fragile - he's very thin, he's very pale, he's always cold, every time his heartbeat is described it seems to be irregular and so on.
his reputation in his teens and young adulthood is as a "polite [and] quiet" goody-two-shoes who "showed no sign of outward arrogance or aggression at all" [HBP 17]. i think that point about aggression is really important - it builds on what mrs cole tells dumbledore about it being "very hard to catch him" bullying other orphans [HBP 13]. he's not dudley - or james and sirius - using his physical talents to subdue and control people. he's sneakier... more insidious... indeed, in chamber of secrets, ron explicitly compares him to percy - somebody else the text presents as fairly effete - in order to complain about him "squealing" - aka, running to tell a teacher, like a girl, instead of settling things like a man - on hagrid [CoS 14].
when he's a young man, living alone for the first time, the text thinks it's very important to tell us that he has "slightly longer hair" than he does at school [HBP 20]. "slightly" is obviously the operative word here - i don't think he's strutting into hepzibah smith's house in a twenty-four inch lace-front - but we can certainly imagine him with the sort of greaser or pompadour haircut which was understood in the 1950s as being a bit counter-cultural...
of the five horcruxes which are objects - rather than harry and nagini [who is, of course, female] - three [cup, diadem, locket] originally belonged to a woman and are acquired from a woman, two [cup, locket] are acquired by killing a woman using a stereotypically female murder method [poison], two are connected to voldemort's rage at his mother being disparaged [locket - he's furious to hear hepzibah say that merope must have stolen it, ring - he attacks morfin immediately after morfin calls his mother a "slut"]. and all five of these horcruxes also depend on women to introduce them into the narrative in a way that facilitates their destruction: the diary is given to ginny; dumbledore puts on the ring in order to speak to his sister; the locket is associated both with walburga's grief [it's literally moved from the cave - voldemort's grave for his mother - to the house which is walburga's own tomb!] and with umbridge's performance of femininity; the cup is given to bellatrix [and the text is very clear that both she and voldemort understand it as having only been given to her, rather than to her and rodolphus] and is then destroyed - albeit off-stage - by hermione; and harry is given the tools to acquire the diadem by cho, luna, and mcgonagall, although he has to overcome the obstacles of alecto carrow and helena ravenclaw to get hold of it. harry - of course - also only becomes a horcrux because of a woman - lily's - sacrifice.
his favourite death eaters are a woman and a very feminine-coded man. but - more interestingly - what the text finds unimpressive isn't that he likes bellatrix and snape... it's that he leaves a lot of his dirty work to male minions who are characterised by their brutish strength - people like greyback, hagrid [who he makes carry harry up to hogwarts], rowle, gibbon, amycus carrow and so on. there's the heavy implication in the text that voldemort's preference for leaving the violence to others - as i'm always pointing out, his canonical kill count is really low; most of the murders in the series are done by other death eaters acting on his orders - is something we should see as weak.
the text associates him with this effeminacy - i think it's really important to note, given who jkr is - as a criticism. it's something - much like the text's presentation of him as aromantic, and the fact that the degradation of his looks via the creation of the horcruxes makes him look sexless/eunuch-like - being used to underscore his villainy. he's feminine-coded in a toxic way.
but let's take this in another direction [and let's also return to the actual question you asked me...] and read him as someone who has always had to deal with being perceived as queer by other people, and having that perception be associated with negative assumptions.
he's very easy to imagine as a child/teenager who's the target of ridicule from his fellow orphans/fellow students [for not being sporty, for liking to sit in the library for hours on end coming up with anagrams of his own name, for the way he walks and speaks] which hinges on the idea that his failure to conform to the expected conventions of "proper" masculinity mean that he's not a proper man... and that if he's not a proper man then... he's not straight.
but then we have to come back to the "i knew i was special" point, don't we?
voldemort's belief in his own superiority can - in my view - be used to read him as somebody who would embrace being camp or effeminate or whatever term we want to use, in order both to express his contempt for people who criticise him ["think i'm a messed up little deviant, do you, mrs cole? well, you don't know the half of it!"] and who conform to social norms he thinks are reprehensible ["oh, do purebloods frown upon bottoming, abraxas? well - guess what - so do muggles. do you agree with what muggles think?"] and to humiliate, subjugate, and control them ["you think i'm a faggot, do you...? well, you're right... i'm a faggot who's defeated you in battle and now i'm about to kill you... still feel like a man?"].
while - obviously - appearance/gender presentation has nothing to do with preferred sexual roles - the manliest men on earth can be bottoms! being femme doesn't prevent you topping! - i really do think that voldemort is someone who can be written entirely canon-coherently as thinking that the homophobic perception of bottoming as weak, powerless, or humiliating is complete nonsense, and who would actively flaunt his rejection of this perception as a way to mock people who subscribe to it.
after all, we see him do something similar in canon when it comes to his blood-status and social class. the death eaters - lots of whom are posh pureblood men who conceive of themselves as the most important people in the universe - are made to kneel at the feet of and kiss the robes of and be branded like cattle by and be at the beck and call of someone who's neither pureblood nor posh. there are - as lupin tells us - no wizarding princes... and yet the closest things the wizarding world has to an aristocracy are rolling around on the ground debasing themselves and calling a half-blood orphan "my lord".
voldemort does this to humiliate them. but he also does this to amuse himself - à la logan roy making men who've displeased him play "boar on the floor".
[wormtail being forced to care for him when he's in his half-form at the start of goblet of fire, for example. he's not humiliated in the slightest by his dependence on wormtail... wormtail is humiliated by it, and voldemort finds it hilarious.]
and so i think we can plausibly imagine him also deeply enjoying making his straight, married, "i would die before i let anything near my arse", "i'm not getting changed for quidditch with so-and-so there, he's queer", "i'd disown my son if i found out he let other men fuck him" death eaters grovel for the favour of someone who loves getting railed...
this deeply aligns with how voldemort understands things like power and control - and it's why the argument that he'd only top because he would regard it as the only way of being powerful and controlling never hits for me.
because this also rests on an assumption - that the bottom always understands themselves as the passive partner. i do think the fandom is broadly getting better at recognising that bottoms and submissives are different things [although the bar was on the floor...], but i think there's still a tendency to default to the idea that the two people involved in sex are an active partner and a passive partner, and that the passive partner is - for want of a better term - the receptacle.
the language used around bottoming reinforces this assumption. its voice is passive - the bottom is penetrated, is bred, is fucked, is taken - its verbs are passive too - the top does, the bottom receives.
but the thing is... this is just semantics. and it's a semantic argument directly rooted in misogyny, and the homophobia which stems from and connects to it.
and - since it's just semantics - we can change the language we use at any time to completely reconfigure the assumed power dynamic.
the bottom grants access. the bottom consumes. the bottom takes. the bottom absorbs. the bottom uses. the bottom captures. the bottom detains. the bottom grips. the bottom devours. the bottom permits. the bottom destroys.
the top is the person who's passive - who receives permission, who is granted access, who is consumed, who is absorbed, who is captured. the top is the person having their life-force leached from them. they're just a toy, just a piece of meat. they literally don't matter.
and the text already uses this sort of language - the language of consumption and capture and permission to cross thresholds and so on - to talk about voldemort's attitude to power, magic, and the body.
he drains the blood of unicorns; he uses up the life-force of the people and animals he possesses; he grows stronger by consuming ginny's secrets; he is restored to his body by taking from his father, wormtail, and harry; he takes the money dumbledore offers without feeling the need to thank him or regard it as a gift; he offers up gifts to people he wants to use for his own gain; he "doesn't march up to people's houses and bang on their front doors" [OotP 6]; he hoards and conceals precious things; his soul is kept safe by being encased by the horcruxes; his locket is guarded by something which has to be drunk, which destroys anyone who assumes they can simply take it without his permission; he "would be glad to see anything miss hepzibah shows me" [HBP 20] and then seizes her secrets and uses them to bring about her doom; his descent from slytherin is proven by his control of the threshold of the chamber of secrets; he places himself and his talents at dumbledore's disposal, "i am yours to command" [HBP 20]; he controls snakes and they do his bidding; he drains the ministry of its secrets; he controls the dementors, who devour joy; augustus rookwood "has lord voldemort's gratitude... i shall need all the information you can give me" [OotP 26]; he is the greatest legilimens - that is to say, he is excellent at pulling other people's secrets into his own mind and using them as he wishes - the world has ever seen; he has seen ron's heart and it is his; his followers live to serve him...
his followers are called death eaters, not death fuckers.
and so it's inarguable, really, that he'd have a legion of service tops under his command...
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zecroswe · 2 days ago
Self replicating and self annihilating, Mage Viktor, his goals, and Jayvik.
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I have a lot of thoughts when It comes to Arcane as a show and I love season 2 a lot. One thing the show that I have been thinking about is Mage!Viktor and his true goal. You may wonder what I mean with this, after all his goal seems quite clear, 'prevent the Glorious Evolution/the end of the world and in the process break the timeloop/cycle Viktor and Jayce are trapped within'. And yes that is true, It is his goal! But if It was the only purpose of his actions, wouldn't the AU timeline Ekko ends up in be enough?
After all, that timeline has no Hextech and no Hexcore. The Glorious Evolution cannot take place in this timeline, so why did that timeline not break the cycle? Well let's first establish the nature of the timeloop/cycle.
Jayce and Viktor seems to be within a unstable multidimensional bootstrap paradox loop/cycle. I say unstable because the butterfly effect is very prominent in the show, so a small variable can change things significantly.
We don't know if there is a 'Original' timeline that started the cycle, so It seems safe to assume that the cycle is a bootstrap paradox with no clear origin point, something that in turn causes Jayce and Viktors partnership and the invention of Hextech to also be a Paradox. In this cycle there also seems to exist certain events that will more or less always happen, but not necessarily in the same way, or in other words, constants and variables within the timelines.
One of those constants seem to be that Jayce will always attempt to invent Hextech.
So if the goal was just to prevent the Glorious Evolution, the simple way to achieve It would just be to stop Jayce from inventing Hextech, but Mage!Viktor doesn't do this, because he can't do It, It would go against the true purpose of actions.
After a lot of thought and discussions with my older sister sense the show ended (also being insane about Jayvik), we came to a conclusion. Mage!Viktors goal is not just to prevent the Glorious Evolution or save Runeterra.
His goal is to save Jayce
To find a timeline were Jayce survives, with or without Viktor.
The reason to stop the Glorious Evolution is not only because It is the end of humanity and a world of dreamless solitude, but because It is a world without Jayce in It.
Suddenly a lot of the hoops Mage!Viktor goes through makes a lot more sense and also why the AU timeline Ekko ends up in doesn't achieve Mage!Viktors goal.
Jayce is most likely not alive in that timeline. According to Amanda, Jayce was exiled due to Vi dying in the explosion.
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And well, we know what Jayce was about to do in the Main timeline when he *Only* got expelled and his research was ordered to be disposed of. It is very likely that Jayce in the AU timeline went through with taking his own life and AU Viktor most likely wouldn't be there to interrupt the attempt.
With this in mind and other key events in the show, finding a timeline were Jayce survives is actually really difficult! It is literally more likely that Jayce dies somehow than him living a full life time, I am not kidding. The amount of fail states that exist for this is honestly insane, so let's go through them shall we?
I will go through a few key events as examples and use certain scenarios to explain the potential chain reactions. Think of It like a flowchart, but without the chart. I can't take all variables into account, but I will show of some key examples to hopefully make sense of my point.
Exhibit A: The Blizzard
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This is were the timeline spaghetti starts and were there is already multiple ways Mage!Viktors plan can go wrong.
Scenario 1: Mage!Viktor doesn't interfere
In this scenario two things could most likely happen. Either A: Jayce and Ximena die in the blizzard, or B: Jayce somehow survives the blizzard but Ximena still dies.
version A: Jayce is dead, Fail-state 1
Version B: Jayce is alive, but this will most likely lead to Jayce being exiled from Piltover due to Ximena not being around to speak up during the trial, and I am concred for Jayces mental state without a support network, the butterfly effect will most likely result in Jayce being dead somehow. Fail-state 2
Scenario 2: Mage!Viktor saves Jayce and Ximena but gives Jayce a Non-Acceleration rune or no rune at all
There is only one result of this. Jayce and Ximena both survive the blizzard.
Jayce is alive, but without the Acceleration rune, Ekko won't be able to invent the Z-drive and might be trapped in a AU timeline and as a result Arcane Herald Viktor will succeed with the Glorious Evolution, killing Jayce, Fail-state 3
Exhibit B: The Robbery
There is a lot of variance here and a few fail-states, but most of the fail-states are linked to the trial.
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Scenario 1: Jayce doesn't get robbed
In this scenario Jayce would still keep his research a secret and most likely would not meet Viktor because his room is no longer a crime scene. This could would either lead to A: Jayces experiments with the crystals goes wrong and he blows himself up, B: Jayce doesn't succeed and is still stuck in his research or C: Jayce still gets put on trial somehow for having illegal contraband.
Version A: Jayce is dead, Fail-state 4
Version B: Jayce has no one to ask for help with his research and according to what Jayce wrote in his journal, his grades at the academy are dropping and might be at risk of expulsion.
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Considering what Jayce almost did when he got expelled....Yea i think It is safe to call this a fail-state. Fail-state 5
Version C: Jayce would be put on trial and the nature of his research would come into question. He would still probably be expelled from the academy due to the illegal nature of his research. The main diffrence is that Viktor might not be at the trial this time and not be inspired by Jayce. Meaning that Viktor would probably not seek Jayce out, meaning that Jayce probably would go through with his attempt uninterrupted. Fail-state 6
Scenario 2: Jayce gets robbed
Well we got a example of a fail-state in the show for this but it is still worth mentioning. A: One of the kids dies in the explosion or B: Jayce dies in the explosion.
Version A: As mentioned earlier, Vi or any of the other kids dying in the explosion leads to Jayce getting exiled. Fail-state 7
Version B: Jayce is dead. Fail-state 8
Exhibit C: The Hexcore
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Won't go into too much detail here because It would take waaaay to long, but the Hexcore is basically a exponential fail-state here. Considering what the Hexcore can do and what Jayce does with It in the show, the Hexcore basically means that any scenario Viktor dies a potential fail-state. Because one could argue that if Viktor dies at any point when the Hexcore is invented, Jayce will likely use It to do necromancy on Viktor, putting everything on track for the Glorious Evolution, or fail to do necromancy instead do something else insane that may or may not get him killed. The Hexcore is a temporal mine of fail-states, one that cannot really be prevented fully because Hextech + Viktor = Hexcore gets invented, and as established, No Hextech = No Jayce and No Viktor = No Jayce. Fail-state 99+
It is impossible for Mage!Viktor to stop the cycle before the Hexcore due to all the fail-states mentioned above. The only chance he has is if Jayce someone stops Arcane Herald Viktor before the Glorious Evolution starts. The Hexcore needs to be properly disarmed, or else It metaphorically explodes and Jayce dies.
Mage!Viktor and Viktor in general is just as codependent for Jayce as Jayce is for Viktor. Both of them are fully willing to bend all of reality for each other. They both doom and save each other over and over and over again, just to stay together. The only way this cycle breaks is if they both make It out alive or both of them die together (I think they live but I digress). Mage!Viktor probably would not predict Jayce to stay with Viktor, It was not a requirement for his goals after all, but Jayce would never abandon Viktor and Viktor would never abandon Jayce.
In a way, Jayce and Viktors bond is the anomaly, self replicating and self annihilating, the beautiful intersection between order and chaos. Viktor replicates the cycle by trying to save Jayce and Jayce keeps self annihilating through his attempts to reach Viktor, knowingly or not, by inventing Hextech. They are soulmates by choice, the universe is trying to separate them any chance It gets and yet they keep fighting just to be together, and I think that is beautiful!
TL;DR: Mage!Viktors primary motivation is to save Jayce and find a timeline where he doesn't die before or during the Glorious Evolution. This process is extremely complicated because the universe does not like Jayce Talis existing because according to the timloop/cycle paradox, his existence is a time-space anomaly. Jayce and Viktor are both insane and willing to break all laws of time and space to be with each other. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.
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randomshyperson · 1 hour ago
One Of Your Girls - Wanda Maximoff Oneshots
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summary: A study session turns into a make out session. Or the one where the most beautiful girl on campus is your situationship and you would never refuse to distract her, even during exam weeks.
words: 3.820k | warnings: (+18), college au, fuck buddies, popular!wanda x loser!reader, mostly smut but there’s actually some plot here, bottom!wanda (we need way more of this sorry), oral, fingering, some dirty talk, reader is briefly described to be shy and introverted because of the loser archetype, w and r are actually super comfortable with each other don’t be fooled, text messages are in bold cause i never tried that before.
A/N-> I have written more than 100 works for wanda, but I don’t remember ever writing casual sex before. To be a demisexual is really something, huh? Anyways, this was actually based on “One of Your Girls” from Troye Sivan, but around the middle I just started doing my own thing honestly. Good reading!
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To inspire students to have sharper minds, as she likes to say, Miss Harkness is known for having the hardest tests on the entire campus. This means that you needed to study seriously for next week's exam, without quick readings or breaks to watch the television or talk about anything other than Applied Sociology with your friends.
And definitely, no 'study' sessions with Wanda Maximoff.
You shouldn't even think about Wanda, and her emerald eyes and bold hands. You need to think about Émile Durkheim or Max Weber, and any other sociologist from past centuries, with their difficult theories from which long and complicated questions will be in your exam.
But Wanda and the casual thing you two have is like clockwork. You had barely made up your mind about keeping your distance, and prepared a proper study session in your dorm - empty that afternoon due to a divine miracle that occupied Natasha and her girlfriend Maria all day - for your cell phone to vibrate with the notification from the person you had decided to ignore.
Stealing a glance at the contact name, you grunted quietly and turned your attention back to the book that had just finished reading the first page.
Another vibration makes you roll your eyes.
Wanda didn't do anything wrong, maybe you could just say you’re busy.
"I am bored."
Her text makes you laugh through your nose. Typing quickly, you don't expect a return to your "And I’m busy. Talk to u later."
Your cell phone vibrates again, but you stand firm. Sociology will not study itself. There's a shift of pages, and you taste some of the mint tea from the mug on the table before your cell phone rings again.
Maybe it's someone else. It may be important.
You can’t even fool yourself.
The book is placed on your lap, and you unlock the screen for a photo that brings a warm color to your ears and spreads around your body as quickly as this whole thing began.
"What if I was in public?." You type with a certain harshness, which doesn't match the way your heart missed a beat. Or how you've completely forgotten about the book now, and all you can do is bite back a sigh at the image of the prettiest nipples in this galaxy.
Wanda responds in the same second, and you want to ignore the way your stomach twists at the thought of her feeling eager for a response from you.
You laugh, rolling your eyes. "You're the worst" That's what you type. You end up sighing when looking at the pile of books around. Wanda only needed one stupid photo to completely take your focus away.
She types before you can tell her off for it. "Are you in your dorm? Wanna see you."
You bite your lip. She is so infuriating.
"I have to study."
You can almost hear her giggling on the other end. "Don't you always?"
You think about cursing at her teasing, but you don't want to cross any lines. It's true that this relationship is a constant push and pull, but Wanda isn't clingy for no reason. You're about to ask if something happened when she adds "Are you really gonna force me to send another photo..."
You swallow hard. "I'm not forcing you to do anything. I was innocently studying until now.”
It takes her a moment, but finally, there's another photo. With your fingers shaking, you forget to breathe at the image of her thighs, a red garter belt in contrast to the pale skin, barely covered by her mini-skirt. It was such a simple image yet so provocative, Wanda truly had talent.
"Fuck me." You sigh quietly, unable to type anything back for a moment.
And so she does it first. "Did I melt your brain?"
“Please come here.” You begged, only imagining her smirk on the other line.
Wanda typed back a second later; “I thought you were studying. I wouldn't want to distract you.”
You huckle incredulously at her cynicism, and almost type back a curse but end up deciding to get up instead, hurrying to make the room less messy for your guest.
Wanda takes a while to show up at your room - Unlike you, she lives on the other side of campus, in an apartment shared with her brother. The outfit she's wearing is definitely more impressive in person, and you have to control yourself not to feel jealous at the realization that a good part of the university has just seen her parading around looking so stunning. This was definitely Yelena's doing, the one responsible for trying out everything she learned in her course on her friends and successfully dressing the whole group like supermodels.
Sometimes you wish you were more sociable, at least to be friends with Yelena and get new clothes.
Not that you have any idea of ​​this, but Wanda did a great job of hiding the way her stomach did two flips when she saw how comfy you looked, the dark green sweatshirt covering your shorts making her immediately think about exploring underneath.
"What's up, loser?"
Wanda had this problem. High defense barriers, almost all the time, but especially when she was feeling things that were out of her control. Like the way her heart raced in your presence, or how she was starting to run out of decent excuses to meet you without admitting the only reason was simply because she wanted to spend some time together.
When you first talked, freshman year, she was the most intimidating person on campus (she still is), but with a little insistence (or friends playing cupid) you had managed to see sides of her that no one else had seen. And vice versa.
It was a pretty interesting dynamic, the most popular girl on campus and a big nerd with social anxiety were somehow dating. Wanda dragged you to parties whenever possible, a possessive hand on yours and a threatening look at any idiot who thought of giving you a hard time. And often you end up in some drunken Instagram live or records of friends making out in the background.
When you weren’t doing the things she liked, Wanda would just show up. After your classes, in the study hall, during your break from your internship, and in your dorm. She didn’t mind showing you off, but there was something so soft about spending time alone. When her defenses were down, the mean girl mask would fall and she would laugh at your stupid jokes, or dress up in your clothes to make pancakes in the middle of the night.
It wasn’t an official relationship, but it was something really closer to one. Something that gave her free rein to come and go as she pleased from your life, and mess everything around as she went.
You made room for her to enter, and she gave a long kiss to your cheek before leaving her shoes at the entrance. You were blushing when you closed the door.
The dorm you shared with Natasha had little more than the space needed for two beds and two desks, but somehow you and her managed to squeeze in enough decorations on the walls and even some of her ballet and fighting awards. Your side was covered in band and movie posters and science holiday medals. A barely used keyboard sat dusty in the corner, and you had made a mental note to show Wanda how to play Over the Rainbow sometime. She tossed her backpack on the corner of your desk, and you hurried to try to clear up some of the clutter on the wood, blushing even more when she chuckled. 
“Come here.” She asked softly, and you swallowed hard as you stumbled closer to her again, guided by her hands holding your wrists. Wanda actually wanted your arms around her, and that’s where she put them. So her hands went up to your shoulders. “You always get so shy when we’re alone.” 
“I am shy.” 
She shakes her head slightly.  “That’s not true,” she says, leaning in close to brush her lips against yours. You gasp slightly, and Wanda pulls away, teasing. "You're an introvert, but no one shy says the things you say when you're turned on, darling"
Yochuckle, shaking your head with pink cheeks. "Shut up." 
She bites back a smile, and leans in, but the kiss is too short, it's so unfair. You try to chase her mouth, but Wanda pulls away to hug you. And that surprises you as much as her breathing deeply into your neck. 
You don't remember hugging her before. Not really. There's plenty of sex of course, and making out and pillow talk and late-night snacks. But Wanda isn't the type to cuddle, or hug. It gives what you two have an intimacy that you understand she doesn't want to have, or didn’t, past tense. 
Your hand caresses your back, and you're not quite sure if you should say anything but finally you do; "Is everything okay?"
It's like throwing a bucket of cold, reality-filled water over her. She breaks the hug, forcing a laugh that doesn't convince you at all.
"Of course!" She says, pulling you close at once and giving you a kiss that's much more determined than before. That almost makes you forget where you were, almost. "Let's take these off." She pulls the folds of your sweater up, but even though you let her, you risk:
"Wanda, are you sure-"
She cuts you off again, this time kissing you with tongue. It's definitely hotter, and it elicits a breathless moan from you. Her hand holds your face, controlling the kiss until you whimper against her mouth. Wanda lets you breathe as she pushes you by the shoulders to the bed, and you fall sitting, facing her.
"I said take your clothes off." She repeats, but it's her who puts on a little show. She pulls off her blouse at once, and the exposure of her breasts covered only by a red lace bra leaves you mesmerized. Wanda giggles at your reaction. “Every damn time.” She teases, her hands moving to undo it. But you move suddenly, grabbing her hips and pulling her onto your lap in urgency. Wanda gasps in surprise at the heated kiss, losing herself in the task of removing her bra as you start to suck on her tongue. With one hand on your shoulder for support, the other ruffles your hair before she feels her bra loosen on her body, not having even noticed your hands working on the clasp until now. She bites her bottom lip as she feels the item being pulled away from her body. 
“You’re getting better at this.” She teases again. You look at her with lust-bright eyes but also with a frown.
“Better? When have I ever been bad at this? Certainly not with you, because you came three times on your first time together.” 
Wanda raises an eyebrow at you, her hips grinding slowly against your lap. “Like I said, not shy at all.” You roll your eyes, gripping her hips a little more firmly to guide her movements. It's Wanda who chases your mouth again, returning with equal fervor every kiss you give her.
Your hands let go of her hips to slide down her thighs, until finally touching the garter belt. You break the kiss with an affected groan, and Wanda takes the opportunity to catch her breath a little. If the image of her swollen lips and dilated pupils wasn't enough to drive you crazy, looking down did. Her skirt was wrinkled up, and the red garter belt was truly a sight. A damp spot was now visible on your pants from all her grinding, and you would have time to feel proud of making her so aroused with just kisses later.
As you pulled the garters and made them slap gently against Wanda's skin, you smiled when she shivered, a breathy moan escaping her mouth. It was such a beautiful thing, turning all her bad girl attitude into a pathetic mess of whimpering.
But suddenly you remembered that she had walked across half the campus wearing this, so your clenched jaw had another reason.
"Did you get dressed up for me?"
Wanda gave a short laugh, not really understanding what you were saying. "You'd like that, wouldn't you?"
You glared at her, your hands giving another warning tug, and Wanda wanted to hate the way her body twitched, but she couldn't help it.
"If not me, who?"
She blinked in confusion, deep in her own lust. 
Why were you still talking when she was literally dripping on your lap?
"What are you-" She fell silent when you grabbed her throat, your grip making her thrust her hips in desperation for friction, her mouth opening in a needy moan. Her own reaction surprised her, and Wanda would have tried to work things out if you hadn't taken away her ability to respond when you kissed her again, dirty and hard until she started whimpering on your tongue again. When you pulled apart again, your fingers invaded her mouth and Wanda's eyes widened, realizing that this might be the first time she'd come without even being properly touched.
You seemed to have noticed the same thing, a chuckle escaping you as she began sucking on your fingers with the same fervor she was trying to grind into your lap.
"Tsk, look at you, Wanda." You began, your hand moving from her throat down to her garter belt, to pull it off again. "You really want me to believe anyone else can turn you into this needy mess?" Flushed with arousal, Wanda still manages to frown in confusion. Anyone else. What the hell are you talking about? There’s no one else.
But suddenly, you remove your fingers from her mouth, and when she tries to ask, it's too late. Your soaked fingers have moved down and they fill her without warning, sinking inside her and eliciting a throaty moan that makes her head fall forward, forehead to yours, and nails digging into your shoulders. You laugh hoarsely. "Fuck, you're so wet, Wands."
The dirty sound of your fingers moving inside her echoes in the room along with her breathless moans, but you don't prolong things for too long. There’s an urgency and roughness to your movements that makes Wanda roll her eyes back and bounce on your fingers in animalistic desperation.
“Oh, baby, I’m gonna come, I’m gonna—” It’s always such a beautiful sight. She arches on top of you, spasming as her climax hits her and spreads hot waves of pleasure. Your hand is soaked, but you pull your fingers away to lick them one by one as Wanda tries to get back into orbit.
When she finally does, it's rewarding. It's your turn to have your throat grabbed, and Wanda presses forward until you're lying on the bed, at her mercy, even as a smile plays on your lips.
It's time for her to shake that smugness off your face.
"You're overdressed." It comes in a warning tone, and her hands go down to remove your clothes, one by one. You help her, between one kiss and another, a touch and a squeeze, until finally, Wanda ends up on your lap again, this time, with no fabric between you other than the beautiful lingerie she picked out for you.
Oh, of course she lets you know.
"I don't want you to get any more cocky than you already are." She began between the countless breathless kisses you were exchanging, minutes on end in this hot make-out session. "But all I could think about when I bought it was how you were going to look at me." She takes advantage of your gasp in surprise to bite your lip and pull, making you tremble. With a smug little smile, Wanda looks at you with darkened eyes. "And how were you going to take it off."
Your hands move of their own accord - There's a hard tug to pull her against you, and you end up rolling around on the bed, until Wanda ends up underneath, writhing at your touch. Your fingers slipped under the belt again, but now you take your time to remove the item, slowly until Wanda couldn't hold her breath any longer.
Stealing a glance at her dripping pussy that she displayed so proudly on her parted legs, you clicked your tongue again before finding your space in her middle, your hands fitting behind her thighs.
"You spoil me, you know?" You whisper, feeling her fit her ankles into your back, an impatient whimper escaping her. You were so close to where she wanted, needed, but still not giving her what she was begging for. "I don't know what I did to deserve such a sweet gift."
Wanda tries to play along, she really does. But you give her a tentative lick, and another, and all that escapes her are shaky moans, as one hand grips your hair, the other seeks support in the sheets. Something she can pull at will without hurting.
She feels hot in all the right places, and she wants to police herself for how addicted she is becoming to the feeling of having you like this, but it's impossible to think about that right now. With you eating her so well and making her forget all her problems.
You hum suddenly, satisfied at the taste, and at the vibration, Wanda loses it. There's a loud whimper escaping her throat as she arches against you, begging for more, but you hold her in place, your own hips grinding against the bed as Wanda starts to sound desperate for your tongue to go deeper.
When you risk teasing her again, shallow tongue strokes that leave her dizzy and shaking, Wanda loses her patience. She curses under her breath, and grabs your hair with determination, managing a satisfied grunt from you before she forces your face against her pussy. Not caring if she’s hurting you or suffocating you, Wanda chases her high with near desperation. She grinds her hips against your face, and locks her legs behind your back, using you until she comes.
She sounds so hot when it finally happens. Your name drips from her tongue as she drips into your mouth. It’s so strong that her body instantly goes weak, her legs shaking around you. You chuckle against her thigh, taking great satisfaction in leaving her like this.
Still catching her breath, she calls out. “Come here, asshole.”
You think she wanted a kiss, maybe another orgasm. But Wanda just adjusts you to her side, so she can rest against you. This is new too, spooning. It's the kind of thing casual encounters shouldn't do.
Of course she notices how tense you've become, and it only takes the moment for her to stop shaking for Wanda to look up, her chin resting on your chest.
"You don't have to overthink everything."
A nervous laugh escapes you. "I wasn’t."
Wanda makes a small grimace of unconvincedness. "I know you were. It's what you do. It's one of the things that makes you, you." She says, and it takes you a little by surprise. She sighs then, and looks away, resting her face against your chest again. You almost think she's not going to say anything else when she continues. "It's good that you think of all the possibilities. That way I'll never be able to disappoint you, you'll always see it coming."
You frown, absorbing her words in silence for a moment. Wanda begins to draw patterns on your stomach that look like her initials, until you sigh.
"I know we haven't named it what’s between us, but whatever it is, you can always tell me what's bothering you." You let her know quietly, your fingers playing through the strands of her hair. "And we can just talk, you know? It doesn't always have to end in sex. You don't have to get a new lingerie as an excuse to see me. No matter how hot you look on it."
She pinches you for the joke, but she’s smiling when she looks back at you.
“You’re not good at the whole casual sex thing, are you?” She teases, but she’s genuinely so happy with your previous words that she just can’t hide it.
You smile, watching her hover closer and closer. “You think? Because I think I’m doing pretty well at this, miss-Oh, baby, I’m gonna come,”
You do an imitation that makes Wanda's eyes widen and she blushes deeply while she huffs in embarrassment. You burst out laughing when she tries to cover your mouth and stop the teasing, and it ends up turning into a small fight of hands and tickles until Wanda ends up underneath again, now with her hands pinned on either side of her head.
There is an exchange of glances between the two of you, and you are smiling just like her.
You know that today, Wanda will not tell you what bothered her, what brought her here. She is right, however, you’re an overthinker and already have a hundred possibilities for what could have brought her there, and considering that you know from her friends how much she has been fighting with her father in the last few weeks, it is not hard to assume it is related to that.
But Wanda returns the intensity of your gaze, and you know that something between you has changed. She will tell you when she is ready.
Your grip on one of her hands loosens, and Wanda uses the opportunity to touch your cheek.
"What are you thinking about?"
You sigh, and she can tell. Her heart misses a beat, and she considers if she’s ready for a confession. If it would scare her or make her so happy, she would freeze. Maybe both. 
But you grimace a little, and smirk, and Wanda feels silly for even considering.
"I'm definitely going to fail Miss Harkness's class this semester."
Wanda frowns and then bursts out laughing, confused and incredulous.
"What?" She asks between laughs. “Why would you be thinking about this now? With a naked girl in your bed, you nerd!”
You giggle at her words, your free hand fitting on her waist as you wait for her to stop chuckling. "I don't know why you're laughing, this is your fault. You ruined all my study sessions with your... distracting presence."
She rolls her eyes in a playful manner. “"Well, I could always just leave-"
You grip her waist tighter, holding her in place. "Nah, who cares about classes anyway? Come here."
Wanda will definitely help you study, she makes a mental promise. But she will kiss you first just a little longer.
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khaoala · 2 days ago
one fun thing about it when they do these gay shit outside of their series is that they're not exactly playing any character so I wonder what is going on in their heads lol I mean when they're being gay as a character they act based on their character's story and personality but for the video we got today they don't have that so I wonder what they are thinking
more than that, i'm just so curious to know what kind of direction they were given for this bit or if they just saw the words love and atmosphere together and thought "gay it must be, if not by the hands of others, then we'll take the major responsibility to remind everyone that every single person on this stage has kissed men before".
but it's honestly so funny. everyone was acting bro-ish, they are going on an adventure, they are taking in the landscape and then there's firstkhao:
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like jesus first, this is just a trailer for a concert, you don't need to look at your bf like you wanna kiss him that bad (and khaotung too looks so endeared by this whole thing it's actually pathetic for both of them).
i am of the opinion that kant still lives in first tbh, because you can't convince me that "hey let me use the binoculars here," and pulls khaotung closer by the strap isn't a move kant wouldn't do. we had a whole music video proving that kantbison and anything that goes around the neck is pullable. case in point (tho it's bison doing it more often, but you get what i mean):
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(i'm referencing myself the wrong way. don't do this. gifsets can be found here, here and here)
i'd also like to remind everyone (no one forgot about this) that with lol coming up in the next few months, we'll get to see what other very gay shit firstkhaotung will do. will they beat the iconic day 2 let's try performance? we'll see.
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noisytenant · 22 hours ago
one of those things about viewing oneself as a system is that it's oftentimes just the only thing that makes sense.
like, you can go around thinking of yourself as one single person who just, inexplicably or through some divine fault, struggles to know what they want, shifts priorities on a dime, and always seems to fuck up the things they want in the last second, feeling some mix of disappointment and relief.
someone who always has the right reasons for doing things, except when they have no idea when they did something, which is always more often than they'd like.
or even someone who overtly and knowingly contradicts themself, never stopping to question how it can be so!
so you can be that one person. or you could say, without even putting a name to it: let's just look at the patterns here.
sometimes i feel this, sometimes i feel that. sometimes i value this, and other times that. in a perfect world, i might be able to integrate all these contradictions, but i'm obviously not doing that, because even when i do what i think is right, something always feels a little wrong.
when i split apart the threads, suddenly i can trace a line from past to present that tells me why i am the way i am... when i'm this. and oftentimes this story conveniently excludes many of the details that would lead me down the path to being that. things begin to untangle. you start to see what the whole was made of.
and it isn't even weird that we have these pockets of self-understanding in a world that throws so many contradictory requests upon us. follow all the rules... now know when to break them. don't fool around... now lighten up a little. be silent and listen... now talk and entertain.
so of course you have these forces inside you and of course they're opposing. when the world asks for one, they're often also asking for the absence of the other. they're forced to grow apart. but all of these pieces only have one source to draw from--your personal history, your life. so in that way they're all the same.
the point is--a lot of people are already fighting with themselves, they're just refusing to see it as a fight and to name the sides.
treating these sides as "that weird way i act sometimes" offers you no real options aside from "be less that" -- something nobody has ever fully succeeded in. and when you inevitably become that, all you can think is how you should actually be less this instead.
meanwhile, treating these opposing forces as something closer to a person means you can talk to them, get to know them, negotiate and compromise. and sometimes brawl, or fuck.
and none of this is easy! it happens slowly, confusingly, frustratingly. but once you understand it, you wonder what the hell you'd been doing the whole time. because you believe there is sense to be made, things start to make sense. and your world gets a little bigger.
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virginiaisforvampires · 1 day ago
I see some people are freaking out because Jacob said something to the effect of " This is Sams season," and thinking that means that there wont be a lot of Louis this time around.
I am taking the positive viewpoint in thinking it means that Louis has figured himself out and won't be off on a side quest trying to come to terms with his existence and will be there to support Lestat while he tells his story.
Perhaps in the background but not gone, since it is the Loustat show and all.
To be fair, that's not why they're throwing a tantrum. It's the same subset of ignorant assholes, and they're belittling and mocking Jacob yet again, because they are pissed they think he said something nice and supportive about Sam.
That is literally it, and I hope this little incident will serve as the ultimate proof of their constant bullshit never having actually been about Louis or Jacob.
It's always been about their performative, manufactured outrage and pearl-clutching, because the show is not the one they made up in their heads. They don't give a shit about Louis or Jacob. All they care about is getting attention and being right in their delusions, publicly punishing the ones they deem wrong, and furthering their hateful, vile agenda of inserting bullshit where it does not belong.
They have always been the issue within this fandom and what more evidence do people need to finally understand what has been happening? Just look at the way they treat Jacob and the fact they are now, like I said, big mad because they think Jacob dared say something positive about Sam.
It was never the show they made up in their heads, and they're lashing out more and more, because deep down they know their reign of terror is about to become null and void i.e. that's why the phrase "it's Sam's season" was such a trigger.
It has nothing to do with genuine concern about Louis' story. It has to do with the fact Lestat is not the terrible villain they made up in their heads, and they have no identity in this fandom outside of that notion.
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somerandomcockroach · 2 days ago
Talking with myself about Brave Police J-Decker, 11 episodes so far, giving these series my congratulations since they managed to get a drip of tears from me and I love EVERY character there, it isn't logical for a cartoon Spoilers included
In the 2nd episode paparazzi asking Deckerd about what kind of women he likes and how his dream wedding might look. I literally fell off because. Is it some kind of mocking? First ai robot appearing and first questions are these? Yes for mass media it might be interesting "Oh look this is the dream wedding of the robot eheheh fun". He only recently went online what is wrong with this question, and let me precise do they mean with a human?
Deckerd got the build-team but they don't have emotions programmed. Because they don't trust Deckerd's program, they don't trust the kid. Oh well can't blame them for being afraid of a more new AI robots who technically operate on their own and might disobey their orders and a 4 or 6th grade kid as their boss pffht
Deckerd playing wrestle with robot of their neighbor: "He is so weak I could break him, I'll give in to him" Makes dramatic "AAaaa" and falls on the side DECKERD, I LOVE YOU AHAHAH
That's interesting. They gave build-team an AI only after they understood that it is harder to hack them if they don't resist with developed willpower. They wouldn't have allowed them to have AI too unless there was a chance of such situations.
Their AI was surprised by Yuta's kindness. They had the mind of "if can't make your job - useless" already sewed inside them. Or did they develop such thinking from the people in their basement? Because there literally only Yuta and two other men who treat them as machines with heart.
I am SHOCKED. I am SO shocked. This is the first time when I don't cringe from possible human x robot shipping even if not in a romantic way? But here? They fricking give the development to their mind and relationships. Mccrane, a pacifist, always hoping to the end and trying hard ways with more persistence. A Captain Seia Onoue, woman who doesn't allow the heart to get on her way. Mccrane acting more human-like compared to her and showing her other ways. WOW. Wow okay I look at you two I like this combo. Then? Dumpson, robot with a strong will and opinion, and Ayako, headstrong woman who doesn't believe in AI bullshit since these robots definitely just imitate emotions but don't have their opinions whatsoever. BAM look at Dumpson ahah. I look at you two too they make me giggle when they drum on each other's brains XDD And then Power Joe teeeeheheheh Kids looove him, no wonder, three bozos fighting over so that he would live with them. Yuta is just their Boss I suppose they don't find him as close friend as Deckerd did, but I'm happy they found the friends of their own
10-11 episodes.
Kagero is dead, even when his A.I. was changed to obey new owner, it didn't obey, because what was making this A.I. so strong were exactly memories with Shadowmaru. He wasn't a coward, but the person who mixed his brain with his is, and human's life is bigger compared to little data of his own Kagero managed to gain, so it isn't surprising human's side overpowered A.I. Shadowmaru wanted to die with Kagero, but Kagero, the little pieces of him remembering Shadowmaru, wanted him to live.
Kagero was built as Shadowmaru's shadow, prototype to develop Shadowmaru. All his memories are of him, his life literally has no meaning without Shadowmaru since that's like erasing your birth days itself. And Shadowmaru didn't want to leave him, he didn't listen to no one, he is pretty independent and even wanted to just die without fuel after he lost Kagero, let's specify killed him by his own hands. He doesn't have any strong connection with people, he has it only with his only friend. Kagero told him to live his life some more. Kagero, who was clenching to his memories since he learnt what is the meaning of life, by his own, no A.I. has a "value of your own life" data, only "humans' lives are vulnerable" data, and I'm sure Kagero would have had life so much bigger than just an attempt to keep the little pieces he have from being deleted. He told Shadowmaru to live his life a little more, to Shadowmaru, who wanted to just die because his only strong connection was with Kagero and I think he didn't learn how much he wanted to live the hard way Kagero did, but Kagero gave him an easy way to keep learning what it means. I wish they could get brain chip back and fix it, i wish they could, because now I'm sure even if they recreate everything, it will never be Kagero again, he is dead for Shadowmaru and I know Juuzou understands it better than anyone.
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summerofspock · 16 hours ago
Tagged by @shichidikai and @bageltopia to answer 20 writerly questions. Thanks so much for the tag! Some of these answers are embarrassing lmao
How many works do you have on ao3?
194 (in my defense I have been on there for over 10 years)
What's your total ao3 word count?
2,392,769 😩
What are your top five fics by kudos
Just One More (It Couldn't Hurt) - Star Trek
Car Trouble - Good Omens
mad or well-advised - Good Omens
South Downs - Good Omens
Under Construction - Good Omens
What fandoms do you write for?
Currently? One Piece and I'm fiddling with Arcane behind the scenes without posting. But I have written for Avatar The last Airbender, Game of Thrones, Star Trek, The Magnus Archives, Silmarillion, My Hero Academia, and MXTX works.
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
OK so my inbox is a fucking mess. I do try to respond to comments but once I fall behind I fall so behind. And once I start getting mean comments or concrit, it's hard for me to go back and respond to comments on a fic. Usually, I'll respond in a big wave to comments on the last chapter before posting the next but sometimes I forget.
What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don't really write unhappy endings. 🤔 I currently have an abandoned wip that ends at an unhappy spot and I have a few dead dove oneshots that are pretty angsty but no multichaps. Maybe feather of lead.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
They are genuinely all so happily ever after fluffy that it's hard to choose. Maybe Car Trouble. Or after all the angst, you might consider the ending of such small words super happy. Idk.
Do you get hate on fics?
Depends on how you define hate. I get comments telling me I made incorrect choices or that my fics are wrong in some way for doing xyz. I get character hate. I've been told I'm a bad person for writing certain kinks or tropes on pwps or that I'm perpetuating stereotypes and that's damaging. Annoying shit like that.
Do you write smut?
Lmao yes
Do you write crossovers?
I've done it once! Star Trek/Good Omens for shits and giggles.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
One time. It got taken down fairly quickly though.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yeah! A handful of times. It's always so cool when people ask.
Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
Yes. With my beloved collaborater naromoreau. I think we have like eight fics we wrote together? Probably about 200k collaborated words at this point. I've learned so much from her and nothing is as fun as writing with her.
What's your all time favorite ship?
I will probably never get over spirk.
What's the wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Hot Sugar. I'm so sorry but I lost the will.
What are your writing strengths?
I am a fast writer. My methods of getting through writers block almost never fail. But those aren't strengths that translate to the page.
On the page, I think I'm good with character psychology and motivations which I think shows up well in dialogue, pacing and plot beats. My writing is concise mostly because if I don't have a reason for including something, I will cut it. I'm a brutal editor and will kill my darlings without remorse.
What are your writing weaknesses?
I am a fast writer lmao which sometimes means I write too much and quality dips massively because the mental reservoir will empty and I end up tapping an empty well. While I like to think I am concise and efficient at conveying things, I sometimes think I "underwrite" or perhaps "overtell."
Thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages?
As a younger writer, I did it but only because I spoke that language. I think there might be value. Here we come back to, if you can make a compelling argument for *why* it serves the story then I'm open to it but also you better check with someone who is fluent.
First fandom you wrote for
Star Trek. Unless you count my notebook scribbling of inuyasha fic when I was 14.
Favorite fic you've written
God ok. I've written nearly 200 fics across a gazillion fandoms so there's a few. Most recently life in your shape for One Piece because I challenged myself to write something low conflict and loved how it came out. Watermark from Good Omens. And Grossly Undeserved from Star Trek.
I just love writing about what love means to different people!!!
If you read this whole ass thing then have a kiss on the forehead and know i love you.
I'll tag @naromoreau @softzosan if you'd like! Most other folks I know have gotten tagged already!
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cillianmurphysdimples · 3 days ago
A Female Y/N / Cillian fanfic (Part Forty Nine)
Absolutely not based on anything real at all, all totally fictional, fanciful and is all total bollocks.
Warnings for sexual references and language. Adult themes. Not suitable for under 18s.
We Got Issues
Part Forty Nine: Arriving home from the IFTAs, Cillian needs to ensure he hasn't spoken up when he shouldn't. All Y/N wants to ensure is that she gets what she was promised. [Sexual scenes]
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@cherrycilly @whatcjdidnext @aesthetic0cherryblossom @meister95 @vivianleighwishesshewasme @watermeezer @meadowshelby @lavender-haze-01 @strangeions @borntodiemp3
Cillian unlocks the front door under the glow of the reactive light above it, and pushes it open with a grunt as it sticks in the cold. He ambles inside, holding the door as you follow, and locks it again quickly behind you. You disable and reset the alarm before you shrug off your coat, laying it over the banister, and sit down awkwardly against the stairs to remove your boots. “These things are so different when you're not half out of your mind on free champagne,” you laugh, sighing as you finally get both boots off your feet. You grip the banister to support you as you stand back up. “Don't you think?”
Cillian smirks at your comment, toeing off his shoes. He had had a drink or two, but wasn't even approaching tipsy in solidarity of your complete lack of alcoholic consumption. Award in hand, he stands before you with a smile. “I didn't upset you?” He asks. He'd asked you already but you can see he both had planned his speech and spoke off the cuff, and he needs as much reassurance as you do.
“No, love. It was beautiful to hear you speak that way.” You reassure him. “A well deserved award, and a well delivered speech, and so much heart in your words. I am not upset, not at all.” He smiles before he slowly walks away, setting the trophy against the kitchen counter before he turns on the lights. “I'm proud of you all,” you say, following behind him. “Really proud of you - for all your hard work, for being so vulnerable there tonight, and so public. You didn't have to do that, I didn't expect you to do it or need you to do it, but it means so, so much that you did.”
“I mean, from the horse's mouth is better than bullshit stories like that one that had us talking to the boys and Yvonne before we were ready. And I was scared of all this, you know that. I don't want you, or me, or the boys and Yvonne, or that little baby dragged through the absolute wank articles.” He sighs, “And I want to be in control of it, for it to come directly from us.”
“And Eileen knew?” You smile. You fold yourself against him as he stands still in the middle of the kitchen. His arms instantly lock around you. He smells lovely, and the warmth of his body beneath his shirt is familiar and comfortable.
He laughs a little and you can feel it vibrate through his ribs. “I mentioned it to her there when I told them about the baby. I said I wanted to do something about the news coming from us and not just appear online, you know? There'll be people we didn't tell but meant to, and at least this way it was intentionally that way.” he sighs and rests his chin against the top of your head. “It wasn't the wrong thing though, you're sure it was okay?”
You tut and raise your head from his chest, “Love, I've told you. Accept it. It was a beautiful speech, and it couldn't have come out any more beautiful if you'd tried.” You rest the palm of your hand in the centre of his chest, and smile softly. “Although…” you try to hold off sniggering as his face suddenly looks concerned. “You still owe me.”
He frowns, “Owe you what?” The softness of the T is heavily accentuated as his nervousness at your next words builds.
“Well, you promised me you'd repay me.” You raise your eyebrows. “And as the transactionary advisor for my vagina….it's time to pay up.*
He scoffs, both in relief and in a cringe, then moves his face closer to yours to place a kiss against your smiling lips. As he draws back his face, his left eyebrow is crooked high and his left cheek is dimpled in as he smirks. “We’d better head to my office and come to an arrangement, so.” His voice is lower suddenly, seductive and arousal-filled, and he moves his face closer to yours once again, kissing you softly, lovingly, before he alters his position a little and begins applying more fervent pressure. His hands move from your back and he plants both palms against your cheeks as his tongue gently runs across your bottom lip. All you can do is keep yourself steady by pushing your hands against his chest, as it takes very little time for your legs to begin to feel light and airy. He breathes heavily as he rests his forehead to yours but breaks the kiss. “Sofa?”
You smile, bending and flexing your fingers against the material of his shirt. “Against the fucking wall for all I care!” You laugh breathily, and you can feel a quickening in the beat of his heart. Perhaps in days gone by he would have pinned you to the wall, or at least had you lean against it whilst he took you from behind; manys a dalliance had been enjoyed on the stairs in the first few months in the house, and even the kitchen island had been treated to the cheeks of your arse whilst Cillian had knelt before you and eaten you out with great pleasure. But your body was far from able to support yourself that way now, and you suspected that the intensity of Cillian's reactions recently would knock his strength from him for anything upright.
He drops his hands from your cheeks and takes hold of your left hand with his right. He drags you, though you're more than willing, back through the house and towards the sofa. You're not sure what he's planning, though, when he lets you go and drops down onto the couch with a flop. Standing before him, you raise your eyebrows. “C’mere.” He quirks his head to the side and holds his hand out again, beckoning you over with a bend of his fingers. “C’mon.” He presses, brows high, as you look back at him. He brings his parted knees closer together and you understand the request. Moving awkwardly, and taking his hand, you place your right knee against the sofa cushions to the side of his thigh, then straddle across his legs, pushing your left knee down beside his opposite thigh. You stay pushed up for a moment and let go of his hand, and soon as you do he reaches out both hands towards you. He starts high, cupping his hands around your still-growing breasts over the material of your blouse. They still feel a little tender when groped at, but he is gentle even as he massages their new weight in his hands. Then he slides his hands down your sides, stopping at your hips. His tongue is swiping slowly back and forth across his bottom lip, his left eyebrow raised alone, and he pushes a little against the curved, cushioned shapes of your hips, insisting silently that you park yourself against his waiting lap.
Oddly, you find a massive amount of pressure relief off your hips in the spread position and that comfort translates across your whole body as you relax your whole spine. You reach out your arms and place your hands on either side of Cillian's face. Without rising, but simply arching forwards, you capture his mouth for a deep and a dirty kiss, pushing your tongue in immediately. His hands move back from your hips and travel along your arse, pushing in under the material of your trousers but sitting on top of your knickers. He rocks your bottom half forwards slightly with the pressure he applies, and your vulva brushes over the firm bulge at the crotch of his trousers. Your tongue laps further in his mouth, and you move your hands from his face, sneaking your left hand up into his hair whilst your right hand moves slowly along his neck until your fingers meet those growing curls at the nape. You rock your hips against him, teasing both of your bodies through your clothes, and spontaneously tug your hand against the top of his head through his hair slightly. He gasps into your mouth, a soft and breathy moan, and you inch your face back just slightly - not sure if it's one of enjoyment, or he isn't feeling it. His eyes are heavily lidded, and he looks up at you with a drunken smile.
He doesn't say a word as he pulls his hands from your trousers, sits forwards a little, and reaches up to the braces over your shoulders, pawing at them with heavily, uncoordinated hands. You allow him to pull them down your arms, and twist your elbows to let them drop down at the sides. Once they're off, he moves for the buttons of your blouse and begins thumbing them open. He drags the ends of your blouse from your trousers hurriedly, getting needier, and roughly pops open the remaining buttons so he can pull the blouse from your arms. Dragging it down, he throws it aside. He reaches around your back and makes light work of the hooks of your bra for once. The weight of your breasts aches a little as the support is removed, but as he throws the bra down, he instantly cups his hands around your bust. He pushes his face further forwards and plants kisses across your collarbone as his hands massage your boobs gently, then brings his mouth lower, softly placing wet-lipped kisses across the top of your breasts. He moves his head a little, craning sideways, and gently graces his tongue across your right areola, bringing your pink nipple to immediate attention. He repeats the action on your left breast and you run your hands through his hair, your mouth wide open, as his tongue alone makes your body tremble. He moves his hands down your body, holding you around your waist, and moves his kisses back up along the left side of your neck, and up along your jaw. He captures your mouth once again, his pillowy lips pushing hard to yours as his arms drag your body closer to his. His erection is firm against the inside of your leg as he rocks you close, and you're not sure if he's deliberately taking this slow and making it mind-blowing, or if he'll eventually reach a point where he's tortured himself enough and begins to quicken the pace. Either way, you're fucking enthralled.
You push your hands along his shoulders, under his blazer, and force it awkwardly down his arms. He stays sitting forwards to allow you to push it down, and takes his hands from your body to remove it completely. You work on loosening his tie as he takes off the blazer, and pull it off over his head once there's enough give. He flops back into the sofa and cups his hands around your arse, over your trousers, as you unbutton his shirt with a lot more grace than he had yours. You drag the tails of his shirt from his loose-at-the-waist trousers and unfasten the final buttons. He begrudgingly draws his hands form your bum as you push the shirt down, and he isn't slow about pulling it off entirely. You place both of your hands onto his chest, running your fingers through the smattering of hair. You smooth your hands up and across his shoulders, tapping your fingers against the freckles that your digits meet, then bring your hands back down across his chest. His small nipples are already darkened and engorged, and he hisses slightly as your fingers brush over them on their journey down his body. You reach his waist and fiddle for the clasp fastening at the front, swiftly unhooking it before you pull down the zip slowly. With his trousers opened, you're treated to the thin trail of hair from his belly button that disappears into the waistband of his boxershorts. The material of his underwear is pinning his occasionally twitching cock against the left side of his thigh and you know you'll have to have him remove everything to free it, but you don't want to move from this position at all. You feel powerful, insanely turned on, and breaking apart to remove your remaining clothes will ruin it. But, no access to the penis is disappointing! You move your head closer to his and kiss his mouth softly, “Take them off,” you whisper, and then awkwardly climb from his lap so that you can remove your own trousers and knickers.
He doesn't need asking twice. By just lifting his hips, although a little awkward, he drags his trousers and boxershorts down to his thighs, then sits back against the sofa before he pulls them off his legs entirely. He drags his socks off at the same time, and leaves everything in a messy pile on the floor. He watches you stepping out of your clothes, eyes running over your body, and you hope that his thoughts are sexual ones and not that your rounded belly makes you look less appealing to him. Naked, you reassume your position across his thighs. It's once again a powerful position. You place your hands against his shoulders as you walk higher along the sofa with your knees, then sit just a little way back from his genitals. His hard cock his twitching back towards his happy trail intermittently, and the tightness of his foreskin over the half-exposed head beneath gives away the intensity of his erection - hard, leaking, and jumping as you bring your breasts in line with his face before lowering fully against his thighs - knowing he wants you so much is powerful, too. You steal yourself another kiss, and his hands go straight to the cheeks of your arse as your lips press to his. He grunts and huffs breaths through his nose, and each noisy kiss makes your vulva pulse. You push your right hand between your bodies with no sensuality or warning, and wrap your fingers around his cock. His mouth opens against yours, and he gasps against your tongue. You begin to move your wrist, slow and teasing strokes that don't even completely free the head of his penis, and hope to God you're not hurting him with the action. You keep your hand moving and his fingers knead your cheeks deeply.
“Fuck…” he groans, his head dropping back onto the sofa, as you move your hand in quick, short strokes around the base of the head of his penis. “...fuck…” he bites against his bottom lip and you complete your assault by abruptly stopping. He groans noisily, and you chuckle lightly in your throat. “That's mean,” he croaks, slowly lifting his head. His cheeks are bright red and his pupils are blown. He moves his hands slowly up and down your back. You push up onto your knees and his hands glide back down against your backside. You reach your right hand down again and wrap your fingers around the length of his cock. It fits comfortably within your four curled fingers and palm, and you wrap your thumb around as much of the sizable thickness as you can. It isn't exactly a sexy move, lining yourselves up, but you love the feel of his hot, hard flesh in your hand as you slowly lower your body. You let go when the still half-hooded head of his penis meets the opening of your vagina, and slowly sink down onto his full length, locking your body back down comfortably right against the base of his cock. Your mouth falls open at the delightful intrusion, and he gasps as your body enclosed his, his hands immediately pulling your hips forwards. “Ah, fuck…” he hisses, rocking you back and forth with his hands in time with the pace you're setting yourself. This position is always the most intense for you, hitting everything you need it to very intensely from the get go, but you know Cillian likes it too. He likes you above him, on him, and the depth he achieves with your weight against him - but he also seems to like you taking charge in this way.
You lace your left hand around the back of Cillian's neck and onto the sweat-damp curls. With your right hand, you push against his chest to give yourself a little support as you concentrate hard on yourself - on achieving what you need - and rock your hips at the pace you want. “Shit…oh…shit…” though you've no intention of stopping yet, you feel your clitoral orgasm building swiftly. Your fingers fall from his hair and dig in against his shoulder. You roll your hips with more pressure, forcing him impossible deeper, grazing your clitoris against his body, and gasp your way through a shuddering wave as your orgasm hits. “Fuck…Cill…” you slow your movements as your orgasm wains, but you don't stop. His hands against your arse keep you going as you ride out the high. You lower your body closer to his, pulling his face against your shoulder, and change your movements slowly. Gone is the winding of your hips, and instead you begin to rise and fall against his cock, riding him slowly. His hands shift up your back, and you keep your forearms on his shoulders to give you purchase for your movements. Each rise brings his face closer to your breasts and the feeling of his breath on your skin ignites goosebumps galore. Each sink down over his twitching cock brings your entire body closer to his, making everything feel more intense as the head of his penis slides against your g-spot. He continues to huff breaths against your body, and rests his forehead for a moment against your shoulder as you continue to move. His mouth draws open and he groans, and as he closes his mouth again, he nips lightly at your skin before following it up with a gentle lap from his tongue and peppered kisses from his full lips. It's an unexpected but delicious action from your sexual but not insanely adventurous partner, and you sigh loudly into the room, fucking yourself harder against him. He moves his hands down your back again and you know that he's looking for more - more speed, more fucking - the sensuality is over entirely. He cups his hands around your arse cheeks and encourages your movements once more. With your arms still over his shoulders to aid you in your task, you lean hard against him to rise and fall on his cock with a little more fever.
“Shit, Y/N…,” your name tumbles gruffly from his lips, and his tongue swipes across his bottom lip swiftly. There's a frown on his forehead, one of deep pleasure, and you can feel the frequent twitches of his cock against your walls. There's a part of you that wants to climb off him and take him into your mouth as you had that morning. While you weren't one for swallowing - though you had this morning which was part of the reason Cillian had been so appreciative - you did find yourself turned on by the preemptive tastes of his body, and in your delirious fervent state, you wanted it again. But as close as he was to cumming, so too were you as his cock continued to rub perfectly across that super responsive spot inside of you. This kind of orgasm was always more intense, more body shaking, more moan inducing, and your walls always tightened that much more around his penis. You quickened your pace as much as your hips and bump would allow, slamming yourself back down against his groin for that deep grazing against your g-spot. It builds, quickly, with your movements and you can't control your body any longer as you ride yourself insane against him. Your hips move as if independent from you and your grip his head to your neck as it takes you over entirely. Your spasms are enough to draw his own groaning finish, and even in your own bliss, the feeling of his cock jerking and leaking inside of you is not missed -.more than that, it's savoured. He grunts with each twitch of his penis, and you can feel each forceful spurt inside of you. “Ah! Fuck…fuck…” He rests his cheek against your collarbone, forcing gasping mouthfuls of air against your sweat dampened skin. He slowly leans back into the sofa, and brings your body with him. You push your forehead against his and try to breathe through your nose to avoid blowing warm air into his face. “It's been…a while since…” he sighs, and laughs, out of breath. “...you came twice.”
You laugh into his face then sit up a little to push your hair from your forehead. You brace both hands back onto his shoulders to keep yourself sitting up for a moment. “Well, you owed me.” You smirk. "Debt settled." You arch yourself up awkwardly, feeling sticky, and feel the odd sensation of his softening cock leaving your body. You sit beside him, on top of your blouse that had somehow managed not to have been tossed to the floor with everything else. You rest against his side, and he lifts his arm to wrap around your shoulder. He smells of sex and sweat, and it isn't beautiful but it is beautifully familiar. There is nothing sexy about the joining or parting of bodies for sex, nor in the aftermath, but when it's as good as this, and he's as good as he is, and he is everything you've ever wanted and needed, you'll take all the undignified add-ons that come along with it.
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secretlovesoftheheart · 1 day ago
oops Mouthwashing incorrect quotes part 2 I have no self control
Anya: The results are in, I’m afraid you have updog… Jimmy: What’s updog? Anya: Daisuke! Get in here, I told you I could do it!
Curly: We’ve found the person who stole your identity and was impersonating you. Jimmy: Where were they? Curly: Eating cheetos and crying in their car. Jimmy, impressed: Damn, they really went for it.
Daisuke: If I run and leap at Swansea, he will most certainly catch me in their arms. Daisuke, running towards Swansea: Coming in! Swansea: No! I’m holding coffee! Swansea: Drops coffee and catches Daisuke
Jimmy: I WOULD DESTROY THE WORLD FOR YOU! Curly: Okay, can you do the dishes? Jimmy: No!
Police Officer: You have the right to remain silent. Jimmy: I choose to waive that right! Jimmy: screaming
Curly: Do you take constructive criticism? Jimmy: No, only cash or credit.
Curly: What do we say when life disappoints us? Anya: Called it! Curly: No.
Anya: You’re not ascending to godhood, you’re just dehydrated. Curly: Outta my way, gaygirl! I’m about to liberate myself from this mortal shell! later Curly, texting Anya: hopital
Anya: Whoa, Jimmy, what’s up with that angry face? Jimmy: Daisuke won’t stop talking about how “Ancient Egyptians were furries”. Daisuke: But they were! Just looks at all their gods- Jimmy: Oh my god, SHUT UP!
Curly: What is the one thing I told you not to do? Jimmy: Burn the house down. Curly: And what did you do? Jimmy: I made dinner. Curly: Jimmy: Curly: Jimmy: And burnt the house down.
Jimmy, holding a toy lightsaber: I’m Darth Vader! Swansea: I’m done with everyone’s bullshit.
Jimmy: Wow, they really hate us. Curly: Yes, perhaps they’re homophobic. Jimmy: But we’re not gay, Curly. Curly: Jimmy: Curly: We’re not?
Curly: Oh man, you have any shaving cream? Daisuke: No, I don't like the way that it tastes. Curly: Wait… you eat shaving cream? Daisuke: No. Why would I eat it if I don't like the taste.
Swansea: A sprite is anything not static. Daisuke: A sprite is a variable object, be it 2d or 3d. Curly: A sprite is a fucking soda. Curly: You god damn geekass bastards.
Anya: Coca Cola can remove rust from metal, imagine what it’s doing to your body. Daisuke: Pfff, getting rid of the rust, idiot. Anya: THAT'S NOT HOW IT WORKS! Swansea: Hmm… I've been drinking soda and my body's rust free… not sure where you're getting your facts from…
Curly: Are you alright? Anya: Short answer or long answer? Curly: Short? Anya: No. Curly: Long? Anya: Nooooooo.
Daisuke: That sounds super! Doesn’t that sound super, Swansea? Swansea: No. Daisuke: I think I speak for Swansea when I say it sounds really super.
Swansea: What the hell is wrong with you? Jimmy: I have this weird self-esteem issue where I hate myself but still think I’m better than everyone else.
Daisuke: Wow, this parking is as straight as I am. Jimmy: I know I should be focused on the fact that you just came out, but HOW DARE YOU INSULT MY PARKING!
Jimmy: I feel awful about killing you. Curly: Jimmy: Even though technically you never even died, so I don’t know what you’re bitching about.
Daisuke: I have a bad feeling about this… Jimmy: What do you mean? Daisuke: Don't you ever get that little voice in your head that tells you if you're going to get into trouble? Jimmy: No? Swansea: That actually explains so much.
Daisuke: How are you so calm?! Anya: I’ve passed beyond “stressed”, beyond “hysteria”, into the gray misty indifference of complete shutdown of all but emergency services in my brain.
Curly: Jimmy's first detention, I'm so proud. Anya: Whoa, back up. Why did they get detention? Swansea: Because they're an idiot. Daisuke, terrified: They can do that??
Anya, Entering Curly's room: Jimmy did it again. Curly: Peace disturbance? Anya: What no- Curly: Arson..? Anya: NO, JESUS CHRIST, HOW MANY- Curly: uh….Attempted murder? Anya: NO, HE ATE ALL THE FOOD IN THE FRIDGE, BUT WHAT THE FU-
Curly: Can you please just apologize to Anya? Jimmy: Fine, but I have to warn you that this may make me a nicer, better person and that is not who you feel in love with.
Swansea: Where’s Daisuke? Jimmy: Around. Swansea: Around? Swansea: You don’t have any idea, do you? Daisuke, dropping down from above: Did you know there’s a space above the ceiling?
Daisuke: Adulting is hard. Daisuke: How do I quit? Swansea: Time travel. Jimmy: Die.
Swansea: Daisuke, what does IDK, ILY, and TTYL mean? Daisuke: I don’t know, I love you, talk to you later. Swansea: Alright, I love you too, I'll ask Anya. Daisuke: Wait- Swansea, no-
Swansea: Can you keep a secret? Anya: Do you know anything about my life? Swansea: No, I don't. Good point.
Jimmy: Punch me in the face. Swansea: …Punch you? Jimmy: Yes, punch me, didn’t you hear me? Swansea: I always hear ‘punch me in the face’ while you’re speaking but it’s usually just subtext.
Swansea: All of your existences are confusing. The Squad: How so? Swansea: Your presence is annoying, but the thought of anything bad happening to any of you upsets me.
Daisuke: shoves their hand in the slot of a toaster Swansea: … Daisuke: …I get confused sometimes. Swansea: Me too.
Curly: What’s something you guys are better than Jimmy at? Daisuke: Mario Kart. Anya: Yeah, video games. Swansea: Emotional vulnerability.
Jimmy: Just trust me. Have I ever put you in an unsafe or uncomfortable situation? Anya: All the time. Jimmy: Then you should be used to it by now.
Jimmy: Be careful, I thrive on negative attention.
Curly: Look, Anya, it's the third time this week you had a mental breakdown and its Monday.
Jimmy: Would I rather be feared or loved? Easy. Both. I want people to fear how much they love me.
Daisuke: I’ve never smoked marijuana. I ate a brownie once at a party. It was intense. It was kind of indescribable. I felt like I was floating. Turns out there was no pot in the brownie. It was just an insanely good brownie.
Swansea: I would never say that my partner is a bitch and I don’t don’t like them. That’s not true… My partner is a bitch and I like them so much!
Jimmy: Things will get better! The Squad: Jimmy: Okay, maybe they won’t. Jimmy: But they will be terrible in new and interesting ways!
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sweetfirebird · 5 hours ago
I don't think the military is set up to be a bulwark of democracy. I mean, please note the history of the US military and what we use it for. But I also don't think regular soldiers are quite prepared to fire on US citizens. I'm not saying they wouldn't, I'm just saying that the US militarized the police for decades and a lot of them *are* happy to fire on US citizens because they have been trained to think of us as the enemy.
I also think they did not take oaths about obeying the Constitution, as far as I know. I also don't think Hegseth or anyone he is a fan of is especially well trained or strategically gifted, though I do think they are over-entitled and probably violent. Nor do I think that cutting the VA budget and social security is a good way to get existing military on your side. The "good" ones not forced out will possibly resign. Leaving their roles to occupied by cruel but inept assholes.
It's the regular, boots on the ground types that are going to have to be reminded that this government cut their funding and now wants them to police and possibly kill their neighbors. And that if they act unlawfully or obey an unlawful order, and this does end how Nazi Germany ended, then they will be found just as guilty as the higher ups. And also possibly reminded of the oaths they took.
I think, it will take all of us saying no and refusing to do what they want. Or even most of us doing it. We know how this ends. We know that complacency or going along with illegal orders does not spare anyone or make things easier (except in the short term). In fact, each agreement actually takes more of your rights and freedoms away. Each concession makes you, and us, weaker.
And that sucks. Saying no to someone louder or bigger than you sucks. It's terrifying. Trust me I am small and I live alone and I *know* that taking a stand even over something tiny is scary. But every time we say no, every time we slow down the steamrolling, every time we refuse to do what they say because it's wrong or because they have no right to say it, it proves how weak they are at heart. And it forces them to to abandon their narrative that they are "just helping find fraud" and "it's about preserving values" and makes them look like the villains they are.
They want to control this narrative so bad. They want to smash everything to bits and then sweep in and say they've saved us... well some of us. They are endangering us as well as the entire world. And by they, I mean a small group of cringy billionaires, oligarchs, and some pathetic Republicans who think those billionaires will share with them later if they cooperate. (Spoiler: they won't.)
Anyway. I am rambling. Keep saying no and refusing to do what they want. I'm not watching their ads. I'm not buying their shitty cars. I'm not traveling to states that hate people like me. I'm not calling Orange Rapist by his name. I will keep calling Musk a cringe fail loser. I will keep following outbreaks on the news. I will call out CNN and Fox and MSNBC and the Washington Post. Push them into either backing down or admitting what they are--something you will notice they are still backing away from. They'll do the Nazi salutes but they still won't call them that.
Also, don't join the military right now. Clearly, even the benefits they were offering you mean nothing, as they are already taking them away. Just go to community college or save up to move to a state where you will have healthcare. If you are in the military and your time is about up, do not reenlist unless you want to have to make this choice.
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uncanny-tranny · 2 years ago
It's always, like, mildly annoying when people see a het trans couple and go "all that work just to be straight?" like... one, you don't know if they're straight and two, trans people don't owe you a queer sexuality to "make up" for the fact we're trans. Transhet people aren't a subtype of trans people, they're members of the trans community, and the queer one if they so desire!
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maddisandy · 1 year ago
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look okay i haven't seen anyone say anything about it yet because it was such a small minute detail but this feels so chekov's gun to me. why would they bring up something this small if it might not be important in the future
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lord-squiggletits · 4 months ago
Speaking of Tarn, I know it's a meme to make fun of him and it's kind of justified bc he is deeply cringe and sad and pathetic, but I also think ppl spend way too much time shitting on Tarn for being weird/creepy and not enough time shitting on Megatron for deliberately singling him out and targeting him for brainwashing so that he would BECOME that weird and creepy. Like. Everyone wants to call Tarn horrible and weird but no one wants to acknowledge that Megatron is the person who made him that way. Not even from just an indirect sense of "oh he liked Megatron's writings" no.
Literally Megatron converted Damus/Tarn and personally groomed him as a protege (that he ultimately didn't actually care about at all) as a deliberate action just to spite Optimus. There was no "oh Damus/Glitch was already kind of suspicious and weird and evil" TARN LITERALLY WAS NOT THAT WAY UNTIL MEGATRON MADE HIM THAT WAY like come on y'all
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mauvesockss · 4 months ago
pulls you close and looks into your eyes... doctor odyssey fandom please... promise me that if the ody3 are in a V relationship or an open polycule instead of a closed triad you will be normal about it... 🙏
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